haute-lifestyle-com · 7 months
As the fallout of the pandemic continues to direct studio business, the industry is confronting a new threat, Sora, an AI technology so advanced that it will cause an industry wide revolution, costing thousands of jobs
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thxnews · 1 year
New Report Reveals UK Dominance in Europe’s Race to Space Investment
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  - The UK is the most attractive destination for private investment in space after the US - Nine of the largest UK venture capital firms have invested in space since 2015 - Key areas of investment in the UK are Earth observation, manufacturing and satellite connectivity - Growth of up to 11% forecast per year to 2030 across the global space ecosystem - 235 private equity firms have invested in space companies since 2015 with 95% investments in revenue-generating companies in 2022 compared to 56% in 2015.   New analysis from investment experts offers insight on the wealth of opportunities found within the UK’s £17.5 billion space sector. The ‘Expanding frontiers – The down to earth guide to investing in space’ report, produced by Price Waterhouse Coopers (PwC) in association with the UK Space Agency, highlights expected global space sector growth of up to 11% per year over the next decade and a near doubling of venture capital investments in revenue-generating space companies in the UK between 2015 and 2022, with 63% of investors new to the sector in 2021. The report details trends for new and established investors who are interested in growing their space portfolio, including opportunities with companies seeking to improve access to healthcare and tackle global climate change challenges, from decarbonising economies to increasing food security.  
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Craig Brown, Investment Director at the UK Space Agency. Photo by GOV.UK.   Craig Brown, Director of Investment at the UK Space Agency, said: This report shines a light on the breadth and depth of space investment opportunities. From today’s satellite communications to the future of orbital assembly, space has taken on an increased significance as a deeply embedded part of the global economy that is poised to grow at up to 11% per annum to 2030. As the number of satellites above us increases dramatically, there are even greater opportunities to capitalise on the wealth of data they collect and on the international efforts spearheaded by the UK to keep the space environment safe and sustainable for generations to come.   According to the report, the UK has been the leading destination for space investment in Europe – and second internationally behind the US – since 2015, receiving 17% of global investment.   Matt Alabaster, Partner at PwC Strategy, said: This report shines a light on the substantial contribution that the space industry can make to solving some of our biggest global challenges, from decarbonising our economies to increasing food security and improving access to healthcare. Our analysis shows that there are opportunities for investors of all stripes; the industry contains asset-light and technology-driven businesses, as well as infrastructure assets and supporting services businesses, all of which stand to benefit from the significant growth of the global space industry.   The Expanding frontiers report calculates a median 400% increase in deal size for early-stage investments and highlights a number of fast-growing UK space organisations, from satellite communications firm, OneWeb, to Wales-based aerospace manufacturer, Space Forge, which raised Europe’s largest ever seed round for a space tech company in December 2021.   Joshua Western, CEO and Co-founder of Space Forge, said: We’ve spear-headed new investment into the UK space sector from homegrown and valued international partners. The growth in our company and this sector is testament to the untapped potential of the UK space ecosystem. We are excited to be part of a dynamic and rapidly expanding industry that makes a significant contribution to the UK economy.   Research shows that the UK has become a particularly attractive market for venture capital firms, being home to the HQ of leading space fund Seraphim Capital – which was the top investor in UK space organisations in 2022 - and offices of US space and deep tech fund, TypeOne VC. UK space organisations have received investments from at least seven of the most active global investors, and nine of the largest UK-based venture capital firms, including University of Cambridge Enterprise, Octopus Ventures and Molten. Taking into account government, non-commercial (universities and research institutes) and commercial organisations, it describes the UK space sector as a “hidden utility” that underpins our daily lives and supports an estimated £370 billion of the country’s economy, mostly through satellite-based services. The data follows figures in the recent Size and Health of the UK Space Sector Report showing that £635 million was invested in UK-headquartered space companies through 34 identified deals last year, with acquisitions accounting for three quarters of the total investment value. Space sector income increased by more than 5% into 2021, outpacing both the growth of the global space industry in the same period (1.6%) and the general UK economy, which contracted by 7.6%. The full version of the PwC Expanding frontiers report is available on request. Executive summary of the report. Full report on the the PwC website.   Sources: THX News & UK Space Agency.   Read the full article
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biglisbonnews · 2 years
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A 3-step guide to people-led digital transformation When your organization invests in new digital solutions, it is natural to focus on the glittering new technologies, how to implement them, and how they can help with short and long-term goals. But technology is only one part of a digital transformation. The critical ingredient for a successful digital transformation…Read more... https://qz.com/a-3-step-guide-to-people-led-digital-transformation-1850180330
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wrcl · 2 years
No fim das contas, as empresas de auditoria se parecem mais com um sistema de proteção de maracutaias lucrativas do que com investigadores detalhistas capazes de encontrar quaisquer "inconsistências contábeis".
