#Potty training toddler
jacky93sims · 11 months
Hi jacky<3 Could you please convert the bear tissue box, cute cow potty, and the activity table from Hydrangea's 'Cozy Nursery II'? All of it should be BGC
Activity Table is an object that comes with Freetime, I can't do that. However...
Cow Potty and Bear Tissue Box for The Sims 2
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Potty has 2412 polygons while Tissue box has 1114. Potty is functional while Tissue box is a deco objects, found in deco-miscellaneous.
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doctorwhoarchive · 1 year
so I know some people hc that Kirby’s parents used to babysit Sam and Tara right
so what if they babysat them for a long time like since Sam was a baby
and Kirby, being 4 years older than Sam, remembers some stories and stuff of little Sam that not even Sam herself remembers
now imagine the core 4 + Kirby together having a good time and vibing when out of nowhere Kirby decides to be a menace and bring up the absolute most embarrassing story of baby Sam she can think of just to piss her off and make everyone else laugh
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hollandsfavbabe · 2 years
Popsicle Pairs
pairing: dad!tom holland x mom!reader
synopsis: in which you and tom decide to enjoy more than just popsicles until your son intrudes
warnings: super cliché, bathroom talk(toddler training)
word count: 1.3k
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a/n: based off of that one super cliche imagine if anyone knows what I’m talking about. i can’t find it anywhere on the internet, but trust me, it’s a thing. really i just had to get this out of my drafts ... enjoy!
“MOMMY!” your toddler shouted from the hall bathroom, eager to show you his latest accomplishment. You rushed from your position in the kitchen, leaving the ingredient cupboard open as your son took priority over starting dinner.
It was just three years ago that you and Tom were blessed with your wonderful son, though it felt like only a week. And now as he started to get bigger, you had begun every parent's favorite process when raising a toddler … not. Indeed it was potty training time. Helping your son switch from diapers to undies was a challenge for you two, but with Tom’s optimism and your determination, you were both sure you could do it. The trek had been long, but you were close to completing one hell of an accomplishment.
You took baby steps, starting by rewarding your little boy with soft candy whenever he simply alerted you that needed to go to giving him a treat when he had gone in the actual bathroom, whether he had taken off his diaper or not. Now, bigger steps caused for bigger rewards, so when he started actually using the loo you upgraded his reward to half of a popsicle, his favorite sweet.
When you arrived at the door of the bathroom your son was excited to inform you that he had yet again earned another popsicle half.
“Nice job buddy!” you congratulated before helping him to reach the sink so that he could wash his hands the way you taught him to.
When you were finished you both left for the kitchen, only to be greeted by your husband Tom. He stood outside the bathroom door with a curious expression.
“Did you make it again?” he asked, referring to your son’s triumph. The little boy nodded in reply, jumping up and reaching his hands into the air, gesturing for Tom to pick him up.
“I did it daddy, I did it!” he squealed excitedly.
“Oh I’m so proud!”
“Can I have my popsicle now?” your son asked, eyes widening.
“I don’t know, it’s awfully close to dinner. You’ll have to ask your mother.” Tom replied, looking at you as he waited to hear your decision. Your son turned towards you too, eager to hear what you had to say as if he could burst out of your husband’s arms, quite possibly the definition of jumping out of a seat from excitement. You let out a defeated sigh. You supposed your son could stray from his normal meal plan for one night.
“Sure.” you answered. Your son cheered in Tom’s arms, delighted by your conclusion. “It’s too late to start dinner anyways. I’ll just order a pizza.”
“Yeah, pizza!” your son whooped. You couldn’t help, but giggle at his reaction as you pulled out your phone to order the food. Tom chuckled with you walking off in the direction of the kitchen.
“Let’s choose a flavor while mommy orders. What kind do you want?” Tom asked, opening the fridge as he got close to it.
“Blue! I want blue!” your son demanded and so he was given what he desired.
Tom set him down as he handed over half of a blue popsicle, grinning at his son who was overjoyed by the frozen delight.
“The blue one is my favorite.” your son said, sticking the popsicle in his mouth.
