#Protective Clothing Market 2020
cognitivejustice · 3 months
Meet Valdirene Militão: An Urban Farmer and Creative Recycler Fighting for the Self-Reliance of Favela Women
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Valdirene Oliveira Militão, affectionately known as Val in the Roquete Pinto favela in Complexo da Maré, located in Rio de Janeiro’s North Zone, where she has lived for 52 years, embodies the possibility of everyday sustainable practices accessible to favela residents.
Agroecology and sustainability, which increasingly gain space in public debate, are knowledge passed down in the favela in an affectionate and local manner by elders.
Yet, these grassroots insights are made invisible and delegitimized for being practical, conceived through lived experience and need, through “pretagogias” [Black pedagogical practices]. Such values only become accepted and seen as a solution when they are whitewashed and transformed into commodities, into tools of control.
In this sense, reusing waste and (re)creating from scrap materials Val resignifies life and her community with her hands. This fusion of perspectives encapsulates Valdirene Militão’s initiatives toward sustainability and the economic empowerment of women. Through workshops, she teaches other women how to repurpose leftover materials to transform and market them, generating income.
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In the area surrounding her home studio, where she carries out recycling activities, Val gathers milk cartons to craft protective blankets for animals. Additionally, the visual artist collects coffee capsules, costume jewelry, and PET bottles to fashion decorative objects and clothing. Notably, she gathered 204 coffee capsules to create a futuristic-style garment worn by digital influencer Yá Burihan at the 2024 Vogue Magazine Carnival Ball.
In addition to her career as a visual artist, Val promotes other sustainable initiatives. She was one of the founders of the Ricardo Barriga Project, which emerged during the coronavirus pandemic in 2020 to generate income for Maré residents and promote food security. The initiative was named in honor of Ricardo Barriga, Val’s former brother-in-law, who died of Covid-19.
The activities aim to promote a culture of sustainability, such as workshops on making soap from used cooking oil, distribution of baskets of basic foodstuffs, face masks, and eco-friendly soap.
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ebaylee422 · 1 year
Chapter Two: The Trick of Trade
The Emerald Prince and his Sapphire Princess
Aemond X Targ!Reader
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Authors Note: sorry this took forever I'm in school rn for the first time since graduating in 2020 and I needed some time. Also I will be spiffing up my blog a bit in the next couple of days to my liking and for it to be more organized.
Summary: Only so much can prepare Lyssa for the weight of her lineage cascading onto her shoulders. The least she can do is protect her cousins from Aegon's bullying, ingrained by his shrew mother Queen Alicent. Not the woman Lyssa once knew, instead she'll look to Rhaenyra and others for those more human connections.
Word Count: 4.5k
Prologue - 1 - 2 - 3
I woke up to the noise of shifting fabrics beyond the cocoon of blankets I had created after yesterday's excitement. The sun glowing through the open balcony my lady-in-waiting Maygen would always open. waking me for the day. It would allow the air to run through my room slowly coaxing my body out of sleep. 
“Morning, Princess. I have set out your training leathers, Ser Harwin has asked for your lesson to be prompt after breakfast. Since you did not eat supper yesterday I’ve sent for your breakfast to be brought here.” Maygen couldn’t be older than my cousin, she was soft from the thick curls pulled back by strong cloth. To the supple nature of her voice when she spoke from her soft tanned skin and wine color lips. I sometimes envied her escape, as well her duties were simplistic in nature as she was only to keep me company, dressed and fed. Maygen would inform me of the delights of the market beyond the keep, and I would tell her the sights and wonders I experienced on dragonback. She’d become more of a friend and comfort than just a serving girl.
“Thank you, Maygen. I suppose no one else is within the dining hall this morning either?” She stopped in her fussing, folding and organizing the papers I’d left amuck on top of my table. She sighed, giving me enough when her shoulders dropped.
“I do not believe it to be your fault Princess. Family is a sensitive structure, I can’t hardly imagine, having the future of the realm on your shoulders as well.” A knock interrupted her, she moved to the doors of my chambers to answer. Hushed whispers were allotted until the door closed once again, Maygen entering with a tray of food.
“I’m starved.” I said as my gaze fell to a rolled paper sealed in red that peaked out of the side of the plate. “What is that?” I sat up completely taking it off the tray, resting my back against the headboard.
“It is from Pentos, Princess.” I opened the letter to find Laena’s penmanship beyond, she must have sent it days ago. 
Dearest Lyssa,
I write to you to ask for your presence in Pentos as we prepare for the birth of my child. If the Kings allow, since Rhaenyra cannot travel for her soon birth as well. I wish to have family by my side, as Baela and Rhaena were so sickly after their birth. We miss you greatly, Baela and Rhaena learn our ancestral tongue from my mine and your father. They are greatly excelling. I hope your study of Maegor may shape your knowledge of our past, so that we may not repeat our mistakes. Soon you will learn of King Jaeherys and your namesake Queen Alysanne. How your parents were betrothed by her wishes, and my mother was passed by for rule of The Seven Kingdoms. I would love to tell you about our family if you decide to join us in Pentos, I will even take you to the street markets here if you wish. Daemon may not say it out loud but I know he misses you and his brother deeply, it is only stubbornness that keeps us here. That and the endless library hall he spends his days and nights in. We hope to follow your reply soon, my love.
Until we see each other, gratefully yours Laena.
I rolled the paper up again when there was a brash knock at my door. Maygen going to answer this time she bows deeply, moving aside as I see someone enter around the corner. “Prince Aemond, my lady.” she called to warn, as he appeared hastily at the foot of my bed. I pulled on my sheets to cover my modesty at his brazen entrance. He held a parcel in his hand, my notebook piled underneath. It must have fallen out of my dress pocket when in the Dragon Pit yesterday.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you.” Aemond says averting his gaze from mine to look out of my balcony open wide. “Are you not cold?”
“No, my Prince.” We did not say a word as he looked about my chamber's. It was uncomfortably silent, he brushed his hair out of his eyes when his mouth opened and closed. Like a fish gasping for breath, now resting to stare at the lumps of my feet underneath the blankets.
“My mother wished me to bring you a salve for your wrists. You also dropped your book in the caves yesterday, I wanted to return it.” He turned, setting both on my vanity, Maygen had set my robe on the edge of the bed, I climbed out of my plush covers to wrap it around myself. Unbenounced to me Aemond watched my movements within the mirror,
“Did you read it?”
“No, I did not have the time with my father berating me for my foolish nativity.” He chuckled without humor, examining the various pins, jewelry and perfumes cluttered on the surface.
“You are foolish,” I tell him with little sympathy titling my head in concern, the fear still bubbled within my nerves. “but the others are cruel. Will you be in yards today?” I ask taking a brush off my vanity, holding my hand out for him to sit. In front of me on the stool, we typically do this after breakfast in the hall. Aemond hated the unruly nature of his hair, white like his Targaryen father but as thick as Alicents auburn ringlets. He preferred to keep it out of his eyes, rolling them with a sigh, he slumped in front of me, hands upon his knees.
“My father wished me to put the whole ordeal behind us,” As he spoke I brushed his hair back, untangling knots he’d not taken care of when washing. 
“You are their senior, your nephews. And Aegon is your brother.”
“Don’t remind me, if it weren’t for our Targaryen features he may only be a street rat.”
“ ‘Mon.” I scold softly, looking for a leather tie behind his head. “Why did you go into the caves?”
“You know why.” He stated deadpan, his eyes looking at the intricate beading along my robe. “You have two dragon’s Lyssa. As my egg lays dormant. It’s not fair-”
“You are a boy. As I was born the first daughter of a man who does not want me. Many things aren’t.” Aemond holds my wrist, stopping the brush within his locks.
“I am a second son, the second son out of four children. Even my little brother was sent to Old Town as a cupbearer. My purpose isn’t known.”
“Then find it yourself.” I say, tying the top half of his hair back out of his violet eyea, walking around him to lay the brush on top of the vanity.
“When you laid claim to Silverwing, what did you do?”
“I saw her on a hill above the caverns of the Dragonmount, her and Vermithor. He took off, she stayed. Unfurling her wings in protest of me standing next to her, yet as soon as my hand touched her scales she yielded and yearned for my touch. Leaving her mate Vermithor to grant me a taste of the skies.”
“While the egg your father picked hatched in the Dragon Pit.” Aemond's voice was chilling as he spoke.
“Yes. I wish everyday that Bronze Tail would have rejected me so you may have a claim of a young dragon Aemond. It is not what the Gods wished-”
“The Gods?” Aemond stands from his seat, pinning me between him and the vanity. Despite being a few inches shorter his demeanor radiates power enough to topple empires. “They continue to test my patience, just as the rest of you do. Wishes and Fantasy will not make me a man.”
“No. It won’t.” I halt his thoughts, puffing my chest to his challenge “You do not scare me Aemond, just like the rest of them you are a mere boy. Yet if you let this anger fester any longer it will consume your heart and mind. Even without a Dragon you might become a man but you will never be one. Good or Bad.” Aemond’s brow creases in doubt, his anger exiting his shaking form like a snuffed out candle. 
“Ñuha mind jorrāelagon naejot sagon kostōba than ñuha prūmia.”
My mind needs to be stronger than my heart.
He whispers.
“Iā kostōba mind emā, kostā borrow ñuha prūmia.  Syt sir”
A strong mind you have, you may borrow my heart. For now.
I run my hand along his arm, the contact sending a shiver through my spine. His eyes finally meeting mine again are filled with the untapped kindness he keeps buried away for Helaena, Alicent, and I. 
“I will meet you in the training yards, ñuha prūmia.”
My heart.
Taking my hand in his, pressing his chapped lips to the first knuckles without breaking his eyes from mine. My head spins, floating in the space like the foam a top a freshly poured cup of mead. Turning on his heel, Aemond leaves out the door he came in, hair tucked back so he may wear his Gambeson comfortability. Aemond wears the opposite color to me, Hightower Green with a three-headed dragon as our shared crest. While his mind is clouded with similar envy, I bleed red for the hope of our shared devotion. Today, however, I will wear the bronze leather of my mother. Aemond's words ring like a melody through my head until I reach the yards. Forgoing everything left in my room but some roasted pheasant with a jug of water for my breakfast. 
My heart
My heart
My heart
ñuha prūmia
My shoulders ache as I push Ser Harwin away perring his blow to my left side, “You’re holding back, this is a dance. Even as a girl you need not be timid with me-” 
“I’m trying!” I huff, disengaging from the open area as he shuffles towards me.
“I am five times your size and even more in strength than all the other men in King's Landing. Be angry if you must Princess, but it is true. Give me a reasonable fight.” Harwin takes my wooden sword and unsheathes his broadsword along his hip, with open palms he hands it to me. I grip the handle with one hand, and the blade sinks to the ground immediately.
“How am I to beat you if I am at every disadvantage?” I heave the sword to waist height, rocking low in my hips staying at the ready. 
“Do not let your enemy see your fears, deceive me. You are smaller and faster, I am heavier on top than bottom watch for my legs. Then make your move, fast with full force.”
“You’re telling me how to defeat you, that’s cheating.” Wiping the sweat off my forehead with the crook on my elbow raised at the ready.
“Do you know why I’m called ‘Breakbones?’, Princess.” I shake my head still keeping distance as we circle each other. “Criston Cole broke my collar within his first tourney as the Queen’s Guard. I fought the rest of the day with my shoulder wrapped tight. You can do much more damage than him.”
“Okay, I’m ready.” With that, he charged to my left side again, I perried the blow, crossing our swords his strength made me bend back at the waist. I twisted the swords, ducking under him, gaining distance.
“You will never be ready, Lyssa. The world will swallow you whole-” He left his legs carelessly separated, pushing with my shoulder. I curved my body from where our blades met side stepping behind him.
"I will take it by Fire and Blood!" I yell, charging him
"You are a girl from a renowned family only." Harwin sees my open shoulder, slicing down on my sword to knock his elbow into my shoulder. I wail in pain, raising the sword again to a generous combo against my mentor. Only there isn't fear. He is laughing. Laughing at my attempts, this spurs on my rage and exhaustion.