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leafywritingwhump · 2 years
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I... beg your pardon?
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agnickradio · 11 months
ΔΕΗ: συμφωνία για την εξαγορά της Κωτσόβολος
το δίκτυο καταστημάτων στην Ελλάδα Στρατηγική ανάπτυξης σε μία αγορά που αλλάζει στην εποχή του νέου εξηλεκτρισμού Μετασχηματισμός της ΔΕΗ στη λιανική σε ολοκληρωμένο πάροχο προϊόντων και υπηρεσιών Επιτάχυνση του πελατοκεντρικού μετασχηματισμού Continue reading Untitled
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How Facebook's Real Names policy helps Cambodia's thin-skinned dictator terrorize dissenters
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A common refrain from Facebook apologists and anti-anonymity activists is that its “Real Names Policy” promoted “civility” by making users “accountable” for their words. In this conception, snuffing out anonymous speech is key to protecting “the vulnerable” from trolls and other bad actors.
If you’d like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here’s a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
But while some trolls hide behind anonymity, others are only too happy to sign their vitriol. Donald Trump didn’t need an anonymous account. Tucker Carlson is right there in the chyron. Nick Fuentes isn’t hiding behind a pseudonym — he’s proud to be associated with Holocaust denial.
Despite the moral panic about “cancel culture,” the powerful can say outrageous and disgusting things without any meaningful consequence. But when it comes to speaking truth to power, anonymity protects the vulnerable from retaliation.
Nowhere will you find a better case-study of this phenomenon than in Cambodia, a basket-case, one-party dictatorship that has been ruled over by the corrupt, authoritarian dictator Hun Sen, a former general, since 1985.
Hun Sen’s corruption and authoritarianism chafed at the Cambodian people, but his repressive statecraft allowed him to keep a tight grip on the reins of power. But all that nearly came to a halt in 2013, when an opposition movement, organized on Facebook, came within a whisker of defeating him during what should have been a sham election.
Other dictators would have used that moment to block Facebook, but not Hun Sen. After squeaking out a narrow victory, he decided to take control of Facebook in Cambodia and co-opt it as a tool of oppression. To do this, Hun Sen would weaponize the Real Names policy.
Because he was dictator, Hun Sen already knew the real names of every person in Cambodia, which meant that he could tell when a Cambodian poster used a pseudonym. Armed with this knowledge, Hun Sen forced Facebook to order Cambodians to post under their real names (which made them liable to arrest and torture) or fall silent.
Hun Sen then spent public funds to hire a bleating army of astroturf supporters from Filipino clickfarms who would “like” his posts and shout down Cambodians — especially exiled Cambodians speaking from abroad — who dared to criticize him:
All of this created cover for the “Khmer Riche”: politically connected insiders and Hun Sen’s relatives, who looted the country, hired Pricewaterhousecooper to help them offshore their money through Cypriot banks, and procured glden passports from Cyprus to let them trip through the EU on luxury spending-sprees:
Earlier this month, Hun Sen took an “official visit” to the Maldives, which was commemorated by an official Facebook post that included a gallery of Hun Sen relaxing in a seaside luxury resort:
As Mech Dara1 wrote for Vod, the post racked up thousands of “fawning comments,” along with a single, brave remark from “Ver To” (a pseudonymous account): “Yes, our beaches are the most beautiful, but our leaders are the dirtiest in the world, aren’t they?”
