#Programme Express Entry
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voyager-au-canada · 2 months ago
Les Différents Types de Visa Travail Canada pour les Africains
L'immigration au Canada est un rêve pour de nombreux Africains désireux de construire un avenir meilleur pour eux-mêmes et leur famille. Le Canada offre des opportunités de travail exceptionnelles grâce à ses programmes d'immigration flexibles et à son marché du travail dynamique. Cependant, obtenir un visa travail Canada nécessite de comprendre les différents types de permis de travail disponibles et de choisir celui qui correspond à votre situation.
1. Permis de Travail Temporaire (Work Permit)
Le permis de travail temporaire est l'un des visa les plus populaires pour ceux qui souhaitent travailler au Canada pour une période déterminée. Ce permis est délivré aux travailleurs étrangers qui possèdent une offre d'emploi valide d'un employeur canadien.
Critères d’éligibilité :
Vous devez disposer d'une offre d'emploi valide d'un employeur canadien.
Certains secteurs nécessitent une validation du Marché du Travail (LMIA).
Avantages :
Opportunités dans divers secteurs : Vous pouvez travailler dans divers domaines au Canada, de l'agriculture à l'informatique.
Renouvelable : Certains permis peuvent être prolongés en fonction de l'offre d'emploi.
2. Permis de Travail Ouvert (Open Work Permit)
Le permis de travail ouvert offre une flexibilité supplémentaire, car il vous permet de travailler pour n'importe quel employeur canadien, sans être lié à un employeur spécifique.
Critères d’éligibilité :
Conjoint(e) de citoyen canadien ou résident permanent.
Étudiants internationaux ayant terminé un programme d’études au Canada.
Avantages :
Grande flexibilité : Vous n'êtes pas lié à un employeur, ce qui vous permet de changer de travail facilement.
Opportunités dans diverses industries : Vous pouvez explorer diverses carrières en fonction des opportunités disponibles.
3. Permis de Travail Postdiplôme (Post-Graduation Work Permit)
Le permis de travail postdiplôme est destiné aux étudiants étrangers ayant terminé un programme d’études au Canada. Ce visa vous permet de travailler au Canada et d'acquérir de l'expérience professionnelle après l’obtention de votre diplôme.
Critères d’éligibilité :
Vous devez avoir terminé un programme d'études d'au moins huit mois dans une institution d'enseignement agréée.
Avantages :
Expérience professionnelle canadienne : Ce permis est une excellente opportunité pour les diplômés étrangers d'acquérir une expérience de travail canadienne.
Durée flexible : La durée de votre permis dépend de la durée de votre programme d'études.
4. Programme Express Entry
Le programme Express Entry est destiné aux travailleurs qualifiés qui souhaitent immigrer au Canada de manière permanente. Bien que ce ne soit pas un permis de travail, il permet d'obtenir un statut de résident permanent, avec la possibilité de travailler immédiatement.
Critères d’éligibilité :
Vous devez avoir une expérience de travail qualifié dans un domaine spécifique.
Le système de classement CRS détermine si vous êtes éligible.
Avantages :
Résidence permanente : Ce programme vous permet d’obtenir la résidence permanente et de travailler au Canada de manière illimitée.
Opportunités à long terme : Il ouvre la voie à de nombreuses possibilités professionnelles à long terme au Canada.
5. Programme des Travailleurs Temporaires (Temporary Foreign Worker Program - TFWP)
Le TFWP permet aux employeurs canadiens de recruter des travailleurs étrangers pour des emplois temporaires dans certains secteurs.
Critères d’éligibilité :
Vous devez avoir une offre d'emploi valide d’un employeur qui participe au programme.
L'employeur doit obtenir un LMIA pour valider l'offre d'emploi.
Avantages :
Secteurs spécifiques : Ce programme permet de combler les pénuries de main-d'œuvre dans des secteurs clés, tels que l’agriculture et la construction.
Le Canada offre de nombreuses possibilités pour les travailleurs étrangers, en particulier pour les Africains désireux d’immigrer. Que vous soyez un professionnel qualifié, un étudiant ou un conjoint de citoyen canadien, il existe un visa travail adapté à vos besoins. En comprenant les critères d’éligibilité et en choisissant le bon programme, vous pouvez maximiser vos chances de réussir votre immigration au Canada.
Prêt à commencer votre parcours d'immigration au Canada ? Découvrez comment le Fonds d'Autonomie pour l'Afrique peut vous accompagner dans le préfinancement de votre visa travail. Contactez-nous maintenant pour plus d'informations et pour démarrer votre démarche.
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iraimmigration1 · 2 years ago
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mezz-merizing · 2 years ago
gosh the experience of trance is like, literally the best thing ever. nothing tops it!!
it's because it's so varied and diverse. among subjects, among hypnotists, among inductions,no trance ever feels exactly the same, but it always feels heavenly
sometimes the hypnotic sensation intertwines with the sensation of sleep and it's like "mnh,," as you can't stop swaying on your feet... you're trying to have thoughts but it's like trying to swim in syrup- every thought just drifts lazily through your mind and fizzles out, and it would be so easy to just close your eyes and let the last remnants of your consciousness fade out, but you can't! not when those pretty words in such pretty tones are twisting and twirling around your sleepy head, crossing right past your barely-conscious mind and into the depths below to etch themselves into your psyche <3
sometimes it's different, in a way i've talked about before! sometimes instead of deep and consuming sleepiness, it's a crystal clear sort of focus, an unbreaking clarity on one single thing. there's nothing around you but you and them, it's all just a black void, as you sit, with your hands folded in your lap, your eyes wide open and staring, but the mind behind them off, the gates open, begging entry. sometimes it's an engulfing focus that takes you over, that subjugates you, that demands your attention, and seizes it, and never lets go
sometimes it's emptiness. sometimes it's a serene sort of endless blackness that engulfs your mind and your soul, a complete lack of thoughts, a hollowing-out, an erasure. sometimes it's a wiping-away of everything you were and are, just for a time!! it's almost nirvana... you just exist, free of burden and free of thought. and of course, exquisitely programmable, too... an empty bowl like that mind of yours begs and pleads to be filled, and surely the person who did this to you has no shortage of ideas on how to fill it <3
sometimes it's the exact opposite, sometimes it's chaos!! not sleepiness, not focus, not emptiness, but a sort of fullness that you can't even parse, where words and thoughts and phrases and concepts swirl around in your mind, with you standing in the eye, barely-aware, and certainly not comprehending!! and it would be so easy for someone to just slip yet more into that vortex, so when it finally calms and you manage to organize everything back into its neat place in your psyche, all those fun things that drifted in get sorted back in with the rest~
sometimes it's delight in your complete lack of understanding- sometimes your trance just dumbs you sooo far down that all you can do is giggle and smile as your hypnotist tells you what you're to think, and say, and act like <3 sometimes you can't help but feel anything but giggly and happy about how deeply entranced you are, because you're sooo hypnodrunk that all your fuzzed-out mind can feel is pleasurable euphoria!!
