#Queen Theia
shallyne · 2 years
Crescent City + ACOTAR Theory
So, like I said earlier I started googling the meaning of names and fell into a mythology hole, kinda.
And in mythology Theia had three kids. Helios, the god of the sun, Selene, the goddess of the moon and Eos, the goddess of dawn and Eos had a consort, Orion.
Now, I already formed this theory half once without any hints but let's remember canon (I don't have screenshots of the books where it was said, I'm sorry)
But it is said that Theia had two daughters and it's theorized that she was the Queen of the dusk court.
This is the description of Helena (from CC wiki): She had night coloured hair and golden skin that poured starlight and shadows. This description makes me think of the Night Court and that Helena had ties to the Night Court. Which makes me think that Helena is Selene.
Then we know that there is an unnamed, second daughter. I think that daughter is going to be Helios in this comparison, but I think her name will be Hemera and she will have ties to the Day Court.
Then there is a daughter left: Eos. Who isn't mentioned in Crescent City. There are just two daughters mentioned but I think there will be a third daughter, Aidas' daughter (I think she will be called Aurora) and from this line is Bryce descended. Through hundreds or maybe even thousands of generations, she is related to Aidas. And in that bloodline, at some point, it descends into the human Archeron bloodline.
+ in Mythology Eos consort is Orion.
Orion "Hunt" Athalar? 😏
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offtorivendell · 2 years
The Dusk Court - Part II, Powerful Heirlooms and the Four Treasures of the Tuatha de Danann
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Disclaimer - this theory is simply that, a theory, which may or may not come to pass. When I’m specifying which Prythian object of power was “inspired by” each of the Tuatha de Danann’s four treasures, I’m only listing my thoughts. When I refer to "the Dusk Court," I am speaking of either the Court precursor that once existed, or its lost people. Thank you as always to @ladynightcourt3 and @wingedblooms for all of your theory chats and help, you are both so appreciated. 💜
Spoilers - all ACOTAR, CC and TOG books to date (November 2022). 
This post is a long time coming, as it began as a follow up to my The Dusk Court, the Hewn City and Hybern theory in June (I think) of 2021. The Hybern part of that theory appears to have been debunked in CC HOSAB, though I do still think that Hybern could play into everything, but the Hewn City is, in my opinion, still quite relevant (especially because there is a Lord Thanatos there, who shares a name with the Prince of the Ravine - one of the circles of Hel we learnt about in CC). Are the people of the Court of Nightmares aware of Hel's Thanatos, or is the name cultural in some way? But I digress...
Suggested reading:
The Dusk Court - Part I
Is ACOTAR's Koschei the Death God actually Fionn, the once - and, he likely hopes, future - High King of Prythian?
Theia's Secret Legacy
Powerful parallels between Bryce, Theia and the Archeron sisters
Are the Archeron sisters distantly descended from the Starborn fae of the Dusk Court? OP from @wingedblooms, with my reblog
From what Nesta Archeron saw in the unhallowed catacombs - unholy, wicked, unconsecrated; underground cemetery - of the Hewn City, we can assume that the Court of Nightmares has amassed a decent hoard of magical objects, presumably many of which made the journey with them from what would have been the Dusk Court (if that theory pans out in any way), though that may not be the case for all of them. The "half-imprisoned" objects gave me Sword in the Stone vibes - and, as I've said before, I wouldn't be surprised if Azriel himself had an Arthur freeing Excalibur moment with Truth-Teller when he found it - but I doubt that they all contain the same level of power as the Veritas, the Ouroboros, Gwydion, Narben and Truth Teller. Some seem very powerful, and possibly imbued with raw power like Made items, but not all.
Feyre frowned at her mate. “They’re different from the objects of power in the Hewn City? What can they do?” Nesta had tried her best to forget that night she and Amren had gone to test her so-called gift against the hoard within those unhallowed catacombs. The objects had been half-imprisoned in the stone itself: knives and necklaces and orbs and books, all shimmering with power. None of it pleasant. For the Dread Trove to be worse than what she’d witnessed … - Nesta, ACOSF, chapter 20 
Rhys’s eyes flicked to Ataraxia, then to Cassian. “Some strains of the mythology claim that one of the Fae heroes who rose up to overthrow them was Fionn, who was given the great sword Gwydion by the High Priestess Oleanna, who had dipped it into the Cauldron itself. Fionn and Gwydion overthrew the Daglan. A millennium of peace followed, and the lands were divided into rough territories that were the precursors to the courts—but at the end of those thousand years, they were at each other’s throats, on the brink of war.” His face tightened. “Fionn unified them and set himself above them as High King. The first and only High King this land has ever had.” Nesta could have sworn the last words were spoken with a sharp look toward Cassian. But Cassian only winked at Rhys. “What happened to the High King?” Feyre asked. Rhys ran a hand over a page of the book. “Fionn was betrayed by his queen, who had been leader of her own territory, and by his dearest friend, who was his general. They killed him, taking some of his bloodline’s most powerful and precious weapons, and then out of the chaos that followed, the seven High Lords rose, and the courts have been in place ever since.” - ACOSF, chapter 55 
It is curious, though, and potentially relevant, that besides the Dread Trove objects - the Crown, Harp and Mask, and one a mystery - we have learnt of four other historically significant magical items, two of which are canonically linked to Mor’s family, who I suspect are a cadet branch of the Dusk Court's old High Family, and two weapons (three if we count Truth-Teller). Four magical objects - the Veritas, the Ouroboros, Gwydion and Narben - potentially tied to a Court who theoretically fled underground, or into hiding, millennia ago… sounds familiar, no? 
“She brought me to a room full of treasure. Strange objects. And it …” She tugged at the tight sleeve of her gown. “Some of it wanted to hurt us. As if it were alive—aware. Like … like in all those stories and lies we were fed over the wall.” - ACOWAR, chapter 27 
The Tuatha De Danann, who I mentioned briefly in Part I, The Theory as a possible inspiration for the history of the now defunct Dusk Court of Prythian, are said to have had amongst their magical objects Four Treasures, or Jewels (1, 2), when they arrived in Ireland in a great cloud of smoke (or mist) from four island cities (other stories say that they arrived in ships, and that the cloud was the result of those ships being burnt): 
The Undry - the Cauldron of Abundance, brought from Murias, the fortress of pinnacles, and was given to Dagda Mor, by the druid Seimhias. It is said that everyone leaves it satisfied, or that it contains an endless food supply, and that its waters could heal any wound - even going so far as to raise the dead, that it was a bottomless passage to the Otherworld. Dagda was a father figure/king amongst the Tuatha De, and was known for both his wisdom and magic. 
Lia Fail - the Stone of Kings, brought from Falias, the city of the sciences. It was supposedly placed in Tara, and still exists there today. Whenever a true king of Ireland sat on it, it would cry out loud beneath him. It is also known as the Coronation Stone of Tara. 
Spear of Destiny - the Spear of Lugh of the Silver Arm, brough from Goirias, the city of the faith, where “every word was a prayer.” The druid Easras is said to have warped the fates into Lugh’s spear, such that any who held it would never lose a battle, but would die if it was lost. 
Claiomh Solais - the Sword of Light, forged by Uiscias in the day-foundries of the city of Fionnias/Finias the bright, and used in battle by Nuada, the first king of the Tuatha De; it is also known as the sword of Nuada. It was described as glowing like a torch, and will slay whomever it was drawn against. It is said to have fallen into the underworld after it was used to slay the Taker of Souls, but rumours exist that a fairy queen reclaimed it, and will lend it to heroes who complete three tasks for her. 
