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A Ridiculously Detailed Look at Reverb in Ableton
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Did the sound design person for star trek picard go "Just slap some reverb and delay on that and send it out who fucking cares anymore." or what? Like why are the speech lines overly crisp like they were recorded in a broom closet while all of the effects have this fucking cavernous reverb. There's a lot of fidelity difference you can hide by smudging things around a bit or voluntarily downgrading the contemporary version (like they did in the tribbles episode of DS9) but there's enough predelay that you can still hear the original artifacts anyways? I do not understand. Also the Shrike's jumpscare stab thing is literally just a reaper siren from mass effect why is everything reaper sirens from mass effect these days every time someone replicates it there's less of the intended affect and it just becomes corny :/
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Reverb do Ableton Live
Reverb é um dos principais efeitos utilizados na produção de música eletrônica em seus mais variados estilos. Entender o uso desse recurso pode parecer algo simples, mas requer um raciocínio sobre o que se pretende obter ao aplicá-lo em determinada faixa de áudio.
Trata de um componente de psicoacústica que nos permite posicionar os elementos na mixagem e também criar texturas.
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Ao utilizarmos os mesmos parâmetros de Reverb em dois elementos, aquele que tiver o seu Predelay mais baixo será percebido como o mais próximo do dispositivo de captação, ou seja, está mais "a frente na mix".
Em se tratando de texturas, podemos filtrar frequências baixas ou altas para propor novas características sônicas. Normalmente na natureza, as frequências altas se atenuam mais rapidamente graças ao baixo comprimento de onda. Quando estamos mais distantes da fonte sonora, percebemos mais nitidamente a reverberação de graves.
Os plugins de Reverb possuem, na sua grande maioria, filtros Low e High cuts, para que possamos definir novas texturas sonoras em difusão. Se optamos por passar frequências altas para reverberação, conferimos um Reverb mais brilhante, por exemplo.
Na gravação de estúdio, tenta-se obter o som mais limpo possível em uma sala completamente tratada para evitar reverberações. Após isso, utilizamos esse efeito para devolver a natureza do áudio de maneira mais controlada.
Para a música eletrônica, o conceito é o mesmo, uma vez que produzimos sons puros, "secos", por meio dos synths virtuais, samplers e drum racks.
Reverb do Ableton Live 12
O plugin Reverb nativo do Ableton Live trata a reverberação em duas partes distintos:
Early Reflections: os primeiros rebotes diretos do som, que vamos resumir no termo reflexões. Ao ler que um parâmetro afeta as reflexões, estaremos nos referindo às Early Reflections.
Diffusion Network: cauda do Reverb (Decay), que representa a propagação de rebotes mais espalhados e que não voltam diretamente à captação, a qual vamos chamar de difusão. Ao ler que algum parâmetro afeta a difusão do Reverb, estaremos falando sobre o Decay.
Configurações do Reverb do Ableton Live
Principais parâmetros: Predelay, Decay Time, Size, Diffusion Filter e Dry/Wet. Entender bem estes 5 componentes nos permite explorar bem as qualidades sônicas e de emulação dos tipos de Reverb.
Input Filter: Filtragem de frequências antes do som entrar no fluxo de sinal do plugin. Permite regular o quando de graves e agudos deixamos passar para o processamento do efeito. Podemos rapidamente definir se o Reverb será mais brilhante ou mais dark a partir do sinal de entrada. Esse filtro usa regulagens de shelf parametrizados sob gráficos visuais para os cortes de low e high. Juntos, os shelfs podem nos dar o controle de band pass.
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Predelay: Permite dimensionar o espaço no qual estamos emulando. Predelay é o tempo, em milissegundos, entre o som original e sua primeira reflexão direta. Representa o atraso entre a emissão do som e o início do efeito de reverb.
Valores menores trazem as primeiras reflexões mais rapidamente, dando a sensação espacial de ambientes menores, como salas (está diretamente ligado aos tipos de reverb, especialmente os Room Reverbs). Valores maiores indicam ambientes de maior amplitude dimensional (Hall Reverbs ou até mesmo ambientes abertos).
Early Reflections: São as primeiras reflexões que nos referimos no Predelay. Tratam-se dos primeiros rebotes do som, aqueles que batem nas superfícies do ambiente e retornam diretamente ao microfone ou aos nossos ouvidos.
Shape: Molda o envelope do Early Reflections e, consequentemente, o fade de início do Decay (cauda) do Reverb. Valor configurado mais baixo produz uma queda mais gradual da amplitude das reflexões e cauda com fade mais rápido.
Valor mais alto produz queda rápida das reflexões e uma cauda com fade mais lento. É um parâmetro de diferenças muito sutis. Remete à textura da superfície de rebote dos Early Reflections.
Spin: Aplica modulação semelhante ao efeito Erosion do Ableton Live. Trata-se de uma modulação que resulta em trêmolo, uma vez que uma onda senoidal passa a modular a Early Reflection como se fosse um LFO. Confere profundidade às reflexões.
Size: Afeta o timbre as difusões do Reverb. Valor mais alto proporciona uma difusão mais aberta e um som mais dark, com os graves sendo mais percebíveis (agudos atenuam-se mais rápido, principalmente em ambientes mais abertos). Remete à fatores de percepção psicoacústica.
Valor mais baixo do setup do Size proporciona um som mais metálico, com agudos rebatendo mais antes de serem atenuados, remetendo a espaços menores (como salas curtas ou pequenos corredores).
Atua em conjunto com Density e Scale para definir tempo e densidade das difusões de queda.
Smooth: Controla a suavidade da mudança do Size em casos nos quais atuamos com alguma alteração no Size ou alguma automação, para que não seja sentida como uma mudança muito abrupta (off).
Diffusion Network: Tratamento da difusão final do efeito. As difusões são os rebotes de áudio indiretos, que podem percorrer todo o ambiente antes de serem captados.
Possui um filtro de saída que corresponde à absorsão de energia sonora e atenuação durante o período de Decay. Temos então o controle tonal do efeito com um low shelf para atenuar graves e um high shelf/high cut para atenuar ou cortar os agudos.
O resultado do efeito pode ter mais brilho ou ser mais dark, a depender da quantidade de atenuação e das frequências de corte. Gera o resultado da difusão provocada pelo ambiente, levando em conta características físicas e dimensionais da sala emulada, bem como a capacidade de absorção/reflexo do material das superfícies do local.
