#Protective Goku is scary
pitchouna · 4 months
Hiii soo... What about a soft yandere goku headcanons??
Yandere Goku x Reader!!
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Poor you.
Wouldn't it be scary to have one of the strongest beings of the universe a yandere?
You noticed Goku's behavior changing gradually. How he suddenly interrupted you if you were talking with another living being, his constant need to be by your side, he even started to train just a little less to spend time with you!! Which is clearly not normal. And everyone was thinking the same thing. Suddenly, one morning, you wake to find Goku standing over your bed, watching you sleep. Startled, you ask, "What are you doing, Goku?" He grins and replies, "I just wanted to make sure you were safe. I wouldn't be able to live without you..." He said in a unusual soft voice that made you feel uneasy as he kissed your forehead.You feel a mix of emotions as he kisses your forehead there was a sense of love and appreciation, but also a hint of uneasiness. Goku's behavior had been so intense and possessive lately, and that kiss felt like a reminder of his unwavering devotion to you, whether you liked it or not. You gently pushed Goku away and sit up on the bed, trying to compose yourself. You look at him, concern written all over your face. "Goku, I understand that you love me, but this possessive behavior has to stop. It's suffocating me." So he stopped, making you sigh in relief.
With each passing day, Goku's behavior grew more possessive and jealous. He would check your phone without permission, question your whereabouts even during work hours, and become upset when you spent too much time away from him. You tried to address his behavior, but he would dismiss your concern with phrases like "I just love you so much" and "I can't help but worry." You begin to feel suffocated by Goku's possessive behavior. It had gone beyond worrying and turned into a form of control. You tried to confront him about it, but he simply dismisses your concerns with lovey-dovey phrases, making it seem like his behavior is a sign of affection. You felt pressured to agree, as Goku's insistence and even his use of bullying tactics left you feeling as though you had little choice in the matter. With a heavy sigh, you grudgingly agree to watch his training session, feeling as though you're being forced into it through his possessive behavior. As you watch, Goku's training session started innocently enough, but as it progressed, you noticed how his eyes seemed to follow you constantly, making sure you were still there. There was a hint of possessiveness in his gaze. Even his training drills seemed to shift towards showcasing his strength and power, as if he wanted to demonstrate how he could keep you protected at all costs. Feeling uncomfortable, you couldn't help but feel like a valuable possession he was guarding fiercely.
"M-maybe you should stop training now right?.. You've been training for hours!!.." You said akwardly thought Goku do not notice your uncomfort. Which made Goku stop and looks at you confused. "Here! Take this bottle of water you did not drank since.." You got off of the rock you sat on, made your way towards him and handed him a bottle of water. This sweet action made him smile "Thank you Y/n for worrying about me! I love you so much!" He said about to hug you but this time you stopped him. "Y-you're full of sweat that's gross!!" You said which made Goku chuckle. But in reality, he was sad you refused to hug him. "Haha, you're right, I am pretty sweaty..." Goku laughed it off, his tone carrying a note of disappointment, but he understood that you were not comfortable physically, given his current state. He took the bottle of water demolished it, rehydrating himself after the intense training session. "Pwahhh!! Thank you for the water, Y/n. You're always so thoughtful!!" He said with a satisfied Huff making you forget about his weird behavior. "No worries Goku you need to stay healthy..." You've said in a sweet voice. "Now let's go back home you need to take a shower. You stink." You've said bluntly making Goku giggle.
One evening, you were out with friends, laughing and enjoying yourself, when suddenly Goku appeared, his eyes scanning the crowd until he spotted you. Without hesitation, he made his way over to your table, pulling up a chair and squeezing into the tight space next to you. Your friends exchanged puzzled glances, sensing something off about Goku's possessive presence and sudden intrusion. "G-goku?.. Has something happened home?..." You've asked in a worried yet confused tone due to his unexpected appearence. "No, nothing happened. I just missed you. I wanted to be with you, that's all." He replied, his hand finding its way to your thigh, causing you to stiffen slightly. Your friends exchanged glances, noticing the odd situation unfolding before them. "U-uhm it's cute of you but we'll see each other home later alright? I'm currently spending time with my friends and-" "No. I don't want to wait. I want to be with you now." His response was firm, and there was a hint of possessiveness in his voice. Your friends looked uncomfortable, sensing the strained atmosphere caused by Goku's possessive behavior.
You've sighed, disappointed of how the events turned. The happiness that you've finally managed to see your friends vanished, and was replaced with a hint of sadness that your friends noticed. "Alright girls, it was nice to see you all but as you can see I need to go now.. Have fun!!" You've did your goodbyes as you and Goku exit the restaurant. As you and Goku made your way out of the restaurant, the air remained tense. Goku continued to hold onto your thigh possessively, his grip not loosening. You couldn't help but feel suffocated by his possessive behavior, and your sadness turned into irritation. "Goku, is it really necessary to hold onto me like that? It's uncomfortable..." You expressed your annoyance, trying to maintain a level of calmness. "Hmmm fine... But let's hold hands instead!!" He said taking your hands in a firm grip. Despite your frustration, Goku's suggestion seemed like a compromise. Reluctantly, you allowed him to hold your hand, hoping this would alleviate the tension. You walked beside him, feeling a mix of annoyance and resignation at his possessive behavior.
On your way home a shop was being robbed catching both your attention. The police struggled against the robbers and you saw a young girl getting shot in the legs. Making you both you and Goku gasp in horror, your instincts made you run towards the little girl, getting out of Goku's grip making him surprised, he tried getting to you but you were a very fast runner. On your way towards the little girl, you got shot in the shoulders making you scream in pain, and it made Goku snap. His eyes widening in fury as you preshot what could happen next. You knew what this man was capable off and it was what scared you the most. "Goku!!" You've yelled in struggle due to the pain. "Whatever you're planning to do, don't do it!!" You yelled like there was no tomorrow, due to the pain and the fear of what would become the robbers. Instead, he did something you did not expect to, as he teleported and soon came back with senzu beans, giving one to you and the little girl which made you sigh in relief.
"Is everything alright Y/n?.." Goku asked firmly, but a tone of true worry could be heard. His eyes showed a fury that scared you. "Y-yes I'm alright now... Is the little girl okay?" You questionned him, as he nodded making you sigh in relief. But he turned towards the robbers mumbling, "I really do not want to do this.." in such a serious tone you did not like. "Goku wait!!-" You screamed but it was too late. He was already attacking the robbers, making them unconscious and then hitting them over and over, to calm his furry. Due to this bloody sight, the little girl ran away crying, and the police was left shocked, some officers went into their cars and left, some were just frozen. Just like you were. There was so much blood everywhere you wanted to vomit. Some of the officers left, passed out due to shock and some vomited. The robbers were probably dead now. No they are for sure, but you knew that wasn't going to stop Goku. He'll continue to hit them until we can't recognize their faces anymore. And that continued for minutes. There even was some blood on your skin and on your clothes due to how hard he was hitting their bodies, and you were too speechless to scream. You were frozen.
After 20 minutes of merciless hits, Goku finally stopes hitting them as he was breathing heavily. He got up, looking at the now unrecognizable corpses, they didn't even looked like corpses anymore. The sight was horrible you had a glimpse of Goku's face, it was very bloody, and his eyes looked so empty. It was void itself. This sight made you shiver. Wondering who was this man before you. Because it was nothing near the Goku you've known, you've married, you've loved and made children with, it was nowhere near the savior of the whole universe, no.. What you were looking at is a monster. He turned towards you making you yelp. He started walking towards you, your instincts made you back away. This sight of you made his eyes widen, as sadness was evident on his face. "Why are you backing away Y/n?.." He said in a heart-broken voice. You did not answer. Your voice literally disappeared due to the fear. He continued walking towards you, and you continued to back away until you hit the wall. He crouched to your level, and cupped your cheek in his bloody hand. Which made you yelp once more.
Goku smiled sweetly. "No worries Y/n... The danger is gone now! You have nothing to worry about anymore." How could someone speak so sweetly after making such a horrible murder?? "Why....?" You mumbled. Which caught Goku's attention. "Hm? What's up Y/n?" He asked confused. "Why did you do this??.." You've asked as tears started to stroll down your face. "Wahhhh!! Don't cry Y/n!! Shh shh... I'm here I'm here..." Goku hugged you and wiped the tears off your face, adding more blood on it. "And it's because they hurt you Y/n... If they didn't I would just have helped the police.. But they did so I had to put them in their place." He said in a sweet tone patting your hair, which also put blood on it.
"Oh, look how much of a mess we are now!!" Goku chuckled sweetly which made you even more uncomfortable. How could he be so calm?! The scene you just saw was so violent. It was not normal!! "Let's go home and take a shower together Y/n.." Goku said sweetly carrying you bridal style. As he tried to sense Goten's Ki to get back home. "Oh that's right, he's sleeping at Bulma's with Trunks today.. Well that's alright I just need to fly then!" He then made this way toward you house as you were still shocked. You soon passed out during the flight due to being traumatized, Goku pouted, thinking it was the fault of the robbers of hurting you, yet it was his. At home, he cleaned you and himself in the bath, the water becoming red. After finishing washing both of you, he dried you up, and then went to the bed, clinging to you like there was no tomorrow, and nuzzled his head in your hair, taking on your sweet scent making him soon fall asleep.
You woke up in the night not long after, you were sweating and breathing heavily, which made Goku woke up confused. Rubbing his eyes, he yawned and asked, "What's wrong Y/n?.." "I-I dreamed how robbers hurting me and a little girl and then you've attacked them brutally until-" Goku shushed you, taking the opportunity to let you think it was not real and patted your back. "It was just a nightmare Y/n... Everything's fine right now... I'm here..." He reassured you gently kissing your forehead, as your breath slowed down showing that his comfort worked. "Let's sleep now or else we'll wake up very late tomorrow alright?" You've hummed and nodded closing your eyes as Goku's arms went protectively around you, keeping you safe. He smiled knowing that he will sleep like a baby tonight.
After all, who was he to make you think your nightmare was the truth?
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WAHHHHH THIS IS MY LONGEST WORK SO FAR IT TOOK LE SO LONG TO CREATE IT!! HOWEVER REQUESTED THIS I HOPE YOU LIKED IT BC YOU MADE ME CRY. BUT IT WOULD BE A LIE TO SAY I DID NOT HAVE FUN HEHEEE Anyways guys, no worries I won't vanish away because I have so many request omg line I'm shocked? But feel free to ask some even if I have a lot!! Love u guys and take care <33
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esha-isboogara · 2 years
what your favorite jojo character says about you !
these are my takes on what kind of person you are based on your fave ;)
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jonathan- you’re way too good for this world and i will protect you with my life!! you always choose the “nice” option when you’re playing an rpg/otome. i bet you cry during movies. you’re a dog person but you’re not annoying about it.
speedwagon- you’re either the kind of person that has a waifu unironicly or you’re too afraid to disagree with other peoples opinions. you were for sure bullied in school for liking anime and never really recovered .
joseph- you think you’re the funniest person in the room but in reality have the sense of humor of a middle school boy and everyone thinks you’re annoying. you have no idea how to act in public
ceaser- you most definitely get bitches.
jotaro- you’re either too horny for your own good or youre the kind of person who automatically chooses the most basic mc because it’s the safest. you probably never outgrew your emo phase and i guarantee you read lots of hardcore smut in middle school.
kakyoin- you use the word milfs way too much. it’s actually kind of annoying. please shut up. on the other hand you know how to dress!! for some reason every single kak stan knows their way around fashion. your probably an avid markiplier enjoyer.
avdol- you had a crush on zuko in middle school and i bet you carry a lighter everywhere. you don’t smoke or anything you just carry it to carry it. you’re like super mature for some reason and you are the brains of the friend group most likely.
polnareff- you’re a bit dense but we love you anyways. you have zero clue how to express your emotions. please stop letting people trauma dump on you :( you don’t deserve it babe
iggy- shut THE FUCK up
josuke- you are the coolest person on earth. you have no flaws. you are a god.
okuyasu- you’re the dumb friend. i’m sorry to tell you like this but someone had to. you make up for your lack of brain cells with your big heart <3 i bet you know lots of random facts about uselessness things as well.
rohan- you’re the biggest bitch i have ever met/pos. you definitely had a devianart phase that you only outgrew because you got bullied or met some scary ass people on there. you’re kind of a weirdo but that’s what gives you your spice.
koichi- you act innocent and kind but you’re a bitch too/ also pos. i bet your AO3 history is full of insane amount of hard smut or hurt/bo comfort.
giorno-you’re either a dope ass person who’s actually super genuine and everyone wants to be your friend. OR you’re a super annoying anime fan who says shit like “but can he beat goku though”.
mista- you’re a stoner. i have not met a single fan of this man who does not smoke. you either smoke before every little thing you do and mention it to every single person on this planet. or you’re down low about it and just kind of go about your life.
narancia- you are still a child. you didn’t really mature correctly and i bet it’s because of some traumatic event that happened during childhood that forced you to grow up. please go to therapy i will be your therapist. also liking sharp things and setting things on fire is not a personality trait.
fugo- you’re a red flag but in a good way(?)you always try to see the best in people even when it’s clear they are the worst person on earth. you definitely have anger issues because you suppress your feelings until they explode out of you. you give really good hugs i think.
abbacchio- you either want a big titty goth gf or are the big titty goth gf. you never left your emo phase and you definitely had a behavior problem in high school. please stop dying your hair every month it’s going to fall out soon.
bruno- you’re most DEFINITELY the mom of the friend group. everyone comes to you with their issues but you’re too afraid to put your issues on someone else because you don’t want to burden them with your feelings.
jolyne- you are most DEFINITELY lgbqt emphasis on the L. you most definitely have issues with one or both of your parents.
hermes- COME OUT OF THE CLOSER PLS!!! we all already know you like girls just admit it we are going to love and accept you no matter what.
foo fighters-autism
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lyn4t · 27 days
Yandere Bardock sounds so cool! It’s a shame not many people write him lol! I would, but I haven’t seen either of his movies fully yet :/
I’m also on the hunt for Yandere Zamasu and Goku Black stuff because they are some of my absolute favorite villains in the shows!
I KNOW. I really think Bardock would be almost gentle with you (in comparison to other yandere) cause of course yeah,he wouldnt be romantic or things like that,I think rather that his would be more of a desire to protect you cause in his conception you are weak, and without him with all the dangers that there are in the world someone else would surely take advantage of you.
Completely different speech for Yandere Zamasu or Goku Black...I honestly feel the same way about them,but I think it's undeniable that they would be SCARY.
Think about what it would be like if your friends and family were suddenly all killed, with the perpetrators kidnapping you and babbling something about how "You are better than those mortals,you are not like them,being with them has only corrupted you"
creepy asf.
Between the two,if you ask me,I also think that Goku Black would surely be worse:more provocative,clingy,arrogant and lascivious
Really sorry for the late reply but I've been inactive for a while,have a good day^^
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minsarasarahair · 1 year
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I guess the reason why I love Vesper and Axel is probably because I love the “flawed grumpy older guy & dumb kid” dynamic. I just think its cute and one of my favorite platonic relationship in media. I love watching the older guy became soft because the younger one has too much naïve or positive energy. This dynamic is also good as comedy duo. 
Axel Syrios & Vesper Noir (Holotempus) - They are guildmates but their duo dynamic is close to funny father and son dynamic. Vesper is heavily implied as immortal being close to Vampire so his fandom call him Grandpa. Axel call him “Nowa-oji” in return as he display his kusogaki demeanor. I recommend to watch their Interview and Drunk Izakaya stream! I love their conversation there!
Carl Fredricksen & Russell (Up) - Grumpy old man who suffer from the loss of his wife goes to an adventure with a annoying but bright scout boy. I have watched this animated film so many times and its really good.
Genjo Sanzo & Son Goku (Saiyuki) - Buddhist Priest freed a monster who looks like a child. Turns out this priest used to be a god and his past self is the father figure of this child. Watch the ova about how his past self died protecting the child! Its very heart wrenching!
Yakumo Yurakutei & Yotarou (Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu) - A prisoner finally graduated from imprisonment and decided to become a storyteller. He then approached an old man who’s a storyteller but refused to take a disciple. The anime is completed and its very good!
Hank Anderson & Connor (Detroit: Become Human) - An old detective who suffers from the loss of his son and was forced to be partnered with an android. 
