#when I think how they really ruined him the past 2 years especially.
mchiti · 1 year
I wish you could all understand italian because there is a site here who did an incredible long ass written piece on hakim at the end of june and it is so beautiful? Like I'm baffled, I was only reading it now. Who did it. Obviously it was written before the deal to saudi collapsed. And I don't agree with some of the tragic tones here (they say he did nothing more than a normal WC and I think that's not fair, i understand they meant in regards to what he showed at ajax, but he had a different role, and it was a pivotal role) but I thought it was cool how they summed up his talents and qualities and the pure joy of watching him play and tried to understand the whys on the last 3 year at chelsea and put reasonable thoughts into it. I think it's cool they articulated the fact you know, sometimes clubs buy players and really don't know what to do with them.
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bad268 · 1 month
Aftermath Affair Pt. 2
(Lando Norris X Reader + Oscar Pisatri X Reader)
Fandom: RPF/Formula 1
Requested: Nope, happy 5 years!
Warnings: Cheating (obviously), Ava Small is the same ex from Breaking News, Song reference: Cheater by The Vamps.
POV: Second Person (You/your/They/them)
W.C. 1687
Chapter Summary: Oscar can't handle keeping this a secret. It's not fair.
As always, my requests are OPEN
<-Part 1
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~~(^Both from Pinterest)
He could not stand it. Oscar met you for the first time two weeks ago at Silverstone, and he learned that you and Lando had been together for nearly 7 years. It made him feel guilty knowing what he knew. 
Years ago, this one girl started showing up at every race. Oscar was convinced that was his girlfriend. They were closer than normal friends would be, so Oscar just assumed they were together. Lando even introduced her to Oscar!
Ava Small was her name.
For the past two years, he had the hotel rooms next to Lando, and by the sounds of it, he definitely thought Lando was with Ava. They were at it at all hours of the night, and honestly, it was annoying. She was always hanging off his arm in the garage, overly clingy, and very quiet on the track, but that all changed after hours. Oscar is one to admit that he has called customer service to submit noise complaints on more than one (more than 100) occasions. 
And when he met you, he felt dread. He knew he was going to have to tell you.
It was another race week later before Oscar had gathered the courage to text you. He had added you on Instagram when he found out who you were, and you followed him back immediately, saying that you were a text away. Any friend of Lando’s is a friend of yours, you said.
He looked at his phone skeptically. Was he really ready to ruin your relationship? His answer came immediately when he heard the same sounds he’d been forced to listen to for the last two years. That’s when he was reminded that he was not ruining anything and bit the bullet.
“Hey, I know it’s late, but I need to tell you something,” His message read.
You saw it immediately since you couldn’t sleep, and it immediately raised red flags. You typed out your reply just as fast. 
“Of course! Here’s my number,” Followed by your number, and it didn’t take long for an unknown number to call you. “Hi, Oscar. What’s wrong?”
“I need to tell you something about your boyfriend,” He rushed out. Oscar couldn’t even bring himself to say his name. You could hear him walking around, and on his end, he was walking out of the hotel down the street. He did not want to be in the same vicinity as Lando when he was letting you know what was going down. Especially because Ava was at the track again, and Oscar was more than certain they would start banging while he was on the phone with you. He took a deep breath before blurting out, “He’s a dead end.”
“Why?” You laughed as you sat up straighter in your bed and turned a light on.
“If I tell you why, it’s gonna make you cry,” He sighed as he sat at a park bench. 
“Oscar, I’m an adult,” You chuckled, thinking nothing of his reaction, “I can handle it. What’s going on with Lando?”
“He’s got a secret, and he’s telling you lies,” He whispered as he glanced back at the hotel. He could clearly see an outline of two bodies on the same floor he was staying on, and it made him sick. He snapped his attention to the ground as he tried to find the best way to put it, “I just think you should know what he’s capable of.”
“He's capable of a lot of things, Oscar,” You chuckled dismissively. He could not understand how it was not clicking for you yet. You thought it was a joke or Oscar calling to tell you random things about Lando. It was cute to you, but Oscar was sweating bullets. He was just going to have to blurt it out.
“Lando has another girlfriend!” He rushed out, and it met with silence on your end. Your heart was stopped as you tried to absorb the new information. Oscar got nervous and started rambling, “I needed to let you know because I hear them through the hotel walls every weekend. I just met you, but I know you don’t deserve this, and you need to let him go.”
“How long has this other girlfriend been around?” You asked after a beat. 
“Two years,” Oscar answered. “He introduced me to her at the first race last season, and she’s been at almost every race since. He walks around the paddock with her like she’s his everything, I didn’t even know about you until you showed up in Silverstone. I asked Logan, and he also thought she was his girlfriend. Max, Daniel, Charles, Carlos, George, and Alex all thought she was his girlfriend because apparently that is what he told them.”
“And no one ever told me,” You trailed off in disbelief. You hung out with George and Alex off the paddock with Lando, and they never seemed to question your appearance. They also never told you about this other girl despite knowing that you were with him since karting. 
“That’s what I'm here for,” Oscar joked lightly, but it went over your head, “Honestly, maybe this won't be as bad as you think. I mean, do you really want to stay with someone who cheated?”
“Oscar, I’m gonna go,” You whispered. It was all just too much, and you just needed to process everything.
“Alright,” He consoled, “I’ll be here if you ever need to talk or anything. I care about you.”
“Thanks, Oscar,” You replied with a tight smile before hanging up the phone. You were angry and sad and upset and numb all at once. You wanted to throw your phone. You wanted to destroy everything you shared with Lando. You wanted to scream, cry, and throw up all at once. 
You felt blindsided. You felt hurt. You felt betrayed. You felt used. And most importantly, you felt wasted. You wasted seven years of your life with this man just to end in heartbreak.
A part of you didn’t want to believe it. But then again, why would Oscar lie? 
You wrote out everything. It was something you always did when you were overcome with emotions. You wrote out everything Oscar told you, and everything you were feeling. Maybe you would look back on this and laugh. About halfway through the letter, you realize you never knew who he was cheating on you with.
You quickly looked at your phone to type out a quick message to Oscar’s now saved contact.
“What’s her name?”
“Ava Small.”
Part of you knew that’s who he would say. Ava was a partner for Quadrant and now, McLaren, and when you first met her, you had a bad feeling. You wished you had told someone, anyone, about that feeling now.
You needed to see this for yourself, so the following week was another race since it was a doubleheader. Lando flew straight to the next location, and you worked it out with Oscar to stay with him. You did not want Lando to know you would be there. You wanted to see or hear what he would normally do if you weren’t with him. 
You hid away in Oscar’s hotel room all day for the entire weekend. No one saw you and alerted Lando, and nothing had happened.
It was Sunday night, and you would be flying out the next night. Nothing happened the entire weekend. You weren’t even sure Ava was with Lando this weekend. Your brain switched to thinking Oscar was now manipulating you, so you stayed up late that night overthinking everything. Oh, did you wish you didn’t.
Around 2 in the morning, you heard noises coming from the room directly behind your bed, causing your head to snap back and look at the wall in disbelief. You gently shook Oscar awake, who was asleep on the far side of the bed.
“Oscar, you were right,” You whispered, but you don’t remember talking. Oscar tiredly looked up at you before moving to sit up against the headboard and pulled you in for a hug. You couldn’t feel anything. Not the hand of Oscar running up and down your arm. Not the tears that fell down your cheeks. Not the tightness in your chest. All you could do was sit there in Oscar’s hold as you listened to the infidelity occurring in the room behind you. 
“I can help you,” Oscar whispered at some point. You didn’t acknowledge him, but he was more thinking out loud. “I can help you move out from your place with Lando. You can stay with me until you get on your feet. I can…I don’t know what else I can do to help you right now, but we can worry about that another time. I could help you find a better replacement! Maybe not immediately, but eventually we can!” 
“I need to go home, Oscar. I need to get away from him, now,” You whispered finally as you weakly tried to push away from him.
“I can help with that! I can help you get to the airport and help you back to your apartment,” He replied eagerly as he started grabbing his things from around the room.
“I need to be alone, Oscar,” You pressed, finally looking at him. Your eyes were red, swollen, bloodshot, and full of unreleased tears. Waterfalls of tears were evident on your cheeks and accumulated in a puddle on your shirt. Your lips were red and swollen from biting them, trying to stop your sobs. Your nose was red and raw. You did not want to be seen by anyone. You just needed to be alone and figure out your next steps before anything else. “I appreciate you, Oscar, but I need to be on my own for a while.”
“I understand,” Oscar said apologetically, knowing he needed to back off. It was clear you were broken, and it hurt him to see you like that. “Text me every once in a while? Just to know you’re alive? You text me if you need me, got it?”
“I’ll try.”
Part 3 ->
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anxresi · 2 months
She's already been punished enough...
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...By being part of one the worst shows of all time, dufus.
A few points here, in the order of the OP presented their dubious 'case' (though I suspect this isn't actually how they feel and this is a somewhat disingenuous attempt was to provoke a reaction from a lot of others when they sent this to Reddit, in which case... JOB DONE).
1. Bullying, as bad as it can be, is not a jailable offence. especially the relative mild incidences we've seen in the show (up till S4 that is, which we'll get to later) Next.
2. As every right-minded person knows, this is 'New Chloe' e.g Chloe specifically created by Mr Astruc for the S3 finale onwards which bears no relation to 'Old Chloe'. 'Old Chloe' actually had personality, layers, humanity, humour, was a great super-anti-hero, the stirrings of redemption in her.... 'New Chloe' is just an out-and-out psychopath with no depth to her whatsoever apart from to be as ineptly evil as possible and increasingly embarrass herself with every tortuous appearance so Thomas can get his sick jollies, so this doesn't count. Sorry.
3. See: 2. Also, Zoe shouldn't exist... so, there's that. If you want to know why, please see my other posts... as I am saving up all my ire for something far more important as you'll find out below...
4. Now this is the one that REALLY boils my piss. How can I put this politely... Fuck off, you fucking cunt. Chloe's fucking father ENABLED her fucking behavior for fucking years by fucking throwing his money at the fucking problem instead of paying for the fucking psychological help she clearly fucking well needed and fucking IGNORED everything when her fucking mother regularly left Chloe alone, told her she was fucking worthless, didn't bother celebrating her fucking birthdays, forgot her fucking name time and time again...
I could go on. And you're telling me Andre is the FUCKING victim instead of Chloe, this FUCKING corrupt mayor. this FUCKING waste of space, this FUCKING pathetic excuse of a man who as her FUCKING FATHER could've put his FUCKING foot down at any FUCKING time and simply said "No?" What kind of a fucking 'mature' adult is he, anyway?! I suppose the OP also thinks fucking Gabriel deserved his fucking statue as well, in fact they should've hung fucking garlands of flowers from it whilst someone played fucking panpipes and everybody else fucking danced around. Fuck you.
Also worth noting here that Chloe fucking ADORED her father until the exceedingly unwelcome S4 'reboot' where she suddenly saw him as a fucking walking piggy bank (I won't even mention how they purposefully ruined her relations with Adrien, Sabrina, even her own butler... Chloe can't have any happiness in her life. It simply ISN'T ALLOWED).
Then they have the cheek to let his daughter be 'disowned' by him in the S5 finale and banished to London as if he fucking did nothing wrong in facilitating her attitude whilst failing to defend her against her despicable mother's abuse. (Yes, I said ABUSE I know the creator doesn't view it as such, but he's a fucking moron so what can you do?) Bullshit. Complete and utter undiluted diarrhea dripping from a bull's anal sac... that's what this is. I hope I painted an accurate picture for all of you. Sorry if you were eating.
So, it was supposably a happy ending that Andre got to fucking adopt another man's child without any reprecussions for his past actions, as he embarked on his new career as a fucking film director. What? You think that wasn't ENOUGH punishment for Chloe, OP? You think she should go to fucking jail as well, for DARING to be a child victim of incessant abuse, both in-canon and in-writing? I never thought I'd meet a person who's more radicalised in their blind hatred of Chloe than fucking Mr Astruc, but here we are. I tell you, some people on this exploding planet of ours scare me. Legit.
5. See 2 again. This huge disparity in writing between the two Chloes is getting stupid now, and anyone who can't see the contrast between now and then... I really can't help you. Either take off your Chloe-hating goggles to smell the coffee, or go read someone that agrees with you 100% and won't pop your tiny safe-space bubble with indisputable facts. Goodbye.
6. I think Chloe is more 14... but it doesn't really matter. Still a child, still should be treated as one. Which makes Astruc's obsessive loathing of her even more disturbing... and even more so this dude's.
That's it. This was probably an entirely unnecessary pot-pourri of hot topics I've regurgitated before, but as soon as I saw this article (particularly Pic 4) I just had to jump on my soapbox once more to regale the world about the kind of arrant nonsense I see about Chloe sometimes online, particularly regarding the subject of parental abuse and whether her treatment by the show's narrative was justified (SPOILER: It wasn't, and if you disagree I need you to fuck off RIGHT NOW).
Because if people like me don't defend her and the terrible writing she's been subjected to for the last few seasons (at least she's in good company there though), who will?
Not the person who made her, that's for sure. She may be a fictional character but... I get the feel her situation is similar to a lot of other neglected and mistreated kids out there who lash out at others for obvious reasons. And by handling her arc (if you can even call it that) in this inexcusable way... I don't just think the show has just done her a disservice. I think they've outright destroyed her and the hopes of many others watching.
What a great message to send to every youngster who could relate. I hope the makers are proud of themselves. Fucking idiots.
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letstripdotcom · 8 months
shut up my moms calling- chris sturniolo x fem!reader pt2
a/n: i wasn’t gonna do a part 2 but i got a few requests for it so enjoy (or else🥰🔪) very short and not proofread
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summary- coming home from college means seeing the kid you’ve hated most your whole life. chris sturniolo. you’ve hated everything about his existence since the beginning of 6th grade when you transferred to somerville. the summer after your freshman year of college is when everything starts to change.
warnings: same old same old smut 🙂
the next morning the sun beamed down on your face waking you up. shit. the last thing you wanted to happen was nick or matt seeing chris cuddled up shirtless next to you. luckily, you were always up before the three of them, so you had time to sneak chris back to his room.
“chris. chris!” you whisper shouted turing to wake him up. he let go and rolled off you you. “huh” he muttered half awake. “you gotta go before matt and nick wake up.” you told him. he gave you one last hug and a sloppy kiss on your neck before walking across the hall to his room.
you lied down on your bed and sighed. what would you tell nick and matt? would you tell nick and matt? what does this mean to chris? does he still hate me? my mind was flooded with thoughts. suddenly my phone buzzed breaking me out of my thoughts.
u hungry?
yeah kinda
come down in about 30 minutes:)
okay. i’ll shower then i’ll be down.
read: 9:23am
you tossed your phone on the bed beside you. what. the. fuck. you picked out your clothes for the day and you took a shower. you savored every last bit of the 30 minutes of peace you had because who knows how today will go.
after your shower, you head downstairs. you can small whatever chris is cooking. “i made pancakes, your favorite.” you smiled at him thankfully and took the plate from him. the silence was loud once you begun eating. “so” you spoke up. “what are we gonna tell your brothers?”
