snowburiedleaf · 2 years
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Today is Kurokocchi's birtday! Happy birthday to Kuroko Tetsuya. 🐰💙❄️
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foursidecity · 5 months
Me🤝green rabbit OCs
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eopie-udesii · 2 years
like this post to give Eopie a warm bowl of soup. reblog this post to give her a little furry creature to snuggle with.
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lulublack90 · 2 months
Prompt 24 - Kid Fic
@wolfstarmicrofic July 24, word count 975
Part five of werewolf Sirius
CW - Mentions of child abuse (Not described)
Previous part First part
When they’d gotten back to the camp, Greyback had disappeared but a lot of the wolves that had been friendly to him since he got there were now keeping their distance. It was definitely because of what Greyback had said the day before. And then the whole Regulus thing. Regulus's death had been reported in the papers. Sirius had mourned him, but now there was a chance that he was still alive. Sirius slept poorly that night. He dreamed of his brother.
“Sirius, Sirius, where are you?” The worried voice of his little brother cried out in the dark. 
“Hey, hey. Shhhhh, I’m here,” Sirius soothed Regulus, slipping into his bed and cradling him against his chest. Regulus had night terrors almost nightly. Sirius normally got to Regulus’s room quicker, but his mother had punished him that afternoon when he covered for Regulus when he’d dropped a glass at lunchtime. He was so sore that he’d just fallen asleep and was woken by Regulus’s screams. He had to get Regulus to stop quickly or else their mother would come and Sirius would have to listen to Regulus’s screams without being able to help him. 
Regulus was shaking in his arms. Sirius began telling him fairy tales from a muggle book he’d read in the local library. His parents, of course, had no idea he'd even stepped foot in a muggle library, but there were only so many times he could read Babbitty Rabbitty and her Cackling Stump before he went insane. Tonight’s story was about a mermaid who fell in love with a prince and traded her voice to a sea witch in exchange for legs. It did not have a happy ending, but that was muggles for you.
Regulus had fallen asleep by the end and an exhausted Sirius followed soon after. He slipped out when the birds first started chirping and went back to his own bed. 
“What do you boys have planned today?” Orion asked over the top of his newspaper when they came down for breakfast, already dressed in smart clothing befitting the young heir and his brother of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black.
“I thought we could go out into the gardens and identify the uses of the magical plants in the greenhouses,” Sirius said as formally as he could. He didn’t care about the plants, he wanted an excuse to be outside all day so he could teach Reggie how to fly. 
“Uh huh,” Orion raised his eyebrow. “No more than five feet off the ground and do not let your mother catch you. Ensure you are back inside and presentable before lunch is served.” Sirius and Regulus wolfed their food down and hurried outside. 
“Are we really going to fly?!” Regulus asked him excitedly. Sirius couldn’t help the smile that spread across his face. 
“We are,” Regulus leapt into his arms and hugged him tightly. “You have to listen to everything I say, Reggie, okay?” Regulus dropped his feet back to the floor and nodded his head so hard his curls flew everywhere. “Good. Follow me.” 
Sirius pulled out two brooms from the small broom shed behind the greenhouses. “Okay, so first thing you have to put your hand above the broom and very clearly and confidently say ‘Up’, like this. Up,” He ordered the broom and it shot into his hand. Regulus took a deep breath and copied Sirius’s movements. 
“Up,” He said quietly. The broom didn’t move. He looked at Sirius, his eyes filling with tears. 
“Don’t worry, try again. Just be a bit more confident. You can do it, I believe in you,” Sirius ruffled Regulus’s curls. 
“Up,” Regulus repeated, his voice a little stronger. “Sirius, did you see, did you see? It moved!” The broom had rolled over. 
“Amazing, try again,” Sirius encouraged. It took a few more attempts, but finally, the broom rose to Regulus’s waiting hand.  
