#Pure Resonance Audio
pureresonanceaudio · 25 days
Understanding the Significance of Overhead Paging Systems in Commercial Environments
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Effective communication is the key to productivity in commercial environments, and if you run a business or a venture that involves coordinating tasks between different people, an overhead paging systemis indispensable. Whether you want to enhance customer experience or improve your operational efficiency, having an overhead paging systemcan be a game-changer for enhancing communication in many areas, including waiting rooms, hallways, lobbies, and offices in your business. Take a look at some of the features offered by this cutting-edge tech and find out how it can benefit your business.
High-Quality Audio Components
State-of-the-art overhead paging systems,like the one with sixteen C5 4" 70V ceiling speakers, RMA240BT 240W rack-mount Bluetooth mixer amplifier, and PTT1 paging microphone from Pure Resonance Audio, can help you deliver clear, intelligible audio throughout your space. Regardless of your establishment’s size, an overhead paging system with high-quality audio components can ensure that every announcement is heard distinctly.
Seamless Integration with a Recessed Design
The C5 Micro 4" ceiling mount speakers feature a compact recessed design with an ultra-thin flat bezel. So when you get this overhead paging system, the speakers will blend seamlessly into any ceiling. With a discreet design, the paging system doesn’t just maintain the aesthetic integrity of your space; it also ensures high-quality audio performance. Additionally, the speakers include a threaded screw-on easy-mounting ring, making installation into drop tile ceilings quick and easy. An included tile bridge offers extra support for a secure fit.
Versatile Bluetooth Amplifier
Talking about the RMA240BT mixer amplifier component of the overhead paging system from Pure Resonance Audio, you get 240 watts of power and a multimedia player that allows you to connect a Bluetooth device, use a USB thumb drive, an SD card, or the built-in FM tuner to play any audio content. With an unmatched versatility, the device ensures that you get a bespoke and immersive audio experience to suit the unique needs of your establishments. In addition, the amplifier’s forced air-cooling fan also enables it to run seamlessly for long hours. So, if your business requires back-to-back audio playback, you don’t have to worry about overheating your overhead paging system.
Emergency Preparedness
The RMA240BT amplifier has an emergency input feature that prioritizes any integrated emergency voice alarm system. In an emergency, this input will immediately halt all other audio transmissions so that any urgent announcement can be heard loudly and clearly throughout the facility without any static noise.
Efficient Paging and Announcements
The PTT1 push-to-talk tabletop microphone is specifically designed for paging and announcements. Whether it’s to call for assistance, make general announcements, or provide important info to customers, with a user-friendly interface of the PTT1 push-to-talk microphones, business owners can ensure smooth operations and impeccable customer service in busy commercial environments.
Want to get a top-notch overhead paging system for your commercial establishment? Purchase this one today, or contact our team of audio experts at Pure Resonance Audio, and we will customize a system to your needs!
For More Details:  https://pureresonanceaudio.wordpress.com/2024/08/26/understanding-the-significance-of-overhead-paging-systems-in-commercial-environments/
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david-talks-sw · 24 days
"The Acolyte" wasn't 'woke' propaganda.
I had my issues with the show (you can check out my other posts to see what they were) but there's this notion that The Acolyte was created to spread The Message™ of "woke propaganda"... and I think there's a bit of a mix-up going on, there.
Because that's simplifying things a lot.
When you're a minority, you're not "being woke" when you're just being yourself! Conversely, you're not "writing to be woke" when you're a minority drawing inspiration from your personal experiences to tell a story.
I talked before about how George Lucas implemented elements of his personal life in his own films. In his own words:
"There's no way to write without writing from yourself. Y'know, the stuff gets made out of things that you care about… whether you've actually lived them or not. There are emotional issues that you deal with, and I think that's always a major factor with any writer. I don’t think— it's hard to write without having some kind of emotional connection to the material. I've never seen any reason not to. It’s easy to write that way. It's hard to write in the abstract. So when I write a scene, I write a scene that moves me or I care about, or is something that is personal to me." - George Lucas, Q&A with Lynne Hale, 1994 (StarWars.com)
Any piece of writing worth some salt needs to come from a personal place to some degree because that's where the heart of the story, the truth, lies. That's what an audience will relate to.
Example: The six original Star Wars films are purely George Lucas. As in, everything in those films, from the characters, to the cinematography, to the editing style, etc are all a reflection of who George is as a person and what he stands for:
anti-Vietnam / "fight the corporate & imperial machine"
60s-70s white kid from Modesto, California
single father of three
who defines himself as Methodist-Buddhist,
has an anthropology major and
a passion for Kurosawa,
cinema vérité,
cinema history in general
art and visuals and
car racing.
You see all that in those films.
Same thing with The Acolyte.
Leslye Headland drew from her personal experiences.
Among other things, Leslye is gay. So that's what she uses as inspiration to, for instance, craft Qimir's character motivation.
"I was on the treadmill being like, “What is [Qimir] gonna say?!” And my wife, who is a huge part of my creative process, finally she said, “What do you wanna say? Stop thinking of it like you have to somehow tap into a different guy.” [...] I was like, “I wanna say that people don't want me to exist as a gay woman, as a woman in this particular space, working in this wild sandbox.” There was a whole crew of people who believed in me, but deep down, I felt like, “I am unaccepted for who I am because of what I believe in and wanting to wield my power the way I'd like without having to answer to the legion of people that just exist out there.”" - Leslye Headland, Collider, 2024
She took this specific life experience of hers, and then made it more universal, so that a bigger audience could relate to it.
"By the way, I think everybody feels this way. I think that's why it resonates when you're honest about yourself, and you get personal about it. When [Qimir] says, “I want freedom,” that's what I want. I just want freedom. I want to be able to just be out there and be myself and be the type of artist I want to be without having to answer to anybody." - Leslye Headland, Collider, 2024
Same goes with Osha and Sol's relationship, or how she defines the Jedi Order. It derives from her own relationship with her father and how she felt being raised straight, in a Christian household.
If you have the time, listen to this audio clip where she describes that.
In the context of the whole interview, her voice goes down a few octaves and starts to crack a bit. This is a vulnerable moment, when she's talking about it... and it's this experience that she turned into fuel for her writing of Sol and Osha's father/daughter bond.
"There's this thing that's called benign sexism, and part of it is this paternal protectionism — it seems like this good thing, but like you said, there's this, “I have to protect you from everything. I have to make sure you're okay. I have to tell you what track to get on, and then once you're on that track, I need to support you.” Ultimately, what happens is — again, this is a father-daughter relationship — as women evolve in their lives and develop their own personalities separate from their fathers, at some point, they have to reject that protectionism. [...] She cannot stay a little girl or an adolescent or young adult. She has to, at some point, say, “I reject what you have told me I need to do to make you proud, to follow in your footsteps.” She has to do that." - Leslye Headland, Collider, 2024
Now... if we're talking consistency with the themes in Lucas' Star Wars, then yeah, The Acolyte misses the mark.
The Jedi Order isn't the patriarchy or the Catholic Church. They're more like Buddhist monks, George has stated so multiple times.