and sometimes it's order. the very purest order. when your mind is dismantled and restructured into the perfect machine, when all the chaos is carefully extracted from the equation, and your complex consciousness is reworked into an efficient, effective, purpose-built thing. when your mind is designed. and of course, when your mind is designed by someone, they can redesign it however, and whenever they wish~.
and the really fun part?? the craziest part?? sometimes it's all of those things!! sometimes it's one, sometimes it's some, sometimes it's something completely different, and it's always something nobody's ever quite felt before! the incredible beauty of hypnosis is in its infinity, how you can go deep day after day for year after year and still discover brand new things you had never even conceived of before!!
hypnosis is art!! trance is expression!! and i, for one, think i'm extremely lucky to have fallen accidentally into a kink that has taught me more and brought me more fantastical experiences than any other ever could :3
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bonjourxrenae · 5 months ago
The Yugioh AUs Quill and I Play Around In: A Brief Summary of Each
Carvingsverse/Magic AU: Imagine an original magical world with a mythos revolving around Duel Monsters as gods and powerful magicians who have crafted all laws and magics of the world through artisanal crafts, but these powerful magicians fought over how their gifts to humanity have been used, so now their ways are somewhat lost... Yugi is a woodcarver who suddenly gains magic when fate bids him meet both an amnesiac Apprentice who was once the prince of a lost kingdom (Atem) and a lonely Apprentice of a forbidden magic who lives alone in a dilapidated manor on a lake (Ryou). Atem and Thief King grow up together Prince of Egypt-style in this one, the dragons from the DOMA Arc appear (kind of), there are endless cameos of beloved Duel Monsters, and the Ishtars show up in a later side story.
Shadows/Ghost Hunter AU: Ryou and Yugi hunt ghosts, Buzzfeed Unsolved style: Ryou is the lovingly self-titled "ghost magnet" and writes entries for his blog as a full-time freelancer. Yugi is the Tech Guy; between his part-time work as a programmer at Industrial Illusions, he creates their ghost hunting gear and vlogs about their experiences. They take on a haunting case at the Hawkins House and come across some cursed artifacts, which contain malevolent spirits that end up possessing them. The four of them end up uncovering an awful truth about the place-- a truth that ends up threatening their lives.
.hack//YGO, Kaiba's POV: You are Seto Kaiba, the heir to Kaiba Corp, which is mass producing a strange MMORPG that Pegasus J. Crawford created called The World. Lately this game has caused an alarming amount of people to fall into comas, and your adoptive father and his executive team have been covering up the scandal by pinning the blame on the hackers and silencing users who have expressed concerns. While these incidents are none of your concern, your brother has begun to investigate these incidents, and when Mokuba becomes unable to log out of the game (and also falls into a coma irl) you are spurred into action and must figure out how to eliminate the virus that's infected the game - even if it means stooping to the level of a hacker yourself.
.hack//YGO, Yugi's POV: You are Yugi Muto, an average player of The World, and you play with your friends all the time. You enter a dungeon and encounter both a mysterious woman and a strange enemy. As you hear another player telling you to log off, this enemy data drains one of your friends, and they fall into a coma irl. When you next log in you receive a message from a user named Amane, who invites you to Δ Hidden Forbidden Holy Ground, where they explain that their friends have also fallen into comas because of this virus. You work together with this user, unaware that they are your classmate Ryou Bakura, whom you've really wanted to get closer to since he transferred into your class...
Ancient Egypt AU: An AU retelling of the Millennium World Arc… Malik is a newly initiated "tattooed" priest among the Tombkeepers in the Valley of Kings, who are devoted to bearing the sins of the previous kings on their bodies so that they may enter The Duat free of sin (think tattooed priestesses à la Fatal Frame III). He bears the weight of the previous pharaoh’s greatest sin (the Kul Elna Massacre) and pledges his loyalty to the current pharaoh, until an unfortunate run-in while on guard duty with a deeply haunted and corrupted Thief King sets in motion a series of events that calls his loyalty into question and threatens to destroy his own sanity in the process.
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kohakhearts · 1 year ago
hey taylo my bestie hello please elaborate on the goh cubone jn subtle storytelling thingy
ok so jn015. our intro to goh's family unit, notably his parents. goh explains his dad is a systems engineer and his mom is a programmer. they work together and run their own company (and appear to be a two-man team, when we actually see them at work). right off the bat, ash is surprised that goh has to call to warn his parents he's coming home. goh essentially says he doesn't want to be a bother to them. he's very casual about the whole thing. it apparently doesn't bug him at all. in fact, he goes out of his way to get them and his grandmother gifts and generally seems to be looking forward to seeing them.
he IS disappointed when they turn out not to be home when he gets there, but in true pokemon anime fashion, this is not dwelled on for long. he says it's fine, he doesn't want to make his parents worry, and also his parents are great and scorbunny's gonna love them. so instead of moping about it, he goes out and gets involved in his little park adventure, where he runs into a cubone being targeted by a bunch of mankey.
this is the only time in the main-line anime that cubone's dex entry is given. it is not the first time a cubone has shown up, though, which is...strange, but i'll roll with it. here's what the dex says (sourced from bulbapedia):
Cubone, the Lonely Pokémon. A Ground type. Cubone wears a skull as a helmet, concealing its face as it sheds tears for its long-lost mother. It cries loudly to express its loneliness. It also always carries a long, thick bone.
REALLY interesting choice for Pokemon Of The Day (literally bc it's also the who's that pokemon feature) for the episode where we're introduced to goh's parents.
it's also like...obviously not the only time where we see goh decide to help a pokemon, but i do think that his captures (especially early on in the series) that are framed in this way (i.e. they span over the course of an episode, wherein he befriends the mon before catching it. he doesn't have many catches like this in the series!!) seem to serve a purpose of like, really emphasizing certain traits he shares. before this, we had scorbunny - who is a bit of a loner, kind of the "odd one out," but is determined and stubborn and doesn't really want charity, either (but latches very quickly on to the first human who shows a genuine interest in it). now, we have cubone. the lonely pokemon.
i feel that the WAY he approaches cubone is...interesting? like he's sad for it. his facial expressions are very telling. and this is the first time we see him choosing to help a pokemon without ash around (something we know he never really would've done before meeting ash; and i've mentioned this before, but i do think a lot of his "well, you can't just help pokemon because you think they need it, they need to learn to be independent and help themselves" attitude stems from the fact that he was forced to be independent and help himself from a young age. so i think it's actually pretty profound that one of his first major overtures to a pokemon without ash pushing him is in a situation where he is acting more the parent to his parents than the other way around. he's literally on the way to delivering them dinner to work. and his gift for them is gloves, because it's cold). that tells me he is really affected by what he's seeing. he's empathetic to it (he also never tells it to stop crying or anything when they're looking for its bone, which honestly doesn't seem all that in-character for him at this point. just look at the way he talks to scorbunny a few episodes later when it's trying to learn ember, right?)
