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PIC INFO: Spotlight on John Lydon, formerly "Johnny Rotten" of UK punk rock band the SEX PISTOLS, somewhere in Jamaica, c. 1978. 📸: Dennis Morris.
"After the singer [John] left the band at the start of 1978 he was invited to join Richard Branson and Morris in Jamaica – where Branson was signing reggae groups to Virgin Records, and Morris was shooting images and creating artwork.
“All three of us got on a plane, and arrived in Kingston,” recalled Morris. “When we got there we came out of the airport, and there was a group of Rastas who saw Johnny and said, "Johnny Rotten, mon, God save the Queen, mon."
With Lydon keen to distance himself from the sound of the Sex Pistols, Jamaica was an opportunity to create a new musical identity in the form of PiL. Morris worked as a kind of "fifth Beatle," as he describes it, collecting Lydon’s ideas and translating them into visuals."
-- VINYL FACTORY, "Post-punk paracetamol: How Dennis Morris branded PiL’s subversive visual identity," by Anton Spice, March 22, 2016
Source: https://thevinylfactory.com/features/dennis-morris-interview-pil-first-issue-metal-box.
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gotiqes · 8 months
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀‎ ‏‏‎‎ ‏‏‎‎ sex pistols usernames
⠀⠀⠀⠀punqisex ⠀⠀⠀⠀spunk77 ‏‏‎⠀⠀⠀⠀b00lloqs⠀‎
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possible-streetwear · 20 days
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Johnny Lydon - Public Image Ltd.
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thecreativemillennial · 8 months
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Johnny Rotten and Siouxsie Sioux
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thejojosanctuary · 1 year
Um, if it's not too much trouble, could I have one of Giorno, Mista, and Abbacchino and their stands reacting to their s/o's swarm stand? Like, their stand randomly gives them little things they made and how their stands would be around each other. I read the two previous, and fell in love with the concept immediately.
oh gosh it’s been so long since I went back to the swarm stand idea! I still love those previous ones thank you so much for giving me the chance to revisit this lovely little concept!
♡You’ve never hidden the nature of your stand from Giorno since you’ve been together; stands have become such an integral part of everyday life and you trust your partner far too much to even consider the thought that he may react negatively to them. However that doesn’t mean that your stand isn’t nervous. They prefer to stay in clusters - perhaps because there’s just so many of them that they feel safe in their bigger numbers - but to see anything smaller than that, or individuals, are few and far between until you’ve been with him for a while.
♡In a way they remind Giorno of Mista’s stand, only there’s way more of them. They act both individually and as a hivemind for its user’s will which is inherently fascinating to him, so don’t be surprised if you notice he’s subtly trying to coax you to tell him more about it, interested to see for himself what the stand of his lovely partner could possibly be capable of.
♡He’s observant from the beginning; call it a habit from his upbringing or his current employment but Giorno makes it a habit to take note of the little things and keep them in his mind for later, and your stand gets this exact treatment. He knows the telltale noise that signals you’ve activated your stand, can hear the little skittering of numerous tiny feet bouncing around when they’re present. And he certainly notices the fact that your stand loves doing little things to express how they - and by extension, you - are feeling; namely, through the presents that begin showing up. 
♡Giorno never misses the little gifts that they begin to leave around for him to find, little patchwork presents or items salvaged from long forgotten places all left conveniently where he can find them. His bedside desk is slowly amassing a collection of handmade trinkets; he keeps finding little brooches and shiny buttons in his jacket pockets as he’s getting ready in the mornings; and let’s not even get started on the pretty handmade things that, while deeply appreciated, are better suited for a place where they can be admired and shown off rather than stashed inside his shoes as a surprise.
♡Never one to take a gift ungraciously, Giorno makes it a point to thank these little stands for all of the thoughtful gifts, enjoying the excited little chirps that they make in response as they scramble away clearly chuffed that their offerings are accepted. Over time they become more emboldened, reassured by his gentle approach and clear appreciation for their hard work, and eventually you have to start getting used to seeing your stand always fawning over Giorno in some way whenever it’s activated. 