“Well done, Reggie. Alright, step number two. Kick off gently from the ground and we’ll hover. Be careful not to kick off too hard, or you’ll rise too high. Copy me,” Sirius barely pushed his feet from the ground and slowly rose until his toes were just brushing the grass. 
Regulus had a death grip on his broom handle, but he copied Sirius exactly and rose to the same height. Being shorter than Sirius, his feet were a bit higher off the ground than his brothers. 
“Wow, that was excellent, Reggie, I’m so proud of you. Right, you’re going to lean forward and follow me. We’ll start with a few circles.” Sirius showed him how to make the broom move, and soon they were racing around the garden having a wonderful time. 
“Boys,” Orion called them in just before lunch. He shook his head when they ran over to him after landing and putting their brooms away. He raised his wand and both boys tensed, but Orion just used Scourgify on their sweaty faces, smoothed their wayward hair and straightened their rumpled clothes. “Hurry up, your mother will be back shortly,” Orion warned, before returning to the house.  
“I love you, Sirius,” Regulus threw his arms around Sirius’s middle. 
“I love you too, Reggie,” Sirius chuckled, stroking his brother’s head. He kept an arm wrapped around him as they went to join their parents for lunch, only letting go when they were outside the dining room.
Sirius woke crying as the dream still played behind his eyes. He and Regulus had been so close when they were young, it was only when he’d left for Hogwarts and made his first-ever friends and been sorted into Gryffindor that they had begun to drift apart, and it had only gotten worse over the years.
“Don’t worry, sweetheart, we’ll find him,” Remus whispered lovingly into his ear, pulling him closer and lulling him back to sleep. 
Next part
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pancakewithsprinkles · 2 months
I had a dream where Sam and Max had a live Action TV show where sam and max were humans instead of their usual rabbitty thing and dogman duo and it was stupidly gritty and edgy so they added a sidekick for them named "scott pilgrim" who was this literal 5 year old boy they kidnapped just for funzies
And also to make up for the fact Sam wasn't a dog anymore he was a werewolf which you KNOW helped make the show even edgier
The tv show did horribly and it eventually just became all about the Scott Pilgrim character and got renamed "Scot pilgrim's amazing awesome adventures"
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avis2 · 2 months
An, Bun Waitress
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I drew up a new OC, An! She's this rabbitty waitress!
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artist-issues · 1 month
Have you seen that promotional teaser of live action Stitch? I’m genuinely surprised it’s not completely horrible (a la the bad CGI furniture from the 2017 Beauty and the Beast). Don’t get me wrong though, I still think live action Lilo and Stitch remake is a bad idea and shouldn’t have been done.
Yes! I still think it’s a bad idea too!
But as my dear sister would say “he could look worse.” He looks okay. He’s too…rabbitty. For my taste. And I wonder if they’ll ever get his movement right.
But Chris Sanders is voicing him, and I love Stitch, so the only thing that could make me go see it is to hear his voice again. Not to be too dramatic.
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claypigeonpottery · 1 year
I've been doing pottery for 5-6 years now, all in professional/education studios and none of them have little kin god effigies and I'm going to fix that TOMORROW. I love yours so much (especially the movement in the rabbitty fellow)!!! 🥺
that’s so cool, I’m glad I can spread this little tradition 😁
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swift-kwikster · 1 year
Your fankids are so cute!! What's your opinion on people also making Max trans? I personally really like Sam as trans
Thank you so much!!
I LOVE it when people make trans Max content or HC him as trans in general! There's so many great pictures and fics with that HC in it. That rabbitty thing is absolutely not cis.
I HC him as trans as well, T4T Sam and Max is legendary top tier.
And you could probably tell by my content that trans Sam is one of my favourite HC's ever too haha. It's awesome you like him as trans. :)
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kira-moonrabbit · 1 year
another bit of ari posting: they are prone to doing rabbitty things even when theyre supposed to be in disguise.
They will graze on the company lawn. they will eat the hay that otherwise only goes to the scarecrow. they wiggle their nose. they eat salad with just their mouth. they will binky at you when happy. all while looking like a human person.
nobody bats an eye at this.
