#Proximo Restaurant
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streets-in-paradise · 2 months ago
One thing I noticed is how curious it is that every old man Maximus works for ends up wanting him to live up his legacy.
At the begging of the film, it's Marcus Aurelius trusting him his power to restaure Rome. Later, Proximo guiding him on how to succeed as a gladiator because he sees he could be the next him.
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ivanreycristo · 2 years ago
VIRGINIA MAESTRO..sabes como supe la EXISTENCIA del IPHONE de APPLE..pues xq me lo enseño en PRIMICIA en ROMA mariano Garci_martin de MERCADO [trabajaba en el quebrado BANCO MADRID de la plaza MARGARET THATCHER junto al desaparecido HARD ROCK CAFE y lo conoció mi padre en un Palco privado del BERNABEU de su amigo Julián LOPEZ NIETO dueño de REDISLOGAR q también lo invitaba al TEATRO REAL y al q nos encontramos en el oLIMPIcO de ROMA cuando fuimos a ver al REAL MADRID en febrero de 2008 jugar vs A.S. ROMA..pero lo "EVITA+RON" pues fue al 1ero q acudí cuando estalló el enfrenta_miento con mi padre o su empresa..y me dijo q CUANTO DINERO QUERIA para solucionar el CONFLICTO y que lo pusiera en un PAPEL para dárselo a mi PADRE pues el PAGARIA x TRANQUILIDAD Y CUESTION DE IMAGEN jaja..y le dije que no soy un EXTORSIONADOR NI UN GILIPOLLAS y q el verdadero PROBLEMA lo tenía el NOTARIO GERARDO MUÑOZ DE DIOS x LEGITIMAR mi FIRMA FALSIFICADA para sustituirme x TESTAFERRO CANDIDO LOPEZ_MEJIAS q figuraba en DECENAS DE EMPRESAS QUEBRADAS CON DEUDAS EN LA SEGURIDAD SOCIAL y la jueza ARANZAZU IRUROSQUI VARGAS q lo tapo]..pues se lo trajo de MANHATTAN [=LA GRAN MANZANA] días antes .
X cierto..fuimos a ROMA a ver al REAL MADRID [q también jugo el 11_$ en ROMA] tal como le VATICINE a mi padre en el VATIKANO el día de la PROSTITUCION ESPAÑOLA [6_dic_07] cuando me dijo q el PROXIMO PARTIDO DE REAL MADRID en EUROPA lo veríamos x lo q le dije q VOLVERIAMOS A ROMA y acerté xq luego en el SORTEO le tocó A.S. ROMA y eso que en la fase de grupos jugo contra el otro equipo de ROMA como es el LAZIO pues de hecho días después jugaron en el BERNABEU x lo q fui junto a su ex_dueño CRAGNOTTI [aunque ya no lo era xq estaba procesado x traspasar dinero de sus empresas de alimentación al futbol] en el vuelo de IBERIA de ROMA A MADRID y en clase BUSSINESS xq para MI no había TURISTA como si la hubo para mis PADRES [x cierto..su último viaje antes del DIVORCIO]..pues llegamos a ROMA el 5_12_07 día q murió el hermano pequeño de FLORENTINO PEREZ de CANCER yendo a comer directamente a un restaurant decorado con FOTOS DE FUTBOL destacando la de ITALIA como recien campeon del MUNDO en BERLIN y que estaba junto al COLISEUM [donde desapareció el Coloso de NERON con los ATRIBUTOS DEL SOL quedando solo su PEDESTAL q fue destruido en 1936 cuando empezó Guerra civil española con ALFONSO XIII en ROMA tras su EXILIO]
..y lo más importante o revelador de todo esto es q fotografié a mi padre sin querer [mirando en sentido opuesto al resto] y sin saber q fotografiaba en el VATIKANO como era la TUMBA DE ALEJANDRO VII q no tiene SARCOFAGO sino unas PUERTAS DE ATRAS con la MUERTE Y UN RELOJ DE ARENA encima así como rodeado de las 4 VIRTUDES como la PRUDENCIA o LA VERDAD q es una MUJER DESNUDA q abraza al SOL y pisa la BOLA DEL MUNDO x INGLATERRA simbolizando al parecer q quería frenar el ANGLICANISMO q fundó la REINA VIRGEN o ISABEL I la última TUDOR q nunca se CASO e inició la conquista de AME_RICA del NORTE fundando como 1era colonia VIRGINIA conocida como MADRE DE PRESIDENTES xq en ese ESTADO nacieron 4 de los 5 primeros y un total de 8.
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aroundfortwayne · 4 years ago
Video: Dr. Sutter on updated COVID-19 restrictions
New Post has been published on https://aroundfortwayne.com/news/2021/04/04/video-dr-sutter-on-updated-covid-19-restrictions/
Video: Dr. Sutter on updated COVID-19 restrictions
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On April 1, 2021, the Allen County Department of Health held a news conference to update the COVID-19 restrictions in Allen County, Indiana.
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five-miles-over · 5 years ago
‘Gladiator’ Characters as Brunch Foods
(Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters or images. This is just a fun listicle, not designed to offend anyone. Yes, I know many of these breakfasts were not invented during the Roman Empire. This is just a list of which ones they might be suited for. Without any further ado, please enjoy!
As always, please feel free to leave comments and/or constructive criticism below. Thank you!)