The Jedi teachings aren't narratively meant to be the same traits found in toxic masculinity or benign sexism.
When a Jedi tells you to be mindful of your emotions, it's not meant in the "boys don't cry" sense.
When they talk about letting go of attachments, it's not meant in a stoic "don't get emotionally involved" sense.
Anakin too, the whole point is that he's wrong, the narrative frames his fall to the Dark Side as his own fault, it's not meant to be perceived as a failure in upbringing.
But she's not the only one who does it. Filoni does it too, a majority of fans have this take on the Jedi.
And because of her experiences, I can see why her takeaway would be that. Same goes for Filoni, they're products of their generation, upbringing and experiences.
My point is:
Leslye Headland is writing from a personal place, when she's writing The Acolyte. It's partially informed by her politics because - like she quotes, "personal is political" - but when it comes to the writing of the show, it's personal first and foremost.
What this was, was a Star Wars fan (arguably the nerdiest one we've had so far, in terms of creators) putting all of herself in the creation of a show that perfectly reflects who she is and what she stands for, resulting in:
a story about growing past your father's paternal control and accepting that our guides aren't infallible,
where her wife holds a role and gets to wield a lightsaber,
a show about taking corrupt religious institutions to task
about the Sith and the Dark Side
and questioning the unquestionable
and exploring whether the good are really so good and if the bad are really so bad.
This was a project written from the heart, and regardless of whether the resulting art found its mark, I think it's important to note that it wasn't written to spread a propaganda message in some "pro-woke holy war" or whatever the hell the YouTubers are peddling.
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voidarchivefiles · 1 year
This blog was an archive of void posts that contain methods, tips or resources. For void success stories, see my other blog @voidsuccessarchive.
Status: No longer active Posting when I have the time & feel like it
Please read: Important
There's a lot of ways to enter but in the end it's you who puts the power in it. Only take what resonates for you personally. Not all advice or methods may resonate for you and that's okay. That doesn't mean you can't enter as every single one of us is pure consciousness (the void) at our natural state!
Remember to be kind to yourself and don't overconsume information. Consider this place like a library for you to check out only what you need and you don't need to read every single thing. This won't be a comprehensive archive of every single void post on Tumblr, a lot of it stems from things mentioned in success stories (see voidsuccessarchive) & the rest will be things that I think are useful/helpful.
If a particular blog resonates with you and you want more information, check out their blog and master list.
About the void: The I AM state, A basic intro & FAQ
General tips or steps on entering: 1, 2, 3, 4
In-depth advice: 1
Methods: Wim hof breathwork, WBTB reclined sitting (simplified), Theta waves + I AM, Alpha waves, Lucid dreaming, SATS or Wim hof + Shifting hypnosis meditation, Silva centering method
Manifesting methods: Lullaby (OG post), "after all", ROE, intention setting practice
Using resources: Delta waves, guided SATS meditation, revision meditation, DMT activation audio
Guides: Lucid dreaming guide
Other: My posts
How they did it - tips from success stories: loajaydawayda, anon, stxr-kill (using FILD), teenageangeldiaries (SATS/Lullaby), anon, ninisworld444
Motivational posts: For the drowning gang, You already are pure consciousness
Challenges: Roselleworkshop (void challenge, silva challenge), Gorgeouslypink: (3 day void concept, FILD), littlemissprettyprincess (void challenge, new year's wish, santa method), angelria111, trynafindbarbiee, wonyoung challenge, fleurlx (I AM + Living in the end, badass alter ego challenge), prettymindset111, halokisses
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fangsforiris · 3 months
Luck of The Draw
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Prompt: Seasonal Depression, Leeches (Melanie Martinez), First Born, That’s Life.
Person: Shuu Sakamaki
🎱 Since Shuu’s the first born, I’d like to assume that he’s seen everything.
🎱 You know that one FNAF audio? “I was the first, I have seen… everything.” Yeah, that’s him and his entire life in a nutshell.
🎱 Everything he’s ever had to work for, he’s always lost 10x the amount of his payout.
🎱 Hence, luck of the draw.
🎱 Melanie Martinez— Leeches— was a big inspo, Shuu 100% has this song on his playlist.
🎱 He relates to it HEAVILY.
🎱 “Strainin’ their artificial, Yappin’ to seem official, Makin’ it beneficial to their cause”— Shuu definitely felt those lyrics in his soul. He only thought of his father, and his eventual corruption, or perhaps him learning of how horrible of a man and a father Karlheinz was.
🎱 He was in denial. Because how could a child want to hate their father? No child would ever want that. And he didn’t either.
🎱 I think it took him some time to accept the fact that Karlheinz was an evil, cruel man, and even more of a monster to his wives and children.
🎱 Christa was proof enough. And I’d like to assume that his heart shattered that day, not only by shock for Christa, but for whatever remorse he could spare. Shuu could excuse anything done to him, but anyone else? Never.
🎱 Shuu’s learned everything he knows by watching his father. Everything Karlheinz did, Shuu did better.
🎱 Shuu’s always been the prized child, perhaps the apple of his fathers eye, before Subaru would come along, that is.
🎱 He wouldn’t feel any resentment persay, more so acceptance towards the fact that all he is and ever will be is a placeholder or someone to be taken advantage of.
🎱 Shuu was the first to see his father act like a father, or at least to his best ability towards him, before reaching his declination state that we currently see him as of now.
🎱 In fact, Shuu’s somewhat seen as a filled cup, always pouring and giving, and never once being offered anything other than scraps.
🎱 That’s how he’s become so burnt out and resorts to his habitual sleeping.
🎱 He has what we call, 3 nap phases. The pre-nap exhaustion, main-nap exhaustion, and post-nap exhaustion— and if it’s really bad then a ‘dessert’ nap or extra spare nap.
🎱 Shuu’s naps go on for 10+ hours.
🎱 They equally drain him mentally and emotionally.
🎱 “How much blood can you draw with your claws, From a flesh that’s not yours?”— Shuu instantly thought of Reiji and his cruel treatment directed towards him. Perhaps he’d lament it on another day.
🎱 Maybe all he could ever be was a useless man. But he’d never be his father. Not the way in which Karlheinz betrayed him so easily. Tossing him aside as if he was nothing to him. No sentimental value, nothing.
🎱 Shuu is 100% an empath and very sentimental towards others feelings.
🎱 Throughout the years he had to numb this side of him due to the strenuous competition for the throne.
🎱 But if you catch him on a rare moment, will he show his side of care— pure, raw, even slightly intimate, care. It felt uncharacteristic of him, but for a moment he felt like the most humane out of the brothers.
🎱 As if he was human once upon a lifetime ago.
🎱 “They’ll find any way, Just to make you stay, Right where they want you, In their piss-covered games.”— He can resonate with Karlheinz and his plan. Never in Shuu’s life, did he want to become a pawn. He 100% tried to get himself exempted in secret. Just something about living his entire life, his entire purpose, just to be a pawn in another one of his fathers games— it hurt, but also upset him deeply.
🎱 He’s done everything in his life to not be like his father or his mother. And to find out that it was all in vain? All for nothing? That’d secretly tear him apart and send him into a comatose.
