#Pretty sure most of these characters are canonically queer Im not sure though and some are just plain questionable lol (the brothers šŸ’€)
i-may-be-an-emu Ā· 3 months
Happy pride from these sfth queer charachters šŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆ (I think so at least)
Better late than never :)
Audio/Music Credit: ā€œHistory Hates Loversā€ by Oublaire
Visuals Credit: Shoot From The Hip (@shootimpro on most platforms)
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afrognamedfizzarolli Ā· 5 months
Helluva Boss observations and easter eggs you may not have noticed!: Pilot
The pilot is both a great place and weird place to start, as it is our introduction to the cast and world, but also no longer considered canon. Many of the events and details we learn/see are later confirmed in the series itself, but there were quite a few changes.
I want to start off with some design changes!
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With Millie, she used to have white roots visible, this actually kept up for a few of the early episodes. As we know now it seems imps have two noticeable instances of sexual dimorphism: females have black horns with thin white stripes and naturally black hair, and males have evenly sized black and white stripes on their horns and naturally black hair. We see many trans or otherly gender queer imps that dye their hair with visible roots. I assume Millie's design was changed when that was established to be a gender difference in imps.
Her heart tattoo is also much smaller, and switches sides (an animation error almost certainly) When the pilot first came out I actually thought she had a heart on both shoulders.
Some stuff with Stolas!
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We see his hand outlined with a red glow at one point, presumably representing his magic. While in the series his magic is represented by blue. This is most likely due to the change of his character as he was originally planned to be a villain.
Not a design change, but I find it funny that Stolas' name in BlitzĆø's phone is "Creepy Mouth (aka one night stand bird dick)". Surprisingly all being spelled correctly.
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Stolas' Grimore! I actually only noticed this on this last watch. It was a darker blue(purple? red? It changes in different scenes) and instead of the moon design it has a different insignia of his that we still see throughout the series in various places (notably on his bed) it also has no design on the back.
Little details!
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I didn't realize before either that the woman who Moxxie is trying to shoot before Eddie gets in the way, is Eddie's mom. I'm sure this is something many others picked up on immediately though.
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Speaking of which, the human news anchor shown at the end bares a striking resemblance to a character of Brandons: a news anchor named Flint Dicker.
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A poster of "THE AMAZING IMP SIBLINGS" is on the wall of the conference room. Showing BlitzĆø, Barbie Wire, and another character labeled "Tilla". This was changed in the series to just being BlitzĆø and Barbie, Tilla's design being slightly altered and then used for their mom.
Hazbin easter eggs! Oh boy is there a lot of them.
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In the commercial sequence we see in the room of one of the targets a framed drawing of Sir Pentious
In the background of when BlitzĆø is interviewing a previous client, there is a billboard for 666 News ft. A photo of Katie Killjoy, I especially love this one as Brandon ended up voicing her!
In BlitzĆø's office he had a vision board labeled "BOSS GOALS" with 5 drawings, in the center is BlitzĆø labeled "ME!" Top left we have Katie again, top right is a duck with a top hat and two $'s, this assumably referencing Lucifer, bottom left is Rosie, an arrow pointing to her hat labeled so eloquently "HAT" and lastly in the bottom right there is a more detailed drawing that looks to be Carmilla Carmine labeled "Moxxie drew not as good" this tracking later as in 1.05 "The Harvest Moon Festival" Moxxie talks about Carmine angelic weaponry, showing a great interest in her business.
Next is a dumpster in an alley with various graffiti. Notably, a face that looks to be Nifty, "ALWAYS CHASING RAINBOWS" and "HAPPY HOTEL". There is also a sinister face labeled "DEVIL". Im not sure if this is a specific refrence to anything though.
Lastly, one that I'm sure almost everyone noticed but feel the need to include, is we can see Loona watching Charlie's performance of "Inside of Every Demon is a Rainbow"
Funny observations:
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When the crew teleports into the church, we see maany people with some pretty detailed designs, I do not know if or what they may be referencing, but I have a strong suspicion it is something, my guess is that they are caricatures of some people who worked on the pilot. One person in specifically is wearing a jacket with a patch reading "WHEN YOU SEE IT" with a šŸ‘Œ
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Signs! In the hospital we see a sign saying "WE SAVE LIVES" in faded text it reads between we and save "try to" and after lives another line is visible starting with "but" I cannot make out the rest.
Others show that they are in ward 13, the next room over labeled as 667, implying the room that Eddie was in is 666
A note is taped to the side of the fridge of the break room reading "LOONA DONT EAT MY LUNCH -MOXXIE"
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Another thing I only noticed recently is when BlitzĆø sneaks out at the Goetia palace, he is naked except for his jacket, with the grimore serving as some creative censorship. (+Stella's beta design. I personally love her current design, but this one wasn't bad)
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When BlitzĆø makes the comment about making Moxxie the employee of the month he holds up a small plaque as an example, a larger version of this same plaque, is visible on a wall in the commercial sequence.
While in their hazmat suits(idk if that's what these actually are), you can see the shape of Moxxie's bowtie under it
... and just BlitzĆø holding some targets panties, cause why not
There are a handful of other details, but I'm going to hold onto those as later on we see call backs to them. Also, I've spent a lot more on this than Id planned already, I have at least 3 hours on this one alone.
Please bare with me, I promise these will get more interesting the further we go in the series!
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sillyyuserr Ā· 5 months
terukane analysis, and/or just random stuff, i have too many prompts in drafts but theyā€™re too small to be their own analysies so theyā€™re here pt. 2 šŸ’«
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I already made one of these a bit ago, so if theres anything not here itā€™s either in that other one, or i just havenā€™t covered it (yet)
Item A: ā€œI like Akane-sanā€
When teru says this, it comes out differently in every language. And seemingly equally ambiguous which i find interesting
for example, in the french translation of this line, teru says "I love you more than you might think akane" rather than saying ā€œi like akane-sanā€ and i mean having a mistranslation here is obviously something, but what he actually says is just what?
ā€œi love you more than you might think akaneā€ EXCUSE ME??
also not to mention ā€œsanā€ is gender neutral. He very well could be calling akane by his first name and them (akane & nene) misunderstanding what he said. Although he does refer to aoi as ā€œakane-sanā€, the translators wouldve translated it to ā€œaoiā€ instead of ā€œakaneā€ if he was referring to her (or not, im not completely sure on how they do the translation šŸ˜­)
Item B: queer association
(Edit: Im fucking dumb and forgot to add the panel of that one dude yelling ā€œno i want to be his boyfriend!ā€ But i canā€™t find it for the life of me so pretend its here)
not only is this one of the only canon queer characters in tbhk, (my guy only got one panel šŸ’”) but also this associates ā€œqueernessā€ or wtv that means with teru
along with akane mentioning both genders being attracted to teru. Again, associating queerness with him. And you may be wondering, why is this important? well, notice how out of all of the main and/or reoccurring characters, he is one of the ONLY characters to be associated with queerness. (The only others being kou; his friends teasing him about wanting to ā€œundress mitsubaā€ and akane; the whole yamabuki thing) for example, take note of how scarily popular aoi is because of her beauty, shes like a literal god, everyone loves this girl, but notice how never once has a girl ever confessed to her? actively not associating her with queerness, unlike teru.
and notice how the other characters that are associated with queerness are kou, who (its pretty much been canonized atp) has romantic feelings for his male friend mitsuba, and AKANE. The guy i swear he has a crush on like cmon now AidaIro can you be more obvious
Item C: reoccurring patterns
in tbhk, all of the confirmed/obviously implied romantic relationships between the main characters have been supernatural x human, hanako and nene, mitsuba and kou, akane and aoi, excluding only teru and aoi. But this does not exclude teru and akane, almost showing us that in the love triangle between teru, akane and aoi, it may not be revolving around which one gets with aoi, but which one gets with akane. It seems as though teru x aoi was never an option from the start.
Although teru has said he likes aoi, his actions say otherwise. for example teruaoiā€™s conversation in the convenience store was obviously extremely awkward, the only non-awkward part being when he helped her out of that creepy interaction with the clerk.
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And the face he made when akane asked/assumed he had a crush on aoi
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(Which he never definitively answered)
The point of this section was because of these reoccurring patterns we can conclude akane is the main love interest, not aoi.
Item D: their relationship
Something teru likes about akane, is how no matter what he doesnā€™t seem to ever give up. Which yes in some aspects this can be a bad thing, coff coff
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But most times, you can kind of tell this is a big reason he likes akane, almost like a ā€œhe pushes him down, he gets back upā€ kind of thing, its a big part of their dynamic. If akane wasnā€™t like this, their dynamic would change a lot. He likes this because as stated in the spinoff, he kind of uses akane as a ā€œstress toyā€ (which has obviously changed, as their relationship did when the series progresses) but he likes this because at the end of the day, akane will come back. No matter how many times he ties akane up, he returns to the student council room. No matter how many times teru pushes akane down (in this example, literally) he gets back up.