Maximus: Oatmeal
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Aside from my Maximus-is-boring conviction, oatmeal is considered to be one of the most healthiest breakfasts (even though it truly isn’t). 
It reminds me of Maximus because of his holier-than-thou attitude towards Lucilla and Commodus, which is not unlike how oatmeal claims to be better than other breakfasts. 
I don’t imagine Maximus putting anything on his oatmeal (because he’s boring!) but I don’t know - maybe I’ll be merciful and hope one day he decides to put some fruit or honey.
Lucilla: Yoghurt Parfait (next to her Bellini of course.)
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Just like a yoghurt parfait, Lucilla has many layers to her. While we first meet her as the princess of Rome, we are introduced to her many sides throughout the film: a loving daughter, a determined conspirator, and of course a dear sister. 
In addition, yoghurt parfaits may look healthy, but with the right amount of honey and sweet yoghurt they could be more sugary than a pastry. 
For Lucilla, I’ll paraphrase the Emperor’s quote - I would not want to be the enemy of this intelligent, powerful member of royalty. 
Marcus Aurelius: Frittata
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For those of you who don’t know what a frittata is, it’s an egg-based Italian dish that is like a tart but with no crust. Combined with meat and vegetables, it’s a brunch dish fried over low heat.
I think it’s perfect for the war-weary Caesar looking for some warm comfort in the form of a hearty dish and maybe a hug from his loving, strong daughter. 
Lucius: Crumpets with Jam and Butter
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These little English breakfast cakes are perfect for the pint-sized darling from Gladiator. Always delightful and irresistible, there is nothing wrong with a crumpet with butter in the morning. 
I can picture Lucius peacefully spreading marmalade or strawberry preserves on one of these while his family is unsuccessfully trying to break the tension at the table. 
Senator Gracchus: Avocado Toast
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Avocado toast, unfortunately, has a reputation for being a ‘pretentious’ and ‘overrated’ food (aka it has been considered ‘bougie’). 
Unlike this stereotype, the Senators are actually pretentious and a little overrated. Elected to represent the people of Rome, these members of the government seem to be a little too elite to understand the problems of the commoners (as pointed out excellently by Emperor Commodus.)
On that note though, I do confess to eating avocado toast at least three times a week. My apologies to anyone who likes avocado toast - it’s actually really tasty and a perfect option for vegetarians & vegans.
Quintus: Toast Soldiers
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Toast soldiers is just an informal name for strategically-cut pieces of toast served with a soft-boiled egg. These thin pieces of toast were said to be similar to soldiers in a parade. Typically, one would eat this by dipping the toast into the yolk of the egg, which would be somewhat runny.
I didn’t choose this dish solely because of the name, although I do think General Quintus would like his breakfasts to be immaculate and organized like his troops.
Proximo: Oysters Rockefeller 
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This is a rather unconventional brunch option, but in the U.S. it can be found in several upscale restaurants as an appetizer. These baked oysters are topped with a rich, butter-based sauce with herbs and breadcrumbs & garnished with lemon.
Proximo would certainly like these in the late morning, slurping these as he counts the money he made from yesterday’s gladiator games.
Juba and Hagen: A traditional English Breakfast 
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I don’t usually combine characters in a listicle, but I think this choice was just perfect for the both of them.
Also known as a ‘fry-up’, this breakfast is perfectly wholesome - just like these two characters, whose presence honestly make for some pretty good scenes in this film. It is obviously more than what the gladiators are fed in the film, but they really deserve it after all they’ve done.
Emperor Commodus: Eggs Benedict with a Bloody Mary on the side
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As you know, I always save the best for last.
Eggs Benedict is an American breakfast dish consisting of two toasted English muffins topped with poached-eggs, ham or bacon, chives, and Hollandaise sauce (egg yolk, melted butter, and lemon juice). 
The main reason I chose this dish for our Emperor was because of its complexity to make, but also I chose it for its history. This dish was invented in New York in 1894 when a hungover customer ordered the ingredients (toast, sauce, bacon, poached eggs). As many chefs adopted the dish, it became more gourmet over time and now is considered a luxurious item on menus. 
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And the Bloody Mary? Not only might it be similar to something Emperor Commodus might be muttering after a long meeting with the Senate, but this vodka-based cocktail might just be the perfect thing after a long night of wine and concubines (it is designed to be a hangover cure!) ...or reading papers from the Senate.
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downtownfortwayne · 6 years ago
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Fort Wayne Food Tours is back for another summer of history and dining. With tours lasting until early October, this is an experience you don’t want to miss. An interview with father-daughter team, Randy Harter and Sarah Arnold, proves that this year expects to be the best yet as participants experience a different flavor of Downtown Fort Wayne.
The 3.5 hour walking tour of DTFW includes tastings at The Gas House, The Hoppy Gnome, Proximo, and DeBrand Fine Chocolates. In between dining locations, enjoy interesting historical commentary and stops over a 1.25 mile loop from local historian, Randy Harter. This is a great opportunity to learn about the city's rich cultural and business history as well as current events and plans for the future of Fort Wayne.
Randy says, “My wife and I had been on food tours in three cities, and Sarah did one in Charleston. We always had fun and it was a great way to see the city on foot. With my history background, it is great to combine city history and good food. Plus, I love to eat so it’s a win-win.”