“i think telling them we talked it out would be fine. we tell them we had a deep conversation last night and we put the past behind us and were ready to be friends now. but we don’t tell them” he paused “we don’t tell them we had sex” i finished his sentence quietly. “exactly” he smiled
i finished my pancakes and went over to the living room couch. chris did the dishes and followed behind me. “you know y/n, i’ve known you since 6th grade isn’t that crazy” “yeah?” i say in a confused tone trying to figure out where he’s going with this. “i’ve known you since 6th grade and we’re adults now” he continues “and i haven’t once told you how i’ve truest felt. i’ve told you how much i hate you many times, but have i ever told you how awful every one of our arguments made me feel?”
i look at him with furrowed eyebrows as i try to think of a response. “really?” was all i could think to say. “every time we would argue like we did the night of that party, i would feel like such a dick. especially when i would catch a glimpse of you and i could tell you were crying.” he says. “then why did you do it?” i ask him.
“i’m not good at expressing emotions, and i ruined it all for myself. if i had ye chance, i would go back to 6th grade and make it all right.” he stared at you “wow” was all you could say before you found yourself kissing chris. your eyes fluttered shut as you moved your lips along his.
his tongue soon makes its way into your mouth exploring every part. you put your hands in his hair and tug slightly which makes him groan. he grabs your waist and sets you on his lap. you kiss very deeply, exploring every part of eachother.
“so i’m guessing y’all made up?” a voice spoke from behind us. jumped off of chris’s lap looking at nick. “surprise!” i awkwardly smiled at him. “thank god” he sighed. “so ur not mad?” i asked “god no. i’d rather you guys practically eat each others faces than hear yall argue for the next week. just not in front of me please.” me chris and nick all laughed
later that night went out to dinner, and chris was teasing me the whole time. no matter where we were he was always touching me somehow. he would run my thighs or hug my waist or whisper something in my ear. i know he was trying to get my worked up and it was working. if i could i would have let him fuck me on the dinner table right in the middle of the restaurant.
the so we got back to the house, i practically dragged him up to my room and slammed the door. “you’re such a tease” is all i said before kissing him hungrily. he grabbed my waist and guided me to the bed, laying me on my back. instead of crawling on top of me like i expected, he lowered himself between my legs.
he lifted up my dress, running his cold hands up my body as he exposed my underwear. he then started to leave wet sloppy kisses up my thighs. “chris please” i beg as he gets closer to where i need him most.
he then tauntingly pulls down my panties and sets them to the side. i moan just at how close he is me me. he then licks a stripe up my folds completely flattening his tongue. my hands immediately fly to his hair. “oh my god chris” i whine.
my legs tighten around his head as he eats me like a starved animal. chris was becoming so turned on by my moans and praises that he had to remove a hand from my waist to try to get himself off. he stroked hard and fast as he continued eating me. he moaned into me, sending tingles all through my body causing my back to arch off the bed.
“chris i’m about to cum i’m about to come” i whined. chris groaned, this mouth still not separating from my pussy. “chris please keep doing that” i begged. he groaned again. “oh fuck” i screamed as i came. chris cleaned up every last one of my juices before he lifted his head from between my shaking legs
chris stood up to get a towel, and grab me a change of clothes when i noticed the wet patch on his crotch. “chris if you needed help all you had to do was ask” i told him. “it’s fine, i just couldn’t help it you sounded so beautiful.” he smiled. i can tell he was clearly still hard. “how bout you lay down while i help you” i smirked crawling over him.
a/n- this is the ending you get bc i’m dying from a migraine right now🥰
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bluetorchsky · 2 months
How do your stick ocs interact with the canon stick characters? Are they besties with anyone? Is there anyone they hate? 👀
Ohh, let me see...this is gonna get long if I do all of my OCs (especially with how much I delve into every one of them), so I'm only going to do the husbands to start. This got really long so I'm putting it under a read more.
You would think that the big guy wouldn't really have many friends for how quiet and imposing he looks. However, the first two canon Toppat friends he made were Matilda Ivy and Jack Doogan. In my AU, they're both siblings and they were tasked with training Accordion and Violin on how to use handheld weapons. Matilda was the first one to give him a nickname, Acorn, and he's gotten to know her and her brother more. He's also made friends with Carol Cross, which is a surprise for everyone since she's 1) An Elite Toppat so she can handle herself pretty well and 2) The only people she hangs out with are the other Elites and she will only interact with the lower ranked Toppats to get something that they owe her. It's a bit of a mystery on how the two became friends, one that Carol isn't too keen on sharing cause it could ruin her image.
Now there isn't any Toppat he hates, but he does get annoyed by Kabbitz's antics of trying to square up with him and Violin, just because they became the tallest Toppats to be on the Airship (beating him by a few inches). It's absolute pettiness from Kabbitz, that's pretty much it. Another Toppat that he gets annoyed by would be Sven Svensson. In my AU, Sven Svensson is pretty much an asshole and acts like a suck-up to the Elites and higher ups, in hopes he will be promoted to being an Elite one day. When everyone was weary of Accordion and Violin during the first year of being in the clan, he stoked the fires of the clan's worry, hoping he would get noticed by the chief, which ended up backfiring and ruining two relationships he had. Even when Sven has dialed back his attitude, Accordion does get snappy with him as he does not enjoy his company at all and he will remind him of that when the time calls for it.
Like his husband, the first Toppat friends he made was Matilda Ivy and Jack Doogan. But after that, he made friends with Earrings (she made Violin and Accordion's outfits), Howie Howitzer (saved his behind on one of his first missions), Gremlin (he humored her climbing onto his back to try and surprise attack him), Herb Stokes (he listened to Herb talk about his love for geology, mostly talking about coal), and Wallace Dogwood (he actually introduced himself to the husbands, finding them an interesting addition to the enforcers). Violin is more talkative and open of the two, giving off a friendly and relaxed vibe, to make it easier for the other Toppats to approach them.
However, Violin isn't all that friendly to some Toppats. Aside from Kabbitz and Sven Svensson, he's not very fond of Clement Warrantine (an elite Toppat that sometimes mentors other Toppats including Sven; he adds fuel to the rumor mill about Violin and is usually smug about it), Quincy Tattlemuffin (always rubs it in his face that he wasn't born rich and into the clan like he was, after learning of how Violin grew up poor), and Bartolomeo (just angry that Violin has a better singing voice than him, even though Violin has complimented his voice several times; it's mostly pettiness that he gets over at some point but it takes a really long time). Another one I would add would be Mr. Macbeth, but he was just annoyed by both Violin and Accordion messing up one of his trains during a mission, even if it helped saved a lot of Toppats. He goes easy on them once he learns of Sven's treatment towards them, since Sven and Earrings (siblings in my AU) were adopted by him. He makes up for his past attitude by teaching Violin how his trains work, which he does show some interest in it after some time.
Music Husbands
The only reason I'm making a section for both Accordion and Violin is because there some Toppats who do like being around both husbands. Like Thomas Chestershire and Geoffrey Plumb. They would be the one of the higher-up pairs that welcome Accordion and Violin warmly, unlike some of the others. In my AU, they're in a queerplatonic relationship and have been by each other's side since they first met on the Airship. They became quick friends when Geoffrey was detailing his latest plan for a heist, and the husbands made some recommendations to it. Thomas challenged their ideas, not as a way to bring them down but to see if they would stick to their guns about what they were thinking. Seeing their loyalty to each other and to the clan, despite being members for just a few months, made the duo stick by their sides more after that.
The Witch is also a friend to the husbands, as she doesn't have much information on Music Magic, so they help give her information and show some of their spells so she can record them. She also enjoys their company, as she always tell them that their combined aura always calms her down. Her brother, Burt Curtis (in this AU), is also a friend to the husbands since his mom, Calypso (my OC), is friends with them, but also because they were some of the few Toppats that have stood up for him, especially from Sven (who he has had some bad history with). Although he is quite the monotonous Toppat, he finds himself smiling when the husbands visit him and has, embarrassingly, asked if he could record them singing and playing so he can fall asleep more easily. There is some history that he and The Witch have with the Music Dragons, albeit as children, but it's not too big of a deal. He only remembers how their music and singing always put them at ease, and someone from the clan who convinced him to not run away from his new adopted family.
And before I forget, the husbands also make friends with Dave Panpa, when he gets taken in as a prisoner. The Toppats don't really have much ideas to do with Dave, aside from keeping him there since he saw something he wasn't supposed to, so they delegate Accordion and Violin to stand guard at his cell so he doesn't do anything. But because of Dave's cowardice, they see no reason to be there aside from being isolated from the clan. Dave ends up asking them questions first and it ends up as a full blown conversation, with the husbands sneaking food to him as what he is delivered isn't always enough. The husbands hadn't been caught for a long time, since Burt always made sure to not mention it (and he enjoyed hearing their conversations), but when it was time for the day for Reginald to decide what to do with Dave, the husbands actually made a case for Dave to not get killed, but to offer him a spot in the clan, based on the stories he told them about once being taught espionage. While Reginald is angered that they made small talk with a potential enemy, he does end up seeing what the husbands, and some other Toppats, are talking about. He decides to keep Dave in the Brig, but not as a prisoner, until they reach their secret base where the rocket is being built. From then on, Dave is able to hang out with the husbands a bit more but only has a limited area he can explore. His passion for being a guard reignites and he starts training under the husbands to be a future Toppat guard that patrols the halls (a sub-division that Burt helps lead as part of the main Airship/Orbital Station Division).
Wait, I forgot about Reginald and RHM. Ugh, and also Sir Wilford and Randy Radman, and to an extension Terrence Suave. Okay, so, let me start with Wilford, Randy, and Terrence. Randy is unfortunately the reason why Accordion and Violin’s wedding was crashed by Government soldiers, the loss of a substantial amount of Dragons members, and the reason why Accordion’s lower arms are gone. This made Randy incredibly guilty because the Toppat Clan and the Music Dragons Clan had a strange unofficial alliance, but they would still help each other out. When the commotion was settled, Wilford visited the Music Dragons and made a contract with Frankie and Gherry, to make up for what Randy brought upon their clan. Terrence had gone with him to observe the meeting as a witness, but he desperately wanted to be there by Randy’s side and anywhere but there. The terms of the contract was to allow Oliver and Trent to join the Toppat Clan with no questions asked. The reason for this was because Frankie foresaw the tension between their clans rising, fearing that it will cause a divide between them.
Frankie was right, unfortunately. After Sir Wilford disappeared and Terrence was made leader after the “death” of Randy Radman, he became delusional and made many questionable decisions. What caused the rift was when Terrence was on a heist with some Toppats and they got into a bit of trouble. Some of the Music Dragons saw this and jumped in to help out, but Terrence saw them as actual enemies and ordered his Toppats to shoot them down. It angered the clan and there would be some small fights here and there, until the Dragons chose to move to another place. When they moved, Terrence was overthrown by Reginald and RHM, two people who were his friends that had to make a difficult decision to stop his madness.
Now, Reginald and RHM have different views of Accordion and Violin. Reginald blames the Music Dragons for causing them a lot of strife, even though most of his reasonings are based on rumors and baseless evidence, while RHM is more cautious but welcoming to Accordion and Violin. He had been there on the day Terrence ordered the attack on the Music Dragons, but he also saw how they wished to help despite what happened in the past. Their interactions with the husbands will change over time, as more information of the unofficial alliance between the Toppats and the Dragons is uncovered, with Wilford’s contract being the starting step.
I'd be happy to answer any questions and/or go over anyone else
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sugarjar · 3 months
What I’ll do 3
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Not edited, barely proofread so I’m sorry for that I will edit it later.
Jey uso masterlist
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“Jasmin what are you doing popping up over here?” Joshua gritted through his teeth at the lightskin woman who stood at five foot seven and a hundred and ten pounds.
Who also happened to be Joshua’s ex girlfriend of eight years but they broke up because of Joshua’s failure to put a ring on it after so long.
At the time of the break up they’d already been living together, meet both families, and lived like married people. Aleisha couldn’t figure out why Josh, couldn’t just seal the deal.
And when Joshua didn’t have an answer that was enough for her to walk away, but not to far away that she couldn’t stick her nose in his business and keep that soft spot soft for her.
“Why Josh you got someone ova’ here or something?” She asked pointing her eyebrow up, crossing her arms.
Joshua instantly sighed and knew good and well that Aleisha had no problem, showing her ass and he’d felt something with Cleo and Aleisha was not going to ruin the moment.
“I do and you are not going to come in here and act an ass!” He warned lowly trying not to alert Cleo. Praying that she was doing somthing upstairs to distract her from his disappearance and the person he desperately wanted her not to see.
His prayers went unanswered just as Aleisha pushed past him abrupt and unexpectedly, moving him out the way, Cleo was coming down the stairs and they came face to face.
“Oh my bad I’m Cleo?” Cleo introduced Putting her best foot forward like always, but she wasn’t dumb she saw the look this woman was giving her and she looked to Josh to see how he’d handle this situation.
“I bet you are Ms. Thang” Aleisha said looked her up and down again, feeling the disrespect Cleo decided to take her leave.
Making her way to the couch where she’d left her things before moving past the woman to the door. Not sparing Joshua a glance she got in her car and left.
“Are you kidding me” Joshua said sliding his hands down face.
“What did a scare another one off” she said going into the fridge in the kitchen, making herself something, very comfortable.
“You can’t scare her off because she’s not my girlfriend, we’re just friends.” He said thinking about how he’d smooth things over with Cleopatra.
“If she wasn’t anything special then why are you mad.” She said shrugging as she kicked her feet up eating her bowl of strawberries.
“I don’t have to explain myself to you Aleisha now please leave.” He said gesturing to the door and Jas laughed not taking him serious.
“Boy bye” she said in between laughs
“I’m serious get out.” He said taking the fruit from her and pointing to the door.
Lifting her eyebrows before finally getting up and leaving, leaving Josh to sigh at the situation.
Laying in her bed Cleo felt weird and defeated, she didn’t know who this woman was that just came into Josh’s house like she owned the place. Why was she so comfortable with doing that?
Who was she to Joshua?
Why didn’t he say anything to the woman who clearly was interrupting their moment.?
That was another thing she felt an away about what would have happened had that girl not knocked.
Normally she’d just assume sex but over the last few weeks, the sex felt different the it was slow, and intense and felt purposeful.
Times like this where she really didn’t know what was going on, she was glad to have her bestie which she didn’t have anymore and would never have again it seemed.