“Oh really,” smiled Tom. “And why is that?”
“It colors my tongue!” exclaimed your son, showing his now blue stained tongue to his father. Tom laughed at the little boy, bending down and tickling his sides the way the boy loved.
“Silly.” grinned Tom and the two both broke into contagious fits of laughter.
Two empty pizza boxes lay on the kitchen table, the food they once contained now long gone in the digestion process as you and Tom laid your son in his bed, tucking him in before wishing him goodnight. He nestled his head into his pillow and bid you goodnight, ready for sleep. It was when you heard soft snores that you closed the bedroom door gently behind you.
Tom took your hand as you closed your son’s door, leading you away from his room and back into the kitchen where once again he opened the freezer.
“There’s two halves of two different popsicles left over that I doubt he’s gonna miss. Do you want red or blue?” He asked you, having no care which flavor he had himself.
“Red.” you replied, prompting your husband to hand over half of a red popsicle, the wood underneath sticking out the top, untouched by the knife you used to cut it for your son. Tom took a similar looking blue one for himself and together you peeled off the already opened wrapper and started licking them.
Tired of standing, you led Tom to the nearby sofa in the living room, taking a seat on one of the cushions and patting the one beside you for your husband to sit on to which he happily obliged, allowing you to lay on him as you both got comfortable.
“Today was a good day.” you stated mindlessly, almost finished with your popsicle. Tom set down the now bare stick of his and wrapped his hands around your waist as you laid on him, placing feather light kisses to your hairline.
“It was indeed.”
You were finished with your popsicle now, setting the stick on top of Tom’s discarded one, you turned around in his lap to face him, sitting up so that you could better see his features, better admire the structure that made up his heavenly face.
He plucked one of your hands from your lap and brought it to his lips, kissing the back of it while grinning at you.
“I love you.” you blurted, the words falling from your lips easily as he showered you in affection.
“I love you too.” He replied, pressing another kiss to your knuckle.
“No way.” you whispered with obvious sarcasm.
“Yes way,” Tom joked right back before moving his other hand to the bone above your cheek, his thumb gently caressing your face as he gazed into your eyes. “Would you care for me to show you just how much I love you?”
You smirked, giggling as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
“Yes please,” you nodded.
Tom scanned your smirk and no longer stalled to kiss it away as his lips met yours.
It was slow at first and built as you went along. It wasn’t very long before his tongue was in your mouth forcing a groan out of you.
You wanted to take it further, almost suggesting he carry you to your shared bedroom, but as your son walked into the living room you pushed yourself away from your husband and erased any lewd thoughts from your mind. You swore he had been asleep no more than five minutes ago.
Luckily he hadn’t seen anything and forchabtly for a three year old, smug red faces and crazy hair were not clear indications to him of what had been going on.
“What’s up honey?” you asked, blushing furiously after being nearly caught.
“I did it again!” he cheered with such pride in himself. You smiled, smoothing down some of the strands that were out of place as you stood to usher him out of the room, Tom by your side.
“Good job bud!” your husband praised.
“Can I have another popsicle before bed?” your son asked, ironically also taking notice of the two sticks on the table.
“Did you and daddy have some?” he questioned curiously.
You nodded with Tom, picking up the sticks to throw them in the nearest bin.
“Yep, we did.” you affirmed.
“Oh cool!” your son grinned. “Can I see your colored tongue?”
You shrugged and opened your mouth, Tom doing the same so that your son could see. Instantly the face of your toddler skewed into one of confusion and you felt immediate guilt.
“How’d you get purple tongues if there aren’t purple popsicles?”
You looked at Tom absolutely mortified, catching sight of his purple tongue before he shared your expression.
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commitmentissue · 8 months
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obviously diana has been handling the skill learning while floyd's been helping where he can
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picknmixsims · 2 years
Toddler Memories
Toddler Memories
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The 'Toddler Memories - Learnt Nursery Rhyme' mod gives toddlers the missing "Learnt Nursery Rhyme" positive memory.
While the 'Toddler Memories - Never Learnt Skills' mod gives negative memories for not being taught to walk, to talk, the nursery rhyme, or being potty trained.