Graves conferem mais energia ao Reverb e proporcionam um efeito mais espesso, pois são ondas mais longas e podem provocar ondas estacionárias (aquelas que rebatem várias vezes no ambiente antes de serem atenuadas).
Agudos conferem mais brilho à cauda do Reverb e podem afetar o tom do efeito.
Decay Time: Controla a duração da difusão (cauda) do Reverb. É um importante parâmetro para dimensionar a sala emulada. No Ableton Live, vai de 200 milissegundos até 60 segundos, o que nos permite obter efeitos de Reverb longos.
Diffusion (%): Controla a densidade das difusões. Valores mais baixos produzem um som mais fino (pense em menos difusões por unidade de espaço). Valores mais altos produzem um som mais encorpado, com mais rebotes por unidade de espaço. Essa configuração age proporcional ao valor ajustado em Size. Menor Size, mais perceptível fica a densidade.
Scale: Controla a grossura das difusões ao longo do período da cauda. Valores mais baixos produzem difusões mais suaves. Valores mais altos encorpam as difusões por mais tempo no decorrer do Decay Time. Também atua em conjunto com o parâmetro Size. Remetem ao material das superfícies da sala.
Freeze: Trata-se de um dispositivo de sampling das difusões do Reverb. Na prática, congela uma amostra do resultado da cauda do efeito. O comando Flat gera um bypass no filtro do Diffusion Network para o Freeze. O comando Cut, se desligado, faz com que o Freeze se retroalimente (feedback infinito).
Chorus: Aplica modulação de estilo Chorus ao Diffusion Network. Pode-se dizer que produz um efeito semelhante ao Spin que é aplicado ao Early Reflections. De fato, o Chorus altera levemente a estrutura tonal das difusões, provocando um detuning (desafinação).
Stereo: Permite espalhar o som reverberado no espectro estéreo. Valor menor (zero), Reverb mono. Valor maior (100), Reverb soando aberto no campo estéreo. Valor em 120 faz com que os auto falantes esquerdo e direito recebam sinais independentes de Reverb.
Density: Ajuste de qualidade do Reverb. Difusão mais esparsa ou com densidade de qualidade progressiva. Densidade mais alta representa um Reverb mais natural. Valores menores de Density soam como uma sala com mais elementos (móveis, prateleira, etc), na qual obtemos menos difusões.
Output Controls (Reflect e Diffuse): Ambos os controles permitem ajuste de ganho na amplitude das duas partes do Reverb. Reflect para o volume do Early Reflections, Diffuse para o volume do Diffusion Network.
Dry/Wet: Controla a saída da quantidade de sinal puro misturado ao sinal do efeito. Para Reverb aplicado no canal, um ajuste de Dry/Wet permite dosar o quanto de Reverb será audível. Para canais auxiliares, configura-se o Dry/Wet em 100%, passando o controle de Amount para o nível de envio (mandada) de sinal ao Return Channel.
Principais Tipos de Reverb
Room Reverb: Reproduz o som de uma sala pequena ou média, com uma reverberação mais intimista.
Chamber Reverb: Reproduz o som de ambientes com paredes mais densas e rígidas, como grutas e cavernas.
Plate Reverb: Emula o som de uma placa metálica, com uma reverberação brilhante e cristalina.
Spring Reverb: Utiliza molas metálicas para gerar reverberação, com um som característico e vintage.
Convolution Reverb: Utiliza uma gravação digital para simular a reverberação dentro de um espaço e seus vários elementos acústicos.
Live ou Stage Reverb: Simula a acústica de um palco, sendo uma escolha clássica para música rock e pop.
Presets do Reverb no Ableton Live 12
1. Default: Emula uma sala padrão com mobília.
Input Filter Hi Cut habilitado 5.95 kHz
Spin habilitado em 17.50 de Amount, 0.30 Hz
Predelay em 2.5ms
Shape em 0.50
Size em 100%, Smooth Fast
Diffusion Net. Hi Cut Shelf, 4.50 kHz e bandwidth 0.70
Decay curto, 1.20 segundos
Diffusion em 60%
Scale em 40%
Chorus habilitado, Amount 0.02 e Rate 0.02 Hz
Density Low
Reflect e Diffuse em 0 db
Dry/Wet em 55%
2. Hall: Espaços grandes para concertos imersivos
Predelay mais alto: mais tempo entre o som puro e o primeiro rebote
Size mais alto: difusões mais abertas, dimensão maior de sala, mais dark
Decay mais alto: difusões percorrem mais espaço antes de serem atenuadas
Maior plano estéreo, mais espacialidade
Density mais espaçado, com valor maior de setup
Agudos filtrados no Input Filter e no Diffusion Network
3. Room: Pequenos ou médios ambientes
Predelay mais imediato
Size menor
Tempo de Decay menor
Stereo em 100%
Agudos levemente filtrados no Input Filter e no Diffusion Network
4. Special: Vários ajustes de emulação
Predelay como principal ajuste para determinar a dimensão do espaço emulado.
Input Filter e Diffusion Filter usados para determinar o brilho do Reverb.
Size, Stereo e Decay diferenciados para determinar a espacialidade.
Observar os nomes de cada preset para entender sua finalidade de efeito.
Insights de Reverb aplicado ao Techno
O efeito de Reverb de um Synth em Techno pode ser do tipo Room. Ajuste o Dry/Wet entre 27% e 47%, de acordo com a mix.
Synths pedem uma cauda maior. Ajuste em valores próximos de 3 ms para uma sonoridade que o destaque.
Diffuse maior produz difusão mais desbotada. Considere dar ganho no Diffuse, para que a cauda ganhe brilho no Reverb do Synth.
Use o EQ 8 antes do Reverb em canal auxiliar para cortar ressonancias em todo o espectro de frequências, seja para graves ou agudos.
Use um compressor para controlar os transientes de frequência alta do Synth, com ratio em 4:1.
Use pouco Reverb no Kick, com tempo de Decay curto, em cadeia lateral, agrupando o efeito em duas chains (dry e 100% wet).
Chords devem ter tempo de Decay também curtos. Usar o Reverb copiado de outro canal e apenas ajustar o Decay para que tudo soe no mesmo ambiente.
Criar 3 return channels de Reverb: Room (Decay 500 ms); Mid (Decay 1s20); Hall (Decay 7s). Valores aproximados.
Os insights postados aqui são sugestões de uso e podem servir como ponto de partida. Tais dicas não representam regras. Apenas experimentações.
