#idk i just want an arabic name. as ive been having
Kinda feeling the name Leila/Layla or Hawa. For myself we will see.
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st5lker · 7 days
i dont want to wax poetic about it bc i guess part of me sees my emotions related to lebanon and feels like it looks the same as white people who just took a 23 and me test and all of a sudden claim to be an indigenous princess or whatever but its like idk. this isnt like that ive known i was part lebanese since i was young my grandmas last name is arabic despite the fact that shes tejana and thats basically her entire culture and all the culture me and my mom got from her as well like if there even is any parts of how she acts that come from lebanese culture neither she nor any of us have ever actually identified them that way. so like id never in my life claim to be lebanese because im not, like i dont even really consider myself like irish and german or whatever despite having as much of them as i do italian and latino bc i never knew those family members and the only cultural influences on my life besides american surroundings have been italian and mexican/tejano. and theres even more of those then there is lebanese. but i guess part of me wishes more of that connection was there, maybe, because theres something hard to identify somewhere in my soul calling me to it, but at the same time it just feels kind of hard to justify wanting to reconnect with a culture or place that never really had a chance to make a connection in the first place. im definitely getting too romantic here because it truly cannot be that deep and like i said im not even spiritual or anything so i dont even know what i mean when i say “my soul” in the first place but whatever thats kind of just how i am -_- im an artist or whatever im always thinking way too dramatically about these types of things
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menalez · 11 months
I have a question about music! I want to get more into Arabic music (women specifically) but the only Arabic musician I know of right now is Faouzia, who is AMAZING, however she doesn’t have a lot of music in Arabic. She uses cultural inspiration in her music (she’s Moroccan), but only has a couple songs with one Arabic word in it (Habibi & Puppet). I like listening to music in other languages and was hoping maybe you had recommendations for Arabic female musicians
never heard of faouzia! thanks for informing me of her. and yes im gonna first name some famous arabic pop singers and then ill move onto some that i also like:
nancy ajram
this woman is probably one of the biggest popstars in the arab world and has been for decades. she has a lot of great hits and id honestly just recommend going thru her music esp her older stuff bc you might like something in there. shes a lebanese christian
2. haifa wehbe
not a fan of hers but she has some hits and shes also one of the most renowned popstars.
3. myriam fares
also one of the bigger popstars, she also tends to play with a lot of arabic genres. shes mostly known for her dancing i think, shes quite talented but im not big on her music (im just sharing my faves btw so this is one of my faves and its clearly awful quality)
4. ruby
i looooooove ruby she was basically the only dark-skinned woman i saw in mainstream arab media and shes an awful dancer but makes amazing music and is also an actress (and ive heard shes quite good at that too) and is a good singer. also afaik shes one of the few female artists that didnt get plastic surgeries (if she did its so mild that its not noticeable). shes egyptian (previous singers i shared are all lebanese)
5. shadia mansour
one of the only female rappers i know of, i dont know much of her music but this song is really good and the lyrics are amazing. shes palestinian & british and this song is about palestinian resistance basically
6. elyanna
this one is more modern than my other recommendations fhsdfhds but shes quite good, iirc shes half palestinian half..chilean? i think?
7. samira said
shes north african, i Think tunisian, and one of the bigger popstars from the 2000s. i dont really listen to most of her music but this one's a classic:
8. fairuz
this one's quite old-fashioned but definitely a classic and her music continues to be played a lot today... especially by lebanese people. shes a lebanese singer who i think was really prominent for decades starting from the 50s. not sure how her music will be perceived by someone who didn't grow up hearing it tho. shes also lebanese christian
9. luka salam
only know one song of hers but its a nice one, the lyrics are great and i was obsessed with it at one point. i know shes got others. idk where shes from tbh
10. maryam saleh
i only know one song of hers too but its also a nice one. shes egyptian
adding more in reblogs bc i ran out of links to add lol
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ididkn0w · 1 year
That green and blue machine are both 125,000$ each can u fucking believe that. Only those two bro holy fucking shit. Omg and in the third pic u can’t see well but behind the fence is a robot arm it’s like a while ass transformer. And so it does shit don’t even ask me what but it was rlly cool. Btw this entire time Ive been at the restaurant and me my aunt and my gma and we’ve been waiting while my mom uncle and gpa talked with other clients and business ppl and babe it’s been like two hours and they just got back and they’re arguing about them bc idk prices n shit they said and whatever n they’re like yelling a lil at the table rn and my uncle is saying like u guys are treating this like a spy game and u guys are always so skeptical and thinking shit and my mom and gpa are like being like in a way it is we’re the top 20% more expensive in the market which is bad bc ppl want cheaper obv. N apparently an employee sent these people a list of our costs like how much It cost to produce n stuff n that’s rlly fucking bad like crisis type shit bc ofc we sell at a much higher prices and whatever like there’s a lot more to it that I don’t understand. Now my uncles saying u guys are always so negative and ppl are looking at us. Anyways I’m listening and talking to u it’s 3:31 pm rn. So back tl where I was. We went back to the conference room and they gave us giftssss Ik they’re like mini coffee cups. Omg bruh I can tell my moms backing out now😭 ok so I didn’t take pictures of them inside cus I wasn’t trynna open that shit. Oh yes and this typical Arabic cup to make coffee in. Cool souvenir or whatever. Ok I just got up it’s 3:41 rn I’ll finish typing In a bit. It’s the same thing following them around the fair. Then we finished the tour and got the gifts and then they took us to eat and resturaunt was sooooo pretty idk like the nature outside I felt like I was in the backyard of a rich Californian home idk and bro the food was soooooooo good and I drank Turkish tea again I loved the food. And once again no fucking wifi I always take screenshot to show u so we are and talked for like two hours and then we left and we went back to the factory and we left to the city again in the van and I slept the entire way and they woke me up and we were at a fucjing mall and I was mad as fuxk bc bro I was tired and I’m trynna get home to my man. And so we were there and like nothing was even open like it was rlly new. And I was bored as fuck but it was rlly pretty and then I’m so fr I took a picture of every cat I saw. And so we walked home and we stopped to get groceries and omg I forgot I to tell u at the mall we ate at a cafe. In the morning I took a picture of this place called mustafah u can look again n I thought it was silly bc everyone’s name here is mutsafah and we coincidentally ate there and it was sooooo good I ate a carénele tres leches it was so fucking good and I drank a coffee and they were in these cups that I loved they reminded me of u so much so I wanted them so bad so I went to buy them n they didn’t sell them so I got another ones that I think ull think are rlly cool they remind me of underthink logo. So they’re for our house. Then we walked home n we stopped be a grocery store for food and that’s when k got my Piña and then I stopped at this case place bc I’ve still been trynna get ur sparkly thing for ur cameraaaaa so I went and looked and asked for ur phone n they didn’t have any at that place but they had for mine but I just know they’ll have it at another one of those so don’t worry ur still getting one and I also got u this thing for ur charger u can put on it. I love you😄 n then got home n talked to u for like four hours I think even five
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emulation-0 · 1 year
alright so the thing is when i was 9 or 10 or whatever i was still going to sunday school and i met this girl there and i thought she was so pretty and cool and we became super good friends even tho we were kinda bossy and rude but i mean we were kids so what does that matter. right.