Sarah (a 2019 Forty Under 40 recipient) adds, “I started going to other restaurants to get it to work. The concept kind of came into play by researching all the big cities around us with cost, time, and finding the best way for that to make sense in Fort Wayne. We love the growth of downtown and the new restaurants popping up. We wanted to match that with the rich history of our city. We brought all of that together with these tours and we are so excited about the future.”
With tours that are limited to 12 people, it keeps the group intimate and interactive with each other. The tours start at The Gas House. “I started with The Gas House because they have a great parking lot. It was key to get them first. I remember stopping by, and I got about a sentence into my spiel and they were in. Ben Hall was all for it. The Halls are such a good family and are so important to what has happened in Fort Wayne’s history and will happen in the future,” says Randy.
Fort Wayne Food Tours are completely accessible for the public and have only been rained out once since they began. Booking a tour can be done easily online and they have numerous resources including an FAQ page. One thing to remember is to show up hungry. Randy and Sarah will take care of the rest!
Book a tour online!
by Stephen J. Bailey for your Downtown Improvement District.
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zsalad · 2 years ago
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- Lula Lá - Arte é política. Eu como artista sempre gostei de me expressar no gênero da ficção científica, que geralmente extrapola problemas atuais e se torna uma “cautionary tale” como se diz. Infelizmente estamos ultimamente tao proximos de certas distopias que não sobra muito espaço pra ficções. Pra tentar fazer minha parte e trazer algo mais literal, politicamente, acho necessário o posicionamento, escolher o lado certo, um lado que escolherá a vida, que escolherá os menos amparados, que escolherá a ciência, a cultura e também a sustentabilidade do meio ambiente. Que ja restaurou a economia no passado e tem uma dificil missão pela frente de refazer um país que em 4 anos regrediu mais de décadas, em grande parte por culpa do governo. Não ha escolha dificil. Só vem @lulaoficial ! #ldelula #lulala #pt #fanart #timelapse #procreate https://www.instagram.com/p/CikU8d9uB-x/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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vocesurbanasny · 3 years ago
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🚨 Voces Urbanas ny presenta 🚨 Mi Gente de KISSIME Florida El proximo viernes 8 de Octubre la cita es en candy restaurant donde se estara PRESENTANDO en vivo los artistas urbanos @edward_los_diferentess @joethekingbrand @youngluiofficial y muchas mas sorpresas ! . . . DIFRUTALO y COMPARTELO ! sigue las plataformas de apoyó @vocesurbanasny @elblogdelreggaeton  @vournyfashions  @obflowoficial . . . . . #explore #vocesurbanasny #elblogdelreggaeton #reggaeton #rapeton  #entreprenuers  #motivation #lonuevo #Losdurosconlosduros #entertainment #enterpreneurreggaeton #ecuadorurbano #emprendedoresmillonarios #ecuadorreggaeton #colombiareggaeton #inversionistas #disqueras #recordlabel #maikybackstage  #shakishaki #duradura #trending #colombiareggaeton #bloggers #blogreggaeton #lomasnuevo #traphouse #nuevostalentos (at Worldwide) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUtGj7qFMEP/?utm_medium=tumblr
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blueweave8 · 3 years ago
Vodka Market Trends, Share, Insight
A study, recently conducted by the strategic consulting and market research firm, BlueWeave Consulting, revealed that Global Vodka Market was worth USD46.2 Billion in the year 2020. The market is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 3.1%, earning revenue of around USD57.4 Billion by the end of 2027. Vodka is a distilled alcoholic beverage that comes in a transparent liquid form. The raw ingredients for vodka production include starches such as wheat and vegetables such as potatoes. Millennial consumers growing interested in cocktail culture is driving the growth of the global vodka market. Several key players are experimenting with innovative vodka cocktail flavors, which is encouraging consumers to explore more premium alcoholic beverages. Furthermore, many key market players are introducing new products to catch up with the fast changes in consumer preferences.
Growth Drivers
Increasing alcohol consumption among millennials
Millennials make up the largest segment of the US population. A good reason for the growth of the global vodka market is the rise of social media and the popularity of pubs and nightlife, both of which have increased the awareness of premium vodka products among millennials. Additionally, the increase in the spending power of consumers has boosted sales of alcoholic beverages across the world, including vodka. Moreover, due to Millennials' affinity for breweries, social events, and gatherings, vodka consumption has increased considerably across the globe.
Increased marketing and promotional activities
The growth of the global vodka market can be attributed to the increased marketing and promotional efforts of producers. Several players in the market have surplus capital to invest in campaigns for promoting their products and the image of their brands, as well as for developing strategies that help maximize their customer base. Parameters on which producers are promoting their products are flavor, calorie intake, packaging, variety, and others. Moreover, many key players in the market are planning new innovative marketing activities and strategies to endorse their brands, which is influencing the demand for vodka globally.
The major restraint in the growth of the global vodka market is the constant intake of alcoholic drinks which leads to long-term health problems like liver inflammation, rise in blood pressure, damage to heart muscles, problems related to kidney, weight gain, and much more. Additionally, strict regulatory framework and stringent approval process for alcoholic drinks in advanced countries are the major reasons, which are expected to restrict the growth of the global vodka market over the forecast period.