“I am a Targaryen! The Seven Kingdoms need us, I am one of the most educated women within them.” Out of the way of his counterattack, I slice at the chains of his knees. He winces and shuffles orward. 
“Is that why Prince Daemon is out adventuring Pentos?” Turning he swings the wooden sword with full force, I wait for his shoulders to drop dodging the blow as dirt flies within the air. 
“My father doesn’t matter!” I scream, “I will triumph without him!” I use the weight of the sword hilt into his shoulder. 
“Get angry! Look at me, and see him!” Then stepping back, dodging the swipe to my waist I bring the sword to shoulder height holding and pressing to Harwin’s uncovered side between his ribs. Out of breath he drops his weapon, pushing mine away from his side it clatters to the ground. My knees droop as Harwin stands, he holds my head against his black leathers, my shoulders cradled by his other arm in an embrace. I breathe heavily and clutch at his sides as hot tears stream down my face.
“I’m sorry-” I hiccup,
“No, I am sorry. I needed you to feel, to fight for what is yours. You won Lyssa. Even if he is not here to see it, know that I am proud of you.” Harwin holds my face in his hands, wiping the tears from my face. “No man is worth this pain, Lyssa."
"Then why does it happen?"
"I wish I knew. Believe me when i say the gods have no control of mans' cruelty. Only the punishment within the next life. I heard what happened in my absence yesterday.”
“It was nothing-”
“You saved the Prince's life, a debt he will pay you for one day.”
“It was all Aegon’s plot, he tricked his own brother. Aegon is a vile-”
“Careful Lyssa. He is also a Prince-”
“The ladies of court say that Viserys and Alicent will wed me to him after I bleed. So I may bear him pure-blood children, in line with our Targaryen traditions.” Harwin bellows so loud it echoes through the walls, “Why are you laughing? Stop laughing at me.” I spit at him, smacking him along his bicep.
“My-my that is gossip if I ever heard any, despite you’re fathers faults and your lack of a mother like myself, he would never allow such a union.” He holds his sword and collects the other practice ones scattered around us, “You have a unique place here. They wouldn’t squander your hand on the likes of the Princes. You, Lyssa, have a great opportunity here, I see a treaty being made over your hand. While other ladies sew and play instruments while you do those amicably. As well you fight, speak High Valyrian, are a Targaryen King's ward and cupbearer. This means you have heard many royal decries and are strategic. Smarter than any other young girl I’ve met.”
“Even Princess Rhaenyra?” I snicker, 
“She learned from her misfortunes in all good time, as one of her confidantes. You've seen what to avoid. Rhaenyra has taught you the likes of being a mother as well.”
“I’ve never thought of it as that.”
“What I’m getting at is you are well spoken for Princess. Do not fear the future. You are beloved, and all will ensure you are well prepared for your role. Come now, we may catch the last of the Princes training. As I need my sword polished because of your heavy hands.” Walking into the true training yard of the Keep, Aegon and Aemond stand in Hightower green their wooden swords raised slicing at straw dummies behind Jace and Lucerys. Rhaenyra’s children wear Targaryen red and black.
“Aegon,” Cole speaks from across the yard, approaching the distracted Prince.
“I’ve won my first bout, Ser Criston. My opponent sues for mercy.”
“Well, you’ll have a new opponent then My Lord of the Straw. Let’s see if you can touch me. You and your brother.” He tells Aegon, who is laughing smugly at the idea. Not before spotting Ser Harwin and I beyond, he blows a kiss in my direction. I grimace as the Velyron sons walk towards us to watch. Viserys and Lyonel Strong on the balcony watch the training yard from above. He waves after a heap slug of whatever the Maesters put in his flask. At attention, the three fights, Jace and Luke , are pushed to the sidelines, forced to observe only and learn something from it. 
“Ah. Weapons up, boys. Give your enemies no quarter.” Harwin breaks our silence as Criston eyes closer, Harwin puffs his shoulders maintaining eye contact. “It seems the younger boys could do better with a bit of your attention… Ser Criston.”
“You question my method of instruction as you teach girls, ser?” Criston yells a good distance across the yard.
“Oh, I merely suggest that method be applied to all your pupil, before long the Princess shall overcome all the men in her family. Your best and brightest shall crumble beneath her steel.”
“Ser Harwin…” I warn, pink of face at the praise. 
“Pfft. Very well. Jacerys come here.” Criston grabs Jace at his collar pulling him into the center, “You spar with Aegon. Eldest son against eldest son.”
“It’s hardly a fair match.”
“I know you’ve never seen true battle, Ser but when steel is drawn, a fair match isn’t something anyone should expect. Blades up. Engage.” Aegon charges Jace, pushing him to the ground, turning to laugh at his embarrassment. Jace follows Aegon angry, shoving him backwards enough that Aegon cowares behind a straw dummy pushing it into Jace. 
“Foul play-” Harwin says grabbing Jace away from a impending strike,
“I’ll deal with him.” Criston whispers to Aegon. Each mentor speaking to their match while I stay at the side holding Harwins sword.
“You!” Aegon yells charging for Jace
“Close with him.” Criston hollers at Aegon as the young Prince pushes Jace backwards. “Press him backward!”
“Close with him.”
“Stay on the attack,”
“Use your feet.”
“Don’t let him get up.” Harwin watches silently as Aegon continues to hit Jace with full force, I drop the sword in favor of taking Lukes. Running to Jace, blocking the blow to his head with my sword and pushing Aegon back. 
“Foul play!” I grit through me teeth standing at attention,
“Stay on the attack!” Criston yells from behind Aegon, Aegon raises his sword up to swing at mine.
“Enough!” Harwin grabs Aegon before he can land a blow on my sword.
“You dare put hands on me?” Aegon screams, thrashing against Ser harwins strong grip.
“Aegon!” Viserys speaks from the balcony
“You forget yourself, Strong. That is the Prince.”
“Jacaerys is the future King by birthright!” I yell at Criston, sword still charged within my grasp.
“The battlefield is no place for a woman-” Criston charges to where I stand, taking my sword brashly, gripping my arm in protest, trying to control my movements. His touch feels hollow, hands clammy to the bare son of my hurt wrist. I grind my teeth in order to not show the effect he is having on the tender area.
“Tell that to my ancestors, my mother-” I hissed through a dragon’s tongue, stepping forward to meet his eye. His eyes widen as they gaze into mine. True fear fogs them until Harwin interrupts. He is walking the grounds, picking up the toy swords.
“This is what you teach Cole? Cruelty… to the weaker opponent?” Criston drops my toy sword on the ground Harwin kicks it away. Turning to sneer at the Commanders back, plotting and following. I dust Jacaerys off checking the blisters of his hands while the two men continue their battle of wits, for the King's audience. 
“Your interest in the Princelings training is quite unusual, Commander. Most men would only have that kind of devotion towards a cousin… or a brother. Or a son.” Harwin moves before any can react to Ser Criston being punched into the ground. It takes four Kingsguard to pull Harwin far enough away to stop any more damage.
“Say it again! Say it again!” Harwin screams as the King's Guard pulls him farther away, Criston spits a tooth with a mouthful of blood onto the dirt ground beside his head. While others gather around us in the courtyard, Ser Lyonel Strong has been dismissed for his duties as the newest Kings Guard is escorting his grace back to his chamber. Servants gather the Princes away for their studies, and I slip away to mine.
 “This remains a Tully problem” Alicents tells the small counsel as take my second pass with the wine pitcher.
“I would agree.” Viserys says hand cutting over his goblet before I can fill it further, his head sags in exertion. 
“If we may move on, my lords-” Tyland Lanninster the replacement to my great uncle Corlys Velaryon as Lord of the Tides while he is absent. 
“And yet, the Brackens and the Blackwoods will use any excuse to spill each other’s blood. So… this dispute bears looking into. There will be countryfolk who know where the lines have been drawn for generations.” Rheanyra tells the council playing with the glazed stone in front of her. 
“That is easy enough.” Lyonel Strong agrees, with the ease of resources it would take from the capital. 
“Of course.” Alicent scoffs, draining her cup. I fill her cup and she rolls her eyes to me as well. I know it is only meant in frustration to fit in her position.
“Ser Tyland.” Lyonel clears his throat, 
“Uh, we should address the latest developments in the Stepstones, my lords.” The lion motions for me to fill his cup.
“Will we ever be shut of that blasted place?” Alicent rings her hands, fiddling with the rings among them. 
“If you ask me, I think the Blackwoods have the upper hand.” Lord Beesbury announced from a dazed position. 
“We’ve moved on to the Stepstones, Lord Beesbury.” Maester Orwyle patted the old man’s hand, the only one of the counsel who was left from King Jaehaerys reign.
“And the Triarchy’s new alliance with Dorne.” 
“I was hoping our negotiations with Sunspear might persuade them to see reason.  To trust a Martell is to be disappointed.”
“Perhaps your Grace but I wish to bring forward our other option we spoke of previously. The lady herself has been awaiting this moment, this may be our last shot of redemption for the Martells.”
“The Marriage?” Alicent's brows cross,
“Marriage? There’s to be a wedding in Dorne?”
“This was merely an idea spoken over supper Ser Tyland, we have Princess Alysanne’s hand in marriage to discuss.”
“Me?” I gasp, the wine reservoir slips from my grasp, the red liquid splattering like blood on a beach shore. 
“Leave it sweet dove, come here.” Viserys holds out his hand to me, holding my freezing hand to his heated temple.
“She is to be of age soon. Just as her namesake made an alliance with The Vale and Targaryens after Maegor the Cruel. We have the opportunity to have a marriage alliance with The Martells and Targeryens.” Lyonel continues with a wink in my direction.
“We cannot do much without Daemon’s permission. If he knew you were shipping his eldest to Dorne he would burn this council room to the ground. Involvement of them in the trepidatious Stepstones or not.” Rheanyra adds, 
“And where, I wonder, is our Prince Daemon? Or I suppose I should call him King, as he styled himself when he won a battle there, once.” Jasper scoffs, swirling the wine in his cup.
“That was a decade ago and he has since left the region undefended.”
I wonder how Alicent has not found her knack for diplomacy after over a decade as Queen. Within this chamber I have yet to see her place any of her own love and care into the family.
“We have left it undefended. There should’ve been fortifications built, watchtowers, a fleet of ships, a garrison of soldiers sent to hold our ground.” Rheanyra interrupts her as if a Prince is supposed to have rein over unruly islands like the Stepstones. 
“We cannot afford it. Our coffers are great, but not infinite. We must consider the cost to our subjects”
“I must agree.” Beesbury nods his head, 
“The cost of war is greater. But we have been lax and the old monster now lifts its head.” Rhaenyra argues,
“The alliance with Dorne would be one of peace and trade, something the Stepstones cannot offer.” Tyland points his unsightly finger in my direction.
“My lords, if I may?” I asked mostly to Viserys, he nods
“Yes child?”
“I am to visit Pentos to be with Lady Laena in the Princess' stead. She is said to give birth to my fathers first son, will my pursuit to Dorne allow me-”
“Of course not Lyssa, you were sent as my emissary.” Rhaenyra orders the court, her voice and eyes study against mine. Then shift as she scans any man or more liking Alicent's challenge. It does not come.
“Let us be finished.” Alicent interrupts noticing how Viserys can barely hold his head up, using my hand as a anchor.
“Yes.” Viserys sighs standing with his Queen and the rest of the council, I step aside as we wait for Rhaenyra to join us.
“Wait. I wish to speak.”
“Be seated.” Viserys commands, every man in the rooms sits so that only myself, the Princess and Queen stand firmly among men. The makers of this family standing on opposing sides, while I am met with a choice to follow only one. Only time can spare me in such a choice.
“I have felt the… strife… in our families as of late, my queen. And for any offense given by mine, I apologize. But we are one house. And long before that we were friends. My son Jacaerys will inherit the Iron Throne after me. If Princess Lyssa is to be sent to Dorne or to wed Aegon as rumored, I propose we betroth him to your daughter, Helaena. Ally ourselves. Once and for all, let them rule together.” Rhaenyra smiles brightly at her stepmother, once her closet friend now an equal. An heiress, a mother and ruler of the Seven Kingdoms.
