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Woowww!!! Ich muss unbedingt diesen Markt besuchen=)) In welcher Stadt befindet er sich? )))
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Ich treibe Sport sehr gern und um mich mit Muttersprachlern unterhalten zu können, lerne ich immer Wörter, die mir nah sind, d.h. die meine Hobbys irgendwie darstellen. Man lernt schneller, wenn man irgendwelche Verbindung zum gelernten Wortschatz hat. =))
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I just love this character  😆 Sheldon is THE BEST)) Kann “The Big Bang Theory” absolut empfehlen.
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Das ist einer meiner Lieblingsfilme!!! Ich kann mich sogar nicht erinnern, wie viel Male ich mir alle drei Filme angeschaut habe. Definitiv empfehlenswert, um Wortschatz zu erweitern und britische Akzent zu genießen  😍 💖
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Words All Book Lovers Should be Using
Every true bookworms need these words in their vocabulary.  See the full list here.
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Hahaha... It`s so cuuute))) I love this video. Definitely recommend to watch it) Found it yesterday and have already showed all my friends  ◔ ◡ ◔
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Und an welche Wörter und Redewendungen könnt ihr euch in euerer Sprache erinnern?  (✿◠‿◠)
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Hello guys! 😀 Our idiom of the day is ”Elvis has left the building”, which means “the show or event has ended”.
Origin: “Elvis has left the building” is a phrase that was often used by public address announcers at the conclusion of Elvis Presley concerts in order to disperse audiences who lingered in hopes of an encore.
👉 All idioms with examples and audio are available in our app - visit learzing.com
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Hurraaa=) Heute ist endlich Freitag und das heißt, dass man sich entspannen kann =) Der beste Weg den Freitagnachmittag zu verbringen, ist diese englischen Filme  zu schauen ))
9 Modern American Classics for Learning English with Movies
1. “The Social Network” (2010)
Story: Want to know the history behind the invention of Facebook? This story tells the story of the young Mark Zuckerberg, a geeky Harvard student, who wants to revolutionize the way we communicate with other people. The story shows how Zuckerberg accidentally finds fame and becomes a multi-millionaire – but there is a price.
2. “The Hangover” (2009)
Story: Four male friends go to Las Vegas for a bachelor party a couple of days before their friend’s wedding. It follows their wild adventures and how they find themselves in a lot of trouble. They find themselves in so much trouble, it’s unsure whether they are going to make it back in time for the wedding or not.
3. “The Hunger Games” (2012)
Story: This story is set in the future and set in a futuristic nation called Panem. Every year there are two people who are chosen to represent their district in the Hunger Games fight. Those who are chosen are done so by a lottery system. This follows the story of Katniss, a 16-year-old girl, from District 12. It shows her intense training and then how she is suddenly thrown into the fight to represent her area in the 74th annual hunger games.
4. “Toy Story” (1995)
Story: This is an animated (cartoon) movie that follows a young boy called Andy. Andy loves playing in his room with his toys. He especially loves to play with his action figure called Woody. When Andy disappears, the toys come to life. Andy’s mom gives him a new toy for his birthday which is called Buzz Lightyear, which becomes Andy’s new favorite toy to play with.
Woody feels hurt and is jealous of the attention Andy gives his new toy and as a result he tries to get rid of him. However, as the two toys begin to fight they get lost. This story follows their adventure and is full of action and a lot of laughs.
5. “Cast Away” (2000)
Story: This is an American adventure drama that follows Chuck Noland (Tom Hanks), a systems analyst, who has to travel around the world fixing problems at Fedex centers. Chuck is called up at Christmas time to go to Malaysia on business and is forced to leave his girlfriend Kelly (Helen Hunt) behind.
His plane hits a terrible storm and it crashes somewhere into the Pacific Ocean. Chuck manages to escape the crashed plane and holds on to a life raft in the cold sea. Eventually he washes up onto a deserted island the next day. The story follows Chuck and his survival on the island and focuses on a ball he calls Wilson.
6. “(500) Days of Summer” (2009)
Story: This is not your typical love story. On January 8, a young architect called Tom Hansen (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) meets Summer Finn (Zooey Deschanel). He almost falls in love with her right away, and over the next few months they spend a lot of time together. Then hang out a lot even though Summer tells him she doesn’t believe in love.
7. “Twilight” (2008)
Story: Bella Swan, a teenager, has always been different from other teenagers. She never cared about being a part of the cool group of girls. When her mom remarries, Bella chooses to live with her dad in a small town in Washington. It’s a boring rainy town and nothing interesting ever happens until she meets a mysterious and very good-looking guy called Edward Cullen.
8. “The Break-up” (2006)
Story: Gary (Vince Vaughn) and Brooke (Jennifer Aniston) meet at a Chicago Cubs game. They’re attracted to each other immediately and Brooke loves Gary’s humor. They begin dating and soon buy a condo together. Gary is a bus tour operator and Brooke manages an art gallery. Their backgrounds are very different, and after living together they find out that they have different interests.
9. Forrest Gump (1994)
Story: The story depicts several decades in the life of Forrest Gump, a slow-witted but kind-hearted, good-natured and athletically prodigious man from Alabama, who witnesses, and in some cases influences, some of the defining events of the latter half of the 20th century in the United States; more specifically, the period between Forrest's birth in 1944 and 1982.
Viel Spaß!
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Kennst Du den Unterschied? Dieses Bild wird Dir helfen, Fehler in der Zukunft zu vermeiden =)
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Heute lernt ihr collocations with MAKE and DO. Oft verwechselt man sie und benuzt falsch. Besonders sind sie wichtig für diejenigen, die Englischprüfungen ablegen möchten. 
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Memrise, Anki, Duolingo und viele andere... Heutzutage ist es einfacher geworden, Sprachen zu lernen. Probiert eine App zum Vokabeln lernen. Und mit welcher App lernt ihr die Sprachen? )) 
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Oft machen wir beim Englischlernen schnell schlapp. Grammatik, Ausspache, Wortschatz... alles ist so schwierig. Ja,es ist schwierig, aber mit den Tipps des berühmten Polyglotts macht ihr unbedingt Fortschritte =))
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