#Princess of the galaxy….almost|Odyssey
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For the fanfic writer ask game: 💥 and 🤖
💥 What is one canon thing that you wish you could change?
I usually like to stick to canon or at least adjacent to it? Many of my stories will generally follow principles in canon because I don't like to alter very much about it. Even the end of Super Mario Odyssey, which dashed the dreams of many Mareach shippers, I'm still on board with because I am obsessed with the uncertain space before a relationship starts. Almost every one of my fics is essentially the same story of Mario and Princess Peach navigating that space. But if there is one thing I would change about the Mario canon, Super Mario Galaxy 2 would be a proper sequel to the first game in terms of the story 😂 I sort of know the background to both games and why SMG2 doesn't have as immersive of a story, but despite having more well thought out levels and gameplay, it can never outdo the first game for me.
🤖 Are non-fandom friends aware that you write fanfic?
Yes! Most of my irl friends know that I'm a writer. But there are tiers to how much I let them know, in a sense. Some of them only know that I write and nothing else. Some of them know that I write fanfiction, but not what for specifically. I've told a few in that group only about my Star Wars or Studio Ghibli fics, as those are on the more "socially acceptable" side of things for a whole adult to be writing about. And a very rare few know that I write Mario stories. It's not necessarily a measure of how close I feel with them, because it's not super duper important to me for everyone to know I like Mario x Peach so much that I've spent years writing about them. It's more of a measure of how much I perceive them to be accepting and discreet. Not that I'm ashamed of writing what I write, but I would rather keep it within my private life and not my professional one just yet. Some of my closest friends have no idea what I write about, and they will hopefully never know until I get around to working on my original ideas. I love them, but I just don't see my fanfic as a facet of me that they need to know.
My partner also knows what I write about. He's not a big reader, but he'll listen to me talk about my ideas all day long. It's funny; I spent so many years waxing romantic about a dream guy with curly brown hair and dark blue eyes, who is devoted and determined, as well as extraordinarily kind and who loves deeply, only to find myself with a guy who has curly brown hair and dark blue eyes, who is devoted and determined, as well as extraordinarily kind and who loves deeply 😆 That's called manifestation, baby 🥰
#Thank you for the ask 🥺#megamagimugi#hehe being a fanfic writer with a corporate job is funny#my coworkers could not even fathom what goes through my head while I'm pretending to be busy 😂#Ask meme#Diary of Drones
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Toad Brigade Concepts:
To start, all six of them worked as part of Princess Peach’s staff, at least until the events of the two Galaxy games. What they did afterwards? Entirely up to them.
Each one has their own starship, but when they work together, they tend to travel in just one or two starships. They weren’t friends before that incident, but afterwards? They grew tight.
Onto some specifics! (I’m not including images, y’all know what they look like):
Legal name: Captain Carmine Toad
Game appearances: Playable in Treasure Tracker. Appears in Galaxy 1/2, 3DW, Odyssey, and Wonder (NOTE: I can’t verify that I didn’t miss any)
Day job: Former soldier in Peach’s royal guard. Specifically, he’s this guy from the Galaxy intro (chosen because this guy tried to stand between Peach and Bowser, but the second things got hairy, he immediately ran around in a panic):

Did they keep it: Nooooooope! Decided to become a full time adventurer the second the opportunity came.
Role: Self appointed leader, who learned to be a true one through trial, error, and struggle. (There was almost a mutiny, once)
Personality: Confident, kind of arrogant. Never minces words.
Legal name: Buckenberry
Game appearances: Playable in NSMBWii, Treasure Tracker, and Wonder. Appears in Galaxy 1/2 and Odyssey
Day job: Royal archivist
Did they keep it: Yes
Role: The brainiac. Also the strategist—can glance at any given situation and sun up the major players, their weaknesses, and how to maneuver. They’d fall apart without him
Personality: Quiet—until you get to know him. Also has no filter. Eager for adventure to expand his horizons.
Legal name: Ala-Gold
Game appearances: Playable in NSMBWii, Treasure Tracker, and Wonder. Appears in Galaxy 1/2 and 3DW
Day job: Courier
Did they keep it: YES.
Role: The heart of the team. The only one who can cook. The de-facto pilot—because if anyone’s gonna get them to places alive, it’s him.
Personality: ANXIOUS MESS. Incredibly skittish. Head always going to the worse case scenario. NEVER wanted to go on adventure. He’s basically just here to keep everyone else alive.
Legal name: Clemson
Game appearances: Playable in Treasure Tracker. Appears in Galaxy 1/2 and 3DW
Day job: Groundskeeper (he likes heavy lifting)
Did they keep it: No. prefers to travel the universe as the captain’s muscle.
Role: “A brave brigade toad”—that’s this guy. He’ll take the jobs no one else wants. (It’s how he ended up as the Banktoad in Galaxy 2)
Personality: Strong and quiet type. Really big heart, though. Easily known as the most reliable of them all.
Pink (purple? Idk he looked pink to me before I looked at the wiki):
Legal name: Maitake
Game appearances: Galaxy 1/2
Day job: Mailroom attendant
Did they keep it: No. Decided he was better serving the universe as an adventurer. Peach didn’t disagree.
Role: Keeps everyone communicating, scouts out where they’re needed. Works the most closely with Toadette
Personality: Sweet and caring. Can read people like an open book. Notably, he’s also the only one who can keep AG calm.
Legal name: …Toadette.
Game appearances: She’s kind of hard to miss, isn’t she?
Day job: Lady in waiting to Princess Peach herself, and also head mistress of the castle. Basically keeps the whole thing running.
Did they keep it: Yes, with an expanded role—she now also coordinates movements of the royal spies along with those of Mario, Luigi, and the Toad Brigade. Toadsworth helps her
Role: Forgive my MCU references, but she’s the guy in the chair. She’s what Peggy Carter was to the Howling Commandos. She’s the only one who can stand up to them and tell them what to do. She’s everyone’s little sister, and they’d all die to defend her.
Personality: Bold, brash, down to thrash. If she can get away from her royal duties to go with them, she will.
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The Test
In a small pod meant for one, Faye navigates through the stars, in search of her mother. The SOS signal was not new, it’s been at least a few weeks since it was sent out, but still, she would float through space, completely alone for the first time in her life, just to find that planet.
The SOS signal has been repeating for days, but Faye refuses to turn the terminal off. She sits in the single chair in that pod, knees pressed to her chest as she listens to the ringing.
Three short. Three long. Three short. Over and over and over.
She’s sent a few coded messages out, to keep her mother from thinking she’s been abandoned-
“Hi, Mom. I’ll be there soon.”
“Hey, you’re doing alright, right? Right?”
“I’m almost there, just hold on!”
“Please don’t die, mom. Weird request, because I know how strong you are, but... Please don’t go.”
No answers, yet. But she must be in a pretty tight spot, so Faye forgives her.
She’s never learned how to operate a ship, of course not, she’s lived on Vautox for all of her life- so thank goodness for autopilot.
The only thing that worried her now was that autopilot was taking her straight towards what looked like a nigh inhabitable, desert planet.
Faye leant forward, messing with the controls a bit, fumbling with the high-tech software.
Population, population, population- There.
There... was scarcely any life?
That couldn’t be right. The signal was coming from this planet.
The small amounts of life could be her mother and whatever crew she collected during her time out in the depths of space, but it made no sense for them to be scattered across the planet itself...
No, this pod’s radar must be defective. Of course a product of Vautox, a planet where no one leaves, would have garbage tech.
She flicks autopilot off and listens to the SOS signal again, shakily grabbing hold of the lever with one hand and a wheel with the other. She cursed herself for worrying, her mother was fine, after all- she probably didn’t even need her to come rescue her. Her signaling system could be broken- Vautox ships were hot garbage.
With a bit of struggle, Faye piloted the pod down into the atmosphere, bracing herself for a fit of the queasies- if there was anything that made Faye sick, it was space travel, her brother’s crappy politics, and Garbog milk. Eugh.
It was dark here, she quickly realized, barely being able to see through the fog and the darkness of night. She near crashed onto a rock nearby, but thankfully, only minorly scratched the gaudy, yellow paint job.
Gazing outside would confirm that it was a desert planet, sands stretching out for miles on end, rock formations every few steps, no water as far as the eye could see... And a ship.
The same gaudy yellow as her pod, but much bigger, fit for a crew. It’s lights were dimmed, flickering every so often- but this was definitely where the signal was coming from.
Faye quickly got out of her seat, grabbed the small blaster pistol she found in the little compartment under the control panel and rushing out. She could have broken the entrance’s door panel controls with how much force she put behind clicking ‘Open’. Taking the first step, she was greeted with strong winds, sand whipping through, making everything into a blur.
The air was breathable, thank goodness, maybe she should have checked before impulsively throwing herself out of the pod, but what’s done is done.
She was hardly dressed for a sandstorm- neither for a desert, or even just space travel at all, little skirt, puffed sleeves, heeled boots and a little tiara on her head- but. Well, at least she was wearing pants with it.
Faye braced herself against the winds, stench of gas leaking resonating from the battered ship, bits of sand getting in her eyes.
Although she could hardly see it, the ship was missing a very special component: It’s door.
On closer inspection, it was blown in from the outside, sliced clean in half by... something. Maybe one of those sabers she’s heard so much about.
…Not good.
“Mom!” Faye hollered, cupping her hands by her mouth. She coughed up the dust she’d inadvertently inhaled from outside, advancing slowly, one step at a time. “Mom! I’m here! Mom, I’m here to get you!”
The ship was big, but not that big. She heard the signal echo throughout, hollow sound bouncing off of the metal walls.
Three short beeps. Three long beeps. Three short.
Three short beeps. Three long beeps. Three short.
Three short beeps. Three long beeps. Three short.
Faye’s grip tightened around her little pistol. She held it out in front of her, knuckles turning white as she rapidly flicked her head around, suddenly feeling... wrong.
There was nothing here, maybe, but it felt wrong. It was all wrong.
Three short beeps. Three long beeps. Three short.
Three short beeps. Three long beeps. Three short.
Three short beeps. Three long beeps. Three short.
She took baby steps down the hallway to what would hopefully lead to the steering terminal, where her mother could be hiding. Every step was slow and measured, she even took great care not to make clicking noises with her heels. Her fingers shook around the trigger, and she was starting to worry, in the back of her clouded mind, that she would accidentally fire from how much she tremored.
The lights flickered on and off. Brief light, brief darkness. But still, that ringing-
Three short beeps. Three long beeps. Three short.
Three short beeps. Three long beeps. Three short.
Faye began to walk a bit faster, letting her heels click against the metal flooring.
“Mom. Mom! Mom!” She cried out, like when her mother would play little pranks on her as a kid, and she’d fear that her mother had been hiding away for good, and then she’d jump out and startle her, saying she’ll never leave, never ever ever-
Three short beeps. Three long beeps. Three short.
Faye made it to the terminal. It was mostly empty. All the panels were darkened, no longer glowing like it should, with the mapping and the population and the messaging system- no. Everything had been shut off.
No, no, on closer inspection, everything had been broken.
Another one of those slashes down the middle of the paneling. Clean in half.
Yet it could still repeat those same incessant little beeps.
Three short beeps. Three long beeps. Three short.
Over and over and over.
Faye glanced around the room.
Nothing. No crewmates. No supplies. It’s like everything had been- had been-
Her fingers loosened, and the pistol fell from her hands with an obnoxious clatter. Her arms went limp at her sides. Knees near gave out beneath her, but she stayed upright, legs wobbling.
At the side of the ship was a few shelves. Some trinkets, heirlooms from Vautox, things to keep someone from getting homesick, all slashed to pieces-
And her mother’s lifeless corpse.
Like a robot on autopilot, Faye trekked across the control terminal and fell to her knees at her mother’s side.
“Mother.” Faye mumbled, a nothing expression on her face. She reached out and shook her shoulders a bit. “Mother. I’m here. It’s ok now.”
Three short beeps. Three long beeps. Three short.
Three short beeps. Three long beeps. Three short.
Three short beeps. Three long beeps. Three short.
Her eyes stung as tears welled up, arms lip at her sides once again. They streaked down her face with no abandon, no decency-
“Mom, this isn’t funny. Come on. Phoebe and Cadmus miss you,” Faye choked out, throat drying up, voice hoarse from congestion.
Her mother said nothing. The blood surrounding her was dried up, darkened from age, the blood from her mouth, dried up, darkened from age- the gash across her stomach, a gash with so much depth Faye thought it had cut her in half- it’s blood had dried and darkened from age, too.
This signal-
Three short beeps. Three long beeps. Three short.
This signal-
Three short beeps. Three long beeps. Three short.
“I miss you!” Faye barked out, hunching over her mother at this, hands clenching into fists, so tightly it ached.
But it didn’t matter how much her body ached, it was her heart that hurt the most.
That damn signal. That damned signal.
Three short beeps. Three long beeps. Three short.
“Shut. Up. Shut up. Shut up!” With speed she’s never reached before, Faye sprung up and slammed her fist into the screen where the sound came from, shattering the glass with the force.
Shards splintered into her delicate skin, blood erupting from the many little cuts, and it stung, it stung so much, like fire, like fire- She slammed her fist into it again, still hearing the glitched audio play- she kept bashing her fist into it until it stopped.
Blood covered the now completely shattered audio processor, it going silent- and finally, she could breathe again.
She collapsed to the ground, hand full of bits of broken glass, blood streaming onto the ground below.
If she died here, so be it. She would die with her mother.
Even on this nameless, nothing planet, she would die with her mother.
She hunched over and began to weep.
