#Protection ritual
herbalfaerie · 11 months
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  *   𝕿𝖍𝖎𝖈𝖐 𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖘 * ⋆   .🦇
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magickkate · 2 months
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Purpose: Create a protective shield around yourself or your space to ward off negative energies and harmful influences.
Black candle (for protection)
Salt (for purification and protection)
Protective herbs (such as rosemary, sage, or basil)
A small bowl of water
Protective crystal (such as black tourmaline, obsidian, or amethyst)
Incense (such as frankincense or sandalwood)
White cloth or altar cloth
Athame or wand (optional)
Cleanse Yourself: Take a cleansing bath or shower, using salt and/or protective herbs. Visualize any negative energy being washed away.
Set Up Your Space: Choose a quiet, undisturbed area for your ritual. Lay out the white cloth or altar cloth on a flat surface.
Create a Sacred Space:
Arrange Your Altar: Place the black candle in the center of the cloth. Arrange the bowl of water, salt, protective herbs, and crystals around the candle.
Light the Incense: Light the incense and let the smoke purify the space. 
Cast a Circle:
Use Your Athame or Wand: If you have an athame or wand, use it to trace a circle around your working area. If you don’t have one, you can use your finger.
Visualize: As you draw the circle, visualize a protective barrier of white light forming around you and your space.
Light the Candle:
Invoke Protection: Light the black candle and focus on the flame. Visualize it growing and creating a protective barrier around you. 
Salt and Water Blessing:
Bless the Water: Hold the bowl of water and say an incantation and blessing directed for protection.
Bless the Salt: Hold the salt and say a blessing for this specific protection intention.
Mix: Add a pinch of salt to the bowl of water. Stir it clockwise and visualize it becoming charged with protective energy.
Herb and Crystal Empowerment:
Empower the Herbs: Hold the protective herbs in your hands and visualize being protected while focusing on the intent of this work. If you have an internal conversation going on, continue an incantation through thoughts or aloud.
Empower the Crystal: Hold the protective crystal in your hands and focus your intent through the crystal allowing it to hold your energy.
Anoint Yourself and Your Space:
Anoint Yourself: Dip your finger in the salt water and touch it to your forehead, heart, and wrists.
Anoint Your Space: Sprinkle the salt water around your space, especially at doorways and windows.
Close the Circle:
Thank the Spirits: Thank any deities, spirits, or energies you called upon for their protection.
Close the Circle: Use your athame, wand, or finger to trace the circle in reverse. Visualize the protective energy being absorbed back into you.
Ground and Center:
Ground Yourself: Sit quietly for a few moments and visualize any excess energy flowing into the Earth. You can also eat something small to help ground yourself.
Dispose of the Remnants:
Dispose of the Herbs and Water: If you use herbs and salt water, dispose of them outside in a respectful manner, returning them to the Earth.
Additional Tips:
Repeat Regularly: Repeat this protection spell regularly, such as monthly or whenever you feel the need for extra protection.
Customize: Feel free to customize the spell with additional elements that resonate with you, such as using specific deities, chants, or personal symbols of protection.
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cindythinking · 1 year
Cleansing Ritual
It's spring time, it's tuesday so it's the perfect moment for some cleansing!
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You will need:
A handheld bel
One Lemon
Spray bottle
Dried rosemary leaves
🌱 Open the windows in your living space and ring the bell.
🌱 Sprinkle a bit of salt in each room.
🌱 Fill a medium pot halfway with water, then add lemon, rosemary and a bit of salt. Simmer over medium heat, strain and lead cool into room temperature.
🌱 Pour infuse water into the spray bottle and spray around each room.
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satanachia666 · 1 year
I just completed a protection ritual with Naberius, who is also known as Cerberus. 🤘 When a big ass spider appeared on my door handle, preventing me from getting back indoorswithout a fight, I knew it was time to do protection magic. 🕷️ When I scattered the burnt offering ashes outside earlier, I also saw a centipede, just like I did when I scattered the burnt offering ashes after my last full moon ritual. 🧐 I take the centipede as a sign that the ritual was 100% effective. 💯
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notdelusionalatall · 9 months
Blessed be.
