#Quran with meaning
usefulquotes7 · 4 months
13 times in the Qu'ran, God says, "Afala ta'qilun?". Meaning: "Will you not use your intellect?"
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ummhazim · 4 months
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Quran 59:19 ♡
And be not like those who forgot Allāh, so He made them forget themselves. Those are the defiantly disobedient.
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faaun · 5 months
ppl genuinely praising the iranian government the way they're doing in the trending page is so insane to me isreal is committing active genocide the solution isn't to praise a government that is committed to violating as many human rights laws as possible against its own people. you should not feel comfortable. iran did not heroically save a nation. you can acknowledge armed defence is beneficial to/necessary for liberating palestine without suddenly becoming an iranian government fan i promise there is a secret third way
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be-a-muslim-1st · 4 months
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girlschasinggirls · 2 years
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hello can everyone please stop pretending this isn't about religion at all. it simply is. yes of course it's not 100% about religion but people saying its not at all about religion literally shut up. not wearing hijab is considered a sin, even if its not mandated by law, constantly being told you will burn in hell for not wearing it is reason enough to want to be truly free to make your own choices about it.
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notetaeker · 2 years
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November 19, 2022 - Saturday
After a year and some change I’m almost done reciting the qur’an. Reaching halfway thru the 28th juz feels like when you finally make a turn and start recognizing the roads to your house. There’s ayahs stored in brain pathways that haven’t fired for years now, crackling into life as I recite. I remember 7th grade and my friends and with each verse if I close my eyes it feels like I’m at my desk, hurriedly trying to memorize ayahs as the teacher tests another student. ‘Maybe the class will end before it’s our turn,’ I hear, followed by some stifled giggles. It feels like a different life. Like it’s someone else’s memories. And yet if I close my eyes my lips keep moving, reciting the rest of the ayahs, drawing knowledge and memories with it from deep inside a forgotten well.
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naramdil · 3 months
as usual social media muslims are showing some of the worst traits of humanity while feigning righteousness..
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Kinda feeling the name Leila/Layla or Hawa. For myself we will see.
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eay1esha · 2 months
The Milestone of Happiness :
You have to erase the pain by focusing on the positives.  Your mind have to become optimistic. Optimism is a great source for ups and downs/ and in the eye of a storm/ etc..
Focusing as in developing " A Strong Focus " in everyday matters. Daily.
To beat the pain away. So that you won't get buried with pain and that pain turn you into something horrible like a horrible person or a monster.
Learn from the women in labour on pain..
Learn from Orthopaedic on pain..
Learn from a real physician on pain..
You get to know that pain is only temporary.
Everything is in the mind. 
When the mind is weak, you will tend to a lot of negatives cluttering your mind or brain or memory or etc..
When the heart is weak, you will tend to a lot of negative emotions sticking in the heart. And you will have disease of the heart / heart breaks/ hate /etc..
Yes, pain exist ! 
Pain is not cause by someone or other people's fault.  Don't blame others in this (the pain) . 
Pain is natural. And naturally you have to let go ...
But people,  they hang on to it for far too long. This cause can be seen in many aspects. Usually the self aspects in how he manages the pain. 
It is how will you handle the pain??
Suggestions : 
Try focusing on endurance in patience (sabr)
People will keep focusing on pain and not let go of the pain easily. They will get stuck in that phase of pain for years and years. Which is bad for mental health?
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mazzystar24 · 10 months
Do ignorant assholes realise that freedom of speech protects you from government prosecution for what you say not from people calling you an asshole for what you say?
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hiwaga-fucks-up · 7 months
good omens may just convince me to actually read the bible and i'm not ready
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quranjournals · 2 months
ya rabb , i juz found out that the athkar for nighttime truly is something to ponder about and to reflect...
it really hits me hard, reciting surah al-isra' & surah az-zumar is also part of the nighttime athkar...
reciting surah al-mulk & surah as-sajda is common..
i just found out that i juz notice a bit but now a bigger picture of what authentic athkar really truly means...
i came a long way till now..
ya rabb.. alhumdulillah and tQ❤️
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psychicpanic · 5 months
if i ever kill myself if will be to get out of this miserable life but to also be closer to god
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ruthlesslistener · 2 years
Local man raised in a loosely Shia Islamic/Zoroastrian household continues to be baffled by christians, more at 11
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magnoliamyrrh · 11 months
youre wearing hijab wrong sist- *starts pulling out a massive portfolio out of thin air of all the different hijab styles wore throughout the ummah from every culture and time*
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@rowanthestrange very doctor who-y what youre saying abt the quran
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