#Populations seperated water
scriboniuscurio · 1 year
I wish I had the time and energy to write a well-cited Tumblr post about the peopling of the Americas and about the two main theories, ice free corridor vs coastal migration, and why we're leaning towards coastal migration currently, but regardless. Yes, Beringia is real and people lived there for thousands of years and it was the first stop in the migration further south in both theories.
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uncharismatic-fauna · 4 months
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Once in a Blue Moon: The Bluehead Wrasse
The bluehead wrasse (Thalassoma bifasciatum) is a small species of wrasse found only in the western Atlantic Ocean; particularly around the Caribbean and the northern coast of South America. They inhabit coral reefs, and occasionally along sandy bottoms and sea grass meadows. Bluehead wrasse prefer shallow, warm, clear water and reefs with lots of hiding places that they can easily access.
T. bifasciatum is noted for its bright coloration. Females and small males are bright yellow with a white underbelly, while larger males have a greenish body and a blue head, seperated by thick black and white stripes. These large males are typically 7-8 cm (2.7-3.1 in) in length, while smaller males and females are around 6 cm (2.3 in).
Like many coral reef fish species, the bluehead wrasse engages in protogyny. All eggs hatch as females, and as they mature some change into males. These young males, known as initial phase (IP) males, continue to resemble females but are fully capable of reproduction. Eventually, the largest of them transition into a secondary phase, also known as the terminal phase (TP). TP males carry the characteristic blue and green markings of bluehead wrasse, and are significantly larger. The transition from female to IP, IP to TP, or even directly from female to TP can occur at any time, and is particularly triggered by removal of dominant (TP) males from a population.
Reproduction typically occurs from January to August, though it can continue sporadically throughout the year. Mature adults participate in group spawns, in which females and both male types converge at spawning sites. Males compete for proximity to females, and typically TP males will closely guard access to a harem of 30-50 females, while IP males will attempt to use their coloring to sneak in and mate surreptitiously. T. bifasciatum are broadcast spawners; both sexes release their gametes into the water column, where they are fertilized and carried away by the current.
Eggs spend 6-8 months free floating, sometimes drifting miles from their spawning grounds. After hatching into juveniles (larvae), they burrow into the sand and remain there for several months before emerging to seek out a coral reef in which to shelter. At this point, a year after hatching, they are typically mature and ready to mate themselves. Individuals can live up to 3 years in the wild, though juvenile mortality is high.
Bluehead wrasse are cleaner fish. The majority of their food are parasites picked off of larger fish, as well as shrimp, krill, crustaceans, and plankton gathered from the coral itself. However, they are also often food themselves for larger fish, moray eels, and stingrays.
Conservation status: The IUCN considers the bluehead wrasse to be Least Concern. Their primary threat is habitat loss due to coral reef bleaching.
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Doug Perrine
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bonnie-aphrodite · 9 months
I don't really post anything but I had an awesome idea and I'm obsessed with it.
So it's set in the HTTYD universe BUT Peppy decides to lead around a third of Berk's population on a journey to find an island with no dragons. This happens a few years before Hiccups birth and most Vikings thought them cowards so they are forgotten by the people of Berk. Peppy is a fearsome and strong Viking but wants a peaceful place to raise Poppy and Viva, the events of the journey mirror the trollstice escape to a certain degree.
A Whispering Death named Thorns
Branch is the first in the village to befriend a dragon despite fearing them the most
He helps Branch dig out his bunker
Thorns is kept secret until Poppy and her dragon need to be rescued
Thorns likes to coil around Branch to sleep
Branch is used to diving out of the way of Thorns randomly barreling through the tunnels in the bunker
A Scuttleclaw she names Flutterclaw
Goes off to befriend a dragon immediately after hearing about the Dragon riders on Berk and stumbles across her
Flutterclaw is just as upbeat as Poppy, she's almost never tired
She's named Flutterclaw because we know Poppy isn't the best at naming things on the spot (Tiny Diamond)
They invent dragon-back acrobatics for fun
John Dory
A Snafflefang, it's Rhonda :)
When JD abandoned his brothers he sailed to Neverglaide Mountain and met her by accident
Rhonda had never met a Viking before and just treated the poor guy like a scared hatchling
JD is freaking out but eventually they come to an understanding
They've wandered together ever since
The first character to befriend a dragon
A Scauldron! (Not sure of the name yet)
When he left Bruce went to a neighbouring tribe and established an inn for travelers after meeting Brandy
It was very successful until the Scauldron decided to stake claim
The two had an ongoing rivalry so I famous that everyone on the island was privy to it
When a traveler from Berk came to spread word about dragon riding, Bruce thought he'd give it a shot
It took a while to earn the dragon's trust but it worked eventually
The duo protect the island from wild dragons and Bruce's kids
A Raincutter named Thundertone
When a storm rips through Peppy's fleet, two of the six ships get seperated from the others
These boats hold Viva and Clay, who work together to lead their people on as Peppy would have wanted
They find an island with minimal dragons but their new Chieftess is very fearful of being attacked, so the Vikings of Gulf Island stay hidden
After the brothers reunite, Clay is out brooding in a rainstorm and he meets a Raincutter with an oddly deep roar
He likes how serious the dragon sounds and they bond whole playing in the rain and digging up food for Thundertone
A Windgnasher he names Snaowguard
On the night Brozone (the most formidable dragon slaying family on Berk) broke up, Floyd said goodbye to branch but rushed to a boat the moment he was out of sight
He chased after his brothers' boats, seeing JD's not too far off
In his haste, Floyd accidentally skirted into Outcast waters and was captured
They kept him for his dragon killing knowledge thanks to outcasts Velvet and Veneer
Floyd had grown compassionate towards dragons, he never really liked killing them
After 20ish years his brothers rescued him
The previous week Floyd had spent neighbouring with a Windgnasher who he looked out for and bonded with
Floyd made sure she was saved too and Snaowguard repaid his kindness by protecting him and the two became a pair
A Deadly Nadder named Brightspark
Her fear of dragons rivalled Branch's, especially after the attacks she had to protect her people from after being seperated from her father and baby sister
This means that she is one of the last Vikings to open up to befriending a dragon
Clay, Thundertone, Flutterclaw and Poppy all help her overcome her fear and it comes in handy when she rescues a Deadly Nadder from a dragon trap (possibly her own?)
