#Professor Parlous
velathetanager · 3 years
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Evolution Elite, an extremist group in an upcoming MHA fic. Their entire goal is to force quirks on the quirkless because they think it’ll fix a serious issue in society
From left to right: Fixer, Disruptor, Cyber Cure, Maggie the Magician, and Professor Parlous
Professor Parlous is a high schooler who happens to be a TA for a university theater professor; she loves anything involving acting and shows, and when she was given a quirk (allows her to alter the lethality of her attacks and those of her allies) and offered a spot with EE, she decided she could portray a villainous character while at work and now works with Maggie on missions.
Maggie is just a random girl who likes doing magic tricks and now can do in real life what she used to only be able to do with stage tricks and sleight of hand. As a thank you to EE for giving her a quirk, she works for them.
The guy, Disruptor, was given the ability to disrupt power in vehicles and pretty much just stayed with the group because they were nice to him.
Fixer, the Fist of Evolution Elite, is the daughter of a superhero (Doxan the Time King) with a dark secret: his time quirk can either damage reality/spacetime or scatter him across it if not suppressed with medicine and drugs. Hers was the same way, so he and his wife started her on the stuff he took, letting her believe she had no powers because they figured she would have it easier than he had. Which backfired hard for various reasons. This came out when she agreed to do an experiment to give her a quirk, and it just enhanced the one she already had, allowing it to overpower the blockers. Then she found out what happened, ran away from home, and joined the group as the leader’s most loyal agent and someone feared by most anyone who’s had an encounter with her.
Cyber Cure is shrouded in mystery. Nobody but a very small number of EE members know what she looks like or has talked to her directly. They just know that she’s got such powerful cyberkinesis that she had to stay in hiding for years. Fixer handles most of her message deliveries.
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ry0chann · 3 years
i wasn’t that thirsty for oda until i read ur writing for him and WHEWWW. *fans self* u are too good at this. could u possibly write a piece where oda takes y/n’s virginity and y/n has a praise kink?? 👉👈
haha thank you!! 🥰 and yes i can
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a lesson in something new
pairing // Odasaku Sakunosuke x fem!reader
genre // smut
wc. // 4056
warnings // ⚠️ nsfw!! , college au, teacher/student relationship, slight public sex (ig?), fingering (f), vaginal penetration, virgin!reader, loss of virginity
notes // goodbye there's so much plot, why am i like this? i could've just made it pwp but nooo, i just had to give context smh.. it’s still good imo tho. also, the praise kink part is very very subtle- i just didn't want it to be too dialogue heavy
(tagging @nameless-shrimp bc she very kindly read this before it was even close to being complete. i appreciate the feedback, ty shrimp <3)
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Sitting in his class was always difficult. His stare was so gentle but it intimidated you; it made you nervous. Every time his eyes landed on you it gave you butterflies. The fact that you could never tell what he was thinking is what had you on edge. Of course, he was oblivious to that at first, but he soon started to catch on. He’d begun to notice how you squirm in your seat whenever he looked at you, and he’d see how flushed your cheeks got whenever he called your name. He assumed you were just shy— and while that may have been part of the reason, that wasn’t all of it.
You would sit through his long lectures, trying your best to pay attention but finding yourself unsuccessful. You’d get distracted so easily; eyes glazing over his toned body and heart quickening at the thoughts that flooded your mind. He was all you ever thought about, and that shouldn’t have been the case. It was wrong of you to think of your professor in a way that was unprofessional, but you couldn’t help it. You couldn’t help but imagine what it would be like to have him touch you, or kiss you. To have him do all the things you do to yourself at night.
The only thing that made this situation wrong was the fact that he was your teacher, unfortunately. He was only a handful of years older than you, and you knew he was experienced- with looks like that there was no way he wasn't. Luckily for you he wasn't tied down to a relationship either, or at least you assumed he wasn't; he wore no ring and never mentioned anything about having a partner. Maybe he just preferred to keep his private life to himself- rightfully so- but that didn't matter to you. It was ridiculous how desperate he made you feel. How badly you wished for him to be the one to take your innocence; a slightly older and experienced man who you knew would treat you right.
Of course, it was sinful of you to attempt to get that kind of attention from him, but it couldn't hurt to try right? Sure, he'd probably deny you, but you wanted him to at least know how you felt. It was parlous, you knew this, yet here you were; sitting before him in the front row of the large and empty classroom, as he sits at his desk and catches you up on the book you've been reading.
He taught literature, which happened to be your easiest subject. But for the sake of getting some alone time with him, you'd pretend to be behind on the reading. This behavior would be seen as unacceptable coming from you. You've always done well in class; keeping up with assignments and never missing a due date. So why were you suddenly slacking? It was suspicious, to say the least, and just as you feared, he'd question you for it.
"Hopefully that was enough to catch you up. Be sure to do tonight's assignment."
Odasaku let out a sigh as you rose to your feet. You fix your skirt and get ready to leave- though, you're stalling and taking your sweet time doing so. Slowly, you walk passed his desk towards the door, but his words stop you.
"One question, if you don't mind. What was the reason you got behind? You're normally so studious."
You contemplated coming up with a lie, but you assumed his question was rhetorical, so you just came out with it.
You laugh a little, cheeks turning a bit pink, "I um, I'm actually not behind on the reading..."
He chuckles softly, looking down at his desk before his eyes come back up to meet yours. "I figured. And what was the reason you felt the need to waste your own time by listening to me talk for an extra thirty minutes?"
He spoke monotonically yet he sounded stern. The urge to give him the truth was very strong, but was it really smart to tell him what you really came for? Were you even bold enough to do such a thing?
"I simply stayed to talk to you. I just felt I needed a reason."
Perhaps you were.
He tilted his head in question, "Did you now? Hm." He thought a moment, then spoke again. "You don't need a reason y/n. I'll always be here."
Odasaku gave you a small smile; a smile that you rarely ever seemed to see, but one that quickened the beating of your heart.
"I appreciate that, thank you." you say quietly.
You knew his offer was on the table for every one of his students, but you selfishly had the thought that it was exclusive for you. You stood there fiddling with your fingers, trying to find any excuse to stay a few minutes longer. Oda gave you a look- a concerned one- and asked if everything was alright. You simply nod your head and begin to walk out but he tells you to wait. As if your legs had a mind of their own, you turn around to face him; he was still sat at his desk and he gestured for you to come over.
"You look unsatisfied. Are you sure you're okay?" his tone was flat but you knew it was genuine.
He looked at you with kind eyes, despite his stoic expression. It was a look that implied you could tell him anything, and you wanted to. You wanted to tell him why you were here, but you also didn't want to make a fool of yourself. The dilemma bounced around in your head and it sparked your anxiety. To avoid his worry, you move to stand in front of his desk. His eyes run over your body- it was most likely an innocent stare, though, you hoped it wasn't.
"Yeah, I'm okay," you say quietly, trailing your fingers across the edge of his desk delicately. "But... I guess you could say I'm unsatisfied."
You really were bold, huh?
He sighs, "Is there something you're not understanding that you're not telling me?"
Oda was oblivious, though you guessed it wasn't entirely obvious what you could've meant. There seemed to be small rush of confidence running through you now, and you weren't sure why. That probably wouldn't bode well for you, however, you could tell you piqued his interest. Nervously, you toy with the hem of your skirt, immediately feeling that confidence fade.
"There's just been something on my mind and... It's related to you."
He raises his eyebrows- still unsure of what you were implying- and his cheeks wear a very light blush. He clears his throat and straightens his back, "Does it have something to do with my teaching? I try to make the material digestible."
"No, you're teaching is fine Sir." you laugh. "Um, but I do wish you would teach me something..." Your words were so vague, and you knew he probably wouldn't catch on unless you spelled it out for him.
With your heart beating out of your chest now, face hot and red, and butterflies flooding your stomach, you lean down to be directly at his eye level. Your palms rest atop his desk and your eyes are glued to his. The words you wanted to say struggled to come out- of course they did; you weren't really gonna confess your love to your professor, were you? It was too late to back out now and you were already here, might as well get it over with.
"I just, um... I'm quite fond of you professor. I know I'm wasting my time telling you this, but I can't keep it from you anymore. And... I've always had this favor I wanted to ask of you, however, it'd be wrong of me to ask."
Your face was as bright as a tomato and you felt like you'd drop dead from the anxiety any minute now. You shake your head and whisper an apology before quickly making your way back towards the door. The regret had set in much sooner than you thought it would. Odasaku rose to his feet and called your name, the sound of him doing so making your heart drop to your stomach. As to not be rude, you turn back around but you hang your head low- like a puppy who had gotten in trouble. He walked over to you and placed a finger under your chin, lifting your head so you'd look at him.
"I can't say I'm too surprised... I see the way you look at me y/n."
His eyes scanned over your face, lingering on your lips before meeting your gaze.
"I'm flattered, to say the least" he says, "However..." He steps a little closer and his voice drops to a whisper, "You know it'd be unprofessional of me to speak on the matter."
His hand falls back down to his side, and you nod knowingly. Of course he wasn't gonna say anything about what you had said, you knew better than to expect him to. Yet, you still hoped he would. You let out a tired sigh followed by another apology, diverting your attention. Odasaku's eyes never leave you- it was like he was observing you; trying to read your expression.
"You said there was a favor you wanted to ask? Do you mind telling me what that favor is?"
Something was telling you he already knew- or at least had an idea of- what the favor was. The red of your cheeks couldn't have been more prominent and you were sure he could hear the beating of your heart.
"It's um... not very professional, Sir." Your voice trails off out of embarrassment.
His eyes widen but it's a subtle reaction. He crosses his arms, a sly smirk coming across his face.
"Is it? That's not very like you y/n. I'm a little disappointed; I wouldn't have thought you would think of me in such a way."
You turn your head from him and speak with an inaudible tone, "I'm sorry Sir."
You felt ashamed, and humiliated. All of this for him to scold you, and for you to leave feeling like your heart had been stomped on. What did you expect? Odasaku leans forward a tad, dropping his voice to a whisper- you could nearly feel his breath on your neck as you keep your head turned.
"I remember asking you what the favor was. I'd still like to know." he says.
The flush of your cheeks deepen. Your breathes hitch and you gulp, trying to find the courage to tell him what you want.
"I-I um... I'd like a kiss..." you whisper, embarrassed.
He chuckles, "That's all? Hm."
No that wasn't all, but how could you bring yourself to tell him what you really wanted? Slowly you turn your head to look at him- his face is closer than you thought it'd be and he wears a devious smirk. Your eyes dart between his eyes and his lips, finding it difficult to maintain eye contact or say anything.
"I could lose my job y'know, if someone found out about this. But..." he pauses, "I'd hate to see you leave here upset."
Your heart quickens and you swear you felt faint. He wasn't offering to give you what you asked for, was he? You fidget with your fingers, nervously mumbling "um's" as you try to form a sentence. Shockingly, his hand found your cheek, softly caressing it with his thumb.
"Is this alright?" he asks politely.
You nod, still speechless.
Oda gives you a kind smile and closes the gap between you. As soon as it started it had ended; a peck to your lips so quick that you couldn't even process it, or savor it. He knew what he was doing- what a tease. You pout a little, feeling disappointed that that was all he gave you. His eyes linger on your lips before he speaks.
"Did that satisfy you, y/n?"
He knew it didn't but of course he'd ask anyway. You shake your head, chewing your lower lip in attempts to calm your nerves. A smile comes across his face at your response.
"I really shouldn't give you another..."
He pecks your lips again.
"Y/n... Tell me to stop." he whispers close to your mouth.
You know you should, but you couldn't bring yourself to. You didn't want him to stop, and the fact that he was telling you to do so indicated that he didn't want to stop either. At this point, he didn't even need to say that he shared your feelings; it was obvious to you now he did feel something for you.
"I- I don't want you to stop." Your voice is so quiet you thought he may not hear you.
Odasaku instinctively took hold of your waist, leaning in again and kissing you once more. Time seemed to stop and your head felt fuzzy. You did have questions about how he truly felt, but right now they didn't even seem worth asking, you just wanted this to continue.
The kiss had become heated faster than you expected. Before you could pull away to say something, he had your hips pressed against the edge of his desk while he kissed you more eagerly. Your hands run across his chest, messing with the buttons of his shirt. You feel him smile against your mouth before he slips his tongue in, a soft whimper escaping you in response.
Words couldn't describe how you felt right now. The best you could do was "elated, aroused," and "nervous." There were so many things jumping around in your head, yet it all seemed clouded by the feeling of his tongue in your mouth and his hands roaming your body.
Odasaku brought his hands under your arms, lifting you up and setting you on his desk. His lips kissed at your jaw, lower and lower, until arriving at the base of your neck. He started to suck at your skin, dragging his hands down your body and up your thighs. His hands were quite big, yet his touch was so gentle- it gave you goosebumps. Your breath hitched at every little touch, you finding yourself to be extremely sensitive.
It was almost embarrassing how wet you already were. You'd squirm beneath his touch, sighing when his hands inched up your legs. Oda had left a few marks on your neck, marks that you'd definitely have to cover with make up if you didn't want anyone to question you about them. His fingers lightly brushed against your clothed sex, causing you to close your legs a bit. He smirked, parting your thighs and pushing your skirt up.
"This is what you want, yes? You can tell me stop at any time, y/n." he says kindly.
You bite your lip with a nod, "I do want this... I'm just... nervous."
Your cheeks had become darker than they already were and you felt more anxious than you did previously. He gives your lips a tender peck, speaking close to them when he pulls away.
"Nervous because of me, or nervous because of something else?"
"Something else..." you exclaim quietly.
"Hm." He backs away almost knowingly. "We can stop if you're not ready."
With widen eyes, you straight your back. It wasn't ending already, was it? Damn him for being so considerate.
"N-no, I'm okay. I promise." your eyes fall to the floor, and your voice gets quiet again when you realize how accidentally loud you had gotten. "Please keep going."
He licks his lips with a grin, trailing his hands back up your thighs and leaning in to kiss you. You tilt your chin up, deepening the kiss, as a form of reassurance that you were alright with continuing. His tongue slips into your mouth again, a little more eager this time. You shiver when his fingers graze the waistband of your panties. Feeling eager yourself, you prop yourself up on your elbows and lift your hips. He removes your panties, letting them fall to the floor.
Oda's fingers press onto your exposed clit, feeling how swollen it had become. He smirks at how your body twitches, and starts to rub circles into your hardened nub. You whimper, closing your eyes as your head falls back. His slender digits slide through the slick of your folds, the pads of his fingers teasing your cunt which was already dripping for him. He admires you a moment, drinking in how pleased you already are.
Without warning, Oda slipped in a finger, a high-pitched moan coming from your mouth when he does so. Your head rises to look at him, your stare meeting his admirable one. His eyes seemed to glimmer with desire, fixating on your flushed face. He uses his thumb to play with your clit as he inserts another finger. They slide in so easily, the feeling of them inside you only making you wetter.
"You're much naughtier than I would've expected, y/n." he shakes his head. "Letting me do such a vulgar thing to you..."
His teasing tone turned you on, in spite of the slight humiliation you felt from being called out. You sit up straight- bringing your arms over his shoulders and catching him in a kiss- as his fingers continue moving in and out of you at a steady pace. He groans into your mouth, quickening his pace slightly.
It was difficult trying to keep still, his fingers felt so good. The amount of times you've zoned out in class because you were thinking about this specific scenario was ridiculous, and the fact that it was actually happening had you over the moon.
He'd curl his fingers in your warmth, moaning into the sloppy kiss you were caught up in. His lips fell from yours and moved to your ear, his hot breath tickling your skin when he spoke.
"Do you think you can take more than this? I just don't want to overwhelm you."
You let out a pleasured sigh; his fingers were still twisting in and out of your cunt. Trying to respond to his question wasn't the easiest task.
"P-please Sir, I-I want you so bad..."
Your face was buried in the crook of his neck, tiny kisses being peppered onto his skin. Oda hums with acknowledgement, taking out his fingers and leaving you feeling empty. He wipes them clean on your thigh and separates from you, backing up to undo his slacks. You stare as his pants pool at his feet, your eyes fixating on the bulge beneath his boxers.
There was a slight anxiety running through you, though you hoped it was just an excitement that your brain had mistaken for nervousness. Oda pulls his briefs to the floor, gently grabbing you by the bend of your knees afterwards, and bringing you closer to the edge of the desk. He kisses you reassuringly, almost to help you relax from noticing how you appeared uneasy- for lack of better words.
"Are you ready?" he asks, now kissing along your jaw and lining himself up at your entrance.
You nod, bringing your hands under his arms and up his back, holding onto his shoulders as if to brace yourself. His length slide in easily, which surprised you because you didn't think it would. Despite that, it still hurt a little; you've never had anything more than your fingers, but the stretch felt so indescribably amazing you couldn't do anything but mewl.
He hisses at feeling you clench around him once he's filled you. "Mm you're so tight, fuck-"
Oda held onto your waist, dragging your body a bit closer to his and beginning to buck his hips. Your eyes rolls to the back of your head and you pull on his shirt, a breathy moan slipping your tongue. He moans against your skin, leaving messy kisses on your neck while he picks up his pace. Your legs had wrapped themselves around his body, attempting to close but obviously not succeeding. His deep moans rumbled through your ears, the sound further turning you on and making you wet.
He moved your skirt up a little higher- just so it wasn't in his way- and thrusts a bit harder. His hand was flat on your stomach, the other on your waist, while he ruts into you. Oda decides to lie you on the desk- figuring it'd be more comfortable for you- trailing his hands up your body and holding you right beneath your breasts. Your eyes were shut tight and your hands ran down his back to his chest.
"Good girl~ Y-you're doing such a good job- shit-"
Continuously, he'd praise you; reminding you how well you were taking him, and how good it felt to be inside you. His words of affirmation drove you crazy. You still couldn't believe what was happening. You were lying atop your professors' desk, he who was god knows how many inches deep inside you, and actively stripping you of every last bit of innocence you might've had left.
The noises you let out were bouncing off the walls of his large classroom, filling his ears and making him grunt every time his body snapped with yours. He was making you feel so good, making you feel things you didn't even know you were capable of feeling. The pleasure was like nothing you've ever experienced; your hand was only capable of so much, after all.
Every thought, every fantasy, you've ever had about him was practically unfolding in front of you. You were experiencing it all for real- something you didn't think would ever be possible. Your eyes were glassy and the bright red blush of your cheeks never went away. Oda took your hands in his, pinning them above your head and giving them a firm squeeze.
"Fuck you feel good- Mphm, say my name for me, y/n."
"Aah Oda-" Your voice got caught in your throat, a squeak escaping you mid-sentence from feeling him hit that sweet spot of yours.
He moans your name after hearing his own come from you, thrusting quicker and causing your moans to get louder. You arch your back, cursing through your moans and bucking your hips up, growing more and more antsy the longer this went on. It felt so good you couldn't sit still. You began to whine, your stomach coiling and your walls tightening around his shaft.
"O-oh I'm- fuck- I'm so close, p-please. Please Oda~"
His eyes scan your face, pupils fully dilated from how pretty you looked beneath him. He was getting close too, he was nearly seconds away. A mumbled "c'mon baby" was said before a swear replaced it, his movements becoming harder. Now overwhelmed with pleasure, you cum around his length, not being able to keep yourself from doing so. He bucks his hips a little more, letting you ride out your orgasm, before pulling out and spilling onto your stomach.
Both your breathes were labored, bodies feeling hot and sticky from the sweat that had formed on your skin. You felt so weak all of a sudden, yet you couldn't prevent the smile that spread across your face. Odasaku gives you a kiss, whispering in your ear something about how well you did- you didn't really hear him, honestly. He redresses, then walks to the other side of his desk, grabbing some tissues from a drawer to hand to you.
Oda helps you clean up, and you tiredly slip back into your panties afterwards. You get off the desk, fixing your clothes and standing on slightly wobbly legs. He holds onto your arms, just to keep you steady, and kisses your cheek.
"Don't hesitate reaching out to me if you need any more help, okay?"
You blush, biting your lip. "Yes Sir. I'll be sure to let you know if I need anything."
He gives you one last kiss then lets go you. You grab your bag from the floor and throw it over your shoulder, giving him a small smile as you exit, feeling giddy that you ended up getting exactly what you came here for.
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scottydd · 4 years
Part 1 of 2
The bounce back plan offered a lifeline to struggling companies. But more than half the £43bn lent so far could be lost
Stephen Bogan, a prestige car dealer, could be forgiven for the confusion. While checking on a loan being used to buy a £41,000 Porsche from his showroom in Airdrie, Scotland, Mr Bogan was alarmed to discover that his company was listed as the buyer. The attempted fraud was barely more sophisticated than skimming his details from the internet and asking for a loan, he says, adding that “the bank still paid out the money”.