“Do not weep, child.”
Faye jumped, slamming her head back into the terminal behind her, thankfully, not into the broken glass.
“What? ..What? ....Mom?”
“...I am not your mother... But I knew her. I was with her when she met her end. But she decided to hide me away, despite the power I gave her- knowing you would come find me. And so, you have.”
Faye sniffled, face red, hand still bleeding and probably broken.
“This doesn’t make any sense. Who.. Where...?”
“Come to the wall, where your mother lies. Come to me.”
Faye shook her head.
“C- Can’t. Can’t. I can’t,”
“You can. Come to me.”
It was then, despite her aversion to the idea, that Faye felt herself lifted off of her feet, compelled to go to where she was told- even stepping over her mother and lifting her functioning hand to the wall.
“Good. Press down.”
She did.
In an instant, the wall began to break into smaller metal chunks, sliding away to reveal another, secret hallway- dark, but lit up by small yellow lights on the ground.
It felt... alien, to be compelled this way, as if by magic- but it felt comforting, all the same.
The feminine voice said nothing more, and Faye stepped in, continuing down the lengthy corridor.
At the end of it was a transparent pod, and inside of it was a rather... complicated looking mix between a halberd and a staff, floating above.
It was... iridescent, shining with the glow of many different colors- silvers, reds, greens, purples- every pretty color she could name.
“You... Mom carried you. I remember. She... She always had you. Everywhere.”
Faye continued to come closer, placing her palm flat on the pod, nearly falling in when the walls fell away, leaving her with no obstacles-
Faye gingerly reached out her hand, brushing her fingers against the smooth metal. It sent a shiver down her spine, through her entire being. It wasn’t cold- it was warm, like there was a heart beating inside- like there was a person to behold.
She closed her hand around her, and near instantly, a jolt of crackling, pulsating energy filled her body. She winced, letting out a grunt- seeing the iridescent crackles form onto her arm, spread through her skin, burning all the way- Without thinking, Faye brought her other hand to grab hold of it, despite the glass making it difficult, the pulsing energy slowly making it’s way throughout her veins, her arteries, everywhere it could touch.
The burning continued, crackles forming on her face, the power coursing through every part of her.
As she lifted the halberd, eyes flashing with energy, every little piece of glass in her hand began to shiver- until all of it ejected itself from her skin, pattering to the floor.
Every cut on her hand sealed itself before her eyes.
She lifted the axe from the pod and took it into her arms, and the pain ebbed away, the marks fading from her skin.
Faye nearly collapsed, letting out a breath she thinks she’s been holding for that entire ordeal, using the staff as a cane.
“Forgive me for that pain, starling. I had to ensure you were worthy. You passed the test.”
“I... Passed? What test?... You must be... An ancient being. You’re not going to hurt me?” Faye tremored, looking to the halberd in consternation.
“To wield me, you must be able to withstand my power. You withstood. You are worthy... And so, you may call me ‘Laatora’. I am your guiding star, child.” The voice was soothing, like a mother’s- with no malice nor underlying meaning.
“Laatora... What do I do now...? Without mother, I’m...” She wouldn’t complete that sentence. It hurt her too much.
“We will find the wielder of the scythe who fell your mother. The foolish human thinks he is the holder of the star that will guide him to ora, hence his rampage throughout space, claiming it to be in the name of Demaxia and his emperor... The scythe is a deceiver. I am not. i am the voice of Ora.”
As Laatora spoke, Faye’s expression darkened, hands tightening around the handle as she silently seethed.
“So it was a Demaxian who killed her. I’ll never... I’ll never forgive him! I’ll- I’ll go to Demaxia and destroy those who have wronged me- wronged her- lay waste to their army- I won’t stop until I find him, whoever he is! I don’t care if she was a deserter, she was my mother! She- She didn’t have to die on this nothing planet!” Faye began to stomp her way back to the main area of the ship, Laatora listening to her rant on, until-
She stopped in her tracks, looking over her mother, eyes beginning to water.
Faye waltzed over to open the compartment under the terminal, and pulled out one of the blankets that was brought for warmth in the cold nights. She went back to her mother, sniffling and wiping tears away, before laying the blanket over her.
Now it looked like she was sleeping. So... peacefully. It was perfect.
“I’ll find the one who did this. I promise.”
“Your resolve is noble, girl. It was the same as your mother’s. ....Now, go. You must return home to collect supplies. It will not be an easy journey. Are you prepared for this?”
Faye gave a somber smile, glancing back to the ‘sleeping’ woman behind her.
“Anything in the name of mother.”
#Books… How I love them|Drabbles#Princess of the galaxy….almost|Odyssey#just thought i'd write something :)#tw death#tw: blood
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Summary: Boba is meant to entertain the Mandalor’s finacée, not fall in love with you.
Pairing: alpha!Boba Fett x fem!omega!Reader
Wordcount: 5.7k | Rating: E (18+ only!)
Warnings: A/B/O dynamics, yearning, explicit sexual content, unprotected sex, dirty talk, arranged marriage, claiming
Whoop whoop and welcome to the start of "May Is Out Of Office So She Reposts Old Stories"! We are starting off strong with an alpha!Boba piece because even though I am scheduling this in January, I just know that I won't be over seeing Boba shirtless ever. As always, please let me know what you thought in a reblog or comment!
masterlist | crossposted on AO3
Boba never really expected anything interesting to happen on Mandalore. The planet was cursed for all he knew and only reluctantly did he return to the place his father once had called home. This time following the call of his friend: Mand’alor Djarin.
With the planet and Mandalorian society still trying to build itself up, clans and coverts returning, conflict arose everywhere two different opinions met each other. Which was quite often. But what he had not expected was a sweet-smelling omega to cross his path as he made his way through the hallways.
He had accepted the invitation hesitantly, leaving Fennec back on Tatooine to take care of the business that he was conducting there. To be honest, he had been surprised the invitation came so late. Having lost his foundling, Din Djarin had not seemed like a man too interested in rebuilding an entire system.
That princess, he scoffed at the title, Bo-Katan had accompanied him and soon it became known all across the galaxy that the Mandalorians had reclaimed their home.
Mandalore was, once more, under the rule of a Mandalorian.
The subsequent journey he had undertaken to visit his friend had almost been an odyssey, crossing paths one too many times with people who were on their way to Mandalore as well. It was annoying, he thought, and incredibly dangerous. Mandalorians, after all, were not known to hold peace within their own societies.
Which explained why he did not feel particularly comfortable in these dark halls as he want to meet his friend.
But that was when you had crossed his way, your sweet scent drifting through his helmet and into his nose and making him freeze on the spot. Never had he smelled anyone like you and it seemed that you fared similarly. Because, even accompanied by dozens of guards, you just stopped, frozen in your steps as you looked at him with wide eyes.
Everything in him screamed to take you into his guest quarters and claim you. You were sweet and timid and your throat was beautifully bare, the perfect spot to sink his teeth into your skin and mark you for everyone.
No wonder you had so many guards follow you, it must be a pest to keep all those young alphas off your heels.
“Who are you, little one?” he asked you, his hand hooking into his belt and walking closer to you.
You were still looking at him, eyes big and mouth slightly open. His eyes fell to your neckline, watching as your chest fell and rose quickly. You were excited, frozen on the spot by the alpha in front of you and he grinned smugly under his helmet.
“That is your future Queen, Fett,” one of the guards hissed, stepping in front of you and cutting off the visual connection between the two of you.
Boba frowned, though he was sure no one could tell by his body language alone.
“Queen?” he scoffed, “I was not away long enough to have missed Mandalore getting a Queen.”
You stepped to the side, opening your mouth as if to explain but were cut off when the heavy door behind you swung open.
“Fett,” Din’s voice sounded more tired than Boba remembered, “Will you come join me?”
“Of course,” he grumbled, still keeping his eyes on you – his omega – and continued on his path.
The guards relaxed, letting you pass him and as your shoulder brushed against his, a strange tingling went through his body. A longing, almost.
Boba could not help but turn his head, catching one last glimpse and seeing how you looked back at him as well.
His nose twitched.
“The Great Mand’alor Djarin,” Boba muttered, looking around at the large room and the tall ceilings, “Who would have thought you get me dragged back here.”
“Thank you for coming,” the man said simply, letting himself fall on the throne, his cape gracelessly draping over his shoulders, “I am happy to see a friend.”
“The situation must be very dire if anyone is happy to see me,” Boba joked, tilting his head at his friend, “What is the matter?”
“You have already seen why I decided to call you,” Din revealed, nodding to the door, “The council has arranged a marriage for me.”
“A marriage?” Boba echoed, “I did not know a council had that kind of power over the Mand’alor.”
“I gave them the power,” Din revealed before adding, “Well, somewhat … The clans are getting restless and they suggested strengthening the bonds with a … personal connection.”
“And so, they gave you an omega to mate?”
“Our engagement has already lasted quite long and I fear my council is urging me to move quicker but – I barely know her. I am not the kind of alpha to trap an omega like that, Fett.”
Disappointment coursed through Boba and he tried to hide it as well as he could. The little omega whose smell had stayed in his nose was already promised to someone else. To Din, no less. And Din was a good alpha, he would be considered a perfect match by everyone.
“I want you to spend time with her.”
“If I’m not in a meeting then I’m supposed to watch over the training and when I’m not at training I’m in a meeting,” Din sounded frustrated, “If you could just spend some time with her … maybe you could tell me what she is like?”
Boba did not know what he had expected but it was not that. Had it been anyone other than you he might have been insulted that Din Djarin, Mand’alor the Great, had ordered him across the galaxy to babysit and spy on his potential bride. But it was you, the sweet-looking omega that had burned herself into his mind, and he was offended on your behalf that your assigned alpha did not want to spend time with you.
“Isn’t that your job, Djarin,” he muttered, “I doubt your bride will be happy to spend her days in the dark with a bounty hunter.”
The thought hurt but it was probably true. Very probably, his brain provided. He was Mandalorian and he had never doubted it but there were enough people on the planet that would doubt his right to his heritage. His father’s heritage. And he did not want to bring you in danger. It was physically repulsing to think of you being hurt. Mentally or physically.
“You know me from before”, Din added carefully, the pain in his voice clear, “I … want her to know about the person I was before.”
Boba sighed. When and why had he grown this soft? It had never been his intention to play the emotional babysitter to anyone and yet here he was.
Maybe it was because it meant he could spend time with you. That certainly did not sound as bad as it could.
“Alright,” he murmured, “But I won’t stay long.”
“Thank you, Fett,” the man in front of him said, relief in his voice, “You won’t have to.”
Three months later he was still there.
Boba Fett was a very present person in your life and you dreaded the day he would leave you forever.
To be honest, you wished he would never leave. That he would stay with you as your alpha until your days were over on this planet or any other planet.
“Good morning, little one,” his deep voice greeted you and you smiled, tightening the shawl around your shoulders, “Ready for the gardens?”
You had wished for a walk through the gardens today and Boba, always so reluctant to let you leave the quarters that had been assigned to you, had agreed “as long as you stay close by, little one.”
“Absolutely!” you chirped, hooking your arm through his and enjoying the way his scent drifted over to you. You liked the man more than you probably should.
It had been scary at first, the alpha that had plagued your dreams had been introduced to you as Boba Fett, legendary kingpin on Tatooine and ruler of what used to be the Hutt system. He was an alpha, an intimidating one at that, and he made your breath speed up and your thighs clench just by his mere presence.
When your fiancée had presented him to you as your personal guard – “personal entertainment more like,” Boba had grumbled that day – you had felt frozen in shock. But soon enough, you had gathered the courage to talk to the man and to see the advantages his presence brought you.
The biggest one was that, as your unofficial bodyguard, you no longer needed to be accompanied by the guards that the council had ordered for you. Which meant more personal freedom and privacy on end.
It also meant that the alpha you dreamed about was also the alpha that you would see first thing in the morning and last thing before you went to bed. It certainly did not help when it came to your crush on him but you did not want any help so everything was fine.
“The council has another session,” Boba revealed to you the moment you stepped foot outside. You took a deep breath in, enjoying the warmth of the sun on your skin as you walked through what could only be described as construction sites, “They are negotiating a new wedding date on your behalf.”
“How surprising,” you replied dryly, trying to keep the contempt out of your voice, “Does Din know about it?”
“I think so,” the man next to you shrugged, “He did not seem too surprised this morning, more …. Resigned.”
“Resigned,” you muttered, “That’s the word you want to hear when your fiancée talks about you …”
“I am sorry, little one,”
“Don’t be,” you smiled, shyly looking up at him, “It is not as if I think any differently about him, is it?”
“I don’t know – is it?”
“How long have we known each other now, Boba?”
“Three months.”
“Three months,” you mused, “And you still think I want to marry the Mand’alor?”
“I don’t hear you protesting,” he mumbled, looking at the blossoming trees all around you.
“I don’t hear Din protesting either,” you quipped, “It is an honour for our coverts. Nothing more, nothing less.”
“Still,” he grumbled next to you, a shadow falling over your figures as you turned onto a pathway lined by trees, “I do not like how they don’t involve you … just because you’re an omega.”
“I am sure there are reasons for it,” you tried to assure him – and yourself – even though your chest ached at how right he was. The council had never considered your opinion and they surely would not start now. And Din had barely spoken to you either. You were not sure if it was because he was avoiding you or because he was as much under the council’s hand as you were.
“I hope there is,” Boba mumbled, his gloved hand falling on yours, “I really hope there is, little one.”
You bit your lip, resisting to ask him why he was calling you that name. If it was because he liked you, maybe, or if he maybe saw you not only as a random omega he had been assigned to entertain but potentially his omega.