anyway, this being the only time it gets a dex entry is already like, kind of in your face enough imo. but then he also catches it. and at the end of the episode, when his parents are talking in the kitchen (and notably they are, again, separate from the other characters - more so onlookers than active participants in the family), his dad specifically says this
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like i don't know how much more obvious than that they can get with saying they were trying to draw a parallel between goh and cubone. but lonely - anyone can feel lonely. that's just one aspect of the comparison. cubone is lonely because it misses its mother. because it's an orphan.
isn't it a little...ironic...that goh's parents would be the ones drawing the comparison in the end? but that's the point, i think. i mean, goh's not an orphan. but his parents chose to continue living a lifestyle that reinforced his loneliness and ensured a degree of separation between them. they share with each other their concerns for him, but never voice those to him. obviously there's love on both sides, but emotionally speaking - there's next to no connection there. goh idolizes and idealizes his parents, and goes out of his way to take care of them; in turn, his parents share in a secret concern for his wellbeing and compensate for their guilt at making him feel isolated by supplying him with whatever they can materially (mr six computer monitor set-up in his bedroom at age 7. what the fuck). so he's not literally an orphan...but emotionally? well. that's a whole other can of wurmples :pensive:
anyway, tl;dr he's not a real orphan. but i'll give him the honour because he does kinda have that orphan complex going for him <3
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no-passaran · 1 year ago
Human Rights Watch: The Israeli government is using starvation of civilians as a weapon of war in Gaza. This is a war crime.
Transcription of the video: The Israeli government is using starvation of civilians as a weapon of war in Gaza. This is a war crime. The Israeli authorities have deliberately blocked the delivery of food, water and fuel while wilfully obstructing the entry of aid. Israeli forces have apparently deliberately destroyed orchards, greenhouses and farmland in northern Gaza. Israeli officials, including Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, have expressed an intent to starve civilians as a method of warfare. These statements are reflected in Israeli military operations. The UN World Food Programme reported that 9 out of 10 households in northern Gaza had spent at least one full day and night without food. The international community should call on the Israeli government to stop the collective punishment of civilians and the use of starvation as a weapon of war.
When you see the numbers of the thousands of Palestinians killed by Israel, remember they don't include the victims of starvation and disease caused by Israel because they did not die as a result of weapons.
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dailyexo · 2 years ago
[SCHEDULE] EXO’s Schedule for August (2023)
[RELEASE] - Music releases; [BIRTHDAY] - Birthdays; [PERF]️ - Performanec events; [SIGN] - Fan-signing events; [MEET] - Fan-meeting events; [BROADCAST] - Live or pre-recorded televised broadcasts; [RADIO] - Radio broadcasts; [REC] - Programme pre-recordings; [LIVE] - Live streams; [AWARD] - Award ceremonies; [OTHER] - Other events.
Only confirmed schedules are included. The number of entries will grow as further schedules are announced.
(Last updated: 230824)
August 1
[PERF] Musical ‘Mozart!’ (뮤지컬 ‘모차르트!’) - 19:30 KST - (Suho)
August 2
[RELEASE] ‘The Moon’ (더 문) general theatre release - (D.O.) [RELEASE] ‘Break Out’ pre-release - (Chen)
August 3
[PERF] Musical ‘Mozart!’ (뮤지컬 ‘모차르트!’) - 19:30 KST - (Suho)
August 4
[BROADCAST] Hal Myungsoo (할명수) - 17:30 KST - (D.O.)
[PERF] 'Pokemon Party’ single release - (Lay)
August 5
[RELEASE] 'Free World’ pre-release - (Chen)
[OTHER] Back-to-Back Fancon in Bangkok press conference - (EXO-SC)
[PERF] Musical ‘Mozart!’ (뮤지컬 ‘모차르트!’) - 19:30 KST - (Suho)
[PERF] Back-to-Back Fancon in Bangkok - 19:00 ICT - (EXO-SC)
[PERF] Grand Line #2.5: Boundless Journey in Shenzhen - (Lay)
August 6
[RELEASE] 'The Moon’ stage greeting ('더 문’ 무대인사) - (D.O.)
August 8
[RELEASE] 'On the Road’ pre-release - (Chen)
August 9
[PERF] Musical ‘Mozart!’ (뮤지컬 ‘모차르트!’) - 19:30 KST - (Suho + Chen, Xiumin)
August 10
[PERF] 'Behind Your Touch' press conference (JTBC ‘힙하게’ 제작발표회) - 14:00 KST - (Suho)
August 11
[RELEASE] 'Mirage of Fire’ pre-release - (Chen)
[BROADCAST] Wavve ‘Travel the World on EXO’s Ladder’ Season 4 Ep.1-2 (웨이브 ‘엑소의 사다리 타고 세계여행’ 시즌4 제1~2회) - 11:00 KST
August 12
[OTHER] 'The Moon' Gyeonggi-do stage greeting ('더 문’ 경기도 무대인사) - (D.O.)
[PERF] Grand Line #3: Boundless Journey in Shenzhen - 19:00 CST - (Lay)
[PERF] Musical ‘Mozart!’ (뮤지컬 ‘모차르트!’) - 19:30 KST - (Suho)
[BROADCAST] JTBC 'Behind Your Touch' Ep.1 (JTBC '힙하게' 제1회) - 22:30 KST - (Suho)
August 13
[OTHER] 'The Moon' Bucheon stage greeting ('더 문’ 부천 무대인사) - (D.O.)
[PERF] Grand Line #3: Boundless Journey in Shenzhen - 19:00 CST - (Lay)
[BROADCAST] JTBC 'Behind Your Touch' Ep.2 (JTBC '힙하게' 제2회) - 22:30 KST - (Suho)
August 14
[RELEASE] 'My Sunshine’ pre-release - (Chen)
[SIGN] 'Cream Soda' YiZhiYu Qingdao fansign
August 15
[PERF] Musical ‘Mozart!’ (뮤지컬 ‘모차르트!’) - 19:30 KST - (Suho + D.O.)
August 17
[RELEASE] 1st Japanese Mini-Album 'Polaris’ (ポラリス) - (Chen)
August 18
[BROADCAST] Wavve ‘Travel the World on EXO’s Ladder’ Season 4 Ep.3-4 (웨이브 ‘엑소의 사다리 타고 세계여행’ 시즌4 제3~4회) - 11:00 KST
[PERF] Musical ‘Mozart!’ (뮤지컬 ‘모차르트!’) - 14:30 KST - (Suho)
[RADIO] ZIP-FM Friday Music Puzzle - 09:00 JST - (Chen)
[RADIO] Tokyo FM Pop-K Top10 Friday - 18:00 JST - (Chen)
August 19
[PERF] Chen Japan Tour 2023 'Polaris’ in Nagoya - 18:00 JST - (Chen)
[PERF] 2023 CassCool Festival - Blue Splash - (EXO-SC)
[BROADCAST] JTBC 'Behind Your Touch' Ep.3 (JTBC '힙하게' 제3회) - 22:30 KST - (Suho)
August 20
[PERF] Musical ‘Mozart!’ (뮤지컬 ‘모차르트!’) - 15:00 KST - (Suho)
[BROADCAST] JTBC 'Behind Your Touch' Ep.4 (JTBC '힙하게' 제4회) - 22:30 KST - (Suho)
August 21
[PERF] KampFest CDMX 2023 - (Ciudad de México) - (Baekhyun)
August 22
[PERF] Musical ‘Mozart!’ (뮤지컬 ‘모차르트!’) - 19:30 KST - (Suho)
August 23
[PERF] KampFest Monterrey 2023 - (Baekhyun)
August 24
[RADIO] Osaka FM Love Flap - 11:30 JST - (Chen)
[BROADCAST] Civilization Express Ep.306 (문명특급) - (Suho)
August 25
[BROADCAST] Wavve ‘Travel the World on EXO’s Ladder’ Season 4 Ep.5-6 (웨이브 ‘엑소의 사다리 타고 세계여행’ 시즌4 제5~6회) - 11:00 KST
August 26
[BROADCAST] JTBC 'Behind Your Touch' Ep.5 (JTBC '힙하게' 제5회) - 22:30 KST - (Suho)
August 27
[MEET] Scarlett Glow to You Meet and Greet in Jakarta
[BROADCAST] JTBC 'Behind Your Touch' Ep.6 (JTBC '힙하게' 제6회) - 22:30 KST - (Suho)
Credit: dailyexo.tumblr.com. Material not to be redistributed in part or whole without prior permission.
