#Promnis Big Bang
ffxvzinenews · 6 months
Blue is looking for interest in a 2024 Promnis Big Bag! Please complete the polls with your interest.
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flykiwifly · 7 years
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Cover for “Some Place I’d Like to Go” by @windycockslap
Second cover for the Promnis Big Bang! Will update later with link!
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yodepalma · 7 years
"everything is not fine, prompto is a Big Gay Mess"
god please it's 5am why won't you let me sleep
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worldofruinbigbang · 3 years
February 6 - It Will Come Back
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🌘Today’s story is by @ezra-blue​, with art by Saber 🌒
Ignis Scientia/Prompto Argentum | No Archive Warnings Apply | Non- consensual Body modification | Mature
After Ignis’ showdown with Ardyn in front of the Crystal, after Ignis nearly gives his life for Noctis and the world, Prompto is lost at Zegnautus Keep. When the night comes, however, and as Ignis and Gladio strive to keep the world going while waiting for Noctis’ return, a rogue MT appears in front of Ignis and saves his life. Ignis realizes that this MT is not at all what it seems - there may be a ghost of a friend in the machine. 
As he contends with his guilt, exhaustion, and memories of Prompto and Noctis, Ignis strives to bring Prompto back out of his literal shell. However, Prompto may have been changed in ways Ignis can’t reverse, much like the world around him becomes more corrupted by the day. Can he restore his dear friend’s humanity and save their star?
Please be sure to mind the tags!
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promnisbigbang · 5 years
Gemini Elementia by SongOfMarbule
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Artwork by @delborovic​
Fic Title: Gemini Elementia Author: SongOfMarbule Rating: Explicit Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Ignis Scientia, Prompto Argentum Additional Tags: Dimension Travel, Time Travel, Sexual Content, Threesome - M/M/M, Established Relationship, Angst and Feels Word Count: 28,452
After a peculiar blast of magic sends Ignis and Prompto to a bizarre alternate version of Insomnia, the pair quickly realize that something isn't quite right. The city, in a state of devastating destruction; daemons running about, despite the presence of permanent sunlight - no signs of non-daemon life to be found anywhere.
But what's even more peculiar is the echo of oddly familiar footsteps in the hallway of the Citadel, signifying that they aren't alone after all... and the more they learn about their situation, the more they discover that maybe there's a reason why they were brought here to this purgatory, transcending both time and reality.
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crazyloststar · 5 years
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Promnis | 16,431 wc | Fantasy/Medieval AU | Inspired by Ladyhawke | Shapeshifting | 
“I haven't seen a battle chocobo before, only read about them in fairy tales.” He stepped up closer, and Ignis stepped back, his hands still trailing through the feathers lightly.
“Prom is...special. Fit for combat, it seemed a waste to not put him to use.”
“May I?” Noctis motioned his hand. He caught how Ignis actually looked at the bird, and then nodded, before returning his gaze to Noctis and he realized he had not been nodding at him.
“Of course. Gently though. He’s still adjusting to strangers touching him.”
Noctis lifted his hand up. The bird, Prom, looked at him through the eye holes in his face plate — they were bright, almost purple. It hesitated, then lowered his beak to push against Noctis’s hand.
“Oh, he likes you.” Ignis gave a soft laugh.
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Hey there! I’m excited to reveal my entry for the 2019 Promnis Big Bang! If you like medieval magics, true love, and valiant heroism, plus some angst and chocobos, please consider checking out this story. 8D 
Shout out to @sihaya-art​ for their art to go along with this piece!!! I love it so much and I am so stoked to finally have others see it. ^^ 
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bgn846 · 5 years
Being the thirteenth in line for the throne of Niflheim was bad enough. However, add the complication of being a rare omegan male to the mix and things were downright terrible.  Prompto had a small dream to sit on the throne one day if only to prove his worth.  He knew he couldn’t do it alone so he decides his best option is to hire a brilliant advisor to guide him to the top.
The issue being the advisor he really wants is already employed by the prince of Lucis, Noctis Lucis Caelum.   He also has to get over his innate fear of alphas since as it turns out the advisor is a rather intimidating one.
Will Prompto ever get the chance to rise in his position or will he be stuck at the bottom forever?
Written for the 2019 Promnis Big Bang
Featuring art by the lovely @lattdraws
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ignisgayentia · 5 years
oh my god so i woke up the other day and i had almost no vision in my left eye and had to have an emergency opthamologist appointment to restore my vision in my left eye... SCARY AF... but the important thing is that i managed to hit 90k words on this fic that i’ve only been writing for 1 month and i think that’s very sexy of me tbh
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lattdraws · 5 years
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For the @promnisbigbang
Such a sweet fic!! Rated T, omegaverse
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flykiwifly · 7 years
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Cover for “Polavoid” by @dirtyinfluences
First cover for the Promnis Big Bang! Will update later with link!
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gizzwhizz · 7 years
For reals I'm finishing my draft of my Big Bang this weekend. I know I'm making myself work ahead of schedule, but I just need it to be done. I'm so close. One or two good writing sessions more and I'm there!!
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niightwngs · 6 years
holy shit yall that 4thewords site rlly does work
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yodepalma · 7 years
Blind Hearts: promnis big bang
oh man ok i have put off finishing a lot of stuff to write this thing and now OH SHIT HERE IT IS aaaaahhhhhhh (scream fades away into the distance)
anyway first thing’s first: if you didn’t see @milokmp‘s amazing cover art for this: GO HERE NOW. it is so worth it. that thing is beautiful and perfect and nnnng it’s 1am i’m out of words ok
Title: Blind Hearts Genre: Alternate Universe (high fantasy) Rating: PG-13/Teen & UP Pairings: Prompto/Ignis, Nyx/Luna (background) Tags/Warnings: Slow Burn, Violence, Character Death, Implied Abuse Written for the @promnised-land promnis big bang, with thanks to @onpanwa for being an adorable cheerleader, and @rhymeswithpi & @flickerlight for humoring me with late night edits <3
I don’t post long fics on tumblr so: AO3 link!
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worldofruinbigbang · 3 years
March 10 - How Ignis Earned His Genji Gloves
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🌘Today’s story is accompanied by art from @puffbirdstudio​ 🌒
Prompto Argentum/Ignis Scientia | No Archive Warnings Apply | General Rating 
Please be sure to mind the tags!
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promnisbigbang · 5 years
Beyond Sight by Gizzwhizz
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Artwork by @scararts​​
Fic Title: Beyond Sight Author: Gizzwhizz Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Prompto Argentum, Ignis Scientia, Noctis Lucis Caelum, Gladiolus Amicitia, Kimya Auburnbrie, Ardyn Izunia Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Magic, Invisibility, Amnesia, Self-esteem Issues, Touch Starved, Slow Burn Word Count: 22,388 Summary/Excerpt:
Cursed to be invisible, Prompto spent ten years as Lestallum's Spirit of the Market. Unacknowledged, Unheard. Unseen.
Until the fateful day when a blind stranger grabbed his arm and changed his life forever.
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To those who have been reading my daily Promptober short stories...
Thank you and you’re the best!!
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