“I don’t like the noise,” you revealed instead, listening to the birds chirping, “Years ago, we were always supposed to be quiet, always supposed to be hiding.”
“Don’t be too loud or the bad ones get you,” Boba nodded next to you. You wondered if he had made a similar experience in his youth.
Silence followed, both of you lost in your thoughts and you watched from afar as the construction of a new building continued.
“I will need to leave soon,” Boba suddenly said and you felt like the floor gave out from underneath you.
You stumbled, tightening your grip around his arms to keep yourself upright and you squeaked. Your body hardly knew what to focus on, your shaky legs, your racing heartbeat or the bottomless pit that had opened in your stomach and seemed to fill you with dread and worry.
Boba leaving meant … It meant he would not be there anymore. It meant your morning would start without him, your days would pass without him. It meant, you swallowed, it meant he was leaving you.
“Omega, are you okay?”
“I – I don’t know,” you whispered, shamelessly tightening your grip around him, “Please don’t leave, al- Boba, please don’t leave me.”
One gloved finger tipped you under your chin, making you raise your face, “Hey, look at me, little one.”
You did, your bottom lip trembling, already betraying your emotions. Everything in you filled with panic at the thought of not having him close by. Shit, you knew you had a crush on him but you did not know how deep your feelings ran and now it felt like you would be ripped apart if Boba left without you.
How were you supposed to marry Din now?
“I will not be far,” he murmured, his helmet almost touching your forehead and you took a deep breath, taking in the smell of the desert he brought with him, “I will never be far when you need me, okay? No matter if you’re mated or not, I – I will find a way to be there, ‘kay?”
“Do you promise?”
“I swear to you, omega,” he took a step closer, his chest now pressed against yours and your breath hitched in your throat, the tension palpable between you, “I will be there when you call for me. I always will.”
“Okay,” you whispered, feeling a little more calmed as he was so close to you, “Okay.”
But he did not step away from you and his hand did not leave your face either. With your back pressed against the tree bark, you felt deliciously caged in by the alpha in front of you and you saw the moment he noticed it as well. His body stiffened and the hand that had previously been on his belt found its way to the tree next to your head. Now you were completely caged in, his arms, his scent, his body surrounding you.
Stars, he smelled good. Your eyes fluttered closed and you resisted the desire to bare your throat for him. Although when your head fell back, hitting the bark behind you, you knew you had failed.
“’mega,” Boba rumbled, the cold beskar of his helmet touching your skin, “You smell so good … tell me why do you smell so good?”
“I … I don’t know,” you breathed, your hands finding their way to the back of his neck, feeling the soft skin there, “But you smell good too, alpha.”
“Alpha,” he cursed, “Kriff, I could get used to you calling me that, little one.”
“I want to call you that,” you burst out, your eyes wide with shock as you registered the words you had just spoken, “I – I want to call you that, Boba.”
You were sure he wanted to say something more, wanted to reply to what you had basically confessed to him. But as his gloved finger merely brushed over your scent gland and you saw stars, you heard the steps of the guards approaching. With a hiss, Boba stepped away from you, leaving you cold and empty and shaking against the tree.
“What?” he bit out, scaring the guard that had approached you.
“Uh, the Mand’alor is requesting your presence … Sir,” he revealed and you sighed behind him.
But Boba did not budge. He did not like the way the guards were eyeing you. You smelled … aroused maybe and while his cock twitched behind his codpiece he knew that the smell needed to be noticeable for them too. He did not like it. Not one bit.
You were not here for their pleasure, not here for being eyed like a piece of meat, no. If anything, you were there so you could be pleasured, so he could lift your skirt and eat you against the trees and tell you how you tasted sweeter than any fruit that could be harvested here.
“Come on, alpha,” you whispered and he shuddered at you calling him that. Stars, he wanted you to always call him that. Your soft fingers wrapped around his hand you tugged him towards the building.
“We will be there soon,” you announced with a friendly smile, still half-hidden behind him and he growled
This kind of disrespect would never happen on Tatooine.
“They do not think I am Mandalorian,” he grumbled as you continued on the pathway back to the covert, “Kriffin –“
“It does not matter what they think,” you replied, “They – they don’t know anything. You are a Mandalorian, Boba, and you have a whole galaxy at your feet. They only treat you like this because they know they wouldn’t get away with it if they ever met you anywhere else.”
“And you, little one?” he asked, tugging on your hand so you stopped walking, “What would you do if you met me anywhere else?”
“I don’t know,” you replied quietly, “I don’t think I'd be able to think straight to be honest.”
“Yeah?” he rumbled, stepping closer to you and wishing he did not wear his helmet. Stars, he’d be able to kiss you without much fuss.
“Yeah,” you nodded, “You – you are quite an intimidating alpha, it’s … I can’t think sometimes.”
“Me neither,” he bashfully admitted, pulling you into the shadows of the covert as you stepped inside. He could already hear the loud voices of the council as they approached the throne room. His hand tightened around yours, unwilling to let you go even though he knew he would have to, sooner or later.
“Me neither.”
A week later all he could think about was you.
It was like he was sick, plagued by the image of you, the sound of you, the smell of you. He woke up hard and he fell asleep only after he jerked off, thinking of how sweet you would smell when he would claim you.
The only problem was that he would not – couldnot – claim you. Not when you were someone else’s.
And the longer it went on, the more he knew he needed to leave. No matter how much it would hurt him. Or hurt you. He tried to ignore the ache in his chest and In his cock whenever you were close to him, smiling up at him, touching him. With Din avoiding to spend time with you, it was like it was only you two together day in and day out. How it was supposed to be.
But as the wedding date came closer, Boba could no longer lie to himself. He knew he loved you, knew he wanted you and he also knew that you wanted him. There was no other explanation for your changing scent around him and while he might survive being parted from you, he did not know how you would react to being separated from him when you had spent so much time together.
Which was why he had secretly planned his departure. No one knew about it. not even Din. Under the pretence of making a small trip to the next system. he would leave and then he would set course to Tatooine, revealing his permanent departure as soon as he was far enough away to have you out of his system.
If only he had not talked to you about it.
“What’s going on?” he asked, surprised to see you in Din’s throne room.
“I asked Din if I could join you on your trip,” you revealed, a bright smile on your face and Boba felt like his heart was plummeting, “I wanted to see a little more of the galaxy before I am bound here and that trip sounds like the perfect opportunity!”
Say no, the voice in him urged him, Say no and find a good excuse why.
But you were smiling widely at him, so excited and so happy and you were smelling … shit you smelled freed. As if you had tasted freedom for the first time and he frowned. Maybe this was your way of finding freedom, then, much like it was his.
And how would he ever be able to say no to you?
“Okay,” he sighed, his shoulder relaxing, “But you better hurry, little one, we’re gonna leave soon.”
“So, when were you going to tell me you would leave?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, princess,” he grumbled, starting the ship and steering it into the air.
“Round trip my ass,” you cursed and his eyebrows rose in surprise at your choice of words, “You were going to leave and we both know it. You were going to leave me here.”
“And that angers you so?
“Of course, it does!” you shouted, your fists clenched by your sides, “You left me, alpha! You left me with them when I – when I –“
“When you what?” he asked, frustration boiling in him and he switched off to autopilot. It did not matter where that ship would fly to now anyway. He was Boba kriffing Fett, Kingpin of the galaxy, and he needed to focus his energies on something else, “When you were going to be married off to Din without a word of protest? When you –“
“When I wanted you to mark me!”
He did not say anything. His chest was rising and falling rapidly, everything feeling too tight and too constricting. You wanted him to mark you. Shit, you wanted him.
“Is that so?” he growled, taking off his helmet and breathing in that sweet scent you radiated, “You really want my mark?”
Your eyes were wide as you slowly nodded at him, looking like a caught loth cat.
“Where do you want my mark, little one?” he murmured, his nose nudging against yours and your breath hitched, “Go on, tell your alpha what you need.”
“Everywhere,” your eyes fluttered and he chuckled.
“So needy for me, hm? But I need you to tell me exactly,” he breathed against your neck, “where you want me to touch you.”
“I-on my neck,” you whispered leaning your head back against the wall as your eyes fluttered closed, “and on - on my chest.”
“These pretty tits?” he asked, his hand coming up to cup them lending them and your face grew hot at how close you were, “I’d have so much fun marking them up,” he rumbled, his thumb and finger coming up to grip your chin, making you look at him.
“Between my legs please,” you breathed out, squeezing your thighs together. Your heart beat so fast you hardly know what to do but breathe and look at him and smell him. He was your alpha. Yours.
“Alpha ...”
“Yes, that’s what I am, aren’t I?” he teased you, a smirk on his lips before he ducked down and pressed the lightest of kisses to your scent gland – a motion that made your knees buckle, “Your alpha and you are my pretty little omega, aren’t you?” his breath ghosted over your face and you sighed.
“Go on,” he whispered, “tell me you’re mine.”
“I’m yours,” you breathed and your heart felt tons lighter.
“Damn right you are and I am going to make you mine, understood?”
You nodded eagerly and followed him into the little quarters behind the cockpit. It was dark and a little cool, the air old from lack of use. He left the door open, the light of the stars making everything glow silver. His gaze fell to the low bed in the corner, the blankets still haphazardly thrown on top of the bunk from when he had left them last time.
“Turn around, I want you on all fours, little one.”
You gasped, “Yes, alpha.”
The fabric was cool under your skin and even though he had not said it, you started to undress for him, slowly slipping off your dress and underwear before kneeling on his bed. It smelled like him, earthy and spicy and your thighs felt slick as you clenched them.
“Good ‘mega,” he growled behind you, a gloved hand landing on your ass and you moaned, leaning back on your elbows to grind against him, “You want my cock that badly, huh?”
“Yes,” you gasped your fingers grabbing the sheets as you heard the parts of his armour fall to the floor, “Yes, I want you cock, alpha, please.”
“Always so kriffing polite,” Boba murmured, his deep voice sending shivers down your spine, “Sometimes I wonder how many times I need to make you come to get you cockdumb … but now that I see you, I think it won’t take long at all.”
You squeezed your eyes shut, feeling your walls flutter around nothing as you patiently waited for him to come to you. His rough fingers spread your cheeks and you hummed when you felt his cock slip between your folds.
“You like that, don’t you?” he groaned, laying himself over you, “You like my big cock against that little pussy?”
“Y-yes,” you whimpered, attempting to arch your back so he would rub against you even more.
He was hot and heavy against you, the head of him bumping against your clit and you both moaned. You were sure you were wet enough that he was already coated in your slick but all you could bring out were whimpers and gasps as he rutted against you.
“I will fuck you and I will mate you, omega,” he growled, nipping at your shoulder blade, “I will conquer all the planets in the galaxy if that is what it takes to keep you by my side.”
“Don’t – don’t need any planets,” you whimpered, “Only need you, alpha. Please fuck me.”
Boba laughed, his voice raspy, “Don’t worry, sweet one, I will.”
Your cheek was pressed against the blankets, causing your words to slur as he continued to rub his cock against your folds. You felt filthy and empty and horny and so … so needy, you hardly knew what to do. But that only meant that Boba knew exactly what to do to you.
His hand snuck under your body, his fingers twisting your nipple and your mouth opened in a silent shout when in that same moment, he pushed the tip of his cock inside you. Stars, you had expected him to be big but this felt like he was splitting you in half.
“B-Boba!” you brought out, trying to lean away from him but his arm encased you and he rested his chin on your shoulder, slowly – very slowly – pressing deeper. Your legs trembled the sensation almost too much and suddenly his mouth was on your neck, biting into your scent gland and you screamed in pleasure, your voice getting hoarse.
“Feel good, ‘mega?” he asked you gruffly and you nodded, sighing as he bottomed out inside you, “Feel how my cock is stretching you out?”
“Yes,” you breathed, laying your cheek over his hand and relaxing into him. It felt like your whole body was thrumming with pleasure now that your alpha had marked you. It was like you were numb but also hyperaware of everything. It was dizzying. Dizzying and intoxicating and you were so full you bit into his knuckles, trying to keep yourself from making too much noise.
Boba groaned loudly, starting to rhythmically thrust into you while his other hand wandered to your clit. “You are doing so good for me, little one,” he praised you, his fingers circling your clit, “Just lay there and take it, does it feel good? Finally, being fucked like you deserve?”
“Feels s’good,” you mumbled against his hand, your mouth gaping open as he hit a spot inside you that made you see stars.
“I know, little one,” he rumbled, “I know. Just take it, you look so good stretched out like that. Kriff, I can’t wait to feel you come around me. Will you do that for me, omega? Come around my big cock, letting me fill you up like you need?”
“Uh-huh,” you whined, trying to nod when all you could do was lift your face mere millimetres of the blanket, “P-please make me come.”
His fingers did not cease their movements on your clit and you gasped when he managed to thrust inside you even harder, your thighs shaking with the impact. And then his mouth planted kisses on your neck, his nose nudging your scent gland and you were done for.
Your eyes rolled back in your head as you clamped around him, waves of pleasure crashing over you.
“There we go,” Boba encouraged you, grunting when he buried himself as deep inside you as possible, painting your walls white, “There we go.”
“Thank you, alpha,” you sighed dreamily, relaxing into the sheets, “I love you.”
“I love you too, little one,” he whispered, kissing the fresh mark on your neck before rolling off you, “C’mere, let me scent you before we need to get back.”
You smiled, robbing over to him until you could lay your head on his chest, laying your arm over his soft middle and enjoying the way his fingers drifted over your skin.