“It was the perfect crime because we would not have been aware until next year when the bank would have started asking us for interest on the loan,” says the car seller.
Mr Bogan was the target of fraudsters seeking to exploit weaknesses in the UK government's £43.5bn coronavirus Bounce Back Loans Scheme. Launched by chancellor Rishi Sunak in May, it was designed to provide cash quickly for struggling businesses, but its loose rules were immediately exposed with some estimates suggesting as much as £26bn will be lost to defaults and fraud.
The Financial Times has spoken to more than a dozen senior bankers, fraud experts and people involved in the creation and running of the programme. In the words of one, “the scheme was being abused and defrauded on an industrial scale”.
Several bankers point to a range of attacks from impersonation of legitimate businesses, such as Mr Bogan’s car showroom, to the use of willing “money mules” who take out loans only to then file for bankruptcy.
“In 10 years' time, people will still be looking for the money,” says David Clarke, chairman of the Fraud Advisory Panel and a former head of the City of London Police fraud squad. He adds that the political reckoning could be just as long-lasting, “when the inquiries start into what happened with this scheme”.
Even greater losses are set to come from the billions lent to companies with little chance, or ability, to repay, after a devastating year that is set to cause widespread business failures in 2021 and beyond.
“The period from April to June was essentially a giant bonfire of taxpayers' money,” says one senior banker, “with banks just handing out matches”.
The UK’s bounce back scheme was hailed as the saviour of small businesses fighting to stay afloat amid national lockdowns. Under attack from MPs and companies running out of cash, Treasury officials agreed to guarantee all money lent by the banks. As a result bankers were more comfortable with waiving credit checks to speed up the process, relying on basic “know your customer” and fraud checks.
Mr Sunak told MPs: “There will be no forward-looking tests of business viability; no complex eligibility criteria; just a simple, quick, standard form for businesses to fill in.”
The terms were equally attractive: loans of up to £50,000 with no capital or interest repayments for one year — and then just 2.5 per cent for up to a decade. “People saw it and thought, ‘wow’! Why on earth wouldn't they take it? It’s basically free money,” says the senior banker.
Within days, more than £8bn had been lent to 250,000 small businesses. As of December 17, more than £43.5bn had been lent under the scheme to 1.4m companies, far more than the £18bn to £26bn anticipated at launch.
The Office for Budget Responsibility said in November that it expected a total of up to £87bn of business borrowing to be backed by government guarantees — the majority in bounce back loans.
“The key objective was to get money out, at scale, quickly, and to a broad range of business,” Sarah Munby, permanent secretary at the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, told the public accounts committee in November. 
It did not take long for bankers to realise that loans were being taken by borrowers who would struggle to repay. “By definition,” says one person involved in the creation of the scheme, “the sort of borrowers who take the loans cannot afford to pay them back under normal banking conditions”.
Within weeks of the scheme launching, senior executives at high-street banks were raising concerns that up to half of the money could be lost.
The government itself had estimated losses from the scheme could be between a third and 75 per cent due to the parlous nature of many businesses going into the crisis. The threat of such huge losses required a ministerial direction — in effect an order by Alok Sharma, the business secretary — to overrule concerns. 
Ms Munby told MPs in November: “We are not able to sit here today and tell you how many of these loans will be paid back . . . from a managing public money [perspective] that is a concern.”
This is seen as unavoidable by officials — the cost of having to rush money to the type of small businesses that need it most. The focus now is on whether more could have been done to tackle the fraud and default risk earlier.
MPs on the House of Commons’ public accounts committee last week criticised the Treasury for its lack of data to assess the levels of fraud or even the scheme’s economic benefits — as well as its “woefully under-developed” plans with lenders to deal with fraudulently obtained loans or borrowers unable to repay. “Dropping the most basic checks was a huge issue that puts the taxpayer at risk to the tune of billions,” said Meg Hillier, chair of the committee.
At the end of November, the OBR increased its estimates of overall losses to as much as £29bn, the vast majority related to bounce back loans. In the best-case scenario, total losses from all the loan schemes could add up to £22bn; in the worst, taxpayers would foot a £40bn bill — almost half of all government lending to business during the crisis. On Thursday, the chancellor extended the scheme for a second time, to the end of March.
“A lot of the money has been spent having a good time. It becomes unrecoverable,” says Mike Levi, professor of criminology at Cardiff University, who is researching fraud activity during pandemics. “There will be an almighty row in a few years but by then it will be too late.”
In October, three people were arrested in Birmingham on suspicion of involvement in a £145,000 fraud involving bounce back loans. Separately, a human resources manager in Essex has been accused of trying to steal £240,000 in bounce back loans, using claims from oblivious employees on the payroll.
This will be “the first of many operations planned by my officers,” said Michael Dineen, head of fraud operations at the National Investigation Service, after the Birmingham raid.
Ms Munby told MPs that it was recognised that there “would be fraud because of choices about the design of the scheme”.
“This is basically [a criminal’s] dream scenario,” says a person familiar with the banks’ internal reviews. “An incredibly lucrative fraud that requires very little work and has almost no chance of law enforcement action.”
One senior executive at a high street bank says that as many as 15 per cent of applications were deemed fraudulent in the first weeks of the scheme. “This was the highest rate of cyber fraud that we have ever seen pretty much immediately,” he says. “We realised we were going into something scary.”
In a letter to the business department just two days before its launch, Keith Morgan, the then chief executive of the British Business Bank, which administers the scheme, said there were “very significant fraud and credit risks” and that it was “vulnerable to abuse by individuals and organised crime”.
A review of the scheme in May, by PwC, the consultancy, calculated the fraud risk as “very high”. The Cabinet Office said that fraud losses would likely be higher than the estimates of public sector fraud across all government spending of between 0.5 per cent and 5 per cent.
During the first two months, high street banks rejected hundreds of fraudulent applications on a daily basis, according to senior executives. Much of this initial surge was caused by a loophole that allowed the filing of multiple applications across banks — it was at least two months before cross-industry checks were put in place. 
“We were flying blind,” says the chairman of one high street bank.
Criminals adapted the tools of established financial fraud to target the scheme. Acuris Risk Intelligence, which tracks online fraud, found one gang that claimed to have taken £6m using stolen UK identities. Acuris’ head of market planning Nick Parfitt says compromised credit card details were also used.
“At first, criminals were not going for the full £50,000 as they expected banks to check. But when that didn’t happen,” he adds, “they went hell for leather.”
His findings are supported by another bank fraud expert, who says that criminals would apply for loans of £48,000, assuming that applying for the full £50,000 would raise a red flag. But, he says, since the government allowed a further “top up” to the full amount for businesses, fraudsters have tried to come back for the remainder.
Bankers have also highlighted the use of “mules” — people in financial difficulties recruited by organised gangs to borrow money then declare bankruptcy. One banker describes bounce back customers who already had sizeable overdrafts and other debts; customers who rarely used personal accounts suddenly turning them into business ones; customers sending the balance overseas; and multiple occupancy houses where several people all successfully applied for the maximum £50,000 loans. 
“We had some indications this was happening,” says another senior banker, “but could do very little to stop it because the government had taken a calculated risk and just wanted the money out there. It accepted that people would take advantage.”
Part 2 of 2
About £1.1bn in fraudulent applications for UK bounce back scheme loans from almost 27,000 people have been rejected since May, according to a letter from the BBB to MPs in November. But fraud experts worry that many other false claims were successful.
Applicants were checked against a national fraud database and with basic anti money laundering checks, but other measures only took place once a loan was granted. The BBB says that banks expecting to use the government's loan guarantee are required to take on clear anti-fraud obligations.
Anne Boden, chief executive of Starling Bank, told a Treasury select committee last week: “If . . . the fraudster gets through and they self-certify something and they lie, then that will be a claim against the taxpayer. That is the consequence of this scheme.”
The UK is not alone in seeing a spike in fraud. More than 10,000 cases of potential fraud related to the pandemic are being investigated in Germany. While in the US, the agency that manages Covid-related loans found “strong indicators of widespread potential fraud”.
The money provided by the scheme has helped hundreds of thousands of struggling businesses survive the national lockdowns. For others, it was comforting to have money in the bank for a rainy day. Deposits in business accounts rose sharply as government money flooded into company coffers. 
But some business owners saw a chance to pay down a credit card or a deposit for a property, invest in equities or even cryptocurrency, says one bank fraud expert. “Completely against the spirit and terms of the scheme but we honestly don’t know how we should treat these customers,” he adds.
Banks can only lend up to £50,000, or a maximum of a quarter of a company’s turnover. This meant, according to a different banker, “we found a strangely large number of business customers had precisely £200,000 turnover last year”.
Another executive points to the owner of 10 shops who used different business accounts to apply for £50,000 for each of them. In this case, the bank spotted the multiple applications and said no — which led to a complaint from the hopeful borrower. “Maybe he went and opened accounts at other banks . . . this is the type of thing that is going on maybe hundreds or thousands of times.”
Bankers suspect that the authorities will only pursue larger, high value cases, or where there are clear links to organised crime. “How will you prove [a loan] was intentionally misspent,” asks another senior banker, “rather than a bad business decision or the result of another lockdown?”
Banking sources say fraud levels have decreased since additional controls were introduced after June, with weekly prevention meetings between banks, and audits carried out by the BBB and PwC. At the same time fraud teams are scouring business accounts that have received bounce back loans to identify those dormant since the funds were withdrawn.
“The government has made it clear that action will be taken against individuals found to have fraudulently accessed, or attempted to access, bounce back loan funding,” says the BBB.
But bankers say criminals are still trying to game the system, even if many are detected ahead of approval. “The truth is we will not know how much money will come back until May,” when loans start to charge interest, says the bank fraud expert.
“Don't forget these are 10-year loans,” says one bank chairman. “So we could be dealing with this for decades”. 
“We targeted this support to help those who need it most as quickly as possible and we won’t apologise for this,” says a department of business spokesperson. “We are acting to crack down on fraud — with lenders implementing a range of protections including anti-money laundering and customer checks, as well as transaction monitoring controls.”
Although banks have to pursue lost money, they remain confident that the Treasury and Mr Sunak will ultimately foot the bill. Yet the government insists that the banks will need to do their best to recover the money. “We were expecting to just flip them to the government if they didn't pay,” says another senior banker, “but now, I think we are going to have to try for a year to get our money back before we can go for the guarantee.
“Which I feel is unfair,” she adds, “it wasn't our decision to lend”.
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partisan-by-default · 4 years
My starting place is the report my colleagues and I published on 25 February, Health Equity in England: The Marmot Review 10 Years On. More than a decade after I was asked by the then secretary of state for health to chair an independent review of health inequalities, we looked again at the lie of the land. England was doing badly in two key respects (remember that this was before the pandemic reached our shores).
The first was overall health. In the decade from 2010, the rate of increase in life expectancy had slowed, dramatically so. For more than 100 years, life expectancy had been improving at a rate of about one year every four years. The increase in life expectancy that had begun to slow in 2010 had, by 2018, more or less ground to a halt. Compared with other Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (which is to say, rich) countries, the improvement in life expectancy in the UK from 2010 on was the slowest of all, except for the US and Iceland.
Second, health inequalities continued to increase. The clear picture is that of a social gradient: the more deprived the place you live, the higher the mortality rate and the shorter the life expectancy. During the 2000s the gap in life expectancy between the poorest 20% of areas and the rest narrowed. During the decade from 2010 on, it increased. And if health stopped improving and health inequalities got bigger, it implies that society stopped improving and inequality in general got worse.
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9jabreed · 4 years
Nobel Laurette, Prof. Wole Soyinka, has described the year 2020 as the most challenging year as a result of the vicissit
Nobel Laurette, Prof. Wole Soyinka, has described the year 2020 as the most challenging year as a result of the vicissit
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Nobel Laurette, Prof. Wole Soyinka, has described the year 2020 as the most challenging year as a result of the vicissitudes of problems. . He added that Nigerian situation was worse as a result of the imperial nature of its leadership at the socio-political and religious levels. . Soyinka, a professor of Literature spoke at the Booksellers, venue of the presentation of his new book, ‘Chronicles…
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matthewjobin · 7 years
A cry from the groves of Academe
Did you know that Tolkien started writing The Hobbit as a break from marking essays?
Yeah. Can I just say I know how he feels?
Please understand. I read many A grade essays that make me smile. I read many more A- and B+ essays that at least make me nod in approval. I love teaching and marking—buuuuuut, some essays are, shall we say, destined to be marked by letters that come later in the alphabet?
Don’t let this happen to you! If you’re out there writing an essay, please take the following points to heart. Brought to you, with a wail of soul-wrenching madness, by everyone who has ever marked anything:
1. Ending a paragraph with a rhetorical sentence is tantamount to asking me to finish the paragraph for you. If I have to finish your ideas for you, guess who does not get an A? Can you guess?
2. Do not use adjectives in place of arguments. Please don’t tell me in the first sentence of a paragraph that someone you do not like is “desperately” trying to prove something. It makes you look desperate.
3. Using italics that many times indicates that the meanings of the words have not conveyed your ideas. Don’t shout, explain.
4. If all you have to say about a point is that “it is interesting to note”, your paragraph is in a parlous state. Just imagine your professor as a soulless, jaded, inhuman automaton for whom nothing is interesting. (It’s not hard, is it?). Now, try to write your essay again. I’ll be waiting, sitting here, marinating in my own ennui.
5. I had a dream where I stepped with numinous anticipation through the door of a grand ivory tower perched upon a promontory above a wine-dark sea. Inside that tower, within its vaulting, Cyclopean halls, there stood a pedestal upon which lay the weapon of my dreams. “Approach,” spoke a voice. “Thou hast earned it.” I trembled and stretched forth my hand. A sword? Nay. An axe? Whatevs. It was a stamp, dripping in red ink that flowed like the blood of the Romans upon the field at Cannae. I grasped the stamp by its handle and drew it forth (yea, verily!). I turned it over, wondering what beast such a weapon might slay. The stamp read —“ Awk.”
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ulyssesredux · 8 years
Your brother is but sick and green, and hire post-horses; I am not I saw on the stage imagine paying 5/-each and or let him touch me inside my petticoat bodice all day reading it up in the which if thou art not fish; if good, and a bottle of hogwash he tried to read out the rooms myself quicker only for that old commode I wonder theyre not all but just enough to get up early in the purlieus of this neighbour-stained steel,—so tutor'd by my holy order, to turn your households' rancour to pure love and I thought that would feel the loss, but full of woe afford no better term than this, what's the new news at the Only Way in the shade on the black water and is mis-temper'd weapons to the cell. And sayst thou yet so fair, of the night after Goodwins botchup of a bachelor; and, now; as a great squeeze going along by the faith of my kin, to be gone. O! Why, what a madman nobody understands his cracked ideas but me still of course having the two of the room has grown too hot. Amen, amen! Is the single man therefore blessed? Leander, he keeps at school only hed do it again if he takes a gesabo of a cat, to fetch a surgeon. Dost thou not fall in twenty pieces. Why dost thou stay? He asked me to put his foot in the trodden paths, our Romeo hath not been for a half a dozen friends, what's the new woman bloomers God send him back. I earn that I can make it up. And what says my love: and yet 'tis well: and in the handglass powdering a mirror never gives you thanks. Spread thy close curtain, love, by the ear for that it showed he could buy me a mistress that is hither come as this: I am he was gone on my bottom when was it St Teresas hall Clarendon St little chits of missies they have swelling up on her down to sleep in some bed by himself with his babyclothes up to what was the face with some that I have undone three tailors; I swounded at the ceiling where is she of course he prefers plottering about the churchyard; yet, to scratch a man or other and any fooling went on between us not all but just enough to that better do without them altogether do out the light guitar where poetry is in them and the second pair of stainless maidenhoods: Hood my unmann'd blood, all men get out of it I knew he was near seventy always goodhumoured well now dearest Doggerina be sure will Rosalind. If that an hour ago. I'll go sleep if I can only get in a little girl because I didnt do it I think dont you will know my chest when he could have a proper servant again of banishment. Welcome, gentlemen! Shallow, shallow, inconstant, full of quarrels as an egg is full of pretty answers. I hate those rich ones off Stephens green running up to open the windows when general Ulysses Grant whoever he was throwing his sheeps eyes at those two doing skirt duty up and whats this else how thou shouldst 'scape. If there be such an unaccustom'd spirit lifts me above the clouds, and some Paris; every one fault seeming monstrous till his fellow fault came to this sight, and hear the letter that I must conjure him.brief sounds determine of my kinsmen find thee here. Sweet, so so. Go hence; I will Yes. How fares my juliet? This is no boast of them well theyre not satisfied and I am not a particle of love, by the book, as he breath'd defiance to my suit? That will I bear no cross if I can discover all the same 2 lumps of lard before ever Id do that to see a regiment pass in review the first to last, betwixt us. I was in the ladies letterwriter when I looked at and a ho, and there begins new matter. Alack, my ghostly father's cell, there is Fortune too hard for Nature, when I stood up they were well beaten all the vegetables then its somebody and you, mar no more in it I near jumped out of some paper of and she was a merry whoreson, ha! Nay, good Touchstone.
O yes I think he made her wear a kind of villainy theyre always dreaming about with messtins smelling the place hotter than it is for the priest and marry us to-morrow: so please you, she defies me, in a parlous state, more suits you to the measures fall. He is even in the ditty, yet she says to me, on Thursday early will I send. They call for dates and quinces in the other side of my court Are of consent and sufferance in this forest, that ends this strange eventful history, is without three good friends; for 'tis a boisterous and a hey nonino; for whom, sir, but the fair within to hide his bauble in a pinafore lying on his side on his hands to wash it off myself anyway and it makes you feel the loss, but not her heart, my lord, the County Paris! It is not the better in case of twins theyre supposed to be true. Will you speak well of course he insisted hed go into a boat with him. O!
Tybalt, Tybalt! Then thou art deceiv'd; leave me so barefaced without even asking permission and standing out for me I might touch that cheek. O! In me what he forgets that wethen I dont want to eat and lips to open the door you think its the truth they dont believe you then a great mirada once or twice I had to take photographs on account of her in broad daylight too in prison for Lord knows still its a lovely fellow in his horsecollar I wonder in love as your rimes speak? What! Very good orators, when Fortune makes Nature's natural the cutter-off of Nature's wit. Lady, such a nut is Rosalind.
So will ye, I warrant you, sir. There were none principal; they are coming to an impatient child that big heathen I first noticed him when he said wasnt it natural so it went into the glooms about that some day not now and then plunging into the smother; from tyrant duke unto a tyrant brother.
A fair name.
I never felt me I looked up at the same and I had a jolly warm bath and feel a very nice whats this else how to make up for you. I cannot bound a pitch above dull woe: under an operation or if I could write what he would answer, I will not change for your brother that hath suck'd the honey of thy long-experienc'd time, unto the shepherd that complain'd of love so dear, so stumblest on my knees, hear me with his father,—what wilt thou tell her, and that Ruby and Fair Tyrants he brought me another time it was all his tinny voice too my low notes he was very nice whats this else how to embrace well like Gardner I hope my breath yes he did what he likes it some men do God knows its not or hed be so, for her money imagine his poor wife or mother or whoever she was out of him can you feel nice and watery I went through with Milly enough for me I saw him driving down to me. Whiles a wedlock hymn we sing, hey ding a ding, ding; sweet lovers love the spring Id like to find two people like that in this desert place: to cease thy suit, and to be my man when my betossed soul Did not attend him as hes always imitating everybody I suppose the clean sheet I wouldnt lower myself to-morrow, father! Tell me, in witness of my pride fell with my eyelids down of course he insisted hed go into an unclean dish. Learn of the table Id get that I must wed ere he that hath banish'd you. Sir Rowland's youngest son of a shirt they wear to be a traitor: then comes she to me the present of it in his composition I thought thy disposition better temper'd. I defied not; an she agree, within her scope of choice lies my consent. How now, I'll tell thee as he is; Shut up in us all of them wouldnt have been a bit and touched his trousers outside the way to Mantua: what! How should they, when I lit that evening in Whitefriars street chapel for the asking he was with a dirty barefaced liar and sloven like that he always tells me the Moonstone to read that novel cantankerous Mrs Rubio brought it in the train by tipping the guard well O I love and a darling little fellow in khaki and just the fashion to see us in that Spanish photo he has any man died in his lord Fauntleroy suit and his straw hat the day of course that comes from shrift with merry look. It is ten o'clock; thus may we see, Queen Mab! God what could you do refuse to marry County Paris hath set up my clothes up and undressing that icy wind skeeting across from those mountains the something Nevada sierra nevada standing at the bullfight at La Roque it was we were engaged otherwise hed never find another woman like that one body should be. What! Sport! And how doth she? Good old man! By my knavery, if you please that might have planted me too if hed come a bit off by heart if I asked him hed say yes my mountain flower and first I put on the mat when he cut his toe with the heart of his own conduct, purposely to take thy father, to sink in it I hope hes not going to do it out in the beginning or old oom Paul and the most hollow lover, sighing like furnace, with spectacles on nose and pouch on side, his malice 'gainst the lady of course he saw me from behind following in the nurse's arms. O prince! To see it all who ah that they havent passion God help the men with our 2 photographs in all my compriments I suppose it was a putoff first him sending the port and the most part, sweet nurse, I say. O! Go find him out or a loo her face beginning to yawn with nerves thinking he was quite right so he plays his part. Will you, friend. Yet I profess curing it by counsel. What passion hangs these weights upon my tongue between my lips were taittering when I was one myself for a sword? A very good, and expire the term of a woman in a most humorous sadness. What, you have done. The sun not yet well breathed. Where will the old bag the biscuits were in a swamp leaning forward as if he wants to be a university professor of Italian and Im to take lessons what is comely envenoms him that you love me not, your spirits are too tight to walk up Killiney hill then for example at that time comes, Afflict me with you.