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The 'Toddler Memories - Never Learnt Skills' mod requires Age Transition Messages.
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vampiregirl2345 · 12 days
Opinion as a parent:
All "family" restrooms in public buildings need to have a kid-sized toilet. Not everyone using them is changing a kid's diaper and it's very uncomfortable for potty-training toddlers to try and use an adult-sized toilet. I'm about to start potty training my toddler and i don't think it's very fair to make me drag around a portable kids potty because nothing is built for children. For clarification, i mean the ones that are labeled "family restroom" with a single-use toilet, sink, and changing table all in one room with a locking door.
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foxtrot91 · 14 days
Smelt something so I turned to my son and said “did you poop?” And immediately his response was “RUN AWAAAAYYYYY!” While frantically running away from me.
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getoutofthisplace · 6 months
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Dear Gus & Magnus,
Magnus is doing pretty good at peeing in his potty, but he's still pooping in his pants, and he's not telling us when he needs to go. This morning, though, while we were downstairs playing pinball, he told me he needed to go poop. We sat on the potty for a while, but he never went. We've stooped to offering him chocolate chips for peeing, a sucker for pooping -- hopefully that will provide the incentive he needs to master this.
While Mom went to the grocery store and worked on dinner tonight, Gus grabbed his scooter, Mags his Strider bike, and we walked over to Midland and back up Ridgeway to our house. You both did really well on your respective vehicles and I got excited about the idea of taking longer walks in the near future.
Little Rock, Arkansas. 3.17.2024 - 4.58pm.
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impishtubist · 8 months
last line game
I was tagged by @soloorganaas <3
"What did you do?" "He wanted the green bowl," Sirius said over Teddy's cries. "I gave him the green bowl. Clearly, I'm the worst father in the world."
Open tag because I'm lazy.
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risquefanfics457 · 2 years
The kiwi
“Today is the day.” I toss open the curtains.
“Ughh…” Josuke rolls over in bed, “The day for what?”
I put my hands on my hips, “Joanna is 22 months old! Today is the day we start potty training!”
Josuke shields his eyes from the sun, “It’s so early… oh well, have fun.”
“Fun is not the objective today, sweetheart! Today is about progress!”
“You’re right. My objective today is to get up.”
I giggled, “But you’ve done that a thousand times before.”
“Yeah, but it’s still pretty hard to do.”
I lean over the bed and kiss his forehead, “Good luck then.”
“Good morning, sweetie pie!” I lift the blind from her window.
Joanna blinks sleepily from her crib.
“I made such a yummy breakfast for you! I’ve got some breakfast sausage, apple juice, and cereal and today we are trying kiwi!”
I reached my arms out to her. She looked at me and reluctantly pulled herself up.
“I’m so excited for you, Jojo. We’re going to do so much today!”
.She yawned and rubbed her eyes.
I took her downstairs and plunked her into her highchair before setting the tray out for her. As she always does, she grabbed her juice first. 
“Don’t be scared to try the kiwi, you’ve had to before in puree, but you’ve never tried it on its own.”
She put down the bottle and looked skeptically at the fruit.
I smiled expectantly at her. “Yummy, yummy!”
She glanced back down at her food again and ate the other stuff but stayed clear of the kiwi.
Once it was the only thing left on her tray, she lifted her arms to let out, 
“All gone.” She exclaimed.
“Uh, hey, why don’t we try this?” I nudged it toward her.
She pulled away as much as she could and pouted, “No dank you.”
“But it’s my favourite, and you’re my duaghter.” I pleaded, I took a piece and ate it, smiling, “It’s so good! Yum!”
She pushed the remaining pieces toward me. 
“Uh, no no. I don’t want it. It’s for you!”
“Is for you.” She replied, copying me.
I mentally kicked myself. If breakfast was going to be a battle, what was the rest going to look like?
“Yeah, just sit down and go pee.”
She looked totally perplexed.
“It’s easy, it’s just like your diaper, but cleaner and I don’t have to change you,” I said wistfully.
