Not How You Spell It
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Welcome to FFXV hell. NSFW. Yesyes, I'm over 30. I'm open to requests but currently shitty at fulfilling them :') main bitch: latte-cosmico
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
lattdraws · 3 days ago
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omnis lacrima
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lattdraws · 13 days ago
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Posting my art on tumblr for the first time hehe!
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lattdraws · 16 days ago
"I wish you would write a fic where" meme: where Noctis has his private life exposed by gossip magazines maybe?
Ignis settles a hand on Noctis's shoulder and gives him a reassuring squeeze. "Your PR team will be here within the hour to draft a statement," he says, though his voice sounds distant, muffled, past the ringing in Noctis's ears.
It's a nice picture, the one on Ignis's phone, probably taken by actual paparazzi and not just a random citizen who had walked by the park bench Noctis and Prompto had been sitting on. Noctis had picked one pretty far away from the main trail in that park so they wouldn't attract attention. Not that that had helped them, apparently.
They're both bundled up for the mid-autumn weather, both of them holding cups of coffee. The magazine has blurred out the coffee company's logos, but not Prompto's face. Prompto's face, scrunched up and laughing as he tries to brush out the leaves that have fallen into his hair. And Noctis, beside him, looking at him with such a soft, telling expression on his face--
"We're not dating," Noctis says, right over whatever logistics Ignis is in the middle of explaining.
"We're not," Noctis says, a little desperate. He shoves Ignis's phone and the damning photo back to him. "I haven't--" He swallows hard. "I haven't said anything. Asked him out. I haven't--I was going to," he says quieter. "After his birthday."
And now everyone in Insomnia knows about Noctis's feelings for him before Prompto does.
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lattdraws · 19 days ago
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Old Ignis sketches I forgot I had
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lattdraws · 20 days ago
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Patreon | Ko-Fi
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lattdraws · 20 days ago
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Excited to share the piece I made for @ardynzine! I drew Ardyn as Saint Denis. I find the imagery to be quite powerful and fitting.
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lattdraws · 20 days ago
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FFXV chocobros are filling my brain again
(  ̄▽ ̄)
Have them in a silly little car as Calico Critters
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lattdraws · 20 days ago
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‘heavy weighs the head’ - noctis lucis caelum
Redraw of an older piece that had been bugging me for a while. I just love him sm…
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lattdraws · 20 days ago
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Happy Valentine’s Day!
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lattdraws · 21 days ago
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lattdraws · 21 days ago
Can't afford to lose
A story with an art for belated Valentine's day celebration.
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When Insomnia fell, Prince Noctis was not immediately aware of it but he felt a weird dull weight over his crown and some whisper echoing in his head a few hours later. Such feeling was not strong and lasted only a few minutes, so he did not have any idea about the cause. But in his sleep that night, he had a vision, or a nightmare, about Nyx Ulric bargaining the Kings of Yore for using their power to protect the city. When he learned what had really happened from the newspaper and texts, it scared him badly.
And now, he and his remaining comrades, Gladiolus and Prompto, were after his advisor, Ignis, who had been reportedly taken to Zegnautus Keep by the Chancellor of Nifflheim. Thanked to Ravus, his enemy to ally, who had given him the Keep's map containing all shortcuts, and keycards needed, to the Crystal Chamber which he believed they could find the kidnapped retainer there. 
Such weird feeling happened again fifteen minutes ago. It sent shivers down his spine. When it had been Nyx, his instructor and friend, he had gotten quite an awful shock. But Ignis was way more closer to him than the Glaive, or he could say he had a special place in his life. What if he had a vision of Ignis bargaining for power then missing forever like Nyx? The weight of worries stumbled on him was overwhelming. The Prince shook his head. He had no choice but to keep going for him before it was too late. 
He was walking throught the seventh shortcut when he saw cobalt fog surrounding him. At first he mistook it for poisonous fumes, then he realized it was not. He was still walking in a hallway but Gladiolus and Prompto were out of his sight. Then he saw himself in a vast cobalt plane with plenty of gigantic transparent royal armors hovering above his head. They whispered something he could not understand. The scenery made the Prince's muscles tighten, he had seen it in his vision about Nyx. He could not help glancing around nervously. His gaze ended up at a man kneeling at the center of the plane, a familiar face , Ignis Scientia.
The advisor left his bangs down his forehead. He had lost his blazer, his glasses and his gloves while his shirt's sleeves were folded up to his elbows. The left side of his face looked grey, terribly burned. He looked fatigued and injured. The Ring of Lucii dimly shone on his finger.
Noctis was stunned at the moment. He wanted to speak, or at least approach his advisor but his whole body disobeyed. His limbs were too heavy to move and his lips could not produce any kind of voice.
A voice from the royal armors spoke.
"Thee emptied what had acquired."
"But the fight is yet to be concluded."
Ignis nodded.
"I need more, much more power until I totally defeat him."
"So please, Your Majesties."
A royal armor answered.
"If thou dost wish to save the King, a sacrifice must be made."
"One greater than eye sight thou conceded."
"Risk, sacrifice thy life or succumb."
Ignis nodded, stood up and made a humble reply.
"I'll sacrifice."
The Kings of Yore's whispers echoed around the plane. Noctis could not comprehend their words but he knew they were satisfied.