You could get used to this.
“Are you sure you want to talk to him alone?” you asked quietly, your arms still wrapped around his as your chin rested against his bicep, “I – I don’t want to seem like I am just happily letting you take care of the nasty things.”
Boba chuckled, “I assure you, little one, that I do not feel as if you let me do the dirty work. Besides, I think the seating arrangements for tonight have already been finalized. It is not as if we could change anything about it.”
You frowned, nodding at his words.
After your return to Mandalore, you had done everything to hide the mark on your neck and so far, you had been successful. But now two whole days had passed and it was clear that you could not keep your hands off each other.
When the council had invited everyone for an official dinner to celebrate the upcoming wedding, you both knew that you would have to talk to Din. Boba had volunteered to be the one to break the news to his friend and although you had been relieved to not have to confront your fiancée about it, you also felt a little bad for how relieved you had felt.
But Boba would not hear any of it. He was your alpha and he wanted to keep you safe. And if anything, he had been the one to mate you and he needed to own up to the fact that he was your alpha now. He was the one taking care of your needs and if he needed to spend one more night without you in his bed, he was going to explode.
“It is going to be alright,” he promised you, pressing a quick kiss to your cheek before watching you get ready for the dinner. You were wearing a flowing dress, throwing a shawl around your shoulders to cover the bruises his mouth had caused.
His lips tugged up in a smile at the thought of how many more he could suck into your skin once this night was over.
The dinner had started well enough, everyone was in a good mood and sitting down to eat when Din arrived, letting himself fall into the chair next to Boba.
“Where have you been?”
“Gone,” Din replied, his cheeks getting a little pink, “I was walking … with a friend.”
Boba hummed, deciding to ignore his friend’s suspicious behaviour for the sake of getting to the most important topic of the night.
“You cannot marry her.”
“You cannot marry her,” he repeated calmly, chewing on a bean salad, “She’s my mate, Djarin. I respect your position as Mand’alor and as a friend which is why I’m telling you this. But I won’t let you mate her,” he stated before quietly adding, “I can’t.”
“Does she know about your intentions?”
“She does. But she does not know I am speaking so bluntly to you about it,” he looked at you as you talked to some other women at the table, his heart strangely soft and aching, “She doesn’t want to hurt your feelings.”
“Let me make one thing clear, Din,” he growled, “If the council decides to keep her I will take her away. You know I know how to do that and I’m not afraid to start a war if it means having her by my side.”
“You really think I’d force her to marry me?”
“I think your council would stop at nothing to get that union they want. And I won’t let her fall victim to them.”
“Believe me the last thing I am concerned about is the council getting their feelings hurt,” Din scoffed, “But are you sure?
“We might have already … made things final.”
Din hummed, “I see.”
“So,” Boba took a sip of spotchka, “What do you say?”
In the dark hallway, Boba spotted you almost immediately, waiting right in front of his ship.
“What’s going on?” you asked, your eyebrows knitted together, “What did he say?”
You smelled immediately of worry and a tinge of anxiety and it took everything in him not to press his face into your neck and scent you.
“I told him about us.”
“And? Boba please tell me what he said,” you begged him, your voice quiet but insistent as he led you deeper into the shadow of his ship, “Is – is he very angry? I knew I should’ve been there what if he wants to cancel the union and my family will –“
“He is not,” Boba shook his head, “In fact, he gave me his blessing.”
“He did?” you breathed, your eyes wide. Stars, you were pretty and you smelled so sweet and suddenly your arms were wrapped around his neck as you laughed into his chest.
“He did … seems our Mand’alor had his sights set on someone else the entire time.”
“Thank the stars,” you grinned, leaning up to kiss him, “Does that mean I can leave with you tomorrow?”
“Yes,” he said, sounding very pleased, “It means we can go home.”
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let’s talk about Nintendo’s inanimate object characters
look, i rarely write anything Nintendo-related because it’s not really my jam, but my creative juices are flowing because of my deadlines and this came to mind. also i feel like almost all of the examples in this post came from Nintendo’s wackiest era, if that means anything. let’s take a look:

Goodstyle - Wario: Master of Disguise (2007)
the magical wand with the face of the Pringles’ guy. Goodstyle’s subservient and gentle nature makes him the perfect assistant to Wario’s domineering and brash character. the design reflects that: his eyebrows are always raised to indicate worry for Wario’s actions and motivations (which can be described as questionable at best), his head is huge in comparison to his body which is slim and bent, again suggesting anxiety and uncertainty. he calls Wario ‘master’ and the reason these two are a perfect match is how they’re binary opposites. Wario’s a greedy slob whereas Goodstyle is a romantic gentleman trapped in a wand. one’s whimsical, the other isn’t. if we’re thinking about Nintendo’s choices when creating a sidekick for a character like Wario, it makes sense for Goodstyle to act like Wario’s servant because Wario thinks he’s the shit, so having someone who would challenge him wouldn’t bode well on a solo outing (as opposed to the Warioware games which are known for their character ensembles).
Perry the Parasol - Super Princess Peach (2005)
i have to admit, this guy was the reason behind this entire post because i was so surprised to find out that (a) Peach had a sidekick, and (b) Peach had her own game. so here we are. this is the only game on the list i haven’t played but i have watched a walkthrough for it and Perry honestly seems like a great guy. this game was all about subverting roles by having Mario be the hostage and Peach the saviour, but even so, Peach isn’t really given much personality. this is reflected through Perry too: he’s just there. he smiles a lot, i guess? by reading the comments on that walkthrough i watched i found out that this game probably didn’t do well because it was too GiRLy for the audience of the time. i mean long forgotten are the early 00s days when Nintendo was pumping out games for BOYS and then... Nintendogs? Perry definitely brings out traditionally feminine characteristics: soft and delicate, riding the air’s breeze, blush on his cheeks, yellow in colour to signify joy and light with cyan frills just like curtains or lingerie? it’s giving what male writers think a woman’s sidekick should be. male characters can have jetpacks and monstertrucks but women... well here’s a parasol that’s always happy, or in the case of Bayonetta who’s a bit edgier, gun heels. coincidentally, Perry shares the same exact colour palette with none other than Athena Cykes. what a crazy coinky dink, amirite??? *sigh*
Cappy - Super Mario Odyssey (2017)
a comparatively recent character and the poster boy for Communism. yes, you read that right. hear me out: by 2017 Mario holds as much power as Mickey Mouse. undoubtedly the Eastern version of the mouse, the mascot of an evil money-hungry conglomerate. who would dare dim Mario’s light, especially in a solo outing? the Switch had just been released earlier that year and this was supposed to be what Galaxy was to the Wii. Cappy is very much Mario’s “equal”. that’s what this hat thinks. Cappy comes from a world drenched in black and white, where all its citizens simply... exist. they are there to be hats. if right now you’re thinking ‘gee, that sounds awfully familiar to Russia in the early 1950s’ you are correct. the very reason Cappy helps out Mario in his adventure is because his younger sister, Tiara, was stolen alongside Peach. Cappy is naive enough to think that his struggle is equal to that of Mario. has Cappy not played any Nintendo games? has he not heard of the selfish, downtrodden, maniacal, twisted and demented world of “Super” Mario? there is nothing super about the way Mario uses the rest of the cast, namely... Yoshi. foolish hat. in what world do you hail from a kingdom of Communism and end up becoming the equal of a plumber who is the face of a company that sells a $30 Pokemon Expansion Pass?

Satan F.L.U.D.D. - Super Mario Sunshine (2002)
god do i hate this game. i think it might be the worst game i have ever played in my life, like it’s competing with TiT for #1. anyway, let’s consider everything i said in the previous section. despite the fact that Sunshine came out 15 years before Odyssey, i think the idea of not dimming Mario’s shine was there. similarly to Cappy, F.L.U.D.D. stays out of Mario’s spotlight by being mute for most of the game and is used as a tool. unlike the rest of the entries however, F.L.U.D.D. isn’t even given a face. there are no facial characteristics whatsoever and its robotic voice reduces it to a complete object. this might be Nintendo’s most extreme attempt to give Mario a sidekick which wouldn’t take away from him being the main character. i hate F.L.U.D.D. it’s delusional enough to think it does a good job when it’s legit a piece of trash and it possesses Mario and refuses to let go. don’t get me wrong, Mario doesn’t earn any sympathy points, but not letting go? a belt that doesn’t let go? please let him go.
#boy did this post change trajectory when Perry's section came#the shift in tone too...#i have entrusted the Bri ish healthcare system with my life and they have given me antibiotics. i blame this un'ingedness on them#it's the meds for sure#nintendo#not sly cooper#super mario#i need to nap after writing this
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howdy! i'm jaye :]
♢ LINKS TO HELP PALESTINE from the river to the sea 🇵🇸 ♢
♢ he/him | minor | white | on kind of hiatus, will be on and off ♢
♢ pronouns page | LovelornPaperboy (my ao3) | :) (my spotify) | kingincerulean (my letterboxd) | peppersteakz (my spacehey) | partheavenpartspace (my discord: feel free to add me!!) | my fallen london is cosmicTelevison ♢
♢ spam likes/reblogs are totally fine! (encouraged too) ♢
♢ suggestive posts are tagged with nsft and artistic nudity ♢
♢ i tag (almost) every post i make/reblog. if you need something tagged, dm me and i'll totally do it for you! here are the tags i use for myself sometimes:
#jaye's originals ig: i use this when I make an original/personal post. variations include jaye's asks ig (asks people have sent me), jaye's scribbles ig (my trash art), and jaye irl ig (photos I have taken) ♢
♢ i have executive dysfunction. if i don't respond to something you send me, i promise it's not your fault ♢
♢ feel free to talk to me! i'd love some more mutuals :) ♢
fandoms & dni under cut
some stuff i'm into are: (currently into are marked with ♢)
tv shows: | ♢ good omens ♢ | supernatural | what we do in the shadows | our flag means death | mob psycho 100 | severance | joe pera talks with you | don't hug me i'm scared | star trek: the original series | bbc ghosts | community | flight of the conchords | pushing daisies | buffy the vampire slayer | bluey | neon genesis evangelion |
books: | ♢ the hunger games ♢ | the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy | scott pilgrim | warrior cats | ♢ house of leaves ♢ | ♢ space odyssey ♢ | fight club | i have no mouth and i must scream | how to train your dragon | the murderbot diaries | les misérables |
video games: | ♢ off ♢ | the stanley parable | cult of the lamb | ♢ stardew valley ♢ | bugsnax | legend of zelda | animal crossing | hollow knight | untitled goose game | hades | night in the woods | fallen london | ace attorney | five nights at freddy's | dayshift at freddy's | dialtown | undertale | deltarune | later alligator | baba is you | omori | i have no mouth and i must scream | ♢ portal (1 + 2) ♢ |
podcasts: | welcome to night vale | hello from the hallowoods | i am in eskew |
web series/args/analog horror: | ♢ petscop ♢ | don't hug me i'm scared (original) | ♢ gemini home entertainment ♢ | ♢ homestuck ♢ | bigtop burger | this house has people in it/ab surveillance solutions | unedited footage of a bear | myhouse.wad | ♢ 17776: what football will look like in the future ♢ | no through road | dog nightmare | doctor nowhere |
movies: | re-animator | ♢ 2001: a space odyssey / 2010: the year we make contact ♢ | bright young things | ♢ fight club ♢ | ♢ fargo ♢ | goncharov (i tag this with tw unreality) | night at the museum | skinamarink | the princess bride | scott pilgrim vs the world | bill and ted | cloverfield | i saw the tv glow |
+ feel free to ask! i am definetly missing some stuff up there and i'm always open to suggestions :)
i will always answer an ask (that's not like. super mean obviously)
♢ dni:
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Hello, and welcome to my blog! I’m a massive Super Smash Bros. fan, but there are a ton of games represented in Smash that I’ve never played, but I really want to but have had a little bit of trouble finding the motivation to play them.
So, i figured the best way to go about this is to play them while documenting it here on this blog. I figured if it might also entertains other people then that’s great! I know i’m almost certainly not the first person to do this, but i wanted to share my experiences with these games on this blog.
I should also note i won’t be 100% completing these games. this is already going to be a pretty big undertaking, and there are some games I’d rather not complete just because they’re a pain in the ass, frankly. I will make it to the end of them (defeat the final boss and all that) but no promises about doing EVERYTHING in each of these games.
So, anyway, here is a rough list of the games I think i should be playing. there is a LOT already, and I’m 90% sure that I’m forgetting some.
Super Smash Bros. (Nintendo 64)
Super Smash Bros. Melee
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Super Smash Bros. for 3DS
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Super Mario Bros.
Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels
Super Mario Bros. 2 (USA)
Super Mario Bros. 3
Super Mario Land
Super Mario World
Super Mario Land 2: Six Golden Coins
Super Mario World 2: Yoshi’s Island
Super Mario 64
Super Mario Sunshine
New Super Mario Bros.
Super Mario Galaxy
New Super Mario Bros. Wii
Super Mario Galaxy 2
Super Mario 3D Land
New Super Mario Bros. 2
New Super Mario Bros U. DELUXE
Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury
Super Mario Maker
Super Mario Odyssey
Mario Kart
Mario Kart DS
Mario Kart 7
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Mario Bros.