Something i like about terukane, is their relationship. The trust and motivation they give one another. For example, its shown early on Teru has disassociates himself from other people. Teru views the living as ā€œdelicateā€ and kind of makes it his job to protect them from supernaturals (when i say he made it his job i mean his dad did). He was raised to have a very different view towards the living vs supernaturals. Rounding this back to Terukane, teru doesn't view akane as ā€œfragileā€ like other people, and I think that's something to take note of. The reason he thinks like this could definitely tie into the fact that heā€™s half supernatural but also he views akane in a higher regard then most people. Akane keeps up with him, teru actually acknowledges this, saying he values his intelligence and enjoys talking to him.Ā 
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Its kind of been shown teru has had a hard time making friends ever since grade-school, i mean yeah he talks to people, but the only people heā€™s lowered his guard around has been tiara and kou (siblings), and akane. A literal supernatural (the kind of person this guy is supposed to exterminate??) Literally what makes akane so special? This guy is the most popular person in THE school, second to none, and the only person besides his family that he can let his guard around is akane? They both work in the student council, president and vice president meaning they work in extremely close quarters, everyday, giving them lots of time to talk, so its no doubt they became close, but out of everyone, teru choosing akane to put his trust in is just odd to me idk man
Item E: bringing up each other alot
in many instances, teru and akane bring eachother up when they arenā€™t even involved in the current situation, or unintentionally show us they think about eachother more than we think they do, a few examples:
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Teru talking ab akane to his family. Call me insane but i have alot to say ab this one. This one really gets me because that would mean throughout his entire way home from school, including if he fought off supernaturals on his way back (which he seems to do pretty much everyday), from the last time he saw akane, he had to have been thinking about him the entire time. Since they are in the student council they stay together for most of the day when its not their extra/curricular classes or lunch, meaning they probably stayed together until about an hour after school ended, and according to google
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School ends around 3:50 to 4pm and their after school activities last until around 6pm. In one chapter i forget which one, kou complains about his brother not being home much and whenever he is home heā€™s usually sleeping or too sleepy to answer him properly, (and in art of their ā€˜home lifeā€™ teru is always either sleeping or sleepy) because of his constant fighting with supernaturals well into the evening. Now lets assume at this point teru has left the school building, and about a few (5) minutes down the sidewalk and he runs into supernaturals, fights them off yadayadayada, at this point itā€™s presumably now 6:30-6:40, now lets also assume they live about a few (5) blocks away from the school, one block presumably taking 5 minutes each, times the 5 blocks they live away, taking approximately 25 minutes to half an hour to walk, plus the additional time he took to exorcise the supernaturals on his way home, which by this point we can probably assume its 7-7:20 now which is around an hour after families/people usually make dinner, we can assume he gets home at the 7-7:20 mark, sits down with tiara and kou to have dinner when this panel was shown
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Meaning for an esitmated two and half, to three consecutive hours, akane was on teruā€™s mind. Thats a pretty long time to be thinking ab someone teru. I know what you are
Item F: extras
the ā€œAoi is coming too.ā€ Bro brings him up at any given opportunity
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akane having a literal DREAM about him.
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Like I havent had dreams with life long friends in them so to have a dream about this boy you ā€œhateā€ is.. hmmm
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Innermost subconscious feelings you say? okay okay so not queer at all yk so buddy so bro of them
Item G: the original plot
tbhk was originally going to be a oneshot manga featuring the love triangle between akane, lemon and aoi but later was cancelled, and in the official manga, they made lemon and akane ā€œfall in loveā€
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obviously as a joke but that shows AidaIro is not oblivious to the idea/premise of the two boys instead falling in love with eachother, rather than the girl, so the idea (i talked more ab in a past analysis) of teru&akane getting together rather than teru&aoi or akane&aoi getting together is ON THE TABLE
would add more but i fear this will take me too longšŸ’” new chapter next week yall prepare urselfs
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shjiyemis Ā· 1 year
Warning!!! Gonna mention topics like racism and transphobia, and internalized versions of them. Heavy subjects that we know are going on with these characters are not being ignored just not going into them fully!!!
Ok guys get ready for trans guy Bro Strider concept with a side of Dirk and Dave, it is a novel so look out LOL
This is an interpretation and concept I made up for fun with my headcanons, a theory even. So don't put words in my mouth. None of this canon nor am I saying it is. (but it's definitely canon in this head of mine, leave me be GJVFHCHF)
This is not me making excuses for Bro either, I am simply giving him a backstory and more layers.
I headcanon Bro Strider as a trans guy (bc I headcanon Dirk as trans-masc), but like a trans guy who's lives in the down-low about being gay but completely hides that he's trans. I imagine he strayed away from any family he had before transitioning and was like, never gonna go back lol. Im pretty sure Bro was like a young adult around the 70s or 80s too so like we all know what was going on around those times tbh, plus the general prejudice that happened during those times (and to this day) can definitely imagine him dissociating from that in general.
IT ALSO ADDS ON BC I HEADCANON HIM AS BLACK SO LIKE black trans gay guy, pls that'd be a monstrosity of trauma whether it was indirect OR direct. šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±
My whole idea is that Bro was dissociating from most of that, probably met Mom Lalonde at some point in the past (like not romantically or sexually or anything of the sort). He's always been smart and a strong guy and able to work around shit but I think later on he actually starts becoming successful in the p0rn industry. Kind of where he was at his high but yeah, after he started gaining such popularity and success during that time is where Dave comes into the picture.
Uses training that he's seen in anime (stupid idiot) and as well as like Lil Cal guidance,,, let's not forget that puppet possessed in the beta universe... (And honestly I wouldn't be surprised if Bro Strider had an already general idea of extreme physical training before hand btw) Also like.... Bro is an asshole btw,,,,, A HUGE ONE!!! empathy is low, just cares about solutions but not really process, as long as it gets good results it doesn't matter.
Generally a shitty guy who won't give most people the time of day, unless he's getting something out of it.
I skipped a lot of things that are like more important to Homestuck bc I'm mostly talking about Broooo rnnnn so if you were like "there's stuff missing" it's bc I skipped it GJCGJVGVJGVJ
I also headcanon Dave as a trans guy, which is funny because all the striders really hopped on the trans ur gender train lololol
Dave's transness is way more different from Bro's though, more through experience. Dave was simply raised and he believed himself to be a boy because Bro was a boy and he also liked the stuff aligned with it. He never went to public school, he was homeschooled but he walked in the city alone alot, probably made a few friends in parks or near school grounds but was never IN school.
He was a boy no one really questioned it, so it only came up that he could be societally aligned with girls later on, like probably 10-12. But was probably pushed out of any traumatic shock by Bro about it and Bro was probably giving Dave a lot of like "man up" mentality. He was never actually able to process it much so it just never bothered him until later on in his life (probably mid-meteor ride).
Like the trans Bro kind of came up one day when I was hyperfixating on Dirk (whom I headcanon as trans-masc, not a trans guy persay but he definitely leans into man label, I've been playing with his dislike for labels and kind of putting him under queer haha!) which is also fun and interesting to play with Bro because that also implies he's non-binary but like doesn't understand that label on the slightest nor cares enough to identify as anything else but as a guy!!
(Also quickly wanted to add that a good label that aligns with Dirks gender /for ppl who need it/ would be nonbinary guy/demi-guy/trans-masc nonbinary, Dirk just doesn't strictly label it, nor does he want to)
Like a few friends I've talked to said Bro would definitely be a transmed and honestly he probably is but more to the degree of not understanding ppl that go against the transmed ideology but like not caring bc it's not business (in my whole concept anyways), he's not interested in it or most people so he doesn't really blurt out about it. He'd probably think people like Kalvin Garrah and ppl similar to him are dumb as hell bc like, "cis ppl have always hated us wtf are you on?" But he also doesn't involve himself in any LGBT politics/problems, at most keeps up with stuff so he gets his down low business done safely.
Dave would be considered to literally be a stud if he was known to be afab, he also has small breasts like Dirk/Bro too so a compression shirt would do the trick easy. He never actually medically transitioned until probably post-game, as an adult.
Upon actually going through puberty Dave was simply given the pill. Bro didn't raise Dave as a trans kid, he raised him as a boy without transness in mind!
Bro didn't educate Dave about trans ppl or anything of the sort, he simply raised him. Dave was a boy and still a boy, just not the same way as Bro, expression-wise and in experience.
Will also definitely say this too, Dave did not know that Bro was trans.
Bro was like literally living and identifying as a cis man and his down low life was more about being a gay black man rather then a TRANS gay black man.
There's definitely a possibility he ran into a few trans men/trans-masc ppl and felt more comfortable with exposure with a few of those individuals but like yeah he kept his transness in the down-low bc even gay who were cis looked down on trans gays
Especially as someone who grew up in the 70s-80s where's trans ppl in general were seen as weirdos even within the lgbt community in certain areas AND racism. Both of those existed inside and outside the trans community.
So yeah, like. He couldn't really hide the fact he was black (though can't say he was ashamed of being black the same way he was ashamed of himself being trans, but he probably does have some slight internalized racism in general), but it had gotten "better" atleast a couple years prior of Dave arriving. His transness tho is very easy to hide. He did not need any top surgery bc he had already had small breasts and testosterone can make your breasts decrease in size as well, along with his very heavy increase in muscle? All of that made it so he didn't really need surgery at all and he made his own bottom prosthetics for himself for easy hiding during any possible sexual encounters.
Hope y'all enjoyed feel free to send asks about this if you want šŸ„ŗ
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foralleternityidiot Ā· 7 months
tagged by @negrowhat
1. What ship were you completely obsessed with when you were a teenager, but now you don't care anymore?
Hmmmm. I wasnā€™t the biggest shipper as a teenager and all the ships I did obsess over still own my fucking soul. I ship for life.
2. Which ship would you consider your first one?
Thatā€™s a toss up between Monica x Chandler (Friends), Mulder x Scully (The X Files), Cory x Topanga (Boy Meets World), and Rick x Evie (The Mummy) I canā€™t remember which came first because they all were pretty simultaneous.
3. Your first fanfic belonged to which couple?
Romione. Although I remember dabbling in writing fan fiction in a spiral bound notebook at the age of 14, it was always sort of self-insert non-romantic LOTR character building. My first actual fanfiction (reading and/or writing) was Ron x Hermione when I was 19.
4. Do you remember the first couple you saw a fanart over?
100% LOTRā€¦ but I donā€™t remember which pairing. Probably like Frodo x Sam or Legolas x Gimli, but I didnā€™t get into MM shipping until I was a full blown adult about to finish college.