She looked as lost as she did a minute ago
“You know what? You probably don’t need to go.” I pulled her pants up and let her go. She got up and ran excitedly down the hall to go find something to play with.
I watched her as she went, and with every step, it seemed her diaper got more full and saggy.
I threw my arms up, exasperated, “Oh come on!” 
“How many tries is that?”
I looked up exhausted at my husband Josuke who stood against the frame of the bathroom door.
“5 now.”
He laughed with his cup of coffee in hand. “Wow, you are determined.” He reached his other arm toward me to help me off of the bathroom floor.
“Not as much as I was earlier.” I dusted myself off.
“Well, it isn’t easy.”
“Well, it should be.” I crossed my arms defiantly, “It’s not hard to do.”
“Maybe that’s because she’s more like me than we first thought.”
“Why do you say that?” 
He took a sip of his coffee, “Because it took me ages to finally get out of bed, and because this is my second cup this morning.”
I looked at him, confused as to how they related.
He laughed, “Maybe it’s because it’s too early. Let her do things at her pace.”
“But, some parents said that she should be starting potty training now.”
“Yeah, sure. But a lot of other people say that children all run their own race. She’ll do it when she’s ready.”
I lean against him, “Okay.”
“By the way, you left Kiwi on the counter, can you move it? I hate the way it feels if I touch it. So slimy.” He shuddered
“God, you really are her dad.”
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Pepa held Antonio’s hand to make their way to Casita’s only bathroom. She told him there was a surprise for him there. They made their way inside the bathroom to see a small, light blue potty training seat in front of the bigger toilet. Pepa kneeled down in front of Antonio to his level to explain the change.
“Antonio, now that you’re going to be three years old very soon, and you’ve been doing a very good job keeping your diaper dry for long periods of time, it’s time for you to go to the potty like a big boy.”
Antonio looked at the potty, and then back at his mother. “Potty?”
“Yes, Tonito; you’re going to start using the potty. That means soon, you won’t need to wear diapers anymore. You’re going to start wearing big boy underwear like your big brother, Camilo.”
Antonio smiled and bounced, then gave his mother a hug. He then pulled down his pants and his training pants, and sat on the potty. He was so excited to start using the potty that he wanted to start as soon as he possibly could.
“Corazon, if you ever feel like you need to go to the potty, you can tell me and I can help you. But we’re going to need to buy some brand new underwear for you. Do you want to go to town with me to pick out some new underwear?”
Antonio got up from the potty and pulled up his pants. He jumped into his mother’s arms and they made their way downstairs to head to the village to pick out underwear for him. Felix came from the kitchen to come with his wife and son, and Dolores and Camilo noticed them heading out the door of Casita and wanted to come. Antonio smiled and grabbed his big brother’s hand. The five of them made their way to the village, and now that Antonio is going to have Dolores and Camilo help him pick out underwear, he’s even more excited to start using the potty.
Once they got to the village square, they made their way to Senora Lopez’s tailor shop. She has been friends with the Madrigal family since Agustin started working with her, and later introduced Mirabel to her. Antonio ran into Senora Lopez’s shop and the rest of them followed. Camilo grabbed his little brother and carried him onto his shoulder and headed to Senora Lopez’s front counter.
“Hola, Pepa y Félix! What can we help you with today?” Senora Lopez asked with a smile. 
“We’re beginning to potty train Antonio and we wanted to try and find some underwear for him so he can be more excited to wear them,” Pepa explained.
Senora Lopez walked from the front counter to the children’s undergarments section of the shop. “We have a whole section of underwear for boys that I think would be perfect for Antonio! He would love these.”
Pepa and Felix followed Senora Lopez to the children’s undergarments section and noticed their children perusing through the section to find something for Antonio. Camilo grabbed a pack of underwear that had jaguars on them and handed them to Antonio.
“What do you think about these? These are perfect underwear for a big boy like you,” Camilo said.
Antonio smiled and grabbed the underwear pack from Camilo. “Can I, mami?” he asked happily as he jumped up and down.
“I guess we’ll take those. He seems excited about wearing them,” Felix pointed out as he took the pack of underwear to the counter.