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zigmenthotep · 1 year
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Oops, here it is Easter and I forgot to draw any fresh rabbitties. So here's some recycled ones.
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sureinsunlight · 2 months
thank you @entropyking for the call to arms, we've got The Entire List! For my poor fleshcrafted girl Mopsy, previously Elaine Nestor. Ahem:
are they associated with a certain color? what color do they wear the most?
Silver and a sort of palest lilac, from her fur and her eyes.
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This sort.
what sort of music would they like? have you thought about what genres or bands do they lean towards? do they have a favorite song?
Oh! She really, really likes film scores, specifically from the late 80s and early 90s. More contemporary stuff is nice, too, but she'll really go for anything without vocals... think Sleeping at Last's astronomy series, she'd like those.
weapon of choice? any particular reason they chose their weapon?
Doesn't need one. Mopsy's body has grown past the little pet it was designed to be, and now her teeth can carve and a kick from one of her overgrown, lapine legs can crumple a car fender. It makes her position in her new-found "family" of killers quite the important one.
how crafty/resourceful are they?
She isn't exactly conniving, but Mopsy's had her back against the wall more than once, and can get out of new situations pretty reliably-- albeit usually by running or obliterating the problem, but still.
how do they typically dress? does their wardrobe lean more towards practicality or aesthetics?
Mopsy used to just pick whatever would cover up her bulk, generally very dysmorphic about her appearance post-escape from Cavalry (the Tzimisce that made her into what she is now), especially as her form outgrew the bounds set for it and played a brutal variation on the theme. After meeting a much kinder sort of person in Rainer, the vampire that's more-or-less become a big brother to her, she's had access to prettier dresses and outfits properly tailored to fit her form, and actually enjoys how she looks most days now. Her style tends towards the frilly and slightly froufrou, exploring an aesthetic of femininity she was once forced into and then denied on her own terms.
how do they wear their hair? do they care a lot how their hair looks?
Mopsy loves her hair, it's one of the few things about her transformation she always enjoyed. It's very long, and silvery-white, and though she keeps the wispy flowings along her arms and legs shaved, she makes sure care is paid to what's on her head. She usually lets it hang free, or done up in a braid-- when the Family sends her out on business, it's tied up first.
favorite animal? why?
Rabbits, wouldn't you know. She's reclaiming them for herself. Mice are a close second, because, I mean, look at them.
do they have a nickname? who gave it to them? if it's not derived from their real name, what's the story behind it?
Mostly just abbreviations like Mops. Technically her name is a nickname, but she doesn't feel right using her given one these days. Attemps to give her any sort of pet name will usually result in responses ranging anywhere from frustration to violence.
favorite food? least favorite? are they a picky eater? do they have any dietary restrictions?
She likes baked sweets a lot, particularly fudgy brownies-- though theyre a devil to get out of her rabbitty teeth. Dislikes sour things and peppermint, as a rule, but generally has no restrictions besides the fact that her body needs to eat quite a lot to keep itself healthy.
if they wear jewelry, what kind? do they prefer silver or gold? do they have a favorite gem?
Silver's preferred to gold, generally; she mostly likes to have necklaces over anything else. Her nose is pierced, too, so different rings or piercings could be tried out-- her primary one contains a glamour to help her move through the public eye, though, so that stays in usually.
what do they have in common with you? how are they different? would you get along with them?
Not very much I'd say, not immediately. I've definitely gone through a point of intense dysmorphia due to procedures I had to undergo (albeit for me it was lifesaving as opposed to a thorough horror-movie experience), so I borrow from some of that understanding when writing Mops, but that's about it. I do think she and I would get along nicely, though, if we met as simply two people and less as character-and-author (in which case I assume I'd be summarily beaten to a pulp).
how long have they been around? do you know their birthday? is their birthday the day you made them or another day? what do they think of celebrating birthdays?