She’d assumed the worse when she kept not getting an answer from Jazlyn after almost four whole months of being on delivered and texting from all platforms she could remember her being on, Especially Snapchat which Cleo didn’t even have but reinstalled, and used to to send messages to her best friend and going back to check the messages every so often to see if she’d gotten a response.
And she has just not the response that she’d hoped for which read.
Opened• 2 weeks ago
And her heart started to hurt.
How could Jazlyn just walk away yeah she’d yelled but they yelled at each other all the time she didn’t understand why Jazlyn wasn’t answering.
She had apologized and even mentioned to her home to see if she was there and Jazlyn was her car and everything. Using her key just to find out that it no longer worked and she knew what happened then and there.
Of course Cleo could stay in lala land and think her best had gotten kidnapped or went on a long vacation and all of this was just a mistake but none of that was true.
Truth was Jazlyn didn’t want to be her friend anymore, She didn’t want anything to do with her, her best friend through talk her life someone she thought of as a sister didn’t want her anymore.
And for the first time since she was a little girl she cried because she didn’t have any friends, and not just any friends her best friend, her sister. And she felt so small and childish on top of confused.
What was she to do?
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A question of loyalty: an analysis of two perspectives in season 1
The past few years, I have loved rewatching season 1 with the context of the finale, because it has been so interesting to really see things from Crosshair's perspective.
Our first hint that maybe Crosshair's motives aren't what we first thought:
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Hunter's (and our) perspectives on the issue are further challenged:
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And then we reach the ultimate accusation:
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So, let's take a look at both sides.
POINT #1: "Crosshair was the one who kept attacking the squad! How could he POSSIBLY accuse the squad of betraying him??"
COUNTERPOINT: Because from his perspective, they had. We as the audience know the whole plan was for the squad to get Crosshair back after they escaped the brig on Kamino - in fact, Hunter was prepping to go back for Crosshair at the same time Crosshair was coming for them - but Crosshair doesn't know that. He had been arguing with his squad ever since Order 66, trying to get them to understand how important it was for them to follow orders, and they had yet another disagreement right before he was singled out. His inhibitor chip gets intensified, he gets sent after his brothers (as if Tarkin needed to do anything else to thoroughly disgust me...), and he finds them in the hangar prepping the Marauder to leave. (Just to reiterate: from Crosshair's perspective, he had recently been arguing with his brothers, and now he finds them readying to leave.) Hunter never tells him that they were coming back for him; instead, they engage in some back-and-forth about surrendering and following orders before the shooting begins.
Having left him on that note, it would be all too easy for Crosshair to work himself up over the perceived abandonment - especially if he started feeling any sort of regret over his actions toward his squad (finding a way to blame the other party is, after all, a common defense mechanism).
And every time they cross paths thereafter, instead of his brothers apologizing or listening or trying to come with him, they keep running away from him after arguing with him about how he's being controlled and forced to obey orders. I can't help but imagine that any mention of "programming" only served to stoke Crosshair's ornery side: he and his squad are "superior," after all; he can't be controlled, he is being a good soldier and following orders because HE chose to, not because of some stupid chip. (Cue Crosshair claiming it "doesn't matter" when he got his chip removed: his ideology remains the same, thank you very much.)
And so, from Crosshair's standpoint: his brothers abandoned him, they won't even talk to him except to try to convince him he's wrong about everything, and they're ruining any chance they have of finding "purpose" by remaining soldiers and serving the Empire.
POINT #2: "Hunter and the others didn't try hard enough to get Crosshair back - actually, they didn't try at all."
COUNTERPOINT: I think we overestimate just how much time passed between the Batch escaping Kamino and the events on Bracca (unless the squad was just hanging around in open space for weeks at a time, which I doubt). Consider how quickly events occur in the first eight episodes:
The squad narrowly escapes Kamino
They try to lay low at Cut and Suu's, but that lasts maybe two days before they are on the run again
The Marauder crashes
It's necessary to find a way to scramble the ship's signature, so they have to make a quick landing on Pantora
Enter Fennec
Well, now they have to find out why a bounty hunter is after Omega
Enter Cid
Cid pretty much immediately starts blackmailing them
They have to do another job for Cid - we don't know exactly how much time passed, but Cid doesn't seem to be one to wait to order the Bad Batch around, especially as this next job reasserts her claim on them.
Rex reappears - we don't know exactly how much time passed here, either, but I would guess Rex sought them out as soon as he was tipped off about them.
(Lest anyone think Tech must have just given up on the chip scanner after the Marauder crashed, remember that he needed comparative data in order to properly use the scanner. I can only imagine how much it must have eaten at Tech to not have any way of finding a source with the necessary data to complete the scanner - especially considering everything else going on - until Rex miraculously showed up.)
So, until reuniting on Bracca, there is precious little time or opportunity for the squad to formulate a plan to get Crosshair back... And then Bracca happens. Here, they are confronted by Crosshair, who responds to genuine pleas to reconsider his stance by hitting them where it hurts: "Aim for the kid." Crosshair then sets things up to literally incinerate them, and they barely make it out alive before being attacked by Cad Bane.
Now, they had seen what the chip had done to Wrecker, true; but Wrecker had previously acknowledged that he understood the chip existed and was willing to have it removed, AND it was squad+Rex against Wrecker (and even then they barely managed to subdue him). Crosshair refused to acknowledge even the possibility of a chip influencing his actions, obviously wasn't willing to have it removed at that point, had never shown any inclination of wanting to rejoin them, and squad against Crosshair+vast Imperial resources would have been suicide - ESPECIALLY since Crosshair proves time and again that he can predict their moves. There's no way around that.
So what does the squad decide to do? They run. They can't take Crosshair with them, but they aren't going to try to kill him either.
Crosshair remains too well protected for the squad to go after him, but we can see on Hunter's face as the squad leaves Ryloth after peripherally tangling with Crosshair that the situation REALLY doesn't sit well with Hunter.
So, from Hunter+squad's perspective: as far as they are aware, Crosshair is refusing all offers of help, and trying to go after Crosshair would be suicide. Crosshair can't be rescued if the squad is all dead.
An impasse, then.
But the accusation of disloyalty goes far beyond Crosshair believing the squad left him behind; he sees disloyalty in the fact that they apparently don't share the same views. It's not just a conversation about why/how Crosshair was left behind; it's also an argument over ideology, as Hunter tries to point out the Empire's flaws while Crosshair is determined to remain a soldier with the one purpose he has always known.
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And then we reach the climactic revelation: Hunter is trying to convince Crosshair that maybe his views are being controlled by the chip - only for Crosshair to tell Hunter he already knows about it and the chip is gone, AND he won't even tell Hunter when it happened. We can make educated guesses as to when Crosshair's chip was removed, but Hunter has been spending all this time trying to keep everyone else on the squad safe from a fellow brother who is being controlled by an inhibitor chip... only to find out that maybe Crosshair was acting of his own volition for who knows how long. This, I believe, is the point where Hunter started to consider Crosshair as having actually betrayed the Batch.
And no matter when the chip was removed, Crosshair is still convinced that the Empire is the right side, and believes that anyone who won't join the Empire is against him.
So, before the confrontation on Kamino: Crosshair is convinced the squad has abandoned him. Hunter and the squad can't feasibly do anything about it.
During the confrontation on Kamino, we learn that unless the squad is willing to join Crosshair and the Empire, he's going to continue to believe they have disowned him. And the squad will not join the Empire, much as they love Crosshair.
CONCLUSION: Crosshair's and Hunter's perspectives are both equally valid, especially based on what they know and later learn of the other's stance. Hunter rightly points out that wanting different things doesn't mean they have to be enemies; but as long as the rest of the squad members aren't willing to support tyranny enforce order, Crosshair will consider them disloyal to him, since they are opposed to the views he stands by, the views that - at that moment - define him. It will take other perspectives, outside the squad, to shift Crosshair's views (but that's the topic of another essay 😉). In the meantime, having finally had the chance to hear the other's side - even if they don't agree - Crosshair and the Bad Batch separate on at least marginally civil - if strained - terms... Though both still consider the other to be guilty of betraying the ideals of Clone Force 99.
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sophiesonlinediary · 5 months
Official TTPD Review
Fortnight - Such a vibe with headphones on, but still far from being my favorite though. I'm quite shocked this is the first single but I do really like it now at the second listen, still sad post malone didn't get his own verse i was excited for that :/
The Tortured Poets Department - The charlie puth mention really ruined verse 2 for me sadly, but the bridge ruined my life "At dinner, you take my ring off my middle finge. And put it on the one people put wedding rings on. And that's the closest I've come to my heart exploding" LIKE WTF HEART = BROKEN the title of the song is really cool but i dont know i wasnt expecting the song to sound like this.
My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys - I think this may be my second least favorite from this album i dont understand why i didnt really like this song. Maybe it was the vibe of the song and sound especially the choruses which sadly didnt hit. i love how she wrote about a rocky relationship in this song. I feel like this one will definetly be a grower
Down Bad - literally one of my favorites from the whole album. Maybe it's cause the sound feels familiar to me kind off like midnights vibe. But wow that chorus is amazing truly so catchy and the lyrics like wow. i love this song so muchhhh
So Long, London - Not what I expected but still so heartbreakingly pretty. I love her voice in this song it's so pretty and the lyrics are so good oh my god. I swear the verse 3's in this album are vile. "I died on the altar waitin' for the proof" like god damn this whole song is amazing.
But Daddy I Love Him - I loved this song so fucking much. When she said "I'm having his babies" my face dropped and then she hit me with "no not really but you should see your faces" was really fun i'll probably never forget that. i believe this song is of everyone trying to decide her love life for her. And her being like fuck you guys it's my life and you have to accept it and i love her for that!
Fresh Out The Slammer - Those choruses are so good man especially the second one is so good and so me. On first listen this one isn't very memorable but still really good. Now that i've listened to it more like i love this song so much too and the bride ahhh <333
Florida !!! - Ok so maybe i'm a little biased but man this one is so fucking good. I have loved Florence and Taylor for years so like them collaborating was like everything and more. I have now listened to the song like thrice and wowwwww i love it so muchhhhh. Taylor, Florence, Fl welcomes you with open arms man. And like verse 3 was so good their song writing skills are out of this world.
Guilty As Sin? - What an interesting song, like man, idk how to feel. I love the chorus fs. I've come to interpret this song as her having thoughts of a man who possibly isn't available per say or it's just something that can never happen between the two but the want for eachother is there. "They don't know how you've haunted me so stunningly" I love this lyric btw and the chorus right after like wowwww
Who's Afraid Of Little Old Me - ME IM SCARED WTF. Her screaming that line was everything and like the second half of the song is so incredible like wow. also this line has stuck with me since last night "Then we could all just laugh until I cry" ALSO THE ASYLUM WHERE THEY RAISED ME SDJNVFI. I love how she's kind of portraying herself in this song as like the stereotypical scary neighbor in movies. At least that's how I saw it. The whole bridge is incredible and magnificent I adore this song.
I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can) - GIRL NO YOU CANT AND IM SO HAPPY YOU ACCEPTED THAT. Once I got past the point that this song is about ratty healy I really liked it. it's vibes are so good and the imagery is amazing.
loml - what if i said this should've been track 5. This was the only song in the album I cried to on first listen. It hit me like a bullet and I will never forgive cat lady swift for not preparing me for this song. Literally so fucking hurtful i'm screaming oh my lord. I- no im never getting over this song, sorry not sorry. And the fact "They almost had it all" but there life was cut short aka the relationship ended oh god kill me.
I Can Do It With A Broken Heart - I don't know whether to laugh or to cry. This song is heartbreaking don't let the production fool you, the lyrics want to make you rip you're hair out. And you know what i'll be dancing to this song with a broken heart. "The lights refract sequin stars off her silhouette every night. I can show you lies" it's giving mirrorball like augh i love this song so much!!! and the chorus is everything "I'm so obsessed with him, but he avoids me like the plague" SO FUCKING REAL.
The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived - DRAG HIS ASS TAYLOR YEAHHHH. HELLO WTF THIS SONG IS SO GOOD AND FOR ALL OF U HATING ON IT U JUST DONT GET IT THE PASSIVE AGGRESSIVENESS IS EVERYTHINGGGG. mad woman you'd be proud asf. also my religion mentioned as a tongue in cheek to his anti religion views 👏
The Alchemy - I'm not gonna talk about this song much but like I didn't like it at all, i'm sorry. It sounds like one of those Kelce parody songs 😭
Clara Bow - Not the name-dropping herself, damn. I wanna manifest that second pre-chorus btw 🤞 i need to see the light of manhattan. I truly love this song and I can tell it's very personal to her. she's had such an unbelievable career it's always interesting when she writes about it. loved this as the album closer!
this is my ttpd review. remember im just a girl who's only listened to this album twice so please dont drag me for these opinions. gonna do the anthology later!
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Terrible Fic Idea #92: Percy/Apollo, but make it The Trojan War
Into every fandom, a time travel fic must fall - or in this case a second one, because I somehow got to thinking about the delightful PJO trope of Percy being thrown back in time to The Trojan War and realized that doing so misses out on a fantastic opportunity.
Or: What if post-TOA Percy Jackson and Apollo time travel to shortly before The Trojan War?
Just imagine it:
Everything follows canon through TOA, with one exception: rather than struggle to catch up in the mortal world following the Second Gigantomachy, Percy elects to stay at Camp Half-Blood. There he can homeschool at his own place with programs tailored towards ADHD children and still visit his family on the weekends - and not get into any more ridiculous situations in the mortal world when one of the gods kidnaps him or sends him on a quest to find their sneakers.
This, naturally, stresses his relationship with Annabeth - who, now that she's no longer living at camp full time, calls it the easy way out. But Percy is tired and struggling in mortal high school where everyone thinks he's a delinquent idiot when another option exists seems foolish. Percy and Annabeth break up and drift apart.
Enter Apollo, fresh from his latest stint as a mortal. He's trying to do his best by his children, which includes popping by camp as often as he can get away with - which in turn means spending a lot of time with Percy, who at this point is unofficially running CHB because it's not like Dionysus or even Chiron have done a brilliant job of it in recent times.
(First aid, strategy, and mythology classes are made mandatory. Percy personally ensures every demigod knows enough about self-defense to be able to survive long enough to run away or for help to arrive. Bullying is cracked down on so hard that it's this, not Percy's generally parental nature, that has people calling him Camp Mom.)
Percy and Apollo become friendly. Enough so that some of Apollo's kids assume they're dating and keeping it on the down-low so as not to draw Zeus' ire. Or Poseidon's. Or anyone else's. It's on one of their not-dates that they're yeeted into the past, without warning or explanation.
And so 19-year-old Percy Jackson and post-TOA Apollo find themselves in Ancient Greece c. 1220 BCE, roughly thirty-five years before the destruction of Troy.
