#Psychedelic Monk
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1968 calendar designed by The Monk for Middle Earth Club, London.
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jareckiworld · 7 months
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William Monk — A Fool Through the Cloud (oil on canvas, 2018)
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nvr04mnd · 2 years
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thespamman24 · 1 month
What your favorite jazzer says about you!
Louis Armstrong- You don’t know why I’ve just broken into your house and asked you at gunpoint what your favorite jazz artist is, as you don’t listen to much jazz.
Miles Davis- You’re basic.
Bill Evans- You’re racist.
Chett Baker- You want to have sex with Chett Baker. 
Sun Ra- As a kindergartner, you were reprimanded for eating paper, an event that has haunted you for life. A career as a very unique artist awaits you. Also, you can name every species of preying mantis, all 51 of them. 
Pharaoh Sanders- You don’t know shit about preying mantises. 
Alice Coltrane- You’ve been trying to find Satchinada for the last 20 years, but it continues to allude you.
Phelonois Monk- Your favorite kind of sandwich is peanut butter and jelly.
Peter Brotzmann- You didn’t stop eating paper at kindergarten. In fact, as you read this, you’re currently eating the stuff. You do you, I guess.
João Gilberto- You constantly carry around a fanny pack full of important provisions such as trail mix. You’re disappointed that no one wants to use your Netflix password.
Wayne Shorter- Everyone laughs at your pointy shoes. “What are you some kind of elf?” they ask. Then, you kick them. They aren’t laughing after that.
Duke Ellington- A prestigious career of drawing of drawing furry smut awaits you. I salute you. 
Ryo Fukuri- You keep a shotgun beneath your bed in case someone with tattoos comes too close to your front lawn.
Max Roach- You’re wondering if I may have switched those last two. No, I did not. Shut up. 
Charles Mingus- You wear a bald cap wherever you go because it increases the chances of being slapped on the head- the most enjoyable aspect of living.
John Coltrane- You’ve been kicked out of eighteen Whole Foods stores, and you plan to make that number in the triple digits before you depart this green earth. Nothing brings you more satisfaction than opening the nut dispensers and watching the waterfall of cashews descend onto the ground.
Art Blakey- Fuck if I know. 
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worldhistoryfacts · 1 year
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Much of the art in the medieval Buddhist temple-caves at Dunhuang was meant to inspire monks in their meditation. This is the art that is truly spectacular. It’s meant to be mind-blowing, to obliterate monks’ egos and help them to attain nirvana — literally, the blowing out of the flame of desire.
Artists created swirling, complex tableaux of people, animals, and supernatural figures. This was known as the "thousand-Buddha" style -- every square inch of the caves was covered with religious art.
{WHF} {Ko-Fi} {Medium}
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rinainshadows · 2 months
𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖊𝖌𝖔 𝖎𝖓 𝖒𝖆𝖓𝖎𝖋𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓
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"𝔶𝔬𝔲 𝔠𝔞𝔫 𝔡𝔬 𝔢𝔳𝔢𝔯𝔶𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔴𝔯𝔬𝔫𝔤 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔰𝔱𝔦𝔩𝔩 𝔞𝔠𝔥𝔦𝔢𝔳𝔢 𝔶𝔬𝔲𝔯 𝔡𝔢𝔰𝔦𝔯𝔢."
🪽 ♡₊˚ 🦢・₊✧
TW: Delves into psychology theory. Very lightly brushes on themes of having a negative childhood. Overall positive message, though, just want to put that out just in case!
I wanted to make a post talking about the ego and how it may "hold us back" in manifestation. This was inspired by a YouTube video I watched and I want to give credit to the original creator because I'll definitely be quoting parts of their video!