Ever since middle school, although the concept and particulars have changed heavily since then! I don't know her birthday, but she would, and I feel like a quiet celebration with Rainer and her friend crush soulmate (its complicated) Nim!
what languages do they speak? how fluently?
Monolingual, sadly. English is all she knows. Tried picking up some Quebecois French for the sake of some cross-province friends a while back, but... Yeah, she's probably not seeing them again.
are they any good with numbers?
Not incredibly? She can count, and like, math is fine, but Cavalry took her away around middleschool age, so anything after that is more or less a wash. She'd like to get some more education, but the Family really needs her to keep working for them, so...
how big or small is their family? who did they live with growing up? do they live with anyone now?
Before Cavalry showed his true colors, he was a family friend to her parents, who she lived with growing up. Nowadays, she lives with the rest of the so-called "Beatrix Gang"-- Old Brown, Miss Tiggywinkle, and Mr. Todd (and of course, Rainer, who doesn't headline but takes genuinely good care of her).
do they have any pets? what do they call their pets?
No pets here! Never owned one, actually.
how did they spend their summers/free time as a child?
She was a big big fan of swimming. She really wants to learn how to swim with her new body, if she can get the time.
their opinion on lying, stealing, and killing?
Not things people ought to do. The killing, of course... Well, Tiggs has made it very clear it's for an important cause. She tries to stay okay with it.
are they quick to anger? what sets them off?
She can have a temper at times, usually at feeling like she's being babied or coddled, or talked down to-- especially the latter. She's worked a lot on settling that gut reaction, of course, but she's still learning. Going through the sorts of things she did generally doesn't make you an even-keeled person.
if applicable, can they drive? if they have their own, what color is their vehicle? is the inside neat and tidy, or a mess?
Not got a car, no. She wouldn't know what to do with one even if she had access to one.
their favorite place to be?
At Nim's house, or bounding along the rooftops of Haven at night.
do they sleep well at night?
Oh, way better than she used to, yeah. All thanks to Rainer and Nim.
how would you describe their voice? can they sing?
Her voice is very nice, honestly-- she doesn't talk a lot, partly because one of the changes involved a very severe cleft palate, but she's started getting a little more confident. And she has a good tone control, honestly. High and whispy.
do they have any creative hobbies? (art, writing, music, etc)
She doesn't create too often, isn't yet confident enough to make bad art and hasn't got around yet to adaptive tools for her hands, which lack much any dexterity-- having been shaped into pawlike structures. A little thought in the back of her head would like to try painting...
how good/bad is their hearing? what about their eyesight?
Having grown far past the bounds of her flesh-shaping, Mopsy's senses are fairly sharp. She's actually a bit near-sighted, but her sense of smell and hearing are incredibly sharp with her skull and ears having been shaped as they are.
how do they move? are they clumsy? light on their feet? do they use mobility aids?
She does have mobility aids! She can move incredibly quickly when she needs to, with her legs launching her great distances, but she's not quite capable of walking unaided, so she uses arm braces to support herself with upright steps. For short distances, typically where she feels most comfortable (or where the Gang has convinced her to try and be scary), she tends to lope on all fours, raising her front much as she can.
if applicable, do they have a favorite sport? do they play any sports or prefer to watch?
Never been much of a sports fan, no. Did swimming, as earlier stated, but mostly as a hobby.
how do they show that they care about someone? how do they express that they don't like someone?
Mopsy uses her words as much as is comfortable to voice her care, but beyond that tends to default to staying close, physical touch such as cuddling or resting against someone, or acting generally protective of them as a way to express her care.
are they associated with any particular element (air, earth, fire, water)?
Earth feels most right, here. She's a grounded sort, and when she takes to the air it's as a stone's throw, to crash down with power and surety.
do they smell like anything notable?
Very very faintly of grapes. It's her favored conditioner.
do they like receiving gifts? giving gifts? what is their ideal gift?
