#Precious Emmanuel
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(Brussels, 2023/07/17)
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paracosmic-sims · 1 month ago
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The Rosanegras for @perolesims's NSB Red Gen!
(After all, every good aspiring politician should have one or two ties to... influential people.)
Owners of one of the fanciest lounge bars in town, Emmanuel and Melissa are the image of a power couple. Despite having been married for convenience in their younger years, as a ploy to strengthern and unite their families in their... business, their marriage stands strong in a solid foundation. That isn't to say though, that the pair doesn't appreciate some more exquisite games. Both have high tastes, you see, and spent years refining the thrill of the chase. Whether tag-teaming or competing against each other, they manage to sweep their targets from their feet with refined, elegant ease. Could a certain precious ruby capture the attention of this dangerous duo?
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A bit of the songs that play onto their vibes. Enjoy!!
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I'm pretty sure I already did a post about this, but the Ishim Lily thing isn't about Ishim being a bad angel, but about Lily having a normal human reaction at learning to know an angel.
Lily: When I first saw him, it was like looking into the face of the Divine. I thought he was perfect. But he is a monster. – 12x10 – Lily Sunders Has Some Regrets
Lily was expecting something else, and she realized her mistake when it was too late. Her awe turned quickly into fear when she witnessed his nonhumanity. It makes me thing about Cas retorting "Angels are warriors of God. I'm a soldier." after Dean describes how angels look like in pop-culture (4x02) and Dean saying "It's bloody, it's corrupt. It's not pleasant." to Emmanuel (7x17).
Ishim: I shared all of our secrets with you, taught you all of our ways for your precious studies. I… I loved you. Lily: You didn't love me. You were obsessed with me. That isn't love. Ishim: I loved you. You threw me away for him.
This is not victim blaming and Ishim 100% deserved to die because of what he did, but I think he was sincere when he said he loved her. But he loved her as an angel do, not a human.
The level of codependency for a relationship between an angel and a human to work is unspeakable. Benjamin and Michael are in love with their vessels. Adam (from the Bible) is in a relationship with Serafina for thousands of years (and, though they don't share their vessels, they are clingy).
As for Destiel? Well, Dean has this special moral rule for Cas. He doesn't think of him as a monster despite what happened with Jimmy and Claire, the Apocalypse, Godstiel, the tortures, the murders, etc etc etc.
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kerryweaverlesbian · 2 months ago
2024, cawis created...
My annual self-review!! Yippee! My fics uploaded to ao3 was WAY WAY lower than previous years (2022 and 2023) which is not for lack of thinking about supernatural, but because I was doing a Masters for most of the year lol. Still, 28,816 words over 12 fics is nothing to sniff at! And that again doesn't include things only on tumblr or my many, many, many works in progress!
I will discuss the fics I posts, and then I will discuss all the projects I did for my Publishing Masters as a part 2 because I worked damn hard on them and this is a space for my personal reflection regardless of if anyone else can access them! But if you are interested in any of them and we've communicated before I'll send you them if I can lol <3 Let's go!!
The Year Of Small Relationships
Something about these little guys really compelled me this year.
Saint of the Smallest Sun Becky/Ambriel Becky thinks Ambriel is going to save her from the Apocalypse. Ambriel just wants to be left alone. The first time Ambriel came to earth, it was new, and fresh, and innocent. Ambriel had stepped into a pile of rotting fruit with her vessel's bare foot, and decided not to come again if she could help it.
When you eroticise the divine 🥳
Due to the continued blessings of the sapphicnatural community, I thought about women SO much last year. I sent a LOT of anon prompts to @spntoxicfemslashevent (honestly if I counted those asks as fics it might have pushed my wordcount up by another thousand lmao) but one of them in particular I held on to was this one!
I've talked about the writing process for this one a little already with my process of developing small characters but I have more silly things to say about it - I used some of Becky's ranting dialogue to slip in some playful digs at spnblr/general fandom discourse:
"Not that there's anything wrong with girls - I - I was such a big fan of Jo! You know, after it was clear she wasn't going to be a threat to the brother's relationship."  "The Michael/Lucifer angel stuff was never really my bag, I thought it was better when the boys were doing thematically resonant creature-features" "I mean, Sam, Sam Winchester. It's the [fake ID] where he lists his sex as female and his name as Sam Vincente - which, obviously, the coding...a boy wants what a boy wants, and sometimes that's a man in leather pants."
There are few things I enjoy more in the world than making up fandom discourse. I hold in my brain the knowledge of how every kind of fan would respond to any situation, including if you're in the Apocalypse and the most annoying forum mod you've seen in your entire life won't shut the fuck up about her angel OC that she CLAIMS is from Carver Edlund's later notes as if THOSE are canon. I really enjoyed writing Becky in this one, fully embracing the cringe of extreme fangirlism and digging into the feelings behind it (isolation, a desire for guidance, safely imagined eroticism, guarding yourself from shame however you can). I should put her in more things!