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ukrfeminism · 1 year ago
Three female MPs have been given taxpayer-funded bodyguards and cars as concerns over politicians’ safety are escalating.
The women – who have not been named but include representatives of the Conservative and Labour parties – have had their security upgraded as MPs are said to be “petrified” at the abuse they are facing.
In an overhaul of safety measures in place for MPs, Security Minister Tom Tugendhat has been working with the Home Office, the police and the parliamentary authorities, as well as the royal and VIP executive committee (Ravec), a secretive organisation responsible for the security of senior politicians and the royal family.
The new process, launched following a referral by police or parliamentary authorities, comes as the threat level faced by British politicians has shot up in recent weeks.
A senior security source told The Sunday Times: “Many MPs are petrified by the abuse they are facing.”
The newspaper understands the three female MPs have been given close protection from private companies, as well as chauffeur-driven cars, which are usually only limited to senior members of the cabinet and the leader of the opposition.
“We’ve taken a front-footed approach to co-ordinating action against the people or suspects that intelligence suggests most threaten MPs,” said a senior Whitehall source.
Other MPs’ security is also under review if they are deemed at risk, while, for those not needing the highest level of protection, thousands of security measures have been put in place in London and at hundreds of constituency offices and homes. 
Private security operatives have been used at thousands of members’ surgeries and hundreds of events, alongside a police presence if required. MPs also have access to security advice, including via advisers based throughout the UK.
Ravec’s membership and decisions are mostly opaque, although insiders do say it has a budget of hundreds of millions of pounds.
It comes after the Palestine Solidarity Campaign defended the right to lobby MPs “in large numbers”, amid reports the group wanted so many protesters to turn up that Parliament would “have to lock the doors”.
The group said the issue of MPs’ security was “serious” but should not be used to “shield MPs from democratic accountability”.
The organisation’s director Ben Jamal said thousands of people were “shamefully” denied entry into Parliament on Wednesday as they attempted to lobby MPs to vote in favour of a ceasefire in Gaza in what he described was one of the largest physical lobbies of parliament in history.
The Times reported that Mr Jamal told a crowd of demonstrators in the build-up to the protest on Wednesday: “We want so many of you to come that they will have to lock the doors of Parliament itself.”
Sir Lindsay Hoyle, the Commons Speaker who has faced calls to resign after going against convention during the SNP’s Opposition Day debate on a ceasefire, said his motivation for widening Wednesday’s discussion was fuelled by concern about MPs’ security because of intimidation suffered by some parliamentarians.
Mr Jamal said the group “does not call” for protests outside MPs’ homes and believed parliamentarians have a right “to have their privacy respected”.
The government’s political violence tsar has said police should have the powers to “disperse” protests around Parliament, MPs’ offices and council chambers that they deem to be threatening.
Baron Walney, the Government’s adviser on political violence and disruption, said on Friday that the “aggressive intimidation of MPs” by “mobs” was being mistaken for an “expression of democracy”.
The crossbench peer, who in December submitted a Government-commissioned review into how actions by political groups can “cross into criminality and disruption to people’s lives”, told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme he was calling for police forces to act “uniformly in stopping” protest outside MPs’ homes.
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voyager-au-canada · 2 months ago
Immigration au Canada : Les Meilleurs Programmes de Visa Travail
Le Canada est l'un des pays les plus accueillants pour les immigrants, en particulier ceux qui viennent chercher de nouvelles opportunités professionnelles. Si vous êtes un travailleur qualifié, vous pouvez profiter des nombreux programmes de visa travail qui vous permettront de vous établir au Canada. Dans cet article, nous allons explorer les meilleurs programmes de visa travail Canada pour les Africains, afin de vous aider à trouver celui qui vous correspond le mieux.
Pourquoi Choisir le Canada Pour Travailler ?
Le Canada est une destination privilégiée pour les travailleurs étrangers, notamment les migrants africains, grâce à son économie florissante, sa qualité de vie et ses politiques d'immigration favorables.
Les principales raisons de choisir le Canada :
Marché de l'emploi dynamique : Le Canada connaît une forte demande de main-d'œuvre dans divers secteurs tels que la technologie, la santé, le bâtiment, l'éducation, et l'agriculture.
Politiques d'immigration flexibles : Le Canada facilite l'immigration de travailleurs qualifiés grâce à des programmes tels qu’Express Entry et des permis de travail temporaires.
Système de santé universel et des services sociaux accessibles à tous les résidents.
Environnement stable et sécurisé, propice à une intégration réussie.
Les Meilleurs Programmes de Visa Travail Pour les Migrants Africains
Le Canada propose plusieurs programmes de visa travail adaptés aux travailleurs étrangers. Voici les options les plus populaires et les plus accessibles pour les migrants africains.
1. Le Programme Express Entry
Le programme Express Entry est l’un des moyens les plus rapides et les plus populaires pour immigrer au Canada. Il est conçu pour sélectionner les travailleurs qualifiés selon un système de points, en fonction de leur expérience professionnelle, de leurs compétences linguistiques et de leur éducation.
Exigences :
Expérience professionnelle qualifiée dans un secteur en demande.
Compétence linguistique en anglais ou en français (tests de langue comme IELTS ou TEF).
Diplôme ou équivalence de l'éducation secondaire ou universitaire.
Avantages :
Processus rapide : Les candidats peuvent obtenir leur résidence permanente après un certain temps de travail.
Le système d'invitation à postuler (ITA) permet aux travailleurs qualifiés d’obtenir une invitation pour immigrer rapidement.
Possibilité de faire une demande pour les travailleurs qualifiés avec ou sans offre d’emploi au Canada.
Pour plus d’informations sur le programme Express Entry, veuillez consulter le site officiel de l'immigration canadienne ici.
2. Le Permis de Travail Temporaire
Le permis de travail temporaire permet aux travailleurs étrangers de travailler pour un employeur canadien pendant une période déterminée. Ce permis est souvent délivré dans le cadre d’un contrat de travail spécifique.
