curator-on-ao3 · 2 years
Among the many reasons I want us to see Una Chin-Riley interact with another Illyrian and have their cultural greeting/goodbye be holding each other by the elbow is because that would change the context of this:
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and thereby bless all the Cornwell fic writers with more canon … and the chance for Kat to pick up a partner like a sack of potatoes and carry them around.
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uncertainlogic · 1 year
anyway ash tyler (canon divergent human version) is now on my muse list and it's mostly katya's fault
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Star Trek Discovery fanfic. I wrote a small thing on Prime Gabriel Lorca coming home.
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#578 by @thelesseroftwoweevils
"It's a pity we never met Prime Lorca. I'd be interesting to see Jason Isaacs break the typecasting and play a genuine nice Picard style paragon captain."
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punkonbus1701 · 8 months
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obsidianmichi · 4 months
The crazy part about Star Trek Online is that it's stuffed full of cameos and missions that repeatedly star characters from the main cast of every major Star Trek show except, I think, Enterprise, Strange New Worlds, and Lower Decks.
Like you can go on a fully voiced adventure with Michael Burnham and Seven of Nine in her Fenris Rangers era to decide whether the Excalbians will embrace good or evil and fight Seven's evil simulation created body double.
Worf, voiced by Michael Dorn, Worf is in the major Iconian missions and a central figure for Klingon players as they shoot up the ranks.
Martok, voiced by John Garman Hertzler Jr. (rescue him from the Tzenkethi and go on so many missions together as random space adventures, and he's just like he is in DS9.)
Almost the entire cast of Deep Space Nine, including René Auberjonois's final voicework as Odo before his passing, the same for Aron Eisberg as Nog, Nana Visitor as Kira Nerys, and there's an entire episode where you play as Quark and his Ferengi friends stealing from Iconians. Even Salome Jens pops up as the Female Changeling to play a villain in the Gamma Quandrant arcs. Plus, Chase Masterson got in ahead of them all to chew through the scenery as Leeta's Mirror counterpart, Admiral Leeta!
Levar Burton as Geordi LaForge!
Janeway and Mirror Janeway voiced by Kate Mulgrew. (Mirror Janeway is a Borg Queen!)
Denise Crosby as my Romulan main's new adopted mother, Empress Sela and her mother, Natasha Yar. There's also Tuvok (my love!), Tom Paris, Harry Kim, Seven of Nine, Jason Isaacs voicing Prime Gabriel Lorca (!!) in the Discovery missions, Tilly and my much beloathed nemesis Mirror Tilly, Stamets, and Michael Burnham. Most recently we've gotten Mirror Wesley Crusher and Mirror Doctor Crusher during Picard's third season, and Ezri Dax in the latest episodes.
There's also Leonard Nemoy, who voiced the major exploration sections and Fed character level ups in the initial game but that's been in at launch.
It's honestly impressive. Every time I turn around it feels like another Star Trek alum is lending their voice to the game. Star Trek Online is somehow the most blessed and the most cursed tie-in game in existence. The dream and the hellscape for Star Trek fans.
Also, the space combat is genuinely really fun.
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ssaalexblake · 5 months
Discovery is quite clearly portraying, imo, that where you were raised, no matter how toxic the environment, does not Have to dictate how you live your life because you can just choose to be different. They have utilised the mirror universe to illustrate the fact that being born into something evil, even actively living a lot of your life Being evil yourself does not mean that you cannot just stop doing that!
Georgiou, the 'evil' one Chose to be better as a person and she was actively horrifying in the terran empire (and then afterwards, also, just often in an entertaining way, but horrifying nonetheless).
Her making that choice to be better, do better, is a more in depth look at the mirror universe than trek has really done before, and it is certainly not a story choice that is saying that regular captain Georgiou is in any way inherently evil just because her counterpoint is deciding not to be.
After all, the concept of alternate universes stands upon the idea of every different choice creating another universe, which then plays out differently. If you remove choice from the equation, there is nothing.