(TLDR at end, approximately 4-5 minute read)
Firstly, one must ask, "What is the ego?" The concept of the ego, as first propagated by psychologist Sigmund Freud, signifies the "self" or "I" and serves as our intermediary with the external world through perception. It is the segment of our being that holds memory, evaluates, plans, and in various manners, responds to and acts within the surrounding physical and social world. According to Freud’s theory, it coexists with the "id": our base and primitive drives and instincts, and the superego: the ethical and moral component of our personality. The ego operates on the principle of reality, which acts to satisfy the id's primal yearning for instant gratification while upholding the superego's aspirations for maintaining social and moral standards.
This delicate balance is dictated by the strength of the ego. An individual with lacking ego strength may find themselves torn between the demands of the id and the superego. Conversely, one possessing an overly fortified ego might become rigid and resistant to compromise. A well-balanced ego is deemed essential for assisting an individual in coping with stress, setbacks, and other hardships in life, without resorting to unhealthy coping mechanisms. A person with low ego strength may struggle to withstand adversities and might seek to evade reality through wishful thinking, addictions, or delusions.
With an understanding of the ego and its role in balancing the id and superego, one might ponder, what transpires when the ego does not exist? The phenomenon known as ego death can occur through the practice of deep meditation, the use of psychedelics, near-death experiences, or rigorous spiritual discipline. This process involves a loss of self, of all emotions—both benevolent and malevolent—and a sensation of oneness with the universe. This elevated state is akin to what some may describe as "enlightenment." Though any person on a spiritual journey might experience ego death, maintaining such a transcended state is nigh impossible in a world where the ego is requisite for survival. Oftentimes, only monks or those who wholly sequester themselves from society in an effort to negate karmic debt can sustain this enlightened state.
I bring this discussion to light because, within the realms of manifestation and spirituality, we are frequently advised to purge ourselves of doubts and limiting beliefs, ultimately striving to dissolve our ego. Our ego is formed in infancy and evolves throughout our development. It serves as our shield in this intensely stimulating and, at times, perilous world. Often, a weakened ego strength stems from external sources within one's childhood—perhaps an unstable upbringing, a childhood bereft of freely given love, or a sense of unworthiness. Thus, when we endeavor to manifest our desires and any doubts arise, merely suppressing them and admonishing ourselves for feeling thus is a misguided approach. It is imperative to bestow upon our ego, our doubts, the love and validation they require; otherwise, they will persistently clamor for our attention.
Self-transformation and the spiritual journey, which are inadvertently related to manifesting, is not often a process achieved overnight. There may be days of immense confidence, where one resides in a state of knowing. Yet, on subsequent days, doubts may cascade, highlighting every contradiction in our circumstances and physical reality. We are often advised to enhance our self-concept and strive to reach a higher vibration aligned with our higher selves. Whilst this counsel is admirable, why can we not simply be deserving as we are? When we convince ourselves that we must embody a particular state to attain our desire, we are merely affirming the deep-seated belief that we are undeserving.
Thus, I implore you to reflect: are you condemning that inner voice? While it may suffice for some to ignore it and persist regardless, this approach may prove counterproductive, especially if this issue recurs, causing you to waver. The next time this occurs, take a moment to sit with yourself. Remind yourself that this may be your inner child. Assure them that they are accepted, that they deserve to be heard, and that they do not need to change. Learn to cherish that aspect of yourself and the lessons it imparts. Worry not that perhaps by "validating" and attending to these doubts, you might find yourself in a perpetual state of negativity. Contrarily, by providing that voice the love and validation it seeks, you will discover that it in fact soothes and dispels the worries more rapidly.
In truth, all facets of the ego are equal. The version of you that is joyful, the version that is sorrowful, the version that feels deserving of love, and the version that does not—all coexist. The reason you deem them as "bad" or "unwanted" is because you assign them such labels. They exist to protect you and are neither inherently good nor bad. This is why, in ego death, all emotions cease—there is no joy, sorrow, desire, or contentment. It is a state of nothingness. You are the one ascribing meaning to your feelings, creating a duality that may generate unnecessary resistance.