Exigences :
Offre d’emploi valide d’un employeur canadien.
Un certificat d'acceptation de travail (si applicable).
Avantages :
Permet de travailler au Canada pour une durée définie (généralement entre 6 mois et 2 ans).
La possibilité de renouveler le permis de travail si l'employeur souhaite prolonger le contrat.
Accès à des salaires compétitifs et à des conditions de travail avantageuses.
3. Le Permis de Travail Ouvert
Le permis de travail ouvert permet à un travailleur étranger de travailler pour n’importe quel employeur au Canada, sans restriction de lieu ou de secteur.
Exigences :
Être le conjoint d'un citoyen canadien ou d'un résident permanent.
Étudiants diplômés d'un établissement canadien reconnu.
Avantages :
Liberté totale de travailler pour n’importe quel employeur au Canada.
Pas besoin d’une offre d’emploi préalable.
Possibilité d’obtenir une résidence permanente à long terme.
4. Le Programme de Permis de Travail pour les Professionnels
Le programme de permis de travail pour les professionnels permet aux travailleurs étrangers qualifiés dans des secteurs en demande de venir travailler temporairement au Canada.
Exigences :
Offre d’emploi dans un domaine où il existe une pénurie de main-d'œuvre qualifiée.
Compétences professionnelles dans un secteur spécifique.
Avantages :
Permet aux travailleurs de contribuer à des secteurs clés de l'économie canadienne.
Possibilité de renouveler le permis de travail si les conditions sont réunies.
Comment Postuler pour un Visa Travail au Canada ?
Choisissez le programme qui vous convient : En fonction de votre expérience professionnelle, de vos compétences linguistiques et de votre niveau d'éducation, choisissez le programme le mieux adapté à votre profil.
Préparez vos documents : Rassemblez tous les documents requis pour prouver votre expérience, vos compétences, et votre éducation.
Soumettez votre demande : Remplissez le formulaire de demande en ligne sur le site officiel de l'immigration canadienne et soumettez-le avec tous les documents nécessaires.
Attendez l'approbation : Une fois votre demande envoyée, vous devrez attendre l'approbation de votre demande. Si votre demande est acceptée, vous recevrez un permis de travail.
Embarquez pour le Canada : Une fois votre visa délivré, vous pourrez commencer à planifier votre arrivée et votre installation au Canada.
Les programmes de visa travail au Canada offrent de nombreuses possibilités aux migrants africains qualifiés à la recherche de nouvelles opportunités professionnelles. Que vous choisissiez Express Entry, le permis de travail temporaire, ou le permis de travail ouvert, chaque programme a ses avantages et ses exigences. Le Fonds d'Autonomie pour l'Afrique offre des services de préfinancement pour vous aider à traverser le processus administratif, en vous permettant de financer votre visa, votre billet d'avion et votre logement pour une transition en douceur.
Si vous souhaitez obtenir plus d'informations sur les programmes de visa travail pour le Canada, contactez-nous dès aujourd'hui et commencez votre parcours vers une nouvelle vie professionnelle au Canada.
Contactez-nous dès maintenant et découvrez comment nous pouvons vous aider à obtenir votre visa travail pour le Canada !
Pour plus de détails, visitez notre site web : www.fondsautonomieafrique.org
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whitesalmanrushdie · 11 months ago
The Ethiopian Student Movement went through various phases of evolution, starting as a cultural and intellectual forum of an élite and growing into a mass revolutionary movement in the late 1960s and early 1970s. It had two distinct components: the external and the internal. The story of the movement was one of steady radicalization. Both objective and subjective factors contributed to this end. The country’s worsening situation, more specifically the deteriorating condition of the peasantry and the urban masses, provided the objective basis of the radical motivation. The escalation of government repression only succeeded in inciting students to ever bolder challenges to authority. Repression and opposition both grew in an ascending spiral, until they had their final resolution in the crescendo of the Revolution of 1974. On the subjective level, various influences worked on the students to give them a sharper perception of their society and a more radical formulation of their ideas of changing it. Beginning in 1958, the advent of scholarship students from other countries in Africa had a clearly invigorating effect on Ethiopian university students: the impact was immediate and cogent. The unsuccessful coup in 1960 had a similar eye-opening effect. Although the students had greeted it with a mixture of expectancy and caution, its contribution in exploding the imperial mystique was considerable. Following in the footsteps of the rebels, the students amplified and deepened the latter’s challenge to imperial authority. Finally, the Ethiopian University Service (EUS), initiated in 1964, whereby students spent a year in the countryside, mainly teaching in secondary schools there, served as a bridge between campus and society, bringing students into direct contact with the people whose life they wanted to change. The EUS also provided a medium for closer rapport between university and high school students. ... As was the case with the opposition in general, 1960 was a turning-point in the students’ expression of views and ideas. Before that time, student activities tended to be geared more towards their own intellectual growth and the enrichment of campus life. After that, we notice greater efforts being made to reach out to society. The Debating Society is a good example of the first phase. Started in 1961, the poetry contests, which were held on College days, typify the second. The poems were characterized, above everything else, by political critique and social satire. In 1962, the entries so offended the authorities that the poets were suspended and the members of the executive council of the student union, the University College Union (UCU), were expelled. The really militant phase of the student movement started in the mid-1960s. The emergence in 1964 of a radical core known as the ‘Crocodiles’ was crucial in this respect. The Crocodiles proved true to their name, often staying under cover, rarely occupying posts in the union leadership, but instead preferring to advance their ideas and programmes through front figures. The students’ uncompromising opposition to the regime, as well as the beginning of acceptance of Marxist ideas, is traceable to this period. Both the brave achievements and the fatal blunders of the Ethiopian Student Movement are ultimately attributable to this group.
-Bahru Zewde, A History of Modern Ethiopia
Student politics seemed to play a large role in the Ethiopian revolutionary movement, which might come as a surpriese to anyone involved in student politics nowadays. Figured it'd be worth including this (long) quote on how the student movement there began and a brief characterization.
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whoreviewswho · 1 year ago
Wokeness, Responsibility and if RTD is problematic - Introduction
Is Russell T Davies a problematic figure? Is he too woke or not aware enough? Is he doing something wrong to illicit negative responses from the progressives as well as the conservatives? Is it something in the programme, something in the marketing or is he doing nothing particularly bad at all? Well, perhaps you and I, faithful reader, can come to some sort of conclusion. Let's find out together as we take a dive into the controversial choices behind RTD2 and the mind of the man behind them.
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There is an extremely telling moment in issue 599 of Doctor Who Magazine in their feature on The Giggle, specifically the climax. On page 18, the magazine printed some conversation between Benjamin Cook, Ncuti Gatwa and Russell T Davies (RTD) which you can read below;
"When you wished for it," Russell asks [Ncuti] now, "there wasn't a part of you thinking, but there's no point, it's not going to happen, because I'm black?" "Never," says Ncuti. "I love that," says Russell. "Because here I am, as a 59-year-old white man, assuming that would weigh heavily on your mind." "Yeah, no, completely," says Ncuti. "When it was announced and everyone was saying, 'He's the first black Doctor!' - that was insane. Slowly I was like, '... ohh." "Yes, it's hard to know what to do with that."
