Some Pigeon
17 posts
I'm just a little pigeon doing her little pigeon things.Find me on @SomePigeonShe/her
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somepigeonwandering · 5 months ago
Children like this one are little beacons of hope. They will shed great light into the future's darkness.
Source: brunaandnatalie
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somepigeonwandering · 5 months ago
I'm beginning to think that the reason I fall into my little cycles of people pleasing even though I'm fully aware it's happening is because of when I think I'm doing good. Of course I think I'm doing good. I'm doing what feels natural and right. Even though what feels right is actually the wrong thing to do. I need to step outside of my comfort zone instead of just going with what always seems to happen.
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somepigeonwandering · 5 months ago
Wth are these tags obviously those are bananas. Absolutely outraged right now
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somepigeonwandering · 5 months ago
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somepigeonwandering · 5 months ago
Had a dream the other night that I was shopping at an antique store and asked for a table. The shop keeper mentioned it had a leg that was shorter than the rest and offered to fix it then sell it to me for no additional price. As I watched him fix the table my current situationship and my most recent ex approached in a panic. Both were visibly distressed to say the least and my ex seemed basically manic. My situationship goes "You need to stay. Please stay. Don't go." and I'm all "What do you even mean? Yeah I'm staying??" not knowing it was a dream. Then my ex goes, real close to my face, "You need to wake up. Wake up. Now. You need to wake up. Do it." and then I woke up only to realize that I had snoozed my alarm and only had 5 minutes to get ready for the bus to arrive down the street.
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somepigeonwandering · 5 months ago
They know not of the horrors of the world
I could watch this for hours 🐈🐈
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somepigeonwandering · 6 months ago
Deadass wish my headphones could go louder. If I can't permanently damage my eardrums then obviously the music isn't loud enough
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somepigeonwandering · 6 months ago
Anyone else ever watch old vines and start saying them out loud out of instinct
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somepigeonwandering · 6 months ago
Me VS that one teacher who makes all the assignments due at 9PM
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somepigeonwandering · 6 months ago
When your ex said "It looks pretty nice" but your current crush says "You're a brilliant artist and you don't even know it."
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somepigeonwandering · 6 months ago
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somepigeonwandering · 6 months ago
Me when brain hurt (I've got a fat migraine and my entire body is vibrating. This is hell)
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somepigeonwandering · 6 months ago
This is so real I learned that like 2 of my besties used to have crushes on me today.
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somepigeonwandering · 6 months ago
So I've got this thing...
Alright. Backstory moment here. I'm in an AP class called AP Studio Arts. We make a portfolio, it gets graded, there's sustained investigations. All kinds of cool stuff there. However, one day while I'm in class, I'm listening to music while trying to figure out how to approach an abstract assignment. (I'm shit at abstract). Because I was brainstorming I was pretty in my head. I start to tune into my little headspace. My little noggin, if you will. All my life I've experienced this thing which I assumed was normal. When I hear noises, harmonies, music, instruments, etc. (excluding sung words by the way) I see colors and shapes in my head and I feel weird sensations in my body. Like they're projected into my brain. Not on my vision. However there's a process to this. 1) Hear sound 2a) Feel a physical sensation in a part of my body (arms, fingers, legs, sides, cheeks, etc.) 2b) Associate color with that sound 3) Brain associates a shape with that feeling 4) See colored shape in my brain which can warp and change as the colors change It's like an animation of sorts? It doesn't linger if the sound stops. Since I was too lazy to do the assignment I just drew the stuff I saw in my brain projector. Turns out this is some really cool thing that not many people experience. I can explain these sensations and visuals very well with lots of detail. A classmate of mine suggests I am experiencing synesthesia. I've started researching the topic lightly and I am beginning to fall down the rabbit hole of psychoacoustics. When I focus too hard on these visuals my head hurts. And lately its been difficult not to think about them. Especially when I'm just listening to music for fun. I don't want to claim to be some synesthete and then not be. I would hate to misrepresent such a rare experience. (2-4% of the world population(?)) Searching for wisdom or people who also experience this.