“A most judicious proposition.” Viserys boasts,
“Additionally, if Syrax brings forth another clutch of eggs, your son Aemond will have his choice of them. Uh, a symbol of our goodwill.”
“Rhaenyra.” Alicents stares towards Rhaenyra's chest, to which I immediately take my camisole to put over her shoulders.
“Oh, seven hells… Um.” Rhaenyra slumps not her chair, hands covering her modesty.
“My dear, a Dragon’s Egg is a handsome gift.”
“The King and I thank you for your offer, and we’ll consider it duly. You must rest now, husband.” Alicent helps the King stand, he stops mid walk to address the room for a final time.
“Yes. Pack for Pentos Lyssa, we shall dine as a family before you leave.” I bow to my King and nausea swirls like curled milk in my belly at the impending goodbyes.
Taglist: @stargaryenx , @bellameshipper @supmymainhuman , @mariaelizabeth21-blog1 , @nitimurinvetitumsposts , @50svibes
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“Sodapop,” Ponyboy curtis questioned in his obnoxious country accent, “How do I pick up them chicks? 🐥”
“Well, Ponyboy, the technique depends on what kinda girl you’re tryin’ to get. If you want a goth girl, invite her to a cemetery!…or a hot topic.”
“But what if I don't want a goth girl!?”
“Well… take this rizz quiz and find out what kinda girls ya like!”
“Sodapop what the freak.”
Sodapop pulls out his modern cell phone despite it being like 1965. “Its free, accurate, and totally expert made! (Its on wiki how!!!)”
"Sodapop what in tarnation is that thing!?" Ponyboy backs up, emitting beeping noises like a truck would out of pure terror
“This gadget is my trusty, HETEROSEXUAL iphone from the 2020s.”
"a what?" he raises a brow "and why'd you have to specify it's heterosexual?"
“If the gays are turning the frickin frogs gay so i gotta make sure my iphone is protected too… in fact, Ponyboy, if you buy this premium protection plan against the woke virus infecting this god loving country, you too will be safe and blessed away from the homosexuals.”
"...fine, i'll take your stupid rizz quiz if it makes you stop talkin' like you're in an advertisement." Ponyboy takes the phone from Sodapop’s hand and the phone instantly turns gay. Can't even have phones anymore. because of WOKE. 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡
“NOOO MY MLM PRODUCT WAS A SCAM???? WTFFF” Sodapop sobs in anguish, dropping to the floor and screaming. He looks like Jojo Siwa in the karma dance with the way he’s flailing.
"multi level marketing scheme?? more like men loving men!!!!!" Ponyboy, ascending to his true form as Wokeboy, shouts at Sodapop, gayness dripping from his voice.
"I'm gonna turn you WOKE Sodapop! Sodawoke!" WOKEBOY laughs maniacally, shooting out his rainbow woke beam at his unsuspecting victim.
Sodapop cried one last desperate cry, pleading for mercy before his clothes turned rainbow and he was now Sodawoke.
"Guess what Sodawoke? I also already turned Darry woke too! Or should I say... Slayrry?" Wokeboy let out his evil villain laugh as thunder boomed in the distance.
“YAAAAASSSS SLAAY QUEEN 💅💅💅✨✨💖” Slayrry says, walking into the room and giving the gay wrist while posing with one hip cocked out.
"But that's not all. You thought that was done? No! Soon, the entirety of the east side will be WOKE!!!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"
I’m shaking and crying right now what is this
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petervintonjr · 1 year
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For only the second time since beginning this series in the summer of 2020, I have had to resort to drawing a much more abstract illustration --in this instance, the long-demolished President's House in Philadelphia-- as there appears to be no visual representation of the individual that I want to talk about (which in itself already speaks volumes).
Almost paralleling these last three years of this series, there has been an embarrassing (nay, alarming) uptick in the number of proposed so-called "divisive concepts" legislation brewing in various state legislatures. The (stated) intent behind such performatively-drafted law is to "protect" public school students from the "trauma" of studying American history in such a way that they won't be made to feel embarrassed or uncomfortable about the history of their own country; that the curriculum should instead focus primarily on instilling an all-pervasive sense of pride and patriotism. I think on this creeping propaganda (against which my own home state is sadly not immune), and immediately begin to reflect on the life trajectory of Oney Marie Judge (in some instances spelled Ona), whose greatest claim to fame (if one can call it that) is having been one of President George Washington's slaves. Oney Judge is assumed to have been born sometime in 1773 at Washington's Mount Vernon estate --the daughter of an enslaved mother, Betty; and a white English father who had been hired by the Washingtons as a tailor. As was so often the norm for the time, Oney's relatively light complexion promoted her to house status instead of field hand, and by the age of fifteen had become Martha Washington's personal maid. On paper, Oney and her mother Betty were considered to be the property of the Custis estate, and would pass back to the ownership of that family upon Martha's death --specifically to Martha's granddaughter Elizabeth ("Eliza") Custis.
After his popular election in 1787, Washington travelled first to New York, and then to Philadelphia, to serve as President of the new nation while a more permanent capital city was being constructed. Washington brought Judge and seven other slaves with him from Mount Vernon, taking up residence in what would become known as The President's House at the corner of 6th and Market Streets. Significantly, as befit her elevated status (such as it was), Judge was permitted to travel about the city unescorted and pay for such things as shows, dresses and other clothing, and even making social visits on Martha's behalf. Judge intermingled with Philadelphians and became VERY aware of the city's abolitionist sentiment and its markedly large population of free Black people. Philadelphia had passed an Emancipation law in 1780 (one of the very first such laws in the new nation), which included a Gradual Abolition Clause; a policy of automatic emancipation of any slaves who remained in the city limits beyond a six month time-frame. For obvious reasons George and Martha took particular care to strategically rotate out their slaves, each time sending them back to Mount Vernon "to visit family" just shy of this deadline.
On May 21, 1796, under the guise of appearing to pack for her next not-quite-sixth-month return to Virginia, Judge fled, and escaped aboard a ship called the Nancy bound for Portsmouth, New Hampshire. An advertisement went out on May 23rd asserting that the escaped slave had "no good reason for running away." By September of that year a family friend of the Washingtons recognized Judge in Portsmouth and sent word back to Philadelphia. Under the terms of the very Fugitive Slave Act that he himself had signed into law three years earlier, Washington could have forcibly kidnapped Judge back to Virginia, but undoubtedly mindful of the public optics, he opted not to take action. While he expressed undisguised annoyance at Judge's actions and wrote at length about "loyalty" and "unfaithfulness," privately his real resentment was that he would be expected to reimburse the Custis estate for lost property. After Washington's term in office ended, he made another attempt to retrieve Judge, this time asking the help of a nephew and several New Hampshire public officials to do so. Fortunately then-Senator John Langdon got wind of this attempt and warned Judge, who then fled to the town of Greenland where she eventually settled, learned to read and write, became a devout Christian, married, and had three children --even though she legally remained a Fugitive Slave to her dying day.
Judge's story would have faded into history as just another footnote to the life of George Washington, had it not been for a lengthy interview she gave many years later in an 1847 issue of William Lloyd Garrison's The Liberator. In the article she detailed the events of 1796 from her point of view, which had never before been known, though she never gave up the name of the Nancy's captain nor crew, nor the names of anyone else --including many free Black people in both Pennsylvania and in New Hampshire-- who had aided her. This very month (March 2023) a mural to Judge's bravery is underway in Portsmouth as part of the Black Heritage Trail of New Hampshire: https://www.seacoastonline.com/story/news/local/2023/03/03/black-heritage-trail-nh-seeks-to-honor-ona-judge-staines-with-mural/69957500007/
Which brings me back to my earlier point about "divisive concepts" legislation and its stated intent --and the hard, un-ignorable truths that such laws intend to erase from the public discourse. Truths such as the fact that it is not possible to study, in any meaningful way, anything about the administration of our country's literal first President, nor his time in office, without eventually bumping up against the reality of Oney Judge and what she endured. The phrase "Black history is American history" is neither hyperbole nor a trendy slogan --it is an objective fact. And even as Women's History Month 2023 draws to a close, I can assure you that this art series will continue to throw light on that fact. For as long as it needs to.
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robotonthemoon · 8 months
Beginning of Learning
I've been meaning to write this for a while. As I have previously mentioned here, I am told that market socialism would be a pretty good fit for me. Learning has been a journey that has taken me from some pretty deeply modern republican and libertarian views. I just wanted to share a bit of that journey. I'll put a break here because this will be long.
I am going to be completely honest here: the rise of Trump and his cult of personality has been a major force in driving me away from the party. I cannot stand the man and have never voted for him, even when he was unopposed in the 2020 primary. I just can't fathom how people can hitch their wagon to a guy who has been bankrupt that many times and couldn't sell alcohol, red meat, and gambling to Americans; as though he were some kind of business genius.
But this isn't about him. My journey started before his rise. And it didn't come from leftists telling me "hey, you should believe XYZ" even if I have since learned a lot from left leaning folks. No, my education really started from examining historical figures from the republican party.
"Labor is prior to and independent of capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first existed. Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much the higher consideration."
Sounds like something a modern union organiser would say, doesn't it? And yet that was President Abraham Lincoln in his First Annual Address (December 3rd, 1861). Now Abe does go on to state that capital is deserving of its own protections, but he started with and emphasised the greater value and importance of labour.
"It is better for the Government to help a poor man to make a living for his family than to help a rich man make more profit for his company."
And this is from President Theodore Roosevelt (brace for it because I will be mentioning him again). These sentiments really helped push me away from notions of corporate superiority. I fully endorse labour rights and unions now, and can certainly understand where the argument for workers owning the means of production would come from.
Not much of a segue here, but I wanted to mention that if it weren't for health problems (and to a degree concerns about being outed as queer back in the late 90s and early 2000s) I would have considered military service. Probably the Coast Guard. I have a lot of respect for the good work the coasties do, especially the rescue services. Repelling out of a helicopter in the middle of a storm to pull someone out of the ocean is just... heroic.
That said, while I think we need to take better care of our service people, my attitude toward the role of capitalism in respects to the military were very much changed when I read President Dwight Eisenhower's Chance for Peace speech (April 16th, 1953).
"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. The cost of one modern heavy bomber is this: a modern brick school in more than 30 cities. It is two electric power plants, each serving a town of 60,000 population. It is two fine, fully equipped hospitals. It is some fifty miles of concrete pavement. We pay for a single fighter with a half-million bushels of wheat. We pay for a single destroyer with new homes that could have housed more than 8,000 people. . . . This is not a way of life at all, in any true sense. Under the cloud of threatening war, it is humanity hanging from a cross of iron."
This famous section in particular really struck me. He warns us about the military industrial complex. How our priority cannot be military might at the cost of the citizenry. Then I considered this in light of the Bush/Cheney administration findings (at the time, the current value may be different) that the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP, aka foodstamps) created something like $1.63 in economic stimulus for every dollar spent. A 63% gain on investment is excellent, in addition to helping people! Frankly, I feel like that means we'd do well to just eliminate means testing and give benefits to anyone who asks for it. Reduces bureaucratic overhead and waste while providing more economic benefits. Win win. And on the argument of taxes being put to this purpose:
"Taxes are what we pay for civilized society" Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. (supreme court justice, republican)
My father is a bit of a hippie. He raised me with a lot of talk about saving the environment. Some of that sank in, but I must admit to having periods in my life where I thought along the lines of "screw it, just pave everything". Not anymore. I am strongly in support of environmental protections and restrictions on industry to protect nature. Here's where Teddy Roosevelt comes back in.
“We have become great because of the lavish use of our resources. But the time has come to inquire seriously what will happen when our forests are gone, when the coal, the iron, the oil, and the gas are exhausted, when the soils have still further impoverished and washed into the streams, polluting the rivers, denuding the fields and obstructing navigation.”