Paper Mario
Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
Paper Mario: Sticker Star
Donkey Kong (Arcade Version)
Donkey Kong Country
Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy’s Kong Quest
Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong’s Double Trouble
Donkey Kong 64
Donkey Kong Jungle Beat
Donkey Kong Country Returns
Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
The Legend of Zelda
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass
The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Metroid: Zero Mission
Metroid Prime
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
Metroid: Samus Returns
Super Metroid
Metroid: Other M
Metroid: Fusion
Yoshi’s Story
Yoshi’s Woolly World
Yoshi’s Crafted World
Kirby’s Dream Land
Kirby’s Adventure
Kirby’s Dream Land 2
Kirby Super Star Ultra
Kirby’s Dream Land 3
Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards
Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land
Kirby Air Ride
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror
Kirby: Squeak Squad
Kirby’s Epic Yarn
Kirby: Triple Deluxe
Kirby: Planet Robobot
Kirby: Star Allies
Star Fox
Star Fox 64
Star Fox Adventures
Star Fox Assault
Star Fox Command
Star Fox Zero
Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow
Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal
Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald
Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum
Pokemon Black/White
Pokemon Black 2/White 2
Pokemon X/Y
Pokemon Sun/Moon/Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon
Pokemon Sword/Shield
Luigi’s Mansion
Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon
Luigi’s Mansion 3
F-Zero X
F-Zero GX
Super Princess Peach
Ice Climber
Dr. Mario
Dr. Mario 64
Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light
Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem
Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade
Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
Fire Emblem: Awakening
Fire Emblem: Fates
Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Game & Watch Games
Kid Icarus
Kid Icarus: Uprising
Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3
Wario Land II
Wario Land 3
Wario Land 4
Wario Land: Shake It!
WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgames$!
WarioWare: Touched!
WarioWare: Smooth Moves
WarioWare Gold
Metal Gear MSX
Metal Gear 2
Metal Gear Solid
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
Mother 3
Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog 2
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles
Sonic Adventure
Sonic Adventure 2
Sonic Lost World
Pikmin 2
Pikmin 3
R.O.B. Stuff
Animal Crossing (Gamecube)
Animal Crossing: Wild World
Animal Crossing: City Folk
Animal Crossing: New Leaf
Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Mega Man 1
Mega Man 2
Mega Man 3
Mega Man 4
Mega Man 5
Mega Man 6
Mega Man 7
Mega Man 8
Mega Man 9
Mega Man 10
Mega Man 11
Wii Fit
Punch Out!!
Super Punch-Out!!
Punch-Out!! (Wii)
Wii Sports Resort
Find Mii
Tomodachi Life
Xenoblade Chronicles
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna, the Golden Country
Duck Hunt
Wild Gunman
Street Fighter
Street Fighter II
Street Fighter III
Street Fighter IV
Street Fighter V
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
Final Fantasy VII: Remake
Bayonetta 2
Splatoon 2
Castlevania II: Simon’s Quest
Castlevania: Rondo of Blood
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow
Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow
Persona 3
Persona 4
Persona 5
Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of Salvation
Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen
Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King
Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age
Fatal Fury
Fatal Fury 2
Fatal Fury 3: Road to the Final Victory
Garou: Mark of the Wolves
The King of Fighters ‘98
The King of Fighters XII
Balloon Fight
Nintendogs + Cats
Pilotwings Resort
Tekken 2
Tekken 3
Tekken 4
Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection
Tekken 6: Bloodline Rebellion
Tekken 7
Miiverse (Somehow)
Kingdom Hearts
Kingdom Hearts RE: Chain of Memories
Kingdom Hearts II
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep
Kingdom Hearts RE: coded
Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance
Kingdom Hearts II.8 Final Chapter Prologue
Kingdom Hearts III
#Smash#Smash Ultimate#Super Smash Bros Ultimate#Super Mario Bros.#Donkey Kong#The Legend of Zelda#Metroid#yoshi#kirby#StarFox#Pokemon#Earthbound#Mother 3#F-Zero#Ice Climber#Fire Emblem#Game & Watch#Kid Icarus#Wario#Wario Land#WarioWare#Metal Gear#Sonic the Hedgehog#Pikmin#R.O.B.#Animal Crossing#Mega Man#Wii Fit#Punch-Out!!#Mii
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Episode 129 - Non-Fiction Film & TV Books
This episode we’re talking about Non-Fiction Film & TV books! We discuss media about media, self-pity book purchasing, spoilers, and more! Plus: Kakapos!
You can download the podcast directly, find it on Libsyn, or get it through Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Google Podcasts, Spotify, or your favourite podcast delivery system.
In this episode
Anna Ferri | Matthew Murray | RJ Edwards | Appleberry
Things We Read (or tried to…)
Shit, Actually: The Definitive, 100% Objective Guide to Modern Cinema by Lindy West
Ayoade on Top by Richard Ayoade
Movies (and Other Things) by Shea Serrano and Arturo Torres
Soul Train: The Music, Dance, and Style of a Generation by Questlove
Springfield Confidential: Jokes, Secrets, and Outright Lies from a Lifetime Writing for The Simpsons by Mike Reiss, Mathew Klickstein
Hollywood vs. the Author edited by Stephen Jay Schwartz
Talking Pictures: How to Watch Movies by Ann Hornaday
The Disaster Artist: My Life Inside The Room, the Greatest Bad Movie Ever Made by Greg Sestero, Tom Bissell
Richard Ayoade Presents the Grip of Film by Gordy LaSure
Typeset in the Future: Typography and Design in Science Fiction Movies by Dave Addey
Typeset in the Future website
101 Movies to Watch Before You Die by Ricardo Cavolo
How to Watch Television, Second Edition edited by Ethan Thompson and Jason Mittell
Other Media We Mentioned
A Kim Jong-Il Production: The Extraordinary True Story of a Kidnapped Filmmaker, His Star Actress, and a Young Dictator's Rise to Power by Paul Fischer
Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun (Wikipedia)
Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Wikipedia)
Samurai Pizza Cats (Wikipedia)
My Pet Monster (Wikipedia)
The A-Team (Wikipedia)
Murder, She Wrote (Wikipedia)
Are You Afraid of the Dark? (Wikipedia)
Goosebumps (TV series) (Wikipedia)
Live from New York: An Oral History of Saturday Night Live by James Andrew Miller and Tom Shales
Saturday Night Live (Wikipedia)
The Kids in the Hall: One Dumb Guy by Paul Myers
The Kids in the Hall (TV series) (Wikipedia)
As You Wish: Inconceivable Tales from the Making of The Princess Bride by Cary Elwes
Adventures in the Screen Trade by William Goldman
Which Lie Did I Tell? More Adventures in the Screen Trade by William Goldman
The Fugitive (Wikipedia)
View from the Top (Wikipedia)
The Room (Wikipedia)
2001: A Space Odyssey (Wikipedia)
Alien (Wikipedia)
Star Trek: The Motion Picture (Wikipedia)
Blade Runner (Wikipedia)
Total Recall (Wikipedia)
WALL-E (Wikipedia)
Moon (Wikipedia)
House (TV series) (Wikipedia)
Battlestar Galactica (Wikipedia)
The Video Game History Hour podcast
Decoder Ring - The Soap Opera Machine
Shrill (TV series) (Wikipedia)
Love, Actually (Wikipedia)
List of Hallmark Channel Original Movies (Wikipedia)
33⅓ (Wikipedia)
Criminal Minds (Wikipedia)
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (Wikipedia)
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (Wikipedia)
Dredd (Wikipedia)
The Muppets (Wikipedia)
Top Gun (Wikipedia)
Kate Beaton’s Top Gun comics
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Wikipedia)
Star Trek: The Next Generation (Wikipedia)
Armageddon Films FAQ: All That's Left to Know about Zombies, Contagions, Aliens, and the End of the World as We Know It! by Dale Sherman
Links, Articles, and Things
Library Punk episode 014 - Manga
Episode 128 - Plucky Kid Detective
Episode 104 - Entertainment Non-Fiction
Toy Galaxy (YouTube channel)
Lindsay Ellis (YouTube channel)
Amanda the Jedi (YouTube channel)
Jenny Nicholson (YouTube channel)
Every Frame a Painting (YouTube channel)
Postmortem: Every Frame a Painting by co-creator Tony Zhou
Welcome to the Basement
Pushing Up Roses (YouTube channel)
Jacob Geller (YouTube channel)
Letterboxd (Wikipedia)
Demi Adejuyigbe on Letterboxd
Sidewalk Slam - Episode 57 - AEW Revolution 2021 (YouTube)
Kakapo (Wikipedia)
Lego set
Diegesis (Wikipedia)
The Stranger (newspaper) (Wikipedia)
Chuck Klosterman (Wikipedia)
Hanif Abdurraqib (Wikipedia)
24 Film/TV/Video Non-Fiction books by BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, & People of Colour) Authors
Every month Book Club for Masochists: A Readers’ Advisory Podcasts chooses a genre at random and we read and discuss books from that genre. We also put together book lists for each episode/genre that feature works by BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, & People of Colour) authors. All of the lists can be found here.
All the Pieces Matter: The Inside Story of The Wire by Jonathan Abrams
“Indian” Stereotypes in TV Science Fiction: First Nations' Voices Speak Out by Sierra S. Adare
Ayoade on Top by Richard Ayoade
Contemporary Black Women Filmmakers and the Art of Resistance by Christina N. Baker
Horror Noire: Blacks in American Horror Films from the 1890s to Present by Robin R. Means Coleman
The Hollywood Jim Crow: The Racial Politics of the Movie Industry by Maryann Erigha
Framing Blackness: The African American Image in Film by Ed Guerrero
Why Wakanda Matters: What Black Panther Reveals About Psychology, Identity, and Communication by Sheena C. Howard
Something Like an Autobiography by Akira Kurosawa
Our Gang: A Racial History of The Little Rascals by Julia Lee
The Films of Bong Joon Ho by Nam Lee
Moving the Image: Independent Asian Pacific American Media Arts edited by Russell Leong
Farewell My Concubine: A Queer Film Classic by Helen Hok-Sze Leung
Cinema-Interval by Trinh T. Minh-ha
Get Out: The Complete Annotated Screenplay by Jordan Peele
Where Do You Think We Are?: Ten Illustrated Essays About Scrubs by Shea Serrano, illustrated by Arturo Torres
Arab Cinema: History and Cultural Identity by Viola Shafik
Maori Television: The First Ten Years by Jo Smith
Shaded Lives: African American Women and Television by Beretta E. Smith-Shomade
Tribal Television: Viewing Native People in Sitcoms by Dustin Tahmahkera
Soul Train: The Music, Dance, and Style of a Generation by Ahmir Questlove Thompson
Sweet Sweetback's Baadasssss Song: A Guerilla Filmmaking Manifesto by Melvin Van Peebles
Reel Inequality: Hollywood Actors and Racism by Nancy Wang Yuen
I See Black People: The Rise and Fall of African American-Owned Television and Radio by Kristal Brent Zook
Also check out the booklist from our episode on Entertainment Non-Fiction.
Give us feedback!
Fill out the form to ask for a recommendation or suggest a genre or title for us to read!
Which zine do you most want to read? (Twitter poll)
RJ's zine about Love Actually
Anna's zine about Criminal Minds
Matthew's zine about Dredd
Check out our Tumblr, follow us on Twitter or Instagram, join our Facebook Group, or send us an email!
It’s almost time for our annual “We all read the same book” episode. So on Tuesday, July 20th we’ll each suggest and talk about one title and you’ll get to vote for which one we’ll read. (And yes, it will definitely happen this time.)
Then on Tuesday, August 3rd it’s time to jack in and download because we’ll be reading the genre of Cyberpunk!
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Mario Thread Opinions
I saw something making rounds on Twitter featuring Mario characters, so, I wanted to respond to that, but without flooding the timeline.
So, I’ll put them here instead! ...And I’ll try to keep thoughts short...

... ... ...
Original Tweeted Characters
Mario: He’s such a cheerful and happy protagonist! I don’t get why people ever have strong dislikes for him. He’s full of energy and normally kindness. Maybe they think that’s bland, but I’ve been following Mario’s journeys since I was very young, so he’ll always be a great protagonist for me.
Toadette: She’s so energetic and sweet! She’s come such a long way since her debut from Mario Kart: Double Dash, and currently, Toadette seems to be a regular mainstay for the franchise. You’re doing amazing, sweetie! Keep going!
Dry Bones: One of the cutest zombies and/or reanimated dead characters that I can think of. While a tricky enemy to handle, I still enjoy seeing them. Plus, they’re welcome additions to spin-off games like almost always!
Shy Guy: The beeeeest! Shy Guy is the cutest little enemy, and I love how they get included into various roles as either friend or foe. I think I’m always happy to see Shy Guy around in some way!
Pink Gold Peach: Peach deserves a cool power-up form! While I wish she had it outside of spin-off titles, I think it’s a cute concept regardless. (Though, I get the disappointment when she shows up.) People mention “rose gold” as a title instead, and I think I agree with that, but also, alliteration.
Peachette: (deep, heavy sigh) You could have been so fun conceptually...the potential for future uses that could be dramatic with bait-and-switches for Peach. But...marred by Internet memes...also, not a fan that Toadette gets replaced on-screen by Peach in the first place, so, yeah.
King Boo: This dude has so many change-ups in how he appears. I kind of love him as both a Mario enemy and a Luigi’s Mansion main boss. He makes a good adversary for Luigi, so, I hope he sticks around to spook the cast! Love his laugh too, lol.
Daisy: She deserves so much love and attention, and I don’t understand why the developers at Nintendo have kept her locked behind spin-off titles for so long. I feel like that could change going forward, so I’m hoping that she becomes even more awesome and help save the day in future adventures!
Peach: Arguably the most iconic damsel in modern media, though I wish we could let her evolve past that. Peach is strong in her own right, so let’s see her headline a franchise and save the day herself! She doesn’t get opportunity to do that enough. She can be more than just Mario’s plot device. Anyway, she’s great, and I wish she would get more respect from Nintendo. She could make the Disney princesses shudder if given the chance.
