#Portable Air Conditioning for Bedroom
junosmith810 · 1 year
Honeywell MN4HFS9 14000 BTU 500-700 Sq. Ft. Portable Air Conditioner with Heating, Cooling, Dehumidifier & Fan, Black/Silver
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Ideal for rooms up to 700 sq. ft.—Compact 4-in-1 portable air conditioner, heater, dehumidifier, and fan for powerful heating and cooling year-round
Stress-free auto-evaporation—Built-in dehumidifier removes up to 51 pints/24 hours with continuous drain option for long unattended operation
Simple-to-use digital controls—3 fan speeds, an advanced LCD display, a 24-hour energy-saving timer, and a remote control ensure easy operation
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winter-seance · 2 months
I always wonder about people who love summer. They probably have air conditioning in their house. I wonder if I would hate summer any less if I had air conditioning.
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kabillieu · 4 months
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My baby is hanging out with this 60yo panda at my parents’ house to get him out of the heat while we figure out our air conditioning situation. It’s also hard to do anything here when you have to constantly follow around a toddler to make sure he’s not putting loose screws in his mouth. And there is so much to do.
Just feeding small children is an event that can consume whole hours of the day! So I have all this extra time, and I’m using it to be sad because I miss my baby lol.
Dominic bought a portable air conditioner, so that’s helping a lot, and our washer and dryer came today, which is excellent timing as I’m down to my last clean pair of underwear.
I’m trying to get in our pool at least once, if possible twice a day. I LOVE swimming and being immersed in a big body of water, and it’s something I always missed when we lived in Nebraska. Counterpoint: I do not enjoy swimming in open ocean water because of wildlife and riptides, so while I get in the water when we’re in Florida I rarely actually swim. Also, the bay behind our house is very, very shallow for a long way out.
The first full day in this house I felt completely crazy: like what have we done, this is a stranger’s house not ours, etc. But I also felt like this temporarily in the other two houses we bought, and it passed quickly. I still really love this house, and I’m grateful we bought it even though we will almost certainly have to spend many thousands of dollars on a new air conditioner in the next few days. I love 70s ranch houses. This one is bigger than the one I grew up in, and we are making so many fun plans to make it cozy and comfortable for us all. Also, I’m pretty sure I will have my own space, a lady’s sitting room if you will, where we’re planning on putting all our books and records and one of those framed painting TVs. I will be a regular Lady of the Manor. Hurrah!
But first we have to do everything else. Plus there are no floors in three of the four bedrooms, only concrete pad, because our hardwood floors never arrived. So we will have to figure that out.
This turned into a giant brain dump many paragraphs ago, so I’ll just say one more thing: I’m bummed about living in a suburb. This town is the very definition of suburban, and while it’s only a 20 minute drive to the city, I feel cut off from it. I’m sure I will get used to living out here, and eventually it will matter way less to me. I also still love our neighborhood and how we’re adjacent to the tiny historic downtown. I can’t wait to get out and walk around and explore. I hope those things make me feel better about living out here.
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lastoneout · 2 months
So my neurologist actually did something right for once and gave me some ambien to help me sleep while I'm on the steroid pack since I already have insomnia and steroids make it WAY worse, and I was really excited because this is legit what I've been wanting a doctor to do for like over a year now...but it didn't really help me sleep, at least not as well as the weed does.
I could possibly just need a higher dose(I am known to be very resistant to these sorts of meds, it takes like twice the normal dose of propofol to put me under) or maybe the steroid is just so powerful the meds can't make a dent in it(which I'd believe since I'm really sensitive to steroids and the weed ALSO doesn't help me sleep as well when I'm on them), and also it's really hot and humid right now which makes it hard to sleep in general AND I just got my bc implant put in which is making it hard to sleep since I have to be careful with my left arm and I like NEED to be able to switch what side I sleep on cuz my shitty arthritic joints don't like staying in one position for too long...but this is a bit of a let down ngl. I was really excited to be able to sleep and then maybe use this as proof that I can be trusted with sleep medication and I could finally stop having to spend damn near $100 on weed gummies every month and a half just to Sleep At All but like...hnnnn.....
Idk, when I see my primary I'm going to beg her to send me to a sleep specialist again bcs the weed is NOT sustainable it's already expensive and on top of that I am absolutely building up a tolerance which means I have to take more to sleep and thus spend more money and it's so fucking annoying. I've already made a lot of progress in the trauma department too and that hasn't really helped me sleep better which leads me to believe this is def a result of one of my other medical issues, I def think a sleep specialist is the best bet rn.
The plus side tho is she gave me 15 ambien and I only have three days of the steroids left, and my arm should be healed better in the next couple of days, so I should have a chance to test the ambien without the dual whammy of the arm pain and steroids wrecking my system, and if even that fails well that's a 15 day T break for the weed which honestly I really do need so like there's that.
Also since I have a bunch of new followers quick FAQ/rundown before anyone gives advice:
I have bipolar disorder type II and adhd and severe chronic pain from fibromyalgia, arthritis, and hEDS. The adderall for my adhd isn't the problem, I actually sleep WAY worse without it. I don't drink that many caffeinated beverages and I especially don't drink them basically at all when I'm on steroids so that's not it either. At least a little of my insomnia is due to trauma and not having a dog currently, but I can't adopt another one right now for numerous reasons, and EMDR has helped the trauma nightmares/anxiety let up quite a lot but that hasn't helped me sleep. I can't take CBD it makes my brain feel like I'm hooked up to a car battery. I also can't smoke bcs asthma so unfortunately I am stuck buying edibles which are very expensive. Insomnia isn't on the medical marijuana criteria in my state so I can't even make it cheaper that way. Melatonin does nothing. Benadryl also does nothing. Exercising before bed also does nothing. I can't do yoga(hEDS) or meditate(adhd). Cutting down on screen time before bed doesn't help and I already spend as little time in my bedroom as possible during the day so my brain keeps associating being in there with sleeping. Listening to music/a podcast doesn't help. Sleepy teas and nice baths and all that before bed doesn't help. I have a weighted blanket which does help a little, but sucks bcs it traps heat like a motherfucker, but I'd sleep worse without it so yeah. Also I can't make my house any cooler/less humid because I'm renting and it's old and shitty and doesn't have real air conditioning and the little portable ac unit + dehumidifier is trying but like...it's not enough I'm still hot and sweaty all night.
I am on hydroxyzine and nortryptraline and they don't make me even a little tired. I cannot take SSRIs or SNRIs on account of the bipolar and the fact that I'm just really sensitive to stuff that messes with my serotonin, even when I'm on a mood stabilizer, and the only med that I can stand that does serotonin stuff is the nortryptraline and it's also the only thing that helps my pain so switching it to something else isn't an option. I build up a resistance to seroquel really fast which makes my insomnia infinitely worse in the long run so I don't see the point in taking it. I have tried basically everything my psychiatrist can think to give me outside of narcotics, which led to her straight up telling me to my face she just can't help me before clarifying that apparently narcotics are somehow worse for me than not sleeping so she won't prescribe them even if they might help. I don't snore or wake up gasping for air so I know I don't have COPD or sleep apnea.
Literally the only thing that has ever made sleeping easy is weed(and opioids but those don't help my pain and have so many hoops to jump through so I don't wanna take them anymore), specifically indica with CBN, but it has to have THC in it I've tried pure CBN + CBD gummies and they don't make me tired they just make me feel weird 'cuz of the CBD.
So yeah. I am up shit creek without a paddle and I really quite desperately need to see a sleep specialist. I appreciate advice but like believe me, I've tried just about everything I can think of and none of it helps. I just naturally have really bad insomnia. And it sucks.
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I like the Triangle House of Buffalo, New York, but for a 1bd. 3ba. house, the $760K price tag seems too high.
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So, here’s the entrance foyer. I hate glass doors- it’s like living in a fish bowl.
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The living room is on the smallish side b/c it’s triangular.
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The table must’ve been custom made and seats 9. I wonder if it’s included. I notice that there’s a portable heater and one of those after-market air conditioning units over the door. For $750K I’d want better heating and cooling- Buffalo gets mad snow and cold in the winter. 
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This is kind of weird. The oven is a vintage mid-century modern model clearly bought used, and the sink is an antique farmhouse style. The cabinets are either salvaged MCM or Ikea. Come on, now, make up your mind. Don’t like the tile counter tops.
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Stairs going up to the single bedroom. I like that they have little kick shields so you don’t slip thru.
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An elevator is not really necessary for a home w/nothing but a small bd. on the 2nd fl., but it’s a good one- vacuum elevators don’t get stuck. If it loses vacuum, it’ll just float gently back down. Plus, you can see thru it, so you’re not trapped in a box.
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And, here’s the bd. It’s cute, but it’s for sale-by-owner and I think he’s asking too much.
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Chapter Contents
(Arranged Marriage Fic) Read on AO3
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The clock struck five in the morning. Contaminated test tubes and beakers were wet in the sink. A bright green bar nearing 65% completion was loading on a large computer screen surrounded by monitors. Shoko was busy in her lab, observing a single drop of blood, splotched between two thin slides under a beaming microscope. She hadn't left work since yesterday. You’d think after all these years hunkered down in the school’s basement like an obsessive recluse, she’d be used to the loneliness. She could already hear poor Ghost yowling for his breakfast, but there was no room for pause. The blood sample results from the New National Theater had finally come back, but Shoko was only interested in one.
The jujutsu doctor’s lips drew together in concentration, suspending the tail end of a depleted cigarette. Screw resolutions. This was far more important than her respiratory health. Her findings so far were not as she’d hoped. The red blood cell count was starkly lesser than last week. She reckoned about a third of them had vitiated in that timeframe, even with the aid of reverse curse technique, but how? How? The discovery troubled her. She would start from scratch again if need be. After all, there was still more testing to be done.
Exhausted, Shoko wiped the beads of sweat off her brow and smothered her depleted cigarette in the ashtray. The computer monitors increased to 66%. She just prayed her hypothesis did not hold the truth.
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Nanami Kento removed the strainer of brewed oolong leaves from the Royal Copenhagen he had sitting on a tray; a teapot and two cups with matching saucers, Blue Fluted Full Lace. They were heirlooms once owned by his late great uncle, who subsequently died of a stroke three years ago; another Henriksen lost. He had no wife or children and his mother didn’t want them, despite their value, so she bequeathed the china over to him. Not that he ever had a reason to use it. The full set of plates and fine tableware cost more than his apartment lease. He mostly kept the novelties for decoration. And perhaps nostalgia.
