#Quality management module
mchiti · 1 year
I wish you could all understand italian because there is a site here who did an incredible long ass written piece on hakim at the end of june and it is so beautiful? Like I'm baffled, I was only reading it now. Who did it. Obviously it was written before the deal to saudi collapsed. And I don't agree with some of the tragic tones here (they say he did nothing more than a normal WC and I think that's not fair, i understand they meant in regards to what he showed at ajax, but he had a different role, and it was a pivotal role) but I thought it was cool how they summed up his talents and qualities and the pure joy of watching him play and tried to understand the whys on the last 3 year at chelsea and put reasonable thoughts into it. I think it's cool they articulated the fact you know, sometimes clubs buy players and really don't know what to do with them.
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lordofpower-nft · 2 years
Lord of Power is a dual-core management combat game with equipment casting and hero raids. The game is mainly divided into three modules, such as territory construction (resource output required for casting equipment), equipment casting, and raid competition. In the process of territorial construction, the town center is the core. The war college is the sub-core building, and the other 11 are resource buildings, which can produce corresponding production resources. Equipment casting requires all kinds of resources to cast. According to casting materials, players get from various resource buildings. The higher the level of resource buildings, the more materials are generated to build equipment per hour. Different equipment uses different resources, and can cast level 1-5 equipment. Game raids are also the core of this game. There are 5 levels of raids with 5 different raids. Each raid can enter up to 5 heroes, and each hero can enter the raid 3 times a day. Each time the heroes (including multiple heroes) who enter a raid reach the dungeon combat power, can challenge the raid successfully. Casting to obtain equipment or opening mystery boxes to obtain equipment and heroes, players can list them and sell them on the NFT market. Players can also buy their own equipment and heroes on the NFT market. Players get low-quality equipment to upgrade to high-quality equipment, which can be upgraded through the furnace. When one main equipment is to upgrade in the furnace, up to four other pieces of equipment can be used to assist in upgrading. The higher the probability, the higher the success rate of upgrading low-quality equipment to high-quality equipment. https://lordofpower.com/
#Lord of Power is a dual-core management combat game with equipment casting and hero raids. The game is mainly divided into three modules#such as territory construction (resource output required for casting equipment)#equipment casting#and raid competition. In the process of territorial construction#the town center is the core. The war college is the sub-core building#and the other 11 are resource buildings#which can produce corresponding production resources. Equipment casting requires all kinds of resources to cast. According to casting mater#players get from various resource buildings. The higher the level of resource buildings#the more materials are generated to build equipment per hour. Different equipment uses different resources#and can cast level 1-5 equipment. Game raids are also the core of this game. There are 5 levels of raids with 5 different raids. Each raid#and each hero can enter the raid 3 times a day. Each time the heroes (including multiple heroes) who enter a raid reach the dungeon combat#can challenge the raid successfully. Casting to obtain equipment or opening mystery boxes to obtain equipment and heroes#players can list them and sell them on the NFT market. Players can also buy their own equipment and heroes on the NFT market. Players get#which can be upgraded through the furnace. When one main equipment is to upgrade in the furnace#up to four other pieces of equipment can be used to assist in upgrading. The higher the probability#the higher the success rate of upgrading low-quality equipment to high-quality equipment. https://lordofpower.com/
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hi! i have a question i’m directing at you bc i’ve seen the idea going around tumblr but most recently on your post — if a student is caught using ai to cheat do you think that’s worth expulsion? should that be the best case scenario punishment? while i understand the importance of making it known to students the severity of using chatgp, at the same time i feel like that’s a very harsh punishment for being caught cheating. but then also at the same time! i’m not a teacher and i don’t know if it’s possible to teach a student to value their education and the opportunity they have for high learning if they don’t already personally believe that the opportunity is a gift. idk! this isn’t really a structured question but i guess i’m curious about how you (or in general, how professors) feel about expulsion for chatgp (i know you’re just one person and don’t speak on behalf of all educators lol but it’s just something i’ve been curious about)
Expulsion as in, ejected wholesale from the entire university, Do Not Darken Our Door Again? No, I don't.
I think what outsiders tend to miss is that students who do this, 99% of the time, are desperate. Something has gone terribly wrong, they're desperate to meet those deadlines and get that work done, and in my experience it's almost always wrapped up in neurodivergence (usually undiagnosed) and frequently a home situation that's made their lives a shit show and pushed academia to a back burner.
But, it's a more serious issue than high school cheating on a multiple choice quiz. Degrees are crafted to have quality assurance built in, and with good reason. The whole point of a degree is that it's proof of higher learning, and specialist knowledge - you get a higher salary (in theory lol) because your employer is paying for the very expensive training you've undergone. This is particularly important in something like medicine or construction, because if you haven't actually completed all parts of that degree you could kill someone; but even in my own field, if you fundamentally don't understand the physical processes of a sand dune as well as its ecology, and someone hires you to manage that sand dune... well, it's going to be an over-stabilised mess in about five years' time and you've killed the rare sand lizards and mining bees that were living there. And if your degree is a course in an institution who is famous for producing top quality environmental workers who know this stuff... well, you've just made your uni course look very, very bad in industry.
So unis are protective of their quality assurance, and that means they do not like cheaters. And I do agree with that, that's fair enough.
For me, though, I think the answer is not full expulsion. I would run it like this:
Confirm beyond a shadow of a doubt that the student has indeed cheated. This must be confirmed.
IF NOT CONFIRMED: Mark the work strictly. Pair this with a viva - the student must be able to answer questions about the work from two lecturers with subject expertise, plus someone from the Academic Office (although that latter person can just observe only). This will determine how deep their knowledge is vs what they submitted, and should be factored into the overall mark.
IF CONFIRMED: Module fail, all marks for those credits set to zero, and the information included on transcripts (not why they failed, just that they attempted the module and got zero.) HOWEVER, the student is allowed one resit attempt; this might mean having to redo the year as a part-time student just to get that module, depending on how it's taught and how important it is.
All of the above with the understanding that their work is going to now be checked very closely going forward for repeat issues. In confirmed cases, a viva is now a required part of future work.
To be fair, mind, proving cheating is genuinely very hard, so depending on how strict the uni is, that's roughly the system that gets used anyway. Your work is very strictly marked, you get viva'd, and you usually fail on quality anyway (especially if your flavour of cheating was ChatGPT, because what it produces is shit.) After you've failed, gone through a resit period, and been capped at a pass mark for the fail, you realise pretty quickly that it would have been less stress and effort for a higher mark to just do the work yourself. And that's a learning curve everyone should be allowed, I think.
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Lancer RPG
pfft, your mech is your dead mom's soul? well MY mech is co-piloted by Cthulhu!
Touchstones: Armored Core, General Mech Media
Genre: Mecha, Tactics game
What is this game?: Lancer is a tactical TTRPG focused on mechs, and the folks piloting them, with a sturdy "Gameplay over Realism" mentality to its game design
How's the gameplay?: Lancer is a tactical RPG using primarily d20s for attack rolls and other problem solving, it's primarily based on the tactical combat rules of Dungeons and Dragons 4th edition, however it is mostly its own thing, with new mechanics, simple but fun character creation, and a high focus on quick and aggressive combat rather than lengthy and Defensive combat. in effect imagine character creation as going to a subway (of mech parts) and picking your ingredients, with a mech's frame being your choice of bread, and combat as an SRPG of your choosing but everyone is in giant mechs
Out of Combat is a bit different, to the point where I didn't even bring it up during my first draft of this! the Out of Combat rules are deliberately bare bones, you can very easily insert straight up a different game in there, or mod it to be something else. But I wouldn't recommend it, as the rules by themselves are 100% useable, fun, and blend into the combat portions pretty easily, Lancer is fully aware of this, and the lack of out of combat depth is partially covered by the KTB book, which gives characters simple out of character skills
What's the setting (If any) like?: Lancer throws you into a world where mankind's either solved, or is close to solving, most of the issues back on earth... too bad we also colonized other planets 10k years ago! Now, while Earth thrives, planets outside of it struggle with poverty, imperialism, dictatorships, and human and non-human rights issues, Earth tries its best to help, but they're stretched very thin. Lancer also has many small details to its setting that are way too in-depth to get into right now, but a major one is the existance of non-human people, eldritch beings strapped to computers in order to create effective and fully sentient artificial intelligence
What's the tone?: Lancer's tone is generally speaking, hopeful. Empires are mighty, but there are people fighting, and they will be toppled, mankind's horrors have attempted to wipe out entire species, but survivors remain, and secretly thrive. While there is some doom and gloom and grimdark stuff, especially with how the highly unethical and wicked corporations are treated as necessary evils for enterprising pilots, but overall lancer is a setting where no matter how bad things get, there will always be hope
Session length: A few hours, it depends on how mean your GM is, generally speaking however combat heavy sessions will only run you around 2-3 hours, with RP sprinkled in between
Number of Players: I generally like to recommend around 4 or more, but I'm sure you can do it with less
Malleability: While lancer's mechanics are pretty hardset in its setting, the existance of Beacon RPG and how at its core its very much a Lancer hack does show that Lancer can be hacked into differing settings, a very popular one I've seen is Magical Girl Lancer.