I find this to be a very revealing exchange and an invaluable insight into RTD's mind. RTD thinks. He thinks a lot. It is very clear not only that he thinks a lot and is very conscious of his decisions and responsibilities as a showrunner but also that he wants us to know that. And, you know what, perhaps he is a little too conscious. Perhaps RTD thinks too much.
But of course RTD thinks. He is a writer and a storyteller. He is, in fact, a very good storyteller and, in order to be so, one has to be continuing to engage with new art, meet new people and be connected to the world around them. This is not conjecture, this is how art works; it is a expression and representation of how the artist relates, reflects and responds to the world around them. RTD is a wickedly intelligent, queer man and you need look no further than his own work to see how passionate he has always been about depicting a diverse range of characters and stories that are firmly rooted in the political and social climate of his day. In fact, he explicitly said as much himself in a December 2023 interview for Rolling Stone;
"From my point of view, whatever I make on television, I try to embrace queerness and queer politics and that’s like breathing to me because that’s my world. That’s how I live.”
At the time I am writing (two months away from season one's debuting), RTD's second stint as show runner of Doctor Who, RTD2, as it has come to be known, has proven to be as divisive for longterm fans as his initial tenure, if not more so. No surprises there, of course, but what was unforeseen however, at least by me, was the vocal backlash from the progressive crowd. 
Perhaps it shouldn't have been though. After all, we are talking about a sixty year old white cis man. As well researched and intentioned as he may be, the scope of his experiences will inevitably reach their limits regarding gender, sexuality and cultural backgrounds. Even ethically, to hold somebody of quite a different generation to the exact same standards as your own, a significantly younger or potentially older audience member, is a pretty dubious and flawed thing to put into practice.
Still, backlash from the progressives might also have been foreseen if we took more than half a glance at his original time on the show. The quality and impact of representation in 2000s Doctor Who was certainly varied, and something worth discussing in more depth in some other entry. That does not make it any less significant that it was Russell who spearheaded the first openly queer companion, its first black supporting character and then first black companion as well as the oldest leading lady to date. And these things were not simply acts of ticking boxes. Jack Harkness, Mickey Smith, Martha Jones and Donna Noble were strong, fully-realised characters who were regularly recurring across almost five years of television. One of them even led a TV show of his own for half a decade. Combine that with more than a handful of overtly political storylines across the episodes that he produced and you have a revived Doctor Who that is quickly established as one of the most progressive television programmes of its kind in the 2000s. 
But mistakes were made, particularly regarding racial background. YouTuber Princess Weekes has made a particularly articulate video outlining RTD's pitfalls in representing black communities in Doctor Who a couple of months ago and I strongly encourage you to go and check that out. This article is not about the 2000s though. This is about the present day and the world surrounding RTD as he re-entered the role of showrunner in 2021. So, in order to contextualise that, let us tackle that frustratingly large elephant in the room; let's briefly discuss how Doctor Who became too woke.
This will be a very short discussion because, of course, this didn't happen. Yet, somehow, this narrative, that Doctor Who has become more occupied with pushing its progressive political agendas than telling compelling stories, is a bizarre claim that has been looming over the series for far too long now. It is a line of thinking that I first remember hearing around 2016 with the announcement of Bill Potts as the first openly lesbian companion. Y'know, because having an openly lesbian character must surely mean the Moff was out of ideas. But it really seemed to become a thorn in the fandom's side in the year following when Jodie Whittaker's casting was revealed. Together with Chris Chibnall's casting of two people-of-colour in his main cast and hiring the most diverse writers the show has ever seen to tell stories that reflect their varied life experiences and backgrounds CLEARLY indicated the show was on a downward spiral. The writing was on the wall*.
Okay, so, let's break this down for a second because obviously Doctor Who of the past seven years has not been too woke. But, even if that were the case, what does that even mean? Well, let's be blunt here, this is a form of cultural appropriation. The usage of 'woke' as a slang term for being attentive to social issues originated in African American Vernacular English. As Marriam-Webster defines it; 
"In [African-American Vernacular English], awake is often rendered as woke, as in, 'I was sleeping, but now I’m woke'". 
In the mid-2010s, "stay woke" became a watch word in the black community eventually becoming entwined in the BLM movement. The term has since been co-opted by conservatives, in another harmful display of white aggression, as an insulting short-hand for people and works that challenge their comfortably ignorant view of the world in really any way at all.
TLDR; to level the accusation of a television programme being "too aware of social and political injustices", especially a show with as long a history in of engaging with those sorts of ideas as Doctor Who, as if it were some kind of negative is one of the most laughable criticisms that the show has ever seen. 
It is actually even more laughable when you consider that one could take less than half a glance at Chibnall's version of the show and realise that it was, in fact, doing remarkably little actual engagement with contemporary social and political issues at all. Hell, 10.96 million people tuned into the first episode of his run to learn that for themselves. But this article is not about Chris Chibnall either. This is about Russell T Davies. The man who walked into the office while Chris Chibnall was still in the job and was revealed as such before Chibnall's final season, the Flux storyline, had even gone to air. As nasty a move this was from BBC, seemingly attempting to sabotage their own show, they knew how big of a deal this was. This is Russell T Davies ! The OG showrunner !! The guy who turned a dead cult TV show into an enormous national, and eventual, international franchise !!! This will be 2008, all over again !!!! RTD was going to save Doctor Who !!!!! Praise be to Russell T !!!!!!
Of course, this did not happen. 
It was a pretty dumb call from the conservative crowd to claim RTD was going to swoop in and be their champion. There was truly no reason at all to suspect that he would come back to Doctor Who and not bring his established brand of mindful, inclusive and socially charged writing to the programme. After all, in the years since writing regularly for Doctor Who, Davies produced works like Years and Years and It's a Sin, two incredibly thoughtful though quite different series, the former being a speculative work of science-fiction envisioning the next fifteen years of human history through the eyes of a single family and the latter an intimate and tragic retrospective on the UK AIDS crisis. For a certain crowd of people, this was actually the most appealing aspect of RTD's return. The man was going off the heels of some of his most acclaimed work of all-time, works that spoke to harsh realities of the world we live in and told compelling stories of any number of diverse characters. And, for some people, this was somehow a red flag.
There are longtime fans of a certain generation who have been vocal of RTD's flaws as a social-justice champion from day one. Diamanda Hagan is one such person who comes to mind. I have a great deal of respect for her and her opinions which are often much more articulate and interesting to engage with than my own. If you are unfamiliar, I encourage you seek her out. For the purposes of this article, there are two recent(ish) tweets of hers that I will be citing and the first is as follows;
"[In reference to the polarised reception to The Church on Ruby Road] I continue to be amused by people watching RTD being RTD, now disliking it and thinking that RTD or his work is the one that changed." - December 26, 2023
I would like to use this quote to springboard into a more in-depth discussion of RTD's choices onscreen (strap in, everybody 'cause this'll be more than one post) but, before I do, allow me to note that I find myself only half-agreeing with Hagan's assertion here. Onscreen, Davies' work is distinctly his own. His style has evolved, certainly, insofar as his language and the presentation but the overall package, the flavour and spirit of RTD Who, is much the same as it was from 2005-2010. 