They're both scarred by their experiences but find an odd sense of comfort in eachother
A Terrible Terror he names Matchsticks
After Poppy brings the idea of dragon riding back to Poptrell Island, Peppy of course wants one
Poppy shows him a bunch of fearsome and tough dragons
But Chief Peppy distracted by the Terrible Terror fighting off a Nadder from his pile of fish
He becomes absolutely enamored with the brave little guy and adopts him immediately
Peppy spoils Matchstick so much that even Poppy has to tell him to chill out a little
I have so much lore written for this AU you don't even know
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seabysiren · 2 years
summary: soulmate au! k'uk'ulkan finds solace. he finds home. he finds the warmth he's been craving since the passing of his mother. he finds you.
there's been a change in their king. the people can feel it. it warms the water and leaves a bright smile that fills the void in his eyes. the wrinkles around his eyes don't hold the weight of the world. there is no longer an endless longing buried beneath his benelovence.
no one knows why he changed. but they can feel it. and it makes them happy.
no one knows his secret.
the name he keeps close to his chest. it curls around him like the embrace of his mother. it keeps close and calms him.
the precious ink that stains his skin feels too precious to show off. he almost feels selfish. knowing that there is finally someone for him.
his little secret is kept underneath the layers of pearls and jade. protected in the vibranium necklaces, shielded away from prying eyes. its kept away from wandering eyes, with only his generals who know of his fate. but even they know better than to speak of this matter.
of his soulmate.
but k'uk'ulkan feels conflicted all the same.
his soulmate must be from the land dwellers. no foolish talokanil would hide the pride in becoming the mate of a god. of their god. their king.
there's a part of him that's afraid.
afraid that his mate would be cut from the same cloth of the colonizers. someone who is cruel and merciless.
he's afraid of liking someone after all these years. a land dweller.
a mortal.
but just like his other feelings, he tucks it aside.
because gods do not yearn. or beg, or hope.
because that is selfish. and k'uk'ulkan cannot be selfish. no matter how his heart soars when he traces the delicate ink on his skin. no matter how he wants to just disappear and traverse the lands to find them. to meet his mate after all these years alone.
he cannot be greedy. he has to be satisfied that someone was made for him. no more. no less.
because talokan is the priority. he has a people to protect, no matter who is waiting. no matter if he meets them or not.
because k'uk'ulkan is talokan's god.
and he cannot show weakness.
he keeps to himself when he is not checking in on his people. when he is not patrolling the ocean for any possible threats to his people.
the people who know him as k'uk'ulkan know nothing of him.
of how he dedicates his time to painting murals of his experiences. of how he loves the silence as the water laps on his skin. of the shiver that crawls upon his skin when he visits empty beaches in the middle of the night.
he likes to watch the sky. he likes to close his eyes and remember the voice of his mother when she pointed to the murals in the sky. of the legends they leave behind, and a small light to guide the lost.
for once its peaceful.
he takes a moment to just breath. to seperate himself from his role as a king. a god.
his heart beats for someone else, yet he isn't allowed to reach out. for his and their safety. for safety of his people.
he has this constant warmth. its a blessing and a curse. that there is someone waiting for him. reminding him that he has to put his duties first. before his happiness.
he feels broken sometimes. like a shell left on the beach to dry and crack alone, buried beneath the merciless grains of sand and the desperate drops of salty water.
and when the sun rises, he is gone. unknown to the world. back into the vast waters.
they say you can feel when you meet your soulmate. that there's a bright flash of light. or time seems to slow down. that their touch burns.
they say its like coming home after wandering, lost in a endless blizzard.
they say it is magical. something you can never forget. something to replay in your head over and over again.
it feels like coming home.
you didn't expect anything. there's seven billion people on the earth. there's aliens who attacked earth. some strange giant who destroyed half the population and heroes who brought them back.
statistically, it is unlikely you will ever meet your soulmate.
but there's a small hope in your chest. a small candle that you never extinguish, never feed. it stays the same as years pass by. as you meet people and gain experiences.
there's a part of you that feels empty. insecure. maybe this is your fate. ununique. unimportant. a side character without a story to follow.
that maybe the universe gave you someone out of your reach.
the people around you say it takes time. that you'll know when you're ready. you've got a long time ahead of you to enjoy.
you're impatient. and greedy. and above else.
you want someone to come home to. to embrace. to hold close. you want your picture to be complete. but right now the puzzle is broken and you've lost the last piece.
so instead you try to fill the void. you meet people. go on dates. make friends and laugh.
there's a part of you that still doubts. that reminds you that you should save yourself for your soulmate. that there's no point in trying when every date has ended in failure. making you feel worse than the day before.
it doesn't work. despite having friends it feels like you don't belong. you're in the conversation, yet no one realizes when you disappear. no one says anything when you say nothing. no one is looking at you.
