#Prince Hans of the Southern isles
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brodingles · 3 days ago
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2015 -> 2025
Side-by-Side of a new version of a piece I used to really love. Been thinking about these things for ten years.
Here's the new version in isolation.
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elanrakiss · 2 months ago
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The fur and the cap, which were made entirely of snow, fell off, and he saw a lady, tall and white, it was the Snow Queen.
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lostfairyart · 2 months ago
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Guys. Disney told Helsa is canon and this’ll happen in Frozen 3!!!1! 🔥❄️
Your honor, they are my EVERYTHING. When I’m telling you that they are one of my ult fav Disney ships, man. 😍 (I made him do a wrist grab again. 🤭 It’s so hot and he WOULD do it. 🤭)
If Hans isn’t in Frozen 3, I will RIOT. He deserves a redemption arc, he deserves to follow the path James Norrington walked so Hans could run!!!! (They vibe in my head, don’t ask. It just feels right.)
All I want for Frozen 3 is Hans to come back all disheveled and a beautiful wonderful mess and surprise everyone. 😫✨💕💖 And he needs to have fire powers (he totally does, guys) and him and Elsa will be THE power couple.
Here’s an alternate version! 🔥❄️
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slashingdisneypasta · 1 month ago
Disgraced Prince Hans of the Southern Isles x SleepingCursePrincess!Reader || Oneshot
*feat the Evil Queen, Ursula and Maleficent as 3 evil witches.
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Plot: When Hans' true loves kiss actually breaks a curse. // Or // Imagine prince charming waking you up from your sleeping curse,, except YOUR prince charming is bound in cuffs and chains and a guards big strong hand on his shoulder when you wake.
Also, Hans is having recurring nightmares of being stalked by 3 long-dead fairytale witches (Well, 2 and a fairy) from somewhere very far away (Or very far below). That cant have anything to do with this sleeping curse can it?? 🤔
Warnings: Save for the cursing- nothing that's not already in Disney Movies. Unedited. Also may or may not make sense at all.
Tagging: @asperol-with-izzy , @disney-android-foundation , @lady-love88 , @marinerainbow , and @ryantryan6969 .
All the way back home, Hans was having dreams. Or nightmares. Nightmares of sharp nails scraping and grabbing him, eyes on him, and mysterious whispering voices. He'd wake up and he'd still be half back there, he would still hear their voices, even with the ship swaying and dipping under his body and dirty water trickling under the door into his cramped little cupboard-cabin. The long journey felt even longer with these dreams hanging over him; there being nothing else to occupy his mind except the humiliating near-miss Hans suffered in Arendelle.
He's new~ What's he in for, hmm?
You know I don't know that, sea witch. He's no use to us anyway.
Some powerful witch, you are. We can see him but we don't know anything.
-I don't see you doing anything, fairy.
No matter darlings~ He's cute. Much better then our old one-handed captain barnacle breath, hm?~
Don't get too excited, Ursula. He could be as boorish as Gaston.
Oh don't say that. What do you think, queenie?
The names swam around in his head like whatever beasts lived under the sea beneath the ship. Ursula, Gaston. But then there were more.
What are you hoping to find in these baby villains you keep watching, anyway, queenie?
I don't know. A necromancer, maybe. We need to get out of here, don't you agree?
We already had one of those, remember? That 'horned king' creature was no help to us.
I'm open to suggestions, fish. Well? Any ideas in that tiny pathetic goldfish brain?
Oh, certainly none for you~
Great. Get out, go harass Claude or something.
What the hell was a 'horned king'?? That wasn't something that Hans would imagine himself. He's never had an interest in dumb fairytales, magic was no use to him. Power was power, and that came from being in charge. Being King. But... the closer to land Hans got, the fainter the voices became. As if the ocean had a closer connection to the source, like a looking glass. And that, surely, was the work of magic wasn't it??
... -then it got worse.
I think you need to leave this one alone, Hildie. He's becoming aware, like Yzma.
She was crazy, Maleficent.