Resources: Lancer's primary resource is Comp/Con, it effectively serves as a do everything tool for lancer, allowing you to manage characters, encounter, and homebrew, while also having a very slick and easy to use UI Lancer also has many pre-made modules, of... varying quality, Siren's song and Solstice rain are pretty good, Wallflower is very good but the encounters are of mixed quality, and it's not great for introducing people to the game in my experience
Homebrew is also fairly popular, new frames, NPC types, Bonds, and modules are all pretty popular, my personal favorite being Field Guide to Suldan and Field Guide to Iridia, I also enjoy Field Guide to Liminal Spaces though that one's a bit on the "Be Very Careful" side
Overall, lancer is effectively THE indie ttrpg, being quality, fun, and affordable, with the core rulebook being 100% free if you just wish to see the player-side content, it's a great time, and everyone who's interested in the indie ttrpg scene should check it out at least once
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rockdwarftv · 3 months
So I've discovered Knave 1e
And It's everyone's problem now. Not so much fancy text this time but I've been going crazy making little systems for it. Like the first one, which was originally going to be in D&D 5e but I couldn't make it work there as easily. The system allows PCs to enchant any item with quality.
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The effect any given spell gives is intentionally left out, as it should be up to the referee and the player as it what their enchantment does in the end. The next rule, again, was for 5e. But, translated well into Knave as I wanted the game to stay lethal but I wanted it to be a player decision. Sometimes a death would just be boring and that's dumb. So with this, you get to choose if you die or if you'd like to roll for it.
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This would have had nice tables but google docs is ASS for arranging two tables next to each other.
Next is giving weapons a firm range. Knave had basic rules for this but I wanted to expand them to give players a little more wiggle room. The ranges use the base movement of all NPCs of 40 ft.
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Knave also offers multiple ways to resolve attacks, while I prefer roling against a static value (ie Armor Defense), I wanted to offer players a way to actively defend against attacks. At a cost, however.
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Rolling with your defense bonus gives you a chance to debuff the enemy, but puts you at higher risk of eating an attack. And even the rare chance of fumbling so badly the attack is made worse. Next was my crack at a monster, this is largely custom and based on the giant bloodworm statblock from AD&D. It's main purpose is to showcase how I want to handle conditions, this was made before Active Parry but it uses the same kind of idea.
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Something Knave did not touch on at all, aside from stating a speed, was exploration. I wanted to steal from PF 2e for this so I made my own little simplified system.
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This makes exploration feel a little more boardgame-y, and assumes there aren't going to be rolls for random encounters going on all the time. Ideally, unless the PCs are actively exploring new areas and not simply traveling between them, there should only ever be encounters which the referee has planned. Or, ones which match the movement of other groups on the map.
To tie into this, I've also worked out a Influence system, or a fame system.
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PCs doing things should attract attention over time, they should have a real affect in the world they are in so that players understand their actions are actually doing something. It also could very easily tie into classic OSR ideas of building their own keep and managing hirelings. Doing that would draw the attention of local groups, for better or for worse!
Thank you for coming to my Knave ramblings. I like Knave a lot and I'm currently converting some modules into my own level 1 to 5ish game to run with these rules.
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Made weapons a touch more interesting! Damage types now give bonuses, and the type of weapon is used to determine their bas damage and quality, not pictured because it's a big ass list lmao. Damage is also a flat value! If you deal damage you deal the maximum of a weapon's damage dice now, instead of rolling the dice.
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Armor has been brought up to use the same mechanics as weapons, and adjusted slightly in how armor defense is calculated.
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YEA PLAYER FOCUSED SPELLCASTING No more pre-made spell lists! Let the players make their own!
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ashlingiswriting · 1 year
do i know you? chapter two
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[ chapter one ] [ masterlist ] "...but i know they love each other. that should be enough, yeah?" richie jerimovich x reader, past mikey berzatto x reader, slow burn chapter two, 3.2k words
five days later, you take the elevator down from your apartment and richie is there. by your building, in your spot, standing with his hands deep in the pockets of his big leather jacket, not even smoking.
when you walk towards him, he looks up at you through the glass of the double doors. he doesn’t even have the couth to look down, or away, or nod—to do anything that would modulate the feeling of his blue eyes resting on you for the whole time it takes you to reach him. for that unnerving behavior, he gets no courtesy, not even a scrap of hello. 
you look like the world’s most obvious drug dealer, you say.
he smiles a little at that. you cannot be held responsible for what your body does then, the wash of wanting that has nothing to do with sex and everything to do with the deepening crow’s feet at the corners of his eyes. 
takes one to know one, right? he says.
i’m not—
i know, he says, too quickly, as if he’s startled that you’re startled too. it was just a joke.
it might not have been wholly a joke, but you can’t tell. you don’t dare ask him why he’s here either, cause he might answer and get what he wants from you and leave. so you head straight for an old standby, something that always used to work with the other one: nicotine and arguments.
you all smoked out? you say. it’s as near to invitation as you’re going to get.
he shrugs, but he can’t quite manage to look completely indifferent. hit me.
you hand him a cigarette before lighting up your own. he looks utterly disgusted. 
this a fuckin menthol? he says, and the cadence is familiar. exactly what you wanted. you have to smother a smile hard to stop it from escaping.
why, you say, playing the innocent. you got a problem with that?
you knew he would hate it. that’s exactly why you did him the courtesy. it’s just that easy: he pulls a stupid face, you start, look, and you’re off to the races.
he talks shit and so do you and it’s comfortable. it’s so stupid comfortable and lazy and easy until he says in passing, it’s like mikey always says, and you have to stop him before he reaches the end of that sentence. you have to.
you say, mikey’s dead, right?
there’s that family echo in richie’s face. he’s not carmy, lost that quality of innocence, but he too has this trick of looking like you’ve just slapped him out of the blue. mikey’s dead, yeah, but richie can’t say it.
so then why are you digging him up, huh? you say, and it’s all michael, every last syllable of it: the michael you hated most and were never gonna quit, the warm, all-knowing, bullying, fundamentally loving little piece of shit. 
it’s got to be michael that comes out of your mouth, cause if it isn’t him, then it’s gonna be you. and if it’s you saying what you really wanna say, you’re gonna say that you’re sorry, because you are, you really are, so fucking sorry. 
it’s michael who comes out of your mouth, and then you shut it, final.
yeah, richie says after a second, and then he looks away, fumbling in his pocket for the lighter so he can smoke the much-loathed menthol. yeah.
somewhere far-off, there’s a siren. it's somebody else’s turn to save a life now, or somebody else who needs help bad, not you. but you won’t let him go.
you get out your own lighter, realize your mistake too late. he must see the smudge of blood on your wrist, just above where the glove stopped, but he says nothing. lets you cup your hands to shield his cigarette from the wind, perilously close to his face. lets you light it with one click. 
there’s a crumb of something stuck just above his eyelid, just below his eyebrow, one brown speck easily lost in the . 
you force the words past the lump in your throat. who gives a shit about daley anyway, is what i’m saying.