The time travel is immediately obvious, as Apollo becomes the closest thing a god might experience to being high the moment they land in the past - being a powerful god in modern times is nothing like being a powerful god at the height of his power in ancient times. It's overwhelming (and somewhat alarming from Percy's POV, but kind of funny in retrospect.)
The specific date is harder to determine, but made clear when Hermes shows up and starts going on about you'll never believe what father's done now: he seduced the Spartan queen as a swan and she's laid an egg. Hera is furious - especially as they're saying the girl that hatched from it is the most beautiful in the world, even though she's only a few days old. It's nuts. By the way, where have you been? You missed the last two council meetings. Do you want Dad to punish you?
Apollo at this stage is very high. He's also been USTing over Percy for quite some time and is worried what the gods of this era might do to Percy without divine protection (smiting or seduction, it's all on the table). But mostly he's very high, and so to keep Percy close and safe he declares he's been off having the dirtiest of dirty weekends with his latest lover and that Hermes' presence is ruining the mood. So if he would kindly leave, please and thank you, he'd really rather get back to it without an audience.
This, naturally, is a surprise to Percy, but he rolls with it because 1) he doesn't have any better ideas on how to get rid of Ancient Greek Hermes so they can figure out what the hades is going on and 2) he's been USTing over Apollo ever since he recovered enough from Tartarus to start feeling attraction again.
Fueled by mutual UST, they put together a cover story that should hold the next time a god with too much prurient interest shows: Percy is now Prince Persē of Gadir - a Phoenician colony that will grow into the future Cadiz - well past the edge of the Greek world at this stage but not beyond belief for Poseidon to have visited, as it's obvious who his father is. They claim his mother is the King of Gadir's youngest sister and as such Persē had a royal upbringing, but was far enough down the line of succession that he was free to chose to sail east and explore his father's homeland. Apollo caught sight of him on his journey, one thing led to another, and here they are.
(Are there easier, more sensible cover stories? Possibly. But the UST refuses to let them consider any of them now that a fake relationship is on the table.)
Deciding what to do about The Trojan War is much harder. On the one hand, it's a lot of senseless death and destruction. On the other, without it we don't get The Iliad and The Odyssey - two of the most influential works of literature in western civilization - and Aeneas doesn't go off to Italy (leading to the founding of Rome, which would change the history of western civilization a lot). In the end, they decide to let the war happen but do their best to mitigate the worst parts of it.
And so Percy goes off and becomes a hero of Ancient Greece while pretending to be in a relationship with Apollo.
This stage of things is filed with angst from both parties, as both Percy and Apollo want a real relationship with each other but think they're abusing the other's trust by eagerly faking their relationship. There's a lot of PDA, a lot of feelings, and limited communication. It goes on for quite a while and would probably exasperate quite a few people if everyone in the know didn't think they were already in a relationship.
It's also filled with modern day Percy being confronted by realties of life in Ancient Greece. It's not just mortals knowing about - and interacting with - the gods: it's everything. It's food and clothes and language and culture and housing and travel. He can play a lot off it as being a traveler from the edge of the known world, but some of it has him asking Apollo if he's being rick rolled.
Apollo, meanwhile, is having troubles of his own. He is not the god he used to be and it's hard pretending otherwise. He tries to walk the line of doing enough to be believable and holding back enough not to despise himself, but it's a fine line, he fails often, and he spends a not insignificant amount of time worried he's backsliding.
And so it goes until 7-year-old Helen of Troy is kidnapped by Theseus to be his wife.
This, naturally, does not fly with Percy, who by this time has built up something of a reputation as a hero. He teams up with the Dioscuri to rescue Helen.
One would think this would earn him Zeus' favor. It doesn't. Instead, Zeus sends monsters to harry him for refusing to let Castor and Pollux take Helen's captors' loved ones captive and raze Aphidna for Theseus' crime. Percy manages to hold his own for quite a while but eventually, exhausted from the near-constant fighting, is gored and left for dead by the reformed Minotaur.
...and when Apollo arrives, frantic, to heal him, Percy ascends instead, becoming the greek version of Saint Sebastian - a minor god of heroes, strength in the face of adversity, and athleticism; sort of halfway between Hercules and Chiron.
Then and only then do Percy and Apollo finally get their act together, confessing to each other how much they care for the other and how much they don't want this to be fake any longer.
History proceeds apace - albeit with Persē being a second immortal trainer of heroes.
24 years after their arrival in the past, 16 years after Percy's ascension, The Trojan War begins. Despite their best efforts, there's only so much they can do - war is war and gods are gods. They are able to stop some of the worst excesses on both sides, but in the end Apollo still sends the plague that causes Agamemnon to take Briseis for his own, which caused Achilles' departure from the field, Patroclus' death, &c - not because Apollo was trying to maintain the timeline, but because in the instant he sent it he was angry and reverted to his old ways.
Troy falls...
...but when Zeus tries to use this as an excuse to ban gods from interacting with their demigod children, Apollo is able to say that's a bit extreme isn't it? with enough backing from the rest of the council that Zeus is forced to amend his ruling so that the gods are only allowed to freely visit their children on the "cross quarter days" that fall between each solstice and equinox (1 February, 1 May, 1 August, and 1 November).
This changes everything and nothing.
Time continues its inevitable march. Greece has its golden age before being conquered by Rome, which splits apart under its own weight and forms several smaller countries, which eventually spread their cultures around the world...
Apollo and Percy are there for it all. Persē is a minor figure in mythology, but never forgotten. He is ever-present in Apollo's temples - though the Church will later try to rewrite their myth so that they were merely sworn fighting partners, rather than lovers who eventually had a quite lovely wedding on Olympus (and then, at Poseidon's insistence, an even bigger ceremony on Atlantis). Percy takes over day-to-day operations of CHB from practically the moment the Trojan War ends.
...and so Persē is there the day Sally Jackson tries to get her son to camp, and is able to intervene when the Minotaur attacks on their border. He's able to meet her and her young son, Perseus ("Mom named me after you and the guy that killed Medusa since you're the only two heroes to have happy endings!"), and guide him through the trials that come with being a child of prophecy.
One day that Percy will hand Luke - who was never happy with the limited attention the gods were allowed to give their children - a cursed dagger so that Kronos can be defeated. That child will be offered godhood, turn it down, and go on to have a happy life with his eventual wife, Annabeth. He will never have his memories erased and be sent to Camp Jupiter. Gaia will not rise until long after that Percy's grandchildren are dead, and Zeus will not be quite so bullheaded when the proof of it is brought before him. That Second Gigantomachy is swift, well-coordinated, and fought without another Greek/Roman war brewing in the background.
And when they finally arrive at the day Apollo and Percy were originally sent back in time, Percy admits that while he is happy some version of him was better prepared for the war he was asked to fight in and allowed his peace afterward, he would change nothing about his own life, for it brought him to Apollo. The sunrise the next morning - on the first morning of the rest of their lives - is particularly spectacular.
Bonuses include:
Gaslighting Poseidon into believing that he's met Percy before the first time they're introduced. ("What do you mean you don't remember me, Father? You were present when I came of age! You gifted me this trident! Have I displeased you in some way?") It's an absolute masterclass that eventually manages to convince Poseidon that, yes, of course he knows Percy - and, maybe, he should check in on all his other demigod children to make sure he's not missed someone. (Two. He lost track of two of the others. Maybe he should be more careful about siring children in the future.) Apollo practically has to stuff his fist in his mouth to keep from laughing.
As much historical accuracy as can be crammed into the Percy trying to make sense of Ancient Greece chapters as possible. Think Of a Linear Circle - Part III by flamethrower levels of historical research. As much as can be shoehorned in without bogging down the plot.
Percy and Dionysus bonding over their mutual dislike of Theseus, though Percy generally gets along with his other half-siblings, especially the ones who come to camp young enough to keep from getting big heads over being the children of Poseidon.
Though Percy adores all the children in Cabin 7 (most of whom are born via blessing this time around), he and Apollo have at least one child of their own - maybe a demigod born before Percy's ascension to sell their fake relationship? Maybe a minor god who's later attributed a different parentage by mortals? Dealer's choice on details.
It never being made clear who, or what, or how, Percy and Apollo were sent into the past. All of Percy's oddities are attributed to him being foreign or formerly mortal, all of Apollo's to the fact that he's in love with someone who didn't die before their first anniversary, and no one ever guesses time travel is responsible for their eccentricities. Or that time travel was ever an option.
And that's all I have. As always, feel free to adopt, just link back if you ever decide to do anything with it.
More PJO Ideas | More Terrible Fic Ideas
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arrixlive · 4 months
Am i the only one that’s getting tired and annoyed with the show Detective Conan?? Bc it’s been getting on my nerves for like the past few months now, and I’m just so fucking done with it.
1) First of all, the show has been going on for almost 30 years now (keyword almost actually 28 i think) and it’s only been a few months in the series (even tho there are over 1100 episodes which actually means that almost every episode is a day, taking off 2parters and collected episodes, also excluding the movies. Which means it’s technically been around 2 years and/or more)
2) The relationships are starting to get on my nerves as well platonic/romantic and just the complex relationships between side characters and/or Rivals, Like Kaito Kid & Conan. The romantic relationship between Ran and Schinichi is starting to feel absolutely creepy, useless and boring, especially considering Conan is Kinda her brother now, Ran loves Conan as her little brother, while he is technically her boyfriend (see how that is kinda off putting😃)
(i can make an intire post on the Ranshin relationship another time, if people want my opinion)
The characters that suddenly come in and all just start hounding on Conan/Shinichi is also getting really fucking annoying, it’s like it’s starting to turn into a harem but only for… fans…?? Does that make sense? Bc we know Canon is ShinRan but the creator is starting to put A LOT of Coai into the movies and series, and I’m like.. dude… I have no issues with shipping different characters, but that the creator is putting it INTO THE literal anime is kinda annoying, it’s like he’s creating Drama and love triangles on purpose, even tho the anime had NOTHING TO DO WITH THAT??
(Haibara, Sera, Ran, Ayumi and another girl, forgot her name tho. All these characters have interest in schinichi/Coan)
It’s just annoying how Gosho keeps ruining duos and relationships. Like i love the the Kaito kid episodes with Conan, they’re just my favorite, but Gosho pretty much just added Amuro into the loop for no reason?!? Like i just don’t like Amuro (never did, but i didn’t go out of my way to ignore him, he’s important to the story) but adding him into a Rivalry that’s been going on for so long, and has its own special ring to it and special rules between two people with a double life, that only trust each other, when their life depends on it, it just ruined my intire love and experience for the episode.
3)The end?? I literally cannot see a good ending to this show. The only reasonable answer, in my opinion would be: Conan moves back to America and pretty much just loses contact with the others, or he died (doesn’t add up in the end either) and everyone forgets him over time, so schinichi can come back. There literally is no good ending to this show, even if people figured out Conan was schinichi (in fact i think that is the worst ending)
I should probably explain more but I’m kinda in a rush and I’m probably gonna edit this slightly later, but this is already long so if ya have any questions I’ll try to answer and make a post about it, to be more clear
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possiblylando · 11 months
Whats the deal with the death devil? (YOSHIDA REAL?)
I made this fucking 'joke' back when 146 came out and I keep fucking thing about it cause its so fucking funny and I can one piece this theory into making sense hang on
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I went ahead and made this chart to show the feelings towards the death devil. Both Makima and Fami wants the Death Devil dead however its unknown if they do that out of any animosity as their motives seem to be saving humanity from death. Yoru doesn't give a shit and Nayuta is in the same boat as Fami except she has no hatred towards DD. So that leads to the question, What did DD do to make them that mad? Here are the options based on what we know; 1. They don't hate DD at all they just want her to stay in hell because theoretically her presence on earth would mean the extinction of all life. 2. They HATE DD because she did something in the past that REALLY pissed them off. 3. Its a misunderstanding 4. Something else. Will the arrival of the Death Devil cause all extinction of life? (By Extension, Is She evil?) Using what we know of the other 3 Horsemen its a fair assumption to make that DD isn't pure evil or a natural disaster. For the most powerful devil to be a blank evil slate, It would be kind of boring. Even if it's something like the Darkness Devil, We've seen it happen before. We know that Primal Fears are weird and different as well because Darkness and Falling is completely different from each other. Given that I doubt DD's goal is to cause the extinction of all life, Especially because without humans there would be no fear, Thus there would be no devils.
Do they HATE the Death Devil? I think this one can be ruled out given the information we currently have as their reasons for wanting her dead seem to fall into the "Stop humanity from going extinct" angle. We could get some big reveal that DD ate the entire thanksgiving turkey one year but I doubt that'll happen. Could it be a misunderstanding? Given Fujimoto, This is a definite possibility. However I doubt the final antagonist of the series will be so easily resolved as 'Oh you're not actually evil mb'. There would be more too it. DD is probably malicious to some extent but not as much as it seems. It's also possible DD is completely uncaring for destruction and has no evil plans what so ever and just wants to visit her sisters. Because Death itself is cruel and impartial to who and what it takes. So what else could it be?
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By FAR the funniest fucking option is that Yoshida actually IS the death devil and the rest of the horseman hate him because he's Trans and ruins their Sisters of the Apocalypse Gimmick. I'm not joking when I say this could ACTUALLY be the fucking solution and it's so fucking funny I keep fucking giggling at this stupid fucking One Piece Theory ass idea. Given what we know about War and how quickly Makima was reincarnated into Nayuta, It's likely that the Horsemen all have true devil forms similar to War and Pochita.
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The bodies they currently inhabit aren't actually their Devil bodies and are instead hosts. Again, Given what we know of War, It can be inferred that Horsemen possess the ability to create a special kind of Fiend which is what Nayuta, Fami, and Yoru/Asa are. They're probably on par or only slightly weaker than their pure forms. As such these are more akin to host bodies than anything else. So then what if Yoshida (DEATH DEVIL REAL) is actually just DD's current host body? Yoshida is a weird case in general because he has basically no backstory yet seems related to Kishibe in some way. What if its a Nayuta and Denji situation? But then why would none of the other Horsemen recognize him as death when they met despite the fact they seem to have an intuitive knowledge of their sisters. It's possible that they don't recognise Death as Yoshida because he's actively hiding his identity as to not get outed. The Control Devil's one desire was to truly be loved and understand humans. So it's to go against their primary directive as a Devil; Be loved without control. Fami's motives are still a bit weird but they seem to just be "Eat a bunch of stuff that tastes good." Which again is against her MO as a devil; Feed the hunger instead of succumbing to Famine. Yoru, Who knows shes just a little freak. So thus the idea that the Death Devil's wish would be something like "Live among humans and keep them from dying" would somewhat match an inverted directive. Yoshida is a devil hunter after all who by extension stops humans from dying. So Illustrate how funny this would be if it was true:
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But this requires Yoshida to not get fucking pwnd next chapter by another weird Queer Woman.