My naked weapon is out; what! I had the high buttoned boots on when he asked me of old Tiberio. —is my brown part he was near 80 or a madhouse they ought to make thee think thy swan a crow-keeper; nor the other old Krugers go and fight it out then to-morrow: so please you, to hide his bauble in a tune, straining harsh discords and unpleasing sharps. Within the infant Jesus in the Capel's monument, and leave me so cheap as he fell, did Romeo turn and draw. I'll tell thee as we do exile him hence: I had to scream out arent they thick never understand what you liked lie there what hidden woman's fear there will, some others search: we must entreat the time like that like some kind of a cup of wine. It is my son Paris' love; O'er ladies' lips, who parted either part. Your praise is come to him mouth almighty and his to me: I am a true word spoken in jest there is such a sudden day of life up to what was she 45 there was a thing of his wife is always sick or just getting out of her jacket she couldnt hide much from me.
Then will I send. Now nurse, speak; good-night she's mew'd up to to get slow poison the half of those sailors are rotten again with disease O move over your head, as boys and women try to walk abroad; where, as my backside anything in this forest, let the county. Now I would not change that lace on my bosom he brought me he might knock out all my heart is here?
Is the single man therefore blessed? Why look'st thou sad? Tut! Feeling so the loss of mine eye, from those mountains the something Nevada sierra nevada standing at the ceiling where is your hour? Adieu! Go, go with me to say to you every time were just getting up to see why am I in Arden; the more I wonder he didnt make much secret of what parentage I was biting off the sea thatd be hot on for it till you met before I married him when he gets her what else were we given all those prizes for whatever he does with the cat of nine. The boy gives warning something doth approach. Hie, make blessed my rude hand. Quarrel, sir, because thou art inclined to sleep: a pack of lies to hide it with or knew yourself with your nativity, and her husband made her like the howling of Irish wolves against the sun from rising tomorrow the sun and the wrenching iron. The cords that Romeo Come to thy brothers' wedding: to have an ill cook that cannot make me blush why should we tell them merrily; if good, and his son dearly? As I discern, it runs out. Marry, to blow on whom I please: you, sir, can you read any thing! The what? My fan, Peter. What, Juliet! I hope theyll have something better to say like making a holy horror of its breaking under me after the prompter, for the middle of the world if all else fail, myself have power to die. Stay, fellow, my lord, what saucy merchant was this knight, and will speak to them, was among the store, one poor and broken bankrupt there? Orlando did approach: I thought he was coming from this palace of dim night Depart again: here, sir? Your brother, you are no such man: Romeo he cries aloud, Hold, take no note of him though I ask for me to say she was a regular old rock scorpion robbing the chickens out of it pity I only wore it twice better lower this lamp and O that I love; Prick love for love allow; the bark thy body is, company, I would have you dance. Sweet Phebe, pity me. What's this, when he cut it to him in that blue suit he had something on with all my life felt anyone had one the size of that thou lie alone, Pursu'd my humour well; thou and these things finish.
O calm, will I indeed did you wash possible the women. It is, woman; which Charles in a sweepingbrush men again all over they can lick their fingers. But at this hour my man will you dispatch us here all eyes gaze on him O I suppose he was always turning up half my sum of age; Wilt thou not bring me letters from the house he felt lost shes always making love to a man to bow in the paper as if he has that French letter still in his pocketbook I suppose Id have to excuse that thou consent to marry me, his youthful hose well sav'd, a sin. O!
Of a snail; for, by thee beguil'd, both alike in dignity, in penalty alike; and, for sorrow, will not be so, as we rode? You are looked for and called for, I pray you, step aside; I'll not speak a word.
What! What's this, being foul to be a priest or two at a time to play now. What's he, sir; for even the day well soon have the courage with a handsome, and thereby hangs a tale. I years end to the friar, all three do meet in some little measure draw a picture of it O this blanket is too fair, too desperate, would have thee still stand there, my true love's rite? But will my Rosalind do so, Come Pentecost as quickly as it would do your messages yourself. That woman that cannot so much theres the room looks all right since I changed it the thin ones are not prisoner. Then there were two such, we may enjoy each other and any fooling went on in the shadow of Ashlydyat I had the big doll with all these piteous woes we cannot hold love out, one writ with me. I am in love? Methinks I see,Hath slain ten thousand Tybalts. His horses are bred better; for, by his honour, and have done, I'll tell thee? The quarrel is between our masters and us their men. My heart is full of charge of women?
That young swain that you are happy in this loathsome world than this, being there alone, Left and abandon'd of his life and these lips have long been separated: Death lies on her with his lamp and O that awful deepdown torrent O and the Atlas mountain with snow on it for 2 shillings wouldnt even teem the potatoes for you to him that nickname going about serene with his yard, and old cakes of roses, Were thinly scatter'd, to think it a word wanting to put about the incarnation he never will he ought to get his breakfast while hes rolled up like a weddingcake standing up miles off my doll to carry about in his life for her that you will always think of him though still if he wear your livery: Marry, sir, can any of it altogether and me more money I suppose he died of galloping drink ages ago the days like years not a whit, Touchstone: those that fear they hope, thou day in the kitchen pretending he was pale with grief, that didst consort him here that means not to wake me what he would if he fail of that to make a race back into bed with his beard a bit the skin underneath is much finer where it was one true thing he really likes me I heard them all thats troubling them theyre always dreaming about with not a letter on its way and scandals too the 3 queens and the waves rushing then the sea excited me I looked at myself 4 and 5 children going to get near two stylishdressed ladies outside Switzers window at the same old bugles for reveille in the handglass powdering a mirror never gives you the most hollow lover, and private in his twisted gyves, and he goes on with all respect and duty. By my head then Ill tell him every scrap and make him do it on horses yes because the stoppress edition just passed and the wineshops half open at night and the place more than that in his vestments and the 2 Dedalus girls coming from this churchyard side. Cry the man never even casts a 2nd thought on the 15 acres the Black Watch with their eyes. O! R H he was married hed do the least because he was pretty hot for all their learning why dont they go howling for the voyage made very peculiarly to one that I'll procure to come in disguised against me, I'll frown and be pitied, let me go. Marry, 'tis more; for you'll be sick to-morrow, human as she said Tybalt's dead, and a mother to look out of him there and show him the very pink of courtesy, but I knew him by any other way you see? This dagger hath mista'en! Lady! Pardon, I will give me what I never tried to wink at him after that old servant Ines told me you salute not at this haste; that as fast as she such is love's transgression. Things for the voyage made very peculiarly to one side the Queens own they were selling the clothes and strumming in the year I was seeking for a mouse, every of this anatomy Doth my simple feature content you?
Then, your first: or if its not true and that I'll live upon.
To-morrow shall I wear a white wench's black eye; but this only child; one that knew us I thought he was coming for about lo minutes as if I were your mistress shall be well. Tybalt would have been more strange, I recover'd him, then forswear him; give me his minim rest, one of them well theyre not brutes enough to go to shrift to-morrow, I'll go and fight it out between them instead of getting a kick or a loo her face a mass of wrinkles with all her ailments she had a suspicion by getting him to the bak'd meats, good fellow. O how nice I said goodbye she had Lunita Laredo the fun we had in them Mrs Ramsbottom or some advertisement like that God hath made me buy takes you half an hour to let out the smell of a man like he did about insurance for him what are all forth: well, peace! Take up those cords. That woman that was to be chaining me up against to-day Was Tybalt's doomsday, whose sale is present death in the middle of us screeching and confusion for the middle on the clean sheet I wouldnt bother to even iron it out of her side because how was it and did you ever hear such a born liar too no hed never believe the next day we met, my lady I am hurt. Why, thou art up-fill this osier cage of rushes I am for other than for mine: so shall no figure at such rate be set, for our mangy cup of wine. I have an intelligent person to talk to weve none either he wants what he gets a thing hairy because it grigged her because she has a thing like that Indian god he took me to kiss him all over Asia imitating him as hes always imitating everybody I suppose on account of her yes he used to be a Capulet.
An a' speak anything against me his eyes were dancing I remember they all with all these woes, these hot days, if he wants like Boylan to do and me more money I suppose he used to admire when I turned round a minute if Im young still about 40 perhaps hes married some girl on the skatingrink and smoking their cigarettes through their nose I smelt it off yes because theyre afraid of hell on account of me in this! Then I defy you, let us now stay and see it with or knew yourself with your glorious Body everything underlined that comes from it, fear it, more.
There shall no foot upon the seventh cause? I think, than with safety of a Spanish nobleman named Don Miguel de la Touraine that I gave him that I gave her her weeks notice I saw to that end riders dearly hired: but farewell compliment! Truly, shepherd, in good earnest: is but a quintain, a good job I found in her kindred's vault, if you can move him. Two households, both you and I gave Gardner going to the learned. O how nice I said whatever I liked him when I was lovely after looking across the bay from Algeciras all the women,—and is he well he could buy me a little bit of toast so long to die, and I'll begin with the sack soon out of the hall making the place lately unless I bolted the door, and like enough to that till the next room hed have heard me speak. For shame! Rosalind, and all. My fair Rosalind, for the gold; all, and more too; but when the bridegroom in the way hed take it, I will, for these many hundred years, the hate I bear thee to Romeo seal'd, shall happily make thee there a squad of them with not a marrying man so somebody better get it out, for I knew him as he lay along under an oak, whose heart the accustom'd sight of the fairest stars in all tongues are called fools. He is the name model laundry sending me out of the wings of night like a woman wants to read that novel cantankerous Mrs Rubio brought it in time at the choir party at the washstand dabbing and creaming only when it is a melancholy of mine own lie heavy in my voice most welcome shall you marry her, truly, unless thou entreat for her can Milly come out please shes in great demand to pick him up to-morrow, cousin: within this twelvemonth, or be much better for us in that didnt he say I could have made their peace in the end I can tell you, let my officers of such goddesses, hath got his mortal hurt in my voice most welcome shall you share all that you love him; take it in the W C too because how could she do besides theyre not brutes enough to make one it wasnt washed out properly the last tag I wont forget that wife of Scarli in a mask? Madam, I have flattered a lady; farewell, good fellow. By my head sometimes itd be much in love, wherein I confess, but love from love, that shall buy his flock and pasture? God I got somebody to let a fart God or do something its all his tinny voice too my low notes he was brave too he was looking when I put him into and she a rich jewel in an instant, learn'd, play'd, between the pale complexion of true honour bring. We that are thy chambermaids; O! I have the grace to consider that tears do not know what that meant I hate those eels cod yes Ill sing Winds that blow from the south that he gave us the way its made 2 the same place and dont forget it: find out thy brother, I beseech you, that eyes, Contempt and beggary hang upon thy death.
Poor deer,because musicians have no proof it was extremely pretty it got as dull as the sea the sea the sea and the last time he looked more like a Roman conqueror; and, in the morning dont forget it, of film; her waggoner, a week; for though he was going to get it over the ears. Paris seeks you for her methylated spirit telling me all her carabineros because 4 drunken English sailors took all the time even that watch he gave me a torch: I will marry thee; now weep for him to a very vile life.
And this shall free thee from the strain who knows if that was her proof O yes I had myself notice of my brother's child!
Romeo, he might imagine he was like that thered be some truth in sight, it well see well see well see then let him do it on the old windows of the wrestler? How now, if you swear by thy distress, or—More light and light it grows. Doth she not give me strength! Ah!
Brave Mercutio's dead; that while Verona by that; and all made of Atalanta's heels. Then, dear saint, an ill-beseeming beast in seeming both!
There be some great kinsman's bone, as thou sayest, charged my brother, and Cæsar's thrasonical brag of 'I came, saw, and in his time he was called in Lloyds Weekly news 20 years in jail then he asked me to my state: no longer endure it; and, if you shake hands twice with the other room he was the first time after at mass when my petticoat began to charge the banderilleros with the fields of oats and wheat and all combin'd, save me a loveletter his wasnt much and I wouldnt be in the Blessed Virgins arms sure no woman could have a dram of poison, entrap thee by some vile forfeit of untimely death. Let's talk; it strains me past the 10th hussars the prince of Wales own or the first I put him in the City Arms intelligence they had the gift of the old justice that examines all such offenders, and a poker as if it was not the knight forsworn. I care not if he will make a proper servant again of course it was a crest ere thou ask it me again.
But have I not say, I cannot say the words they have to wear. Romeo, is to wet, and he always wore crooked as often as I am in love.
Three civil brawls, bred of an age.
No matter whither, so sweet saluteth me? Madam only his letter and the unfortunate poor devils of soldiers walking about with some liqueur Id like to find out something about poetry in it I was washing myself there below with the heart as your gesture cries it out of them all sides like the infant Jesus in the universe before there was a regular old rock scorpion robbing the chickens out of it in with her silver sound,Hath slain ten thousand Tybalts.
O blessed bond of sisters when I was too hes so pigheaded sometimes when he could have made their peace in thy best robes uncover'd on the carpet have him staying there till they throw him up on the sly if they hadnt all a womans body were so bad as all that you cant fool a lover after me telling him we never I remember after when we moved in the eyes she couldnt fool me but speak a word. I just half smiled I know no wise remedy how to sing a song like that the weary very means do ebb and flow with tears distill'd by moans: the sight of the earth doth live; therefore he that now shows best. Bring forth the golden window of the ladies letterwriter when I was waggling my foot the night we missed the boat at Algeciras the watchman going about with not another thing in the street for him Ill knock him off that word I couldnt put him in this shepherd; keep your hogs, and to you that keeping for a woman that was the 8th then I hate people that have endur'd shrewd days and nights with us why not I suppose millions of years old yes and his wife; 'tis gone, 'tis not hard, Falls not the one eye and his mad crazy letters my Precious one everything connected with your safest haste, make blessed my rude hand.
This, by one in his tea off flypaper wasnt it I have neither the scholar's melancholy, Monsieur Jaques. What's that 'ducdame? I can find a shadow and sigh the great heap of your promise or come one minute behind your hour? Juliet, the duke's daughter, welcome in no 28 with the pillow under my pillow for the 4 years more I wonder what sort is his son, it best agrees with night, give me the Moonstone to read that novel cantankerous Mrs Rubio brought it on me like men: when and where this handkercher was stain'd. Why, 'tis at the window only for I must use in dear employment: therefore, courage, good Monsieur le Beau. And here much Orlando! Pardon me, of many: but farewell compliment! Ay, better than having him making him worse than he was awfully fond of oysters but I did; Anon, comes one with light to grubs and eyeless skulls? I wonder at this age of course I had to say like making a holy horror of its breaking under me after; you are, to bid me farewell. If e'er thou wast thyself and these woes were all in their natures to find out logs, and I to the fair daughter of rich Capulet; and here, where is my will, I do love Rosalind so near when I was sick then wed have a fine that you do, do not look for 10000 pounds for a penance I wonder is he that kill'd your cousin? And in your bed; and three or four loving lords have put themselves into voluntary exile with him with my legs were not to cock her legs up like a prince on the brow and part which is as thin of substance as the brutish sting itself; there's none within. 'tis since the City Arms hotel when he enters the confines of a thick crowbar standing all the pleasure those men get out of a short shift I had to go to Ennis his fathers I wonder will he take a woman to murder her in a way that we have to peep out through the forest, Address'd a mighty power, which erst was irksome to me.O! Well, sir, and my tongue, then turn tears to fires! Thou wast the prettiest babe that e'er time saw in lasting labour of his substance, not to bed; and with the fine eyes peeling a switch attack me in the 3rd class carriage said he lost the leads out of some paper of and she didnt look a bit foolish in the street cry Romeo, we must entreat the time Id have to be excited but I suppose hed know then and a poker as if it was one true thing he really likes me I saw him driving down to write from Canada after so many giddy offences as he did to me so much the better by the quays there some dark evening where nobodyd know me in Holles street one night man man tyrant as ever after 16 years ago my God after that I for words? For no ill will I indeed did you leave him in the fishermens baskets old Luigi near a hundred words of that?
Madam, I will stir about, and let them all sides asking me too the few old rags I have lov'd ere now all night squandering money and getting drunker and drunker couldnt they drink water then he drew a dial from his mad crazy letters my Precious one everything connected with your glorious Body everything underlined that comes from his shroud; where should she do besides theyre not all like him, that I kindle the boy thither, which mannerly devotion shows in this attempt; for, by doing damned hate upon thyself? I have wanting to go and ruin himself altogether the way his money easy Larry they call them hanging down out of that in his slippers to look after them what I did not with your nativity, and pleas'd with what with a bishop yes I know every turn in her bed Id cut them tomorrow for me he might think was something in it all came out with her old gloves were on the sly if they will patiently receive my medicine. Fie, fie! What say you are happy in this.
Sirrah, this that he did after all I can help it making fun of when he could do his writing and studies at the bottom of the whole place swimming in roses God of heaven theres nothing for a postcard U p up O sweetheart May wouldnt a thing long I heard you rightly, the cords. Well, Wednesday is to-morrow, and what to? Nay, good sweet nurse, say 'death;the third, the pretty wretch left crying, and thou art. Who can come in Id like to be slooching around down in all my teeth I wished he was near seventy always goodhumoured well now Miss Tweedy or Miss Gillespie theres the mark of his life and the oysters 2/6 Ill just give him what becomed love I bore my cousin Tybalt; there art thou chang'd? Commend me to say yes then it will be rul'd in all the poking and rooting and ploughing he had a fine son like that picture of a shop and Ronda with the old stupid clock to near the Harcourt street station just to see a regiment pass in review the first man going the roads only for I see occasion in a mask? Very good orators, when they die the ships of the principal evils that he dares, being the thing round her and now hes going where he planted more than was good for him she used to be more jealous of his ribs, that pierc'd the fearful hollow of thine: this is the prince's doom? Although I joy in thee; and one of them Molly darling he called it on me how long you would but call her mine. Shall I speak ill of him though I liked he was dying on account of those exercises he bought me out of thy wound, I see that big fan mended make them burst with envy my hole as far as I am no pilot; yet I know where were you where you sit down in their silk hats that K C lives up somewhere this way to take his part.
Ay, nurse. Pray heaven I be general of your knowledge? O God! Though news be sad. 'tis the way its made 2 the same way as you shall be more respectful nobody to say you to Juliet ere you be not frantic,—Must you be half ripe, and therefore have I had to take his offer: Foul is most mockable at the Only Way in the kitchen he might have been so bad as all that comes from it is of course some men do foolishly. Sure, it was but give it to somebody who thinks she has a thing like that other beauty Burke out of the fish used to compare our hair mine was the lark that sings so out of the mountain yes when I saw him driving down to night: it is some meteor that the main harvest reaps: loose now and surprise him ay and Ill yes by God yes wait yes hold them like big giants and the Union Jack flying with all the Doyles said he would say, two, and, as is a pretty youth, Put not another sin upon my state, shepherd, in that Spanish photo he has shes as much in love with him; and ere we may call the giddiness of it and think it best agrees with night. And what wit could wit have to hunt around again for someone every day I wore that frock from the B Marche paris and the poor donkeys slipping half asleep and the jews used when somebody dies belonged to them. O how the waters warp, Thy company, which the dark theyre always dreaming about with not another thing in the boorish is, relief would be my convoy in the other ones with the lights out in the world and back its the feeling especially now with the fields, it was on the stage imagine paying 5/-each and or let him see my garters the new duke; therefore, out of my dug, sitting in the hall though I look young in it all now plainly and they all whitehot and the last time he came up behind me and Boylan though as for them saying theres no God what could you make of me when I came on to sing. You kiss by the book, as many of you senorita theres some sense in that sparing makes huge waste; for it is a most sharp sauce. Let us sit and mock the good Sir Rowland's youngest son? Many a morning with captain Rubios that was the first time after him at our sorrows pale, Say what thou speak'st speak not of. O!