The show's pushing the idea that despite your birth or your environment, you don't have to be bad! You can choose to not be! Equally, the duality here is that people who choose to be bad are choosing that! So Phillipa Georgiou captain of the shenzhou could theoretically have chosen to be bad! She didn't though, so it's a moot point.
The mirror verse in discovery is not pushing the idea that if a person is good in one universe that they have to be evil in the other with this story. They are saying you can choose either way. We all have the capacity for many things, our environment will influence our choices and there is a lot to chew on there conceptually as well, but the point that the mirror verse characters aren't just genetically eviler (despite being marginally genetically distinguishable) is a big thing they're saying!
Emperor Georgiou didn't only choose to be good in prime universe where she'd be rewarded for it, either, when she suddenly found herself back to being Emperor she made active choices to be better than she was before despite the environment she was in. It's not like she was an angel, but the whole point of that whole test was that she Was different, she Was choosing to make better choices even in a situation where it could kill her. Just because that's who she was now.
Discovery has made a mirror universe upholds the mirror, it is merely exploring why or even how these characters are acting so differently, and asking whether it is a foregone conclusion that they will act as their home universe tells them to. That 'evil' Georgiou can try to be a good person even In the mirror universe is a philosophical statement in itself. That they also gave us Lorca who had every opportunity to turn his back on this and didn't, emphasises the choices involved in Georgiou's development. Incidentally, I am genuinely curious as to how prime universe Lorca behaved, but that's a question that will remain unanswered.
It's not as simple as Prime Georgiou Good/Mirror Georgiou Bad. Or with any of the Other mirror characters. It's nature versus nurture. Or nurture working With nature. Take a character out of a coffeeshop au and put them in a sci-fi au, will they be fundamentally changed?
Discovery removing a character from the mirror universe and putting them permanently into the prime universe has changed it from 'good people are bad in the mirror universe' to 'Why are the people in the other universe bad?' or 'do they Have to be bad?', which then leads us to 'would the characters in the prime universe be good in All circumstances?', which I like because i Do love a good tropey mirror universe episode, but they really did need to add more depth to this to keep doing it.
(@ trek I need to know if mirror Pike can cook or not???)
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quasi-normalcy · 2 years
The final scene of the final episode of Discovery is just going to be a portal opening on the bridge, with Prime Universe Lorca climbing out bearded, bedraggled, and a thousand years old, demanding "Weren't any of you fucks gonna rescue me!?"
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hazel-of-sodor · 8 months
Best of Discovery Season 1
This year the final season of Star Trek Discovery airs, bringing an end to the show that brought Star trek back to television after over a decade absense. To celebrate its 5 season run (which was incredibly long for a streaming show, I'll be doing a best of for all the seasons of streaming era trek so far, listing great moments/scenes (at least 13, as this was meant to be a bakers dozen series), and One honorable mention.
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To start off, the season that Started it all, Star Trek Discovery Season One . Spoilers below
Battle of the Binary Stars
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A fleet of Starfleet ships arrive to back up the USS Shenzhou against a klingon fleet, and what a fleet it is. A whole era of Starfleet design is explored in a single scene against a goreous backdrop of the titular binary stars.
2. U.S.S. Europa arrives
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The U.S.S. Shenzhou is disable by the battle and is drifting towards an astroid when the Admiral's Flagship arrives. The Nimitz Class U.S.S. Europa arrives at the last second, tractoring the Shenzhou and calling a temporary ceasefire to the battle. It is a visually gorgeous scene with a wonderful score. For just a moment, the arrival of the mighty starship make it seem like everything might be okay.