Maybe its a good thing if he knows we're watching. It has been a while since we had any quality entertainment...
... Oh, now now dear Hildie~ Don't short-change yourself; you make an excellent fool.
Just for that, I'm not going to tell you what I plan to do to him.
By the time the ship docked, the disgraced Prince was all-nerves. And not entirely about seeing his dumb older brothers again or the punishment they're bound to enjoy giving him. What were those nightmare-witches talking about? 'do to him'?
It never crossed his mind once that whatever that meant could hurt you.
When Hans left, you were perfectly fine. A little upset that he was leaving you, and you knew his plan to marry the Queen of Arendelle- but, mainly fine.
So why are you laying in your bed in the middle of the day, now? Why did you look... dead?
Hans found his voice for the first time since Arendelle, an accusatory tone lacing through his words, turning to look directly at the dignitary that lead him here to this room. He was loud and clear, as if he was still important here. "What happened to them?"
"I believe they were cursed, sir, while you were gone." When Hans eyes narrowed slowly, the little man sped on. "Your- your brothers do not wish for you to know ab- about this, but I believe it to be the only way to save the princess."
"... how do you mean? Talk faster, or I'll have your throat slit in an instant."
Surely the man knew that line was just an empty promise, because he clearly had no power anymore- he had bars wrapped around his wrists, a short chain between them, and a guard (Well-paid by the dignitary) glaring at his back. But the dignitary spoke faster anyway; a nervous man. "I- I believe a true loves kiss could wake her, sir! I believe that true love to be you!"
"True loves kiss?" Jesus christ, that pissed him off. If he never heard those words again it will be too fucking soon.
The man looks surprised, at this harsh reaction from the prince. His voice goes pathetically small. "... Well, aren't you and the princess be- betrothed!??"
"Yes." That was true. You were. And you did love each other- since you were kids. Since he was 6 and you were 5, and you would send him letters every week even when everyone else forgot he existed.
That didn't make Hans like any of this any better.
"P- please your highness." The dignitary begged, his eyes flickering from him to you and back.
Hans looks back to you, a scowl still on his face. You looked alive, at least. Just... very still. And you never slept this way, flat on your back. graceful. You weren't supposed to share a bed until you were married, but you had- so he knew you slept like a graceless freak. There was definitely something wrong.
And there were those dreams... "The witches." Hans whispers, glaring at your form. Except he wasn't glaring at you, he was glaring at Them.
Not that you weren't used to that look on his face. That was pretty much just his face.
"... P- pardon me?"
"You said some something, sir."
"No, I didn't." With that, Hans shrugs the guards meaty hand off his shoulder and kneels by your bed. Picks up your hand on his and holds it to his chest. His eyes soften a tiny bit this close to you, where the other men in the room couldn't see it happen.
Goddamnit, he thinks. Its worth a try.
When Hans' lips touch yours in that quiet room, watched by a cranky guard and a nervous dignitary, he feels scarcely a breath slipping past yours. The only way that he knows you're alive is by the very very slow rise and fall of your chest.
In just a manner of moments, though, your fingers come to life and grip his, and you breath in deep through your nose, kissing him back. Like magic.
Despite himself, a small smirk slithers across his face after he finishes kissing you, watching your pretty eyes open up and look foggy- then confused- and he's yanked back up to his feet by the oaf of a guard in charge of him. "Time to go."
"Hey! Wait, I demand you- "
"You're no boss of mine these days, princey." The man growls into his ear, a note of cruelty in his voice. What did I ever do to this guy? Hans wonders, scowling again.
"Wait!- " That was your voice, oh so confused. Your eyes are big and round, taking in the scene. The dignitary quickly helps you to stand, but doesn't let you approach Hans.
"Please princess, he has to go. Everything will be explained."
"But- "
She cuts herself off, this time. But she doesn't need explanation. Hans watches the realisation dawn on her as her calculating eyes drift slowly from the guard, to him.
The plan went awry. Now he's in serious trouble.
"Don't worry, Y/N."
"How am I supposed to not worry!??"
