#Postal Business Transformation
commsaquitilabs · 5 months
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princess-unipeg · 2 years
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It’s almost Christmas time so I figure it would be the right time to talk about one of my favorite animated Christmas movies.
It’s the story of one postal worker named Jesper and how he participated in (or practically invented) the origins of the Santa Claus myth. Taking place sometime before the 20th century, Jesper was a young man who would rather coast through life living off his family’s wealth rather then partake in the family business. His father the Post Master General decided enough was enough and gave his son an ultimatum. Fulfill a large quota in a certain amount of time or be permanently cut-off financially. A task which proved challenging for Jesper as the mail route he was assigned to had a long history of neighbors battling on a daily basis which meant no one was interested in reaching out to one another even by mail. Just when things are looking hopeless for the guy, Jesper comes across a stray child’s drawing and a widower woodsman. The woodsman who is named Klaus saw the sadness in the child’s drawing and tasks Jesper with giving said child a toy he had made back from when he and his late wife were planning for children they were never able to have. Realizing he could work this to his advantage, Jesper convinced Klaus to keep giving away his old toys to the children so he could fulfill his quota and go back to his wealthy lifestyle. Overtime they both indirectly transform a desolate town into a warm community. Jesper started out as wanting to get back to a life of luxury but that begs a question. If he found the right people, does he want anything more?
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There have been a lot of Christmas movies and specials over the years. Animated ones, live action ones, and romantic ones where the lead learns the true meaning of Christmas from small towns where most times their love interests turn out to be royalty. But this particular recent creation stood out to me. It’s not very commercial, the color schemes are more subtle and it’s not particularly overt with religious tones that usually come with the holiday. It wasn’t so much as about Saving Christmas as it is with Saving a community with Christmas.
It’s particularly a down-to-earth kind of Christmas movie where it’s not very clear about the magic occurrences that goes on in particular scenes. It also gives credit to the postal service. Portraying it as the serious function to society as it’s meant to be. It also serves a bit of a humorous tongue-in-cheek wink to the instance of Santa Claus taking credit for the deliveries made by the put-upon postal worker. We also get representation for the Sammi people, which rarely happens even in live action works. Not to mention how they serve the plot and the contribution to the reindeer element of Christmas.
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Overall this movie deserves love and praise for its themes of community and good deeds sparking a chain reaction of positive change. This deserves to be in the top ten list for Christmas movies to watch annually.
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archivist-crow · 7 months
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On this day:
On March 6, 1952, during a thunderstorm, postal worker Walter Bager watched as a bolt of lightning struck a power pole, became a ball of lightning, and jumped to the ground. Before vanishing, the ball lightning hit a parked bicycle, shooting it several feet up into the air. Lightning then landed on the top of the postman's umbrella, knocking it from his hands. This incident took place in one of the two towns in Santa Clara County, California, where fireballs were recorded dancing along power lines and in and out of houses. The two towns were thirty miles apart.
In 1919, according to a Monthly Weather Review story, a "ball of fire as large as a washtub was floating low in the air" at a busy downtown intersection in Salina, Kansas. Upon exploding, it created a "bang that resembled the noise made by the discharge of a large pistol, filling the air with balls of fire as large as baseballs, which floated away in all directions. Some of the balls followed trolley and electric light wires in a snaky sort of manner and some simply floated off through the air independently of any objects near by. An electric switch box across the street was ripped open and a transformer destroyed, leaving the east side of the town in darkness."
In 1915, in Columbia, Missouri, during a thunderstorm, a man standing by a window in his house heard a sound like a shotgun blast. Soon after, his telephone clicked, and a small "bubble-like sphere of light" emerged from the mouthpiece and drifted toward him. It rolled around the windowsill and then disappeared.
Text from: Almanac of the Infamous, the Incredible, and the Ignored by Juanita Rose Violins, published by Weiser Books, 2009
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incorrectbatfam · 1 year
Sidequest: The Viper Pit [snippet]
Batfamily Week 2023 day 5: Fantasy AU | Friendship/Team Bonding | “There’s more of you?!”
Duke buys a d20 from a mysterious pop-up shop, transforming an ordinary homebrew campaign into the beginning of We Are Robin’s next adventure.
Where were they?!
Panic filled Duke as he dismantled the couch cushions for the third time searching for his Wizards and Warlocks dice. His friends were gonna be here any minute and without the dice, there wouldn’t be a game and he would’ve spent eighteen hours writing his campaign for nothing. 
He found another batarang under the sink, but no dice. Groaning, he tossed it onto the small pile accumulating in the hall. 
Was it time to throw in the towel? He checked his watch. He couldn’t ask Bruce ‘cause he was out with Selina, or his siblings because they were busy, or even Alfred since he was out for the day. Too bad he wasn’t a Flash, otherwise he could sneakily buy some more time. And his only Flash friend (more like acquaintance) was Ace West, the Rube Goldberg of unintended consequences. 
Duke texted his friends that he might be late and told them where the spare key was before hopping on his bike, the GPS pinpointing every game store in Bristol
…which were all closed, because it was almost 7:30. 
In hindsight, he should’ve looked up their hours first. Then maybe he wouldn’t be screaming the fuck-word into a blue postal box after his fifth stop. 
