a-dinosaur-a-day · 2 years
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zponds · 1 year
My big idea for Genie Team Season 10
Well, this is my 500th post, so I thought I’d talk about something big. That being one big idea I have for Grantgfan’s Genie Team season 10.
With that being the 10th season, I thought that my idea for it would be pretty big too. And my idea for The Genie Team season 10 is… the genies, their masters, and their friends finding out the realization of dinosaurs (and other prehistoric creatures) all around the world.
And this whole thing would be teased at the end of season 9, where a large map of the world with thumbtacks stuck in it, with each one depicting a known location of dinosaur sightings. They’d be 14 in all (at the moment); with 5 in North America, 3 in South America, 4 in Africa, 1 in Indonesia, and 1 in Australia. And as season 10 progresses, more thumbtacks would be added to the map, with a different color representing a different wave; like red for wave 1, blue for wave 2, green for wave 3, and yellow for wave 4.
And speaking of waves, the dinosaurs and other prehistoric creatures would make appearances in the several waves below. WAVE 1: Dryosaurus, Gallimimus, Homalocephale, Kentrosaurus, Pachycephalosaurus, Styracosaurus, Ankylosaurus, Brachiosaurus, Camarasaurus, Corythosaurus, Edmontosaurus, Ouranosaurus, Parasaurolophus, Stegosaurus, Albertosaurus, Ceratosaurus, Dilophosaurus, Velociraptor, Acrocanthosaururs, Allosaurus, Spinosaurus, Tyrannosaurs Rex, Triceratops, Torosaurus, Carcharadontosaurus, Alioramus, Apatosaurus, Baryonyx, Compsognathus, Deinonychus, Diplodocus, Iguanodon, Maiasaura, Ornithomimus, Panoplosaurus, Tenontosaurus, Thescelosaurus, Wuerosaurus, Yangchuanosaurus, Pteranodon, Dimorphodon, Mosasaurus, and Tylosaurus.
WAVE 2: Othnielia, Hypsilophodon, Mamenchisaurus, Supersaurus, Brontosaurus, Ultrasaurus, Lambeosaurus, Shantungosaurus, Anatotitan, Olorotitan, Tsintaosaurus, Saurolophus, Hadrosaurus, Altirhinus, Centrosaurus, Einiosaurus, Pentaceratops, Euoplocephalus, Protoceratops, Psittacosaurus, Avaceratops, Microceratus, Orodrmeus, Gastonia, Edmontonia, Altirhinus, Brachylophosaurus, Gryposaurus, Hoplitosaurus, Stegoceras, Prenocephale, Tuojiangosaurus, Lexovisaurus, Paranthodon, Miragaia, Struthiomimus, Troodon, Proceratosaurus, Herrerasaurus, Torvosaurus, Tarbosaurus, Carnotaurus, Majungasaurus, Desplatosaurus, Suchomimus, Irritator, Procompsognathus, Ornitholestes, Cearadactylus, Geosternbergia, Nyctosaurus, Elasmosaurus, Plesiosaurus, and Styxosaurus.
WAVE 3: Dreadnoughtus, Alamosaurus, Argentinosaurus, Paralititan, Patagotitan, Sauroposeidon, Puertasaurus, Therizinosaurus, Convolosaurus, Leaellynasaurua, Stenopelix, Garudimimus, Wannanosaurus, Parkosaurus, Nipposaurus, Callovosaurus, Segnosaurus, Deinocheirus, Leptoceratops, Plateosaurus, Mussaurus, Melanosaurus, Oviraptor, Gigantoraptor, Caudipteryx, Lesothosaurus, Camptosaurus, Camposaurus, Yutyrannus, Rugops, Utahraptor, Dakotaraptor, Austroraptor, Sinosauropteryx, Mapusaurus, Tyrannotitan, Giganotosaurus, Gorogasaurus, Chirostenotes, Sinraptor, Microraptor, Sinornithosaurus, Archaeopteryx, Epidexipteryx, Caelestiventus, Tupuxuara, Zhenyuanopterus, Tropeognathus, Ornithocheirus, Hatzegopteryx, Alanqa, Hainosaurus, Icthyosaurus, Dakosaurus, Pliosaurus, and Temnodontasaurus.
WAVE 4: Shunosaurus, Saltasaurus, Nigersaurus, Amaragasaurus, Sinoceratops, Nasutoceratops, Agujaceratops, Chasmosaurus, Chungkingosaurus, Gigantspinosaurus, Dravidosaurus, Nodosaurus, Sauropelta, Minmi, Muttaburrasaurus, Dracorex, Stygimoloch, Dromiceimimus, Coelophysis, Eoraptor, Syntasaurus, Staurikosaurus, Saltopus, Shamosaurus, Struthiosaurus, Masiakasaurus, Eustreptospobdylus, Monolophosaurus, Limnoscelis, Labyrinthodontia, Diplocaulus, Koolosuchus, Metriorhynchus, Microposaurus, Sarcosuchus, Deinosuchus, Ichthyostega, Eogyrinus, Cacops, Seymouria, Prinoshuchus, Acanthostega, Eryops, Mastodonsaurus, Metoposaurus, Nothosaurus, Tanystropheus, Mesosaurus, Cryptoclidus, Kronosaurus, Liopleurodon, Shonisaurus, Onchopristus, Protostega, Archelon, Globidens, Ramphorhyncus, Ludodactylus, Scaphognathus, Tupandactylus, Azdarcho, Anomalocaris, Hallucigenia, Pterygotus, Ammonite, Cladoselache, Dunkleosteus, Eustenopteron, Hylonomus, Dimetrodon, Scutosaurus, Kannemeyeria, and Lystrosaurus.