3. U.S.S. Discovery arrives
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U.S.S. Discovery, the namesake off the show doesn't appear till episode 3, but she make a grand entrance, saving the prison shuttle transporting Burnham in a scene that wonderfully conveys her size and grandeur
4. The shushing Klingon
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Aboard the damaged U.S.S. Glenn, a team from the U.S.S. Discovery find the crew fataly mutilated by a failed spore jump, but more immediatly threatening, a monster roams the halls of the stricken ship, one capable of killing the klingon boarding party sent to recover the ships secerts. The scenes onboard the Glenn are brutal, and wonderfully tense. It also gives us the hilarious "did that klingon just shush me?" Moment. (I chose a pic of the Glenn rather than the interior as those were more graphic than I wanted for this post)
5. The Discovery saves Corvan II
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Discovery makes her first successful long range spore jump and saves the Federation mining Colony Corvan II. Its a wonderful moment od Discovery's crew coming together to save civilians.
6. Please Don't Take My Ship, She's All I Have Left
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This moment between Cornwall and Lorca is amazing, and makes me wish that lorca hadn't been mirror Lorca. His plea for him to keep command off discovery is heartfelt (but later revealed to be for all the wrong reasons)
7. Mudd Loses
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Magic to Make the Sanest Man go man is amazing throughout, but the moment the crew finally outwits Mudd is so, so satisfying.
8. The Loss of the USS Gagarin
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The Discovery attempts to save the U.S.S. Gagarin from the Klingopns and fails, despite their best efforts. The loss makes the war feel far more real, and highlights the fact the Discovery is just one ship, no matter her spore drive. I also love Lorca's speech here-"There will be time to grieve later"
9.Destruction of the Sarcophagus ship
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A satisfying victory for the crew, and seeing discovery make all the jumps is an epic scene.
10.Mirror Tilly...kinda
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"If you spoke to me that way I would cut out your tongue to lick my boots" What a line. Tilly taking on the role of her mirror counter part is amazing.
11. I.S.S. Shenzhou
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The Mirror Shenzhou arrives, and she is beautiful. A former hero ships twisted mirror half.
12. Burnham kills Captain Connor
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an amazing fight, and what a gut punch, as Burnham is forced to watch Connor die again, this time by her own hand. The crew clapping after the turbolift opens and his body falls out is chilling in the best way.
13. Reveal of the Imperial Palace
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The I.S.S. Charon is an intimidating presense, and way cooler than a palace on a planet.
14. Destruction of the Charon and Discovery jumps Home
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The bombing run Discovery makes on the Charon and her jump back to the prime universe using the resulting show wave is awesome, made even better on a personal layer by Burnham saving Mirror Georgiou-"I couldn't watch her die again"
15. Arrival at Qo'noS
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Discovery jumps to a cave on Qo'nos, and I love the weight of the scene. You can feel gravity grabbing the ship and Discovery struggling against it.
16. We are Starfleet
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The scene the show has been building to, Burnham stands up to command over the plan to destroy the Klingon homeworld, and the crew backs her up.
17. U.S.S. Enterprise
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I remeber when I first saw her. The 1701 returned in all her glory. The TOS version is the definative U.S.S. Enterpise to me, but Discovery gave us an amazing earlier version. It had been decades since the prime 1701 had appeared on screen (we don't count certain series finalies) and its honestly still my favorite moment of the season.
Honorable mention: U.S.S. Discovery
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the original teaser for the show showed a much different Discovery. While I understand this was never meant to be the final, I lover her all the same. It was also the moment Trek was back, after decades we had a new hero ship. I hope STO adds her someday, and that someone makes a model of her. She may not be the offical version, but she deserves love all the same.
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curator-on-ao3 · 4 months
I ran out of spots for other/“you forgot”/show results. Also, David Marcus fans out there, I’m sorry there weren’t enough spots to include your guy.
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theadmiralslegion · 11 months
Katrina Cornwell Shipping Poll
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lorcaswhisky · 1 year
Ok I'm only three chapters into Lost Cause and I fucking adore it and it is giving me a great spark of inspiration for how to write prime Lorca beyond what I'm reading in Drastic Measures?? It's just. So so good. Love your writing style. Truly rotating in my head and slowing myself down to enjoy it instead of binging it.
Oh!! Thank you so much! Lost Cause is very special to me and I hope you continue to enjoy it. And I'm thrilled to hear it's inspiring you - there's always room for more Prime Lorca fic in the world. Thanks for taking the time to let me know, your message made my day!