Did Wayne Enterprises have fifteen-minute delivery? Did they even have a gaming subdivision?  
He briefly registered a text from Riko telling him they were there and that Dre would eat his food if he didn’t show. Sighing, Duke hopped on his bike and ran through his other options as he made his way back. Maybe he could fold origami ones? But that would take forever. 
At one of the red lights, he spotted a cardboard sign pointing toward a garage sale. Furniture. Clothes. Games. 
Everyone honked when he cut across two lanes. He shouted a quick apology and turned into a narrow alleyway with empty trash cans and shuttered windows. For a second, he thought he was in the wrong place, but another sign in the same font pointed to a slightly subterranean door with metal bars over the tiny window. 
Was he about to enter a murder dungeon? For board game dice?
Sure, why not. Worst case scenario, Jason bakes him a Welcome To The Dead Robins Club cake. 
The door swung open before he even knocked. He looked around for a motion sensor, but the place looked like the 1800s. A single bell rang as he stepped in.
“Hello? I’m here for the garage sale. Though this isn’t much of a garage.”
Walking through the maze of dimly lit shelves felt like writing in cursive for the first time. There were no signs or placards telling him where things were and nothing was grouped together. He found books with worn spines next to colorful glass orbs. An animal skull hung from the same rack as long robes and Renaissance-style dresses. He counted no less than a dozen candelabras scattered about. A cracked mirror stood against the wall. Wind chimes dangled from the ceiling, brushing the top of his head. Oh, and look, more orbs . Plus the dust itched his nose. 
He pushed a jewelry box aside to look into the next aisle. 
Suddenly: eyes. 
Read the rest on Ao3
Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4
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regallibellbright · 9 months
Tag Meme: 9 Favorite Characters
tagged by @talysalankil
Gonna copy your "one per series/franchise" because otherwise there is a genuine risk Precures and TWEWYs would eat it whole. In no particular order, and with definite "What's on my mind right now" bias:
Xion (Kingdom Hearts)
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No surprise there, and yes, I did intentionally get a screenshot from the post-Riku fight for this.
2. Cure Grace/Nodoka Hanadera and Rabirin (Healin' Good Precure)
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(Look, they transform as a pair, their transformation phrase is "Two flowers as one," I'm counting them both. "Then shouldn't you use a screenshot of Cure Grace?" Shut up.)
3. Anthy Himemiya (Revolutionary Girl Utena)
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Yes, I saved this image as "Anthy Himemiya Is A Weird Girl Who Keeps Snails In Her Pencil Case."
4. Yoshiya "Joshua" Kiryu (The World Ends With You)
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... Yes, choosing his most insufferably smug dialogue sprite was necessary, why do you ask?
5. The Luidaeg (October Daye)
"I am the sea witch. I am the tide you fear and the turning you can't deny. I am the sound of the waves running over your bones on the beach, little man, and I am not amused at finding you on my doorstep." She took a step forward. He took a step back. "I won't punish you for obeying orders the way she would. But I can't let an insult go unanswered. You know how it goes." A smile twisted her lips. "I'm actually grateful. You see, there are... rules... that govern what I can and can't do. But you broke them first. Now I get to do something I don't get to do very often. Now I get to play." ... "What did you do?" "Nothing they hadn't allowed by coming onto my territory. Every soul who came here on the Queen's business will go home, go to bed, and sleep soundly, dreaming the sweetest of dreams." Something about that statement had teeth. I paused, and then ventured, "For how long?" The Luidaeg smiled brilliantly. "Until something wakes them up. True love, childbirth, and bees are all on the table."
(Chimes at Midnight, Chapter Seven, pages 91-92) The wiki also uses the "I am the sea witch" bit as her epigraph but as a known lover of "true love, childbirth, and bees are all on the table" I felt it best to include the full exchange.
6. Lio Fotia (Promare)
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(This BARELY beat out something from the Kakusei sequence but I love how fluffy his hair is as he tosses it.)
7. Ventuswill/Venti (Rune Factory 4)
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Tragic immortal dragon god BFF <3
8. Moist von Lipwig (Discworld)
Never promise to do the possible. Anyone could do the possible. You should promise to do the impossible, because sometimes the impossible was possible, if you could find the right way, and at least you could often extend the limits of the possible. And if you failed, well, it had been impossible.
(Going Postal) Okay, it's him and Vimes, but I figured I'd go for Moist for the variety since everyone loves Vimes.
9. Okay there were a LOT of characters I considered for this, like, seriously, I went from "hm I can't think of anyone" to "ugh I have TOO MANY options" in very little time, but ultimately, while this might be recency bias at the moment, it is also true:
Missile (Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective)
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The goodest boy in gaming.
(Runners-up from things that aren't otherwise represented here include Surge the Tenrec from Sonic IDW, Miles Naismith Vorkosigan from the Vorkosigan Saga, Rose Aleon from Birdie Wing, Grovyle from Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers, and huge enough swathes of the casts of Dumbing of Age and Girl Genius that I just didn't even bother trying to narrow those down.)
Tagging: In general assume I do this as an open invite to anyone seeing it, but just to name a couple people, @thesternest, @denizenhardwick, @mehanios, @purplelea, @yurisorcerer, @yoshiyakiryu
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ingek73 · 2 years
Why are women so marginalised by the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame?