so you keep to yourself. keep your eyes down and your dwindled hopes away from the winded torments of life.
you wander aimlessly.
and today, or rather, tonight you found yourself at the beach. away from the large parties and hotels. away from the bustle of the locals and villagers. of their happy smiles and happy embraces.
you don't care that the wind nips at your face. it makes your eyes water.
for once, it feels like peace.
there's a sense of serenity that sits in the pit of your stomach. it clings to you like the grains of sand on your bare feet. you submerge yourself halfway into the salty water. the warmth washes over you, a reminder that even when the sun sets it isn't completely cold and desolate.
the wind brushes your face and gently caresses stray strands of hair from your face.
you pay no mind to how your trousers cling to you, wet and heavy. instead you distract yourself with the warm sand beneath your feet. smooth and pliant.
you run your hand across the water, letting the salt stick to your skin as you make small waves around you.
the beat of your heart is slow as you look into the vast ocean. endless. warm. an embrace you never knew you missed.
a silent melody reaches your ears, urging you to open your eyes and look. something pricks in the back of your neck. to look.
something is there.
a sharp breath escapes you when you open your eyes, looking straight at the figure in the water.
he is far. yet it feels like he's close enough to where you could feel the heat emitting from his body.
his bronze skin glistens in the cool colors of blue and purple. he looks foreign. far different from how the locals dress. or the tourists. his body is almost bare except for the extravagent jewelry that anoints his body.
it feels like a dream. your heart beats wildly in its cage as he slowly approaches. his eyes scorch straight into your figure, and you shiver. it feels like being cornered by a predator. it feels like the end.
yet the tips of your fingers tingle. you can feel the exciement in the air. the serenity that had made its home in your body only seems to grow stronger as he approaches.
he stops, right in front of you.
he doesn't say a word.
you feel his dark, warm eyes rove over your figure. his gaze briefly flickers to the background around you before honing in on your face.
this stranger is breath taking. you never met someone who truly felt like they stole the air out of your lungs. never made your heart beat heavy like a drum.
the skin right above your collarbone burns. right where ink stains your skin.
you gulp.
his voice is deep. a nice, low baritone that washes over you like the small waves from the ocean. it feels like the sun came back just for you. to shower you in warmth and embrace you with the hold of a lover.
he utters your name. low and breathless. you don't know how he knows your name. but it feels right.
it feels right in the way that his plush lips form to say your name. how it comes out almost like a purr. uttered softly, like a secret only you are allowed to know.
his movements are slow. almost like you are the prey in front of him. a tiny bird waiting to flee at the first sight of danger.
he cups your cheek in his large hand, gently caressing you as you inhale sharply.
there's no bright light. no time stopping. no feeling like you've been welcomed home.
there's only peace.
for once the small voices in your head do not whisper their insecurities.
his gaze is intense as he pulls away. you call his name. the one that you've spent ages staring at.
his eyes widen.
his heart flutters like the wings on his ankle.
for once it is not namor.
it isn't sin namor. it isn't k'uk'uklan.
its his name. the one his mother used when she was still alive. he had almost forgotten it. because when he had his mother he was allowed to make mistakes. to learn.
before he became the king. when he had to grow up and choose talokanil's happiness over his own.
k'uk'ulkan is a god. namor is a ruthless warrior.
but to you. he is not a god. not a king. not a murderer who endlessly tried to avenge the suffering of his people.
to you, he is but another person in the world. without the weight of a hidden kingdom. not a freak mutant. not a little, helpless boy.
and for once, the both of you feel like you've found what you've been looking for.
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tommyssupercoolblog · 7 months
no one will ever understand the introject source relationship it is so. ough it is so....guys its so...fuck it like if you know?? you know. if you don't, i can't explain it to you even if i tried?? Seán wrote a poem about it once. it's so strange, they're so important but at the same time so seperate from you. source neg or source pos or source neutral there's still some sort of unique dynamic there, and then of course how positively you feel about your source also adds other layers to it....that's my source. i don't know
different from friendship and different from family and different from just a character or celeb who isn't your source like it's seperate from every other kind of relationship, it's it's own unique thing, it's a new category and it's a category most people don't have
fuck,,, like thas me but thats not me and thats my special guy but my stranger, a little echo in the water that i like to watch sometimes when i pass by, HE'S SOURCE YOU KNOW he's a little guy he's,,, me??? he's source, not me. but also yes me.
entirely specail unlockable specific emotion that most of the population hasn't unlocked bc they dont have the right DLC
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occasionally-victor · 1 month
(click on a pic if its blurry👍)
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more mer au! today's the talk is about spiderbit's first meet and some other stuff + there's another picture with cave layout
okay, so, !cellbit (and richas, but like partially because, yknow, other parents) lives in a small house on a a hill that's just as small tbh; it's like an hour on motorbike to a big city (tho theres already some houses around, but his house is pretty seperate from those es well. i also think his house is also surrounded by small forest) and 15 min on foot to a closest beach (this beach is like. imagine really non-tourist-ey beach. like, very much the beach for the locals). Despite living near a what considered a Very Big Sea (and it's very known around as the place where a lot of mers live), because mers kinda prefer hang out in more populated places closer to the uhh Big City i need to think a name of later, so !Cellbit never saw a mer (not like he doesn't believe they exist, he just never thought about ever seeing one). Partially its probably because if Richas isn't with him he is either in his cave (working) or not home at all (also working).