When shall we live, if not now? Daphne Allen and Emmanuel!Cas Daphne Allen's new husband asks too many questions. She tries her absolute best to ignore the answers.
Look at how efficient and compelling that blurb is. Chef's kiss. This one is about shutting down curiosity about yourself because of fear of what you might find (the fact that you might enjoy being masc!!!). I really like this one. I really like all of them lmao but I even more really like this one. """Daphne""" is longing but if "she" starts opening those doors, who knows what might come out. Not for nothing, this was the year I started introducing myself as a different name to more than just my LGBT groups ;P and everyone has been normal about it! Aside from one drunk guy but he was only mildly derisive lol idgaf
The Misplaced Stitch Jack and Castiel A brief look at Jack's taut relationship with being treated as a precious object.
Jack and Cas aren't exactly a minor relationship as such but. also they kind of are. they're nowhere near as explored in canon as I thought they were going to be! I place this one and When Shall We Live in the same mental category. Insular characters prompted to reflection by the confusing actions of Castiel, without him meaning to do this (lol). I love when I can twist an objectively nice and kindly meant statement from one character ("You are precious to me :)") into something that feels like a confirmation of the other character's worst thoughts about their relationship ("I will not be granted closeness unless I conform to his ideals of me"). My thoughts on Jack are very much influenced by @shallowseeker's and @soullessjack's thoughtful analyses of him <3
Tiger Stripes Destiel through the lens of DeanLisa Lisa asks about the handprint scar, and Dean doesn't know how to talk about Cas
I LIKE DeanLisa I think they were in love !!!! Dean's fucked up because his brother died and his new best friend bolted and Bobby starts going quiet (when Soulless!Sam turns up). You can romantically be in love with someone and it not work out. Anyway, I started getting more gorey graphic this year when describing Hell huh? I had some graphic violence in A Light Above Descending but I'm really starting to enjoy specifying it. Lol.
I do the old "there is a movie playing that is almost exactly the relationship drama that is about to unfold" in this one, with the cowboy movie.
God I was horny (positive)
I was hornier on tumblr itself but I did get some fics out about it
Don't Stop Don't Slow Destiel Cas is NOT prepared for how it overwhelming feels to have sex with the man he's in love with <3
This was based on a text post and I do NOT remember whose but I'm pretty sure I tracked it down and sent this to them eventually so it's alright. This one. Phew!! One of the writing block things I had was that I genuinely could not decide in any direction what Cas's genital situation should be but then a transmasc friend of mine mentioned that they wished there was more tdick porn on ao3 and so!!! I shrimply had to!! Shout out to anyone with a tdick. That's hot as fuck.
baby, you can drive my car deancaspala :) A loving examination of Dean's erotic feelings towards his car while he and Cas have sex in it.
I'm sooooo normal about machines you can send me gifs and videos of machines being delicately taken apart and I'll be completely unaffected and so so super normal and regular and normal. I got a really, really lovely comment on this a while ago that said it was part of the foundation of their view of transfem dean and it made me tear up :') there are other writers in this fandom who have opened similar mental doors for me!! (btw yous should all read the pain in the end is all in your memory by @explainslowly if you want to see part of myyy foundational transfem dean understanding). Dean's gender identity and lived reality is anything I feel like exploring at the time <3
Also. lol. Partly this is because I realised I haven't done "unarguably there are two cis dicks present in this sex scene" for a long time, and I like to have a diversity of writing experience!
The Meg Contingent
We gotta get her in somewhere don't we.
An Overcrowded Empty Room Meg and Sam The sampreg abortion fic
I've already talked about this one in detail here!
By Any Other Name Meg Ava Ruby What if the sadgirl demons were the main characters huh? What if Ruby was motivated in any way at all other than being an evil skank? I'll actually talk about this next year when it's complete (SURELY I'll have completed it by then...)
i guess you are good for something...2!! The Destiel Wedding!!! If you haven't read my silly meanstiel threesomes fic yet. what are you doing with your life honestly.
Another version of what this fic COULD have been was a jody POV where she's also a guest and is sniffing out the gossip of what the hell is going on between dean meg and cas BUT I missed the Meg POV and also it would suggest a furtiveness in their relationship that doesn't feel true. They're openly snogging on the dance floor and if you asked directly wtf is going on none of them could give you a straight answer. Meg would make something up, Cas would say what Meg told him to say (made up) and Dean would get flustered and tell you to butt out. There was also a potential scene of Meg smoking weed before the ceremony with Rufus but I couldn't get it to fit in the pacing lol.