like an old horse who knows the way home even in the dark, he picks up the thread of your conversation and argues back even though you both know that neither of you really give a shit.
see, this is how i know you’re not chicago born and raised…
time is a hand dragging you away, and you just keep arguing past it. no victory in it, no defeat. just a holding pattern, you and richie, no more smoke and absolutely no sense, until finally you’re so restless and cold that he does actually start to piss you off. 
how’d you get to arguing about tourism and local politics, of all things, when you don’t care about either? what is it that sets you off? maybe this is why michael didn’t want you meeting his people—you take things too personally sometimes, you get irritated and lose your sense of humor, which would be an embarrassment if you weren’t too irritated to care. or you can’t take losing, which given your entire life is a very unfortunate trait. or maybe richie was just put on this earth to be maximally annoying to you specifically. 
god but he makes a kid of you when he hits sweetheart on a syrupy note of condescension, sends you stomping away to the doors with a you’re such a fucking man.
thank you! he yells after you. 
weirdly, the next morning, there's still annoyance at him, but there's nothing else. none of the biggies, no hangover of loss, no dark movement of fish swimming under ice. which is nice, for once, if puzzling. why doesn’t it hurt?
tonight, you need michael. you’ve needed him more often than ever since he died, possibly because he died, which is fucking inconvenient.
tonight you also you earn your pay and then some. you don’t like making house calls, but for old caruso you would willingly drive for six hours hours, do three back-to-back surgeries, and drive all the way back home. luckily, tonight’s requirements are not so ludicrous: just save a life that, well.
he should be dead, old caruso says to you by the kid’s bedside, once the work is all over. the kid is twenty-eight and you are only thirty-three, but he is a kid and he will forever be a kid, thus the attempted robbery, thus the manslaughters and the whimpering and the hole in his gut. thus you sitting quietly on a plastic-covered chair while old caruso’s daughter in law hands you a cup of weak, honey-colored tea, and the confession from the father that the son does not deserve to live, right in front of the son’s wife.
you’re not paid to receive this type of confession, and you don’t want the intimacy. sure, you get along with old caruso as much as you can get along with anybody who blackmails you into putting your life at increasing risk, which is a lot—but, in the end, to know people is to like them, and to like the wrong person is to fuck yourself with a thoroughness that is not only ruinous, but worse, exhausting. you’ve had enough of that.
you look down at little caruso’s abnormally pale face. even unconscious, there is a hint of pain in it. he has none of his father’s features, but that same long face, which tends to give the wearer a comical aspect right up until the moment it is terrifying. he’s the last of his brothers left on this side of the bars, and given the way things have been going lately, you doubt that’ll last much longer.
you say, as long as he doesn’t come down with an infection, he’ll live.
the old man regards you with a hint of surprise. perhaps, surrounded as he so often is with women of only his own family, he’s unused to women rebuffing his attempts to use them as emotional trash bags, in which he can put unpleasant thoughts, then tie them up safely so the smell of rot doesn’t permeate his house.
i like you, chao, he says, unexpectedly. then he puts on his reading glasses and reaches for a book on the stack by the bedside. it is only then that you realize that this is not only your thanks for the night, but also a dismissal. 
the car is a beautiful car, sleek and black and near-perfect in silence as it glides through chicago. it is a car meant to carry the likes of old caruso, not you. the driver must know this, because he swears at the gps once when it suggests a left turn he doesn’t approve of, and nobody swears around old caruso unless they’re family.
it’s only when you store up this one detail that you realize: there is nobody to tell. a full story, life saved, father loving and hating, weak tea, cursing driver. but there is no one left. 
you let your head rest against the cool glass of the window, close your eyes. 
no one left. fucking inconvenient.
you walk the last couple blocks to get your head right, only to find that richie is waiting there. 
it makes sense, right—the beginning of your on-call night shift dovetails with the end of his, and your building isn't far from the beef. the schedules work out and just. there he is.
you shouldn’t be surprised, so why do you go still and quiet, why do you watch him tilt his head up, exhale smoke, and peer beyond it? why do you try to see what he’s looking at? it’s another apartment building, that’s all, just another one of those that’s too boring to even be ugly. he exhales so slow. he doesn’t notice you for a while. you feel like you’re watching him look at another woman. 
when he does, you refuse to look down or away, refuse to nod at him, the same way he did to you last time. somebody’s gotta make the first move, and it’s not gonna be you. 
except, at some point, you break.
what’s up, you say. can’t really help it. you’re surrounded by macho bullshit every day, and it’s the sort of thing that rubs off on a person. 
i’m gonna fix you, richie says.
the laugh tears out of you, incredulous and loud and real. just when you think nothing’s funny anymore, along comes this motherfucker. it just about bowls you over, the idea of anyone fixing you, like a tsunami in the river or a sudden suspension of gravity, a constellation of pink elephants. 
the way richie laughs, he’s in on the joke for sure. richie was never supposed to know you existed, but you always knew better than to expect michael to keep the secret of you to himself, especially from richie. men, you think, but it’s not angry. this part is convenient, that he knows what a wreck you are. you won’t have to explain it. you can’t help but notice: he came anyway. for that, you’ll let him laugh at you and then some. for that, you’ll let him do near anything he wants.
good fucking luck, you finally manage to say, laughter still coming out the edges of every word, near breathless with it.
richie throws something at you that you catch one-handed. it’s a small box. 
we gotta get you off the menthols, is what i’m saying. you can taste in his voice that he’s pleased with himself for the laugh, and you look down at the box with your smile still warming your face, and then.
it’s a pack of sapphires, cause of course it is. you can’t remember which of them taught the other one to smoke. maybe they had their first together.
so now tonight’s gonna taste like michael, is that it? maybe you should be grateful for the warning.
you piss me off, you murmur, still looking at the box in your hand.
really? he says.
fuck it. you open the box. nah.
this time, he lights it up for you. there is no wind and still he cups the cigarette, care as a habit even when it’s no longer necessary. his nails are dirty, his hands are precise, and you’re grateful for the second warning that comes along, the glint of gold on his ring finger. it didn’t come a moment too soon. 
so how’s your night, richie says. 
you exhale slow. through the smoke, you can see michael watching you. he was always better at rules than you were: don’t go to the beef, don’t meet with his friends, don’t make shit complicated. you always believed in the rules, you really did, which is maybe why you waited till he was dead to start breaking them.
in other words, it’s too late when you say, so fucking boring. it’s too late, but you lie anyways. just bone-crushing, neverending boredom. what about you?
he shakes his head, leans against the building. all this new stuff carmy’s dragging in, man. it’s a pain in my ass. swear to god, sometimes it’s like he’s aiming directly for my head.
yeah? he glances over quick, but you still catch the surprise. guess you said it too close to gentle. you say, i mean, i’m sure you deserve it.
reassured, he picks up again. if you could see the fuckin mess he’s made of our…
you lean back against the building beside him, listening. actually listening. maybe you’re a trash bag and maybe you don’t care, cause you don’t want to go up to your empty apartment and now you don’t have to. when he loses steam on the rant, you pass him your cigarette. when he picks up a new rant, you take the cigarette back. eventually, you both meander onto the subject of past concerts you’ve been to, which are never the same, and it’s like talking about nothing at all.
the two of you are still going when your phone rings half an hour later—little caruso is awake earlier than you expected, something’s off with the pain meds, you need to go—but he gets in a few jabs before you leave, mostly on the subject of your blue nokia burner phone, which cost you twenty bucks and actually flips open and closed. you drive a horse and buggy too?
what can i say, i’m cheap. hey, if you keep hanging around, maybe it’ll keep down the rent, you say. it’s the most invitation he’s ever gonna get, and you’re almost nervous to hear the answer.
urban uglification, richie says. 
you’re awash in relief. fucking exactly. 
you don’t say see you later, because you know you don’t have to.
so i’m freezing my balls off, crouching behind this sculpture, trying to keep all these kids in their hiding spots. by now most of them want to bail. i mean, these aren’t even high schoolers, they’re fuckin middle schoolers, right? the sun’s basically set and it’s getting dark, so they’re getting anxious, i’m getting anxious, everyone’s anxious. so me, i start telling them the plot of die hard just to keep them from leaving. i kid you not, j, half these kids have never seen die hard in their lives. 