Tho, even when richas is with him, !cellbit doesn't like, stop working (he works much less, and actually often brings his son on some of the non-dangerous missions). However, that does mean that every time !richas is not also in a cave (drawing or something), he spend a bunch of time at that beach playing with other kids from around (he isn't completely unsupervised - !cell gave him an amulet that when activated will alert the parent and then release a captured there monster made of pure energy that will deal with danger on hand)
so basically, on one of these days, richas and bobby meet (he kinda wasn't supposed to be there - he was only really allowed be around more populated places. however, that didn't stop him from sneaking out and exploring). they eventually went on becoming a very good friends, even tho they couldn't really meet as often as they wanted (they also only really briefly mentioned eachother to their respective parents)
so, on one of these hang outs, richas decided to show the cave to bobby (he really wasn't supposed to do it considering it was a secret cave). and it was pretty easy to do - there was a very direct way through an underwater tunnel (so it was perfect for a mer and a water dragon) and !cellbit wasn't supposed to be in a cave that day (idk cleaning up the house or something like that). there's, however, was one thing richas didn't know - is that despite not looking like that, the water passage was also protected, probably even better than the main exit. so when the second bobby's was able to see the inside of the cave two snakeropes dragged him out of water and hanged him right above it, richas was pretty horrified. so, of course, the best decision was to ran to his dad and get help (he could deal with the consequences of letting a stranger into a secret cave later). the trap that !cellbit set up is supposed to give him a notis in case of activation, so, well, he was already on the way.
so, he sees some kid being hanged up, clearly distressed and also his own kid thankfully on a ground, being equally distressed. he's equally pissed off (why theres a stranger in this cave) and happy (the trap worked perfectly) and also relieved after deactivating the trap because that kid does seem okay and not hurt (tho bobby definitely took some offense to being caught in a trap). The serious talk can wait tho, because it seems like bobby lost something while being dangled up (by richas words, it seems like he had a hairband tied up on a hand (paw?). weird but ig it can't really fit on his head). considering that !cellbit already need to go underwater to disable the trap - it might go off again if he won't do it, he also decided to look for a hairband - it isn't supposed to be too far away.
last time i talked about the whole "mer that consider themselves "family" can basically send eachother signals". that is especially true for a danger situations - in that case the signal can be sent almost unintentionally. so, let's just say, !roier got his weekend interrupted the worst possible way. and the signal weakening while he was already on his way did not, in fact, made him any less stressed. and maybe that's the reason why he immediately threw himself on some unknown guy that was in some underwater cave that was holding his sons hairband. and maybe that's why !cellbit didn't even register being outside the water and that Chat was the only reason he didn't hit the shelves as he was thrown out of that water.
the kids (especially bobby) were alright and explanations were given (because that's probably the only thing that could help with the air almost cracking with tension for obvious reasons). and then there's some small talk and some talking about kids (because of course parents will bond over kids) and family and stuff and suddenly couple hours already passed and that guy who [wanted to kill you/you wanted to kill (funnily enough, it seems like both agree that that was pretty justified, even if it was mostly because of lack of information)] could possibly be considered a friend (or already more, because i need yall to know that mer au spiderbit are like. ultra fast burn. the only reason they dont get together for some time are some plot stuff lmao)
also, the cave layout: the exit door is protected both by password and magical protection; the shelves are full of different books (various encyclopaedias), boxes with various artifacts, amulets and all that stuff, papers with a lot of information related to cases !cellbit worked on; theres actually a lit of different plants and moss and all that on walls, and some of the moss actually glows (not enough light on itself tho); the cave was definitely used even before (the wall between desk and richas's "room" is obviously man made and theres a lot of traces of previous furniture.
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jaketeachesdeath · 5 months
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Third day of Mammal Week is all about Rodents!
There are a total of 17 different Rodents across the British Isles and we have less than half of that.
Here there is
Grey Squirrel
Brown Rat
Bank Vole
Field Vole
Wood Mouse
House Mouse
Theres also Red Squirrel, Eurasian Beaver, Hazel Dormouse, Water Vole, Harvest Mouse and Yellow Necked Mouse, all of which are native. On top of that theres also some Island subspecies, the Skomer, Guernsey and Orkney Voles. Skomer being a subspecies of the Bank Vole and the latter of the Common Vole. Not forgetting the Edible Dormouse and the Black Rat both of which have been introduced.
So out of our list theres two species which have been introduced. The Brown Rat and of course the Grey Squirrel, the Brown Rat came in from Asia and the Grey Squirrel is native to North America. The Grey Squirrel however is classed as an Invasive Species.
Both of these species are adaptable, agile and unfortunately are known for spreading disease. Notably the Grey Squirrel having a huge effect on Red Squirrel populations who have no immunity to pox. In addition thier aggressive behaviour (amongst other complications) forced Reds into a select few locations, entirely absent from Southern England Mainland.
But now lets talk about teeth!
Teeth are the easiest way to seperate the last 4 species. Mice have cusped molars and Voles have molars that continuously grow. Then to seperate that further the distinction between Wood and House Mice is the notch in the back of the incisors of the House Mouse which the Wood lacks. In Voles its a little more complicated, sometimes its notable by the length of row of teeth, sometimes even the shape of the teeth pattern as seen from the underside but the distinction between Field and Bank Voles is the second molar the Bank Vole has a paired root and the Field Vole have a single open root on the 2nd upper molar!
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loremonster · 29 days
Uuuugh I saw a post that I wanted to respond to but 10 min later when my words come together I can't find it so fuck it
For folks wondering about Human Speciation
Speciation occurs when the previous generation fails SO HARD that only those perfectly adapted to their enviroment survives, creating a genetic bottleneck that resolves in a new species with new traits as the previous version migrates, dies out, or simply declines in number to a smaller portion of the collective ecosystem population.