Yoshi: Quite possibly the cutest steed known to pop culture! He’s so sweet and precious, like, I feel as though no one can help but love Yoshi. Anytime he pops in and the moment immediately improves!
Luigi: As a younger sibling myself, I totally can relate to Luigi easily. He’s the best deuteragonist that Mario could ask for! His fans can sometimes be a little much, but I can understand the enthusiasm! Luigi’s a good boy. Nintendo should dunk on him less though; he’s proven well enough.
Hammer Bro: Bah, an enemy that always keeps me wary! Probably one of the biggest common enemies that is practically guaranteed to be at least a light challenge. As they appear in more spin-off games, I like their energy and excitement more. They’re fun dudes!
The Koopalings: No clue how they were kept dormant for so many years, because they provide so much flavor to the series! Then again, it’s painful to see any of them separated from one another, and including seven characters can be a challenge. Overall, I love them, and they make great opponents and even additions to rosters! Best generals, I think.
Kamek: I know that the name isn’t supposed to be significant, but he ended up being so. And I really wish we would get a version of Kamek that stands out from the other Magikoopa! His role seems too important to be neglected as often as it can be. Definitely the coolest standalone enemy on Bowser’s minion roster, and I hope they keep helping this one stand out more in the future!
Waluigi: He’s pretty funny, and he can sucker a few laughs out of me time and again. I think that he’s underrated by the Mario franchise itself, and that he should appear more often or join Wario for his franchise. His loudest fans are definitely a bit too rambunctious. Still, he’s been around for 20 years, and I do agree that he probably deserves better.
Rosalina: Definitely a cool character that I really hope we keep in rotation. She should be used for more than just spin-off shenanigans without question, so I hope that we see her more as time goes on. (She almost joined Odyssey in a cool appearance!) Anyway, I love her motherly and calm yet elegant nature, and the lore that she gave to Super Mario Galaxy as well. Luma princess!
Bowser: As Mario is one of my favorite protagonists, Bowser would be one of my favorite antagonists! Though, I do wish he’d get a break. He’s a fun character without always being evil. We should give other villains a chance to go crazy and let Bowser do something else, either helping Mario or just living life without being the big bad. He’s sometimes more interesting being just a dad above all else!
Piranha Plant: Plant gang rise up! Not going to lie, one of the most iconic Mario enemies to appear, and yet, I feel like they’ve been slept on until their recent inclusions in games as playable characters, most especially in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Great surprise trap enemies too. Overall, love these chompy dudes! ...Except when they chomp me, that is, ha!
Metal Mario: Probably one of Mario’s coolest power-up forms! He’s appeared in several spin-offs as a playable character, starting with Mario Golf for the N64, if I’m not mistaken. While I prefer him as a power-up, he’s a fun concept to see turn up every so often.
Whomp King: An iconic opponent in Super Mario 64, and one that I’m surprised to see turn up every so often! Yet, I’m also surprised that we don’t see him more often as well. It’s odd, but then again, Whomps can be underutilized. I like him though!
Wario: Greedy guy supreme! Wario is perhaps the grossest Mario character, but also one of the funniest. He’s usually a welcome addition to the rosters that he joins, so, I like to see him around too. His laugh is hilarious and definitely one of the more recognizable out there!
Dry Bowser: Bowser’s reanimated corpse! Originally a cool concept and perhaps even a surprising one! Since I like Dry Bones, I tend to like this dude, even when he’s not exactly Bowser himself sometimes, since that happens. Either way, cool and creepy, so totally a unique flavor!
Pom Pom: Honestly, not an addition that I ever expected, but totally welcomed alongside Boom Boom’s return to the franchise. I love her shuriken attacks and ninja theme, because I’m a sucker for that. And more female creature features are always welcome to roster! Not every lady needs to be a princess, after all.
King Bob-omb: I love him! He’s arguably my favorite boss from Super Mario 64, and I’m so happy that he’s been popping up more frequently. He’s finally playable for the first time in Mario Kart: Tour, so I hope he appears as such in future titles! His mustache deserves greatness!
Toad: I have literally always had a huge soft-spot for the Mushroom Kingdom citizens. Also, I feel like Toad should be recognized as an individual as much as Yoshi is! He’s cheerful, helpful, sweet, and usually so helpful! Plus, I totally crush it when I use him in Mario Kart, lol. One of my favorites as well, and I consider him as part of the core cast!
Bob-omb: Who knew living explosives could be so...cute? I can’t deny that I delight in seeing them, even though they usually terrorize me whenever they’re around. Totally love to see them included, as they’re great inclusions.
Boo: Spooky time! I love seeing Boo, they’re fun. Also, horrifying to face off against, since they’re not usually the easiest to defeat. They’re cute though, and I love to listen to their cackles and trills! Also wonderful inclusions, both in the main Super Mario games and hilariously so in Luigi’s Mansion. (I love their titles and names in those games!)
Bowser Jr.: While his existence should raise questions, mostly concerning how, I tend to hand wave that as easily as Nintendo does. I love that Bowser has a bratty kid, it’s so entertaining to me! And it’s precious, because I really enjoy seeing Bowser having a soft spot for his son. Junior himself is enjoyable to see too, because he’s a pint-sized enemy with lots of personality!
Pauline: That’s my girl! That’s my girl right there, whoo! I’m so deliriously happy that she’s returned in the greatest form, from nameless damsel to major city mayor! And now she’s regularly included for Mario franchise casts by the fans and the developers. She deserves it, and I hope we continue to see Pauline appear all the time in the future! Get it, One-Up Girl!
Baby Daisy: A cute baby bean, and a logical companion for Baby Peach! Not usually a character that I favor, but I don’t mind her. The scariest kiddo on the racetrack, that I’ve learned.
Petey Piranha: It makes sense that the Piranha Plants have a boss leader, since Bowser is that for the Koopas, and then we have such for Bob-ombs, Whomps, Boos, and the others. Anyway, the sludge stuff is gross, but I do love to see Petey! He’s actually sort of cute with his little utters of “yay!” in spin-offs. Plus, he’s usually a fun flavor of boss to battle!
Lakitu: Honestly, I forget that these dudes are supposed to be bad guys; they’re usually so friendly and helpful! And I think I prefer them that way overall. But, they do make challenging opponents when they’re not helpers, so that is fun to see from time to time. Totally a great mainstay to the roster either way!
Baby Rosalina: Like, I do get the idea of her, but at the same time, she’s more or less a walking contradiction, more than Bowser Jr. or the other babies by far. She is cute though, and I guess we’re not meant to think about it.
Koopa Troopa: Basically Bowser’s equivalent to Toad, and I don’t think that’s a comparison that’s addressed often enough. Like, they’d be great to make Bowser’s forces more sympathetic. Anyway, I like them as enemies, though I tend to see them as helpers fairly often too, since that’s how they’ve appeared over the years. Totally a great mainstay!
Boomerang Bro: As if their hammer throwing cousins weren’t bad enough, we get these dudes to battle from time to time. They’re tricky but cool variations on classic opponents. And I think I enjoy seeing them when we have big cast herds for the spin-off Mario titles.
Bullet Bill: Fear. These guys just come flying out of cannons and my instinct just shifts into fight-or-flight. I love them appearing, but I’m always wary of the challenges they normally present. Also, similar to Bob-omb with the whole, “who knew living artillery could be cute?” Because I know it’s Mario, but geez.
Baby Luigi: The baby bro! He’s a fun alternate option for Baby Mario to rescue, and cute to see included from time to time in spin-off titles. Though, I think his best appearance was Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time.
Banzai Bill: The developers went, “Hey, know what’s scary than a big bullet chasing you down? How about a MEGA DEATH BULLET that destroys everything in its wake? Let’s even give it a creepy slasher-grinning face!” And nobody really questioned that. Utterly horrifying to battle (or just run from), but cool conceptually, so I like the enemy inclusion.
Buzzy Beetle: They’re such lowkey baddies that I actually love. Like, there’s even a sinister hint to them with the glowing red eyes and everything! Totally underrated as opponents, and I enjoy their appearances whenever they’re around.
Baby Mario: The leader of the bunch, and you know him...wait a minute. Anyway, he’s a fun character concept, and I like the idea of exploring characters at different points of their lives! It’s cute to see Mario was thrown into heroics since basically birth, and Baby Mario’s usually entertaining to see around, even though we should really question the lacking moral/ethic decisions of letting babies drive go-karts and playing sports.
Goomba: The number one low-level grunt of all-time! At least, I think so. They’re such fun enemies to see included almost all of the time. It’s fun how they’re normally super easy to fight, but can be surprising challenges in various appearances too. Simple conceptually, yet really diverse in use! Overall, one of the best baddies out there!
Thwomp: Floating death trap extraordinaire! These dudes are utterly terrifying to be anywhere near, most especially under. I tend to remember them for the blocky blue forms used during the N64 era, but I think that’s the less iconic form. Still, they’re great trap enemies for sure, with a great slamming grunt to boot!
Captain Toad: While I’m not entirely sure if he’s meant to be separate from the Toad we know, I treat him that way. Plus, it’s fun to have a light-hearted version of Wario’s treasure hunter role used, and one that actually provides aid to Mario on his adventures! Plus, a hero in his own right. A great character indeed!
Wiggler: Instead of chanting “don’t be suspicious,” it’s “don’t wake the wormy” for me. This crazy caterpillar is full of anxiety inducing moments for sure, but on the cuter side too. Also, shout-out to the Flutter form! Anyway, they make a fun enemy, and it’s fun when they go from passive to aggressive!
Cheep Chomp: I really can’t deny that I’m surprised that this was included for an opinion list. Anyway, bigger and scarier fish enemies are always a good fright to include, so, why not? I like the purple version too.
Baby Peach: The original baby princess, which is weird to mention, given that I never expected more than one to appear or matter. Anyway, she’s a cute companion for Baby Mario and has her own baby princess posse, so...yeah.
Boom Boom: These dudes were always such cool enemies in Super Mario Bros. 3, so I’m really glad they came back into newer games! I love seeing them appear more in spin-offs lately too, they’re entertaining options to shuffle in with the cast now and again. Fun to face off against too; normally easy, but can be tougher too!
Cheep Cheep: Fishy! It’s weird how they can be so cute, and yet they’re so dangerous, since one bite cuts you down to size. But yeah, I like them as basic aquatic enemies!
Blooper: These troublesome dudes...they can chase you, tentacle smack you, and ink you in the face! That last one never used to be a problem in kart racing, but they totally improved over the years. Good enemy. But, also? A really, really cute spin-off character! I kind of love seeing them appear in other titles as playable characters. Especially in Mario Tennis Aces. Their voices are so cute!
Whomp: Really weird to see them included so far from their king. But anyway! Cool enemies, totally underrated compared to their Thwomp cousins, and I like to see them turn up now and again. They make fun guards, most commonly utilized in the Mario Party series. They’re fun enemies and deserve more love!
Additional Characters That I Like Too
Birdo: The disrespect at people never including my girl...shameful! Anyway, I love Birdo a lot. She’s pretty cute and should totally be included way more often than she is. And she pairs so nicely with Yoshi, that’s so perfect! Plus, she’s probably the earliest trans character that I was ever introduced to, and/or consciously aware of. Anyway, I love her, so there.
Toadsworth: Why does he get so neglected over the years? I thought he was a great inclusion for Peach’s staff, and yet, he’s diminishing so frequently over the years for some reason. Anyway, he was a very entertaining character, made a great equivalent to Kamek, and I wish he’d be used more frequently.
Donkey Kong: Not going to lie, I tend to not include him in Mario cast calls a lot too, since he just feels comparatively detached to other characters. That’s so weird for someone that basically helped kick off Nintendo’s main franchise. Anyway, I love him a lot, even if I don’t show it much. He’s a cool kong, and doesn’t need to be the king to prove it!
Chain Chomp: The bark and chain rattle of sheer terror. I love these guys though! They’re so cute! And dangerous. But cute! Whether being used as a baby’s weapon of mass destruction in racing, or as another avid tennis player, Chain Chomps are just delightful to have around.
Wart: Yeah, not really expected to be included. But, I like Wart from Super Mario Bros. 2, and he’s basically my new character to campaign for since Pauline made it back from the yester-years already. Wart has great potential to be an alternative to Bowser, or even just a fun character to include, so, I hope that we see him come back to the Mario franchise in the future some day!
Nabbit: This pesky thief actually stands out well enough to me, probably because he’s included as a playable pick in the New Super Mario Bros. games from time to time. Anyway, an oddball of sorts, but pretty cute to see pop up from time to time! Maybe he’ll be kept in rotation for future spin-offs...we’ll see!
Monty Mole: Perhaps a more forgettable enemy, but I think they’re entertaining and rather unique ground enemies! Also, I enjoy their Rocky Wrench cousins. But yeah, I felt these dudes deserved a special mention too!
Diddy Kong: Although I typically don’t consider Diddy a Mario character, he’s appeared so often enough that he should be. I like him as Donkey Kong’s go-to partner, and he’s fairly cute too!
Tatanga: Look, if Wart doesn’t work out, then I’m rallying behind Super Mario Land’s Tatanga. Plus, if we get more Daisy, we might as well get an enemy to go along with, or rather against, her. Who better than this little dude? ...Though, I kind of like the bulky version from the comics more. Then again, it’s less expected for a tiny guy to be a main bad guy, so, he’d work either way. Another fun alternate for Bowser, so he can have a break, and Mario gets more enemies!