so at some point i stopped going to sunday school and i thought i would never meet her again and i didnt remember her face or anything just that i knew she was pretty and her first name.
and then in my sophomore year of hs there was a girl in my class who had the same name and i was like wow.. i knew someone with that name once... but i didnt think anything about it. and when she took her mask off i thought her face was so familiar but i couldnt place just who she looked like and i kept getting frustrated about it. and i also thought she was really cool and nice and i wanted to be her friend but i didnt know how to approach her
but at some point i ended up learning she had an older brother (which my friend had) and i thought about her last name and it started seeming more possible to me that this classmate's last name was my friend's last name and they were the same person
so i asked her about it after pondering it for like. a year and a half and she was like yeah i went to sunday school yeah i have an older brother and i was like. !!!! its you!!!! ive been thinking about you and wondering about you for years!!! and you were my classmate this whole time!!! ive wanted to be friends with you for ages and it turns out you were my childhood friend!!! how crazy is that!!!
except she didnt remember a thing about me or about our time together. i held on to every little bit and piece, i remember the color of her hijab and the jokes she taught me and the doodles we drew and the way she liked to draw hair and the jacket she wore and the hiding places we hung out and how her brother was friends with mine and the conversations we had and the way we cheated on our arabic test but she didnt remember any of it. and of course its not personal or anything because she didnt remember a single thing about sunday school, it wasnt just me but it got me thinking like
even though they are the same person these are two different people that i knew. one was bossy and rude and silly and was my friend and one is mellower and nice and goofy and not my friend. and nothing can change that. nothing could bring back the her that was my friend, nor can i do anything to be her friend now because the her then and the her now are strangers
logically i know its nothing to be sad over because people grow and move on, and i cant forge a bond with her like when we were kids because friends come and go and many times there just comes a time where they have to leave our lives and we have to be okay with it because that is what is best for us in our life story. but its just so. idk how to describe it. but its a sad emotion. its just so [something] that these are two different people and no matter how much i knew her, knew about her, i couldnt bridge this gap even if i thought it was possible or i wanted to. it makes me sad
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sakhafa · 7 years
#can we pls stop being so heteronormative & especially in the arab/muslim community can we pls stop shaming non straight ppl#like i was looking back at things and honestly ive barely developed any feelings for a guy beyond just physical attraction#and in those cases the ‘crushes’ were honestly just masking the crushes id have on girls like#i can name a girl i liked for every guy that i thought i liked and its rly all bc its been ingrained to my head that i have to marry a man#like from a fucking young age i was always told ‘oh youre so pretty ur gonna get such a handsome man’ and its just been put into my head#that i have to be with a man even tho i clearly felt from a young age that i liked girls more.....#fuck even my mom from before i was born was praying id be white passing so id get a man quicker????#like idk man im just realizing that im so much gayer than i thought i was?????#& like after i came to terms with the fact i was bi in like gr 8 i just stopped liking ppl that much like iv only liked 2 ppl since then#whereas before id have like a new crush every week just to prove to myself that i was straight bc thats ‘normal’#and that if i didnt like guys i was ‘weird’ bc im ‘supposed to’ like guys bc im a girl?????#like this is highkey why i havent rly done much on the romantic/sexual side of things its bc ive never had a genuine interest before#& when i did it just didnt work out bc they werent into me or id repress my feelings idk#like i just genuinely wish there was more acceptance of non straight ppl in the muslim/arab community bc like ive literally hated myself#for so long over somethjng i cant control like#when i first came to terms of thr fact that im queer i felt like a shitty muslim and id avoid praying even#when in reality my identity isnt fucking haram at all#like i honestly jjst dont want more kids to go thru this its such a shitty feeling and it rly does impact u later in life#anyways ya sorry for gettjng personal ive had too much time to think today
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shattersstar · 4 years
mac pls rant to me about alucard like literally talk about anything relating to him idc he just lives in my mind rent free already and I want to hear ur thots 🥺🥺 and u know how much I love ur writing like only u can make me simp over a character i've never heard about until after reading ur series
in this house we all simp over alucard 😌 but tyy i always have so many thoughts omg like i woke up after four hrs of sleep and this fucking show was the first thing on my mind snksndsk anyway imma talk abt the series bc i feel like it sorta came outta nowhere and i dont wanna bore the masses with my thoughts on character design or like animation style (not yet at least hehehe)
okay first of all the fact sm of u guys r reading this without knowing anything about him or the show or anything is so sweet like y’all really sticking through it for me..i appreciate it endlessly. this ranting might also be kinda helpful and idk i like hearing writers thoughts behind their work so i hope y’all do to
the title comes from farouq jwaydeh i found it on that twitter thread about arabic love poems that went around a few months ago. i actually wasn’t planning on naming the series that but the doc where i was working on each part had the quote “and if the devil was to ever see you, he’d kiss your eyes and repent” in it because i was planning on writing smth for alucard based of that and the more i thought about it, the more i realized how well it worked for the series. its so romantic and so devoted which is the type of relationship i do be writing and it also works within a lot of the religious themes of the show. if i could write that well it lowkey sounds like smth alucard would say akhfsk
and speaking of alucard, ik the fact he has two names might be a bit confusing especially with how i formatted bluebelle (whoops) but the characters name is adrian tepes but he goes by alucard for Reasons i wont spoiler lmao. aches & arches does do a decent job explaining y i choose to call him adrian instead, but in the future if i do write stuff outside this series for him there is definitely a chance he’d be called alucard it just really depends on context. i just think there is something very personal and intimate that the reader is very serious about the fact he isn’t a figure for the masses or only tied to his father. hes his own person who they love and they deserve to be called a name that is their own not a moniker given to them y’know? also the fact i dont think anyone actually calls him adrian in the show makes me sad like noo baby ur so much more than what ur father and Humanity has made u out to be ahaha
idk if i have mentioned this anywhere yet but this is also the first series ive ever written in like my....4? 5? years writing on tumblr (ew i dont wanna think about how long ive been doing this) but thats kind of a big deal. i’m a bit :/ with myself for how much stuff i tried to add to bluebelle because i really didnt think i was gonna write anything else for him so it feels a bit cramped in terms of themes in comparison to the other parts. i feel like it does stick out a little within the series considering some of those themes havent been explored again but ehh i’m complaining about something i can change so whelp. guess it means i gotta write more
although i must admit i’m probably not gonna write a wedding and i’m sorry if u guys wanted one i just...can’t Bring myself to write a christian wedding even tho i’m pretty sure alucard is atheist? or at least not catholic lmao and i would rather write a hindu wedding bc its better (noah fence) and i think the ideas? or meanings around hindu wedding ceremonies make sense for this but i dont wanna be alienating so.yeah. that also feels like i gotta start writing a plot and i would rather Not do that i’m fine with mindlessly fluff for now. idk if anyone can tell but i’m avoiding the whole vampire and human relationship convo bc i havent figured out my thoughts on it and i dont wanna deal. let adrian live in a soft fantasy world with no bad things okay thanks thats all .