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Time is a flat circle
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mediocretosubpar-soup · 4 months
split!jc 2 3
The tone slides down Wei Wuxian's spine like ice water. He chuckles sheepishly.
"What a bunch of fools." says Jiang-gongzi, derision dripping from every word.
Wei Wuxian blinks, as the sharp words are turned on an unexpected target.
"Can you really blame them?" comes out of his mouth before he can think better of it. Anyone involved with Jiang Cheng should know what ruin Wei Wuxian could bring, even when he had the best intentions (maybe especially then).
"What do they think you are? A one-trick pony? If they're too craven to trust you with cultivation, they should be jumping on the opportunity to have you teach archery."
Oh. Wei Wuxian's mouth hangs open, his quick tongue slack with shock.
"Especially since the Lans are such shit archers. Not a decent competition placement in years."
A memory drifts from the muddy slit of Wei Wuxian's past life. Leading a group of excited juniors to the archery fields, showing them how to hold the bow, how to aim the arrow. The excitement of hitting that first target. For a moment, Wei Wuxian nearly chokes on want.
"It wouldn't do for the Yiling Laozhu to officially teach disciples. Even if it was just archery, rumors --"
"If the Lan sect can't handle a few rumors, then you should--" Jiang-gongzi stiffens suddenly. He grabs Wei Wuxian's arm, pulling him up.
"Jiang-zhongzu is on his way back." He pulls Wei Wuxian towards the door. "Listen, if you want to teach. Write to Jin-zhongzu, he could use all the help he can get." He gently shoves Wei Wuxian out the door. "Now, go, before you get me in trouble. I wasn't supposed to speak to anyone."
Wei Wuxian should know better than this. Wei Wuxian, in fact, knows better than this. But seriously, faced with such a mystery what could anyone but try to find out more? Could anyone resist? Is Wei Wuxian not supposed to send out the undetectable eavesdropping talismans, he's invented for Jin Ling? When he's conveniently carrying them in his pockets?
Duller men with less genius invention may resist but Wei Wuxian is not constrained by the limitiations of simpler minds. His talismans fly true, beneath the walkways, through gaps in the roof and open doorways.
"The Lans are as helpful as ever." Jiang Cheng's voice rings out.
"A wasted trip, then." Jiang-gongzi says.
Steps. Slowing. Halting.
"You were drinking?"
"Can't a man enjoy a drink?" A pause and then Jiang Cheng asks mildly. "Do you take me for a fool?" Something crackles and Wei Wuxian goes cold.
"What have you told him?" Something is humming ominously. Wei Wuxian turns on the pathway and runs back to the guesthouse.
"Jiang-zhongzu don't be ridiculous. I was merely making conversation." Jiang-gongzi says as if the truth could save him when Jiang Cheng gets like that. Accusing, finding fault by sheer desire, Wei Wuxian knows better than anyone else, he knows because he was there when Jiang Cheng learnt this.
"Of course, you didn't tell him..."
Wei Wuxian ignores a the Jiang disciple in front of the door to crash into the courtyard. Two people turn to him. Wei Wuxian stumbles to a stop.
"If he'd known, he'd never have shared a drink with you." Jiang Cheng finishes cruelly. Wei Wuxian gapes. Next to Jiang Cheng, his double in the unmarked robes balls his hands into fists and hangs his head.
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SPOILERS ALERT! (Obviously!)
I haven't actually finished. Just one more chapter left. But its fine. I'm done with the major plot anyways. Let's start!
How do I feel about Elbert's route?
All in all, it was kinda....meh. I wasn't entirely bad nor it was good. It's just...I'm so dissatisfied.
How was the story?
It was half boring and half good. I chose the Madness route and let me just say, for how dark Elbert's story is, the ending is just so disappointing. Now this is just the Madness route, maybe in the Blind route is much better (I hope it is).
El's story mainly contains two stories - 1. Main story that reveals El's past and his curse and 2. Bernard&Co. I'll be honest... I don't care about Bernard and his company! Nor do I care about Gabriel and his kinky stuff nor Daisy and her blue poppies. It really has nothing to do with El's past. It's just boring side story that just keeps getting in the way of the main storyline and it cannot be avoided. I honestly didn't pay any attention to Bernard&Co story because I was bored and I'm more interested in getting to know El.
On the other hand, I was quite interested in El's past. Yes! It's one of the most tragic ones I've heard. I love how dark it is and the writers did a good job in making me actually hate EVERYONE related to El. I also loved how they showed the scene where Al tells Kate about El's past in a library where they first met and at the same time, El was having a dream where he sees his whole childhood. It's a nice transition. They keep switching between Kate's pov to El's pov from time to time. Good job! I liked that.
The writers did keep me interested in the story because to be honest, I was really looking forward on how El finally comes out from his tragic past and faces his true nemesis. But they went and ruined it in the end so much so that it WASN'T WORTH SPENDING 1500 DIAMONDS and 25 story tickets!!! Yes! I did use my diamonds, which I've been saving for Jude, on story tickets.....because I was so hooked! I couldn't wait 10 days and I couldn't sleep until I found out what's going to be Jeffery's ending.
What happens to Jeffery?
By this time, you must know that, Jeffery is the true main villain in El's route. Not Gabriel Bernard. If you don't know, Jeffery was the chief butler of the Greetia house. He and the other servants SA-ed El everyday since he was 9-year-old. Not only this, let me list out all the crimes he has committed:
SA-ed a minor everyday.
Brainwashed and manipulated that same child.
Bribed a guy to kidnapped Kate and also told him to sell her, because you know, she was preventing him from SA-ing El.
Tried to kill Kate.
And also being completely delusional in thinking that the reason why El was trying to kill him because Kate brainwashed him and not because...all of the above.
Yeah. So you'd think, a monster like that would get painful death, right? But no. El just shows up, says hi and stabs him with his sword. That's it.
I was really disappointed, because I thought, El was going to make him suffer for what he has done and killing him as painfully as possible, because he deserves it. For some reason, the writers just made it anticlimactic. If I compare this ending with William and Harrison, their ending is much more exciting. Especially William's...I'll translate that as soon as my exam is over...so please be patient, it's on Sep 8th. Okay?
But yeah, that's it. I don't how El kills him in the other ending. Someone told me that El poisons him. Poison apple I guess. I'll see that when I play the other ending, but not anytime soon.
What is El's tragic ending?
El's tragic ending according to Victor is to die while being unsatisfied. We see El trying to collect the most beautiful thing in the world, but El's tragic end is, he will die without getting that most beautiful thing.
What about Al?
I still don't understand why Al kissed Kate. It still confuses me and Yes! Kate does tell El that Al kissed her and El was like--
Kate: "Well....Mr. Alphonse.....kissed me on the lip--"
El kisses her before she could finish her sentence.
El: "Tell me Kate, who is your daddy?"
Kate: *blushes* "It's Lord Elbert...."
El: *smiling* "Good."
El: "If it's Al, I don't mind..."
Kate: "You're....n-not going to kill him, right?"
El: "If it was someone else, I would have.......I'd rather you not, but if you want to kiss someone else besides me, it should be only Al."
Kate: *jealous* "I don't want to kiss someone else. I only want to kiss you..."
Yeah, that's El's reaction. He was surprisingly calm about it. Al on the other hand is starting to grow on me. He's like the Mitsuhide of this game, so mysterious that you can't tell if he's on good side or bad side. El seems to trust Al very much. Yes, he is jealous about Kate spending time with another man, but he also trusts Al and knows that no matter what, Al will keep her safe. Al on the other hand dislikes the fact that both Kate and El trusts him so much. I don't know if Al even likes El as friend. Sometimes he acts like friend and sometimes he doesn't. It's so confusing, so I'm really looking forward for his route.
Kate and El
Honestly, these two are made for each other. Both are jealous possessive types that keeps asking each other if they were thinking about each other while they were apart. There are only some cute moments here and there, like El staring at Kate so he could get into her heart and also making sure that she only looks at him and only thinks about him and also grabs her face and makes it turn to look at him and also asking to look only at him lol. It's a funny scene I liked it. But most of his route is full of sadness and sadness and .....lots of sadness. You get my point.
Final thoughts
This post is really short but there is not much to talk about because I already spoiled you guys about El's past which is the major part of the story.
I wish the story was bit more exciting, at least the writers could have improved the ending of Jeffery after making me hate him so much. All in all it was a pretty meh experience. I still think Harry's route is the best one so far.
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ellemfaoh · 2 years
Pinball, Hair, and Detention Pt. 3 | Vance Hopper X Reader
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 (here) | Part 4
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Word Count: 4.4k
Genre: Enemies to Lovers, Rivalry, Angst, Fluff
Content Warnings: Kidnapping, Swearing, Female Reader Implied/Mentioned, Descriptors of character deaths, Blood, Beatings
Summary: Reader and Vance have some sort of ongoing rivalry. You accidentally spilled your drink on his hair and he in turn gave you a “fresh cut.” You one day get detention together due to fighting. On the walk home one day— where you both live merely a block away, he barely misses your abduction and watches as you helplessly get carried away in a black van.
A/N: As an apology for taking so much longer to post this, I made it a little extra long <3
A/N 2.0: Also we are so close to actually seeing action, I’m just a sucker for slow burns 💔
“Who the hell do you think you are?!” You shouted at the masked man, backing up on the old mattress he placed you on, rusty springs creaking under your weight.
The Grabber gave a heavy sigh. “I really don’t like repeating myself. I’m sure that spray doesn’t affect your memory.”
This was a sick joke. You must’ve angered whatever god was out there because for the past two months your life was nothing but a roller coaster of hell. Your encounters with Vance, your hair, your reputation being ruined, and now your kidnapping. Did you do something in a past life to deserve this? You were an average middle school student: average grades, average friend group, average life. You never did anything risky or illegal and you helped out when you could—which is what got you into this mess. Maybe this was a lesson to be learned.
“Now, how about I get you some soda to calm you down? You like sprite?” His voice seemed a little singsongy—which really creeped you out, especially when he tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear. “You stay here and don’t try anything. This room is soundproof anyways, so no one will hear you.”
When The Grabber left, closing the heavy metal door with a slam, a loud click of the handle locking echoing around the room just a moment later. That’s when the dread fully sunk in. You were stuck in a creepy man’s basement with absolutely no way out. The floor was linoleum tile, the walls were solid concrete (with a weird orange strip stain all over them), and the window was probably around 8 feet high. Maybe that explained why he didn’t bother to put bars there yet considering everyone he’s kidnapped so far were pretty short. Billy was probably an average height, but Griffin was pretty short. He was also eleven years old—the youngest out of the victims so far.
You walked around the space you’d be occupying until your probable death, looking at the weird little hallway area with the toilet and a few rugs. Nothing of interest. How the hell are you supposed to use rugs to escape. When you walked back to the bed you noticed the black phone hanging on the wall, quickly running over to it and attempting to dial a number. When you held the receiver to your ear and heard nothing, not even a static fuzz, you realized it wouldn’t work. Suspicions confirmed when you looked at the snipped phone line.
“Damn it!” You yelled, slamming the phone back on the dialer. You slid down to the floor with stinging eyes and a tight throat. “I’m gonna die here. I didn’t even get to see my parents last night or this morning.” Sniffling, you curled your head into your knees. “And the last person I hung out with was Vance.”
Then the phone rang.
“I didn’t do anything, I swear!” Vance shouted at the cops in front of him. “I watched the mother fucker shove her in that fucking black van and drive off! I have her backpack right here! If I did anything do you think I’d keep her shit?!”
“Hopper, please relax. No one is saying you’re lying. We were just asking if you got the events correct.”
“Of course I did! It happened barely an hour ago.” He said, taking in a deep breath and exhaling angrily. “I don’t hang with that fuckface, but I’m not about to let a kidnapping go!”
The room was quiet, police officers of the small Denver town looking at Vance and then each other. They all knew the boy well—he’d never come to the cops of his own free will. Usually people were coming to them about him. One of the secretaries was on the phone with the (Y/L/N) family already, informing them of the grave news and telling them to come to the station as soon as possible.
One of the officers, an older guy who frequently dealt with Vance, placed a comforting hand on the boy’s shoulder, giving him a sympathetic smile. “We know you’re worried, boy. We’ll find her.”
Vance grumbled and stood up, face flushed. Embarrassment and anger most likely. “Whatever, I’m leaving.”
As he walked out of the station, Vance made his way back over to where you were abducted. Maybe he’d be able to find you without the cops, he was the one that watched you get taken after all. When he walked up to the curb where he found your bag, he looked for any hints. The black balloons in the tree were the only thing so far that was solid and concise evidence. The van had quickly pulled out and driven to the left, going straight for a little while—or at least until he lost sight of it.
He decided to walk down the street and through the neighborhoods he passed occasionally. The kidnapper would be stupid to leave his van outside in broad daylight, especially since he knew Vance saw it just as clearly as you. He mostly scanned the houses, looking at the exterior and trying to feel the vibes. Some houses looked really gross and rickety, then there were the others that definitely housed a nice, big, happy family. Maybe that house he just passed was the Yamada’s. Vance had no idea how Bruce would react to your disappearance. For as long as anyone amongst your graduating class knew, you and Bruce had known each other for as long as possible.
How the hell was he supposed to find you like this? There are definitely a few thousand people in this buttfuck nowhere Denver town, he thought. He’d have to scour the streets for clues, look at people and analyze them. He’d figure this out. He knew the cops were doing a half-assed job with this case so far. You were person three, so that made this serial, but he’d been in the station while they mentioned a few things about the cases, some of them being brushed off. He really only trusted that old guy. Day 0, and he was determined to find you before the week was over.
How many hours have you been down here? It felt like it’d been weeks, but you knew by the dead darkness outside and inside the room that the day ended. You had nothing down here; just the mattress you were on, the toilet, and yourself. You never thought you’d miss laying and doing nothing in your room more than now. Oh, you also had the ghost phone. You almost didn’t believe it when the phone rang, but you picked it up immediately. Even if it would’ve been a fluke, you’d hope and pray for anything you could get.
“Hello?! Hello?! Can anyone help me?!”
It was silent for a little while and you lost hope, leaning against the wall and covering your teary eyes while taking deep breaths to calm yourself down before you broke down. Your hand had drifted from your head to your hip, the phone knocking against the wall. When you opened your eyes and saw the image of a bloody and dead Griffin, you screamed, letting the phone go out of shock. You were in disbelief. You were scared. You were probably hallucinating too. The boy’s mouth was bobbing up and down. Was he talking? You grabbed the phone and pressed it to your ears, listening for any sort of noise.
“D…n’t cr…”
The words through the receiver were crackled and sounded like a whispered gargle. You could barely stand to look over at Griffin, his throat slit and body riddled with welts and blood. Now though, he seemed to be standing closer to you, not contorted in whatever hellish position you had first seen him in.
“What?” You sniffled, wiping your nose and eyes. “You…what do you mean?”
