lunacy-loon · 2 months
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Malfunction's Updated ref Certainly better then the old one in my opinion.
Basically error infected with what is the new name Pandora Poison Because that name sounds cooler then CT!poison yeyeut
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sualne · 10 months
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luffy icon from the previous drawing, ppl on twt Really liked it so have it here too, you can use the transparent version if you want to put your own flags instead, pls do credit me if you end up using my art as your icon!
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pnuk-r0ck · 2 years
Instead of calling Party Poison by Poison, we should call them PP.
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inlovewithaspiderguy · 6 months
party poison: we have to rescue the girl from bli! i’ll put on my mourning jacket- black jacket, just a black jacket.
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p1per-j0hns0n · 6 months
Okay, this is my new characters Veleno .
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He is a little CUTE poison spider🥺
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thefabelmans2022 · 1 year
tiktok has GOT to introduce a way to block sounds this is ridiculous
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terashards · 8 months
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Gamefreak really introduced the Fairy Type and then immediately fucked over all Physical Fairy Types
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appsa · 20 days
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As you may know by now my friend siraj's fund ( @siraj2024 ) for rebuilding his home has now simply become a survival fund due to how dire the situation is in gaza today.
With borders closed, aid workers routinely targetted by the IOF to the point that many orgs including UN officials themselves have paused humanitarian aid efforts in gaza, and barely ANY of the aid being sent making it through the israeli blockade– the best thing you can do is help people like siraj find the means to be self-reliant and provide for themselves and their families.
Will try to keep it short this time round, so please dont look away.
Due to recent displacement of his extended family from deir al balah because of violence by the IOF, siraj's fund is now supporting FIVE families instead of just the one
This means Siraj is now sole provider for 23 people instead of just the 5 it was before.
10 of them are just children between the ages of 6-12, including 3 of siraj's children and their cousins.
His children are already sick with infections and due to the cramped living conditions in the tents, they are all at risk at spreading illnesses between each other.
With so many people depending on him and much of gaza's medical infrastructure being reduce to rubble, it has become imperative that Siraj be able to reduce the risks for them as much as he can possibly can.
Right now Siraj wants to focus on providing clean drinking water.
This will help ensure that the children dont have to walk kilometers on foot to fetch a pail of water, only to constantly put themselves at risk of more debilitating illnesses like polio and hepatitis by having to drink the poisoned water in gaza for survival.
To do this, Siraj has decided to purchase a submersible water generator and some network tools. He needs YOUR support to make this possible.
verified (#219) / donate here
enter raffle / artists offering commissions for donations - [1] [2]
IMPORTANT: since the gfm organizer is based in canada, the fundraiser doesnt accept donations through p*ypal. If you would like to donate via PP or are having any issues donating with general cards, please DM @malcriada (siraj's trusted friend) to make the donation on your behalf.
Donate what you can, share if you cant. No amount of help is too little, and your support can truly mean the difference between life and death for these families.
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boing-o · 3 months
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"Meanwhile in Zone 6, Party Poison, Jet Star, and Agent Cherri Cola were spotted dancing the night away with some of the lovely companion droids at Hyper-Thrust's. Careful boys, some of those Zone 6 droids started off as... Zone 1's."
They found an old camcorder and decided to have some fun! Not that the battery will last more than five minutes.
Anyways much love to @edenexxe , who requested an illustration of PP (GIVE ME ASKS PLEASE)!!
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Please don't use my art for AI (although considering the amount of filters I hit this thing with, I doubt it would work anyways).