michael looks at you, all animated and incredulous, gesturing wide with the hand that’s not holding yours. you’re in bed, naked in the summer heat, sitting face to face and cross-legged because he got so excited about this story he just had to sit up, and it felt weird for you to be lying there while he wasn’t.
never seen die hard even once, he says.
you shake your head, indulging him. it’s a fucking classic.
a classic, he echoes with satisfaction. so anyway, i’m at the part where gruber is about to kill mcclane, right near the end, and i’ve got like thirty middle schoolers eating from the palm of my hand. out of the corner of my eye, i see richie and tiff coming down the path, fuckin finally. 
he’s so excited, it’s like he’s seeing the two of them for the first time. the man could power an entire factory with that smile. one of your hands is empty, so you hold onto his ankle, just because you can.
it’s pretty dark and the lights in the park aren’t great, but it’s definitely a couple, the woman’s blonde, and i’m like oh shit. game time. let’s go. we jump out, start singing. i’ve got the marry me sign, whip it out. and this woman screams, i mean screams. 
poor tiff, you say, in real sympathy. you would've hated all this.
see, but that is not tiff, michael says. that is a total fucking rando that we just surprised for no reason at all. 
you bust out laughing. from the cadence of his storytelling alone, you know it’s too early to laugh, but you can’t help it. michael’s all lit up like a christmas tree. he keeps going.
she’s screaming bloody murder, so of course my kids stop singing and a couple of them scream too, just to join in on the action i guess. the man, the guy that’s with her, he’s wearing a north face jacket. and you know what he does?
he calls the cops.
he points at you with his free hand. calls the cops. ten minutes later, cops show up, they call all the parents, it’s a mess. i am up to my neck in shit. it takes me like an hour to convince everyone that this is not the world’s stupidest human trafficking ring, and another hour to convince them that they don’t really want to throw me in jail for disturbing the peace. when it’s all over and the kids are safely heading home, i finally get richie on the phone and i’m like, where were you, man. what happened?
he chickened out, you guess.
see, i wasn’t even thinking that, i was thinking that tiff found out ahead of time, like sugar spilled the beans or something and she turned him down before he could even propose. i was all set to fish him out of bottle before he drowned in it. but you know what richie says? you know what he says to me?
i forgot. he throws his head back, lets out great big generous peals of laughter. this wet motherfucker! ‘i forgot.’
it takes a while for michael to stop laughing, mostly cause somewhere during the middle of the comedown, he lets out a weird little snort that sets you off. but eventually, he goes back to his story, sated.
he goes, it wouldn’t have been right. like, what do you mean it wouldn’t have been right?  a choir singing her favorite song, at sunset, you’re gonna ask her to marry you, i hand painted this fuckin sign, we’ve been planning this for like a month now, what could be wrong with that? he’s like, i just knew. i knew when we were going down the elevator that the speech i wrote was all wrong and i was gonna have to say some things i couldn’t say in front of a bunch of middle schoolers. 
he’s shaking his head now.
so he proposed to her, i kid you not, in the elevator. he said whatever he was gonna say—he never told me what it was—and he went down on one knee, and that was it. by the time they hit the bottom floor, they rode it right back up, went back to her apartment, and i’m pretty sure that when i was trying to argue my way out of handcuffs, the two of them were sound asleep, all tired out from fucking like rabbits on speed. un-fucking-believable.
he’s so happy for richie, it shines out of him.
it’s a good thing it was only a phone call, cause i would’ve beat his ass. i’ve had forty-three chicago winters at this point, and that is the closest i’ve ever come to getting frostbite. hand to god, sometimes i think i still can’t feel the tips of my ears. 
yeah? can you feel that? you trace the shell of his ear with one delicate fingertip. you’d make it prelude to a kiss, but you sense a faint shadow crossing over his face now, some darker thought about to rear its head. so you leave it at that, stay watchful.
he tips his forehead forward till its resting on yours. it’s so crazy, he says, like a sigh. 
you cup his cheek in your hand. it’s a great story.
i mean, all that, and they still broke up.
aw, not the end of love. you didn’t want this. comfort’s not one of your strengths, but since there’s no one else around to do it, you play the optimist as best as you can. maybe they’ll get back together. 
i mean, i hope so, he says, though not very hopefully. he thinks for a little while, and then he says, i don’t know why she…i mean he’s a good guy, you know?  
his dark eyes flick up to yours. at such close quarters, it feels like a lot, but it’s an invitation and not an attack. you take it, carefully, but you take it. 
he says, richie’s a good guy, and he loves her. sure, she divorced him, but i know they love each other. that should be enough, yeah? 
he says it directly to you like he’s presenting an appeal, as though either of you are capable of fixing somebody else’s broken life.
i know, you say. you kiss him now, because there is nothing else to say. 
there isn’t much you put your heart in these days, but you put it into this kiss, long and slow, and then you crawl into his lap, bury your fingers in his thick hair, and do it all over again. his hands spread warmth as they slide up your back. by the end of the night, your mouth will be sensitive and tender from his stubble, but he’s smiling into the kiss and it’s worth it. 
he’s not wrong. it should be enough.
[ chapter three ] [ masterlist ]
@garbinge, @narcolini, @drabbles-mc, @beingalive1 — if anyone else wants a tag, let me know.
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kaidanworkshop · 9 months
Kaidan Revoiced: Community Expansion Content Frequently Asked Questions
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Looking for more information about the Kaidan Workshop as a whole? Check here first!
What will be included in the Kaidan Revoiced: Community Expansion mod?
To list every small addition and fix would make this FAQ unbearably long, but here are the key highlights:
Remastered and rebuilt from the ground up! Every single line of code, every asset, and every script has been overhauled – our new follower framework eliminates long-standing bugs and quality of life issues that plagued the original mod
All new voice acting of Kaidan by the talented Paul Warren
Many new QOL features for Kaidan such as:
Wardrobe management
Pronoun selection
Combat damage adjustment
Immersive settings system through dialogue
Audio restoration and engineering on supporting characters from Kaidan 1 sources
Reviewed and updated quest commentary conditions - you may hear lines from the original script that you’ve never had the chance to hear before!
Customize your playthrough by choosing a nickname that Kaidan can use for you - or ask to not be called by a nickname (ie. "Dragonborn")
Players can now obtain the custom home Autumnwatch without marrying Kaidan if they so choose, or via the original romance route
New high poly and HD assets while preserving LivTempleton’s original mod aesthetic
Do I need the original LivTempleton Kaidan 2 mod?
No, Kaidan Revoiced: Community Expansion mod is standalone, and has no other mod requirements. It is not compatible with the original Kaidan 2 mod.
Can I use KR:CE with [insert Kaidan replacer]/[insert Kaidan patch]?
KR:CE will not be compatible out of the box with ANY existing Kaidan replacers, patches, or extensions. KR:CE uses a new framework that current visual replacers and compatibility patches simply will not work with; however, converting existing replacers and creating new compatibility patches for other mods (such as Legacy of The Dragonborn) is a relatively easy process we are more than happy to assist in.
Besides that, we have incorporated many different Kaidan fixes that have made several of his old patches and mods obsolete. Below is a non-exhaustive list of the fixes and mods included in KR:CE.
Extensive dialogue tweaks & subtitle fixes
Stat & combat balancing
Follower distance adjustments
HD Armor Retexture
Shackles Fix
Select parts of Kaidan’s Armory and Kaidan’s Arsenal
Dwarven Mail CC conflict patch
Immersive Start (pending current Community Poll)
Kaidan Refreshed 
Additionally, Axarien’s Animations, as well as Kaidan Silvered, have been updated and will publish concurrently with KR:CE.
Patches and modules that will need to be converted &/or patched for compatibility include, but aren’t limited to:
All existing visual replacers 
All existing Autumnwatch replacers
Legacy of the Dragonborn followers patch
MCO animation folders
Custom DAR/OAR animations 
Can I use KR:CE with a follower manager mod, such as NFF or AFF?