But not today.
Today he had a guest.
Nanami closed the lid on his uncle’s Copenhagen teapot and lifted the tray to walk back inside the living room of his small, one-bedroom sized apartment. It wasn’t the grandest place in the world, nor the cheapest. He could afford a much bigger unit if he wished, yet the space was well accommodated. It was furnished with all the essentials befitting of a bachelor; functional kitchen appliances, a washing machine and dryer, a brand new air conditioning system, and modern furniture. He had picked the farthest unit down the hall, so he wouldn’t be subjected to the loud elevator cranking up and down the many floors. It allowed him some peace and quiet in this bustling, wayward city known as Tokyo, granted, if you ignored the endless stream of ambulance sirens, blaring jumbotrons, and cries for help.
The part-time Jujutsu sorcerer entered his living room and acknowledged his guest sitting on the sofa.
“I apologize for bringing you out here like I did. I’m usually not this spontaneous.”
Nanami set the tray down along the coffee table and handed his guest a teacup. Hannah smiled at her host warmly and took the blue and white china from his hand. The porcelain clashed with the pink roses on her dress.
“Not at all, it’s perfectly alright,” she assured him. “I hear you’ve been busy with work, so this is me intruding on your time.” She looked down at the coffee table. “Anyway, I hope you like the rødgrød. Satoru mentioned you were Danish, so...”
Nanami sat down on the leather armchair, opposite her, and glanced at the small portable crockpot she had brought atop the table. Rødgrød med fløde was as much part of the Danish diet as cheeseburgers and fries were to the American. People preferred eating the berry porridge with custard or poured over freshly baked bread. Everyone loved it. Nanami hadn’t tasted the dessert since he was a young boy visiting his grandparents on holiday. Hannah had used raspberries and cherries for hers; exactly how his mormor used to make it. The tarter, the better.
Well, there were those waves of nostalgia hitting him again. He’d sample a bite later.
Satoru had dropped his wife off at his place that afternoon and hurried to go “run some errands.” Whatever that meant. Nanami had no choice but to leave the office. As ever, the Six Eyed moron liked to make things difficult and keep his whereabouts elusive, in addition to getting his lineage wrong.
“A quarter Danish,” Nanami clarified, loosening the lavender silk tie around his neck. He hadn’t been allotted time to change out of his business attire. “My grandfather was born and raised in Denmark, however my grandmother is Swedish.”
Hannah looked positively delighted.
“Ah, a Swede and a Dane,” she exclaimed. It would explain his blond hair. “That’s quite a match. The closest I got to living in Denmark was Germany. Did your grandparents ever alternate between countries?”
“For a time,” the quarter Dane replied. “But my grandmother has lived alone in Aarhus since my grandfather’s passing. I still get Christmas cards from her every year. She’ll be ninety-one this October.”
Unable to stop herself, Hannah heard the word “Christmas” and blurted the next question out loud without thinking.
“Oh. So you’re Christian?”
She could see the tug pull on the corner of his lips, barely noticeable to the untrained eye, and instantly regretted it. He was so cool, you’d think he hadn’t reacted at all. The quarter Dane shook his head. “Mom had me baptized in the Lutheran church as a baby to appease my grandfather, but the buck stopped there. She wasn’t very religious and I myself hold no beliefs.”
Hannah felt her cheeks burn hotter than the tea she was sipping, flushed with embarrassment. Her shoulders sagged. Of course he wasn’t Christian. What a foolish thing to expect? She felt awkward.
“I see,” she said rather sheepishly. “Please, forgive me. I shouldn’t have assumed.”
Nanami nodded understandingly. He thought it wasn’t dumb of her to ask, but with introductions out of the way, they had official matters to attend to.
“Satoru said you had some information about a possible Sukuna finger.”
Hannah nervously tucked a strand of long auburn hair behind her ear, lowering the expensive Copenhagen in her lap.
“Yes,” she said, swallowing her tea and straightening her bad posture. “I think I know where one is.”
Nanami leaned back against the armchair and crossed his legs, hands folded patiently in his lap. His eyes never wavered.
“I’m listening.”
Hannah coughed. “Well, you see,” she began, trying to decide where to start. “I think nothing of them at first. My dreams - er visions - are often quite,” she searched for the adjective, “sporadic, if you know what I mean. But lately I’ve been having a recurring dream.”
“A recurring dream.” Nanami quirked a pencil thin, blond eyebrow. “I’m guessing that’s a dead giveaway?”
Hannah let slip a dry laugh. “You’d be correct. In my experience, whenever a dream is recurring, it’s usually indicative of a vision.”
“What has the vision shown you?”
“It’s hard to describe,” she continued, squinting her eyes as though aiming for a moving target that refused to stay still. “I don’t know why, but it always begins with me…drowning. I’m ever so slowly sinking towards the bottom.” She closed her eyes for a second, trying to imagine the nightmare in her mind. “It’s very dark and murky, so I can’t see anything. I’m terrified out of my wits. I try to kick and swim my way back up to the surface, except someone, or rather something, has me by the ankles and won’t let go. I fight and struggle to free myself, but I can’t. It isn’t until my lungs give out that I finally look down and…” she stopped for a second.
“Go on,” Nanami coaxed gently, waiting in silence. He wasn’t going to force her to talk, if she didn’t want to.
“Eyes,” the seer said, own eyes flitting open. She took a much needed breath from the horrid memory. “Four glowing, scarlet eyes staring at me from the black. That’s it. That’s all I see. Then the vision pivots.”
Hannah took a sip of oolong before humming in agreement. “I’m shown a film reel of things. Places, I think. I can’t remember what they are, but there is one feature that stands out from all the rest.”
Nanami also took a sip of tea. “Like what?”
Hannah placed her teacup on the coffee table and used her fingers to “draw” an invisible picture for him. “A massive red o-torii, floating above a large body of water.”
The quarter Dane’s brow narrowed ever so slightly. He knew what place she was referring to.
“Itsukushima Shrine,” he said. It wasn’t a question.
“Yes,” Hannah sighed. “Satoru showed me a picture of it when I told him. It’s the exact same gate. He then mentioned you were working on a secret case and that I should speak to you immediately.”
Well, it’s not so secret anymore, Nanami thought, holding his tongue. Now he understood why Satoru had been so adamant the two of them talk, but hell, what a pain in the ass. The white haired dolt could’ve explained all this on the phone, or typed a quick text, instead of wasting he and his wife’s time. Even though she was a lovely person, both inside and out. Reminded him a bit like Haibara; her kindness and selflessness towards others.
But a tad miffed by this new flux of information, Nanami rose from his leather chair, teacup in hand, and walked over to the large window overlooking Shibuya Crossing, the thousands of city nerdowells commuting below, crammed like sardines.
“In the last four weeks, a total of eighteen people have been reported missing from the shrine,” he said, staring monotonously out the apartment window. “Evidence suggests it’s curse related. I and a few other sorcerers have been called in to investigate the disturbance.”
“Then perhaps this is your lucky break,” Hannah added, hoping to shed some light on the subject.
The quasi-business man continued looking out the apartment, almost like he wasn’t listening (but of course he was). “Itsukushima Shrine is a popular tourist destination in Miyajima. We’ll be fighting heavy crowds if we search during the day. Curse activity tends to worsen at night, but then there’s high and low tide to contest with. Your presence might also be needed. Could get dangerous.” He was listing all the potential roadblocks ahead.
“Can’t we disperse the crowds at least?” was Hannah’s suggestion. “Close the shrine off to tourists?”
Nanami hummed deeply in thought. Things were never that simple. He at last turned away from the window. “You’re sure this is a vision?”
Hannah shrugged. “More sure than not.”
“And you think a Sukuna finger is hiding somewhere at the bottom of Hiroshima Bay?”
The seer frowned. She felt her confidence wane at his scrutiny. “It’s the only lead I have.”
Confined to his thoughts, Nanami walked back towards the coffee table, relinquishing his empty teacup and saucer, and plopped back down in the leather chair, hand in his chin. A disconcerted expression became him, though his eyes were fixed on the Royal Copenhagen. Hannah thought he looked far older than his real age said on paper. He was handsome, she decided, with golden blonde hair and mixed Scandinavian features, but in a battle-hardened, wise kind of way. Forever pensive and stoic, like he had crossed the river Styx and managed to survive the harrowing ordeal, but only just so. Even without the bloody cleaver knife in his hand from that night at the opera, she could tell he wasn’t much for taking days and nights off. Kento Nanami was certainly a man operating under a lot of stress.
“I can’t name anyone on the top of my head with a water curse technique,” he vexed tiredly, observing the porcelain tea set. “A diving team will have to be dispatched. Damn. It’s always a risk when we get non-sorcerers involved.”
“But maybe we won’t have to,” Hannah said, complexion brightening. “Because as it were, I know someone who might be able to help us. That is, if we can persuade her.”
Nanami’s hand fell to his lap, eyes raised. “Her?”
Hannah rested her teacup on the coffee table and hurriedly rummaged through her dress pocket for a folded piece of paper. She offered it to him.
Feeling pessimistic, Nanami took the paper and slowly opened it. His eyes landed on the contact’s name above, and thus the part-time jujutsu sorcerer’s face tensed into a shrewd scowl. He exhaled loudly through his nose.
A bowl of that rødgrød didn’t seem like such a bad fix all of a sudden.
Neither did some brandy.
Chapter Contents
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pan-fried-autism · 1 year
Characters: Swap!Grem, Swap!Nikolai (@bowlerhatwearer), brief appearance of Swap!M0u5e
Summary: No longer undead, Nikolai has been mostly confined to Grems bed, due to the condition his body had been left in. The time spent in Grems house has made him realize something, something he needs to do... but hardly anything ever goes to plan.
Nikolai L. Akdow had a problem.
Or at least a problem he was no longer in denial about.
After an adventure resulting in him no longer being undead, simply alive, his body was in a... less than favorable state. Thought no longer rotting and generally corpselike, he found himself to be quite physically weakened and tired, and quite susceptible He even found he couldnt eat most foods. As a result, he spent most of his days in bed.
Not his own, however. His friend Grementine Mewton's bed.
He had offered to take her couch, but she refused to let him stay there, saying to him, "My guy, with the condition you're in, it's for the best that you're as comfortable as possible! I'LL take the couch."
But that's not the point. Or at least, a bit related to the point.
You see, the problem involved Grementine.