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shamemp3 · 4 years
@demondeals thank you for tagging me this was SO MUCH FUN!! ily!!
1. Name 4 fictional characters who showcase your personality the best, with explanations if you want.
aah this is hard okay so first and foremost peter parker. he’s one of those characters that have always been relatable in almost every aspect of life since i was a kid, especially when it comes to how he deals with his feelings and like his emotions and humor and his problems in general?? and then also jake peralta also because of feelings and how he tries to avoid them and be all!! fun fck yea!! and humor and idk?? also i love amy santiago so... third i think is percy jackson bc no thoughts head empty and he is impulsive and also brave and i would like to think that i am brave?? and yeh im trying to make this as short as possible and only vaguely explain but. it’s not working ksdfjbv okay fourth character is stiles stilinski ig?? like sarcasm and humor again, and idk this is all repeating but it all comes back to how he deals w his feelings and guilt and problems and idk the reasons are mostly the same with all these characters and yea there’s more but i feel like i am talking too much so i will stop skjdbvjk
2. Aesthetic
milkshakes and fries, neon lights, blasting the car radio, doing literally anything as long as it’s with friends, city lights, train rides at night, playing video games till sunrise, campfire smell, denim and flannels, drive-in movies
3. Favorite musical/play? (If you’ve never seen a musical or play, one you’d be interested in seeing?)
uhh i’ve only listened to hamilton which had some really cool beats! ive also listened to a few songs from dear evan hansen, wicked, mean girls, and oh now that i think about it i’ve seen the shrek musical on netflix and 10/10 phenomenal in every way that’s my favorite one
4. What is the best compliment you’ve ever received?
i know i’ve gotten compliments but for some reason i cant remember any?? like the second i read this question my brain went whoosh. idk probably whenever people tell me im funny or notice that im keeping my cool in a situation that is very NOT cool?? idk i really cant think of any rn jdfsbksdjb but there have definitely been compliments that i have thought about for weeks bc i was like....omg? me? kinda sad that i dont remember them i really hope i do soon bc i wouldnt wanna forget smth like that sjkdbdvhsb
5. How many times have you been in love?
i don’t think i’ve ever been in love (at least romantically)? im not certain but im 90% sure i haven’t. but when it comes to friends and family, sososos many times i lvoe them all
6. Embarrassing story or fact about yourself that makes you laugh now?
uhhh i got pantsed in like grade 7 bc i was being dragged across the floor and then this 9th grader came up to me in the middle of the hallway and yelled “HEY I SAW YOUR ASS” i wanted to perish
7. Favorite Disney/Pixar movie?
ooh probably zootopia or wall-e!!
8. Favorite flower or plant?
this is hard! i love ferns and sunflowers and hydrangeas and ooh also vines 
9. What’s your favorite holiday?
i love new year’s eve! it’s just fun because we all just stay up and celebrate and there’s always this feeling of “oh i got through another year!” also 4th of july but not bc of the actual holiday just bc my old town used to have these 4th of july carnivals that were crazy fun and i used to go like almost every day when the carnival was in town
10. Name three things that made you laugh or smile this past week.
first one is my school posted a picture of me graduating on their facebook and my mom sent them the link to look at it and when they pressed on it they started replying to my mom thinking it was on whatsapp but they left like 7 comments on the school’s post in arabic so that was funny as fukckjdbf, second is atla bc i love that show and everyone is so precious, and number 3 is literally any conversation with any of my friends
11. What song would you play to introduce yourself to someone?
axel f by crazy frog. next question
12. Name something that truly makes you feel peaceful even at your most stressed moments.
probably watching one of my favorite movies (mr. popper’s penguins or itsv tbh) or like just going on any of my friend’s gcs and sending memes and stuff
13. What do you, did you, or would you study at college?
i plan on going into chemistry!! i might also minor in computer or environmental science, but i’m still undecided! crazy because up till a few months ago i had zero idea what i wanted to do and my plans kept changing like every week
14. This is kind of a weird one, but which outfit of yours makes you feel most like yourself?
probably my denim jacket or my really big red sweatshirt? idk tbh i really only buy clothes that i know i would feel myself in and that i would be comfortable, but i think those two are probably my favorites?
15. What is a quote you live by?
power of people is stronger than the people in power because i want to take down the evil government. this is the first one i thought of so it’s staying skjvbjksdb
16. Name the funniest playlist name you have.
i have ‘AAAAHHHHHHH’ and i have ‘mitten ski’ which is a playlist composed entirely of mitski songs
17. Make a reference to an inside joke you have with someone you love with zero context.
wanna touch knees?
18. What is a message you would give your younger self if given the chance?
please stand up for urself and talk ab ur feelings for the love of god it’s ok to admit to being not ok ?? also everything in the world is not ur fault, chill btich
19. Who is your favorite family member? (If you have no good blood family members, feel free to mention someone in your found family)
i can’t really do this bc i really do love all of them in a different way. i’m definitely closest to my mom because i’ve lived with her all my life, but i still can’t pick favorites
20. What’s a secret dream of yours?
to be an astronaut pls this isn’t a secret i just really want to be an astronaut or a superhero pls someone give me a radioactive eel bite or send me to space or something. also to be able to be more open w people and to visit aleppo again 
i’m tagging: @natasharxmanov @anthonydarling @parkersedith @jessjones @anxieteandbiscuits if you guys want to!!! ily all very much
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wickymicky · 5 years
Kpop linguistics is literally the exact content I love to see around here as someone also finding herself at this weird interest intersection lol lowkey this kind of stuff is one of the reasons you're one of my favourite blogs around here
WOAH!!!!! aAAAAAA! thank you!!