Now, Teddy was saying this is the very early 1900s, more than a century ago. I wish we had listened more aptly.
“Defenders of the short-sighted men who in their greed and selfishness will, if permitted, rob our country of half its charm by their reckless extermination of all useful and beautiful wild things sometimes seek to champion them by saying the ‘the game belongs to the people.’ So it does; and not merely to the people now alive, but to the unborn people. The ‘greatest good for the greatest number’ applies to the number within the womb of time, compared to which those now alive form but an insignificant fraction. Our duty to the whole, including the unborn generations, bids us restrain an unprincipled present-day minority from wasting the heritage of these unborn generations. The movement for the conservation of wild life and the larger movement for the conservation of all our natural resources are essentially democratic in spirit, purpose, and method.”
How could I not be moved by this? There are many other quotes by Roosevelt that I could share on the subject of conservation, and I encourage people to look into them, but I will refrain from posting them here because I've already gone on at length.
"This country will not permanently be a good place for any of us to live in unless we make it a reasonably good place for all of us to live in."
One more good Teddy Roosevelt quote to end this with. I hope I have succeeded at least a bit in explaining what started me on the road I'm on now. I'm still learning, and I'm sure I have a ways to go still. I will state, because this is the internet and I know the arguments that could come from this, that I am not claiming these men were perfect. In fact I am quite certain they did plenty of terrible things. I acknowledge that. But that doesn't mean I can't also respect the good they did.
I still consider myself something of a conservative, but my understanding of what that means has changed greatly. Perhaps I am completely mistaken, and I am far more a leftist than I recognise. I believe in slow but steady economic growth and long term outlooks. In building a solid economic base by prioritising workers. In caring for people, rather than judging and discarding those who cannot work. In protecting the environment (the EPA was even started by Nixon) rather than ruining it for next quarter's financial gain.
Not the modern neoliberalism, anti-regulation, profit first thinking that pervades the current right wing. I wonder if Ike is spinning in his grave to see the sort of fascy candidates the party puts forth nowadays, given he commanded forces against their ilk in WW2.
If you have read this far, I thank you for your patience. I know this may draw some people's ire. If you are on the right and feel the need to shout at me, I ask that you learn and consider more of our past. And if you are on the left, I ask you to remember that an imperfect ally is not the same as an enemy.
Have a wonderful day, genuinely. Thank you for your time.
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xae1k · 2 years
FieldWork:#1 making Yeezys Unfamiliar
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Founded in 2009 Kanye started to change up the sneaker designs. we all know what yeezys are and who created them. “Yeezys” are classified as adorned sneakers, but "Kanye has grown the Yeezy brand to include a clothing and accessory line, while also expanding his footwear line to include shoes like boots and heels. Beyond this, Kanye has grown the Yeezy brand through key partnerships with some of the best designers in the industry like Louis Vuitton, Nike, Adidas, and APC. His partnerships have spanned different lengths of time, with his Nike partnership lasting for five years, and his partnership with Adidas being ongoing. After a five-year collaboration, and after the release of the Yeezy I and Yeezy II sneaker designs, "Kanye ended his partnership with Nike". This came right after the release of the Air Yeezy 2s. Instead of paying royalties for Kanye’s designs, Nike decided to donate his earnings to a charity of his choice. After leaving Nike, Kanye was approached by Adidas, who, unlike Nike, offered to pay royalties for his designs (a 15% wholesale royalty). For Kanye, this felt like more of a true partnership between two brands. I’m current day after Kanye launched his Yeezy Season I clothing line, Adidas chose to end its partnership with Yeezy clothing. Adidas cited that this was because they wanted to focus entirely on their Yeezy footwear line, rather than splitting their focus. "
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Where were Yeezys manufactured?
Yeezys are manufactured under Adidas in China, but Kanye West has been aiming toward moving Yeezy production to the US, Adidas makes most Yeezys in China. You will find a “Made in China” tag in most pairs of Yeezys. Nonetheless, Adidas began Yeezy production in Germany through the Yeezy 450. By 2021, Kanye West has aimed toward moving Yeezy production to the US.In 2020, Adidas earned an annual sales revenue of $1.7 billion from Yeezy. Real Yeezy are mostly made in China. After the Adidas acquisition, Yeezy are now manufactured in Germany as well.On the other hand, Kanye West proposed to make Yeezy in the United States. Consequently, Adidas makes Yeezy in the United States as well.
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The impact Yeezys have one me
I’d say that Yeezys have a big impact on my life because I’ve been collecting them for a while now. I’ve become fascinated with the brand and how it’s different. Also, the vision behind them and how Kanye had an idea and turned it into reality not caring about what others had to say about it. Normally when people buy shoes they just go based off of look but when I buy Yeezys I really think about Kanye and the messages that he’s trying to put out and also they remind me to also be yourself, You never should worry about what the next person has to say about what your wearing it’s either you like it or not it doesn’t get much more simpler than that. Also, they have an impact on me in a fashion sense because I have a lot of them to put with different outfits and I can just try new combos out.
Who are the people directly involved with making or manufacturing this item? What is life like for them?
Reports of Chinese factory workers going underpaid have increased over the past few years. A consistent income is promised to many employees when they are hired as temporary or seasonal workers, especially in rural areas. However, they frequently put in long hours with little to no pay, which causes the impacted workers to live in abject poverty. In many places, there are no labor regulations or labor protections, which makes it easier for dishonest companies to take advantage of their employees. Unpaid labor in Chinese factories has its roots in a larger issue of systemic exploitation in the labor market of the nation. Many international firms have established operations in China due to the country's enormous pool of workers and affordable labor expenses.
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trendingreportz · 16 days
Adhesives & Sealants Market - Forecast(2024 - 2030)
Adhesives & Sealants Market Overview
Global Adhesives & Sealants market size is estimated to reach US$ 89.1 billion by 2027, after growing at a CAGR of 5.7% during the forecast period 2022-2027. Adhesives and sealants are the chemical products which are used to create a mechanical seal between components. Adhesives are the non-metallic materials used to hold two substances together, while sealants are material used to fill space between these substances and to provide a protective coating. Adhesives are of various types like polyurethane adhesives, cyanoacrylate adhesive and epoxy adhesives, while sealants consist of resin like silicon, acrylic and butyl. These materials are chemically made with the help of rheology modifiers which are used to improve their viscosity. Adhesives and sealants have high applicability in sectors like construction, automotive, paper, textile, electronics and wood. Their major applicability is in construction sector where adhesives are used in polycarboxylate for concrete production. Factors like growing construction activities, increase in production volume of automotive, increase in aircraft production and high consumption of clothing & apparel items are driving the growth of global adhesives & sealants market. However, adhesives and sealants manufacturing produce volatile organic compounds which can cause environment problems like pollution. The regulation imposed by government to restrict VOC emission can hamper the growth of global adhesives & sealants industry.
COVID-19 Impact
The wide spread of COVID-19 left a negative impact on the activities of various industrial sectors, as the necessary measures taken by countries like consequential lockdown led to lack of availability of labors and raw materials. This disrupted the functionality of various end users of adhesives and sealants like construction, automotive, textile, and aerospace. For instance, as per, International Construction and Infrastructure Surveys, the construction and infrastructure activities across all regions went down in Q1 of 2020 with China in the Asia-Pacific region having the sharpest workload contraction. Also, as per the International Organization of Motor Vehicle Manufacturing, in 2020 there was a 16% global decline in vehicles production. Further, as per the 2021 report of the General Aviation Manufacturers Association, the Global business jet deliveries declined 20.4% to 644 aircraft in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Polycarboxylate is used in cement concrete application, cyanoacrylate adhesive is used in automotive interiors while acrylic sealants are used in aircraft to prevent corrosion and fuel leak. Hence, the decrease in productivity of such sector led to decrease in usage of adhesives and sealants in them.
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Report Coverage
The report: “Adhesives & Sealants Market Report – Forecast (2022 – 2027)”, by IndustryARC, covers an in-depth analysis of the following segments of the Global Adhesives & Sealants Industry
By Type – Water Based Latex, Acrylic, Polysulfide, Silicone, Polyurethane, Epoxies, Polyamides, Cyanoacrylate, Polyethylene Glycol, and Others (Polyisobutylene, Dextrin, Butyl)
By Form – Water based (Solution, Polymer Dispersion), Solvent based (Wet Bonding, Contact Adhesives), Hot Melt, and Reactive
By Application – Bonding (Paper Bonding, Wood Bonding), Concrete Production, Countertop Lamination, Drywall Lamination, Transportation (Automotive Module Sealant, Anti-Fuel Leaking Agent, Anti-Corrosive Agent, Clothing & Apparel (Apparel Laminate, Fabric Combining) and Others (Self-Adhesives Bandages, Circuit Boards Encapsulants)
By End User – Automotive (Passengers Cars, Heavy Commercial Vehicles, Light Commercial Vehicles, Others (Three-Wheeler, Two-Wheeler)), Construction (Residential, Commercial), Aerospace, Wood Industry, Paper, Textiles (Woven, Non-woven), Electronic, Medical and Others (Marine, Plastics)
By Geography - North America (USA, Canada, Mexico), Europe (UK, Germany, France, Italy, Netherland, Spain, Russia, Belgium, Rest of Europe), Asia-Pacific (China, India, Japan, South Korea, Australia, and New Zealand, Indonesia, Taiwan, Malaysia, Rest of APAC), South America (Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, Rest of South America), Rest of the World (Middle East, Africa)
Key Takeaways
Asia-Pacific dominates the global adhesives & sealants industry as the region consist of major end users of adhesives and sealants like plastic, construction, automotive, electrical in major economies like China, South Korea, and Australia. 
Rheology Modifier is used in water borne, solvent borne adhesives and sealants of all types, to control viscosity, provide coating performance and build thick adhesion between components. 
In dentistry filed, polycarboxylate cement is used in the fixation of dental crowns, inlays, and along with cavity linings which provide a good adhesion to the tooth structure.
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Adhesives & Sealants Market Segment Analysis – By Type
Polyurethane held a significant share in global adhesives & sealants market in 2021, with a share of over 22.0%. Polyurethane adhesives are UV, water, and chemical resistant while polyurethane sealants provide long term elasticity and durable adhesion. Polyurethane adhesives are majorly used in automotive windshield while polyurethane sealants are used in sealing gaps and joints in components and structures. The rapid development in automotive and construction sectors has increased their scale of productivity which has positively impacted the usage of adhesives and sealants. For instance, as per European Automobile Manufacturers Association, the production and registration of passenger cars in the EU increased by 53.4% in 2021 with strong volume seen in Spain, France, and Germany. Further, as per US Census Bureau, in 2021, construction activities steadily increased in US, with residential construction showing an increase of 4.1% in November, up by 1% from 2020 same month. Such increase in productivity of these sectors will lead to more usage adhesives and sealants in the, which will positively impact the growth of global adhesives & sealants industry.
Adhesives & Sealants Market Segment Analysis – By End User
Construction sector held a significant share in global adhesives & sealants market in 2021, with a share of over 19.0%. Adhesives & sealants based of resins like polyamide, epoxy resin and plastisol are majorly used in construction sector as they have resistance to excessive sun, rainfall, provide good steel bonding, and act as cement dispersant. The rapid development in the construction sector in countries has increased the scale of construction activities and the undertaking of new infrastructure projects. For instance, as per European Union, in December 2021, construction of building increased by 4.6% and civil engineering by 3.3% compared to 2020. Also, in 2019 a total of US$ 102.3 billion worth of projects were processed across all GCC countries, compared to US$ 101.8 billion in 2018. Hence, such increase in the construction and infrastructure development activities will lead to more usage of adhesives in cement application while sealants will be used in blocking dust and heat transmission. This will have a positive impact on the growth of global adhesives & sealants industry.