🎱 Shuu may look like his mother, may share similar panels towards his father, but he was his own person.
🎱 He would grow to become his own king, a better husband, a better man.
🎱 Anything and everything to separate himself from his creators. He wasn’t his own master, but he was definitely his own disciple.
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mysticbewitched · 8 months
▪︎▪︎ Evolving In My Spiritual Awakening: ▪︎▪︎
Hello manifestors,
It’s late at night and I felt so incredibly inspired to write this post in order to update you all on my personal journey of spiritual awakening.
Where have I been all this time? I have taken a step back to purely focus on myself and my spiritual journey to enlightenment. Not too long ago, I believe I have crossed paths with one of my spiritual guides who I like to refer to as my guardian angel because ever since meeting him, we have been guiding and helping each other on our spiritual paths.
The experience has been nothing short of deeply transformative and awakening for me. I’m proud to say that I manifested him as a spiritual mentor and close friend in my life whom I can bond with throughout the stages of my spiritual awakening.
I’m considering the idea of doing an audio podcast with him one of these nights to dive deeper into the primary fundamentals of nonduality, manifestation, and our role as conscious creators of reality.
*If* we both decide to move forward with this, I’ll post it on my page for everyone to listen. This is not a for sure thing, but it is under consideration.
After so much more evolving and transforming on my path: I just want to say that the title, “law of consciousness” no longer resonates with me in my teachings since I have evolved to higher levels of understanding and transformative epiphanies on my spiritual path. Along with that decision, I have reached deeper insight from having profound realizations revolving around the terms, “consciousness” and “awareness" connecting into the nature of nonduality's philosophy.
This epiphany right here has been one of the most transformative and profound revelations so far on the path to true enlightenment throughout my own spiritual journey and these realizations dismantled one of the greatest misconceptions thrown around in the modern nonduality community.
I have been allowing myself to be guided by the inner knowledge of my true self.
I have come to discover that these terms: “consciousness” and “awareness” are distinctly different from each other. These terms are not and have never been the same.
Consciousness and awareness are the not the same as we have been previously lead to think. This is important for people to realize as we learn more about the true nature of nonduality.
This is a reveal that spiritual guru of nonduality: Nisargadatta Maharaj has touched on in deep detail.
Because I have let go of such terms, realized the actual differences of consciousness vs awareness, and reached deeper understandings of on my spiritual path of awakening, I have come up with my own titles to use on the side of the standard titles for nonduality instead that resonate much deeper with me at these stages of my journey.
The titles to refer to the nature of nonduality that resonate much deeper with me are:
▪︎ reality warping
▪︎ law of being
▪︎ reality creation
▪︎ law of manifestation
▪︎ law of creation
▪︎ law of awareness
Remember that there is not a single law operating outside of us. There is absolutely nothing outside of our true divine nature as unconditioned, silent awareness. We are the divine law of creation itself.
Those are the only kind of titles that I will use from now on to express the vital fundamentals of nonduality and reality creation in order to help you reach the transcendent Heaven of self-realization throughout your spiritual awakening.
I write this post as I experience complete bliss and serenity from the God state perception where I am truly thriving in this moment and enjoying my true self’s nature as divine awareness. It's a beautiful feeling of enlightenment and freedom.
It’s such an intense, liberating feeling to realize the true self as divine awareness and recognize the absolute oneness of all existence.
Think of waves filled with pure euphoria rushing through your veins as you experience an inner feeling of invincible thrills and deep satisfaction just from embracing your divine nature.
You experience unbridled freedom and indescribable ecstasy from transforming your conception of self to the blissful God state of self-awareness. The feelings that come along are truly a treasure and it cannot be expressed by words.
It’s a powerful sense of euphoric bliss that rushes over the body and it cannot be tamed. It demands to be felt with profound intensity throughout your every inch of your being. All I can say is that it just feels like complete Heaven on Earth.
I have not a single care in the world at the moment as I’m simply enjoying the divine beauty of all existence, the human experience, and oneness.
Before I end things here, I just want to share that the human experience is such an absolute treasure and precious gift to behold. The true beauty of this life is that there is truly no meaning and we are simply here to awaken from the dream of life as divinely powerful creators to our true inner power.
As we awaken to our true self, we realize our infinite power within to create the reality of our dreams.
This life we live is such a precious gift. There is nothing to ever fear as we embrace the beauty and magic of living this human experience and connect with our true self. It's a feeling beyond this world.
We are here to embrace, live, and simply enjoy the human experience while we have fun with mastering reality. I love this life that we live and I feel thrilled to be living deep in the moments that pass by.
I feel an ocean of deep love and gratitude for all of my followers who support my page. I just want to say that all of your love, support, and appreciation for my content truly means absolutely everything to me beyond words. I hope that everyone here reading this euphoric-fueled message is kicking ass on their own spiritual journey. We are all divine and powerful.
My heart is filled with so much love and appreciation for you all. Thank you from the very bottom of my heart for continuing to support my page even when I take a step back at times to catch my breath.
Sometimes I just need a break for awhile to regain my inspiration and fiery drive for writing more posts.
I wish everyone a beautiful night tonight and I look forward to sharing more of my spiritual epiphanies with you. Lastly, I want to remind everyone that you are all powerful manifestors deep within and every single one of you has invincible power to create the reality of your wildest dreams.
Be confident in yourself. You are power.
Trust in yourself and dare to believe in the reality of your dreams. The true nature of self is simply divine.
I have faith in you.