5. Did you ever get into ship discourse?
Somewhat when I was in the Glee fandom but that fandom was a clusterfuck of ship discourse. I pretty much lived on the corner of fuck off and leave me alone.
6. Did you used to have any no-otp or have it currently?
Maybe? But I didnā€™t really care too much about looking at anything outside my own ship OR I was a multi-shipper. So I donā€™t really remember a specific notp. Iā€™m sure there were some though. There was so much trash in the glee fandom, Iā€™m sure I hated something.
7. Who were the couple in the last fanfic you read?
I havenā€™t touched a fan fic in over 10 years so (I should get a chip!) the last one I read was likely Klaine. Holy shit wtf time has flown.
8. Currently, do you have any OTPs?
Approximately 1.9 billion. Oh you want names? Well Hualian (TGCF), Wangxian (MDZS) and most recently Ranning (2ha) are the top three out of the 1.9 billion. Remember, I collect ships and keep them in my heart for all eternity.
9. Is there any couple that, to this day, you are extremely mad about not getting together?
Sam x Jack (Stargate SG1). Itā€™s somewhat implied but my god I still yearn.
10. Is there any ship you used to dislike but now you think they are kind of interesting?
I didnā€™t dislike Cory x Shawn but I didnā€™t really get it back in the Girl Meets World hay day and it wasnā€™t even on my radar at all during Boy Meets World. (Remember, Iā€™m old and the internet was not what it is now during my youth so I didnā€™t even know about the Cory x Shawn ship for literally decades). Sometime after GMW ended and tiktok became popular there was a resurgence of BMW popularity and a lot of CxS analysis that opened my eyes. I enjoy the ship now but Iā€™m still Cory x Topanga 4eva.
11. Do you have any ship that, in the past, was considered normal but now you would be cancelled over?
Tbh not really. I used to be pretty boring. I definitely have some in the present that would though. šŸ¤
12. What was your favorite crack ship?
There were so many in the Glee fandom but I gotta go with Sebastian x Cooper just because it brought two of my friends together in a RP group and they ended up actually getting married. Ahā€¦ memories. Iā€™m gonna tag @believesinponds in this post for the nostalgia.
13. Who is the couple you read more fanfics of?
None. But if I did it would absolutely be wangxian or hualian. Donā€™t fucking tempt me.
14. What most of your ships usually have in common?
In the past: Canonical.
Now: Canonical and Queer.
15. What do you absolutely hate in a ship?
Im gonna keep was Eboni wrote because itā€™s spot on: ā€œMiscommunication and the noble idiocy trope.ā€
I'll tag @believesinponds @linameka @ommited-miscellaneously @ipromisedthesunset @kennyomegasweave @youdontnohme
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fangirlforlife97 Ā· 2 years
I finally finished Succession and OMG IT'S SOOOOO GOOD!!!!!! The twist at the end of s3 had me shooketh haha, I literally gasped and had my mouth hanging open in shock. Shouldn't have been surprised, but I was. Shiv, Roman, and Kendell were done so dirty and by both of their parents, yikes. I loved it, I love the show, it made me laugh and cry/tear up, etc and I need a s4 asap!! Does anyone know when s4 is coming out?? I tried looking it up before and wasn't really given a specific date so Im not sure. I hope it's soon though!!?!!
I really hope the show makes Tom and Greg's dynamic/relationship romantic. Sure their dynamic hasn't always been the greatest in a way but I love them, TomGreg was the reason I wanted to watch the show in general. I watched for them but then loved the show and watched because of that as well. I love shows like that where you can enjoy the ship and the show. I think it would be a hugely missed opportunity if they don't go a romantic route with them though. Not to mention the chemistry is amazing and it'd be hella great to see everyone react when and if Tom gets with cousin Greg haha. Plus like I've said, Tom is the most queer coded character I have ever seen. Why have him be portrayed that way unless he's gay or bi!!?? Fingers crossed for canon Tomgreg. Also I would love to see more of a Connor, Tom, and Greg Trio friendship. We got a little bit of it during Tom's bachelor party under the tunnel near the rat (I believe) and think it would just be comedic gold to have those three interact more. I doubt we'll get it after Tom's betrayal but one can hope! Also since I'm speaking of Connor, I feel bad for him cause of the whole Willa situation. Like at times I feel like maybe she does like or love him but then other times it feels like she's using him or whatnot and so I feel bad for him.
When I first started watching the show my favorite characters were Kendall, Tom, Greg, and Frank, even though we didn't get much of him. He just seemed so likable or had a likable face. I feel like in some ways he kind of reminded me of Bill from Killing Eve. Frank I feel like is the "Bill" of Succession. I also liked Connor, I thought he seemed the most mellow and mature but boy was I wrong haha. He's great though. I wasn't too fond of Roman and Shiv at first, especially with how Roman treated and taunted that kid during the first episode at the baseball game. And Shiv because of the whole situation with Greg and his $20, and how she treats Tom. As time went on though I ended up slightly disliking Kendall and liking the others more, but ya now I pretty much like all of them. Logan's a prick but I even like him cause he adds extra tension and drama to the series.
Am I the only one hoping in the next coming season or couple seasons that we get flashbacks of Shiv, Roman, Conner and Kendall when they were kids?! And a prequel series of Logan and his family and upbringing!!!???? I'm so intrigued and would like to see both of these things happen in some aspect.
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beantothemax Ā· 1 year
okay since im very frustrated about how yukiko, kanji, and rise were treated in their midnight channels/dungeons, im going to do a little bit of spitballing for funsies.
yukiko amagi:
is insecure in her own abilities
feels failed by her best friend, chie
this manifests on the midnight channel as a search for "a prince", and in her boss as a bird in a gilded cage. im actually a big fan of the birdcage fight because a) the design is pretty cool and b) mmm cage metaphor. so that's staying. however, her dungeon sucks ass, but i can think of a half-decent alternative: a haunted mansion.
keep the castle aesthetic but run it down a little further. make it nice and dingy. the midnight channel follows yukiko through this mansion, trying to escape but failing in increasingly incompetent ways (this is notably very out of character for her, but does illustrate how she feels about herself). at the end of the midnight channel that you see, she curls up in a corner and begs someone to save her, possibly making reference to someone who failed her before.
kanji tatsumi:
is terrified of rejection
is a closeted bisexual
somehow, this is almost the most reasonable of the three dungeons in terms of the whole sexualization deal; a closeted queer kid would naturally have some crazy thoughts going through their head about their object(s) of attraction. does that justify it? NO. i dont feel comfortable making his narrative less queer because that would suck, but it needs to change for sure.
the midnight channel could easily play into this: kanji is a guest on a talk show, in which multiple faceless men sit around him and compliment him so so much. it could easily be done in a way that makes the intrinsic gayness obvious.
the dungeon would also have to change, but i have just the idea for it. kanji is stated to be very interested in clothcraft, something that he is very insecure about. the dungeon could have walls and doors fashioned from lavish cloth, designed as though they were about to open up onto a talk show (see the previous paragraph).
and finally comes the boss. once again, the design is less egregious than some other elements of his storyline, but kanji's is much worse than yukiko's. the Nice Guy and Tough Guy enemies can stay, as they're the main gimmick of the fight and i'd hate to let them go. they could transform from the hosts of the talk show. as for shadow kanji himself, i feel like it would still make sense to play into the overt masculinity aspect that was included in the canon design (transfers well into take-mikazuchi and kanji's overall physicality, which went largely unmentioned in his storyline). i dont have many other notes because i am Not Good at coming up with boss designs unless i can be all high fantasy about it.
rise kujikawa:
is much smarter than she lets in on
is unsatisfied/angry at showbiz (inferred from actions)
feels conflicted about her split identity as a person and as an idol
now, where could we go with this? maybe not a fucking strip club. maybe not that. nonetheless, there's some very cool material to work with her.
her midnight channel could be a sort of reversal of her actual one that also plays into her intelligence, and elements of misanthropy that i feel could easily sprout in the mind of a young woman put on display for all the world to see. it is once again a talk show/game show type thing, only this time with rise hosting. over and over, new guests are introduced with descriptions of their lives, with their families present, and then have dark secrets of theirs exposed. maybe foreshadow the scan attack that shadow rise uses. this notably a) is the reverse of how rise's life has been so far; instead of putting herself on display, she lays others bare, b) plays into a possible dislike of humanity as a whole, shown through her shadow's callousness towards other's secrets, and c) would be INSANELY scandalous if it got out, just like her actual midnight channel.
no ideas for the dungeon, but i've got a cool one for the boss. first, keep the satellite head. there is one good part about her canon boss design and it is the face. however, not much has been done thus far about her "there is no real me" deal. thus, the boss is vaguely humanoid but has three heads. one is the satellite, representing her intelligence and dislike of humanity. another represents risette the false, and a third, stuffed behind the other two, represents rise as an ordinary person. shadow rise is already the most humanoid of the bosses so far, so why not play into that a little but add some fun body horror?
and thats my little rant thing. hope you liked it.
Iris why couldā€™ve you have directed p4 THESE ARE ALL. GSBBDGSHS !!!!!!!!! I REALLY REALLY LIKE THEM
first of all a haunted mansion just sounds way cooler of a dungeon for yukiko. and the whole way itā€™s portrayed on the midnight channel showing how yukiko feels about herselfā€¦ ye
AND RISEā€™S DUNGEON SOUNDS !!!!! HER LIKE. FLIPPING HER WHOLE IDOL THING AND LAYING OTHERā€™S SECRETS BARE LIVE ON TV!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!! also it doesnā€™t sexualize minors so itā€™s better by default
I really like these!!!!!!
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4 and 19 for the salty ask game
you didn't specify a fandom but im pretty sure you followed me for owl house stuff so i will assume you meant the owl house fandom.
4. Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?*
lmao if youve followed me for any time at all you would know i fucking hate the huntlow ship. huntlow ship my beloathed <3< <3< <3< :333 at least how 90% of the fandom portrays them. ppl will see a white angsty boy and immediately find the one shippable girl and file down all her character and make her his emotional support decoration.
to be clear, huntlow in the actual show is fine. i don't think them getting together would add anything to their character arcs, and since the show is running on a tight schedule i think they should have just cut that subplot out. i think there are ways to make them interesting but the show doesn't have any time to do that. there's barely anything substantial about the ship in canon anyway so i think it's fine. it's ignorable if you dislike it and its enough to extrapolate into a funny post canon ship if you do. my opinion on huntlow in the show is like my opinion on gustholomule. it's fun to consider but it's obviously not important to the story i actually care about.
but the shippers??? hoooo the shippers. first of all while i don't like to think about most fandom stuff from the stance of representation it's really important that owl house is like. THE gay cartoon rn. the creator had to fight tooth and nail and write around a bunch of stuff to get queer couples on air and make the fandom more receptive to it outside of a fetishistic thing or a "cute background couple that everyone acknowledges is canon but no one actually explores" thing. and then the moment a blond boy looks at a girl everyone explodes. im not calling ppl bigoted for shipping it bc i dont know the exact reasons every single huntlow shipper likes the ship but the fact that they also try to use rep to justify it? even though 90% of them didn't give a shit about the non white boy half of the ship before the ship became a thing? not a great look for the average huntlow fan lmao.
also the mischaracterization of both characters, especially willow, is super annoying. it shouldn't be a hot take but characterizing willow to be a brute that tries to beat up everyone who looks at her wrong? and indicating that hunter, a survivor of child abuse, is attracted to her because of this? uhhhhh don't like that! its one thing to portray this and explore why its bad but that sure isn't what 90% of the shippers do! youre allowed to depict any dynamic you want but im allowed to say that depiction sucks shit! same with making willow to be either a 50s housewife or a manic pixie dream girl she isn't any of that? literally just make a self insert to ship hunter with if you want his ya love interest ass so bad.
anyway ive complained more about the huntlow ship and its place in fandom here, here, here, here, here, and here, among others. a lot of my points are in the tags lmao. that isn't to say all huntlow shippers are annoying some of them make genuinely good content thats in character for both of them! but the shipping community is. bad. and i already didn't care for the ship anyway so they haven't made my opinion better. it was a mistake for the show to put hunter's conventionally attractive angsty ass into a shippable position lmao.
19. What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom?
I think part of this phenomenon is because the fandom skews younger since at the end of the day toh is a disney show rated for kids. but there's a phenomenon ive seen with a lot of young skewing fandoms where fans assume just because the thing they like is diverse, that automatically exempts them from being bigoted or even having implicite biases. like "i cant be racist my friend is black!" but it's with fandoms so they have even less of a leg to stand on. ive been guilty of that too in the past and im trying to examine my biases both in fandom and more importantly in real life.
the fandom has a serious favouritism towards the white and/or male characters. just look at the disparity of opinions on the blight parents, even before clouds on the horizon. or even better, before s2 when all we had on them was just a background shot in lilith's flashback. people were already portraying odalia as a catty evil woman and alador as his uwu tortured husband whos scared of her, before we even knew their names.
same goes for other female villains compared to the male ones. all the villains are different so there isn't a one to one comparison but generally, the reactions to villains like darius (right after his first appearance in edas requiem) and graye were a lot more nuanced. most people who talked about them were trying to write meta about them or finding them sexy or thinking about a redemption arc.
and compared to female villains like terra or kikimora? i am serious about this they were objectively more compelling villains than darius or graye in their debut, if you discount kiki's minor appearances in s1 and just look at hunting palismen, her first episode as a major villain. and yet most people talking about terra and kiki after the fact were just calling them bitches or other more sexist stuff i won't say. and being mad at them for...doing bad things to the protagonists? bc they're villains? i get the lack of thirsting but no serious meta? ive grumped about it here. also i wasn't in the fandom during the week between agony of a witch and young blood old souls where everyone wanted lilith's head on a stick but from what ive heard? yyyyeah i don't think they were just mad at her for being a villain.
same thing with the white characters people always give so much more focus on the white characters compared to the poc. luz had a bunch of angst like amity in season 1 but 99% of lumity content focused entirely on amity angst. the hyperfocus on hunter is something to note too. i get that fans love angsty characters. i do too. but him being a white boy definitely didn't hurt his popularity lmao.
its a problem in the show too so not all the blame falls on fans. the show focuses on majority white characters as well. even though the show is very racially diverse, luz's most important relationships except her mom are eda, amity, and hunter, and gus and willow are pushed to the side. same thing with their portrayal of some female characters i love what they did with terra and kiki but their portrayal of odalia...oof. i've grumped about that here.
but yeah if you point this out a lot of fans get uncomfortable or even angry at you for accusing them of, in their eyes, being a Bad Person who likes Bad Things and have Bad Thoughts. so they argue back that there's no definitive proof that any biases are happening on a personal basis. and yeah i can't prove beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law that you're actually secretly racist or sexist but if you just look at general trends in the fandom? the bias is there. it's not a problem of individual people it's a problem of fandom culture.
anyway i don't want to say fans who do this are bad people because judging by the ages of some fans toh might be baby's first fandom for some of these kids. they haven't had enough life experience to really examine their biases or even determine their principles. it would be mean to condemn kids for having biases, especially since i also did that at their age and i'm still trying to deconstruct my biases now. these kids need to learn about nuance in media and also that fandom is not activism, but it's not my job to teach them this. this is annoying but it's a reasonable price for being in fandom. especially a fandom for a show targeted at kids.
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queerxqueen Ā· 2 years
in a recent interview, the duffers said s5 won't have a happy ending, and even though we can't be sure what they meant, i can't help but wonder if it can be related to byler.
so you think they can make requited byler in s5 only to end it on a not so positive note, like killing one of them (which is my main concern)?
like they'll give the queer fans what we want and what they've been building up to yet when it comes to leaving positive representation for the show's history they'll be like "nah, we did everything we could, the tragic ending is the way to go". since they will have nothing to lose (as in fans, money etc) besides the great importance for queer representation since it's one of the biggest and most influential shows rn.
ngl, im pretty concerned šŸ˜­
source for the interview: https://screenrant.com/stranger-things-season-4-ending-happy-no-why-details/?utm_content=bufferb4474&utm_medium=Social-Distribution&utm_source=SR-TW&utm_campaign=SR-TW&s=09
thanks for the ask!! unfortunately i think most of this is based on misreading the article -
The article is about season 4 not having as neat of an ending, because, as others have said, it will end on a bit of a cliffhanger leading into season 4.
For season 5, I can't imagine them ending in a way that's fully unhappy. I think some beloved characters will definitely die, and I think it could have bittersweet elements, but overall it will be a satisfying ending.
If they do make Byler canon, I would really hope they'll avoid giving in to burying their gays and I like to think the writers are better than that and would be willing to give them a happy ending.
If they made Byler canon, I would honestly trust them not to fuck it up--they've shown excellent treatment of queer stories in the past with Robin and have done extensive and detailed queer coding that will hopefully have payoff. So assuming all of our theories and analyses are true and they are intending for Byler endgame, I think we could also trust them as good enough writers to do it well.
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celestial-sapphicss Ā· 3 years
I have seen someone say that pat pran dynamic was too quick and pat should have been made gay like in the novel and i am like ???? because pat is an unlabelled character, bi or pan call him what you want and for someone who can relate to pat so much and have grown in a very heterosexual household being confused about your own sexual orientation is quite relevant and the fact tht pran shower sexual fludity like people have problem with this diversity????
hi anon! im sorry but haven't really heard about this, but i did read some people's apprehensions when the show just started, about the show possibly doing injustice to novel!pat explicitly being gay and make him the "im not gay, i only like you" archetype in BLs. (thinks about pa making fun of this trope and giggles)
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(I've talked about the pacing of the show here, and i really don't think patpran dynamic was quick.)
so, coming to why apparently people now think its necessary to label show!pat as explicitly gay. if it's because of the novel, I think it's been pretty clear that the show diverges from it, from the very beginning. (more about it here by @shortpplfedup)
you're right "growing in a very heterosexual household being confused about your own sexual orientation is quite relevant" (sends hugs šŸ«‚). i think we left the sexual orientation is binary in the middle ages and it was common knowledge that sexuality is fluid and one can be anywhere on the spectrum, or on the extreme ends of it, or no where on it, so I'm not really sure what's the issue about šŸ¤·
i personally think it was amazing that we got a canon m-spec character, and an acknowledgement that sexuality is indeed fluid.
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most BLs, unfortunately, avoid discussion around sexuality like the plague, which is why unlabelled characters leave a bitter taste. it feels like a rejection of the queerness of the characters.
but here, we got a healthy discussion about sexuality and we got characters who are unbashedly open about their queerness.
due to the cishetallonormative & patriarchal society that we live in, exploration of sexuality is quite taboo (especially for men, toxic masculinity & stuff), and queer people are expected to immediately figure out their sexuality (and gender identity) and put a label on it. it creates a lot of internal struggle when one's feelings and perception changes upon introspection. (been there done that lmao)
so the show saying, "you know what? it's okay if you haven't had it all figured out, it's okay if you probably never do, what matters is how you feel NOW, in this moment, and future can wait", was honestly a breath of fresh air.
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look at pran's expressions, look at pat & pa, look at ink, this scene? honestly a blessing.
we have pat, who is sure that he likes all genders, but isn't sure of how/what/where/when that started (you know how some queer people look back at their lives/childhood and think "how did i not know i was queer?", yeah that). and we have pran saying that maybe he might like girls in the future, even though he might not now.