Jiang Cheng & Jin Ling (Mo Dao Zu Shi) - Grumpy strict uncle who look after his orphaned nephew. I love their last scene in the novel where the child called out his Uncle’s flaws but they still have great relationship nonetheless. 
Kou Reishin & Li Kouyuu (Saiunkoku Monogatari) - Uncle who casually decided to adopt a kid just because his beloved older brother adopted one too. Yes, his reason is dumb but because of this he thought having a child around is not bad at all so he decided to finally have one with his wife. 
Zhou Zishu & Zhang Chengling (Tian Ya Ke) - Retired spymaster/assassin is forced to watch over an orphaned child in his last days. I prefer their relationship in TYK novel than the WOH drama but the drama is decent tho. 
Zhang Zhiwei & Zhang Lingyu (Yi Ren Zhi Xia) - Skilled martial arts master and his obedient disciple. I like how mischievous his master is but also a very scary martial artist in that one ova where he took revenge and attack those who’s guilty in the death of his old friend.
Askeladd & Thorfinn (Vinland Saga) - Askeladd is the murderer of Thorfinn’s father. Thorfinn followed him to get revenge someday but to his surprise, Askeladd taught him to move on and live. Askeladd became one of the most important person in Thorfinn’s life. 
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girderednerve · 6 months
i am cringe but i am free
i am losing my fucking mind about vegeta dragonball, which is ridiculous. i know it is ridiculous. i am losing my mind about vegeta dragonball anyway. he's the worst. he's the original manlet. he's like if rage had legs & pointy hair. i hate him. he's the only man to me
the thing to me is that he's actually very brave, but it's a horrible kind of courage where he's running risks that no one else sees—goku has a very noble kind of bravery, he's got that heroic detachment where he likes being alive but he is completely fine with dying to save someone else and isn't afraid of that, only afraid of failing to protect those he cares for. vegeta has spent a lot of time being humiliated & failing desperately to improve his circumstances, so when frieza & beerus show up he knows exactly what those situations feel like; he is personally afraid of what might happen to him, because the worst outcome he sees isn't dying in a fight but instead being forced to live miserably, which he can't endure. his ridiculous & nonsensical pride is probably just what he's like, but it's made substantially worse by his being thwarted for years; he's always trying to get his own back, even when it makes no particular sense for him to be doing that. it's great. my fondness for vegeta hinges on a sort of genre adjustment, where one goes "okay well it is a shonen where goku could punch the world in half, everything is always at least one-third a joke, and shenron can just un-kill people no problemo," so i am not taking the mass murder seriously here because who cares in that kind of setting. but there is generally a gap between vegeta's actual ability to hurt the people around him & his perceived ability to control his own life, which often results in him behaving very badly. and his priorities are fucked, but then like, so are everyone else's, what is goku doing ever (i love him). he's very loveable to me. he's just so fucking mad all the time, and he never gives himself or anyone else a break; this isn't good behavior, but it's deeply sympathetic in this strange way.
anyway obviously i think he & goku are married & i like thinking about how that happens, because in dbz when vegeta shows up he's genuinely a scary opponent; i like that little scene of the saiyans eating their enemies raw, because it's very fucked up (dragon ball super, which i am watching for the first time now, is much tamer!). the frieza arc is a great time for people who want to be weird about vegeta, because he has some excellent moments in it—mostly when he dies, actually. i love when he dies in part because goku understands him perfectly, so there's closure. their whole weird deal builds out of being the only two people who share their specific set of pressures. goten & trunks like to fight, but goku & vegeta need it; violence is something else when they make it. goku's key trait is his detachment—there's no artifice to him, really, he strives for infinite accomplishment & the only things holding him on earth are his individual relationships & his willingness to stand between earth & destruction ("i am the light in the darkness! i am truth!"). but really he's just in it to be his best, and he accepts no limit. vegeta is much more grounded & practical in a way—more aware of the idea of limits, but stubborn about them, competitive, angry. i love this about him. i'm not sure he loves it about himself ("he made me what i am. don't let him do it to anyone else").
i had only seen vegeta staring into the rain as a meme and when i watched the scene for the first time i kind of lost my mind, because that's such a ridiculous, powerful declaration. without goku, there's no point in vegeta fighting ever again! he gives it up! and of course that's not what happens in super, but i am charmed by the idea that GT just picked that up and said, "well, what, you think he'd lie? vegeta? the most hardcore stubborn man to ever do it? you think he'd overstate what his relationship with goku meant to him? of course he kept his word." it drives me nuts to imagine! they both die a bunch, but they leave defining patterns behind. persistence to a fault.
but anyway they're also goofy assholes & bad husbands & worse fathers (i forgive goku here mostly but i have no idea how gohan does), so they're a great match! chichi is a difficult character to me because she's just a nagging wife punchline most of the time & it's difficult to see what either she or goku gets out of that relationship. bulma & vegeta make more sense to me, because both of them are vain & petty & hilarious & conniving. i can see how they would like one another. so i sort of want to sit there & poke it, like, okay, what kind of relationship would work for goku & chichi? and the answer to me is platonic marriage where chichi mostly hangs out with bulma & her other friends, piccolo is functionally her coparent (i like this because it is funny to me) and goku & vegeta do their intense thing on the side. when vegeta died the first time goku was like "now there's only me" and it's important to me that there isn't! they keep each other from loneliness. they make each other understood. crunch crunch crunch i hate my job
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zoeythebee · 10 months
If I ever had the time to make a comic it would be about a world where all nature is giant and humans are prey, and their cities and towns get destroyed so often that no real progress beyond midevil technology has been made.
Some beasts are magical, there is a girl who was raised by magical beasts and has latent powers.
There is essentially a massive organization of 'hunters' who offer protection from beasts in exchange for very steep pay, but in reality the hunters found ways to somewhat control beasts and use it for control.
Beast lady is a fisher-woman, which is very impressive because fish are massive, and she is very strong because of magical beast blood. She meets a dude who wants to be a priest, his religion says that you can hone your mind to a point of elightenment and rise into the afterlife. Unenlightened people simple die.
He is on a journey to visit teachers as a last task to become a priest/teacher.
He meets beast lady, and after her 'grandfather' (dude who found her as a young girl and raised her) dissapears after his town is destroyed by hunters, and agrees to help her find him.
Thus ensues an adventure of hiding from scary monsters and evading hunters, working on the secrets of the hunters, beast lady's powers, and the world itself.
There is fun magic stuff, basically beast lady's powers arise from when she is in high levels of stress. Basically she starts to revert to a more animalistic form.
Dragon Ball Z is my main inspiration. Beast lady is inspired by Goku, and priest guy is inspired by Bulma.
I'll never have the time to make this comic but if I ever do it would be cool.
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queenharumiura · 11 months
Kobedon from Goku as well 👁
Taken from meme: [x] ||Accepting|| @heartsglass
Haru had noticed them when looking up at a convex mirror that was attached outside of a store to help the owners check for people stealing their merchandise out front. Three shady individuals were behind her, but at a respectful distance that it wasn’t a cause for any alarms. Well, that’s what she wanted to believe, anyways if it weren’t for the fact it looked like they were staring at her if what the reflection in the mirror was telling her was right.
Not wanting to take her chances, she hastened her pace, but this turned into a full sprint the moment she noticed they were giving chase. Haru ran down the block, weaving through other people walking on the street. She could’ve swore she heard one of them telling her to stop running, but that only made Haru want to run faster. She turns her head to look back at them, “Hahi! Haru doesn’t know why you’re chasing her, but stop it!” Haru knows people, you know? Push your luck too far and you’ll regret bothering her!
She doesn’t recognize them, and they looked shady as hell. An arm suddenly juts out in front of her and she bumps right into someone’s chest. Stunned, she’d guided effortlessly up against a wall. She realizes then that she’d just bumped into Gokudera, who had witnessed her being chased by 3 shady men. All Haru can focus on is the fact that Gokudera was protecting her at the moment—has she ever mentioned how attractive it was when he’s defending someone? No? Well, let it be known now.
-“Haru-san?” Haru stops focusing on Gokudera’s face to address the one who called her name. “Eh? How do you know Haru’s name? Haru doesn’t know you at all.”
It wasn’t like she announced her own name for all to hear moments prior, right?
“Aniki asked us to come find you so he could thank you for your help before. You may remember visiting the Shiroiyuri-gumi before?”
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Haru thinks about it, “Ah! If you were here to ask for Haru’s time, shouldn’t you have been less shady about it? It’s scary for anyone to be tailed by three Yakuza! Whatever happened to saying hello instead of tailing her and staring at her suspiciously?” Haru has a major gripe now. “What was his name again… Toshiro-san? Tell him to come find Haru himself if he wants to talk.”
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erimeows · 2 years
Yukon (NSFW)
It’s half past one in the morning when Gohan pulls up to Piccolo’s humble abode in the shitty white pick up that the Namekian always rolls his eyes at. They can both fly, so he isn’t sure why the half-Saiyan insists on using a human vehicle, but he never questions it out loud.
Perhaps it’s one of Gohan’s many attempts to escape his capabilities and fit in with the other humans, or perhaps it’s a more convenient choice that Piccolo simply can’t wrap his head around. Piccolo is just thankful that Bulma thought to install a driveway for the tiny capsule house that she insisted on giving him to put in the middle of the forest by Goku’s home after the defeat of Cell. 
Piccolo has been antsy for the last half hour or so. He woke up to the feeling of Gohan’s intense ki heading his way and decided to wait by the window of his dining room. He doesn’t need to sleep, anyway, but without Gohan to train with and without any big space emperors or scary androids or pink blob monsters to defeat, the days go by too slowly for his liking. So, he sleeps through them.
As the Namekian sits at the window with a cup of hot tea and stares into the vast forest, a sigh falls from in between his lips. He knows that when Gohan comes to the door, he’s going to have to go out there and spar with him- not that it’s a bad thing, but it’s freezing cold and snow is falling from the clouds above them to cover the lush grass and trees in a thin blanket of white. It’s going to be a stark contrast to the mug of tea in his hands and the warm, cozy bed he was in less than an hour ago.
Yet, he finds that he’s excited about seeing his former protege, because when is he not? Even though he tries to hide it, he can hear Nail in the back of his mind, teasing him about just how fast he gets up from his spot at the table to answer the door. 
The door opens with a light swoosh from the wind outside. In front of Piccolo stands Gohan, who’s dressed head to toe in a beige winter set with a dark brown coat, a big beanie, earmuffs, and a matching scarf. Gohan’s square, silver-rimmed glasses compliment the little pieces of raven hair that peek out of the beanie’s hems as well as his big onyx eyes and rosily flushed skin.
They both try to speak at the same time, only to stop. Awkward silence ensues.
Piccolo’s heart races.
‘Your feelings for him aren’t the same anymore. Something’s different. What’s going on with you? Your heart is racing.’
‘Shut up, Nail.’
Oh, how time changes things. 
“Do you wanna spar?” Gohan finally asks while scratching the back of his neck and averting his gaze.
Piccolo steps outside into the bitter cold and follows Gohan out into the forest. The snow continues to fall, hard and fast, blown into their eyes by the billowing wind. They make it to a rather heavily forested area that offers them some protection from the harsh climate, and yet, Gohan still seems bothered by it as they start to dress down.
“Ugh, I can barely see shit,” Gohan complains with a small laugh. He continues to do so as he removes his beanie, glasses, gloves, earmuffs, and scarf. Everything else, as inconvenient as it is to fight in, he leaves on. Piccolo stays mostly dressed as well, only dropping his weighted gear before getting into a comfortable fighting stance. “This snow’s really heavy…”
Piccolo rolls his eyes. 
Gohan transforms in the blink of an eye, a smile on his face as he does. Kempt raven locks shoot straight up and glow platinum blond. That familiar onyx, darker than the night sky, shifts into a shade of seafoam that’s reminiscent of an emerald ocean. The calm pitch of dusk is momentarily interrupted by the flashes of gold and white that ripple from Gohan’s Super Saiyan form. 
Even after all these years, that form of Gohan’s still has Piccolo in awe at its beauty. 
Or maybe it’s just Gohan himself. After all, Piccolo has never gawked at Goku, Vegeta, Trunks, or Goten, nor has he found any of them haunting every dream and waking moment of his. He’s never thought of them as gorgeous golden gods like he has with Gohan. 
Fuck, he should stop. In fact, he should have stopped this years ago, but he hasn’t. 
The Namekian stands still for a moment, and then, Gohan is darting forward. 
Following a half hour of sparring, Piccolo and Gohan find themselves laying on the snow-dusted grass and staring up at the sky. Both of them are still much stronger than an average human, but they’re out of shape and out of practice. Ten years ago, they would’ve been able to spar for hours without breaks. Now, neither of them could last even one hour. Piccolo can’t help but laugh at that dim reality as the sound of the waterfall rushing down a few yards away echoes in his ears in perfect sync with Gohan’s breathy chuckles. 
They sit up at the same time. Gohan’s platinum blond locks and seafoam eyes revert back to raven and onyx. Piccolo dares to look Gohan in the eye and gulps when their gazes meet. Onyx burns into charcoal, and Piccolo swears he isn’t functioning right because of it. So, he looks away. 
Gohan rests his head against Piccolo’s shoulder. It’s warm and soft just like the half-Saiyan himself. When Gohan was younger, Piccolo would’ve either shoved him off and bitched about it or subtly moved away. Nowadays, however, he appreciates the gesture and goes as far as to encourage it by wrapping an arm around Gohan’s body and pulling the ravenette into his side.
The snow continues falling, a little lighter now. It starts to die down at the same time that Gohan starts to doze off.
Piccolo thinks back to a conversation he and Goku had a few years ago. They aren’t friends. They’ve never been friends, really- more like forced allies, two people who understood each other but could never agree on much aside from common goals. Brothers in arms, perhaps. Regardless of the odd nature of their relationship, they’ve had conversations as if they were the best of friends, because when you’re a warrior like Goku or an outlier like Piccolo, your choice of people to converse with is limited.
It was a weird conversation, mostly consisting of Goku going on a rare philosophical ramble about what love really means and asking Piccolo for his opinion after expressing that he himself once thought that love was some sort of food. Though the Namekian was tempted not to answer the inquiry at the time, he knew that Goku didn’t have any bad intentions, so he knew there was no harm in doing so. Hence, he told Goku what he thought love was.
And, to him, love is the only thing that motivates people to change. Love is something that makes those who feel it rearrange every little piece of themselves to make room for pieces of the people they love; for their loved ones’ hobbies, goals, wants, and needs. After all, Gohan is the only one Piccolo has ever bothered listening to talk about subjects as boring as quantum physics or advanced trigonometry. Gohan is also the only one that Piccolo would drop everything to spend time with, and the only one that Piccolo tries to make happy.
So, all in all, Gohan is the only one he’s ever really loved. That discussion with Goku so long ago made him realize that, but he’s shoved it all down into the depths of his subconscious in a failed attempt to make it go away.
Years have passed. Gohan is twenty five now. Things have changed and Gohan is living his life as normally as he can, teaching at some nice college, living with Videl in a nice home in a nice area just a couple miles away from his mother, and giving up fighting for nicer things like the rest of his friends and family should have years ago. 
Everything is different. Yet, Piccolo’s feelings for Gohan have remained the same since his former student graduated high school. 
It’s clear that Gohan is fast asleep based on the soft snores that fall from between his rosy lips. Piccolo pulls him down so that he doesn’t strain his neck or back. With a bit of adjusting, Piccolo has the back of Gohan’s head rested comfortably on one of his muscular thighs. He’s careful to lean forward to block Gohan’s face and hair from the remnants of the dying snow that falls upon them. 
Piccolo nips at his bottom lip with his fangs and stares at the half-Saiyan in his lap. Part of him wants to wake Gohan up and part of him wants to just leave him there. The emotions bubbling in his chest are embarrassing and scary. He can hear Kami and Nail piping up like volcanic lava in the back of his subconscious, both of them practically screaming at him about how badly he needs to acknowledge his feelings for Gohan out loud before it’s too late to do so.
‘You know, he’s not a kid anymore,’ Kami muses, to which Piccolo scoffs and silently replies-
‘No, but he was when we met and I’m the only good authority figure he’s ever had. Acting on these feelings would ruin that, and I’d be taking advantage of him.’