Courtney Love
Barely 8% of its inductees are female. The canon-making doesn’t just reek of sexist gatekeeping, but also purposeful ignorance and hostility
Fri 17 Mar 2023 08.00 GMT
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Fourth time lucky? Kate Bush on stage in 1986.
I got into this business to write great songs and have fun. I was a quick learner. I read every music magazine I could get my hands on and at 12, after digesting many issues of Creem, I decided to base my personality on Lester Bangs, the rock critic raconteur; his abiding belief in the transformative power of a great rock song matched mine. (I also obsessed over his running arguments with Lou Reed – they confounded me, but I loved it.) Artists and their songs shaped my life, my beliefs, my self-conception as a musician – Patti Smith’s growling Pissing in the River, Heart’s Barracuda, the Runaways’ Dead End Justice, which I still know every word of. But what no magazine or album could teach me or prepare me for was how exceptional you have to be, as a woman and an artist, to keep your head above water in the music business.
The magnificent Chuck D rapped: “Elvis is a hero to most, but he doesn’t mean shit to me.” I concur. Big Mama Thornton first sang Hound Dog, written for her (and possibly with her) in 1952, which later put the King on the radio. Sister Rosetta Tharpe covered it, too, hers being the fiercest version. Her song Strange Things Happen Every Day was recorded in 1944. It was these songs, and her evangelical guitar playing, that changed music for ever and created what we now call rock’n’roll.
When the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame started in 1983, you would have thought they might want to begin with Sister Rosetta, with those first chords that chimed the songbook we were now all singing from. The initial inductees were Chuck Berry, James Brown, Ray Charles, Little Richard, Sam Cooke, Fats Domino, the Everly Brothers, Buddy Holly, Jerry Lee Lewis and Elvis Presley; not a woman in sight. Sister Rosetta didn’t get in until the Rock Hall was publicly shamed into adding her in 2018. (She was on a US postal stamp two decades before the Rock Hall embraced her.) Big Mama Thornton, whose recording of Ball’n’Chain also shaped this new form of music? Still not in. Today, just 8.48% of the inductees are women.
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Long overlooked … Sister Rosetta Tharpe. Photograph: Chris Ware/Getty Images
The nominations for this year’s class, announced last month, offered the annual reminder of just how extraordinary a woman must be to make it into the ol’ boys club. (Artists become eligible 25 years after releasing their first record.) More women were nominated in one year than at any time in its 40-year history. There were the iconoclasts: Kate Bush, Cyndi Lauper, Missy Elliott; two women in era-defining bands: Meg White of the White Stripes and Gillian Gilbert of New Order; and a woman who subverted the boys club: Sheryl Crow.
Yet this year’s list featured several legendary women who have had to cool their jets waiting to be noticed. This was the fourth nomination for Bush, a visionary, the first female artist to hit No 1 in the UK chart with a song she wrote (1979’s Wuthering Heights), at 19. She became eligible in 2004. That year, Prince was inducted – deservedly, in his first year of eligibility – along with Jackson Browne, ZZ Top, Traffic, Bob Seger, the Dells and George Harrison. The Rock Hall’s co-founder and then-chairman Jann Wenner (also the co-founder of Rolling Stone) was inducted himself. But Bush didn’t make it on the ballot until 2018 – and still she is not in.
Never mind that she was the first woman in pop history to have written every track on a million-selling debut. A pioneer of synthesisers and music videos, she was discovered last year by a new generation of fans when Running Up That Hill (A Deal With God) featured in the Netflix hit Stranger Things. She is still making albums. And yet there is no guarantee of her being a shoo-in this year. It took the Rock Hall 30-plus years to induct Nina Simone and Carole King. Linda Ronstadt released her debut in 1969 and became the first woman to headline stadiums, yet she was inducted alongside Nirvana in 2014. Most egregiously, Tina Turner was inducted as a solo artist three decades after making the grade alongside her abuser, Ike.
Why are women so marginalised by the Rock Hall? Of the 31 people on the nominating board, just nine are women. According to the music historian Evelyn McDonnell, the Rock Hall voters, among them musicians and industry elites, are 90% male.
The Rock Hall’s canon-making doesn’t just reek of sexist gatekeeping, but also purposeful ignorance and hostility
You can write the Rock Hall off as a “boomer tomb” and argue that it is building a totem to its own irrelevance. Why should we care who is in and who is not? But as scornful as its inductions have been, the Rock Hall is a bulwark against erasure, which every female artist faces whether they long for the honour or want to spit on it. It is still game recognising game, history made and marked.
The Rock Hall is a king-making force in the global music industry. (In the US, it is broadcast on HBO.) Induction affects artists’ ticket prices, their performance guarantees, the quality of their reissue campaigns (if they get reissued at all). These opportunities are life-changing – the difference between touring secondary-market casinos opening for a second-rate comedian, or headlining respected festivals. The Rock Hall has covered itself in a sheen of gravitas and longevity that the Grammys do not have. Particularly for veteran female artists, induction confers a status that directly affects the living they are able to make. It is one of the only ways, and certainly the most visible, for these women to have their legacy and impact honoured with immediate material effect. “These ain’t songs, these is hymns,” to quote Jay-Z.