Uh oh uncatagorised lonely boy
Let Me Count The Ways Dean suicidal ideation and Castiel's inability to talk to him about it
I kinda say everything I wanted to say on this one in the authors notes. Aside from! That this is a fic that spawned from starting a wip of Dean having an "I don't love you as much as you love me I can't stand to be loved so wholly" breakdown during destiel gay sex and when I got to Cas's response I couldn't make it work because I kept having Cas understand and be reassuring in a way that made sense to Dean in that moment and I was like. I gotta think about how I write Cas bc he's sooooooooo awful at advice and emotional support in canon sometimes.
I didn't talk about two of the fics I published last year bc they're ongoing serieses that will all be little slice of life vingettes and they are what it says on the tins lol
I will repeat my reflection challenges for you from the 2023 reflection:
My challenge for you is to think about women falling in love with other women. Wow, beautiful, right? And also to think of ONE thing you did that you are proud of last year. Even and in fact especially if it's something you're not "supposed" to be proud of. Did you find something new you liked. Were you kind to someone. Were you kind to yourself when you didn't have to be. All these and more are things to take pride in.
Shout out to my friends and mutuals and to. frankly. dean winchester supernatural. MWAH.
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spywhitney · 10 months ago
Theory: Emmanuel and Sydney Car Accident
-What if Emmanuel was driving drunk with Sydney shortly after her mother's death? It's implied she died when Sydney was young, so Sydney couldn't have been older than six or so?
-It obviously got fixed after this incident, but Sydney sold it in the wake of her Sheridan Catering venture. She felt like a failure for having to let go of something so precious, and this is partly where her need to speed run through life comes from.
-With her driving for UPS, it could be the way she coped with her fear of driving, facing this challenge head on rather than avoiding driving altogether. She could've done any job, why a delivery driver?
-This near death experience would be life changing for Mr Amamu too, vowing never to drink alcohol again and keep his daughter safe at all costs.
-I could only see the inclusion of the present day Emmanuel/Carmy Al-Anon meeting if something terrible happened to Sydney and he started drinking again or considered it but just wanted to talk about his experience.
Shout-out to @thoughtfulchaos773 for this post and any other Emmanuel or driving theories. And anyone else! Too many posts to go find.
Obviously this could all be wrong and Mr Adamu just doesn't drink, but thought I'd share. I also wrote this at an ungodly hour so it may not make too much sense lol.
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lcngdays-arc · 1 year ago
Positivity anon here! Could I ask you to shout out to your five fave blogs? Just to make someone smile today and let them know you love their blog! Maybe even say a little about why!
Hello Beloved Positivity Anon! Sorry for the late reply, I don't get much done during the week, but the weekend is where I thrive! Now, it's hard to pick JUST FIVE FAVES. So I may have included a few more <3
@plcasantnights // While Corpse isn't active on tumblr anymore, he's still my absolute best friend ever. I love him with my whole heart and we've written countless stories together, we've met irl multiple times, and I just. Don't have enough good to say about this man. An incredible writer, a patient and understanding person, and someone I trust with my whole, authentic self. Long days and pleasant nights, bestie. <3
@cxldblxxded / @yxkanna / @striigon // MOOP!!! A very cool writer with a very keen sense of character creation. I love reading about their silly little guys and I love talking with them ooc! I feel like I can throw any must at them from my EXTENSIVE roster and they're down for it, no matter how silly it is!
@handgiven // WHAT IS THERE TO SAY ABOUT KAI!!!!! emmanuel is SO sweet and SO precious and I hold him so dear in my heart. One of the few characters that can put up with my more annoying characters with a smile on his face, the way Kai is able to write such a beautiful, well thought out angel is incredible. I love reading the eloquence of Emmanuel and love seeing everything Kai puts on the dash
@fangmother // HI HUNTER HI HUNTER!!!! hunter is so fucking cool you guys. they have the coolest posts both ic and ooc and i light up each time they come on the dash with anything new. rainer is so cringefail girlboss and i don't care how many times hunter tells me i'm wrong to love her, i'm still GOING TO!!!
@freekzout / @hungryyheart // VIV MAKES ME NOSTALGIC FOR THE NINTIES AND I WAS BORN IN 1997 SO THAT'S WILD!!! everything about the worlds that Viv has created makes me insane. be it cute little vampiis or straight up government coverups viv is SO creative and so nice ooc! puts up with me even though i forget to answer dms a million percent of the time!! ALSO PUTS UP WITH ANGEL SO A HUGE PLUS RIGHT THERE
@burdenedwithfaith // every day it makes me insane that Prince isn't more popular on tumblr. i don't know anything about the series their character is from and yet and YET I am so so so INVESTED with him! I'm so invested with each little character moment and arc and I love writing with them to see where they're going to take it and take John!! even if you don't know the game their muse is from I highly encourage you to check them out because they're EPIC
@soulmissed // I haven't written a lot with Ruben (YET) but his character is SO well written. Ruben also always pops into my dms when I make a sad/venty post and checks on me and he has no idea how MUCH i appreciate that so i'm saying it here. thank you <3
@mr-pulvis // Ruth. Oh Ruth!!!!!! Ruth has known me since the beginning. Since I STARTED on tumblr! They have followed me through countless blogs, countless cringe, countless silliness and revamping and bad writing. I love Miles to death, I've always loved Miles, but Ruth doesn't get enough credit (from me at least!) for how cool and nice they are and how good of a writer they are. here's to many MORE years of knowing each other!!!