‘You guys are less than a decade apart! You haven’t been an ‘authority figure’ since he was a preteen,’ Nail argues with an indignant tone of annoyance.
‘We age differently than both Saiyans and humans. It’s not a fair comparison to make.’
‘Would you like to hear what I think?’ Kami questions, and though Piccolo is tempted to say ‘no’, Kami’s advice tends to be useful enough for him to at least consider it.
‘What is it, Kami?’
‘I think you’re using the whopping- what, four?- year age difference as an excuse to reject Gohan before he can reject you.’
‘He has a point.’
‘And why the hell would I need an excuse to reject him? It’s a valid reason, not that I have a chance anyway. So, why?’
‘Because you’re scared of rejection. You always have been.’
Piccolo blinks at the sensation that comes from those words. His stomach churns. With that, Kami and Nail fade away once more. Piccolo stares down at Gohan again and frowns. There’s nothing for him to do except sit there and stay silent, enjoying the younger man’s presence while he can. In a rare display of affection, Piccolo gently runs his claws through Gohan’s raven locks to get the tangles out while attempting to encapsulate this moment in his mind.
After all, what else is there for Piccolo to do when he has the whole world in his lap?
Rejection. Kami is silent now, but his theory echoes in Piccolo’s mind. More than two decades have passed since he last fought Goku, but naturally, his sins still follow him whenever he tries to go anywhere that isn’t in an empty forest or an isolated ice cap in the middle of the ocean. On the rare occasion that he’s in public, he gets stared at. He sees people look at him with fear in their eyes, and he hears everything they say when they whisper to each other about the fact that he’s a seven foot tall green ‘monster’ with talons and a turban. Here and there, older folks will recognize him from the martial arts tournament where he fought Goku or even mistake him for his father, which never goes well.
It’s embarrassing. Piccolo gave up on world domination when he threw his life away for Gohan in their battle against Nappa and Vegeta so long ago. The dragon balls would have been usable on the half-Saiyan, who was still so little back then, but Piccolo didn’t want him to have to go through that kind of pain; through dying. So, he sacrificed himself without a thought, for his first and only friend. He knew then and there that whatever evil streak he had left in him from his father was long gone. 
Unfortunately, not a lot of people know about everything he’s gone through since he last fought Goku, and humans are a species of people who are driven primarily by fear. Piccolo has fully accepted society’s rejection of him. 
He doesn’t want to hurt people anymore. He doesn’t want to scare them. He just wants to belong with someone. Unfortunately, he doesn’t belong with humans, Saiyans, or even with his own race. He never blended in with any of the Namekians he met after fighting Frieza, otherwise he would’ve gone back with them to New Namek. They’re all soft, peace loving people that have hobbies like gardening and studying medicine and collecting cute nick nacks. The warrior clans take their training even more seriously than Piccolo does, only training to defend themselves should any foreign invaders try to take over New Namek, never for catharsis or for fun. 
The only person who’s ever made him feel like he’s belonged somewhere has been Gohan.  
Gohan is the only one that hasn’t rejected him yet.
Piccolo isn’t sure what he would do if it happened. If Gohan were to reject him, he would finally be alone for the first time since he took the half-Saiyan under his wing. He remembers what it feels like to be alone, too, and he doesn’t want to go back to that- no, he can’t go back to that.
So, Kami is right, Piccolo decides.
He’s terrified that Gohan will reject him and leave him alone. After so many years of being friends, he’s terrified that he’ll lose that. The time since he and Gohan met feels like it’s gone by in a flash, over twenty years condensed into a slideshow of memories that Piccolo thinks of every so often. 
But right now, as he sits in the snowy grass staring down at the half-Saiyan, time feels so ungodly slow- so slow that it’s almost like they haven’t grown apart at all since Gohan left the countryside for college and then for his teaching career. 
Piccolo’s charcoal eyes go low, scanning Gohan’s face.
Then, the reality hits him that Gohan might be gone from him for the rest of their time left on this beautiful yet terrible planet. Piccolo thinks about them and about all of the pieces of his life he’s rearranged over the years to fit certain pieces of Gohan’s in along with it, only for it to all fall apart.
He tries to convince himself that he doesn’t mind. They’re both so much older now, and as much as he misses spending time with the half-Saiyan, he doesn’t miss when they were younger, constantly being thrown into fights they wanted nothing to do with to keep their loved ones safe, the anxiety that came with knowing that he was the only one who would bother keeping Gohan alive aside from Krillin. Now that they’re older, they’re free, and Piccolo knows that’s all Gohan ever needed to be happy.
A harsh gust of wind blows by and snaps Gohan awake in its wake. He sits up in Piccolo’s lap a little too fast with his cheeks even redder than they were before.
Piccolo tenses up. Was pulling Gohan into his lap to sleep too forward? Maybe he shouldn’t have done it.
“Yes, Gohan?” He replies.
“Oh, God, I didn’t realize I fell asleep on you like that!” The professor suddenly exclaims and sits up straight, pushing himself as far away from his former mentor as possible. He bows his head in an apologetic manner that Piccolo can’t help but find somewhat cute. “I’m so sorry, I-”
“No, you’re fine,” Piccolo insists while holding back a frown. He quickly misses Gohan’s warmth and supplements it by reaching forward to place a reassuring hand on Gohan’s shoulder. Admittedly, it’s not nearly as good as having Gohan peacefully sleeping in his lap. Piccolo manages to make due with it, even pulling back when Gohan looks at him with dilated pupils. Humans’ pupils dilating means they’re scared, doesn’t it? Piccolo is only half-sure about that, but he seems to recall reading it in an anatomy scroll while spending time on Dende’s lookout. He’ll have to look that up on his cellphone later to see if he’s remembering correctly. “You… You can even stay over if you want. I’m sure you’re tired and I’ve heard that operating a vehicle this late can increase your chances of getting into an accident on the road. The guest room is open for you any time.”
“...Okay, sure,” Gohan nods and stands up. Piccolo stands as well. He watches with curious eyes as Gohan pulls out his cellphone. Though Bulma bought the Namekian one a long time ago, he hardly uses it. Gohan and Bulma are the only people who bother trying to contact him anyway regardless of the fact that the rest of the Z-Fighters have his number. At most, he’ll get bored and use the stupid thing to watch nature documentaries or google something he’s curious about. “I’ll text Videl to let her know that I won’t be home tonight; don’t want her waiting up for me.”
Videl Satan. Piccolo finds that he likes the earthling, though Gohan doesn’t talk much about her. From his understanding, Videl is Gohan’s best friend out of all of the humans he’s associated with since attending high school. Currently, Videl is Gohan’s roommate, as paying for a nice house by yourself these days is apparently very difficult. Piccolo also knows that the two have been on a date that didn’t work out all too well, and Nail has teased him plenty for his jealousy of Videl over it. 
Piccolo doesn’t say anything at the mention of Videl, simply turning back and flying to his home. Gohan follows him inside, but not before shaking the snow off of his boots and dusting the flakes off of his coat. His discarded accessories from before they started sparring are awkwardly bundled in his large, pale hands as he enters the capsule house behind Piccolo and closes the door. 
Something that Piccolo appreciates about Gohan is that, while he’s eloquent and able to communicate very extensively with his words, they’ve come to an understanding about the fact that it isn’t always necessary for him to do so when it’s just the two of them. Gohan understands that Piccolo isn’t always very talkative, and just like the half-Saiyan has adapted to everyone else in his life and fit them in like the pieces to a puzzle, he’s learned to communicate with Piccolo wordlessly. 
So, when they enter the Namekian’s home, nothing is said for a while. Gohan knows to take his shoes and socks off on the mat by the door and to put them in the corner by Piccolo’s shoes. He also knows not to say anything about the obnoxiously large talons on Piccolo’s feet like he did the first time Piccolo had him over at the capsule house. He knows to set his things in the guest room before meeting Piccolo in the kitchen and sitting by the window.
Piccolo knows that Gohan is hungry. Hell, Gohan has never refused food in his life. Piccolo suspects that Gohan’s perpetual hunger is one of the only things he actually inherited from Goku. 
Despite the fact that he himself lives on water, he keeps human food around for Gohan’s visits and has learned to prepare it somewhat decently. Or, maybe his cooking sucks and Gohan is both too polite and too thankful for the effort to actually comment on it. Either way, Gohan always eats the food, so Piccolo never asks. He quietly prepares four servings of instant ramen and puts an abhorrent amount of spices in it since that’s what Gohan seems to like. Occasionally, he’ll glance back at the professor, who has shed his coat and left it on the back of the chair he’s sitting in. The lenses of his glasses glare with the shine of the moonlight pouring in.
Gohan’s muscles, still prominent even after all these years, shift and ripple underneath the white thermal shirt he’s wearing as he turns to stare out the kitchen window. His raven locks are still swept by the wind and Piccolo wants nothing more than to comb through them with his fingers again, but he doesn’t. Instead, he pours Gohan’s ramen into a bowl and makes both of them a cup of hot chai. Gohan’s is loaded with milk and sugar while his own is left as is. 
When Piccolo serves the food and the tea, he notices that something is off with Gohan. The younger man actually hesitates before gulping it down, and not only that, but he forgets to thank Piccolo for making it. At first, Piccolo doesn’t say a word about it, simply sitting down across from Gohan at the table and sipping his tea. He knew Gohan was feeling nostalgic or reminiscent or something tonight, as he probably wouldn’t have come over otherwise. Now, though, he’s starting to wonder if Gohan is upset.
“What’s on your mind?” Piccolo questions, eyes cast towards the window rather than Gohan.
“What?” Gohan stammers back with bright red cheeks.
“You’ve been off tonight. Is there a reason you came over? It doesn’t feel like a normal visit,” The Namekian clarifies.
“I, uh,” Gohan pauses. It’s clear that he’s nervous and trying to come up with some sort of excuse or lie. Piccolo just rolls his eyes at it, embarrassed at how bad Gohan is at this, even after having known him for so many years. Then again, that’s what he likes about Gohan. Unlike Goku who doesn’t think to lie and unlike Vegeta who would lie to his face with concerning ease, Gohan lies and is just embarrassingly bad at it. Piccolo has always found it amusing. “I just wanted to see you.”
“I can tell when you’re lying.”
“It’s not important, Mr. Piccolo,” Gohan insists with a dismissive wave. “I promise.”
Piccolo’s face scrunches. He hasn’t heard ‘Mr. Piccolo’ since Gohan was a preteen. The formal title makes him cringe as he’s reminded of just how much his feelings have changed in the last decade. 
“Why are you calling me that?” He demands and firmly sets his mug down on the table with a clink. “You haven’t called me that in years.”
“I don’t know, I guess sometimes I revert back to it when I-...” Gohan starts, talking a little too fast, only to cut himself off. Then, he mirrors Goku in how he offers a nervous chuckle and scratches the back of his head whilst looking away. The smile on his rosy lips is awkward at best and guilty at worst. Piccolo’s brow furrows at it. “Ah, never mind.”
“No, finish what you were going to say,” Piccolo argues, to which Gohan surprisingly relents.
“Sometimes, you make me really nervous, so I-”
“Don’t tell me I still scare you after all these years.”
Then, suddenly, Gohan overflows like mercury, tears falling from his onyx eyes and onto Piccolo’s dining room table as the half-Saiyan balls up his fists in his lap and sobs. 
Piccolo sits there, still in the dining room chair, still across from Gohan. Now, he’s just uncomfortable and awkward. Even Kami and Nail are completely silent, not offering any advice or even a joke about how he’s backed himself into this seemingly inescapable corner. He doesn’t know whether he should just sit there or get up and go over to Gohan to comfort him. He pauses and waits for the half-Saiyan to say something- anything.
But, between all the tears, Gohan says nothing. He simply wipes his eyes and laughs.
For whatever reason, Gohan is laughing at him. Piccolo owlishly blinks at the ravenette. 
“I revert back to it when I get nervous,” Gohan sniffles and stares down at the table. Their cups of tea as well as Gohan’s empty bowl of food are forgotten as Piccolo gulps and cautiously runs his eyes over the younger man. Gohan’s shoulders are shaking with a mixture of his laughter and his tears, and his eyes- such a dark shade of black and so haunting- are glowing with an uncertainty that Piccolo knows all too well. “You make me nervous, Piccolo. I don’t know how you still haven’t figured it out after all these years. I’m not good at hiding it, either. Vegeta knows, Bulma knows, Videl knows, mom has interrogated me about it for years, Trunks and Goten have even started making jokes… Are you really that dense?”
Piccolo thinks his heart might have dropped all the way to the bottom of his stomach. Suddenly, the air in his house is so hot that it raises goosebumps on his skin and there’s butterflies fluttering throughout his body. He’s nauseous and excited and terrified, all at the same time. He knows what Gohan is talking about, yet he finds himself unable to believe that the half-Saiyan would bring up how their dynamic has changed so suddenly… After all the time that’s passed, too.
Why now?
“What?” The Namekian whispers. Though his body remains still, the words that come out of his mouth are shaky. “What are you talking about?”
Finally, Gohan comes out with it.
“I’ve loved you for a long time,” Gohan confesses with determination in his onyx eyes.
Piccolo has thought about this exact scenario and about how it would play out in his head a million times over. He has fantasized time and time again about all the smooth words he would say to sweep Gohan off his feet. He’s thought about taking Gohan into his arms and connecting their lips in a frenzy of passion and relief. But now that it’s actually happening- Gohan sitting right in front of him, in the flesh, confessing his love for Piccolo so earnestly- he realizes he can’t go through with any of it.
Piccolo knows that he has to do the right thing here. Gohan is sensitive and emotionally vulnerable. What if he doesn’t know how to tell the difference between platonic love and romantic love? What if he’s merely confused? What if he’s just desperate and lonely enough to use Piccolo as an outlet because the older man is the one he’s most familiar with? What if it’s just a puppy dog crush that Gohan ends up getting over in the span of a few weeks? Young humans do that stupid shit all the time, according to Bulma and Chi Chi. 
“Gohan… You aren’t saying what I think you’re saying, are you? Tell me I’m reading this wrong, that I’m-” Piccolo clears his throat and averts his gaze before continuing. “-that I’m just missing some sort of human social cue and that you aren’t actually suggesting that you might be in-”
“No. Whatever you’re thinking I’m saying is probably right,” Gohan confirms the very thing that Piccolo feared. Then, the professor rests his elbows on the table and holds his head in his hands. “Is it really that hard for you to believe?”
“...Yes,” Piccolo nods. His heart is slamming against his chest. “Yes, it is hard for me to believe. You’ve been my student since you were a toddler, Gohan. What would your parents think? And your little brother? Your friends? Your students?”
Gohan shakes his head and starts to scramble for some sort of argument. Piccolo can see and feel the panic welling up. Watching Gohan right now is like watching a drowning man in the middle of an ocean, flailing his arms, hoping that someone will see and rescue him. Piccolo looks away in an attempt to just let Gohan sink in the sea of his unwise feelings.
“You’re not that much older than me and-”
“That doesn’t matter, it’s about the maturity gap and the power differential-” Piccolo starts to rebut, but Gohan doesn’t let him finish.
“Are we really going to sit here and pretend that you’re still stronger than me? That you still have some sort of power over me?” Gohan demands with a raised voice, slamming a single fist down on the wooden table. The force behind it is enough to leave cracks throughout the entire piece of furniture. Piccolo imagines Gohan in a day or two from now, frantically apologizing about breaking his table and offering to buy him a new one. Right now, however, the professor is red in the face and clearly angry. “God dammit, Piccolo, I’ve been an adult for seven years and you’re going to sit here and tell me that you can’t acknowledge my feelings because you’re afraid of what people will say!? Why have I always been old enough to defend the planet and murder aliens but not old enough to do anything else? You haven’t even taught me anything since I was a preteen! You’re not my teacher- you’re my friend, but I want more than that. Since when do you care what people think, anyway?”
“I don’t care what people think, at least not anymore, but I don’t want to be seen as a creep by the people you love. People already think I’m a monster… I’m not going to drag you down with me. You’re intelligent and you have a good career, a good education, and a pretty face. As long as I’m not too close to you, you’ll prosper with the other humans, and you’ll maintain the good relationship you’ve had with your family. I’m certain that if your mother were to discover these feelings of yours, she’d kill me or disown you, or both. I don’t even know what your father would say, and I can imagine Goten now; he’d never let you live it down. It’s more for your sake than it is for mine.”