“Don’t cry.” The boy said, pausing for a moment. “Don’t let him see you like this. He loves it.” Silence again.
“You…you’re Griffin. You were the first to go missing. How am I talking to you?”
“I don’t know. Your name is the first thing you forget—All I know is that you should stop crying before he comes back. He loves seeing kids cry.” Griffin looked around at the room. “I had something to tell you, but I can’t remember. It had something to do with a door.”
“You know how to get out of here?!”
“No. The front door. There’s a padlock there, it’s the code used for my bike lock.” You waited for him to continue, give you the code or something. “I think the code is-”
“Put the phone down.” You jumped, Billy’s voice and any static the receiver had going dead. “That stupid thing doesn’t work anyways. Hasn’t worked since I was a kid.”
You placed the phone back on the wall slowly, glaring at the man as he stood in the doorway watching you. Why he came down here you wouldn't know. He squatted down and looked up at you. You felt a chill go up your spine, his beady eyes staring up at you gave you the heebie-jeebies. Why did he sit lower? Was this some way to play a mind trick on you? Make you feel empowered when he could actually take you out immediately?
“Why me?” You asked, taking the opportunity. You had a feeling you’d probably end up dying. You just wanted to know why. “Why do you do this to me? Why’d you grab me?”
He stood up, standing for a moment before walking over to you. Your heart dropped into your feet, your legs paralyzed in fear. Was he gonna beat you for asking? Maybe he’d stab you and teach you a lesson. His hand lifted up to tilt your head to look up at him, tucking a stray piece of hair back. His hands were cold, his demeanor threatening, but his voice sounded light and cheery. It was sick.
“I guess I’m aiming for someone else by taking you first. I don’t usually kidnap girls.” He stepped back, looking at you whole again. “Maybe after this though, I’ll consider it a little more.”
You nearly puked. Aiming for someone else? Did he mean Vance? Or Bruce? Was he stalking you guys? You hung out with them often—though Vance was less of a choice. He would consider kidnapping more girls ‘after this?’ Did that mean after he killed you he’d go for more? Your thoughts drifted over to kids you knew. Gwen, the girl who could see things in her dreams. You knew her from Amy, Bruce’s little sister. They hung out at the Yamada’s place together sometimes too. You couldn’t imagine either of them getting kidnapped.
“Don’t you even think about touching anyone else you sick fuck.” You cursed at him, an angry glare on your face.
“Wow, but of a potty mouth here.” He chuckled, eyes cold as he grabbed your hair and squeezed. “I suggest you behave well, you don’t want to act like the last few ‘naughty boys’ I’ve had recently. They didn’t have a very fun time.”
You cried out in pain, the added motion of him shaking your head causing tears to prick your eyes. He really was sick—talking about the previous victims like it was a normal occurrence. You hated everything. You wanted to go home. You wanted to talk with Bruce about stupid things like Mr. Roeder’s bad cover-up for his bald spot or something. You wanted to be sitting in detention ruefully staring at the board as you waited to go home. If only you waited a little longer, or went the longer route that day. You kept talking about yourself in the past-tense and honestly? It helped you prepare to be murdered later as the man let go of your hair and walked out of the room, the heavy lock sliding into place.
“Get me out of here.” You sniffed, sliding down the wall and deciding to let yourself cry. Forget the ghosts of the past boys telling you what to do, you’d cry as hard as he wanted if it meant you could even say goodbye to the people you loved just one last time.
Day 3 of the search for you. By now people were desperate. There was a pattern with The Grabber. He wouldn’t kill immediately. No, he preferred to take his time with people. Mind games, physical violence—nobody knew what, but it was something. Vance and everyone else looking for you never would’ve guessed you were just blocks away, about twelve feet under in some dingy basement of a sick man. You lost track of time, all the sleeping and staring into space and random walking around made the minutes seem like hours and the hours seem like days. You hadn’t gotten any other calls recently, so it must’ve been your imagination. Maybe whatever gas you were sprayed with made you loopy.
“How do I get out of here?” You asked yourself, pacing around the room, feet dragging against the linoleum tile. You felt icky too. You hadn’t showered recently, you were dirty from the residue of the room in the air and on the bed. “What the fuck am I supposed to use?”
Suddenly the lights in the room blinked on and you hurriedly dove for the bed, pretending to sleep. You wouldn’t give this man the satisfaction of seeing or hearing your weakness. When the door creaked open and the light behind him poured in the room everything was still. Your breathing was kept even and slow even though your heart was pounding. He never gave any hints towards his intentions to you.
“I know you aren’t asleep.”
“Tsk, naughty girl.” He said angrily, any singsong tone he had previously was gone.
You slowly sat up, turning your head to face him with an angry look. He held a tray with a plate of shitty looking eggs and an open bottle of soda. You didn’t even realize how hungry and thirsty you were until you saw the food. Stomach growling, your hand slid over your stomach. You couldn’t see The Grabber’s face—he was wearing a full mask today—but you could see the crinkle of his eyes as he (probably) smirked at you. Weakening you physically and mentally by hunger, what a fucking piece of shit.
“Why would I eat that? God knows what you put in it.”
“Eat it, don’t eat it, I don’t care.” He said, placing the tray down and looking up at you. You could almost see the sick and twisted smile of his mask blend in with his face. “I don’t need to drug you. I already have you right where I want you.”
Your heart dropped. Sure you knew your fate was probably already sealed, but it never hurt to have hope. Now though you might as well rip them up and throw them around like doomsday confetti. When the Grabber didn’t leave immediately and kept standing by the door you made a face. Why was he still here? Just leave. You wanted your peace and alone time. You had already cried what felt like all your tears the first day, so you just wanted the silence and stillness of an empty room.
“Why are you still here? Just get out already.”
“Give me a minute, I’m just looking at you.”
Eventually he opened the door and you figured that maybe there’s someone else in the house. There had to be. You took a deep breath and started screaming. Your throat burned and your head hurt, but you made sure to scream as loud as possible before you were stopped. A rough and calloused hand gripped your throat, fingers digging into the flesh and your windpipe slowly being squeezed. You clawed at the hands around your throat, struggling to breathe.
“Naughty. Very naughty girl.” He growled out angrily, pushing you to the floor and he quickly slid off his belt. “Very smart but very stupid girl.”
Your eyes widened as he folded the belt, raising the tough leather over his head. You started pleading even while knowing it was a fruitless effort. You tried to escape in some way, and now he’d punish you for disobeying. When the first strike of the belt hit your stomach, your eyes welled up with tears and you yelped. It didn’t last long—maybe a minute or two at best, but it was some of the worst pain you’ve felt. He left you a sniveling mess on the floor, red welts appearing slowly and blood springing from where your skin had split.
“Next time I suggest you be a little smarter. I should slit your throat for the ruckus you made.” The Grabber said to you, looping the belt around his waist again and muttering something under his breath. “Now I have to talk to him about it.”
“Him?” You hiccuped through tears, looking up at the man who glared at you. He left wordlessly, slamming the door behind him, save for the click of the door lock.
He didn’t lock the door? Not even after this attempt of yours? Did he forget in his rage? You slowly got up, your nerves screaming as your skin stretched as you stood—your stomach and left forearm probably hurt the most. He got you good. As you slowly made your way to the door, your foot knocked into the tray on the floor. Oh right, the food.
You got down on your knees and grabbed a handful of shitty scrambled eggs, stuffing them into your mouth. They weren’t great, hell, these were some of the worst eggs you’ve ever had, but it was better than the taste of hunger. You felt like an animal with how you were eating, and chugging the soda bottle didn’t help your case, but not everyone was perfect. As you wiped your face and kicked the tray off to the side while getting up to get out of this fucking basement the phone rang again. Maybe you died in the beating and this was a dream, but as it kept ringing you were more convinced it wasn’t a dream at all.
“Don��t go up those stairs.”
“What the fuck? You aren’t Griffin. Why the fuck wouldn’t I try to get out of here?” You sounded bitchy, but you took a moment to think. Who was the other kid that was grabbed before you? “Wait…Billy Showalter?”
“Don’t call me that, and don’t go up the stairs. He’ll beat you with that fucking belt again.”
“If he doesn’t want me to escape then why would he leave the door unlocked?”
“He’s playing ‘Naughty Boy’ with you. I guess it’d be ‘Naughty Girl’ with you but still. You pissed him off just now and he wants to see if you really are as stupid as he thinks.”
“Listen to me.” His voice was stern and heavy. He was taking no shit. “You already got hit a few times. That’s only a fraction of what his beatings actually feel like. He beats you to death and it hurts real fucking bad”
“What…” You started, choking slightly on your words. What could you do? How could this dead kid help you at all? “What am I supposed to do?”
“Play his sick game differently than he expects. Don’t be naughty. Don’t let him see you doing anything like scratching stuff on the walls or trying to get out of here. He won’t kill you unless he feels like he’s won his little game. You have time. He got me after two weeks, and he got the other one after his first. Poor kid almost got out of here too.”
Griffin almost made it out? He mentioned a lock on the door. It was his lock right? You couldn't help but shudder at the thought of poor Griffin dying violently to such a sick man at such a young age.
“Oh yeah, and there’s a cable hidden under the crack in the walls by the hallway. Use that somehow—don’t let my work be put to waste.”
“You got it, Paperboy.”
Day 5 and Vance was still looking for you. He’d cut school to scour the streets for the black van or any sign of that fucker’s face. He’d threaten anyone that muttered a slight insult of your or Griffin’s or Billy’s names. He might’ve been an asshole, but he met the sick fucker that kidnapped you guys. He knows how it was out of your guys’ control. Your kindness was your weakness, but he figured the other two probably got tricked the same way. Helping out a stranger that needed help.
“Hey!” Vance heard his dad shout from his car, making the blonde jump. Shit, he’d get in trouble for skipping again. “Come here, Vance!”
Vance slowly trudged over to the family car; a beat up and dark blue 1972 Oldsmobile Cutlass. While Vance might’ve had his tough-guy persona on display constantly he didn’t exactly enjoy being chewed out by his dad, especially not in public. The boy kept his head down, refusing to look up for fear that he’d see the angry look the older man was giving him.
“If you’re gonna skip school to look for your friend, then can you swing by some of the shops and pick up our orders? Your mom would really appreciate it.”
Vance looked up in surprise. He wasn’t going to be yelled at? No anger? Just understanding? He almost didn’t believe it, just nodding in dumbfounded shock. His dad told him the shops needed, gave the blonde a pat on the shoulder, then drove off. After all of this, Vance finally snapped out of it.
“What the fuck?”
One one last shop to stop by for the day. The utility store. His dad ordered some rope and chain for work, and his mom ordered cleaners for the house. Basic shit he could drag home and then keep looking. That’s how most of Vance’s days went now. Search for you for a while, hit the Grab N Go for pinball then rinse and repeat. Walking into the store, he started talking to one of the cashiers, giving the family’s last name and waiting for the guy to get the bag for him.
As he leaned against the counter and looked around while waiting, some other guy came up to the counter with a shop basket of things. Rope, tape, locks, and a bunch of other what seemed like miscellaneous things. Vance turned his head and looked up at the man, instantly seeming to forget how to breathe. Holy shit. The Grabber was right next to him.
He looked just a little different: he didn’t have his hat or sunglasses on, but the blonde could tell it was definitely him. It was in his face. He’d been looking for days to find this man or any sign of you and it just so happened that the little shopping trip his father sent him on led him directly to what he was looking for.
Vance quickly grabbed the bag of his family’s items and walked out. He needed to make sure he wasn’t easily recognizable as the boy who was with you that day. Lucky for him he wasn’t in his usual denim outfit, going with some black jeans, a wife beater, and an old red-and-tan letterman jacket his dad probably used in high school. Vance rummaged around in his pockets, pulling out a hair tie and pulling his hair back into a messy ponytail-bun kind of thing. He was very rushed, prepared to follow the man secretly.
“I should be a cop at this point.” He scoffed to himself.
The moment the Grabber left the store, Vance was on the hunt. With his hair tied up and his outfit styled in a less messy and more proper way he didn’t look super familiar—hopefully. He almost cussed out loud when the man started walking towards a car parked on the street. Fuck, this just got a lot more difficult. The man threw his bag into the trunk roughly and walked to the driver’s door. Wait—what did he buy again? It was something like rope and tape right? Did he see a hunter’s knife in there too? Fuck. Was he going to kill you today?
Vance moved with urgency, acting like he was also walking to a car close by and acting like he was fumbling with his keys as he waited for the Grabber to leave. He’d follow the car by running after it…or something. Damn, he really didn’t think this through huh? Looking around in urgency, he spotted Bruce Yamada not too far away and lucky for the blonde, he was biking. Taking a glance at the creep not too far away it seemed he was moving shit around in his trunk. Okay, he had time.
Bruce braked and looked over at Vance, a mixture of emotions swimming on his face. How else was he gonna react when the kid he could blame for your kidnapping showed up, not to mention looking nothing like himself. What was he doing?
“What do you want, Hopper?”
“Your bike.”
“Excuse me?”
“Give me your bike, Bruce—I’m not gonna steal it, I’ll return it to you, but I need to follow someone?”
Bruce turned away from the blonde, an incredulous look on his face. “What the fuck are you on? You don’t talk to anyone for days, skip school ever since Y/N went missing, and now you randomly start pestering me for my bike? You have a lot of fucking nerve V—“
“I need to follow the fucker that kidnapped your best friend, dipshit!” Vance raised his voice, making sure to keep it low so as to not alert The Grabber.
“Give it. I’ll explain later.” Vance yanked the bike from the raven-haired boy and started off after the car that had just left. Shit, what had he gotten himself into?
(If your name isn’t actually tagged, you are unsearchable here on tumblr, sorry :/ )
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dufferpuffer · 5 months
What are your thoughts on snack as a ship.
There are many fics out there. Some as the teen versions and others as adult them.
One fic i really enjoyed but it had the plot of taking James away from Sirius for plot purpose. You know because James wants to keep bullying. So it was like Sirius+remus on one side where snack takes place while James and peter on the other side with jily happening on the side.
I really loved this story and the characterisation was good too but I can't see Sirius especially teen Sirius willingly breaking up with bff James. I think it would have been more fun if James tried to make friends with snape for his bff sake . Only for Sirius you know. He would not do so for lily but Sirius just has that power over him with puppy dog eyes.
Another fic I read was about ootp snack. Again it was done nicely but again here remus characterisation was a little skewed because for me post azkaban Sirius and remus didn't have a good buddy ship. They were just hanging in there for old times sake.
I mean it was not like someone hit a pause button on their friendship for 12years. Their friendship was already in ruins before James death. So i was a little icky about remus being like a normal friend and giving relationship advice and you know teasing Sirius. Because I can't see a traumatized Sirius willingly making fun with a remus. Cause one thing which I highly appreciate about canon Sirius is that he after being stuck so long, didn't seem to be struck in the past, he kept on pushing and moving forward while lupin often came across as missing good old times. They both had loads of free time in their respective isolation years but their reaction to it is different.