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Adhesives & Sealants Market Segment Analysis – By Geography
Asia-Pacific held the largest share in global adhesives & sealants market in 2021, with a share of over 27.0%. The region consists of major end-users of adhesives and sealants like construction, automotive, textiles, in major economies like China, India, Japan, and Australia with China having the largest automotive and construction sector. The economic development in these nations has led to increase in the industrial output of these sectors. For instance, as per the 2021 report of the European Automobile Manufacturers Association on global vehicle production, China produced 32% of 74 million cars manufactured worldwide with Japan & Korea producing 16%. Also, as per the State Council for the People’s Republic of China, in July 2021 China has approved projects related to the development of affordable rental homes. Further, as per October reports of Infrastructure Australia 2021, the major infrastructure activity relating to commercial buildings, civil infrastructure, and residential will double in the next three years. Cyanoacrylate adhesives are used in automotive roof pads, engine hose protectors and flex boards while acrylic and polyurethane based sealants are used to seal joints between components like concrete, steel, and masonry wall. Hence, the growing productivity of construction and automotive will lead to more usage of such adhesives and sealants in them, resulting in more growth of global adhesives & sealant industry.
Adhesives & Sealants Market Drivers
Growing Construction Activities
Emerging economies, rapid urbanization, and various infrastructural developments undertaken by countries have increased the scale of construction activity. For instance, in preparation for the 2021 Expo, Dubai awarded about 47 construction contracts with a total value of US$ 3 billion to local and foreign companies. In 2019 National Development and Reform Commission of China approved 26 infrastructure projects estimated to be completed by 2023. Also, in 2021, Oman’s Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning five new integrated projects that would provide 4800 housing units. Adhesives and sealants in building construction are used as the bonding layer for floor fixing, countertop lamination and wall covering. Hence, the increase in construction activities and infrastructure development projects will lead to more usage of adhesives and sealants, which will have a positive impact on the growth of the global adhesives & sealants industry.
Growing Production of Automotive
Automotive adhesives and sealants are used by automotive original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) to bond different substrate of metal, eliminating the need for welding and mechanical bolts, welds and rivets. The increase in purchase capacity, improvement in living standards, and rapid urbanization have led to an increase in the demand for new automotive vehicles, thereby increasing their production volume. For instance, as per the International Organization of Motor Vehicle Manufacturing, the global production volume of vehicles increased to 57 million in 2021 from 52 million in 2020. Also, as per the November 2021 report of the Europe Automobile Manufacturer Association, the new passenger car registration in the first ten months of 2021 increased up to 2.2% with an increase shown in European Union markets like Italy showed 12.7%, Spain showed 5.6% and France showed 3.1%. Such an increase in automobile production on account of high demand will increase the usage of adhesives and sealants like cyanoacrylate adhesives, which will have positive impact on growth of global adhesives & sealants industry.
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Adhesives & Sealants Market Challenges
Stringent Government Regulation
One of the significant issues related to adhesives and sealants is that, their formation causes VOC emission which can lead to serious problems like skin irritation, sour throat and long-term damage to lungs & kidneys. Hence, in order prevent such problems various government organization have imposed certain regulation relating to VOC emission. For instance, Title 40, Code of Federal Regulations of US, Environment Protection Agency deals with EPA’s mission of protecting human health and the environment from VOC emission. Such regulation can restrict the production volume of adhesives and sealants, which can hamper the growth of global adhesives & sealants industry.
Adhesives & Sealants Industry Outlook
The companies to develop a strong regional presence and strengthen their market position, continuously engage in mergers and acquisitions. The global adhesives & sealants top 10 companies include:
Henkel Corporation
Sika AG
Arkema SA
Evonik Industries
Ashland Inc.
PPG Industries
RPM International Inc.
Wacker Chemie AG
Avery Dennison
Pidilite Industries
Recent Developments
In 2021, Creative Materials introduced 129-06 temperature-sensing conductive adhesive, coating in either one-component or two-component versions, and the product has high reliability due to low hysteresis, high flexibility and strong adhesion.
In 2020, Arkema acquired Fixatti, a manufacturer of thermos-bonding adhesives powder and such acquisition will strengthen the global offering of hot melt adhesives solution for niche industrial applications.
In 2019, Sika AG acquired China based Crevo-Hengxin a manufacturer of silicone sealants and adhesives, and such acquisition will expand the adhesives & sealant market share of Sika in China
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poonamcmi · 29 days
Hazmat Suits Market to Grow at Highest Pace Owing to Increasing Industrial Accidents
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Hazmat suits, also known as hazardous material suits, are personal protective equipment used for protection against hazardous materials like chemicals, biologics, carcinogens and radioactive materials. Hazmat suits provide protection to workers working in industries such as oil & gas, construction, healthcare, mining, and firefighting & emergency response. Key advantages of hazmat suits include barrier against chemicals, liquids and particulate materials; comfort and flexibility to perform duties; and protection from hazardous biological and radioactive materials. Growing construction and oil & gas industries are increasing the risk of hazardous material exposure, driving the need for hazmat suits.
The Global hazmat suits market is estimated to be valued at US$ 8.01 Bn in 2024 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 7.0% over the forecast period 2024 to 2031.
Key Takeaways
Key players operating in the hazmat suits market are 3M Company, Alpha Pro Tech Ltd., Ansell Ltd., Delta Plus Group, Drägerwerk AG & Co. KGaA, Halyard Health Inc., Honeywell International Inc., Kimberly-Clark Corporation, Kermel, Lakeland Industries Inc., MSA Safety Incorporated, Nasco Industries, Polygard, Respirex International Ltd., and Sioen Industries NV. The Hazmat Suits Market Demand such as oil & gas, mining, construction, fire services, and healthcare due to increasing industrial accidents and exposure to hazardous materials. Technological advancements including breathable materials, flexible designs, and chemical-resistant fabrics are making hazmat suits more user-friendly and comfortable for workers.
Market Trends
The global hazmat suits market is witnessing rising demand for disposable hazmat suits. Disposable hazmat suits offer convenience as they can be discarded after single use, reducing maintenance and cleaning costs. Polyethylene-coated nylon-based disposable suits are increasingly preferred owing to their lightweight, durability, and water-resistant properties. Growing safety awareness is also driving the adoption of reflective hazmat suits to enhance visibility and prevent accidents at work sites.
Market Opportunities
The emerging economies in Asia Pacific are expected to present attractive growth opportunities for hazmat suits market. Rapid industrialization and infrastructure development in countries like India and China is increasing the risk of hazardous material exposure, necessitating safety equipment adoption. Furthermore, innovations in fabrics and design led by advancements in materials science can make hazmat suits more breathable and user-friendly. Development of anti-static and anti-microbial hazmat suits catering to healthcare settings also provides new opportunities.
Impact of COVID-19 on Hazmat Suits Market growth
The COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on the Hazmat Suits Market Size And Trends Early in 2020 when the virus began spreading rapidly, there was a surge in demand for hazmat suits from the healthcare sector to protect frontline workers engaged in treating COVID patients. However, the lockdowns imposed internationally disrupted supply chains and manufacturing operations, creating shortages of hazmat suits in the short term. With movement restrictions easing in late 2020 and 2021, production of hazmat suits ramped up significantly to meet the exceedingly high demand from the healthcare, pharmaceutical and other essential services sectors.
​The pandemic emphasized the critical role played by protective clothing like hazmat suits in safeguarding personnel exposed to biological hazards. It has made governments and organizations more aware of the need to strengthen preparedness levels and maintain adequate stockpiles of personal protective equipment including hazmat suits. As the threat of COVID-19 and its variants persisting, demand for hazmat suits is projected to remain elevated in the healthcare industry post pandemic as well. The market is forecast to expand steadily through 2024-2031 on the back of preventive spending by various end-use sectors to deal with future public health crises.
Europe concentrated much of the hazmat suits market value in the pre-COVID period due to stringent worker safety norms and an established base of end-use industries in countries like Germany, UK, France etc. However, the Asia Pacific region has emerged as the fastest growing market for hazmat suits globally during the pandemic years. Countries like China, India and Japan ramped up domestic manufacturing capacities substantially to reduce import dependence and meet the surge in COVID-related demand from local healthcare, biotech and pharmaceutical vendors. Their combined production volumes are likely to make Asia Pacific the dominant regional market for hazmat suits by 2027. Get More Insights On, Hazmat Suits Market About Author: Ravina Pandya, Content Writer, has a strong foothold in the market research industry. She specializes in writing well-researched articles from different industries, including food and beverages, information and technology, healthcare, chemical and materials, etc. (https://www.linkedin.com/in/ravina-pandya-1a3984191
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industrynewsupdates · 1 month
A Comprehensive Guide to Medical Coveralls Procurement Intelligence
The global medical coveralls category is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 7.4% from 2023 to 2030. The most important PPE in the world was the hooded disposable coveralls in 2020 - 2021. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been an increase in demand for disposable protective coveralls/apparel because of heightened awareness of self-protection. On a parent level, the PPE category is experiencing tremendous growth due to its industry-agnostic nature and varied applications. The growth of the category is being driven by emerging diseases, such as the September 2022 Ebola outbreak in Uganda and the SARS, new Omicron, and flu variants worldwide. This has increased the need for protection for frontline healthcare workers. All such factors are boosting the demand for medical coveralls globally.
Disposable protective coveralls can be categorized into various levels based on their strength of protection such as - Categories I (minimal risk), II (medium risk), and III (complex PPE). According to EU standards, the medical coveralls can be classified into different types - Type 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. The compliance requirements for types 1 to 4 include EN 14605 and EN 13982-1 for types 5 and 6. With advancements in technology, compliance requirements also play a key role. Over the years, medical coveralls have evolved from being basic garments into technologically advanced protective gear. As a result of technological advancements, coverall fabrics have also been designed to contain antimicrobial properties. Nanotechnology enabled the creation of nanoparticles embedded in coverall fibers for added protection. The latest medical coverall technology involves ‘smart’ coveralls with built-in sensors to monitor vital signs and alert healthcare professionals of any anomalies.
The medical coveralls category is highly fragmented. The top fifteen to twenty players account for a nominal share of the market. The major players in this category include raw-material suppliers, PPE divisions of major conglomerates, pure-play PPE/medical coveralls manufacturers, and wholesale and retail distributors. Within each segment again, the dynamics vary, which further reduces the bargaining power of suppliers. Manufacturers of coveralls are constantly trying to innovate by employing different types of materials. One instance is the use of SMS fabrics. These fabrics can withstand liquid while being available at competitive prices.
Order your copy of the Medical Coveralls Procurement Intelligence Report, 2023 - 2030, published by Grand View Research, to get more details regarding day one, quick wins, portfolio analysis, key negotiation strategies of key suppliers, and low-cost/best-cost sourcing analysis
The major cost components in the medical coveralls category include raw materials, equipment and machinery, labor, facilities and storage, packaging, freight and transportation, and others. Other costs can include testing and inspection, marketing, insurance, tax, overhead expenses, administrative expenses, etc. Medical coveralls are critical for healthcare workers to prevent and control infection. They are designed to provide out-and-out protection from any kind of exposure.  Hence the selection of the fabric or the raw material must be considered carefully. Synthetic fibers such as nylon 6,6, polyester (PET), polypropylene (PP), and polyethylene (PE) are some of the key fabrics considered to manufacture medical or PPE coveralls.
The majority of disposable coveralls are made of synthetic non-woven fabric, which is a single-use material. However, to improve the longevity and range of applications, woven cloth has witnessed some advancements in recent times. Raw materials form the largest cost component in this category. Factors such as the thickness and weight of the fabric, production or order quantity, single-layer or multi-layer structures, and the type of material chosen can further influence the total cost.
Polypropylene is also another cost-effective material that is widely used. In Q3 2023, PP prices in the North American region fluctuated a lot. The start of the third quarter witnessed a 1 - 2% drop in prices owing to a reduction in feedstock PP prices amid inflationary pressure. The continuous inflation forced consumers to reduce their consumption. As a result, demand remained low amid ample supply, which supported the decline. However, at the end of Q3 PP prices increased by 3 - 4% owing to a 5 - 6% rebound increase in feedstock PP prices and a positive demand from the automotive industry. In October 2023, PP prices in the EU region reached EUR 1,393 per MT. This was a 6% increase from September 2023.