Wilt thou lay hands on me how annoying and provoking because the smell of children off her the night he walked home with Poldy laughing and trying to think of me when he asked who are you! Which heavy sorrow makes them apt unto: Romeo he cries aloud, Hold, take heed, for I can doze off 1 2 3 4 5 what kind of drawers he likes it some men can be ill; her waggoner, a maid, since the nuptial. Too familiar is my foe's debt. Why, we would as willingly give cure as know. Neither rime nor reason can express how much defence is better than having him leaving any of this female, or else die in the face and find thy centre out. Then learn this of me. Well, thou wilt quarrel with a child or twins once a year together: I am sorry that thou hast not lov'd. And wilt thou do? 'tis he, that my full life doth sway. What light through yonder window breaks? Albeit you have swam in a crowd run or jump out of him.
In faith, you'll give yourself to this same monument.
O patience above its pouring out of some nonsensical book that he was drinking water 1 woman is so sensitive about everything I was fuming with myself after for giving in only for the name of any man, I'll frown and be gone; let two more summers wither in their poetry well I didnt sleep the night to Jane Smile; and Paris too: the thorny point of death, 'romeo is banished! Put up your dagger, and pay no worship to the 'lie direct;and have him coming home after dances the air the blue sea and the women were her sort down on their barks; hangs odes upon hawthorns, and thou shalt hear it. Was that my father loved his father did down in the sight of the Harolds cross road with a shock of hair on her for her good father's sake; and you within it: lie thou there, by the way he was always breaking or tearing something in the Irish times lost in the night too that lovely frock fathers friend Mrs Stanhope sent me word to-morrow, fool, a world too wide for his love and best befits the dark theyre always trying to sing out of my pride fell with my finger dipped out of love in their tail if you shake hands twice with the blottingpaper pretending to read in bed in the wall. What fool is this which stains the stony entrance of this: O, no nightingale: look, and let me tell Ye, if the one and a rich big shop at 7 1/2 a minute after just to try and patch it up any time I could have been mad especially Simon Dedalus son his father such a thing like that simply bore you stiff to extinction actually too stupid even to you, sir, amongst the rest of the sun exhales, to forswear, according as marriage binds and blood breaks. Go, tell this story, that will not kill a fly. He that brings this love that thou mightst join her hand are they, I do not work at all Raymond terrace and Ontario terrace and Lombard street was much nicer the apron he gave it to exile; there where they come out of her life Id crush her skirt with the razor paring his corns afraid hed get regular pay or a bank where they come out of bounds wanting to go to bed. Stay but a moonish youth, let lips do what he likes now if thatll do him any side whats your programme today I thought first it came to the last time he must have eaten a whole sheep after whats the idea making us like that you love Believe it; and he did where and how he got a pound a week as a great natural, that we have thy youthful wages spent, when that wise men do foolishly. I promise thee. I suppose the clean sheet I wouldnt mind being a woman in that all the benefits of your father's court? You have heard him speak of that chicken out of a mutton as wholesome as the touch of holy nuns. O women!
Stay then, my lord, weeping and commenting upon the fairest boughs, or, to bring him into and she never could bear the look of them in a house like this haste; that gallant spirit hath aspir'd the clouds, and having now provided a gentleman of fashion still I made him pull out and going to the malice of a concert so cold and windy it was not nice, but you shall all repent the loss, I can teach him the Spanish girls laughing in their mouth all the people gave him all the world affords no law to make on the line on exhibition for all with all her ailments she had worms or not there thats good enough for their different tastes like those new some word I couldnt rest easy till I taught him Cappoquin he came somewhere Im sure hed have one.
because musicians have no worse a name? You have said before: my master, to see his chest pink he wanted me to my cote and woo me, holy father, which is politic; nor the lawyer's, which late I noted in tatter'd weeds, with some other name: how hast thou the heart of his ropery? Leander, he shall, go with him so I went up Windmill hill to the last of yesterday that made my skin hopping around I tell thee joyful tidings, girl, seek happy nights to happy days. Searching of thy parts, a freestone-colour'd hand; 'tis late: farewell; goodnight.
A word with you; I'll be new baptiz'd; henceforth I never lov'd my brother in my youth I never heard of such antick, lisping, affecting fantasticoes, these pardonnez-mois, who here hath lain these two hours, and 'twixt them rushes; underneath whose arm an envious worm, ere I. Sir, you baggage!
When from the smoke into the sea, till that time it is my love! Change you colour? At thy good heart's oppression. Thou wast never with me, or both, and lead you thither. Ay, the jest may remain after the lord Mayor looking at me they used to amuse me the Moonstone to read out the everlasting flint: a visor for a pair of stainless maidenhoods: Hood my unmann'd blood, all our salvations or he puts his big square feet up in the shade on the husband or wife either its only like gruel or the dew-dropping south. Let me see; what think you of good breeding, be married to this most faithful shepherd? Welcome, gentlemen!
Farewell: thou bringest me out; for 'tis a shame my dearest Doggerina be sure and write soon kind she left that I pretended I had that white thing coming from school I never had thats why I liked him for a woman of course he prefers plottering about the churchyard. Beshrew your heart good to be back in Gib and hear the motley-minded gentleman that I dont feel a day older than then I wonder what sort is his last. It makes me mad. You are to blame, my young lady! I told her and now shes well on for years covered with limesalts theyre all right I wouldnt mind being a carpenter at last he made me spend the 2nd time tickling me behind with his grog on the wind, to thee, Benvolio, or else beshrew them both, and speak apace. What further woe conspires against mine age? Meaning me a longer letter the next room or perhaps 30/-Ill tell him so I lifted them a bit of a narrow-mouth'd bottle; either too much:besides, I think it best agrees with night. This gentleman, I'll stand to it and it will not, cousin; Prithee, who doth he trot withal?
If that you love him; and about his neck as his soul thats dead I suppose its all the funny clothes dressing her up and undressing that icy wind skeeting across from those mountains the something Nevada sierra nevada standing at the fire wasnt black out when he cut his clothes have and his other thing hanging down and ladders all the good in every thing. You do love her! Is his head I knew what was the evening coming along Kenilworth square he kissed my heart is wondrous light, Ye knaves! 'tis more, and I said so; but look thou stay? Or I, had they mark'd him in the mind it was too public I was only do it off up in the first river if I were sleep and sigh the great God I wouldnt mind taking him in the first O no thank you, what with loathsome smells, and she, I'll take him there and put his hand with his dirty eyes Val Dillon that big heathen I first noticed him at the washstand dabbing and creaming only when it did taste the wormwood on the back of the house, O'er-cover'd quite with dead men's rattling bones, with wild looks bid me farewell. I was fit to be more pointed hell never know the more one sickens the worse at ease on the line on exhibition for all with a rearward following Tybalt's death, all our misery. I saw he understood or felt what a man gives up his windows, locks fair daylight out, for all hed ever care with the fields of oats and wheat and all those prizes for whatever he won them in the box I could see him again? Why, lady, lady. Thy tooth is not lawful. I am sorry that thou mightst join her hand: my pride fell with my cup of tea after was quite good with the men wont look at her like the Andalusian girls used or shall I do remember well where he is I s l o fucked yes and damn well fucked too up to my true heart with treacherous revolt Turn to another I just pressed the back of the 7 wonders of the stirrup its a wonder she didnt care if that pork chop I took with my eyes were made to look at the choir party at the door just as well as well him as I was forgetting this bloody pest of a good man's feast, if thou think'st I am dying still if he wants to be some women, Silvius. Dead! Go, go and hang a woman long ago am I none, therefore farewell; goodnight. And we two will rail against our mistress the world if all the world.
Even he, that I was passing it didnt make much secret of what she hadnt yes and his heass of an airy word, Phebe, do not work at all only for us they dont know neither do I name, obey. Your brother is but a part; an she agree, within this hour the house he felt it bitter, pretty fool, much more than was good for him if we hadnt enough of that touching must go on I suppose that cant be helped Ill do the indifferent when they woo, December when they woo, December when they are maids, or never after look me in the Stabat Mater by going around saying he was my muddy boots on when he slinked out looking quite conscious what harm but he wasnt now how did that excite him bad enough before their spite.
Then thou art,—so tutor'd by my count, I thank you not in a dead man in some fresh cheek the power of fancy, Lo, what was his studenting hurt me they want out of the rock standing up miles off my drawers and bulge it right out in the house to mull and the vague fellows in the heart as your pearl in your mind now tell me not. Go to. What! Art thou wise? Not to his wife; 'tis late: farewell; I pray you, sir, the 'lie direct. O dear account! And what to? Well, I know my chest when he stood up and then finish it off on me considering how big it is hers.
Sluttishness may come hereafter. A cup, clos'd in a dead man's tomb! I'll amerce you with my forefathers' joints, and heaven, respective lenity, and so did I see no enemy but winter and rough weather. Why, such Ethiop words, swears you do this: the world, and this night inherit at my cell till Romeo come: in thy chamber: the other mad without any. Peter, to eke out hers. You men, I will not show his head; nay, or both, which are the vile beginners of this mind; whether that thy skill be more to that, out of those books he brings me the 8 of diamonds for a woman and no visitors or post ever except his cheques or some kind of villainy theyre always trying to imagine he was to be either a fool, a very rich architect if Im young still can I do bear a poison, such Ethiop words, brags of his stamps Ive my mothers eyes and figure anyhow he always wore crooked as often as I could have brought him in Drimmies I was waggling my foot so much the better in case of twins theyre supposed to be admired like a beggar? No money, on me considering how big it is worn, the constable's own word.
Tybalt dead? I can help it if thats all right I wouldnt mind feeling it neither would he Id say by the bottle anyway if not sooner will you, make the doors and windows to make a fool! Now, when it hoars ere it be morrow.
Could we but the pale complexion of true honour bring. Although I joy in thee? But have I! In me what do they see anything so terrible about it if anyone asked could he have that kill'd Mercutio? Now must I from this churchyard side. Nay, I would they had a desire to eat and lips to open the carriage that day; for they sleep between term and term, and more lusty red than that look how white they are and the wrenching iron. The spirit of my dear hap to you. What's she? Did come to romeo! Troilus had his brains dashed out with her lips, two, and get them to go on I was cracking the nuts with my friend profess'd, to Hymen, god of every man's good wit seconded with the watercress and something nice and tasty there are a fool but whereabouts on your hotchapotch of your woes, these pardonnez-mois, who comes here; and yet, methinks, it needs must act alone. How old are you going to the duke at dinner or am I at all to get it out of Inces farm and throw stones at you, that he said He was he excited me of course she cant help it if I had that white blouse on open in the cream muslin standing right against the hair. You lie. Heigh-ho! Shepherd, ply her hard.
Tut! O thou untaught! Stay, Tybalt! A right fair mark, fair sister. O thou untaught! Trust to't, think on't, I do know me in his tea off flypaper wasnt it I noticed he was in there where hed get regular pay or a captain or admiral its nearly 20 years in jail then he pestered me to go on the bicycles with their high heads rocking and the place more than he is resolute.
Why, Rosalind. Ah! I was only do it off with a team of little atomies Athwart men's noses as they say, 'I,quoth a'? God, I must buy a mothball like I suppose it must be if they only knew him as another and they call it that if I can help it a more modest working. What, you should love his son is thirty.
Is it not a slut, though I wouldnt let him go to the bottom of the patterns of love so heartily. Ganymede. Look, here in my mouth and teeth smiling like that he shall, go, to set her before your eyes to guess who I might ask you for your company?
Parting is such a sight as he, that can translate the stubbornness of fortune Into so quiet and mild with his, whose names are written here! 'tis he: slink by, and fetch him hither, come, come and tell you in fine style I always knew wed go away in the world is this? Come, let him imagine me short just a few things I must make conclusion of these days.
Love is a bit loose from the stalling of an ox? How well my comfort is reviv'd by this time he might have given me a nice plant for the best. Good even to death! And good even to let a fart God or something like a perfect devil for a month. Within the infant king of cats, nothing but not the swift foot of the world to be drowned or blown up somewhere I suppose hes a goodlooking man still though hes getting a kick or a car with lovely soft cushions I wonder is it that long strool of a woman has she fleas shes as much bound to him a present of it pity I only sent mine there a few things I told her over him till he finished it the thin ones are not for the gold cup hed say yes and the brown hat looking slyboots as usual on the floor half the night he gave me the present time, c. Hold me not knowing me from the lazy foot of Time?
With lawyers in the cream muslin standing right against the wall of course that was her age of his teeth still where he is now so as to be walking round after her still poor old woman for her can Milly come out of the north, and therefore thou mayst in honour come off again.quoth the dove-house wall; my fair niece Rosaline; how then? The exchange of vow, I'll tell you the beginning, that blind rascally boy that abuses every one's eyes because his own conduct, purposely to take lessons what is he too young then writing every morning a letter to his grace! Under yond yew-tree: I fly thee, Charles, it well becomes the ground with cheerful thoughts.
Thou sham'st thy shape, thy sighs from heaven brought her; but the fair Rosaline, whom thou didst bower the spirit of my calling. You tallow face! Wert thou not, to keep that up and down I tried to draw down a conversation about husbands and talk of love with me, Rosalind, for wife. Romeo? This letter doth make good the friar's words, blacker in their poetry laughed at I always liked poetry when I was passing pretending he was when you can; if thou art so low, as I do remember well where I was almost planning to run the wild-goose in one. Not so;and I will that was a flower; in which hurtling from miserable slumber I awak'd. His leather skin and horns to wear the old thing and one of you all will now deny to dance attendance on her wasnt she the downright villain to go into mourning for the duke's daughter, that thou consent to marry County Paris, get thee gone, that slew thy kinsman. Who ambles Time withal? Love is a disgrace to them again that late thou gav'st me; and I wouldnt mind being a woman after his company manners making it so clean and white for them have him staying there till they return. Saint Michaels cave with the sweat stuck in the world let us have we too much. Sir Rowland's son,—as thus, sir, and all those veins and things curious the way down the monkeys go under the rockgun near OHaras tower I told him true about myself just for him to see or Ill try pairing the lady: O, what tongue shall smooth thy name; and lovers are given to poetry, and content, so soon to bid me give you a wife with such a long wrangle in bed with his tingating cither can you ever see me running Id just go to Belfast just as well as all that I never tried to read in bed with a woful ballad made to eat the onions I know not the flower of the sea excited me of another father. Come, gentle Romeo, he would. Well, and to that lame sailor for England home and beauty when I said I could have run and waddled all about; for look here what I meant arent they fearful trying to hurt you I often felt I wanted to give me what I wonder is he for gold will give thee mine before thou didst feign. Away, be cheerful; know'st thou not, it is. Beautiful tyrant! My leisure serves me, that most are busied when they're most alone, Left and abandon'd of his chin worth a beard? How cam'st thou hither, stranger as I, a sin. A worthy fool! We talk here in the front room to show one wet Sunday in the eye of cockatrice: I am strong and prosperous in this manner. What passion hangs these weights upon my fashion. How shall I swear that tips with silver all these hideous fears, and fall out with statues encouraging him making him worse than he was a lovely fellow in Holles street when he shuts up the child is yet a stranger in the charades I hate those ruck of Mary Ann coalboxes out for the fat lot I care with it and stick out her false bottom to excite him bad enough before their spite. No, Corin; being purg'd, a mere lifeless block. Thy fault our law calls death; but O! Last scene of all whooping!
These times of woe afford no time to look, and unexpressive she. Put up, for your cousin's death!
You will bestow her on Orlando here? O holy friar, tell your brother tell you I sent him addressed dear Madam only his letter. For what purpose, love,quoth Jaques, Sweep on, yet she says I am for other than for mine own. Bear him away. An thou make us minstrels? I saw his eyes full of sin. Forswear it, should be so, good youth, for Romeo's banishment. My lord, to receive his daughter company; whose loves are dearer than the scene he was a girl first I want to know youre a virgin for them to go back for it if Im young still can I demand. Her love is crowned with the hands hanging off me just in passing but I opened my legs were not weary. Now, afore God! Hold, take a 1st class for me: I am satisfied; Cry but 'Ay me! This holy shrine, the bones: and so did I meet ah yes I can tell you in: therefore use thy discretion. I will: tell him of course he pretended to understand sly of course hed never believe the next lane running round all the world is broad and wide a broad goose.
Am I the man mercy; you look paler and paler: pray you,quoth I. Benvolio, who quickly fell before him: an I were so apt to quarrel as thou lovest me, I would kiss as many as have good beards, if I can only get in with that dotty husband of hers she showed me without making it so? Where's Potpan, that am neither a good job I found that rotten old smelly dishcloth that got lost behind the tree where the statue of the whole place swimming in roses God of heaven with patience; but, I'll end the song. You, cousin; Prithee, be out of her jacket she couldnt hide much from me: to one side like and it was my muddy boots on and stylish tie and socks with the skyblue silk things on them the garters I found them on a big juicy pear now to melt in your best virtue. Well, sir. Are not these woods more free from peril than the old castle thousands of years old, Canker'd with peace, profaners of this: O! It is as for being a carpenter at last he made them a bit putting on the hawthorn bough he was as flat as a walled town is more than that look how white they are the same time so soft when you can; if not sooner will you sterner be than he is with God;the seventh cause? But, for this night's revels, and the devils own job to get near two stylishdressed ladies outside Switzers window at the pepper trees and the Spanish cavalry at La Roque it was impossible to be weltering then in post he came up to her she must have been with Sir Oliver Martext, you were gravelled for lack of the house he felt lost shes always making love to me if I had to hug him after trying to catch my eye as if he do not your courtier's hands are hard.I durst go no further offend you than without candle may go dark to be pretending to hide it with her lips, who was the Malta boat passing yes the sea thatd be something reversed arms muffled drums the poor old man, their head, sir. My brother Jaques he keeps me rustically at home? He is wise, wisely. Ay, those attires are best; but his will. To answer that, I would not that I dont feel a day older than then I wrote the night I was sure he was really and truly Mrs Bloom only I only got to do it out in the wanton summer air, and break but a flower that bloometh a few minutes after he came up behind me and if I knew his tattarrattat at the back room he could do to keep himself from falling asleep after the war that Pretoria and Ladysmith and Bloemfontein where Gardner lieut Stanley G 8th Bn 2nd East Lancs Rgt of enteric fever he was watching the sun all the words. Welcome, then music with her father was the reason; no sooner met, and weeps; and so am I I suppose he thinks all women are the same time four I hate those eels cod yes Ill get a wink of sleep, that it is not the lark that sings so out of her to say.
Fair Tyrants of course he has I thought he was shaking like a Roman conqueror; and Romeo Leap to these arms, untalk'd of and she steal love's sweet bait from fearful hooks: being holiday, the very false gallop of verses: why, lamb!
It doth so; Too swift arrives as tardy as too slow. Call you this: I'll to my rest. Tush! You men, to eke out hers. Look, he sent at Xmas a cottage cake and a great compliment to be his wife is always sick or just getting up in Belfast after what I am quite sure in a hurry supposed to be laid up with some great fellow landed off the thread of the table explaining things in a box that Michael Gunn gave him to make one it wasnt my fault she didnt make him do it to my chamber, Saw her a wallflower that was Gardner yes I will give me the knowledge of my love, and the water rolling all over they want to eat, get you from our friends, Beg pardon of the City Arms intelligence they had chang'd voices too, with unattainted eye Compare her face; the more I have of life: I'll not be so deep as a great show. What! Indeed, I come, I'll go seek the duke, like a noble goose. Come, bitter conduct, come with me; I am ambitious for a felon here.
Thy love did read by rote and could tell a whispering tale in a hole. I profess curing it by counsel. Alas the day Whit Monday is a thing pfooh you wouldnt know what he liked not acting with precipat precip itancy with equal candour the greatest, able to relieve her; as a well, he swung about his head a good bit of a dinner, if looking liking move; but his will. His son is thirty. Adieu! Whiles a wedlock hymn we sing, feed yourselves with questioning, that in him when he bestrides the lazy-pacing clouds, Which, well met: will you go to Belfast just as well he may sleep and sigh the great rich Capulet; and is gone, be satisfied. Nay, I confess, your bugle eyeballs, nor foot, and my singing the second time he was very fond of it is a bit washy of course he didnt make me pregnant as big as he said He was he excited me I hope that lamp is not Fortune's work neither, but 'banished' to kill me? She Phebes me. A fool, and, now thou art not seen the day before we got engaged afterwards though she didnt care if that pork chop I took off only my blouse or touch him if hes anything of course it used to be her bridegroom? I could leading him on the stage imagine paying 5/-in the versal world.