The four objects that I suspect are linked to the Dusk Court are probably not exact replicas of the Four Treasures of the Tuatha De Danann, but they could have been inspired by them and, as I will attempt to explain, contain similar properties/have been paralleled in the text. Azriel’s dagger, Truth-Teller, is likely also important, so I will discuss it here, too (though I have a more detailed post here if you're interested). 
Veritas - inspired by the Undry
There was an orb, it turned out, that had belonged to Mor’s family for millennia: the Veritas. It was rife with the truth-magic she’d claimed to possess—that many in her bloodline also bore. And the Veritas was one of their most valued and guarded talismans. - ACOMAF, chapter 41  
The Veritas is an intriguing object; a valued and guarded “talisman” - an object thought to have magical powers that can bring about good luck - of Mor’s family, that has existed for millennia, at the very least. It’s power appears to be kin to what Mor “claimed to possess,” which I suspect is more than simply being able to know or tell truths. What if the Veritas could also do more than satisfy people of the truth of a matter? 
The orb was known amongst the humans, had been wielded by them in the War, Rhys told me over a quiet dinner that night. The queens would know it. And would know it was absolute truth, not illusion or a trick, when we used it to show them—like peering into a living painting—that this city and its good people existed. - ACOMAF, chapter 41
I suspect that the Veritas is the ACOTAR version of The Undry, Dagda’s Cauldron of Abundance. As Feyre noted in ACOMAF, Rhys told her over dinner that the queens would know the Veritas, that it would be able to satisfy their desire for proof of the Night Court’s intentions for the Book of Breathings. Describing the Veritas itself as like a “ripe apple” brought food back to mind, and Feyre’s description of the cloud that came from the Veritas as leaking from the orb, swirling, roiling and drifting across the carpet, is using imagery that brings to mind both the water that would be inside any cauldron, including the Undry, as well as the Cauldron of ACOTAR itself, but the Tuatha de Danann's arrival to Ireland in mythology. There are also potential water/rift associations which, if confirmed, could parallel the Book of Breathings being thrown into Prythian's Cauldron and ending up in Midgard, with Bryce.
The obvious water and cauldron based adjectives also reminded me of when Elain was washed from the Cauldron, in chapter 65 of ACOMAF, “as if she’d been thrown by a wave.” The Veritas is also frequently described as an orb - a spherical body, a globe - which could be a reference to the Cauldron of ACOTAR, which is tied to the life of their world. 
Mor opened the lid of the black box. The silver orb inside glimmered like a star under glass. “This is the Veritas,” Mor said in a voice that was young and old. “The gift of my first ancestor to our bloodline. Only a few times in the history of Prythian have we used it—have we unleashed its truth upon the world.” She lifted the orb from its velvet nest. It was no larger than a ripe apple, and fit within her cupped palms as if her entire body, her entire being, had been molded for it. “Truth is deadly. Truth is freedom. Truth can break and mend and bind. The Veritas holds in it the truth of the world. I am the Morrigan,” she said, her eyes not wholly of this earth. The hair on my arms rose. “You know I speak truth.” She set the Veritas onto the carpet between us. Both queens leaned in. But it was Rhys who said, “You desire proof of our goodness, our intentions, so that you may trust the Book in our hands?” The Veritas began pulsing, a web of light spreading with each throb. … Mor stretched out a hand, and a pale cloud swirled from the orb, merging with its light as it drifted past our ankles. The queens flinched, the guards edging forward with hands on their weapons. But the clouds continued roiling as the truth of it, of Velaris, leaked from the orb, from whatever it dragged up from Mor, from Rhys. From the truth of the world. - ACOMAF, chapter 57 
The Veritas was then further paralleled with the Undry at the Inner Circle’s meeting with the queens, as Mor mentioned that it had been given to her bloodline - the Morrigan of Irish mythology was married to Dagda - and that Truth can “break and mend and bind,” which sounds like a nod to the Undry’s ability to heal any wound, not to mention the possibilities for the Veritas future use. Thinking further along this track, could the Veritas “break and mend and bind” a mating bond, if the right person were to wield it? Healing any wound could also, possibly, play a role with the crossover going forward; can the Veritas somehow access the same space between as the Cauldron, or a pocket realm of sorts? Could it play a role in breaking apart the rifts, sealing out the Asteri/any other enemies like the Valg, and then mend and bind the populations of the Dusk Court and other involved fae worlds? 
Ouroboros - inspired by the Lia Fail   
“My sister had a collection of mirrors in her black castle,” the Carver said. We halted once more. “She admired herself day and night in those mirrors, gloating over her youth and beauty. There was one mirror -- the Ouroboros, she called it. It was old, even when we were young. A window to the world. All could be seen, all could be told through its dark surface. Keir possesses it -- an heirloom of his household. Bring it to me. That is my price. The Ouroboros, and I am yours to wield. If you can find a way to free me.” A hateful smile. - ACOWAR, chapter 24 
The Ouroboros in our real world is an ancient symbol that depicts a serpent swallowing its own tail, which signifies “the mystery of cyclical time, which flows back into itself,” and is an emblem of wholeness, or infinity. This is likely significant, as cyclical time, which focuses on the idea of “renewal, repetition, and regeneration,” appears to be a common theme amongst SJM’s works.
I won’t mention her use of cyclical time in Throne of Glass, as that would contain too many spoilers (and take up too much time), but it is also rife both in A Court of Thorns and Roses itself, and between CC, TOG and ACOTAR, in the many parallels that we have all noted between characters as individuals, and their relationships. One clear example of this - and please note that I am not suggesting that Lucien is anything like Beron in either his personality or behaviour, just that Lucien's position in his respective "love triangle" appears to be the same - is the parallel between the relationships of Azriel, Elain and Lucien Vanserra, and Helion, the Lady of Autumn, and Beron Vanserra. As we saw in TOG, the “repeated” event tends to resolve itself successfully, so I suspect that (though of course I could be wrong), in this instance, Beron and Lucien are foils for each other, used to highlight how terrible Beron is, and that Lucien will not - would not - go down the same path. 
The Ouroboros that we know from ACOTAR is also known as the “the Mirror of Beginnings and Endings, which definitely sounds like it has taken inspiration from the ancient Ouroboros of our own world, yet I believe that, in the context of the Four Treasures of the Tuatha De Danann, it may represent the Lia Fail - the Stone of Kings. This is potentially more of an abstract parallel than that of the any of the other pairings, but please bear with me, and I think (and hope) it will make sense. 
The Ouroboros in ACOTAR might show you your true self, warts and all - perhaps even your "fanged beast" - but it is constantly written in terms of mastery, worthiness, and servitude, which are three themes that are strongly associated with kings… and High Lords. The Bone Carver even called Feyre and Rhys “majesties” when they went to speak to him about the Ouroboros (a possible nod to any future high king plot, perhaps). 
“Feyre and Cassian spoke to the Bone Carver. He wants the Ouroboros in exchange for serving us—fighting Hybern for us. - ACOWAR, chapter 27 
I could not find an account of anyone who had mastered it. Faced what lurked within and walked away with the mirror in their possession. - ACOWAR, chapter 29 
“Pick something else,” I replied. And not a fool’s errand this time. “What would you give me? Riches do me no good down here. Power holds no sway over the stone.” … “It is rude, Majesties, to speak when no one can hear you.” - ACOWAR, chapter 40 
Rage—blistering rage started to fill in the holes left by what I’d beheld in that mirror. “You wanted to see if I was worthy?” - ACOWAR, chapter 68.