I once encountered the advice that "you can do everything wrong and still achieve your desire." Of course, this is not an endorsement of self-destructive habits. Rather, it is a call for kindness towards oneself. Remind yourself that you are deserving of your desires exactly as you are. Practice self-parenting and self-soothing. If we are all interconnected with the divine, then every part of us, even those that seem unseemly, is still imbued with divine love. Cease demonizing certain parts of yourself. Abandon the notions of "I should not think this way" or "I should be making more progress." We are imperfect beings, but this does not render us any less deserving of our desires at this very moment. Why must we attain a particular state to be worthy?
Happy Manifesting,
TLDR: The ego, as defined by Freud, mediates between our primal desires (id) and moral standards (superego). A balanced ego helps us cope with life's challenges, while an unbalanced one can lead to unhealthy coping mechanisms. Ego death, achieved through spiritual practices, leads to a loss of self and a feeling of oneness with the universe but is hard to maintain in everyday life.
In manifestation and spirituality, we're often told to eliminate doubts and dissolve the ego, but this isn't always helpful. Our ego, formed from childhood experiences, protects us. Suppressing doubts isn't the answer; we should validate and love our inner voice instead.
Self-transformation is a gradual process. It's okay to have doubts. Embrace all parts of yourself, as they all serve a purpose. Being kind to yourself and practicing self-soothing can help you manifest your desires without feeling undeserving. You don't need to be perfect or reach a specific state to be worthy of your desires.
I feel that perhaps talking about the psychology of the ego may be a bit unnecessary, but, what's wrong with learning something new?
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tag-the-degenerate · 4 months
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I’m Tag, a regular in the Post Apocalyptic scene (yes that’s a thing lol), a satanic Hispanic tattoo artist and a Degenerate.
I’ve been attending the biggest post apocalyptic festival in the world, Wasteland Weekend and every satellite event I can creep to since 2013, and have no plans of ever stopping.
I belong to “The Degenerates” an official themed camp of around 16 debauch little beasties who delight in equal parts psychedelic whimsy and pagan displays of blasphemy. We have a wholesome good time pretending the world has ended.
We have a speak easy called “The Hung Monk,” a Clown, a DJ and a few burlesque dancers. It’s pretty lit.
I also have a YouTube channel called “The End Times” where you can see various rough footage of events as well as some of my outfit builds. My costuming was pretty cringe at the start and it still is but now in an intentional way I embrace and condone.
This year’s Wasteland is coming up in September and I’ll be posting my latest art/ build projects, camp Shenanigans and event photos here for your viewing pleasure.
Degenerates never sin alone!
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orange-cheetah · 3 months
Yanagida Jien (柳田慈円) Character Profile
Bofurin | Tamon Unit Secondary | 3rd Year
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School: Furin High 3-1
Height: 182cm | Weight: 72kg | Birthday: 18 June | Constellation: Gemini | Blood type: A
Image colour: Willow [#ADCA80 - see below]
Likes: Smell of incense | Dislikes: Vehicles in general (gets dizzy easily)
Favourite food: Nukazuke [1] | Disliked food: Kimchi
Fashion style: Dresses like Jason Statham [2]
Hobby: Sutra copying
Favourite season: Spring | Favourite music genre: Psychedelic
Best subject: Classical literature | Worst subject: English
Special skill: Sutra chanting
Dream: Funny monk [「面白いお坊さん」 - if anyone knows what this means please let me know! ><]
Recent W (or L): Went to a test of courage at the graveyard even though he comes from a temple family; his father found out and got mad at him
Favourite place in Makochi: School
What they always do in the morning: Cleaning
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[1] Nukazuke (糠漬け) is a type of Japanese preserved food, made by fermenting vegetables in rice bran (nuka), developed in the 17th century.