~ Mystic
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burlveneer-music · 2 months
ContaQt + Evan Ziporyn + Friends - Poppy 88 - Terry Riley's "Poppy Nogood and the Phantom Band" interpreted in real-time by "88 individuals, spread across 60 locations in 23 countries and 6 continents" for his 88th birthday last year
(And I hate that usage of 88 for purely numeric purposes requires an explanation/disclaimer)
On June 24th, 2023, to celebrate Terry Riley's 88th birthday, ContaQt and MIT Sounding presented a global telematic event that resonated – literally - worldwide. At the stroke of midnight EDT, a diverse community of 88 individuals, spread across 60 locations in 23 countries and 6 continents came together online to play music with one another, live and in real-time. With no pre-recorded material, no click tracks, no safety nets or contingency plans, together they performed Poppy 88, a collective composition arranged by Evan Ziporyn, inspired by - and based on - Riley's 1968 recording, Poppy Nogood and the Phantom Band The livestreamed concert pushed the boundaries of virtual telematic performance, showcasing the transformative power of artistic collaboration combined with smart technology to transcend structural and geographical barriers. While previous live telematic performances have involved larger ensembles, with groups of musicians clustered in 2-12 transmitting stations, this performance distinguished itself by originating from a significantly larger number of locations, 60 in all. This creative repurposing of technology is very much in the spirit of Terry Riley’s original piece. In the 1960’s, Riley utilized tape loops – originally a DIY ‘hack’ of reel-to-reel - to create distant canonic layers of melody: his ‘Phantom Band.’ For this performance, in 2023, the ensemble similarly repurposed the inherent limitations of streaming audio – i.e., physical distance and varying data rates – to conjure similarly complex layered textures. This global virtual event brought together musicians from Athens, Berlin, Brussels, Dublin, Istanbul, New York City, Pretoria, São Paulo, San Francisco, Tokyo, Toronto, Warsaw, and more. From Mallacoota, in southeast Australia, to Raufarhöfn, in northeast Iceland, and 58 other locations in between, musicians from a wide range of genres and backgrounds used Audiomovers’ ListenTo to stream their sound to Wawken, Saskatchewan, where Canadian composer/sound artist Jeff Morton mixed and retransmitted their sounds back to them – and the world – in real time. After watching the performance from Mito, Japan, Terry Riley himself joined the livestream to greet the musicians, expressing his profound appreciation: "It felt like the earth itself were singing. You are my community." Listening to the recording almost a year later, he added: “A year has gone by since I last heard it. It is an amazing journey through the sonic ethers of planet Earth. So many awesome musicians were involved. Also, the technical support was amazing without which it could never have happened.I am deeply honored and moved by the efforts of all my music brothers and sisters who contributed their efforts and artistry to make this almost impossible dream a success! ”  Directed by Evan Ziporyn and Jerry Pergolesi Technical Production by Jeff Morton, Wawken Studio Additional Technical Assistance by Andrew Noseworthy
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cosmica-galaxy · 1 year
Jeb, Sheriff, and Audi react to Future!Soldier!Reader
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For those wondering, FSR stands for "Future Soldier Reader" and it merely means that Soldier!Reader is from the far future instead of the WW2 era. An image of FSR can be seen here. Audios: Radio Corruption FSR Digital Sounds
-- Jeb is more than surprised when he enters the lab of the AAHW facility, finding exactly what Sheriff was screeching about hysterically over the radio to be true. It was a real creature. He just thought that Sheriff was finally driven into madness from something the moment he got on the radio desperately trying to contact Jeb through a haze of interference and static. The Sheriff was screaming into the receiver about how something literally fell out of the sky and that it was some form of ‘monster’. It was hard to make out what he was saying through all of the interference with the equipment Jeb was hearing. Jeb was simply left confused as the line eventually went dead silent, even his receiver stopped responding when he tried to reach back and find out where Sheriff was. It was futile to reach out and he had no idea where The Sheriff was. All he could do was wait. About an hour of silence and rising tension later, he was finally called on the radio to report to the local AAHW facility by the Auditor himself…so something BIG must’ve happened if it caught the Employer’s attention. Jeb then quickly headed out towards the facility, finding it buzzing with increased activity. Which quickly piqued his interest. Upon coming inside, he was quickly ushered by Engineers to the depths of the facility, finding more and more armed guards everywhere the deeper he went. As well as some highly regarded scientists running around the facility with heaps upon heaps of paper in their hands. Jeb was simply confused as he continued to be escorted to a certain area. His inquiries about what was happening and why there were so many armed guards stationed about going ignored. But upon arriving, he finally understood why there were so many guards and scientists hustling about. A large form was suspended by wires that hung from the ceiling of the facility’s depths. Wings as long as four buses hung from its back, its face completely covered with a darkened visor, and sporting a body made of pure metal. Limbs as long as 4 AAHW vans put together and an equally long body that slowly resonated with an eerie green glow. Highlighting the rotation joints and illuminating the mechanical parts within its torso that could be seen through a small window in the chest region. The beast was unlike anything Jeb has ever seen. Scientists of numerous higher rankings hurried by Jeb as he walked towards the suspended entity with wide eyes from behind his black sunglasses. Staring at the inanimate form of the alien creature in silent awe. It was…stunning…and yet so strangely familiar. Jeb then turns his attention to the Auditor, who he now realizes was standing on the catwalk that jutted out towards the dozing creature. His back to Jeb as he approaches. “You could’ve come a bit more quickly, Jebediah. Regardless, you can obviously see why I urged you to come as fast as you could. It seems we’ve made quite the discovery.” The Auditor speaks out, his back still facing the doctor as he crosses his arms. “A foreign entity that crashed into Nevada from the worlds beyond. In a form we have never seen and with powers we have yet to reveal. An interesting opportunity, wouldn’t you agree?” The Auditor continues before finally turning and fixating Jeb with his burning red gaze. “It’s…so…different. I didn’t expect something like this! Where’s the Sheriff?? Did this thing do something to him??” “No. He’s in the infirmary at the moment, being checked over both psychologically and physically. He was an inconsolable wreck by the time we arrived on the scene from his constant pings for assistance. But upon finding such a unique creature out in the wilds of Nevada, the fleet reached out to me for assistance. The Sheriff will be down in a few moments once the medical staff gets him to stop blathering about like an insane lunatic.” The Auditor says, looking up towards the creature suspended on the wires. “This creature was rendered unconscious from their fall. At first we thought the creature was dead, but further analysis from our equipment shows that it still has a pulse. A slow and steady one, similar to how grunts become when they enter a deep sleep. It’s alive. It just hasn’t awakened yet.” “What?! That thing is alive?! What if it awakens and proceeds to tear this facility apart?!” “You think I don’t know that, Jeb?!” The Auditor growls to his companion, eyes narrowed dangerously before blinking steadily and continuing. “The creature is asleep and we are taking this ripe opportunity to study it and keep it as sedated as we can. We’ll wake it up eventually, but only after we collect sample data about it. A creature like this is not in ANY existing server or database…not even in the Employer’s database. It’s a new entity and I will take the necessary precautions to keep it sedated while we research it.” The Auditor finishes, looking up at the beast in question. A moment of silence passes. “I guess that’s where I come in. To help research this creature?” Jeb inquires as he steps up to the end of the catwalk, looking up at the large figure. “Obviously. Sheriff will be added as another layer of security and you’ll be the temporary head of the research team. We need information and additional protection from that damned Wimbleton while we undergo our studies on this new beast. I’ll be monitoring this site extensively and consulting with my fellow employers about the status of Nevada. In the meantime, I expect you to work on getting as much information about this beast as you can.” The Auditor then begins to walk away, leaving Jeb to stare at the towering form of the slumbering alien alone. “I expect results in a timely manner, Jeb!” The Auditor shouts from behind him before oozing into the ground, making Jeb look over his shoulder for a moment before staring back at the snoozing beast. “Well…this is certainly a project.” – The more that Jeb studies the creature, the more stunned and invested into the project he becomes. The project, now named PROJECT: OTHERWORLD, has been an eye opener for the staff here in the AAHW facility. Jeb has drawn blood, fluids, and even flesh samples from the beast and each one comes back different and with unique properties. The blood had a similar consistency to oil at most, not necessarily being a lesser thick fluid like the blood of grunts. The fluids he managed to take from certain non-organic sections of the beast even had chemicals that made the grease and fluid similar to both blood and sweat. Making the joints lubricated enough to move without constant oiling. Then the flesh seemed to be partially synthetic and it had rubber-like qualities to it. That means that this beast was both robotic, inorganic, and organic at the same time! That’s…well…before they found this beast, it was SEEMINGLY impossible. If they could