#Portland Events
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honeysuckleporridge · 1 month ago
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helioscopepdx · 4 months ago
PORTLAND: Steve Lieber's First Friday Office Hours are back!
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This Friday, November 1st, find Steve at @bookswpictures at 1401 SE Division from 4-6PM, giving professional feedback on your comics art. Here's his pitch for the event:
HOW DOES THIS WORK? You show me 6-8 pages of comic book storytelling. I’ll give you honest feedback based on my 30 years in comics. I’ll tell you what I think works, what doesn’t, how to tweak a panel for clarity or impact- all the stuff your teacher at a comics class might tell you. WHAT ARE THE LIMITS? This isn’t networking. I’m not there to hire you, read your pitch, give your samples to a publisher, or introduce you to other, more famous comics people. I’m just there to talk with you about the pages you’ve drawn. Like a class in art school, but without roll call or tuition. ANYTHING ELSE? I’m restricting this to comics pages- storytelling- because that’s what I know. If you’re looking for feedback on scriptwriting, or illustrations, or fine art, or concept art, I’m not that guy. There are people who know WAAAY more about those specialties than I do. And it’s fine to work digitally, but please bring print-outs. It’s a LOT easier to critique art on paper, and we won’t have to deal with app glitches or battery problems. HOW LONG CAN THIS GO ON? I’m only doing this in person- not online. My plan is to keep doing office hours at Books With Pictures, 4-6 PM on the first Friday of every month for as long as our mutual schedules permit. WHAT DOES THIS COST? Zip. Nada. Zero. It costs nothing. Just bring your portfolio and your love of comics. Hope to see you this Friday!
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spiralhouseshop · 2 years ago
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Portland Button Works and The Spiral House Shop 2023 Vending Events!
The Spiral House shop)at Portland Button Works is a thoughtfully curated selection of pin-back buttons, magnets, incense, magical tools and a large selection of zines, & books. Our collection spans a diverse range of intriguing subjects such as magic, witchcraft, folklore, folk horror, and other occult curiosities.
We are excited to announce that we will be vending at a variety of events this year! We can't wait to share our selection of books and zines with the community and connect with like-minded individuals and we are looking forward to meeting new people and building new relationships.
July 29-30 - Ghosts of Summer -Convention Center Portland, Oregon
August 26 - Celtic Fantasy Faire - Shute Park Hillsboro, Oregon
September 2 - Halloween Swamp Meet- Oaks Park Portland, Oregon
September 10 - Columbia Wilamette Pagan Pride Day - Oaks Park Portland
September 29 - October 1 - CritWitchCon Virtual Convention for Critical Thinking Witches
October 7 - Season of The Witch Marketplace - If The Broom Fits- Beaverton, Oregon
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shawnrealty · 4 months ago
5 Things To Do in Portland this November 2024
Explore Portland through books, anime, and winter festivities! Check out Shawn Realty’s top five Portland events this month. 1. Portland Book Festival 📅 Nov 2 | 💵 Cost Varies The Portland Book Festival features author conversations, interviews, panels, pop-up readings, writing workshops, live music, a book fair, and food trucks, with around 100 authors participating. The Portland Art Museum…
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farel-dal · 2 years ago
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Come to the permanent_damage_comix_show this Saturday at Lloyd center mall. Buy one of my books and I can do a sketch like this for you and/or get @sophiefranz and my new book MONSTER-US!!!
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habitgallery · 10 months ago
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creativemorningsportland · 28 days ago
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Our theme for February is LAYERS.
Simplicity provides clarity, but layers give our work a richer complexity and depth. 
Musicians fuse melodies, harmonies, and rhythms to create more dynamic compositions. While other artists use a juxtaposition of colors, textures, images or materials for greater visual impact. The creative magic happens when those choices conjure different interpretations and emotions. 
Because people have layers too. Just like a collage is created by overlapping layers of found materials, we pile up experiences that form our beliefs and reactions. 
The cliché “beauty is only skin deep” means that a pleasant appearance does not guarantee a virtuous character. We are a mess of competing emotions and personality traits. So how we act to the outside world doesn’t always reflect how we feel inside. We make polite chit chat when it takes vulnerable conversations to form meaningful connections. 
Surface level pleasantries and superficial decoration have their place. But it is the layers that give life meaning. We must peel them away to discover our deeper truths.
LAYERS was chosen by our Lausanne chapter in Switzerland and illustrated by Catherine Olivia Pearson.
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creativemorningspdx · 6 months ago
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Our theme for September is REFLECTION.
Just like an echo is a reflection of sound… and how a camera lens focuses reflected light to form a photograph… our subconscious reflects on our experiences to form our beliefs.
Without reflection, there can be no personal growth. Learning from our past yields greater wisdom and happiness. But don’t let self-awareness turn into self-absorption. Take heed of the Greek myth of Narcissus, who fell in love with his own handsome reflection in a pool of water. 
Reflecting on difficult moments can be painful but also healing. When our Oklahoma City chapter selected this theme, they mentioned a reflecting pool at the site of the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing that was designed to help people reflect on how they were changed by that tragic event. 