The bar is demonstrably lower for men to hop over (or slither under). The Rock Hall recognised Pearl Jam about four seconds after they became eligible – and yet Chaka Khan, eligible since 2003, languishes with seven nominations. All is not lost, though – the Rock Hall is doing a special programme for Women’s History Month on her stagewear ...
What makes Khan’s always-a-bridesmaid status especially tragic is that she was, is and always will be a primogenitor. A singular figure, she has been the Queen of Funk since she was barely out of her teens. As Rickie Lee Jones said: “There was Aretha and then there was Chaka. You heard them sing and knew no one has ever done that before.”
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Unworthy … Chaka Khan on stage in Toronto in 2018. Photograph: Rich Fury/Getty Images for Netflix
Yet Khan changed music; when she was on stage in her feathered kit, taking Tell Me Something Good to all the places it goes, she opened up a libidinal new world. Sensuality, Blackness: she was so very free. It was godlike. And nothing was ever the same.
But for all her exceptional talent and accomplishments – and if there is one thing women in music must be, it is endlessly exceptional – Khan has not convinced the Rock Hall. Her credits, her Grammys, her longevity, her craft, her tenacity to survive being a young Black woman with a mind of her own in the 70s music business, the bridge to Close the Door – none of it merits canonisation. Or so sayeth the Rock Hall.
The Rock Hall’s canon-making doesn’t just reek of sexist gatekeeping, but also purposeful ignorance and hostility. This year, one voter told Vulture magazine that they barely knew who Bush was – in a year she had a worldwide No 1 single 38 years after she first released it. Meg White’s potential induction as one half of the White Stripes (in their first year of eligibility) has sparked openly contemptuous discourse online; you sense that if voters could get Jack White in without her, they would do it today. And still: she would be only the third female drummer in there, following the Go-Go’s Gina Shock and Mo Tucker of the Velvet Underground. Where is Sheila E – eligible since 2001?
It doesn’t look good for Black artists, either – the Beastie Boys were inducted in 2012 ahead of most of the Black hip-hop artists they learned to rhyme from. A Tribe Called Quest, eligible since 2010 and whose music forged a new frontier for hip-hop, were nominated last year and again this year, a roll of the dice against the white rockers they are forced to compete with on the ballots.
If so few women are being inducted into the Rock Hall, then the nominating committee is broken. If so few Black artists, so few women of colour, are being inducted, then the voting process needs to be overhauled. Music is a lifeforce that is constantly evolving – and they can’t keep up. Shame on HBO for propping up this farce.
If the Rock Hall is not willing to look at the ways it is replicating the violence of structural racism and sexism that artists face in the music industry, if it cannot properly honour what visionary women artists have created, innovated, revolutionised and contributed to popular music – well, then let it go to hell in a handbag.
• Courtney Love is a singer, musician and actor
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vidhya777 · 7 months
Unlocking Success: Exploring the Key Roles Involved in Digital Marketing
The digital landscape is in a constant state of flux, and at the heart of this evolution is Digital Marketing. As businesses strive to keep up with the relentless pace of technological advancement, digital marketing has transformed from a nice-to-have into an absolute necessity. Consider enrolling in the Digital Marketing Course in Coimbatore to acquire valuable skills and knowledge essential for mastering effective digital marketing strategies and achieving success in the competitive online landscape. In this blog, we will peel back the curtain to reveal the critical roles that contribute to a successful digital marketing strategy—the unsung heroes who capture clicks, conversions, and clients.
Understanding the Scope of Digital Marketing
Digital Marketing at its core is an umbrella term for all marketing efforts that utilize digital channels to connect with current and prospective customers. It transcends beyond mere online advertising to encompass content creation, search engine optimization, social media strategy, and much more.
The leap from traditional to digital marketing is akin to the difference between mailing a handwritten letter and sending an instant message. The message might be similar, but the medium opens up a whole new world of possibilities—and challenges. Knowing who powers these digital endeavors is crucial for any business aiming to stay competitive.
The Key Roles Involved in Digital Marketing
Every successful campaign is the result of a team effort. Here are some of the vital positions that form the backbone of a proficient digital marketing team:
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Strategists are the architects of the digital world. They design the blueprint for campaigns and make the high-level decisions on targeting, platforms, and budget. With a bird’s-eye view, they plot the course leading toward revenue goals and brand expansion.
SEO Specialists are the magicians of the internet, making your content appear as if by magic at the top of search engine results. Through a concoction of keyword research, on-page optimization, and backlink strategies, they ensure your online presence is visible to those who are searching for it.
Content Marketers are the storytellers. They weave narratives through blogs, videos, infographics, and other mediums that educate, entertain, and engage your audience. Great content is what hooks potential customers and keeps them coming back for more.
Social Media Marketers are the party hosts of the internet. Through platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, they foster communities, engage in conversations, and build relationships on behalf of your brand. Their strategy ensures that your social media presence resonates with your audience.
Email Marketers are akin to the dependable postal workers of the digital world, delivering personalized, content-rich messages directly to your audience's inbox. They segment lists, craft compelling stories, and drive conversions through targeted campaigns.