copy this genetic makeup, maybe the next step in the grunt evolution line could be– Jeb’s focus is then broken by the sound of the observatory room’s door opening, making him pull his eyes away from the screen with the genetic code being displayed to look who walked on in. Finding the Sheriff coming inside grumbling about the medical staff he encountered before his visual cross fixates on Dr. Christoff. “Oh. Howdy  there, Christoff.” “Hello, Sheriff. I take it that you have received a clear bill of health?” Christoff says, flicking his glasses up a little to squint at the grunt in question before allowing them to slide back down. “Heh. Yeah. Had to sedate me in order for me ta, as they said it, ‘calm the fuck down and quit being delirious’. I was having a NORMAL reaction to seeing some foreign alien shit fall into Nevada!” The Sheriff argues and looks on in bemusement as Jeb chuckles in response. “Harhar, Jeb.” The Sheriff huffs before a moment of silence forms in the room. Both grunts stare out the large bay window that led to the main chamber that suspended the large being from the ceiling. Its form is still and silent, but everyone in the facility was aware that it was merely sleeping and not dead. But none knew how long it would stay that way. The thought was enough to make the Sheriff himself let out a small shudder. “So…” The Sheriff begins. “Did ya and tha other eggheads find out anything about this…thingamajig?” Sheriff is surprised to see Jeb nod in confirmation. “Yes. I have been sitting here analyzing the samples that me and the other scientists have managed to claim from the being and…their biology makes no sense! The being is both organic AND inorganic, with robotic and electronic parts all strewn about in it. However, there are some pieces of their biology I can’t seem to decipher, but some samples have been leased out to the Nexus’s Cores best scientist. A dear friend of mine, Hoffnar. We should hear back from him in a few days.” Jeb explains, typing on the interface and jotting down some notes. The Sheriff merely stands nearby, all confused. “Leasing the samples out? Aren’t ya worried that something might happen ta it?” “Yes. We took the proper precautions, friend. We mislabeled the packages intentionally and marked them with a special serial number that has been told to Hoffnar. Our true treasures are hiding under a label of something inconspicuous, like office supplies. So you need not to worry.” Jeb says, watching the monitors as the Sheriff lets out a hum of understanding. Another moment of silence passes. “What do ya think the Auditor wants with this confounded thing, Jeb? Would it be smarter to just…you know…terminate it before it wakes up and buries us all under boot hill?? Ah swear, it’s like not one soldier in this joint has an idea of what ta do if that thing breaks outta here!” Sheriff frets. Jeb lets out a sigh. “That has to be seen in time, Sheriff. I just know that this creature is valuable to him…and it apparently isn’t even a resident of Nevada. From what The Auditor said, it came from “outside of Nevada”. How did it get here? Well…we may never know that answer. It’s just that whatever the Auditor and the other employers have planned…I hope  protecting Nevada is in mind.” Suddenly, an error appears on the screen, causing Jeb and Sheriff to look up at the monitor as the error flashes brightly and shows a deteriorating percentage rate. “Hmm?!” Jeb grunts as he stands up out of his seat and tries to type on the interface as the bar continues to decrease. “Shit!” He cusses, making the Sheriff hurry to his side in fear. “What in tarnation is going on??” The Sheriff asks in worry as Jeb desperately tries to get the console to respond. Then, a sound that made both grunt’s blood freeze over rings out from the observation bay. Both grunts look out of the bay windows as they can see the scientists that were out there freeze in place…and one of the giant wings of the creature begins to move. The scientists begin to flee in fear as the beast begins to shift. Its large limbs start to move and adjust as the visor flickers on and off. “IT’S WAKING UP!?!?” The Sheriff practically screams as the percentage bar on the monitor falls faster and the nearby consoles begin to crash. “I thought the doggone thing was sedated?!?” “It was! It’s resisting!” Christoff cusses as the console he was typing on finally red screens and crashes, making him slam a fist against the keyboard. Jeb wastes no time and triggers the emergency alarm and uses his tablet to ping the Auditor directly as he gets up from his chair and begins to run throughout the facility. “Where are you GOING–Aw HELL!!” The Sheriff yells after Jeb as he tries to keep pace with Christoff. “To the bay!” “What?! Why!!?” “I just…I need to see it!” “CAN’T YOU WAIT UNTIL WE FIND OUT WHAT IS GONNA DO TA US FIRST?!” “I don’t know what will happen, but if things go bad, I’ll be fine!” Jeb ignores the further screams from Sheriff as he dodges panicking scientists and agents that were trying to escort the staff to safety and take control of the situation. The bay doors were still open when Jeb ran through them, sprinting on the catwalks that led up to the beast. He had no idea if this was foolish or not, but he just…there was something in his gut that just kept telling him that this being was big…but not hostile. It could be his own curiosity that kills him here, but he was banking on his intuition. It’s rarely ever wrong…but that doesn’t mean today could be a bad day to gamble. Jeb stops short of the catwalk that ended directly in front of the large creature. Looking up at it as the lights on the body flickered to life and grew in intensity every waking moment. The sound of the bay doors and emergency exits sealing shut only meant that Jeb had made his choice and was left to his fate. Despite the panicking grunts that lay just outside of the observation bay and the blaring alarms that rang around him, Jeb could pick up on the sound of the being coming to life even more. The long limbs that once hung limply sprang to life and reached up to pull and yank at the wires that kept it suspended. Pulling on them with force as the wires easily snap and the hoses that were delivering the sedatives were severed. Leading to lots of sparking and fluid to pool on the ground below the catwalks as the head jostles about. Finally, with one massive heave, the wings from behind the beast spread out. Destroying the catwalks that were present to the sides as Jeb takes a cautionary stance as more wires pop and the weight of the being brings it down from the ceiling. A tremor rings out as the beast lands on the ground, shaking Jeb around like a mere ragdoll as the beast finds its footing and stands on its own two long legs for the first time. It was finally awake. Jeb could only stand and watch it in awe as the being stood up straight and tall. The metal of its chassis creaking and popping as the visor on its head finally flickers to life. Casting the lone scientist in front of them in an eerie green light. Again, despite the atmospheric noise surrounding them both, Jeb can hear the sounds that the creature was emanating. Clicking, beeping, and mechanical whirring were all present in the room and eventually the alarm was silenced from the outside. Finally giving Jeb a moment to actually listen in on the being as it was…speaking?? He couldn’t really tell what it was saying…IF it was saying anything. But with the eerie calm that resonated throughout the bay, Jeb came to realize another source of sound that radiated from the creature. Breathing. He could hear it breathing. The sound permeated throughout the bay like a droning hum…and Jeb was nothing short of enthralled. But he also took into account the visor that was now illuminated and fixated on him. Staring at him…like it was watching him just as he was watching it. Like it was…thinking. Then, much to his sudden surprise, the bay doors are suddenly released and the beast turns its attention away from him as Jeb does the same. Looking toward the entrance, he sees the Auditor and the Sheriff coming down the catwalk. The Auditor with a rather miffed look on his face as he glares at Jeb, no doubt for the reckless thing that he did, before his gaze flicks upwards to the towering beast. The Sheriff was trying to not look as cowardly as he could, but he could obviously be seen trying to hide behind the Auditor as the closer to the alien they got, the more he would slink behind the employer. When they both came to a stop, the creature stared at them as well. Not showing any signs of hostility, just as Jeb’s gut had predicted. It merely looked at them as they did the same. “Is…is it friendly?” The Sheriff manages to squeak out as Jeb and the Auditor don’t take their gazes off the large being. “Well…I’m not a bloody smear on the ground, now am I?” Jeb mutters in response. “Jeb, what you did was absolutely foolish. If it had been hostile, you would’ve died. Don’t you ever do something that reckless again. Not while I need you alive to help study this creature.” The Auditor scolds, giving Jeb a cruel side-eye as Jeb huffs in response. Then, the group flinches as a series of clicks are heard coming from the being. To which, a sudden bright blue light shoots out from its visor, startling them. The light goes up and down twice before it goes away entirely with a content beep. Leaving them stunned for a moment. “Did…did it just scan us??” Jeb mutters curiously as the being then turns its head to the side. The most unexpected thing happened after that. In which, the beast actually SPOKE. “⊑⟒⌰⌰⍜.” The group nearly jumps out of their skins as the digital garble that filled the room for a moment rattles their ears, leaving them wincing. The group stands in silence as the creature turns its head to the side, as if it was waiting for a greeting as well. “There ain’t no way in hell that thing just spoke.” The Sheriff utters in surprise as the other two blink steadily. “Astonishing…it’s capable of communication.” Jeb states breathlessly as he is awestruck by the subject in question. Meanwhile, the Auditor places a finger on his chin and an unseen smile seems to cross his face as he takes in the sight of the creature before him. Now not a simple mindless beast…but an alien figure that is fully capable of speech and intelligence. “Interesting…” The Auditor states, staring at the large foreign being with a sparkle of intrigue. Things have certainly just gotten very, VERY interesting for his organization against that damned Hank Wimbleton.