"Just promise to write to me, huh? Promise."
"... fine." And I'll yell at you with every letter of the alphabet, her eyes tell him. He chuckles. Yeah, I got it.
"Come on now, lover boy. To the tower."
Not 10 minutes later, the tower cell slams shut on him. Dust from the roof falls down on his shoulders and hair, and his cuffs are still clamped down tight around his wrists creating dark purple bruises.
... after a moment, Hans curses and kicks a hard stone wall. "Fuck!"
-and then a familiar voice creeps into his mind again. The witch. 'Hildie'.
"Great. Now that I know you're hearing me, prince, I have some instructions for you.
And understand; if you don't do as I say I am fully prepared to give your sweet little princess another gift. One she wont be broken so easily out of. So listen carefully.
... first of all my name is not 'Hildie'. You may call me your majesty."
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D23: Frozen content breakdown | Breakdown/ Analysis
What a day it was yesterday! So much content we were flooded with and especially for us with the Frozen 3 and 4 update! I'm sure you all know the latest deets but I would like it to break it all down and guess what it could all mean. So be prepared to read a lot! ❄️
[long post alert]
Frozen III logo
A couple of hours before the Frozen panel had begun, we were given a first look of the logo for Frozen 3:
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It features the four elements symbols and two snowflakes too for Elsa and Anna as the fifth spirit. The III had a purple - pink gradient to it and the background had a spring scenery south blossom/ sakura trees and mountains far behind. Some of us predicted before that Frozen 3 would be set in Spring given Frozen being in winter/ summer and Frozen 3 in Autumn.
However, some people didn't believe this logo was real. But after the panel, Josh Gad put it on his stories and as a post on Instagram, the announcements and reveals made at the panel.
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This must mean that it's real. But a more accurate, rendered logo was also revealed at the Panel and that Gad had also shared in his post.
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So my conclusion is that the first one is a working title, a concept of what it would be like when it's promoted. The second one is a mix of the first Frozen logo and the second movie's logo combined being more 3D but still with a frozen effect. This logo is the official used rendered one whilst the first one is just a concept based on the implied spring theme of the movie. Both are real.
Frozen questions left unanswered
When the Panel began we were given a flood of questions on the board that were the questions the fans had after Frozen 2, aka the questions that were left unanswered. Here they are:
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Who gave Elsa her powers?
Why doesn't Anna have powers?
Was there a fifth spirit before?
What kind of Queen will Anna be?
Will Kristoff be a King?
Do they [Anna & Kristoff] want kids?
Where are Kristoff's parents?
How did Kristoff meet Sven?
How can Sven be so old and still so virile?
Why is Olaf alive?
What about Marshmallow and the snowgies?
Is it “Hoo Hoo” or “You Hoo”?
What are Elsa's powers still growing?
Why are their castle ruins throughout Ahotohallan?
Where do the nature spirits come from?
Do we still need to beware of the Frozen Heart?
Who is the Frozen Heart?
What happened to Hans?
These questions will most likely be answered in Frozen 3 and 4, as they are confirmed to be a two part film. These are actually really good and interesting questions we have that we do need to have answered. I actually want to try and analyse (and answer them for fun!) them because some people might feel some have already answered so why the need to answer them again?
Who gave Elsa her powers?
We already know that Ahotohallan is where her powers come from. That's the source along with the other four spirits. But they probably felt like they didn't make it clear enough. Some people before Frozen 2 had theorized that there was a Snow Queen who gave Iduna something that caused Elsa to have powers. Maybe there's more to Ahotohallan than we know.
Why doesn't Anna have powers?
This isn't addressed in the movie other than the fact that Elsa and Anna are both the fifth spirit and the bridge which has two sides. But why doesn't Anna, I believe that's because the fifth spirit's role is to create balance between the powerful and the powerless (in a literal magical form). The fifth spirit was never just one being I don't think. It was always two to have one with powers and one without and have the two form a deep unbreakable bond so that humans and magical entities would look at them and see that though different, they can get along and have peace amongst each other, and live in harmony. If both were magical it would defeat the objective of creating peace between the two different types of beings
Was there a fifth spirit before?