AND WE HAVE INK SAYING IT'S (LIKING GIRLS) SO GAINFUL (i will forever be screaming about it smh)
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(i don't think this much nuance could've been possible without a queer person running the show, in p'aof we trust)
other than that, i honestly do not like labeling other people/characters who are unlabelled, because why? labels are extremely personal, for some they can be liberating and a source of identity, for some they are suffocating, let people decide how they wanna label (or not) themselves šŸ¤·
(I'm not talking about headcanoning, that's honestly fun. that's how queer people identify themselves with characters when they can't find canon characters like themselves, i think that's tragically beautiful.)
I'm really not sure where I'm going with this post anymore but yeah anon you're right and wanting show!pat, who is unlabelled, to be explicitly gay invalidates him actually liking girls which seems a little biphobic šŸ‘€šŸš©
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everythingsinred Ā· 2 years
Hello! Iā€™ve been reading your character-relationship analysisā€™ of Natsume and Natsume/Mikanā€™s, and was curious about your take on Hotaruā€™s relationship with Mikan (rereading GA has had me bawling, as well as now being in the LGBTQ+ community noticing the subtle/heavy implications of Hotaruā€™s sexuality and Higuchiā€™s consideration of Hotaru even being one of Mikanā€™s love interests) as well as Narumiā€™s character development from when he had met Yuka, leading to his relationship with his students throughout the story (in flashbacks heā€™s very cold to smol Subaru and Sakurano after Yukaā€™s departure, but the earliest memory after that would probably be him scouting Ruka, Aoi, and Natsume). By then, he appears to be similar to the Narumi we usually knewā€”cheerful, enthusiastic, but above all showing genuine concern over his students. In fact, Iā€™d even argue he seemed a bit more genuine with the children at that time than compared to when Mikan first meets him. He just felt oddly less involved with the ESP and the ESPā€™s plans when he scouted the trio (upset and angry that Persona had resorted to such dirty means even under the principalā€™s orders to the point he even slapped him, whereas itā€™s hard to imagine him lashing against a direct order from the ESP by the time he met Mikan.
Comically though, a small comment on Kokoā€™s character in the story would be cool, too. Heā€™s often played as comic relief, but itā€™s reinforced time and time again that he knows knows practically everything. His character is interesting when you put into perspective heā€™d be aware of all of the sacrifices Natsume had been making as well as his abuse, the darkness within the elementary school, everything that Mikan and co. had to go through throughout the story and etc. A small part of me wishes the kids in Class B had bigger roles in the latter half of the story, though Iā€™m satisfied with their relationship with/to Mikan at the end (after all, I still sobbed at her graduation scene and their ā€˜memories of Mikanā€™ classes).
thanks for the message! im glad you read my analysis!
for hotaru, im probably not the right person to ask about this b/c i dont have particularly strong feelings about hotaru/mikan as a relationship. i do see hotaru as being queer in some way but im not really that interested in her having a romantic relationship with mikan, and even their canon friendship (as opposed to in fanfic) leaves me a bit... idk the perfect word to put here but like?? lukewarm ig? i think thats sacrilegious or controversial to say but its just a feeling that disappoints me as well. i have cried hard for them and i like their general dynamic, but theres something lacking abt them that i cant rly put into words. i would like to have felt more strongly about them, if that makes sense. its not hatred or even dislike or apathy. just more mild feelings than i would like. their friendship has potential, imo, but i just never considered it to be fully realized. but in regards to a romantic ship, then as a staunch natsumikan shipper, its hard for me to enjoy imagining them with other people, personally. but you have a lot of cool thoughts of your own and thats great! <3
like im pretty sure anybody who ships other ppl with natsumikan will end up being disappointed in my mikan pov natsumikan analysis bc my biases will be made pretty clear in that regard lol ;) but thats bc i dont write about things i dont like or that im not as interested in
i think i mentioned in my essay that i find narumi confusing as a character. his motivations and actions are really weird and sometimes hard to pin down. really i think hes the most mysterious character in the whole manga and any attempt to analyze him would probably lead to more questions than answers. hes a paradox lol. i cant really give u a "take" bc my take is just... who knows with him lol?? hes an enigma
i dont think koko is always using his alice though. he seems to have a large amount of control over it and only uses it for pranks and jokes. otherwise his character seems malicious, implying that he would know things about luna/persona/esp without letting any of the other kids know. but i think theres some evidence in the manga that hes not always using it, like when other characters tell him to use it (mostly natsume re:mikan like when she first transfers into class b or after the labyrinth). koko likes teasing mikan about who she likes, for example, bc he likes pranking ppl, but he wouldnt out somebody for something serious or keep something dangerous to himself. he says a few times something about "accidentally reading" somebodys mind. so i think he has some control over it, and isnt always reading ppl's minds 24/7, if that makes sense. im sure he knows some important/sensitive info particularly abt natsume, but probably on accident. but there isnt much he can do as a powerless kid so he keeps it to himself bc its all he CAN do for natsume.
i really liked the graduation/memory classes as well but tbh the ending could have perfectly utilized the smaller roles in class b if it had been longer and gone on for one last arc. i mean imagine the quest to find hotaru! natsume not using his alice so as to keep his life span longer and mikan having very little alice left means that other characters can finally have a bit of focus, like ruka as well as other class b characters! i like to think about this idea a lot lol. idk in general class b deserves more attention and love
sorry if these answers are disappointing. i have opinions on all these things but i dont wanna prattle on too much. thank u for sending me this ask! <3 have a lovely day or night depending on ur time zone!
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stormxpadme Ā· 2 years
1, 5, 11, 16, 21, 26, 27, 32, 34, 37 god i hope i wrote the numbers right im on mobile. also full disclosure idr scheduling this so it was fun figuring out whats happening. my answers coming as soon as the laptop awakens, till then, tell me everything šŸ˜šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–
Weird Questions for Writers
1 -Ā  What font do you write in? Do you actually care or is that just the default setting?
Iā€™m a Bookman old style girl indeed. As my followers know at this point, Iā€™m a dinosaur aka proud Xennial, generation analogue to digital, from typewriter to cloud. So I went from the first Word programs to what we have now and also had my first office jobs when the whole PC thing was still in its first stages. Everyone especially in business life used Times and Arial and Verdana back then, and honestly, I was just really bored by those. So when I got on my own PC and started transcribing my fanfics from handwritten to electronic, I chose something that was still easy to read but didnā€™t look like work. And that stuck. I even use that font in my work life whenever I can get away with it. I just really love Bookman old style.
5 - Do you have any writing superstitions? What are they and why are they 100% true?
I donā€™t think so? Though if it counts, Iā€™ve encountered prophetic writing with my stuff before and that can be pretty creepy. Like, in an entirely non religious way, of course, because Iā€™m agnostic, but like ... visions put in writing. Stuff of my stories that came true weirdly specific in one shape or another later. So thereā€™s that.
11 - Do you believe in the old advice to ā€œkill your darlings?ā€ Are you a ruthless darling assassin? What happens to the darlings you murder? Do you have a darling graveyard? Do you grieve?
Nah, I have a very hard time killing my protagonists. So if it happens at all, you can be sure Iā€™ll find a way to bring them back at some point. At that point when I do kill them off tho, I cry. Like, a lot.
16 - Whatā€™s the weirdest thing youā€™ve ever used as a bookmark?
Nothing strange, I think, I was just one of those sinners as a kid using dog-ears.
21 - Could you ever quit writing? Do you ever wish you could? Why or why not?
Nope, not gonna happen. This is the thing that keeps me alive, and I donā€™t have any suicidal tendencies these days.
26 - Ā How do you get into your characterā€™s head? How do you get out? Do you ever regret going in there in the first place?
A lot, I think, with faceclaims when it comes to my own characters. Watching the material I got of the actors in questions, doing moodboards, videos, stuff like that. It was very inspiring for many scenes in the past. Then thereā€™s the good old impersonating them in your head in calm moments like under the shower or when brushing your teeth, playing random scenarios in your head, contemplating how they will react. But in the end, a lot of characterizing only comes when I actually write them.
27 - Ā Who is the most stressful character youā€™ve ever written? Why?
Iā€™ve got a lot of anxiety about my current first trans character, especially since the canon faceclaim is no other than Elliot Page. So Iā€™m just really terrified Iā€™ll fuck this whole thing up because it is not my personal corner of queer so I canā€™t write from experience.
32 - Ā What is a line from a poem/novel/fanfic etc that you return to from time and time again? How did you find it? What does it mean to you?
Iā€™m more prone to movie lines than book quotes tbh, and poetry is not my world. I can cheat here though, since movie is based on a book, so Imma go with PS, I love you here.
ā€œYou made my life. But I'm just one chapter in yours.ā€œ
Iā€™ve used that sentiment two times myself, in the two longest fanfiction projects I made, one of which Iā€™m working on right now, and itā€™s breaking me every time.
And from the same movie (thereā€™s reasons I canā€™t sit through this without crying):
ā€œThing to remember is if we're all alone, then we're all together in that too.ā€œ
Also something I used before in stories, and a thought that sometimes help.
34 - Ā Thoughts on the Oxford comma, Go:
I hate it with the passion of a thousand suns since it has no place in German, and if grammarly wouldnā€™t do it for me, I would never use it.
37 - Ā If you were to be remembered only by the words youā€™ve put on the page, what would future historians think of you?
Hopeless romantic as long as thereā€™s enough torture involved.
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i-did Ā· 4 years
I would like to hear more of your opinions on fandom depictions of Neil, if you don't mind! Your post made me realize some things I wasn't even aware of when reading aftg fic!!
Yeah sure I have a lot of thoughts on this. I think this is an overall fandom issue and not just an aftg fandom issue, but the feminization of neil as well as the ironing out of his personality to make it more palatable is definitely a thing.