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autisticburnham · 3 months
Lorca making up his tragic backstory for his Prime Universe counterpart is so funny
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punkonbus1701 · 8 months
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brookstonalmanac · 5 months
Events 5.11
330 – Constantine the Great dedicates the much-expanded and rebuilt city of Byzantium, changing its name to New Rome and declaring it the new capital of the Eastern Roman Empire. 868 – A copy of the Diamond Sūtra is published, making it the earliest dated and printed book known. 973 – In the first coronation ceremony ever held for an English monarch, Edgar the Peaceful is crowned King of England, having ruled since 959 AD. His wife, Ælfthryth, is crowned queen, the first recorded coronation for a Queen of England. 1068 – Matilda of Flanders, wife of William the Conqueror, is crowned Queen of England. 1258 – Louis IX of France and James I of Aragon sign the Treaty of Corbeil, renouncing claims of feudal overlordship in one another's territories and separating the House of Barcelona from the politics of France. 1713 – Great Northern War: After losing the Battle of Helsinki to the Russians, the Swedish and Finnish troops burn the entire city, so that it would not remain intact in the hands of the Russians. 1812 – Prime Minister Spencer Perceval is assassinated by John Bellingham in the lobby of the British House of Commons. 1813 – William Lawson, Gregory Blaxland and William Wentworth discover a route across the Blue Mountains, opening up inland Australia to settlement. 1857 – Indian Rebellion of 1857: Indian rebels seize Delhi from the British. 1880 – Seven people are killed in the Mussel Slough Tragedy, a gun battle in California. 1889 – An attack upon a U.S. Army paymaster and escort results in the theft of over $28,000 and the award of two Medals of Honor. 1894 – Four thousand Pullman Palace Car Company workers go on a wildcat strike. 1919 – Uruguay becomes a signatory to the Buenos Aires copyright treaty. 1970 – The 1970 Lubbock tornado kills 26 and causes $250 million in damage. 1985 – Fifty-six spectators die and more than 200 are injured in the Bradford City stadium fire. 1996 – After the aircraft's departure from Miami, a fire started by improperly handled chemical oxygen generators in the cargo hold of Atlanta-bound ValuJet Airlines Flight 592 causes the Douglas DC-9 to crash in the Florida Everglades, killing all 110 on board. 1997 – Deep Blue, a chess-playing supercomputer, defeats Garry Kasparov in the last game of the rematch, becoming the first computer to beat a world-champion chess player in a classic match format. 1998 – India conducts three underground atomic tests in Pokhran. 2011 – An earthquake of magnitude 5.1 hits Lorca, Spain. 2013 – Fifty-two people are killed in a bombing in Reyhanlı, Turkey. 2014 – Fifteen people are killed and 46 injured in Kinshasa, DRC, in a stampede caused by tear gas being thrown into soccer stands by police officers. 2016 – One hundred and ten people are killed in an ISIL bombing in Baghdad. 2022 – The Burmese military executes at least 37 villagers during the Mon Taing Pin massacre in Sagaing, Myanmar. 2024 - Minnesota officially updates its flag.
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phoenixspirits · 11 months
Re: Lorca - what made you pick up this character?
canon questionnaire meme
well jason isaacs basically did a number on me with that triple bluff acting...... no but really, spoilers for disco s1 lmao, but there's a line in ep14 when they're debriefing about the mirror universe, and katrina says "so my gabriel is dead." and that really hit home to me for some reason, it really made prime!lorca suddenly a person who had people who cared about him and had a whole life that we only ever saw hints of in canon. and whose entire life and reputation had been destroyed by the end of s1. being the angst demon that i am, that appealed to me. and the fact that his death is only inferred leaves a nice gap open too.
and then i read the novel drastic measures in which he has a starring role, and that just made me want to write him more. and it's turned out to be super fun to take what we saw in canon and twist that back around to discover who prime!lorca is.
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