Grem herself was not the problem, though-- if anything, she was the opposite of one. She, along with her assistant M0u5e and friend Mothgo (if she was over), took very good care of him. She always made sure to keep a good supply of rusk, vitamin water, and tea (as they were some of the only things he could stomach right now), and had taken the liberty of buying actual vitamins, too. She had a fan placed on one of the bedside tables in case he got overheated, and had a cold wet rag for him as well. Sometimes, she'd come in with books, or maybe her portable DVD player, and she'd watch a movie or show with him. Sometimes she would just come in to talk.
It was... it was nice. He was slowly getting better.
But that wasn't the point. He still had a problem.
It was a problem he had since he was still a lich, and started to have a while after he met Grem. Something he couldn't ignore for very long...
He noticed them a little bit after they sprouted up-- he felt different about Grem than he did about other people. He oft wished to spend more time with her, to be close to her, hug her more, talk endlessly with her about ideas, stare into her beautiful eyes as he did it....
A crush of some kind had developed. And it frightened him.
This was the first time he ever felt this was about anybody. It was... it was confusing. Something he didn't know how to handle.
So he kept his feelings hidden away the best he could.
I don't think it would work out between us, anyway, he reasoned with himself. I probably would not be a good partner to her-- the past is a fickle obstacle, I've found.
If things had stayed the same, he could have dealt with them, he thought. They'd continue to be good friends and maybe nothing more. However, staying with Grem while she helped him in his weakened state hadn't exactly done any wonders for the crush...
Without the factors of an ice cave and a cold environment (relatively speaking-- Grem kept the bedroom air conditioned for him), along with the fact he was currently living with her, Grem was able to see him MUCH more often and for longer periods of time. In that time, he got to see a lot of Grem's personality in action-- how she talked about her ideas and experiments, how she hyped up the movies and shows she chose for them to watch (especially if she thought he would love it), how she almost always came back from the supermarket with a new flavour of vitamin water for him to try, how she laughed at certain jokes, the way he swore her eyes sparkled while he talked about ideas and experiences he's had, how she talked about her coworkers and friends, how sometimes she would purr a little when she hugged him...
All this had done was strengthen his feelings-- in other words, worsen the problem in a way.
As time went on, this weighed heavier and heavier on his mind. The feelings were still strange and nebulous to him... why? he would wonder. Why were these feelings he's had for so long still so indecipherable to him?
Not only that, it... didn't feel right. To keep it all to himself, of course. He found himself wanting more and more to at least tell Grem how he felt about her. Even if she didn't share the feelings (a likely event, to him), they wouldn't weigh so much on him anymore.
But... maybe it wouldn't be so bad if she DID share them. Nikolai had recently found himself wishing that she would stay and talk with him for a little longer. For her hugs to last longer. To be able to perhaps... make a nice dinner for the two of them.
If only...
Nik was so enraptured in his own thoughts, he had completely zoned out during the last five minutes of the movie he and Grem were watching.
Until Grem spoke.
"MAN... that was a great movie, huh, Nik?"
That jolted NIkolai out of his thoughts.
He looked over at the screen of the DVD Player-- the credits were rolling, and a pop song he'd never heard before was playing. The song spoke of getting older but never wiser, and one's depression working the graveyard shift.
Ignoring it, he simply smiled at Grem and pulled together what he remembered of the film before he zoned to form a response.
"Yes, it was very nice."
"What was your favourite part?" she replied, tail swishing around lightly. "My favourite was the twist. Like, Janelle's mother is the SECRET BIG BOSS at her company? It's so stupid, but it works."
"I think my favourite would have to be the factory scene."
Grem made a little 'feh' noise. "Of course it was. Ya LOVE that stuff."
"What can I say?" he said with a smirk. "I've always loved inventing."
"I know. Ya talk a lot about your ideas. They're all really cool."
Nikolai couldn't help but turn his head a little aways. Grem couldn't see the light blush on his cheeks that way.
"Thank you, Grementine."
Grem smiled, before yawning, raising her arms and stretching as she did so.
"What... what time is it, Nik?"
Before he could respond, Grem turned to look at the electrical clock/alarm on the bed side table to her left.
10:25 pm.
"Oh boy." she blurted out. "Ya know, I think I might just go to bed. I have work tomorrow anyway."
"That's understandable." he replied. "It was nice watching a movie with you, Grem!"
Grem grinned and gave me a hug.
Nikolai froze for a second, before gently wrapping his arms around her. He was very glad Grem couldn't see his face-- he imagined he looked like a tomato at that moment.
Sadly, Grem pulled away and leaped off the bed, going to the door before turning around and saying "Goodnight, Nikolai!"
The moment Grem closes the door, Nikolai lets out a small sigh.
He wanted to tell her so badly.
Why shouldn't he?
The sudden thought made him sit up.
.... really, though. Why shouldn't he? Why should he have to keep these feelings to himself? They weigh so heavily on him they hurt, anyway. All he had to lose was a metaphorical weight on his shoulders!
Or maybe a friendship, depending on how she reacted.
But no matter. Nikolai had a confident look on his face as he lay back down. He would throw caution to the wind, look Grem in her lovely eyes, and tell her how he felt about her!
He knew he could do it. The small, scary doubts he felt couldn't stop him this time.
The next morning, Nikolai awoke with a cold.
His nose was stuffed and runny, his throat felt sore, his head was pounding slightly with pain, and he felt like he was being weighed down with bricks.
His first thought that morning was 'oh, confounded.'
Of course, the MOMENT he felt ready to tell Grem that he might love her, his own immune system just haaaaaad to ruin it for him! He felt awful enough lying around too weak to go outside or eat certain foods, WHY of ALL TIMES did he have to get sick now?
He stopped yelling in his mind for a bit. It just made his head hurt more.
When Grem came into the bedroom and noticed his sickly state, she immediately started fretting over him. She got him a cup of tea, some Advil, some crackers, she even worried that she gave it to him somehow.
"Ne-never mind that, Grem." he had reassured her, before sneezing loudly. "Uhff, I'm sure that you... that you didn't."
Grem had her robotic assistant M0u5e care for him while she was at work. The little robot was a good caretaker, he had to admit... but he found himself longing for the cat regardless.
He felt bad about it. Was he really so focused on one person that he couldn't focus on the actions of others? He really needed to tell Grem how he felt, if that was the case.
Around 4 PM, as Nikolai lay coughing a bit in bed, he happened to hear the bedroom door open.
It was Grem. And she had a bowl of soup.
Nikolai, sick as he was, sat up slowly and cracked a smile as she approached him happily.
"He- (COUGH) Hello, Grementine!" He greeted her.
Grem set the soup down on the nightstand closest to Nikolai as she sat on the edge of the bed next to him.
"Hey, Nik!" she chirped. "How's the bug been treating ya?"
"You mean the cold?"
"It could.. (ACHOO)... it could definitely be MUCH better, seeing as my throat feels like somebody tried to sand it down. But M0u5e has taken good care of me while you were gone."
"That's great to hear."
Grem looked off to the side.
"I missed ya while I was at work. I was sad thinking about how sick ya were." she confessed.
The sickly man swore his heart skipped a beat.
'You-- You were?"
"Yeah. I want ya to be healthy, Nik-- you were already have a pretty bad time anyway. I was... worried about how much this would be affecting ya."
"Oh, Grem..." he reached out and gently put his hand on her shoulder. "I think I'll live, my friend."
Grem softly smiled at him. "I know ya will. I just worry."
Neither said anything for a second.
Grem then got up, saying, "Well, I'll be on my way now. Enjoy your dinner, Nik!"
Nikolai quietly watched as his friend walked away.
His amazing, intelligent, caring, humorous, cute friend...
God, he couldn't stand it anymore. He had to get out it before the illness worsened.
Before he knew it, he was calling out "Grementine, wait!"
The cat stopped just at the door, and turned to him.
Nikolai said nothing, then coughed a little. Then he looked down, trying not to make eye contact.
"... Can you- can you stay? I want- (cough) I want to talk to you about something." he asked, quiet and sheepish.
Grem stared... then gave a sympathetic smile, walking over and hopping up onto the bed to sit next to him. She said, "Yeah, what's up?"
Nikolai went to speak... but stopped.
He couldn't help but look at her-- her matte gray eyes, her little heart shaped nose, the way her right ear twitched lightly as she waited for him to start talking, a canine sticking out slightly from her mouth, the way her tail curled up, the way the fur on the sides of her face stood up, her little whiskers...
He couldn't help but look at her for so long, he only snapped out of it when someone said his name.
Now, he was made painfully aware of the quizzical look Grem was giving him, and the way his mouth was slightly agape. Nikolai buried his face in his hands, blushing shamefully.
"Sorry, sorry..." Nik muttered.
"No, I get you're nervous." she spoke softly. "Go on."
The human folded his hands in front of him, took a deep breath... and began.
"We've (sniff)... we've known each other for a while now, Grementine, and you've taken care of me. You've... made me happy to call you a friend, Grem. You're a wonderful person, through and through... you saw how I was, how I was merely but a lich... and yet you believed in me. You believed I could be... you believed I AM a good person. And for that, I will always be thankful."
He gave the cat a soft smile, before going quiet.
No going back now, he reminded himself, picking up again.
"... Grementine Mewton, you are the most wonderful person I knoww, and I... I love you through and through... with all my heart. My heart which beats thanks to you."
The cat in front of him looked... surprised to say the least, especially with the touch of blush on her face. She gently placed her hand over her heart.
"You... you mean it?"
He nodded and replied. "Yes, Grementine, I mean it. I really, really do. You are wonderful (cough)... you are perfect... you are you, my dear."
Grems face turned a deep shade of pink, blending into the light pink fur blotches on her head.
"I... WOW! I-- uh-- I didn't-- didn't expect this, hahahah..." she managed to stutter out.
Nikolai swore he saw a couple tears appear in the corners of her eyes.
He assumed they matched with the ones forming in his own.
"You really are, Grementine." he beamed, smiling. "You are wonderful in your own Grem way... and I am glad and happy that we know each other."
Grem started quivering after that.
For a split second, Nikolai was struck with a small bolt of fear. Had he... had he messed up?
... and then Grem leapt into his arms and gave him a giant hug.
Nikolai was briefly caught by surprise before he returned it. He held her close, trying not to cough as he took in just how real it was. How this was... actually happening.
Grem pulled away, still holding him, and Nikolai could see small tear trails going down her cheeks.