♡They clearly love him, a few occasionally coming to rest upon his shoulders and darting over his hands or lap when he’s working or relaxing just to keep him company, watching intently over him and continuing those little chirping noises he’s begun to associate with their happiness. It’s endearing really, and only really solidifies just how much his partner loves and trusts him, if the way their stand cuddles against him in small clumps and peacefully naps the time away safe at his side is any indication.
♡It’s almost a little embarrassing how fast your swarm attaches to Gold Experience - literally. Once they’ve started showing the love and attention to Giorno his own stand’s interest is more than piqued, materializing behind him and taking to studying the little bundle of little figures that whizz all around its user. Once again another gift is deposited before Giorno - a small piece that must have once been part of an old necklace, now fashioned into a decorative little piece with the swarm’s personal touch. Gold experience takes a moment to admire the piece, and the handful of little beings that reverently shove it in Giorno’s direction, and decides that it’s only fair to reciprocate the gesture in kind.
Not even a few minutes later you’re almost startled out of your chair in the other room when a bundle of your swarm barrels directly towards you. They gleefully shove what you recognize is one of your favorite flowers up towards your face to proudly show off the gift that Gold Experience kindly made for them, big enough that it takes several of them just to keep the precious item upright. And thus starts an amusing game of back and forth gifts between the two stands, with Giorno eventually having to invest in a small cabinet to show off the collection and you having to clear off the windows in half the house just to make room for the steadily growing garden you’ve got forming with every new interaction with your partner’s stand.
♡Mista honestly didn’t entirely believe that your stand could be made up of that many little creatures. Sure, he’s seen his fair share of weird stuff and has had to throw rationality out of the window more times than he can count for the sake of surviving everything that he’s ever been through. But a swarm? He’s imagining a small little cluster like a bees nest at most and thinks you’re pulling his leg when you explain to him that there’s way more of them than you’ve ever shown to him before.
♡The first time he sees just how many make up your stand is in the middle of a mission. Having lost sight of an enemy and with no idea where they could be the only thing he hears is you muttering that you’re ‘gonna need them all to cover more ground’ before your stand fully manifests, a whole swarm emerging to dart right past where he’s staked out and skittering out into all possible directions before his very eyes. He damn near gives his position away, not expecting the sudden rush of tiny creatures and not too quietly telling you to give him a bit of warning next time as he hops onto higher ground to avoid getting in the swarm’s way.
♡Once things are safe and you’re reunited, Mista finds himself not only swarmed by Sex Pistols coming back together but a collection of your own stand as well, a number of the swarm breaking off from the larger clusters to timidly flitter around him as though checking him for injuries. Not going to lie it makes him squirm a bit having them fuss over him - usually he’s having to do it with Sex Pistols since they’re more than capable of getting rowdy left unchecked, so being on the receiving end isn’t something he’s used to. Don’t think he misses the snort you try to pass off as a cough watching him getting all flustered as one of the swarm pats at his cheeks and tries to fix his hat back into place with a chirp that he swears means it’s babying him. 
♡Sex Pistols take a bit of time to get used to your swarm stand, namely thanks to the fact that your stand has the poor guys significantly outnumbered. You’re sure it’s got to be a little intimidating for them since they’re only slightly bigger than your swarm, and you do your best to ease their fears that your stand really doesn’t mean any harm, but at the beginning they all butt heads like a house on fire. You’ve had to comfort a crying 5 when your swam all but swallowed him up in one of their clusters; had to yank a handful of your swarm away from 3 to stop a budding fight. At least there’s amicability between 1 and your stand, and that alongside the fact that you’re Mista’s partner is the main factor that eventually bridges the admittedly rocky first meeting.
♡You’re not entirely sure when the gift giving starts. It seems like the first time it was merely a peace offering between Mista, his stand and your swarm. A handmade trinket, surely created over the course of a few days and kept god knows where only to be presented at this exact moment comes out of seemingly nowhere, and you watch a handful of your stand slide it across the table where you and Mista are having lunch. 