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Full Moon rituals. ♥
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iamwinklebottom · 2 months
Legba Vs. My Enemies | Dream Decoding, Timelines, Social Contracts, Spiritual Development, & More
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conjuremanj · 1 year
The Evil Eye, How To Remove It Using A Egg Cleansing.
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What is The Evil Eye? The Evil Eye is a type of curse of affliction, it's envy. We learned of this from different people from different areas around the world. All these places inherited the idea of The Evil Eye but in all cases, the affliction manifests itself in the same way.
How Did I Get Hit With The Evil Eye? The Evil Eye is a type of curse that can be cast out of Envy, and place on someone intentionally or Sometimes unintentionally.
The Evil Eye is put on someone by fixing there gaze apon them while paying them a false compliment that is held by jealousy. Jealousy and envy are the main features of The Evil Eye.
We all heard or seen in movies where in some cultures where a person is insulted, they will lightly spit to dismiss the devil or counteract The Evil Eye when a compliment is paid (the fluid of the spit combats the drying nature of The Evil Eye). Now you don't need to know who put up the Evil Eye upon you, it's just better to remove it and then put up protections against any future problems.
Symptoms of The Evil Eye: The Evil Eye can have one or more symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, profuse sweating, eye afflictions (infections, redness), possible bleeding from orifices (mouth, nose or anus) and general flu-like symptoms. All of these involve some form of fluid loss from the body.
(It is important to note that The Evil Eye is not a sickness or medical condition perse but can turn into a medical condition. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms you MUST go to a doctor and have them treat your physical condition)
(After seeing the doctor even multiple times and you still are having one or more of these symptoms. Seek out a doctor's help. Because a magical curse like envy (evil eye) that is afflicting your spiritual self can cause real physical ailments. You must use medicine under the supervision of a doctor, in addition to a spiritual course of action to remove the physical ailments.
(Again I say, use the medicine given under the supervision of a doctor with additional spiritual actions because it's not only affecting the physical body it is affecting your spiritual self as well, so you will need both)
How Do You Remove The Evil Eye? When removing The Evil Eye or cleansing The Evil Eye can be accomplished several ways. All of them involve some kind of moisture/fluid (to counteract the loss of fluids from the body so drink some water to start to help replenish the body.
This practice that can be traced back to history: and many cultures a gift from the ancestors for all to access to alleviate evil eye and to further connect us to the cosmic egg — life's blessings. Evil Eye is not uncommon. It is believed that the egg is a capsule that absorbs negative energy from the body and aura. This is why the egg is rubbed all over the body while performing the actual ritual and worked over specific areas of ailment.
Setting Up: one egg, a bowl, one what new candle.
Repair the bowl with water and light the white candle for the creator. Add a little holy oil for him.
Egg Cleansing: One of the simplest and best ways to remove The Evil Eye is to take a chicken egg, Start by pass it over and on the body from your head down to your feet, making sure to thoroughly pass it over the most afflicted area of your body.
As you pass the egg over your body recite The Lord's Prayer and Psalm 23. When you're finishing up at your feet, wrap the egg and take it outside and disposed of it.
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Blood: I want to speak on blood a lot of religions uses blood from Palo, Santeria, Vodou even Hoodoo I'm mentioning this because is you see blood or a embrial in the egg when you crack it open doesn't mean it is a bad thing. Some spells need blood. In the case for a egg cleansing it's a good thing this tells me that the body has been cleaned of all negativity and it took a blood sacrifice to cleanse and to rid that person of something bad.. (all that means don't freak out) 🙏😁
Last: A Uncrossing Baths: After useing the egg to remove the spiritual ailment I suggest using a uncrossing wash (bath) to remove the left over residue.
Remember your not talking a actual bath it's just a wash to remove the curse. Start by taking your uncrossing herbs pk, or premade bottled uncrossing wash in a bowl and pour the wash staring from the top of your head on down. Reciting Psalm 91. V1. Once your done take the remaining water and it's contents and throw it outside.
If more then one bath is need because you may not feel a 100% but are doing better take a few more baths up the total to 7 baths should remove it completely. After your bath dress in clean clothing.