No, KR:CE’s custom follower framework will break if you import Kaidan into any such mod. As we have rebuilt it from the ground up, any requested features that the community wishes to have implemented can be investigated and integrated relatively seamlessly; these can always be suggested via any of our socials for consideration.
Will Kaidan still have his interactions with Lucien?
Unfortunately, we are unable to coordinate the revoicing effort of the Lucien-Kaidan interactions for our initial 1.0 launch – it is something that we are very interested in pursuing once schedules permit.
Will Kaidan still curse/drink in KR:CE?
The short answer: Yes. Our design policy with regards to any changes we make to Kaidan is one that aims to be lore friendly, as well as keeping his characterization as close as possible to his original depiction. 
The long answer, as per our Writing Team: 
-- Please note the response below contains NSFW language -- 
"Kaidan's cursing and drinking is something our community has definitely weighed in on, spurring an entire section of exposition in our style guide to address it. Our main concern is that some of his language is anachronistic, and we want to address that. 
In the base Skyrim script, mild language such as damn, piss, and bastard are used throughout the world, while other words like bitch, whore, sex, and ass are used less frequently. It was clearly LivTempleton's intent to have Kaidan be someone who is unafraid to let a foul word slip here and there, but not so much that he's swearing like a sailor. Hell and fuck are both used by Kaidan, and despite not being strictly “lore friendly,” both swears are canonically used within The Elder Scrolls world. Similarly with regards to drinking, Kaidan’s base script contains several lines that clearly show he enjoys having a drink here and there, but not so much that he’s a drunken mess.
We are considering replacements for the anachronistic swears with something more lore friendly in future Workshop Original content, but we don't have any specific plans to expand the amount of swearing or drinking lines he has by any significant amount at this time. Ultimately, sometimes less is more."
Can I use KR:CE with Extended Edition?
No, KR:CE will not be compatible out of the box with ANY existing Kaidan replacers, patches, or extensions. Further, as Extended Edition has the original Kaidan 2 as a mod requirement, it is unfortunately incompatible with our expansion.
Will KR:CE be ported to Xbox/Playstation/Switch?
For Xbox - Yes, we have plans to do so (and have been building KR:CE with console compatibility in mind), but in the event that we are unable to do so in house, we would be more than happy to coordinate with a knowledgeable member of the community to port KR:CE.
For Playstation & Switch - Unfortunately due to the limitations of modding on this particular console, we cannot release KR:CE on either of these platforms.
Can I use KR:CE with Skyrim VR?
Yes, KR:CE should be compatible out of the box.
Will KR:CE be backported to Skyrim: Legendary Edition?
We currently have no plans to backport KR:CE to LE. However, we would be more than happy to coordinate with a knowledgeable member of the community to port KR:CE.
Is the Workshop planning on creating interactions with [insert your favorite custom voiced follower]?
Interactions with other custom voiced followers has always been a goal of ours! Right now we are focused primarily on releasing the 1.0 version of KR:CE, and creating an entirely new script with another content creator will add too much production time to our current workflow. However, once we begin transitioning towards Workshop Original Script production post-launch, we will be revisiting this topic in full force.
Can I make a compatibility patch for [insert your favorite mod]?
In general, yes! Link us to the content you wish to make a patch for, so we can ensure it does not violate our Terms of Use Policy (see below). Besides that, all we ask is that you please credit us as The Kaidan Workshop, as well as crediting LivTempleton for providing her assets to the community. 
Dragonborn Voice Over/AI Voice Generation Policy
The Kaidan Workshop, as well as our VA Paul Warren, have a strict policy against the utilization of AI Voice Generation. We do NOT consent to the use of Kaidan’s new lines by Mr. Warren in any mod &/or media content that uses AI Voice Generation as a permanent fixture of its content, nor do we consent to the utilization of any of our content in helping to train AI Voice Generators. Mods that use AI voices as placeholders while official lines are being recorded will be evaluated on a case by case basis. In the case of the popular Dragonborn Voice Over mod, only a voice from a human voice actor who has consented to their voice and its likeness being used for AI Voice Generation will be considered for a compatibility patch. Otherwise, the above no-tolerance policy stands.
NSFW Patch Policy
The Workshop, as well as our VA Paul Warren has a strict policy against the utilization of KR:CE in NSFW content. The only exception to this rule are nude body replacers for mods such as HIMBO or SOS.
Help! My question isn't on this FAQ page!
No problem! Come swing by our Discord, or leave a message in our inbox.
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ckmstudies · 1 year
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June 6th:
Started up on area two of my audit review course. I had planned to do three modules today but I only got two done. I did 3 and a half hours of work but I got started later in the day than I would have liked. I'm hoping to bounce back tomorrow and hopefully get four modules done, or at least three which is planned. If I get in three hours of studying each day this week I'll be on track except I only did 45 minutes of studying yesterday. I did take a practice exam on area one of auditing yesterday and I made a 50% which I'm not mad about since I only went through the material twice and there's lots of information in there. And now I know which modules need the most work! I'm hoping to have area two done by Thursday since its only nine modules and then take the practice exam for area two on Friday. Saturday will be review day and then I'll take the first mini exam on Sunday! This is of course if I keep on track. But enough rambling! I got some good work in today and I'm hoping to get more work in tomorrow.
Today's accounting topic: Accounting firms are required to have quality controls in place to make sure they are associating with clients that have good management morals as well as to make sure they are performing their audits to the best of their abilities including hiring employees with good morals.
Other activity: My mom and I started Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story tonight! I've seen the other two bridgerton seasons with my mom, which yes can be awkward at points, but we both love the characters and the costumes and the settings.
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shuttershocky · 1 year
Here's Hoping Ho’olheyak manages to be a quality Core Caster and finally Break Eya's Curse.
They already did that with Ceobe's first module, which is a completely insane damage upgrade that makes her THE Core Caster vs high armor enemies and overall gives her a strong niche that Eyjafjalla can't touch.
Ho'olheyak is smartly pulling a Qanipalaat and staying out of Eyja's way with her silence talents and bonus damage vs aerial enemies, and her skills all providing levitate. She's very clearly a support-leaning Core Caster with some shift meme utility (she's the first operator since Angelina able to reduce enemy weight) which is good, because attempting to directly compete with Eyjafjalla is a fool's errand.
HG's earliest and greatest mistake continues to be a problem that needs to be stepped around, not directly ran into.
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shantitechnology · 6 months
Boosting Efficiency:  The Role of ERP Software in Modern Manufacturing Operations
In today's fast-paced manufacturing landscape, efficiency is not just a desirable trait; it's a necessity.  To stay competitive and meet the demands of the market, manufacturers must streamline their processes, optimize resource utilization, and enhance decision-making capabilities.  This is where Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software steps in as a game-changer.  In this article, we'll delve into the pivotal role of ERP systems in revolutionizing manufacturing operations, particularly in India's thriving industrial sector.
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Understanding ERP for Manufacturing Industry
ERP systems for manufacturing are comprehensive software solutions designed to integrate and automate core business processes such as production planning, inventory management, supply chain logistics, financial management, and human resources.  By consolidating data and operations into a unified platform, ERP empowers manufacturers with real-time insights, facilitates collaboration across departments, and enables informed decision-making.
Streamlining Operations with ERP Solutions
In the dynamic environment of manufacturing, where every minute counts, efficiency gains translate directly into cost savings and competitive advantages.  ERP software for manufacturing offers a multitude of features that streamline operations and drive efficiency:
1.   Enhanced Production Planning:  ERP systems enable manufacturers to create accurate production schedules based on demand forecasts, resource availability, and production capacity.  By optimizing production timelines and minimizing idle time, manufacturers can fulfill orders promptly and reduce lead times.
2.   Inventory Management:  Efficient inventory management is crucial for balancing supply and demand while minimizing holding costs.  ERP software provides real-time visibility into inventory levels, automates reorder points, and facilitates inventory optimization to prevent stockouts and overstock situations.