Pondering the world around us and following our curiosity adds depth to our creative work. As William Shakespeare wrote in Hamlet, the purpose of acting is “to hold as 'twere the mirror up to nature.” While George Bernard Shaw said, “you use a glass mirror to see your face; you use works of art to see your soul.” (Although Bertolt Brecht countered, “Art is not a mirror held up to reality, but a hammer with which to shape it.”)
Reflection turns our traumas and triumphs into lessons. It’s how we can create a vision for a brighter future.
The theme was chosen by our Oklahoma City chapter in Oklahoma and illustrated by Aditi Heins.
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sayruq · 10 months ago
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mensfrightsactivist · 1 year ago
me and the girlies in the notes of the portland polycule post 3 days in with no sleep like
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mostlysignssomeportents · 1 year ago
Come see me on tour!
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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My next novel is The Bezzle, a high-tech ice-cold revenge thriller starring Marty Hench, a two-fisted forensic accountant, as he takes on the sleaziest scams of the first two decades of the 2000s, from hamburger-themed Ponzis to the unbelievably sleazy and evil prison-tech industry:
I'm taking Marty on the road! I'll be visiting eighteen cities between now and June, and I hope you'll come out and say hello, visit a beloved local bookseller, and maybe get a book (or two)!
21 Feb: Weller Bookworks, Salt Lake City, 1830h: https://www.wellerbookworks.com/event/store-cory-doctorow-feb-21-630-pm
22 Feb: Mysterious Galaxy, San Diego, 19h: https://www.mystgalaxy.com/22224Doctorow
24 Feb: Vroman's, Pasadena, 17h, with Adam Conover (!!) https://www.vromansbookstore.com/Cory-Doctorow-discusses-The-Bezzle
26 Feb: Third Place Books, Seattle, 19h, with Neal Stephenson (!!!) https://www.thirdplacebooks.com/event/cory-doctorow
27 Feb: Powell's, Portland, 19h: https://www.powells.com/book/the-bezzle-martin-hench-2-9781250865878/1-2
29 Feb: Changing Hands, Phoenix, 1830h: https://www.changinghands.com/event/february2024/cory-doctorow
9-10 Mar: Tucson Festival of the Book: https://tucsonfestivalofbooks.org/?action=display_author&id=15669
13 Mar: San Francisco Public Library: https://sfpl.org/events/2024/03/13/author-cory-doctrow-bezzle
22 Mar: Toronto: Wendy Michener Memorial Lecture: https://events.yorku.ca/events/wendy-michener-memorial-lecture2024/
24 Mar: NYC: Word Books (with Laura Poitras): https://shop.wordbookstores.com/event/word-presents-cory-doctorow
29-31 Mar: Wondercon Anaheim: https://www.comic-con.org/wc/
11 Apr: Harvard Berkman-Klein Center (with Randall Munroe) https://cyber.harvard.edu/events/enshittification
12 Apr: RISD Debates in AI, Providence, details coming soon!
17 Apr: Anderson's Books, Chicago, 19h: https://www.andersonsbookshop.com/event/cory-doctorow-1
19-21 Apr: Torino Biennale Tecnologia https://www.turismotorino.org/en/experiences/events/biennale-tecnologia
2 May, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, Winnipeg https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/cory-doctorow-tickets-798820071337
5-11 May: Tartu Prima Vista Literary Festival https://tartu2024.ee/en/kirjandusfestival/
6-9 Jun: Media Ecology Association keynote, Amherst, NY https://media-ecology.org/convention
Calgary and Vancouver – details coming soon!
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honeysuckleporridge · 2 months ago
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V3 lite
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xplainthexmen · 1 year ago
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WHAT?! Somehow, we've been doing this for a decade?!
Jay & Miles X-Plain the X-Men will be celebrating our 10th birthday on April 13 in Portland, Oregon, with a live show at Clinton Street Theater (10 AM - 12 PM) followed by a birthday party at Books With Pictures (2 - 5 PM)!
Both events are free and all-ages-friendly (assuming you're down with your kid learning a few choice swears).
The live show is mask-mandatory; masks will be provided at the door for anyone who doesn't bring their own. (The party is outdoors and therefore mask-optional.)
There will be both party favors (free) and merch (legal currency or barter), the latter including a fancy new 10th-anniversary print by Colleen Coover!
We welcome costumes and other benign silliness.
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spiralhouseshop · 2 years ago
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Portland Button Works and The Spiral House Shop are excited to be sponsoring this super fun Joey Ramone Birthday Bash on May 19th, 2023 in Portland, Oregon!
There will be cake! There will be a Piñata! There will be Rock n Roll! And it will benefit lymphoma research!
Celebrate Joey’s birthday at the NEW Twilight Cafe location (832 SE Grand) with the first three Rmones albums played in chronological order!!
Monty Vega and the Sittin' Shivas
Lobotomen ( perform ROCKET TO RUSSIA )
The Beat-On Brats ( perform LEAVE HOME )
The Fauxs ( perform RAMONES )
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shawnrealty · 2 months ago
5 Things To Do in Portland this January 2025
New year, new events to go to! Here are Shawn Realty’s top five Portland events for January. 1. First Friday PDX 📅 Jan 3-Nov 7 | 💵 Free The First Friday Art Walk in Portland’s East Side Arts District is a free, year-round event held on the first Friday evening of each month. It features over 23 galleries, shops, and studios, plus a street exhibition from April to October, offering a glimpse…
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habitgallery · 11 months ago
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