Almost any vegetable may be preserved using this technique, although some common varieties include eggplants, daikon, cabbage, carrots, and cucumbers. The taste of nukazuke can vary from pleasantly tangy to very sour, salty and pungent, depending on the methods and recipe used or region, usually with a crispy, crunchy texture. Less common are fish nukazuke, found in the north part of Japan, using sardine, mackerel, puffer fish roe, or Japanese horse mackerel. (wikipedia)
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[2] Jason Statham is an English actor and martial artist. He is known for portraying characters in various action-thriller films who are typically tough, gritty, or violent. Statham has been credited for leading the resurgence of action films during the 2000s and 2010s. (wikipedia)
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loneberry · 1 year
From “The Flower Bank World” in the Avatamsaka Sutra
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The Buddhist Painting of Songgwansa Temple, Suncheon, South Korea (Illustration of Avatamsaka Sutra)
“Then Universally Good also said to the assembly, ‘In the land masses of this ocean of worlds are seas of fragrant waters, as numerous as atoms in unspeakably many buddha-fields. All beautiful jewels adorn the floors of those seas; gems of exquisite fragrances adorn their shores. They are meshed with luminous diamonds. Their fragrant waters shine with the colors of all jewels. Flowers of all kinds of gems swirl on their surfaces. Sandalwood powder settles on the bottom of the seas. They emanate the sounds of Buddhas’ speech. They radiate jewellike light. Boundless enlightening beings, holding various canopies, manifest mystic powers causing the adornments of all worlds to appear therein. Stairways of ten kinds of precious substances are set out in rows, with balustrades of ten kinds of jewels surrounding them. White lotuses ornamented with jewels, as many as atoms in four continents, are spread over the waters, in full bloom. There are unspeakable hundreds of thousands of billions of trillions of banners of ten precious elements, banners of belled gauze of raiments of all jewels, as many as sand grains in the Ganges river, jewel flower palaces of boundless forms, as many as sand grains in the Ganges river, a hundred thousand billion trillion lotus castles of ten precious substances, forests of jewel trees as many as atoms in four continents, networks of flaming jewels, as many sandalwood perfumes as grains of sand in the Ganges, and jewels of blazing radiance emitting the sounds of Buddhas’ speech…”
--From book five “The Flower Bank World” in the The Flower Ornament Scripture (Buddhāvataṃsaka Sūtra), translated from Chinese by Thomas Cleary. The various sutras were originally composed in Sanskrit and compiled and translated into Chinese in the 5th century CE. Thomas Cleary’s English translation is based on the Chinese translation done by the Khotanese monk Shikshananda (652-710 CE), who translated it at the request of the Tang Empress. 
I stumbled upon this sutra in the back of a book that included a ‘glossary of buddhist terms’ while at a Zen meditation retreat. Flower cosmology? That sounds like my shit. Since I didn’t have my phone I wrote the name down on a piece of paper and slipped it into my backpack. It really is as incredible as I imagined it to be.
“Alan Fox has described the sutra's worldview as ‘fractal’, ‘holographic’, and ‘psychedelic’”—yes.
“In the Huayan school, the teaching of interpenetration is depicted through various metaphors, such as Indra's net, a teaching which may have been influenced by the Gandhavyuha chapter's climax scene in Vairocana's Tower. Indra's net is an infinite cosmic net that contains a multifaceted jewel at each vertex, with each jewel being reflected in all of the other jewels, ad infinitum. Thus, each jewel contains the entire net of jewels reflected within.”
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dustedmagazine · 11 months
Airto Moreira & Flora Purim— Airto & Flora - A Celebration: 60 Years - Sounds, Dreams & Other Stories (BBE)
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This massive compilation tracks the intertwined careers of two pivotal figures in fusion jazz, offering three hours of music from pioneers Airto Moreira and Flora Purim.
Though both Brazilian, the two came from starkly different backgrounds, Moreira from the rural hinterlands in the country’s far south, Purim from a cultured Jewish family in cosmopolitan Rio de Janeiro. Moreira was famously self-taught, drumming for the first time as a young teenager when a travelling samba band was missing a percussionist (he did well). Purim learned music from her pianist mother and a large collection of jazz 78s, then trained on the guitar with bossa nova master Manoel da Conceição. The two met when Moreira’s Sambalanço travelled to Rio and Purim sat in with the band in 1965. The outfit, slightly reconfigured as the Sambrasa Trio, became the pair’s first collaborative project together.