Feyre looked into and mastered the mirror to prove herself worthy of the Bone Carver’s service in the war against Hybern in ACOWAR, the imagery of which is a metaphor for the Lia Fail declaring whether the person who sits on top of it as being worthy of a kingdom and its rule. 
The last we saw of the Ouroboros, Feyre gave it to the Carver in his cell at the Prison. Is it still there? Could it be the reason why Elain - and likely Azriel - will visit the Prison in the book that they will likely share? If "power holds no sway over the stone," was the Ouroboros a chess piece that needed to be moved to the Prison to facilitate future events, and the Bone Carver knew this? How? Regardless, given both Feyre and Rhys, as well as Nesta and Cassian, journeyed there together, it seems safe to assume that Elain and her love interest will do the same. 
Whether or not the Ouroboros is still in the Carver’s cell in the Prison, I believe it will play a part in Elain’s - and potentially Azriel’s - story. If you look carefully, the mirror has consistently been written in terms and themes that we associate with Elain, Az, and both of them combined. Feyre thought, in chapter 27 of ACOWAR, that Elain “might very well have gone mad” when she was Seeing things after her transformation, and Rhys noted in chapter 7 of ACOFAS that the “lightless, airless prison” in which Azriel spent his childhood was meant to “break him.” Lucien even told Feyre he wanted to see if Elain was "worth" fighting for.
Furthermore, beginnings are representative of the rebirth of Spring, and Endings with Death - both themes that many associate with Elain and Azriel, respectively. In chapters 67 and 68 of ACOWAR, the Mirror is extensively linked to moonlight and winter - again, possibly metaphors for Elain and Azriel… and maybe the Mother and Koschei/Void related beings? I realise that Nesta also has associations with moonlight, however I think Elain shares some of this imagery: she smells like jasmine and honey, and jasmine is the first scent Feyre smelt when she arrives at the moonstone palace above the Court of Nightmares, where the Ouroboros was once kept; additionally, Mor was admiring a moonstone necklace when she and Feyre were discussing Elain, Azriel and Truth-Teller in ACOFAS (I'll come back to the Truth-Teller scene below).  
Keir rose to his feet, smirking like a cat with a canary in its mouth. “To take the Ouroboros, to claim it, you must first look into it.” He headed for the doors, not waiting to be dismissed. “And everyone who has attempted to do so has either gone mad or been broken beyond repair. Even a High Lord or two, if legend is true.” A shrug. “So it is yours, if you dare to face it.” Keir paused at the threshold as the doors opened on a phantom wind. - ACOWAR, chapter 26 
But as for the Carver … “He wanted a—gift. In exchange. The Ouroboros.” The Suriel let out a sound that might have been a gasp—delight or horror, I did not know. “The Mirror of Beginnings and Endings.” “Yes—but … I cannot retrieve it.” “You are afraid to look. To see what is within.” “Will it drive me—mad? Break me?” - ACOWAR, chapter 58 
I did not expect the snow. Or the moonlight. The chamber must have lain beneath the palace of moonstone—shafts in the rough rock leading outside, welcoming in snowdrifts and moonlight. […] And there, against the far wall of the chamber, snow crusting its surface, its bronze casing … The Ouroboros. - ACOWAR, chapter 68  
The Clever Crow, on Instagram, has suggested that Elain could potentially scry from the Carver’s Prison cell, with the bones present - such as that of the midengard worm - and the stone in of the Prison acting in place of the bones and stones that Nesta used before, which would be a fascinating twist and a possible way for her to boost her Sight.
Alternatively, Elain demonstrated in ACOWAR that she could simply use a mental image, a map and her Sight (or some similar/related power) to locate things and beings at will. Will Elain - or, less likely - Azriel, or both of them together, use the Ouroboros to scry, attempt to See - to spy on? - a place or point in time or space, or even go somewhere? Possibly using the orrery as her star map for long distances, as @wingedblooms and I have wondered? It screams of witch mirrors. This link is suggested by following line from Feyre’s POV, when she blinked after she had mastered the Mirror, which sounds suspiciously like Elain coming out of a Vision.  
“That is none of your concern.” For the mirror … it had shown me. So many things. I did not know how long had passed. Time—it had been different inside the mirror. […] I blinked slowly. - ACOWAR, chapter 68. 
Given the multiple associations of Elain with the moon (not as many as Nesta, I know, but imo they do exist), Sight, rebirth, shadows and light, I suspect that the following two quotes could be suggesting that Elain will use the Ouroboros, with the full moon that the figurine of the - assumed - Mother is holding being a metaphor for Elain holding the Mirror, while the snake devouring its tail sounds like it's half-hiding itself, as the shadows hid Elain's rose.
The Ouroboros. It was a massive, round disc—as tall as I was. Taller. And the metal around it had been fashioned after a massive serpent, the mirror held within its coils as it devoured its own tail. Ending and beginning. - ACOWAR, chapter 68
Her gaze shifted to the carved wooden rose she’d placed upon the mantel, half-hidden in the shadows beside a figurine of a supple-bodied female, her upraised arms clasping a full moon between them. Some sort of primal goddess—perhaps even the Mother herself. - ACOSF, chapter 56   
And finally, coming back to the Truth-Teller scene from chapter 69 of ACOWAR, the imagery in the final quote appears to invoke Azriel passing his legendary blade off to Elain: "Elain looked up at Azriel, their eyes meeting, his hand still lingering on the hilt of the blade. I saw the painting in my mind: the lovely fawn, blooming spring vibrant behind her. Standing before Death, shadows and terrors lurking over his shoulder. Light and dark, the space between their bodies a blend of the two. The only bridge of connection … that knife." I'll elaborate on this further when I discuss Gwydion, but I think this could possibly be SJM hinting at Truth-Teller being the moon, which represents the Mother (and I wouldn't be surprised if that was Theia, or someone from whom Theia was descended).
Narben - inspired by the Spear of Lugh 
@merymoonbeam recently posted a theory that touched on the Spear of Lugh and Sword of Light, and my interpretation of the final two members of the Tuatha de Danann's four jewels matches hers (please read her amazing theory here). 
We don't know a whole lot about the blade called Narben, which means "scar" in German, but we do know that it is older than Gwydion - which the ending of CC HOSAB revealed to us as Bryce and Ruhn's Starsword - and has powers "far darker." No holy, saviour's light to be seen there, or so they say.