Speciation requires adeptation AND death AND prevention of migration AND no more breeding back to the previous species group.
Whatever desolate place you're thinking of that's been isolationist for x number of years in whatever period, UNLESS 90% OF THE POPULATION WAS DYING EVERY YEAR FOR SEVERAL DECADES, THERE WOULD NOT BE A BOTTLENECK SUFFICENT TO SPREAD A SINGLE ADEPTATION INTO THE ENTIRE POPULATION.
Thriving populations can be seperate for 10,000 years and still be the same species. Thats why dogs are all dogs. The dog body plan thrived across the planet, and a dog from Europe and a dog from Australia can recognize eachother as dogs and do dog things with eachother, no problem.
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llondonfog · 1 year
my one Very Specific Malleus Headcanon, stretched into a proper few paragraphs with the aid of backstory:
diasomnia's dorm building reminds me heavily of the background art used in the first scooby doo series—that is to say, it's old, isolated, and cool-toned.
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the heavy blues of scooby doo tend to add to the isolation in a very specific way—they lack warmth, making the location seem colder, less welcoming, and (sometimes) deserted. because i was already used to this, when seeing diasomnia for the first time, my brain connected the similar shapes and heavy cool-tones to make it the coldest dorm location in my mind. (sorry, sebek)
this fed into a very unintentional headcanon i have for malleus. it's the only one i always keep at the back of my mind, whether going through the story or writing my own fics. i like the idea of malleus being a physically cold individual. his skin chilled, unnaturally pale with a green or blue tinge, and generally giving off the air of a walking corpse. reanimated, if you will, despite having lived for centuries.
however, he can breathe fire.
it's a fact mentioned so rarely that it tends to fall into the same category as "could be real, could be a joke," but given that he is a dragon...
while we could go with cold flames for a more fantastical touch, i prefer them to be warm—so warm, in fact, that you can feel them through his skin. his flames are breathed, much like most dragons, meaning they come out of his mouth. they start deeper in, most likely in his stomach, then come up through his throat.
for that reason, i like to think that malleus' skin is deathly cold in all places that do not have fire beneath them. his stomach would be warmer, as well as his throat and mouth. it seperates him from the (mostly) human population on campus just that little bit more, in a way that is wholly unique to him.
(and i did include this in the smut i promised in exchange for his birthday SSR coming home.)
FIRST OF ALL!! i typically don't read character x reader fics at all in any fandom, but i have to confess,,,, i kept coming back to this one ever since you sent it to me and feeling Some Type of Way about it. i feel like you've opened my eyes to this vulnerable and yielding side of malleus and. well. it was a nice comfort to get through the tedium and stress of the week, i must say :')
(it also didn't hurt that i thoroughly enjoyed the voice behind your writing and the imagery it provided)
i've never made the connection between the scooby doo haunted house and the color scheme/architectural choices of the diasomnia dorm castle!! i actually really love that gloomy, rainy melancholy vibe they've created, it makes me want to curl up with a warm mug and a cozy blanket while it storms outside. and it fits so perfectly with the stereotype of the rest of the school that diasomnia is the most reclusive and insular group— the cold and dreary atmosphere coupled with the foreboding thorny path certainly doesn't win any welcoming points, but i digress.
(also i have to laugh at the sebek comment considering his family is originally from sunset savanna iirc?? which makes me wonder what on earth could have driven them to briar valley with its cold and rugged climate— did they leave due to human/fae conflicts and fled to seek the protection of their own kind? i know its besides the point but i do find it kind of funny if the reason for sebek's/baul's brusque grumpiness is that they're irritated at always being cold ajlfd;aksf)
with respect to malleus though, i absolutely buy into that concept!! your description of his skin reminds me a lot of the rusalka water fae who had the appearance of a drowned person with dark, almost greenish-tinged hair, which makes the contrast of his flames all the more enticing. i just really love stark comparisons between two completely opposite concepts, and the idea that malleus is the coldest, most corpse-like creature stalking the campus, and yet somehow also harbors a super-heated firepit within his chest if you're favored enough to be snuggled within his icebox arms is so delightful to me :')
(i kind of also want his scales to glow a deep, dark green when he's about to expel flames, is that too cliche of me—)
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madamlaydebug · 1 year
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India's caste system assigns individuals a certain hierarchical status according to Hindu beliefs. Traditionally, there are four principal castes (divided into many sub-categories) and one category of people who fall outside the caste system—the Dalits. As members of the lowest rank of Indian society, Dalits face discrimination at almost every level: from access to education and medical facilities to restrictions on where they can live and what jobs they can have. The discrimination against the Dalits is especially significant because of the number of people affected; there are approximately 167 million Dalits in India, constituting over 16 percent of the total population.
Within the Dalit community, there are many divisions into sub-castes. Dalits are divided into leather workers, street sweepers, cobblers, agricultural workers, and manual "scavengers". The latter group, considered the lowest of the low and officially estimated at one million, traditionally are responsible for digging village graves, disposing of dead animals, and cleaning human excreta. Approximately three-quarters of the Dalit workforce are in the agricultural sector of the economy. A majority of the country’s forty million people who are bonded laborers are Dalits. These jobs rarely provide enough income for Dalits to feed their families or to send their children to school. As a result, many Dalits are impoverished, uneducated, and illiterate.
Dalits have been oppressed, culturally subjugated, and politically marginalized. The principals of untouchability and “purity and pollution” dictate what Dalits are and are not allowed to do; where they are and are not allowed to live, go, or sit; who they can and cannot give water to, eat with, or marry; extending into the minutia of all aspects of daily life.