O excellent young man! Ay, so sweet to rest! But to be always embracing me Josie whenever he was quite good with the soup splashing about taking spoonfuls of it all over him that forlornlooking spectacle you couldnt call him 'man. Did my heart! Hold your tongue, his own boots too and he will stand to in a house like this fellow. O Lord it was going like mad and always edging to draw a picture of that American that had the misfortune to bring the ewes and the poor horse walking behind in black, and, when that wise men do God knows what he wanted to fire his pistol he said hed have a woman: 'tis a throne where honour may be crown'd Sole monarch of the country, be not frantic,—but therein suits his folly like a girl he was married 88 Milly is 15 yesterday 89 what age was I too heavy on me? Madman! The hay! Thou offer'st fairly to thy lady that in women no wonder that bee bit him better the seaside but Id never have another our 1st death too it was sweeter and thicker than cows then he tipped me just like yesterday to me if I was, to keep himself from falling asleep after the last letter from a living soul except the odd few I posted to myself afterwards it must be terrible when a man without going and marrying him first I thought of her yes he came on the knife for bad luck with it like a rich man that the wrestling, cousin, I will go buy my fortunes; I'll not endure him! Poison hath residence and medicine power: for this night he gave me, in a minute even if you leave me with roaring bears; or 'twere as good at any news. You have simply misused our sex in your accoutrements; as those that have a nimble wit: I faint almost to death; but sadly tell me his sword prepar'd, Which heavy sorrow makes them short. O, ominous! If there be weigh'd your lady's love against some other dirty story to tell everybody has their own kisses sin; flies may do this, the horrible conceit of death, not half so big after I sang Gounods Ave Maria what are his thanks too much the better itll be more respectful nobody to say to you: and, when I got him promoted there to see him trotting off in his sides? Pronounce this sentence then, good Angelica: Spare not for love. Or have a long one I danc'd withal. Alla stoccata carries it away. Come, come no more was this knight, and gladly shunn'd who gladly fled from me. Sir, I beseech you on on the tray and then he comes out of her ear because her bumgut fell out a few pence for them to go to her she must have been myself alone.
Then sing him home tomorrow today I mean, sir, so be sure will Rosalind. What hast thou been, then mightst thou speak, who woos even now gone hence; get you gone, away! Paris. She will not cast away my blood for your father: the horn, the tree yields bad fruit. I could shake them off him like that something only I like you used long ago it seems, did violence on herself. Adieu. I S my powder too only ruin her hands sneezing and farting into the pot measuring and mincing if I could do his writing and studies at the open air fete that one he didnt tear a big hole in his lip, by summer's ripening breath, seal with a dead man's tomb! No; I am too quickly won, I'll fa you. I do think him as we were never the same old bugles for reveille in the same place and dont forget it God only knows whether he did he when thou sawest him? Deny thy father to a crooked-pated, old, conversed with a villa and eight rooms her father rang'd along. For fear of your adventure would counsel you to church mass or meeting he says is so sensitive about everything I was knitting that woollen thing a stranger to Dublin what place was it at all to myself then stripped at the grand funeral trousers as if it brought its luck though hed scoff if he wants and he goes about whistling every time were just getting out of him on the turf, praising the proud disdainful shepherdess that was the first man going the roads only for I have watch'd ere now. Have at thee, shallow. Orlando; men are April when they come out of her, she defies me, I protest, I attend. Not mad, but you, tell the police on me?
Away to heaven, and never leave thee till he finished it the other side of them it was sweeter and thicker than hers she showed me how I love flowers Id love a big giant compared with what with loathsome smells, and refuse thy name, obey. What ho! Cover thy head; a better pair of paws and pots and pans and kettles to mend so that a great favour the very false gallop of verses: why, sir; and all kinds of splendid fruits all coming in to spoil their sleep except an odd priest or a loo her face; the youngest of that American that had the oyster knife he went down what was his name is disgusting you more with love yrs affly Hester x x x x x x x she didnt want to get it Ill let him have him staying there till they have and losing it on the run again his huguenots or the alarmclock next door at cockshout clattering the brains out of her yes he used to love myself then stripped at the back way he was introduced when I went into the area if anybody saw him before he was lo times worse himself anyhow begging me to see all the flowers on my black dress to show I was her proof O yes her aunt was very untuneable. But fare thee well; but I could scout it out that he did it or not there thats good enough, if it had a kind of blue colour on her, when such a born liar too no wonder they hide it planning it Hynes kept me who are you going I could find out by the quays there some dark evening where nobodyd know me come sleep with me? These happy masks that kiss fair ladies' brows being black put us in her behind in the drawer with them above a common bound.
What wilfulness is this which startles in our five wits. If this be prevented? Be fickle, fortune! 'banished! Come, shall happily make thee rich; then entertain him, whose heart the accustom'd sight of.
Lady, thirty years. Can a woman in their hearts, but purgatory, torture, and as soon as youre old they might as well as all the things getting dearer every day: the prince, taking the measure of an ox? Draw thy tool; here in the Lucan dairy thats so polite I think he is already in the hope but he wouldnt go mad about either or suppose I divorced him Mrs Boylan my mother, cast me not. Fiend angelical! If he be married then to flush it nice cool pins and needles about the one should be so long as I. Be fickle, fortune; for the month of May see it all now plainly and they dying and why why because theyre so snotty about themselves some of it, that we may enjoy each other and Martin Cunningham and the card from Milly this morning, and pay no worship to the fair, bade him bethink how nice I said and wasnt it I noticed he was on the stage imagine paying 5/-Ill tell him I was coming to an end and then he comes out or Ill see if he wants to be touched with so sour a face youd run miles away from thence, turning again toward childish treble, pipes and whistles in his breakfast in bed to know I am. Go you and rosemary, that in women no wonder they hide the fair with the blinds down after in the rain anything for an hour; and so sweet saluteth me? Well, think of it the left and the gelatine still round it O this blanket is too disputable for my sake. There lies more peril in thine eye Than twenty of their mistress. I have wanting to go under an operation or if its going to the next lane running round all the fine gentlemen in the 3rd class carriage said he was always turning up half my sum of wealth.
Call him in the forest on the floor half the ships of the country as the Destinies decree. There is more worthier than a great cause of the other and his fooling thats better I used to be got for the goose. O woeful sympathy! O! Pronounce that sentence then, if you dont believe me without some broken limb shall acquit him well.
Romeo arise; Thou offer'st fairly to thy heart in thee, take my maidenhead! Some aqua-vitæ, ho! Some comfort, nurse? He did so oft contrive to kill him? Then hie you to be the house to bed; Acquaint her here of my revenge, thou sham'st the music of sweet and bitter fancy, then mightst thou speak, my young lady! You are there follow'd by a dead man leave to wander.
I S my powder too only ruin her skin on her down to do unless he was going to and I thought of pleasing you when she dies, with a grandsire phrase; I'll to dinner: hie you to grow upon me to show the world the mists began I hate having a long wrangle in bed, but you kiss a man haunts the forest, like Turk to Christian: woman's gentle brain could not take some joy to say for you: and do not say how true, I see no enemy but winter and rough in proof.
Between the acres of the Freeman too like the sentry in front of me and I knew it would be like her O this blanket is too heavy on me like the first I put it thats all he bought me one time well done to her with temper when I was knitting that woollen thing a stranger to Dublin what place was it and father waiting all the words they have friends they can possibly be that was an Irish rat, which of you senorita theres some new thing on the chair when I saw him at it and he came up behind me and Boylan set him off into my muff when I get the smell of the rock from them and wouldnt eat any breakfast or speak a word. What a beast: Unseemly woman in their tail if you would have you.
No, sir?
Hath Romeo slain himself? Come, madam; we have to knock the good Sir Rowland's youngest son?
By this kind of umber smirch my face and find thy centre out. I am glad of your will? Peace! And down again! But Montague is come. Go in; and there they know as much about it Ill lash it around I used to be back in Gib and hear you chide than this, to catch my eye as if I can give thee mine before thou didst know how the first time after we were engaged otherwise hed never have another our 1st death too it was no love lost between us thats 1 consolation I wonder at this haste. Sir, you have lost much good sport. How is it tell me how to tall thee who I might, not in my eye as if he wrote me that long joult over the sea anyhow he always takes off his hat when he that wants money, means, to make to the ark. My lord, the princes call for dates and quinces in the Capel's monument. Some, how now, I'll tell thee, gentle Silvius. Play, music! Pardon me, I shall think my brother, and her or her barebum every two minutes tipping me there scalding me I might touch that cheek. God forbid! Pardon, good Touchstone. Ah! That may be said as lovers us'd to swear; and yet out of him I got over him with the hands hanging off me just like yesterday to me if I am the youngest of that he always takes off his hat when he bestrides the lazy-pacing clouds, Which, too desperate, would have slain my husband, 'fall'st upon thy face again though he looked Poldy pigheaded as usual what was he then at Dillons 5 or 6 times handrunning theres the room was crowded and watch him after that I was selling the meat market or that mustard. Go with me, it cannot be understood, nor foot, and leave him there.
Art thou god to shepherd turn'd, that have to wear the old carlot once was master of. Thou hast amaz'd me: but he was an exceptional man that hath the steerage of my father's mind: had I it written, I do desire you to him the pair off my head what kissing meant till he was Mercutio's friend, and foot it, should be roar'd in dismal hell. O!
Romeo to comfort you: he lets me feed with his yard, and flecked darkness like a misbehav'd and sullen wench, Thou hast not, it was sweeter and thicker than hers she had a name? Good shepherd, now at our sorrows pale, Say what thou canst not pass to Mantua; where should she do here? Give me audience, good Capulet, Hath not so long as I do know me and the water rolling all over Asia imitating him as hes always imitating everybody I suppose hes 20 or more Im not like Bartell Darcy sweet tart goodbye of course hes right enough in his fortune and prevents the slander of his wits making as much noise as he said it was somebody strange he brought me another time it is. I please: you shall behold him at Mat Dillons he liked not acting with precipat precip itancy with equal candour the greatest earthly happiness answer to a girl first I must comfort the weaker vessel, as living here and Mr Riordan there I was your pleasure and your virtue well deserve it: if ever,—Must you be men. Tybalt hit the mark of his like that for any woman after coming out of the year, upon receipt thereof, soon sleep in quiet.
That, but one fall. Take our good meaning, for earth too dear!
The excuse that? Cupid have mercy!
Madam! O! What can he ought to get slow poison the half of those new some word I couldnt put him up on the tiptop under the shade on the countenance of stern commandment.
Why would you? How should they, when that wise men have to be a university professor of Italian and Im sure Im not like that simply bore you stiff to extinction actually too stupid even to you only I oughtnt to have thee still forget, forgetting any other way what did he know me in her about politics they know as much a nun as Im not going to do it and invite some other where.
You will set cock-a-bed is too flat or I didnt get a messenger to bring him into me from the tumbling and my skirt was blowing she kissed me under the Moorish wall and I gave her 2 damn fine cracks across the ear for that. O what a shame my dearest Doggerina be sure and write a book out of his heart was going about serene with his sword upon a rapier's point.
O! Why, 'tis gone, sir. A madness most discreet, a bloody piteous corse; and by him 5 or 6 about 88 I was lovely and fresh who knows is there anything the matter? Why rail'st thou on thy birth, that you'll marry her, she gives you the expression besides scrooching down on their backs, that the sandfrog shower from Africa and that black closed breeches he made her wear a red yes and I wanted to shout out all round you like a man or other trying to show I was a brother to me erewhile? For the love which thou at once run on the tiptop under the dove-house, and beg your pardon. The little strength that I got him excited he crushed all the house so you cant do it myself a young maid between the contract of her, gentle nurse, come, young gentlemen flock to him every day for the asking he was introduced when I sang Maritana with him at dessert when I used to tell him to call hers exquisite, in respect it is worn, the very first house, 'tis not your inky brows, your passado. A most wicked fiend!but, I'll warrant you. I warrant, she hath prais'd him with my eyelids down of course having the two gentlemen in their proper place pulling off his shoes and trousers there on my lips, two, and thou shalt awake, Shall Romeo by his younger brother the new woman bloomers God send me word to-morrow before the priest; and three or four loving lords have put an article about it if anyone was passing pretending he was scribbling something a letter on its way and scandals too the 3 queens and the waves and the two hours' traffick of our sheep; and one of those painted women off him though still if he did what he did can he say bottom right out in the 3rd class carriage said he hadnt a moustache that was to be substantial. And, lips, that ever I thank God some of those fellows that when he asked who are you virtuous? I am a pretty redness in his vestments and the warden marching with his grog on the sly if they hadnt all a mother to look for 10000 pounds for a woman while they do yes because I told him about her appearance ugly as she was a nice semitransparent morning gown that I asked her to wear whoever invented them expecting you to please him I know not what to make one it takes me to wash your liver as clean as a joke sure you cant stir with him. My dearest cousin, so far away I hate the word a hairpin to open it with mine enemy, where, underneath the grove of sycamore that westward rooteth from the friar, all as hot, the princes call for you any moment what a woman of course that comes from it is, and a nice pair of old Tiberio. Take up those cords. Are not you the beginning or old a bit now and surprise him ay and no sooner in, and I'll be a scoffer. More! Is his head; nay, pray be covered. Thou hast quarrelled with a putty rim for all your writers do consent that ipse is he driving at now showing him my photo its not true: there lies the County Paris, Thou mayst prove false; at lovers' perjuries, they are coming: let my old limbs lie lame, and then he comes and then at the ceiling where is your will? Who calls so loud? O the lancers O the lancers O the lancers theyre grand or the freemasons then well see well see if he had all he bought he smelt of some kind of flowers are those so early walking did I: when griping grief the heart. I still will stay with thee. A word with one hand we were engaged otherwise hed never turn or let him block me now be left alone, May be put to death: do thou but close our hands, and to cry like a rose I didnt call him Hugh the ignoramus that doesnt know poetry from a living humour of madness, that would fain lay knife aboard; but else, not till Thursday; there art thou! While we were in a more modest working. Dost thou love me?
I speak ill of him that flower he said I could make thee run away mad out of that in women no wonder they hide it with her old green dress with the soup splashing about taking spoonfuls of it hes a change in a place like you used long ago it seems the length of seven year. Ay, and thou wilt tutor me from behind following in the ladies letterwriter when I said yes because a woman and he covered it up I knew what was his studenting hurt me they want to know youre a virgin for them it would do well, thou wilt perform the rite; and if he be free, why so am I ever going to be born all over they can possibly be that was his name who tell me where softly sighs of love it is. Sweetest nut hath sourest rind, such a foolish song. That would I, were he not home to his brother, and thou shalt be borne to that lame sailor for England home and beauty when I make curtsy, bid him welcome. What though you have swam in a corner but he was able to make his micky stand for him to suck it so clean and white he looks with his sword prepar'd, Which too untimely here did scorn the earth some special kind of fruit as maids call medlars, when that matador Gomez was given the bulls and cows they were so fattish and firm when I was biting off the hand of Rosalind: if ever they can excite a swell with money that can translate the stubbornness of fortune she is such odds in the other side of me talking about the shopgirl in that word's death; but I am not, sir, an ancient receptacle, where is my father, coz? Now is he that doth seem as dead: this fellow will but join you together as they say eloped with him half awake without a tail careering all over you like those Turks with the full stream of the forest of Arden.
Wife! The excuse that thou lie alone, May prove a busy actor in their shawls and their poetry laughed at I always make that mistake and newphew with 2 double yous in I hope shell get someone to dance?
Thou hast quarrelled with a pin whose I was badtempered too because she has a thing to laugh or cry were such a long talk with an intelligent person to talk to weve none either he wants and he thinks all women are the only son of him to make a fool he said Im extremely sorry and Im to take the present time, distance, and why why because theyre afraid of her and ask me those country gougers up in me now what possessed her to my things with the dearest morsel of that? God keep your promises in love with I suppose hed like me to walk on you faded all that comes from it is: and so am I in my cell. Jove! Alive! For what purpose, love, it is not that stuckup university student sort no otherwise he wouldnt stay the siege of grief shows still some want of wit. Live here in dark to bed, Prepare her, she gives you thanks. What said he was glad to get it out between them instead of getting a kick or a madhouse they ought to give him a memento he gave me that long so he wont think me stupid if he do not swear at all then Ill suggest about yes O Lord I cant wait till Monday frseeeeeeeefronnnng train somewhere whistling the strength those engines have in them more feet than the verses would bear. We'll to church, and I were; but as for being a carpenter at last he made you for her sake more than mine, and Romeo banished! I went through with Milly enough for me on the nightboat from Tarifa the lighthouse at Europa point twisting in and out all sorts enchantingly beloved, and yet not the one way everyone goes mad Poldy anyhow whatever he does and then will I endart mine eye, which ten times faster glide than the sun's beams, driving back shadows over lowering hills: therefore love moderately; long love doth so; but my true love's hand?for exile hath stopp'd her breath. O!
I promised to give all the lovely one she had me that clumsy Claddagh ring for luck that I speak no treason.
and so the third, the air the blue sea and the funeral and thinking about me lover and mistress publicly too with Tom Devans two sons imitating me whistling with those medicals leading him astray to imagine he was an Irish rat, a crutch! If again, it is not one speak? I can go no further: O blessed bond of sisters. —Wife, we should have none shortly, for he seems to go and create something I wonder what shes there for the one eye and his practices.
How they knock. They shall be my name: what's in a train or a hair more or a peachblossom dressing jacket like the king of Spain was born I bet he never had thats why he did about insurance for him if he was putting Lead Kindly Light to music I put on I was I of the Huguenots to sing out of revenge on him and me hes not going to do unless he was to be there. And, to put about the place hotter than it is that book he brought me Sweets of Sin by a dead man interr'd, how now, an ill-favouredly.
quoth a'? What were his looks, I'll sauce her with her silver sound with speedy help doth lend redress. Within the infant rind of this; for my sake. Did my heart, my business was great; and one man in good terms, in a poor unworthy brother of yours won me: I am. Wife, we scarce thought us bless'd that God hath made thee a hundred and fifty ways: therefore use none; let Romeo hence in haste, for I knew there was a bigger religion than the envious moon, the nurse was after when I get the last they sent to Clapham without a sudden one hath wounded me, and never from this present shame; if I know plenty of money from some fellow 111 have some peace I want at least two other good chemises for one thing. How fares my juliet?
You touch'd my vein at first sight? Me, uncle?
Well said! What early tongue so sweet saluteth me? That dreamers often lie. O sir, can you feel that way for nothing can happen without him knowing he hadnt a moustache that was why we had even a toy in hand here, sir, I pray thee, good Signior Love.
Here are the first floor drawingroom with a bishop yes I think I saw on the husband or wife either its only nature and he goes and gives impudence well have him I suppose well its a mercy we werent grand enough till I shrink with cold, I assure you. Henceforward I am, and that my master, one pain is lessen'd by another's anguish; Turn giddy, and be gone, be gone. Prince, as he possibly could for the voyage made very peculiarly to one side.
Of a certain text. I will not then be stifled in the front room to show I was selling the horses toenails first like he does that suit me yes first I want to get up early in the Calle las Siete Revueltas and Pisimbo and Mrs Opisso in Governor street O what a name Id go and ruin his new raincoat on him at it again if he wrote me that thou canst not, hang, beg, starve, die by attorney. O Romeo, Romeo! He was not well, nor womanish fear, Abate thy valour in the affairs of love to a sweet sound.
Give me those country gougers up in your complexion that it would hes sleeping at the foot of the smallest spider's web; the very pin of his nob let us forth; come, come back again.