im gonna put a Read More here bc it got too long and rambly
i cant help it lmao, i’m a linguist and i went to college for linguistics. that’s just how my brain works, it’s like an adhd hyperfocus special interest type thing, idrk what to call it, but i’ve been learning everything i can about language (in particular phonology and morphology) for like a decade. i dont talk about it much but i spend a huuuuuuge amount of time working on and thinking about my conlang (constructed language) that i’ve had since high school. it’s not very good, but it’s sort of a sandbox where i can fool around with linguistics stuff lol. i wanted to write a paper about the use of conlangs as tools for linguists to use for better understanding certain concepts that they have trouble with, but im not in college at the moment and idk if i will be again anytime soon... anyway yeah like this is my shit lol.
oh and like thats whats super cool about getting into kpop! its a whole lot of media in a language i didnt have much exposure to beforehand. i took latin in high school and ancient greek in college, and then i did like hungarian and vietnamese duolingo for a while lol, but there’s not a ton of easily accessible media in those languages, and certainly not much with subtitles, and definitely not anything for latin and ancient greek haha. like i wish there was something like anime for every language, just a huge wealth of shows in various animated styles in a language i dont speak, but with subtitles so i can recognize that when they say a certain word multiple times and i pick up on it, and every time they do the word “dream” is in the subtitles, i can piece together that that word probably means dream. 
so like i have a suuuuper poor understanding of japanese grammar and shit, but i think fairly good pronunciation and a long list of vocab words ive picked up on because thats what my brain gravitates towards. like when i’d hear something i thought was interesting, i’d spend hours looking it up too. like how high vowels (“i” and “u”) often become voiceless between two voiceless consonants in japanese, which is why “sasuke” is pronounced seemingly like “saske”. but if it was an o instead of a u, it’d probably be sasoke not saske, cause its only the high vowels that drop out. also things like... why do certain words that start with a voiceless consonant become voiced in some compound words, but not others? “kana” becomes “gana” in hiragana, but stays “kana” in katakana. why? well, apparently that’s a thing and there’s a name for that. i forget it at the moment lmao, but i know that it happens. and so how come h- becomes b- in that situation? well it’s because it was originally p-, and then it weakened to a sort of f-like sound, and then further into h-, except for “pu” which stayed on the middle stage as “fu” even in modern japanese. all instances of “p” in modern japanese are either because the p was doubled (geminated), or they’re loanwords. so like yeah haha, it’s not that i “picked up japanese from watching anime”, it’s that watching anime and hearing certain things made me curious and i spent a lot of time looking into that. not learning the language tho lol... i like learning ABOUT the language, but im not very good at actually learning the language.
and thats what ive been doing with korean too! it’s not a language i had much experience with, so at first i couldnt make out any words at all in kpop songs. it was hard to tell where one word ended and where the next began. and that was only like two or three months ago lol... i’m still really new. i started noticing certain words that came up a lot. “piryohae”, “saranghae”, “bogosipeo”, “nareul”, “eolgul”, “joahae”, “jigeum”, “shigan”, “sungan”, “eopseo”, “bimil”, “maeum”, god the list goes on and on. it’s just vocab, but for the most part i learned to recognize those words before i knew what they meant lol, cause i dont look at lyrics much. so i’d look them up and go “ohhhhhhh yeah okay i can see why that word would be in those places in those songs” or whatever. and like, you know, learning more about hangeul teaches me more about the phonology of the language (which is my SHIT). and like i could try to write about how the unaspirated and aspirated initial consonants are often pronounced the same by the younger generation of speakers, but the unaspirated one adds something of a low tone to the following vowel, or i could try to write about how the double-consonants (jj, pp, tt, kk, ss) came often from initial sequences of sp- st- sk- etc, or how an ongoing sound change that you’ve probably noticed is that initial m- and n- are being pronounced closer to b- and d-, and how ae and e have completely merged, and how long vowels arent pronounced by younger speakers anymore, etc lol. i could write about how korean used to have a strong system of vowel harmony but centuries of sound change and loanwords from chinese that broke the vowel harmony rules have eroded it significantly, but it still plays a role in a handful of grammatical conjugations. i’ve been like cracking out, for lack of a better term, on learning about the history of the language and the inner workings of it, and ive spent some time attempting to learn the language too, though not that much lol. my brain is much better at collecting facts and having a deep understanding how Language works than it is at understanding how to speak a particular language lol. i cant really speak a word of arabic but i know all about triconsonantal roots and emphatic consonants and 3-vowel systems and differences between the various dialects of arabic lol
blah anyway lol
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luffysgf06 · 2 years
help lol                                                                                                                       i dont know how much i can hold. im mentally stuck in a prison that’s name is “home” . everything,everyday here is the same you get called “lazy” if u lay in a bed. mostly the worst thing thats in this house you have no privacy, its making me crazy it makes me sick i dont wanna be here anymore. i get called a slut if i like a boy thats “poor” or “too ugly” and they keep telling me that if i come back to where my aunt lives my parents will disown me, well thats fine by me i dont care i wanna be able to make it out here alive and well. ive been trying to give my life to god but i probably wont even make it to heaven, id be in hell if i kill my self i mean hell looks alot better than living in this house with careless scary people, i tried running away two times but it didnt work they just found me and guilttrip me when i got home i dont know how to act as if that i care about these people. my dad is trying to change me for who i am, well he isnt my biological father but he forces himself to be,he even tried to make me think that im a different person. when i like to wear girly clothes which is like skirts and bras, he hates it he dosent want me to wear those things that i wanted. he want me to wear sports attire LOL he wants me to respect him because hes the man that helped my family with money issues. he also dosent even respect me he only respects the ones that treats him like a king  idk HAHAHAHAHA he started to make me think that im not an arab [which i am] he likes to make us think that im a full filipino which he literly [i dont know how to spell correctly LOL] he talks bad abt his counrty and hates it when ppl say that  a woman can be a leader he is homophobic,a misogynist,racist,crazy. i just want to be taken away from him he thinks the seriess i watched like stranger things,outerbanks,the queens gamit ect. are stupid things that i wont be focusing on.and the shows he watch are just more stupider and has bad acting LOL
anyways i might not stick up to be a living human being so bye lol
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bahebak · 6 years
30 questions tag
I was tagged by @symphoniecraptastique , hey hey thanks bb you know I love you!!! <3 <3 <3
Rules: Answer 30 questions. Tag 10 blogs you want to get to know better.
Nickname(s):Taytay, Tater Tot, Frankie, and people at work started calling me Red becaUSE THERE ARE THREE TAYLORS ON MY UNIT AHHGGGGHH it’s such a common name oh also I have red hair that’s why
5′1...and a half!
Current time:
 2 AM
Favorite bands:
aHHHH???? way too hard of a question so I’ll just list some great bands I’ve been listening to lately: Animal Collective, Death Grips, Sparks, Talking Heads, Siouxsie Sioux and the Banshees, Cocteau Twins, The Cure, System of a Down....