In terms of sourcing intelligence, India, China, Malaysia, and Thailand are the most preferred countries to source medical coveralls. In 2022, China was the largest manufacturer of non-woven fabrics. The majority of medical coveralls use nonwoven fabrics. However, production in India has also ramped up steadily since the pandemic. The PPE industry in India has thrived due to low production costs, easy access to raw materials, and zero border restrictions for trade. India’s regulatory framework has significantly improved since 2021 in the PPE industry. It is common for most large end-user organizations to outsource the production of their medical coveralls.
When procuring medical coveralls, it is important to evaluate the suppliers based on product durability, quality, certifications, and protection parameters. Another key sourcing strategy is to ensure that the production process adheres to regulatory requirements and good manufacturing practices (GMP). For instance, the WHO states that the coveralls (or gowns) must meet AAMI-PB70 requirements. Other important regulatory bodies include the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the Association of the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI). In the case of the raw material or fabrics used, the different standards include ISO 16604, EN 14126 Annex A, ISO 22611, ISO 22612, EN 16604 or ASTM D1238 for testing purposes, AAMI 4 level compliant coverall, etc.
Browse through Grand View Research’s collection of procurement intelligence studies:
• Medical Waste Disposal Procurement Intelligence Report, 2023 - 2030 (Revenue Forecast, Supplier Ranking & Matrix, Emerging Technologies, Pricing Models, Cost Structure, Engagement & Operating Model, Competitive Landscape)
• Medical Writing Procurement Intelligence Report, 2023 - 2030 (Revenue Forecast, Supplier Ranking & Matrix, Emerging Technologies, Pricing Models, Cost Structure, Engagement & Operating Model, Competitive Landscape)
Medical Coveralls Procurement Intelligence Report Scope
• Medical Coveralls Category Growth Rate: CAGR of 7.4% from 2023 to 2030
• Pricing Growth Outlook: 8% - 9% (Annually)
• Pricing Models: Volume-based and contract-based pricing model
• Supplier Selection Scope: Cost and pricing, past engagements, productivity, geographical presence
• Supplier Selection Criteria: Production capacity, type of material (PP, PET, PE), material thickness, sterility, compliance and safety measures, certifications, testing, operational and functional capabilities, technology used, and others
• Report Coverage: Revenue forecast, supplier ranking, supplier positioning matrix, emerging technology, pricing models, cost structure, competitive landscape, growth factors, trends, engagement, and operating model
Key Companies 
• 3M
• Ansell
• Kimberly-Clark Worldwide, Inc.
• Cardinal Health
• O&M Halyard, Inc.
• Lakeland, Inc.
• Derekduck Industries Corp.
• Plasti Surge Industries
• Winner Medical Co., Ltd.
• DuPont de Nemours Inc.
Brief about Pipeline by Grand View Research:
A smart and effective supply chain is essential for growth in any organization. Pipeline division at Grand View Research provides detailed insights on every aspect of supply chain, which helps in efficient procurement decisions.
Our services include (not limited to):
• Market Intelligence involving – market size and forecast, growth factors, and driving trends
• Price and Cost Intelligence – pricing models adopted for the category, total cost of ownerships
• Supplier Intelligence – rich insight on supplier landscape, and identifies suppliers who are dominating, emerging, lounging, and specializing
• Sourcing / Procurement Intelligence – best practices followed in the industry, identifying standard KPIs and SLAs, peer analysis, negotiation strategies to be utilized with the suppliers, and best suited countries for sourcing to minimize supply chain disruptions
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sillykana-13 · 2 months
“Sodapop,” Ponyboy curtis questioned in his obnoxious country accent, “How do I pick up them chicks? 🐥”
“Well, Ponyboy, the technique depends on what kinda girl you’re tryin’ to get. If you want a goth girl, invite her to a cemetery!…or a hot topic.”
“But what if I don't want a goth girl!?”
“Well… take this rizz quiz and find out what kinda girls ya like!”
“Sodapop what the freak.”
Sodapop pulls out his modern cell phone despite it being like 1965. “Its free, accurate, and totally expert made! (Its on wiki how!!!)”
"Sodapop what in tarnation is that thing!?" Ponyboy backs up, emitting beeping noises like a truck would out of pure terror
“This gadget is my trusty, HETEROSEXUAL iphone from the 2020s.”
"a what?" he raises a brow "and why'd you have to specify it's heterosexual?"
“If the gays are turning the frickin frogs gay so i gotta make sure my iphone is protected too… in fact, Ponyboy, if you buy this premium protection plan against the woke virus infecting this god loving country, you too will be safe and blessed away from the homosexuals.”
"...fine, i'll take your stupid rizz quiz if it makes you stop talkin' like you're in an advertisement." Ponyboy takes the phone from Sodapop’s hand and the phone instantly turns gay. Can't even have phones anymore. because of WOKE. 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡
“NOOO MY MLM PRODUCT WAS A SCAM???? WTFFF” Sodapop sobs in anguish, dropping to the floor and screaming. He looks like Jojo Siwa in the karma dance with the way he’s flailing.
"multi level marketing scheme?? more like men loving men!!!!!" Ponyboy, ascending to his true form as Wokeboy, shouts at Sodapop, gayness dripping from his voice.
"I'm gonna turn you WOKE Sodapop! Sodawoke!" WOKEBOY laughs maniacally, shooting out his rainbow woke beam at his unsuspecting victim.
Sodapop cried one last desperate cry, pleading for mercy before his clothes turned rainbow and he was now Sodawoke.
"Guess what Sodawoke? I also already turned Darry woke too! Or should I say... Slayrry?" Wokeboy let out his evil villain laugh as thunder boomed in the distance.
“YAAAAASSSS SLAAY QUEEN 💅💅💅✨✨💖” Slayrry says, walking into the room and giving the gay wrist while posing with one hip cocked out.
"But that's not all. You thought that was done? No! Soon, the entirety of the east side will be WOKE!!!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"
uhm hello?? 😭😭
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Surgical Masks Market: Post-COVID Prospects
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Short-term demand for surgical masks remains unprecedented; however, growing awareness regarding their effectiveness will lead to steady sales in the long term. Our study estimates the global surgical masks market to surge at a CAGR of 10.2% during the forecast period 2022-2028. This growth is fueled by the growing awareness of healthcare-associated infections (HAI) and a rise in healthcare expenditure.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), hundreds of millions of individuals are impacted by healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) annually, resulting in death and financial losses for healthcare systems. Furthermore, factors such as an aging population, the prevalence of chronic and long-term diseases, and increased investments in medical technology & advanced infrastructure will increase healthcare spending globally.
Why is Asia-Pacific a Promising Region in the Surgical Mask Market?
Asia-Pacific is anticipated to be the fastest-growing region in the surgical masks market. The increasing elderly population and growing healthcare infrastructure are likely to boost the demand for healthcare services. Improving hygiene and safety standards leads to increased use of surgical masks, thereby positively impacting the studied market.
Fluid/splash resistant surgical masks leads the product segment in 2021. The growth is associated with the ability of the Splash Resistant technology, which prevents the wearer from droplet infections during any surgical procedure or management of any patients prone to the transmission of the diseases.
On the other hand, India holds a significant prominence in the Asia-Pacific market. The healthcare business in the country is anticipated to expand greatly due to the growing population, increased disposable incomes, improved access to insurance, heightened health awareness, and rising spending by public and private industry participants. In addition, the growing incidence of obesity has led to an increase in chronic ailments, such as heart disease and diabetes, which necessitate various healthcare treatments and services. This is expected to contribute to the expansion of the market for surgical masks.
However, strict government regulations, coupled with the emerging use of substitutes such as N95 masks, are anticipated to hinder the growth of the surgical masks market.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a dearth of personal protective equipment, such as surgical masks. This forced the medical staff members performing front-line activities to adopt additional face protection measures, including non-medical masks, simple cloth masks, N95/N99/FFP2/FFP3 respirators, power air-purifying respirators, and face shields/visors, etc.
Technological Integration: The Way Forward
New technology by Ascend Performance Materials is used to manufacture high-efficacy surgical masks to protect against SARS-CoV-2. This technology has shown positive results for deactivating SARS-CoV-2 and other pathogens such as staphylococcus, betacoronavirus OC43, and H1N1. However, it is still awaiting patent and FDA approval. The masks manufactured using this technology combine antiviral protection and superior physical properties meeting the requirements to qualify as Level III under ASTM F2100-19 standards.
In July 2020, Ascend Performance Materials announced the submission of a 510(k) premarket notification to the US FDA for clearance of its surgical mask that uses Acteev technology to offer protection against SARS-CoV-2. Thus, improvements in the manufacturing of reusable non-woven materials, such as antimicrobial fibers and increased comfort, will propel the expansion of the surgical masks market during the forecast period.
Q1) What are the segments covered in the surgical masks market?
Product, type, material, distribution channel, and end-user are the segments covered in the surgical masks market.
Q2) Who are the key players in the surgical masks market?
The key companies studied in the surgical masks market are 3M, Mediblue Health Care Private Ltd, Cardinal Health, Kimberly-Clark Corporation, Alphaprotech, Ansell Ltd, Magnum Health and Safety Pvt Ltd, and Dupont De Nemours Inc.
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stands-pro · 3 months
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Top 7 Upcoming Exhibitions In Cologne, Germany
The seven exhibitions are scheduled in Cologne (Germany) between 2024 and 2025. The fair is an excellent opportunity for participants to network with similar suppliers and a large audience. You can achieve your goals by attending exhibitions in Cologne between 2024 and 2025. Seven exhibitions in Cologne between 2024 and 2020 will help you achieve your goals.
Gamescom Cologne 2024
Date: 21–25 August 2024 Gamescom Expo 2024 will be Cologne’s most extensive exhibition dedicated to computers and video. Through a major digital project, the exhibition was designed both online and offline. Gamescom Cologne will feature business, cosplay, and entertainment areas, as well as retro and pop. You can meet international creatives, media partners, and large cooperatives at Gamescom Cologne. Kind + Jugend 2024 Date: 3–5 September 2024 Soon, Kind + Jugend, a fashion exhibition for children, will hold its next face-to-face meeting. Messe Cologne will host over 15,000 international exhibitors to showcase various products and services. Kind + Jugend will showcase well-known retailers and children’s clothing brands. The fair will feature a wide range of products for babies and toddlers, including clothing, toys, and hygiene products. Kind+ Jugend offers consumers and decision-makers worldwide an excellent opportunity to discover new projects, learn about trends, and participate in advocacy activities. The fair features guided tours, product displays, live demonstrations, workshops, informative lectures, and award ceremonies. Intermot Cologne 2024
Date: 5–8 December 2024 Intermot, the international motorcycle, scooter, and e-bike fair, is held every two years in Cologne. It had become the world’s most significant international motorcycle show since 1998, when it was spun off from IFMA. Intermot Rho is now the world’s second-largest cycling event after the EICMA in Milan. Intermot Cologne, one of the largest motorcycle shows in the world, will feature electric bicycles. All motorcycle-related products, including helmets, shoes, raincoats, protective clothing, and gloves, are displayed. DMEXCO Cologne 2024
Date: September 18 and 19, 2024 DMEXCO Cologne is a critical event for Europe’s digital advertising, marketing, and technology industry. Over 4,000 professionals from the industry, including innovators, key decision-makers, and entrepreneurs, will be present to help shape the future of the diseconomy. DMEXCO Cologne is an unparalleled show in terms of its revolutionary power, creativity, and power. DMEXCO Cologne will have unique areas that cover all the subject verticals in the virtual enterprise, including media, e-commerce, and agencies. Use the networking and convention areas to meet and exceed your brand objectives by assembling the right project partners. The product review could be expertly curated to offer a wonderful tourist experience and valuable information on content programming, metaverses, blockchains, and essential industry themes. IDS Cologne 2025
Date: 25-29 March 2025 IDS Cologne is the leading international exhibition for dental professionals. IDS Cologne 2025, with its unrivaled product range and immersive ancillary programs, will stimulate its target market. IDS Cologne will present the latest technology and ideas that have a strong foothold today in dental practices and labs. The IDS will be able to offer a wide range of products that are unique and specific to the IDS. The 830 exhibitors from nearly 60 countries will bring the latest dental products and lab equipment. This may disrupt the current dental delivery chain. IDS Cologne is designed to provide high-level information on the latest trends, best practices, and research findings. The parallel lectures and seminars are a great way to get this information. Visitors are encouraged to take advantage of being in the heart of the global dental family and to use a few opportunities for meetings to build lasting industry contacts. IMM Cologne 2025 Date: 12-16 January 2025 IMM Cologne was founded in 1949 and is an annual fixture exhibition in Cologne. Koelnmesse GmbH organized the exhibition, which has become a leader in the fixture industry. In the history of Cologne and of the fixtures industry, 1949 was a monumental year. The exhibition was a massive success despite the complicated situations of the immediate post-conflict period. It quickly became one of the world’s most essential fixtures and layout activities. IMM Cologne will also play a significant role in establishing Cologne as an essential area for creativity and design. The IMM Cologne 2025 has made Cologne a center exhibition area in Germany and a center for innovative fixtures and interior design. For the upcoming season, IMM Cologne will examine global trends and innovations in furniture, interior architecture, sleeping, space layout, and design. Asia-Pacific SOURCING 2025 Date: 11–13 March 2025 Visitors to Asia-Pacific Sourcing 2025 have many opportunities to build their network and gain valuable insights into the home, produce, and garden markets. Asia-Pacific Sourcing 2025 will feature over 750 exhibitors and 8,000 buyers from the commercial, wholesale, and import markets. The show offers plenty of space for lighting and features the latest technologies and products. You’ll find all the latest technologies and products at Asia-Pacific Sourcing, including home and garden products and other exciting products. The exhibition features guided tours, interactive workshops, hands-on demonstrations, competitions, and interactive activities. The beauty of China is one of the highlights of the fair, which takes place in a venue with nearly 40 high-end labels. This exhibition in Cologne between 2024 and 2025 is an excellent opportunity to showcase and discover new products and services. This fair can help you build business relationships with buyers worldwide. Hire exhibition stand builders to create a stand representing your brand and mission.
