#Princess of Babylon
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asdaricus · 2 years ago
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These are supposed to be Napir-Asu, Princess of Babylon and Queen of Elam. Unlike other give-away wives, Napir-Asu was the mother of the future King of Elam, so she had more status than other wives.
The first woman looks more Middle-Eastern to me than the other women, but she also looks like she was made out of clay and not in a figurative sense. Her costume also strikes me as ancient Near Eastern—not that I would actually know.
Queen Napir-Asu was an interesting woman and more interesting than Queen Hecuba. You can look up Napir-Asu and learn about her life online.
by Midjourney v5
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thebellekeys · 2 months ago
i love being a fake cinephile like i will literally watch and enjoy any movie that's warm-toned enough
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gameraboy2 · 4 months ago
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1997 Creation Entertainment Holiday Catalog Featuring Hercules and Xena
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grits-galraisedinthesouth · 2 months ago
"Los Angeles Saved After Meghan Markle Arrives To Stand Around Wearing Baseball Cap | Babylon Bee"
Tragedy Vultures: Show Up. Mess Up.
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LOS ANGELES, CA — "In what many are already calling a modern-day miracle, the city of Los Angeles was saved after Meghan Markle arrived in the city and began standing around wearing a cap.
Residents breathed a sigh of relief as soon as they witnessed Markle aimlessly walking around in a Dodgers cap, knowing the fires could no longer touch them.
"Saved! We're saved!" cried out throngs of adoring onlookers, watching as Markle stood chatting in her cap. "Look at how she stands there, intermittently wearing a mask and a baseball cap. Take that, wildfire!"
According to sources, not since the Miracle of Dunkirk have so many lives been rescued from peril in such heroic fashion. "The way Meghan just lazily looked around, wearing a hat -- we owe her our lives," said local man Harris Denton. "If not for her, we would be lost. Long live Meghan!"
At publishing time, Los Angeles had awarded Markle the key to the city and vowed to build a monument rivaling the Statue of Liberty in honor of her great deeds."
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sonicthetarot · 6 months ago
Sonic the Tarot Update #6
Heya! We're going to keep this update briefer than usual. Here is the preview of our Wands suit! The Wands suit traditionally represents one's consciousness and core values and is visualized as Sonic's allies in Sonic the Tarot.
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Our lineart phase is almost at a close, so look forward to the Pentacles suit preview next week! In that post, we will also discuss our current timeline for those interested in production technicalities. Thank you!
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therighthandofvengeance · 9 months ago
Ivanova: Hello. My name is Susan Ivanova.
Sheridan: Okay, good start. What do you say to Bester next?
Ivanova: You killed my mother. Prepare to die.
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tngmpersonal · 2 months ago
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thenotebookwizard · 9 months ago
She-Ra | Defiance (Thoughts and Rambles I: Convergence)
(Am I going to use roman numerals for every ramble about this fic? Probably not, but at least for the first few.)
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A lot of the ideas and concepts for the fic are born from fanon - but a lot of fanon and my fic also come from this episode.
Somehow, it wasn't until after I started posting the fic that I realized who the writer was.
J. Michael Straczynski (JMS). He's done a lot. Comics. TV. Movies. Streaming. Books. He's the executor (inheritor?) of Harlan Ellison's estate.
He's the creator of Babylon 5.
If you want to talk about stories and media with significant effects on me as a human, you cannot avoid talking about Babylon 5. Star Trek and Star Wars came first, sure, but without Babylon 5, I don't think I would appreciate either of those as much or as a deeply as I do.
Babylon 5 came out when I was in middle school. I didn't get to see as much of it during its initial run as I wanted to. Only later, when a friend videotaped it and loaned me those tapes, did I get to really dig into it. I loved it. It was everything I wanted in a story and then some.
Learning to appreciate Babylon 5 made me dig deeper into other media. Into other stories - and shaped how I look at narrative. How I examine characters and the potential of characters. JMS created something with Babylon 5 that defied the genre of sci fi, causing me to figure out what space opera and science fantasy are.
I own Babylon 5 in several formats, and I rewatch it at least once a year.
Finding out JMS wrote the episode of the original She-Ra that helped create and define so much of the old canon that created the fanon that gives us magicats and all of the lore we have built up around Catra - because the new show didn't have the time or space to give us much.
- it was a revelation. It was the convergence of the old fandoms that shaped me and the new fandom that inspired me.
I have no idea how much JMS really created in terms of that lore or those one-off characters, but I can assume a few things based on what (little) I know about show-writing back then. He would have either been given the basics of the script and then told to flesh it out, or he just handed someone a script, and they said 'cool. Here's some lunch money. We'll get someone to draw this.'
Either way, he wrote the dialogue. He wrote the characters. He wrote the way the lore was presented. He had a hand in it.
That has meaning, in that JMS was writing and creating things that have affected me far, far longer than I knew and he has been showing me how to tell stories just as long.
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steal-this-idea · 10 months ago
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This was on the "Babylon 5 Spooposting" page on Facebook
It also came with a template for those of you who are creative & funny and manage to find this post:
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badplacetohaveagoodtime · 1 year ago
Ariel being willing to give up her voice to 'be where the people are' and then accidentally finding a hot dude too is basically the same as my being willing to give up my voice if it meant the Return of the Library of Alexandria. A hot/cute librarian would be a massive bonus, but like, the Library is the end goal here, people. Not the cutie I met along the road.
(Or those gardens of Babylon. I would give my voice for that. Hell, I'd offer my own hand in marriage and bear children for someone if it meant getting them back. I want to see)
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noa-ciharu · 2 years ago
Oh god it's CLAMP day....
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It's babygirl's fake birthday! 💕🥳
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pedroam-bang · 2 years ago
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Prince Of Persia: The Two Thrones (2005)
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vote-mean-lesbians · 2 years ago
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pretzelogic1 · 2 years ago
I make a ranked list of every movie that I have never watched before during the month on Letterboxd and I’m going to start posting my ten top highest rated and lowest rated movies of the month:
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If you are gay I would highly recommend Closet Monster. It’s a gay indie that is quirky but not annoying about it. 
Also, honestly I quite like The Bad News Bears, Thief, and Downsizing. But the middle section of the list was so good they kind of got dragged down. 
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dovebuffy92 · 2 years ago
My Top Twenty Favorite USA 1990s - 2000s TV Series
Note: This list is not ranked. I love all of these TV series equally. I am including seasons because some of these series were rebooted. For the TV series to be eligible it had to run sometime between 1990 - 2009. If the TV series ran even one season in 2010 or any year after that it’s not eligible even if it’s first season aired anytime between 2009 - 1990.
1. The X Files Season 1 - 9
2. Xena Warrior Princess Season 1 - 6
3. Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 1 - 7
4. Veronica Mars Season 1 - 3
5. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Season 1 -7
6. Star Trek: Voyager Season 1 - 7
7. Star Trek: Enterprise Season 1 - 4
8. The West Wing Season 1 - 7
9. Babylon 5 Season 1 - 5
10. The Sopranos Season 1 -6
11. Roswell Season 1 - 3
12. Farscape Season 1 - 4
13. Stargate SG - 1 Season 1 - 10
14. Deadwood Season 1 - 3
15. The Wire Season 1 - 5
16. Battlestar Galactica Season 1 - 4
17. Alias Season 1 - 5
18. Firefly Season 1
19. The Shield Season 1 - 7
20. Sex and the City Season 1 - 6
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therighthandofvengeance · 10 months ago
roses are red
the shadows manipulated Anna
when it comes down to it
she met her fate à la Princess Diana
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