Anyways I really don't like how snape becomes super comfortable around lupin when he begins a relationship with Sirius in snack fics . He is scared of werewolf and fear is not rational. He won't be practical and think oh well it is not the full moon night, i an safe.
Wouldn't it feel real that even after years of being in a relationship, snape still avoid being alone with the resident wolf. In turn remus hating being avoided by thr person his bff will marry and instead of clearing the air out like a normal person, he antagonize snape. Sirius struck in the middle. Both sides ranting to him. Making him Choose, in snapes case as an ultimatum and in Remus's case passive aggressive tone. I mean Remus can play people, he can make it so that Sirius leaves snape because his bf is making his friend uncomfortable and remus is little munchkin who shouldn't be troubled.
Sorry i got carried away.
So the ask is - 1)snape and Sirius relationship thoughts - both a teen/ yong adult snack and adult traumatized snack , if you could go in that much details. + 2) How remus and snape interact , their dynamic in the role of friend and boyfriend+ 3) remus's behavior if ootp Sirius and Severus date. ( like genuinely what will he do because I can't see him being overly supportive and teasing Sirius and befriending snape etc)
Bonus : Lily and snape circling around each other (a non voldy au where they are young adults) being the partner of the main marauders knowing all too well that j and s will always be friend so they will have to suck it up if they want to stay in relationship with their respective partner.
Omg the possibilities of drama in this scenario. I mean people often tight love stories about enemies to lovers but the fun in exploring James 's reaction in learning his bff is dating snivelus. The betrayal but then it is Sirius so he will just wait until they just break up. 😂
I don't even know if you have interest in all this, please ignore if not.
Anonymous asked: What’s your take on Sirius/Snape?
Thank you for the asks!!! I've never thought too much about Snack (Sirius/Severus) before, so this was a lot of fun! They have a lot in common, but went in incompatible directions: + Both had unhappy childhoods, with a family that abused them. + Both are incredibly loyal and fight to the death. + Both are intelligent problem-solvers who boldly face challenges head-on. + Both are honest people. They blatantly say what they think. + Both are sarcastic, witty, sometimes a little cruel - but are caring at their core. – Sirius, raised in a Pureblood 'Slytherin' house, rejected every part of that heritage and built himself a new identity. – Severus, raised in a muggle house, found appreciation for his magical skills and purpose amongst Slytherin/DE's.
...I don't think there is much hope for them being friends if Sirius meets James first. James shines brightly with everything he wishes his life was: Laid back, messy, relaxed, free... Like a moth to a flame.
I agree that Sirius leaving his friends seems out of character. I think it flows better if there is a change in the environment that forces change in a character, such as: If Sirius never met James on the train - and sorted into Slytherin. ((1700 words; 3 parts: 1970s, 1990s, Remus))
If a bitter, lonely Sirius Black unsatisfied with his home life could sit down and get to know Snape, (not just butt heads like a pair of goats)... I think after a period of rivalry (them both being the two smartest in their house) they would become inseparable. Once they realized they could understand eachother so deeply, and are fascinated by eachother's worlds (muggle and pureblood) their loyalty would WELD to eachother.
Shaggy, black haired twins. The Snake-Eyes of Slytherin. The King of Transfiguration and the Prince of Potions.
- People assume Severus is Sirius' brother instead of Regulus. - They would mark their shared research/journal entries 'S.S.' in two different inks. - They would steer clear of Death Eaters – and Severus wouldn't need them in order to feel accepted. He has Sirius. - They'll be a couple of menaces: sarcastic and snarky, more interested in their own feelings above all others... - A little bullying. Sirius likes to talk smack on those he doesn't respect, but nothing serious. Maybe a hex or two. (James was more the physical bully, anyway - Sirius was at the sidelines jeering.) - Without being bullied, without facing constant pain and humiliation, without having to work out counter-jinxes... I don't think Severus would get interested in Dark Magic. - Neither of them would be able to stand James. His life has been easy, he was loved and supported... yet he has the nerve to look down upon Slytherins? He doesn't know what they have BOTH been through.
Would Severus still be friends with Lily? From his end, I think so - he is very loyal. But would she get along with Sirius' boisterous attitude? Would she think he is changing Severus for the worse? Would she get a little jealous...? It used to be just them in a world of Muggles, playing with their magic... and now Severus is smitten. Would she worry that Sirius Black is isolating him socially because they so deeply rely on eachother?
...Would she become closer to James, Remus and Peter? THAT is an interesting group... That's enough about teenagers. I want men. Man time.
Sirius and Severus have even MORE common-ground. Like grudges :) ...But they are also broken in more ways that make it difficult.
Severus has had to learn to mask his emotions. To lie. To sit back and watch horrible things happen so he can act at the best time. ...These are characteristics Sirius struggles to comprehend. He is still just as honest, just as brazen, just as bold as ever. - Sirius see's things like lying as being scummy, weak, turning your back on your morals, on who you are... for the sake of staying alive a little longer!? Cowardice! - Severus thinks Sirius is immature. Dying so easily is just selfishness masquerading as selflessness. Stay alive and fight, even at the cost of everything you are.
+ They are both stubborn; unlikely to like someone they have decided to hate. + They have both lost the light of their life to something that was partially their fault. + They have both had their lives, their dreams for the future, utterly destroyed. + They have both been trapped in a form of 'servitude' ever since that day. + They are both tired, with foul tempers. + They are both, more often than not... alone.
They are very alike... but they feel like they share nothing. The way they see the world is alien to eachother. It's a large bridge to cross... and they are both the sort to not want to bother crossing large bridges.
But they do share one all-encompassing important thing: Harry Potter is the core of their lives.
THIS is an excellent post - (my reblog in case it's taken down) That is one compelling way Sirius and Severus could make a connection and have a civil conversation.
Sirius seeing Snape in Harry's trauma/abuse surviving behaviour. Sirius has so much time to introspect, to get drunk and remember the past... now that he sees how similar Harry is to how Severus was, the fact he bullied him hurts. It's like he has bullied Harry.
Sirius is an honorable man. When he see's he has done wrong, he will bow his head and apologize... ...However, Severus isn't the type to take an apology without snark. "A little late, isn't it Black? It really took you 20 years to even consider me human?"Snape would deny having much in common with Harry. It's mostly denial ('Potter is a brat like his father') with some embarrassment, too. Snape being a prick about it would set Sirius off, of course. "Oh you can NEVER just take a good thing, can you Snivellius..." They would fight again... but I think, as Order meetings continue: - Sirius will be nicer to Severus. He has lost the taste for being nasty. - Severus will lose his taste for more than basic comments at Sirius' expense. Deep down he appreciates the apology - very few have ever apologized to him before. - The fact he treats him differently means even more. He has stuck to his words. Without the bite of hatred they start finding eachothers words humorous. Entertaining. A battle of wits rather than a battle of blood pressure. Severus visiting has gone from a test of patience to something Sirius gets excited about! It gets so boring and lonely... everyone is always so down-beat because of the war, so stressed... nobody anyone wants to BANTER. And-! Severus can tell him how Harry is doing!!!
The change in their dynamic is immediately felt by others... ...but nobody knows what to make of it. All they know is that sparks aren't flying anymore - from their tempers or their wands. They're smiling more. - Big toothy grin's from Sirius, licking his teeth and flicking his eyebrows as he thinks of something else clever to say. - Small curling smirks from Severus, leaning against the table as he shoots back some biting remark.
Snape often needs to thunder off somewhere. Things are only getting harder. The quiet, cold walls of Grimmauld Place and Sirius' eagerness to listen to anything, even complaints... it's soothing. Sirius knows so many of his secrets already. He can really let loose - and Sirius can take all of it. The anger, the sorrow, the frustration, the regrets... he finds it 'entertaining' - and always manages to bring his mood back up.
The kids don't really notice, they aren't that emotionally aware yet... ...But Harry notices when Sirius tells him off for being irresponsible in one of Snape's lessons.
"...How did you know that?!" "Severus always complains about you - but this time he was right: That WAS needlessly irresponsible. Potion making can be very dangerous." Harry completely ignored the scolding. "You and Snape... talk!?" Sirius blinks, looking a little confused. Did he and Severus... 'talk'? "...He IS a member of the Order, Harry..." Sirius chuckled, but knew his godson had a point: It was very odd that he had been spending more time with Severus... and that Severus was spending more time over.
...Severus was someone Sirius could talk to about anything. Even the horrors of Azkaban. He's seen equal or worse. Few people can keep him on his toes as much as Severus, and those that can... are rarely in the mood. But when he is trading words with Snape his brain feels like its coming back to him. It reminds him of talking to James sometimes... Was Severus always this endearing sarcastic...? Was he always this intelligent...? Was he always this quick-witted...? The boy in his memory is one that spat out curses (magical and mundane) like spitting watermelon seeds... but maybe he just wasn't really listening? He wasn't seeing him for who he was, all this time?
Remus cant tell what the odd dynamic between Sirius and Severus has become - and he doesn't really care enough to ask. He doesn't spend much time thinking about Snape. He never has. Severus was abrasive and stuck his nose where it didn't belong. Their time teaching together didn't exactly make them buddies, either.
He's just happy the man rarely interacts with him. He has little to say to Severus. Now that Severus has 'done his duty' warning the world of his condition he has little to say to Remus, too. If they had their way they'd probably never speak a word to eachother ever again.
Sirius is far better company. They weren't on the best of terms during the first war... but it is nice having an old face back in his life. Someone he knows he doesn't have to pretend with.
...SO its rather annoying when Severus gets dragged into their conversations. Sometimes he just arrives, complaining about things. Every time Sirius turns his head and starts 'playing', the conversation they were having overridden as a new shiny toy walks in. Its not even to bully him anymore! THAT he could understand: Sirius always liked riling people up, especially Severus - and these days he was desperate for any form of fun. No... this was madness. It was mutual. Severus will always pick the seat next to Sirius. They will chat and scoff and bicker, leaving Remus standing there like a houseplant. Passed up... for Snivellius. It seems ridiculous...
He doesn't want to admit that he is sore that Sirius is passing him up for a 'new friend'. He doesn't want to admit that he likes being the one shoulder Sirius can lean on. Admitting those things makes him feel selfish and petty.
Lupin has always been good at remaining civil. I don't think he would care if they formally started 'dating'... just surprised. I agree with you - I don't think his friendship is strong enough for him to put effort into becoming more than just 'civil' with Severus.
But I am torn on whether Remus will inevitably grow a little more distant as he leans more towards Tonks and the Weasleys... ...or whether he would humbly make an effort to sit down and talk to Severus, man-to-man, friend-to-boyfriend... and find all the common ground they also share with one another. (But I have more interest in Snupin - I don't want to bring that bias here, lol.)
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heavyhitterheaux · 2 years
Dirty Little Secret Part 2
First Lady of Private Garden Fic
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AN: I’m backkkkkkkk 😘💖
Synopsis: You and Curse have become closer and Urban couldn't be happier. But when a "secret" is revealed that she wasn't aware of, she reveals a secret of yours that she knows would hurt you right back
(Same synopsis as part 1 because some of this is told from her point of view)
Pairing: Urban Wyatt x @softtcurse​ , Husband!Jack Harlow x Wife!Reader
Thank you to my sister wives for all of their help with this 😘
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
After spending the entire day with you, the two of you were currently helping each other get ready to go out to dinner with the rest of PG. Curse was currently doing Y/N’s make-up when she looked up at her and gave her a small smile.
"I don't think I've mentioned it before, but I'm happy that there is now another girl around. The testosterone was starting to be a bit much for me." Y/N said as Curse began applying the perfect shade of eyeshadow that would match her dress. She had already seen it beforehand since they had found the perfect one in a small boutique not too far from the hotel. 
“I appreciate how all of you have embraced me because I was definitely nervous. Especially since I know how close all of you are and have known each other for years.”
“Urban definitely found something special when it comes to you and I’m happy that my best friend is happy.”
“I’ll be honest, I was intimidated as shit when he first brought me around you.” Curse said while looking down at you and you sighed.
“Girl, why? People have this idea in their head that I’m like so mean when it’s the complete opposite. I guess it just stems from me being overprotective about them and vice versa. But I am such a caring and loving person that will do anything for people, especially them.”
“Since I was around everyone else first, they always spoke so highly of you, I guess because I knew it was a big deal to Urban to get your approval. I didn’t want to be a disappointment.”
“That I can understand seeing how things have happened in the past. But, I’m really trying to be better. I never want it to get to a point like that again where he feels as if he has to hide something from me. I’ll love him regardless and I thought he knew that. I tell him and Jack all the time, whatever it is we’ll work through it.”
“He does and that really was a difficult time. You know I actually threatened him to call you one day.”
“He kind of told me about it that day that we kinda made up, but didn’t really go into any details.”
“I said that this needed to end and Jack should have kicked his ass with how disrespectful he was being towards you.”
“He was hurt, Curse. And I admit that I do have to be better about getting out of my own head. I guess it’s because I just… they know that I will do anything for them and I do want them to be happy.”
“And that’s fine, and I know that they will do the same for you, but, you have focused on them long enough and it’s your turn for your career to blossom into what you want it to be. They’ll always be there for you but don’t you think it’s time to pay more attention to you? I know Jack wants you to, but keep in mind you didn’t hear that from me.”
“Wait, what?”
“I kinda overheard him and Urban yesterday and he mentioned that he is so proud of you, but just wants you to focus on yourself more. He was like ‘I don’t want her to look at it as if I don’t need her anymore, because I always will. I just want her to have all that I have too.”
“That’s such a Jack thing to say. I love that man and can’t put into words how much I do.”
“And it’s the same way for him. I admire what you two have. Despite everything that might be going on around you and the fact that people have tried your marriage, been disrespectful, tried to break yall up, yall never faltered.”
“Thank you and stop because I’m about to cry. Like he’s it for me and neither of us would let someone ruin what we have.”
“And everyone can see that.” Curse said putting the final touches on Y/N’s makeup.
“Okay, all done! Let’s get dressed because you know that they’re probably all screaming that we’re taking too long.”
And just then the two of them heard Jack’s voice.
Once Curse had gotten to her shared room with Urban, she took out her phone to scroll through instagram while the water was heating up for her shower. That’s when she saw a picture of Y/N that she hadn’t come across before on her explore page and quickly clicked it.
However, when she went to the comment section to leave one, she got a lot more than she bargained for.
Curse then did a double-take with not believing what she had just saw.
(This is under the Someone Very Important instagram au)
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So, Y/N and her current boyfriend who is also Y/N’s best friend has had sex before? And apparently no one was going to tell her?
Looking at the time she saw that she needed to stop scrolling on her phone and continue to get ready to be downstairs in a decent amount of time.