Rhys murmured, “I have never seen anything like this.” His magic set the three blades to rotating, allowing them to observe every facet. Az’s face was still slack with awe. “Amarantha destroyed one,” Amren said. Cassian started. “I never heard that.” Amren amended, “Rumor claimed she dumped one into the sea. It would not come to Amarantha’s hand, nor the hands of any of her commanders, and rather than let the King of Hybern attain it, she disposed of it.” Azriel asked, “Which sword?” “Narben.” Amren’s red lips quirked downward. “At least that’s what rumor said. You were Under the Mountain then, Rhys. She would have kept it secret. I only heard from a fleeing water-nymph that it had been done.” “Narben was even older than Gwydion,” Rhys said. “Where the hell was it?” “I don’t know, but she found it, and when it would not bend to her, she destroyed it. As she did all good things.” It was as much as Amren would say about that terrible time. “It was perhaps in our favor. Had the King of Hybern possessed Narben, I fear we would have lost the war.” Narben’s powers had not been the holy, savior’s light of Gwydion, but ones far darker. “I can’t believe that witch threw it into the sea,” Cassian said. “Again, it was a rumor, heard from someone who heard it from someone. Who knows if she actually found Narben? Even if it would not obey her, she’d have been a fool to throw it away.” “Amarantha could be shortsighted,” Rhys said. Cassian hated the sound of her name on his brother’s tongue. From the flare of rage on Azriel’s face, so did the shadowsinger. “But you, Rhysand, are not.” Amren nodded to the still-rotating weapons. “With these three blades, you could make yourself High King.” The words clanged through the room. Cassian slowly blinked. - ACOSF, chapter 42 
A naked, golden-haired male stood before her. He was of average height, his golden skin sculpted with muscle, his sharp-boned face simmering with hate. Not a repulsive, awful creature, but one of beauty. His black eyes narrowed upon the blade as he hissed, “That is not Narben.” The name meant nothing to her. Nesta lunged, thrusting Ataraxia into eighth position. Lanthys leaped back. Cassian groaned, stirring to consciousness as she held the ground in front of her. “Which death-god are you?” Lanthys demanded, glancing between the blade and her. The silver fire sizzling in her eyes. - ACOSF, chapter 54 
Nesta considered all Lanthys had said. “And what is Narben?” “Lanthys asked about it?” “He said my sword isn’t Narben. He sounded surprised.” Rhys studied her blade. “Narben is a death-sword. It’s lost, possibly destroyed, but stories say it can slay even monsters like Lanthys.” “So can Nesta’s sword, apparently,” Feyre said, studying the blade as well. “Beheading him with it killed him,” Rhys mused. “A slice from it seemed to bind him into a physical form,” Nesta corrected. “Cassian’s dagger struck true only after Lanthys had been forced to give up his mist.” “Interesting,” Rhys murmured. - ACOSF, chapter 55 
I do still wonder if Truth-Teller, which we know from the end of CC HOSAB pulses with a dark light - could have been the blade of Narben somehow turned into a spear, as Azriel (with his many references to death) found it, Elain managed to slay the King of Hybern using it with no previous training (and that's not to belittle her defeat of Hybern, or the fact she may have managed to use great magic with no training after only a few months tops as a faerie), and Azriel might be so protective over TT not only because it's (likely) Made, and non-Made beings cannot use it, but it might also lead to his doom if lost (which, hello scary future plot point). 
That being said, Narben could still be it's own blade/spear, a third in a trio of weapons to mirror the trove that Nesta Made in ACOSF (and this is the way I lean, purely because SJM seems to love balance and cyclical events in her writings, and "three" features quite consistently). As I mentioned above, Narben contains, at least as far as we know, powers far darker than those of Gwydion. We also know that "light and dark and gray" formed part of the Book of Breathings' prophecy back in ACOMAF; could Gwydion be the light, Narben the dark, and Truth-Teller the grey? The bridge between the two? 
Additionally, Amarantha was rumoured to have found it during her reign, supposedly destroying it when it would not bend to her will; was that because Narben, like Gwydion, was Made by the Cauldron, so she could not access its powers, as a non-Made faerie? If Narben is actually a spear, did Amarantha then remove its hypothetical blade from its shaft… could Narben's shaft be the age worn bond Nesta saw when she was in her song-lured scrying? Will Elain and Azriel have to chase down both components of it to wield it at it's full power? Perhaps in Hel?
As an aside, it's interesting that the Spear of Lugh is also known as the Spear of Destiny. The fates were apparently warped into Lugh's spear, which was then brought from (and so I assume forged in) Goirias, known as the city of the faith. This, to me, sounds very much like it could apply to a blade of some sort used by a priestess, and forged in a temple. I know I have theorised about her before (and also suggested that Narben could have been Fionn and/or Koschei's blade - I never said I was consistent lol), but which priestess has a very unknown past, we've never seen her face to judge her age or features, and is associated by name with the fates/Moirai? CLOTHO.
Could Clotho/Narben have been far older than Theia/Gwydion, and with powers far darker? Theia was known for her light, and Clotho, as I've said before, was first introduced from the shadows. It's not substantiated by much, but who knows at this point. 
Gwydion - inspired by the Sword of Light
Back when I first drafted this post, in June 2021 (shh, I know, it's been almost a year and a half), we had no idea what was awaiting us at the end of CC HOSAB, but after the discovery that Gwydion is, in fact, the Starsword - which shines with light and is wielded by the heir to Theia's power - it's pretty likely that if anything was to be inspired by the Sword of Light, it would be Gwydion. 
“All three,” Cassian said. “First the sword, then the dagger, and then the great sword.” Rhys and Amren exchanged a look. Cassian demanded, “What?” [...] “Once, the High Fae were more elemental, more given to reading the stars and crafting masterpieces of art and jewelry and weaponry. Their gifts were rawer, more connected to nature, and they could imbue objects with that power.” Cassian instantly knew where this was headed. “Nesta put her power in those swords?” “No one has been able to create a magic sword in more than ten thousand years,” Amren said. “The last one Made, the great blade Gwydion, vanished around the time the last of the Trove went missing.” - ACOSF, chapter 42
Was Narben made first, then Truth-Teller, and then, finally, Gwydion? We know from CC HOSAB that Gwydion was Theia's, and belongs to her female heirs… Could Narben and Truth-Teller be the same? Whether or not Narben was Clotho's, or another female of Theia's line, it's interesting (and I know I've said this before) that Gwydion and Truth-Teller were found by two males who are heavily associated with shadows (and while we know Ruhn pulled the Starsword from a rock, I only suspect that Az might have done the same with Truth-Teller) before passing them on to a female who has a power associated with the Greek goddess Theia (Light and Sight) to be used for maximum magical effect (ie. Bryce and Elain).
Could the "true Fae High King" actually have referred to Theia all along, and "King" just meant ruler, but the language has evolved to mean male only? Did Fionn, who is possibly Koschei, co-opt Theia's power for himself and rewrite history to suit? The "true" reminds me a little too much of Dusk's Truth for me to let this idea go.
“This sword isn’t Gwydion,” Cassian said, well aware of the myths regarding the sword. It had belonged to a true Fae High King in Prythian, as there had been in Hybern. He had united the lands, its people—and for a while, with that sword, peace had reigned. Until he had been betrayed by his own queen and his fiercest general, and lost the sword to them, and the lands fell into darkness once more. Never again to see another High King—only High Lords, who ruled the territories that had once answered to the king. “Gwydion is gone,” Amren said, a shade sadly, “or has been gladly missing for millennia.” She nodded toward the great sword. “This is something new.” Azriel said, “Nesta created a new magic sword.” “Yes,” Amren said. “Only the Great Powers could do that—Gwydion was given its powers when the High Priestess Oleanna dipped it into the Cauldron during its crafting.” Cassian’s blood chilled, waves rippling over his skin. “One touch from Nesta’s magic while the blade was still hot …” “And the blade was infused with it.” - ACOSF, chapter 42 
If you're up to date with Crescent City, then you know that Gwydion is, at that point (wherever it will play into ACOTAR's timeline), no longer missing from Prythian, and I'm excited to see what happens next, and who may wield it in a future ACOTAR book, whether that's Azriel, Elain, Mor or Feyre. At the very least, I'm excited to see if this "broken blade" type pairing (with its Riddle of Strider vibes, "renewed shall be blade that was broken") can do something special. 👀
Truth-Teller - inspired by Fragarach 
Fragarach was not one of the Four Treasures of the Tuatha de Danann, however, I believe it still rates a mention in this post. Given we now know from CC HOSAB that Gwydion and Truth-Teller are paired blades, as @icedflames had theorised (light and dark light, alpha and omega), I think it's likely significant that both the Sword of Light and Fragarach were both used by Nuada, the first high king of the Tuatha de Danann. The Sword of Light was said to be used by Nuada in battle, and Fragarach - which was also known as The Answerer or the Whisperer - was Nuada's own blade, as well.