The Synergy of Roles
Individually, these roles are impressively powerful, but it’s their synergy that truly unlocks success. Imagine an orchestra where each instrument plays a critical part in harmonizing the overall symphony. That is the cross-functional team in digital marketing: strategists setting the tempo, SEOs tuning the visibility, content creators crafting the melody, social media marketers engaging the audience, and email marketers sending out the final applause-worthy performance.
Future of Digital Marketing
Looking ahead, it’s clear that technology will continue to be a defining factor in the digital marketing landscape. AI is slowly automating personalization, Big Data is providing unprecedented insights, and who knows what roles will be needed tomorrow? Marketers who are adaptable and willing to embrace new tools will be those who stay ahead of the curve. By undertaking Digital Marketing Online Training, individuals acquire practical expertise and understanding essential for crafting and implementing effective digital marketing campaigns. 
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This panoramic view of key digital marketing roles underscores just how multidimensional and interconnected the field really is. Success is rarely the product of random chance but the result of well-coordinated team efforts. Each role is a unique thread in the larger tapestry of digital strategy, and understanding them is indispensable for anyone seeking to make their mark in the digital realm.
Are you inspired to become one of these digital dynamos? Many resources and courses are available online to help you get started. Whether you’re considering a switch in careers or looking to enhance your current digital marketing strategy, tap into these roles to unlock your success. The digital world waits for no one—so dive in, and start making waves.
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consumed-by-fandom · 1 year
New DIDude Fic: Till The Sunrise Dies
It’s done! The first chapter of my first Postal longfic is out, and what I’m going to be working on for the next few months! I’m honestly really excited about this one since its what the last few oneshots have been building up to, so I hope y’all enjoy it as much as I will writing it :3
For those who want a quick synopsis: Dude and Co travel to their hometown and realise that a lifetime of trauma and constantly being threatened with death isn’t actually good for your mental health? And they also try to reunite with an old childhood friend while trying not to jinx the town into Postal typical shenanigans. Fun for all the family!
I figured out how to do actual links! Yippie here you go:
I do have a shorter fic I may work on while this one is in the works but that entirely depends on how busy I become within the next month or so. I’m also working on my own personal writing projects so for now just expect this one to be updated now and again.
Also maybe go read my previous stuff in the DIDude series if you haven’t already? 👉👈
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gosucceed · 1 year
Business Name: GoSucceed
Street Address: Plus X Innovation Hub, Lewes Rd.
City: Brighton
County: Brighton
Postal Code: BN2 4GL
Country: United Kingdom
Business Phone: 01273 750450
Business Email: [email protected]
Website: https://gosucceed.co.uk/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gosucceed.co.uk
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/salters-monroe-ltd-gosucceed/
Business Description: Our dedicated team collaborates with businesses of all sizes to identify challenges and goals, providing innovative solutions for lasting success. With GoSucceed, unlock your company's full potential.
Google My Business CID URL: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=1669999231231739954
Business Hours: Sunday Closed Monday 8:30am-5pm Tuesday 8:30am-5pm Wednesday 8:30am-5pm Thursday 8:30am-5pm Friday 8:30am-5pm Saturday Closed
Payment Methods: Stripe, Bank Transfer, Direct Debit
Services: Strategic Business Consulting, Business Operations, Financial & Risk Management, Talent & Leadership Development, Sales, Marketing, & Branding Solutions, Innovation & Business Transformation
Keywords: Business consulting, SME consulting, Strategic consulting, Financial management, Risk management, Sales strategy, Marketing strategy, Branding solutions, Talent development, Leadership development, Innovation consulting, Business transformation, Process optimization, Change management, Performance metrics, KPI development, Workforce planning, Project management, Operational efficiency, Business growth strategy, Business strategy Ireland, Management consulting, Small business consulting
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Bridging Festivity and Craftsmanship: The Ultimate Christmas Card for Construction Enthusiasts
The holiday season is a time of joy, nostalgia, and creativity. For many, it's also a reminder of the cherished tradition of exchanging Christmas cards—a gesture that retains its charm despite the digital age. This year, a delightful trend is emerging that caters to niche interests, particularly those who find their passion at the intersection of construction, design, and DIY crafts. Enter the world of Construction Christmas Card Intricate designs, where craftsmanship meets festivity most delightfully.
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A Brief Evolution of Christmas Cards
The tradition of sending Christmas cards dates back to the mid-19th century. Sir Henry Cole, a civil servant in Victorian England, is credited with creating the first commercial Christmas card in 1843. What began as a way to promote the newly established postal service quickly became a global phenomenon. Over the years, these cards have evolved from simple illustrations to complex and diverse expressions of holiday cheer.
Today, Christmas cards are not just about conveying a message; they are a canvas for personal expression and a means to showcase one's interests. It's no surprise that themes ranging from pets to sports have found their way onto these small, festive canvases. However, construction-themed cards—themed around tools, blueprints, and iconic structures—are making a unique mark on the holiday card scene.
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Celebrating Craftsmanship with Handmade Construction Cards
For those who live and breathe construction, from hobbyists to professional craftsmen, the idea of a construction-themed Christmas card is particularly appealing. What sets these cards apart is the artistry and dedication of the artisans who create them. These are not your typical store-bought cards; they are meticulously crafted pieces that speak volumes about the sender's appreciation for the art of building.