“Does that mean you don’t love me back, then?” Gohan whispers with a frown that rips Piccolo’s heart in two.
Deep down, the Namekian knows he should lie. He should tell Gohan that he’s never had any romantic feelings for him and that he never will. 
And yet, he can’t.
“I didn’t say that, necessarily,” Piccolo mumbles the words, only to hate himself for doing so when he sees the hope that flickers up in Gohan’s eyes. “Don’t. Don’t do this to me-”
“So, you do love me back,” Gohan practically beams and stands up so fast that his chair makes an abhorrent screech against the tile floor. 
Piccolo recoils and places his hands over his ears.
“I didn’t say that either-”
“Which is it then?”
“I do love you,” He admits. “But we shouldn’t do this. Listen, Gohan-”
“No-” Gohan tries to cut him off, but Piccolo doesn’t allow it, standing up and looming over the professor from across the table so he can talk.
“Just listen, will you? If you’re going to listen to anything I’m going to say tonight, it needs to be this, Gohan. I love you very much, and I have for a long time, but you and I are both smart enough to know that we shouldn’t do this. This situation, it… It holds a lot more weight than you want to admit. If we’re together, your family life will be in shambles. Your parents will be disappointed, your brother will tease you to no end, and all of your father’s friends- Yamcha, Tien Shinhan, Chiaotzu, Bulma, Vegeta, Master Roshi, all of them- will think lowly of both of us. You’ll never make normal friends, never have a normal family with children or grandchildren of your own. Everyone we know will judge us for it for a long time if not for the rest of our lives. Don’t you care about any of that?”
After what seems like an eternity, Piccolo finishes his ramble, practically drinking in the crisp air around them by the end of it. Gohan frowns up at him like he’s somehow offended. Meanwhile, Piccolo is standing there, shaking and purple-faced from the heavy blush that spreads across his cheeks. He doesn’t remember doing so, but in the midst of his frustration, he must’ve placed his hands flat on the table, because now Gohan is reaching forward and placing his palms on top of the backs of Piccolo’s hands.
“Nothing in my life has ever been normal, Piccolo. I don’t want normal, I want you.”
Piccolo swallows tightly.
“You want me.”
“I do,” Gohan reiterates with a nod, and it almost makes Piccolo give in.
“I said no.”
“But… I don’t understand,” Gohan’s face drops. He crosses his arms over his own body, almost as if he’s hugging himself. “I told you I don’t care about the consequences, I mean- we both love each other, what’s the problem?”
“I’m not going to ruin your life for this, Gohan. All I’ve ever wanted is for you to be happy. I’ve worked incredibly hard to keep you alive for all these years, and your mother has done everything within her means to let you live your teenage years and early adulthood like a normal human- like you’ve always deserved to. I shouldn’t have taken you when I did. You never should’ve had to fight mine or your father’s battles, never should’ve had to fight to keep me and everyone else alive just because you happened to be strong. The least I can do to repay you for saving the planet so long ago and saving me is to let you live a normal life. I refuse to ruin the work we have all put into you for this potential relationship. So, no. I know you hate rejection, and you’re going to be mad at me for a while, and that’s okay, but no. I’m not going to do this with you. You’ll thank me in a few years when you find some human to settle down and start a normal life with.”
Gohan raises his hand. 
“No buts,” Piccolo raises his voice so suddenly that Gohan flinches at the booming sound of it. Piccolo ignores the ensuing guilt in favor of turning and starting to walk towards his bedroom. Hopefully, he can lock himself in there for the rest of the night and sleep this off- or maybe he’ll wake up and this will be rendered yet another one of his dreams about Gohan. “I’m right and we both know it. You’re too smart to be dragged down into a life with me, into a life of fighting and isolation and solitude… It’s so lonely, Gohan. You don’t deserve to know how bad it feels.”
The Namekian only gets a few steps in before he feels a pair of strong arms wrapped around his waist from behind, trapping him there. He could probably throw Gohan off if he really wanted, but the thing is, he doesn’t want to. What he wants is to lean into the touch and give in already. Still, he tries to keep his resolve.
“What are you doing?” Piccolo snaps and wriggles. Gohan doesn’t relent. “Listen, if this is some last resort of yours, it’s not gonna work on me. You may as well give up now.”
“Tell me you don’t want this,” Gohan practically begs and buries his face in Piccolo’s back. He can feel the half-Saiyan’s tears soaking through the back of his gi. Gohan’s voice cracks as he continues. “Please. If you don’t want this, that’s okay, but I can’t have you here wanting me as much as I want you only for you to reject me because you think I’m not adult enough to make my own decisions. Reject me because I’m not good enough for you, push me away. Tell me that you really don’t want this… That you don’t love me.”
Piccolo’s brow furrows. Gohan would rather be rejected for not being ‘good enough’ than for being too young and inexperienced. Piccolo supposes it makes sense, but still. Rejecting Gohan at all is proving hard enough. The last thing he wants to do is lie to the younger man and give him more self-esteem issues than he already has.
“I…” Piccolo begins, only to stop and shake his head. “I can’t. I can’t lie to you, Gohan.”
“What’s going on in your mind right now?”
“I’m scared that you don’t know what you’re doing and that I’m going to be taking advantage of you if we go through with this.”
“You’ve spent the last two decades protecting me, Piccolo. You can stop now,” Gohan murmurs, tone gentle and reassuring. The tension starts to seep out of Piccolo as the younger man’s long, nimble fingers dance across the blue sash around his waist. “You’ve made your amends. You’re not a monster anymore- you were never a monster to start with, just...”
Finally, something in Piccolo breaks. He turns around and pushes Gohan into the wall, keeping the professor there with an arm on either side of his head. Gohan seems to shrink underneath Piccolo’s gaze, appearing so small despite his impressive physique and stature.
“Are you sure about this?” Piccolo probes.
His eyes narrow, running up and down Gohan’s face. The utter determination laced through Gohan’s expression is astounding, to say the least. Piccolo tries to convince himself that this is just another really good dream and that he’s sure to wake up any minute now.
“I’m more sure about this than I’ve been about anything in my life,” Gohan confirms and reaches forward to place his hands on Piccolo’s chest.  “I want you.”
And that’s all it takes for Piccolo to crumble like broken rock underneath Gohan’s soft gaze and tentative touch. He leans forward and brushes their lips together, careful and unsure at first. When Gohan kisses him back so tenderly, Piccolo can’t help how he leans in to deepen it and clasps the half-Saiyan’s wrists in his hands. 
Gohan is built like the Greek gods that Piccolo has seen in all of the human mythology scrolls, tall and cut like stone, yet the beginnings of his toned arms feel thin within the confines of Piccolo’s awkwardly oversized fingers and palms. Gohan seems to pay it no mind, only leaning into the touch until their chests are pressed together and one of his legs is hiked up to rest on Piccolo’s sharp hip bone. 
Piccolo doesn’t know how or why this is happening, just that it is and that he doesn’t want it to stop any time soon. His heart is beating to the rhythm of Gohan’s drum as he lets go of Gohan’s wrists, only to then grab the underneath of Gohan’s thighs to drag him up. Gohan plays along seamlessly with how he wraps both legs around Piccolo’s waist and lets the Namekian whisk him out of the kitchen and into his bedroom. 
Right when he gently drapes Gohan over the cheap, fuzzy blanket that covers his bed, Piccolo opens his eyes and stops to process the fact that they’re actually about to have sex. While he isn’t the most educated about human or Namekian mating customs (or really about anything that isn’t fighting or wastelands), even he can sense the passion bouncing off of them; the sexual tension so thick he could cut it with his sharp talons if he so wished- the lust in the air that’s so heavy he can barely breathe in it.
“Gohan,” Piccolo gulps, eyes darting around the room before landing on the half-Saiyan. He slowly crawls over Gohan and flinches when the bed creaks at their combined weight. “Gohan, are you sure about this?”
“I’m sure,” Gohan nods. His onyx eyes run up and down Piccolo’s body with unmistakable desire. 
Underneath the calming hush of the dying snowfall and the moonlight that illuminates Gohan’s pale skin so beautifully, something clicks into place.
Piccolo thinks he might be dying. 
Two or three hours ago, he was convinced that Gohan would never fall in love with him in their lifetime. 
An hour or two ago, he was hellbent on rejecting Gohan’s newfound romantic advances no matter what it took. 
Half an hour ago, he had Gohan against the kitchen wall, their lips pressed together in a frenzy of pent up passion and love.
And currently, he has Gohan splayed out on his fuzzy blankets on his back. The half-Saiyan’s onyx eyes are full of desire and his cheeks are flushed a beautiful bright red from the closeness of Piccolo hovering right above him. 
“No, I don’t know what I’m doing. Not really, anyway,” Piccolo answers with furrowed brows. Despite all of his combat experience and the combined thirty-ish years he’s spent on planet earth since being created to kill Goku, he’s never trusted anyone enough to let them see past his harsh exterior and get to know him, let alone trusted anyone enough to have sex. He’s slightly familiar with how it works, but he isn’t confident in his knowledge of human or Saiyan biology- nor does he know which will be more prevalent in Gohan, assuming that the two are any different from each other. “I’m sure you’ll be surprised to hear this, but I’ve never… You know.”
“Had sex before?” Gohan finishes the statement for him. A half smile ghosts over his lips. “Actually, it’s not all that surprising when I think about it. Can you even…?”
Piccolo rushes to answer, a little embarrassed at the implication that he’s unable to have sex. He hasn’t done it with another person, sure, but he’s had enough alone time over the years to get the gist of how his body works. The only real problem is that he’s unsure of how sexually compatible him and Gohan will be.
“Uh, yeah- I mean, I can, and I think we can, but it may be a little different than whatever it is you’re expecting.”
“I haven’t done it with anyone before either,” Gohan confesses, to which Piccolo lets out a sigh of relief. But then, his stomach drops. This is Gohan’s first time. To humans, that’s an important milestone in life. He’s heard all of Goku’s friends like Yamcha and Krillin talk about it in such a vulgar yet sentimental manner that he’s able to understand just how prevalent sex is in human culture; especially the first time someone has it. What if he fucks it up for Gohan? Whatever anxiety he has about that is alleviated, though, as Gohan reaches up to place his hands on Piccolo’s cheeks. There’s a warm hand on either side of the Namekian’s face and a thumb gently caressing one of his high cheekbones. “It’s fine, though, I promise. We’ll figure it out together.”
A flurry of feelings hit Piccolo all at once. First, relief. Second, embarrassment. Third, utter love and adoration. He isn’t sure which to lean into, so for a moment, he just remains there, wordless and watching over Gohan with blush-purple cheeks and wide charcoal eyes. 
“What’s wrong?” Gohan asks in a whisper.
“Nothing, this is all just really sappy of you,” Piccolo admits.
A beat of silence drums on, slow and romantic until Gohan interrupts it with-
“How do you wanna do this? Wanna just strip down and go from there?”
“Yeah, sure,” Piccolo swallows.
His throat is tight. His heart is beating out of his chest, and he can’t focus on anything but Gohan, Gohan, Gohan; Gohan, who is somehow in love with the monster that is him after all these years- Gohan, who is staring up at him so adoringly- Gohan, who is willing to be open and vulnerable with Piccolo, the monster that he is. 
At that thought, Piccolo hesitates. Gohan is a lot… Smaller than him. The younger man is roughly half his weight and two feet shorter than him, and quite a bit thinner as well. Not quite fragile, but not as sturdy as a Namekian, either. Though his Saiyan biology allows him to keep a frame that’s much more cut and durable than the average human man, Gohan has definitely lost some bulk since he stopped fighting to pursue his passion for education. Piccolo fears that he’ll lose control and shatter Gohan like glass with his own monstrous strength.
“What’s wrong?”
“Are you really sure about this?”
Gohan’s brows pinch together in frustration at the same time that an indignant pout takes over his lips and cheeks. 
“I already told you-”
“I know, but it’s so sudden, and I don’t think you’ve really thought through the implications and the consequences of this- hell, Gohan, what if I hurt you?”
Surprisingly, Gohan stops. The frustration on his face fades to nothing as he reaches down to start popping open the buttons of his top in a way so tantalizing that it has Piccolo’s mouth watering.
“I’ve wanted this for a fucking decade, Piccolo. I want to give myself to you,” Pop, pop, pop. Gohan, who is usually so gentle and so careful, practically rips his shirt off and throws it across the room. It smacks into the wall before pathetically falling to the floor. Gohan continues, reaching up to undo the blue sash around Piccolo’s purple gi. Admittedly, Gohan slows down for Piccolo, which the Namekian is grateful for. His sash is removed with grace and dropped to the rug on the floor beside the bed. Gohan then tugs at the gi Piccolo is still wearing, clearly impatient but not impatient enough to rip Piccolo’s clothes off or pressure him into doing something he doesn’t want to do. “I want you to hurt me. I’ll be fine, I promise. Seriously.”
“...I’m not going to hurt you- at least not on purpose,” Piccolo mumbles and averts his gaze while shrugging his gi off of his shoulders. The garment falls down to his waist, caught on his sharp hip bones. The entirety of his broad chest and muscular arms are revealed to Gohan. He can’t help but feel self-conscious; his body is so much bigger, so much more different than Gohan’s. If not for the utter admiration in Gohan’s expression, Piccolo would be terrified of the half-Saiyan being disgusted by it. “If you’re sure…Then okay. Let’s do it.”
They strip the rest of the way down, Piccolo discarding his gi with his sash and Gohan taking care of the rest of his own layers. Most of it ends up on a pathetic pile on the floor, forgotten by the two men, who are busy staring each other up and down. Piccolo notices that Gohan’s thin, pale frame is like something carved out of marble or stone, unblemished and smooth like the peaceful life he’s been living. 
Unlike Piccolo, he’s not covered in scars or stretch marks from muscles built by endless decades of battle and training. Unlike Piccolo, Gohan isn’t naturally built to fight. The softness in his eyes reflects that, too. 
Gohan has broad shoulders and a narrow chest, a defined v-line and sharp abs. His chest rises and falls with each and every slow, heavy breath of his as Piccolo looks further down. Gohan’s muscular thighs are pinned between Piccolo’s knees, and briefly, the Namekian imagines what his head would feel like with the insides of said thighs crushing his head. He also thinks about the half-hard cock between Gohan’s legs, colored rosy like his cheeks, uncut and veiny. It’s not too different from Piccolo’s own, just smaller and… Well, not green with a ribbed pink base- nor is it accompanied by a slick pussy just a few inches below it like Piccolo’s is.
Piccolo’s eyes roam shamelessly. It’s the first time that he’s taken Gohan in like this and allowed himself to memorize every curve and dip and every muscle and vein without scolding himself for being such a monster afterwards. 
Tonight, he’s done being a monster. Tonight, he’s a lover instead, and hopefully, that’s what Gohan sees as well.
“Oh, wow, you… You have both,” Gohan suddenly stammers out.
It takes everything in Piccolo not to shrivel up and die from the embarrassment on his plush bed. 
“Excuse me? What do you mean I have ‘both’?” Piccolo demands with purple cheeks.
“I, um,” Gohan offers a nervous laugh that makes Piccolo flash back to where they were at the kitchen table just earlier with Gohan trying to insist that nothing was wrong when in reality, he was harboring the same deep-seeded feelings that Piccolo has had for years. “Sorry, that probably came off a little rude, but what I meant was… Female presenting humans tend to have a vagina while male presenting humans tend to have a penis. It looks like you have the Namekian equivalent to both. I think the technical term is hermaphrodite, but-”
“God, you’re a fucking nerd,” Piccolo spits out in embarrassment. He thinks he’s put the pieces together now between Gohan’s unsexy-sex-talk, the few bits of human sex he’s seen through human media, and the few things he’s heard from Nail and Kami about how both his and Gohan’s people procreate. “What do we do now?”
“I, uh…” Gohan wriggles on the bed, clearly anxious. His eyes flicker between Piccolo’s face and the duvet. “Do you wanna do me?”
“Don’t… Don’t you have to prepare for that sort of thing?” Piccolo murmurs.
“I already did.”
“Wait, what? Are you telling me you planned for this to happen!?”