17 hours and 48 minutes, June 17-23
Tumblr absolutely crushed the quality, wow
I'm not very happy with the hair but it's alright 😭
^edited to sound less critical
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pnuk-r0ck · 2 years
PP sketch👍
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darksilvania · 11 months
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Kroelian APPLIN Ghost/Dragon The Pumpkin Pokemon Abilities: Harvest/Unnerve - Heatproof (HA) Dex: "It makes its home inside a pumpkin, looking for the biggest and toughest. They wait until pumpkins are at their biggest,, so they are more often seen during the fall. Using their own acid, they darken certain areas of the pumpking from within, creating patterns that resemble scary faces to intimidate any possible predator.” Moveset: -Astonish  -Bullet Seed  -Rollout  -Trick-or-Treat Kroelian FLAPPLE Ghost/Dragon The Jack-O-Lantern Pokemon Evolves from Kroelian APPLIN when given a CARVED PUMPKIN Abilities: Harvest/Unnerve - Flash Fire (HA) Dex: "It uses a carved pumpkin as its wings, it can close them to intimidated is opponent on its lantern form. It can created fire by using the pumpkins juices as fuel, this flames burn with a sweet smell" Moveset: -Pumpkin Smash Ghost type / pwr 80 / acc 100 / pp 10 “The users flies above the opponent and drops over it in its lantern form while emiting a creepy laugh-like screech. This may cause burns"  -Breaking Swipe -Flame Charge  -Trick-or-Treat Kroelian APPLETUN Ghost/Dragon The Pumkin Pie Pokemon Evolves from Kroelian APPLIN when given PUMPKIN SPICE Abilities: Harvest/Unnerve - Well Baked Body (HA) Dex: "It evolves after consuming some special aromatic spices, this gives its body a strong aroma. Its body produces fluffly cream-like ectoplasm that pours out from its back. This gobs of cream attract small spirits that can often be heard soflty wailing or manifest by making faces appear on the cream. " Moveset: -Whipped Scream Ghost type / pwr 80 / acc 100 / pp 10 “The spirits inside the cream on its back produce a terrible wail that hurts anyone who hears it. Might cause the opponent to flinch" -Dragon Breath -Spicy Extract  -Trick-or-Treat Kroelian DIPPLIN Ghost/Poison The Caramelized Pumpkin Pokemon Evolves from Kroelian APPLIN when given CARAMEL Abilities: Harvest/Unnerve - Gooey (HA) Dex: "Its gourd is covered in a sticky caramel-like goo with a sickening sweet smell, it attracts bugs and small pokemon that when they touch it become stuck and unable to scape. The two snakes inside the gourd take turns to sleep, so no matter when, there is always a pair of eyes watching.” Moveset:  -Fudge Sluge Poison type / pwr 80 / acc 100 / pp 10 “The user shots a wave of sticky caramel-like sludge all over the field. Opponents speed and evasivness are lowered -Poison Tail -Poison Fang -Trick-or-Treat Gygantamax Kroealian FLAPPLE/APPLETUN Ghost/Dragon Abilities: Harvest/Unnerve - Well baked body / Flash Fire(HA) Dex: "It attract lost souls inside is giant lantern where they are used as fuel for the ragin fire within. A second head has come out of its mouth, it is said to be a spirit from beyond, coming through a portal inside of its belly.” Moveset:  -G-Max Pumpgatory Ghost type / pwr 130 / acc 100 / pp 10   “The user releases a wave of burning souls from its lantern. This move burns the opponents.” -G-Max Pumpscream Ghost type / pwr 130 / acc 100 / pp 10 “The user screams with the voices of a 1000 ghosts. This move paralyses opponents.”
I know we are already way past Halloween but I really wanted to finally finish this ones, made them originally over 2 years ago, but they are finally done Since I made the originals so long ago, DIPPLIN wasn't a thing yet, so I took this chance to make a regional version of them too, if they end up getting an evolution in the next DLC I will make a version of that too
APPLIN and FLAPPLE are based mainly on Jack-o-Lanterns
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APPLETUN is based on Pumpkin Pie
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DIPPLIN is based on Caramelized Pumpkin
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The whole line, but specially Gigantamax FLAPPLE/APPLETUN are based on the Sandworms from the Beetlejuice movie
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yesthatgino · 2 years
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Here are screenshots from my fake pokemon website I use to trick my nephews. The fake game logos were made by @nyanoraptor. The "articles" read:
Gamer Freaks are about to GameFreak the freak out with the latest news from Nintendo! Coming in 2025 is Pokemon Hydrogen BOMB. The game will feature a whole new line of Military Pokemon like the Enolagey. A flying type legendary pokemon who will have a 1 in 25,000 chance to learn the move "Hydrogen BOMB". The move will come with 1 PP, 100% of hitting, and is so strong it will damage pokemon the opposing trainer has in their party. Even if the pokemon are still in their pokeballs. The first and only Rated M Pokemon game. Drivers license required to purchase. Not compatible with the Nintendo Switch Lite. Must be a US adult resident to play.
I noticed my nephews tend to want to press the buttons on the webbed site (even if I'm holding my phone and have asked them not to since I have a LG Wing and its fragile) so I now make them functional. They used to refresh the page and I think it made them suspicious. The Press for Info button on this post takes you to a boring text heavy page of the ESRB website.