Within hours, Hun Sen had vowed to use Facebook to hunt down and punish the person behind “Ver To,” writing “This is a wicked man’s words. Please, police, find it immediately. Where is it?”
In an expanded version of Daral’s article on Global Voices, we see Hun Sen’s Interior Ministry swing into action to punish this mild act of dissent, with ministry spokesman Khieu Sopheak saying:
> This is not freedom of expression — this is insulting the leader of the country. … Even for me, we cannot accept this.
> People who live abroad can say anything, but in Cambodia they cannot.
> Even though the prison is crowded, there is enough space to hold these people.
Hun Sen knows that Facebook will help him hunt down this dissenter and jail them in one of his “crowded prisoners,” because Facebook’s Real Names policy dictates that this will happen.
The Real Names policy might as well be called “The Zuckerberg Doctrine.” It originates with Mark Zuckerberg’s oft-stated belief that people who present a different facet of their personality to different people are “two-faced.” This is an abysmal, idiotic belief, one that requires that we related to our bosses the same way we relate to our lovers, and also to our grandparents. But on the plus side, outlawing anonymity and pseudonymity makes it a lot easier to assemble nonconsensual surveillance dossiers on our activities, social graph and beliefs, and then sell access to those dossiers to advertisers:
Lots of companies have tried for their own Real Names policy. Famously, it was a feature of Google Plus, Alphabet’s failed Facebook competitor. More recently, Twitter’s new owner has made moves to link Twitter accounts to identities by hiding posts that aren’t from “Twitter Blue” accounts, and then insisting that these accounts must be verified with a phone number.
The powerful can abuse the powerless and get away with it, in large part because the powerless can’t speak back without risking retaliation. Sexual abuse was a feature of many industries and large companies for decades, but it too anonymity to create the #MeToo movement. There, anonymity is a force for accountability — not a way to avoid it.
Image: Hun Sen/Facebook (modified) https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=765259764955813&set=pcb.765259798289143&type=3&theater
Fair use: https://www.eff.org/issues/intellectual-property
[Image ID: Cambodian dictator Hun Sen's Facebook photo of himself swimming in the blue Maldives sea. Superimposed over him in white sans-serif lettering on red rectangular backgrounds is a quote from a Cambodian Facebook user: 'Yes, our beaches are the most beautiful, but our leaders are the dirtiest in the world, aren’t they?']
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scotianostra · 1 year
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Happy Birthday, ex manager and partner of Elton John, John Reid, who was born September 9th, 1949 in Paisley.
The son of a welder and a shop worker, he reportedly attended Stow College in Glasgow for a short time before striking out for London in 1967. At age 18 Reid entered the music business as a promoter for EMI. Remarkably by age 19 he was managing the Tamla Motown label for the U.K., and it was at a company Christmas party that 21-year-old Reid met 23-year-old John.
Their professional partnership would last 28 years with Reid being present for John’s career hitting stratospheric heights, often as his personal life hit deep lows due to the performer’s alcohol and drug use, marriage and divorce to Renate Blauel the forging and continuation of his partnership with lyricist Bernie Taupin lawsuits, and loves lost and found.
In an interview with The Daily Record Reid later said “When I met Elton, I didn’t even realize his potential, I’ve never claimed to have discovered him. In fact, when he suggested I should manage him, I wasn’t enthusiastic.” When Reid accepted the job of becoming John’s manager at Dick James Music, the couple were already living together.
In anther interview he says Elton was his first love and vice versa John also revealed he was “a virgin until then. I was desperate to be loved, desperate to have a tactile relationship.”
Their relationship as lovers lasted from 1970 until 1975. It was one of the most prolific music periods for John as he delivered numerous international hits including “Your Song,” “Daniel,” “Candle in the Wind,” and “Rocket Man.” His persona on- and off-stage grew and his outfits became more flamboyant. “The vast leaps in style were exhausting,” Reid has said of the period. “He would go out one day with brown hair and return the next with pink.”