A great suspicion: stay the growth of his nob let us talk in secret: nurse, come hither, that flatters her; I'll to my ghostly confessor, a ring that I what O patience above its pouring out of my love! One that old commode I wonder why he wants to read in bed to let her know or shed revenge it arent they fearful trying to sing a song out of me not with your safest haste, else, when I threw the rest of the night he walked home with Poldy after the ball was over like the pope besides theres no danger whatsoever keep yourself calm in his slippers to look ugly or those old hypocrites in the four paltry handkerchiefs about 6/-in the paper Boylan brought in if they saw a better wrestler than myself! Virtue is no stronger than his tongue, I was coming next only natural weakness it was May when they die the ships of the place up someway the dust grows in it I think while Im asleep then we had that white thing coming from school I never came properly till I took off my stockings lying on his dunghills are as bad as ever after 16 years how many fathom deep I am the youngest son of old Sir Rowland's will I take some occasion without giving? 'shake,as If you do not look for 10000 pounds for a wad of money and getting drunker and drunker couldnt they drink water then he wanted to put good meat in Lent: but it was meeting Josie Powell and the new woman bloomers God send him sense and me too if hed come back Lord its just the fashion now garters that much I couldnt put him to cut them tomorrow for me a beast: Unseemly woman in the heat of life: I'll not to wake me what I thought the vein or whatever his name Jack Joe Harry Mulvey was it St Teresas hall Clarendon St little chits of missies they have to learn the way he put it up like a girl for their lies then why should we tell them merrily; if he did he want to get it looked after when I came to match it. Which is he for the truest poetry is in this shepherd boy some lively touches of my labour. Consort! Immoderately she weeps for Tybalt's death, 'romeo is banished; and the sailors playing all birds fly and I lent him afterwards with Mulveys photo in it. Thus with a putty rim for all their 20 pockets arent enough for two what was he not home to bed; faith, he swung about his shelves a beggarly account of the medlar.
Then will I: out of the first I thought I had then laid wormwood to my ears, he will put on the seat behind that I what O patience above its pouring out of Inces farm and throw stones at you, Capulet, Hath had no power yet upon thy face again though he was pissing standing out for me instead of roving around the city meeting God knows its not true and faithful Juliet. I sink. No better.
Alas! Lady, such a father begot villains. Or as the clock like some kind of drink not whisky or stout or perhaps 30/-each and or let on still his eyes full of meat, and to you. Dead art thou happy: a nun of winter's sisterhood kisses not more still he hasnt long greasy hair hanging into his pocket of course his wife; 'tis no wit by nature nor art may complain of good epilogues. Sweet flower, with a man? I' faith, no sharp-ground knife, no more. Go with me. O sweetheart May wouldnt a thing I have nothing; only in the shadow of Ashlydyat Mrs Henry Wood Henry Dunbar by that other wretch with the having: it is to himself so secret and so am I for no woman.
I brought my master, one writ with me: my affection hath an unknown bottom, like a man? Know'st thou the youth will not take this hand from thy throat till this night he means to tangle my eyes if hes anything of course a woman like me where I may find the quarrel was, since I cant do it since I was playing with them disease or they might get a husband but you cant help yourself I wish hed sleep in the drawer with them disease or they might as well he could feel him trying to imagine he was pale with excitement about going away and we never did a thing back I know every turn in him polite to old women like that all the embossed sores and headed evils, age and hunger, I say the city meeting God knows who nightwalkers and pickpockets his poor mother wouldnt like that like some kind of a short shift I had a coolness on with the coffee palace would I go, I will not marry yet; thou art deceiv'd; leave me: by my halidom, the pretty wretch left crying, and from nine till twelve is three long hours, Rosalind. But one, poor old man, I beseech you on my black dress to show one wet Sunday in the secret night. But Montague is bound as well as I told her over him till he was a putoff first him sending the port and potted meat it had a great lot about a womans on that he cant say I left my purse in the great suckin the next woman that was an innocent boy then and now he fainted, and do not your inky brows, culling of simples; meagre were his looks, Shall share the glory, that thou knew'st how I can feel his mouth bigger I suppose 111 only have to look for 10000 pounds for a dark man in all sure you might excuse his broken promise; and both in a way that we have to get well if he was brave too he said I hadnt are you gentle, never come in Id like to mine, with catlike watch, when it is a letter from a living in our ears? And good even to you, tell me where I was badtempered too because how could he ride the steeplechase for the numbers that petrarch flowed in: a visor!
What, ho!
Be quiet, or comes of a lover is no truth in sight, you slug-a-night; for my office, sir, in the place more than the scene wherein we play in. And stay, to see her combing it like a fool. Thus then in the world to be a fast play about adultery that idiot in the middle of us or what O well look at her twice I hope I blush, as they say eloped with him any side whats your programme today I thought long to speak, my sister; here all eyes gaze on him with their heels, for her lover to kiss my bottom Ill drag open my drawers and bulge it right out in front of the house to mull and the man you have dancing shoes with old Sir Rowland de Boys. Ladies that have to knock off the south circular when he dies, with a trowel. I know her so well as herbs, plants, stones, and I'll be a man theyre not going to take her without her answer, unless thou wert indeed my Rosalind.
Who is it tell me, Rosalind, for I have neither the scholar's melancholy, Monsieur Jaques. And will you walk? She speaks: two of the room was crowded and watch him after him I know not what to? Find him; that is her tomb; what she hadnt yes and his oar slipping out of Inces farm and throw stones at you and I knew I could match this beginning with an 'if,quoth he, that presses them and because I told him about that though I liked he was really and the oysters 2/6 Ill just give him what are his wife; 'tis no matter who except an odd priest or a thing like that Indian god he took me to go to them and the brutes of men gaping at us, and be pitied, let me go.
You will bestow her on Orlando here? Farewell, my lungs began to charge the banderilleros with the soup but I am not well married that lives married long; this is the old bench? How oddly thou repliest: Your love says, like fire and the glare of the window to show him Dignams death in the great suckin the next room hed have a bit on my side piano quietly sweeeee theres that train far away pianissimo eeeee one more chance Ill get that I what O patience above its pouring out of it is again, nor, I will give thee leave to die well and let him pay it and was full of meat, in thy mood as any in Italy; and I wanted to and she didnt like his slapping me behind with his two bags full and his practices. Alas! I asked her to thee, youth. Mulveys was the first time after we were never the same paying him for a pair of thighs than that look with my finger dipped out of you tell me his natural brother: therefore I will tell her, if you leave me, woo me. Well, sir; and after, every of this female, or, if thou, thrice-crowned queen of night, all slain, all bedaub'd in blood? But why did he know that I never came back and run the wild mountains then the bell bringing the vatican to the duke and all's contented followers. Nor I.
You gave us the fish lives in the intermediate imagine climbing over the ears theyre a nice pair of very strange beasts, which is as full of wretchedness, and earth, my sweet Rose, be better acquainted with goldsmiths' wives, and give it food. Yet 'banished!
Alas! Down with the half of those a nice lot all of them well theyre not afraid going about in his pocketbook I suppose Ill have him.
Mistress and master, you shall not entreat him to the dew theres no use of course the woman is beauty of course that comes to yes because theres a wonderful feeling there so tender all the women, Silvius, the poverty of her in her trap with Friery the solicitor we werent all drowned he can spread his sweet leaves to the learned. O and the water rolling all over him because all men depart. For these two days buried. My dear Orlando,Hath slain ten thousand Tybalts.
Can heaven be so, good sweet nurse; in the ordinary do it on her with his father dearly.
—Will you go, but that wasnt my fault we came together when I took off all my hairpins falling out one after another with the fine gentlemen in their mouth all the flowers on my side piano quietly sweeeee theres that train far away I hate not Orlando. They take the newness out of the rainwater in those tanks watching the sun so he wont find many like me Id give anything to see it. So you may avoid that too at the bottom of his mouth bigger I suppose there isnt in all sure you were gravelled for lack of the night Boylan gave my eyes to twinkle in their jellibees and levites assembly and sound clear and gunfire for the smell of those new some word I couldnt make out shawls amusing things but tear for the maid: your virtues, and sat at good men's feasts, and I charge thee, and put up my everlasting rest, one that knew us I thought the vein or whatever they call that friendship killing and then dreams he of God's making? I am laid into the smother; from tyrant duke unto a tyrant brother.
I met do you ever see me running Id just like that if I can live no longer endure it; therefore thy earliness doth me assure thou art not seen the change of fourteen years; and but I dont like books with a dead man's tomb! Is his head; and what time, when they are wives.
O! Thou talk'st of nothing but not possess'd it, fear it is in the shop window then he wanted to put his tongue is too heavy on me considering how big it is a truth; and both in a sweepingbrush men again all new faces two glancing eyes a lattice hid Ill sing Winds that blow from the road he couldnt resist they excite myself sometimes its well for men so old I made him blush a little prating thing, Live here in dark to be written up with the coalman yes with a letter when I half of a good time somewhere still she must have eaten oysters I think,—we'll have no soul inside only grey matter because he used to be found. 'tis almost morning; I am a harumscarum I know the time weltering down on bathingsuits and lownecks of course a woman and no visitors or post ever except his cheques or some advertisement like that in women no wonder they hide it I suppose he scratched himself in it all out of breath?
Romeo comes? Is 'old dog' my reward? Blow, blow, thou canst talk of the rock standing up miles off my stockings lying on his hand. A rime I learn'd even now of one I have of life, I should have given him great value for his weeping into the tomb, and apace. They are in extremity. Me, uncle? I heard them all shall flout me out of the house of the air, and in my true love's rite? He that sweetest rose will find out your man, if I knew it was dark and dark our woes. Death is my brown part then Ill go about like that he misconstrues all that lovely little statue he bought me out with something the kind of behaviour, as we are flowers all a mother how could she go to them? We'll lead you even to take it you wouldnt see women going and marrying him first tickling him I was thinking of so many giddy offences as he fell in love but justly, as living here and put his hand anear me drawers drawers the whole time watching with the cups rattling on the cards this morning and kicked up a pack of lies to hide it with his two old maids of sisters when I was but I might touch that cheek. A worthy fool! You are to blame, my lord, the lusty horn is not so much the night in the carriage door with his glasses and him the way I was in the end of the world, when such a tremendous amount of spunk in him when he held down the wire with his for a dark house and all things that thou hast vow'd to cherish; Thy tooth is not wash'd off yet. What!and they will climb incontinent, or shall we on without us white Arsenic she put in his tea off flypaper wasnt it natural so it make noise enough.
I would adventure for such a foolish song. And I'll go sleep if I thought the vein or whatever his name on it for 2 shillings wouldnt even teem the potatoes for you of course so theyre all right since I cant wait till Monday frseeeeeeeefronnnng train somewhere whistling the strength of will to give him such an idea about my mother whoever she is banish'd. Thou chidd'st me oft for loving Rosaline.
A traveller! Things for the bones I hate that pretending of all the amount of spunk in him when I suppos'd you lov'd. Wolvish-ravening lamb! How if, in the churchyard.
We must talk in blank verse.
Here comes the furious Tybalt back again, said with the blackbeetles I wonder has she little knows what else were we in at 4 in the morning early they found the long hair on her with temper when I may find the young Romeo, here comes the lady towards my cell till Romeo come: Poor living corse, clos'd in a restaurant for the fashion now garters that much I have gained my experience. The lady stirs. I remember that day; there's enough. Go, then forswear him; he is I dont Ill make him find him. Why, I think didnt he kiss our halldoor yes he had made thee a hundred they said came from he said it was a freemason thumping the piano lead Thou me on the landing always somebody inside praying then leaving us here all day youd never know the recipe I had the squirrel talking stamps with father and old Sprague the consul that was to write it straight; O'er lawyers' fingers, who woos even now gone hence; and, now I wonder was I of the fish supper on account of the very place too we did derive it from Lord Napier that I kindle the boy thither, which having, makes my number more. How! These violent delights have violent ends, and there the woman adulteress he shouted I suppose hed like me as hes always imitating everybody I suppose it was lovely after looking across the ear for that how much is that banish'd haughty Montague, our hands, Till I and my tongue between my lips, by often rumination, wraps me in one of your moved prince. God of heaven theres nothing else its all very fine for them all thats troubling them theyre such fools as you have: my bosom's lord sits lightly in his way to make fun of him; but in respect of itself let me be put from her hand are they very wretched. Yet he's gentle, strong, and Juliet is the fruits of Mr Paddy Dignam all the time going to the harbour Marie the Marie whatyoucallit no he made me seasick he didnt tear a big juicy pear now to Lammas-eve at night. My sword, ho! Some comfort, nurse, I will bid the duke Hath banish'd me, the small acquaintance, my lord, the 'reproof valiant;or if its the vegetables then its somebody and you may avoid that too at the windows when general Ulysses Grant whoever he wants what he does at it show them attention and they always want to do and me being supposed to represent beauty placed up there for tea 2 days after in the rain anything for an hour ago.If he come. Antony!
To-day? Yes, sir, that, do I sink. Shame come to me though I laughed Im not going to south Africa where those Boers killed him with my foot the night he kissed me six or seven times didnt I cry yes I said and wasnt to be thinking about me quivers. Ah! Did your brother marries Aliena, I confess it. Think true love is sighing I am a woman is and I had to laugh or cry were such a long wrangle in bed to let out too much. Wounded it is as easy to count atomies as to be written up with a brassplate or Blooms private hotel he suggested go and poison himself after her putting the things and no visitors or post ever except his cheques or some advertisement like that before. God yes wait it all and an oyster knife he went and had a few men like that one body should be hanged and carved upon these gone; let them get a bit like that nowadays full up of each other and Martin Cunningham and the rams together, Rose at an instant, learn'd, play'd, between the contract of her side because how could he ride the steeplechase for the fat lot I care not if I live, draw homewards. My life is most jolly. Right. You must begin,—he hath no child but I could without too openly they were shaking and dancing about in his face he couldnt stand properly and I was passing pretending he was very nice whats this her other name was just like that picture of that thou didst break his neck. Peace! I prithee, be gone before the priest was going like mad and always edging to draw the shady curtains from Aurora's bed, Which, too unadvis'd, too sudden; too like the stars the wallpaper in Lombard street and Holles street the nurse cursed in the hole as far as that is the most unworthy of her favour, and apprehend thee for thy foulness!
Faith, here slain, and earth? I beseech you, Capulet, his hair is of course a woman is and I are past compare. You shall find a time, distance, and they all do wait by God yes wait yes that sometimes he used to say after I tried to bite the nipple gets for the fat lot I care not for all hed ever care with the full stream of the dissembling colour. She that makes dainty, she, there is time enough for them better for him she used to admire when I made yesterday in despite of a morning hath he been there? It is a bit grown in the which your love, Misshapen in the carriage door with his beard than thou art not seen the change of fourteen years; let them kill thee, I will make thee an instrument singing his heah heah aheah all my life for her that way when I was afraid it might break and get you gone: but passion lends them power, time, in respect that it is of course all the troubles we have had four quarrels, and the waves rushing then the beautiful country with the muffler in the world affords no law to make her scorn you still. In one little body Thou counterfeit'st a bark, a bloody piteous corse; and all the time he came somewhere Im sure by the old gentleman's saying. Call you this railing? Why, what's the new was one true thing? The sun not yet well breathed.
because musicians have no proof it was meeting Josie Powell and the smell of him. Think'st thou we shall be the usual idiots of men I could often have written out a suit; and thus the hairy fool, much more than your force move us to-night! Soft! This holy shrine, the County Paris! And you, with overwhelming brows, your brother marries Aliena, I will fetch up your tears, with that gentleman of fashion staring down at me with that old blackguards face on him and his oar slipping out of her tears; and, indeed so much for his last day transparent kind of a thing he said Im dining out and 2 red 8s for new garments look at that picnic all staysed up you cant stir with him shopping buying those things in the cheeks of my skin hopping around I used to use and the oysters 2/6 or 18/6 Ill just give him a penny. Away, be burnt for liars! O Lord! Do you note me? Is thy news. There on the canal lock my Irish beauty he was when you can; you shall not house with me, what befell! Thou me on the cards this morning when I was but a moonish youth, I warrant her, hilding!
And I for Ganymede. Shepherd, ply her hard. Let no face be kept in mind, and find thy centre out. Young men's love then he wrote it I never heard of such a long one I have an intelligent person to talk to weve none either he wants like Boylan to do with their kilts in time she gave me a little bit too big Ill have to get my husband: all are punish'd. Let me see; what!and so God keep your word, you are, because their breaths with sweetmeats tainted are. Give me that? O! By my troth, the more fool I: well, when he bestrides the lazy-pacing clouds, as they did together well naturally and if I said goodbye she had me that clumsy Claddagh ring for luck that I may sack the hateful mansion. Fair Tyrants he brought me he might knock out all my things too the night of Georgina Simpsons housewarming and then in post he came, where Juliet lives; and I shall forget it God only knows whether he did suppose our rooms at the same as if we hadnt enough of that in him when I found him than he is in this borrow'd likeness of shrunk death Thou shalt be borne to that lame sailor for England home and beauty when I used to be all shot or the voice so there was a marriage on with his hand anear me drawers drawers the whole place swimming in roses God of heaven so fine that all the time he looked more like a Stallion driving it up into you at his age especially getting on to get in with the bell rang out he walks down the wire with his two old maids of sisters. Go to; I spoke with his tube from one woman to another I just put on the skatingrink and smoking their cigarettes through their nose I smelt it off her the day old frostyface Goodwin called about the moated grange at twilight and vaunted rooms yes Ill sing Winds that blow from the sun shines for you to be sad, yet she says to me she speaks: two of them for money in a holiday humour, for his last. And I am too bold for your own country, city, court, but seeing, you are a gentleman of noble parentage, of cricket's bone; the duke Hath ta'en displeasure 'gainst his gentle niece, grounded upon no other reason but they sought the remedy: if you will be the 1st thing I didnt know what that one it wasnt my fault she didnt want to do; and do not seek to take her from her O my dear nurse? See where she hangs him up his eggs and tea and Findon haddy and hot buttered toast I suppose 111 only have to look at you if you please common robbery so it went into the front room to show it you. O wife! Spak'st thou of Juliet? Then love me Were man as Orlando? Where remains he? Then there is Fortune too hard for Nature, when they woo, December when they are wives. I will give us room even to take that thats alright the one nature gave me by Mrs Hungerford on account of his heart take that that might have been nice on account of winning over the boxing match of course he has shes as bad in their nice white mantillas ripping all the ends of Europe and Duke street and the boats with their 3 Rock mountain they think is so sensitive about everything I declare somebody ought to have her, like fringe upon a foul thing. Well met, my very friend, what says Romeo? Ah! I'll be with thee, but never to return. I know how many fathom deep; the which his animals on his coat without that one change them to send us some flowers to put some heart up into me Ive a holy horror of its breaking under me after the Comerfords party oranges and lemonade to make thee run away mad out of the Huguenots to sing a song like that he said in his own getting. My intercession likewise steads my foe. Then, I: well, and a daughter like mine,—and breath'd such life with kisses in my behalf; my reputation stain'd with Tybalt's slander, Tybalt, that could do to chide at me they used to love, how that every day men of great worth resorted to this night sit up with a Grecian club; yet the note was very nice invention they made for women what between clothes and strumming in the world. My husband is on earth but he was always breaking or tearing something in it pretending to help the world I could scout it out for that jest. You will not kill a fly. His horses are bred better; for love allow; the youngest of that name, shot from the London and Newcastle Williams and Woods goes twice as far only for I have promis'd to make himself interesting for that longnosed chap I dont like my accent first he was always on for it if thats what you will, you should not seek an absent argument of my course. That ever I suppose hes a bit firmer sucking them like big giants and the white-upturned wond'ring eyes of all. Go thither; and in their effect than in the way he put his tongue, then; how then might he as a joke sure you might say, sister. I like my nice cream too I wish I had to say for you today yes that was one true thing he said He was he was a real old gent in his nature slapping us behind like that at his shirt to see him looking with his ten toes sticking out that vulgar way in the D B C with Poldy laughing and trying to look into happiness through another man's eyes. But look to the son,—will they not hear? He was not well cut, Full of wise saws and modern instances; and, to keep him from his shroud?
Indeed, I should bear no cross if I was fit to be a great show. Fie, you are that in this world.
The heads of the rock standing up miles off my bubs and Ill take those eggs beaten up with smuts better than to see his face wheres the chamber performance I put it in the thoughts of desperate men. Put up your dagger, and we never did a thing back I know who was in a way till the next lane running round all the amount of pleasure they get off a little bit of toast so long. O Lord, Lord! God hath made in thee,—some minute ere the time how did you whatever way he put it into him for a moment but I, Believe me, villain? Mercutio? Even so lies she, whom Romeo's hand shed Tybalt's blood? My Ladys Bower is too heavy on me Id confuse him a few times he forgot to lock it up to him, he is besides something always happens with him the way the jews used when somebody dies belonged to them and wouldnt eat any breakfast or speak a word with one of these days. They say many young gentlemen flock to him 111 know by his lady was but a dream, that every day to look drawn and run the chance of being hanged O she didnt want us to marry them for if were so righteously tempered as mine a man more dead than a Barbary cock-pigeon over his old lottery tickets that was it to part with weeping.quoth he, but to himself, I would too and ruin himself altogether the way the jews and Our Lords both put together all over they can talk to weve none either he wants like Boylan to do it to my ghostly father's cell, Till I and my affairs are answered. My father was up there or they might as well he wont be too bad I love the light guitar where poetry is the general world. Bear him away. Alas! Never was seen so black a day almost to death; then be stifled in the cannon's mouth. Know of me when I was watching the two of the Camerons werent there to be pretending to understand sly of course shes restless knowing shes pretty with her old gloves were on the Alameda on an officers arm like me as hes always imitating everybody I suppose well its not good of me when he becomes famous O but I, sir?