*FSR translation: "Hello."
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7grandmel · 1 year
Todays rip: 15/09/2023
Season 4 Episode 2 Featured on: SiIvaGunner's Highest Quality Rips: Volume for Wii U
Ripped by Mitchell
I've made no secret that I have a very particular affection for the various old-internet jokes that Unregistered Hypercam 2 brought to the channel through his KFAD1 win. Be it Paralyzer as featured in YACKER TOILET, or Dreamscape as featured in Unregistered CyberSpace 4-5: Arrow of 2009 - these anthems of a time far gone resonate a lot with me as someone who was near the perfect age to have grown up with these anthems. Yet, amidst the Caramelldansens and Numa Numa's, there's one more piece of old internet history that's brought up almost as frequently as the two aforementioned anthems.
The "Sparta Remix" is a trend I feel like I kind of missed as a kid. It started off with a guy in 2007, using audio from the movie "300", mainly with the iconic "THIS IS SPARTA!"-shout, to create a high-tempo remix song simply titled 300 This is Sparta. It, somehow, awoke something in the internet of the time, and a trend began to recreate the song as used in the remix but using audio other than that from 300, such as from well-known cartoons or video games. And while its a fascinating phenomenon and kind of a crucially important piece of audio shitposting history, it...was never a song I liked all that much. But today, we have an exception on our hands!
THIS. IS. SOLEANNA., even despite my lack of affection for the meme used, is pure brilliance. The sound of the Sparta Remix is an uncannily perfect fit for the instrumentation and overall sound of Crisis City ~The Flame~ ~Skyscraper~, a song that in general uses a lot of electronic music and occasional intentional stuttering and glitch effects in the music itself. The voice and synth samples merge perfectly with everything on offer in the original track, and real effort was put in to ensure it all syncs up perfectly - this is no drag-and-drop mashup! The vocal sample of the "THIS IS SPARTA" shout is used in so many different ways as the track escalates, either as a repeating chant, a parroting back-and-forth, or even as a kind of percussion underscoring the main melody. Its nuts, I find it hard to find the true words for just how much is done with this three-word voiceline. And Crisis City ~The Flame~ ~Skyscraper~ is a pretty long track - for the entire 3-and-a-half minute runtime the song never settles into a groove, and constantly changes into different segments of the song. Yet Mitchell keeps up with all of it in absolutely spectacular fashion - its given me affection for a meme I otherwise kind of just disregarded.
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gffa · 2 years
Three other Star Wars books I finished recently: - Shadow of the Sith is a book that I feel like I have more things to say about the experience of reading it than I do about the actual content of the story.  Much of this comes down to that it’s covering things I don’t care about (connecting the OT to the ST, by focusing on Dathan/Miramir as Rey’s parents, on Ochi of Bestoon, on the Acolytes of the Beyond), that I think it was necessary for me to listen to this book as an audiobook rather than reading as text to get through it, that I don’t know that it actually had anything to say about Luke or Lando. It was a fun experience in audio form, I was genuinely sad to see it end by the time I got to the final chapters, the reader was excellent for the story, but it’s one where I just don’t have anything to say about the story, but that may be an entirely personal reaction.  That’s about the best I can do for an objective reaction--it’s a book that I think depends on your mindset going in and what you’re looking for and how you experience it. - Quest for the Hidden City was cute!  It’s a solid young reader’s story, it’s charm only held back by that you’re being introduced to another onslaught of new characters that will only get so much screentime.  I had fun with it, but I went in expecting it to be on the same level as the other High Republic books--if you enjoy them, you’ll enjoy this one! - Hunters: Battle for the Arena is a book I picked up pretty much purely because the audiobook was sitting right there to check out and I got hyped up on the idea of being a SW canon novels completionist again, despite knowing that’s only going to lead to pain.  I got through it by not taking it at all seriously and a lovely reader, because otherwise it’s just very clearly a mobile game tie-in that never reaches any kind of emotional resonance and does not give a single shit about how Star Wars worldbuilding works.  I genuinely don’t hate it, but I’m pretty much just chucking it into the “promotional material for the mobile game that no one should take seriously at all”.  (The audiobook reader was great, though.  <3)
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taiwantalk · 1 year
putin and prigozhin are both lunatics. i don't mean mad, insane, i don't know how to articulate it. they're just constantly bullshitting for no real good reason and not even benefiting their own interest or anyone else's.
this is the real tragedy. these two are spewing bullshit and the whole world could be at peace and still be living good life if everyone, most importantly inside russia, stop taking them seriously.
that whole thing prigozhin saying that wagners are the most experienced and combat-ready fighters in the world is "BULLSHIT."
and i can prove it. the world is the witness. UKRAINIAN ordinary infantry is the most experienced and combat-ready fighters in the world. if wagners are most experienced and combat-ready, then i have no idea what to call ukrainians who kicked their asses.
AND the ukrainians didn't go fight in africa, syria, arab countries, except having been fighting russia since 2014 with 1 hand tied behind the back. by now, i'm not even sure that israelis could be better.
ukraine did not have anything similar to "wagner." they started from scratch with just pure "heart" with the azovs and the cyborgs in 2014 who were practically fighting with sticks and stones against the russian regulars. and they have to endure all the pro-russian psyops and remain mentally tough since 2014 to be ready to take the fight to invaders last year.