Favorite solo artists:
Also a really difficult question to answer!!!! Probably Kate Bush, Selena, Prince, Bowie, Sade, Faye Wong, Akiko Yano, Nancy Ajram, & Myriam Fares 
Song stuck in my head:
One of my favs by Faye Wong it’s called Decadence please please put this on spotify omg ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ee8xD0c1qzU )
Last movie I saw:
The Matrix lmaoooo
Last show I watched:
Either Gintama or Nathan For You
When did I create my blog:
uhhh around 2011 woah
What do I post:
nothing good!
Last thing I googled:
“smoking cigarettes health benefits conspiracy“ because I heard there was a conspiracy theory about it but turns out it was just a meme hahaha
Do I have other blogs:
no bahebak is my baby but I should def be on here less so I can at least try to be productive
Do I get asks:
not often but I loooove answering them
Why did I choose my URL:
it just means love in arabic I know it’s uncreative I’ve wanted to change it for a while but when I searched my own blog name in the search bar (lmao) there were so many other bahebak’s with numbers after them so I was strangely happy to be the original
1,539 >:O
Followed by:
489 and a lot of them are bots but I hugely appreciate all of my followers and mutuals for sticking thru the horrible content I reblog and my occasional rants <3 <3 <3 <3 
Average hours of sleep:
it’s either like 4 or around 10 there’s no inbetween
Lucky number:
42069 hahaha humor uh actually I don’t have one!
Former flute (and recorder!!!) player, I’d love to get back into it when I have some free time, currently teaching myself piano
What I’m wearing:
many  c o m f y  layers
Dream Job:
hmmm something involving traveling, eating, studying and teaching different religions, cultures, and languages....
oh or an esthetician (but wish they were payed much higher :\) or a more realistic dream job would be what I’m actually planning in the future which is to be an Aesthetic/Dermatology Nurse Practitioner or Medical Spa Nurse (:
Favorite food:
ok so I’m a big slut for Palestinian/Lebanese, Mexican, Italian, Japanese, Thai, & Korean food but more specifically uhhh Pineapple fried rice (hoooooooo boi if you haven’t had this go out and get some right now... all the flavors and textures... wow I’m craving this so bad now) Sushi, pizza, chicken wings, molokhia over rice!!!!!!!, and of course... the god of all dishes... stuffed grapes leaves (warak diwali? idk how to type it just how to say it go get some Palestinian ones not the Greek dolma blehhh those don’t compare at all
*born in the usa by bruce springsteen plays muffled in the background*
My Favorite song:
This question is almost impossible so right now I really love the songs Night of the Swallow & Experiment IV by Kate Bush, Orange Appled by Cocteau Twins, and Born Under Punches by Talking Heads (more like Tina Weymouth and the boys amiright @symphoniecraptastique )
Last book I read:
oh man it’s been a while I’ve been meaning to read The Handmaid’s Tale and Leah Remini’s Troublemaker but probably Shane Dawson’s It gets Worse :P
Top three fictional universes I want to join:
(1) A mix of two of my childhood favorites... Naruto and The Last Airbender!!! I loved them so much as a kid that my neighbors and I made up a game called “Ninjas” that we each possessed different elements and trained and fought each other and enemies oh and we were ninjas too
(2) I love and will always love Kingdom hearts and in the game you can go to so many disney universes so that’s a plus also destiny island is the starting universe I use to have dreams that I would hang out with Sora, Kairi, and Riku trying to catch starfruit .... big cringe but it was sweet as a kid ok roast me
(3) mmm maybe some sappy lovey dovey unrealistic Korean Drama like Reply 1988/1997 or Coffee Prince!!!
ok if you made it this far thanks for reading love ya xoxoxo
I’m tagging @sonic06apologist @languagecrazy @ribitchulous @gingerche @jalukaw @hojabby @izukusfreckles @jerkbend @heart @swagipino @dangerouspers0n @xxxthottacion @sweetestpiano @googooshftbollywoodandkpop @thetyrannosaur @renm @karinadotgov @sinopea @naseemaa and anyone else who wants to do this ;--}
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kkamist · 6 years
tags (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)
ok so ive been tagged in different tags by different people ,,, nd have procrastinated on actually doing them ,, so i decided to compile all of them in one post !!
warning: this will be a v long post ,, read only if u wanna ,, know more abt me i guess (why would u lmAO)
fact tag?? i guess
rules: tag 9 people you want to get to know better and answer the questions
was tagged by maria !! @s0ftminho ♡ඩ⌔ඩ♡
Relationship status: single
Favourite colour: yellow,, peach,, nd black
Top 3 ships: oof idk?? oo nomin probably !!
Lipstick or chapstick: i dont use them :”)
Last song: im listening to gfriend - rough rn!
Last movie: spiderman homecoming hAHHAHA ( i was doing a mini marvel marathon bc my dad had the movies and didnt ! tell ! me ! but i uh stopped there lmao )
Top 3 shows: i dont watch shows often,, but i do rly like knowing brothers, night goblin :”) nd its dangerous outside the blanket! oooo theres also cafe amor that is p cute too !!
Currently reading: ok if manga counts, kimi no todoke nd bnha ,, if not ,, waking gods by sylvain neuvel (but i paused like ,, last yr prob hAHHA)
kpop + music tag!
ok so i was tagged by @01yoonjin to do ,, both of these tags if im not wrong,, and @maetaamong tagged me for the music shuffle tag and @hyuunjins tagged me for the kpop tag thingy aha
music shuffle tag
rules: put all of your phone’s music library – no playlists! – on shuffle. list the first ten songs that play. bold the song(s) that lift your mood and italicise the song(s) that makes you the most emotional. then tag ten people!
mad city - nct 127
campfire - svt
us now - vixx
hold me tight - bts
talk me down  - troye sivan
paradise - nct 127
too good - troye sivan
grr 총량의 법칙 - skz
another world - nct 127
blue - troye sivan ft alex hope
kpop tag
rules: answer the questions!
1) 5 favorite groups?
