#British Council
hehegay · 5 months
The creation of a levels feels like a sin
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beau-gar · 1 year
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garadinervi · 1 year
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Rasheed Araeen & David Medalla, An Open Letter to the British Council, BCM Black Phoenix, February 1, 1979; in Rasheed Araeen, Making Myself Visible, with an introductory essay by Guy Brett, Kala Press, London, 1984, p. 164
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head-post · 7 months
Russia accused British Council of conducting reconnaissance for UK intelligence services
Russian security services uncovered the activities of the UK governmental organisation British Council, which was conducting reconnaissance in Kherson Oblast for Ukraine’s interests.
Officially, the British Council co-operates with Kyiv in the field of education, culture and art, but its activities are believed to be just a disguise for the work of the British security services.
The British Council is allegedly using Ukrainian refugees living in the UK, persuading them to obtain intelligence information through relatives and close friends living in Kherson Oblast. The people involved in the scheme collect coordinates and help guide missiles.
Read more HERE
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shakespearenews · 2 years
The savage bloodshed, murder, revenge, power struggles and moral dilemmas told in the famous tragedy by the English playwright were written over 400 years ago — but on stage in Yemen today, the play holds power.
Yemen, the poorest country on the Arabian peninsula, has been at war since 2014 when Iran-backed Houthi rebels seized the capital Sanaa, prompting a Saudi-led coalition to intervene the following year.
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downthetubes · 2 years
The Man at the Crossroads: An Interview with comic catalyst extraordinaire, Paul Gravett
An Interview with comic catalyst extraordinaire, Paul Gravett. We catch up with the man behind COMICA, co-creator of Escape, and veritable comics catalyst!
Comics archivist, catalyst, author, publisher, competition judge, COMICA cofounder and raconteur Paul Gravett should need no introduction to many downthetubes readers. His enthusiasm and energy promoting comics from around the world is second to none, unstinting since his days running the Fast Fiction service with Peter Stanbury, publishing Escape magazine, launched 40 years ago this Spring, also…
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sszeemedia · 1 month
UK fosters creative collaborations at 30th Sarajevo Film Festival
This week, the United Kingdom is spotlighting new collaborations and promoting its world-renowned creative industries at the 30th Sarajevo Film Festival in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The UK is proud to be part of this iconic event, which continues to serve as a global hub for the film and creative communities. As the festival celebrates its 30th anniversary, the UK is taking the opportunity to…
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inprimalinie · 7 months
Mărturie: British Council a încercat să obțină "informații de natură militară și politică" de la refugiații ucraineni
Serviciile speciale britanice au încercat să recruteze refugiați ucraineni pentru a căuta informatori pentru lovituri în regiunea Herson, a declarat un locuitor al regiunii, Serghei Cebukin. Georgiana Arsene Acesta a declarat pentru FSB că britanicii au încercat să îl folosească pentru recunoaștere. Serviciile speciale ruse au primit informații potrivit cărora refugiații ucraineni au fost…
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journalsmonitor · 1 year
আইইএলটিএস ছাড়া ইউরোপের যেসব দেশে যাওয়া যায়
বিদেশে উচ্চশিক্ষায় ভাষাগত যোগ্যতা প্রয়োজন। বিশ্বের অধিকাংশ বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের পড়াশোনার মাধ্যম ইংরেজি। তাই আন্তর্জাতিক এই ভাষায় দক্ষতা প্রমাণে একটি পরীক্ষা দিতে হয়। পরীক্ষাটির নাম ইন্টারন্যাশনাল ইংলিশ ল্যাংগুয়েজ টেস্টিং সিস্টেম (আইইএলটিএস অথবা IELTS ) । তবে আইইএলটিএস এ অংশ না নেয়ার কারণে অনেকেরই বিদেশে উচ্চশিক্ষার স্বপ্ন পূরণ হয় না। এর মূল কারণ পরীক্ষায় কাঙ্ক্ষিত ফলাফল অর্জন করতে ব্যর্থ হয় অনেকে।…
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dealsarehere · 1 year
British Council Promo Code: 20% discount on Gold and Platinum on the first 3 months
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beau-gar · 1 year
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pranveetkaur · 1 year
Everyday "Genius" Vocabulary
Serendipity There are many words that we use in everyday life that we might consider “genius vocabulary.” Here are a few examples: Serendipity – This word means a happy coincidence or unexpected discovery. For example, if you happen to run into an old friend while you’re out running errands, you could say it was a serendipitous encounter. Ubiquitous – This word means something that is…
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eduspiral · 2 years
Framework for Action: Preparing for Malaysia’s Future of Work
Framework for Action: Preparing for Malaysia’s Future of Work Article from British Council Website Written by Kian Wee Tiu Malaysia has an ambitious goal of becoming a developed nation through the implementation of various national development initiatives and masterplans, as it embraces the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR). However, there are still several hurdles on the route towards developed…
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shakespearenews · 9 months
At the end of the Balkan Trilogy, Pritchard has spent weeks organising a performance of Troilus and Cressida which opens on the same night that France surrenders to the Axis powers. Yet despite the apparent frivolous nature of his work, one of his Romanian students goes on to become an operative for the Special Operations Executive.
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downthetubes · 1 month
"Enter the Mulberry Tree and Fly Free": Palestinian Comics Revealed in new exhibition
The Lakes International Comic Art Festival has announced “Enter the Mulberry Tree and Fly Free”, the first exhibition of comic art from Palestine of its kind to take place outside of the Middle East and North Africa region, which will be part of this year
The Lakes International Comic Art Festival has announced “Enter the Mulberry Tree and Fly Free”, the first exhibition of comic art from Palestine of its kind to take place outside of the Middle East and North Africa region, which will be part of this year’s weekend-long event in Bowness-on-Windermere next month (26th – 30th September 2024). Enter the Mulberry Bush and Fly Free – art by Mohammad…
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bittscanada · 2 years
The #BritishCouncil #ieltsmocktest ... Register Now: https://bitts.ca/ielts-trial-test/ 
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