♡It lands gently on the little makeshift table that Sex Pistols crowd around (a brilliant idea on your part to keep the pizza table from your last takeaway order because now that carry that thing everywhere), and there’s only a moment of silence before the little gaggle of bullets lose it at the sight of a gift, an actual gift just for them. Mista doesn’t hear the end about it for days and you can bet they’re gonna make him carry that thing around with him all the time so that it never gets lost. 
♡From there there’s plenty of little gifts that your stand begins presenting once they’ve truly warmed up, though Mista rarely ever gets to see any of them since they’re almost always for Sex Pistols instead of him. He’s lamented to you about it more than once, your offers to treat him to consolation food only easing the hurt a tiny bit (though you try to explain that he’s also technically getting a present since Sex Pistols is a part of him, not that it works). The first time that Mista gets a gift for him though? He is loving it. Doesn’t matter what it is, all he knows is that one of the little creatures making up your stand breaks away from the cluster once and drops a nondescript little present in his hand, looking up at him as though waiting for a response and he is smitten. This little guy? Now his best buddy - no you can’t have it back he’s attached now, even while Sex Pistols is screaming favoritism at the little display.
♡Abbacchio scared the shit out of your first stand when you first revealed it openly around him. He’s seen them in their swarm form, that huge cluster of little beings that has pulled through in a pinch more times than he can remember in both reconnaissance and in a scrap; but to say he’s ever seen them split? To have seen what they’re like when they’re not in that giant ever changing shape? It doesn’t happen often, and you’re beginning to regret not doing it sooner when it almost leads to one of the creatures almost getting turned to paste.
♡All he saw was a small shape dart across under the table when you’d let a couple slip out to explore the area and he’d almost ended up crushing one of the poor things beneath a heel mistaking it for an insect. The frantic noise you made as you ushered the single swarm out of harm’s way turned more than a couple of heads, and Abbacchio gives you a raised brow watching you duck under the table cloth, wondering what the big deal is until you pop back up with a miniscule bundle in the palm of your hand. That gets his attention, and as he leans forward in his chair you mirror the movement, cupping your hands close even though there’s no risk of anyone else actually seeing your stand as you bring it up close for him to see. It’s…smaller than he imagined, barely bigger than the palm of your hand and clinging to your fingers like a lifeline as it makes a buzz of noises that makes Abba’s ears ring when he focuses too hard on the sound.
♡Knowing it’s your stand and with curiosity maybe getting the better of him you watch him give your stand a little prod, having to stop himself from reeling back when it immediately latches onto his finger, noise settling to a soft chitter that’s actually rather plesant to listen to. You can’t help but cut in on the moment with “Aw, I think it likes you!” and while Abbacchio gives you a pointed stare under his lashes that tells you he’s none too happy by the comment he doesn’t make an active attempt to wrench his hand away from your stand.
♡Needless to say that your stand makes a point to make itself known around Abbacchio from now on, lest it runs the risk of repeating that whole scenario all over again, and Abba has to start getting used to looking out for these telltale signs to know when they’re actually rummaging around. Surely your stand has got to be some extension of yourself, because has any other stand been this clingy? You’d think they’d be scared of him for the close call but honestly you could reliably say that your swarm stand spends slightly more time hanging around Abbacchio than it actually does around you. He doesn’t know how to feel about this, but does tell you to wrangle them in and knock it off if he feels like it’s getting a bit too much (he’s also reminded of Mista’s stand, if only because of the constant noise that thankfully isn’t as grating on the ears as Sex Pistols childish squabbling.)
♡You’re fully aware of your stands creations - when it comes to people you’re close with it’s always the same story. Both friends and family have mentioned finding the occasional odd item left in places where they could easily find them, and it didn’t take much digging on your end to realize that your swarm stand has a fondness for making or refurbishing discarded items into gifts. It’s kind of cute actually, and you’ve never gone out of your way to discourage its behavior either - why can’t your stand have a couple of hobbies? At least it keeps them out of trouble when you give them free reign outside of battle.