I've noticed in a lot of fics hes a lot friendlier, a lot less distrusting, and a lot more oblivious. I also noticed the amount of demand for vixen neil, and neil in dresses and skirts and crop tops, neil crying and being vulnerable isn't a challenge on traditional masculinity because andrew and the other guy foxes don't receive nearly the same amount of demand.
There is heavy emphasis on people wanting not just neil but andrew to be softer, and while that's okay, it's important to remember the moral of aftg is that trauma makes some people hard, and intense and not traditionally likeable, and that those people aren't broken and don't need to be fixed. So when people just, ignore that and make andrew and neil a lot softer, neil always sitting in andrews lap and other things, lots of expressions of PDA, and other out of charter moments, it erases the idea nora was trying to convey.
I've stated before about how the fandom also often doesn't mention body hair but when it does its andrew having facial hair and neil having less typically, but also there is usually emphasis on andrew having a deeper voice than neil, who sometimes gets written almost as whiney and petulant or pouty.
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I also think there is an overall lack of understanding of mlm culture in fandom which is largely a women's space. I won't go into detail here but how pwp is written (especially a lot of the trans andrew or neil ones) are not with a mlm gaze in mind, after all if it was proper gay porn then only mlm would be turned on by it, but the consumer in mind isn't mlm at all, both because the authors are almost always not mlm, but the readers aren't as well. There is emphasis on neil being more vocal and whining, mewling, whimpering, and moaning, all common in how straight porn treats the woman, while andrew is emphasized in being a lot more quiet, maybe grunting and groaning.
Lingerie is not common in gay porn outside of fanfiction, jock straps?? Thats a thing thats a huge thing, but in all the pwp I've seen of them in their exy gear I haven't seen it mentioned before, not a cup or jock strap or anything like that.
Neil is also the one being put into the lingerie and there is emphasis on him feeling pretty rather than handsome and him being petite and slim rather than a bulky athlete
There is also an overall lack in realism in preparation and dynamics that are physically impossible or unsafe but thats a whole other thing.
This is just off of the top of my head, I can get into the fetishization of trans andrew fics another time thats a whole other thing, but yeah this is just my unprepared thoughts and observations I've noticed.
Fanart also tends to lack the men having bulges, i respect trans hc but i have possibly never seen a flaccid penis in running shorts neil is wearing. They don't go away they sit there and take up space.
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I have more to say when it comes to the dealings with trauma in fanfiction but for another time. I also have a huge rant about how fanon deals with the race in fics, both nickys canon race as well as the fanon everyone else's race
Overall, people can write what they want to write, and fiction is fiction and i cannot stop anyone from doing anything, and people can interpret the characters how they want. But when writing fiction, the authors own biases can slip though, the charters are written by them after all. An author who writes a torture scene isnt someone who has done that, but an author who writes let's say nicky as even more predatory, slutty, stereotypically gay and "ayeyeyye" in fanfic is unknowingly being racist and homophobic.
A person existing in real life fitting steryotypes is one thing, I've been told like once a week that im stereotypically gay since I've been alive, and have been under a lot of fire for being both "too mexican" and "not mexican enough" but an author who is not mlm and is white can still fall into these pre conceived notions they don't realize they have. There is no such thing as a real life queer couple being heteronormative, but someone else writing one can be because they're not real people, they're characters.
Why does this dynamic appeal to you? Are you projecting? In what way? Why do you think x character is more passive and y is more aggressive? Are they like that in canon ?
When quarantine started I threw myself into aftg even more, but quickly became depressed and felt gross and watched, I felt lonely as an mlm and isnt white in a dominantly white wlw/wlm fandom. Most of tumblr is queer white women dominant tbh, in the same way its American dominant, and fandom is like that too. I still have a hard time talking to my friends who aren't mlm about fandom stuff sometimes because I will tell them something bothers me and I'm not sure they understand or take it seriously. I was so depressed because my personal escapism was making me feel worse.
My depression has gotten better since then, but I still get very uncomfortable with the word "twink" being applied to not just neil, but now any queer man, especially when not said by someone mlm.
Okay I'm gonna stop here lol this was a longer ramble than planned. Ah. Don't cancel me don't twist my words I swear I don't care what others do this is just my observations
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omegawolverine Ā· 4 years
Plesse tell me about queerness in the get down!!
okay okay queerness in the get down let's fuckn goooo
disclaimer: I havent watched this show in full for like 5 months at least, probably gonna get something wrong and/or forget some more important bits. also this wasnt proof read I just word vomited
tws: period typical homophobia, abuse mention, f slur use, bury your gays trope, overdose mention, mention of a creepy possible age gap (the age gap hasnt been confirmed so that's why its possible), cops
going from least to most prominent queer characters, let's start with mylene cruz!
so, from the beginning of this show she has an established romantic relationship with ezekiel (although the status of their actual relationship changes frequently throughout the show) and though this was a relationship she was hesitant to pursue, it is clear that she does have romantic feelings for him and if not for them both having growing careers in very different music genres (zeke specifically working in a genre that she repeatedly labels as bad because she thinks they're ruining records + that it isnt real music because they're using someone elses piece and rapping over it, that's not really important here tho lol) they probably wouldve had a much healthier, smooth sailing romance. that being said theres a few things that happen in the show that, while not explicitly clear, or even really good coding at thatā€”to the point where you wont catch if you really arent looking for it (and trust me, I always look for coding, hers was just so little that it flew over my head until I saw someone else mention it)ā€”are still cool to think about!
so, for starters, I wanna mention the toy box performance, which was performed by mylene and regina, who are best friends. that's all cool and shit, and you dont really think much about it...until you hear about the fact that the show runners purposely colored a lot of the scenes in that performance with the bi colors. like. the writers after the show ended basically said "oh yeah there was plans to make her coding more explicit, but our shit got cancelled soooo" and then dropped the fact that she was gonna be bi (or at least implies bi) in the series, which puts a new twist on a few things.
now, besides the bi coloring in the background of the toy box performance (which was mostly on scenes with her and regina, which involved a lot of uh,, lowkey lewd dancing. with each other. in very revealing outfits. wooooo), there's her music! I dont tend to read too much into this one bc, like I said before, her coding is fucking light and the writers themselves said they didnt really get to do much with it, but I think some stuff with her music is interesting. specifically how her, yolanda and regina's song set me free blew up because dizzee, resident (lowkey enby coded) bicon, got their song played in a queer club. also that the song was majorly important to dizzee and started playing literally right as he kissed a boy for the first time and realized "oh shit I like boys that's bonkers". also that the song can be taken in a gay way since literally the entire thing is about becoming your true self, fully and unapologetically, which is what both dizzee and mylene's entire character arcs are about. dizzee (and a lot of other queer people, apparently), heard this song about being set free and it resonated with them so much that they got that shit most of its popularity.
speaking of dizzee and mylene, they parallel each other a lot in the way that their arcs are about them realizing who they are, coming into themselves and no longer just letting people treat them like shit in a sense (dizzee starting to tell people essentially that they can call him weird all they want, they can make fun of how he acts, what he likes, how he dresses, etc. but he likes how he is and quite literally saying "it's okay to be an alien" as he has consistently compared himself to one throughout the show vs mylene learning that if she wants to be a disco singer she needs to put her foot down, not let anyone, not even the love of her life, not even her abusive father, stop her from achieving her dreams, etc. and continuing to pursue her career with or without their support). one more little parallel that I think is interesting is during I think s2 towards the end of the show is when dizzee and thor are shown together having fun with each other, painting all over the building and each other and are basically just being happy and in love together and then they have these clips of them being interspersed with clips of mylene at a party where she is starting to realize that if she wants to get anywhere she needs to be her own main priority and that she needs to put her career and her dream, which is what makes her the happiest, above all else if she wants to succeed. idk I just think how the show made these two into a weird parallel, accidental or not, is neat. maybe not an explicitly queer parallel, but I think at least how her music and whatnot helped dizzee, the main queer character in this show, blossom, is important.
moving on we got shaolin fantastic also known as "oh no your internalized homophobia is showing-"
so, heres a quick list of...interesting shao facts:
Consistently referred to as fag/faggot (shaolin fanfaggot is my personal favorite); he gets really defensive about this despite nobody actually thinking he's queer, it's just people being assholes to be assholes, and he is the only character consistently referred to using a slur, especially a homophobic one, especially for a "straight" character. dizzee, a canonically queer character, is called a fag less than shaolin is even though dizzee actively goes to gay clubs, has a not so secret dude he "hangs out with" and wont let anyone properly meet, paints his nails, wears less than straight clothes even by the 70s standards and is just all around the definition of fucking queer (and I mean like in the weird way, not the gay way). in fact theres only like once I can remember him being called a fag and it had nothing to do with him actually being gay it was literally just like thrown out there the same way you would call someone a bitch.