The text for the Coughing BABY reads:
Nintendo hasn't forgotten their young fans. Pokemon Coughing BABY is just as loud, just as fun, and every bit as wonderful. Coming out in 2026, Coughing BABY will feature a new legendary pokemon who will have a 1 in 25,000 chance to learn the move "Coughing BABY". The move will come with 1PP, 100% of hitting, and will poison all of the pokemon the opposing trainer has in their party. Even if the pokemon are still in their pokeballs. Coughing BABY is Rated E for Everyone. No license required to play.
The read more button on this article takes you to the parental guidance page of nintendo. I feel like this sells legitimacy while causing their young 8 year old eyes to gloss over the massive wall of text and not notice it's only somewhat related.
I'll let you guys know how it goes the next time I see them. :3
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najia-cooks · 6 months
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[ID: A pyramid of crystalline snow topped with deep orange syrup on a bright blue plate. End ID]
بقسمة / Buqsuma (Palestinian snow dessert)
بُقْسُمَة ("buqsuma"), or بوظة الشتاء ("būẓa shitā'", "winter ice cream"), is a dessert, possibly of Aramaic origin, eaten in cold and mountainous rural regions within Palestine, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, and Turkey. It consists of freshly fallen snow topped with grape molasses (دبس العنب; "dibs al-'inab"), date molasses, pomegranate molasses, or storebought snow syrup (شراب الثلج ; "shrāb aṯ-ṯalj"). In Lebanon it may be topped with honey or orange syrup; and in Syria and Lebanon it may also be called سويق or سويقة ("sawīq" or "sawīqa").
Buqsuma is eaten for only a few days a year at the end of the snowy season in February. An old rhyme cautions against eating snow too early in the season:
أول تلجة دم تانية تلجة سم تالتة تلجة كل ولا تهتم
("ʔawwal tallaja damm "tānya tallaja samm "tālta tallaja kul wa lā tahtamm")
("The first snowfall is blood "The second snowfall is poison "The third snowfall, eat and don't worry")
Journalist Hussein Saqr speculates that the intention may be to allow the first snows to clear the air from summer and fall dust and other pollutants before the snow is safe to consume.
During these late winter days, eating and sharing buqsuma becomes a social ritual; guests are invited to share the dessert from a wide platter, or given individual bowls to dress to their taste with syrup, milk, and sugar. Children bring bowls of snow inside and eat buqsuma by the fire to warm up and recuperate from a day at play.
In Syria, buqsuma is prepared especially in the مُحافظة السويداء ("Muḥāfaẓat as-Suwaydā'"; Suwayda Governorate) in the south; in the طرْطوس ("Ṭarṭūs") and إدلب ("'Idlib") Governorates in the northeast; and along the جبال لبنان الشرقية ("Jibāl Lubnān ash-Sharqiyya"; Anti-Lebanon mountain range) from جبل الشيخ ("Jabal ash-Shaykh"; Mountain of the Sheikh / "Mount Hebron") to the جبال القلمون ("Jibāl al-Qalamūn"; Qalamoun Mountains) in Damascus Governorate.
In Palestine
Within Palestine, buqsuma is eaten only in الخليل ("Al-Khalīl" / "Hebron"), in the occupied West Bank. Palestinian food writer Reem Kassis points out that the regional specificity of the dish is due to the nature of the land: Al-Khalil is one of the few places in Palestine to receive snow.
Al-Khalil is also famous for its viticulture. "It is well known among Palestinians that Al-Khalil grows the best grapes," according to embroidery artist Wafa Ghnaim. Though grape vines have existed in Palestine since antiquity, Al-Khalil was one of the few locales to maintain them even during the Crusades, which caused the abandonment of olive and grape orchards elsewhere. As with oranges and pomegranates, an association between terroir, agriculture, and design reveals itself in Palestinian art: the قطف عنيب ("qiṭf 'inab"; "bunch of grapes") motif is common in Al-Khalil embroidery (تطريز; "taṭrīz"; often transliterated "tatreez").