2) Top 5 on your bias list? (no particular order)
(lee) chan
(lee) mark
jr (jonghyun)
3) Ult Bias group and why you love them?
oof ok i,,, dont know? im not the type to actually Stay ulting a group?? like ill stan then ,,, then,, get into another grp,,, yeah,,,, im not v loyal aa my friends always ask what grps i stan and im liek ,,,,, idk,,,, i stan a Lot,,, (that was a real convo between a new friend i made weeks ago) but i guess,, atm its skz? their music is,, my taste? like the meaning of it nd all,, and uh theyre also v v fun to b with,, there isnt a moment when i dont smile whenever i see one of their vids or during their vlives :”) tbh what i like the most in groups i stan is their humor lmao,,, like if theyre v funny, i automatically love them even more :”))
4) Ult Bias and why you love them?
again,,, idk man,, i dont think i even Ult hAHHA ok but i ,, rlly like bae jinyoung nd chani hHAHHA ok but also ,,,, hyunjin. that boy,,,,,  id do anything for him tbh ,,  also bjy wasnt even mentioned in  2 but,,, i rlly love him ,, like idk,, i dont stan w1 as much now but ,, whenever i see him im like :-))))) (same goes for chani aa) fiuwe idk y i like them sm tho aa
5) Favorite Kpop Meme
iiiiii dont have any guawdeij
6) Favorite pic of your ult? (I dare you to only pick one)
ok what,,, i dont even know my ult hAHAH
7) 5 Favorite Kpop MVs
dont stop - twice (this is in jap tho,, does it count?)
nuest - daybreak
blooming days - exo cbx
you&me - kisum
go - nct dream
8) 10 Favorite Kpop songs?
vivid - loona/heejin
heart attack - loona/chuu
singing in the rain - loona/jinsoul
scentist - vixx
boss - nct u
rollercoaster - chungha
shine - pentagon
blooming days - exo cbx
trigger - vixx
my valentine - vixx
nd a lot more auief
9) Favorite Kpop crack video?
oof i dont watch crack often-
10) Favorite content creator within the fandom?
all of them!! :”)
11) What fandoms would you say you’re an active member of?
aa atm the sk fandom !! i was q active in the svt fandom in my main blog but i dont make content anymore :-( i do want to b active in other grps (like nct nd sf9 nd mayb nuest) but i dont have enough Commitment to run other blogs at the same time :”)))
12) Take your top 3 biases- fmk
these arent my top 3 but-
F(riendly convo with) - murk leeeee
M - oof tbh id marry seungcheol or mingYU OmG :-)))))))) hes not my bias but ,, hes such husband material tbh ,,,,,,,,
K - lee chan bc he,, keeps Killing me w those looks even when im tryna stan another grp ughrei
13) If you could be best friends with any idol, who would you choose?
chani? or chenle!! for chani ,, we’re q similar nd we both like chicken !!!!!!!!!!!! so yes. for chenle ,, we’re also kinda similar but we def have the same humor ,,, which is always great  :^)))))
14) If you could date any idol, who?
hm,,, tbh these days ive been feeling Soft for mark (lee) nd !! also bjy ,,,, ahHa im sorry hyunjin yshvriIHFED
15) What’s one Kpop album you think everyone should have listened to?
vixx - eau de vixx bc nO ONE i know talks abt it :-((((
16) Are you a soft or a hard stan?
swoft??? or medium idK HAHAH
17) An idol that makes you go into soft mode?
100% hyunjin,,, Also bjy.
18) An idol that makes you want to smash the empire state building with one single punch?
o man is also hyunjin aLSO mark lee :-))))))))))
19) Favorite vocalist?
oof hm,, defo seungkwan ,,, seokmin,,, basically svt’s vocal team :-))) oOF reading this again ,, yo haechan???? God tier vocals,,, pls stan nct :-)))
20) Favorite Rapper?
oo ok so i watched high school rapper nd i really like osshun? nd oH bang jaemin :”) aa i need to watch s2 soon jgafiue
in terms of idols, defo 3racha,,, theyre So Good uiahrfiu
21) Favorite dancer?
aAA in terms of girls: cHUNGHA!! for boys its ,, basically all of svt performance team nd,, ten and taeyong- (i like a lot of dancers its hard to choose ifajoiwe)
22) Things you have in common with your ult?
ok i,, dk my ult but ill just do it w the idols i put in in that q - for hyunjin i feel like we ,, both struggle w cooking lmAo nd have troubles waking up early :”) ,, actually now that i think abt it,, were both v quiet nd shy but when u get to know us? were v Loud nd savage (same w bjy nd chani) also again ,, chani likes chicken, i do too so :-)))))))
23) The mot beautiful trait any idol can have?
hm,, confidence? it takes a lot for someone to just go on stage and sing/dance etc,, like i would Never b able to do that- (proven today: had a skit and had a shaky voice the whole time , also laughed alot oops)
24) Songs that will always make you jam along?
vIVID by heejin nd singing in the rain by jinsoul nD ALL THE OTHER LOONA SONGS-
also rock by skz !!!!! nd nd omg rollercoaster by chungha nd,,, scentist by vixx nd many others hAHAH
25) Your worst wrecker?
in skz its ,,,,,,,, ***** :-)) also nomin have been wrecking me these days ,, rip
26) Any kpop concerts you’ve been to?
0 bc my parents wont let me :-(
27) Favorite choreo?
there r too many-
28) Favorite live performance?
also too many- but i do like concert performances where the fans sing along too- like those Hit me in the feels everytime (eg: smile flower - svt!!!) iahfnie (does this even count lmao)
29) Favorite debut mv?
adore u- svt !! (3rd anniv coming up ihHIWU)
30) Recommend a rookie group
skz obv, loona, unb ,, (g)i-dle !!
31) A kpop song you could listen to every day for the rest of your life?
there is a Lot but prob vivid - heejin hAHAH I RLLY LIKE THAT SONG AUWIFHIAU
20 question tag!
rules: answer 20 questions and then tag twenty people you want to get to know better
i was tagged by em !! @realstraykids  (´∀`)♡
name: hazirah (oo name reveal :^))
nickname(s): haz
zodiac sign: scorpio
height: i am smoller than em ,, barely 5 feet :-)))))))))
languages spoken: ok ,, eng, malay, arabic, uuuh tiiiiiny bit of chinese and im now (kind of) self learning korean :^)
nationality: singaporean
favourite season: ok we dont have fall in sg,, but fall !!
favourite flowers: baby’s breath!
favourite scents: the scent of fried chicken :-)) or fresh laundry ,,, also petrol smell :-) 
favourite color: i answered above but yellow, peach nd black
favourite animal: shiba inus !!