I think yes because in the Myth VR on Disney plus, it was revealed that there was a fifth spirit before Elsa and Anna but after it created harmony with the other spirits and humans, it disappeared creating disharmony in the forest and caused the spirits to rage. Then the other four spirits managed to calm down until they were raged again by King Runeard's war between Arendelle and Northuldra. Even if this isn't canon I still believe there was one. I think it's important to know because it could be important with the journey Elsa and Anna next go on.
What kind of Queen will Anna be?
Her own kind of Queen. She will continue to bring peace and joy to Arendelle while also supporting the Northuldra tribe as her statues unveiling had suggested. She won't try to be Elsa. She's not Elsa. She's Anna. She may be the fifth spirit But whether or not she realises that she'll help maintain peace between magic and humans will Elsa's support too.
Will Kristoff be a King?
If Anna does abdicate from the throne then yes. To be exact he would be a king Consort. At the end of Frozen 2 we saw Anna greet the public as Queen and unveil the statue of her parents and kids. That wasn't the coronation which is confirmed and this confirms it too as it asks will he be king? and not is he king? I loved Elsa as Queen but she probably felt that she couldn't take care of Arendelle as she had to restore and look after Northuldra/ the enchanted forest and felt Anna deserved it after she had scared her and Arendelle twice without a doubt.
Do they [Anna & Kristoff] want kids?
That's a question that none of us thought of? Do they want kids? I think they do but will find it hard to do if there's threats and danger around. Anna definitely would be a lovely mother and Kristoff and lovable dad. But I don't think we'll see them have kids so soon, at least not in the beginning of the movie, like we won't immediately be introduced to them I don't think.
Where are Kristoff's parents?
A question we've been asking since the first movie. All we know is that he grew up as an ice harvester. He seems to have grown up independently with Sven. I can't even guess the answer because I'll probably be wrong anyway.
How did Kristoff meet Sven?
Another question regarding Kristoff's backstory we've been longing to see. It's nice to see they're including Kristoff's backstory now. The first two movies were about the sisters backstory and development arcs (and 3 and 4 continue that) but now we can finally learn about Kristoff!
How can Sven be so old and still so virile?
No clue! I never noticed that actually. I never thought of why. I don't know much about reindeer so I didn't know that Sven was so old yet so virile. Perhaps when he was young he was injured and the trolls may have healed him giving him a longer youthful life. I'm certain the trolls have a role in this if it's magic related.
Why is Olaf alive?
Why not how!! Another really interesting question that I can answer. We all know how he is alive because we saw Elsa bring him back to life but why was he brought back? He's still an important part of the sister bond and individually he has much more in him than we have seen. Plus he's Olaf and we love Olaf!
What about Marshmallow and the snowgies?
I believe they all too, along with the ice castle and all other permanent creations of Elsa, got restored either automatically after Elsa's return or by hand when Elsa got the chance. They too are as iconic as Olaf is. I hope they return in Frozen 3. They're so lovable and cute - it would be a fun addition to the movie.
Is it “Hoo Hoo” or “You Hoo”?
I always thought it was... “Yoo Hoo” because that's what people say. Hoo Hoo is an owl's line lol and one says that.
What are Elsa's powers still growing?
Just as we grow individually sometimes in height, in character, in what we feel, powers are no different. They grow as we grow inside. And Jen Lee has previously said that her powers will reach a new height in Frozen 3.
Why are their castle ruins throughout Ahotohallan?
I think they are referring to Ahotohallan as a castle and inside and out it looks ruined. During Show Yourself Elsa has to lift things up and add things to get across to the place where the memories are held. I theorize that the previous fifth spirit may have done something to Ahotohallan or to its power and caused chaos that caused Ahotohallan to have ruins in it. Ahotohallan probably was the previous fifth spirit's castle and when it went rouge Ahotohallan may have been left abandoned and ruined.
Where do the nature spirits come from?