Does this mean that both Gwydion/the Starsword and Truth-Teller were Theia's own blades? Did the different properties of each, light and dark light, allow her to access different aspects of her own hypothetical powers? We know that Theia was a Starborn faerie with a very specific and powerful light, but was she also a Seer, able to access the murky space between as Elain theoretically can? And, as I keep obsessing about, could she be the Mother figure known to Prythian?
For a much more detailed look at Truth-Teller and Fragarach's parallels, and how they may have been pointing towards Elain all along, please read this post here. Essentially, though, I would not be at all surprised if Truth-Teller was able to help Elain access the murky realm, and possibly the Ouroboros, especially while she was still learning, allowing her access to her powers (posts by @wingedblooms): Sight, of which we already know, as well as others. I think and hope she can winnow, as Azriel does, at a minimum. 
At any rate, whether this theory is accurate or not, I can't wait to see where everything is going. Thanks for reading!
If you enjoyed this theory, please consider reblogging. 💜
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balladofbells · 2 years
FAE QUEEN THEIA = GODDESS FREYJA and other connections towards Bryce Quinlan.
Sjm theory
Theia Info Dump.
Queen Theia was a Fae queen with the Starborn power to the people in Midgard. She had two children, Helena & an unknown daughter. Theia entered Midgard during the crossing and was also starborn, Like Bryce Quinlan. Theia’s unknown (younger) daughter also possessed the same gift. The Fae Queen was killed by her daughter Helena’s husband, Prince Pelias, on the battlefield.
Goddess Freyja (Freya) Info Dump.
In Norse paganism, Freyja (Old Norse "(the) Lady") is a goddess associated with love, fertility, war, and seiðr. Freyja is the owner of the necklace Brísingamen, rides a chariot pulled by two cats, is accompanied by the boar Hildisvíni, and possesses a cloak of falcon feathers. By her husband Óðr, she is the mother of two daughters, Hnoss and Gersemi. She is the daughter of Njörðr and his sister, twin sister of Freyr, and a member of the Vanir.
“seiðr” (old Norse) = was a type of magic which was practised in Norse society; the practice of seiðr is believed to be a form of magic which is related to both the telling and the shaping of the future.
(Elain Archeron seer power connection 👀)
Now we’re done with the info dumps, let’s do a deep dive of my unhinged theories that I think might be going through Sarah’s head.
We see the parallels between Freyja & Theia that they both bore two daughters and Blah blah blah.
NOW- I see the connections and bridges between Theia, Freyja, and Bryce.
Freyja’s necklace, Brísingamen + Bryce’s pendant and eyes.
Freyja is frequently shown wearing her prized necklace Brisingamen made of amber and gemstones encased in gold.
Brisingamen has been derived from Old Norse brísingr, a poetic term for "fire" or "amber"
(Amber! Remember its significance)
Bryce Quinlan’s eyes are amber-coloured, and her pendant is ALWAYS around her neck. We all know that the necklace is a part whole of Bryce’s character design. Just like Brisingamen is so crucial to the myth of Freyja’s appearance.
Prince Aidas (his cat form) and Queen Theia romance + Freyja’s Cats
Freyja's chariot was pulled by two male cats, specifically the skogkatt (Norwegian Forest Cat), which is larger and more powerful than most domesticated housecats. They were also her favourite breed.
Going on to Aidas’ infamous white, blue-eyed cat form in which he appears in so often 🧐
A white Norwegian Forest Cat is rare. They actually don't have any pigment in their hair at all, so they should look all glistening and glacial. They will have pink paw pads and nose leather. Often, these cats will have blue eyes. Aidas makes the room temp drop belong freezing when in said room, could describe it as “glacial”.
The Goddess Freyja is almost always associated with cats; being her favourite animal, her sacred animal, would reportedly bless those kind to cats, adorn yourself with amber, gold, and with symbols of cats when worshipping her for favour, a cat is her symbol etc.
(There it is again, AMBER & GOLD)
What were Freyja’s chariot cats called? Bygul and Trjegul. The name Bygul (Bee gold, i.e. Honey) and Trjegul (Tree gold, or Amber)
Aidas and Theia.
Queen Theia & Prince Aidas we’re lovers. Aidas loved Queen Theia and therefore I’m going to presume that his feelings were returned.
Bonus: The association of cats with Freyja in her role as goddess of luck and chance, able to tell the future and shape one's destiny, has to do with the nature of the cat itself: it was considered as unpredictable as life itself.
Okay, moving on.
Sarah J. Maas basing the CC’s Vanir on Norse Vanir
Queen Theia is a said vanir in Midgard, and The goddess Freyja is a member of Norse Vanir.
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comicwaren · 1 year
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From Marauders Vol. 2 #012, “Pre-Genesis, Part 2”
Art by Eleonora Carlini and Matt Milla
Written by Steve Orlando
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tournament-of-x · 1 year
The Tournament of X
Fun Fact!
There are nineteen (19) contestants in the Tournament of X who have fewer than ten (10) non-minor appearances in comics on Earth-616! These include:
Nameless, the Shape-Shifter Queen (2 appearances)
Idyll the Future Seer (2 appearances)
Wagnerine (4 appearances)
Burke (4 appearances)
Spike (4 appearances)
Syzya of the Smoke (4 appearances)
Rasputin IV (5 appearances)
Redroot the Forest (5 appearances)
Sevyr Blackmore (6 appearances)
Morgan Red (6 appearances)
Rhapsody (7 appearances)
Theia (7 appearances)
Tarn the Uncaring (7 appearances)
Cam Long (8 appearances)
Snot (8 appearances)
Weaponless Zsen (8 appearances)
Amass (9 appearances)
Nicodemus (9 appearances)
Ora Serrata (9 appearances)
Contestants Index
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emilystheories · 2 months
How HOFAS set up
Nesta Archeron to be High Queen of Prythian.
A theory.
ACOTAR and CC3 spoilers ahead.
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[art by Gabrielle Ragusi]
A connection to Theia.
In HOFAS, we finally learn about Theia; the original High Queen of Prythian.
Interestingly, Queen Theia was depicted as holding and wearing the Dread Trove items — this was a symbol of her rule.
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Evidently, this is just like Nesta.
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[art by mistilteinnart]
We also witness Theia’s backstory: that she stood next to the Daglan’s throne, serving at their side “for a century.”
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This is near identical to the vision Lanthys (a confirmed Daglan member) showed Nesta in ACOSF. That just like Theia, Nesta could serve at the side of the Daglan, and ensure their rule.
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Interestingly, Lanthys even refers to Nesta as “Queen of Queens.”
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And, just as Queen Theia used the Dread Trove to overthrow the Daglan, so too did Nesta, when she used Ataraxia (part of the “new” Dread Trove) to slay Lanthys.
The parallels between the two are stark.
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[art by luverihu]
In the past, I had theorised that Bryce Quinlan would be High Queen of Prythian; that she was the most eligible to rule, given her Starborn lineage, and her possession of Gwydion — the sword of the High King and Queen.
This was actually canon (or at least heavily implied). Bryce could indeed claim the High Queen title.
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But, she didn’t.
Instead, Bryce handed Gwydion to Nesta, citing the importance of Nesta’s tattoo: the eight-pointed star, and the symbol of the Starborn Fae.