"S-sorry," she blathered to him, "I just-- I didn't expect that. Didn't expect how-- how nice it was."
He offered a kind smile as he spoke again.
"Grementine, may I (sniffle)... gently touch you on your cheek? I would like to tell you a bit more, if that's alright with you."
The cat perked up at that. "Oh--Oh yes, of course."
Niks hand went up, and was gently placed against her left cheek, illiciting a small purr. He continued with his confession.
"You have gone through so so much, your whole life you never had a break. Let me tell you-- (ACHOO)-- let me tell you as someone who has messed up a lot... You are great, Grementine. You are wonderful, and smart, and you deserve to be happy."
Grem closed her eyes, before lifting one of her own hands and placing it atop the hand against her face, sending little sparks of joy into Nikolai's heart.
"Ya know something, Nikolai?" she began to admit. "I've grown to... like ya like that, as well."
Nikolai felt the blushing on his face deepen. She did? That was nice to hear.
The kitty continued. "I woulda confessed sooner, but... y'know, you're kinda sick at the moment, so I didn't think it would be a good time."
"I wanted to (sniffle)(cough)-- sorry, I wanted to confess to you sooner as well, but then my cold flared up. However, I wanted to tell you, just in case my cold gets even worse, my dear." he replied, smiling again.
"Hehe, yeah. Heck, even when ya WEREN'T down with the cold, and ya just needed bedrest really. I thought it would be best to do when you were feeling well."
"It's alright, my dear. I do hope it was alright for me to confess my feelings to you like this. It... it is not really romantic."
Grem gently patted his shoulder. "No, it's completely fine! It came from you, after all."
Nikolai slipped his arm back around her and pulled her a bit closer, making her giggle.
"I love you, Grem, I really do. I want to spend my life with you, together as your partner... if that's alright with you."
Grem smiled at him... though the smile faltered, and pulled away just a little as she asked, "... What kind of partner?"
Worry began to seep into Nikolai's mind. Had he... had he said something wrong?
"Well... just the way you are." he tried to reassure her. "I like you for who you are, Grem, and I would like to live with you, if that's alright. I really enjoy your company Grem, and I... I love you."
Grem put up her hands, shaking them a little. "I mean, of course you can live with me! There's nothing wrong with that! I just... what kind of relationship would we have?"
Nikolai looked off to the side, scratching the back of his head.
"Well, I... (ACHOO)... I honestly want to have the kind of relationship... that you want to have, Grem. I want you to be comfortable and happy."
The cat looked down and hugged herself. Nikolai internally prepared for the worst.
Finally, Grem took a deep breath before speaking.
"Uh.. I'm... some form of aromantic, Nikolai. I don't know how to describe it too well. I guess I'd say that... well, I'm not completely aromantic, I don't mind a bit of romance... but I don't think I'd be comfortable with a romantic relationship."
The human was quiet for a moment. Truthfully, he didn't mind that at all. But what kind of relationship should they have?
He started talking again. "I understand that. So, would being in a non-romantic... a platonic relationship make you happy?"
Grem looked back up at him, and a wave of relief came over him as she gave him a big smile and said one word.
Nikolai sighed in relief and lay back down in bed, a good bit of energy taken from the whole ordeal. He coughed a little before he responded to her.
"And that is completely alright with me, Grem."
Grem crawled over next to him and sat down, before taking one of his hands and… holding it.
Nikolais face felt warm. It could have been from blushing or from being sick. He didn’t care, as he grinned at Grem and gently squeezed the hand interlocked with his own.
He wasn’t sure if it was real or not… but he was feeling a lot better now.
The next afternoon, Nikolai and Grem lay in bed together as the latter cough loudly and sniffled.
“I want to take… eat an entire bottle of Tylenols Cold and Flu.” Grem mumbled.
Nikolai had given Grem a cold.
He (who was still sick— thank his immune system) offered the cat a tissue from the tissue box she had brought in when she stumbled into the bedroom that morning, and gave her a sad look.
“I’m so sorry, Grementine my dear.” he whispered to her.
The cat waved her hand a bit at him as she blew her nose into the tissue.
“No, no, it’s fine… (sniffle) We’re gonna be fine, sweetie.”
Sweetie… he blushed at the pet name. He felt a little less bad now.
The door opened, and M0u5e came in with two steaming mugs of chicken noodle soup.
“I’ve brought lunch.” It announced as it handed the mugs to the two sickly new lovers. “How are you both holding up?”
All Grem could say was “I just hope I don’t have to take cough syrup.”
Nikolai chuckled at her response— she told him the same thing earlier.
“I’m holding up decently,” he responded to M0u5e. “I think I’ll feel better tomorrow.”
The robot clapped her hands together. “Good to hear. Do either of you require anything else?”
“Could ya perhaps bring in my DVD player and my copy of Legally Blonde?” The kitty asked.
M0u5e simply nodded and left the room.
The moment the door closed, Grems hand dove towards one of Nikolais and held it gently. She smiled up at him as she traced circles on the back of his hand.
Nikolai sighed happily as he stared into her eyes.
They’d get through this cold… together.
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bigmouthlass · 13 days
Title:  Crazy Ways Are Evident
Author:  BJ
Fandom:  Supernatural
Rating:  Explicit
Pairing:  Dean Winchester/You, Dean Winchester/Reader
Synopsis: Just a nice little fantasy-- you, Dean, a hot house, and a stereo.
Tags:  Rough sex, Facesitting, Squirting, Unsafe sex, Handyman Dean,
AN:  An exercise in pure self-indulgence. But hey, isn't that what fanfics are for?  All recognizable intellectual properties are owned by their respective creators and holders of any copyrights or trademarks. This is a not-for-profit work of fan art and protected by Fair Use. Oh, and there's a podfic! Courtesy of Sandra, @talltalesandbedtimestories.
“I thought it never got hot here,” Dean bitches.
“Climate change,” you shrug.  He’s right though. Holy sheezits it’s hot, inching up towards triple digits and not a dry heat either.  At these latitudes air conditioning isn’t a necessity for all but a few weeks out of the year, so most homes don’t have HVAC.  People in apartments and small houses get by with window units.  The old Victorian barn your parents inherited from Great Aunt Gwendolyn?  Not even.  Cool baths, ceiling fans, and breezeways can only do so much.  You’re at the mercy of Mother Nature.
Something cold presses into your hand.  Throwing Dean a smile, you crack the can of Mountain Dew.  Jesus that’s good, so cold ice crystals have just started forming on the inside of the can.  You have rules about this kind of work, handed down from your mother and her father before her-- there must be a cooler full of pop, there must be a portable stereo tuned to oldies or classic rock, dinner must either be cheap pizza or hot dogs, there must be beer in the fridge for sipping after everyone’s knocked off for the day.  So it is written, so it must be.  Dean takes the opportunity to rub a handful of ice over his sweaty face.  Might’ve cooled him off, but now you’re feeling the heat.
You forget sometimes about your dad’s fibbing skills.  Clear out the attic, he said.  Stay over the summer and just pay utilities, he said.  Maybe strip the old wallpaper out of the downstairs bedrooms and get rid of that carpet in the living room, he said.  What a schmuck you are.  You haven’t worked this hard since you were an undergrad.  When the Winchester brothers arrived to help pack up and store some of Great Aunt Gwendolyn’s -- the name is practically a title, it should come with its own trumpet flourish -- magic junk, you’d fallen all over yourself offering them a place to crash for a few weeks.  Good company, easy on the eyes, handy with tools, free help with the book you’re researching (Haunts and Spirits: A History Of Occultism In Colonial North America, co-authored by Doctor You, Ph.D., loremaster, occasional Hunter, euchre player, and maker of passable Texas chili).  All good.
Then Sam decamped, saying he wanted to spend some time with a friend.  Named Eileen.  Whose name Sam couldn’t say without a goofy little smile.  They’re Up North, taking the opportunity to do some camping after dealing with a poltergeist.  You hope they’re having a good time.  Pictured Rocks is beautiful this time of year.
Leaving you and Dean, alone, in a big empty house, with no air conditioning, in the middle of the hottest July on record.  It’s totally because of the heat that you’re wearing overalls with the legs cut off mid-thigh and a sports top with no shirt.  Of course your hair’s pinned into a just-fucked bedhead twist, otherwise it’d lay down your back in a sweaty mat.  Your legs . . . okay, you don’t have an innocent reason for your freshly waxed legs.  Beach trip sometime before the boys head back to Kansas?  Yeah, that’ll work.
Dean’s down to a T-shirt and jeans, the shirt sweated translucent and the jeans snug around the long muscles of his legs.  You’d damn near dropped a paint can on your foot watching him wipe his face dry with his shirt, revealing a heart-stopping patch of bare chest and belly in the process.  That same night he’d turned his nose up at pizza, disappeared with his Chevy for an hour, puttered in the kitchen for another hour, and presented you with the best goddamned hamburger in the world.  Payback for the chocolate silk pie, he’d said, with that grin that makes your heart dance.
He’s definitely capital-I Interested.  Sparks are flying.  But apart from some lingering looks . . . a light caress of your leg as he spots you on the ladder . . . an exchange of shoulder rubs . . . an evening sitting on the couch with his head in your lap and your fingers in his hair . . . Dean’s been a perfect gentleman (the bastard).  So it’s your move.  Hmm, what to do, what to do?  You are not letting him leave without trying him on for size, and that’s final.
“Dance break!” you blurt, taking the roll of Blu-Tape out of Dean’s hand and pulling him under the ceiling fan.
Dean frowns.  “I don’t dance.”
“Tough shit.  Dance break!”  You lean into him, kicking one leg high on the YEAH! in Kickstart My Heart.  Dean balances you easily.  His body picks up the beat and a bright smile breaks across his face.  Mighty long time between dances, you think.
It works.  As the afternoon shades into evening the personal space between you disappears.  Every little while you or Dean will say, “Dance break!” and pull the other close.  You both smell like sweat and paint and hot fabric, an earthy smell that settles into your brain stem.  The radio gods are on your side today.  Lots of suggestive stuff in the air.  The DJ who played Pour Some Sugar On Me and Her Strut back-to-back’s getting a thank-you card next week.
Finally you stand and inspect the day’s labor, a fresh coat of Summer Sky Blue drying on the walls, baseboards and window frames stripped of paint and stained to bring out the beautiful red maple.  Miles better than the old butterfly wallpaper and white high gloss slopped on the woodwork.  The sun went down a while ago, bringing a beautifully clear, starry night.  A fresh breeze puffs through the open windows, a sip of relief from the day’s relentless heat.
