#Pure Mamas
justn0t · 2 months
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This sketch I will never finish
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gncbozo · 3 months
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caitlynmeow · 5 months
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When Alcina leaves she does this turn while smiling before walking out the door followed by her daughters. Daniela is the first to leave after her, and she moves the exact same way as her mother!!! The same turn and sway and also in one of her lines she says that she wants to grow as pretty as her mother. Daniela is the one who takes after her mother the most in actions and some behaviors because she looks up to her and wants to be just like her so she's unconsciously just copying her mother without even realizing it and I find this super adorable.
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little-demy · 25 days
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Gijinka hornet sketches that has been in my mind for a while
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djorgcre · 9 months
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m-a-m-a-b-o-y mama’s boy. mama’s boy.
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themarsbar · 2 months
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Princess Wille 💖 for @toffeelemon
support your local swedish lesbians
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lacilou · 8 months
Look!!! Really look. This man LISTENS. Not just hears.
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Before the crew leaves for the summit
Marie: Milo Honey you look gorgeous 
Milo: why thank you. I take after my Ma😉
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kidbutcher · 3 months
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WAAAAAH..... Little boy Ryan knowing deep down he can't save both Homelander and Butcher, he's eventually gonna have to chose between them for the last time, because when he makes that final decision something horrible is gonna happen to the other </333 he knows how they're at each others throats, he knows how often they try killing each other (bro I will pay for their couples counselling JSKJFKJ) This boy is only 12 and he already knows he can't save everyone, no matter how hard he tries!!! he couldnt save his mom, and now he feels like he cant save butcher!! He spent most of his life in a very sheltered fairytale where he knew nothing but love and kindness!!! Till he met these men, and whether or not they meant to, they just ruined his life T.T He should be having fun and playing, but instead he's just forced to chose over and over again and know that anything can happen, and he's helpless to stop it
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glacier-shrimp · 3 months
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I really wanted to draw baby ducks, so... here's a wood duck family!
More art!
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darkened-sunlight · 4 months
Hey Dawn, do you have any activities you particularly enjoy?
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Really I can't do much- I'm... Pretty sickly for a young god- I also like drawing, reading... All that boring sheltered kid stuff!
One day, I'm gonna be able to explore the world, but that's for when I'm older... If mama lets me anyways... Eh. I'll be an adult! She won't have a say in it!
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itwoodbeprefect · 8 months
how to do a straight romance: ex 90s idol single mom with a teenage daughter and giant money problems who inherits a male host club because she once blackmailed a gay man to write her into his will + the cool young loan shark whose family she owes money to and who keeps showing up in vaguely threatening ways trying and failing to collect on that debt until we learn he cares too much about his hair and doesn't have much experience with women and is immediately smitten when she is slightly mean to him, and then becomes the first man in fifteen years to genuinely ask her how she is
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caitlynmeow · 1 year
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Look at this absolute angel 🖤
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marauderstiltheend · 1 year
I LOVE BOND FORGER. (Spy x Family Spoilers)
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ccaptain · 24 days
The affair of H:SR Kaeya's real name is more complicated than one would imagine: people that conceal their own out of convenience would agree that telling it to their most trusted one(s) would be a great display of love and trust, to give to your other one and put their identity in the palm of their hands over the dying embers of a bonfire, over a pillow, over twined hands. It's a vulnerability that they're willing to face, entrusting their old identity to their closed ones.
Kaeya is unsure if he will ever get this priviledge, achieve this level of intimacy with anyone- for he has nothing to give them, in this regard.
The memories of his past life, after such a long time of him existing, seeing and experiencing things, have faded together in an unfamiliar blur of informations that he feels has happened to another person- the one that has been burned away, the things related to ''him'' nothing but ashes. In a sense, he's right- these things have happened to another person.
The memories of his birth planet, the faces and voices of his biological parents, the way buildings fell apart under the Great Catastrophe around him- the memories before the man named ''Gallagher'' saved him belong to someone else. And that someone else no longer relates to him.
It's not just that- even if he made an effort to remember what his identity was before ''Kaeya Alberich'', the young man that he was had been consumed to the bone by the blaze that changed him into a being of Enigmata: he no longer exists. There's no risk in invoking the Rain of Sensation upon himself, as he cannot perceive an identity that has, by long, been left behind. Gallagher made sure his stray could not be erased by the intricate matters of the Enigmata- he could utter his old name, but it would have no meaning, for he's no longer that joyous young man that thought of the transformation and travels as adventures.
He's just an aimlessly traveling thing, pretending to be human.
All that he is now is ''Kaeya Alberich'', now and until he chooses to be- and not being "Kaeya Alberich" summons a deep terror within him. It's the only time where he feels fear and confusion- not for himself, but for Kaeya's. Who will remember the quartermaster, the cavalry captain of Teyvat, if ''Kaeya'' doesn't carry him?
The parasocial commitment he made to Kaeya is so strong that he has not been able to modify anything about the appearence of his avatar- despite how uncomfortable long hair make him and how much care and time it all requires to be washed and untagled; it's another hindrance in his life that he takes without lamenting.
Each time he tried to think about brandishing a pair of scissors to put his own comfort first, he has been outright attacked by the paralyzing terror of altering his old friend's looks- to displease the long-deceased ghost over his shoulder that raises his brows and chides him with a stern ah-ah-ah! weren't you the one who wanted my body this much, as a mausoleum? then, you'll take it as it is- carrying a burden is forever, and forever you have chosen to carry it.
( the crushing guilt that he feels is enough to cloud his judgement to anything that isn't a certaint strongly negative reaction from the imaginary young man in his imagination; he'll never understand that Kaeya is truly and forever gone- dead bodies do not react. dead bodies do not judge- and they do not mourn a body who has, by now, rotted. dead bodies also give no closure. he should really be reminded of this fact. )
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blue-star-doodles · 1 year
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Some wholesome family activities!
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