“No? I mean, not necessarily,” Gohan stammers, and as he does, Piccolo’s heart skips a beat. The thought that Gohan anticipated for this to happen all along is actually somewhat comforting. It reminds him that no, he didn’t force this, and no, he’s not the monster that everyone has always made him out to be. Gohan wants this just as much as he does… Gohan actually wants him back. “But… I did want to be prepared just in case it did. I already douched in the shower before coming here, and if you don’t know what that is-”
“I think I’ll pass on the explanation. I’ll take your word for it, but so God help me, if this ends up backfiring somehow because you’re rushing it, I’m never going to let you live it down.”
“Okay, okay, I hear you,” The ravenette laughs and fumbles with his shaky hands to reach for his discarded pants. He takes a tiny clear bottle filled with a pink, gel-like substance out of his pockets. Piccolo can’t read the label because it’s in English, but he recognizes the shape of strawberries to the side of the brand’s logo. “Just, um… Here, I have some lube, I can stretch myself out to take you if you wanna watch.”
“What’s lube?” Piccolo asks, assuming that ‘lube’ must be the substance in the bottle the half-Saiyan beneath him is currently twisting the cap off of.
“It’s a liquid that you use to make things wet before or during penetration or grinding so it doesn’t hurt as much. It makes it a little easier.”
Gohan pours some of the slick gel onto his fingers and spreads his legs just far enough to pump two of his lube-covered digits into his tight entrance. The scent of artificial strawberry flavoring wafts through the air as the bottle is abandoned somewhere under one of the pillows. Gohan’s spare hand drifts to his cock, which he pumps slowly and teasingly, similar to how Piccolo would please himself were he alone. The Namekian realizes that he overthought everything all along- despite some minor anatomical differences, he and Gohan will end up being sexually compatible. 
They’ll be just fine.
Piccolo watches in awe while attempting to hide the relief and excitement threatening to break through his expression. In the midst of it all, however, he finds himself feeling guilty for just looming over Gohan with his jaw slack while the younger man does all the work. So, he reaches forward with shaky hands and speaks-
“I’d rather do it for you… If I can. I feel useless just sitting here watching you.”
“But Piccolo… Your nails,” Gohan freezes and reminds him. “Won’t they hurt?”
“I know, they’re sharp. I wasn’t planning on using my fingers. I’d rather not mutilate your insides with my talons tonight if we can avoid it… Not that I think I’d be able to cram the length of my fingers all the way up there anyway,” Piccolo clarifies with a small chuckle and shifts so he’s on his elbows and knees between Gohan’s legs. 
“O-Oh, um, okay…? Then what exactly are you planning?” Gohan whispers and props himself up on his elbows, seemingly to observe whatever it is that Piccolo plans on doing. The Namekian doesn’t bother warning him, just grabs his calves and places them over his shoulders before burying his face in the ravenette’s heat and prodding it open with his tongue. “Fuck…!”
At the exclamation, that of which is paired with a gasp, Piccolo perks his head up and looks at Gohan worriedly. 
“Is something wrong?” He asks between the flavor of strawberry lube and hot, sweaty skin on his tongue. 
Were the night not so intense, Piccolo thinks he would tease Gohan for both his desperation and the ridiculous choice of lube. He decides he can do that some other time and maintains eye contact with a flustered, trembling Gohan. 
“No, no, it’s just… I wasn’t prepared for you to do that, but you can keep going… If you want.”
“If I want? Really?” Piccolo shakes his head and gets ready to dive back in with a final remark. “I’ve been waiting years for this, Gohan. Of course I want to… You’re something else.”
With that, the older man resumes his motions. His long, thick fingers wrap around Gohan’s calves to keep them atop his broad shoulders as his slick tongue delves into the ravenette’s needy hole. It’s not for long that he gets to eat the half-Saiyan out, though, as he’s quickly interjected by Gohan saying-
“Stop, stop,” It’s breathy and rushed in a way that sounds almost panicked, so Piccolo immediately stops and peers up at Gohan with furrowed brows. “Oh, thank God.”
“Was I doing something wrong?” Piccolo, embarrassed, speaks and averts his eyes.
“No, I was just about to cum,” Gohan frantically objects with a nervous laugh and a heavy blush. “Or, finish, I mean- reach climax? I don’t know what terms Namekians use, but I’m sure you understand-”
“For the love of God, stop, you sound like such a nerd right now,” Piccolo huffs with a sort of half-smile. He meets Gohan’s eyes.  “Do I need to slow down or something, or did you just not want it to end until…?”
“The, uh, the second one,” Gohan clears his throat and anxiously fiddles with his fingers. “Don’t wanna cum until you’re actually inside me, y’know? It is our first time.”
“Yeah, okay. How do you want to position this?”
“I wanna be looking at you,” Is the first thing Gohan says. Piccolo wonders if that’s the custom for humans or Saiyans or both- if it’s somehow better that way, or maybe it’s just Gohan’s sentimental side coming out. He doesn’t dare comment on it, lest he scare Gohan back into his shy shell. “So… Maybe I can stay on my back like this and you can get between my legs? I’ll tilt my hips up a bit and wrap my legs around your waist so it’s not as hard for you. I think it’s called missionary…?”
“Okay, sure.”
They’re already pretty close to the position that Gohan described, so Piccolo doesn’t have to do too much adjusting to get them there. He simply sits up on his knees and pulls Gohan’s legs around his waist.
“You look good from this angle. Absolutely beautiful,” Gohan compliments with a sappy grin, but it flusters Piccolo too much for him to acknowledge it, so he changes the subject instead.
“Are you really sure about this?” Piccolo asks one last time while stroking his cock with a handful of lube and tracing some of the slick substance around the circumference of Gohan’s asshole, convinced that whatever God- Kami in his subconscious, King Yemma in the afterlife, King Kai on that sad little planet- is going to smite him for daring to touch such a pure, perfect, loving soul like this when he’s such a monster.
But he’s done being a monster, he tells himself. He shakes his head to clear it of the thought and hones in on Gohan’s response, which is a rather frustrated and aggressive-
“So God help me, if you ask that one more time-” The angry half-threat is promptly cut off by Piccolo lining the head of his lubed cock up with the outer rim of Gohan’s ass and cautiously pushing in. “Oh, God-”
Gohan cuts himself off and turns his head to the side, one cheek against the pillow. His kiss-bruised lips are parted in a moan. The rest of his expression is twisted in some mixture between pain and pleasure. He clenches down around Piccolo’s cock hard, so hard that the Namekian nearly doubles over from it. It’s somewhat uncomfortable but it also feels good in a way so intimate that he suspects his heart may burst. Then, Gohan’s eyes flutter open to meet his and Piccolo is confident that he must be dreaming- either that or dying.
Neither of those things prove to be true, though. He is very much alive and very much awake, he can tell by the blood drumming so quickly through his veins and his heart slamming against his chest, by the smell of worn off cologne and sweat coming from Gohan that’s too real to be a dream or heaven or anything but real, here, and now.
“Are… Are you okay, Gohan? What do you want me to do?” Piccolo questions.
“Move, please.”
So, he does. He pulls his hips back far enough that the only part of his cock left in Gohan is the head, and then, he pushes back in to the hilt. Gohan jumps at first. Maybe he’s just startled or maybe Piccolo’s size is somewhat overstimulating and somewhat painful, but he doesn’t complain, so Piccolo continues doing what he was told to do; move. 
Initially, part of him suspected this to be an hour or two hour ordeal. With it being their first time, Piccolo didn’t expect Gohan to rush into it, let alone allow penetration, but here they are. Piccolo isn’t complaining, either. The sensation that comes from Gohan’s velvety wetness squeezing around him so tightly is heavenly enough that he nearly cums after a few thrusts. It’s so intense that Piccolo has to clench his fists to keep himself from finishing too fast. 
It’s a little awkward at the start regardless of how good it feels because of his inexperience, but Piccolo manages to put together what Gohan does and doesn’t like in the bedroom from the noises he makes in response to the Namekian’s actions. At one point, he has to grab the abandoned lube once more and hastily pour more on so as to not hurt them with any sort of dryness. Eventually, he finds a good rhythm with slow yet thorough thrusts that drag his dick wonderfully along the length of Gohan’s gummy walls. He simultaneously balances his weight on one arm beside Gohan’s body on the mattress so he can have a free hand to reach down and stroke the half-Saiyan’s cock in sync with his thrusts. Gohan bucks into his hand with a whiny, breathy whisper of Piccolo’s name.
“Piccolo, I’m- I’m-” Gohan starts to stutter out, clearly desperate to communicate something but too overwhelmed by the pleasure to get the words out. Tears start to well up in his eyes and fall from the corners, the movements of his hips become progressively shakier, and his hands are scrambling to find something- anything- to grip onto for some sort of purchase. First, Gohan grabs at the bed sheets, then at the pillow his head is on, then at his own hair, and finally, those strong hands are placed palm-first on either side of Piccolo’s face. He looks Piccolo dead in the eye, so vulnerable and ready to fall apart, a picture of something so beautiful that Piccolo never thought he’d get to see in his lifetime outside of his dreams. “I’m going to cum…! I’m so close, Piccolo!”
Gohan cries out. Piccolo doesn’t get overexcited and pick up speed, nor does he get nervous and slow down. Instead, he continues the pace he’s been at for the last few minutes, pistoning his hips into Gohan’s in a way that’s slow yet rough. 
Gohan’s short yet sharp nails dig into the jade-hued skin of his back just hard enough to break skin. Piccolo refuses to acknowledge the pain. He’s too absorbed in how Gohan’s tight ass flutters around him so beautifully at the same time the ravenette tenses. Cum spills from Gohan’s hard dick and onto his own perfectly chiseled and pale abdomen.
“Do you want me to stop now?” Piccolo asks and slows down just a tad.
Gohan shakes his head.
“No, no, I want you to finish. Go ahead, keep going, please…!”
Piccolo wonders if Gohan’s sure about this or if he’s just saying it to be overly considerate, but he doesn’t ask. He’s too horny and too desperate to care, so he follows Gohan’s instructions and pulls his hips back before pushing them into the younger man once more.
When Piccolo finishes, it feels like fireworks, bright and loud and hot and overwhelming. The Namekian manages to give a few more sharp, focused thrusts before the new sensation of orgasm crashes over him and tears his world into tiny little pieces. With a couple more weak pivots of his hips, he comes to a slow still to fill Gohan up with his cum. All the while, the younger man clings to Piccolo like his life depends on it and lets out a weak whine that Piccolo tries to memorize the sound of.
And then it’s over. Piccolo collapses, all two hundred fifty pounds of him on top of Gohan’s thin frame. Were it anyone else, Piccolo would be afraid of crushing them, but he knows Gohan can handle it, so he makes no move to get up. Even with his ear against Gohan’s shoulder rather than his chest, he can hear the half-Saiyan’s heart slamming against his chest. As fast as Gohan showed up to spar with Piccolo and confess his love, Gohan somehow managed to lure Piccolo into bed with him. Not that he’s complaining, of course…
Looking up at Gohan, who appears utterly exhausted yet so blissed out and utterly in love, Piccolo doesn’t think he’d have it any other way despite him arguing against it so vehemently in his tiny kitchen less than an hour ago.
“You’re not going to make me go home now, are you?” Is the first thing Gohan says as they start to catch their breath.
Piccolo isn’t sure whether he should feel guilty or amused at that.
“Of course not,” Piccolo answers after a long pause to gather his feelings. Gohan seems to let out a sigh of relief, only to gasp when Piccolo lifts himself up with his hands on the bed and slowly pulls out. The noise that results is uncomfortable, an odd squelch sound that Piccolo is sure he’s never heard before despite decades of putting holes through bodies, breaking limbs, and witnessing violent deaths. He tries to ignore it by continuing to talk while flopping back onto the other side of the bed. “I’m not sure how happy your mother’s going to be about you not coming home tonight, but you know you always have a place here. You can stay as long as you’d like.”
“She’ll live,” Gohan shrugs, and then it’s quiet for a moment. The ravenette shifts his legs uncomfortable and Piccolo is confused until he remembers- “Do you have some, uh, wipes… Or something?”
Piccolo blanks. He’s covered with sweat and remnants of his own cum, and Gohan is covered in sweat and even more of his cum. Were he prepared for something like this to happen, he would have had a towel, wipes, napkins- literally anything other than nothing- ready for him and Gohan to use, but in their throes of passion, he neglected to take the clean up into account.
“No, not really… That’s my bad. We can take a shower, though, if you want.”
“Sure,” Gohan agrees and slowly tries to stand up, only to trip over himself immediately.
Thankfully, Piccolo makes it in time to catch Gohan and lift him up in his arms.
“Your legs gave out, didn’t they? I guess I’ll just have to carry you, but don’t get used to it. We’ll take a bath instead.” 
Gohan nods, and with that, Piccolo heads to the bathroom with Gohan in tow.
“You know I love you, right?” Gohan says, totally unprompted. It’s so sudden and unexpected that Piccolo damn-near drops him. “Really. I mean that.”
“Yeah, I know,” Piccolo responds with a half-smile and looks down at Gohan, who’s staring back up at him so earnestly. Relief washes over him like warm water, and for the first time in years, he finally feels at ease. Maybe acting on his feelings wasn’t such a terrible thing to do after all. “And I love you, too. Thank you, Gohan.”
“For what?”
“Loving me… Even though I’m a monster.”
“You’re not a monster, and how could I not love you? You’re all I’ve ever wanted. I meant everything I said earlier.”
“I know you meant it, and I know you love me,” Piccolo sighs and, in a display of true affection, leans down to kiss the top of Gohan’s head- sweat be damned. “And I love you, too.”
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nella09archive · 1 year
Marriage. 36
Chapter 36: Where’s daddy?
Daddy’s dead? That’s impossible. Daddy can’t die. Wait. If what he say is true, then daddy saved me from that meanie man. But now I’m stuck with the meanie Piccolo monster. Well, until he threw me at a mountain. So, mean. He then made me take off my coat, and left me. I’m all alone. No! I’m scared. I WANT MOMMY! I WANT DADDY! Daddy? Daddy is dead. Nobody is coming this time. Mommy can’t do what daddy does, when I get lost. Mommy always sends daddy to find me.
Today is just awful. A meanie uncle hurt my daddy, and is the reason daddy is gone. A meanie Piccolo won’t let me go home, and is the one who killed daddy. He didn’t say it, but how else is he alive and not daddy too. I don’t want to admit it, but uncle meanie was nicer. He didn’t hit me, until I hit him first; from what Piccolo said. Uncle meanie didn’t throw me at a mountain. He tossed me into that round thing, and it didn’t really hurt. Also, uncle meanie didn’t scream at me, unless I was crying. But overall, uncle did talk to me nicer. He was annoyed, but he did speak nicer. If I didn’t run, he wouldn’t have put me in the thingy. Could it be possible that all uncles are just big meanie butts. Uncle meanie probably didn’t have a mommy to tell him he was being mean. If he had a mommy, maybe he would have been nicer and I would be ok that he was my uncle. Uncle Raditz just needs to get a good spanking from his mommy. So, wait, what is my grandma would be like? Well, can’t worry about that now.
This place is super scary, but I have to be brave. I have to do what I can for 6 months, then that meanie Piccolo will be back. Meanie Piccolo? Does he have a mommy?
Boy is this thing long. I wonder how Chichi and Gohan are doing. I hope my little man is keeping mommy happy for me. Don’t worry you two. When daddy comes back, and take care of these bad guys, daddy is going to be home more. Daddy promise will stop fighting, and just spend everyday with you. Then again, I can’t think like that. What if someone strong than these guys comes along? NO! I have to keep training to protect you and mommy!
I can’t let anyone hurt my family ever, ever again! My family safety is my top priority! Chichi would understand. Chichi. My heart aches for you. I hope you’re ok. I wish I could have had enough strength to tell you what was happening. I wonder how my friends told you of my death. Did you get angry? Cried? NO! My Chichi shouldn’t have to go through this! Chichi should only be happy. Gohan should only be happy. My family should only be happy!