Dean inspects the work and nods.  An arm drapes around your back, hand pressing to your bare waist.  “Looks great.”
The radio plays five precise notes on a guitar, and a melody begins.  You know this one well, and you know Dean does too-- music for some low-down dirty dancing.  This time there’s no shyness, no standing on dignity.  His chest and belly mash against yours as his arm pulls you close.  So hot, so fucking hot.
Dean bends his knees a little, matching your height, moss green eyes half-closed.  Your bodies sway together.  This is a dance he knows, and you know enough to take his lead.  That leaves you free to just feel.  Your skin is pulsing with your heartbeat, hot, sensitive.  The steady pressure of Dean’s hand on the small of your back makes you melt inside.  His other hand slides down your hip and settles on your ass, kneading into the muscle beneath.  Lower, down your leg, lifting your knee, opening a space between your legs.  Dean’s hips fit neatly into that space and oh my, the man’s packing much more than a hammer in his pants.
You need more naked.  Dean’s damp T-shirt bunches in your grip as you untuck and pull it up over his head.  Bare to the waist he’s sex personified far as you’re concerned, all ropy muscles bunching and jumping as he moves you both to the music, those patrician lips just parted.  You want those lips on you, all over you.
Dean dips you, the move putting his denim-covered erection right where you’re burning.  Your head drops back.  The two sticks holding up your hair slip out and clitter to the floor.  The look in his eyes as he pulls you upright and your hair unwinds is dark, predatory, hungry.  You know right then you’re not going to have it in you to deny him anything tonight.  Playing with fire is one of your vices, and there’s always the chance you’ll go up in flames.
If that’s how you go out, write WORTH IT on your gravestone.
You fit yourselves together, Dean’s knee in between your legs.  Hot skin, sprinkled with hair and sticky with half-dried sweat, slides under your hands as you pet his chest.  Overalls were a good choice for seduction wear, you decide as Dean cups and fondles a tit through the thick support fabric of your top.  It’s like a shortcut to naked.
Robert Plant’s wail makes every hair on your body stand up.  Dean’s too, gooseflesh ripples under your fingers.  His arms lock tight around your back.  “Up!”
You hop and clamp your legs around Dean’s waist.  There’s no more space, anywhere.  He fills the world.  Gentle fingers worm into your hair and finish taking the twist apart.  He’s hard, so very hard, you need to get fucked by that body so very bad--
“God damn it!” Dean hisses.  “Are you on the pill?”
“I don’t have any condoms.”  The words make sense, but at the same time they so very fucking don’t.  You writhe, grinding over Dean's crotch.  He snaps, “Are you on the fucking pill?!?”
“Depo shot,” you manage.  “Couple weeks ago.”  The song's final delicate notes shiver in the air.  What comes on next?  You don’t know and you don’t care.  Dean’s finally, finally, using that sinful mouth on you.  Tongue rubbing against yours, lips on your face, teeth scraping on your neck.  Under your mouth his skin is salty and clean and hot.  “Fuck me,” you whine into his ear, soft and pleading.  “Please, fuck me.”
Easily as though your weight meant nothing, Dean turns and walks down the hall.  Both stronger and smarter than he lets on-- he ignores the stairs and goes for the downstairs guestroom and the nearest bed, tossing you on the mattress with a zing! of bedsprings.  He works on your boots as you work on your overalls.
Teamwork makes the dream work.  Dean pulls off your overalls and panties, you whip off your top.  Dean’s eyes go buggy as your tits tumble free.  In all modesty, most men do that when you turn them loose.
“Get those pants off and fuck me!” you plead.
“Can’t,” Dean says, climbing onto the bed with you.  “Gotta eat your pussy first.”
Oh no, we are done with foreplay.  Every nerve in your groin aches, and Dean’s packing the cure inside those thrift store Wranglers.  You open your mouth to make these points.  Instead you damn near swallow your own tongue.
Dean’s got a very direct idea of foreplay.  It involves tongue kisses straight up into your pussy, lips kneading your clit, the edges of teeth right where you’re softest.  “Tastes so fucking good,” Dean moans into your cunt.  “Been dreaming about this for days.”  You can’t breathe, there’s no air but there must be because you scream when Dean’s fingers get involved.  Your cunt clenches around him and he adds another finger, forcing you open so fucking deliciously.
“Please,” you beg-- the little shit, you don’t know how but he could tell you were about to lose it and slowed down.  “Want you.  Please.”
“Want my cock?”
“Yes,” you moan.
That leer.  That filthy, filthy leer.  “Be a good girl, stay just like that.”  Dean stands and goes to work on his boots, not taking his eyes off you.  Something in your chest unfurls; he’s just as much a slave to his libido as you are to yours right now.  So you make it worse, one hand stroking your pussy and the other pinching a nipple.  Dean’s eyes go wide and his fingers damn near get knotted in bootlaces.
“MotheraGod,” he breathes as you stick out your tongue and angle your tit.  Get it just right and there.  Dean has to catch his balance on the edge of the bed as your lips close around your own nipple.  “I’m gonna shoot in my pants if you don’t knock it off.”
“Then quit screwing around and fuck me already,” you say.
“Yes ma’am,” he mumbles, tearing his eyes off you and working the tangle of boots and jeans off his legs.  You flop back flat on your back, arms flung wide, taking deep breaths, holding yourself still.  You’re close, so very hot and close, and you don’t want to come unless it’s with Dean inside you.
Dean finally gets himself naked and now your eyes are going buggy.  It’s not fair to the other men of the world, is your first thought, that a man that fucking beautiful should have a dick to match.  So thick.  Massive.  The thought of a fuck from that makes you clench, equal parts anticipation and terror.
You make room as Dean climbs onto the bed, crawling up between your legs.  You jump halfway to Heaven when he rubs a hand up through your pussy, getting a palmful of your wet.  Dean laughs as he kisses you.  Through the blood pounding in your ears you can hear the obscene sluicing noise of him slicking his cock up with your juices.  You look down as he takes another handful and oh my God, the sight of Dean jerking his dick is fucking sublime.  Hardcore pornography by way of Renaissance sculpture.
Dean grunts, squeezing himself at the base.  “You see what you’re doing to me?”
“Me?” you demand.  “I’ve been changing my underwear twice a day for a week!  I don’t take those cold showers just to rinse off!”
“Honey,” Dean says, fist still clenched around an erection that looks so hard it hurts, “you are not helping.”
“Then for God’s sake get down here and--"
“Hold your pussy open.  Perfect, just like that,” he praises, propping himself overtop you on one arm and guiding his cock through your pussy lips with the other.  Hot, stone-hard, wet with precum.  Dean finds where your body opens and presses himself in, crown, ridge, and shaft.  Slow, a millimeter at a time.  Your mouth drops open.  Wide, full, he stretches you to fit, close as a glove.
“Fuck, so tight,” Dean pants.  “Fit me so fucking good.”
“Please, baby,” you breathe against Dean’s neck.  “More.”
Dean tips your head up.  “Look at me.  Right here,” he points to his eyes.  He withdraws, a slow slide away, his eyes almost crossing.  Then he thrusts back, giving you all that cock.  Thick, heavy, you’re going to feel him for days.
You somehow find it in you to wrap your legs around his waist.  Whatever he’s looking for, he finds it.  Dean starts a slow, rolling motion that rubs the fat head of his cock right there.  The sensation makes you whine for more, makes you cling, your fingernails digging skin from Dean’s back.  It’s glorious, almost too much and not nearly enough, it feels so good, if Heaven isn’t like this you don’t wanna go.
“Shit,” Dean pants, something breaking his smooth pace.  “Oh fuck me,” he moans.  One hand goes between your legs.  Blunt fingertips find your clit and you screech.  The stimulation makes your cunt clamp down on Dean.  He fucks up against the squeeze, grunting and moaning in harmony with you.  “Fuck, fuck,” the pitch of his voice spikes upwards, “fuck--”
And he’s gone.  Pulled out, withdrawn, gone.  Every nerve in your body shudders and weeps.  Something warm splats on your stomach as Dean jerks himself to finish.  You grind your palms against your closed eyelids and yell your frustration to the ceiling.
“Jesus, honey,” Dean manages to huff out as he catches his breath.  “I’m sorry, I--"  You start to cry.  It’s just not fucking fair.  Dean finds a box of Kleenex on the nightstand and wipes his mess off you.  So considerate.  You could kill him, really you could.  Four good hard thrusts from the orgasm of a lifetime.  Instead you’re stuck with the girly version of blue balls.  Nothing to do but catch your breath, stagger your aching cunt upstairs to your room, and hope you can get yourself off hard enough to sleep.  The reasonable adult you pops out of her cave long enough to tell you you’re being childish, Dean can’t help it if he’s not perfectly in tune with you on the first screw.
You pull yourself together enough to roll away.  Strong hands and arms pull you back, turn you onto your frontside.  “Oh.  No.  You.  Don’t,” Dean pants, making every word distinct.
“Dean don’t worry about it, I--”
“Up on your knees.  Now.”
Shivering, you do as you’re told.  Big hands, rough from the day’s work and wet with sex, pose you just so, back arched and thighs spread wide.  Your pussy throbs and burns, open to the air.  Something-- what the hell?
You look down and see Dean’s head coming to rest between your legs.  He kisses the little pad of fat at the top of your crotch.  “Been dreaming about this too,” he says, “you riding my face with,” he kisses, gently, coaxingly, “this,” kisses right where you ache, “perfect,” gives your clit the softest kitten lick, “pussy.”
Where he promptly buries himself.  Flat on your back his mouth was good.  In this position, you don’t know why, it feels amazing.  The embers of your ruined orgasm smolder back to life.  Your hips grind and shimmy down onto Dean’s face.
A teasing finger presses to your perineum and travels back.  A thrill of something different rattles up your backbone as it presses against your other hole, rubbing gently over and around.  More fingers sink into your cunt and rub against that spot that makes you hungry.  It’s too much, too much.  Trying to get away makes it worse.  Dean won’t let you escape and trying makes him cling to you tighter and work you harder and oh shit, something’s happening hasn’t happened for years.
“Dean!” you cry, explosions ripping through your guts, “Dean stop!  I’m gonna--” too late.  Some Overload valve in your body trips and hot fluid jets all over Dean’s face.  His arms clamp over your thighs and his mouth seals over your clit, little grunts of surprise rattling straight into your nerves.  It doesn’t stop, you just keep coming and coming, every cell in your body shuddering itself to pieces.