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![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/8d72e60ecba5dc8b06444546a801b298/4816794ceef73111-1c/s540x810/6dd7afbc36c497affd7731891f7c555d8eb86a66.jpg)
Timeless Organic and Vintage Reverb Spring reverbs are highly sought-after vintage audio equipment, but their rarity and high cost can make them inaccessible to many. Known for their unique, warm, characterful and organic tone, these reverbs have forged a sonic identity that spanned from the ‘50s to the ‘70s, and is back in vogue today. Pulsar Primavera is a 6-in-1 reverberation plugin that includes devices heard on countless hits throughout the ages. From lo-fi to hi-fi, each tank precisely emulates the original units' electronic and mechanical behavior. Furthermore, exclusive spring tension and excitation controls offer a wider sound palette than typical convolution models. The software is a complete reverb chain plugin with integrated saturation, filters, presence, and ducking controls. Get the signature “twang” tone that shaped music history, packed with next-gen features and a user-friendly interface. Realistic Spring Reverb Emulation Most digital spring reverbs sound flat and are poorly configurable because they sample real units rather than modeling them. With real-time physical modeling, Pulsar Primavera breaks free from these limits and allows manipulation of physical reverberation parameters, like spring tension or excitation, for unique and creative sound design possibilities. Hit and Shake the Springs! The ringing behavior of the springs can be influenced either by hand or via modulation (and automation), and used as a creative sound design effect. More than just a fun and interactive way to play with reverb springs, this feature allows the potential for some really interesting effects. A Complete and Versatile Reverb Chain Tension, Excitation: The Tension knob changes the reverb's character by adjusting the physical model of spring tension. Stretch them more or less to get a "softer" or a more "high-pitched" characteristic. The Excitation knob dynamically triggers the well-known sound of exploding springs, adding a creative touch to your sound design. It simulates subtle strikes on the springs as the instrument attacks pass through the plugin. Ducking, Presence (Output): The Ducking control allows you to create dense and prominent reverbs that never conflict with other elements in your song. This knob reduces the level of reverberation based on the input volume of the plugin (or the sidechain input), clarifying the overall signal when the audio kicks in and preserving space between musical phrases. Furthermore, they added a Presence tonal control that boosts a specific frequency range carefully chosen to make the reverb stand out in the mix. Decay, Width, Predelay: The Predelay and Decay knobs offer precise temporal adjustments to the reverb effect. Predelay enhances clarity with a delay before reverb is applied, and Decay tailors reverberation length for varied musical scenarios. The Width control allows you to adjust the reverb's stereo image. Drive, Tube, EQ (Preamp): Easily blend or sculpt the reverb to your taste with the built-in EQ filters. Adjust the presence of the tube circuits responsible for a pronounced high-frequency saturated sound with the Drive knob. You can also switch between two saturation modes if you want to add some grit to the reverb tail – Germanium corresponds to the transistor preamplifier of a well-known reverb used in dub music, and Tube to a warm pentode-type tube amplification. 6 Signature Spring Tanks Great British Spring: Produces a very dense and open sound. This is the cleanest reverb in the plugin’s selection, and is ideal for vocals and other elements that need to shine above the mix. HR12: A very lo-fi type of reverb built in Japan in the late '60s. Perfect for those who seek a vintage color, and the characteristic “boing” sound of the springs. Simple, dirty, and effective, this tank has very little low-end, which means that the initial attack of the springs is clearly heard, giving it that special lo-fi flavor. SR202: Built on a legendary hi-fi consumer reverb, this tank sounds dark, with prominent beats in the reverb tail. It’s the least dense reverb of their selection, with a vibey “flutter” color, perfect for adding realism to a source. RE201: Based on the classic Echo RE201 from Roland, this tank is maybe the most versatile compared to the other choices. With dense and diffuse reverberation tails, it can adapt to any source in any genre. It’s well suited on a lead vocal if you’re looking for some added excitement and color. Tubby: If you're looking for the color of old-school dub music, this tank gives you a very round and watery sound, with big beats. Great for adding subtle variations to your tracks by sending some sources into a bus with this reverb on it. A nostalgic effect that works really well on brass, skank keys, or guitars. Twang: For this tank, they took our inspiration from the guitar amps that popularized spring reverbs. Widely used in Fender and other classic instrument amplifiers, this reverb gives you the lo-fi sound that you’d expect from vintage gear, with tons of character and color. Diverse Presets, Artist-designed Pulsar Primavera comes with hundreds of presets for a solid starting point or quick inspiration. Apply polish and invention to your sounds with presets meticulously crafted by producers and mixing engineers. With so much choice at your disposal, they highly encourage some careful digging to find the right sonic treasure within. How Does it Sound? Drums: You've likely heard many recordings with spring reverb on snares, particularly in reggae and dub music. This effect later influenced rock bands, leading to springy snares being used in various styles. You can use Primavera’s predelay to knock down the transient and tame the sound if you want softer results. Beautiful drum-type sounds can also be made by kicking the springs! Pair it with delay, gate envelope, and other effects to achieve a unique sound design. Vocal: The deep, metallic timbre of spring reverb brings a raw edge to the sound. As a result it's a popular choice among rock bands for adding grit to vocal tracks. Additionally, using a spring reverb on the vocal is a wise choice when you need to place it in a separate space than the other elements in your arrangement. Guitar: For those seeking the timeless vintage electric guitar sound, Primavera is the ideal choice. Spring reverbs play a significant role in achieving a realistic guitar tone, and their plugin could be the missing link, or another possible color, in the perfect guitar sound you're after. Synths: If you're a Moog fan (or of any synth in this genre), spring reverbs can be an instant vintage preset that will quickly reinvent and add texture to your tracks. On VST synths Primavera introduces a subtle and natural grit for a more organic vibe. Features Drive and Saturation Mode: Adjust the level of saturation applied by the input preamplifier with the Drive knob. The Tube/Ger selector allows you to choose the preamplification circuit used before the