favourite fictional characters: mmmm kacchan nd aizawa nD TODOROKI IFIAEUR HOW COULD I FORGET HIM O Mg frm bnha !! also baz nd simon frm the book carry on, simon by raindow rowell (one of my fav books tbh) ,,,, also tanaka frm tanaka kun is always listless bc hes goals tbh. ALSO oMg USUI TAKUMI FRM KAICHOU WA MAID SAMA OH MY GODUIHF
coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: ok in cold countries i Always get hot chocolate,, here in sg i always get green tea,, or ice lemon tea sometimes :-)))
average sleeping hours: 5-6
dog or cat person: both but more towards cats tbh
number of blankets you sleep with: 1
dream trip: the world !! or like japan/england ,, 
blog established: feb 1 2018
followers: a number :-)
random fact: mmmmmmmm i broke my fast w two of my friends last night nd caught up w each other nd im v happy :-)))))
nd thats the end !! (not really,, theres like 2 slefie tags but i have 0 pics oops) but if you read through all this,, congratulations,, you probably know me more than my classmates :-))))
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hotseok · 5 years
Idk if you’re into 80s music, anyway cloudbusting and running up that hill by Kate Bush
not my style but the mv aesthetics tho
Anonymous said:underwater by rüfüs du sol
this just sounds like noise to me :( and that’s saying sumn as someone that stans mx
Anonymous said:omri maak/leila men el layali/layali el hob by cyrine abdelnour and ah w noss by nancy ajram (yeah i love arab music)
okay u better show up with the arab music we had to stan
Anonymous said:Ive been listening to gallant a lot lately, im really liking his songs weight in gold and crimes, and then if you want a Completely different vibe, you can check out the regrettes, their like a garage rock band but on spotify, i like most of their songs like seashore and dead wrong, plus they have one called poor boy that was kinda inspired by #timesup and calls out tr*mp lmao
oh i already listen to gallant!! ima check out the regrettes tho their name is already,,, kin
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chanbyung · 7 years
8 Questions Tag
i was tagged by @kakaotaeks for the 8 questions tag to answer her 8 questions and then tag people to answer my eight questions
1. If you could pick 3 languages to speak and understand fluently, what would they be? Spanish, Mandarin, Arabic
2. How did you get into K-Pop? i cant remember who it was a while ago i had a mutual who turned into a kpop blog and i checked out kpop from there. the first song i actively listened to would have been i need u
3. If you had the ability to shapeshift into any mythological creature, what would you choose? siren
4. What’s the most embarrassing thing to happen to you in front of your crush? i dont embarrass myself easily tbh. i think its awkward that when i genuinely laugh i get really really red. oh and they always had to see me after gym ugh :(
5. Name 3 Tumblr blogs you want to become friends with. @se-juns @seungwootology @heochxn (sam and i have actually talked a good bit i just miss her)
6. What’s the weirdest food you’ve eaten? nothing weird really. ive had escargot and caviar but those arent that interesting
7. One fictional world you wish you could be transported to? this is lame but like harry potter
8. One beverage you would wipe off the face of the earth? i dont think there are any drinks i HATE well i kinda take that back. idk how moxie is still holding on but they sell it in some stores up here
My Questions:
1. If ghosts can walk through walls and glide down stairs, why don't they fall through the floor?
2. Where would you go in a time travel machine? Would you stay?
3.Why does quicksand work slowly?
4.Would you rather be really really big or really really small?
5.Why does grape flavor smell the way it is when actual grapes don't taste or smell anything like it.?
6.What music do you want at your funeral?
7. You can give one object (the same object) to everyone in the world. What is it, and why?
8.If a jogger runs at the speed of sound, can he still hear his iPod?
i tag @junheeschoice @javajaeyoon @seokf9
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i-amusemyself · 7 years
All Emoji Asks.
🐰 what is one secret youve never told anyone?I don't really have that many secrets. I guess theres a side of my personality that I spend a lot of energy supressing like hell that I hate with a passion.💗 if you could hug anyone, who would it be?Right now? My best friend right next to me or my friend back home.🐹 what are some of your favourite pokemons and why?I mean, I only ever played pokemon go, but from that I loved the squirtles and the evees just bc theyre cute af🌠 if you were in charge of the world what would it be like?A lot more chilled out. Chill pills would be mandatory.👀 what was the most recent vivid dream you had?Okay I had two freaking weird ones the other night?In one I was a 10 y/o muslim girl going to a new primary school and while I was there I started raising money for a cancer charity.In the other I was taking a really hard A level maths exam and getting stressed and mad bc everyone kept talking and I couldnt finish it in time.☀ what do you like most about your best friend?EVERYTHING?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Idk, I guess how forgiving and layed back she is. She always tries to understand and see things from your point of view.😘 talk about your crush or partnerLmao I'm alone 😂 I do have a crush but its a million miles from mutual so like, shes amazing but boi it hurts 😂💁 if someone was rude to you would you be rude back?Depends on how well I know them and what they're like tbh. I'll banter, but I avoid confrontation.🌟 what do you like about yourself? (3 things)😂😂😂 wow erm...1. I always try and put in all the energy I have if someone/something needs it2. I make loads of terrible puns its gr93. I really dont have any other qualities idk🐾 what are you scared of most? How will you overcome it?👏 I'm terrified of abandonment 👏 aaaand as of yet I have no idea how to deal with it ngl🎁 what never fails to make you happy?Really good stand up commedy or my favourite music💙 what annoys you about some people?Their complete lack of self-awareness. Idk, maybe I'm low key jealous too but srsly some people????😤 do you get angry easily?Yeah. I keep pretty good tabs on it so you probs wouldnt know it, but if something upsets me, chances are I'm hella pissed too.🐇 what do you always daydream about?Dramatic and upsetting situations or drunk situations 😂🌻 if you could change 3 things about the world what would you change?1. Sort out equality and all that jazz2. Divide up the land more equally, bc it pisses me off that some people are living in tiny cramped shacks and others have 100 mile square farms.3. End capitalism and with that make all necessary services free.🍓 send me 4 names: kiss, befriend, kill or marry?Anon?✈ what is your dream city and why?I mean Ive always wanted to go to copenhagen but theres no guarantee its gonna be my fave. My fave so far is Amsterdam bc its so peaceful and the architecture is to die for.☕ talk about your ideal day?Spend it with my best friend/crush. Lay in bed late and be lazy and watch good TV/movies. Maybe go out in the afternoon to not go stir crazy and entertain ourselves. Stay up kinda late talking about deep shit, lying underneath the stars.🌸 are you an introvert, ambivert or extrovert?Ambivert!💧 when was the last time you cried?Yesterday lmao 😂 i havent gone more than 2 days without crying in the past week 😧 I just got myself into a nice Depression Episode.🎵 name 5 songs you like atm?Argh I havent listened to music in so long (7 days...) umm so things i wanna listen to- youth by daughter- voices by Motionless in white- living dead girl by rob zombie- corpse roads by keaton hensen- lost boy by troye sivan⚡ if you had any superpower what would it be and why?Mind reading bc my anxiety would be halved.