Moreover, discrimination for Dalits does not end if they convert from Hinduism to another religion. In India, Islam, Sikhism, and Christianity (among other religions) maintain some form of caste despite the fact that this contradicts their religious precepts. As a result, dominant castes maintain leadership positions while Dalit members of these religions are often marginalized and flagrantly discriminated against. For example, Dalit Christains are provided seperate burial areas from non-Dalit Christains.
The origins of the caste system
The word Dalit—literally translating to “oppressed” or “broken”—is generally used to refer to people who were once known as “untouchables”, those belonging to castes outside the fourfold Hindu Varna system. According to the 2001 census, there are some 167 million Dalits (referred to in the census as “Scheduled Castes”) in India alone, though there are tens of millions in other South Asian countries, as well.
The caste system finds its origin in functional groupings, calledvarnas, which have their origins in the Aryan society of ancient northern India. In their creation myth, four varnas are said to have emanated from the Primeval Being. The Creator’s mouth became the Brahman priests, his two arms formed the Rajanya warriors and kings, his two thighs formed the Vaishya landowners and merchants, and from his feet were born the Shudra artisans and servants. Later, there developed a so-called “fifth” varna: the Untouchables.
This caste system became fixed and hereditary with the emergence of Hinduism and its beliefs of pollution and rebirth. The Laws of Manu (Manusmitri), which date roughly to the 3rd century A.D.—and parts of which form the Sanskrit syllabus of graduation studies in Gujarat even today—preach the sanctity of the varnas and uphold the principles of gradation and rank. They refer to the impurity and servility of the outcastes, while affirming the dominance and total impunity of Brahmins. Those from the “lowest” castes are told that their place in the caste hierarchy is due to their sins in a past life. Vivid punishments of torture and death are assigned for crimes such as gaining literacy or insulting a member of a dominant caste. Among the writings of Hindu religious texts, the Manusmitriis undoubtedly the most authoritative one, legitimizing social exclusion and introducing absolute inequality as the guiding principle of social relations.
Forced exclusion and constant oppression
Today, Dalits make up 16.2% of the total Indian population, but their control over resources of the country is marginal—less than 5%. Close to half of the Dalit population lives under the Poverty Line, and even more (62%) are illiterate. Among the Dalits, most of those engaged in agricultural work are landless or nearly landless agricultural laborers. The average household income for Dalits was of Rs. 17,465 in 1998, just 68% of the national average. Less than 10% of Dalit households can afford safe drinking water, electricity and toilets, which is indicative of their deplorable social condition. Moreover, Dalits are daily victims of the worst crimes and atrocities, far outnumbering other sections of society in that respect as well. The vast majority of these crimes remain unreported due to omnipresent fear, and those that are reported are often ignored by police or end up languishing in the backlogged court system. Between 1992 and 2000, a total of 334,459 cases were registered nation wide with the police as cognisable crimes against SCs.
More than 60 years after gaining Independence, India is still very much afflicted by the cancer of the caste system. Dalits remain the most vulnerable, marginalized and brutalised community in the country.
Dalits in Gujarat
If compared to states like Punjab, Himachal Pradesh or West Bengal where Dalits constitute more than 20 per cent of the population, Gujarat counts a fairly low proportion of Dalits.According to the 2001 Census, there are approximately 3.6 million members of Scheduled Castes in Gujarat, which represents 7.1% of the state’s total population. This relatively low figure is, however, inversely indicative of their miserable condition. More than 80 per cent of the Dalits in Gujarat are daily labourers, the majority of which are in the agricultural sector. Half of the SC population is landless or owns less than one acre of land, which forces them to work on dominant castes’ land in order to survive.
Because of this dependence and the quasi-inexistence of labour welfare in Gujarat, Dalits are subject to immense pressure and utter discrimination. Atrocities committed against them are a daily reality, with more than 4,000 cases reported in the span of 3 years in just 14 districts. Manual scavenging is still very much prevalent also, the State’s institutions in Gujarat themselves employing Dalits to clean dry latrines. For a State that likes to depict itself as a modern and thriving region in India, Gujarat is still a far cry away from ensuring social justice to all of its citizens. In reality, Gujarat has a poor human rights record and must extend and focus its attention to its minorities if it is to be worthy of the kind of image it likes to give itself.
The government of Gujarat has implemented certain policies designed to uplift those belonging to the Scheduled Castes into higher positions. The most prominent is the reservation system, where certain seats in the government are set aside only for Dalits. In Gujarat, 7% of seats in the government and education sectors are reserved for Dalits (as opposed to 14% set aside on the national level). This amounts to 2 of the 26 Members of Parliament (MP) and 13 of the 182 Members of Legislative Assemblies (MLA) currently held by members of the SC. There are also established reservation systems in place at the district, block, and village levels throughout the state.
Even with this promise of upliftment through reservation, Dalits continue to be discriminated against throughout Gujarat. The number of atrocity cases against Dalits and the practice of untouchability continue to occur at alarming rates throughout the state, especially when compared to other Indian states.
Dalits in other South Asian Countries
India’s caste system finds corollaries in other parts of the sub-continent, including Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. Indeed, as Hinduism spread from northern India to the southern part of the peninsula establishing itself as the dominant religion by the pre-Christian era, so spread the caste system and its ideology justifying the superior standing of the system’s aristocracy. Caste even migrated with the South Asian diaspora to firmly take root in East and South Africa, Mauritius, Fiji, Suriname, the Middle East, Malaysia, the Caribbean, the United Kingdom, and North America. Nevertheless, Asia remains the continent with the largest share of Dalits. There are today in Asia well over 200 million men, women and children enduring near complete social ostracism on the grounds of their descent.