Request For Free Sample Report @ https://www.blueweaveconsulting.com/report/global-vodka-market/report-sample
Impact of COVID-19 in theGlobal VodkaMarket
The outbreak of COVID -19 has affected alcoholic beverage producers around the world. The pandemic has disrupted companies' supply chains and forced them to rethink their business models. As a result of the pandemic, the companies also started witnessing sales decrease. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and the nationwide lockdowns imposed by the governments of different countries, many restaurants, food service providers, liquor stores, hotels, and bars had been shut down. Consequently, vodka sales witnessed a sharp decline across the globe.
Flavored type occupies the largest share of Global Vodka Market
Based on flavors, the global vodka market has been segmented into Flavored and Non-flavored. The flavored vodka segment holds the largest share in the market. The companies are experimenting with many new flavors for vodka cocktails that are attracting consumers towards discovering more premium alcoholic beverages. In order to keep up with the rapid changes in consumer preferences, many prominent companies are launching new products. As there are now more varieties of vodka available to customers, the global vodka market is experiencing strong growth.
North America to Witness Significant Growth During the Forecast Period
Based on region, the global vodka market is categorized into North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East, and Africa.  The United States dominates North America's market share due to a growing demand for spirits among consumers and an increasing number of craft distilleries with regular product launches in the region. Moreover, there is a high demand for ethnic premium and super-premium vodkas, as well as flavored vodkas, which have craft and artisanal varieties, which has stimulated many countries to import the same, thereby boosting the region's growth in vodka. Moreover, regional players are also launching products that are subsequently driving the market.
Competitive Landscape
The key players in the global vodka market are Stoli, Proximo Spirits, CANADIAN ICEBERG VIDKA CORPORATION, Distell, Constellation Brands, Inc., Central European Distribution Corporation, Brown-Forman, Bacardi & Company Limited, Pernod Ricard, Campari Group, Diageo plc, Soyuz-Viktan, Tilaknagar Industries Ltd, Suntory, Russian Standard, GRAY GOOSE, Nemiroff, The Absolut Company AB, the UB Group, and other key manufacturers.
About Us
BlueWeave Consulting provides comprehensive Market Intelligence (MI) Solutions to businesses regarding various products and services online & offline. We offer all-inclusive market research reports by analyzing both qualitative and quantitative data to boost up the performance of your business solution. BWC has built its reputation from the scratches by delivering quality inputs and nourishing long-lasting relationships with its clients. We are one of the promising digital MI solutions companies providing agile assistance to make your business endeavors successful.
Contact Us:
BlueWeave Consulting & Research Pvt. Ltd
+1 866 658 6826 | +1 425 320 4776 | +44 1865 60 0662
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vivekbajaj-grs · 3 years ago
Global Vodka Market Research Report 2021 Professional Edition
The research team projects that the Vodka market size will grow from XXX in 2020 to XXX by 2027, at an estimated CAGR of XX. The base year considered for the study is 2020, and the market size is projected from 2020 to 2027.
The prime objective of this report is to help the user understand the market in terms of its definition, segmentation, market potential, influential trends, and the challenges that the market is facing with 10 major regions and 50 major countries. Deep researches and analysis were done during the preparation of the report. The readers will find this report very helpful in understanding the market in depth. The data and the information regarding the market are taken from reliable sources such as websites, annual reports of the companies, journals, and others and were checked and validated by the industry experts. The facts and data are represented in the report using diagrams, graphs, pie charts, and other pictorial representations. This enhances the visual representation and also helps in understanding the facts much better.
Download FREE Sample of this Report @ https://www.grandresearchstore.com/report-sample/global-vodka-2021-159
By Market Players:
Gruppo Campari
Pernod Ricard
Russian Standard
Central European Distribution
Constellation Spirits
Distell Group
IceBerg Vodka
Proximo Spirits
Savor Stoli
Shiva Distilleries
Soyuz Victan
The Wine Group
Tilak Nagar Industries
By Type
Type I
Type II
By Application
Specialist Retailers
Hypermarkets and Supermarkets
Independent Retailers
Convenience Stores
By Regions/Countries:
North America
United States
East Asia
South Korea
United Kingdom
South Asia
Southeast Asia
Middle East
Saudi Arabia
United Arab Emirates
South Africa
New Zealand
South America
Puerto Rico
Rest of the World
Points Covered in The Report
The points that are discussed within the report are the major market players that are involved in the market such as market players, raw material suppliers, equipment suppliers, end users, traders, distributors and etc.
The complete profile of the companies is mentioned. And the capacity, production, price, revenue, cost, gross, gross margin, sales volume, sales revenue, consumption, growth rate, import, export, supply, future strategies, and the technological developments that they are making are also included within the report. This report analyzed 12 years data history and forecast.
The growth factors of the market is discussed in detail wherein the different end users of the market are explained in detail.
Data and information by market player, by region, by type, by application and etc, and custom research can be added according to specific requirements.
The report contains the SWOT analysis of the market. Finally, the report contains the conclusion part where the opinions of the industrial experts are included.
Key Reasons to Purchase
To gain insightful analyses of the market and have comprehensive understanding of the global market and its commercial landscape.
Assess the production processes, major issues, and solutions to mitigate the development risk.
To understand the most affecting driving and restraining forces in the market and its impact in the global market.
Learn about the market strategies that are being adopted by leading respective organizations.
To understand the future outlook and prospects for the market.
Besides the standard structure reports, we also provide custom research according to specific requirements.