Ahotohallan is where their powers are from. But perhaps it's more complicated than that and it needs to be addressed for lore reasons. There's more to Ahotohallan than we know.
Do we still need to beware of the Frozen Heart?
Oooooh!! My favourite question along with the next two. Do we? We must be if it's even a question at this point?
Who is the Frozen Heart?
Who? Frozen Heart is a person?! It was literally Anna in Frozen but metaphorically it was Elsa. Maybe someone else will be the Frozen Heart. Hans? Kristoff? A new character/ being?
What happened to Hans?
A question we've needed answering since Frozen and one that Hans fans have been trying to answer. His backstory based on official and unofficial media is that he has 12 brothers but they all or at least most of them treat him poorly along with his dad because he's the last child and last in line to the throne. That means, they think Hans as unworthy and unless of anything. So why did the Queen and King have another child? Probably as an accident child or just because. I'm sure the Queen is loving. He was sent back at the end of Frozen to his home, the Southern Isles so they can deal with him themselves and they did. As punishment they made him do chores like sweep up horse poop as seen towards the end of Frozen Fever before Elsa's giant snowball accidentally yet subconsciously hit him causing his major injuries. The southern Isles didn't immediately know where the snowball came from. But what happened to him after that? In a poster in the new Frozen Park in Hong Kong, it is revealed that Elsa and Anna invited the Southern Isles among other kingdoms to celebrate a year since Anna sacrificed herself to the Elsa and the Kingdom.
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Hans couldn't come because he was injured. But his return is almost certain in Frozen 3 with his rise in unofficial/ canon media. Will he return as a villain or a redeemed hero is to be determined. I don't think he should return as a villain. If he did he would have taken his revenge out during Frozen 2, as he would have been recovered by then. Seeing the concept art of Frozen 3, which I'm about to go onto, it looks like we'll see mythical beings and a world bigger than Ahotohallan. Hans wouldn't fit as a villain in the expanded world of magic because he doesn't seem to be interested in magic in that greed sense. I think he'll be redeemed and help them in their new quest. Perhaps he does have tied with magic in his ancestry as we know nothing about his family.
All these questions are ones that the team feel like they need to answer in the next two movies and I think that's good. Along with showing something new, we get answers from questions we've long waited for too. And I think it's a good strategy for them to tell us the questions we've been asking so that they can answer it in the movies. They're letting us know that they can hear us and want to fulfil our wishes while telling a new story. It's good communication in my opinion.
Frozen 3 concept art and new release date
Jennifer Lee also revealed the concept art of Frozen 3. I'm sure there must've been dozens of art but this one may have been the direction they're headed in.
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We have a beautiful calm colour palette that reminds me of dawn/ dusk of spring. Trees are on either side, golden light beams from behind a mystical palace in the left centre. Flowers and leaves present hinting at a Spring setting. Anna's on a horse with Olaf and Elsa on the Nokk on the river both heading to the palace-like place. The scene is set at night as the aurora borealis/ northern lights can be seen arising from the castle. Perhaps this castle has some connection to the northern lights. In the Lego Northern lights series, the trolls crystals are the ones to cause the northern lights or have a connection to them. I don't think the Lego series is canon but I do wonder if the trolls will have a role in this too.
Elsa and Anna are in their Frozen 2 attires, Anna in her travel one and Elsa in her fifth spirit one but with boots (for practical reasons). That doesn't mean that's their final look. Frozen 2's early concept art had Elsa and Anna in their Frozen looks. Olaf looks worried as he points to something off scene.
Just below the direction in which he points, in the river, lies a shadowy creature. It could be that that's the shadow of the creature Olaf points to. The creature appears to have horns and hold a staff/ spear with a sharp end.
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Just below the palace-like place is a land. I was going to say Ahtohallan but the silhouettes are different.
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So it seems like this place is unknown. If they went North in Frozen 2, perhaps Thai time they're going south, which is why Hans could appear. But that's just a guess.