Now you can use holy oil or if prefered Fiery World of Protection Oil to anointed your head and candle and say a prayer to Saint Michael to help prevent any future attacks.
How To Prevent: Beads and charms like in the shape of the evil eye or a fatima charm will work. just say a prayer to bless a object and add your intentions upon it.
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mamamoon92 · 1 year
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mamaangiwine · 2 years
According to custom the water of the first bath is sprinkled with holy water from the Epiphany and also with incense to ward of evil spirits. One or more silver coins are also laid in so that the baby can stay protected and loved by people just as the silver is; flowers/plants (basil, chamomile, mayweed, mint, peony) so that it would be beautiful, have rosy cheeks, and be gentle like a flower (Evseev 1999:73); honey or sugar to be a smooth talker (Hedşan 2001:16); keys to enter the world of knowledge; a mirror to beautiful to the world; an egg to be healthy and wholesome like the egg; milk to be clean and white-skinned; a nut or a pebble to be resilient; bread to be a good person "as good as God's bread" (the Romanian equivalent for "as good as gold"): "dear as silver, sweet as honey, good as bread, healthy as the egg, rosy cheeked as the peony, attractive as basil and white as milk" (Marian 2009:69-75; my translation)
Folklore Studies on Birth Related Customs Within the Banat Community by Otilia Daniela Alexin
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volmarrsheathenism · 2 years
Hammer Hallowing
Hammer of Thor, Hallow our holy stead, Bane of etins, banish evil, Watch and ward our stead. In the North, Your power surrounds us and protects us from harm, You are the hammer of the mighty Thor, And we call upon you to keep us safe. In the East, Your power surrounds us and protects us from harm, You are the hammer of the mighty Thor, And we call upon you to keep us safe. In the South, Your…
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kizzer55555 · 6 months
DP x DC: The Most Dangerous Card Game
Ok so Danny has essentially claimed earth as his. And he is fully aware that there are constant threats to the planet. Now he can’t stop a threat that originates on earth (that’s something he’ll leave to the Justice league) but he can do something about outside threats. Doing some research on ancient spells, rituals, and artifacts, he cast a world wide barrier on the planet to protect it from hostile threats so they cannot enter. This will prevent another Pariah Dark incident. However, barriers like this come at a price. You see, there are two ways to make a barrier. Either make one powered up by your own energy and power (which would be constantly draining) or set up a barrier with rules. The way magic works is that nothing can be absolutely indestructible. It must have a weakness. The most powerful barriers weren’t the ones reinforced with layer after layer of protective charms and buffed up with power. Those could eventually be destroyed either by being overpowered, wearing them down, or by cutting off the original power source. No, the most powerful barriers were the ones with a deliberate weakness. A barrier indestructible except for one spot. A cage that can only be opened from the outside. Or that can only be passed with a key or by solving a riddle. So Danny chooses this type of barrier and does the necessary ritual and pours in enough power to make it. And he adds his condition for anyone to enter. 
Now the Justice league? Find out about the barrier when Trigon attempts to attack, they were preparing after he threatened what he would do once he got to earth. How he would destroy them. The Justice league tried to take the fight to him first but were utterly destroyed, so they retreated home to tend to their injuries, and fortify earth for one. Last. Stand. Only when Trigon makes his big entrance…he’s stopped.
The Justice league watch in awe as this thin see-through barrier with beautiful green swirls and speckled white lights like stars apears blocking Trigon and his army’s advance. The barrier looks so thin and fragile yet no matter how hard the warlord hits, none of his attacks can get through and neither can he damage said barrier. That’s when Constantine and Zatanna recognizes what this barrier is. Something only a powerful entity could create. For a moment, the league is filled with hope that Trigon can’t get through yet Constantine also explains that it’s not impenetrable. And clearly Trigon knows this too for he calls out a challenge. 
And that’s when, in a flash of light, a tiny glowing teenager appears. He looked absolutly minuscule compared to Trigon and yet practically glowed with power (this isn’t a King Danny AU though).