The report focuses on Global, Top 10 Regions and Top 50 Countries Market Size of Vodka 2016-2021, and development forecast 2022-2027 including industries, major players/suppliers worldwide and market share by regions, with company and product introduction, position in the market including their market status and development trend by types and applications which will provide its price and profit status, and marketing status & market growth drivers and challenges, with base year as 2020.
Key Indicators Analysed
Market Players & Competitor Analysis: The report covers the key players of the industry including Company Profile, Product Specifications, Production Capacity/Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin 2016-2021 & Sales by Product Types.
Global and Regional Market Analysis: The report includes Global & Regional market status and outlook 2022-2027. Further the report provides break down details about each region & countries covered in the report. Identifying its production, consumption, import & export, sales volume & revenue forecast.
Market Analysis by Product Type: The report covers majority Product Types in the Vodka Industry, including its product specifcations by each key player, volume, sales by Volume and Value (M USD).
Markat Analysis by Application Type: Based on the Vodka Industry and its applications, the market is further sub-segmented into several major Application of its industry. It provides you with the market size, CAGR & forecast by each industry applications.
Market Trends: Market key trends which include Increased Competition and Continuous Innovations.
Opportunities and Drivers: Identifying the Growing Demands and New Technology
Porters Five Force Analysis: The report will provide with the state of competition in industry depending on five basic forces: threat of new entrants, bargaining power of suppliers, bargaining power of buyers, threat of substitute products or services, and existing industry rivalry.
COVID-19 Impact
Report covers Impact of Coronavirus COVID-19: Since the COVID-19 virus outbreak in December 2019, the disease has spread to almost every country around the globe with the World Health Organization declaring it a public health emergency. The global impacts of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) are already starting to be felt, and will significantly affect the Vodka market in 2021. The outbreak of COVID-19 has brought effects on many aspects, like flight cancellations; travel bans and quarantines; restaurants closed; all indoor/outdoor events restricted; over forty countries state of emergency declared; massive slowing of the supply chain; stock market volatility; falling business confidence, growing panic among the population, and uncertainty about future.
Get the Complete Report & TOC @ https://www.grandresearchstore.com/consumer-goods-and-services/global-vodka-2021-159
Table of content
1 Report Overview 1.1 Study Scope 1.2 Key Market Segments 1.3 Players Covered: Ranking by Vodka Revenue 1.4 Market Analysis by Type 1.4.1 Global Vodka Market Size Growth Rate by Type: 2021 VS 2027 1.4.2 Type I 1.4.3 Type II 1.5 Market by Application 1.5.1 Global Vodka Market Share by Application: 2022-2027 1.5.2 Specialist Retailers 1.5.3 Hypermarkets and Supermarkets 1.5.4 Independent Retailers 1.5.5 Convenience Stores 1.5.6 Other 1.6 Study Objectives 1.7 Years Considered 1.8 Overview of Global Vodka Market 1.8.1 Global Vodka Market Status and Outlook (2016-2027) 1.8.2 North America 1.8.3 East Asia 1.8.4 Europe 1.8.5 South Asia 1.8.6 Southeast Asia 1.8.7 Middle East 1.8.8 Africa 1.8.9 Oceania 1.8.10 South America 1.8.11 Rest of the World 2 Market Competition by Manufacturers 2.1 Global Vodka Production Capacity Market Share by Manufacturers (2016-2021) 2.2 Global Vodka Revenue Market Share by Manufacturers (2016-2021) 2.3 Global Vodka Average Price by Manufacturers (2016-2021) 2.4 Manufacturers Vodka Production Sites, Area Served, Product Type 3 Sales by Region 3.1 Global Vodka Sales Volume Market Share by Region (2016-2021) 3.2 Global Vodka Sales Revenue Market Share by Region (2016-2021) 3.3 North America Vodka Sales Volume 3.3.1 North America Vodka Sales Volume Growth Rate (2016-2021) 3.3.2 North America Vodka Sales Vo
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leruffo · 4 years ago
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PROXIMO DOMINGO TE ESPERAMOS —Cada domingo te espero BRUNCH 11_11_restaurantandlounge Gracias a los que apoyaron hoy 🙏 (at 11:11 Restaurant & Lounge) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSDQkwtsakd/?utm_medium=tumblr
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gourmetaporter · 7 years ago
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Del proximo 4 al 9 de Junio estaremos participando en Alimentec 2018 así que están todos muy invitados a visitarnos en el pabellón 6 nivel 1 stand 234 para degustar y llevar esta deliciosa burrata y otras delicias mas! 😎😎🤤🤤. .