During the panel it is also revealed that the release date is November 2027 having it moved back by a year from its original 2026 release date. 2027 seems quite far away just when we felt we were getting closer to Frozen 3 but we'll just have to be patient and hope we get some other Frozen content released meanwhile.
Frozen: Winter Festival short form series?
That's everything that was revealed regarding Frozen 3, but no word on the series that was revealed by dolls and their descriptions. I believe since the movie got delayed by a year, probably to spend more time developing the two part movies (which is a good thing so we avoid the mistakes caused by rush in production for Frozen 2), the short form series will be delayed by a year. That would mean the announcement could be closer to time in next year's D23. That or they wanted to announce the series later. The dolls are to be released in September and the series is said to be released this fall. That is of course unless they have delayed it by a year but we'll have to wait and see if anything gets said before September otherwise consider it delayed by a year (😭).
And that's all the information given to us for now. Frozen 3 looks so good and promising - the vibe of spring with a deeper fantasy element is making me extremely excited! New places, new seasons, new characters, expanded lore, possible character returns, new looks and more!! Can't wait!! And yeah though my patience is sad that Frozen 3 had been delayed by a year, I'm glad because it means they can spend more time on the movie, to develop it properly and not repeat the same mistake they made with Frozen 2 with no good planning and a rushed development to the run up of the movie.
And the Frozen: Winter Festival I'm also excited for. I think Frozen needs a canon series in its franchise.
The future looks big and bright for the franchise! ❄️
Any new info or details I have not mentioned please let me know! Any questions for me please feel free to drop them in the "Ask" box
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So. Um.
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...he multiplies. God, he really MULTIPLIES.
I mean, I made a joke once that Westergaards are reproducing by fission, but... jeez.
(just to inform - he is not Westergaard. But he looks like one.)
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Well, Mr. Thord. Welcome in my fanfic. I have someone who would love to meet you.
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juliet25blog · 7 months ago
Please, please, please Disney don't you dare give me hope with Hans just to end up using him as a recurrent joke again or a comment in passing in Frozen 3
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venusssus · 10 days ago
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zenzerodomina · 4 months ago
Kristoff: you are just a spoiled brat with daddys money that has never worked for anything in life. you are an arrogant narcissist that expect anything you ask for on a silver plate!
Hans: how dare you say such terrible true things about me?!
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ezinekihart · 10 months ago
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brodingles · 10 days ago
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I am back to making the Gents Tiny. I missed making sillies with my sillies, so I gave them some fresh designs and then got really unhinged, so expect to be seeing them again!
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elanrakiss · 30 days ago
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happy valentine`s day <3
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saanea · 12 days ago
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❝𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒊𝒔 𝒂𝒏 𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒏 𝒅𝒐𝒐𝒓 ❞ ― Hans & Anna
⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂☆
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seashellisinmyheart · 1 year ago
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If Frozen 3 doesn't include this dude, then what is the point?
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What I would do to see thisss 🥹 :
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Art by the deactivated @/emmassouthernisles.
Their reactions to all of Hans' brothers and Hans is a little bit over for them. He's like Kristoff when he introduces the Trolls'. If Hans and the southern Iles get featured in the next two movies, I'd love to see all if not some of Hans' brothers. Ooh and perhaps get the family to reconcile with him. How beautiful would that be?!
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Hello my pals
Let's talk the Southern Isles
Now, the only picture we have from there is this one:
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This one Gazette snippet:
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And the vague description in "A Frozen Heart".
But I would like to focus on the one picture we have, from "Frozen Fever" and no, it ain't about Hans, it's about everything around him.
Now, let's remember the date. It is June. It is Summer Solstice.
Look. At. The. Trees. Those trees aren't just late with their leaves, they look dead.
And now look at the ground. Look at the sky. Look at the gate which looks like ruins.
And the Gazzette says it is a "beautiful, clear day". I am sorry, that is what you are considering "a clear day"?
Now, it is probably just an animator's way to show us how bleak Hans' life is now, but this + what we know about their king from "A Frozen Heart" gives me the vibe of...
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I may be reading too much about it, but I don't think this kingdom is fine.
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