But I would insist that something has changed and that something is what Davies is saying behind the scenes and in promo material because, and this is a crucial point, regardless of how 'woke' RTD2 actually is, and we will get into it, he certainly wants you to think that it is. I do not think that this is an out of arrogance or some kind of saviour complex. I don't believe that RTD is sitting at home rubbing his hands and thinking 'hehehe look how progressive everybody thinks I am". No, I think that Russell is drawing attention to how progressive the show is in the media because he genuinely believes in making socially conscious choices and their impact and consequences. He wants audiences to be talking about disability and race and queerness and class and acceptance and bigotry. RTD is asking us to talk about the topics highlighted in his productions.
So, let's do that then....
To be continued in part one; The Regeneration Question and Davros with Legs
*The fact that Chris Chibnall's version of Doctor Who was ultimately lacking in compelling storytelling for most audiences is extremely unfortunate but obviously unrelated to his diverse cast and crew.
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merjashourov · 2 years ago
What are the important topics in the C++ language?
C++ Introduction
C++ Basics
cout, cin, end
Data types
3. Control statement
If-else and it's type
Entry control
Exit control
Break statement
Continue statement
Goto statement
Comment statement
4. Function
Call by values and call by reference
Storage classes
5. Array
Simple array
Multidimensional array
6. Pointer basic
Memory management
7. Object and Class
Object oriented programme introduction and benifites and concept
Object class
Friend function
Math function
8. Inheritance
9. Polymorphism
10. Abstraction
11. Namespace
12. Strings
13. Exception
Exception handling
User defined
14. Templates
15. Signal handling
16. File and Stream
File and stream
17. int to string
18. STL (Standard Template Library)
STL components
Priority queue
And many more
19. Iterators and it's concept
20. After above can go through to C++11 and C++17
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carlocksmithatascosa1 · 3 days ago
Car Locksmith Atascosa
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Car Locksmith AtascosaCall us at: 830-326-9088Car Locksmith Atascosa Texas Are your automobiles and locks starting to cause you stress? Perhaps you are searching the city for the best locksmithing assistance, but you are still unable to locate what suits your needs. The business for you is Car Locksmith Atascosa, Texas, if this describes you and you're prepared to start improving your performance.Local Lockout Services For Your AutomobilesAre you experiencing an emergency lockout? This is a very common issue that many of our clients encounter, but we can assist you with this challenge. We recognise how difficult this can be for a customer, but with our prompt locksmiths on hand, you won't ever have to worry about having to wait a long time for assistance.When you live in this town, it is crucial to find local locksmiths who can assist you with your emergencies. However, you'll always have a solution to your issues if you work with our mobile technicians. We have professionals who are able to serve you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.Address: 16591 Interstate 35 Access Rd , Atascosa , tx,78002our services:Auto key programmer
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Emergency car Lock repairour payment methods: American Express, Cash, Discover ,Mastercard , Visaworking hours: 8:00 AM 8:00 PM Sat-Sun: 9:00 AM 5:00 PM
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shalu620 · 8 days ago
Mastering Python 3: A Step-by-Step Guide
Python 3 is a powerful, versatile, and beginner-friendly programming language used in various fields, including web development, data science, automation, and artificial intelligence. Whether you are a complete beginner or looking to enhance your skills, following a structured learning approach will help you master Python efficiently.
Considering the kind support of Python Course in Chennai Whatever your level of experience or reason for switching from another programming language, learning Python gets much more fun.
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1. Getting Started with Python Basics
Before diving into complex topics, it’s essential to understand the fundamentals of Python. Learn about Python syntax, variables, and data types such as strings, integers, lists, tuples, and dictionaries. Master control structures like if-else statements, loops (for and while), and functions to write reusable and efficient code.
2. Writing and Running Your First Programs
Hands-on practice is key to mastering Python. Start by writing simple programs such as a calculator, a to-do list, or a number guessing game. Use interactive coding platforms like Codecademy, Replit, or Jupyter Notebook to test and debug your code easily.
3. Understanding Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
Object-Oriented Programming is essential for developing scalable applications. Learn how to create and use classes and objects. Understand key OOP principles like inheritance, encapsulation, polymorphism, and abstraction. Try building a small project using OOP concepts, such as a basic inventory system or a contact management application.
4. Diving into Intermediate Python Concepts
Once you’re comfortable with the basics, explore more advanced topics, including:
File Handling: Reading and writing files in Python.
Error Handling: Using try-except blocks to handle exceptions.
Regular Expressions: Searching and manipulating text data efficiently.
Modules and Packages: Organizing code into reusable components.
5. Working with Databases and APIs
Python is widely used for data management. Learn how to interact with:
SQL Databases like MySQL and SQLite to store structured data.
NoSQL Databases like MongoDB for flexible data storage.
APIs using the requests library to fetch and integrate external data. With the aid of Best Online Training & Placement Programs, which offer comprehensive training and job placement support to anyone looking to develop their talents, it’s easier to learn this tool and advance your career.
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6. Choosing a Specialization in Python
Depending on your career goals, Python offers multiple specializations:
Web Development – Learn Django or Flask for backend development.
Data Science & Machine Learning – Work with Pandas, NumPy, Scikit-learn, and TensorFlow.
Automation & Scripting – Use Selenium, PyAutoGUI, and OpenCV.
Cybersecurity & Ethical Hacking – Explore penetration testing tools with Python.
7. Building Real-World Python Projects
Applying Python to real-world projects enhances learning and problem-solving skills. Try building:
A web scraper using BeautifulSoup.
A chatbot with AI integration.
A data visualization dashboard using Matplotlib and Seaborn.
8. Contributing to Open Source and Networking
Join the Python community by contributing to open-source projects on GitHub. Engage in discussions on platforms like Stack Overflow, Reddit, and Discord. Collaborating with others helps you learn best practices and stay updated with the latest trends.
9. Preparing for Python Certifications and Job Interviews
If you aim to use Python professionally, consider earning certifications such as:
Google IT Automation with Python.
Microsoft Certified: Python Associate.
PCEP (Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer).
Prepare for job interviews by solving Python coding challenges on LeetCode, CodeWars, and HackerRank.
10. Staying Updated and Continuous Learning
Python evolves with new libraries and frameworks. Keep learning by following Python blogs, watching tutorials, and working on new projects. Experimenting with trending technologies like AI, blockchain, and cloud computing will keep your Python skills relevant and in demand.
By following this step-by-step guide, practicing regularly, and working on real-world projects, you can progress from a beginner to an expert in Python 3 and unlock a wide range of career opportunities.