♡It’s not something you pay active attention to until Abba comes knocking on your door, dangling from his fingers a golden piece that you swear used to be a part of one of his old belts, now refashioned into what you can only assume is a brooch or pin. Fully believes that it’s you until your swarm stand makes itself known, crowding around him and pushing the item further into his hand and even going so far as to close his fingers around it to make sure he doesn’t let go. He tried a couple of times to return the items, but the only thing that resulted in was a very distressed stand and Abba waking up in the middle of the night to find said returned items in his clothes. He gives up and just starts accepting them around the third time he finds something stuffed into his shoes. 
♡Moody Blues gets the same treatment as Abbacchio does in the sense that once the stands are introduced you swarm never really leaves it alone. Seeing the lot of them interact makes you wonder if there’s some kind of stand to stand communication that you and Abbacchio are missing out on, the chirping buzz of your stand and the dial up of Moody Blues bouncing back and forth between the two of them like they’re having a full blown conversation. Has and will replay the moments when Abbacchio finds those gifts that they leave, much to Abbacchio’s frustration as a chorus of excitable chirping echoes from the other room at the sight of one of Moody Blue’s many replays of some of their favorite moments. You think it’s kind of sweet seeing them get along, though you doubt Abba appreciates the same sentiment when he actively has to warn his stand over not overusing it’s abilities just to appease the little swarm that he could swear is growing bigger in number every time he looks over at them.
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mickjonesteeth · 1 year
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i made these edits (rina is so out of place lol)
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hoodienanami · 7 months
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Paul Simonon and Johnny Lydon reading shredded music magazines together on the set of Big Audio Dynamite's Medicine Show music video in 1985. in the video, Simonon plays a cop while Lydon plays a machine gun wielding gangster
photo taken by Adrian Boot
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swindledin77 · 2 months
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manager and lead singer 🖤
Brian Epstein and John Lennon Andrew Loog Oldham and Mick Jagger Malcolm McLaren and Johnny Rotten Bernie Rhodes and Joe Strummer
"There was a sense that it was a given that the only people who could see the true erotic sexuality of a pop performer, and nurture it past the point of the amusement of teenage girls, would be a really good manager who was sexually attracted to to his protégé- even if he didn't act on it." - Pete Townshend, The Secret Public
all four lead singers shown here have written at least one song about their managers
You've Got To Hide Your Love Away - The Beatles how could she say to me / "love will find a way"?
Andrew's Blues - The Rolling Stones well, well i let you keep it tonight / if you hold me, hold it real tight / oh, oh Andrew
Liar - Sex Pistols and i know now i wanna know / why you never look me in the face
Bankrobber - The Clash my daddy was a bank robber / but he never hurt nobody
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thecrow-09 · 1 month
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k00291970 · 10 months
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Punk band posters are known for their DIY aesthetic, often featuring bold, hand-drawn graphics, rebellious imagery, and raw typography.
They capture the energy and ethos of the punk movement. Bands like the Sex Pistols and Ramones had iconic posters, helping create the visual language of punk.
These posters were often past around locally, promoting underground shows and creating a sense of community within the punk scene.
Today, vintage punk posters are collectibles, showcasing the artistic and rebellious spirit of the era, and this is what I wanted to create with my poster. I wanted this to feel like a relic of the past, a poster that the band might have used to promote there music.
I added the Spotify codes to a couple Sex Pistol songs, and to bring punk into the modern world. To show that punk is not dead
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shoechoe · 5 months
I see nobody talk about this or even say the opposite, but... isn't Sex Pistols kind of a terrible Stand? Like, easily the weakest Stand out of the Bucciarati group? You have to feed it and lecture it into actually working (sometimes they refuse), give it rest with naps, and sort out arguments between them, and then all they do is change the course of bullets by kicking them, which is just a worse version of Hol Horse's Emperor stand. They don't even come with a gun or bullets themselves and they're too tiny and weak to move basically anything else.
I know there's a point in Jojo about even "weak" Stands being useful when used the right way but I feel like there should be more of a point about Mista's ability being damn close to useless and him still managing to make something out of it.