@pistolsister + many more blogs in their pinned! // Even though we've followed each other for a long time, we've only JUST started writing together. AND I HAVEN'T EVEN FULLY RESPONDED TO ANYTHING YET I DON'T THINK IT'S ALL IN THE QUEUE! but mille is very cool, very easy to bounce ideas off of and i love each and every one of their characters. SO well thought out, SO easy to write against and just a sweet person over all!
@wehavefoundthestars // EVE!!!! I LOVE OUR SLOWBURN BOYS!!!! But I also love writing with them with ANY of my characters! we're always in each other's dms after each response excitedly chatting away! a very fun person to write with and be around!
@lovepurposed // hi orion :3 orion and I are also a duo who have known each other for a long while. not as long as some of the people on this list, but we've always seemed to find each other on tumblr some way and some how, despite moving blogs or just falling out of certain fandoms. orion is one of the nicest people you'll ever meet, and I'm looking forward to writing with orion for a long, long time to come.
@amischiefofmuses // NEVER DID I EVER EXPECT TO FIND SOMEONE IN SO MANY OF THE SAME FANDOMS AS ME. homestuck, invader zim, undertale, hazbin, you NAME it we have it in common. magpie is SO fun to write with, and i think they're just RLLY COOL NGL AND SUCH A GOOD WRITER
@spokewar // MARCI!!!!! so good at writing it makes me insane that they even write WITH me. i followed them originally with sass and their sam winchester but things just blossomed from there into an epic scifi adventure with a little alien prince and obi-wan (AND I HAVENT EVEN SEEN STAR WARS LMAO) marci is super cool and super fun to be around and is a very comforting presence when i get worried about wanting to do something new!
@dumbthink // KC i have followed all over tumblr. i love writing with them, i love all the stories they create, i LOVE all their silly little characters and how well they can analyze LITERALLY ANYTHING!!!!
@null-siren / @honeyhogger / @notsohumerusnow / @badmusejail : THE UNDERTALE CREW!!!!! I write with them mostly on my undertale rp blog but i wanted to give all of them a HUGE SHOUT OUT for being so cool and friendly and fun to write with, even though i'm VERY SLOW over on my undertale blog!!!
@bittcnneck / @r-adio / @bloodsalted / @velvetineblue / @swervdcity / @rcjoice / @deceivesthem / @starbeambully / @ourcwnside / @beastbitten / @heaven-said / @thehazbins / @vitalphenomena / @captivates / @ruinedmyself / @miidnighters / @lcve0n / @hellfrozen / + ALL MY LOVELY MUTUAL!!!! // I LOVE ALL MY MUTUAL I LOVE ALL MY WRITING FRIENDS AND I WANT TO GIVE YOU ALL A HUGE HUG AND AWWWWAAA !!!! i could never name everyone unfortunately, but everyone here is a great writer and friend and i'm happy to be hanging out with all of them even if we've only JUST started talking or writing together!!!
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thatzombiecat · 2 months ago
Nine images that capture your OC's vibe
Part 2! Starting another chain eee My precious gangster meow meow Vincyy! Going to snatch that Arbiter boy with him and ride the bike to sunset, Alladin style. :D
OC: Vincent Emmanuel Andar von Valancius
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Tags fly off to: @pheedraws @solanj @gingerfan24 @pycnolite @hazelderiva @unsupervised-threat and @literary-potato, please hop on if everyone else wants to join! Let's share our moodboards together, shall we ;D
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sepublic · 1 year ago
Finished S1 of Castlevania Nocturne! I gotta say, that one vampire wife of the Marquis who kept his head around was the funniest character in the entire show so far.
In all seriousness, Alucard!!! I was wondering when he'd show up and by the time he did, I'd completely forgotten and thought it was Olrox who saved Richter from Drolta! Speaking of Drolta, she dresses very similar to the Succubus from Symphony of the Night, and even has a similar attack where she spreads out her wings, and sharp tendrils emerge from them; Plus with Alucard being the one to kill her, I'm just gonna treat her as the Succubus. RIP Queen you were a good one.
Does anyone else think Emmanuel is Shaft? He looks like Shaft, he's an evil priest, he's working for an evil vampire, him being human makes him necessary to pull souls from hell. That forgemaster contraption kinda reminds me of that weird orb-thing his ghost fights with in Symphony of the Night...