reverb; a pentode-type tube amplification, or a Germanium transistor preamplifier. Uniquely, this saturation is also applied to the Dry sound. Tension: The Tension parameter alters the tension of the simulated springs to change the reverb’s character. Increasing tension stiffens springs, and this speeds up beats in the reverb tail, emphasizing high frequencies. Conversely, low Tension softens the feel, slowing beats and emphasizing bass frequencies in the reverberated sound. Excitation: The Excitation knob allows you to simulate springs shaking, similar to when clicked on with the mouse, but this time automatically. When this feature is activated, the springs are shaken in response to the transients in the input sound. This enhances the characteristic "boing" effect of the spring reverb, and enables creative sound design effects. Ducking: For those who are familiar with the kick/bass sidechain technique that is carried out with a compressor, the Ducking knob applies the same concept. It controls a compressor that reduces the reverb level when the instrument or voice passes through the reverb to clarify your mix easily. Vibrating Springs: You can get the characteristic "boing" sound of spring reverbs by “kicking” the springs with a mouse click, resulting in unique textures and sound design options. This feature perfectly captures the spirit of spring reverb units, allowing you to play with the device and find inspiration in a fun and rewarding way. Predelay and Decay: You can control the length of the reverb tail, short or long, by using the Decay knob. Or adjust the delay between the original signal and the start of the reverberated sound with Predelay. Higher values on the Predelay knob provide better separation between the direct sound and the reverberated sound. Width: Pulsar Primavera comes with a Width knob to let you control the stereo image of the reverb. A setting of zero will make the reverb mono, while a value of 10 corresponds to the maximum stereo width of the selected springs tank. Controlling width can help to keep things sound realistic and more "intact", according to the instrument the effect is applied to. Presence: This knob creates a slight emphasis on the upper mids of your reverberated signal, enhancing the reverb's presence in the mix. Keep the original signal unchanged, or push the treble to make the reverberation tone cut through the other elements in your track and become more audible. External Sidechain: The Ducking can optionally be set to use an external sidechain signal. In this case, another audio track must be routed to the plugin sidechain input in your DAW, and that track will be used to calculate the ducking of the reverb. One possible use for this is to make a guitar's reverb more subtle when a synthesizer is also playing, freeing up space. Filters: A choice of built-in 12dB/octave High-pass and Low-pass filters are also available to clean up your source before sending it into the reverb. These filters are processed just after
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Mix vocals with 2 track (reverb trick)
Mix vocals with 2 track (reverb trick) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dUvTekW57I Mix vocal with a 2 track (Reverb Tip). Most songs are recorded over a 2 track beat. Use these 3 reverb tips to make 2 track and vocals feel like they are in the same room! 1. Predelay 2. Decay 3. Mix amount Like and follow for more dope content💪🏾 TikTok: Talk2emtron IG: Talk2emtron Linkedln: Talk2emtron Beatstore: airbit.com/Talk2EmProduction #talk2emtron #musicproducer #mixing #reverb #2trackbeat #mixingvocals #fyp via Talk2EmTron https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXnQWXoKPW8VBRWQTqv7_jg September 26, 2023 at 10:26AM
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Hall of fame 2 / tc electronic
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Cover of "Brothers" from Fullmetal Alchemist (2003 series). Transcription/performance/mix by me; original piece by Michiru Ōshima.
I recorded this cover last year, but today having finished a re-watch of the anime I've made a new mix of the recordings that I think better communicates the feel I want.
I didn't make an effort to fix the blemishes or anything, just wanted to make a mix that felt right. Details below.
For the piano part, I sent it to a reverb with no predelay and had that send very loud in the mix so it sounds like the piano is in some huge hall very far away, almost surrounding you.
(I was kind of visualizing the ballroom at the very end of the anime when doing this.)
The cello was close-mic'd to begin with so it captures a lot of scratchy tones of the performance, so I sent it primarily to a short reverb with a relatively long predelay so it feels very close and present.
I didn't want them to sound like they are in the same space. Since the cello is live and the piano is synthesized anyway it felt appropriate to make the distinction between them even more dramatic.
I EQ'd out some major problem frequencies on the cello but I didn't really try to take out the buzzing. I experimented with noise gates too but found I liked it much better with the noise there, so I kept the noise as well.
Because of how the cello was mic'd it doesn't capture a lot of high frequencies, so at the start when it's just the solo piano I have a shelf on the high frequencies to set that tone and I don't bring in the huge reverb yet. Once the cello joins those kick in and it helps fill in the frequencies missing, and creates a bit of space.
(The effect of how the parts are recorded and mixed is more or less a huge bandpass on the whole thing - no extreme highs or lows - which makes it almost sound like an old record. That wasn't intentional, but it feels all the more right because that's exactly how Dante's theme is mixed when it plays in that ballroom.)
There's a compressor on the piano activated by a side chain from the cello and I think it works well to let the melody speak.
Overall I think I captured what I was going for. It makes me emotional and that's what I wanted it to do.
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شروط استخراج سجل تجاري للاجانب في مصر
فى هذا الموضوع سوف نوضح شروط استخراج سجل تجاري للاجانب في مصر من خلال توضي�� تعريف السجل التجارى , وقواعد وشروط استخراج سجل تجاري للاجانب في مصر .
اولا : تعريف السجل التجارى
السجل التجارى هو دليل يحتوى على جميع بيانات التجار والشركات فى جمهورية مصر العربية وأنشطتهم التجارية حيث يخصص لكل تاجر او شركة صفحة فى هذا السجل 1) السجل التجاري تعريفه وأركانه وأنواعه – hayatshabab.com jQuery("#footnote_plugin_tooltip_9971_1").tooltip({ tip: "#footnote_plugin_tooltip_text_9971_1", tipClass: "footnote_tooltip", effect: "fade", fadeOutSpeed: 100, predelay: 400, position: "top right", relative: true, offset: [10, 10] }); .
��انيا : قواعد وشروط استخراج سجل تجاري للاجانب في مصر
القاعدة فى القانون المصرى انه اشترط فيمن يقيد فى السجل التجارى ان يكون مصريا حاصل على ترخيص بمزاولة التجارة من الغرفة التجارية المصرية وذلك وفقا للمادة الثالثة من القانون رقم 34 لسنة 1976 بشأن السجل التجارى المصرى .
وبالتالى فالقاعدة العامة فى السجل التجارى المصرى الا يقيد الأجانب بالسجل ولكن لهذه القاعدة إستثناءات كما سنرى فيما يلى .