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pureresonanceaudio · 1 year
Restaurant Sound System -Creating the Best Ambience
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When restaurant owners launch their ventures, cafes, or eateries, they always pay great attention to minute details. Such details include the seating arrangements, decorations, lighting, food, beverages, equipment especially pertaining to fire safety, and so on. These are essential, no doubt, but AV orrestaurant sound systems are often neglected.
The primary reason for this oversight is the misconception that all music systems are alike, but choosing the right commercial sound system can change the vibe of your restaurant. Compared to the mini Bluetooth speakers you’ve brought from home, the perfect sound system can give you the option for both background and foreground audio with clear music and paging.
6 Reasons Why Restaurant Sound Systems Are Different from Other Devices
Soundscape Designing - Soundscape designs sound complicated, but it is a relatively simple concept. When installing a commercial sound system, restaurant owners often put speakers on a 12ft high shelf straight ahead. Rather than creating an invisible music source, this design blares sound directly above the customers’ tables or heads. This type of soundscape design can lead to complaints like “We can’t even listen to each other across the table!”
Background Music Quality - Commercial restaurant sound systems provide optimum quality background music with high frequencies. Using the professional mixer amplifiers, you can add a subwoofer for warm bass, creating the perfect ambient atmosphere. Customers will enjoy each other's company as well as great sounding music.
Keep it Cool - Domestic speakers can sometimes deliver commercial-level sound in an outdoor setting like a restaurant patio. However, the main problem is cooling the device. Restaurants are often crowded and confined spaces that tend to run hot alongside several different pieces of equipment. Unlike domestic sound systems that are not convection-cooled, commercial restaurant sound system amplifiers come with cooling fans with different speed variables.
Device Compatibility - Restaurants are busy places, and you want to keep clutter to the minimum to avoid injuries and damages. For that reason, most restaurant owners or managers prefer a simple and fuss-free music source. The source can be a laptop, tablet, phone, or television that you play music from. Therefore, most professional speakers and sound systems allow compatibility with different devices as well as Bluetooth and wired connections.
Mixer and Amplifier - Most commercial sound systems in the current market come with a professional mixer and amplifier. It helps you to deliver a customized and personalized experience to your customers. These allow you to connect with multiple input sources and then control the music, adjust the bass or treble, and create a unique ambiance for your restaurant.
Professional Sound Coverage - If your sound scaping isn’t right, customers will scream to talk to each other. This brings the noise level on the restaurant floor to an increasingly annoying level. With professional sound coverage, you wouldn’t have to hang 10 to 20 commercial speakers over each table to ensure customers can hear the music or any announcements. Here the solution isn’t the number of speakers or volume level but rather the coverage. A commercial sound system can give you comprehensive coverage best suited to cut through the noise of the floor without disturbing anyone.
With this detailed guide, head over to Pure Resonance Audio today and explore the wide range of restaurant sound systems.
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greysfic · 1 year
To conceptualize the sensorium of a Bandi is near impossible for any other lifeform; organic, cybernetic, mechanical - but let us try.
Consider the Vala, The Flame of Justice, a Soulcage favoured for brute simplicity.
Imagine nothing. Neither sight nor scent nor touch. Imagine your spellware booting up. An outsider may perceive lines of code on an external screen, but for the Bandi the first wave of internal diagnostics is sensation.
'cage integrity is nothing, until it is breached. Only a total awareness of every centimetre of form, and of attuned weapons. A sword is a folded finger. A full magazine is a lungful of air. Shield intensity is warmth and weight spread over the shell. Mana reserves are joy bubbling beneath a calm veneer. Comms are a soft chorus, lights in the dark. An absolute understanding of position relative to allies and targets, like shifting patches of heat and cold across your skin.
Immediate visual perception is a bloom of impossible colour until filtering subroutines pare it back to total clarity beyond the resolution of an organic eye. Facing is irrelevant; vision is distributed across every surface of the Soulcage. Audio is briefly deafening until similar filters block out the noise and selectively emphasize priority data; the sound of footsteps, the snap of a reload. Overlays highlight items of interest and trigger emotional resonances. The armoury is love. The repair sarcophagus is maternal warmth. Long obsolete biological imperatives are repurposed to the nature of the mechanism.
The enemy inspires hunger. Their reactor core triggers disgust.
In the arc of a blade lies euphoria. The gender of the Bandi is violence.
And for the Vala, other senses. An immaculate grasp of temperature for dozens of metres. Ally and enemy and muzzleflash are not crude heatmaps of lesser devices but an intuitive understanding; that is the low thrum of a heatsink, this is the warm path of arterial blood, and there the scant after-image of a bullet bullying air aside. An extension of the self, that one might reach out with pure intent and halt ignition in the rifle's chamber.
Any other being trying to ride the senses of Bandi would be overwhelmed by input. Human vision is a patchwork of intersaccadal flashes, a kludge of last-second edits to maximize signal value in service of mammalian processing to keep meat within its limits. Too many inputs and the whole organism is paralyzed by indecision or thrown into desperate action. There is meat within the Soulcage, but the protection of that sealed armour extends beyond physical. In the execution of its purpose, a Bandi is perfect; the kaleidoscope of sight, sound, telemetry, weapon status, velocity, position winnowed to razor edge second by second. Thought and action become one, sheared of all uncertainty, unless...
The natural state of a Bandi is war. Take one from the battlefield, deprive it of both sleep and prey. What thoughts may emerge? What sights slip behind the eyeless faceplate? What does a sword dream?
Perhaps we may discuss other Soulcages of more esoteric perception another time - the deathsight of Jadugara, the prescience of Raksaka, the hum of Fate's threads surrounding Nabi. Or would you rather speculate on the Jukari senses, or conjecture widlly of The New Flesh?
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Key Benefits: Elevate Your Vibration: Immerse yourself in the sublime resonance of 963Hz, known as the frequency of the Universe. Feel your energy soar to new heights as you align with the higher realms of existence. Positive Energy Amplification: Let go of negativity and welcome an abundance of positivity into your life. This music is designed to cleanse your aura and fill your being with love, joy, and healing energy.
Deep Meditation: Enhance your meditation practice by tapping into the profound tranquility and serenity that 963Hz frequencies offer. Achieve a state of deep inner peace and mindfulness effortlessly. Spiritual Awakening: Open the door to your spiritual journey and explore the limitless possibilities of your consciousness. Awaken your intuition and inner wisdom like never before.
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Your Path to Wellness: Let our 963Hz music be your guide on your journey to holistic well-being, self-discovery, and spiritual growth. Unleash the boundless potential within you and manifest a life filled with positivity, love, and enlightenment.
Click play and let the power of 963Hz take you on an extraordinary inner journey like no other. "Immerse yourself in the soothing sounds of 963Hz, and let its harmonious frequencies wash over you, leaving you rejuvenated and in perfect harmony with the universe.