Speaking of that! Olrox muses on the demon that Emmanuel made a deal with to create that machine, and because of its creator, it's indestructible. Could this be pointing towards Galamoth as the final enemy of the show; He's the hardest boss of Symphony of the Night, Alucard has just shown up, and the two technically fought in... Kid Dracula. Where he was also the final boss for Alucard. The demon might just be Death, but then he's described as an elemental spirit.
I'm also curious as to how Edouard's story will turn out! Between him and Jacques and the Night Creature with a suspicious amount of mouths (as Bathory noted), the show seems to be going back to the whole idea of Night Creatures remembering their humanity and being rehabilitated. Which just begs the question of what happened to Isaac's kingdom of Styria, meant to be a place for Night Creatures to heal? Will we see that come back for Edouard? Isaac was once a slave himself, just as Annette was, so seeing all three come together would be wonderful! It's poetic, as Night Creatures are literally dehumanized slaves, so seeing Isaac, as well as Edouard (someone who helped liberate slaves) resonate with them works.
I wonder if we'll see the Moth Princess from Bloodlines; She's the penultimate boss, and Bathory had her starring role in that game. She looks human enough, but she's probably a vampire, so it'd be easy to adapt her as another lieutenant, especially in the wake of Drolta's death.
DAYUM Olrox and Mizrak! Firstly I'm glad they made Olrox turn into a green reptile monster like in the games... I was joking about the more comfortable place to meet being a bed, but holy shit it actually happened. I love all the references to Olrox's game lore, like his skulls and floating around... Here's hoping we get to see him dramatically unfold his legs in a chair, and then stand up!
I had a lot of fun; Richter was great, Maria was adorable and she is my precious child and I love her so much!!! I love her turtle and I hope we get to see her summon a whole-ass dragon as her most powerful spell, something like that.
I wonder how Emmanuel will go from here, if he's meant to be Shaft; Will he dive into full villainy, or will he be like Isaac, in that his show counterpart will have a happier ending? As Tera said, Emmanuel got his ram; Could it lead to him developing a messiah complex, thinking God rewarded him for his faith? Or will he know better? If he's Shaft, I better see him throw some... *snrk*... balls.
And did anyone else find the Night Creatures in this season to be particularly horny? Like that one moth girl who looks like a monsterfucker's OC, I mean I'm not complaining! Is this just a creative decision by the animators or does Emmanuel have anything he wants to share with the class... It all started with Abel it seems.
AND JUSTE!!! I managed to guess it; The white hair always made me wonder how Juste might be adapted, hypothetically, so it seems the show just portrays him as an old man for that! When he took Richter's whip, I had my suspicions and made the hair connection, it was wonderful... And they referenced Lydie and Maxim!!! Unfortunately it was yet another tragic ending for a Belmont... Man, what happened to the previous season's ending suggesting a happier route, only for us to go back to a "Last of the Belmonts" situation??? At least we got a Sypha shout out!
One more thing I just remembered; Annette's favorite color is Green. I believe that's a reference to her sometimes being depicted with a green dress in the source material? And in-universe, might reference Edouard... I love the connection between Annette's manipulation of metal, and her whole thing of banishing the demonic machine; Here's hoping she gets to pull it off!
All in all, I'm excited to see how things go in the second season! Which will really suck waiting for, but that's the price for quality I'm afraid. Ethical quality at least. But I gotta wait, what other choice do I have? Here's looking forward to how Alucard interacts with yet another Belmont... When Richter almost drank, I could just SEE him become Trevor again and I bet Alucard felt a chill down his spine for some reason.
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sleepyheadincoulds · 11 months ago
𝐀 𝐛𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐝𝐲𝐞, 𝐚 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐬𝐜𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐬, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐚 𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐭𝐮𝐛 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐰𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐨 𝐝𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬.
A bottle of pink dye, a pair of scissors, and a bathtub full of water. Enough water to drown my tears. This long hair, that’s been weighing my head down, so much burdens. So much memories that cause my heart to ache. My hair: long enough to reach below my knees, silky and soft touch as if it were a soft blanket. Yet so many memories that must be forgotten. These memories are precious to me; to my heart; yet they must be left behind. I must move on.
Dear hair, I must cut you. I know you’ll feel pain and agony, but you must know: how much I have been rid of you and hide you. You weigh down my head and I can’t carry these burdens anymore. I cut you, I hide you, and I let my tears drown in this bathtub of water.
Angst for Emmanuel (yuusona) before she cut her own hair. (Takes place after Book 4)
Emmanuel used to have long hair, like really long hair. It was long enough to reach below her knees, but she used to put them up in two braids. For more description: it was like a dark brown (kinda mixed light brown color) and it was more curly and somewhat wavy.