💛 if you could talk to your younger self, what would you say?I'd tell myself to stop trying to fit in and be like everybody else because the people I know are just a tiny portion of the population and really aren't much to aspire to. I'd tell myself to drop all my shitty friends because it would stop me from dealing with a lot of crap later on. I'd point myself in the right direction of the better people 😂I'd teach myself how to stand up for myself and how to not take any crap.And I'd give myself a hug and tell myself it's okay not to be cishet, because maybe if I could turn back time and start to deal with it earlier I'd be okay with it now.💚 who are you jealous of and why?A lot of people really, with qualities I don't have.I suppose one kid in particular is like, everything i want to be. Kind, hillarious, confident, close to people I love. 💎 what would you rather have more of: intelligence, beauty, kindness, wealth or bravery? Why?Bravery or kindness?? Its hard to have one without the other. Also beauty ngl bc im fugly.🙊 what are you ashamed of?My gender and sexuality 👏🌺 which languages do you know? Which do you want to learn?I know english and spanish and I'm learning Danish. Hopefully once I'm okay at danish I can learn arabic. Ill be satisfied after that 😂☘ if you could be any fictional characters friend/lover who would it be and why?I mean, theres plenty of fictional lesbians where im like 😏👀 but honestly if I had to pick only one person I'd choose Kieren Walker from in the flesh bc he needs a friend and I relate to him so strongly.☁ talk about your dream universe.Mental and physical illness doesnt exist. People arent dicks. Everything is free. No one feels unloveable.💜 which acts of kindness are you going to do today?Idk I'm p much done for the day 😂 I've been helping out around the house all day tho🐬 if you could transform into any animal what would it be and why?I mean i might be biased but either a dog or a sloth bc they get to sleep all the time 😂🍄 talk about someone/something you really dislike.Someone I was best friends with for 4 years suddenly turned around and stabbed me in the back, made up shit about me, arranged that all my friends not talk to me for a fortnight, sent group emails stuffed with emotional manipulation and blamed me for her suicidal thoughts. I nearly ended it. Now I get to watch my friends still loving her like she isn't the world's most heartless person. It makes my blood boil.😣 talk about something that has been making you depressed/angry/anxious.I'm staying with my best friend rn and I can't stand the thought of going home.🍪 what did you want to be as a kid and what do you want to be now?I wanted to be a nurse and now I wanna be a doctor 👏 variety 👏🍰 what are some of your favourite sugary foods?I cant really eat sugar 😂 so fuck knows? Chocolate?🍑 what are you obsessed with?Brains, thought processes, psychopaths, graveyards and more 😂💘 what happens to you when youre stressed?I just get really emotional and start agressively making lists everywhere in an attempt to sort my life out.😪 what are you sick of?Humanity.🙀 are you an adrenaline seeker?Yeah its terrible 😂 i hate anxiety but I also kinda love it when my heart races.💥 what are some unpopular opinions you have?I....dont? I cba with discourse lifes too short.☔ would you consider yourself a good person?I think anyone with good intentions is usually a good person so yeah😊 what do you do as hobbies?Sleep, binge watch netflix and blog 😂🎤 whats the last song you hummed or sang by yourself?👏👏👏 Mr Brightside 👏👏👏 what a jam 👏👏👏🐝 whats your worst trait?Being waaayyy too clingy.🌷 whats your mbti personality type and why do you think it suits you?ISFJ and yeah defo, its the defender and I feel that tbh🐶 send me 3 fictional people and ill choose my favourite.Anon?👑 who are your favourite celebrities and why?Kaitlyn Alexander is my bae.Besides that I dont really....obsess over any celebrities? Eliza taylor is doing p good 😂 ummm also some youtubers? Do they count?🐴 opinion on __?Its a great bit of punctuation.🍋 do you consider yourself to be an emotional person?Lmfaoooooo YES📚 share 3 books you love and your favourite quotes from them.M8. Thats not gonna happen 😂 I love any book that makes me cry but I cannot quote a single word.😔 what do you always do when you feel sad? Does it work?Find a quiet corner, shut my eyes and listen to my Depression Playlist. It doesn't always make me feel better but it helps me ride it out.🙂 what thoughts keep you going when you're sad?The thoughts of uni and that I'll hopefully meet some great new people. Also my best friend. Just in general 😂🌎 which country do you live in?England.🐧 describe yourself in 3 words?Awkward, tall and shy.🙉 what quotes changed you?"Pick your fights" bc as much as its a meme it helps me chill outAlso "everything is temporary" and "the sun will rise and we will try again".💭 do you keep a diary?I have a personal blog which acts as a diary yeah💫 who inspires you?Kaitlyn Alexander!! (Listen theyre like the first nb representation I ever knew and I relate so much to everything they say and theyre so cute and talented)👻 do you believe in ghosts and why?I mean, my initial response is no. Because we're just bags of flesh made up of cells and when we die those cells die so theres nothing to live on.But tbh we know so little about the universe I'm open to the possibility of anything at this point.🎀 whats your fashion sense like?Dior. I know what clothes I like and think look good but I never like them on me.🎬 what are some of your favourite films?Deadpool, My sisters keeper, pitch perfect 2 ermm🍦 what is one treasured childhood memory?UmmmmmmmmmmmmWhen I first got my bunny, that was an amazing day!!🐼 if you could meet anyone, who would it be and why?Um my soulmate? Where are they at?
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ofthemother-blog · 8 years
Its really albeist to say that Casca is useless as a character because her mind is broken. People with mental illnesses and disabilities rarely get any good representation in media, they should have a place in fiction too because their stories are just as valuable as a person who does not suffer from mental illnesses or disabilities.
Just fucking shut the fuck up and stop all that damn whining. Yeah its hurtful because Casca became this way due to what happened to her. We really want her to be okay and thats fine, but man to call her an idiot because of the way she is now To call her names like potato ( Im guilty of this bullshit. I guess shes called that because of what shes wearing idk but still…) or calling her worthless and saying that shes gonna kill herself or return to Griffith is just wild dumb.
I mean fucking think about it for a second. In real life there are women who are suffering from the same shit that Casca is suffering from. The physical, emotional, spiritual, and MENTAL trauma that rape causes is no fucking joke. It’s nothing to play with. Victims of rape suffer from some of the most horrible physical injuries ive ever fucking heard of. And just like Casca, they CAN regress depending on the severity.
Think about Rwanda, World War II, The Arab and Transatlantic slave trades. These are just a few examples where rape was used as a monstrous weapon against people. Would you call the victims of these crimes potatos? Would you call them idiots? Would you call them worthless? A waste of space. Would you tell them to give up and that they should kill themselves? Would you tell them that they should go back to their rapists? Would you tell a victim of domestic violence that they should go back to their husbands or boyfriends? Or wives or girlfriends????
Would you call them potatos, idiots, or worthless? If you would youre a fucking piece of shit.
I mean fuck Guts isnt mentally stable . I laugh at you if you think he is just because hes swinging a huge sword and can actually do things. That doesnt make him better than Casca I’m afraid in terms of principle. It just means that he deals with his trauma in a different way and hes fucking been SCRAMBLING to get Casca back for 3-4 years now.
But i dont hear you guys calling Guts a fuckin potato or whatever????
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