Purim left Brazil in 1968, fleeing a repressive military government. She connected with jazz players—Thelonius Monk, Wayne Shorter, Carmen MacRae, Joe Zawinul, Cannonball Adderly and Stan Getz—soon after her arrival in New York City and by 1969 was touring Europe with Getz. Moreira followed her to the States in 1969, arriving in New York, then flying to join her in Los Angeles. In 1970, he was invited to play with Miles Davis, who was then beginning to incorporate global sounds into his music.
Purim was arrested on drug charges in 1971, in an ill-advised attempt to raise money for a musician friend Hermeto Pascoal. She went to prison in 1974, just as her career was starting to take off. She learned that she had been named Downbeat’s Female Jazz Vocalist of the Year for 1974 while in jail. She was released in 1975. Afterwards she and Moreira connected with Chick Corea and joined Return to Forever.
It’s an extraordinary story, but despite the tumult both artists remained productive. Purim and Moreira released a string of albums together, with Purim often singing on Moreira’s releases and Moreira playing percussion on hers. BBE’s retrospective includes music released from 1964 through 1996, from earthy, percussion-heavy samba to cerebral fusion jazz anthems to airy new age meditations.
What strikes you first is that Purim and Moreira were very different artists. Purim’s high, extraordinarily agile soprano put a cool, sophisticated gloss on everything she touched, while Moreira’s best work was gutsy, visceral and celebratory. Together, though, they had an undeniable chemistry. “Andei” from Moreira’s 1970 debut Natural Feelings, for instance, melds the swaggering, sauntering exuberance of Moreira’s percussion with Purim’s note-perfect buoyancy. “Light as a Feather,” perhaps Purim’s best known song and the title track to the 1970 Return to Forever album, follows silky smooth, nearly disembodied vocals through gnarly thickets of improvised sax, keyboards, bass (that’s Stanley Clarke) and, of course, percussion. “Oh Sonho (Moon Dreams)” incorporates some of Purim’s most angelic, inhuman singing ever (and that’s saying a lot), and it comes from Moreira’s psychedelic samba-jazz masterwork Seeds on the Ground.
Moreira’s latter work turns fractious and lo-fi, and indeed, the 1990s cuts included here—“Musikana,” “The Happy People” and “The Peasant Dance”—are among my favorites. Yet while punk-trained ears may balk at the glassy smoothness of, say, “Open Your Eyes You Can Fly,” there’s a lot of friction even in the interstices. Purim made Moreira’s grooves sound unearthly, and Moreira surrounded her with terrestrial warmth. It was a great partnership, one that has lasted 60 years and counting and that is very well documented here.
Jennifer Kelly
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Assigning LMK characters mushrooms part 4 (other parts r linked @ the bottom, cut off bcz this bitch LOOONGGGG):
Ok so rounding off w/ Tripitaka (if u wanna see other characters feel free 2 ask), this 2 is so funny 2 me, ok so monks used 2 eat this guy 2 achieve enlightenment but it’s literally poisonous & a psychedelic: Fly Agaric
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Bonus of Spider Queen and Scorpion Queen (didn’t originally do them but it feels awkward w/ only Tripitaka here😭), for Spider Queen we got Bamboo Mushroom bcz it looks like a spiderweb
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Scorpion Queen gets the Stinky Squid mushroom bcz it reminds me of scorpion claws
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Part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4 (u r here)
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witchyfashion · 4 months
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As tragic antihero, hubristic maniac or sadistic villain, the mad scientist is as familiar to the Gothic literary tradition as the seductive vampire or evil monk. Assembled here are ten thrilling tales of literature’s most brilliant and misguided minds; minds that strive for the unnatural secrets of immortality, artificial life and the teleportation of matter; minds that must eventually grapple with the bitter cost of their obsessions. From essential Gothic stories by Mary Shelley, E. T. A. Hoffmann and Edgar Allan Poe to later forays into the weird and psychedelic by E. Nesbit, H. P. Lovecraft and George Langelaan, the classic figure of the mad scientist is reanimated in these pages along with every untethered ambition and its calamitous consequences.