#alimentec2018 #bogota #colombia #restaurantesbogota #bogotafoodie #colombiafoodgblogger #EEEEATS #comida #food #foodblog #foodgasm #foodgram #instafood #foodlover #foodie #foodies #foodpics #foodporn #foodstagram #goodfood #ilovefood #instafood #restaurant #sharefood #yummi #gourmetaporter #mozzarellafresca #mozzarella #burrata
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voceaprendeagora · 5 years ago
AULA DE INGLÊS 371 A strange event
Aula + Quiz em http://www.voceaprendeagora.com/video/a-strange-event/382/ Aula do curso de ingles voce aprende agora a strange event (um evento/acontecimento estranho). A few years ago, while I was driving across eastern Canada, something very unusual happened (alguns anos atras, enquanto eu estava dirigindo a leste do Canada, algo muito diferente aconteceu). I still don't understand what happened (eu ainda nao entendo o que aconteceu). While I was driving at night through thick, heavy fog, I noticed flashes of light in the sky (enquanto eu estava dirigindo a noite sob grossa e forte neblina, eu notei flashes de luz no ceu). They were moving from the sky onto the road in front of my truck (elas estavam se movendo do ceu para a pista na frente do meu caminhao). I was driving slowly, and I couldn't see very well, but those lights were as bright as daylight, and they were blue (eu estava dirigindo devagar, e eu nao podia ver muito bem, mas aquelas luzes eram tao claras como a luz do dia, e elas eram azuis). It was definitely not lightning (definitivamente nao era raio). Now here's where the story gets weird (agora e quando a historia fica estranha). I was getting tired of driving in the fog, so I pulled off the road and stopped at an all-night restaurant for travelers (eu estava ficando cansado de dirigir na neblina, entao eu sai da pista e parei em um restaurante que fica aberto a noite toda). I walked in and sat down at the counter (eu entrei e sentei no balcao). When the server came to my table, she laughed and asked me how I got such a bad sunburn (quando a atendente veio para minha mesa, ela riu e me perguntou como eu tinha pego aquele queimado de sol). I didn't know what she meant, but my face suddenly felt really hot (eu nao sabia o que ela queria dizer, mas meu rosto de repente ficou muito quente). I went into the restroom and looked at myself in the mirror (eu fui ao banheiro e me olhei no espelho). My face was bright red! (meu rosto estava vermelho). I splashed cold water on it and held a towel to my skin (eu joguei agua fria e segurei uma toalha na sobre a minha pele). My hands were also burned (minhas maos tambem estavam queimadas). I was very puzzled and a little frightened (eu estava confuso e um pouco assustado). I went back to my table and ordered something to eat (eu voltei para minha mesa e pedi algo para comer). I was feeling weak and extremely tired, and I wasn't hungry anymore (eu estava me sentindo fraco e extremamente cansado, e eu nao estava mais com fome). After I forced myself eat a few bites of food, I checked into a nearby motel, where I slept for about 24 hours (depois que eu me forcei a comer algumas mordidas de comida, entrei em um flat proximo onde eu dormi por aproximadamente 24 horas). After that, I didn't see any more light flashes, and the "sunburn" on my face and hands disappeared after a few days (depois disso eu nao vi mais nenhum flash de luz e o queimado de sol no meu rosto e nas maos desapareceram depois de alguns dias). Even now, I wonder about those flashes of light (ate agora, eu penso sobre aqueles flashes de luz). I'll never forget them! (eu nunca vou esquece-los). Answer true or false (responda verdadeiro ou falso): The unusual event happened a few months ago (o evento diferente ocorreu há alguns meses). The man saw the flashes of light while he was driving one foggy night (o homem viu os flashes de luz enquanto ele estava dirigindo em uma noite com neblina). The server was frightened by the man's appearance (o atendente estava assustado pela aparencia do homem). The man didn't see any more light flashes after that night (o homem nao viu mais nenhum flashes de luz depois daquela noite). ✍Inglês Você Aprende Agora em casa, no trabalho ou viajando✍ Você decide onde quer estudar Inglês e nós disponibilizamos o conteúdo 24 horas por dia, 7 dias por semana. ============ ✅ Seja VIP e fale direto com o Felipe Dib (exclusivo) http://www.voceaprendeagora.com/seja-vip Você aprende agora mais rápido sendo aluno VIP Alunos VIP aprendem mais rápido porque tem acompanhamento em tempo real. ============ ✅ Salve as playlists favoritas ▶ Iniciante - aulas de inglês para iniciantes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ayr3d5q9Fuc&list=PLkeRgfDA-huo3dC_PRMY2l8GoFCn7twcE&index=1 ▶ Básico I - Inglês para se comunicar melhor https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XCnbEXHVnKY&list=PLkeRgfDA-hup-2AE1Bs4m6-PBeCXjCE7_&index=1 ▶ Básico II - Inglês para se comunicar melhor https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZTrdrNzfTU&list=PLkeRgfDA-huoL7a31AV9Z6wXWzXK73SZ3&index=1 =========== ▶ Site:  https://www.voceaprendeagora.com ▶ Contato whats: +55 (67)99646-1112 [email protected] =========== ✅ Seja VIP e fale direto com o Dib http://www.voceaprendeagora.com/seja-vip ============ 👉 INSCREVA-SE NO CANAL https://bit.ly/youtubevoceaprendeagora ============ See you next class!