Around 1700, Rabbi Gedalia mentions Al-Khalil's grapes as being particularly praiseworthy:
ויש בא"י הרבה פירות האילן, כגון ענבים, תאנים, ורמונים, זתים […]. והענבים הם גדולים ועגולים בירושלים. אבל בחברון תוב"ב הם מרובים וגדולים מן הענבים אשר בירושלים. וכשמוכרים את הענבים של חברון בירושלים משבחים אותם וצועקים: בואו ותקנו הענבים של חברון ! ומענב אחד מתמלא הפה ממשקה. And there are in the land of Israel many tree fruits, such as grapes, figs, pomegranates, and olives [...]. The grapes are big and round in Jerusalem, but in Hebron they are more numerous and larger than the grapes in Jerusalem. And when vendors sell the grapes of Hebron in Jerusalem, they praise them and shout: Come and buy the grapes of Hebron! And one grape fills the mouth with nectar. (pp. 337-8)
Al-Khalil's viticulture is closely integrated with Palestinian food culture. Three distinct harvests yield different products. In the early spring, some of the leaves from the grape vines (وَرَق الدوالي; "waraq ad-dūwāli") will be harvested, when they are young, tender, and sour: good for stuffing with rice, meat, and vegetable fillings to make several popular Palestinian dishes.
Later in the spring, grape farmers harvest early, sour grapes (حصرم; "ḥiṣrim"; Levantine dialect "ḥuṣrum"). Some of these will be pressed to make عصير حصرم ("'aṣīr ḥuṣrum"; "juice of sour grapes"), a tart liquid that may be drunk plain, or used to give acidity to soups or salads. Others will be pickled in brine, or dried and ground to make a sour condiment called "سماق الحصرم" ("sumāq al-ḥuṣrum," "sour grape sumac").
The third harvest is in the late summer, when the grapes have fully ripened. Grape farmers in Al-Khalil may sell some of their summer harvests to Palestinian wineries and arak distilleries. Other ripe grapes will be pressed and their juice boiled down and dried to produce مَلبَن ("malban"), a Levantine fruit leather. And still more of this juice will be reduced into dibs al-'inab, which is then used to make buqsuma, added to tea as a sweetener, or mixed into tahina and scooped up with bread; it is especially popular during Ramadan as a quick way to boost energy.
Dibs al-'inab has been produced in Palestine for hundreds of years. Rabbi Gedalia describes grape molasses, which he calls "grape honey" ("דבש של ענבים"; "dvash shel 'anavim"):
שמבשלים את התירוש היוצא מן הענבים מיד כשסוחטין אותן, והוא אז מתוק מאוד כדבש ממש, וכ"כ מבשלים עד שנעשה עב כמו דבש. They cook the must which is expressed from the grapes immediately after they are squeezed. It is then very sweet, like real [bee's] honey. Then they cook it again until it becomes thick as honey. (p. 338)
The recipe below is for buqsuma with Al-Khalil-style grape molasses.
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[ID: An extreme close-up on snow crystals topped with syrup in bright white and various shades of orange; bubbles are trapped throughout the syrup. End ID]
Viticulture Under Occupation
Today, the tending and harvesting of grapes in Al-Khalil take place under the shadow of Israeli settlements. Israel encourages the transfer of settler populations to settlements in Al-Khalil—including particularly fervent Israeli nationalist cells in the middle of Palestinian areas—with financial incentives and the creation of infrastructure that only settlers can move through freely. Palestinians are forbidden to drive in the "H2" area of Al-Khalil, which encompasses the central Old City and the الحرم الإبراهيمي ("Al-Ḥaram al-Ibrāhīmī"; Sanctuary of Abraham), and has been under Israeli military control since 1997. Israel conducts regular raids in the nominally Palestinian "H1" area, forcing people to leave their homes, destroying property, and committing arbitrary arrests and imprisonments.
The rapid expansion of settlements in the areas around Al-Khalil, such as those in what Israel calls גּוּש�� עֶצְיוֹן (“Gush Etzion”; Etzion Bloc) and גִּבְעַת חַרְסִינָה ("Givat Harsina"), pushes Palestinians into ever-smaller and denser areas surrounded by settlements, rendering them still more vulnerable to Israeli control.
Alessandro Petti describes the strategy by which Israel fragments and isolates Palestinian areas, while allowing flow of movement between territories for non-Palestinians, as a distinction between free-flowing settler "archipelagoes" and Palestinian "enclaves." Infrastructure such as patrols, roadblocks, barriers, curfews, strip-searches and thorough searches of luggage—to which only Palestinians are subjected—make travel a time-consuming, nerve-wracking, and uncertain process: one that may end with being denied a permit, turned back from a border, or jailed for driving on a road which turns out to be prohibited to Palestinians. Because the rules are constantly changing, Palestinians may continue to avoid a road that is no longer actively barricaded out of fear that attempting to traverse it will lead to arrest.