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tramngo · 3 months
Fast Fashion's Impact on Vietnam: Legal Aspects and Environmental Protection
The global fashion industry is racing at breakneck speed, meeting the ever-increasing demand for the latest trends. Fast fashion, the industry's latest trend, is causing substantial environmental damage, contributing heavily to carbon emissions and other ecological issues. In Vietnam, the rise of fast fashion brands, both local and international, presents a unique set of challenges and opportunities. The Vietnamese government must address these challenges through effective policies, laws, and environmental protection strategies to ensure sustainable development.
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Fast Fashion and Environmental Impact
What is ‘Fast Fashion'?
The phrase 'fast fashion' is increasingly mentioned in discussions about fashion, sustainability, and environmental awareness. It describes the rapid production of low-cost clothing that imitates the latest runway trends and is quickly distributed to stores to capitalize on current fashion trends (Maiti 2024).
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The term was first used at the beginning of the 1990s when Zara landed in New York (Rauturier 2023). “Fast fashion” was coined by the New York Times to describe Zara’s mission to take only 15 days for a garment to go from the design stage to being sold in stores (Lai 2021).
Environmental Impact
Fashion is more than just a means of expression, it is an industry that significantly impacts our planet. Fashion is the second leading field in terms of emissions causing environmental pollution, and the impact on the environment of this industry is increasingly serious (Niinimäki et al. 2020). According to the UN Environment Programme (2019), the industry is the second-biggest consumer of water and is responsible for about 10% of global carbon emissions. Fast fashion exacerbates these issues, consuming 1.5 trillion liters of water each year and accounting for nearly 20% of industrial water pollution (Global Fashion Agenda and The Boston Consulting, 2017).
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Furthermore, brands use synthetic fibers like polyester, nylon, and acrylic which take hundreds of years to biodegrade. A report from the International Union for Conservation of Nature (2017) estimated that 35% of all microplastics – tiny pieces of non-biodegradable plastic – in the ocean come from the laundering of synthetic textiles like polyester.
Vietnam's Role in the Fast Fashion Industry
In Vietnam, fast fashion is gaining a strong foothold in the hearts of consumers. Especially in the age of technology 4.0, when young people spend a lot of time shopping for cheap clothes on e-commerce platforms. In 2022, the number of e-commerce users in Vietnam recorded around 57 million, indicating a year-on-year growth since 2018. That year, Vietnam's e-commerce market value reached approximately 16.4 billion U.S. dollars (Statista 2022).
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The revenue of fast fashion brands such as Zara and H&M increases every year. Zara's revenue in three years (2016 to 2018) increased from 320 billion VND to 1700 billion VND. Particularly in the Vietnamese market, where people’s income is not high, fashion brands listed as “Fast Fashion” are still luxury brands. The business results of fashion brands Zara and H&M demonstrate how attractive the potential of the Vietnamese fashion market is for international brands (Manh Hung 2022).
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According to a study, 27% of Vietnamese consumers keep clothes for less than a year before throwing them away, compared to China's 23%, Australia's 4%, Hong Kong's 6%, and Singapore’s 6% (YouGov 2017). Thus, compared to other countries in the region, Vietnam has a higher rate of reusing clothes, but the amount discharged into the environment is still of concern. Currently, plastic waste in Vietnam is increasing significantly, with the contribution of fashion waste (Manh Hung 2022).
The Need for Sustainable Policies and Practices
In the National Strategy on Climate Change, Vietnam has announced the goal of cutting emissions by 43.5% by 2030, setting emissions targets for each sector. To achieve this goal, Vietnam has issued many legal documents and proposed policies related to emission reduction issues associated with the net zero emissions target by 2050 (Prime Minister 2022).
The 2020 Law on Environmental Protection is the most important legal document in Vietnam’s strategy to reduce CO2 emissions. In addition, the Government of Vietnam also issued Decision No. 2053/QD-TTg on the Plan to implement the Paris Agreement on climate change, directly regulating the field of greenhouse gas emission reduction with Decree No. 06/2022/ND-CP dated January 7, 2022, regulations on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating the Ozone layer.
Recommendations for a ‘Greener Future’
Raise Awareness Among the Younger Generation
One of the most effective ways to combat the environmental impact of fast fashion is through education and awareness. Young consumers, who are the primary market for fast fashion, need to understand the environmental footprint of their shopping habits. By promoting sustainable fashion choices and encouraging a shift from quantity to quality, we can foster a culture that values durability and environmental responsibility.
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Support Local and Sustainable Fashion
Promoting local fashion brands that prioritize sustainability can also make a significant difference. Vietnamese local brands such as Moi Dien, Dong Sai Gon, and Tim Tay are more likely to have shorter supply chains, reducing their overall carbon footprint. Supporting these brands can also boost the local economy and provide more environmentally friendly options for consumers.
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Let’s make fashion fabulous and friendly for our planet. Together, we can turn the tide on fast fashion and stitch a greener future for Vietnam.
As we navigate the world of fashion, it's clear that the allure of fast fashion comes with significant environmental costs. From its massive water consumption to its carbon emissions and contribution to plastic waste, fast fashion poses serious challenges. In Vietnam, the rise of this industry presents a unique set of opportunities and obstacles that we must address head-on.
Reference list
Bick, R, Halsey, E & Ekenga, CC 2018, ‘The Global Environmental Injustice of Fast Fashion’, Environmental Health, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 1–4, viewed <https://ehjournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12940-018-0433-7>.
Boucher, J & Friot, D 2017, ‘Primary microplastics in the oceans | IUCN Library System’, Iucn.org, viewed <https://portals.iucn.org/library/node/46622>.
Global Fashion Agenda and The Boston Consulting Group 2017, PULSE OF THE FASHION INDUSTRY, viewed <https://www2.globalfashionagenda.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Pulse-of-the-Fashion-Industry_2017.pdf>.
Lai, O 2021, ‘7 Fast Fashion Companies Responsible for Environmental Pollution’, Earth.org, viewed <https://earth.org/fast-fashion-companies/>.
Maiti, R 2024, ‘Fast Fashion and Its Environmental Impact’, Earth.org, viewed <https://earth.org/fast-fashions-detrimental-effect-on-the-environment/>.
Nijman, S 2019, ‘UN Alliance for Sustainable Fashion Addresses Damage of “Fast Fashion”’, UNEP - UN Environment Programme, United Nations, viewed <https://www.unep.org/news-and-stories/press-release/un-alliance-sustainable-fashion-addresses-damage-fast-fashion>.
Rauturier, S 2023, ‘What Is Fast Fashion and Why Is It so bad?’, Good on You, viewed <https://goodonyou.eco/what-is-fast-fashion/>.
Statista 2022, ‘Vietnam: number of e-commerce users 2022’, Statista, viewed <https://www.statista.com/statistics/1297060/vietnam-number-of-people-buying-consumer-goods-online/#:~:text=In%202022%2C%20the%20number%20of>.
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sporthub · 4 years
ImageSource Bayrische Forschungsallianz Bionic
The future - sensors all over the body
This was once a vision and is now a strategic goal. In the meantime, some companies are bustling with various ideas, prototypes and a lot of electronics on the market. The term wearable still unites the idea of ​​using clothing or individual components to bring a variety of sensors to the body. Chip implants that get under the skin are not included, but go in the same direction. NFC, Near Frequency technology makes so much communication possible today. What is the LAN, the Local Area Network in your own home or the CAN bus, Controller Area Network the network in the vehicle, is the Body Area Network (BAN) on the body. Yes, we are virtually irrevocably networked. Networking alone is not enough. There is a need for ways to access body data. Physical data must be convertible into electronically measurable impulses. Sensors enable this interface. An EU-funded project called BIONIC meets these requirements. Bionic developed a configurable body sensor network. A medical movement coach based on the connection of sensors and a body-hugging network of clothing or clothing-related products. So let's stick to it, it's wearables. Bionic's goal is a holistic, autonomous product with a data protection platform for real-time warnings and continuous coaching. The term bionics is borrowed from a typical engineering sense or engineering activity. It transfers natural phenomena to technology. The implementation of such phenomena has been known since ancient times. The Horizon 2020 bionics project is being developed at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, funded with EUR 4 million and will run until December 2022.
Source: Bionik;
https://www.3-n.info/themenfelder/biooekonomie/bionik.html (aufgerufen 31.07.2020)
Bionic, Personalisierte Körpersensoren zur Prävention von Skelett-Muskel-Erkrankungen am Arbeitsplatz; https://www.bayfor.org/projekte/aktuelle-projekte-mit-thematischem-filter/bionic.html (aufgerufen 31.07.2020)
Wie geht mir heute?, Medizin und Technik; https://medizin-und-technik.industrie.de/technik/entwicklung/wie-gehts-mir-heute/ (aufgerufen 31.07.2020)
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trendingreportz · 3 months
Para-aramid Fibers Market - Forecast(2024 - 2030)
Para-aramid Fibers Market Overview
Para-aramid fibers market size is forecast to reach $6.6 billion by 2026, after growing at a CAGR of 7.2% during 2021-2026. Para-Aramid is an aromatic polyamide distinguished by long, rigid polymer crystalline chains. The major drivers for this market are the increasing usage of para-aramid fiber in brake pads, clutches, transmission belts, gaskets, linings, and tires in automotive and the growing demand for protective clothing in defense and industrial sectors. Also, the increasing utilization of para-aramid fiber as an alternative to asbestos and steel in military and aerospace applications for ballistic grade body armor fabric is likely to fuel market growth over the forecast period. Furthermore, stringent government norms regarding the safety of employees at the workplace and large penalties for non-compliance with these standards is also anticipated to contribute to the para-aramid fiber industry growth during the forecast period.