قد استثنى قانون السجل التجارى ثلاث حالات من القاعدة السابقة , واقر قانون السجل التجارى فى المادة الرابعة ان هناك ثلاث حالات يجب فيهم على الأجانب القيد فى السجل التجارى وهما كما يلى :
1- موافقة الهيئة العامة لاستثمار المال العربى والأجنبى والمناطق الحرة فى حالة المشروعات التى تنشأ وفقا لأحكام القانون رقم 43 لسنة 1974 بإصدار نظام استثمار المال العربى والأجنبى والمناطق الحرة . 2- إذا كان الأجنبى شريكا فى شركة من شركات الأشخاص بشرط أن يكون أحد الشركاء المتضامنين على الأقل مصريا وأن يكون للشريك المصرى المتضامن حق الإدارة والتوقيع وأن تكون حصة الشركاء المصريين 51% على الأقل من رأس مال الشركة . 3- كل شركة أيا كان شكلها القانونى يوجد مركزها الرئيسى أو مركز إدارتها فى الخارج إذا زاولت فى مـصر أعمـالا تجارية أو مـالية أو صناعية أو قامت بعملية مقاولة بشرط موافقة هيئة الاستثمار . 4- الأجانب المزاولون لنشاط التصدير وفى حدود هذا النشاط سواء أكانوا أفرادًا أو شركاء فى شركات أشخاص أو أموال أيا كانت أنصبتهم فى رأس المال .
وبذلك نكون قد أوضحنا كل ما يتعلق ب شروط استخراج سجل تجاري للاجانب في مصر , عزيزى الزائر اذا كنت ترغب فى المزيد من الموضوعات حول قانون التجارى والشركات المصرى فيمكنك ذلك من خلال الرابط تجارى وشركات مصرى
المراجع [ + ]
1. ↑ السجل التجاري تعريفه وأركانه وأنواعه – hayatshabab.com
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Essential Methods for Mixing Reverb
Reverb can be complicated to manage in a mixture. The distance it adds can really help, but cluttered reverb sounds can frequently become smeared within the mixture, reducing clarity. Achieving the appropriate balance when blending reverb provides a feeling of space without getting distracting from the combination.
General aims to work with reverb
Reverb is always supposed to offer an awareness of distance, putting drums and tools in a concrete space. This distance can give components in the combination character and make the track seem"bigger than life."
But, dry signs should not need to compete with all the reverb signal for frequencies. Reverb should only be treated as a different element in the mix, one that should match in the monitor's sonic landscape. For more in-depth information about music blog. I highly recommend this website music blog.
Obviously, reverb must sit focal elements rather than be distracting for your listener. Thus, we must process the reverb signal in a means which makes space for every thing else.
The reverb plugin on the return channel is defined as 100% wet, letting us fully separate wet and dry signals. We are going to do this in everyone the cases now.
One of the principal reasons to utilize return stations for reverb is your capability to EQ that the reverb signal individually from the dry signal. This may be achieved before the reverb plug (EQing the input ) or following the reverb plug (EQing that the reverb output).
EQing ahead of the reverb plugin will influence the way the reverb device reacts. Whether there are frequencies which we would like to attenuate (or perhaps entirely trim ), doing this until the reverb plugin can cause a smoother sound.
It is certainly a choice to EQ after the reverb plug in, which may be valuable to tame unwanted resonances. However, for a reason mentioned previously, EQing before the reverb is suggested. A few reverb plug-ins will also include an onboard input EQ to get this done.
The"EQ before the reverb" procedure is a typical one, credited to blending work done in the legendary Abbey Road Studios as the 1960s. Inside this system, we employ both a high-pass filter plus also a low-pass filter to reduce high and low frequencies from this input signal.
As you can expect, this is to make space for some other components in the combination. Low reverb sign, for example, can create a great deal of mud. Low-end clarity is remarkably important in blending, particularly in bass-heavy genres such as electronic music. Festivals and nightclubs have strong subwoofers. Therefore any low sand will probably be evident.
Low-end reverb, from different components, can stop the bass and kick out from being apparent.
The very first alternative is sidechain compression.
A standard technique is to execute sidechain compression into the reverb utilizing the initial dry noise as the input. This will create the reverb signal to duck once the dry signal performs, and swell when the dry signal does not.
We are not listening to the reverb signal as a song plays, as we could only really listen to the reverb from the spaces between notes. This technique provides us the advantages of reverb without inducing it to battle with the dry signal.
We can combine the reverb to the mixture by providing it a rhythmic significance into the monitor. Most manufacturers set their reverb times, but we could do fine-tuning to tighten up things.
Reverb includes two primary parameters: pre-delay and rust time. Predelay decides the time delay before the first early signs happen.
In the next examples, I have set the reverb after with random period parameters, after with tempo-synced parameters. In the next case, instead of a random pre-delay period, the delay lasts just one 1/64th notice (52 ms in my pace of 71 bpm). It's possible to use a note span calculator such as this to come across the specific durations for defeat worth at a specific rate in milliseconds.
This produces the reverb-less distracting and combines it to the mix.
With active melodic or harmonic components, this is particularly a problem. As many unique notes have been played, the reverb signs of every note construct on each other. This jumble of notes may divert in the dry noise, which makes it less noticeable from the mixture.
There is an interesting trick which we can utilize to figure out this dilemma. Bypassing a reverb plugin will prevent reverb sign and turning it back will let it respond to the next chord or note.
With this logic we could make plug-in skip automation to retrigger the reverb sign for every chord or note. This will lead to a reverb sign to only be associated with notes.
In the next example, I ship the pumping pad into a very long reverb. Utilizing some skip automation, I compel the reverb into retrigger at every chord. This may create a click so that I automate the reverb plugin's dry/moist parameter to get rid of the click.
With active melodic or harmonic components, this is particularly a problem. As many distinct notes have been played, the reverb signs of every note construct on each other. This jumble of notes may divert in the dry noise, which makes it less noticeable from the mixture.
There is an interesting trick which we can utilize to figure out this dilemma. Bypassing a reverb plugin will prevent reverb sign and turning it back will let it respond to the next chord or note.
With this logic we could make plug-in skip automation to retrigger the reverb sign for every chord or note. This will lead to a reverb sign to only be associated with notes.
In the next example, I ship the pumping pad into a very long reverb. Utilizing some skip automation, I compel the reverb into retrigger at every chord. This may create a click so that I automate the reverb plugin's dry/moist parameter to get rid of the click.
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Blackhole reverb
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/eb37b2c8b01d40bce0abe12fc51d3ebe/ff157b641de9b10e-cc/s400x600/265842018602e23e7562ca890f1ce601e3655235.jpg)
With selectable instrument/line-level input and stereo outputs, the Eventide Blackhole pedal is ready for any audio signal you want to throw at it. Map an expression pedal (sold separately) to the tone controls to add subtle movement to the reverb, manipulate the Feedback control to enter psychedelic territory, or make your dry signal dissolve into the reverb tail. A dedicated Freeze footswitch allows you to suspend the reverb tail indefinitely as you layer new sounds on top. The Eventide Blackhole pedal - based on their acclaimed Blackhole reverb plug-in - goes far beyond traditional reverb effects.