And that is when the conditions for passing the barrier are revealed. And the Justice realize that the only thing stopping Trigon and his army from decimating earth. The only way he can get through….is by beating this glowing teenager in a card game. 
Not just any card game though. The most convoluted game Sam, Danny, and Tucker invented themselves. It’s like the infinite realms version of magic the gathering, combined with Pokémon, and chess. And Danny is the master. So sit down Trigon and let’s play.
(The most intense card game of the Justice league’s life).
After Danny wins, this happens a few more times with outer word beings and possibly even demons attempting to invade earth, yet none have been able to beat the mysterious teenager in a card game. Constantine might even take a crack at it and try to figure out how to play. He’s really bad though. Every time this happens, the Justice league worry that this might be the time the teenager looses. Yet every time, he wins (even if only barely). 
Meanwhile, Danny, Sam, and Tucker have gotten addicted to the game and play it almost daily. Some teachers might seem them playing the game are are like ‘awww how cute’ not realizing this game is literally saving the world. Jazz is just happy they aren’t spending as much time on their screens playing Doomed.
#DPxDC#Kizzer55555 ideas#Danny makes a card game to save the world.#Technically he worded the ritual so that they had to ‘beat’ him as those are the most powerful barriers and most reliable.#keys can just get lost or stolen (like the one to Pariah’s Coffin)#A riddle would be useless once someone figured out the answer. Like how no one takes the sphynx seriously anymore.#(Sorry Tuck. But it’s true).#And there is NO WAY Danny is just leaving a hole open for anyone to pass through. No thank you!#So…beating him. But it’s not like Danny wanted to fight so…he edited the ritual a TINY bit. Card games are good. Much less painful too.#Danny Tucker and Sam made the most complicated card game they could imagine.#It’s based on their strategies for fighting ghosts. Capturing them in thermoses. And MUCH based on a on field battle strategy.#It often requires spontaneous thinking on the spot. So Danny? In his ELEMNT. It doubles as practice for his actual ghost battles too.#They had SO much fun making this.#Sam added an entire series of plant cards that act as traps and healing ointments and duds that just take up the field.#Tucker added legitimate hyroglyphics combined with Latin as well as English and ghost speak.#Yes. You actually have to speak that language to play. With proper pronunciation. (Amity Parker’s think the three are talking gibberish.)#I headcanon Sam and Tucker are fluent in Ghost.#Constantine WILL figure this game out SO HELP HIM!#Some of the cards also have combinations related to constellations either in name or placement on the board.#By the way the board is based on a Hexagonal summoning circle with Rhunes along the edges#And the placement of the cards on the board and on what rhune MATTERS.#Also the cards move disintegrate and have certain abilities. Think of Harry Potter Wizard Chess.#But they are normal when Danny plays at school. This is just for ✨effect✨ Against invaders.#Danny faces multiple opponents. He also halts alien invasions.#While Danny COULD stop crime on earth he’s not sure how to fight a normal human and hold back so he sticks to ghosts.#The Justice league are going crazy trying to figure out who this entity is and after deep research are convinced this is some sort of#Ancient being who has protected earth for millenia. They have paintings on ruins and everything.#Danny is not aware they think this.#Raven starts praying to Danny as if he is a god and wrangles the other Teen Titans into doing so as well. Danny is still unaware of this.#Danny is not a King or an ancient. Just a very VERY strong ghost.
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herbalfaerie · 10 months
I don't wanna "heal" my inner child, I wanna "give her a big sword."
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sistersatan · 2 years
Protection Ritual with Hekate
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deanb1995echo · 2 years
New Age Garden has just released a new digital download of a ritual. A ritual to cut all ties and unhealthy connections to another person. Starting price of only £15.59. Click on the link to find out more! 
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satanachia666 · 2 years
Hail Naberius!🤘 About 3 days ago, I did a ritual for protection and empowerment with Naberius. He really is the best.🖤 I burned a 3-wick pumpkin spice candle with cinnamon incense again because Fall.🎃🍂 I lit each wick in honor of one of Naberius’ heads.🔥🔥🔥 I am eternally grateful to have Naberius in my life.💖
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pizzacastella · 9 months
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look at my lawyer dawg i'm going to jail 😭
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