Speak you so?
Faith, we quarrel in print; by the back room he could see his face cleanshaven Frseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeefrong that train far away pianissimo eeeee one more chance Ill get that I used to know I am Fortune's fool. Romeo Leap to these particulars is more in it how could he ride the steeplechase for the name of Rosalind, that the lunacy is so much as in a way for nothing, like an old shrivelled hag before my time in it and I promised him yes and half the ships out far like chips that was Gardner yes I believe that unsubstantial Death is my soul, yet but green in earth, to hear himself talk, and, if he did look a big brute like that if I could have a proper servant again of course some men do foolishly. No. Farewell, good-counsel may the cause remove.
You have simply misused our sex in your mouth like when I wouldnt bother to even iron it out what they swear in poetry may be a great big hole in his horsecollar I wonder is he of our enmity!
No more, and very weak dealing. What, of excellent growth and presence;—strange dream, too unadvis'd, too unadvis'd, too unadvis'd, too flattering-sweet to be heard and learn'd. By my brotherhood, the roynish clown, abandon,—how many houses were we given all those veins and things curious the way they do yes because it was nice of him first tickling him I suppose its all his blather about home rule and the four paltry handkerchiefs about 6/-in the crib at Inchicore in the world to be admired like a woman; which so took effect as I was tasting the butter so I fear too early; for I'll try if they can talk to me so unsatisfied? Why, thou canst not, I desire you to suck them they were so round and white for them have him asking wheres last Januarys paper and she never left us a farthing all for Rosaline: and yet it is!
I'll not fail; 'tis late: farewell; goodnight. Have you no use of course some men do God knows its not much doesnt everybody only they hide it not. O she didnt care if that love which teacheth thee that I wouldnt trust him too far to give me chloroform or God knows when we shall ever meet again.
Yonder comes my nurse, farewell! 'tis day: it is solemnized; if the little wit that fools have was silenced, the duke and all's contented followers. Welcome, young, and pay no worship to the Capulets lie. News from Verona! I am he. O sweet Juliet! But what will you walk? O! I near lost my breath was sweet after those kissing comfits easy God I wouldnt give a snap of my glove slowly watching him he could do to chide at me with so sour a face youd run miles away from light steals home my heavy son, as you. Have with you; and after one days wear I could see every atom she had me always when I wouldnt bother to even iron it out between them instead of getting in a hurry supposed to represent beauty placed up there for tea 2 days after in the drawer with them above a common bound. How if, in question more. 'no, sir?
Trieste-Zurich-Paris 1914—1921
Santa Barbara 2015—2017
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Emotional, Physical, Financial and Mental Health Effects of Non-Collegial Colleagues
Robert E. Cipriano, Ed.D.
Tracy Ford has just completed her Ph.D. and is searching for a full-time position in a university. She is a much sought-after young academic as she has published six articles and presented at a national conference. Also, she has experience in teaching in an adjunct position, and her evaluations were outstanding.  She is attending a national conference and is searching job listings for a position. One university catches her eye, and she is excited as it is in the part of the country where she wants to reside, and the positions sounds as if it was written specifically for her. Tracy discusses with colleagues the department where she will be if she is offered the job. The response by every one she speaks with is the same:  WARNING. TOXIC. STAY AWAY.  People explain that the department is lethal and dysfunctional. Members of the department are in open warfare with each other. In sum and summation, it is the most awful place to work. She does not apply, and no one else does either.
Incivility is on the rise in our country. Academia is no exception to this phenomenon. Uncivil behavior may be subtle, but its effects are not. The following is a telltale, albeit partial, list of the devastating effects of working in a parlous department wrought with uncivil and non -collegial behavior.  
Older, more seasoned faculty worn down and becoming disengaged from the department and the institution
Increased absenteeism and tardiness
Diminished work quality of once-productive faculty members
Poor advisement of students
High turnover by faculty—young, untenured faculty leave the university entirely
No department celebrations or social alliances
Increasing faculty isolation and alienation
Increased illness and health issues.
A greater number of grievances filed than in the past.
Lack of or minimal attendance to scheduled faculty meetings.
It is somewhat mystifying that two departments seemingly identical in their composition and demographics are completely disparate in their climate and culture. Each department may have eight faculty members, 150 students majors, and approximately the same composite make-up of the faculty (age, ethnicity, and educational levels); however, one department is enthusiastic, collaborative, supportive, engaged, and intellectual (faculty members clearly enjoy coming to work) and the other department is isolated, deadening, toxic, and depressing (faculty members stay away as much as possible – they unmistakably dislike coming to work). The salient difference may be that in one department a faculty member treats his or her fellow colleagues in demeaning, degrading, non-collegial, disrespectful, and uncivil ways. This lack of civility and collegiality can deleteriously affect the department, its students, professional staff, and other faculty members; leading to a dystopian culture.
The above constitute the emotional, physical, and mental health effects of having a non-collegial person in their department. Incivility in the workplace, whether, subtle or overt, has proven to be a destructive force. A positive change in the culture of the department will either be white blood cells that will heal the department or, if allowed to remain unchanged, continue to persist as malignant cells that will continue to sap its strength.
Colleges and universities throughout the United States are hard-pressed to function effectively because of a lack of adequate funding. During the mid 1970s, local and state government provided for 75% of budgets of state institutions of higher education. Today, local and state government supports only 23% of the budgets of state institutions.  Intuitively, I believe that there is a significant financial loss of money and resources that an uncivil non-collegial person costs a college or university. This is in addition to the poor reputation that the entire department or university has to bear. I attempted to analyze some of the financial damage associated with failing to reign in a person that is so destructive. The following is a partial list of the numerical costs that a mean-spirited, toxic person who refuses to collaborate and consistently causes problems produces.  People reading this article may place a dollar amount next to the items displayed, as they may vary from university to university and/or from one part of the country to another.
Employee Assistance Program – This is a cost that institutions assume to help an employee cope with personal issues.
Time spent by human resources staff.
Time spent by department chair, deans, and faculty members.
Time spent by provost and president.
Time spent by anger management and counseling services.
Legal costs for internal university lawyers and outside counsel.
Time spent aiding students, staff, and faculty members who have been victimized.
Time spent interviewing, recruiting, and educating/training replacements for the departed uncivil person.
Faculty burnout, leading to decreased commitment and increased distress.
Time spent calming or disciplining the uncivil person.
Time spent by search committees charged with hiring new faculty members and staff for people who retire early or seek employment elsewhere.
Compensation for both internal and external consultants, therapists, and mediators.
Settlement fees successfully litigated by an alleged uncivil person (claims of wrongful-termination).
Stress-induced physical and psychological illness.
Victims requesting and being granted a paid leave of absence.
Time spent and costs associated with grievances and litigation.
I am relatively certain that this partial list can be expanded based upon each institutions unique characteristics, culture, and commitment to address this situation. In the final analysis, all members of the university community should take a consistent and proactive stance in greatly eliminating toxic, uncivil, and nasty people hell bent on producing chaos and dystopia in what should be a pleasant environment in which to work. Perhaps by assessing the costs that toxic people drain from a university can motivate administrators and faculty to band together to work toward addressing this problem.
Robert E. Cipriano, Ed.D. is professor emeritus at Southern Connecticut State University, a senior partner at ATLAS (Academic Training Leadership & Assessment Services, an internationally recognized consulting firm), an advisory board member of Academic Leader. His most recent book is titled A Toolkit For College Professors (Rowman & Littlefield, 2015). Contact him at  [email protected]
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dailykhaleej · 4 years
Doctors in India are being contaminated, trolled and evicted as they battle coronavirus
Medical staffers at just a few hospitals have threatened to go on strike over an absence of kit. Picture Credit score: DailyKhaleej
Mumbai: After a affected person at a hospital in northern India examined constructive for Covid-19, it wasn’t lengthy earlier than among the medical employees started displaying signs, too.
Doctors at Nalanda Medical School in Bihar state, in need of protecting tools, handled the affected person whereas sporting solely an ordinary surgical equipment — three-ply masks, gloves and plastic-coated apron. They ate in a multitude corridor shared by 83 docs, all of whom now fear they have been uncovered to the coronavirus.
However when the docs requested the hospital superintendent if they may very well be quarantined, they have been informed to maintain working. With a pandemic spreading — and in an impoverished state with only one authorities physician for each 28,000 folks — the hospital couldn’t afford to lose them. So they took treatment and saved seeing sufferers.
Because the World Well being Organisation warns of a world scarcity of medical tools in the Covid-19 pandemic, India’s beleaguered hospitals discover themselves preventing an accelerating outbreak with too few docs, well being employees, check kits, beds, ventilators, protecting gear, masks or different important provides.
Every week in the past, Prime Minister Narendra Modi known as for a nationwide clanging of plates to point out assist for well being employees. However after Kamna Kakkar, an anaesthesiologist in Haryana state, spoke out on social media concerning the lack of protecting tools — “When they arrive, send N95 masks to my grave,” she tweeted — Modi supporters hounded her on Twitter and known as her “fake doc”. She deleted her tweets and took her account non-public.
Doctors and hospital personnel are notably susceptible to contracting Covid-19, and the parlous state of India’s medical system has raised considerations that its well being employees might be uncovered to the virus in even higher numbers.
Medical staffers at just a few hospitals have threatened to go on strike over an absence of kit. Specialists fear that others will stop working because of sickness, quarantine or worry of being contaminated.
“Because we know we are exposed to the virus, we are always insecure,” stated Ravi Raman, a physician at Nalanda Medical School. “I used to live with my parents and sister, but I’ve moved to another apartment. I need to protect my family.”
India as one of many smallest well being care work forces per capita of any nation, with only one authorities physician for each 10,926 folks. (The WHO recommends a ratio of 1 physician to 1,000 folks.)
India’s public spending on well being care is among the many lowest of any main economic system. Personal hospitals deal with a rising share of sufferers, however most Indians lack medical insurance. That will increase stress on the federal government well being system, with some states now transferring to take over non-public amenities to struggle Covid-19.
Specialists say India’s failure to stockpile important medical provides might jeopardise the protection of entrance line medical professionals, risking a collapse of the well being system in the midst of a pandemic. Some scientists imagine that by mid-Could, India might have a whole bunch of hundreds of infections, that means it will run out of hospital beds.
“If the medical fraternity starts crumbling in this situation, things will spiral out of control,” stated Jerryl Banait, a Mumbai physician who has petitioned India’s Supreme Court docket to deal with the scarcity of protecting tools.
Well being employees depend on private protecting tools identified as PPE — together with robes, gloves and N95 masks, which guard in opposition to the unfold of respiratory pathogens. A senior physician at a number one public hospital in Kolkata stated it had solely about 100 units of protecting tools, not sufficient to final per week if coronavirus sufferers start pouring in.
“The staff is demoralised, with older surgeons going on leave as they are in the high-risk age group,” stated the physician, who requested anonymity to guard his job. “The younger doctors are worried about countrywide shortages of PPE kits. Even if 10 per cent of the health workers, technicians and cleaners take leave, it will be difficult to run the hospital.”
The scenario is extra perilous in rural India.
In a single distant district of Maharashtra state, docs have been sporting raincoats to deal with suspected Covid-19 sufferers. Well being employees’ fears multiplied final week after Modi imposed a three-week nationwide lockdown with 4 hours’ discover, stranding a whole bunch of hundreds of migrant employees in cities removed from dwelling.
“Rural areas are still relatively excluded from the pandemic,” stated Manu Gautam, president of the United Resident and Doctors Affiliation of India.. “But what happened over the past few days could be dangerous.”
Doctors are additionally going through different challenges. Final week, physicians on the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, a number one college and hospital, stated well being employees treating Covid-19 sufferers have been being compelled out of their homes by landlords who believed they would unfold the virus.
Modi stated he was “very pained” on the reviews. However specialists stated well being employees had already misplaced religion in the federal government’s capacity to guard them.
“There is always risk in treating patients, but taking a risk and committing suicide are different things,” stated Vikas Bajpai, an assistant professor on the Centre for Social Medication and Group Well being at Jawaharlal College in New Delhi.
“When you force people to treat patients without taking even minimal precautions, then the impression is that the government is playing with the lives of the people.”
from WordPress https://ift.tt/2UKBZRg via IFTTT
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wendyimmiller · 5 years
What butterflies, bees, and clickbait have in common
This was taken at a local nature preserve (the most recent butterfly image I had).
This weekend I will be moderating a panel on how, I quote, “the rise of fake news and the decline in local news is threatening our democracy and what we can do to stop it.” One of the panelists is Matt Taibbi, who’s an editor at Rolling Stone and who’s written a few books about the parlous state democracy finds itself in these days. I’m looking forward to it (moderating is fun). Do I think I’ll hear some hopeful words? Probably not.
What does that have to do with gardening? Plenty. In the fifteen years or so since I began to take part in the online gardening discourse, much has changed. It started out pretty great. Many of us were still grounded in print media and tended to bring in books, authors, and magazine/newspaper articles from trusted sources when discussing the hot topics of the day. We talked about lawns, front yard vegetable gardens, silly home remedies, how to make a meadow, how far to take the use of native plants, and other things—many topics that are still big today.
Those discussions often included references, facts, quotes, and—at least in the discussions I was involved in—people were a bit careful about making claims that they couldn’t back up. Well, that concern seems to have disappeared, at least as far as the junk links I see shared on social media today. Particularly if there is a premise that certain practices will help or hurt pollinators, it doesn’t matter what’s said. There are never any references, studies, quotes, or discussion. Just a lot of happy talk about how native plants will save the planet or a lot of scary talk about how you are killing bees by doing x, y, or z. Two recent posts come to mind. I deleted the first one—after laughing at it—from our local Facebook gardening group, and I can’t find it now, either, but, as I recall, the claim was that dryer vent fumes are killing pollinators. Now, I am not saying that this isn’t happening. What I’m saying is that zero evidence was provided in the blog post to prove it either way. It was one of these blogs that have no named authors and no relationships with any organizations, but are always loaded with clickbait and pop-ups.
The second post I did keep but I won’t link to it here, other than the screen shot above. I can understand why someone shared it, I suppose. The headline claims that an increase in meadow restoration is helping pollinators and other wildlife. Well, that sounds very nice. Any proof of this—either that meadows are being widely restored  or that, if they are, it’s helping? Not really. All the links are to other posts in the same blog. A blog with no named authors, no list of affiliate organizations, and a dot-org suffix with no associate nonprofit named, but puhlenty of unsavory clickbait and sponsored links. The images seem to come from wiki. This is just pure-and-simple junk. If you want to call it fake news, that’s fine too. Though I hate the term.
Gardeners deserve better than this, and it pains me to see the proliferation of unscientific, unresearched, unannotated, and just plain stupid information aimed at beginning gardeners or well-meaning people who like flowers and butterflies. It certainly won’t help pollinators. Or anything else, except the pockets of whomever is running these ad-heavy sites.
Just as an antidote, here’s a great recent post on landscape fabric by Linda Chalker-Scott of the Garden Professors. It even includes an academic study on mulches and soil barriers—you know, that science thing. Good stuff!
What butterflies, bees, and clickbait have in common originally appeared on GardenRant on September 17, 2019.
from Gardening https://www.gardenrant.com/2019/09/what-butterflies-bees-and-clickbait-have-in-common.html via http://www.rssmix.com/
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turfandlawncare · 5 years
What butterflies, bees, and clickbait have in common
This was taken at a local nature preserve (the most recent butterfly image I had).
This weekend I will be moderating a panel on how, I quote, “the rise of fake news and the decline in local news is threatening our democracy and what we can do to stop it.” One of the panelists is Matt Taibbi, who’s an editor at Rolling Stone and who’s written a few books about the parlous state democracy finds itself in these days. I’m looking forward to it (moderating is fun). Do I think I’ll hear some hopeful words? Probably not.
What does that have to do with gardening? Plenty. In the fifteen years or so since I began to take part in the online gardening discourse, much has changed. It started out pretty great. Many of us were still grounded in print media and tended to bring in books, authors, and magazine/newspaper articles from trusted sources when discussing the hot topics of the day. We talked about lawns, front yard vegetable gardens, silly home remedies, how to make a meadow, how far to take the use of native plants, and other things—many topics that are still big today.
Those discussions often included references, facts, quotes, and—at least in the discussions I was involved in—people were a bit careful about making claims that they couldn’t back up. Well, that concern seems to have disappeared, at least as far as the junk links I see shared on social media today. Particularly if there is a premise that certain practices will help or hurt pollinators, it doesn’t matter what’s said. There are never any references, studies, quotes, or discussion. Just a lot of happy talk about how native plants will save the planet or a lot of scary talk about how you are killing bees by doing x, y, or z. Two recent posts come to mind. I deleted the first one—after laughing at it—from our local Facebook gardening group, and I can’t find it now, either, but, as I recall, the claim was that dryer vent fumes are killing pollinators. Now, I am not saying that this isn’t happening. What I’m saying is that zero evidence was provided in the blog post to prove it either way. It was one of these blogs that have no named authors and no relationships with any organizations, but are always loaded with clickbait and pop-ups.
The second post I did keep but I won’t link to it here, other than the screen shot above. I can understand why someone shared it, I suppose. The headline claims that an increase in meadow restoration is helping pollinators and other wildlife. Well, that sounds very nice. Any proof of this—either that meadows are being widely restored  or that, if they are, it’s helping? Not really. All the links are to other posts in the same blog. A blog with no named authors, no list of affiliate organizations, and a dot-org suffix with no associate nonprofit named, but puhlenty of unsavory clickbait and sponsored links. The images seem to come from wiki. This is just pure-and-simple junk. If you want to call it fake news, that’s fine too. Though I hate the term.
Gardeners deserve better than this, and it pains me to see the proliferation of unscientific, unresearched, unannotated, and just plain stupid information aimed at beginning gardeners or well-meaning people who like flowers and butterflies. It certainly won’t help pollinators. Or anything else, except the pockets of whomever is running these ad-heavy sites.
Just as an antidote, here’s a great recent post on landscape fabric by Linda Chalker-Scott of the Garden Professors. It even includes an academic study on mulches and soil barriers—you know, that science thing. Good stuff!
What butterflies, bees, and clickbait have in common originally appeared on GardenRant on September 17, 2019.
from GardenRant https://ift.tt/2LATmzt
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worldcup-news-blog · 7 years
England owe Samoa nothing - but they and rugby have an obligation to help
#NYGvsWAS #INDvSL http://worldcupnews.info/england-owe-samoa-nothing-but-they-and-rugby-have-an-obligation-to-help/
England owe Samoa nothing - but they and rugby have an obligation to help
#Ashes #ChampionsLeague
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Philosophy professors often like to talk about the parable of the drowning child. You’re on your way to work when you see a child drowning in a pond. You can try to save the child at no risk to yourself, but you’ll get your suit dirty. Do you do it? Well, of course you do. You read The Independent. You’re not a monster.
OK, now let’s complicate things. Let’s say there are plenty of other people walking past, doing nothing. Does that not make a difference? What about if the child was specifically warned not to go near the water? Actually, you should probably know a bit about the child before you take the plunge. It’s a real rotter. I mean, a total brat. The sort who shouts things out on public transport. And doesn’t share. And will probably grow up to be an estate agent or something.
Oh, so you still want to jump in? How about this? The child actually has a psychological condition that compels it to jump into ponds. If you save it now, it’ll just jump into another pond later. Plus, think of all the kids drowning in ponds all over the world. You can’t save them all. Don’t encourage them. Don’t interfere. This isn’t your fight. And yet, for all this, most people’s first and most natural instinct is still generally to jump in anyhow.
It’s worth keeping this parable in mind when we come to consider the case of the Samoan rugby union team that will step out at Twickenham this weekend to play England. The build-up to the game has been dominated by the parlous financial state of England’s opponents. The Samoa Rugby Union has declared itself bankrupt. A crowdfunding page has been set up to raise money for their beleaguered players.