Complete with a software manager that makes it easy to create and save custom patches, a lifetime of sonic exploration awaits in the Eventide Blackhole reverb pedal. And while the Blackhole's pedal format makes it perfect for adventurous guitarists, its switchable instrument/line-level operation is ready for your keyboards, synthesizers, drum machines, or even your DAW. Hi and Lo tone controls make it easy to fine-tune the reverb effect for any sound source. Dial in modulation for multi-voice, chorus-like animation. Create massive drones with two different types of infinite reverb, allowing you to layer sounds over a suspended reverb tail. Create interesting swells or suck the dry signal back into the reverb tail.Transcend typical reverb sounds and explore unique soundscapes with the Eventide Blackhole reverb pedal.
Unique Gravity control to custom-tailor the reverb tail in two realms - normal or inverse decay.
Map the EQ controls to an expression pedal to add movement to the reverb tail Use the tone controls to add airiness or clear up the low-end.
Fine-tune your tone with Lo, Hi and Q (resonance) controls.
Eventide Device Manager PC or Mac application for software updates, system settings and creating/saving presets.Catch-up mode helps dial in your sound when toggling between presets/parameters.Multiple Bypass options: Buffered, Relay, DSP+FX or Kill dry.MIDI capability over TRS (use with a MIDI to TRS cable or converter box) or USB.Use a single Aux switch to Tap Tempo or a triple Aux switch for easy preset changing (up/down/load).Map any combination of parameters to an Expression Pedal.Rear panel Guitar/Line Level switch for selecting use with guitar, synths, FX loop or DAW interface.Dual action Active Footswitch is latching or momentary.Tap the Freeze Footswitch to instantly ‘freeze’ your sound.Turn up Feedback to go beyond the event horizon.Use PreDelay to offset the onset of the reverb.Control the Size of your space from a cartoonishly small room to a limitless universe.Five presets loaded at your feet with dozens more available with Eventide Device Manager (EDM) software.Unlock a universe of sound-sculpting capability! With this magnitude of flexibility, Blackhole will take you on a journey from cathedral-esque spaces to a new frontier of aural experimentation. Blackhole can load as many as 127 presets via MIDI and they are also accessible in the preset list on the Eventide Device Manager (EDM). Pick and choose from five otherworldly presets – create supermassive atmospheres with the ethereal reverb of Blackhole, soar through nimbus clouds with the airy delay of Dark Matter, achieve sonic supernovas with the resounding swirl of Nebula, experience an uncharted galaxy of sound with the warmth of Singularity, and achieve a stellar rotation of sonority with Pulsar – or get creative and create presets of your own. …To a Place Unknownĭiscover what lies beyond mere halls, rooms, plates and springs let Blackhole transport you to an alternate dimension of ambience. Escape Earth and create haunting echoes, ethereal landscapes and otherworldly ambiences with Blackhole – a reverb pedal as big and mysterious as the cosmos. What lies beyond a Blackhole’s Event Horizon? Is it a place where time itself freezes or where gravity folds in upon itself? Is it a portal to another dimension? There’s only one way to find out.
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/eb37b2c8b01d40bce0abe12fc51d3ebe/ff157b641de9b10e-cc/s400x600/265842018602e23e7562ca890f1ce601e3655235.jpg)
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𝔽𝕣𝕖𝕖 𝔸𝕡𝕡 𝔽𝕣𝕚𝕕𝕒𝕪 𝕃𝕚𝕟𝕜𝕤│𝕆𝕔𝕥 𝟟-𝟚𝟘𝟚𝟚
𝔽𝕣𝕖𝕖 𝔸𝕡𝕡 𝔽𝕣𝕚𝕕𝕒𝕪 𝕃𝕚𝕟𝕜𝕤│𝕆𝕔𝕥 𝟟-𝟚𝟘𝟚𝟚
– – – Reverbs – SIR Developer : SIR Audio Tools ▼ Download ▼ Features Works with a fixed latency of 8960 samples (possibly compensated by VST-Host). You can adjust predelay, attack-time, length and stereo width of the impulse response. Stretch (up & downsampling of impulse response). FFT EQ (to adjust the frequency spectrum of the impulse-response). Auto Gain (automatic volume…
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Techno Rumble Kick Ableton Low-End Tutorial
Johannes Menzel, produtor integrante do Production Music Live (PML) trouxe um tutorial rápipdo sobre como criar e mixar o Kick com Low End de Techno.
Basicamente utiliza o mesmo sample de Kick em 3 canais, sendo o primeiro principal do kick com o loop 4/4.
No segundo canal (Rumble), o sample é processado por um Reverb, com atenção para os parâmetros Size e Decay Time, que podem alterar o tom da reverberação.
Após o Reverb, o processamento continua com uma instância do Overdrive e outra do EQ Eight, com filtro LPF até aproximadamente 132 hz, e corte de graves abaixo dos 30 hz.
Voltando ao Reverb, o ajuste do Size (desde o seu máximo valor ao médio-mínimo) proporcionará a percepção de um rápido padrão rítmico. Ajuste novamente o EQ Eight para obter o resultado sonoro que desejar.
Coloque o Utility ao fim da chain para manter o resultado processado em mono, configurando o Bass Mono até 120 hz.
O terceiro canal (Rhythm) contém apenas o sample de Kick e um EQ Eight, com um band pass bem curto, cortando frequências altas.
Usando o Simpler, delimite uma parte do corpo do sample de Kick explorando a parte mais cheia após o transiente, para que soe apenas as frequências mais graves.
Use o fade-out para suavizar a saída da nota. Pode ser alterado o pitch de alguma nota para criar texturas distintas.
Crie um padrão rítmico com as notas 2, 3 e 4 do tempo (1 bar). Esse padrão pode ter atrasos em seus transientes, algo que confere a percepção de velocidade da track sem alterar o BPM.
Chain do Grupo
Menzel ensina sobre o processamento do grupo utilizando dois plugins da U-he: Satin e PressWork.
O Satin é um emulador de Tape Delay que oferece uma ampla gama de opções de ajustes em efeitos de saturação, com todas as possibilidades não-lineares da reprodução mecânica de uma fita magnética.
Já o PressWork trata-se de um processador dinâmico, sendo um emulador com diversas possibilidades de ajustes, combinando a saturação de compressores analógicos com recursos extras digitais.