3.   Supply Chain Optimization:  ERP solutions for manufacturing integrate supply chain processes from procurement to distribution, enabling seamless coordination with suppliers and distributors.  By optimizing procurement cycles, minimizing transportation costs, and reducing lead times, manufacturers can enhance supply chain resilience and responsiveness.
4.   Quality Control:  Maintaining product quality is paramount in manufacturing to uphold brand reputation and customer satisfaction.  ERP systems offer quality management modules that streamline inspection processes, track product defects, and facilitate corrective actions to ensure adherence to quality standards.
5.   Financial Management:  Effective financial management is essential for sustaining manufacturing operations and driving profitability.  ERP software provides robust accounting modules that automate financial transactions, streamline budgeting and forecasting, and generate comprehensive financial reports for informed decision-making.
6.   Human Resource Management:  People are the cornerstone of manufacturing operations, and managing workforce efficiently is critical for productivity and employee satisfaction.  ERP systems for manufacturing include HR modules that automate payroll processing, manage employee records, and facilitate workforce planning to align staffing levels with production demands.
The Advantages of ERP for Manufacturing Companies in India
India's manufacturing sector is undergoing rapid transformation, fueled by factors such as government initiatives like "Make in India," technological advancements, and globalization.  In this dynamic landscape, ERP software plays a pivotal role in empowering manufacturing companies to thrive and remain competitive:
1.   Scalability:  ERP solutions for manufacturing are scalable, making them suitable for companies of all sizes – from small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to large conglomerates.  Whether a company is expanding its operations or diversifying its product portfolio, ERP systems can adapt to evolving business needs and support growth.
2.   Compliance:  Regulatory compliance is a significant concern for manufacturing companies in India, given the complex regulatory environment.  ERP software incorporates compliance features that ensure adherence to industry regulations, tax laws, and reporting requirements, minimizing the risk of non-compliance penalties.
3.   Localization:  ERP vendors catering to the Indian manufacturing sector offer localized solutions tailored to the unique requirements of the Indian market.  From multi-currency support to GST compliance features, these ERP systems are equipped with functionalities that address the specific challenges faced by Indian manufacturers.
4.   Cost Efficiency:  Implementing ERP software for manufacturing entails upfront investment, but the long-term benefits far outweigh the costs.  By streamlining processes, optimizing resource utilization, and reducing operational inefficiencies, ERP systems drive cost savings and improve overall profitability.
5.   Competitive Edge:  In a fiercely competitive market, manufacturing companies in India must differentiate themselves through operational excellence and agility.  ERP software equips companies with the tools and insights needed to outperform competitors, adapt to market dynamics, and capitalize on emerging opportunities.
Choosing the Right ERP Software for Manufacturing
Selecting the right ERP solution is crucial for maximizing the benefits and ensuring a smooth implementation process.  When evaluating ERP software for manufacturing, companies should consider the following factors:
1.   Industry-specific functionality:  Choose an ERP system that offers industry-specific features and functionalities tailored to the unique requirements of manufacturing operations.
2.   Scalability and flexibility:  Ensure that the ERP software can scale with your business and accommodate future growth and expansion.
3.   Ease of integration:  Look for ERP systems that seamlessly integrate with existing software applications, such as CRM systems, MES solutions, and IoT devices, to create a cohesive technology ecosystem.
4.   User-friendliness:  A user-friendly interface and intuitive navigation are essential for ensuring widespread adoption and maximizing user productivity.
5.   Vendor support and expertise:  Select a reputable ERP vendor with a proven track record of success in the manufacturing industry and robust customer support services.
In conclusion, ERP software has emerged as a cornerstone of modern manufacturing operations, empowering companies to enhance efficiency, drive growth, and maintain a competitive edge in the global market.  For manufacturing companies in India, where agility, scalability, and compliance are paramount, implementing the right ERP solution can be a transformative investment that paves the way for sustainable success.  By harnessing the power of ERP, manufacturers can optimize processes, streamline operations, and unlock new opportunities for innovation and growth in the dynamic landscape of the manufacturing industry.
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quotient-12-3 · 13 days
Toyota's Impact on the Global Automotive Market
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 Toyota's Effect on the Worldwide Auto Market
Toyota, a name inseparable from unwavering quality. Development, and supportability. Has left a permanent imprint on the worldwide auto market. From its unassuming starting points in Japan to becoming one of the biggest vehicle producers on the planet. Toyota has reliably set industry norms and affected worldwide car patterns. This article investigates Toyota's effect on the worldwide car market. Featuring key advancements. business methodologies. And its obligation to manageability.
Toyota: A Tradition of Development
Toyota's process started in 1937, and from that point forward. The organization has been at the front of auto advancement. One of its most huge commitments to the business is the improvement of the Toyota Creation Framework (TPS). A progressive assembling process that underscored productivity. Quality, and waste decrease. TPS presented the idea of "without a moment to spare" creation. Which limited stock expenses and further developed creation speed, setting another norm for the business.
This way to deal with assembling changed Toyota into a worldwide force to be reckoned with as well as impacted incalculable different automakers. The standards of TPS have been embraced around the world, shaping the reason for lean assembling rehearses across different ventures.
Toyota: The Introduction of the half breed Unrest
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The effect of the Prius reached out past Toyota's item arrangement. It provoked different automakers to foster their half breed and electric vehicles, speeding up the shift towards greener innovations. Today. Toyota keeps on driving in mixture innovation, with a great many crossover vehicles sold universally, adding to diminished outflows and fuel utilization
Worldwide Extension and Market Authority
Toyota's worldwide extension technique plays had a significant impact in its effect on the car market. By laying out assembling plants in key districts around the world. Toyota has had the option to adjust to nearby market needs, diminish creation costs, and keep up with its strategic advantage. The organization's obligation to quality and development deserves it a dependable client base across the globe.
In business sectors like North America, Europe. and Asia. Toyota has reliably positioned among the top automakers as far as deals and piece of the pie. Its different item setup, which incorporates all that from minimized vehicles to extravagance vehicles and business trucks, permits Toyota to take special care of many shopper inclinations and requirements.
Obligation to Supportability and Development
Toyota's impact on the worldwide car market reaches out past its vehicles; the organization is likewise a forerunner in maintainability drives. Toyota's obligation to lessening its ecological effect is apparent in its drawn out procedure, known as the "Toyota Natural Test 2050." This aggressive arrangement expects to accomplish zero fossil fuel byproducts all through the vehicle lifecycle, from creation to end-of-life reusing.
To accomplish this objective, Toyota is putting vigorously in innovative work of elective energy sources, including hydrogen power modules and electric vehicles. The organization has previously taken huge steps with the presentation of vehicles like the Mirai, a hydrogen energy component vehicle, and the continuous improvement of electric vehicles (EVs) as a feature of its more extensive system.
Molding the Fate of Versatility
Toyota isn't just centered around creating vehicles yet in addition on forming the fate of versatility. The organization is effectively associated with creating independent driving innovation, associated vehicles, and savvy transportation frameworks. Toyota's vision for what's in store incorporates making a reality where vehicles are more secure, more productive, and consistently coordinated into the more extensive transportation environment.
Toyota's interest in independent vehicles, especially through its auxiliary, the Toyota Exploration Organization (TRI), features its obligation to advancement. The organization's attention on computerized reasoning, mechanical technology, and high level materials research is driving the improvement of cutting edge vehicles that will reclassify the manner in which individuals travel.
Difficulties and Flexibility
Like any worldwide company, Toyota has confronted its portion of difficulties. The 2008 worldwide monetary emergency, cataclysmic events like the 2011 seismic tremor and tidal wave in Japan. And the later semiconductor deficiencies have tried Toyota's versatility. In any case, the organization's powerful production network the executives, versatile business methodologies. And obligation to constant improvement have permitted it to really explore these difficulties.
Toyota's capacity to rapidly recuperate from mishaps and keep developing has supported its situation as a forerunner in the worldwide auto market. The organization's emphasis on long haul supportability, consumer loyalty, and mechanical progression guarantees that it stays a prevailing power in the business.