According to Reid, the relationship ended because Elton had “never had a sexual adolescence. He needed to go off and play the field, which he did with gusto… There were no dramas.”
Reid would remain in John’s life – and as his business manager – until 1998. Over the decades the two became wealthy due to John’s recording and touring successes. Both men spent big on sports cars, yachts, jewellery, and property, with Reid reportedly owning multiple homes at one point. Reid managed Queen from 1975 to 1978, as well as other acts including Bros, Kiki Dee, Lionel Richie, Billy Connelly, and Michael Flatley.
Like John, Reid would struggle with drugs and alcohol and in 1991 checked into the same recovery clinic John had stayed at when he got sober in 1990. “Elton called me regularly. He was a tower of strength,” Reid told the Daily Record. But unlike John, Reid would relapse and continue to struggle with alcohol.
Professionally, their relationship ended in 1998, the same year John’s auditors discovered a reported £20 million gap in his accounts. Two years later they would be facing each other in court, this time on opposing sides with John suing accounting firm PriceWaterhouseCoopers and Andrew Haydon, director of John Reid Enterprises, claiming negligence and breach of duty. “I trusted him,” John said of Reid in court. “I never thought he would betray me but he has betrayed me.” The singer had already been paid over 3 million pound by Reid in an out of court settlement by the time it reached court.
Reid continued in the music business until reportedly retiring in 1999, a year after divesting himself of an art collection allegedly worth £2 million. He was a judge on the Australian version of The X Factor in 2005 and has since lived a quiet life out of the public eye.
“I’m fond of Elton and proud of the work we did together,” Reid is reported to have said in the mid-2010s. “One day I’ll bump into him and there may be hugs and kisses. Or maybe not.”
There is no shortage of controversy in his life either and Reid has been known to have a violent side, one particularly powerful scene in Rocketman features an enraged Reid hitting John after the singer showed up late to a performance. While no evidence corroborates that this moment actually took place, Reid’s temper was a real-life problem. In a 1974 Rolling Stone magazine article, a former employee describes the manager as “diminutive, but he’s a killer. He’ll punch anyone.” The characterization seems reinforced by a long list of notable incidents.Reid once threw a glass of champagne at a man for not having enough liquor at a reception for John, he slapped a female journalist who reportedly called him a “poof," he was charged with assault in New Zealand after beating and kicking a journalist, he was arrested in San Francisco after hitting a hotel doorman with his cane while waiting for a car and he allegedly beat another journalist the day after John’s 1984 wedding to Renate Blauel in Sydney, where Reid was the best man. “They’re isolated incidents,” the manager once said of his outbursts. “I don’t make excuses, I’m not particularly proud of it, but any time anything like this has happened, it’s been in defence of Elton or Bernie’s not for personal reasons.”
To me an isolated incident is that, when there are several incidents it means he has a violent nature, Queen drummer Roger Taylor said of Reid in the 2011 Queen documentary Days of Our Lives. “He was very fiery and very feisty, but so were we.” However Veteran British singer-songwriter Mike Batt defended Reid in an interview after the release of Rocketman saying the depiction was especially callous, and that the "portrayal as an uncaring sex-god manipulator is weapons-grade character assassination.”
His current whereabouts are unknown, though reports list him as living in Australia or London.
Reid was portrayed by Irish actor Aidan Gillen in the Film Bohemian Rhapsody and in Rocketman by Scottish actor Richard Madden.
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Sports betting strains family budgets in lower socioeconomic classes in Brazil
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Spending on online sports betting is impacting the consumption of goods and services, particularly among lower-income socio-economic classes. This trend is also affecting perceptions of economic improvement in Brazil, such as rising incomes, job growth, and inflation control.