Official Israeli military policy and settler violence alike cast a pall on Palestinian agricultural tradition and innovation. Farming and shepherding communities in the southern hills of Al-Khalil have been subjected to harassment, home demolition, and forced displacement at the hands of settlers and military bulldozers. Settlers burn grape and olive orchards and cut down mature grape vines. Palestinians are no longer allowed to access ancestral agricultural land that has been overtaken by colonists. Israeli military orders and settler harassment emptied Al Khalil's Old Souq of its vegetable and fruit markets in 2000; in 2019, plans were made to raze Palestinian shops and build a new settlement atop them. These plans would move forward in July of 2023.
Reprisal and collective punishment in the wake of militants' October 7th attacks on settlers have been felt in the West Bank and also impact agriculture in Al-Khalil. Grapes rot on the vine with farmers forbidden to tend them. Streets have been closed, shutting Palestinian farmers into their homes, while Palestinian shepherds in villages in the Al-Khalil area have been displaced and harassed with drones. Settler attacks and destruction of crops, already on a continual uptick for the previous several years, increased to a new high in 2023.
Olives, Grapes, and Resistance
Agriculture has been an important site of Palestinian resistance to settler incursion as, despite harassment, surveillence, and violence, Palestinians insist on staying on their land and in their homes. The Palestinian minority who inhabit the H2 area of Hebron, continuing to tend their olive trees, prevent the area from becoming settler-only and keep alive the hope that Al-Khalil will not become a "ghost town."
Various projects based in Al-Khalil combat settler technologies and strategies. Farmers in Al-Khalil launched the Cooperative Society for Agricultural Marketing and Processing in 1984 to increase grape farmers' self-sufficiency, reduce produce waste, and contribute to the production of Palestinian grape delicacies. The 2022 Counter Surveillance project, launched by Palestinian activist Issa Amro and artist Adam Broomberg, meets the Israeli security cameras stationed among Al-Khalil's olive groves with its own video feed, livestreamed online and to art museums.
Palestine's annual grape festival at حلحول ("Ḥalḥūl"), just north of Al-Khalil, took place in 2023 as scheduled; farmers displayed boxes of grapes of all colors and varieties, and sold dibs, malban, raisins, and jam. And Palestinian farmers and activists contribute to resurgences of indigenous seed varieties—such as the دابوقي ("dābūqi") grape, historically particularly prominent in Al-Khalil—in an effort to preserve Palestine's biodiversity and economic self-sufficiency.
Buy seeds from the Palestinian Heirloom Seed Library
Help Palestinian families evacuate Gaza
Contribute to an eSIM donation drive
For the syrup (makes 2/3 cup):
2.5kg (5.5lb) tart green grapes, stems removed
For the base:
A large bowl of fresh snow
If it doesn't snow where you live, you can try making shaved ice using a snowcone machine; putting water in an ice-cream maker until you achieve a slushy texture; or running ice cubes through a blender.
For the syrup:
1. Remove grapes from their stems and rinse.
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2. In a large bowl, mash and muddle grapes with your hands or a potato or bean masher; or pass grapes through a blender, food mill, or juicer.
3. Strain mashed grapes through a metal strainer, and then a cheesecloth (if you used a juicer, skip right to the cheesecloth). I had 4 cups (1 litre) of grape juice at this point.
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4. Pour grape juice into a thick-bottomed pot with a large diameter, preferably one with a light-colored bottom. Heat on medium to bring to a boil.
5. Continue simmering juice, skimming scum off the surface as it arises. Occasionally wipe down the edges of the pot with a wet pastry brush to prevent sugar from sticking and burning.
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6. Eventually scum will stop rising. Continue to simmer until several shades darker in color and bubbling vigorously. Syrup should still pour freely, and just barely coat the back of a spoon. I had just over 2/3 cup (160 mL) at this point.
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7. Remove from heat and allow to cool slightly before pouring into a jar. Allow to cool to room temperature before refrigerating. If you want to keep the syrup for multiple months or at room temperature, use a sterilized jar.
Compost the grape peels, or reserve to make fruit scrap vinegar.
For the dish:
1. Set a large bowl out several hours into a heavy snowfall; or collect just the top layer of freshly fallen snow after it has been snowing for several hours. Snow that falls earlier in a snowfall, or that has been sitting out for a longer period of time, is more likely to contain pollutants.