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pingmedia11 · 29 days
The Best Digital Marketing Course in Agra
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Pingmedia stands out as one of the leading providers of Digital Marketing Course in Agra. Renowned for its comprehensive and practical approach, Ping media Digital Marketing Course is designed to equip students, professionals, and business owners with the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in the dynamic field of digital marketing.
Course Overview
Pingmedia’s Digital Marketing Course is meticulously crafted to cover a wide range of topics essential for mastering digital marketing. The course is structured to provide both theoretical knowledge and practical experience, ensuring that students are well-prepared to tackle real-world challenges.
Key Features:
Comprehensive Curriculum: The course covers all crucial aspects of digital marketing, including SEO, SEM, SMM, content marketing, email marketing, and more.
Practical Training: Emphasis on hands-on learning through live projects and real-world scenarios.
Experienced Trainers: Learn from industry experts with extensive experience in digital marketing.
Flexible Learning Options: Available in both online and offline formats to cater to diverse needs.
Certification: Industry-recognized certification upon successful completion of the course.
Detailed Course Modules
Introduction to Digital Marketing
Overview of digital marketing and its importance
Key digital marketing channels and strategies
Understanding digital marketing metrics and KPIs
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
On-page and off-page SEO techniques
Keyword research and implementation
Technical SEO and website optimization
Tools for SEO analysis and tracking
Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
Introduction to Google Ads and PPC campaigns
Creating effective ad copy and landing pages
Budget management and bid strategies
Analyzing and optimizing campaign performance
Social Media Marketing (SMM)
Developing strategies for various social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn)
Content creation and curation
Social media advertising and analytics
Community management and engagement
Content Marketing
Crafting high-quality content for blogs, websites, and social media
Content planning and strategy
Techniques for content distribution and promotion
Measuring content effectiveness and ROI
Email Marketing
Building and managing email lists
Designing effective email campaigns and newsletters
Automation and personalization strategies
Analyzing email marketing metrics
Affiliate Marketing
Understanding affiliate marketing models and networks
Setting up and managing affiliate programs
Performance tracking and optimization
Best practices for working with affiliates
E-Commerce Marketing
Strategies for promoting online stores and products
Utilizing e-commerce platforms and tools
Product listing optimization and customer reviews
Handling promotions and sales campaigns
Mobile Marketing
Mobile marketing trends and strategies
App marketing and mobile advertising
SMS marketing and push notifications
Analyzing mobile marketing performance
Analytics and Reporting
Introduction to Google Analytics and other analytics tools
Tracking and interpreting website traffic and user behavior
Creating and presenting comprehensive reports
Using data to drive marketing decisions
Online Reputation Management (ORM)
Monitoring and managing online reputation
Strategies for handling negative feedback and reviews
Building and maintaining a positive online image
Web Design and Development Basics
Understanding the importance of a well-designed website
Basics of HTML, CSS, and WordPress
UX/UI design principles
Ensuring website speed and mobile responsiveness
Why Choose Pingmedia?
Expert Trainers: Pingmedia’s course is led by industry professionals with extensive experience and expertise in digital marketing. Their real-world insights and practical knowledge provide a valuable learning experience.
Practical Learning: The course includes hands-on training with live projects, allowing students to apply their knowledge in real-world scenarios. This practical experience is crucial for building confidence and competence.
Flexibility: With options for both online and offline learning, Pingmedia accommodates different learning preferences and schedules, making it easier for students to balance their education with other commitments.
Career Support: Pingmedia provides robust career support, including resume building, interview preparation, and job placement assistance. The institute’s strong industry connections also facilitate internship and job placement opportunities.
Certification: The course culminates in an industry-recognized certification, which enhances employability and demonstrates proficiency in digital marketing.
Up-to-Date Curriculum: The curriculum is regularly updated to reflect the latest trends and changes in the digital marketing landscape, ensuring that students learn the most current and relevant practices.
Target Audience
Students: Ideal for recent graduates or those pursuing degrees who want to start a career in digital marketing.
Professionals: Suitable for marketing professionals seeking to enhance their digital marketing skills and stay updated with industry trends.
Business Owners: Perfect for entrepreneurs looking to boost their online presence and drive business growth.
Freelancers: Great for individuals wanting to offer digital marketing services to clients.
Ping media Digital Marketing Course in Agra is a premier choice for anyone looking to build or advance their career in digital marketing. With its comprehensive curriculum, practical training, and expert instruction, the course equips students with the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in the competitive digital landscape. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to upgrade your skills, Pingmedia provides a valuable educational experience that can help you achieve your goals.
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iventmodel · 5 months
Who provides the best Informatica MDM training?
1. Introduction to Informatica MDM Training
Informatica MDM (Master Data Management) is a crucial aspect of data management for organizations dealing with large volumes of data. With the increasing demand for professionals skilled in Informatica MDM, the need for quality training has become paramount. Choosing the right training provider can significantly impact your learning experience and career prospects in this field.
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2. Importance of Choosing the Right Training Provider
Selecting the best Informatica MDM training provider is essential for acquiring comprehensive knowledge, practical skills, and industry recognition. A reputable training provider ensures that you receive the necessary guidance and support to excel in your career.
3. Factors to Consider When Choosing Informatica MDM Training
Reputation and Experience
A reputable training provider should have a proven track record of delivering high-quality training and producing successful professionals in the field of Informatica MDM.
Course Curriculum
The course curriculum should cover all essential aspects of Informatica MDM, including data modeling, data integration, data governance, and data quality management.
Training Methodology
The training methodology should be interactive, engaging, and hands-on, allowing participants to gain practical experience through real-world scenarios and case studies.
Instructor Expertise
Experienced and certified instructors with extensive knowledge of Informatica MDM ensure effective learning and provide valuable insights into industry best practices.
Flexibility of Learning Options
Choose a training provider that offers flexible learning options such as online courses, instructor-led classes, self-paced learning modules, and blended learning approaches to accommodate your schedule and learning preferences.
4. Comparison of Training Providers
When comparing Informatica MDM training providers, consider factors such as cost, course duration, support services, and reviews from past participants. Choose a provider that offers the best value for your investment and aligns with your learning objectives and career goals.
5. Conclusion
Selecting the right Informatica MDM training provider is crucial for acquiring the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in this competitive field. Evaluate different providers based on factors such as reputation, course curriculum, instructor expertise, and flexibility of learning options to make an informed decision.
Contact us 👇
📞Call Now: +91-9821931210 📧E Mail: [email protected] 🌐Visit Website: https://inventmodel.com/course/informatica-mdm-online-live-training
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power-healthplus · 5 months
Unlocking Prostate Health: The Power of Prostadine Supplements.
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Prostadine supplements are revolutionizing the field of men's health, offering a holistic approach to prostate care and overall well-being. Engineered with a potent blend of natural ingredients and cutting-edge research, Prostadine supplements are meticulously crafted to support optimal prostate function, urinary health, and vitality.
The prostate gland plays a
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"Nori Yaki Extract Powder health"
Role in men's contributing to reproductive function and urinary control. However, as men age, the prostate gland may undergo changes that can impact quality of life. This is where Prostadine supplements shine, providing targeted support to maintain prostate health and alleviate common concerns associated with aging.
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Wakame Extract
At the heart of Prostadine supplements lies a
synergistic blend of clinically proven ingredients. Saw palmetto extract, a cornerstone of prostate health, works to inhibit the enzyme responsible for converting testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a hormone implicated in prostate enlargement. By modulating DHT levels, saw palmetto helps reduce the symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), such as frequent urination and incomplete emptying of the bladder.
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Kelp Powder
Additionally, Prostadine supplements harness the
power of beta-sitosterol, a plant sterol with anti-inflammatory properties. Beta-sitosterol has been shown to improve urinary flow and alleviate discomfort associated with BPH, promoting greater urinary tract health and function.
But Prostadine supplements go beyond mere symptom management. They incorporate a blend of antioxidants, including lycopene and selenium, to combat oxidative stress and protect prostate cells from damage. By neutralizing free radicals, these antioxidants help maintain the structural integrity of the prostate gland and support its optimal function.
