mad-pride · 7 months
I made an Auditory Processing Disorder flag based on the awareness color (lime green) and how it personally feels for me :)
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emilyhopebunny · 1 year
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Ok I'm kind of freaking out about this graphic, because I think it means that my brain is weirder than even I thought it was.
But let's back up. So continuing on my Thomas Goss train, I've been reading his 100 Orchestration Tips, which I got a free copy of for supporting his patreon, and I got to his tip on tubular bells, which included a graphic much like this one (I pulled this one from wikipedia) explaining the overtones of bells.
That second octave E3 in the bass clef? That's what people generally hear as the sounding pitch (or "strike tone") of a bell, and then there's a "hum tone" an octave below and a complicated series of overtones above (not the same as the harmonic series!).
But the thing is, the strike tone isn't real! It comes from your brain hearing all the overtones and then applying a fundamental pitch that makes sense to it.
And here's the kicker: I say "your brain" bc.... I think my brain doesn't actually do that!
I think back to hearing church bells all my life, and what I've always heard is a main pitch with a major sixth sounding below it (so in this diagram the treble clef E4 and the bass clef G3), but I don't think I've heard the minor third (E3) below that.
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🎃👻💀My Halloween night viewing🎃👻💀
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somepigeonwandering · 14 days
So I've got this thing...
Alright. Backstory moment here. I'm in an AP class called AP Studio Arts. We make a portfolio, it gets graded, there's sustained investigations. All kinds of cool stuff there. However, one day while I'm in class, I'm listening to music while trying to figure out how to approach an abstract assignment. (I'm shit at abstract). Because I was brainstorming I was pretty in my head. I start to tune into my little headspace. My little noggin, if you will. All my life I've experienced this thing which I assumed was normal. When I hear noises, harmonies, music, instruments, etc. (excluding sung words by the way) I see colors and shapes in my head and I feel weird sensations in my body. Like they're projected into my brain. Not on my vision. However there's a process to this. 1) Hear sound 2a) Feel a physical sensation in a part of my body (arms, fingers, legs, sides, cheeks, etc.) 2b) Associate color with that sound 3) Brain associates a shape with that feeling 4) See colored shape in my brain which can warp and change as the colors change It's like an animation of sorts? It doesn't linger if the sound stops. Since I was too lazy to do the assignment I just drew the stuff I saw in my brain projector. Turns out this is some really cool thing that not many people experience. I can explain these sensations and visuals very well with lots of detail. A classmate of mine suggests I am experiencing synesthesia. I've started researching the topic lightly and I am beginning to fall down the rabbit hole of psychoacoustics. When I focus too hard on these visuals my head hurts. And lately its been difficult not to think about them. Especially when I'm just listening to music for fun. I don't want to claim to be some synesthete and then not be. I would hate to misrepresent such a rare experience. (2-4% of the world population(?)) Searching for wisdom or people who also experience this.
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Octopunk Thank You Project - 20.08.2020 - Thank you - 20.09.2020
The drawings for the Thank You Project for @octopunkmedia ! Thank you for everything!
Go check out the thank you video !
So many talented people!
Thank you - Octopunk Thank You Project - 20.09.2020
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Done using ink pens, acrylic paint pens and graphite pencils
AO3 post / DeviantArt post / Instagram post / Pillowfort post / Twitter post
(reblogs are unavailable until I scan and edit the drawing and put it through Nightshade)
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richardvarey · 2 months
Audiophiles have at least one. Through signal attenuation, it makes the amplified  sound heard quieter or louder. But why is it called a Volume control? Audio volume is the degree of loudness or the intensity of a sound. In geometry, the word ‘volume’ has a clear explanation and can be measured with defined units. In sound, however, volume is a psycho-acoustic term; it depends on perception.…
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sachakwach · 1 year
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fancypantsrecords · 10 months
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Aperture Science Psychoacoustics Laboratory - Portal 2: Songs To Test By | Mondo | 2022 | Green + Pink + Yellow + Blue + Light Blue
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totallykenzo · 10 months
Has anyone else noticed that’s there’s two Aperture Science Psychoacoustic Laboratories? One that has the Portal 2 music on it, and another one that has random people like “AmaurisWill” and “Danger Boy”???
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It used to be that the original ASPL was hacked if I can remember correctly, but then they must’ve resolved the issue and now there’s 2.
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Lmao I just realised that one is like a AI cover with bats, text, and lasers, and then there’s just low-quality Wheatley in the background!
Anyway goodbye
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wokeupwiththissong · 4 months
Robots FTW! - Portal 2
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thecansces-ariborn · 8 months
Random Song List Part 16
I'm Fine by Daisy the Great (@librius thank you for the recommendation!)
eeeaaaooo by Xguiz and Patricia Taxxon
Lost Umbrella by INABAKUMORI
On My Mind by Diplo, SIDEPIECE, and Purple Disco Machine
Still Alive by Aperture Science Psychoacoustic Laboratories
Overdrive by Conan Gray
Lilith by Halsey and SUGA
Brittle Bones Nicky by Rare Americans
Grind Me Down by Lilianna Wilde and Jawster
Song recommendations are encouraged 👍
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trout-scout · 1 year
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writing is so fun
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evvywevvy · 1 year
does anybody remember back in the mid 2000s before you could legally download the Beatles' music, when some guy sold "psychoacoustic projections" that, when you listened to them, gave you the sensory impression you were listening to the Beatles? they definitely weren't weird processed versions of Beatles songs, because he had graphs
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sndmsm · 2 years
i am reading textbooks on psychoacoustics && that is how i am coping with not having time to write while also waiting to start recording the rest of season 1.
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tildeathiwillwrite · 7 months
Tag Game: Nine People I'd Like to Know Better
Rules: answer the questions and tag nine people you'd like to know better.
Thanks for the tag, @annakayy!
Last song I listened to: Bombs for Throwing at You - Aperture Science Psychoacoustic Laboratories
Currently Watching: Star Wars: The Bad Batch (enjoying the new season so far)
Spicy/savory/sweet: Spicy, definitely spicy. Closely followed by savory.
Relationship status: ✨single✨
Current obsession: Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I guess the Magnus Archives and the Magnus Protocol. I haven't finished the Magnus Archives (yet! I'm getting close) but I'm listening to the Magnus Protocol episodes as they're released. Recommend if you're into horror!
Tagging @fourwingedsnake @sabretheillianer @blackrosesandwhump @writer-of-worlds @chronicallydragons @faytelumos @whiteperle3 @thewritingautisticat @gamerkats
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richardvarey · 11 months
Room boundary loudspeaker positioning, and Presence equalisation
This seemed to be an audio show overview visit report, and yet more interestingly it has two intriguing ideas from products exhibited in Seattle that I wanted to investigate. Jeff Day outlines the pros and cons of near room boundary positioning of loudspeakers – for music listeners, in contrast to what he refers to as audiophile positioning. For loudspeakers optimised for this (I wasn’t clear on…
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