O Satin adiciona harmônicos no topo como uma textura extra. O Presswork confere um som mais conexo após uma mixagem conjunta dos canais.
Dica extra: Room Reverb
Menzel ainda duplica o Kick em um quarto canal, adicionando uma reverberação com o plugin ValhallaRoom. Aqui, reduz-se o tempo do sample para que soe apenas o transiente.
Faça o ajuste do Predelay, Decay, High Cut e Depth, com o Mix em 100%, para trazer alguma espacialidade ao Kick.
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Mix vocals with 2 track (reverb trick)
Mix vocal with a 2 track (Reverb Tip). Most songs are recorded over a 2 track beat. Use these 3 reverb tips to make 2 track and vocals feel like they are in the same room! 1. Predelay 2. Decay 3. Mix amount Like and follow for more dope content💪🏾 TikTok: Talk2emtron IG: Talk2emtron Linkedln: Talk2emtron Beatstore: airbit.com/Talk2EmProduction #talk2emtron #musicproducer #mixing #reverb…
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Eventide Release SP2016 Classic Reverb Plugin
Eventide Release SP2016 Classic Reverb Plugin
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/bbb5072d29cdfcc3845fc4300c1edac7/tumblr_inline_pg12zcUE6R1qkhchq_540.jpg)
Eventide is proud to announce availability of the SP2016 Reverb plug-in — perfectly recreating a classic collection of reverb algorithms from its history-making SP2016, pro audio’s first rack-mount multi-effects processor — as of October 1… The original SP2016 introduced the concept of ‘plug-ins’ to a perplexed pro audio world way back in 1982! Revered for its signature reverbs by mix and recording engineers like Mick Guzauski, Roy Hendrickson, George Massenburg, Dave Pensado, and Allen Sides, to name but a notable few, the SP2016 can be heard on countless hit records, from Madonna to Mariah Carey and Adele to Emimen.
“The classic Eventide SP2016 has always been my go-to reverb,” says legendary mix engineer Dave Pensado. “It has the unique ability to make vocals, instruments, and drums sit perfectly in a mix. The new SP2016 plug-in now gives us all access to this incredible reverb, and no one is happier about this than me!” Precisely modelling every aspect of those hardware units was neither quick nor easy, but today the must-have sonic beauty bestowed by these reverb classics can be applied to anything — in-the-box or live.
• Three distinct reverb types, each available in two versions: Vintage and Modern. The Modern algorithms are brighter, more diffused, and use higher bit resolution. o Room: Basic no-nonsense, no-frills ambient ‘room.’ The extreme pre-delay range makes it possible to use this effect for reverberant doubling and single echoes. o Stereo Room: Recreates the ambience of a large concert hall, with very clear, natural reverberation. o Hi-Density Plate: Plate reverb with dual pickups simulating the effect of a big, heavy plate allowing users to make vocals, guitars, and percussive instruments appear much bigger and brighter than they actually are.
• Unique Position control allows users to take their listeners from the back of the room all the way to the stage while retaining all of their other settings. • Control the structure of the reverb by fine-tuning the controls — including PREDELAY, DECAY, POSITION, and DIFFUSION. The EQ section allows for simple high and low filtering of the reverb with adjustable filter ranges. The low filter can be used to cut or boost at the specified frequency.
• Boasts a variety of artist presets including some by Dave Pensado, Joe Chiccarelli, Richard Devine, Sasha, George Massenberg, The Butcher Bros., Buda &Grandz, Erin Tonkon, and more.
The new SP2016 Reverb is available as an AAX/AU/VST plug-in for Mac and PC, at an introductory price or $79 USD thru October 31, 2018. (MSRP $249 USD). Owners of Eventide’s 2016 Stereo Room or Anthology XI can cross-grade for $29 during the promo period.
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Pengalaman Kuliah Kerja Nyata
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/d13cf0a8a0d35caeb8d626494f73ee1d/e53fe58d38dd7b03-3e/s540x810/f5154eec23222d93a63c652b2f988027e95c5896.jpg)
Negaraku Indonesia Pengalaman Kuliah Kerja Nyata
Kuliah Kerja Nyata apa itu ?
Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) adalah bentuk kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat oleh mahasiswa dengan pendekatan lintas keilmuan dan sektoral pada waktu dan daerah tertentu di Indonesia. Pelaksanaan kegiatan KKN biasanya berlangsung antara satu sampai dua bulan dan bertempat di daerah setingkat desa. Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi di Indonesia telah mewajibkan setiap perguruan tinggi untuk melaksanakan KKN sebagai kegiatan intrakurikuler yang memadukan tri dharma perguruan tinggi yaitu: pendidikan, penelitian, dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat.
Sejarah Kuliah Kerja Nyata
Pada tahun 1971 Direktur Pendidikan Tinggi Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan menetapkan tiga universitas yaitu Universitas Andalas di bagian barat, Universitas Gadjah Mada di bagian tengah, dan Universitas Hasanuddin di bagian timur, sebagai perintis proyek kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat. Proyek perintis ini dikenal dengan nama Pengabdian Mahasiswa kepada Masyarakat. Hasil laporan dan evaluasi dari ketiga perguruan tinggi perintis proyek ini dipaparkan pada Rapat Rektor Universitas atau Institut Negeri pada bulan Maret 1972, setelah selesai rapat tersebut Direktur Pendidikan Tinggi meminta 13 Universitas di 13 provinsi untuk melaksanakan proyek perintis kuliah kerja nyata pada tahun ajaran 1973-1974.
Universitas Gadjah Mada bertindak sebagai universitas pembina, sedangkan dua belas universitas lainnya termasuk kategori universitas madya, keduabelas universitas tersebut adalah: Universitas Syiah Kuala, Universitas Sumatra Utara, Universitas Andalas, Universitas Sriwijaya, Universitas Padjadjaran, Universitas Diponegoro, Universitas Brawijaya, Universitas Udayana, Universitas Lambung Mangkurat, Universitas Hasanuddin, Universitas Sam Ratulangi, dan Universitas Pattimura.
Pada awal perkembangannya, KKN hanya merupakan paduan dari dua dharma yaitu pengajaran dan pengabdian masyarakat, seiring perkembangannya kkn juga meliputi dharma penelitian. Perpaduan tri dharma perguruan tinggi pada mewujudkan KKN sebagai salah satu sub-sistem pendidikan tinggi di Indonesia.
Sebuah Pengalaman KKN dikecamatan Jabung
Seperti apa pengalaman saya ? berikut kisah saya ketika KKN dikecamatan Jabung.