"The contract is forged. The ring is now thine to control." 
"When such fight is over, the price will be thy life."
One by one, Kings of Lucis dissappeared from the cobalt plane. The Ring shone harshly and magic flame was lit around the bearer's body. Plenty of cracks appeared on the retainer's skin and spread over his hands, arms, chest and up his neck toward his face, showing how he was burned inside. Ignis screamed in agony. Noctis found himself free from paralysis. He rushed to his advisor with all his might and wrapped his arms around him. It was a surprise that such magic flame did nothing to him. Ignis' hands were trembling against his arms he used as his support. His suffering seemed unbearable. 
"Ignis!" Noctis called his name and cradled him in his arms. The retainer rested his forehead on the Prince's shoulder and let out his grunt for seconds before he could answer.
"Noct." Ignis tried his best to manage a faint smile. "You're alright."
"It doesn't matter, Specs! But you! And what have you done?" The Prince's hands trembled the same way as his retainer's. Seeing his favorite Ignis facing lethal agony was unbearable for him. Knowing he chose his doom himself hit him much harder.
"It's alright, Noct. I'm fine with the given condition." The advisor replied. He took longer time than he needed to deliver just a couple of sentences.
"But you chose what's killing you! And you're hurt, badly hurt. How can you say you're fine, Ignis? You are NOT fine!" Noctis' voice became slightly crack. 
"As long as you are." On the contrary, Ignis' voice became steady and calm.
"I'll never be ok if you're not, you fool!" He could not help scolding him. Tear started pooling in his eyes.
"Perhaps you're right. But it's almost impossible to defeat the legendary entity like him. Way harder to defy God's will. If there's any chance to do so, no matter how hard or agonizing it will be, I'll take it. And I'd like to let you know there's someone I definitely can't afford to lose." He smirked and stared deep into his blue eyes. "Whatever it takes." The surroundings changed again. The cobalt fog started dissipating, Noctis could see the destroyed Crystal Chamber with Ardyn freezing in an attacking gesture at one end with Gladiolus and Prompto freezing in walking gestures at the other. Ignis let go of his Prince's arms, used Overclock, turned toward the Chancellor, drew his daggers from Armiger, enchanted them with fire magic and leaped forward to confront him again. Then the fog, the plane and the Chamber was disappeared from Noctis' sight.
A few drops of tear fell out of the Prince's eyes. He was still walking through the seventh shortcut with Gladiolus and Prompto. He wiped them and sniffed then felt the shield's hand patting on his back.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
"Hard to explain. But I sensed something bad. Can we go faster?"
"Sure!" The shield replied, skimming over the map again. "Just a few doors left."
"Hold on Iggy. We're coming." The gunslinger announced. All of them started running in unison. 
Numerous amount of thoughts came across the Prince's mind. He already knew what the situation was but the solution was yet to find. 'I'll try my best to heal, spare, compromise, revive, every way I can to save you.  You know, Ignis? You're the one I can't afford to lose too.' He thought while they were unlocking another door leading to the Chamber.
end note
I redrew my old art about Noctis and Ignis in Episode Ignis verse 2. Then I was curious what the story would be. So I wrote it too.
see original art in X here
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lattdraws · 28 days ago
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making you look at my favorite ffxv ships
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lattdraws · 1 month ago
greetings final fantasy fandom 👋
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challenge for user kaksparkz: Try Not To Get Into A New Fandom Every 2 Weeks [IMPOSSIBLE🔥]
:: january ended up being a super rough month cause of some stuff i had going on irl so i started playing ffxv as a way to distract myself. to no one's surprise that worked really well so now im kinda. a bit obsessed with it. juuuust a little bit (*ノ∀`*)
ooo man what a game. needed to make some art about it. have this gladio & iris thingy cause they mean THE WORLD to me like uuuhuhhuhhhh🥺🩷 and some sketches i did while trying to figure out how to draw the boys!!!
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lattdraws · 1 month ago
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He’s dressed to celebrate. Happy birthday, Ignis!
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lattdraws · 1 month ago
other thing about ffxv: it really does capture that vibe of how like. you grow up, and you start to participate in and become aware of the wider world around you in a way you couldn’t have when you were younger, and you start to realize that things are going horribly awfully wrong. the whole world as you knew it is falling apart around your ears, and it feels like something very immediate and sudden - something you could stop if you just act fast enough. but the truth of the matter is that things have been going wrong for a very long time, before you were even born, and short of a miracle there is nothing you can really do about it.
through noctis’s perspective, this isn’t immediately obvious, but the world outside of insomnia is nearly post apocalyptic in the scale of the damage that has been done. entire settlements have been reduced to ruins within living memory. and so for all that the events of the game may feel like this abrupt boiling over that noctis must deal with Now lest more irreversible damage be done, the fact is that the sacking of insomnia was an inevitable conclusion they had been building towards for decades. and all the adults they grew up with knew this and didn’t tell them bc what could they have done about it at 12 years old? there’s something about it that just felt very emotionally resonant to me idk
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lattdraws · 1 month ago
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Happy Birthday Ignis!!!!
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lattdraws · 1 month ago
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I wanted to draw him with rosemary flowers for so long
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