I finally broke down. I couldn’t hold back anymore. I finally let the tears fall. DAMN IT! I WASN’T STRONG ENOUGH! I punch damn snake way. I failed them! I failed again! NO! I keep punching. I wasn’t strong enough. I wasn’t strong to protect them! I wasn’t strong enough to protect grandpa. I wasn’t strong enough to keep my Gohan safe! I just keep punching. Why do the people I love so much have to suffer! WHY? Why can’t I ever keep them safe? I’m a failure!
I slapped myself. Look at me. If Chichi was here, she would be mad at me for talking all this nonsense. “You’re so strong, Goku. There’s no fight too big for you. Now get your butt up, and prove me right!” I swear I could hear her. But yeah. I gotta get off my butt, and get through this. Gohan and Chichi are counting on me. My friends are counting on me. Earth, my home is counting on me. Most importantly. My family needs me!
It only been a month and I still haven’t found my Gohan. I do hope he’s ok. It’s been a while still I used ki. Maybe I should train again, and practice in that too. If I train, I could have a better chance to get Gohan back. I hope he isn’t hurt. Now let me finish the laundry.
That meanie robot was nice after all. Daddy was right. People can change. Even though I get chase by this dinosaur, and that funny tiger, it’s kind of fun. It keeps me busy. Plus, it’s like they kind of my pets. If daddy saw me now, he would be laughing. Probably telling me something encouraging to keep going. Heck, dinosaur tail makes good breakfast. Way better than fish. Looks like I finally found my favorite; daddy would probably be super happy. He always wanted me to try dinosaur, but mommy would say no.
Oh look, it’s Mr. Tiger. Guess it’s time to play. Actually, Mr. Tiger looks tired today. So, I guess I could practice those things daddy does. How does it go again? Oh yeah! Start with right leg back. This feel weird. I hope I’m doing it right. If daddy was here, he would tell me. Oh, what daddy does look just like those pictures in that book, mommy gave me. Punch, punch, kick, kick, and repeat. I’m going to repeat till I get it right. I’m going to make daddy and mommy proud of me! That I promise.
I’m so hungry. Wish I had Chichi’s homecooked meals. Like her hot pot, with wolf shish kebab, and maybe a side grill deer. Just thinking of her cooking is making me even more hungry. I wonder how long I been laying here. Once the fighting is done, I’m going to ask Chichi to make all my favorites. That includes her famous apple pie. Gohan loves her apple pie, too. I bet they’re eating one right now, and sharing my piece. Hope you’re making mommy smile, while waiting for me.
101, 102, 103… 200! Looks like lunch still got time, so one more set.
What is Mr. Piccolo doing? WHOA! Where that wind come from? Hold on Mr. Tiger! I wonder how Mr. Piccolo did that. That was cool! Can my daddy do that too? Ok, Mr. Tiger let’s let Mr. Piccolo alone.
Wait! I was on an island this whole time? How is that even possible? How am I going to get off? Maybe I could finally see mommy! Mommy would be so happy to see me. And I can have her hot baths, and yummy food, and warm hugs. But… But it won’t be the same without daddy. Maybe I can at least see mommy. Just check up on her. Just let mommy know I’m ok. I hope Mr. Piccolo doesn’t notice.
Mommy was right about making friends with other kids. This is so much fun! But if mommy and daddy knew I was stealing they be mad. But I have to, how else am I gonna eat. I can’t believe he left the other kids. “We have to go—” He punched me. But I thought… I thought… He’s right. Gotta do what’s right, even if it hurts. Is that how daddy feels when he goes off training? Does it hurt daddy to leave me and mommy? I want to cry. Does daddy hurt? How much does daddy hurt? How much does mommy hurt? Mommy? Mommy! I’m coming home, mommy!
I see her, she right there. Just a few more steps. Just turn around mommy. Mommy! I’m right here! I miss you mommy! I can’t… I can’t yet. Mommy, please wait a little longer. Please wait a little longer. When this over, me and daddy aren’t going anywhere. Me and daddy will protect you. Me and daddy will keep you safe! You’re important to us mommy. I love you mommy.
Mr. Piccolo. I’m ready. Train me!
Gohan? I thought I felt him near. Maybe it was him. Maybe he did try to come home, but the monster stopped him. Don’t worry baby, I believe in you. Mommy will wait for you, forever and ever.
Now to get back to making this welcome home blanket, for Gohan. Then I could work on Goku’s.
I finally made it! Whoa! I feel like I’m being crushed. So, this monkey is King Kai? Oh no, it’s this blue guy. He wants me to tell a joke. Why? What’s the point of that?
Wow, this is hard, but I can do it! Got to remember my goal. They need me to get stronger. They need me, and I’m not failing a second time. “You keep saying they. Who’s they?” Wait! He can read minds? “Yes.” Crap! “Why you say that.”
“No reason King Kai. And they are my family. My son and wife.” He gave me a funny look, and then got back to clearing his car. Now to get that damn monkey!
Two months on this planet and I’m really starting to get used to it. I finally caught Bubbles, and I hit Gregory. Now King Kai is going to train me at other techniques. No time for rest, got to get back into training.
A year has been up? Wow, that was… quick. OH NO! CRAP! I BETTER HURRY OR I’LL BE LATE! Please hold on for me. Guys keep everyone ok till I get there.
I can’t do this. These guys are so much stronger than us. I’m only a kid. I shouldn’t be here. Daddy, where are you? I’m scared. I panicked and I failed Mr. Piccolo. Now he’s angry at me. Mr. Krillin is trying to cheer me up, but it’s not working. I gotta pee. Oh no, that guy almost hit me. “You big smelly idiot!” That Vegeta guy laughed at that. But he’s the one I’m scared the most of.
Oh no! It’s my fault. It’s all my fault! Mr. Piccolo!
What is Gohan doing here? He looks stronger. Oh no! I’m not going to make it. NO! HE NOT HURTING GOHAN! NOT THIS TIME! OR EVER AGAIN!
“Daddy!” I so badly want to give my little boy a hug, but I can’t right now. First, got to take care of these guys, then I can finally hold my son.
“Leave. Go to mommy.”
“But daddy.”
“Gohan.” I really don’t like speaking harshly to him, but he needs to go. He gives my leg a quick hug, and I watch him go off with Krillin. Now to deal with Vegeta.
Why is daddy telling me to look up? Oh, that’s a pretty ball. It looks just like a—
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promptyper · 1 year
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 I made a Live-action movie poster of Dragon Ball Z using AI-generated images and Photoshop.
 This is a fan art. I also hope this legendary manga to be made into a live-action movie. Rather than filming an actor's acting, I think we need CG that cannot be distinguished from the actual situation. Like Avatar and Alita : Battle Angel, for example.
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 When I remember Goku, the first thing that came to my mind was the disappointment of not being able to use Kamehameha.  The concept of a character that grows over time made Goku come to me as a really vivid being in my childhood.  I remember Goku before the Dragon Ball Z series was pretty funny, but after the Z series the atmosphere changed very scary, 'is this really a children's animation?' I also had this question. Dragon Ball Z was considered very violent, so even my parents thought it was a cautionary animation. But now that I think about it, what Goku has shown in Dragon Ball has had a tremendous impact on each of us growing up. Fighting to protect the Earth and friends, and enjoying the battle in the process, sometimes trying to endure and grow again even if can't enjoying it. And achieving growth and eventually achieving goals. These were things that we couldn't easily learn in school.
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catbowserauthor · 5 years
When Everything Else Falls Away--A DBZ AU Story
Another AU related to the Buu Saga. When Goku can't feel his son's ki after the first encounter with Buu, his heart breaks.
So, I had so much fun doing an AU of Gohan greeting his father at the WMAT that I just had to do a few more AUs from the Buu saga. So, here we go. An AU of when Goku awakes after his fight with Vegeta and realizes he can’t feel his son’s ki anymore. DBZ copyrighted to Akira Toriyama and Toei Animation; no infringement intended.
Waking up from being knocked out always hurt, Goku had learned over the years. It didn’t matter if you were alive or dead, Super Saiyan or normal state. Being hit so hard that you blacked out always had repercussions. As reality slowly wavered back into being, Goku blinked his eyes open on an empty field.
               Not surprising. Vegeta was never one to hang around for long. He did his damage and then left. Ruffling his brow into a scoff at the sleazy move Vegeta had pulled—the empty senzu bag to his side was proof of that---Goku stood, dusting himself off as best he could.
               There would be time to deal with Vegeta later, though it might have to be given over to one of the others given his time limit, but as he scanned the landscape, his senses immediately picked up on one specific ki.
               “I can still sense Buu…”
               Maybe that shouldn’t have surprised him. It really didn’t,  if he was going to be completely honest. It was one of those situations where if he’d not felt the ki, it would have been more of an anomaly. Buu’s power was really something else altogether. If he’d been able to stay on Earth, maybe he would have been excited but no…not with that kind of power.
               “I can’t sense Vegeta.”
               Goku closed his eyes, focused. He knew all too well that Vegeta could suppress his power if he were so inclined but no one could entirely erase their power. He could feel it if the Saiyan Prince was nearby. So, he relaxed, cleared his mind, focused.
               Had Vegeta tried to take Buu out? It didn’t seem possible but Goku wasn’t a fool. Vegeta may have let Babidi manipulate him because he was so caught up in his own pride but there was good in that stubborn Saiyan. If he thought there was no other way, then he wouldn’t have hesitated.
               More than that though, Goku felt his skin go clammy at what else he didn’t feel.
               “…I can’t feel Gohan either.”
               No. No, no, no, no, no. That was impossible. Utterly impossible. His son was just fine. Worn out maybe, winded and probably more than a little agitated at all this chaos sucking up his father’s day on earth but he was fine.
               Goku closed his eyes again and reached out with his ki.
               He’s fine.
               Spread as far as you can, he coached himself. Who knows where Gohan went. He’s a smart kid. If Vegeta couldn’t take out Buu then he would have regrouped, gathered the others, tried to create a plan of some sort.
Yes, yes, that was his smart Gohan.
               “No.” Goku spoke it aloud this time and despite his body all but screaming at him, muscles insisting on rest, he pulled more power from the depth of his bones. It wasn’t much but it was enough to slip his hair back into gold and his eyes to turquoise. He could feel it flickering; the state wasn’t stable right now, not with as battered as he was.
               He reached out with his Super Saiyan ki, urging it beyond the abilities he had in his normal state. Searching ,seeking, digging under other kis, pushing others away, seeking until it pushed beyond the edges of the planet itself.
               All to come back empty.
               Weakness took him and not in a way he was used to. This wasn’t the weariness from the end of a battle, though he certainly had that in spades. This wasn’t the sluggishness of lack of food or little sleep. It wasn’t even the sickly nausea that came from losing too much blood. He’d felt all those and he knew what they felt like.
               This was deeper.
               He had a body but he didn’t really have a heartbeat or lungs or anything like that. Not while he was dead. The halo deemed all that stuff unnecessary.
               Yet, now, realizing his son’s ki was gone -- by all that mattered that could only mean one thing—the pain that suddenly rippled through him came from the soul itself. He felt his nonexistent lungs grow cold and stiff. They refused to pull in air and he sank back to his knees, trying to find purchase in the air. Trying to fill his body with breath that he didn’t even NEED but it was beyond his reach and he was suffocating.
               His absent heart felt like fire, pounding in his chest. His ribs that were no longer there shuddered under the pressure and it was like a fist being pushed through flesh and squeezing around his center most point until it popped and bled. Over and over, no reprieve.
               “My Gohan…”
               He didn’t recognize his own voice. It was his but not his. Robbed of its usual timbre and shaking with unshed tears. His hands trembled, dug new canals in the loose dirt and rocks underneath him. It burned when it came out of his throat.
               Everything burnt.
               His Gohan.
               His son…his first son…the boy he had taken from ChiChi with trembling arms after he came into the world. He had not believed it at first and still sometimes had a hard time comprehending that he had helped create such a thing.
               The infant he used to pace with while ChiChi tried to get some sleep and found out that stroking his tail was a fairly effective sleep aid. The boy would yawn with that toothless grin and curl that tail around Goku’s wrist. Sometimes, Goku would let him chew and gum on his finger.
               The little boy that used to crawl into bed with him and wedge himself between husband and wife, claiming the monsters of his dreams would never come into his parents’ room. He would nuzzle against Goku’s neck and his hair would always tickle and even though he was far too old for it, Goku would occasionally give the toddler his old pacifier. ChiChi would give him a scoff in the morning and make a remark about how it would make his teeth crooked but she’d always smile and leave him be aside from her verbal threats.
               The battered child that had still managed to smile at him, as broken as their battle against Vegeta had made them. The way he’d refused to leave Goku’s side and said over and over ‘are you going to be okay, Daddy? We’ll fix you up, Daddy, we will!’
               The boy that had sobbed and cried into his pillow when he thought Goku couldn’t hear, pleading for Piccolo, for Tien, for Yamcha, for Tien to forgive him. The same boy finally calmed when Goku said the hell with his restraints and pulled him onto his chest and yes, yes, Gohan was still allowed to suck his thumb!
               The child that had stood taller than his five years should have allowed against a monster that made grown warriors tremble. Goku had smelled the fear on him but all Gohan had said was that they had to stop Freeza and he wasn’t going to stand by and do nothing. Even when Goku raised his voice at him to leave—the first time the Saiyan ever remembered having to do so—it took him two more times before the boy finally went.  He never remembered being so frustrated at someone being brave as he was that day.
               The boy that had grinned and clung to him so tightly when he finally made his way home from Yardrat. Amid all the talk with Trunks, it was a stark reminder of how long he had been gone—since when could his son reach his waist? Surely he had only been a little past his knee when they last parted ways.  Yet that night, Gohan with cheeks aflame had asked if he was too big for Goku to hold in their chair like they used to those days before Raditz came. Maybe he was too old or too big but Goku didn’t care and held him there long after the boy fell asleep.
               The boy that would bring him in a tray laden with burnt toast and jelly that was more whole berry than jam but sheepishly ask if it was okay. Goku had an iron clad stomach and he would gladly swallow piece after piece of toast that nearly chipped his teeth if it would make that child smile---which he did, bright as a star.
               The boy that grinned and jumped for joy when they managed to snag a free day to go fishing. He’d run ahead of Goku, proclaiming he’d gotten “so good” at fishing and to just watch how many fish he could capture. Goku, despite being much faster than his son, would always let him win, always let him find the ‘biggest’ fish.
               Hours…hours of training preparing for the Androids. Gohan would sometimes wake up in tears because his muscles ached so badly but he just took it. He let his father tend those pains and always announced he was ready to go again and please, please could they go longer this time because he could take it, he knew he could. So many days he went home carrying a limp and exhausted boy in his arms.
               The Time Chamber…easily one of the best years of his life. A whole year where it was just him and Gohan. Training yes, but also laughing, playing, talking. Goku remembered many nights where Gohan curled up next to him, asking for them to talk and eventually admitting he wanted a story from his father, lingering on his every word as it soothed away his unspoken fears.
               Then there had been Cell. That battle…as much as Goku had remained calm on the outside, calling his son to fight had made his gut clench. His son could fight, Goku knew he could but still seeing it, feeling his son’s fear and pain. That was not something he ever wanted to experience again. Gohan had been so brave, so strong and choosing not to run back to him after Cell was defeated was the hardest thing Goku had ever done. When Gohan, his little voice seeming to be so much smaller had declared ‘But that doesn’t mean I don’t still need you’ Goku had nearly caved right then. That was why he made his goodbye so short.
               Goku didn’t know how long he sat there, just staring at the ground and memory after memory cut through his mind. Each memory, each thought of Gohan made his whole spirit ache. Gohan had grown into such a strong young man, Goku hated that he had missed it. And now, Buu, on this one day when things were supposed to be a simple time, a time to catch up with his family, on this day, Buu had taken Gohan from him.
               He took him from me.
               It was an odd feeling. The weakness was suddenly gone and in its place was a form of power that Goku had only gotten a glimpse of one other time.
               When Krillin had died against Freeza and he slipped into Super Saiyan for the first time.
               This was _like_ that but stronger.
               More dangerous.
               Was this what hate felt like? Was this what Vegeta felt like before he softened up? Was this what Vegeta was after? Why would you purposely go after this feeling? It felt like poison. Toxic, ever present poison that flooded the body, invaded the mind and made the heart feel cold.