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ubashaaa-archived · 2 years
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hell on sex pistols apparently 
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possible-streetwear · 2 months
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Johnny Lydon - Public Image Ltd.
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theunderestimator-2 · 2 years
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John Lydon and his wife Nora Forster during couples grimace competition at the Savoy Hotel in 1986 as captured by Mike Forster.
Stirring controversy over questionable views, actions and statements has been his game for most part of his life but if there’s one thing about John Lydon that no one can doubt, that’s got to be the love for his wife. Their affair dates back to the mid-’70s, when they met in at Vivienne Westwood & Malcolm McLaren's clothing store Sex, on Kings Road. Nora, born into a weathy german publishing family and already in her mid-30s at the time, had moved to London with her daughter from a previous marriage Ari Up (who would form The Slits later on) after various career opportunities, working for her father's media company or as a model, a singer and a music promoter in Germany. Her London home was a crash pad for musicians, such as Joe Strummer, and she was known to have  provided financial support for The Slits, the Sex Pistols and The Clash during their infancy.
The once-upon-a-time rebel has time and again proved to be a man of family values. Though the couple never had children of their own, they took in Ari Up’s twin grandsons Pablo & Pedro as their legal guardians when Ari Up said she couldn’t cope with them any more: "He is very loving," said Pablo. "He loves his family and places it above everything. We have never known our real father, so Grandfather has always been the only dad we've ever known. He can get crazy of course, but he is a good family person”. After Nora was diagnosed in 2018 with Alzheimer’s which is slowly ravaging her memory, John Lydon became her full-time carer at their home in LA.
“Nora wakes up every morning – which is usually at 6am – and she’ll lean over, stroke my nose, and say: ‘Hello, Johnny’,” he said. “It’s just lovely. I’m lucky she still knows who I am. That’s vitally important. I’m fully aware that as this goes on that will become less and less. She gets up in the middle of the night and walks around. That scares me so I’ve learned to sleep with one eye open. I only get about four hours sleep a night. But I really do enjoy the moment when she wakes. It spurs me on for the rest of the day.
Have I thought about the end? Of course I have. What am I to do? I love her and she loves me. We’ve always been magnificent to – and with – each other. There’s that bond there, even if we’re dangling on the precipice of something more awful to come...”
John Lydon
(via, via)
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Stands interacting with the other team members
Giorno: is not at all afraid of purple haze, and sees him as very useful. He reminds him of a poisonous snake, a wonderful creature that you need to be careful around. He tries to study his behavior so that he can know how to best approach purple haze. Purple haze likes Giorno a lot, and usually expresses this by punching things happily.
Bruno: Fugo has a lot of respect for Bruno, and feels very embarrassed when his stand is like drooling and screeching and Bruno has to witness that. Purple haze really likes to drool and screech, it’s his favorite hobby. Fugo tries to control it the best he can. Purple haze gnawed on Bruno’s arm once, and he really wants to eat the shiny zippers on his suit.
Abbacchio: hates when Fugo has to call out his stand, and tries to get super far away from him. Although he usually feels more comfortable than he did during the Illuso fight because he knows Fugo is mostly in control of him, unlike during the Illuso fight. Purple haze is afraid of Abbacchio because he ate his lipstick one time and Abbacchio was mad.
Mista: panics every time he sees him, and is very dramatic about it. But the pistols are very interested in purple haze and like to try to guess what weird behavior he will do next. He always has to tell them to not get too close pleeeaseeee.
Narancia: likes to feed him snacks from a distance. He will toss him bags of chips sometimes, because it’s funny to watch him try to open the bag, and when he eats the chips he is very funny. Narancia likes to be entertained. Purple haze likes the snack man.
Trish: thinks he is horrifying and smelly. Fugo doesn’t let purple haze out around Trish unless it’s really necessary. Purple haze likes Trish and feels sad when she calls him gross.
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hoodienanami · 2 years
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Chuck Berry’s reviews of a few classic punk songs
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