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Nesta is now the owner of Gwydion; the sword of the High King and High Queen of Prythian.
The royal sword.
Passed on from one queen to the next.
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[art by nearixx]
But, that’s not Nesta’s only claim to the throne.
As mentioned previously, in ACOSF, Nesta forged her own blades — a new Dread Trove.
Amren looked at Nesta’s ‘Made’ weapons and declared that if Rhys used them, he could “set himself up as High King.”
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That each of these blades, including Ataraxia, is a “kingmaker.”
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But the blades don’t belong to Rhys.
They belong to Nesta.
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[art by gessueter]
In fact, the 'Made' weapons actively resisted Rhys’s presence.
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Which brings us to another hint…
Rhys vs Nesta.
Some argue that Rhys has the greatest claim to High King of Prythian. Given his lineage (and what was revealed in HOFAS), they may be right.
It’s almost as if SJM is setting up both Nesta and Rhys as potential rulers.
A High Queen vs High King.
This is in line with what is said in HOFAS; that a Fae Queen vs a Fae King rivalry is “history repeating itself.”
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Perhaps this is why SJM is continuing the rivalry and tension between Nesta and Rhys, despite them making amends towards the end of ACOSF.
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[art by book_s150]
This is further exemplified in the HOFAS (Ember and Randall) bonus chapter.
We see Nesta making decisions on her own (to give the Mask to Bryce) without consulting Rhys or anyone else.
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We see Nesta declare that she doesn’t answer to Rhys or Feyre.
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And Ember watches on as Rhys assesses the “challenge” in Nesta’s expression — that to Rhys, Nesta is a “worthy opponent.”
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But, as SJM typically likes to write about women coming into power, I believe Nesta will win the High Queen title at the end of the day.
After all, Nesta has been repeatedly foreshadowed as a queen throughout the entire series. Feyre even refers to Nesta as a “queen without a throne.”
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[art by natserpiece]
However, I don’t think Nesta will come into the High Queen position randomly. Instead, two things have to occur:
Something bad needs to happen to the entirety of Prythian (perhaps whatever Koschei has planned…), causing a last-resort need for a queen to unite under.
Or, tensions with the Inner Circle will continue to grow, and Nesta will leave the Night Court.
But, where would Nesta go?
The Dusk Court.
Or, what is otherwise known as the Prison Island.
Which in HOFAS, was explicitly said to be a “royal territory.”
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And was regarded as the “sanctuary” of the High Queen.
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That is to say, Nesta being both High Lady of Dusk and High Queen isn’t just a pipe dream.
Canonically, it’s suggested to be the same thing.
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(Fun possibility #1: perhaps the Dusk Court will be ‘removed’ from Prythian and will gain independence— that way, Nesta will be High Lady and Queen of Dusk, and Rhysand, or someone else, will be King of Prythian).
Thematically, it makes sense.
As we know, the courts of Prythian are thematically organised, and work in tandem with their opposing courts.
Summer and Winter.
Autumn and Spring.
Night and Day.
Which leaves, Dawn and Dusk.
The Dawn Court is associated with healing powers. To further corroborate this, firstlight (in the Crescent City world) has the capacity to heal.
‘First light’ means dawn.
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In the Crescent City world, the opposite of ‘firstlight’ is ‘secondlight’ — the power made upon someone’s death.
If the opposite of dawn (firstlight, healing) is dusk (secondlight…?), does this mean that the Dusk Court is associated with death?
It would make sense: dawn signals the start of the day and new beginnings, whereas dusk signals the end.
And whose powers most closely align with death?
Nesta Archeron’s.
The court of the Valkyries, too.
If this theory is true, I have no doubt that the Valkyries will follow Nesta to the Dusk Court as well, setting up their own domain, completely separate to the Illyrians.
This likely explains the pegasus foreshadowing in ACOSF, as the pegasus’s originated from the Dusk Court.
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[art by kelly.vieir.a]
I also believe that the Valkyries will expand their ranks, not only recruiting more priestesses, but also:
Merrill: with her “twilight” coloured eyes (twilight is another word for dusk).
Mor: whose family once owned the Dusk Court, long ago (also lending itself to a Mor x Emerie book).
And another important connection: Bryce Quinlan.
With the introduction of “thin places,” HOFAS made clear that Avallen Island and the Prison Island (Dusk Court) are innately connected, despite being worlds apart.
If Bryce is in Avallen, then it makes sense that Nesta is residing on the Prison Island — side by side.
And, as Bryce still has the Horn on her back (coupled with Nesta having the Harp), perhaps their friendship will continue.
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(Fun possibility #2: No one is more connected to the pegasus’s than Bryce, and I can’t see her passing up the opportunity to join an all-female, pegasus-led warrior group. Perhaps a cameo is in store…).
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[art by paint faery]
In conclusion:
All hail Queen Nesta Archeron.
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[art by artinelysian]
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People in this fandom are aware that the Dusk Court is Rhysand’s by blood and birthright, right? He is the only one whose ancestors are Fionn and Theia, his connection to the dusk court and prison is explicit and in the text, not just speculation or a theory.
That land isn’t just some prize to be thrown around to your favorite supporting character, it is apart of Rhysand’s territory and Rhysand’s ancestry and lineage. It is an important piece of the story that will lead to Rhysand and Feyre becoming High King and Queen of Prythian. And even if that plot doesn’t happen that land is still his by blood, why would it wind up with some other character?
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shallyne · 1 year
SJM Crackshipmonth: Star-crossed Lovers
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Would've Been, Could've been, Should've Been You
Here it is, Theia x Aidas for day two of @sjmcrackshipmonth. Enjoy!
Words: 571
TW: death
Aidas mourns his dead lover
It was right here that Aidas had met Theia for the very first time. She alone found a way into this realm, demanding help for the incoming war against the Asteri. She was a force of nature, from the very first moment that he had seen her. Theia was never one for giving up, never retreated, always fought for what's right. It was her greatest trait, and her doom. It was right here, that Theia had mouthed off against a prince of Hel. Aidas had admired her back then. Still did but when he thought about how it could have gone down very differently if she had met him on a bad day or ended up on a whole different level, it made Aidas shudder. Sometimes Aidas believed it was fate that he met her, that they were supposed to be. Maybe he was right, maybe Theia was his true love, maybe they could have lived their happily ever after if it wasn't for that bastard Pelias. Aidas cleared his throat when he felt it tightening. Brooding and mourning was useless. Thinking about what could've been was useless. Everything was useless. This didn't stop his mind from wandering though, what if? What if he was there? What if he had killed Pelias instantly, when he felt that something was wrong about him? What if Aidas could've convinced Theia to not fight that day? Would Pelias still have found her? Or would Aidas have been able to protect her? Be there faster? Could he have understood that feeling of dread in time to get to Theia? He had ignored that feeling, waved it away because it was probably caused by the war around them. By the Asteri who were taking down their armies, one by one. He should've known that it wasn't the war, he fought in so many battles in his life that he should have known. Aidas should've been there, it should've been him who died. Aidas took a shaky breath, looking down at the box that he held for hours now, staring at it. Stared at the ring that sat inside, for the question he wanted to ask when the war was over. A queen. His queen. His Theia. Dead. She was dead but her memory was still so alive. Aidas remembered her exactly, her raven black hair and the golden-brown skin that she shared with her daughters. Her starry eyes, that lit up when she laughed. The way she grunted when she was genuinely laughing. And how he found her. Broken and bloody. Her face still twisted in pane, her lifeless eyes staring up at the sky. Aidas shook that memory off, taking the ring out of its box. The ring, twisted strands of gold and silver, flecked with pearl and a stone atop. A sapphire, so blue that he only could be from Hel, with a six pointed star engraved in the stone. He took a deep breath but he couldn't do it. He wanted to throw the ring in the fiery pits of Hel but it was impossible. So he put the ring back in its box.