She would deal with them later,
Both of them.
Curse had been quiet ever since she made her way downstairs to the lobby of the hotel with Urban and could see that Y/N kept eyeing her and she looked genuinely concerned. Meanwhile, Curse’s blood was boiling every time she glanced up at her and they made eye contact.
Curse thought to herself that she was so fucking full of it.
Sitting there smiling in her face when deep down she knew what she did, and truth be told she was probably still doing it ever since she and Urban got together. She should have known better to not put anything past Y/N  considering her track record with Urban and his relationships. It seemed as if Y/N wanted her husband and her best friend too all to herself and it looked as if Urban was gladly going along for the ride. If he was doing anything behind her back, what was she even there for? He should have just stayed single if he wanted to continue to fuck his best friend who also happened to be married to his other best friend.
She honestly wouldn’t put it past you to cheat on Jack at this point. 
“Curse, are you okay? You just seem a little quiet all of a sudden.” Y/N asked as everyone was  now all gathered around the table with Curse sitting directly across from her. Everyone had started to notice that something was off. 
“You really do have some nerve. Smiling all in my face and acting like you didn’t do anything wrong.”
“I’m sorry, I don’t understand.” Y/N replied back to Curse clearly confused.
“Yasmin, what are you even talking about?” Jack also asked, confused as he stole a bite of food off Y/N’s plate.
“Seriously? Okay um, let’s see. Y/N, when was I going to find out that you fucked my man?”
“Oh shit.”
“Wait, Urban never told you?” Y/N quietly asked. Even though there weren't a lot of people at the surrounding tables, Curse didn’t even care at this point if they heard the conversation. She planned on airing all of this shit out. 
Now Urban was looking like a deer caught in headlights and all eyes were now on him.
“Obviously not, but it doesn’t surprise me. You have to have everything for your fucking self.”
“Now, let me stop you right there. It happened before he even met you and I was always there.” Jack said while jumping in to defend his wife..
“You sure about that Jack?” Curse threw back while crossing her arms in front of her chest.
“Are you accusing my wife of cheating on me?”
“Well, she’ll do anything to get what she wants right?”
“Are you serious? I would never cheat on my husband and he obviously had to approve for it to happen anyway.”
“Okay this is a little awkward now.” Neelam said while looking between the both of them.
“And it’s the fact that all of you knew and didn’t say anything.”
“First of all, it wasn’t our place to say anything. It’s a running joke between us, however, that was your boyfriend’s responsibility. You aren’t going to sit up here and come for Jack and Y/N because of something that happened before you were even in the picture.” 2fo piped up not wanting to hear the slander against his best friends any longer.
“Wait, how did you find out anyway if Urban didn’t tell you?” Quiiso inquired because everyone was confused about that part.
“It doesn’t matter how I found out, it matters that the situation is something that should have been shared with me.”
“All this heat needs to be directed at the person sitting next to you who hasn’t said a damn thing this entire time.”
“So, what you so quiet for? Did you want to continue to fuck her?”
“Nah, answer me. Because right now it looks like you do.”
“No, I’m with you so….?”
“And that’s supposed to mean something? Well I guess since secrets are being revealed, how about Y/N shares that since she had a miscarriage that she’s scared that she won't be able to have any kids and that her husband won't want to be with her anymore."
"Oh shit."
"Yasmin!" Y/N exclaimed while everyone was sharing nervous glances at the table.
Jack was trying to come to terms with believing that she would say that out loud and looked up at her in disbelief..
"Doesn't feel too good does it huh? You know what you were probably only being nice to me to get back on Urban's good side. People have told me that you really are a bitch and can never see anyone happy but yourself with your no talent having ass."
"Now wait a minute!" Urban said, trying to interrupt her, but she wasn’t backing down.
"Nah, Yasmin that was outta pocket and uncalled for." Ace piped up and looked over at her.
"I thought he had told you! How is he not telling you my fault? And why the fuck would you say that!? I only told you and no one else knew besides Jack. I trusted you!" Y/N said as her eyes began to water. But the tears weren’t going to get her any sympathy from her. 
"Well you fucked Urban so I figured you would have wanted that to continue and that's why you didn't say anything! And how do we know it wasn’t Urban’s kid anyway?"
"WHAT?! I would never do that! He's with you!"
"Nah, you know what. He was right. You do ruin every single relationship that he's been in and you might as well add this one to your list."
She knew that would break her and she succeeded when she saw the look on her face. 
“This stops right now, we’re done with this. You aren’t going to sit up here and disrespect not only my wife, but me too.” 
Y/N immediately got up from the table with Jack right behind her leaving everyone to think about what had just happened in front of them. 
“Yasmin, that was low.” Neelam quietly said while looking over at her.
“What’s low is me having to find out on social media that my boyfriend fucked his best friend.”
“So, you can sit up here and yell at her and reveal secrets that she only told you but you need to have that same energy for your boyfriend.”
Urban was still sitting there quietly not knowing what to do.
“And Urb? You didn’t even defend your best friend so what the hell is wrong with you? She would go to fucking war for you and you’re just going to let Yasmin bash her? Someone you’ve known for ten years?” Now Shloob was annoyed and looked over at Urban in disbelief.
“I-... I should have told you and I’m sorry for that. But…. fuck…I didn’t think it mattered! It hadn’t happened since we first started talking!”
“Didn’t think it mattered?! The three of you fucking deserve each other.”
Curse and Urban were now back in their shared hotel room with her shooting daggers at him. After the blow-up at dinner, everything had just been awkward. No one knew what to say or do regarding her basically airing out all of Y/N’s business and apparently not caring.
“Yasmin, can we please talk about this?” Urban asked, pleading with her as she began to slip off her shoes.
“What is there to talk about? You fucked her and didn’t tell me.”
“I apologize for that and I admit that I should have. But it hasn’t happened since I asked you to be my girlfriend. I would never do that to you or put you in that type of situation.”
“You should have just been honest from the beginning.”
“Honestly, would that have made a difference?”
“I think it would have. I want a relationship built on trust, Urban. This was not a good example of that.”
“I don’t. But I can promise you that it happened before I even met you. I’ve literally told you about everything else and have been honest.”
“It seems like she has to have everything and that no one else can win around her. You should have told me if you were going to bring me around her all the damn time!”
“I get that, I really do and I take full responsibility for it. Now let me stop you right there. You’re my girlfriend, but she’s been my best friend for ten years and I can’t even begin to tell you how much she does for me and all of PG. She has to be the most unselfish person that I know and always makes sure that everyone else around her is good before herself. So the fact that you now called her untalented, said she does ruin every relationship I’ve been in after we were now kind of getting back to how we were before and revealed she had a miscarriage that literally none of us knew about? You want to know what she texted me last night?”
“Her nudes?”
“Cut the shit, Yasmin. She sent me a text saying she saw how much happier I was ever since being with you since she’s known about it and she can see it. She really was taking the time to get to know you not just because of me because she genuinely wanted to. She likes having you around. Why didn’t you just come and ask me instead of basically attacking her off-guard in front of everyone? So, how would you feel if someone did that to you? Like, that’s a big ass secret that you just aired out. And the fact that she told you before she even told me? That says something because she literally tells me everything. She trusts you or now trusted you, I guess and she obviously doesn't do that with a lot of people.”
“Think about how it looks from my point of view. Obviously if I see something like that, I’m going to assume the absolute worst and that you would rather have me and whoever else on the side. Thinking about it now, I probably shouldn’t have said that outloud or accused her of cheating on Jack, but that hurt me, you weren’t honest with me and it makes me think what else that you could possibly be hiding.”
“I’m not hiding anything!”
Curse was quiet and just stared at Urban.
“Now, both of my best friends are probably mad as shit with me on top of you being mad at me too.”
“I legit should leave your ass over this.” Curse quietly muttered while breaking eye contact with Urban.
“Are you serious right now?!”
“Obviously I am because why else would I say it?!”
“I just want for the two of you to get along because you’re both important to me. And you know how I was during the time that we weren’t talking.”
“Yeah, I guess she is important since you were her little fuck toy.”
“Look… I… what can I do to make this better?”
“The damage is done and there is no coming back from it. I should kick you in your fucking throat for saying that you didn’t think it mattered. She’s your best friend AND the two of you have had sex multiple times. You brought me around her and didn’t think to disclose that information?!”
“There has to be something that I can do, Yasmin, please.”
“Is there anything else that has happened between the two of you that I should know about? A relationship maybe?”
Urban sighed before sitting down next to her and figured that it was now or never. 
“There’s a sex tape with all three of us on it and then there’s one where it was just the two of them and I recorded it. Jack wanted a video of her since he was about to go on tour and she wouldn’t be able to stay the entire time. That’s when she thought of the idea and of course before she even asked me, she had to ask him. No relationship ever took place. I was serious when I meant she’s my best friend.  Y/N and Jack have been together since we were all 15 and she doesn’t glance anyone else’s way. He is it for her. Jack was always there when it happened. There’s no way in the world I would do that to him and break his trust.”
Urban looked over at her to see that she had suddenly gone quiet and was now taking everything in and trying to process it. A few minutes had passed before he heard her voice again. 
“But it was okay to break mine?” She barely said above a whisper. 
“No, it wasn’t. And I admit my fault in all of that. Can we just start over? I know that was a lot to take in and I really have no excuse as to why I didn’t tell you before.”
Yasmin sighed and was quiet for a few minutes before giving Urban a definite answer.
“If I say yes and something else gets revealed that I didn’t know about, then it’s literally over between us and don’t even bother asking for me to take you back.”
“That’s fair. I can imagine all that I told you was hard to hear so I’ll delete the sex tape that has the three of us in it and ask for them to delete it too.”
Once Yasmin and Urban had finished talking, he decided to send a message in the group chat to Jack and Y/N to see if they would bother to give him the time of day.
Urban- First, I need to apologize to the both of you. I admit that I was wrong and I should have told her from the beginning
A few seconds had passed and it showed where Jack had read it and was typing his response, but it went on for so long that it seemed like he would start writing something and would then erase it. 
Urban- You can yell at me all you want, I know that I deserve it at this point
That was when Jack had sent him a text separately so that Y/N wouldn’t see it. 
Jack- I should kick your ass for what you did or should I say didn’t do. This entire time I thought that you told her what had happened. 
Urban- I know I should have
Jack- Y/N hasn’t stopped crying since that shit happened and I legit don’t even know what to do at this point. Like, why the fuck would she say something like that?
Urban- The only explanation is her being hurt by everything that happened
Jack- And that shit should have been directed at you and not Y/N or me who was fucking blindsided by it. She mentioned to me how she told her because she felt as if she could trust her and you two still weren’t on the best of terms so she didn’t want to go to you about it
That definitely hurt Urban seeing that Y/N felt that she couldn’t come to him about something as important as that. 
Urban- Just let me talk to Y/N so I can fix this
Jack- Nah, you can fuck all the way off with that shit. Just leave her alone and let her be. She’ll talk to you when she wants to. You’ve done enough for tonight.
The next day was extremely awkward to say the least. No one wanted to acknowledge the elephant in the room and small talk between Jack and PG seemed like it was forced. Jack had been quiet the entire day and would only speak when someone asked him a question about something. It wasn’t until 2fo cornered him when they were away from anyone else to see how he was feeling.
“I… I don’t even know how to begin to ask about this because I know both you and Y/N are far from okay.”
All Jack could do was sigh as he looked over at him.
“What they did was fucked up and… look we’re here for the both of you and I know that you know that. Anything that we can do to help just tell us.”
“I appreciate that.”
“Where is she anyway?”
“She cried herself to sleep after I don’t know how many hours so I just let her rest. I know that Urban is the last person that she wants to see right now. I just told him to give her space and that she’ll talk to him once she’s ready to.I just checked on her and she said she was watching Netflix on her iPad.”
“Did you have any names picked out yet?” Shloob quietly asked as he came up beside 2fo.
“Not yet, but we knew it was a girl. Y/N was so excited when she found out and just to have it taken away from you just like that? She tried to drown herself by going to the studio and working, but I wouldn’t let her. I was like the most important thing and the best thing that she could do for herself at this point was to rest. That was hard for her to hear because she didn’t want to deal with it. She didn’t want to deal with it because if she did, then she knew that it was real.”
“It seems like everything is coming at her all at once.” Ace added finally joining the conversation.
“It is and I’m at a loss and don’t know what to do.” Jack honestly answered. He was frustrated because the last thing he wanted to see was his wife hurting.
“Best thing that you can do right now is support her and be there for her. And we’re going to do the same for the both of you.”
Y/N heard a quiet knock on the door and pulled the comforter away from her body. The most she did today was take a shower and get right back in the bed. She didn’t know how long she spent the night before crying with Jack trying to comfort her, but she knew that she needed to have a day to herself. She didn’t even hear Jack leave in order to go to soundcheck.
She stood on her tiptoes to see that it was Quiiso who also had a cup in his hand which she assumed was a milkshake. Any time she had a bad day, he would immediately bring her one or he would make sure if he wasn’t around her that one got to her before the day was over. There have been times when she was overseas and he would order it to have it delivered to her hotel room. Milkshakes were their thing.
She opened the door and Quiiso gave her a small smile.
“I figured that you could definitely use this today.”
All Y/N could do was eagerly nod her head as tears began to form in her eyes and fall down her cheeks. 
Without a second thought, Quiiso embraced her and she tightly hugged him back. She moved to the side to let him in and so he could hand her the milkshake. It was quiet for a few minutes as they sat next to each other before Quiiso decided to break the silence.
“So Neelam and PG got this for you and Jack.” Quiiso handed her a card which had a message along the lines of ‘sorry for the loss of your baby.’
“I looked up how people actually want for it to be acknowledged when it happens and we thought that this was the best way to go about it. We’re always going to be here for the both of you and we wanted for you both to know that.”
“I appreciate all of you so much. This means a lot to me. Whenever I do get pregnant again, I know for a fact that they are going to have the best possible tribe surrounding them.”
“We’ve been doing this thing for ten years and we’re not stopping any time soon. So any time you need to talk, vent, cry, scream. You know where to find us.”
“I just…. I can’t even put into words how mad I am at Urban. Well not mad, that’s not the right word. Maybe disappointed?”
“Trust and believe that we are too and he had some choice words from us last night in the group chat. I think to the point where he silenced his notifications.”
“I need to give it some time. I can’t deal with that right now and I want to talk to him when I have a clear head and I’m not running high off my emotions.”
“And that’s fair.”
“I just still can’t believe she would say that out loud even if she was mad at me. When people tell me secrets, even if we end up falling out, I’m never going to repeat them.”
Jack had about three hours to go until he hit the stage and was simply watching Netflix with you when he got a text.
Curse- Hey, Jack. I know that you’re mad at me and you have reason to be. I just want to talk so that I can apologize to you and Y/N. 
Read at 6:23 PM 
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