“Perfecto! That will be ten pesos,” Senora Lopez replied.
Pepa grabbed ten pesos out of her purse and gave them to Senora Lopez. She gave her and Felix the underwear and Pepa put the pack inside her purse for safekeeping when they walked home. Dolores gathered Camilo and Antonio and the three made their way back to Pepa and Felix to head back to Casita. As the five of them walked back home, Antonio held his mother’s hand the entire way.
“Are you excited to start wearing your new big boy underwear, Tonito?” Pepa asked as she leaned down to give Antonio a kiss.
“Yes! I want to start wearing underwear and using the potty! Soy un niño grande!” Antonio replied with excitement.
“Mirabel and I can help you if you need any. I know Antonio loves spending time with Mirabel and me, so helping him use the potty can be a great way for us to spend more time with him,” Camilo added.
“Gracias, Camilo; you and Mirabel will be an amazing help for Antonio. And I think Mirabel would be the best fit to help with Felix when we’re out in the village doing our chores,” Pepa explained to her older son.
Camilo hugged his mother from the side as they continued walking in the village and back home. Pepa and Felix already went through potty training with two children already, along with assisting Julieta and Agustin with potty training their daughters, so they knew it was not going to be easy, but it was going to be worth it when Antonio was fully potty trained.
Once everyone got back to Casita, Antonio rushed upstairs to sit on his new potty. He pulled his pants down and sat on his new potty. He sat for what felt like forever, but nothing was coming out. He sat some more, but still, nothing was coming out. Antonio was starting to feel like he was not going to go to the potty for that time, so he gave up and pulled his pants back up. 
“Maybe soon,” he thought to himself as he walked out of the bathroom and back into the nursery to play with Mirabel.
Antonio met up with Mirabel in the nursery to color while he waited for any feeling of needing to go to the bathroom. About an hour later, while they were coloring together, Mirabel noticed Antonio’s pants slightly sagging down.
“Antonio, do you feel like you have to go to the potty?” Mirabel asked.
“No,” Antonio replied.
“Because I think you may need to go. Do you want to at least try?”
Antonio nodded and made his way back to the bathroom. Mirabel waited in the nursery so she could give her cousin some privacy. Once he got to the bathroom he pulled his pants down and noticed his training pants were wet and filled with bowel movement. He cried as he removed his training pants and put them in the garbage. After twenty minutes, Mirabel knocked on the bathroom door to see how Antonio was doing. He was taking so long that she wanted to see if he was okay.
“Antonio, are you okay in there? You’re taking quite a long time.”
“No! I’m never going to go to the potty!”
Mirabel slowly made her way in the bathroom to see what Antonio was so upset about. She saw him crying on the potty and noticed the soiled training pants in the garbage. “Are you upset about not making it to the potty on time?”
Antonio nodded and Mirabel sat on the floor in front of Antonio. He got off of his potty to give his cousin a hug. She gave him a clean pair of training pants to put on and he put them on before putting on his pants. When he was done, he sat on Mirabel’s lap for another hug.
“You don’t need to feel bad. It’s going to take a lot of practice to go to the potty. I had a difficult time going to the potty at first, too. When I was about your age, Abuela gave me a potty that looked just like yours for my birthday. That was when mami, your tia Julieta, talked to me about how Isabela and Luisa use the potty, and it was time for me to use the potty. I was so excited to use my new potty that I sat on it immediately. I sat there for a long time until I decided to wait a little longer. Not that long after, I did end up going to the potty, but it was still in my training pants.
“I felt the same thing as you, that I was never going to go to the potty like Isabela and Luisa and that I was going to be in diapers forever. But there was one day I saw Luisa going to the potty on the big toilet and decided to go with her to my potty. As I was sitting in front of her, I felt something come out of me. I stayed on the potty and Luisa was there to help me wipe. When I was done, Luisa got mami and papi to see that I went to the potty. They were so proud of me, and I was proud of myself.
“It’s going to happen eventually, Antonio. You don’t have to rush it. You can go when you feel like you need to go. And it’s okay if you need help wiping. You have a whole family that can help you.”