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raizinggroup12 · 18 days ago
Key Differences Between Work, Study, and Tourist Visas: What You Need to Know
When planning to travel internationally, understanding the type of visa you need is crucial. Work, study, and tourist visas are the most common categories, each designed for different purposes. While they all allow entry into a foreign country, they come with distinct requirements, privileges, and limitations. Here’s a breakdown of each type of visa to help clarify the key differences:
1. Work Visa
A work visa is specifically designed for individuals who plan to enter a foreign country to work. These visas are typically issued by countries to skilled professionals, workers, and employees of companies.
Key Features of a Work Visa:
Purpose: A work visa is required if you intend to stay in a country for employment purposes. It’s often linked to a job offer or a specific employment contract.
Duration: The validity of a work visa depends on the terms of the employment contract. Typically, these visas are issued for several months to years.
Requirements: Applicants must usually provide proof of a job offer, qualifications, and sometimes, the employer must demonstrate that no local candidates were available for the role.
Restrictions: Work visas often have restrictions, such as the type of work you can perform or the employer you can work for. Violating these terms can result in fines or deportation.
Example: If you're moving to the United States for a job, you would need an H-1B work visa. Similarly, in Canada, skilled professionals would apply for a work permit under specific categories such as the Express Entry program.
2. Study Visa
A study visa is intended for individuals who wish to pursue educational opportunities abroad, such as attending a university, language school, or vocational training program. These visas are usually granted for the duration of the course or program.
Key Features of a Study Visa:
Purpose: A study visa is for students enrolled in academic or vocational institutions abroad.
Duration: The validity is typically tied to the length of your course, ranging from a few months to several years, depending on the level of study.
Requirements: Applicants must prove acceptance into a recognized institution, sufficient financial resources to cover tuition and living expenses, and sometimes proof of language proficiency (e.g., IELTS or TOEFL for English-speaking countries).
Restrictions: With a study visa, work rights may be limited. For example, many countries allow students to work part-time while studying, but there are often restrictions on the number of hours per week.
Example: If you’re planning to study in the UK, you would apply for a Tier 4 Student Visa. For study in the US, students generally apply for an F-1 visa, which allows for part-time work on campus during their studies.
3. Tourist Visa
A tourist visa is for individuals who wish to visit a country for leisure, tourism, or to visit friends and family. This visa typically has a limited duration and does not allow the visa holder to work or study.
Key Features of a Tourist Visa:
Purpose: A tourist visa is granted for leisure travel, visiting relatives or friends, or exploring a country’s attractions.
Duration: Tourist visas are usually short-term, ranging from a few weeks to a few months. Some countries issue visas for multiple entries, while others only allow a single visit.
Requirements: Applicants typically need to show proof of travel plans, accommodation, and financial means to support themselves during their stay.
Restrictions: Tourist visas do not permit the holder to engage in any paid employment, academic study, or long-term residence. Violating these terms can lead to the visa being revoked and future travel restrictions.
Example: If you're planning to visit France for tourism, you would need a Schengen short-stay visa. In the United States, the B-2 Tourist Visa is for those who wish to visit for leisure.
Key Differences Summary
Work Visa
Study Visa
Tourist Visa
Employment or professional work
Academic or vocational study
Leisure, tourism, visiting friends/family
Usually tied to employment contract, months to years
Duration of the course, typically months to years
Short-term, usually weeks to months
Job offer, qualifications, employer sponsorship
Enrollment in an educational institution, financial proof
Proof of travel plans, accommodation, financial support
Work Rights
Limited to the specific job or employer
Often limited (part-time work may be allowed)
No work allowed
Employment must adhere to visa conditions
Limited to the course or institution, part-time work restrictions
No employment, study, or long-term stay allowed
Understanding the distinctions between work, study, and tourist visas is key to ensuring that you apply for the right visa for your intended purpose. Whether you're planning to work abroad, pursue academic opportunities, or simply travel for leisure, each visa type has its own set of requirements and regulations. Always check the specific visa conditions for the country you plan to visit and seek professional guidance if needed to ensure a smooth application process.,
0 notes
polliantics · 19 days ago
Donald Trump vs. Department of Education, (2025)
It is 2/9/2025. Recently, Donald Trump has been making intense efforts to dismantle the U.S. Department of Education, (Link 4), aiming to transfer its responsibilities to the individual states. He is doing this to reduce federal involvement in education and promote conservative values. 
House Democrats, led by Representatives Mark Takano and Maxine Waters, attempted other enter the headquarters of the Department of Education in Washington D.C., but they were denied entry. They were there to protest the administration’s lack of transparency and the exclusion of congressional representatives from discussions, especially following reports that Elon Musk and “DOGE” (which is not a legitimate government agency, Trump/Musk cannot just create their own government agency, that is only something Congress can do) were “auditing” federal spending within the department. 
One key takeaway from this to be aware of is that the Department of Education is NOT responsible for educational instruction or curriculum!!! That is not the job of the federal Department of Education. “Its role is to administer federal funding to schools and universities, in addition to managing the student loan and student aid programmes, and set accountability standards for higher education.” (Link 1)
Trump’s former Education Secretary, Betsy DeVox, said, “Nothing could be more important to our success as a nation than having well-educated citizens., but don’t be fooled by the name: the Department of Education has almost nothing to do with actually educating anyone.” (Link 2) Betsy DeVos is a conservative republican politician who in 2017 said that states should be allowed to continue to receive federal money even if they decide to specifically reject LGBTQ+ students. (Link 3)
Some critics of this argue that eliminating the Department of Education could disrupt student loans, school grants, and federal aid programs. (Link 4) There is concern that transferring student loan administration to the Treasury Department could lead to further complications. 
Additionally, the administration has been removing LGBTQ+ references from federal websites, including those of the Department of Education, following an executive order that defines gender as binary and assigned at birth. You may find that they are trying to change it to just LGB, which is sad, disrespectful, and disgusting to me personally. You cannot wipe trans people out of existence. You cannot stop them from existing. Trump is not a doctor. RFK is not a doctor. Politicians are not doctors! Followers of a certain religion are not doctors! None of those people I just mentioned are more qualified to dictate what you do with your body than a medical doctor. This is scientifically and logically true. This action has raised concerns among advocates about the accessibility of necessary information and services for LGBTQ+ people. (Link 5) 
It is also notable that while Trump has expressed the desire to dissolve the Department of Education, it would require congress’s approval to completely abolish the agency, and that will be a challenging endeavor. (Link 6)
(Link 1): https://www.thetimes.com/us/american-politics/article/doe-donald-trump-department-education-project-2025-zwccx622f?utm_source=chatgpt.com&region=global
(Link 2): https://www.politico.com/news/2025/02/06/trump-education-department-devos-013427?utm_source=chatgpt.com
(Link 3): https://www.chicagotribune.com/2018/03/12/9-controversial-and-highly-revealing-things-betsy-devos-has-said/
(Link 4): https://www.congress.gov/bill/119th-congress/house-bill/899
(Link 5): https://www.them.us/story/trump-administration-federal-websites-lgbtq-content-deleted-cdc-doe-usaid?utm_source=chatgpt.com 
(Link 6): https://time.com/7213488/trump-dismantle-department-of-education/?utm_source=chatgpt.com
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