Has only shown sexual interest in women, yet refuses to have deeper relationships with women in general (possibly because of trauma but who knows) but takes his relationships with his "brothers", specifically zeke, very seriously
Tells zeke and zeke ONLY his real name when zeke was planning to stop being his friend bc shao more or less got boo boo, a like 14 year old black kid, arrested for selling hard drugs; he was clearly scared and trying to do anything to keep zeke around, literally chasing him down the street and hounding him until he got zeke to stop and argue with him
Kept threatening to beat up zeke in the end but couldn't actually bring himself to do so, instead saying that zeke is "fucking lucky" before walking away
Let's zeke get away with things that nobody else can, in general just has a weird soft spot for ezekiel that he shows with nobody else
when shao found dizzee with thor in a vaguely compromising situation (like they were just shirtless covered in paint sleeping next to each other but shao had also seen everything they painted on the walls ((which some of it was sus)), it was clear they had painted on each others bodies and dizzee had been routinely disappearing with this guy for weeks now yet not producing nearly as much art, at least, as far as we audience members know) he didnt judge him but instead, waited for him to get cleaned up and then told him something along the lines of "theres a reason why im so secretive blah blah blah [not everyone needs to know everything about me]", which, in context, kinda implies that he might be a lil. a lil homiesexual. jus a lil.
whenever even the possibility of zeke leaving him comes up he absolutely loses it. he has literally cost ezekiel life changing opportunities because he thought zeke would just up and leave him for them. this could be abandonment issues bc he's a severely traumatized character, and that probably does contribute to it, but it also is just not a reaction he has to any of their other friends just randomly dipping in and out of his life soooooo
generally speaking, this mfer has got either bisexual with a big hard on for zeke coding or homosexual with terrible internalized homophobia and still a hard on for zeke coding. either fucking way, that nigga gay. he gay as hell. gay as fuck man. there wasn't really much to analyze here tbh bc the coding is just so fucking obvious if you look for it or you are/have been a gay person who's dealt with at least a little bit of internalized homophobia.
also, just a sidenote, idk how fucking old shao, but I'm praying hes like at max 19 bc I'm pretty sure zeke is a minor in this show and shao definetly is not so the whole him being heavily implied to have a crush on ezekiel thing is kinda. oof. not oof if zeke is like 17 but any younger than that? OOF.
edit: apparently the characters are only supposed to be a year apart in age but i had no clue about that before writing this post and since shaos age was never actually stated in the show i naturally assumed he was an adult since his actor Looks Like An Adult. this is definetly on me to a certain extent, but i also never saw anything about this when trying to find our their ages so šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø maybe i just didnt look deep enough, sorry!
now moving on to the main event...marcus dizzee kipling :]
so, first things first, let's talk enby coding bc him being bisexual was already confirmed!
um, to start off, I just wanna say I dont think this enby coding was intentional or even really coding, it's just moreso me being a dizzee kin on main and knowing as a transmasc enby he has very transmasc enby vibes. for example:
cool, gender neutral nickname that everyone calls him
paints nails various different colors
the whole wardrobe is just a transmasc enby heaven...fishnet shirts, jean overalls, jackets and cuffed pants galore, the big colorful pins, etc
gender neutral hairstyle (when I had my fro it was very sexy and made it easy to transition between hyper masc and vaguely fem, which is pog)
comparing himself to/representing himself consistently with an alien character (though this is meant to represent his sexuality, it could also double as a gender thing too, not neccesarily bc of the whole nonbinary alien trope but bc an enby who likes aliens might heavily identify or compare themselves to whatever their idea of an alien is, whether that just be a genderless entity or a motherfucker with fly style and no need to be perceived as anything other Wacky As Hell)
moving on from there, let's talk about how his queerness is presented to us and how, while it may be a really good piece of representation, especially coming from netflix, it still lacks in A Lot of places.
so, let's start with good things!
i personally really like the get down's queer rep with dizzee bc it's (for the most part) nonsexualized and very very soft, about dizzee figuring himself out and realizing there is a place where he fits in, and about two teenagers in the 70s falling in love over their shared passion for street art. it also features an interracial couple where both boys challenge stereotypes both about queer men and men of color, which is epic poggers and very sexy. this piece of rep specifically is very important to me bc I am a queer black person and even tho interracial relationships are mostly normalized now, I've still had people give me shit for primarily dating white people in a town that is...primarily white lol
mm anyways, I can also appreciate how in the get down, dizzee being represented by rumi the alien is not a thing specifically related to gender (as it often is) and instead is about his sexuality and just in general weirdness and how it has led to him being alienated amongst his peers, poc or otherwise. him seeing himself as an alien is not about just his queerness, which is important, it is about him being a queer black man who talks different, acts different, dresses different and is "soft"ā€”he isnt a walking black male stereotype and he wouldnt have been seen as masculine back in the 70s by any stretch of the imagination. this can be relatable to a wide spectrum of queer poc, from queer black men currently who still have to deal with this shit or to people like myself who are afab neurodivergent mixed race enbies that have always been signaled out as weird and alienated for it. dizzee is god rep bc while he has a small part in this show, his parts are very impactful, hard hitting and show queer poc of all ages that they arent alone and that it's okay to "weird", you just need to embrace it because somebody will love you for you, as thor did for dizzee.
that being said theres um. some minor problemas here,,,
dizzee and thors first kiss
the lack of development this pairing got
the way dizzee was confirmed bisexual off screen, he never said the words himself, just showed interest in both genders
the way dizzee and thor were never even confirmed boyfriends or just fwb so most of the fandom just calls them boyfriends bc Why Not
dizzee was implied fucking DEAD??? AT THE END OF THE SERIES?????? AND THOR WAS IMPLIED ARRESTED?????????????
now, these might have been things that wouldve been fine had the show been given it's full run but it wasnt which is why we are now left with probelms.
so, from the top, let's go over these: dizzee and thor's first (and only "on screen") kiss was one that was shown in a montage of other queer people making over and doing other vaguely romantic/sexual things, one of those things being a whole ass naked titty being mouthed at, but the actual kiss...was just not shown? like they really did just say "yes they kissed <3 you know this from the context clues of it being in a montage with kissing, hickey giving and titty sucking <3 but no we will not show it <3" LIKE HELLO? I SAW A NAKED BOOBIE BUT NOT TWO MEN KISS??? HUH????????
also, dizzee and thor were both fucking high as hell during this bit like this isnt a terrible thing but it's also like sometimes you do shit when you're high that you wouldnt do sober and they just never kissed again on screen so like?? like idk that's not that bad but it does kinda irk me since they deadass got no other on screen intimacy after that unless you including painting on eacher other or sleeping next to each other on a shitty mattress but not touching at all during it bc they were both at opposite ends of the mattress like half way off it
so yeah, that was trash. then we got lack of development, which kinda goes with the "dizzee being a bisexual but he never says it in canon" thing cause like...okay dizzee was already sort of a side character from the get go like he wasnt the mc by any means, but he became way more of a background character as things continued until we basically only saw him for performances or when he was with thor, yet they got no fucking development as a pairing other than "dizzee realize he gay, he like thor, he and thor spend time together and ig probably do some gay stuff but we dont really know bc we only ever see them do graffiti together now" like?? tf am I supposed to do with that shit. answer. quickly. and then theres dizzee not being confirmed bisexual, which is just a running problem with shows literally doing everything to say a character is bi except for having the character just...say they're bi? which would be so easy? like a good way dizzee and thor couldve had some development is by thor teaching dizzee things about the queer community that he didnt even know existed, thor couldve helped him understand what being bi meant and helped him label himself and whatnot but instead we got an off screen confirmation that the writers had bisexual in mind when writing him. which is garbagƩ.
the whole thor and dizzee never having a confirmed relationship status is also a development problem cause like literally nobody knows if they were just friends who made out, maybe fucked, who knows, or if they were dating bc dizzee does give a love confession but a love confession doesn't mean there is a relationship, especially since thor didn't say he was in love either (as far as I remember, I could be wrong, plus whether or not that really happened or was apart of dizzee literally overdosing during a performance is unclear so šŸ¤Ŗ)
and now for the biggest issue...bury your gays trope.
during the season 2 finale, dizzee and thor are chased by cops after they are found doing graffiti, one of the cops is able to catch thor while the other chases dizzee into a train tunnel and there is a train seen headed straight for him before the show cuts to black on a train horn. the show writers claim that if they had gotten another season, dizzee wouldve been alive but since they didnt and since that's essentially super fan trivia knowledge, most people dont fucking know that and instead had to watch a black queer teenager chose death over being fucking arrested by a white cop. on top of that, thor didnt see any of that shit because he was caught and the cop started hauling him off while dizzee was still being chased so thor literally has no clue where his friend/possible boyfriend fucking is or that he's likely dead in a goddamn tunnel all alone, unless you count the fucking pig that chased him in there who wouldve died too. this shows rep was so fucking good as far as most shows go on not having major fucking problems, on not being toxic and over sexualized, etc, etc. and then they just. killed a black queer teenager for no fucking reason. like it was literally the last episode ever, it would add nothing to the plot, it would just devastate fans and devastate it fucking did. I dont cry easy but seeing a character I identified with, who I had hyperfixated on, die because he'd rather that than be arrested is terrible. it fucking sucked.
so yeah. that's my all too extensive thoughts/analysis on the get down's queerness. theres definitely stuff I missed, or misinterpreted, or looked too much into, etc, etc., but this was a fun thing to spend time writing sooo yeah!! thanks for the ask anon, sorry this was just a big rambley info dump, but hopefully you get some enjoyment out of it since it took like 3 hours at least šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ feel free to ask clarifying questions lol
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mrs-nate-humphrey Ā· 3 years
i hope this isn't weird but I've decided I like how you interact with this show (not something I can say for a lot of fans) and now I wanna hear what you have to say about Eric and Jenny's friendship. I have this image in my head of the two of them dying her hair pink in a VDW bathroom (Lily thinks they should've gone to a salon but that's no fun). feel free to talk for literally forever I'm actually obsessed with them ~ily
not weird at all! that's really sweet of you to say, actually. whenever i get qns like this, often the first place my mind goes to is fic, so if that's not something you were looking for, feel free to ignore the next 2 paragraphs, lmao.Ā 
a lot of my jenny and eric feels are in these fics that i've written: "a remedy for bland sweet potatoes" (sort of like, a fix it but it doesn't fix anything - it's canon compliant and jenny & eric discuss some of the things jenny's done), as well as "the lights that stop me (turn to stone)" which is a post-canon blair/jenny fix-it in some ways, but is also a character study of jenny as a whole & there's a lot of j&e feels in there (jenny and eric are housemates! they look out for each other and defuse derena tension together LKHFKLDHG).
other fics that highlight some great jenny and eric feels (both of these are kinda sad KLHDFKLH) are "withdrawal symptoms" by lunasol28 and and "fell from grace (it left me in this place)" by @vanderwoodlings .