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totellotioficial · 5 years ago
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*Um cobertor para todos* João 18:15-18, 25-27 . Sabe pq você deve amaro proximo? *…amem uns aos outros sinceramente, pois o amor cobre muitos pecados. 1 Pedro 4:8* Linus era um personagem na tirinha Peanuts. Espirituoso e sábio, embora inseguro, sempre arrastava seu cobertorzinho. Podemos nos identificar, pois também temos medos e inseguranças. Pedro conhecia o medo. Quando Jesus foi preso, ele demonstrou coragem seguindo-o até o pátio do sumo sacerdote. No entanto, Pedro começou a demonstrar medo, mentindo para proteger sua identidade (vv.15-26). Ele negou o Senhor. Mas Jesus jamais deixou de amá-lo e, por fim, o restaurou (JOÃO 21:15-19). . A ênfase que Pedro dá ao amor veio de quem experimentou o profundo amor de Jesus. Ele enfatizou a sua importância em nossos relacionamentos com a palavra “acima de tudo”. A intensidade do versículo segue com o encorajamento: *“Acima de tudo, amem uns aos outros sinceramente, pois o amor cobre muitos pecados”.* Você já precisou desse tipo de *“cobertor”?* Eu sim! Depois de dizer ou fazer algo do qual me arrependi, senti o terror da culpa e vergonha. E precisava ser “coberto” da forma como Jesus envolveu as pessoas desonradas e cheias de vergonha nos evangelhos. Para os seguidores de Jesus, o amor é um “cobertor” concedido graciosa e corajosamente para o consolo e recuperação de outros. Como receptores de tão grande amor, sejamos doadores de tal tipo de “cobertor”. . Pai, Teu amor, em Jesus e através dele, nos resgata continuamente. Ajuda-me a ser um instrumento do Teu amor salvador para os outros. Deus nos ama — Portanto amemos uns aos outros também! . Deus abençoe seu Dia! @totellotioficial . . #amor #likeforlikes #cabofrio #errejota #poesia #ame #cuide #valorize #instagood #love #seguedevolta #segue #devocional (em Cabo Frio) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8RaFQrlgO4/?igshid=veaosexmshzx
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kiguatemala · 7 years ago
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Cuando fuimos a Antigua y Monterrico, Jorsen nos llevó a probar Pollo Campero! Pollo Campero es un restaurante de comida rápida que se estableció en Guatemala en 1971, y ahora tiene barrios en mucho de Centroamerica, Mexico, y los EEUU. Realmente su sede ahora es en Dallas, TX. Hay unos en Houston, mayormente en el suroeste, pero hay uno en 1960 cerca de 45 si quieres probarlo! Desafortunadamente no hay barrios en Denver para Uds en Wyoming :( tal vez pruebalo en Houston cuando vine para nuestra boda el proximo verano jaja. Fue rico! Se especializan en pollo frito pero ofrecen varios tipos de comida, incluso muchas cosas de estilo guatemalteco.
When we went to Antigua and Monterrico, Jorsen took us to try Pollo Campero (which literally translated means Country Chicken)! Pollo Campero is a fast food restaurant that was founded in Guatemala in 1971, and now they have locations in a lot of Central America, Mexico, and the US. Their headquarters are actually in Dallas now. There are several in Houston, mostly on the southwest side, but there is one on 1960 close to 45 if you want to try it! Unfortunately there are none in Denver for those of you in Wyoming :( maybe try it when you come to Houston next summer for the wedding haha. It was good! They specialize in fried chicken but offer a wide variety of food, including a lot of Guatemalan-style sides.
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Cap II
- Grãn Eldon um dos comandantes da ODAE insiste em falar com o senhor.  
   - Qual deles?
   - É Alix, ele pediu especificamente pelo senhor,mas se...
   A voz foi calando-se de acordo com que o Grãn dirigia-se a sala de comunicações,Alix? Perguntava se seria ele mesmo, não era dado a importunar seus superiores,era um dos poucos ODAE que não sumira pela galaxia, mandava relatorios, os outros silenciaram-se a tempos, o que tedia a dizer que precisava ser dito a alguém tão acima dela na hierarquia? Estava fora a um bom tempo, vivendo seu ciclo em terra alienigena, procurava por algo, uma solução, uma esperança.
   Formas de vida inteligentes se organizam em sociedade, no topo da hierarquia tronco está o Mediam, um ser vivo com imenso intelecto capaz de conectar-se com a mente de outra criatura pensante de acordo com a proximidade fisica, quanto mais proximo,mais intenso o contato, por ser uma criatura antiga possuia uma quantidade quase ilimitada de dados e conhecimentos que transmitia a todos do planeta, era o principal pilar da paz e harmonia, para acessorar o Mediam e entrar em contato direto com ele, era necessário ser um Grãn, procurando por respostas, ou abastecendo-o com novas informações, enquanto a maior parte da população só o acessa durante o sono, ou melhor é acessado por elee tem suas ideias de violencia e distruição banidas do cortex cerebral,assim como qualquer informação que o Madiam não achasse necessario.  
 Graças ao Mediam não existiam brigas, nem guerras, discussões,pensamentos sobre injustiça ou revolta, foi assim por milênios ,até que celula por celula como toda criatura viva o Mediam passou a desligar,morrer. E esse fato deixou os Grãns com a questão: Como viveremos sem ele?
Após conversas, pesquisas e devido a eglosão do primeiro movimento revolucionário da história dos Troncos, decidiram que a melhor alternativa era procurar outras formas de vida inteligentes, já que a fonte ilimitada de conhecimento Tronco mostrava-se na verdade bem limitada, já que parecia desconhecer uma maneira de substituir a si mesma, não se lembrava de onde tinha vindo, como , nem pra quê... O fato que detendor de uma memória gigantesca e milenar, não lembra-se muito sobre si mesmo. Por isso foi criada a ODAE, centenas, milhares de Troncos lançaram-se ao cosmo desconhecido, procurando uma forma de salvar seu planeta da ruína,as viagens frustadas trouxeram doenças desconhecidas , os troncos que se afastavam muito tempo do Mediam adquiriam comportamentos estranhos, o povo os temia e odiava. Então foram proibidos de voltar, gerações e gerações tendo seus ciclos no espaço, o povo os esqueceu, eles se calaram. Até agora.