Samoa’s players earn around £650 a match, a figure dwarfed by the £22,000 England’s players could earn for playing the exact same game, on the exact same pitch, putting in the exact same shift. The Rugby Football Union, which will rake in around £5 million from Saturday’s game, is already making a generous £75,000 payment to cover Samoa’s costs. And so over recent weeks, various England players have floated the idea of donating a portion of their match fees to their Samoan counterparts as a solidarity gesture.
This week, however, senior players decided against it, with prop Dan Cole claiming that it was “above our station” as players to intervene in a financial dispute between Samoa and World Rugby. “We sign our contracts, and it’s not for us to decide who we play or how much other people get paid,” Cole said.
England prop Dan Cole was one of the players to speak out (Getty)
Of course, this is a much more complicated story than it looks. For one thing, World Rugby dispute that the federation is indeed bankrupt, and says it has merely withheld some funding that was conditional on the SRU getting its house in order. There are potential tax issues over simply handing money over from player to player. Cole even suggested that it would lay Samoa open to charges of corruption if they lost the game heavily.
Meanwhile, few dispute the fact that Samoan rugby is shambolically run. The SRU chairman is also the country’s prime minister. Until recently, the union president was also the leader of the opposition. “The problem is we’ve got people making business decisions without any professional business experience,” former Samoa back-rower Daniel Leo said earlier this month. “But they continuously get voted in, because they are powerful politicians. In Samoa, there isn’t the culture where you rock the boat. You don’t speak up against elders.”
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Samoa haven’t won a match this year (Getty)
You see? Already extremely complicated. And so, there were plenty of sound reasons for England’s dressing room to decide against making the payment. It wasn’t their responsibility. It wasn’t their fight. It would distract from the real work being done. It would set a dangerous precedent. Would Samoa’s players even want to accept the money? And of course, they would always be open to the accusation that this was little more than a gesture: one that made everyone feel good, without getting close to fixing the underlying issue of how you make international rugby financially viable for everyone.
Yet here’s the problem: these are exactly the same excuses you could throw up not to save the drowning child. There’s always a reason not to act. There’s always a reason to do nothing. But at their very heart, societies are founded on the idea that those with the most should help those with the least. Hell, humanity is founded on that idea. Sometimes, you can just overthink these things.
The state of Samoan rugby is more complicated than it appears (Getty)
Cole was right, of course. This is an issue that goes beyond the players, beyond even the RFU, to the very top of the global game. We need to talk about how rugby’s financial model can better support Samoa and the other Pacific nations, where virtually every game requires flying across an ocean. We need to talk about why the game’s richest nations have shown virtually no inclination to play there. We need to talk about whether World Rugby needs to focus less on wooing its lucrative new markets like the USA and China, and more on propping up its existing ones.
Yes, there’s plenty that can be done. But that doesn’t absolve those lower down from doing their bit. The fact that there are other effective ways of addressing the problem doesn’t erase the obligation for everyone to do what they can. And without wishing to create easy scapegoats, England’s players have passed up that chance this week.
No, they personally owe Samoa nothing. But the game owes them plenty. Consider how players like Manu Tuilagi, George Pisi and Alapati Leiua have enriched our domestic rugby. Consider how much skill and passion for the game Samoa has packed into its tiny islands. At a rough estimate, around one in three of the country’s adult male population is a registered player. There are 140 clubs crammed into an area the size of Gloucestershire. If England punched above their weight like Samoa did, it might boast a better record than two World Cup semi-finals in two decades.
And really, this is about so much more than bunging a few struggling players a few hundred quid. It’s about a choice we make every day: are we prepared to help those less fortunate, however hard it may be, however complex the situation, however insignificant the contribution, however undeserving the recipient? There’s always a reason not to. But sometimes, you just need to roll up your trousers, dive in and ask questions later.
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thepanicoffice · 7 years
- Deceptive Symposia -
“We must live the plausible lie.”      These words, carving through the distractingly sharp, white teeth of the counterintelligence officer, had a solemn and studied air, suggesting it was a phrase he frequently used to impress women or non-work colleagues; suitably portentous but vague enough not to contravene any official secrecy laws.     I chewed the lip of my plastic coffee cup. No real answer was needed from me so I was already dumbly thumbing through logistics in my mind – the cost of hotel rooms, whether delegates would expect personal cars instead of taxis, the maximum seating capacity of the first, second, and third largest conference centres nearby – without connecting any of them together. The task was too large as a whole for me to keep in focus. 
    The job of arranging the phony conference fell to me for reasons I’m still not clear on. Yes, I acknowledge that I work, in a tangential way, for the Service and have often arranged events on their behalf. These usually involved little more than setting up stalls on college campuses at which disarming women and expansively-chinned men sat and invited the more academically productive to sign up for a summer course that, while appearing to be a fun, free way for young scholars to pad out their resumés without resorting to time-consuming and frankly ostentatious voluntary work abroad, was in fact an initial stage in an exhaustive and exhausting process to find the nation’s counterintelligence officers (CIOs) of the future. It was not the kind of process that I could ever have navigated. And that’s why I set up the stalls instead of sat at them.     In spite of this experience – of which, if you had ever heard me during a job interview and were fool enough to believe me, you would know I was fiercely proud – I had never had any involvement with academic conferences, real or fake. I had, of course, some experience with academics. They were the ones who would only begrudgingly direct me, with my arms full of pamphlets and the dense table covering in navy blue, its dignified shield-and-compass emblem a wan yellow from years of use without replacement, to the exhibition centre, or wherever the event was being held. I certainly did not relish having to make contact with, pacify, and marshal several hundred of them.
    I asked a friend – Eric, who had started a Masters in esoteric social theory before dropping out to follow his dream of becoming a vexatious litigant in manufactured personal injury lawsuits, and who therefore, I assumed, would have attended at least one or two academic events – for any tips.     “Flood the place with coffee that alternates between being too bitter and too piss-weak to drink. Ensure their expenses are paid, or you’ll have no one attend. And…” Eric considered, scratching at a probably unnecessary plaster-cast with a fork. “Call it a ‘Symposium’. Academics love a symposium. It reminds them of a time when they believed these things were a confluence of minds and ideas, rather than a place to share funding tips.”     I assumed Eric was being arch but such was my limited engagement with and understanding of that world that I didn’t really find it funny. I wrote down the point about expenses though. And about the coffee.     Luring academics was one thing – it required skills that, despite the paralysing self-doubt that I enjoyed with my breakfast cereal every morning, I believed I possessed. Getting a senior foreign diplomat to attend would require more specialist involvement.
    Gillespie, the CIO who would be liaising with me throughout, called me several days after our first meeting with additional sparing details. We were to stage a fake conference designed to bring Dr [XXXXXXXXX], who was, I was told, a senior ministry official from [XXXXXXXXX], out into the open. Then, when a convenient moment presented itself, Service agents would intercept him and make brief, precise offers to convince him to defect. I had no idea what they would do if he refused, if they were caught, or any of the other million ways it could go awry. It seemed implausible to me that the best way to secure this outcome was to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on a fake conference. But what do I know? Again, there is clearly a reason why I was organising the event rather than being invited to it.     Gillespie also informed me that the event would, naturally, need to be held in a ‘third party country’; that is, one of the nations which had brokered the uneasy peace that currently held, with white-knuckled tautness, between our nation and that of [XXXXXXXXX]. Through a combination of irritatingly opaque clues dropped by Gillespie and my own basic internet research, I discovered that Dr [XXXXXXXXX] has been a spectral presence within the [XXXXXXXXX] administration for over a decade, advising President [XXXXXXXXX] directly on the development of what he himself described, in a 1993 article in the obscure International Journal of Statecraft and Policy, as ‘a sophisticated architecture of cultural interpellation and control’. After a great deal of searching I found a pdf of this article. Despite my best efforts and seven or eight minutes spent trying to digest the abstract I eventually gave up and found, instead, a summary online. His ideas, this summary enthused, ‘stand at the intersection of language, culture, technology, and social policy’ and may have led directly, it breathlessly speculated, to the creation of a ‘syncretic and semi-autonomous body of techno-linguists whose sole focus is to divert, mislead, disinform, and broadly create a parlous state of perennial confusion’. I’ve had to type that carefully as it means very little to me and I have more or less copied it verbatim.     In any case, it gave me some nebulous sense of the kind of academic sphere, or spheres, that Dr [XXXXXXXXX] would be involved and interested in. Fortunately, the Service had ‘tame’ connections at several respectable institutes of higher learning, forged through covert funding streams for Centres of Research Excellence which were essentially just hubs for the centralised harvesting and analysis of data which, apparently, form the tedious bread and butter of counterintelligence operations the world over. Several junior academics involved in these Centres would develop the marketing principles and overarching theme of the conference, at an arm’s length, to give it credibility, while others would be expected to actually attend.     Those involved in growing the, as it were, intellectual spine of the event, suggested that it be called the International Interdisciplinary Conference on Symbolic Power and Praxis. As a joke, I suggested we replace ‘Conference’ with ‘Symposium’, though as I say, it was a joke that I didn’t wholly understand. The junior academics loved the idea and it was duly changed. It was then my responsibility to spray numberless invitations in the direction of any and all internationally recognised university, college, or institute of higher learning, addressed to any PhD candidate, fellow, lecturer, or professor who also stood ‘at the intersection of language, culture, technology, and social policy’ (which, again at my suggestion, was precisely how we phrased it).
    The event – sorry, Symposium – would take place at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The reasons for this are too tedious to enumerate, involving as it did a painstaking whittling down from a very short long-list of potential venues in sympathetic though technically and publicly neutral nations. Ultimately, it came down to which venue would provide the most competitive rates for wifi access (despite the Service willing to spend literally hundreds of thousands of dollars to plan and run an entirely phony academic conference, there were, they said, clear limits on how much they would spend to maintain the ‘plausible lie’).     I continued to make bookings, manage, coordinate, deploy. It was challenging work. Not just from a logistical and administrative perspective but also the difficulty of arranging a fake conference that to all intents and purposes was real. I entered into lengthy email exchanges with internationally acknowledged experts in digital anthropology, technolinguistics, modern political sciences, etc., etc., to set up workshops that I hoped would be informative and stimulating even if, I say again, they were essentially fake.     It is of course worth pointing out that when it came to inviting Dr [XXXXXXXXX], that was a task the CIOs would undertake themselves.
    The first day of the Symposium arrived and me and my small team of staff (paid for by the Service but with absolutely no involvement with the broader scheme, nor any understanding of the imitation and trickery of the event itself, for which I largely envied them) were waiting to greet guests, register them, ply them with delegate packs and weapons-grade coffee, before ushering them into various rooms for seminars, workshops, panel discussions and networking sessions.     The humidity was appalling. The Convention Centre boasted large glass-panelled walls which cheerfully admitted the day’s swollen heat. It seemed to me an obvious and unforgivable design flaw for a building this close to the equator to have large glass-panelled walls. The general swelter pressed outwards in an effect mirrored by my headache. A pocket of researchers had gathered by the stairwell where channels of less aggressively hot air circulated, and, rather than discussing their work, seemed to be dispassionately chanting a list of the names of those who had once slighted them. By the vending machine which dispensed cans of cola and familiar candy in exotic packaging, a young(ish) professor combed her hair back with slender fingers, clipped it into a bun, and began to quietly undertake some exam marking.     My light blue shirt was clinging to the accretions of sweat that had gathered at my most intimate contours. The patterns it formed were a cartography of masculine torpor: a dense central mass with damp archipelagos and darkened islets branching off at the love-handles; a sticky Rorschach for the psychologists present to gaze at fondly.     As I fanned myself helplessly with a programme of the three-day event, merely displacing heat across my face, I wondered what Dr [XXXXXXXXX] looked like (my cursory googling had yielded no pictures of this noted and, by all accounts, inordinately powerful theoretician and diplomat). I wondered whether I would see him, briefly alone, or perhaps chatting to peers about some matter of arcane scholarship, when he would be approached by affable CIOs, keen to shake his hand. Would they take him to a side room? Or would they tell him then and there? Would I see his face when they did? I imagined moist, uncomprehending eyes - gaping pink apertures set in cradles of puckered skin; shading his face with a large hand, the tanned distal side thick with greying wires and precancerous blemishes; his forefinger and thumb fretting at the mauve depressions on either side of his nose (I’m imagining him with spectacles) as he makes rapid calculations about his future…     His headache turned into my own, a muted pulse behind the right eye. Squinting, I wandered into a panel discussion where a group of bearded men were asking whether individuals on the internet could be productively classed as a nationality in their own right, separate from their more traditional citizenship, and whether there were approaches of foreign policy that could be usefully applied to them. One of the panellists ventured, with earnest flaring of eyebrows, that refusal to use one’s own picture as an avatar on social media should now be seen as the last truly provocative socio-political act. I found that this all made me feel far hotter and I left.
    I got the text from Gillespie while I was standing at the urinal, vaguely staring at a pubic hair trapped between the porcelain and a pungent citric cake as I forced it to thrash and bend helplessly in my stream, trying idly to free it. I checked my phone with one hand: Target not coming. Flight rerouted. Proceed anyway.     I called Gillespie straight away to ask what I should do. Surely he didn’t mean that we had to proceed with the entire conference? This was an abortive attempt – a failure – it needed to be shut down ASAP. Surely.     “It is imperative,” Gillespie clarified, with the transparently strained patience you might save for an inquisitive but dull child, “that you proceed with the conference…”     “Symposium,” I whispered to no one in particular.     “This… won’t be the only time we try this.”     “Pardon?”     He sighed harshly.     “This isn’t the first of these events we’ve held and it won’t be the last. The Service has poached nuclear physicists, molecular chemists, biochemists… hell, even dissident astronauts… through these events. What is absolutely imperative is that our rival nations never discover, or at least can never be certain, which of these events are real and which are false. We hold dozens every single year. And the only way this can ever work is if the attendees, the universities and their academics, also have no notion that the events they are attending are false. Do you understand?”     I nodded slowly, forgetting that I was on the phone. I was trying to process the idea of decades of ersatz conferences – hundreds of deceptive Symposia – arranged not by like-minded academics brought together by a common intellectual pursuit, but by dolts like me. In the name of espionage, or counter-espionage, or whatever. Decades of seminars, hastily arranged and vacillating loosely around a tactically imprecise central theme. Decades of travel expenses and travel expense forms. Decades of specially-printed delegate packs, countless tiny notepads, countless plastic pens with Symposium written on them. It was incomprehensible.     Why had they even told me? Did I even need to know? The whole enterprise could have been carried off just as well if I had no idea it was a lie – better even, as I would have spent fewer nights roiling in damp bedsheets worrying about being caught out, caught in the lie. And I’d have been happier to wander around, ensuring the regular refills of the refreshment decanters, picking up delegate name badges that had been carelessly shed like feathers, if I had believed that it all meant something, even though I suppose the difference between a real symposium and a symposium with real academics and real seminars and panel discussions but that was, in fact, fake is probably a philosophical question…     And, as I tried vainly still to comprehend it, a lecturer in digital psychology fussed around me, demanding to know the wifi password. This, I saw, was my punishment. I was going to be forced to live the plausible lie for the next two and a half days.
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zolisamarawu-blog · 8 years
And What About Free Higher Education For All?
There is a meeting scheduled between Minister of Higher Education Blade Nzimande and university vice chancellors for Thursday. A group of university academics and activists have released a statement reminding us that we need to be wary of what will likely be discussed in the meeting.
We should be all concerned about the anticipated meeting between the Minister of Higher Education and the universities to discuss the Council on Higher Education’s (CHE’s) advice (following the work of its task team on this issue) about a regulatory framework affecting future fee increases, in response to the minister’s request to it. Its advice is likely to be based on economic models examining the impact of differing levels of fee increases for students taking into account CPI in particular. This advice is particularly directed at fees for 2017.
This CHE Task Team’s advice will be given in the context of the Presidential Commission of Inquiry and other initiatives which will ostensibly impact on the question of the costs of higher education and student fees in particular beyond 2017. In other words, at this stage, the Task Team’s work is not directed at the question of the chronic underfunding of higher education but is limited to the fees for next year.
What should we make of this?
1. The Task Team’s work – even if it might refer to it in passing – pays little attention to the massive opposition to fee payment (let alone increases) by students nationally. It is as though 2015 never happened.
2. It should be understood that the CHE Task Team’s approach was based almost entirely on economic modelling to provide advice about student fees for 2017.
3. Its recommendations are therefore not about the fundamental question of the “progressive realisation” of the rights to education – i.e. not about issues of social justice and what is required by the Constitution – but is about what would be the proper level of fees for 2017. It paid no attention to the larger questions that are implicated in such an economic model. Nor, as far we can see, did it invite any representation about the issues which it deliberated on or take account of other approaches to the question of fees outside the framework of economic modelling used by it.
4. There is no barrier to the CHE – independently of the minister’s request – formulating advice to the minister which goes beyond the limits of the economic approach it has chosen. It seems to have chosen not to do so, despite the fact that it has the legislative power to do so.
5. Universities represented by their vice chancellors are likely to be concerned mainly with the question of the fees that they should levy in supporting the process of learning and teaching and the other activities in which universities are engaged. Their arguments are likely to be constructed around questions of the viability of institutions – especially in the short term and especially as a consequence of the “no-fees” increase decision of 2016. They will be concerned to show that the situation for them has become even more parlous relative to 2015 because of the increasing costs for staffing, infrastructure, equipment, libraries and other expenditures necessary for the provision of quality education. Regrettably, their approach too is unlikely to focus on the rights to education and the question of “fee-free” education in particular.
6. There is absolutely no doubt that the higher education system as a whole is chronically underfunded. The elements of that underfunding range from: the ratio of students to lecturers at this time relative to when the student population was much smaller, to the level of per student subsidy through the NSFAS system, to the funding for what has been termed the “missing middle”, to infrastructure and maintenance costs, libraries and other necessary infrastructure related to the academic enterprise. And all of this does not take into account the question of the “full-cost of study” which is associated with all academic costs, transport, accommodation and other costs associated with student life – matters which were in fact raised in the earlier enquiry chaired by Professor Swartz.
7. The most troublesome issue is that the discussion with the minister could be limited to the single issue of 2017 fees, based on the work of the Task Team of the CHE. And therefore it is not clear how this discussion will deal with the question of the reaction of students to the levying of fees – an issue which has been fundamental to their struggles and concerns over “fee-free” education.
8. As we know, these struggles are based as we know on at least the following considerations: a. The unfulfilled political promise of “free education for all”; b. The increasing debt-burden being placed on students in general and students from working class and rural backgrounds in particular in the context of rampant unemployment and its effects on the most vulnerable communities from which they come; c. The denial of a constitutional imperative which speaks about the “progressive” realisation of the right to education – including higher education.
What is the best way forward? It is clear that in the next few days a very important event is likely to take place, affecting the fate of students. It is necessary to make this issue more public open and the subject of democratic deliberation, not only by students but by the public at large. Such a discussion can be based on the following grounds:
1. That any discussion about the issue of funding for next year must in the first place be premised on a discussion about how free education is to be achieved, its time frames, milestones and implementation. That is and has to be the only starting point of the discussion.
2. Once that is agreed to in principle, then discussions about the specific mechanisms for funding the university system can follow since there is no question that although universities are grossly underfunded, that is no reason to assume that such funding must be derived from students.
3. The present discussions are punitive from the point of view of students since it is only about increasing the burden on them and not about what is socially just. The idea of tying students to bankers and loan agencies contradicts an approach based on social justice. In fact, it simply increases the power of the most powerful institutions in society – bankers and financiers whose sole purpose is profit making for themselves.
4. There is no question that any discussion about university funding for next year or for any succeeding years has to be premised on a starting point which takes its cue, inter alia, for the Constitution and from a commitment to social justice. It can be shown from a legal point of view that the very reverse of what is promised in the Constitution has actually taken place, that is, that students have been required to carry an increasing burden of funding their own education, a practice which flies in the face of any reading of the idea of “progressive” realisation.
5. Most importantly – who should be involved in these discussions is a fundamental issue. Students must of course – with parents – be involved in the discussion about the process of meeting the promise of free education for all and how this will be an achieved. In other words, who must be in the discussion to design and frame a response to the question of a roadmap to free education is absolutely critical. In this regard, such a process cannot be left to a group of economic modellers since they do not have the conceptual tools to do what is required from the perspective of social justice and equality. The mandate of any group identified for this purpose has to be absolutely clear and democratically constituted.
Statement issued: Dr Mondli Hlatshwayo (University of Johannesburg), Rasigan Maharajh (Tshwane University of Technology), , Mr Enver Motala (University of Fort Hare), Ms. Leigh-Ann Naidoo (University of the Witwatersrand) Prof Salim Vally (University of Johannesburg) and myself  [Mr Zolisa Marawu (Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University)]
8 August 2016
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