This assessment was carried out by PwC Strategy& do Brasil Consultoria Empresarial Ltda, a branch of the global auditing and advisory firm PricewaterhouseCoopers. According to economist and lawyer Gerson Charchat, partner and leader at Strategy& do Brasil, spending on sports betting "is already surpassing other types of discretionary spending, such as leisure, culture, and personal products, and is even beginning to impact the food budget. This diversion of resources to betting places significant pressure on the demand for essential products, disrupting the overall dynamics of the economy."
Sports betting on online platforms soared in Brazil after the passage of Law No. 13.756, which was approved by the National Congress and signed into law by then-President Michel Temer in late 2018. From that time until 2023, spending on betting has increased by 419 percent.
"In 2018, gambling accounted for 0.27 percent of the family budget in classes D and E; today, that figure has surged to 1.98 percent, nearly four times higher than five years ago. Meanwhile, spending on leisure and culture has declined from 1.7 percent to 1.5 percent of the budget, and spending on food has remained stable," said Charchat in an interview with Agência Brasil.
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The abandoned Minto mine in central Yukon is officially up for sale. 
Receiver PriceWaterhouseCoopers, which has been managing the Minto Metal Corp.'s affairs since July, issued a sales and investment solicitation document on its website for the property last week.
Potential buyers can place bids for either the entire Minto property — located approximately 240 kiklometres north of Whitehorse, near Pelly Crossing — or pieces of it, with initial bids accepted until Oct. 6. 
A timeline in the sale document states binding bids will be due Oct. 30, with an assessment period to follow. The firm hopes to select a successful bid — assuming there are any — before Dec. 31 and to have it approved by a judge within 60 days, anticipated to be Jan. 26, 2024. 
The launch of the sale process is the latest in the growing saga of the most recently-abandoned mine in the territory; Minto Metal Corp. suddenly ceased operations at the site in May, leaving dozens of contractors, workers and Selkirk First Nation, on whose territory the mine sits, in the lurch. [...]
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mightyflamethrower · 2 months
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Carbon Credits Enable Green Graft
Not all green lunacy can be attributed to an insidious attack on our freedom and standard of living or to the antihuman malice at the root of leftism. Another factor is straightforward greed:
Over the past two decades, so-called “carbon cowboys,” people who set up carbon credit initiatives for financial gain, have launched land preservation projects across the Amazon rainforest, generating carbon credits worth hundreds of millions of dollars and building a thinly regulated market valued at nearly $11 billion worldwide, according to The Washington Post. The Brazilian government’s anti-deforestation policies already safeguarded more than 78,000 square miles of land used for preservation projects before they were claimed for carbon credits, and 29 of the 35 internationally certified projects in the Amazon overlap with public lands, meaning a large percentage of carbon credits overlap with already existent conservation measures. The estimated total value of the offsets sold by these 29 ventures is $212 million, according to an analysis performed by The Washington Post using annual market rates. Multi-billion dollar companies like Netflix, Delta Air Lines, Spotify, PriceWaterhouseCoopers and Boeing are just a few of the major corporations that purchased these credits in order to offset their emissions.
Why would anyone pay a penny to pretend to “offset” harmless carbon emissions? According to energy consultant David Blackmon,
“For the most part, companies buy these credits for the simple fact that they are forced to do so either by wrong-headed government regulations or by ESG demands from green investors and financial institutions.”
Fools and their money are soon parted. Coercive regulations are required for the same reason Democrats are setting the stage for election fraud: not all of us are fools.
Eva Vlaardingerbroek explains how carbon credits can be inflicted at the individual level to impose green neofeudalism:
The new transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich will be Carbon Credit Brokerage.
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jordanianroyals · 5 months
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16 April 2024: Crown Prince Hussein visited PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) - Middle East office in Amman, a global professional services firm, which employs around 1,500 Jordanian
He was briefed on the latest technological solutions and pioneering tools adopted by the company to promote digital transformation. His Royal Highness was also briefed on the contributions of the Jordanian workforce to economic growth by Hani Ashkar, Middle East senior partner at PwC, who also stressed the company's commitment to building the capacities of young people in various fields and disciplines.