Two weeks later, when he entered his brothers study, he pressed the box into Apollions hands and told him to do with that ring whatever he wanted. Sell it, melt it, throw it away, Aidas didn't want to know. He turned his back and never asked about it again.
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Taglist: @timesconvert
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comicwaren · 2 years
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From Marauders Vol. 2 #010, “Here Comes Yesterday, Part 4”
Art by Eleonora Carlini and Matt Milla
Written by Steve Orlando
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stargirlfeyre · 3 months
Feyre is connected to the whole of Prythian through each piece of the High Lords that live inside of her.
Rhys is connected to the whole of Prythian through his heritage as a descendant of Theia, the last High Queen of Prythian.
Feyre has the power connecting her to everything and Rhys has the royal blood. There’s no one more foreshadowed or more fitting for the High King and Queen roles than them. That’s why no one else was considered for it but them.
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ataraxiasflame · 5 months
In doing some research for my fic, I encountered a few names from different SJM books that seem to be derived from similar origins and I went on a bit of a trip trying to consider all the connections:
When researching some information regarding the inspiration for Helion (the God Helios) I discovered that Helios’s mother is called Theia and his sister is called Selene. Theia, Helios and Selene are all connected through solar elements like light, the sun and the moon.
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If we recall from HOFAS, Silene was Theia’s second daughter who Azriel also claims looked like Rhys’s sister. We also know that she too was able to wield her mother’s Starborn powers (which is essentially starlight).
Helion’s power is also light and also has several similarities to Helios:
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And I always question the potential foreshadowing of the scene below.
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- ACOSF ch 41.
If I had to guess, perhaps Silene or a descendant of hers was married off to a member of the Night Court, which is why Rhys’s sister looks like her. But my real interest is the connection that Helion (and Lucien) has to the Trove, and their potential challenge to the theory that Rhys has a claim to the throne as a descendant of Fionn/Theia. The similarities in name could have been mere coincidence but the effect the trove had on Helion creates that potential connection to Theia and Fionn (I’m not saying he is Silene’s brother but they could be the ancestors to whom he is referring in ACOSF)
Then perhaps this chapter in ACOSF (ch 42) in which Amren urges Rhys to conquer Prythian claim the throne and he declines several times, only to have her respond with this line:
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…might suggest that there are others who have equal claim to the throne.
Personally, I hate the potential High King plot line, especially if Rhys and Feyre will claim the throne (I could write an essay on why this would make no sense from a narrative perspective). There are so many references in HOFAS that highlight why Prythian failed under the ruling of one sovereign and we as readers experienced the reign of a sole ruler in book one. It just makes no sense for Prythian to return to a proven failed form of sovereignty, especially with Rhys and Feyre in those positions of power, when they only recently broke free from Amarantha’s reign.
However, should the High King and Queen narrative be necessary to the plot line, I would far prefer Helion/Lucien be the potential challenge to the throne over Rhys. The end of HOFAS even opens questions regarding Nesta’s future in a position of power in Prythian.
High King plot aside; these potential clues do make me even more interested to see how Lucien’s past will affect the rest of his story and the over arching plot of the series, how his power could be even stronger than we expected, how they could come into play with the Koschei plot line and whether he will play a larger role in the political future of Prythian as well.
But most interestingly is that Theia (the mother of Helios and Selene) was the Goddess of Sight and Vision, possessing prophetic powers, and it seems fitting that Helion’s own son is mated to a cauldron-blessed Seer. Mates fated to be together who are true equals in every way.
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merymoonbeam · 4 months
The Other One
So I was just looking at this post by @livywoohoo
(this got deleted so dont mind me...posting again)
And in that post she posted a quote:
The other one, the Book hissed. Bring the other one ... let us be joined, let us be free. I slid the Book from my pocket, tucking it into the crook of my arm as I tugged the second half free. Lovely girl, beautiful bird-so sweet, so generous ...Together together together
I was like "I heard that the other one before". And I was right. Elain said it...about Vassa.
Rhys gave her a sharp look. But Elain said quietly, "The queen might come." Silence. Elain was staring at the unlit fireplace, eyes lost to that vague murkiness. “What queen,” Nesta said, more tightly than she usually spoke to our sister. "The one who was cursed." "Cursed by the Cauldron," I clarified to Nesta, pushing off the archway. "When it threw its tantrum after you ... left." "No." Elain studied me, then her. "Not that one. The other."
And you know what else the book of breathings says in that quote...
Lovely girl, beautiful bird-so sweet, so generous Together together together
Lovely girl Elain.
She is always described as lovely
Then Elain's face appeared over Mrs. Laurent's round shoulder. Beautiful—she'd always been the most beautiful of us. Soft and lovely, like a summer dawn.
"Feyre!" Elain's soft gasp scraped past my ears, and I blinked back the brightness of the fire to find my second-eldest sister before me. Though she was bundled in a threadbare blanket, her gold-brown hair-the hair all three of us had—was coiled perfectly about her head. Eight years of poverty hadn't stripped from her the desire to look lovely." (Acotar chapter 2)
Nesta met her sister's warm brown eyes. When human, Elain had easily been the prettiest of the three of them, and when she'd been turned High Fae, that beauty had been amplified. Nesta couldn't put her finger on what changes had been wrought beyond the pointed ears, but Elain had gone from lovely to devastatingly beautiful. Elain never seemed to realize it.
Beautiful bird- Vassa...firebird
"Firebird by day," Rhys mused, "woman by night... So she's held captive by this sorcerer-lord?”
A firebird. Burning as hot and furious as the heart of a forge. Vassa-the lost queen.
And what else the book of breathings says in that quote about its other half?
Bring the other one... let us be joined, let us be free.
So...together...they are gonna be free? Can we say the same about Vassa and Elain?
Maybe they are like Helena and Silene of Acotar? They both had 1/3 of Theia's power inside of them.
What if Vassa had the one half through her lineage and Elain got it when she was turned Fae? What if that's what Cauldron gave her?
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gwynrieldreams · 4 days
How Gwynriel and Elucien mirror Quinlar and Satharion
SJM creates characters that mirror each other in each world. They have similar appearance/vibe, similar powers, similar backstory/family origins or similar role.
Rhysand, Ruhn and Dorian. Lidia and Aelin. Amren and Fury. Jessiba and Merrill. Connor and Sam. Einar and Beron. Danika and Fenrys or Danika and Nehemia, depending on how you see it. Yrene and Hypaxia. Vassa and Ariadne.
Even the villains, Vesperus and Maeve, the Valg, the Death Gods and the Princes of Hel. Their gods: Deanna and Luna, Hel and Hellas, Urd and Wyrd. Their kings and queens: Theia and Mala-firebringer. Fionn and Brannon. Elena and Helena. Gavin and Pelias.
Acosf and CC were written pretty much next to each other. So, what if Gwyn is Bryce's mirror?
They're both redheads with freckles.
Mixed: high fae + sth else that is considered lesser.
They work in a library/artifact gallery under a strict librarian.
They wear an amulet that librarians wear, with protective powers.
They both have Autumn Court heritage.
They both grew up or spent some of their childhood years in a temple.