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somepigeonwandering · 6 months ago
I hate Whiplash so much. Terrance Fletcher should be dragged out of that music room by armed, masked men. He should be dragged out onto the sidewalk where he's shotgunned in the face. The barrel of the gun should be held up to his nose for a few seconds so he knows exactly what's about to happen. His corpse should be left to rot in the street as a public health hazzard and a warning to his COWARD coworkers who let him abuse kids right in front of them for YEARS. Every person working at that school should be led at gunpoint EVERY MORNING to view Fletcher's reeking, mushy, deflated fucking corpse until the rain finally washes the last of the abusive fucking cocksucker down the fucking gutter. Every single COWARD who let him hurt kids needs to fucking see him and know that's what they'll get. That's what men who hit kids get.
Abuse is a very sensitive and harsh subject. Abusers do not deserve any glorification. I personally believe that the ending of Whiplash can be misconstrued as Fletcher becoming a better person (after the events of the ending) and that is entirely incorrect to assume. Though I agree that his abuse was stupidly unnoticed and unreported, I'd prefer that these descriptions of violence be kept out of my inbox. Thank you for letting me know that I may need to change my asks settings...
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somepigeonwandering · 6 months ago
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Tw//Mentions of abuse (not specified or detailed) The ending to Whiplash was not a happy one and here is why I think so. Fletcher is a character that is in fact an antagonist despite the motives he reveals in the café after Andrew anonymously sues him. Fletcher only does these break down and build up techniques so he can have a living, walking, breathing, jazz-playing trophy. He wanted to have a legacy that would live long after him. He wanted his players to be remembered so that he would be remembered. Wanting to be remembered is valid and all. But Fletcher drives his players to the brink. To the edge. And he does it using some pretty intense manipulation. Fletcher, as he did before, manipulated Andrew yet again. After exiting the café he invited Andrew to the next performance. He knew that Andrew couldn't resist the temptation after Fletcher implied that he needed Andrew. Just like when Andrew first joined the band, Fletcher gave him soft and gentle encouragement. He gave him a gentle nudge of confidence. These little nudges of confidence were to establish an initial trust. Fletcher needed Andrew to trust him and become attached before he could use his typical aggressive tactics. Now, when inviting Andrew, Fletcher only told him about the songs Caravan and Whiplash. Andrew had no idea that the set would start with another song. This is the cymbal to the head. Fletcher embarrasses Andrew in front of an entire auditorium. This is step one of Fletcher's process. He knows Andrew is great but he needs to make sure that Andrew will still push on no matter what. He needs to be sure Andrew has the character for the player he wants. Andrew leaves the stage where he's met by his father. Andrew refuses his fathers attempt at consoling him. He falls into Fletcher's ideology of "good job" being bad. From this point on Andrew is in the headspace that he has to do good and he has to impress Fletcher. He is no longer playing for fun for an audience. He's craving Fletcher's approval. Even in the end, Andrew isn't proud of his accomplishment until Fletcher smiles and lets him know that he approves. Without even realizing, Andrew let Fletcher know that he is dependent on him for approval and validation again. This is the practice and the return. Fletcher has Andrew where he wants him. Fletcher, the abuser, has his greatest prize back in his grasp. He knows Andrew is a good player and now he knows that Andrew has the personality that he wants in his star player. This is the redemption. With all of this in mind, Whiplash does not have a happy ending. The antagonist, the abuser, gets what he wants. No matter how much it seems Andrew got what he wanted (to play and be great), in reality he got sucked back into the abusive cycle. Andrew may never end up truly happy. Most likely, with abusive Fletcher over his shoulder, Andrew will fall down the rabbit hole of the music industry. ----- Sorry for the long post! Feel free to challenge my analysis in the comments! I only watched the movie once and I typed this up on a whim so it likely has some holes in it. I probably could have written it up/worded it better
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somepigeonwandering · 6 months ago
Intro (First Post)
Heyo heyo I'm some pigeon. Just a lil guy in a big world. This is a bit of an introduction! Feel free to ask me additional questions if you're curious. Name) Peri/Pigeon Prns) She/her
I enjoy making bots on, computer sciences (I'm learning), writing, art, and cooking+baking
I don't really think I have any hard boundaries other than don't get weirdly parasocial. I'm so down to be internet friends though.
I apologize if my tone is ever off. I sort of struggle with that online. Have a great day/night!
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