That’s the four main waves of dinosaurs, pterosaurs, marine reptiles, and other prehistoric creatures that’ll appear in Genie Team season 10. It’s a lot of species, I know, but it’ll help in making season 10 of Grantgfan’s Genie Team even bigger. And I’d gladly help him in figuring out the scripts for future episodes of season 10.
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dinos-and-stuff · 1 year
Random Dino Fact #3
The title of largest known dinosaur currently belongs to Argentinosaurus Huinculensis, a titanosaur that lived about 94 million years ago in the Late Cretaceous.
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At an upper estimate of 80 tonnes in weight and 35 metres in length, this absolute behemoth is not only the biggest dinosaur but the largest land animal ever to walk the earth. For context, the infamous Tyrannosaurus Rex weighed in at a comparatively minuscule 8.87 tonnes with a length of 12.4 metres.
Somehow though, this still wasn’t big enough to prevent predators from taking them down; there is evidence that they were hunted by equally massive predators such as Mapusaurus and Skorpiovenator, though most deaths from hunting were during adolescence or old age as an adult Argentinosaurus would have been almost completely impervious to attack from pretty much anything due to its sheer size.
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As always, size has its drawbacks, and the weight of this guy meant it could only move at a top speed of 5 miles per hour, slightly faster than the average human walk. On top of that, it would have had to eat AT MINIMUM 517 kg (1,139.79 lbs) of plant matter EVERY DAY, not even considering the fact that it would have to move around to get access to that much food.
There is currently a debate within the scientific community about whether A. Huinculensis is truly the largest, as Dreadnoughtus, Paralititan, Puertasaurus, Alamosaurus, Patagotitan, Futalognkosaurus, Maraapunisaurus and Antarctosaurus have all at separate times have been considered to be slightly bigger or smaller based on different studies at different times.
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iknowdino · 2 years
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The top 10 largest #dinosaurs, according to #ChatGPT (and the accompanying image by #DALLE2 , made from the prompt: "the largest dinosaur that ever lived anime style")
"The sizes of the top 10 biggest dinosaurs varied greatly, with some species reaching lengths of over 100 feet and weighing over 100 tons. Here is a more detailed breakdown of their estimated sizes:
- Argentinosaurus: 110 feet long and weighed up to 110 tons
- Brachiosaurus: 85 feet long and weighed up to 80 tons
- Diplodocus: 90-100 feet long and weighed up to 40 tons
- Supersaurus: 110 feet long and weighed up to 70 tons
- Giraffatitan: 100 feet long and weighed up to 50 tons
- Puertasaurus: 100 feet long and weighed up to 50 tons
- Amargasaurus: 50 feet long and weighed up to 10 tons
- Saltasaurus: 50 feet long and weighed up to 20 tons
- Dicraeosaurus: 30 feet long and weighed up to 5 tons
- Barosaurus: 100 feet long and weighed up to 50 tons
Again, it's worth noting that these size estimates are based on the fossil record and may be subject to change as new evidence is discovered. Additionally, some of these estimates are based on incomplete fossil specimens, so the actual sizes of these dinosaurs may have been slightly different."
What do you think dino fans?
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vo1canic · 5 years
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I made illustrations for Isla Nublar’s Patreon! Isla Nublar is a server group on The Isle. These are the tier illustrations without words.
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Screenshots by our HOS Raven
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kelskora · 7 years
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The Isle | Region 2
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sassy-sponge · 7 years
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Land Whale protecting it's calf from Gigas!
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actual-haise · 7 years
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The floor is extinction
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zponds · 3 years
The Isle - Original Region 2 Map
I might have never played The Isle at all before, but I did first discover it in early June 2016. And at that time, the Original Region 2 map was the main map, and therefore the OG Region 2 map is very nostalgic to me ... and very nostalgic for everyone who has played The Isle since 2016. And I first discovered The Isle when I watched videos of The Isle from Youtubers such as... TheGamingBeaver, THE Airconditioner, BestInSlot, Anthomnia, and ArchShiranui.