 - Alix, - disse o Grãn,aproximando-se do monitor , era possivel ver o comandante em solo alienigena, seu afinco com o uniforme de pesquisa era questinável e até inadimissivel na terra natal,mas era comum naqueles afastados do Mediam.
 - Grãn Eldon, eu não o incomodaria se não fosse ...Bem as comunicações podem falhara qualquer momento,mandei um apanhado de arquivos, não sei se estão corretos, não tive tempo de revisá-los devido a situação,mas bem, nós achamos, eu e minha equipe achamos...
 - Restaure. -gritou o Gran, teria Alix achado respostas? - o tronco que cuidava da comunicação encolheu-se , tentou de todas as formas possiveis reestabelecer a comiunicação, mas foi impossivel.
O arquivo começava com uma descrição simplista do planeta e sua atmosfera, sobre fauna, flora e depois ia catalogando com imagens pouco compreensiveis os feitos de uma especie local, dominavam uma leva de habilidades e possuiam conhecimento cientifico e tecnologico, deixando claro que se tratavam de criaturas inteligentes , possuiam diversos idiomas, dominavam a matematica, quimica, fisica, porem não havia sinal de um vivente da especie,apenas escombros de suas construções e uma serie de sinais transmitidos que causava interferencia na comunicação tronco,no relatório Alix pedia permissão para continuar a pesquisa..Um trabalho quase impossível com os poucos recursos que restavam,mas que ele esperava obter informações suficientes para comprar a entrada dele e de sua equipe de volta a terra natal,que alguns se quer conheciam.
 Os troncos afastados do Mediam eram um perigo, imagina aqueles que nunca sequer tiveram contato com ele? Que informação era essa que Alix acreditava possuir que valia uma barganha tão alta?Havia se criado tão selvagemente que aprendera a mentir? Ou acreditava naquilo que estava dizendo?
Eldon queria despejar essas novas informações no Mediam, mas os outros Grãns poderiam acessá-lo, o assunto Odae, era um tabu entre eles, respirou fundo, era sorte esses tais humanos estarem extintos, individuos pensando independentemente era algo perigoso... Teria sido isso que os matou? O povo tronco caminhava para a mesma independencia, não seria melhor ver como outros seres inteligentes viviam sem um Mediam e aprender? Tomou varios goles de uma substancia liquida, visgosa, que o impediria de dormir, era a única maneira de impedir que o Mediam tivesse acesso a informação, assim que pegasse no sono, a mente dele estaria a mercê dele e depois toda a informação seria transmitida ou acessada pelos outros grãns.  Decidiu que daria a Alix algum tempo para mandar material mais significativo.
     - Alix, seja rapido.
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industrystudyreport · 5 years ago
Vodka Market Research Report Including Top Players, Regions, Products, and Application, 2018 - 2023
The global Vodka Market is estimated to develop at a substantial CAGR for the duration of the prediction. The Vodka is a combination of filtered water and rectified ethyl alcohol. It is, conventionally the creation of purification of fermented grains or vegetables. Though, at the present, a lot of present varieties consume additional materials for example sugar and fruits.
The vodka can be consumed in various different ways such as mixed, straight or chilled using ice. The vodka is likewise commonly utilized in diverse beverages and combinations for example: -- Bloody Mary, Greyhound, Vodka Tonic, Martini, Moscow Mule, Screwdriver, Cosmopolitan, and Screwdriver.
The vodka brand “Smirnoff” is the world’s prominent brand as of now. Originated in Moscow in the year 1864, Smirnoff is manufactured by the British firm Diageo. It is likewise the most important vodka provider in the U.S.A. By means of the increasing beliefs of cocktail all over the world, demand for vodka is likewise growing. Vodka is very much in demand as an element in cocktails in bars and restaurants and bars. Additionally, new age groups are going away from the traditions of spree ingestion and like ingestion in varied methods. They create their individual cocktails by means of trade in alcohols for example tequila and vodka.
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The scope of the vodka market is increasing owing to increasing demand for first-class vodka and growing attractiveness of cocktail principles. The increasing demand for hard drinks from the millenarian and feminine inhabitants is likewise stimulating the development of the vodka business.
Owing to the growth in the per head earnings, usage of alcohol has turn out to be a prestige sign. This has led to the connotation of best brands by means of excellence and taste heading to a greater demand for first-class products, therefore clearly driving the market. The Vodka market on the source of Area with respect to Trades in terms of intake, Profits, Market stake and Development percentage for the duration of the prediction could span North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa.
The statement revises Trades in terms of intake of Vodka in the market; particularly in orth America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa. It concentrates on the topmost companies operating in these regions. Some of the important companies operating in the field are Russian Standard, Gruppo Campari, Brown-Forman, Pernod Ricard, Diageo, Belvedere. Additional notable companies are Tilak Nagar Industries, Suntory, Shiva Distilleries, Proximo Spirits, Distell Group, Central European Distribution, Bacardi, The Wine Group, Soyuz Victan, Savor Stoli, IceBerg Vodka, Constellation Spirits, Brown-Forman.
Browse Related Category Reports @ https://industriesstudyreport.blogspot.com/
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