Jelly jubilee was used to foreshadow that Bryce was Starborn and the heir of Dusk Court, while the miniature pegasus was connected to Gwyn in the scene where she cuts the ribbon and Emerie mentions that the pegasus liked Gwyn the best.
Bryce has light powers and it's possible that Gwyn also has similar powers. I believe since Bryce isn't interested in ruling or moving in Prythian, then the land will choose someone else. I just think that all those similarities and the miniature pegasus foreshadowing are something that cannot be ignored, in addition to Gwydion and the possibility that she'll be the one to wield it.
And what if Azriel and Hunt are also mirrors?
Hunt is called umbra mortis, which means shadow of death, while Azriel's name comes from Azrael the angel of death and he has shadow powers.
Dark and broody with wings.
Hunt worked as an assassin for the Archangels and hated himself, while Azriel is the torturer of the NC and hates himself. Also, this:
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Just like Azriel, who was tortured and wasn't allowed to fly or see the sunlight for years.
Considering, also, the mating language parallels between the two couples, I believe all this just seals the deal for gwynriel endgame and opens the possibility that Gwyn could also be the one to wield Gwydion and/or rule Dusk Court.
Let's not forget their bonus chapters ended the same way.
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Same goes for Sathia and Elain:
light brown hair and pretty
associated with flowers
in love with sb who broke up with her but still they went after him (Elain with Graysen, Sathia with Colin)
mated/married with a redhead who has done nothing but respect them and still wants to be with them after everything
Elain is soft and kind, loves to hold court. Her mother saw her as a "doll to dress up" and that she'd only marry for "love and beauty." Sathia is similar.
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Lucien and Tharion also share similarities:
redhead, charming and sarcastic
no place to call home. Lucien is from the Autumn Court but his biological father is Helion, HL of the Day Court, he was emissary for Spring and now he's working as an emissary for Night, while staying in the human lands and in Spring Court/Tharion is mer but loves all things Above, he was hunted by the River Queen, he was staying with Ruhn, Flynn and Declan, until he was forced to make a deal with the Viper Queen
emissary work, Tharion is Captain of Intelligence but as we see he was sent as a representative to the Summit
Lucien wants to get to know Elain but her love for Graysen and her trauma makes it difficult, Lucien respects her decisions/Tharion married Sathia to get her out of a difficult situation but Sathia still went after Collin, Tharion respected her decision but still went after her in order to save her from the Viper Queen.
I think it's possible that Tharion and Sathia are also mates like Elucien, especially when we consider how protective she was of him against the Viper Queen -even though Colin was the one actually in danger.
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nikethestatue · 13 days
@elainarcheronweek Day 6, Growth
It's theory time!
two theories, actually.
My theory is that each Archeron sister will receive a Trove Object which would be specifically 'assigned' to them.
The Crown is for Feyre--it aligns with her Daemati powers, her status as a High Lady, and potentially, a High Queen later on and her future as a ruler.
The Mask is for Nesta--she can defeat enemies and raise armies with the Mask. I am assuming that the Mask is a death mask (Fionn's? or someone of importance) and her being associated so closely with war and armies, with her being called Lady Death, with her status as a Valkyrie it's only logical.
The Harp --is think that the Harp is for Elain. The Harp is closely related to the concept of Time. What is Sight if not the ability to move across time? Seeing the past and the future. Seeing places and people that no one else can? The Suriel told Feyre that it saw Elain's eyes peer across the worlds. I think that Elain can see across worlds and across times. I think she can find any person and any place within the universe. And if you can control time, can you control Fate? The outcome of choices that were or are being made? We saw that with Nyx's birth--his fate, and the fate of his parents was changed because Time stopped and was 'rewound'.
The question is--what does it mean for Elain's story?
My theory is that perhaps Elain will facilitate the revival of Dusk Court. But not in a way that most people probably envision it happening--she raises her arms and stuff starts sprouting! Kind of like a quick edit that you see in the movies.
But what if instead, Elain control's time? What if she PREVENTS the destruction of Dusk? What if she manages to control the outcome of bad choices that were made 15 thousand years ago? What if the Power of Life is...the prevention of Death and destruction?
Could her 'travel' consist of going back in time? To Prythian of 15K years ago? To the time of Fionn and Theia and the first Illyrians?
We had Aelin and Bryce fall through and into Prythian from their respective worlds. What if Elain does the same, only she falls out of Prythian as we know it right now and goes back?
I wonder if we've been thinking about the next book too simplistically and in too linear a manner? What if SJM turns it upside down and THAT would be Elain's story?
That certainly would be some interesting 'growth'.
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starsreminisce · 4 months
“It seems like you have a great deal of magic constantly in use at once.” A shrug. “It helps me work off the strain of my power. The magic needs release—draining—or else it’ll build up and drive me insane. That’s why we call the Illyrian stones Siphons—they help them channel the power, empty it when necessary.” “Actually insane?” I set aside the empty stew bowl and removed the lid from the meat pie. “Actually insane. Or so I was warned. I can feel it, though—the pull of it, if I go too long without releasing it.”
I wonder if this is what Elain and Lucien will restore when they get together. I've posted before about how I believe Feysand's bond is mental, Nessian's bond is physical, and Elucien's bond is emotional.
In HOFAS, we learned that about 10,000 years ago, Prythian had High Ladies until Silene rejected the title, which Feyre has since reclaimed. We also learned about King Fionn and Queen Theia, particularly how Queen Theia behaved with someone she loved versus her mate.
This overwhelming insanity might stem from the fact that the High Lordship is meant to be shared between two mates, a balance we're beginning to see with Feyre and Rhysand, Kallias and Viviane, and hopefully, Thesan and his lover. It's noteworthy that Rhys's and Tamlin's parents were mates as well.
I also wonder if this was meant to happen sooner had Lucien's mother decided to be with Helion rather than staying with Beron. This could be yet another consequence that their offspring, Lucien, is destined to correct.
However, what if Elain and Lucien are destined for something even greater? HOFAS reminded us how having both a High King and a High Queen brought peace to Prythian, especially in times of interworld conflict. Perhaps their union could herald a new era of stability and unity, shaping the fate of Prythian in ways yet unseen.
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rocknroll7575 · 7 months
PJAU! Jaune and Rusted Arc:
Rusted Arc: Odd question, did you gain the affection of a God or something. I feeling blessings on you.
PJ!Jaune: Yeah, from Hestia, cause I also have a kid with her.
Rusted Arc: You're a father? Congrats, pretty sure servants can't get pregnant unless we either incarnate or use a grail.
PJ!Jaune: What about you? You got somebody?
Rusted Arc: I... somehow slept with both a divine beast and a queen of the fae. I'm not sure how... but somehow Tamamo no Mae and a younger Morgan Le Fay apparently made a deal, both of them jumped me, and I couldn't leave my assigned room for a week. The only thing I got out of this...is a tattoo on my ring finger, and it matched on their hands.
PJ!Jaune: Wow not bad, I got lucky with Hestia since she was so kind, the others... well...
Rusted: What do you mean?
PJ!Jaune: Well, there was Theia who... well loved me but wanted to kill me or be killed by me, which was just bizarre. Then there was Demeter, who wasn't all that bad, and reminded me of a girl I knew back home, but the worst was Nemisis and Hecate.
Rusted: Why were they the worse
PJ!Jaune: ...I uh... kinda don't wanna talk about it, they didn't do anything too bad but... they were... mhm... quite intense
Rusted: Hm?... OH!
PJ!Jaune: Yeah...
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