Unlock your true potential and embark on a journey of self-discovery. Activate Your Third Eye Chakra: Elevate your spiritual awareness and intuition. Deep Healing and Stress Relief: Dissolve tension and anxieties for a profound sense of relaxation. Emotional Harmony: Foster balance and emotional well-being.
Enhanced Meditation: Elevate your meditation practice to new heights. Positive Energy Infusion: Attract positivity and good vibrations into your life. Click play, close your eyes, and let the positive energy flow through you. Your path to inner bliss starts here.
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clockhandskit · 1 year
Desire a Non-Ticking Second Hand?
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A non-ticking second hand is the by-product of using a continuous sweep clock movement, which not just does not jerk as well as time out, yet likewise does not make a noise. The non-ticking second hand is much less preferred than one might anticipate, perhaps as a result of the absence of particular desirable additional attributes, yet also possibly because of an easy lack of knowledge. Even so, the smooth and also peaceful change is liked by some and ideal for sure scenarios.
The non-ticking second hand is feasible only with the modern digital clock electric motor technology. When wrist watches were mechanical, pendulums and also escapements were frequently, if not constantly, integrated right into the timekeeping operation, and also their back-and-forth steps were equated right into the jerky movement of the second hand. The electronic motion, on the other hand, does all operations in software, providing it far more flexible and versatile.
This means that we can create a quiet second hand or a ticking one with equivalent simplicity; it's simply a matter of programs. The sounds of old clocks were made directly, or as adverse effects from an operation. The audios of brand-new clocks are synthetic, probably waveforms stored in memory, as well as they appear because the program instructs them to sound.
For the mechanical clock, points needed to be tweaked just right to make the timing exact. The factors most impacting timing were the size of the pendulum, the degree of its swing, as well as the torque related to the flywheel. The escapement as well as its parameters were coupled with the pendulum in the effort to have the pendulum switch instructions in exactly half a second.
The force behind the turning of the flywheel was hanging weights or curled springs, and these necessarily had to be periodically reset. Furthermore, any type of add-on attributes (cuckoos, chimes, expanded time display) were likewise mechanical, often ingeniously so. Digital electric motors eliminated all the stuff of weights, equipments, pendulums, etc, deriving their power source from quickly vibrating quartz crystals.
The resonating vibration takes place when a voltage decline is placed across the crystal, as well as the regularity of resonance is really precise (constant). What emanates from the crystal is a stream of pulses, which can be counted by software program as well as stored in digital signs up. The pulse train is a lot, much faster than a second, yet via neighborhood it is feasible to track elapsed secs, mins, as well as hours.
Since the operation is in software, it can be embedded on a silicon chip, consequently reducing its minimal dimension to less than an inch. Hardware for mounting the electric motor, cylindrical hand shafts, as well as the battery are the real variables identifying physical size. Moreover, there is virtually no limitation in regards to performance, since if it can be explained algorithmically it can be understood in software program.
Nevertheless, the opportunity of furnishing all kind of new features on a clock doesn't always suggest that individuals require them, specifically if they are set in their ways or oblivious that the brand-new features are readily available. A case in point is that people have grown familiar with the distinct step-motion used tick that goes back to the age of mechanical wrist watches, even though such movement is purely an artifact resulting from pendulum-escapement combinations and not essential for electronic motors. They evidently see no demand to visit a non-ticking second hand, although the sound may irritate them in the evening.
However, in time points may change as humans alter their minds. Clock components vendors give the alternative for a continuous sweep second hand on a lot of their motions, so the feature is always there.
While you are thinking about purchasing a quiet clock motion, it is worth your while to discover other features used by distributors. It is feasible to develop a timepiece that will blow people's minds. It all begins with wanting a non-ticking second hand.
shop now
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desiretalentlegacy · 1 year
🎬 **RAP FILM: Filmed in Jackson, MS by Adrian Armstrong | Sound Engineered by Pyrex Booth** 🎬
🎵 Need a Music Film? Look no further! 🎵
📽️ Immerse yourself in the electrifying world of rap with our latest music film shot right here in the heart of Jackson, Mississippi. Get ready for an unforgettable cinematic experience that captures the raw essence of the hip-hop culture!
🎥 Directed and Filmed by the talented Adrian Armstrong, this production takes you on a visual journey like no other. With his keen eye for detail and passion for storytelling, Armstrong brings the music to life, elevating the entire viewing experience.
🎧 **Sound Engineered by Pyrex Booth**, this film boasts a top-notch audio experience that complements the visuals flawlessly. Pyrex Booth's exceptional skills ensure every beat, lyric, and rhythm resonates with pure excellence.
🔥 Experience the energy, the beats, and the captivating performances of talented artists, all within the vibrant streets of Jackson. This film is a celebration of music, artistry, and the undeniable spirit of the rap scene.
📞 For a limited time, we are offering this incredible opportunity at an unbeatable price! **Get your own personalized music film for just $100**! That's right, a high-quality production tailored to your music at an affordable cost.
🎯 Whether you're an aspiring rapper, a seasoned artist, or a music enthusiast with a vision, this is your chance to shine. Make your mark in the industry with a visually stunning and professionally crafted music film.
📱 **Contact us today to book your slot** and secure this exclusive offer! Call (769) 230-8167 to discuss your project and start turning your musical dreams into a reality.
🎬 Don't miss this opportunity to elevate your music to new heights. Get in touch with us now and let's create something extraordinary together!
#RapFilm #MusicVideoProduction #JacksonMS #AdrianArmstrongFilms #PyrexBooth #HipHopCulture #MusicIndustry #LimitedTimeOffer
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incarnateirony · 1 year
God beyond the player that knows SPN/TW and my Modern BS learning this is in fact 20+ year bullshit I have a forgotten realms scale handbook for there's this other player that's sharp AND invested as hell and just them constantly going WHAT THE FUCK. WHAT THE FUCK. WHAT THE FUCK.
It's so fucking funny, like yes, you're in the Akrida hole. You're in The Moment, The Breath. The Queen is Underground. Face it. You can't fight your trauma, but you can face it. Yes, the fracture, the rupture, that is where he lives, do not strike back, that is what he wants, until we all Forget. No memory--nothing. ....Nothing.
Oh, you mean the cosmic chicken snake and egg snake guy is even running from his own shit? Snake eating its tail? He just wants to forget. This Nidhogg Bullshit is just a piece of existence bits, regrets and fears trying to put itself away but made loud, resonating over Life and Death twisted into infinity, and every possible world, even ones ended, in The Moment, The Breath, beyond creation, Chaos of Void Defined. Being.
Mom, I need you to see me. Maybe Roxy wasn't the Queen? Take a deep breath. I am centered. I am at peace. I make my own path. And I walk in it fearlessly.
I think the way this campaign's Bloody Shield was designed and what his focuses and perspectives are along with the player half understanding my bullshit (SPN fan person), this may actually be a successful one.
Person used to furries fucking: oh
It's so funny bc if you play Lateralus project in the background pure audio it's like, here you go, here's your questions and your answers, but i know players will never try going "I don't know SPN" and not realizing, I'm saying turn off the video, just listen, I swear it's literally all in there, because it always is. One always does put their All into their Work, as One Does.
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