               Goku slammed his fists in to the ground, caving it out from underneath him and seemingly making the whole earth shake. It felt, just for a moment that he was Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan 2 and Super Saiyan 3 all at once and yet not at all. It fluctuated so rapidly that Goku had no idea WHAT his ki was doing and at the moment, he didn’t care.
               He screamed.
               Not like before. Not like when he powered up or was punched or any other reason. All those could be rounded up in a word of definition. Pain. Disappointment. Sadness. Anger. This scream, this cry was none of those and yet all of them.
               The animals nearby scattered like ants amid a wave of water.
               Goku’s throat cut and bled and hurt and burned.
               It was a hideous sound. A hideous, ugly, horrible sound. One that sounded like it belonged in a horror story, not out of the mouth of a mortal. It was a roar, it was a sob, it was a curse and everything that flowed between all those.
               Goku collapsed, laying against the ground, trembling, shaking. His mind seemed to finally simmer and focused and he felt Krillin and Piccolo at the Lookout. He climbed to his feet, barely able to manage it. It was hard to keep their kis in his mind, hard to focus on them when all he was doing, still, was trying to find the one ki that he needed to feel that wasn’t there.
               “Gohan…I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you.”
               It took more energy than it should have to call on Krillin and Piccolo’s ki and to instant transmit. Even when he took in the Lookout, he felt…distant. Like, he was watching and experiencing everything through a mist. When Krillin rushed him, he stood and took it but it felt too…it was too much to do much beyond that. He was surprised Krillin and Piccolo had felt his ki as wear y as it was.
               “Is Gohan here?” was all he said.
               It was a long shot he knew. It was foolish he knew. Even as weak as injuries made ki, he had learned to detect them. He would have felt Gohan. He would have felt him instantly. He would have known. He would have known.
               Krillin’s face fell and he shook his head slowly, from side to side.
               Piccolo maintaining himself as he always did, was blunt. “Vegeta and Gohan are both dead. Majin Buu saw to that.”
               Goku fell to his knees. He knew it and yet hearing it….his son and the word died or dead should never be in the same sentence nor anywhere near the same sentence. He should have been here, rushing to greet his father with a hug.
               He should have been smiling.
               He should have…
               Goku didn’t even really register when Dende approached and started to tending his wounds. He recognized when the pain lessened from his bruises and cuts and gashes but it did nothing for the inner pain. The inner pain, if anything, magnified. All he could think of was Gohan. How he’d been, how he’d looked, how he’d smiled and how he had so many plans for himself. Maybe, at the very back of his mind, he thought about the Dragonballs, but right now, he was too consumed in his emotions to think much on it.
               He couldn’t think much on anything. Just his Gohan.
               And Majin Buu.
               The Majin Buu that had taken his son away.
               It was so brief that you would have missed it if you have a half-blink. Goku’s dark eyes went turquoise then aqua, then yellow, then a slight silver shade and for a moment, less than a moment, the color about his eyes went blood red.
               It faded so suddenly that only Krillin saw it.
               He didn’t need to think much on it though.
               Goku was looking out over the Lookout, eyes fixated in the distance where Majin Buu’s ki still rose and rocketed. He said nothing but he didn’t need to say anything. Krillin knew his friend and Krillin knew the danger in that look.
               You took my son from me and I’ll have your skin for it.
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ijustloveobeymeok · 3 years
How to get the Obey me! brothers to show their true power [War edition]
yep, you're in war with your demon brothers right by your side.
Lucifer > From the beginning > As the sin of pride he wants to show you what he's capable of > Also the war is interrupting his time with you and he would like to end it as soon as possible > Will probably go all out from the beginning, terrorizing the other side > He probably won't even have a scratch on him at the end because of his healing powers and speed > He's just speeding around slashing people before they can see him > May also show full power if Diavolo gets hurt
Mammon > You get hurt > From the deepest stab to the shallowest scratch, anything is enough to trigger Mammon > How DARE you touch his MC > I imagine him screaming like Goku does when he goes into Saiyan mode > A demon who you've been warned to never cross > Once he goes full power, > no one and I mean no one will be able to lay a finger on you
Leviathan > When you die > Sorry > But think about it > As passionate he is about protecting you, he still has insecurities and kept unintentionally holding back > But when someone actually manages to kill you... > Seeing the light in your eyes die while you're staring at him > Even his brothers will have trouble calming him down > Raging waves flood the whole area as Lotan is summoned and destroys the every opponent, no one to spare. > The Ruler of the Sea has lost their lover again > And everyone must pay.
Satan > Once you turn to him for help > You're a strong individual in his eyes > So once you turn to him for help, a desperate look in your eyes that makes his heart clench > How dare these nobodies cause you to make such a pained face > They need to die > The air around them turns cold as they feel multiple swords pierce through them > Imagine a man running around throwing around swords into your chests with absolutely accurate aim > It's more scary than funny when you say it out loud.
Asmodeus > When you're weakened > He gets that typical anime action scene > You're weakened > Everything seems hopeless > And finally, pretty boi here decided to use his full strength > Few minutes later half of the opponents have changed sides are attacking their own men > For their lover and new ruler Asmodeus > "Don't give up darling, we'll be the winners"
Beelzebub > From the beginning > He's already watched someone he loved die before his own eyes > He'll do everything in his power to protect you > And if he goes at his fullest from the start he figured he can protect you and Belphie at once > From the beginning he's already looking like a raging bull > Just throwing people like they're frisbees > Stopping weapons and breaking bones with his bare hands > Why does that actually sound attractive?
Belphegor > If he sees you struggling > Although minimal, he's doing his contributions to the war >Then from the corner of his eyes he sees you struggling as they slowly surround you > Within a second he's by your side blasting the enemy to bits > Once you look like you can handle yourself he'll mutter a good luck squeeze your hand and go back to his previous position > Where he can watch over you, Beel and also make sure the enemy don't try any tricks > He has faith in you
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vintagegeekculture · 4 years
The Chinese Cultural Inspirations for Dragon Ball Z and Super
Journey to the West was only the beginning. 
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A lot of people are vaguely aware that Dragon Ball was inspired by Chinese culture and Hong Kong Kung Fu movies and novels, but are unaware of how deep and long lasting it goes. The Japanese spent the 1980s fascinated by China, which opened up from being a closed society for decades in 1978; the most famous human being in Japan in the 80s was either Michael Jackson or Jackie Chan. 
In fact, a lot of people commonly believe that the Chinese action movie and Kung Fu novel cultural and media influence on Dragon Ball ended very early on. This is untrue. Sure, we started to see qipaos and cheongsams less frequently when they headed to West City, but it absolutely did not finish, because there’s tons of influence to see even as impossibly late as Dragon Ball Super. Interestingly, I don’t think any of these point of inspirations have been pointed out before, mainly because a lot of Chinese adventure novels are simply not available in English. 
 The Piccolo/Gohan plot was inspired by the Chinese action novel “Heavenly Sword and Dragon Sabre.”
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Okay, tell me if you’ve heard this story before: a truly demonic, weird looking monster villain is defeated by a martial arts hero, but by circumstance, is forced into training his greatest enemy’s young son. The villain trains the young boy, the son of his enemy, in martial arts and over time, becomes like a second father or uncle to him and his family, putting the boy in his “evil” sect, and thanks to his love of his rival’s son, this baddie turns over a new leaf and goes from evil to just…grumpy, and becomes a loyal, though gruff, ally of the boy.
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Of course, the events of Heavenly Sword and Dragon Sabre are a bit different from Dragon Ball in details. The Lion King becomes Wuji’s teacher because they are both stranded together on an island after a shipwreck, for instance, and he is blinded and made vulnerable. Also, the Lion King wasn’t so much evil so much as he was misunderstood by the orthodox martial world. However, in broad outlines, this trajectory for a face turn (becomes friends with his greatest enemy’s son, and becomes like a second father to him as he trains him, causing the villain to become a gruff good guy and ally) is essentially from one of the most famous Chinese novels ever written in the 1960s. 
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Oh, and while we’re at it, Gohan is likewise inspired by another character from a Louis Cha novel: the Prince of Dali Duan Yu in the Kung Fu novel Demigods and Semi-Devils. The Prince in that novel is a naïve, pacifistic scholar who prefers books to fighting, and who was raised to be timid and avoid combat, absolutely out of step with his family, all of whom are martial artists and warriors. In fact, the beginning of the story is the prince gets incredibly lost in the wilderness, where the hopelessly naïve prince is utterly out of his depth, with all the robbers and scary beasts, and needs to be saved by real martial artists that protect him like fairy godparents. He spends the first part of the story running away from everything, scared as hell. However, by circumstance, he has naturally high power he cannot fully initially control, and eventually realizes that even scholars and others who hate fighting have to sometimes become fighters to protect those they love.
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The Duan Yu part of Demigods and Semi-Devils was made into a film, the Battle Wizard, which was reviewed by PewDiePie. The Dragonball similarities went over his head because, honestly, PewDiePie does not strike me as a perceptive person. 
 Hit was based on the screen persona of Chow Yun Fat.
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Chow Yun Fat was a Hong Kong cinema superstar who was to director John Woo what Robert de Niro was to Martin Scorsese. There are three giveaways that Hit was based on Chow Yun Fat. One, he’s an assassin, same as Chow Yun Fat’s character in the Killer, and is even given a sequence that’s a John Woo homage with an assassination in an office building with guns pulled on an empty elevator in an act of misdirection. Second, he’s wearing the single piece of clothing Chow Yun Fat is associated with, a black trenchcoat (fun fact: in Hong Kong today, trenchcoats are called Brother Mark Coats, after Chow Yun Fat’s character in John Woo’s A Better Tomorrow). Third, his power is essentially bullet time, a visual technique refined by John Woo in Hong Kong in the 80s and 90s in his gunplay triad movies starring Chow Yun Fat (what, you think the Wachowskis invented it?).
 The Goku/Vegeta relationship is from “Legend of the Condor Heroes.”
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Here’s a story you might have heard before. It’s about two rivals, but by circumstance, one is raised in the wilderness beyond civilization, where he becomes an honest and goodhearted, though overly naive bumpkin, martial arts prodigy. The other is raised a wealthy prince by a conquering enemy, who grows up to also become an armor wearing martial arts expert, but also a cunning, arrogant, emotionally distant sociopath.
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The similarities go into their love lives, too. The unsophisticated bumpkin hero is betrothed to a daughter of a powerful bearded barbarian king against his will, while the one hint of vulnerability and loss of emotional detachment in the otherwise sociopathic prince, the crack in his smirky arrogance, is that he loves a girl he otherwise pretends to hate, and even fathers a child with her who becomes a main character later.
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This is Guo Jing and Yang Kang from Legend of the Condor Heroes. The most fascinating similarity, and proof that female psychology is the same all over the world, is that the fangirls love the emotionally distant, arrogant, and sexy/evil prince (remember when Rhonda Rousey said her first crush was Vegeta?). Girls everywhere love bad boys and sexy villains, and oh boy, do they love Prince Yang Kang. I think you can probably guess who all the fan art is about for Legend of the Condor Heroes, and what ship is the most popular.
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I have to emphasize that Legend of the Condor Heroes, which came out in the 1950s-60s, is possibly the most widely read novel by the most widely read novelist on earth - the sales on that dwarf Twilight and Harry Potter. It’s probably not an exaggeration to say nearly every Chinese person, even if they never read it, knows who these characters are. In fact, Yang Kang and Guo Jing from Condor Heroes are basically repeated over and over in Asian, Chinese, and Japanese culture. Does the unsophisticated but gifted martial arts prodigy bumpkin hero, and the glib, arrogant wealthy prince rival remind you of….another duo of rivals?
Gohan/Videl comes from Little Dragon Maiden
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One of the most important and influential Martial Arts novels of all time is “Return of the Condor Heroes.” A sequel to Condor Heroes, this time, the main character is the teenage son of one of the main characters from the first novel. It gets even more familiar from there.
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“Return of the Condor Heroes” was about a martial arts couple who are also master and student, the same age but vastly different in experience and skill so one somehow seems “older,” and they fall in love because the circumstances of training together requires they spend lots of time together and become intimate. The training story and the love story are exactly the same in “Return of the Condor Heroes.” The dead giveaway one story inspired the other is that in both, the most significant training sequence is one where the master teaches the student how to fly (though Return used a chamber of sparrows for lightness Kung Fu).
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There are some differences of course – obviously in Return of the Condor Heroes, the genders of teacher and student are flipped from Gohan and Videl (it’s the Little Dragon Maiden who is a powerful teacher, and the boy who is the student). It was the girl (Videl) who was a rebellious delinquent in Dragon Ball Z, when it was the opposite in the novel, true. But it was obvious this story was in the back of the creator’s mind as a way to combine Kung Fu with the love story, by making teacher and student lovers.
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Addendum: hey, remember that awesome movie Kung Fu Hustle, the one Hong Kong movies normies have seen? Well, remember the landlord and landlady? The landlady was named Xiao Lung Nu, or Little Dragon Maiden, and her husband was named Yang Guo – the same as the main characters in Return of the Condor Heroes. It was a joke that went over the heads of Westerners, by giving these names of attractive and naïve young people in love with each other to a surly, bitter, arguing and chain smoking middle aged couple who don’t give a damn.
 Going Super Saiyan comes from “Reincarnated” aka “Bastard Swordsman.”
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Stop me if this sounds familiar: a terrifying warlord tyrant prone to killing underlings who displease him has achieved a level of skill and cultivation so tremendous nobody can stop him. But there is one, and only one, thing he fears and that can defeat him: a long-lost legendary skill that nobody has achieved in recent memory, that includes a supernatural combat power transformation that turns the hair light to indicate it worked.
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This is “Silkworm Skill” from Reincarnated aka Bastard Swordsman, a novel and TV series from Hong Kong in the early 1980s. Of course, there are differences. To get the power boost and new hair color, the hero has to jump in a cocoon he weaves himself. In fact, the scene is so well known that they actually have it on the poster.
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(To those saying “Super Saiyan turns your hair blonde, not white” my response is that it turns hair white, or uncolored, in the comic book.)
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The idea of your hair turning white to indicate a new supernatural combat transformation or martial state wasn’t created by Bastard Swordsman, though – though it is the best example and probably the one most familiar to a 1980s audience due to the hugely popular books and TV series. For an older example, a famous Chinese movie based on a folktale is “Bride With the White Hair,” about a bride who’s hair turns white when she is betrayed, in her anger, she becomes less a woman and more a supernatural creature of vengeance (interesting that anger should be the means to unlock it).