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ozimaniac · 1 year
[Genyatta Music Headcanons] 🐉🌕
I was thinking about what kind of music Zen and Genji like.
From his interaction with Lucio, it seems that Zen doesn't enjoy music, but that's probably not true. I'm guessing he just doesn't like getting blasted with random music while on a mission. (Like someone using speakers in public spaces.. can be quite annoying.) Zen just likes things in moderation.
Although Zen prefers silence most of the time, he can appreciate well-crafted music. Maybe he is familiar with traditional instruments and singing. (Monk chanting and such.) There is also something called "Omnic music", but we don't know what that is exactly.
I think Zen would also like psychedelic music and harmonies with voices or notes. (Usually psychedelic music connects electronic and traditional sounds and the repetitive parts and long instrumental solos are what makes it relaxing. Also most lyrics are about nature or spirituality.. or general trippy stuff haha.) ((Zen definitely owns a King Gizzard shirt and record.))
Genji on the other hand probably likes japanese pop or rock/metal. (He probably blasts all the Galneryus songs in his room and sings along enthusiastically!!)
I can imagine Zen doing his meditation routine in his room and all of a sudden he hears muffled music, then he sighs and gets up to take a walk. He tries to avoid confronting him at first, since he doesn't want to be a buzzkill. (Genji is just having fun, so he lets him be.)
However when Zen returns from his walk and still hears the music, he politely asks him to turn it down. (Or no tea for him!! Or cuddles!!)
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albonium · 3 months
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Jeppe Olesen has once again summed up one of Danica Patrick's podcast, his summary:
A “technical shutdown where computers and services will just go down” is coming.
Crashed UFOs will have a huge impact on our society. A quantum leap in technology.
David Wilcock has done over 100 episodes of “Ancient Aliens”.
The show has made him “a very public figure”.
Pyramids were built by aliens using anti-gravity technology.
Aliens have technology that allows them to turn stone liquid at room temperature, so they can sculpt it, “then when you turn the beam off it hardens”.
The Huaca del Sol pyramid in Peru was definitely built by aliens, because it’s so high up and it’s built from big rocks.
"To try to even suggest that somebody would have the time or the patience to carve that is ridiculous. It had to have been that the stones were levitating and just kind of mushed together because they were soft”.
It really bothers Danica when people think there’s “no proof that there’s obviously been other technology”. Like aliens. Or a more sophisticated race.
The aliens or the more sophisticated race “had resets based on being wiped out or some other sort of technology that would reset us”. “The proof is everywhere. All you have to do is just walk around any European city. Walk around Egypt for a second”.
“The proof is everywhere and I just don’t understand why people wonder so much, so how can we be so blind?”. I can’t make more sense of this Danica rant than that 🤷
David Wilcock read a book about body language in the 7th grade, so he can learn things people don’t want to tell him by just looking at their bodies and their faces.
If a woman crosses her hands or legs, she’s trying to drive a man away.
The History Channel is spending over $350,000 per episode of Ancient Aliens, which proves that people just want to be part of “a group consciousness”.
Ancient Aliens have become mainstream, but we’re still not adding that to school textbooks.
There are global companies, government and egos controlling the media, the banking systems and “the commodities of the earth” who are better off by us not knowing.
Yep, the reptilians make an appearance here too. They are the ones in power.
A lot of the concepts of The Matrix applies to our universe. Is it even real?
The whole universe is just blinking on and off, like a 30 frames per second movie.
One of the first times Danica tried edibles, she kept saying “I’m losing frames, I’m losing frames”.
Psychedelics will lower the frame rate in your brain, so you can actually see the frame rate of the universe. I guess that proves it’s a simulation, and that the aliens need to upgrade the universe’s GPU.
