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possible-streetwear · 7 months ago
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Johnny Lydon - Public Image Ltd.
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Public Image Ltd.
Public Image (First Issue) (1978)
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indigestibletruths · 9 months ago
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sk-lumen · 4 months ago
I want to send nudes to a guy I’m talking to is it true though that they share with their boys? He’s sent nudes but ones that disappears after being sent. I don’t see a problem if I’m not putting my face in them…?
Absolutely not.
Ladies, the answer to this is always NO. Under no circumstances should you do any of this. Doesn't matter if the face isn't in the photos. Please have some common sense and self-respect, and avoid such things.
Why: you can never 100% trust someone that they won't do something shady and compromise your privacy, your public image, reputation, possibly even your entire career and life path years down the line. Because yes, that's (still) the reality of today's age when it comes to women. Remember the Jennifer Lawrence stunt?
Trust no one, never take such photos, stay smart, and focus on your career, not hormonal boys that just want another addition to bookmark into their photo collection that they'll snicker and gloat over with their group of friends (and not only).
PS: Yes, assume that they do always share. And also assume that anything you put online has the potential to be permanently stored on the internet and distributed.
Stay safe darlings.
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chronivore · 7 months ago
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savage-kult-of-gorthaur · 1 year ago
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PIC INFO: Spotlight on the sleeve art and/or art direction for "First Issue," the debut album by English post-rock/post-punk band PUBLIC IMAGE LTD., released domestically in the UK in December 1978 under the Virgin label.
"The first PUBLIC IMAGE album is an all time fave, it’s a "Funhouse" album! Hard as nails, and a seriously, seriously industrial way of mixing, everything sounds like sledgehammers!
-- JOHN LYDON, JohnLydon.Com, c. 2005
"People never knew if we were serious or playing a joke on them. But we were serious. In "Fodderstompf" where Wobble says: "We are now trying to finish the album with a minimum amount of effort which we are now doing very suc-cess-ful-ly." It's what we were doing. We had this thing where we only gave the record company exactly the 30 minutes prescribed in the contract because those bastards ripped us off. Those guys played fucking hard ball."
-- KEITH LEVENE, "Perfect Sound Forever," 2001
"Low Life" and "Attack" were meant to be properly made songs but recorded in a basement dungeon of a demo track studio. No live drum sound everything done on the cheap. Appalling result. "Fodderstompf," the same sad sick story. Not even a song just a wank. Ripping off our fans. It still turns my stomach thinking about it…"
-- JIM WALKER (original PiL drummer), "Fodderstompf," 2001
Sleeve concept: Terry Jones, Dennis Morris
Design: Zebulon a Zebulon Production
Photography: Dennis Morris
Label: Virgin Records
Original Release: December 1978/12 inch analog LP
Sources: Dangerous Minds, Atlas Records, Joe's Records, & https://no4ko4.com/2020/09/public-image-first-issue.
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archivist-crow · 5 months ago
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Public Image Ltd. - “Public Image” (1978)
Forty-six years ago today, on October 13, 1978, “Public Image,” the debut single by Public Image Ltd., was released. Written by John Lydon while he still a member of the Sex Pistols, the song specifically addresses his feelings of being exploited by impresario Malcolm McLaren and the stifling atmosphere of his old band. Released in advance of the band’s debut album, the single entered the UK chart at number 21 and peaked at number 9. However, it was deemed too non-commercial for a US release and only released on a compilation album in 1980, and First Issue, the debut album, wouldn’t see an official US release until 2013. While the song was received well at the time, its true legacy is now seen as planting many of the seeds of post punk.
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thearcher-2 · 6 months ago
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This Solar Eclipse in Libra on October 2nd, 2024 is literally right on my MC/Midheaven!!! Holy shit, this is going to change my whole professional/public life over the course of the next 6+ months!!! I’m also going through my Nodal Reversal & on top of all that I’m beginning my Saturn Return…. My life is about to change big time!! If you know where this Solar Eclipse is happening for you I’d love to hear from ya guys!!
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eaglesnick · 10 months ago
Rishi Sunak’s true character has begun to show during this election campaign and what is being revealed is not pretty.
In 2021 the BBC asked the question “Who is Rishi Sunak and what does he believe?” The BBC was hard pushed to answer its own question, but one trait they did note was Sunak's reputation among fellow Conservatives for his  “close attention to his image". His social media footprint was described as "a highly calibrated piece of marketing activity". (BBC:03/03/21)
More revealing of the man behind the media image is a London School of Economics study. Using the well-established profiling framework known as Leadership Trait Analysis they found that:
“Sunak has a very high belief in his ability to control events, is very highly motivated by power, is more people- than task-oriented, tends to see the world in binary terms and is highly distrustful.” (LSE: 14/11/22)
In behavioural terms this means Sunak may be:
 “ less focused on solving problems and more concerned with how people are reacting to him and how he can secure and maintain power. Sunak is likely to be active in policymaking and may push through policies confidently, believing he can control the outcomes. He may be reluctant to listen to advice, delegate responsibility to others and compromise. He may prefer action over analysis and be hypersensitive to criticism. He may advocate hawkish foreign policies.” (LSE: 14/11/22)
Now, we should all have a healthy scepticism regarding psychological profiling but some of the personality traits listed do seem fit with Sunak’s behaviour. His obsession with his public image is a case in point. In May 2022 Sunak was even accused of using taxpayers money to “bolster public image” (National:22/05/22)
Another reported personality trait, his desire for power, was highlighted yesterday when he thought it more important to abandon the D-Day commemorations in favour of a TV interview. When it became obvious his self-seeking behaviour had caused “fury" amongst the general public he issued an apology for his actions.