Imagine receiving a card with miniature pop-up cranes or delicately sketched blueprints of famous buildings. These cards are more than just paper and ink—they are a tactile experience that resonates with the recipient's passion for construction. It's an intimate nod to the intricate work that goes into building something from the ground up, whether it be a skyscraper or a simple gazebo.
The Intersection of Festive Traditions and Niche Interests
Personalization is key in today's world, where the mass-produced often feels impersonal. The beauty of construction-themed Christmas cards lies in their ability to merge festive traditions with niche interests, offering a truly personalized touch. For DIY enthusiasts, these cards provide a chance to showcase their skills and passions during the holiday season.
Consider a card adorned with a miniature hammer or saw, or one that cleverly incorporates construction puns into its festive message. These thoughtful details transform a simple greeting into a memorable keepsake, enhancing the holiday experience for both the giver and the receiver.
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Supporting Independent Artists and Small Businesses
Opting for handcrafted construction-themed cards not only adds a personal touch to holiday greetings but also supports independent artists and small businesses. In a market saturated with mass-produced goods, these unique creations stand out as a testament to the value of handmade artistry.
By purchasing from local artisans, you are investing in the talent and creativity of individuals who pour their hearts into each piece. This support fosters a community of crafters who continue to innovate and inspire, ensuring that traditions like sending Christmas cards remain vibrant and meaningful.
The marriage of construction themes with festive cards offers a refreshing take on a beloved holiday tradition. Whether you're a construction enthusiast, a crafter, or someone who appreciates the art of personalization, these Construction Christmas Card Intricate designs are a perfect way to celebrate the season. They honor the spirit of craftsmanship while bringing a unique twist to holiday greetings.
This Christmas, consider stepping away from the generic and explore the world of handcrafted cards that celebrate both festivity and craftsmanship. Your choice will delight recipients and contribute to the thriving community of artisans dedicated to making the holidays special.
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zippyy69 · 10 days
Top Logistics Company in India: Zippyy - Revolutionizing Supply Chain Efficiency
The logistics industry in India has undergone a remarkable transformation over the past decade, driven by rapid economic growth, the rise of e-commerce, and advancements in technology. As one of the largest logistics markets in the world, India is home to numerous players, but Zippyy stands out as a top logistics company in India, redefining supply chain efficiency and setting new standards in the logistics sector. This article delves into the logistics landscape in India, explores the significance of Zippyy, and examines the future of logistics in the country.
The Growing Importance of the Logistics Sector in India
The logistics sector in India is a critical component of the economy, contributing approximately 14.4% to the GDP and employing around 22 million people. The industry is projected to grow from a valuation of USD 250 billion in 2021 to USD 380 billion by 2025, reflecting a healthy growth rate of 10-12% year-on-year. This growth is fueled by several factors, including the increasing demand for efficient supply chain solutions, the expansion of e-commerce, and government initiatives aimed at improving infrastructure and reducing logistics costs.
Key Drivers of Growth
E-commerce Boom: The rapid growth of e-commerce in India has significantly impacted the logistics industry. As more consumers turn to online shopping, the demand for efficient shipping logistics companies has surged. This trend has led to the emergence of new logistics players and the expansion of existing ones, including Zippyy, which offers tailored e-commerce shipping solutions.
Technological Advancements: The integration of technology in logistics operations has revolutionized the industry. Companies are increasingly adopting automation, data analytics, and digital tools to enhance operational efficiency and customer experience. Zippyy leverages cutting-edge technology to optimize its logistics processes, ensuring timely and cost-effective deliveries.
Government Initiatives: The Indian government has implemented several policies and initiatives, such as the National Logistics Policy and the Logistics Efficiency Enhancement Programme, to streamline logistics operations and reduce costs. These efforts aim to bring down logistics costs from 13-14% of GDP to 10%, making Indian goods more competitive in the global market.
Zippyy: A Leader in the Logistics Industry
As a top logistics company in India, Zippyy has established itself as a leader in the logistics sector by offering innovative solutions and exceptional service. The company has transformed traditional logistics practices through its commitment to efficiency, cost savings, and customer satisfaction.
Comprehensive Logistics Solutions
Zippyy provides a wide range of logistics services, including transportation, warehousing, and last-mile delivery. The company's extensive network covers over 30,000 postal codes across India, ensuring that businesses can reach their customers efficiently. Zippyy's services are designed to cater to the diverse needs of various industries, making it one of the best logistics companies in the country.
Cost-Effective Shipping Solutions
One of the key advantages of partnering with Zippyy is its ability to offer significant cost savings. The company claims to reduce shipping costs by up to 30%, allowing businesses to optimize their logistics expenses. This cost-effectiveness is particularly beneficial for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) looking to compete in the market without incurring high logistics costs.
Advanced Technology Integration
Zippyy utilizes advanced technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), to enhance its logistics operations. These technologies enable the company to predict demand fluctuations, optimize routes, and improve overall efficiency. By adopting innovative solutions, Zippyy is not only streamlining its operations but also setting a benchmark for other logistics players in India.
Challenges Facing the Logistics Industry
Despite the promising growth prospects, the logistics industry in India faces several challenges that need to be addressed to sustain its momentum.