The nature of reality is “everything is just frames. It’s not like we’re a continuous motion”.
When you’re sleeping, you’re not in your body.
The Bible says that “The word was God and the word was with God”. “So wait a minute… The word was God and the word was with God so the esoteric explanation of that, is that we have a conscious universe”
Stars are intelligent super-beings.
Karma is real. If we love each other, you won’t be in a car crash or go bankrupt.
Buddhists can turn into superheroes after meditating and not having any angry thoughts for 13 years.
The Catholic church and the military have observed Tibetan monks transitioning into “rainbow bodies”, where the monk passes away, but then the body begins de-aging and rainbows appear all around the body and the building, and the dead monk appears as a ghost.
The sarcophagi in pyramids are technological devices that can create rainbow body activations.
The measurements of the Ark of the Covenant are precisely identical to the sarcophagus in the King’s chamber in The Great Pyramid according to the Old Testament.
Pyramids can cure cancer.
David Wilcock lives in a log house pyramid. You don’t want metal in your pyramid - “it’ll absorb these unique fields”. The same fields that cure cancer, apparently.
David Wilcock has spent many years developing credibility online, as a person who talks about UFOs. He had a website in 1999.
There are Americans in bases spread across 63 different locations in our galaxy. There are facilities on the Moon and on Mars.
We are actively in contact with aliens. They interact with us like the Cantina scene from Star Wars, like a Galactic Federation.
There's a binder that describes 57 different variants of aliens who are visiting earth right now. There’s upward of 100,000 aliens on earth at any given time. They look almost like humans. Some may have bigger eyes. Some may be bald.
The body scanners at airports also detect aliens for immigration purposes.
We have treaties with the Galactic Federation, so the aliens don’t pose a danger to us.
Except for the aliens from Orion, who want to “move in on [earth] and try to set up their own trailer park”.
The Orion aliens are reptilians who look human-like.
David Wilcock does not believe in shape-shifting reptilians. That’s where he draws the line, huh?
There’s a rule in our universe, that allows angels to show up in the room and meet you in person. Unfortunately, that also means demons can show up.
At this point they spend 45 minutes talking about Satanic rituals, Lucifer, angels, visions, etc. I’m not even going to try explaining that.
I managed to catch that the Jesuit Christian sect has “25% alien DNA”. A lot of us on Earth do.
If you have a lot of alien DNA, you can’t be brainwashed with propaganda.
We are descendants of aliens.
Hollywood has programmed us to be sheep.
There’s a beautiful, peaceful planet less than 10 lightyears away, that has “a bunch of very peaceful, cool people living there”.
If people had thrown Clinton out of office over the Monica Lewinsky affair, the world would have ended in an extinction level event in 1998. The archangels told David so (You can conveniently read all about it in his books).
“If the negative got it’s way, you’re going to basically have reptilians running a prison planet zapping you with the equivalent of electronic cattle prods”
The aliens allowed the whole covid thing to play out. It saved us from a catastrophic end of the world. David Wilcock predicted the covid pandemic in the 90s because he saw it in his dreams.
“… then 9/11 in September 2001, these events actually saved our planet, because like when JFK Jr got assassinated I could tell it wasn't just a random crash”.
“Why would they be going after Trump so much and what is it that they're trying to stop from happening?”
Take her off the broadcast ffs 😭
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mondoradiowmse · 5 months
04/17/24 Mondo Radio Playlist
Here's the playlist for this week's edition of Mondo Radio, which you can download or stream here. This episode: "All I Can Do Is Shout", featuring classic garage rock and more. If you dig it, don't forget to also follow the show on Facebook and Twitter!