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makeste · 3 years
About Deku: a criticism that i had seen used againts him is that he never morally struggle about his decisions and that he always does the right think, do you think that this is a flaw of the story, or just people having different personal tastes regarding the main characther.
for me, I definitely wouldn’t call it a flaw, if only because it’s completely intentional. the main character always saving the day in the end and never wavering from their convictions (which are almost always admirable) is a part of the genre. pick just about any other mc in shounen -- Luffy, Naruto, Goku, etc. -- and you’ll find the same.
now, that’s not to say that the criticism isn’t valid. but the thing is, to me it’s like criticizing horror for being too scary, or criticizing comedy for not taking things seriously enough. shounen mcs are supposed to have those idealistic convictions. they’re supposed to have strong morals. it’s a part of the genre. it’s a feature of the genre, in fact. it’s one of the reasons why people gravitate to these stories, because it’s comforting and dependable.
these mcs aren’t perfect, of course, but they almost always have strong, incorruptible moral cores, even if that sometimes makes them a bit less relatable. because the thing is, they don’t necessarily need to be relatable to everyone, but what they do need is to be someone that the average person will root for to succeed. not necessarily role models, but someone who the average person will side with and support. hence why the strong moral backbone is so important. shounen mcs are supposed to reflect all of those shounen virtues like hope and courage and determination and justice and empathy and compassion. all that heroic shit. they have to embody that. it kind of comes with the territory.
and it’s fine to dislike that, because a lot of people see it as overly preachy and unrealistic and boring to a degree, and that’s understandable. it is predictable, and that predictability can be a double-edged sword. it’s familiar and reassuring, but it can also be dull and lacking in suspense, and there isn’t always a way around that. and this does mean that the mc won’t always necessarily be the most complex or interesting character in the series. they tend to be characters you look up to and admire, as opposed to characters you relate to personally. which is fine of course, but it’s a big reason why mcs often rank second or third in popularity polls, because the characters that are the most popular tend to have a bit more moral complexity. but again, that’s just part of the genre though. it’s not the mc’s job to be relatable; their job is simply to be someone that we can root for.
so to get back to your question, as I said, I don’t think this is a flaw of the story, because to me that would imply a mistake in the writing, which this isn’t. it’s very deliberate, and anyone who’s read or watched enough shounen knows that this is par for the course. so while you might disagree about whether or not it should be, imo that becomes more of a general argument against the genre itself than against BnHA or Deku’s character in particular.
and for what it’s worth, while I do understand the criticisms against him, for me at least, Deku is a very interesting character. like, just speaking from a strictly personal and totally subjective standpoint, I like him. I find him interesting. I find his personality, character, and story interesting. I find his struggles interesting. and he does have them, even if they’re not always of the “right vs wrong” variety. just because you know the right thing to do doesn’t mean it’s always easy. just because you ultimately wind up making the best decision doesn’t mean that the struggle is meaningless or boring, at least not to me. Deku often finds himself in situations where there is no easy way out. that’s interesting!! even if he does figure out a solution in the end, that doesn’t make the conflict any less interesting while it is going on. it’s just that it’s more of a “how is he gonna manage to get out of this one” suspense than a “will he make it out” suspense. that to me is the interesting part. when you’re reading about Sherlock Holmes or Hercule Poirot solving a mystery, there’s never any doubt of whether they’ll solve it, because that’s not the focus of the story. the story is about how they will solve it. you’re not supposed to doubt whether the mc in shounen will succeed in the end, because it’s never been about that. the question isn’t will they. the question is how.
and I personally find the how of Deku’s story to be fascinating. this is a young boy who’s had heroic ambitions all his life, but who sometimes questions his own worthiness to fulfill them. he has a power that might be the world’s best hope against the strongest evil the world has ever known, but he’s inexperienced and has trouble controlling that power. he has an admirable need to save and protect others, but that same need makes him reckless, and occasionally puts him at great risk. he has a tendency to be short-sighted, and to make decisions that save others in the short term, but make things more difficult in the long term (take the current status of his arms, for instance -- using them against Tomura was a gamble that didn’t pay off, and in doing so he may have damaged them beyond repair).
and even though it’s the job of a shounen mc to bring all of the other characters together, this is the one thing he still hasn’t personally grasped yet, as he’s still stuck in the “I can’t put anyone else at risk so I’ll just have to do it all alone” stage of his development, and is going to need help in order to finally progress to the “everyone else is aware of the risks and prepared to make those sacrifices just like me, so I’m going to have to trust them and let them help me because it will take all of us in order to succeed” final, Enlightened stage. this is shaping up to perhaps be his greatest personal challenge, and it’s something that for my part I find very compelling. all of these flaws are compelling to me, actually. I don’t know if they count as “real” flaws to everyone or not, but frankly I don’t care. they’re interesting to me, and I could read about that shit all day.
and so for me personally, it doesn’t matter as much whether he’s morally conflicted or suffers too much from What A Good Person syndrome or whatever lol. because so far at least, that hasn’t affected my fondness for him at all. there are plenty of other things I find relatable about him, and the struggles he does go through have plenty of weight to me. ymmv! but to me he is extremely likable, and I enjoy reading about him, and I’m invested in his story and want him to succeed. and those are all of the character metrics I care about. I think that objectively, he’s a good shounen mc, and subjectively, he’s interesting and I like him. and I don’t really have a good, clever/punchy way to end this meta lol, so I guess I’ll just leave it at that.
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mozillavulpix · 3 years
I'd like to hear your take on peak Gohan
Oh lol you saw!
Okay, let's do this.
Why Tournament of Power (anime) Gohan is Peak Gohan
1. He can actually fight
Gohan 'discourse' I find often gets oversimplified into two camps; the 'why isn't Gohan a badass fighter' camp, and the 'why can't Gohan just live in peace and not fight' camp. And the two of them feel like they're constantly arguing with each other over how Gohan should be characterised.
But I kind of find myself seeing valid points in both camps. On the one hand, I don't want Gohan forced into a lifestyle that doesn't suit his personality. But on the other hand, I also know that Dragon Ball is a fighting show and if you don't have the ability to fight (or even worse, used to have the ability to fight but lost it), you kind of look really lame no matter how many cute slice-of-life moments there are. (This is the problem I had with DBS Ep 52)
So, like...why can't he have both?
People act like there's some hard rule that if Gohan doesn't 100% dedicate his entire life to training like Goku does, he'll never get stronger (and in fact will keep actively getting weaker), but...why does that even have to be the case? This is just fiction. You can easily say "he found a compromise where he's a scholar but maybe trains a bit in his spare time so he won't get weak". I think it'd make enough sense for his character. He wants to be a scholar, but he also cares a lot about protecting his family and friends. It feels pretty natural.
2. It fixed Ultimate Gohan
Conceptually, Ultimate Gohan is honestly one of the coolest thing in the late era of Dragon Ball. After one flashy transformation after another, the idea someone's final form is basically them looking exactly the same – no big hair or scary glowing eyes – and yet remaining as powerful as someone with a form like that is just really cool to watch. It gives that sense that the character is in total control, not consumed by rage or whatnot to turn them into a different personality.
My personal big issues with the form, however, are that 1. Gohan basically gets given it for free without having to do much at all. In fact, he has to literally sit there and do nothing while he has a ritual performed on him. It's good comedy, but not as satisfying as him, like, literally having to fight and sweat for his power-up. Especially one which has all the trademarks of being a 'Final Form'.
And 2., Toriyama makes Gohan's personality when he uses that form against Super Buu very assertive and cocky, almost overconfident. Which obviously happens in fights sometimes, but Gohan is probably the member of the cast who is naturally the least like that, so it's kind of jarring to see him suddenly smack-talking his enemy like Vegeta.
It's kind of not why I like Gohan, so I really didn't like the implication that 'for Gohan to be a strong fighter, he needs to be cocky and a generic badass'.
Anyway, Gohan in the Tournament of Power fixes both these issues. For one, he has to seemingly work and train to get the 'Ultimate' 'form' back again, even if it was directly only for 1 or 2 episodes in the Super anime. And even with that power, he still maintains the traditional personality of the more polite member of the cast who also really appreciates and hypes up everyone else.
He's kind of like...the moe one, if that makes sense.
3. He gets to be cool without it feeling overblown
This was basically the issue I had with Vegeta in Dragon Ball Super. It's fun to give a character power-ups and big emotional moments, but if you reach too far, it starts to feel like mindless pandering to fans without any real understanding of a narrative.
Vegeta gets a lot in modern Dragon Ball, a lot of it for basically no reason other than ticking off a checklist. (The most egregious example to me was SSG in the Broly movie. It's not the most powerful form, there's basically no reason to even use it, but they made him dramatically use it in the movie just to prove to people he had it.)
Anyway, when they brought Gohan back, I was worried it'd fall into that trap, but it hasn't (so far). He didn't get any big power-up in the Tournament of Power, his little plot was all about learning to fight better with the power he already had. He didn't beat or even fight Jiren. Because the story took it conservative with him and decided he didn't have to be the strongest or even get close to Goku's level within one arc to show that he was cool. Sometimes you can wholeheartedly appreciate a character for what they are and what they've done, and not for what they're not.
This is also the reason why Tournament of Power (manga) isn’t part of the discussion. Because 1. I actually have trouble believing...power-scaling wise, that he’d be stronger than Kefla, it feels like too much of a jump in power to the point it feels unsatisfying and 2. he acts weirdly confident and not as polite and empathetic there, it falls too much into the trap of the Super Buu fight.
and...I think that's about it?
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trunkzbriefs · 4 years
Any Son and/or Briefs family headcanons? Spicy hot takes? Truths Toriyama and Toyotaro themselves can not handle? Straight up lies?
GODDAMN SORRY this took a while cause i suck at putting thoughts together. i apologize for my obvious briefs bias i have more hcs for them than the son family despite loving them both :pensive: anyway heres some random stuff
briefs hcs:
all of the briefs are pros at non-verbal communication. i hc that saiyans have their own language (and also in my own Mind Canon they still have their fuckin tails) and a lot of it is done through tail movement/body posture/grunts/etc. etc so theyve all sort of picked that up. even bulma, who doesnt have a tail, is pretty good at getting across what she means without actually speaking. they still do speak normally but it comes in handy sometimes considering that both trunks and vegeta are prone to running out of speaking energy or getting very frustrated with words, so having another way to communicate works very well for them
vegeta is fffffffffffffffffffurry. without getting too deep into my own General Saiyan hcs (thats why i made a whole ass four subspecies!!) i think that the entirety of planet vegeta tended to be very hot aside from the part where the castle was, where the temperature would drop. meaning that saiyans working in the palace would grow thicker fur around certain parts of their body, and in the royal saiyans theyd be Especially fluffy. he kept it down on earth, but he has thick patches of fur around the bottom parts of his arms and legs. kind of like snowy boots and gloves! he also has fur that grows in on his neck like a lions mane.
future trunks is an actions sponge, vegeta is a words sponge. vegeta will pick up words VERY quickly regardless if he fully understands the meaning of it or not (completely inspired by 'THATS RIGHT BOYS... MONDO COOL' in z) and future trunks will unintentionally mimic the actions of people - around people he looks up to he might take a few small mannerisms from but this extends to copying the disposition of anyone; he's just very adaptive. this is the most obvious (and funniest) when he's around vegeta bc it really shows like. yeah damn that sure is vegeta's son
vegeta & bulla have an intimidating bastard smirk naturally. their natural smiles are pretty frightening and they have to put effort into a 'normal' one. this also extends to current trunks, his default smile is the Vegeta Bastard Smirk but he learned to have a normal smile quicker than his father and sister. future trunks has a slightly unnerving natural smile (the fact that his pupils are always drawn so fucking small makes me hc that he just has a very intimidating look of 'cat thats about to pounce on an unfortunate trapped mouse' whenever he smiles) but he learned to look normal even quicker than current trunks since he's around humans a Lot and is sort of their uh, Hope. don't want to look scary to the people who depend on you!
bulma has some fighting knowledge and mildly good ki control. vegeta taught her it as a just in case so that she'd be able to defend herself against Bigger threats if he wasn't there and also so she could raise her own ki to alert someone to her if she had to.
vegeta is extremely clean and can not stand to have things disorganized for more than like... an hour before he has to tidy everything up. every time he goes down to the lab and bulma is passed out in a pile of bolts and circuit boards it kills him inside just a little bit
future trunks has little concept of power control. since his timeline was always in danger it wasn't really an important thing for him to learn. the amount of mugs he's accidentally crushed is impressive
vegeta tends to not sound like he's asking questions when he is. he doesn't add the proper infliction to the end of his questions and just sounds flat most of the time. it's confusing to people who dont know him well.
im not even gonna lie, im a BIG fan of the chill demon panchy headcanon so i love the idea that the briefs have a Lil bit of demon in them but just dont know it ghjnkm
[banging my fists on the 'hcs that not even got could take away from me' table] future trunks has OCD
vegeta doesn't really get labels but he's bisexual & "debatably a man", bulma is bisexal & bigender transfem (sometimes shes Wamen and other times its like "gender? no"), bulla is a nonbinary lesbian, current trunks is a bisexual trans man & future bulma forgot to explain the concept of gender and sexuality to future trunks so he's a little confused on that front and his gender & sexuality are "i have literally never thought abt these concepts in my life but i think men are nice. i refuse to think about gender though" (i actually have two main hcs for future trunks which are either gay trans man or more-feminine-presenting nonbinary bisexual)
son hcs:
goku is Not as fluffy as vegeta at all, but he does have fur on certain parts of his body. namely on the back of his elbows + ankles, down his back connecting to his tail, and on his shoulders. its inherented from gine!
gohan is learning saiyan language from vegeta! vegeta acts grumpy about it but he's glad to have someone to teach. when gohan learned that most of the history had been lost he basically wished shenron for a big ol book on saiyan culture and gave it to vegeta just as an act of kindness and vegeta was like [in an angry voice but very touched] "Ok. Sit down. You're learning." by extension gohan is also teaching the rest of his family!
i will take ox king being actually non-human to my grave so like, chichi has horns and a very short ox tail! gohan and goten both have horns, but they're hidden by hair. goten's horns are bigger than gohans.
goten also has a more ox-like tail, with a little puff of fur at the end. generally, gohan looks more saiyan-like and goten looks more ox/human-like.
although he keeps up his cheery demeanor very well, goku is still haunted pretty badly by like... everything that’s happened in his life. he still has frequent nightmares about cell & buu specifically.
gohan will freak out at worse, zone out at best, if he's even tapped on the neck. it reminds him of the whole 'getting his neck snapped on namek' so that area is pretty off limits to everyone
goten gets along really well with android 17. they both have a love for nature and 17s kind of like his chill uncle, so whenever he gets too stressed out or just needs a break you can find him face down on the ground outside of 17's place on monster island.
goku is really really good at remembering completely random shit. bulma uses this to her advantage whenever she's working and has him memorize random technology stuff. a week later goku can not remember what he had for breakfast that morning but as soon as bulma asks "hey do you remember what i told you last week" hes like "oh yeah sure i have no idea what it means but [blurts out three hours worth of technical garble]"
oh boy is this a headcanon that has a lot more depth to it than just a bullet on a tumblr post, but gohan has DID!
goku, like vegeta, doesnt get labels either, and does not even Try, ask him about any of it and hes like "i dont get the gender thing but i think lots of people look nice :)" gohan is gay and like vegeta, "debatably a man", goten + chichi are both bi nonbinary, & pan is a lesbian trans woman.
bulla and pan are both into music! i think theyd mess around making their own stuff w/ launchpads
i have a general hc of ki mixing or shielding, essentially, if youre close enough to someone people wont be able to tell apart your ki and you can also 'shield' someone with your ki for a small amount of time. if vegeta has his energy low, his and bulma's energy are the same. same thing with goku and chichi! goten and trunks are near impossible to tell apart, and same thing with gohan and videl.
though goten and trunks are both protective over their younger siblings, gotenks is that protectiveness times a thousand. look at bulla or pan wrong for 2 seconds and you're going to have an angry gotenks in your face asking if you have any last words. i like to think that trunks and goten fused casually a lot, especially around the time where bulla and pan were young, so its basically goten and trunks own attachment to them PLUS gotenks' attachment to them as his own person combined.
i like to pretend end of z did not happen the way it did so uub, using nimbus, travels back and forth a lot. goku isn’t the only one who teaches him how to fight as goten, gohan and trunks all think of him like a little brother and love training with him!
fuck you letters to toriyama/toyotaro hot takes:
cell, as cool of a villian as he is, definitely should have had a creepier final form. or multiple- just something that really drives in the fact that he's made up of other's dna & fuckin ABSORBS people. also his first two forms should have had a different absorbtion method other than the tail thing (not the drinking thing thats fine) it just feels.   Weird. not good
it would have been far more interesting to keep the bitter attitude towards vegeta that future trunks had imo... in super trunks was going through a Lot granted but the fact tht he wasnt more confrontational to vegeta being a dick to him seemed kind of off considering his attitude in z i just.. think it would be interesting and far better if they had more of a back and forth 'family but lowkey hate each other' relationship
i dont want to rant about super so heres some super condensed takes, goku black arc specific because thats 90% of what ive seen of super:
mai is a fucking freak ass weirdo, why did they not just make another character to pair with trunks
trunks not flipping the fuck out at his timeline being erased feels... out of character. also trunks deserved the win against zamasu
future bulma did NOT need to die
trunks should have just stayed in the current timeline
please fucking let trunks and goten grow up. we SAW a version of trunks who looked 14 (history of trunks....) and the versions of goten & trunks we have r/n in super do not look 13/14 respectively what in the goddamn hell is going on in the character design department
super definitely should have taken place later down the line
supers version of bulma and videl look awful. why are they That stick like.
vegeta needs to kill frieza. just once.
fu has enough potential to be a very interesting mainline character and i am so sad he's not
i would actively enjoy a sdbh anime with more  budget that isnt just a promo anime and has a plot that makes sense... i think db should have more wild spinoffs
xenoverse deserved a better story that went FULL in on the 'what if' type of timelines- like they did in raging blast which is a FUCKING GREAT GAME
straight up lies:
dragon ball z is a good series
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