Michael Orfali, PwC territory senior partner in Jordan, praised the investment environment in the Kingdom, noting that women constitute 55 per cent of the 1,500 Jordanian workforce at the company. PwC operates in audit, tax, and consulting services in 151 countries.
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rishikamalviya23 · 1 year
Unravelling the Rise and Fall of Arthur Andersen: A Legacy of Audit and Scandal
Arthur Andersen was an American accounting firm based in Chicago that provided auditing, tax advising, consulting, and professional services to large corporations. By 2001, it had become one of the world's largest multinational corporations and was one of the “Big Five “accounting firms 9 along with Deloitte & touché, Ernst Young, KPMG, and PricewaterhouseCoopers.
 In 1913, two persons Andersen and Clarence founded an accounting firm as Andersen, Delany & Co.] Later the firm changed its name to Arthur Andersen & Co. in 1918. Arthur Andersen's first client was the Joseph Schlitz brewing company in Milwaukee. In 1915 due to his many contacts there, he was opened as the firm’s second office. In 1927 Mr. Arthur Andersen was elected to the board of trustees of Northwestern University and served as its president from 1930 to 1932. He was also the chairman of the CPA examiner in Illinois.
IN 1970 Arthur Andersen started growing fast and its revenue began to grow. very fast. Its client base started increasing and clients started believing in it. And become one of the Big Five firms in the market with excellent brand value.  Arthur Andersen was the first of the major accountancy firms to propose to the financial accounting standard board that employee stock options should be treated as an expense, thus impacting net profit just as cash compensation would.
It also started its consultancy firm named “Andersen Consultancy” It is separate from Arthur Andersen and provides audit, accounting, and tax practice. “Andersen Consultancy “which provides guidance and market information grow rapidly in the market between 1971 to 1981 due to which dispute between Arthur Andersen and Andersen Consultancy began and were facing many problems. In 2000, after the international billion in past payments to Arthur Andersen, and declared that Andersen Consulting could no longer use Andersen's name. As a result, Andersen Consulting needs to change its name to Accenture on January 1, 2001.
In the 2001 scandal energy giant Enron was found to have fraudulently reported $100 billion in revenue through institutional and systematic accounting fraud.  The evidence available that Andersen fail to fulfil its responsibility Because the US Security exchange commission will not accept audits rom convicted felons, the firm agreed to surrender its CPA licenses and its right to practice before the SEC on August 31, 2002—vanished firm out of business. In 2002, just nine months after the scandal broke, the firm was found guilty of a crime in auditing Enron.
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usafphantom2 · 2 years
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Eurofighter will guarantee 26,000 jobs in Spain by 2060
The program should contribute about €1.7 billion to Spanish GDP and create almost 700 jobs in Spain per year.
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 29/03/2023 - 16:00 in Military
The Eurofighter program will cumulatively guarantee 26,000 jobs in Spain by 2060, according to a recent study by the consultancy PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC) on the economic impact of the 'Halcon' and 'Quadriga' contracts for the country.
The study, funded by Airbus, with the technical support of ITP Aero, and carried out independently by PWC over a period of six months until March 2023, estimates that, during its life cycle, the manufacturing phase (2020-2030) and maintenance phase (2023-2060) of the Halcon and Quadriga programs will create an average of 657 jobs - direct, indirect and induced - This is equivalent to a total annual impact on employment of 2.7% direct jobs in the Spanish aerospace sector.
Both Eurofighter Tranche 4 contracts are expected to contribute almost €1.7 billion to Spanish GDP, with the manufacture and maintenance of Halcon generating approximately €1.5 billion and Quadriga production composing the remaining €200 million.
Employment and economic contribution during both phases will generate a total tax collection of €430 million, of which €151 million will be a direct contribution. In addition, for every euro collected directly, 2.8 euros of total tax revenues will be generated in the Spanish economy.
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Signed in June 2022, Halcon's contract consists of the acquisition of 20 state-of-the-art Eurofighter jets to replace the aging F-18 fleet operated by the Spanish Air Force in the Canary Islands.