Artist - Song - Album
The Trashmen - Surfin' Bird (Live) - Teen Trot
The Trashmen - Walkin' The Dog (Live) - Teen Trot
Sam The Sham And The Pharaohs - Wooly Bully - The MGM Singles
Sam The Sham And The Pharaohs - Ring Dang Doo - The MGM Singles
? And The Mysterians - 96 Tears - The Best Of ? And The Mysterians: Cameo Parkway 1966-1967
? And The Mysterians - Shout (Part 1 & 2) - The Best Of ? And The Mysterians: Cameo Parkway 1966-1967
The Sonics - Leave My Kitten Alone - Introducing The Sonics
The Sonics - I'm A Man - Introducing The Sonics
The Swamp Rats - Psycho - Back From The Grave, Vol. 1
The Alarm Clocks - Yeah - Back From The Grave, Vol. 1
The Mods - Satisfaction - Back From The Grave, Vol. 2
The Unrelated Segments - Cry, Cry, Cry - Back From The Grave, Vol. 2
Los Saicos - El Entierro De Los Gatos - Más Rock And Roll
Los Sinners - Rebelde Radioactivo - Más Rock And Roll
Jeff Wilkinson - 2 Ft. High Umbrella Man - Pitchin' Pennies
Shadows Of Knight - Gloria - Highs Of The Sixties
The Standells - Dirty Water - The Best Of The Standells
Paul Revere & The Raiders - I'm Not Your Stepping Stone - The Essential Ride: '63-'67
The Knickerbockers - Lies - Highs Of The Sixties
The New Colony Six - A Heart Is Made Of Many Things - Breakthrough
The Barbarians - Take It Or Leave It - Collector's Records Of The 50's And 60's, Vols. 19 & 20
The Music Explosion - Sunshine Games - Collector's Records Of The 50's And 60's, Vols. 19 & 20
The Five Americans - I See The Light - Garage Rock Classics
The Turtles - Outside Chance - Garage Rock Classics
The Beau Brummels - Laugh, Laugh - '60s Rock: The Beat Goes On
The Robbs - Cynthia Loves - The Robbs
The Robbs - Bittersweet - The Robbs
Syndicate - Next 21st Of May - Psychedelic States: Wisconsin In The 60s
Gorde's Horde - I Don't Care - Psychedelic States: Wisconsin In The 60s
The Count Five - Psychotic Reaction - Nuggets, Vol. 1: The Hits
Moving Sidewalks - 99th Floor - The Roots Of ZZ Top
Blues Magoos - Rush Hour - Electric Comic Book
The Chocolate Watch Band - Are You Gonna Be There (At The Love In) - Summer Of Love, Vol. 2: Turn On - Mind Expansion & Signs Of The Times
The Troggs - Feels Like A Woman - Freakbeat Freakout
The Creation - Making Time - The Best Of The Creation
The Luv'd Ones - Truth Gotta Stand - Truth Gotta Stand
The Luv'd Ones - You'll Never Know - Truth Gotta Stand
The Electric Prunes - I Had Too Much To Dream (Last Night) - The Complete Reprise Singles
The Thirteenth Floor Elevators - Slip Inside This House - 7th Heaven: Music Of The Spheres - The Complete Singles Collection
The Thirteenth Floor Elevators - Reverbaration (Sic) (Doubt) (Riviera EP Stereo Mix) - 7th Heaven: Music Of The Spheres - The Complete Singles Collection
The Seeds - Evil Hoodoo - Pushin' Too Hard/First
The Velvet Underground & Nico - Run Run Run - The Velvet Underground & Nico
The Monks - I Hate You - Dirty Water: The Birth Of Punk Attitude
The Stooges - 1969 - The Stooges
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worldhistoryfacts · 1 year
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Some of the most spectacular Buddhist artifacts in the world have been found in a network of caves in the hills near Dunhuang, China.
Over time, the outside world lost track of the treasures that existed there. The broader world became aware of the treasures in Dunhuang around the turn of the 20th Century.
Though Buddhist monks no longer occupied the caves, an itinerant monk named Wang Yuanlu had taken on the responsibility of caring for the temple complex. He worked to explore and restore the caves in the late 19th Century. Wang’s most famous discovery was the so-called Library Cave, which contained a trove of documents that had been sealed for almost a millennium. Most of these documents were eventually carted off by foreigners.
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