You cling to the bed’s headboard, your nervous system shot to shit.  Vaguely you feel Dean work his way out from between your legs, probably to go find a washcloth.  You damn near drowned him, for fuck’s sake.  Explain that one to Sam.
“Wow,” you hear Dean panting behind you.  He presses up against your back and turns your head for a kiss.  He stinks like, well, you.  Tastes that way too.  Dean shifts and no way, that cannot be his stone-hard cock sliding between your soaked pussy lips.  “Still want my cock?”
“Huh?”  That doesn’t figure, no man goes from blowing a load to fully erect in . . . however long you were riding his face.
“Not done with you yet,” he says against your lips.  “But if you’re tapping out--”
“Fuck you.”
“I,” Dean proclaims, deep and raspy, “have not yet begun to fuck.”
“Now would be a great time to start,” you snark back.
With that, Dean’s cock shoves into you.  Oh shit-- everything’s swollen and sensitive and he feels even heavier and fits even closer.  “Oh my fuck,” you whine.  Your hands go right back on the headboard and hold fast.
With a hand rubbing your clit and another squeezing your tit, Dean’s fucking you like it’s the last thing he’ll ever do in this life.  The Hunter grapevine’s buzzed for years with gossip about Dean’s skills in bed   Sweet Jesus, the rumors don’t even come close.  He’s panting filth in your ear, how good you feel, how hot it looks watching your body wrap around his cock, how much he loved it when you lost it and came all over him.  He’s fucking you so hard you can almost feel your body splitting apart to get him closer.  “More, please--" you cry.
It’s happening again, oh my God-- you come so hard you literally see stars.  More hot fluid squirts out of you to flood down your thighs, splatter on the duvet.  Dean's hands clamp on your waist, yanking you back to meet his thrusts, punching his cock up into you.  It’s not ending, it keeps popping your nerves.  You can feel Dean throughout your body.  Shit, you can feel him to your fucking fingertips, up your spine to the ends of your fucking hair.  How is that even possible?  He snaps his hips hard enough to jolt your knees up off the bed and goes still, moans spilling from his lips as his come spills inside you.
Dean’s cock softens and slips away.  Liquid trickles out of you; juices, come, blood, who knows?  You slump into a sort of bony puddle, winded, sweat-drenched, smelling of sex.  Your sense of discretion’s totally gone.  The first inane thing that pops from your mouth is, “I thought . . . getting your brains fucked out always . . . figure of speech.”
A weak, breathless laugh from Dean.  “Zeppelin fan, a screamer, and a squirter?  You’re a gift from God, baby.”
Carefully, as feeling returns to your limbs, you turn and sit, back to the headboard.  Dean’s sprawled across the foot of the bed, panting, flushed, shiny with sweat and come.  As your eyes meet, Dean smiles almost shyly and sighs out a laugh.  He looks so gorgeous lying there, part of you wants a round three.  The rest of you groans and throbs.  Nineteen and horny was a while ago and sex is off the table for now.
You shift around the soreness and grimace at the feel of wet fabric.  “I think,” you say, groaning yourself off the bed to stand on wobbly faun legs, “I need a shower, four Advil, and about six hours of sleep.”  Moving carefully, you shuffle to the door.  A look over your shoulder and Dean’s rolled to his back, an arm over his eyes.  “Off your ass and on your feet hot stuff, I need you to wash my hard-to-reach places.”
Dean takes his arm off his eyes and looks at you upside-down.  “You’re not big enough to have hard-to-reach places.”
“Well come on so I can wash yours.  I’m not going to bed all sticky and neither are you.”
Dean runs a fingertip across his chest and brings it to his mouth.  “Mmm.  I like being sticky.”
“We’ll get sticky again tomorrow.  Promise.”  You grab his wrist and Dean lets you tug him to the upstairs bathroom.
After a wonderful cool shower, you and Dean gently washing each others’ hard-to-reach places, you lay with you head pillowed on Dean’s chest.  His fingers toy with a strand of your drying hair.  Your fingers toy with the hair on his chest, enjoying the scent of your soap on his skin.  Every bit of you aches but it’s a good ache, the ache that comes of hard work well done.
Neither one of you thought to turn off the radio.  A sudden loud jangle of guitars and you startle, looking up into Dean’s eyes.  It’s so beautifully appropriate, you both dissolve into giggles and pick up the lyrics, singing together in soft harmony.
“Dancing days are here again, summer evenings grow . . .”
AN2: Songlist: Motley Crue, “Kickstart My Heart.” Def Leppard, “Pour Some Sugar On Me.” Bob Seger, “Her Strut.” Led Zeppelin, “Since I’ve Been Lovin’ You.” Led Zeppelin, “Dancing Days.”
I was looking at my dashboard the other day and I noticed I didn't post anything at all for the whole of 2020, despite making significant progress on my bigass crossover fic. That just won't do. And I gotta admit, the thought of Dean in home improvement mode, all hot and sweaty, makes me feel some kinda way.
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junosmith810 · 1 year
Honeywell MO08CESWK6 9100 BTU 350 sq. ft. 3-in-1 Quiet Portable Air Conditioner
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Ideal for rooms up to 400 sq. ft.—3-in-1 portable air conditioner provides targeted spot cooling to help you save on energy bills by cooling only the room you need
Stress-free auto-evaporation—Built-in dehumidifier removes up to 34 pints/day with continuous drain option for long unattended operation
Versatile, intuitive controls—2 fan speeds, digital thermostat, 24-hour energy-saving timer, and remote control ensure easy operation
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972getasam-dfw · 16 days
Tips for Renovating Your Attic
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For many, the attic is a nearly forgotten catch-all that is home to dark spaces, insulation, spider webs and boxes of mementos that rarely see the light of day. It’s sort of a “‘no man’s land” in your own home that is more often disregarded than acknowledged. So, why would someone choose to renovate that boring, largely unused attic space? Reasons to Renovate Your Attic Space There are a host of reasons why homeowners choose to renovate or upgrade their attic space. If more family space is needed, the attic is a great place to start. Looking for a lively and personable “man-cave?” The attic can become your best friend.  You could also use that space to add a home gym or an office space or study. It might be a separate television room for teens who want a space of their own. An attic could also be transformed into a new bedroom suite that could then be used to generate revenue from potential renters. Whatever the reason, renovating your attic means that you are also increasing the square footage of living space in your home. That makes your home more attractive to potential buyers. Whether you want to sell soon or, maybe never at all, this translates into an obvious increase in the value of your home and that is never a bad thing.  Now that we understand the reasoning behind renovating your attic, here are some tips for renovating your attic. How to Go About Preparing Your Home for an Attic Renovation For most, a true renovation goes beyond installing a new floor and tossing in a couch or desk. Attics are tricky spaces and often read as that “haunted” room upstairs that no one ever talks about. So, yes, when it comes to renovating these spaces preparation is needed and in more ways than one.  First, you will want to consult with a professional who will advise you about building codes and permits. There might even be a list of restrictions that are specific to attic renovations and it would be very good to know about that before making any big plans or putting money down.  Are the attic beams or an existing attic floor strong enough to support new flooring and furniture? How will the addition of these floors and possible walls affect the attic’s ability to provide for pre-existing energy efficiency and comfort for the rest of the household? These are questions that can be answered by a qualified structural engineer.  How Much to Spend on an Attic Renovation? Next, you will need to consider your potential budget. Repurposing your attic space can be costly and that cost will vary according to what that new purpose might be. As an instance, it would cost less to create space for a home gym or an office but more if adding a bedroom or a space that might require more electrical and possibly plumbing work.  Then there’s the matter of the accouterments. Will this be a high-end space with proper ventilation and air conditioning? Will it involve the acquisition of new furniture or will an old sofa and TV do the trick? Depending on the purpose, these elements will need to be considered and then added to the budget at hand.   While on the topic of ventilation, this is no time to go cheap. Attics are usually designed for storage. As a result, they are not built to support proper ventilation and an additional type of attic insulation might be called for. Insulation is a key factor when it comes to creating a comfortable living space out of your former attic.  Since you’re now replacing a storage space with an attic space, it’s time to consider the cost of a portable storage container as one option for storing the now displaced belongings. This is especially true because your attic is typically the highest room in your house. This means that this is the space where all the heat in your home naturally gathers. Make sure your cooling systems are able to take on this new load of heat. What about lighting? Thankfully, today’s lighting technology allows for smart bulbs and LEDs. This means that today’s lighting sources don’t generate the heat they used to. Where possible, windows and skylights can lift the load but when relying on light sources for your new attic space, the suggestion is to use programmable smart bulbs or even consider strip lighting for a more resilient and cost-friendly effect.  In Summation An attic renovation can be a fun choice for your home and family. To start with, it’s a great way to add true value to one of the most important investments in your life. It’s also a wonderful way to beautify what is otherwise an empty and largely unused space.  There are a number of reasons why homeowners choose to upgrade or renovate an attic space. It could be for personal or even professional reasons but some also choose to make use of this space in order to generate a return on that investment. This can be done either by way of renting the space or simply allowing that additional square footage to accumulate in value along with the rest of your home over the years to come.  Whatever your reasons for making this choice, be sure to consult with the professionals first. A structural engineer will be more able to tell you what you can and cannot do with the space. Also, there’s the matter of local codes and permits that will be required before the first hammer comes down.  In the end, make sure that this new area is properly ventilated and well lit. Attics can become a beautiful new space in your home but these new spaces might need to be plumbed and they will assuredly require proper heating and cooling as needed. For your displaced goods from your old storage solution, contact SAM Store and Move for moving and storage solutions in Dallas-Fort Worth. Read the full article
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6 Steps to Keep Your Move Energy Efficient in Houston
6 Steps to Keep Your Move Energy Efficient in Houston
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Can Your Move Be Energy Efficient?
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If you're not being energy efficient, a summer move in Houston can cost you a lot. Check out these tips that help pack in more savings in your move.
Moving can be a stressful and energy-draining process, especially in a city like Houston where the weather can be unbearably hot. Whether you’re heading back to college or moving your family into a new home, keep your move energy efficient. This will help you save money and avoid spending too much on CenterPoint power. Here are six practical tips to help you move while keeping your utility bills in check.
1. Plan and Organize Ahead of Time
Before your move, planning and organizing can go a long way in keeping energy usage low. For instance, scheduling your move during cooler parts of the day. This can reduce the need for air conditioning, which is crucial in Houston’s hot climate. Organize your packing and loading schedule to minimize the time doors are open. By doing so, you reduce the amount of cool air lost from your home.