The Halcon program followed Quadriga's contract, signed in 2020, to deliver 38 new Eurofighter aircraft to the German Air Force (Luftwaffe), making Germany the country with the highest number of orders for the largest defense program in Europe.
The Halcon program will see the Spanish Eurofighter fleet grow to 90 aircraft, with the first delivery scheduled for 2026, ensuring industrial production activity by 2030. Quadriga guarantees the production of the new Tranche 4 Eurofighter - currently the most modern combat aircraft built in Europe - by 2030, with a useful life well beyond 2060. Both programs are decisive in ensuring national and European strategic autonomy in defense, when it matters most.
In total, the Eurofighter program guarantees more than 100,000 jobs in Europe, which will be driven by state-of-the-art aircraft, such as Tranche 4, as well as, in the future, through technological advances in the development of Eurofighter.
To download the complete PWC study and additional material to complement this notice access the link here.
Tags: airbusMilitary AviationEurofighter
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work throughout the world of aviation.
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offshoreoilrig · 1 year
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Coalition Responsible For Consulting Crisis
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10 years of Liberal/National federal governments stripped the public service of 15, 000 jobs and opened the door for consultants PwC, KPMG, EY, and Deloitte to feast on government contracts to the tune of billions of dollars. Coalition responsible for consulting crisis, as insider mates shuffle jobs between government and the big 4 consultancy/auditing firms to ensure the flow of business and big bucks. Four Corners has revealed the incestuous relationships in the Department of Defence and KPMG via whistleblowers telling their story about what has been going on. Pigs with snouts in the trough comes to mind as an analogy about what has been occurring. “It has been the Coalition's official benchmark for "responsible management" since 2015; a target that prime ministers Malcolm Turnbull and Scott Morrison also pursued. More than 15,000 government jobs were abolished as a result.” - (https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-05-13/has-federal-budget-2021-ended-coalition-war-on-public-servants/100133980) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pduOqZPnqVc
Dishonest & Dodgy Coalition Governments Dealing Billions To Consultants
The lack of transparency is a major issue and questions have to be asked whether this was a deliberate strategy by the Coalition in government. Outsourcing, what has always been the work of government through the public service, means that these consulting firms are not scrutinised to the level government departments usually are. The Abbott, Turnbull, and Morrison governments moved much of their work of government to these private consulting firms. Public funds normally allocated to the trusted public service were diverted to these private companies. The PwC tax scandal has shown clearly that these firms are not to be trusted with sensitive and confidential government information.
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“Former KPMG partner urges royal commission into consulting industry following damning report into PwC scandal” - (https://www.theguardian.com/business/2023/jul/06/former-kpmg-partner-urges-royal-commission-into-consulting-industry-following-damning-report-into-pwc-scandal) “PwC Australia has sacked eight partners, including its former CEO Tom Seymour, over their direct involvement in or knowledge of the tax leak scandal which has engulfed the consulting firm.” - (https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-07-03/asx-markets-business-live-news-july-3/102553582)
Neoliberal Coalition Oversees Erosion Of Ethics  & Professional Standards
Overcharging and extending contracts is rife in the consulting sector and via these government contracts they have gone to town. Tens of billions of dollars have been siphoned off into the hands of these firms and their insider mates of the Coalition. Scott Morrison has a lot of questions to answer re-Robodebt and PwC was involved in this illegal debacle as well. It is time that these people were brought to justice and prosecuted. The erosion of ethics and professional standards has been overseen by the Coalition in power. Screwing the taxpayer out of money and feathering the nest of private individuals has been happening on a very large scale. “Collins had breached a series of confidentiality agreements made with federal Treasury and the Board of Taxation that gave him access to various consultative forums as a senior partner in the local branch of a global accounting firm. Information obtained during those processes was used to brief local and international tax partners or staff on what the government was doing in specific areas of taxation. It was publicly known that Collins had shared knowledge that he should not have shared, as was the fact that his former firm, PricewaterhouseCoopers (now PwC), was given a disciplinary penalty that required it to tighten up training and procedures.” (https://www.themandarin.com.au/219292-damning-emails-reveal-former-pwc-peter-collins-multiple-breaches/