After book 4, basically Emmanuel is tried and worn from all the events and responsibilities. As a fourteen year old, she has no idea how to get back home or what to do. All the weight is upon her shoulders and she can’t bear it anymore even with the memories her hair carries from her family and past friendships. So now after book 4 she just decided to cut her own hair and dye it pink.
She’s trying to hide her happiest past and move on into TWST this is even more difficult without her parents or guidance to what to do at this point in this new magical world.
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thatonesillyducko · 5 months ago
CoD Ghosts OC: 𝐄𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐮𝐞𝐥 𝐁𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐧 𝐀𝐬𝐡𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐝⭑.ᐟ - About⟢
Took @stargazing-sapphire2 permission to use Ashford surname and I DID IT🗣️🫵🫵 enjoy my buddy
⛧| Name: Emmanuel "Phantom" Benjamin Ashford 
⛧| Birth date: 29th February 2001 (LEAP YEAR BABY) (Hesh and Logan are clowning on him 💀)
⛧| Nationality: American 
⛧| Occupation: U.S. Army/Task Force STALKER
⛧| Rank: Sergeant (might change..)
⛧| Age: 26 (in 2027), 29 (in 2030) ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
── .✦Family/Relatives:
•Henry Ashford - Father (Alive)
•Helena Rorke - Mother (Deceased, KIA)
•Elizabeth and Evangeline Ashford - Twin sisters (Alive)
•Gabriel Rorke - Uncle (Alive)
•Julianne Foster - Paternal grandmother (Deceased)
•George Ashford - Paternal grandfather (Deceased)
•Marie Henrikson - Maternal grandmother (Deceased)
•Samuel Rorke - Maternal grandfather (Deceased)
── .✦Ghosts team: 
•Elias "Scarecrow" Walker 
•David "Hesh" Walker
•Logan Walker (Unknown, MIA)
•Thomas A. Merrick
•Keegan P. Russ
•Alex "Ajax" Johnson (KIA)
•Riley (the goodest of all good boys)
•Jemíma "La Sombra" Ámbar del Mar Hernández 
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
⛧| Hair color: Light brown
⛧| Eye color: Blue (Bro might be a carbon copy of his dad but has his mother’s eyes🗣️🗣️)
⛧| Height: 6’4 (tallest of all Ghosts..even his dad) ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
⛧| N/A (Sorry, stand by :( ) ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
ᯓ★Background: (more to improve soon..)
── .✦⛧| Emmanuel was born on February 29, 2001 on the Camp Pendleton base in California to Henry Ashford and Helena Ashford (neé Rorke). Making him the younger brother of Beth and Eva.
── .✦⛧| Growing up, he was a calm and quiet kid, but also curious, trying to learn everything. He is unquestionably a mama's boy because he was glued to his mother's hip from the beginning. Until..In 2011, When Helena was killed in action while deployed Emmanuel was 10 years old, both Beth and Eva were 12 years old, Henry was left to care for his children with the assistance of their uncle, Gabriel Rorke.  ── .✦⛧| Despite not having a mother, Emmanuel would continuously attempt to speak or interact with Henry, but he was unable to do so due to emotional neglect. He also observed a clash between Beth and Eva, his sisters. The small boy feels hurt and upset by Beth's fury directed at Eva while she defends herself, but despite all of this drama, he at least has a grey stuffed animal to console him for big emotions.
── .✦⛧| The ODIN strikes happened in 2017, and the Ashford residence was among the many buildings damaged that day. The little family of four lost everything, including their pets and precious things. Shortly after the ODIN strikes, aged 16 he would eventually enlist into the military, much to the reluctance and chagrin of Henry. (mf literally was unlucky enough both to survive the ODIN attack and not being able to leave the destroyed territory)
── .✦⛧| This young boy used to play practical jokes on his sisters to try to cheer them up and make them get along, but it didn't work out for Beth, so he ended up growing closer to Eva than she did.
── .✦⛧| Helena’s death left him devastated. He keeps a little photo of his mother beneath the helmet where it is worn.
── .✦⛧| Emmanuel adores Riley, who spoils the dog with food, cuddle pets, and long walks when Hesh or Logan are not around. Though, he also has sentimental memories of his own pets, whom he actually lost by ODIN attacks 
⛧| Zac Efron
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submissivegayfrenchboy2 · 1 month ago
20 / 01 / 2025
Donald Trump's ceremony
As the 60th inaugural ceremony of the 47th President of the USA is currently happening at the US Capitol, may I reminds you how I've imagined this ceremony in the story where I was the first to predict that Donald Trump would be reelected President.
It's an exctrat of this story if you want to read how I imagined his second mandate :
Donald Trump's ceremony - short fic
Donald Trump's coronation was broadcast everywhere, on television, on giant screens in several American cities, on television, on social networks, and even internationally.