So I thought I’d share screenshots showcasing the OG Region 2 map of The Isle during this map’s life time (March 2016 - August 2016) for the sake of pure nostalgia. ^^
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 8 years
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Game 15, Round 1! Battle of the Titans! Puertasaurus versus Dreadnoughtus! Yeah! Titanosaurs! Art from http://brolyeuphyfusion9500.deviantart.com/art/Puertasaurus-reuili-392457241 and @fezraptor
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elbiotipo · 3 years
ese post viene específicamente de un artículo (periodístico) que estaba leyendo sobre saurópodos y que hablaba de todos los dinosaurios norteamericanos con sus nombres propios tipo Diplodocus Apatosaurus Camarasaurus y mencionaba por ahí a "the South American giants"
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all-hail-mono-onion · 6 years
four vertebrae preserved in the holotype, the largest is the dorsal vertebra (thought to be a second dorsal vertebra), measuring 1.06 meters (3 ft 6 in) tall and 1.68 meters (5 ft 6 in) wide. This is the broadest sauropod vertebra known, and two-thirds of its width is made up of the huge transverse processes (structures projecting from the side of the vertebra), which are heavily expanded and have very deep bases, forming wing-like structures when viewed from the front. In other titanosaurs, such as Dreadnoughtus, they are far less wide and deep. In Puertasaurus, these processes are perpendicular to the axial plane. Craniocaudally (front to back), however, the vertebra is rather short, shorter than average among titanosaurs. The centrum is especially opisthocoelous (having a convex front and a concave rear). The laminae in the neural arch are robust, although reduced. Hyposphene-hypantrum articulation (two structures on two vertebrae that fit into each other and form an extra joint) is not present, like other titanosaurs. The pre- and postspinal fossae are especially deep and broad. The pre- and postspinal laminae (structures on the upper half of the vertebra) are robust. The neural spine is oriented vertically (perpendicular to the centrum) but dorsoventrally (top to bottom) low, although it is extremely transversely (side to side) expanded. This orientation is unlike that of more derived titanosaurs, instead it is similar to basal ones (such as Argentinosaurus) and other sauropods, such as Euhelopus. The cervical vertebra was also notably large, with a transverse width of 140 centimeters (55 inches) (including the cervical ribs). It is thought to be the ninth vertebra in the neck. The cervical ribs are fused to the centrum. The centrum is especially dorsoventrally compressed. The pre- and postspinal fossae on the neural spine are wide and deep. This, along with the expanded distal (front) end of the vertebra, provide evidence of powerful neck ligaments and muscles. These features are also known in other titanosaurs but are extremely prominent in Puertasaurus. The neural spine was especially tall and laterally (sideways) expanded, to the point where it would exceed the length of the centrum. This would make it have one of the proportionately largest neural spines of any titanosaur. The apex of the neural spine was positioned on the posterior side of the vertebral midline. The spinoprezygapophyseal laminae (the spike-like projection in front of the neural spine) are separated from each other and only touch the middle of the neural spine. The zygapophyseal articulations, which connect two adjacent vertebrae, are located on the lower part the neural arch. The diapophyses and parapophyses (processes on the side of the vertebra) are strongly laterally projected. The cervical vertebra lacks pleurocoels (large cavities) and was not very pneumatic. The length of the restored centrum is estimated to be 105 centimeters (41 inches) long based on other titanosaurs. Two caudal vertebrae from the middle of the tail were also preserved. They are standard in shape for titanosaurs and are procoelous (having a
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theladyfromplanetx · 6 years
“Marching Dinosaurs - Animated Size Comparison” by Dane Pavitt
Here’s the extensive list in case your curious (it’s very long!).
Shuvuuia, Sinosauropteryx, Compsognathus, Microraptor, Caudipteryx, Microceratus, Hypsilophodon, Ornitholestes, Masiakasaurus, Psittacosaurus, Velociraptor, Laeallynasaura, Stegoceras, Troodon, Oviraptor, Protoceratops, Dromaeosaurus, Stygimoloch, Coelophysis, Dracorex, Dryosaurus, Deinonychus, Scelidosaurus, Herrerasaurus, Ornithomimus, Kentrosaurus, Gigantspinosaurus, Pachycephalosaurus, Dilophosaurus, Gastonia, Concavenator, Utahraptor, Euoplocephalus, Sauropelta, Miragaia, Chasmosaurus, Magyarosaurus, Einiosaurus, Camptosaurus, Diabloceratops, Styracosaurus, Cryolophosaurus, Tuojiangosaurus, Ceratosaurus, Edmontonia, Plateosaurus, Ankylosaurus, Baryonyx, Wuerhosaurus, Gallimimus, Neovenator, Pachyrhinosaurus, Carnotaurus, Ichthyovenator, Maiasaura, Iguanodon, Dacentrurus, Gigantoraptor, Gorgosaurus, Melanorosaurus, Majungasaurus, Ouranosaurus, Stegosaurus, Olorotitan, Triceratops, Deinocheirus, Corythosaurus, Amargasaurus, Allosaurus, Parasaurolophus, Therizinosaurus, Albertosaurus, Suchomimus, Edmontosaurus, Saurophaganax, Acrocanthosaurus, Lambeosaurus, Tyrannosaurus, Carcharodontosaurus, Giganotosaurus, Shantungosaurus, Spinosaurus, Cetiosaurus, Diplodocus, Camarasaurus, Apatosaurus, Giraffatitan, Alamosaurus, Dreadnoughtus, Brachiosaurus, Sauroposeidon, Mamenchisaurus, Puertasaurus, Argentinosaurus
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b3502001 · 3 years
Dinosaurs Puertasauru #short
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kelskora · 8 years
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Screenshots from The Isle
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