2. Compact the snow with a spoon to make the texture homogenous. Some people run it through a blender. Fill individual serving bowls with snow.
3. Pour cooled molasses to taste onto the snow and mix.
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xxtc-96xx · 8 months
Hey. Have you seen this video about Pecharunt? If you haven't, then please have a look. And when you've watched it, what are your thoughts on it?
its a very interesting insight on it, yeah
more or less the moral of the story is that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Pecharunt did all these things because it wanted love but it basically created its own downfall because of its own greed and lost its happy life as well as its buddies
also Ogerpon being metal as hell taking out four poison types as a grass type
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bestiarium · 27 days
The Getulian Dog [miscellaneous]
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In the mid-17th century, Edward Topsell published a treatise on the animal kingdom in which he described many creatures: both real animals and some fictional beings that got mixed up in his research. And some whose existence is not entirely clear: one of these is the Getulian dog, also called the ‘mimick dog’, a curious canine breed with a remarkable talent for imitating everything it sees.
He classified this dog as Canis lucernarius (which, in modern biological terminology, would make it a species closely related to wolves and not a breed of dog). They have a black head resembling that of a hedgehog and the intelligence of an ape. Their legs are particularly long and support a somewhat short, curved body with a short tail and shaggy fur. Curiously, at least some of these dogs were supposedly raised by apes.  
The name ‘Getulian dog’ would imply that these animals hailed from Getulia in northern Africa, but it's unclear whether these stories are fiction or just exaggerated tales of a real dog breed. In the 3rd century B.C., these animals were popular in Egypt, where people trained them to perform tricks. They were so smart that people who could not afford human servants would often train Getulian dogs to perform household tasks.
As they are highly intelligent, these dogs have supposedly been used in theatre and plays since ancient times. According to the ancient historian Plutarchus, one of these trained dogs performed in a public spectacle attended by the emperor Vespasianus (so in the first century A.D.). In the play, a character murdered the dog by feeding him a piece of poisoned bread, and the dog perfectly played the part by pretending to stumble down and die. After this scene the dog stood back up, alive and unharmed, to the joy and amazement of the audience.
As a closing statement, I like this story because most of the myths and tales I read are about man-eating monsters and vengeful deities. But this story is just ‘this one dog was trained for a theatre play and he was really good at it!’
Source: Topsell, E., 1658, the History of Four-footed Beasts, Serpents, and Insects. Describing at large their true and lively figure, their several names, conditions, kinds, virtues (both Natural and Medicinal), countries of their breed, their love and hatred to mankind, and the wonderful work of God in their creation, preservation and destruction., printed by E. Cotes, London, p.127-128, 1098 pp. (image source: Edward Topsell, History of Four-footed beasts, 1658)
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sheepydrawings · 6 months
Hey guys. Remember that Pecharunt evolution thingy I made? Well after a while I decided that it was'nt good enough so I revamped it. Don't worry the design is mostly the same.
Oh and I also tried to mimic the Pokémon artstyle too to make it more Pokémony or something.
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Name: Pecharonin / ならず桃 (Narazumomo) Narazumono (Rouge) + Momo (You probaby know it by now lol)
Speices: Submissive
Type: Poison/Ghost
Ability: Stupor-The Pokémon deals double the damage, however it is always confused.
HP: 99
Atk: 99
Def: 119
Sp.Atk: 140
Sp.Def: 99
Spe: 99
Total: 655
Scarlet entry:
Pecharonins fluctuating emotions and blunt senses are the result of the trapped poison inside it fermenting for a long period of time. Despite that, others should not urge it to fight as not only it can get extremely violent one taste of the poison can cause even the most disciplined to fall into madness.
(I dunno if poison even does ferment but its Pokemon lol)
Violet entry:
After feeling ashamed of the harm it's poison has caused it binds its shell in order to supress it. However, this results the opposite effect as it not only makes the poison more stronger but also clouds Pecharonin's mind for the worse.
Also I come up with a new move for it
Siphon sting
Type: Ghost
Category : special
PP: 10
Power: 55
Accuracy: 75%
The user jabs into the opponent and siphons their fluids to restore HP. If the opponent hit by the attack happens to be poisoned the pokemon will gain a bit more hp and their accuracy will raise sharply. (This would also remove the poisoned status from the opponent too.)
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