Antonio gave Mirabel another hug. He felt better after she told him her potty training story. “Can I go to the potty with you?”
“Sure you can, Antonio; and even when I’m finished, I will be right here to help you wipe yourself.”
Antonio and Mirabel hugged again and they made their way back to the nursery to play some more. While Antonio was still a little impatient to learn how to use the potty and wear his new underwear for the first time, he at least knew that the day he used the potty was going to come eventually. 
Several months have past and Antonio had several unsuccessful attempts at using the potty. He ended up doing his business in several places other than his potty, along with several accidents in his training pants. He was still getting support from the entire family throughout his journey.
Until one day, Pepa walked upstairs to notice the bathroom door was slightly ajar. She put one eye against the crack of the door to see her younger son sitting on his potty, with her youngest niece sitting on the toilet. Pepa took her eye off the opening so it did not look like she was invading their privacy. She went back downstairs as a rainbow shone over her head on her way down.
Only ten minutes later, Antonio ran downstairs to get his parents. He found them in the living room and jumped on Pepa’s lap. “Mami! Papi! Look what I did!” Antonio shouted before pulling Pepa and Felix upstairs and into the bathroom. Mirabel was right in front of the bathroom door when they got there, and the four of them went in, noticing the potty was filled.
Pepa’s rainbow grew brighter as she and Felix held Antonio to give him a hug and a kiss. “We’re so proud of you, Tonito!” Pepa said as she continued kissing her son.
“I felt like I needed to go to the potty, so I asked Mirabel to come with me because she helped me not feel bad about accidents anymore. Now I finally went to the potty!” Antonio said with excitement.
“I let Antonio try to go while I was going, so he didn’t feel alone in doing so,” Mirabel explained to her aunt and uncle. “I saw him upset that he had an accident and I let him know that it was normal for kids his age to have accidents. I told him that I and the rest of the family had accidents while we were still potty training when we were his age.”
Pepa and Felix hugged their youngest child again and gave him the biggest kiss they could. Antonio was just as proud of himself as Pepa, Felix, and Mirabel were of him. Pepa and Felix took the potty over to the toilet and dumped everything inside. Antonio flushed the toilet and made his way to the sink to wash his hands. Mirabel washed hers with him and Pepa and Felix made their way out of the bathroom.
Antonio continued to use his potty successfully with Mirabel and Camilo for the next several weeks, still wearing his training pants during his naps and at night to avoid staining his sheets. He continued practicing every day until he kept his training pants dry throughout the night and Pepa and Felix were confident enough to let him stop wearing his training pants at night. Antonio could not be any prouder of himself.
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paleflower · 2 months
I regret sending my son to daycare. I really do.
Reason: he is unhappy. This week every day after I pick him up, he is behaving super strange. He always wants to leave immediately. Unhappy, throwing tantrums every five minutes over minor things. Not like he is on other days. And he is peeing and pooping his pants at daycare... which sounds crazy to me. He has been dry at home for months now. Sure there might have been an accident or two, but every day?! And the last time he pooped himself was on like... day two of potty training? Which was in... May or so? Like... wtf is going on?
And now I feel uncomfortable sending him there... which I am sure he has noticed.
I'm gonna wait a week or so to see if it gets better or not. Maybe it's just an adjustment after the summer break and will be fine once we're used to this rhythm again. But right now... I feel so bad. I am frustrated.
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harmonizewithechoes · 4 months
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cartoon-skeleton · 9 months
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knaveofmogadore · 5 months
Pretty much all of my advice from years of tutoring, working with foster kids, and helping raise half a dozen toddlers is two questions and an answer:
1) Is there a developmental or medical reason the kid is doing [behavior], or is it a control thing?
2) If it is a control thing, what will I gain from tackling it head on that I wouldn't gain from alternate solutions or by giving up entirely?
And the answer is almost ALWAYS "No one wins when you initiate combat with a toddler, because you're an adult with a million responsibilities, and that kid ain't got nothing else to do. You might get what you wanted, but you'll both still lose"
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superstupendoussims · 5 months
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