Fire Bro: I saw the Boomerang Bro and was kind of expecting this dude to show up too. Normally easier to handle than their weapon tossing cousins, at least for me, but they’re challenging enough too. Another fun variation inclusion for big roster herds.
Spike: You know, I recall the Paper Mario version known as Clubba best. But anyway, I like these dudes, and I’m enjoying seeing them appear more often in newer spin-off titles. They’re cute! And they provide strong diversity for Bowser’s usual forces.
Luma: How did we not see these little fellows in the main set? They’re so adorable, I love seeing them all the time now! Definitely one of the coolest races to come from the Mario games, totally fitting for the franchise, and I love seeing them appear basically whenever they do. They’re so cute!
Rex: The retro Super Mario World enemy that’s rather squishy and most commonly forgotten. I think they work nicely as an evil equivalent to Yoshi, at least in appearance. It’s honestly strange that they’re so underrated and underutilized by the franchise; they’re pretty cool!
Ninji: Little ninja-like minions from Super Mario Bros. 2 that appear sparingly across the Mario series. Another enemy that I feel is super underrated and totally has potential for inclusion in spin-off games or just as a more frequent opponent like Rexes should be.
Koopa Paratroopa: Kind of included with Koopa Troopa above, but I like to see Paratroopa distinguished, since they normally tend to be, even among flying enemies. Plus, they’re common inclusions to the Mario spin-off titles, so it’s weird to pass over them. Anyway, I like these winged menaces too!
Professor E. Gadd: Speaking of underused characters and E. Gadd should totally pop up there. I like that he’s a Luigi’s Mansion mainstay, but I miss the days where he was slowly branching out in other titles, perhaps most notably in the Mario & Luigi series, but he’s also the reason that Mario had FLUDD in Super Mario Sunshine! I wonder why he’s not included more frequently; even if not playable, he makes sense just being used in some capacity.
Spiny: Lakitu’s little monsters that rain terror from the skies and onto the ground! Perhaps one of tougher baddies to battle with, but I like to see them, since they’re pretty iconic. Even without being Lakitu’s minions, they’re still plenty tough for Mario to battle against. Plus, they’re kind of cute? We should see a blue variation some day though, so that way we all know who to hammer on for all of those Mario Kart horror stories...
Cappy: Since this is being posted on the 3rd anniversary for Super Mario Odyssey, I’ll give him an additional inclusion. After all, Cappy is probably one of Mario’s best companions for a 3-D Mario title to ever be included, easily surpassing FLUDD and Baby Luma / Co-Star Luma. I hope he’s not left to be forgotten as the years go by, because he had plenty of personality and flavor that really made the adventure even more entertaining, and a great concept to engage with the game play, so, here’s to Cappy!
... ... ...
Phew. Anyway, these are just some thoughts on Mario franchise characters! There sure are a lot of them, huh? Probably too many to count if we really dig through the series, that’s for sure!
That’s all from me though, at least for this. Thank you for reading!
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My top 10 all time favorite characters
10. Captain Basilisx (SMBZ)
One of the few redeeming factors of SMBZ, Captain Basilisx is one of Bowser’s more threatening forces. An incredible badass who’s better than Shadow the Hedgefart (fight me) that has Medusa’s gaze and is the only one out of Bowser’s army who canonically kills Mario in the og series (the Reboot does not count, it does not exist to me). And his theme song, like god damn, that remix of Show No Tears from DMC3 is a banger. The only reason he’s this low is cause Basilisx is a one time character. His debut episode, The Great Doomship Offensive, was his final episode because Carl Marx Haynes refused to put him in the reboot, so thanks a lot, Alvinlaskan Bullworm.
9. Rosalina (Mario series)
Is anyone surprised she made it to this list somehow? Rosalina first appeared in the masterpiece of a game, Mario Galaxy. She watches the Comet Observatory and was accompanied by thousands, scratch it, millions of Lumas. They did her dirty in Mario Galaxy 2 by reducing her appearance to a cameo in the base game, and 3D World made her a straight up playable character to wash off the disrespect. She’s pretty much the only Mario princess that I adore. Pauline’s not my type, I despise the hell outta Peach, and Daisy is too sassy for my liking. Why she is at number 9 is that I don’t like her as much as I used to. Don’t get me wrong, I still liked her, I just don’t like her as much. Still a decent Mario character though.
8. King K. Rool (DK series)
Another case of Basilisx, he’s basically if Goofy from Disney tried to be Bowser. He’s many things. A boxer, a king, a scientist, hell even a pirate captain. His goal varies throughout his appearances. In the first DKC game, he wants to hoard all the Kongs’ bananas. In the 2nd and 3rd, he plotted revenge against the Kongs. In 64 is where he’s most serious, cause he wants to BLOW UP DK ISLAND with his Blast-O-Matic. he’s a wacky one, but that’s what we all adore from him. The reason he’s this low is that he’s another case of Basilisx. He’s underused as hell, he and the Kongs haven’t batted eyes in years. And truth to be told, I really wish he’d stick around. The villains we got in the recent DKC games are just generic as hell. Tiki Tong is Knucklotec but before Odyssey happened, and of course the Walrus is the main villain of Tropical Freeze. How anti climactic.
7. Blaze (Sonic series)
While I stated before that my faith on Sonic sinks as deep as the Mariana Trench, she’s one of the better Sonic characters. She’s the anti Sonic where while Sonic is social, caring and all about action, Blaze is an introvert, has no friends, and plans ahead. Kinda like everyone in 2020 when you put it in perspective. She has incredible fire powers and is the guardian of the Sol Emeralds, the Sol Dimension’s Chaos Emeralds, which looked like the Royal Rubies/Savvy Sapphires/Equable Emeralds from Dragon Quest. At first, she was hostile towards everyone except Cream, but in the end of Sonic Rush, she had character development and grew fond of everyone. She’s one of the best Sonic characters, and Sega did her dirty by pulling a Basilisx. Seriously, Generations was her last appearance, not counting spinoffs.
6. Metal Sonic (Sonic series)
In the Sonic series, Metal Sonic was the chad to Sonic’s virgin. He was first introduced in Sonic CD, as Sonic’s faker, who strived to be better than Sonic. And can I just say that Metal Sonic is 99.9% better than regular Sonic, despite Sonic kicking his ass multiple times? Safe to say that the scrap brain has acheived his life’s purpose (hohoho-) . He has speed that outmatches Sonic, can overheat his circuitry to catch up with Sonic when he’s far behind, but the biggest highlight was when he turned to flying metal godzilla. And his theme songs never cease to disappoint. Stardust Speedway is a banger and What I’m Made Of. Dear god, WHAT. I’M. MADE. OF. If you never smiled hearing this, don’t even speak a single word, cause you’re an alien and I’m calling the FBI. The only problem with him is he’s another Blaze/Basilisx. His last official appearance was in Generations, not counting Forces cause he was a hallucination at the time, and Mania was made by Whitehead and not Sega so it doesn’t count. The only reason he’s higher than Blaze is because I prefer him over her.
5. Vivian (TTYD)
In this tumblr, I normally trash talk TTYD, but now, let’s talk a positive from the game. Someone get me the bucket, cause after this section, I’m gonna barf. Anyways, Vivian from TTYD is by far the most developed out of the TTYD roster. We get glimpses of her being abused by Beldam and eventually in Chapter 4, she has a change of heart and joins your party, practically defying her purpose in life. She also has a wide array of useful attacks. Shadow Fist being her neutral special, Veil which is basically Bow’s Outta Sight, Fiery Jinx which inflicts Burn, and Infatuate which confuses enemies with a kiss (might as well call this The Thousand Kisses Door). The reason she’s this low is cause she’s not exactly my favorite female character in paper Mario, she’s rather the 2nd best.
4. Koopalings (Mario series)
Maybe I watched too much Bowser’s Koopalings for this one, but shut up, this is my list.
3. Bowser Jr (Mario series)
Bowser’s spoiled son here takes the 3rd place for multiple reasons. One, look at him. He’s adorable. How could you hate him you soulless pricks. Two, he’s smart as hell. I mean it’s evident since his debut, he literally framed Mario and got away with it. And mind you, framing someone for a felony is not easy. Takes years of planning, lawyers, hiding of evidence, and did I mention lawyers? And it doesn’t stop there. Unlike Bowser who normally uses brute force, Jr here uses all sorts of tech to keep Mario at bay. Megahammer, Mecha Jr, Boomsday Machine, you get the idea. Third, his father son relationship with Bowser is adorable as hell, seriously, HOW DO YOU HATE THIS GUY.
2. Olivia/Bobby (Origami King)
It was hard ranking these two individually but then I decided to put them both in the same tier. First up, my favorite Paper Mario character, Olivia. She’s basically a precious sunshine baby and if you dare lay a single scratch on her, I WILL BE FORCED TO TRAVEL THE WORLD AND BACK TO FIND YOU AND WHEN I DO, THEY HAVE TO MAKE ANOTHER COFFIN FOR YOUR FUNERAL. Yeah, her hints usually don’t help and I can see why there are people who hate her, but that’s what kids do, and I don’t even wanna see how an Olivia hater parents his kids. I just assume they donate them to an orphanage or something. I was kinda sad to see her go honestly, she was the only one travel companion out of the modern trilogy that I feel actually matters. And now, we have Bobby. He’s basically a Bob Omb who was a passenger of the Princess Peach (the narcissism, I know) until Olly took over and he eventually lost his fuse and memory. He doesn’t do much in battle, but his story arc is his spotlight. Eventually, he got his memories and the fuse he kept as a memory for his fallen bestie, which means it’s time to say goodbye. I know some TTYD fanbitch is gonna question his death because “aLl bOb oMbS sUrvIvE aN explOsiOn” but listen. Bobby isn’t a special case like say, Bombette or Bobbery. He’s just a regular factory made Bob Omb, which means he’s gonna die should he explode. And not gonna lie, that was one of the saddest videogame moments I experienced in my life. I almost cried, true story, and it takes a lot to make me cry. Olivia’s despair doesn’t help either. He was a valiant hero, a chad, and most importantly, he was a FRIEND. The reason they’re not on the top is because there’s one surpassing the two of them, and all who know me know who he freaking is.
1. Bowser (Mario series)
I mean, c’mon, who else would it be? He’s basically the supreme chad to Mario’s virgin. He’s one of gaming’s most iconic villains and he deserves that fucking role. He’s incredibly badass, like look at Giga Bowser and Fury Bowser and tell me he’s not the icon of awesome. If he’s not, don’t speak to me. Hell, even Pyrrhon from Kid Icarus Uprising acknowledges his badassery, if you’ve seen Hades’ Misguidance Season 2. He’s also crazy powerful, being able to conquer entire galaxies and punch out castles, TWICE. He even punched an entity of darkness to oblivion once. And did I mention he’s an incredible parent? He’s one of the most complex Mario characters, and that’s why we love him, is it not? For me, this is rather the case of rooting the villain more than the hero. And if I get judged for it, then so be it. I wish one day for a standalone Bowser game (Inside Story does not count) where Bowser beats the shit outta Mario. I salute you, King Koopa, you don’t need a crown to be my ruler, my throne’s already yours.
#mario#sonic the hedgehog#donkey kong#paper mario#olivia paper mario#bobby paper mario#paper mario ttyd#vivian#koopalings#bowser#bowser jr#smbz#king k rool#basilisx#blaze#bowser's koopalings#metal sonic
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Thomas Sides Mario AU belongs to @sugarglider9603
It was story-set of Super Mario Galaxy & Super Mario Galaxy 2 with fantasy mythology and star constellations plus references of twelve star signs and couple references of Greek myths.
But... I want to focus on Virgil as main protagonist here instead. With Logan, Roman, Patton, Remy and Bowceit as victim of kidnapping.
Through the storyline, there’s lot of references to Greek myths. (Idk why but I’m obsessed with Greek mythology)
The story went that Remy invites Sarcastic Bros and their prince boyfriends. Along Bowceit and his kids.
Remy want to show them his favorite planet that was filled of... dragons. Not just your typical dragons. These dragons are unique. (There’s a fucking dragon in Super Mario Odyssey. Why not having dragons in Mario AU too)
Remy: Hey! Let me show you my favorite planet that filled with dragons!
Virgil & Logan & Roman & Patton & Bowceit: DRAGONS?!?!??!!!
The dragons are called Star Dragons. These dragons are ‘born’ from the leftover of dead stars. (When the star went supernova).
When the ship lands on the planet called Contellstars and in the town called Gromeek the two first star dragons they meet is Pandora and Sirius, the sibling dragons.
Sirius is a light gray scaly dragon with orange, yellow and red spots that spattered across his chest, back and back legs. He bore a 5 feet wide leather dragon wings. He have white horn. (Like Impalas) He is stoic boy that rarely express his emotions to public. Only his sister can read him. His tail is club shaped tail.
Pandora have dark gray furry with dark purple and dark blue stripes on her back and tail. She bore 7 feet wide feather bird-dragon mixed wings. She have black horns. (Like Highland Cows) She is anxious but cheerful girl that can read her brother’s emotions. Her tail is spiked tail(three spikes on both sides of the tail).
Pandora: Hello, Remy! Brought your friends?
Sirius: Greeting.
Remy: you betcha! Everyone, Meet Pandora and Sirius. They are Star Dragons I told you about.
Patton: Oh my gawd! Sirius looks cool!
Roman: Yo. What kind name is Pandora?
Pandora: ...Rude.
After meeting star dragon siblings, they meet the dragon princess named Pavo.