2. Pack Smart
To keep your move energy efficient, pack strategically before moving day. Begin by packing non-essential items early, reducing the workload on moving day. Use eco-friendly packing materials like reusable bins or recycled boxes for a greener move. Properly labeled and organized boxes make loading and unloading more efficient, helping to save time and energy during the move.
3. Set Up a Climate Controlled Room
To avoid running the HVAC system throughout the house, set up a single room with a portable AC unit or heater. Then, close off from the rest of the home. This room can serve as a storage space for temperature-sensitive items like musical instruments, vintage vinyl, or coolers of food. This method greatly reduces the energy required to maintain a cool space. Plus, you can duck in when you’re too hot. 
4. Move with an Energy Conscious Moving Company
The moving company you choose can have a huge impact on your overall energy use. Companies like 3-Men Movers can optimize the moving process to reduce power usage. They know the local climate and can advise on the best practices for keeping your home energy efficient during the move. And why sweat through your move when 3-Men Movers is willing to do it for you? 
5. Don’t Blast the AC
In the heat of Houston’s summer, you might be tempted to blast the AC to stay comfortable, but that can lead to whopping energy bills. Instead, set your thermostat to balance comfort with efficiency. Alternatively, you can turn the AC off completely while the doors are open and then cool the house down once everything is moved in and closed up. That way, you can really save on using Texas electricity.
6. Unpack with Conservation in Mind
Once you’ve moved into your new home, unpack strategically to avoid wasting energy. Start by setting up the most critical areas of the home, like the kitchen and bedrooms, to minimize the need for heating, cooling, or lighting in unused spaces. This approach not only helps you conserve power but also allows you to settle into your new home more quickly and comfortably.
An Energy Efficient Move in Houston
Keeping your move energy efficient in Houston doesn’t have to be complicated. With a little planning and the right approach, you can save both energy and money, making your transition as smooth as possible. And with the right plan from http://www.texaselectricityratings.com, your power bills will be lower than you thought possible. 
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The Definitive Guide to Inflatable Tent Reviews
Camping and outdoor enthusiasts are increasingly turning to inflatable tents due to their convenience, durability, and modern designs. However, with so many options available, it can be challenging to choose the right one. This comprehensive guide aims to provide you with detailed inflatable tent reviews, helping you make an informed decision for your next outdoor adventure.
Why Choose an Inflatable Tent?
Before diving into the reviews, let's explore why inflatable tents are becoming so popular:
1. Ease of Setup
Inflatable tents eliminate the need for traditional poles. Instead, they use air-filled beams, which can be inflated quickly with a pump. This significantly reduces setup time and effort.
2. Durability
Modern inflatable tents are made from high-quality materials that are resistant to punctures and tears. The air-filled beams provide a robust structure that can withstand strong winds and adverse weather conditions.
3. Portability
Inflatable tents are lightweight and compact when deflated, making them easy to transport and store. This portability is a major advantage for campers who frequently move from one site to another.
4. Versatility
These tents come in various sizes and designs, suitable for different types of camping trips, from solo adventures to large family gatherings.
Key Features to Look for in Inflatable Tents
When reading inflatable tent reviews, keep an eye on the following key features:
1. Material Quality
High-quality, durable materials ensure that the tent can withstand rough conditions and last for many seasons.
2. Weather Resistance
A good inflatable tent should be waterproof and wind-resistant, with features like taped seams and reinforced corners.
3. Ventilation
Proper ventilation is essential to prevent condensation and ensure a comfortable environment inside the tent.
4. Ease of Setup
Look for tents with clear instructions and quick-inflate valves, which make the setup process straightforward and hassle-free.
5. Space and Layout
Consider the tent's interior space and layout. Some tents offer multiple rooms or compartments, which can be useful for family trips or group camping.
6. Additional Features
Extra features like storage pockets, windows, and doors can enhance the camping experience by adding convenience and functionality.
Top Inflatable Tent Reviews
1. Vango Odyssey Air 500 Villa Inflatable Tent
The Vango Odyssey Air 500 is a popular choice among campers. It offers a spacious interior with room for up to five people. The tent features Vango's AirBeam technology, making it easy to inflate and deflate. Key features include:
Material Quality: High-quality, waterproof polyester fabric.
Weather Resistance: Excellent, with fully taped seams and a waterproof rating of 3000mm.
Ventilation: Multiple vents and mesh panels for airflow.
Ease of Setup: Quick and easy with the included pump.
Spacious interior.
Durable and weather-resistant.
Easy to set up.
Slightly heavier than other models.
2. Coleman Valdes 6XL Air BlackOut Tent
The Coleman Valdes 6XL is designed for large families or groups. It can accommodate up to six people and features Coleman's BlackOut Bedroom technology, which blocks out 99% of daylight for a better night's sleep. Key features include:
Material Quality: Ripstop polyester for enhanced durability.
Weather Resistance: High, with a waterproof rating of 4500mm.
Ventilation: Effective airflow with multiple windows and vents.
Ease of Setup: Takes about 15 minutes with the included pump.
BlackOut Bedroom technology for improved sleep.
Large, spacious interior.
Robust and weatherproof.
Higher price point.
3. Heimplanet The Cave Inflatable Tent
The Cave by Heimplanet is an innovative, geodesic inflatable tent that offers excellent stability and wind resistance. It's designed for up to three people and is ideal for adventurers who need a reliable and lightweight tent. Key features include:
Material Quality: High-strength ripstop nylon.
Weather Resistance: Excellent, with a waterproof rating of 5000mm.
Ventilation: Optimized with mesh panels and vents.
Ease of Setup: Very quick, taking only a few minutes.
Extremely stable and wind-resistant.
Lightweight and portable.
Quick setup.
Smaller interior space.
4. Quechua Air Seconds 4.1 XL Fresh & Black
The Quechua Air Seconds 4.1 XL is a family tent that offers both comfort and convenience. It features Fresh & Black fabric, which keeps the tent cool and dark. Key features include:
Material Quality: Durable polyester.
Weather Resistance: Good, with a waterproof rating of 2000mm.
Ventilation: Efficient, with multiple windows and air vents.
Ease of Setup: Takes about 10 minutes with the included pump.
Keeps the interior cool and dark.
Spacious and comfortable.
Easy to set up.
Lower waterproof rating compared to other models.
Customer Testimonials and Experiences
Reading inflatable tent reviews can provide valuable insights into real-world performance. Here are some testimonials from satisfied users:
Vango Odyssey Air 500: "Our family loves the Vango Odyssey Air 500. It's easy to set up and take down, and we stay dry even in heavy rain. The space inside is perfect for our needs." – Sarah P.
Coleman Valdes 6XL: "The BlackOut Bedroom feature is a game-changer. We all slept so well, and the tent stayed cool during the day. Setup was straightforward, and it's very durable." – Michael T.
Heimplanet The Cave: "Heimplanet's The Cave is fantastic for solo camping trips. It's lightweight, incredibly stable, and sets up in no time. I've used it in various weather conditions, and it's never let me down." – Emma R.
Quechua Air Seconds 4.1 XL: "This tent is perfect for our summer camping trips. It stays cool inside, even in the sun, and the dark interior helps the kids sleep better. Setup is a breeze." – Tom L.
Choosing the right inflatable tent can greatly enhance your camping experience. By considering factors like material quality, weather resistance, ventilation, ease of setup, and interior space, you can find a tent that meets your specific needs. The inflatable tent reviews provided in this guide offer a starting point for your search, highlighting some of the best options available on the market.
For more information or to explore a wide range of inflatable tents, visit https://pagoda-tent.com/ or contact [email protected]. Happy camping!
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Nuwave Air Purifiers for Home Bedroom Up to 1361 Sq Ft, Portable Air Purifier with Air Quality Sensor, H13 True HEPA & Carbon Filter Captures Pet Hair Allergies Dust Smoke,18dB, Energy Star Certified
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About this item
HIGH PERFORMANCE PORTABLE AIR PURIFIER - The True HEPA air purifier is perfect for large, indoor spaces, especially large bedrooms, living rooms, kitchens, and basements. Purify a 454 ft² room 3x per hour and a 1,361 ft² room 1x per hour.
TOUCH SCREEN CONTROLS – The LED touch screen is elegant and responsive; Easily control all 6 functions with a simple touch of the screen.
INDEPENDENT 3RD PARTY LAB CERTIFIED – The Portable Air Purifier is scientifically proven to remove 99.97% of airborne contaminants as small as 0.3 microns including dust, smoke, and pollen.
OZONE FREE – The Portable Air Purifier doesn’t utilize UV-C light, which can produce harmful ozone; It is also California Air Resource Board (CARB) certified to comply with that state’s stringent testing, electrical safety, and ozone requirements.
ENERGY STAR CERTIFIED – You can operate the Nuwave air purifier 24 hours a day for a year for less than $10 in electricity costs; It is also FCC and ETL certified.
ALLERGY RELIEF – Soothe congestion, watery eyes, sneezing & other allergy symptoms by purifying the air of allergens and allergy triggers that can irritate the sinuses, nasal passages, and lungs.
ENJOY BETTER SLEEP - The Portable Air Purifier is designed with Sleep mode; All indicator lights turn off and fan operates at whisper-quiet level 17.38 dB to help promote ideal sleeping conditions.
DUAL 3-STAGE FILTRATION – H13 True HEPA filter, carbon, and pre-filter are powerfully engineered to effectively purify the air in a 1,361 square foot room with 24 full air exchanges per day. It’s proven to remove most harmful particles from the air.
SMART TECHNOLOGY BUILT-IN – Auto function utilizes sensors to continuously monitor air quality in the room and automatically adjusts fan speeds for optimal purification. Only use NuWave replacement filters (search B0BHM8WD9K) for best results and product performance.
TRAVEL-FRIENDLY - This sleek, lightweight clean air solution blends seamlessly into any space; It’s perfect for hotel rooms, small apartments, bedrooms & dorms; It is compact and even fits in most carry-on bags so you can enjoy fresh air anywhere you travel.
You can try this product. Click & Buy Now
Product Description
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Thoughtful Design, Exclusively for You!