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In an unprecedented pomp in US history, confetti in the colors of the flag was thrown from the roofs of buildings to welcome the triumphal entry of the royal family. Members of the royal family were dressed in gold and silver costumes and wore white fur coats as well as diamond jewelry and tiaras. They were heading to the Capitol where a grand ceremony would take place.
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The alpha masters of Twitter who brought the most votes to Donald Trump, the conservative politicians who had always supported him as well as the men of the MAGA youth movement, were among the guests of honor at this sumptuous reception.
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The King-President arrived on a huge golden chariot drawn by weak queers who were nevertheless happy to serve the faggots's master. Donald Trump sat on a gigantic throne, his feet resting on his fat slave's stomach as the skinny black servant fanned him with a palm branch.
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On the huge jewel-encrusted float, we were nevertheless dazzled by the sparkling outfit of Donald Trump, who wore a red velvet dress embroidered with gold and silver threads and encrusted with precious stones. He had on a very long, very thick white fur coat that slept a train of more than twenty meters behind him.
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The five fags who will have to wear the royal train and clean it after the ceremony had won this privilege after a competition launched by Donald Trump on television, in which the five fags who ate the most poop (human or animal) had winners.
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At the end of the coronation ceremony, the King-President greeted the crowd wearing an enormous crown of gold and diamonds.
At the top of the MAGA hierarchy were the royal family and President Donald Trump, appointed King-President after the abolition of the American Republic and its replacement by the elective monarchy.
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And for those who says Donald Trump can't be King of the United States of America, here are articles saying that could happen.
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tenebrius-excellium · 1 year ago
Hi, who would you fancast as Gen, Irene, Sophos and Helen? Also, what would you do if ROTT ever gets a movie adaptation, one depicting the war with the Mede anyway? 🙈 🥺👉👈
Hii!!!! Oh my gosh fancasting Tqt is NOT easy...
...especially since a couple fancasts have already been made that I am SO down to agree with. I hope you'll forgive me if I partly choose people that have already been named within the fandom before...?
Eugenides: Luke Pasqualino
Who else. He could pull off Young Gen, King Gen, and God Gen. I love his chill mannerisms and his cheekiness. But whoever has watched BBC's "The Musketeers" knows he can portray a dark, rash and dangerous side as well. The actor has Italian roots btw.
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Irene Attolia: Irene Papas
Sadly, this awesome actress died in 2022. She was Greek and played in "The Trojan Women" as well as "Iphigenia" - so, you know, she has the ideal Greek Aristocratic face. Isn't she the perfect Attolia?
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Sophos - Christian Martyn
How I found this actor, I don't know. I am not familiar with him, though he played Gilbert Blythe in "Anne with an E". Look. LOOK. Bear with me. He seems innocent, is the definition of too Nice™ and has this precious aura of childlike chaos about him. But he is also able to glow up into a warrior when necessary O_O
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Helen Eddis: Nathalie Emmanuel
Okay, look. While I'm personally highly satisfied with the above casts, I know full and well that this one isn't perfect. First of all, Emmanuel is far too thin and pretty to be Eddis. They'd have to change her nose at least, if not give her a rounder body type. But she is dark-skinned, her hair is short, her smile is fun and captivating, and I think this does reflect who Eddis is to some degree. I'm sorry I didn't find anything more accurate.
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To comfort you, here are some more random character casts that I found/came up with while working on the others:
King of Sounis - Jack Black
Nahuseresh - Dev Patel. Imagine the reddish beard oh my gosh
Kamet - Riz Ahmed (that one was the author's choice, I believe)
Ambiades - Austin North. Like, come on. He's gotta be the evil version of Sophos and he would be perfect.
Costis - he's honestly just that one real life Kristoff edit from Frozen. No, he's really Channing Tatum in "The Eagle". Look him up.
As for what would happen if The Queen's Thief Series got turned into a movie, I would SCREAM YELL CRY HAPPY TEARS.
They could turn the 6 books into 3 movies, I believe.
The Thief & The Queen of Attolia (the story would have to be slightly changed, e.g. older Gen and different politics, but they can really pull together the whole 125 pages of travelling to the temple into a 5min montage)
The King of Attolia & A Conspiracy of Kings (how Costis became King isn't as important, but it could serve as a sideplot/what Gen is actually contributing politically behind the facade)
Thick as Thieves and Return of the Thief (again, how Kamet came to Attolia isn't as important as the message he brought.)
The Queen's Thief reminds me much of Narnia (the world, the values, the fashion, the colors), Percy Jackson (adventure Greek setting), and Sinbad (adventure + navigating the Gods). If they ever turned that into a movie, I'D WATCH THE HECK OUT OF IT.
Thank you very much for asking!!!