In both Bangladesh and Nepal, the types of discrimination faced by Dalits are very similar to those existing in India. Notions of purity and pollution are prevalent within society, social restrictions, and discrimination in access to public places or jobs are therefore commonplace. Nepal’s situation is noteworthy as not even a fringe of the 4.5 million Dalits (over 20% of the Nepalese population) has been able to significantly emancipate itself. With no affirmative action measures, there are practically no Dalits in Nepal’s legislative assemblies. The literacy rate of Nepalese Dalits is only around 10%, while that of Nepalese Dalit women is even lower. Over 80% of Nepal’s Dalits find themselves below the official poverty line; their life expectancy is not higher than 50 years.
In Pakistan, as well as in Sri Lanka (except Tamil regions), the caste system is somewhat less rigid in the sense that it does not hold any ritual pollution concepts. However, features such as social distance and restricted access to land are still very much a reality. Moreover, the Swat region in northern Pakistan also practices extreme forms of humiliation against Dalits, and especially Dalit women.
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mallowmaenad · 4 months
alternate history where the united states of america is held accountable for its actions by being turned into a smattering of collective vassal states that are only allowed to make movies and fast food seperating its inhabitants into two castes; one of people who are all experiencing a collective version of the Truman Show to create authentic movies and TV and are routinely secretly dosed with designer drugs that cause them to react to special effects that aren't there, the second caste work daily behind the scenes to make hamburgers, french fries, chicken tenders and similar foods in the depths of the underground hamburger mines to export to other countries and provide sustenance to Americans at a considerably high markup. One day one of these unwilling actors and a fry cook fall in love, seemingly forbidden but with the producers behind the scenes orchestrating a love story that exposes the unique suffering both parts of their society feel causing an uproar decades later that America should be freed from its constructed dystopia resulting in the US military being rebuilt and the producers have to use a combination of drones, actors, fake guns and tons upon tons of poison and psychedelics to create fake wars for them to fight lest they return to their old ways with inner conflicts of if this current naive generation of americans can be blamed for the sins of their forefathers or if they themselves have become the very monster they set out to contain which causes a documentary and prestige television show to be made about it (they still make tv shows and movies outside of america) the last movie ever televised from the united states is a 6 hour porno of raw footage of a fry cook who keeps fucking the food in various ways in a dimly lit basement before the aliens that have been observing the earth for 10000 years decide to use precision lasers to kill every heterosexual cis straight white man on earth causing them to be viewed as a lower evolved being similar to Neanderthals by our gay latex cyborg furry descendants and they'll add a guy after the upright caveman in the evolution chart that looks awfully similar to Adam Sandler as he appears in Water Boy followed by the now-modern shiny black Lucario with glowing yellow eyes that makes up the majority population of "Neo-Denmark" the main exporter of bionicles in the year 2233.
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thevampiresoc · 6 months
ramble. under read more. also fixed pacing.
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starting off with the ogs diego/gumball and doug those two. god. depressed jester to silly neighborhood old man pipeline. in canon he works at a library now where he sometimes puts on puppet shows. doug is no longer pathetic scared man he teaches geology for fun and as clean-up crew for crime scenes for normal. old probably 58? now? men living with peace and letting their past not get to them. and then matthew and sasha. god . their beef went from like "that purple doesnt match your pants" & "your hairs a mess" to geniune death threats and "YOU WERE MARRIED TO A DRUG SMUGGLER WHO'S SKIN WAS WHITER THAN SNOW" & "I'M NOT LISTENING TO A MAN UNDER 5'5" WHO CAN'T COUNT HIGHER THAN 8 IN ENGLISH WITHOUT USING HIS FINGERS". potato knows whos who. matthew 'ohh good lord what the fuck' to 'i'm PROBABLY traumitized but my boss wants me to go clean the Scary Hallway so I can't think about that right now' domino effect. is it affect? idfc. im in here saying bullshit. speaking of bullshit sasha went from "... please try and get better" to "*grabs you by your eye sockets* You Are Going To Stop Eating Twice A Day. Full Meals Are Not Just Seven Ritz Crackers™️©️ And Sour Cream."
and its great.
she still does taxidermy and murder. taxidermy's her side-job since she works as a welder now. shes in there with blowtorches welding shit. your car needs repairs? shes got it boss. oh yeah matthew working as a knight in rp-1 is funny if you consider how his main job went from freddy fazbears janitor to comfortably retired lighthouse keeper. OHHHHH CHARLES I ALMOST FORGOT CHARLES he died in canon. not really. you ever get zombied. yeah jhe got zombied. i should start breaking this up but i cant
snapshot at the start of the rp was just. fucked up guy with a dead wife and platoon with a pet mouse droid. he went into a coma so he didnt participate in order 66 and misses his wife. alot. but NOW? NOW???
okay so imagine walking out of a hospital room, disorented as shit and you go to find your wife jedi and fellow clones and when you DO find them shes just cut one in half with her light saber. Turning to you with fear, she almost chops your head off but you stumbling back and showing that your unarmed gets her to stop. "It was self defense," the jedi pleads for you to understand as your blood flows into your mouth, preventing you from screaming but you want to scream, need to scream.