She really really likes getting gifts, though she'll tell you that you don't need to give her anything. Her favorite gifts, like the ones that Rainer has given, are things adapted for her-- fitted clothing, accommodations, experiences that she can take part in. That always means a lot.
do they have any habits that aren't particularly self-destructive, just maybe odd?
It's a habit she picked up from when she lived with Cavalry, but she bruxes when she gets excited or nervous. Also she has a habit of smoothing out her hair with her hands half-obsessively now and then.
if applicable, how would your other characters describe them? i mean specifically the people around them.
They'd call her sister, or daughter, or delight. The kinder ones would simply say she's a very quiet, kind, and occasionally bright soul.
how would your character describe themselves? it doesn't have to line up with how they really are.
She'd say she's just someone who tries to make up for the bad that's been done, to and by her.
do they ever return home?
No. Maybe she can make one, though.
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satellitefish · 3 months
*Swallows pill* Go on little tablet, work your magic.
*Some time later, deep inside my gut, the recently swallowed pill cracks open. Out of it emerges a tiny little magician holding a magic wand and a hat. With a twinkle in his eye, the magician waves the wand around in the air and a rabbit pokes its head out of the magician's hat. A moment later, a second rabbit head emerges behind the first one. The first rabbit hops out of the hat onto the floor while a third and fourth rabbit push their way past the second rabbit. The three of them tumble out and land on the floor. Behind them, rabbits five, six and seven spout out of the hat into the air as rabbit number eight tentatively pokes its head out. There is a moment of silence as rabbit eight snuffles the air and is then blasted upwards as four hundred more rabbits are ejected out of the hat, filling up my guts with rabbitty goodness.*
So, upon reflection, the magician tablets are good but what I really need is a wizard tablet. One that works some real magic and not just stage tricks. C'mon science. These rabbits suck.
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jacksonpiner · 2 years
Bomberman fantasy race poop
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Bomberman fantasy race poop ps3#
Bomberman fantasy race poop pro#
Coinbase Pro CoinSpot Crex24 Deribit DFX.swiss FTX Gate.io Gemini HitBTC Huobi Indep.bella truelove harvey tanner runescape1 fantasy peter casanova. It sure isn't like your typical racer - Bomberman Fantasy Race has players riding on big loping kangaroos and giant blue rabbitty-dinos as they hop and dash to the finish line with long, bounding gaits. Pokmon, T, English, Fantasy & Humor, chapters: 39, words: 5k+, favs: 3, follows: 3, updated: Aug 19 published: Jul 15, 2021, Cynthia/Shirona. samantha1 heather 7654321 elizabeth1 poop tigger1 family1 mustang1 142536. Riding atop rabbit- and kangaroo-like steeds, Bomberman and friends (including the likes of Black Bomberman, Pretty Bomber, Mach Bomber and Mechbomber) scamper around seven different courses with the. The man with the big bombs is blowing up a completely different type of game in this strange and whimsical racing game. Bibox Binance Binance US Bitfinex Bithumb BitMEX Bitpanda Bitpanda Pro Bitstamp Bittrex Bitso Bitvavo Bleutrade BTC Markets Bybit Celsius CEX Coinbase Best known for his explosive platforming antics, Bomberman expands his repertoire with a mascot-based racing game entitled Bomberman Fantasy Race.BOMB3 -> Bomberman, BOMB4 -> fBomb, BOMB5 -> Bombcrypto Coin. Where can you ride a kangaroo or a rhino to victory In. ATOMIC2 -> Atomic Floki, ATOZ -> Race Kingdom, ATP -> Atlas Protocol, ATP2 -> Alaya.
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Bomberman fantasy race poop full#
theyre like Zelda if Zelda was full of horrifying hellspawn, poop.
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meyong · 7 years
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배유진  |  Rabbitti F/W’17
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fashionarmies · 7 years
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Yu Jin Bae for RABBITTI F/W’17 Lookbook
Ph: Kwak Ki Gon (곽기곤)
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