Pavo is light green scaly with light blue underbelly. She bore five feet wide feather bird wings that have eyes shaped on each of her feather.(Pavo is the name of the star constellation that represents the peacock after all) She have yellow-green horns. (Like Bongo Antelope) She is peppy girl that like to move around a lot.(dance, fly, jump etc.) Her tail have a single long feather that is same with her wing feathers.
Pavo: Remy! My bestie!
She welcomed Remy first before she noticed Remy bought guests.
Pavo: is these cuties your friends?
Remy: Yup!
She then invited them to her castle which is typically medieval styled castle.
There, they meet the older brother of Sirius and Pandora; Pluto.
Pluto is a gray dragon with light gray under belly with two green spots on each side of his shoulders. He bore six feet wide scaly dragon wings. He have silver curly horns. (Like Kudu Antelopes) His tail have no distant features. He is a geeky boy that have interests in archeological. He wears a emerald green rimmed glasses.
Pluto notices that Pavo brings Remy and guests. He greets them, then asked for his siblings’ whereabouts. He then mentioned that he want to tell them about the stories that he found from the ruins nears the Stardew Valley. That catches Logan’s attention because he is a fucking nerd.
He would like to see the ruins.
Logan: Hey, Pluto? Can we come to the ruins with you?
Pluto: ???? You want to know about the ruins????
Other gets curious as well(except for Roman) and Pluto agreed to take them to the ruin after he finds his siblings.
Soon as he finds Sirius and Pandora, he takes the group include Remy and Pavo.(the star royalty have to go with the guests)
There they found bunches of ancient drawings of certain creatures and objects. Pluto begins to describe each drawing and tell the story behind the drawing.
Roman: Nerd.
Patton: Ro, be nice.
As he reaches the large drawing that features a large dragon with eight stars.
He begins to tell the story of Nova, the great star dragon that grants wishes to whom summons her with eight star stones.
Virgil: is he usually gets this excited about these old stuffs?
Pandora: yea. He does.
As Pluto finishes telling the story, a loud explosion sounds out from the outside of the ruins. Everyone runs out to see the antagonist.
The antagonist is a large black scaly dragon with golden underbelly and red stripe that runs from the back of his head to the tip of his tail. He bore 16 feet wide scaly dragon wings. His tail is two feet long blade(like a dagger). His name is Hercules. (I want to create a villain with unlikely name. I thought since I choose to use Greek mythology, why not use Hercules name? Yes I choose the Greek hero name for the antagonist. Sue me for want my fanfic to based on Greek mythology. Beside, a villain with heroic name? That’s little twisted in a way.)
Pavo looks pissed off when she see Hercules. She then called him out, stating that he shouldn’t be out of his prison.
Pavo: What the fuck, Hercules. You shouldn’t be here.
Hercules crackles manically. He then told her that he found a way out of his prison. Now he’s here to carry out his plan he had for long time.
Hercules: I would get Nova to grant me a wish I always want to have.
He then spotted new unfamiliar faces. He then decided to snatched them up. He summon bunches of five feet tall black griffins to snatching them.
Logan tried to protect Patton but both gets snatched up.
Roman draws his sword but it gets thrown off his hands when he clashed the sword with his own sword(dagger). He then gets snatched up.
Bowceit gets angry at Hercules and breathe fire at him. That didn’t affect Hercules but it angers him. He slammed Bowceit; knocked him out and grabbed him as well.
He grabs Remy which tries to protect the snakes kids. The kids gets grabbed as well. Only Bowceit Jr. escaped.
Pavo then ordered Pluto, Sirius and Pandora to get away and take Virgil with them as well. Pavo doesn’t want Virgil to get snatched. She unfortunately gets snatched.
Virgil: I don’t wanna to abandon them!
Pavo: You have to. Hercules is too dangerous to engage in battle with. Pandora, grab him.
Pandora just grabs Virgil by the hood and lift him up. (Bowceit Jr. end up running straight to Virgil and he just... pick him up and hold him close)
Out of three dragons, Pandora is faster than her two brothers so Pluto and Sirius ends up getting snatched.
Pandora: Bros!!!
Pandora takes Virgil and Bowceit Jr. to Remy’s ship.
Virgil is panicked. Bowceit Jr. was near to crying. Pandora joins Virgil’s panic time.
Virgil: Roman gets kidnapped! Lo gets kidnapped! Patton gets kidnapped! Even Remy and Bowceit get kidnapped!
Pandora: My brothers get kidnapped too. Princess is kidnapped as well. What the fuck should we do???
Bowceit Jr.: I WANT MY DADDY!!!
Soon Pandora calms down and calmed Virgil down.
She then explains that Hercules was probably trying to summon Nova. She tells him that Hercules is very dangerous to them for he won’t hesitate to kill others if they gets in his way. She then muttered about something about Andr-something. Virgil didn’t catch the rest.
She then asked him if he want to rescue others, he need to understand that it won’t be easy since they would likely to travel across the space. Virgil is little nerved by that fact but he is determined to save his brother and the princes along Bowceit. (They are on somewhat good terms here)
Junior(Bowceit Jr.) says he can help too.
Junior: I want save my daddy and my brothers and my sister.
Pandora and Virgil reclusively lets him come with him.
Pandora then tells him that she have ideas of whereabouts of eight star stones but Hercules would try to summon mythical creatures to stop us from sabotage his plans.
Virgil asked Pandora if she would came with him.
Pandora: ???? Of course??? I am not letting you go against Hercules and his summoned allies alone.
Virgil is relieving to hear that.
Virgil: Thank gods I am not alone in this like last time.
Pandora: you are absolutely insane for thinking that I won’t help you.
Somehow, they figured out how to pilot Remy’s ship. (Junior figures it out to Virgil and Pandora’s surprise)
Virgil: how did you know to drive a ship like this?!
Junior: I used to hijack daddy’s ships!
Pandora: I am almost afraid of you.
And their journey begins...
(The story will be launched in AO3 about mid-July, given or taken.)
#sanders sides#virgil sanders#roman sanders#patton sanders#logan sanders#mario au#dragon#deceit sanders#remy sanders#greek myths#star signs#greek myhtology#im obsessed with greek myths okay?!
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Games I finished in 2020

Six years ago I gave up on console gaming and sold my collection. They were taking up space and I wasn’t playing them. I have a bit more space these days and a renewed focus on completing games. I got a Switch as a gift and bought my brother’s Wii U and have been catching on games I missed out while doing the Dad/babies thing...
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of The Wild (Switch) 😍 : I wanted to write this game off as pure hype - there were a ton of open world action RPGs so what made this one so special? For starters it feels like it came from outer space. Everything in the game is so playful, exploration based and just plain fun.
The Legend of Zelda: Links Awakening (Switch) 👍: A very nice coat of paint to an already good game. I still remembered most of it from beating the original damn near 30 years ago on GameBoy. I, along with probably everyone, hope that Link to the Past gets the same “coat of paint” treatment.
Super Mario Odyssey (Switch) 😍: I love Mario 64. I’m not a fan of Sunshine. I hated Galaxy but it’s grown on me. Odyssey, to me, is Mario returning to its more “cube” shaped levels packed with exploration where you can find shines/stars in whatever order you want rather than the linear “track” feeling levels of Galaxy. The game probably the best ending of any Mario game ever.
New Super Mario Bros. U DX (Switch) 👍 : another game that’s basically a new coat of paint on the old 2D Mario games and that’s not a complaint because I still play them. I've been playing New Super Mario Bros. Wii with my son since beating this.
Yoshi‘s Crafted World (Switch) 😐: If you were a fan of Yoshi’s Island on the SNES (and you should be) this is a drastic change of pace. I still finished it but I would say 80% of the game is an easy snoozefest and only 20% of the stages are actually any good. The boss fights were fun. There are a few post-bigboss levels that are very difficult so that was a neat surprise. I played Wooly World for about 20 minutes but I’m not sure if I’ll finish it or just do another run through Yoshi’s Island.
Super Mario 3D World (Wii U) 👍 : Sad I missed this the first time around but happy I eventually got to play it. It almost seems like a better succesor to Mario 64 than Sushine/Galaxy were. Will I buy the remake that’s coming out for Switch for the (probably short) Bowser’s Fury add-on? Probably yeah.
Zelda Wind Waker HD (Wii U) 👍 : I enjoyed this more than I thought I would because I gave up on GameCube version. The upgraded HD visuals and quality of life updates made me happy I waited. The submarine challenges seem like the precursor to the shrine challenges in BOTW. I was surprised at this game being open-world since I’m playing Twilight Princess right now and it’s more linear despite having come out after.
Anyway there’s no real conclusion here. I heard from a wine sommelier that taking notes is a good way to remember wines you liked so I’m hoping that applies to videogames too.
Ceci n'est pas une warp pipe.
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Tagged by @imargaery
RULES: answer the following questions! You can only use each movie once:
Favourite movie: The Princess Bride
Movie that makes you remember your childhood: The Sound of Music
Favorite Tom Hanks movie: Joe Versus the Volcano
Movie that makes you cry: Avengers: Endgame (sorry, but it does)
Favourite 80’s movie: Dirty Dancing
Favourite comedy: Ferris Bueller’s Day Off
Favourite sports movie: omg I’ve literally seen almost no sports movies. Field of Dreams, I guess.
Favourite courtroom movie: 12 Angry Men
Favourite war movie: The Great Escape
Favourite animated movie: Finding Nemo
Favourite horror movie: A Quiet Place (but I don’t watch many horror movies, so)
Most overrated movie: 2001: A Space Odyssey (I know, I just found it so boring)
Favourite gangster movie: The Untouchables, I guess, but I watch almost nothing in this genre
Movie you can watch over and over: When Harry Met Sally
Movie with the best soundtrack: Purple Rain
Most embarrassing movie you love: Beaches (I watched this movie an embarrassing number of times in high school)
Favourite Christmas movie: ... I don’t really like Christmas movies. Love Actually, I guess, if I have to pick, but I only like some of the plots in that.
Favourite sequel: Guardians of the Galaxy 2
Tagging @bleekay, @j-philly-b, @missgeevious
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A friend helped me decide which outfit to go with,,, look at the pretty pretty space princess! :) She’s going to be fun to play in PSO2 lol
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Odyssey Yasuo: "What, you're not going to dance with me? Loosen up a little, princess. It will do you good." He held out his hand, hoping she would take it.
She turned back to her little box of crystals she kept as a garden. It’s not like Sona knew how to dance anyway.
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NAME! ♡ Captain Byte HEIGHT! ♡ 4′6″ NATIONALITY! ♡ American (Southern) FAVORITE FRUITS! ♡ In no particular order; grapes, bananas, oranges, blueberries, cherries (maraschino), strawberries, watermelons FAVORITE SEASONS! ♡ Winter FAVORITE SCENTS! ♡ Vanilla, floral, citrus and fruity, baked goods, savory foods, ‘female’ body sprays and shampoos, coconut, grape FAVORITE ANIMALS! ♡ Birds, cats, frogs, insects and arachnids TEA / COFFEE / HOT COCOA! ♡ Sweet iced tea, English Breakfast tea, vanilla latte coffee, chocolate cappuccino coffee, hot cocoa with plenty of marshmallows AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP! ♡ 4 to 8 hours a night WHEN MY BLOG WAS CREATED! ♡ I’ve been roleplaying Mario for almost five years, but I only recently remade this blog less than a month ago (I’d say a few weeks ago just to be on the safe side) RANDOM FACT! ♡ I just learned how to play the theme of the Warp Zone from Super Mario Bros. 3 on my melodica! FAVORITE FOOD(S)! ♡ General Tso’s chicken with rice and veggies, red velvet cake, cheesecake, sweets and baked goods in general, pasta with spicy Italian sausage and extra sauce (conchiglie or capellini), fettuccine alfredo with chicken and green peas, pecan and pumpkin pie FAVORITE SHOWS! ♡ Spongebob Squarepants, Steven Universe, 30 Rock FAVORITE MOVIE! ♡ Little Shop of Horrors, Wreck-It Ralph, Ralph Breaks The Internet, Super Mario Bros.: The Great Mission To Rescue Princess Peach!, Amada Anime Series: Super Mario Bros., Super Mario Bros. (1993) FAVORITE VINE! ♡ TOO MANY TO COUNT. I live my life watching Vine, TikTok and WebM compilations SEXUALITY! ♡ Pansexual PRONOUNS! ♡ He/Him FAVORITE BOOK SERIES! ♡ Grimm’s Complete Fairy Tales (it isn’t necessarily a book series, but it’s a bunch of stories in one book, so I consider it a series) FAVORITE VIDEO GAMES! ♡ Super Mario Galaxy 2, Super Mario Galaxy, Super Mario Odyssey, Super Mario RPG: Legend Of The Seven Stars, Mario & Luigi: Dream Team, Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam, Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games (Wii), Mario Kart Wii, Super Mario Bros. 3, Yoshi’s Island, Super Mario World, Super Mario Bros. 2, osu!, Minecraft, Portal 2, Team Fortress 2, Portal, and more that would take too long to list FAVORITE BANDS! ♡ Owl City, Tigerweather FAVORITE SUBJECT! ♡ Astronomy, Home Economics (baking and cooking) GUYS OR GIRLS! ♡ I lean more towards guys, but I like them both LAST TIME I CRIED! ♡ About three hours ago WHAT I SHOULD BE DOING! ♡ ...Nothing? FAVORITE FANDOM! ♡ Super Mario, Wreck-It Ralph, Portal
#take it away captain! (ooc)#different points of view (mun)#minigame round! (dash games)#weegie @greendreambro told me to do this over discord c:
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