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You can try this product. Click & Buy Now
Product information
Color: White and Gray Brand: Nuwave Product Dimensions: 8.62"D x 8.62"W x 12.75"H Specification Met: Energy Star Certified, FCC Certified, ETL Certified, CARB Certified, EPA Certified Noise Level: 18.5 dB Particle Retention Size: 0.3 Micron Controller Type: Button Contro Wattage: 34 watts UPC: 652185900196 Manufacturer: Nuwave Item Weight: 4.88 pounds ASIN: B0BRQRJMWG Country of Origin: Chain Item model number: 47402
Customer Reviews
4.4 4.4 out of 5 stars    346 ratings 4.4 out of 5 stars
Best Sellers Rank# 201,395 in Home & Kitchen (See Top 100 in Home & Kitchen) #277 in HEPA Filter Air Purifiers Care instructions: Wipe down with a damp cloth Assembly required: No Number of pieces: 1 Batteries required: No Included Components: 1 x Nuwave OxyPure Portable Air Purifier, 2 x H13 HEPA/Carbon Filters (Pre-installed), 1 x Power Supply, 1 x User Manual
Customer reviews Customers like the quality, performance, appearance and ease of operation of the air purifier. For example, they mention it's an amazing all around great air purifying machine that helps keep air quality up. Some appreciate the high-tech nature and mention it looks great. That said, opinions are mixed on noise, and size.
Desclaimer There are an affiliate links fo a best product in this article which may make some profit for me. You can try this product. Click & Buy Now
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acertainmoshke · 3 months
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Stuffed a spare desk from the attic into the bedroom corner and brought in my record player because one of the portable AC units lives in here and my office is sweltering. The record player is vital because I can turn it up and ALMOST drown out the noise of conditioning the air to a bearable temperature
But I WILL make my word count if it kill’s me (read: takes all fucking day)
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loudruinsnightmare · 3 months
Top 10 Best Air Coolers for Your Home Stay Cool &Comfortable
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As the summer heat intensifies, finding effective home cooling solutions becomes essential for maintaining comfort and well-being. Air coolers are a popular and efficient choice for keeping your home cool without the high costs associated with air conditioning systems. In this blog, we will explore the top 10 best air coolers for your home, each designed to provide superior cooling performance and ensure you stay comfortable all summer. At Ram Coolers, we offer a diverse range of top-rated cooling units tailored to meet the needs of every household.
Why Choose Air Coolers?
Cost-Effective Cooling
Air coolers are known for their cost-effectiveness, consuming significantly less electricity compared to air conditioners. This makes them an economical option for homeowners looking to stay cool without incurring high energy bills.
Eco-Friendly Operation
Air coolers use the natural process of water evaporation to cool the air, making them environmentally friendly. They do not rely on harmful refrigerants, reducing your carbon footprint and promoting sustainable living.
Improved Air Quality
In addition to cooling, air coolers help improve indoor air quality by adding moisture to the air and filtering out dust and pollen. This results in cleaner, fresher air, which is beneficial for individuals with allergies or respiratory conditions.
Top 10 Best Air Coolers for Your Home
1. Ram Coolers Large size Portable / Tent Coolers Series
Ideal for Large SpacesThe Large-size Portable / Tent cooler series from Ram Coolers is perfect for cooling large living spaces and open-plan areas. These coolers feature high-capacity water tanks, powerful fans, and thick cooling pads, ensuring maximum cooling performance for extensive areas.
2. Ram Coolers Tower Series
Stylish and CompactThe Tower Series offers a sleek and modern design, making it an attractive addition to any home. These coolers are compact yet powerful, providing efficient cooling for smaller spaces like bedrooms and study rooms. The Tower Series combines aesthetics with functionality.
3. Ram Coolers Window Series
Space-Saving SolutionDesigned for convenient window installation, the Window Series is a space-saving solution ideal for homes with limited floor space. These coolers provide excellent cooling performance while keeping your floors clutter-free, making them perfect for apartments and small houses.
4. Ram Coolers Portable Series
Flexibility and MobilityThe Portable Series from Ram Coolers offers the flexibility of moving your cooling solution from one room to another. Equipped with wheels, these coolers are perfect for those who need versatile and adaptable cooling options for different areas of their home.
5. Ram Coolers Mini-Series
For Small Rooms and Personal UseThe Mini Series is designed for small rooms and personal use. These coolers are compact, lightweight, and easy to move, making them ideal for bedrooms, offices, and individual workspaces. Despite their small size, they deliver powerful cooling performance.
6. Ram Coolers Desert Series
High-Performance CoolingThe Desert Series is designed to handle extremely hot and dry climates. These coolers feature large water tanks, high-efficiency cooling pads, and robust fans to deliver superior cooling performance even in the harshest conditions.
7. Ram Coolers Hybrid Series
Versatile and EfficientThe Hybrid Series combines the best features of air coolers and air conditioners, offering versatile and efficient cooling. These coolers can operate as standalone air coolers or in conjunction with air conditioning systems, providing flexible cooling solutions for varying needs.
8. Ram Coolers Eco Series
Energy-Saving and SustainableThe Eco-Series is designed for energy efficiency and sustainability. These coolers consume minimal electricity while delivering powerful cooling performance. They are perfect for environmentally conscious homeowners looking to reduce their energy consumption.
9. Ram Coolers Smart Series
Advanced Features and Smart ControlThe Smart Series features advanced technologies such as digital control panels, remote operation, and smart connectivity. These coolers offer convenience and ease of use, allowing you to control your cooling system from anywhere in your home.
10. Ram Coolers All-Weather Series
Year-Round ComfortThe All-Weather Series is designed to provide comfort throughout the year. These coolers can be used for cooling during the summer and as humidifiers during the winter, making them a versatile addition to your home.
Features to Consider When Choosing an Air Cooler
Cooling Capacity
The cooling capacity of an air cooler is crucial in determining its effectiveness. Choose a cooler that matches the size of the area you need to cool to ensure optimal performance.
Water Tank Capacity
A larger water tank capacity means longer cooling periods without the need for frequent refills. This is especially important for continuous cooling during hot days.
Fan Speed and Airflow
Adjustable fan speeds and efficient airflow are essential for customized cooling. Look for coolers with multiple fan speed settings to control the airflow according to your preference.
Durability and Build Quality
Invest in an air cooler with robust construction and high-quality materials to ensure long-term performance and reliability.
Tips for Maximizing Air Cooler Efficiency
Proper Placement
Place your air cooler near a window or an open space to draw in fresh air. This enhances the cooling efficiency and ensures better air circulation throughout the room.
Regular Maintenance
Regularly clean the cooling pads, water tank, and filters to prevent the buildup of dust and minerals. This ensures efficient cooling and extends the life of your cooler.
Use with Fans
Using ceiling or pedestal fans in conjunction with your air cooler can help distribute the cool air more evenly. This combination improves overall cooling efficiency and provides a more comfortable environment.
Why Choose Ram Coolers?
Expertise and Experience
With years of experience in the cooling industry, Ram Coolers is a trusted name known for delivering high-quality cooling solutions. Our expertise ensures that you receive the best air coolers for your home, tailored to your specific needs.
Commitment to Quality
Quality is at the forefront of everything we do. From design to manufacturing, each cooler undergoes rigorous testing to ensure it meets the highest standards. Our commitment to quality guarantees that you get a product that performs reliably and efficiently.
Exceptional Customer Service
At Ram Coolers, we believe in providing exceptional customer service. Our team is always available to assist you with product selection, installation, and maintenance. We are dedicated to ensuring your complete satisfaction with our cooling solutions.
⇒ Also Read:  Boost Your Business Efficiency with the Best Commercial Plastic Coolers
Staying cool and comfortable during the summer months is essential for maintaining a pleasant home environment. Air coolers offer an effective and budget-friendly solution for beating the heat. At Ram Coolers, we provide a wide range of top-rated air coolers designed to meet the needs of every household and budget. Whether you need a powerful cooler for a large space or a portable unit for flexible use, we have the perfect solution for you. Visit our website to explore our range of air coolers and find the best cooling option for your home. Beat the heat and stay comfortable all summer with Ram Coolers!
≡  Explore different types of Air coolers and find the perfect solution for your Home within Your Budget. Visit Ramcoolers now!
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ubzsg · 3 months
Portable Air Conditioners: Cool Comfort Without Commitment (and the Importance of Copper Pipes)
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Singapore's sweltering heat can make even stepping outside a chore. While traditional air conditioners offer a powerful cooling solution, they require permanent installation and might not be suitable for every space. This is where portable air conditioners come in – a convenient and flexible solution to beat the heat.
Portable Power:
Portable air conditioners offer a refreshing alternative to traditional AC units. Here's why they might be the perfect fit for you:
Mobility: Unlike fixed ACs, portable units can be easily moved from room to room, cooling down the areas you use the most. Ideal for apartments, rented spaces, or even dorms.
Installation Simplicity: Forget drilling holes and hiring professionals. Portable air conditioners typically require minimal setup – just plug them in and vent the hot exhaust air through a window.
Versatility: These units come in various sizes and cooling capacities, allowing you to find the perfect match for your needs, whether it's cooling a small bedroom or a larger living space.
Additional Features: Many portable air conditioners offer features like dehumidification to combat humidity, adjustable fan speeds for personalized comfort, and even sleep modes for quieter operation at night.
The Importance of Copper Pipes:
While portable air conditioners offer convenience, ensuring their optimal performance requires proper setup. Here's where copper pipes come into play:
Efficient Heat Transfer: Air conditioners rely on a refrigerant to absorb heat from the room and release it outside. Copper pipes are the preferred choice for this process due to their exceptional thermal conductivity. They efficiently transfer heat away from the cool air inside the unit, allowing it to function at its best.
Durability: Copper is a naturally strong and corrosion-resistant material. This ensures the pipes can withstand the constant pressure changes within the air conditioning system and last for many years.
Leak Prevention: Properly installed copper pipes offer superior leak resistance compared to other materials.��Leaks can not only affect cooling performance but also lead to refrigerant loss, which can be harmful to the environment.
Portable AC & Copper Pipes: A Perfect Match:
By utilizing a Portable Aircon conditioner with high-quality, you can enjoy the benefits of convenient cooling without compromising on performance or durability.
Tips for Portable Air Conditioner Use:
Match the size of the unit to your room: An undersized unit will struggle to cool the space effectively.
Proper venting is key: 
Ensure the hot exhaust hose is vented outside for optimal cooling performance.
Regular cleaning: Clean the air filters regularly to maintain airflow and efficiency.
With a portable air conditioner and reliable copper pipes, you can conquer Singapore's heat and create a cool and comfortable haven in any space.
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