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esuemmanuel · 2 years ago
Se ha abierto el cielo, se ha asomado la luna y, en un acto de perfecta dulzura, ha dejado caer de sus labios una preciosa nota que canta tu nombre al latido de mi corazón.
— Esu Emmanuel©️, The sky has opened, the moon has peeked out and, in an act of perfect sweetness, has let fall from her lips a precious note that sings your name to the beat of my heart.
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bl-sensei · 1 year ago
Hazbin Hotel songs review: Hell is forever
The French title of this song is a literal translation: "L'Enfer est éternel".
Charlie sings "You come down to massacre us" (I know you guys fly down just to kill) which is quite violent, I love it; and I like the "us", she includes herself amongst her people.
Adam sings "There's more important / we need to have a good time " (And when all's said and done / there's the question of fun), meaning that he thinks that having fun is more important than helping people, which is exactly like him
Adam sings "We made a great decision" (That we made the determination), I like that he calls his decision "great"
Adam sings "Make an effort" (You're wasting your breath), like she should be the one trying to accommodate his needs for fun, it's really Adam-like
In French Adam calls "winners" "superior divine beings", which is the idea in English, but I like that he clearly calls Angels "superior", because it's more "those people are superior because they are" instead of "they won the life-game"
Most of the lyrics are literal translations or equivalents
Adam sings "You're going round in circles" (Save us all precious time) which she isn't so it doesn't make a lot of sense
Adam sings "They can die forever / Until we come to kill them" (They're burnin' for their lives / Until we kill 'em again), which is stupid because WTF do you mean by "dying until we kill them"???
The idea of Black & White isn't said verbatim in French, instead it's "We won't make compromises"; TBH it's not really a con, the idea is the same, I just prefer "Black & White"
Despite Emmanuel Curtil being a great singer, high notes are his weak point
As a whole, the song is great! I love Emmanuel Curtil's singing, and I have this song in both French and English in my playlist. I give this song a 10/10.
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heartofmuse · 2 years ago
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It is a small detail that I bring you in comparison with how great your support has been for me… I am very happy to meet a soul as beautiful, as pure, as compassionate, and sweet as yours, because you have come into my life and you have filled me with all those precious characteristics that only a woman with your name can have. I feel extremely honored and grateful for being part of your acquaintances, for having a little piece of your heart in my hands and also for being one of the privileged ones who can read you. I've always admired you, even before I met you…. Today that I know you, I know that I was not wrong to follow you.
Happy birthday, V!
Be tremendously blessed.
Your ever friend and admirer…
Esu Emmanuel.
Your sincere words and precious gift bring grateful tears to my eyes. Deareat friend, the admiration is mutual, and may God return ahundredfold everything you bless me with. Big hug to you. 🙏🏻🌹
Ever your friend,
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Hi, it’s me, Fanfic Anon #2. Someone (awhile ago now, lol) mentioned the idea of engraved wedding rings - and this idea has been floating in my head ever since. Hope everyone enjoys (and welcome back, EMT! We missed you!!)!
He kept staring at his left hand in disbelief, staring at the thin, sturdy band of white gold she had slipped on to his finger not even a full 24 hours ago, watching as it caught the light of the midday sun filtering past the curtains they never bothered to shut last night before tumbling into the bed they had yet to leave.
“It’s not going to disappear you know,” she teased with a spark in her eye, having observed him for the past several minutes while he thought she was napping.
“You’re awake!” He smiled broadly, rolling over to gather her again in his arms, relishing the way she instantly curled further into him.
“Have you found the surprise yet?” She asked.
“Yes. I’m surprised you didn’t see it.”
“What? How?” He exclaimed, quickly pulling his hand back to his face, searching every part of the smooth metal.
“Take it off,” she suggested.
“Brigitte!” He objected, horrified.
“Not forever!” She laughed. “Look at the inside, chéri.”
Quickly he removed his other hand from her back and slowly slipped the ring off his finger, twirling it until the light caught on the engraving:
And then here is my heart that does not beat but for you.
“Chérie,” he whispered reverently, tears collecting in his eyes as he looked back at her.
“I had Sébastien tell me where you hid it so I could take it to the engraver for a couple of days when you went out of town for that business trip,” she explained the “what” and the “how,” before continuing. “Do you know why tradition holds you wear your wedding ring on your left ring finger?”
“No,” he answered, curious where she was going with this.
“Because ancient wisdom held it was the finger with the vein that ran straight to your heart. So now, you can wear my heart right next to yours every day for the rest of our lives.”
(Bonus points if you get the reference!)
Hello fanfic anon #2! ❤️
Oh man, you all decided to come out today and grace me with beautiful stories 🤧 Such a precious moment shared between them! 🥰
(Emmanuel, Verlaine, Les Rencontres du Papotin😜)
Thank you so much, fanfic anon #2! ❤️❤️❤️
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