Infrastructure Deficits: Inadequate infrastructure remains a significant hurdle for the logistics sector. Poor road conditions, congestion in urban areas, and limited access to transportation facilities can hinder the efficient movement of goods. The government is actively working to improve infrastructure through initiatives like the Bharatmala and Sagarmala projects, which aim to enhance road and port connectivity.
Regulatory Complexities: The logistics sector is often burdened by complex regulatory requirements, which can lead to delays and increased costs. Simplifying these regulations and ensuring compliance will be crucial for the industry's growth.
Skilled Workforce Shortage: The logistics industry requires a skilled workforce to manage operations effectively. However, there is a significant gap in the availability of trained professionals in the sector. Addressing this skill gap through training programs and educational initiatives will be essential for the industry's long-term success.
The Future of Logistics in India
The future of the logistics sector in India looks promising, with several trends expected to shape its evolution.
Emphasis on Sustainability
As global awareness of environmental issues grows, the logistics industry is increasingly focusing on sustainable practices. Companies are adopting eco-friendly transportation methods, optimizing routes to reduce emissions, and implementing green warehousing solutions. Zippyy is committed to sustainability and is actively exploring ways to minimize its environmental impact.
Rise of Automation and Robotics
Automation is set to play a crucial role in the logistics industry, with companies investing in robotic systems for warehousing and last-mile delivery. Automated processes can enhance efficiency, reduce labor costs, and improve accuracy in order fulfillment. Zippyy is at the forefront of this trend, integrating automation into its operations to streamline logistics processes.
Expansion of Last-Mile Delivery Solutions
The last-mile delivery segment is experiencing significant growth, driven by the increasing demand for quick and reliable delivery services. Companies are exploring innovative delivery methods, such as drones and autonomous vehicles, to enhance last-mile logistics. Zippyy is actively investing in these technologies to ensure timely deliveries, particularly in urban areas.
Zippyy has emerged as a top logistics company in India, revolutionizing the logistics sector with its innovative solutions, cost-effective services, and commitment to customer satisfaction. As the logistics industry continues to evolve, Zippyy is well-positioned to lead the charge, leveraging technology and sustainability to meet the growing demands of businesses across the country. With the government's support and a focus on addressing industry challenges, the logistics sector in India is set for a bright future, making it an exciting time for companies like Zippyy to thrive.
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delm-8 · 14 days
Optimize Routes Efficiently with Postcode to Postcode Planner
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Introduction: The Power of a Postcode to Postcode Route Planner
In today's fast-paced world, optimizing routes and ensuring timely deliveries are crucial for both individuals and businesses. Whether you're a courier aiming to streamline deliveries or a business looking to enhance operational efficiency, a postcode to postcode route planner is an invaluable tool. This advanced technology helps in locating named properties, optimizing routes, and making the last mile delivery more efficient, saving both time and money.
How a Postcode to Postcode Route Planner Works
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A postcode to postcode route planner leverages sophisticated algorithms to determine the most efficient route between two postal codes. By inputting the starting and ending postcodes, the planner calculates the optimal path that minimizes travel time and distance. This tool considers various factors such as traffic conditions, road closures, and route preferences to ensure the fastest and most cost-effective route is chosen.
Key Features of a Postcode to Postcode Route Planner
Route Optimization: The planner provides real-time route adjustments based on current traffic data, helping you avoid delays and reduce fuel consumption.
Property Location: It can pinpoint specific addresses within the given postcodes, making it easier to locate named properties and streamline deliveries.
Cost Efficiency: By optimizing routes, the planner helps in reducing travel time and operational costs, leading to significant savings for businesses and individuals alike.
User-Friendly Interface: Most postcode to postcode route planners offer an intuitive interface that allows users to input postcodes quickly and receive route recommendations almost instantly.
Last Mile Delivery Solutions: For businesses, especially those involved in logistics and courier services, the tool improves last mile delivery efficiency by providing the best routes for final delivery stages.
Benefits for Businesses and Individuals
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For businesses, a postcode to postcode route planner can transform logistics operations. By optimizing delivery routes, companies can enhance customer satisfaction with timely deliveries and reduce operational costs. Couriers benefit from reduced travel time and improved route accuracy, which can lead to higher productivity and lower fuel expenses.
Individuals also gain from using such a planner. Whether planning a trip or scheduling multiple stops, the tool helps in managing travel efficiently, saving both time and money.
Conclusion: Embrace Efficiency with Advanced Route Planning
A postcode to postcode route planner is more than just a navigation aid; it is a vital tool for optimizing travel routes and improving efficiency. By incorporating this technology into your logistics strategy, you can enjoy streamlined operations, reduced costs, and enhanced delivery performance. Embrace the power of advanced route planning and experience the difference it can make in your daily operations.
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digitaworld · 18 days
**Anytime Mailbox: A Virtual Mailbox Solution**
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Click here-**Anytime Mailbox: A Virtual Mailbox Solution**
**Overview** Anytime Mailbox is a popular virtual mailbox service that allows individuals and businesses to manage their postal mail online from anywhere in the world. With this service, users can view, open, forward, or shred their mail through a secure online platform, making it ideal for digital nomads, frequent travelers, and remote businesses.
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1. **Remote Mail Management**: Users can access their mail through an app or web portal, making it easy to manage mail without being physically present.
2. **Mail Scanning**: Anytime Mailbox scans the outside of your mail, and upon request, the contents can be scanned and viewed digitally.