Pemilihan Ketua Kelompok
Waktu itu saya masih aktif bekerja pada Management Information System (MIS) pada kampus tapi di samping sisi juga melaksanakan KKN di suatu tempat di Kecamatan Jabung kalo tidak salah saya ada di kelompok 2 tepat di pintu gerbang memasuki Kecamatan Jabung dan dekat dengan balai desa. Saat memasuki aula sarwakirti saya datang terlambat karena ada kesibukan pada Management Information System Catatan (1)Management Information System merupakan tempat server utama untuk mengatur lalu lintas data mahasiswa, dosen dan lain-lain juga website kampus, oya dulu saya pernah diberi sub-domain oleh kampus pada … Lanjut membaca jQuery('#footnote_plugin_tooltip_7433_2_1').tooltip({ tip: '#footnote_plugin_tooltip_text_7433_2_1', tipClass: 'footnote_tooltip', effect: 'fade', predelay: 0, fadeInSpeed: 200, delay: 400, fadeOutSpeed: 200, position: 'top center', relative: true, offset: [-7, 0], });
Saat pemilihan ketua kelompok teman-teman memilih saya padahal saya kurang bisa untuk menjadi kelompok akhirnya saya menolak kemudian saya menunjuk ketua kelompok yang lain, tapi saya lupa namanya (muslim dan berkaca mata sayangnya dia kurang tegas) posisi saya waktu itu menjadi wakil kelompok namun cara kinerja dan lain-lain saya yang menggerakkkan.
Tempat Kost untuk berkumpul
Waktu itu untuk kost perempuan dan laki-laki dipisah, yang laki-laki masuk gang, saya lupa gang apa itu namun rumah kost-kost-an itu milik orang beragama muslim setara ustad atau kiai. Yang kost-kost-an milik perempuan milik pegawai kantor balai desa. Nah saya memutuskan kost di tempat perempuan karena tempatnya strategis untuk mengumpulkan anggota kelompok karena secara transportrasi cocok sekali. Tapi tempat saya di lantai dua untuk perempuan di lantai satu. Tempatnya tepat dipinggir jalan dan dekat sekali dengan pujasera bisa juga untuk kumpul-kumpul.
Pembagian Tugas KKN dikecamatan Jabung
Saat pembagian tugas hari kedua saya kumpulkan kelompoknya kira-kira sejumlah 20 orang lebih (maaf lupa-lupa ingat karena sudah lama sekali). Saya tahu mereka dari jurusan apa saja dan mereka juga mengenalkan sendiri baik dari segi nama, jurusan kuliah dan bisa apa. Tujuannya agar saya bisa menempatkan mereka ketempat sesuai kemampuan (skill) dan saya bertanya kira-kira kamu bisa apa sekarang ? karena itu bagian nilai plus untuk menyelesaikan program kerja (proker), perkara nilai kuliah buruk bagi saya tidaklah penting, hal paling penting bagi saya 2 point : kemampuan dan bisa apa mungkin ada yang lain ?
Gambar Pemanis (Hiasan).
Pada kelompok saya ada jurusan Agama, PPKN, Hukum, Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Inggris, Teknologi Informasi (TI), Sistem Informasi (SI), Manajemen Informasi (MI), Ekonomi, Matematika, Fisika, PGSD, Peternakan dan masih banyak lainnya.
Pembagian Tugas Menurut Kemampuan
Ini adalah sekian contoh kecil pembagian tugas waktu saya KKN dikecamatan Jabung :
Jurusan Agama, PPKN dan Hukum saya jadikan satu : Tugas membuka ekstrakulikuler ngaji dan mengajar di sekolahan SD.
Jurusan Peternakan, Ekonomi, Matematika, Sistem Informasi (SI) dan Manajemen Informasi (MI) saya jadikan satu : membantu masyarakat misalnya tentang ekonomi, pertanian dan teknologi untuk diterapkan pada desa tersebut.
Jurusan Fisika, PGSD, Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Inggris saya jadikan satu untuk mengajar juga di sekolahan SD sesuai kemampuan masing-masing.
Dan masih banyak lainnya program kerja (proker) lainnya yang saya atur waktu itu, mulai jam 08:00 – sore/selesai. Setiap selesai magrib kelompok kita kumpul jadi satu untuk menceritakan pengalaman masing-masing setelah itu saya memerintahkan membuat laporan setiap program kerjanya masing-masing gunanya untuk laporan tugas KKN dikecamatan Jabung setiap waktu sebagai tugas gerak cepat. KKN kita waktu itu berlangsung satu bulan dan pengerjaan tugas diberi waktu 2 bulan seingat saya. Namun dikelompok dua (kelompok saya) lebih cepat selesainnya karena setiap selesai mengerjakan program kerja (proker) langsung bikin laporan.
Jadi waktu 2 bulan sama dengan 60 hari KKN (Kuliah Kerja Nyata) selama 30 hari, dalam pengerjaan program kerja dikerjakan selama 40 hari jika KKN 30 hari ditembah 60 hari pengerjaan program kerja kita hanya membutuhkan 40 hari saja hasil dari 90 hari – 40 hari = 50 hari leha-leha istilahat. kelompok lain masih bingung garap program kerja. Kita sistemnya menyelam sambil minum air, susah di depan senang-senang dibelakang.
Video Penjelasan Apa Itu Kuliah Kerja Nyata
Mungkin membaca tulisan saya agak membingungkan, lebih baik kumpul bareng sambil ngopi untuk berbagi pengalaman. Saya diam kalo tidak ditanya karena saya mau ngomong apa ? Itu hanya sekilas cerita sebenarnya panjang sekali pengalaman saya dan teman-teman saya waktu itu.
Referensi ⇧1 Management Information System merupakan tempat server utama untuk mengatur lalu lintas data mahasiswa, dosen dan lain-lain juga website kampus, oya dulu saya pernah diberi sub-domain oleh kampus pada server utama secara cuma-cuma.
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Apa tanggapan Anda?
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Pengalaman Kuliah Kerja Nyata Negaraku Indonesia
from Negaraku Indonesia https://ift.tt/3qOfICw
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Pads Toward the end of the piece there are two pad-like sounds that are introduced. Neither of these are actually new instruments, they are just the existing melodic and bass instruments using the ‘reverb trick’ that is running the instrument through a reverb plugin with very low predelay and size, and taking only the wet output. I have used this before and it’s a good way to turn a simple synth into an airy pad.
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