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Bladderwrack Powder
Moreover, Prostadine supplements are enriched with zinc, a mineral essential for prostate health and hormone regulation. Zinc plays a pivotal role in prostate tissue development and function, contributing to the maintenance of normal prostate size and structure.
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Saw Palmetto
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foxnangelseo · 2 months
Franchise Success Stories: Inspiring Cases from 2024
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Franchising has long been a popular avenue for aspiring entrepreneurs to realize their business dreams while leveraging the proven success of established brands. As we delve into 2024, the landscape of franchising continues to evolve, with success stories emerging across various industries. In this blog, we explore inspiring franchise success stories from 2024, highlighting the achievements of franchisees and the strategies that propelled their businesses to new heights.
1. Health and Wellness Franchise: Transforming Lives Through Fitness
In 2024, one notable success story in the health and wellness sector comes from a fitness franchise that has been transforming lives across the globe. With a focus on holistic wellness and personalized training programs, this franchise has garnered a loyal customer base and achieved remarkable growth.
Key factors contributing to their success include:
- Innovative Offerings: The franchise continually evolves its offerings to stay ahead of industry trends, incorporating cutting-edge fitness technologies and introducing specialized training modules.
- Community Engagement: By fostering a sense of community among members, the franchise creates a supportive environment where individuals are motivated to achieve their fitness goals together.
- Franchisee Support: The franchisor provides comprehensive training, marketing support, and operational guidance to franchisees, empowering them to succeed in their local markets.
2. Food and Beverage Franchise: Serving Up Delicious Success
Another standout success story in 2024 comes from a food and beverage franchise that has been delighting customers with its innovative menu offerings and exceptional service. From gourmet coffee shops to fast-casual dining concepts, this franchise has established a strong presence in the competitive F&B market.
Key elements of their success include:
- Menu Innovation: The franchise continuously experiments with new flavors, ingredients, and culinary trends to keep customers coming back for more. By offering unique menu items and seasonal specials, they stay relevant in a rapidly changing market.
- Operational Excellence: Stringent quality control measures, efficient supply chain management, and standardized processes ensure consistency across franchise locations, maintaining the brand's reputation for excellence.
- Customer Experience: From friendly staff to inviting ambiance, every aspect of the customer experience is carefully curated to exceed expectations. Franchisees prioritize customer satisfaction, leading to repeat business and positive word-of-mouth.
3. Education Franchise: Empowering Minds for Success
In the education sector, one franchise stands out for its commitment to empowering young minds and fostering academic excellence. With a focus on personalized learning and innovative teaching methods, this franchise has become a trusted name in the education industry.
Key drivers of their success include:
- Quality Education: The franchise emphasizes quality instruction, individualized attention, and experiential learning to help students excel academically. By focusing on holistic development, they prepare students for success in school and beyond.
- Technology Integration: Leveraging technology to enhance learning outcomes, the franchise incorporates interactive digital tools, online resources, and virtual classrooms into its curriculum. This ensures that students have access to cutting-edge educational resources.
- Franchisee Training and Support: Franchisees receive comprehensive training, curriculum materials, and ongoing support from the franchisor, enabling them to deliver high-quality education services and build thriving businesses.
4. Retail Franchise: Elevating the Shopping Experience
In the retail sector, a franchise has redefined the shopping experience by combining online convenience with offline engagement. With a focus on experiential retail, this franchise creates immersive store environments that captivate customers and drive sales.
Key strategies contributing to their success include:
- Omni-channel Integration: Seamlessly integrating online and offline channels, the franchise offers customers the flexibility to shop anytime, anywhere. Whether browsing products in-store or making purchases online, customers enjoy a seamless shopping experience.
- Interactive Experiences: The franchise goes beyond traditional retail by incorporating interactive elements such as virtual reality (VR) experiences, product demonstrations, and pop-up events. These experiences not only attract foot traffic but also foster brand loyalty.
- Customer Engagement: Building meaningful relationships with customers is a priority for franchisees. From personalized recommendations to VIP events, franchise locations go above and beyond to create memorable experiences that keep customers coming back.
Conclusion: Franchise Success in 2024 and Beyond
These inspiring franchise success stories from 2024 highlight the resilience, innovation, and entrepreneurial spirit that drive the franchising industry forward. Whether in health and wellness, food and beverage, education, or retail, franchisees across sectors are achieving remarkable success by delivering exceptional products and services, prioritizing customer satisfaction, and leveraging the support of their franchisors.
As we look to the future, the franchising landscape will continue to evolve, presenting new opportunities and challenges for aspiring entrepreneurs. By learning from these success stories and embracing best practices in franchising, franchisees can chart a path to success and make their mark in the dynamic world of business.
This post was originally published on: Foxnangel
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dungeonofthedragon · 5 months
Ttrpg Recs: my bookshelf!
I don't have that many games in physical form. But inspired by the lovely Dael Kingsmill's recent video, I want to do a little post about the ones I do own.
Animal Adventures by Steamforged Games
Animal Adventures is a third party setting for 5th edition Dungeons and Dragons. I picked up Secrets of Gullet Cove on clearance, and it's full of fun adventure hooks for a younger audience than usual for 5E. However, a member of my dnd group wants to run this at some stage, so it has a wider appeal among fans of cute critter rpgs too.
It's fairly easy to incorporate ideas from this book into your home games. A guest in my Strixhaven campaign wanted to play a character who had been transformed into a cat. The cat stats from this book fit right in with the other characters, who were all created using official 5E materials.
Fate Accelerated by Evil Hat
The first rpg I ever purchased! It's simple, streamlined, and flexible enough to run in any setting you can imagine. We'd planned to play 'card games in space' at one stage (after watching too much yu-gi-oh), and the system works as well for that as it does for urban fantasy, pirates, or magic schools. You can access the rules of this game for free at the link in the heading.
The main issue I ran into with Fate is that it uses a specialised set of dice called Fudge dice- but as long as you have a device that can download a dice app, you're good to go!
Girl By Moonlight by Evil Hat
I backed this one on Kickstarter. It's not the easiest book to navigate but, gosh, it's just so beautiful and the game is a great time once you get the hang of it! I ended up ordering five copies, because a bunch of my friends wanted the game too and Expensive International Shipping is more manageable if you split it. Tragic magical girls from the creators of Thirsty Sword Lesbians? It is just as excellent as I'd hoped.
Just the other week we played At the Brink of the Abyss using the core book and relevant one-session playkit. Transcendence is a great mechanic- players get to describe their character's unique transformation and feel powerful with the addition of new abilities! Our Midnight Quill was running around invisible for half the game. Raven's mother was knocked out with a well-flung shoe. It was very fun and very silly.
Girl By Moonlight is a Forged in the Dark game. If you're familiar with Blades in the Dark, Brinkwood, Court of Blades, or my own simplified fitd game Voidwalkers, the system is easily picked up.
Lex Arcana by Quality Games
Lex Arcana is an interesting one. It has a fascinating premise: a Roman empire that never fell, in a low-magic setting. I had a lot of fun running this as a short adventure for my classics-buff brother's birthday last year. However, the group agreed that it would be difficult to play this one long term.
This has nothing to do with the rules system, which has an enjoyable amount of crunch for those who like their games that way, but enough abstraction that running it was not a complete nightmare for a more narratively inclined GM such as myself. Rather, it was difficult for us to get past the fact that so many of its adventure modules involve you preventing indigenous populations from breaking away from the empire, often casting their spiritual views in a negative light.
I had an idea for a campaign called 'Enemies of the Empire', which involves the party having to go up against it, but we'll see if it ever comes to fruition.
Tales of Xadia by Fandom Tabletop
I love the Cortex system. I love systems that use dice pools, and my first experience with that was the Tales of Xadia playtest. I couldn't afford the full version when it released, and so I was very excited when I received it for my birthday last year in glorious hardcover!
Tales of Xadia is set in the world of the Dragon Prince (even if you're not into ttrpgs, the book is excellent for additional lore nuggets. For a year or more it was our best resource for what earthblood elves might look like.) It's a world of high magic, mages and assassins and bold warriors, imperious dragons and reclusive elves. And it's totally classless- score one for the fans of classless systems!
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