now iā€™m actually gonna answer your question........ putting it under a read more,Ā ā€˜cause it got long!
anyway, to answer your question as much as possible - i have a lot of feelings and i'm not sure how best i can do them justice - i have so much to say about jenny & eric. @mysteriesofloves said this thing once about how jenny and eric's friendship sort of parallels blairena friendship, in the sense of like - you love this person so much and no matter how much you hurt each other, you find your way back together, and i think that's extremely true of them both. in a lot of ways, i feel like jenny and eric are each other's most important person - best friend, support system, family, all of that. unlike dan and serena, when jenny & eric find out about rufus and lily they're actually excited to be step siblings which i find incredibly cute.
there's also - i love the fact that during their first meeting eric tells jenny pretty much everything about how he's in the ostroff centre and why he's there, and jenny doesn't judge him or treat him any differently - instead, she shows up at his room later with board games, just to spend time with him. we see things like this at various points, i feel, where jenny & eric's lives are sort of unstable or at a low point in some way and they're both able to just be there for each other without having to do any sort of grand gesture.
there's also definitely, uh... while i see the blairena friendship parallels, i'd make my own danessa friendship parallels. much like dan and vanessa, jenny and eric are incredibly lonely, and also, deeply different. they're not like their peers at st judes/constance! they struggle to make friends, and they have to navigate that. in a lot of ways, the only real friend either of them has is each other, despite the fact that there are instances when they've let each other down or hurt each other.
@nocakesformissedith made a post that i don't have the spoons to find right now - one of her jenny masterposts - that's basically an image of eric and jenny and it's like, "don't ask gay people how we know each other- we know each other from being gay". and i feel like eric and jenny absolutely and totally had that specific intimacy of like. being queer and knowing you're queer and having sat with it for a long fucking time, in high school, when nobody else around you really gets it. to me, my lesbian jenny headcanon explains a lot of the jenny & eric closeness - it's like, when you're young and gay, your One Gay Friend feels like the ONLY person who understands you.... sort of because they are! navigating any form of queerness in high school is terrible, and i'm just glad that they had each other when they did have each other.
itā€™s so notable to me that like - even though j&e spent so much of s3 at odds/fighting, when jennyā€™s gone in s4, eric goes through a major downward spiral, with the whole damien thing and everything else. jenny was his anchor! she was the one person who made him feel a little less fucked up about everything, and a little less lonely. and as for jenny with eric - i feel like jennyā€™s really comfortable and open around eric, and unlike with other people, for the most part, doesnā€™t try to be someone else around him. part of why eric feels so alienated by jennyā€™s behaviour in s3 - other than the fact that she was mean to him and jonathan - i feel is just that the way she was behaving with him was fake, and whoever else jenny was fake around, sheā€™d never been like that with eric before. this is more like my interpretation, though, itā€™s not necessarily stated by canon or anything.
anyway this got depressing!! i do have fun jenny and eric feelings, i promise. i bet they listen to music together and when theyā€™re studying together, they draw in each otherā€™s textbooks. they probably wasted time doing online quizzes together, and thereā€™s definitely a trash tv show that is Their Garbage Show (probably much to dan and serenaā€™s bemused annoyance in the sense of likeĀ ā€˜do you HAVE to quote that again?ā€™). jenny and eric dyeing jennyā€™s hair together sounds like something theyā€™d do!! (incidentally, in a script of the pilot that didnā€™t make it, eric had BLUE HAIR. it couldā€™ve been canon and i am so sad that it was not!!! we came so close to getting it. blue haired little eric lives in my head rent free.)Ā 
i think jenny and ericā€™s friendship is so special because it is SO normal, and literally nothing else in their lives is normal (im pretty sure i said this in some way/ form earlier) - in the sense of like. family issues. kids at school being mean. their own mental health being challenging. their lives are so complicated and heavy, both of them often end up needing to be more mature / adult than they actually are (lily comments during eā€™s 18th that eric has always been soĀ ā€œseriousā€, and i always think of how JENNY went to hudson and brought alison back because rufus & alison couldnā€™t resolve their marriage without their 14 year old daughterā€™s intervention, apparently). so yeah i do think theyā€™d do all those bestie things - like, sleepovers, friendship bracelets, buyingĀ  matching clothes together, sending each other pictures of things likeĀ ā€œshould i buy thisā€ - wrong generation, but if they were gen z kids theyā€™d definitely have the biggest snapchat streak ongoing, and not in a performative way - they would genuinely talk to each other THAT much.Ā 
also, for your consideration: imagine jenny and eric baking together!!! i think theyā€™d be really serious about it, and theyā€™d also have so much fun.
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crazygaysex Ā· 3 years
incomprehensible conjecture and rambling about sunny/rcg under the cut! idk man I got 1 hour of sleep in the past 24 or wataver and my brain is an abandoned swamp Good Nigte
i certainly am not arguing that mac Absolutely Isnt a stereotype of a predatory gay man/self-hating homophobe or whatevr. i wont argue the homophobe one at all really,not great even if they rectified it and further tried to make up for it or whatever w mac finds his pride (which i love, regardless). but honestly i dont think the predatory complaint really makes a whole lot of legitimate sense considering every charatcer on the show is Extremely predatory in their own right. if he wasnt iā€™d be irritated to be honest. i do agree w wat mcelhenney said something like that its cool that they decided to acknowledge he was gay without changing him fundamentally as a person; he still needs to fit into the show or watever. like idk heā€™s not Ideal Gay Rep ofc but heā€™s awesome still. To Me. I like when characterā€™s sexuality can be an improtant acknowledged facet of them but doesnt overtake the rest of te narrative! It never occurred to me that his behavior toward dennis would be seen as predatory ina stereotypical way seeing as how their relationship dynamic is so fckign bizarre. charlie has the same level of dogged cluelessness about the obj of his affectionā€™s true feelings, so it didnt occur to me to see mac touching dennisā€™ knee or stuff of that variety as being any different ig or as making fun of queers or watevr. if i am wrong/misunderstanding i apologize. i have never considered mac from that perspective before.
honestly i kinda get the complaints. iā€™ve never rly thought rcg all have 10000% pure intentions with the insensitive kind of humor they are into, no matter their loophole justifications for shit. sometimes i almost believe their reasoning and do basically understand but it still seems flimsy when you considers stuff like the blackface stuff which is indeed kind of funny at times mainly bc the joke is the absurdity of it all, like mac in the shower with the brown dripping off him like heā€™s melting; itā€™s not funny at the expense of black ppl but more so at the expense of how goddam stupid and unaware mac is. i havent seen the blackface/brownface ones in years sos i dont have a whole lot to say excepe they seemed to be clearly against using blackface as the moral while still using it to get laughs. so. really honestly i donā€™t know that itā€™s Liderally Ever edgy white peopleā€™s call to use something like blackface regardless of context, regardless of their obvious intent? i dunno i have tried to find Black ppls opinions online a couple times but struggled to find any tangible results. the only other thing i have to say with ym white person words is that i think itā€™s stupid that the streamig companies take down all insensitive episodes like theyre trying to brush them under the rug and pretend it never happened in wake of a changing political climate. i get it, but kinda just seems like corporate scrambling ie disney getting ridof all of song of the south but still profiting from splash mountain eprhaps. something seems dodgy to me about pretending it doesnt exist anymore just to cover their asses. i understand the sentiment i guess but i dont think thatā€™s really the main goal of the BLM movement, to purge streaming services of any questionable/racially insensitive/Fully Racist material; thereā€™s surely more important things at the top of the lists besids Good Branding . im not sure if that makes sense
also a lot of episodes the joke is the blatant but somehow woefully oblivious homoerotic overtones present between the guys, like a Lot of the time. it is very funny though is the thing and a lot of thm are my favorites. i dunno. i also thought hte pooping transgender bit was pretty funny mainly cause it was absurd. i think maybe because i have my own what i think are reaosnable and empathetic views about certain stuff like queer shit it doesnt necessarily occur to me that they are trying to make fun of queer people.. like people make fun of conservative fans for having completely missed the point of it all being satire, and wat if i am being tricked to into assuming rcg has kind intentions and isnt trying to make fun of queer people just cause the thought didnt occur to me? instead of taking all the gay subtext serious- WHICh i Do, i should probably be more aware that to rcg it is just a bit and not really that deep. but mac and dennis were totally fucjing in s5 canonically. anwyaysĀ like aside from the carmen shit which is handled So Fuckign Bad and it makes me so upset cause i actually love carmen they were just very clearly not bothered with actually representing trans people accurately. so in the bathroom one if even fuckin dee reynolds is like, saying a trans woman in a womanā€™s bathroom is obviously normal.. it seems like theyā€™d rectified some of their previous Very flawed rhetoric surrounding trans women (ie the whole ā€œu slept with me when i was still a manā€ line. makes me cringe a bit ebery time)u get wat i mean?? not that it atones for it obviously. i love carmen she desreved better
butreallt i dont have any like. Pure Faith in rcg to be super accountable or honest about their intentions or to have the most accurate or agreeable beliefs or whataver. theyre just fucking about really because they can without any lashback. and people i think like being able to laugh at offensive shit thru scenarios which supposedly distance you from bigots/evil people and make u feel better about yourself watching these dumbass evil people talk slime. when like. glenn yelling supposedly arabic-sounding gibberish for example: it is funny in this context not just cause itā€™s wildly inappropriate and absurd but also because thereā€™s prob significant amt of people who actually dont have an issue with it who could watch it and not have that takeaway whatsoever. i dont kno wt im talking about anymore btu honestly if youre trying to watch a show that isnt rife throughout with controversial/offensive/insensitive language and story beats, i dont know why you would try to stomach it with sunny. like for gods sake they used blackface more than once! i dunno man
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