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Liberal Vision Of Australia All About Wealth At Any Cost For The Few These people at the heart of these big 4 consultancy firms have earned millions of dollars. They live in big houses in exclusive suburbs worth millions of dollars, and they drive very smart cars. Insider trading is illegal and yet these accountants have trod an inside track thanks to their Coalition mates in power. A decade of Coalition governments has overseen the massive expansion of private consultants taking over the public service. Liberals screwing the Australian people for their own advantage. Profits and avoiding public scrutiny by Abbott, Turnbull, and Morrison are at the heart of this betrayal of trust. “The previous Coalition government spent $20.8bn outsourcing more than a third of public service operations, an audit has found. The federal government released the findings of the Australian public service audit of employment on Saturday, which examined the hiring practices and associated costs of 112 public service agencies, excluding the CSIRO, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, and parliamentary departments. It found the equivalent of nearly 54,000 full-time staff were employed as consultants or service providers for the federal government during the 2021-2022 financial year – the equivalent of 37% of the 144,300-employee public service.” - (Stephanie Convery, The Guardian, 6 May 2023) Conservative voters in Australia are hoodwinked into voting for the Coalition on the basis of socially conservative policies. Meanwhile, we are all shafted via insider trading for their mates and plum government contracts for wealthy friends in the consultancy business. Hundreds of millions of dollars of public funds being siphoned off into the hands of these dubious individuals. Donald Trump and the Republicans have written the modern rule book for this grifting behaviour in government in recent times. Trump is a hero for these conservatives combining billion dollar grift with authoritarian power to keep any dissenting voices in check. Look at the list of questionable activities undertaken during the Abbott, Turnbull, and Morrison governments. - Climate change and global warming – the Coalition has put back Australia at least a couple of decades via their inaction and manipulation of government policies in this space. - Consultancy Crisis/Gutting the Public Service – tens of billions of dollars going into private hands via overcharging, wasteful practices, and neutering public scrutiny and the voice of the public service. - Robodebt – the Robodebt scheme was cooked up by Scott Morrison and was illegal, but put into practice anyway. 500, 000 Australians were wrongly accused of owing large amounts of money to the government. People killed themselves in despair over this! A settled class action has cost taxpayers $1.6 billion so far. A Royal Commission was scathing in its condemnation and recommendations for further prosecution against those administering the scheme. Scott Morrison, of course, denies any wrong doing and responsibility for something he instigated. - Sports Rorts – pork barrelling taken to another level, as Coalition ministers direct spending to swing voter seats in a bid to shore up support for their electoral cause. Australians in Labor seats miss out on investment into their infrastructure because of where they reside and the political bellwether situation. - Uluru Statement from the Heart – 10 years of Coalition government denied this call from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians for a place at the big table. Whenever Liberal/National governments come to power they invariably dismantle and defund Indigenous bodies and programs, which were established by Labor governments to close the gap. Whether it is politics over concern for First Nations’ people or just out and out racism the end result is the same. Is it any wonder that First Nations’ Australians want a Voice to Parliament written into the Constitution. Peter Dutton is leading the No vote against the Voice in the referendum. The Nationals also oppose it. Mean spirited, racist, and, generally, lacking compassion are all ways to describe this behaviour. - Housing Crisis - Where has all the social housing in Australia gone? Neoliberal economic policies have given everything over to the private sector and the profit motive. Needy and vulnerable? Tough luck, you're stuffed in Oz these days. - Corporate Profits Driving Inflation - A concentration of corporate power via takeovers and mergers means that price setting is rife in Australia. Bugger all competition (where and what has the ACCC been up to?) in the banking sector, supermarkets, audit firms, airlines, real estate, mining, energy sector, and everywhere you seek to do business is an oligopoly. Robert Sudha Hamilton is the author of Money Matters: Navigating Credit, Debt & Financial Freedom ©WordsForWeb
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