COVID-19 Impact
The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the day-to-day practices of virtually all major companies around the world, bringing economies to a standstill. This has led to a decrease in the demand and production of aromatic polyamides such as aramid fibers in most of the applications, which is lowering the consumption of para-aramid fibers in 2020. The adoption of these fibers in personal protective equipment (PPE) apparel, on the other hand, has rapidly increased. The manufacturers are also focused first on fulfilling the PPE orders because during the pandemic they have become a critical component. For instance, DuPont is manufacturing PPE clothing based on its Nomex aramid, Kevlar & Tychem, and Tyvek. The demand for aromatic polyamides such as aramid fibers is very high as compared to other materials, owing to which the market is gradually gaining momentum again.
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Report Coverage
The report: “Para-aramid Fibers Market – Forecast (2021-2026)”, by IndustryARC, covers an in-depth analysis of the following segments of the para-aramid fibers Industry.
By Product Form: Paper, Filament Yarn, Powder, Film, Short-Cut Fibers, Pulp, and Others.
By Application: Reinforcement (Composites, Rubbers, Elastomers, Cables, and Others), Protective Apparels (Chemical Resistant apparels, Flame Resistant apparels, Cut Resistant apparels, and Others), Ballistic Protective (Body Armor, Bullet-Proof Vests, Vehicle Armor, Helmets, and Others), Friction Linings (Clutch Plates, Brake Pads, Transmission Belts, and Others), Adhesives & Sealants, and Others.
By Application: Protection & Security, Automotive (Automotive Cars, Light Commercial vehicles (LCV), Heavy Commercial Vehicles (HCV), and Others), Aerospace (Commercial, Military, and Others), Electrical & Electronics (Fibre Optic, Electromechanical Cables, Circuit Boards, And Others), Marine (Passenger, Supply Vessels, Cargo, and Others), Industrial (Mining, Oil& Gas, Power Generation, Chemical, and Others), Building & Construction (Residential, Commercial, and Others), Sports (Tennis Strings, Hockey Sticks, and Others), and Others.
By Geography: North America (U.S., Canada, and Mexico), Europe (U.K, Germany, France, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Russia, Belgium, and Rest of Europe), Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, India, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand, Indonesia, Taiwan, Malaysia, and Rest of APAC), South America (Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, and Rest of South America), Rest of the World (Middle East, and Africa).
Key Takeaways
Europe dominates the para-aramid fibers market, owing to the increasingly stringent government regulations in the region governing the proper usage of proper personal protective equipment (PPE) in the workplaces.
Para-aramid fibers are used widely in friction and sealing products as an alternative to asbestos. Due to superior advantages such as extended life, non-glaze/smear on the surface of the lining, fade resistance, and non-aggressive wear on drums and discs, they are commonly used in friction plates, transmission belts, and pads. Over the projected period, this is expected to fuel demand.
Furthermore, Para-aramid fibers are used as strength providers in the design and manufacturing of fiber optic cables owing to their low weight, flexibility, dielectricity, and handling. Thus, the rise in demand for high bandwidth fiber optic cables for data services and communication is also expected to have a positive influence on the market.
Increasing onshore and offshore drilling activities, coupled with a thriving shale oil and gas industry is also anticipated to play a key role in driving the demand for aromatic polyamides such as para-aramid during the forecast period.
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Para-aramid Fibers Market Segment Analysis - By Product Form
The filament yarn segment held the largest share in the para-aramid fibers market in 2020 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 7.8% during 2021-2026, owing to the various benefits that it offers when compared to other fiber forms. Filament yarn-based para-aramid fibers offer extensive characteristics such as excellent strength-to-weight properties, high dimensional stability, heat resistance, flame resistance, chemical resistant, and more. Owing to these extensive characteristics of filament yarn-based para-aramid fibers are largely employed in applications such as filtration, protective clothing, transmission belts, laundry tape, and more. Thus, these extensive characteristics are the major factor driving the demand for filament yarn-based para-aramid during the forecast period.
Para-aramid Fibers Market Segment Analysis - By End-Use Industry
The protection & security segment held the largest share in the para-aramid fiber market in 2020 and should grow at a CAGR of 8.2% during 2021-2016. A huge amount of para-aramid fiber is used in safety & protection applications such as military, private security, municipal law enforcement, and private contractors involved in government projects. Para-aramid fiber is also used in personal protective equipment (PPE) to help manufacturers provide premier cut protection from on-the-job hazards in the automotive, manufacturing, construction, aerospace, and electronics industries. These fibers are generally sued to make stab-proof, fire-proof, and cut-proof protective clothing such as coveralls, gloves, footwear, and helmets. Recent technological advancements in armors helped to reduce the extra weight for soldiers, and also further improvisation in personal protective clothing is driving the demand for soft and lightweight armor materials.
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Para-aramid Fibers Market Drivers
Stringent Government Regulations Regarding the Safety of Employees at the Workplace
Various governments are implementing stringent regulations to govern the proper usage of protective apparel in worksites to ensure the safety of employees. For instance, according to the Food Safety (General Food Hygiene) Regulations, it is mandatory for every person working in a food handling area to wear suitable, clean, and appropriate, protective clothing. Also, the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH) made it necessary for food industry workers to use protective clothing and equipment. Therefore, owning to these regulations the demand for protective clothing from the food industry is increasing. In addition, various government regulations and standards have made it mandatory for metal and mining industry workers to wear protective clothing, such as NFPA 70E, ANSI / ISEA 138, and so on. Hence, owing to these regulations the demand for protective clothing from the metal and mining industry is increasing. Various government regulations and standards have made it necessary for law enforcement and firefighters to wear protective clothing while performing their duties such as NFPA1971, EN 1486, EN 13911, and EN 659. Therefore, owning to these regulations and standards the demand for protective clothing is increasing, which is driving the para-aramid fibers market growth.
Flourishing Automotive and Aerospace Industry
The use of para-aramid fibers in tires provides advantages such as higher performance, higher protection, higher comfort, and lower fuel consumption, resulting in increased demand from the automotive industry. In addition, para-aramid fibers are also used in aerospace components, including wings, fuselage, landing gear doors, trailing edge plates, vertical and horizontal stabilizers, and flight control surfaces. They are used primarily in these components because of their superior performance characteristics such as impact resistance and low weight. And the automotive and aerospace industry is flourishing in various regions. For instance, according to Organisation Internationale des Constructeurs d'Automobiles (OICA), the production of light commercial vehicles has increased from 1,348,932 in 2018 to 1,431,904 in 2019, an increase of 6.2% in Canada. In November 2020, Boeing projected that China's airlines will buy $1.4 trillion worth of 8,600 new aircraft and $1.7 trillion worth of commercial aviation services over the next 20 years. By 2030, Boeing's latest business outlook predicts demand for 2,520 new aircraft in the Middle East. And with the flourishing automotive and aerospace industry, the demand for para-aramid will also substantially increase, which will then drive the market growth.
Para-aramid Fibers Market Challenges
Presence of Alternative Materials and High Production Cost of Para-Aramid Fibers
It is anticipated that the danger of substitutes will remain moderate over the forecast period. While aramid fibers are extremely famous for their robust applications in the industry, they also have some demerits. The propensity to absorb moisture, for instance, discourages their use in a wet environment. These products are also combined with epoxy systems to solve certain problems. Such additives further increase the overall cost of the product and unlatch the door for other substitute materials. For instance, carbon, glass, and polyethylene fibers can be used as alternatives to para-aramid fibers depending on the requirement in various application segments. Furthermore, product manufacturers are facing numerous challenges, elevated manufacturing costs, and low production efficiency, high initial investment, and inconsistent raw material supply are also expected to hamper market growth, thereby restraining the para-aramid fibers market growth during the forecast period.
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Market Landscape
Technology launches, acquisitions, and R&D activities are key strategies adopted by players in the para-aramid fibers market. Major players in the para-aramid fibers market are China National Bluestar (Group) Co. Ltd., DuPont de Nemours Inc., Huvis Corp., Hyosung Corp., Kermel, Kolon Industries Inc., Sro Aramid (Jiangsu) Co. Ltd., Teijin Ltd., Toray Industries Inc., and Yantai Tayho Advanced Materials Co.
Acquisitions/Technology Launches
In November 2020, Teijin Aramid announced the results of its sustainability-focused pilot program (2018). The pilot proves that this innovative approach can improve the environmental impact of Teijin Aramid’s production processes, without altering the material properties of the resulting ultra-high-strength para-aramid fibers under the brand name Twaron® yarn.
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bimonmedia · 6 months
‘Cheese In The Trap’ and The Fast Fashion’s Dilemma
Sapo: Fashion brands would never tell you the truth that the only way to be sustainable is to buy fewer clothes.
1. Digital Citizenship
In response to the pervasive influence of social media in daily life, new citizen norms and identities have emerged, prioritizing personalization and sharing over traditional political affiliations. This phenomenon has spurred the development of digital citizenship (Vromen 2017).
The slow fashion movement's long-term success relies heavily on digital citizenship. As people evolve more aware of their online presence and social responsibilities, they use digital channels to promote ethical fashion practices. Social media networks are important tools for spreading information and mobilizing support for sustainable fashion businesses. Individuals use digital activism and community building to put pressure on the fashion industry to prioritize ethical production processes and worker rights. Digital citizens are influencing the discourse surrounding slow fashion by leveraging their online power, encouraging a more sustainable future in the industry (Alison Gwilt et al. 2012).
2. Green-washing problem 
The line between authentic Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives and greenwashing is often blurred, leading consumers to believe they are making ethical choices when purchasing from fast fashion companies. The perpetuation of mass consumerism by the fashion industry exacerbates environmental degradation and labor exploitation. Social media platforms serve as potent tools for the fashion industry to promote consumerism through influencer marketing and targeted advertising. Brands like H&M, ZARA, and Uniqlo have faced criticism for lacking transparency in their CSR campaigns, highlighting a contentious issue in the apparel industry. This dilemma underscores the challenges faced by brands in addressing environmental and social concerns raised by activists and stakeholders.
3. The role of social media influencers in the slow fashion movement
Social media has become a main source of information (Alalwan et al., 2017; Park & Cho, 2012), allowing customers to make more informed decisions (Diffley et al., 2011). Social media is one of the top information sources respondents rely on about environmental and social aspects of the garment supply chain. Influencers have been found to have a considerable impact on consumer decisions, notably purchasing, indicating an opportunity for them to encourage sustainable behavior (Bognar et al., 2019). While influencers may favorably affect circular selling behaviors, they may have a detrimental impact on circular purchasing behaviors, which are critical to the slow fashion movement. However, when firms prioritize growing sales, the impact of social media influencers on customer buy intentions in the fashion industry is reduced. Nonetheless, the slow fashion movement has been effective in boosting consumer awareness and encouraging a change towards more sustainable purchase habits. If consumers believe that their choices contribute to environmental protection, they are more likely to support slow fashion products (Chi et al. 2021), indicating a crucial stage in this long-term transformation.
References list
Bertilsson, E & van Alphen, L 2020, ‘From Fast to Slow: Can influencers make us shop more sustainably?’, Thesis, DIVA, School of Business, Society and Engineering, Mälardalen University, viewed 1 March 2024, <https://www.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf?pid=diva2%3A1436642&dswid=2014>. 
Chi, T, Gerard, J, Yu, Y & Wang, Y 2021, ‘A study of U.S. consumers’ intention to purchase slow fashion apparel: understanding the key determinants’, International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 101–112.
Domingos, M, Vale, VT & Faria, S 2022, ‘Slow Fashion Consumer Behavior: a Literature Review’, Sustainability, vol. 14, no. 5, p. 2860.
Kaner, G 2021, ‘Greenwashing: How Difficult It Is to Be Transparent to the Consumer—H&M Case Study’, Green Marketing in Emerging Markets, pp. 203–226.
Scully, G 2021, ‘Changing Fashion: An Analysis of Social Media Activism Targeting the Fashion Industry’, Thesis, vol. 828, University of Connecticut, viewed 1 March 2024, <https://digitalcommons.lib.uconn.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1828&context=srhonors_theses>. 
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