3. **Mail Forwarding**: Forward mail to any address worldwide or consolidate items for more cost-effective shipping.
4. **Shredding and Recycling**: Securely dispose of unwanted mail directly through the platform.
5. **Multiple Locations**: Choose from hundreds of locations worldwide for a prestigious business address or convenient personal use.
**Benefits** - **Convenience**: Access and manage your mail from any device, anywhere.
**Privacy and Security**: Your information is kept secure, with strict privacy controls and data encryption.
**Cost-Effective**: Save money on mail forwarding and shipping costs.
**Flexible Plans**: Various subscription plans to fit different needs, from personal use to business requirements.
Anytime Mailbox is a versatile solution that transforms traditional mail handling into a modern, digital experience, making it a valuable tool for anyone looking to streamline their mail management.
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techprastish01 · 18 days
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solarelites · 1 month
Why A.I. Will Forever Change The Solar Business Landscape?
In today’s rapidly evolving business environment, the integration of artificial intelligence (A.I.) is not just a trend, it is a fundamental shift that is reshaping how companies operate across all industries.
According to insights from McKinsey & Company (the world’s largest consulting firm), businesses that leverage A.I. are significantly outperforming those that do not.
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The A.I. Advantage
McKinsey’s recent findings highlight a stark contrast between companies embracing A.I. and those that are hesitant. The data shows that organizations utilizing A.I. technologies are seeing remarkable improvements in efficiency, productivity, and ultimately, profitability.
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The graphs provided by McKinsey illustrate the dramatic differences in performance metrics across various sectors. Companies that harness the power of A.I. are not just keeping pace, they are setting new standards for success.
This trend is expected to accelerate, with A.I. becoming an essential component of business strategy over the next decade.
McKinsey’s Commitment to A.I.
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With a client roster that includes industry giants like Coca-Cola, Microsoft, and the United States Postal Service, McKinsey’s endorsement of A.I. as a critical business tool carries substantial weight.
The Future is Here
The implications of A.I. extend beyond mere efficiency gains. As companies adapt to this technology, they will need to rethink their operational models, workforce structures, Acquisition system, and customer engagement strategies.
A.I. is not just a tool for automation, it is a catalyst for innovation, enabling businesses to explore new markets and enhance their service offerings.
Join the Revolution
At Solar Elites, we understand the transformative potential of A.I. and how it can be harnessed to drive sustainable growth for your Solar Business.  We invite you to explore how A.I. can benefit your Solar business through our free consulting call.
Our experts will help you identify opportunities to integrate A.I. into your operations, ensuring you stay ahead of the competition.
Don’t miss out on the chance to revolutionize your business landscape.  Schedule your free consulting call with Solar Elites today and take the first step towards a more efficient and innovative future.
In conclusion -
The evidence is clear, A.I. is not just a passing phase, it is a fundamental shift that will define the future of your Solar business. As McKinsey aptly puts it, if you are not leveraging A.I., you risk being left behind.
This is a large wave heading towards you, Either You take advantage of it and ride this wave or sink into it. Choice is yours!
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regtech05 · 1 month
From Manual to Automated: How Cheque Collection Can Help Insurance Companies Reduce Unclaimed Settlements
In the insurance industry, managing unclaimed settlements is a persistent challenge that impacts both financial performance and customer satisfaction. Transitioning from manual to automated cheque collection processes offers a transformative solution for reducing unclaimed settlements and enhancing operational efficiency. Here’s how automation can make a significant difference:
1. Accelerated Processing and Delivery
Manual cheque collection processes often involve numerous steps, including manual data entry, physical handling, and postal delays. These steps can result in inefficiencies and increased chances of errors or delays. Automated cheque collection systems streamline these processes by using advanced technologies to issue, track, and deliver cheques quickly and accurately. This acceleration reduces the time between settlement approval and receipt, significantly decreasing the likelihood of cheques going unclaimed.
2. Increased Accuracy and Reduced Errors
Manual cheque processing is prone to human errors, such as incorrect payee details or misdirected payments. Automation minimizes these risks by using technologies like Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and Automated Clearing House (ACH) integration to ensure accurate cheque issuance and delivery. Automated systems verify and cross-check data, reducing the chances of errors that can lead to unclaimed funds.
3. Enhanced Tracking and Transparency
Automated cheque collection provides real-time tracking capabilities, allowing insurance companies to monitor the status of each cheque from issuance to delivery. This transparency enables insurers to quickly identify and address any issues, such as delayed or returned cheques. Real-time updates also keep beneficiaries informed about their payment status, reducing the likelihood of cheques being overlooked or forgotten.
4. Improved Beneficiary Communication
Automation enhances communication with beneficiaries through automated notifications and reminders. Beneficiaries receive timely updates about their settlements, including instructions on how to claim their funds. This proactive communication helps ensure that recipients are aware of their entitlements and act promptly, reducing the number of unclaimed settlements.
5. Streamlined Operations and Cost Savings
Transitioning to automated cheque collection streamlines operations by reducing the manual effort required for processing and handling cheques. This efficiency leads to cost savings associated with administrative tasks and potential errors. Insurance companies can reallocate resources to other critical areas, such as customer service and claims management, enhancing overall business performance.
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