Surely his advisers would have told him that leaving the D-Day commemorations early in order to do a self-promoting TV interview was not a smart political move?  Perhaps they did, but if Sunak’s personality profile is accurate then he would of been “reluctant to listen to advice". What’s more having realised he had made a political plunder and having issued an apology to the nation, he went on to undermine that apology by telling people not to “politicise" his shameful behaviour, an example of his “hypersensitivity to criticism” and an inability to accept full responsibility for his actions. 
We have learned more about Sunak in the last two weeks than in the previous two years and we have four more weeks of electioneering to go. The self-promoted image of Rishi Sunak as the squeaky-clean, ultra efficient technocrat, whose only concern is the economic well being of the nation is fastly unravelling.
 We had a clue to his self-serving faults during Covid when the Metropolitan Police fined Sunak, alongside Boris Johnson, over lockdown parties in Downing Street. Somehow the blame fell mainly on Johnson, who was eventually forced to resign. While the rest of us were confined to our homes, forbidden to attend funerals or visit aging relatives in hospital or care homes, Sunak and Johnson were partying in Number 10. That should have been a warning to all of us as to the true nature of Rishi Sunak.
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possible-streetwear · 11 days ago
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Johnny Lydon - Public Image Ltd.
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notgoingwell · 6 months ago
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theaskew · 11 months ago
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werkboileddown · 2 years ago
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savage-kult-of-gorthaur · 2 years ago
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PIC(S) INFO: Mega-spotlight on behind-the-scenes Polaroids of English post-rock/post-punk/experimental music group PUBLIC IMAGE LIMITED, c. 1980-'81. 📸: Jeannette Lee.
OVERVIEW: "In late 1978, one year after the tumultuous break up of the SEX PISTOLS, John Lydon (a.k.a. Johnny Rotten) launched his new band, PUBLIC IMAGE LIMITED, featuring his childhood friend Jah Wobble on bass, and Keith Levene, former guitarist for THE CLASH, on guitar. Lydon had had a rough time of it; by the time the Sex Pistols disintegrated, he had no money, no privacy thanks to the band’s enduring notoriety and no real control over his punk past (former manager Malcolm McLaren had staked claim to the SEX PISTOLS’ image, forbidding Lydon to use the name Rotten for future endeavours). As a result, he deemed that Public Image Limited would be different: a band-cum-company comprised of trusted co-collaborators.
Shortly after founding the band he approached Jeannette Lee, now best known as the co-director of iconic independent label Rough Trade Records, inviting her into the PiL fold as a “non-musical member” of the group to help with press, promotion and general administration. Thus ensued a magical period of innovation and cooperation which saw PiL rise to greater and greater heights, blazing an avant-garde, post-punk trail. Now, a new limited-edition book of Polaroid photographs taken by Lee during her three or four-year tenure with the group, and published by IDEA, sheds candid light on this formative period of the band’s history.
Lydon and Lee had met through Don Letts, the then-manager of famous punk-reggae clothing store Acme Attractions on the King’s Road (where Lee also worked), and bonded over a shared love of reggae and their north London council estate backgrounds. “He came to me and said, "I’m starting this new thing. I want to work with people that I trust. I don’t want to work with any more idiots,"" Lee recalls in an interview with Jarvis Cocker – a close friend, whom she also manages and who helped her compile the publication – for the book’s accompanying text. “There was no real job description: just like-minded people joining forces.” Alongside the key band members, these included Don Letts, Sheila Rock, Judy Nylon and Plaxy Locatelli, among others, all of whom set up office in Lydon’s house in Gunter Grove, between Fulham and the King’s Road, and spent their days, in Lee’s words, "making manifestos and then living according to them."
It is in this intimate setting that many of Lee’s pictures are staged, taken from 1980 onwards, after the purchase of her Polaroid SX-70 camera on a trip to New York. “The quality of the pictures was so good. I had a stint of having it with me all the time. Taking pictures everywhere I went,” she tells Cocker. Lee was a natural photographer, her snapshots rendered in dreamy hues and boasting compelling compositions. Some of the images from the book will be recognisable to PiL fans – such as the brilliant photograph of Lydon gazing furtively into a spiderweb-etched mirror, which was used as the cover for the "Flowers of Romance" single – while many more have never been seen, and offer viewers wonderful insight into the very private world of PUBLIC IMAGE LIMITED. There’s a picture of one member tenderly clasping a puppy, one of Levene sitting in front of a strawberry milkshake, traces of its froth forming a moustache across his top lip, another of Lee and a boater-topped Lydon grinning goofily into the camera: the softer, sillier side of punk."
-- ANOTHER MAG, "Behind-the-Scenes Polaroids of Public Image Limited’s Heyday," by Daisy Woodward, c. May 2017
Source: www.anothermag.com/art-photography/9825/behind-the-scenes-polaroids-of-public-image-limiteds-heyday.
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galleryyuhself · 2 months ago
Galleryyuhself - Sometimes I miss posting something because it is so pervasive that you can get caught up in what is being experienced and forget for a moment that it is history in the making that must be recorded. This happened in mid December 2024. You tell yourself that we all heard about this. But at the end of this year when we look back and focus on what happened, we'll come so far and actually forget the big stuff because big stuff is happening to us so fast that we cannot process it.
But we must process it.
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fenixeyes · 4 months ago
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