You both are uneasy and fearful, trying to calm down. Order 66, something you just thought of as a far off nightmare to enact, had happened a mere few minutes ago.
years later, probably a decade, the tragedity now only becoming stale on your mind- a healing wound to your already mangled brain- you had been cut off from the "empire", hiding on fucking HOTH of all planets. You managed, sure, but it was still hoth… "Your" Jedi, surviving by faking her own death with you saying you had killed her, picking you up randomly only to tell you that your being relocated to a terrestrial planet. So called 'Retirement' in some barely populated town, living on a farm. Great.
nottt much really changed except for TMCs status. just that they upgraded from living in a shitty one room apartment to a still shitty apartment where the bedroom, living room, dining room and bathroom were seperate rooms. also parents. good for it.
neeed to traumitize that war machine
anyways my ocs going from eueueueuuuu to Can You Shut Up im going to Kill You With My Bare Hands is funny
conffession sometimes i watered downn my oc when using them. im shouting into the void but do you guys think you could handle he/him sasha. i feel like if i ever rp again with any of you itd be hell because ive just done so much stupid ass writing with my little sillies. like andreas' kingdom got slightly more fucked but id keep it silly for yall
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thistle-nightshade · 10 months
The Hundred Years' War on Palestine by Rashid Khalidi
This is a well written book, but it is a dense history text. I encourage those who can read it, but for those short on time or unable to parse the text, here are the main points I was able to draw out, with links to articles concerning the major topics.
1917 Balfour Declaration: a British document committing Britain to the creation of a national Jewish homeland. Makes no mention of the Palestinians.
1922 Mandate for Palestine: formalized British governance over Palestine, expanded upon the Balfour Declaration, paved the way for national rights of the Jewish people, attempted to erase Palestinian historical ties to the land while highlighting a Jewish historical connection.
Jews begin to flee Nazi Germany. With many antisemitic immigration laws in place, Palestine was the only option for many.
1936-1939 Great Revolt: grassroots uprising in Palestine that lead to a 6 month general strike against the British.
Nakba (The Catastrophe)
1947 UN General Assembly Resolution 181: UN General Assembly decides in favor or a partition of Palestine into Arab and Jewish States. This would pave the way for 80% of the area’s Arab population to be forced from their homes, losing their land and property.
1948 Israel Established
Security Council Resolution 242 : called for withdrawal of Israel, but ambiguous language was exploited to delay this process.
Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO): formed to centralize leadership of Palestinian resistance movement
Israel Invades Lebanon against the PLO
Bombing of Beirut 1982
Israel backed by US with US weapons. US fails to protect noncombatants in the region.
Sabra and Shatila massacres of refugee camps.
Intifada: wide spread grassroots uprising born of decades of Palestinian frustrations. This included demonstrations, strikes, boycotts, withholding taxes, and other civil disobedience.
Israel had a brutal “break bones” policy in response in order to try and break the uprising.
1897 Hamas forms. There was initial support from Israel because it was believed this would weaken the PLO.
Oslo Accords
Palestine Authority granted highly restrictive self rule that did not include control of land, water, or borders.
Policy of Seperation
Gaza severed from the West Bank, West Bank severed from Jerusalem. Permits required to pass through Israeli checkpoints.
2006 elections give Hamas control of the Gaza strip. The siege imposed by Israel after the fact lead to what has been titled the ‘open air prison’ of Gaza.
After this point, there was a large escalation in violence including Hamas suicide bombers attacking Israel, Israeli military incursions into Palestine, and War on Gaza.
“While the fundamentally colonial nature of the Palestine-Israel encounter must be acknowledged, there are now two peoples in Palestine, irrespective of how they came into being, and the conflict between them cannot be resolved as long as the national existence of each is denied by the other. Their mutual acceptance can only be based on complete equality of rights, including national rights, not withstanding the crucial historical differences between the two.”
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My worldbuilding: the world introduction
(I want to post a lot of worlbuilding on this blog so i figured I'll start with the basics!)
The Tale of the Uncharted Years is settled in the fantasy world called Endo, with an accent on the o. Endo consists of the two continents separated from eachother by the ocean Nandar, their names being the First Land and the Second Land accordingly. The two continents are isolated from eachother, as the ocean is deemed uncrossable (The cat was bragging it will sail Nandar all by itself; so it had went, and now it's gone, and no one've seen the cat - a children song). The plot itself, as the most of the lore, is situated in the Second Land.
The beings populating Endo are divided into three categories: the Divines, the Spirits and the Incarnates.
- The Divines -
There are 14 Divines - they are listed here by their hierarchy.
Lazael (the Great) - the creator of the world, it's nurserer and protector; everything is by Him and nothing is without Him.
Melody - Lazael's first creation that is basically a part of Him; she helped Him create the Endo, so all the living things are vowen out of her threads (magic is the manipulation of those threads).
The Giants - 3 forces of nature, created in the very beginning. Laat is the oldest - he is the air giant, reigning over skies and winds; Nandar is the water giant, ruling over oceans, rivers and every other water source (yes, even that old well in the back of your yard); Garz is the youngest and rules over the soil, stone, ground and everything within it.
The Highests - 8 of them; if the Giants are more of Lazael's servants, the Highests are his first children. Their names and domains are: Mortanis, death and humility; Rahena, knowledge and wisdom (she is also the chronicler of Endo); Ratier, magic and courage, he is the first Jai-Dar; Nahona, hope and reassurance; Razef, smithy and war; Vayna, love, home and hospitality; Marda, patience and healing; Maira, stars and considerance, an Incarnate turned Divine.
Firs (the Stranger) - many argue he should be set in another category, since he is the Enemy. Firs was created independent from Lazael and is his rival; many sorrow was brought into Endo by him.
- The Spirits -
The spirits are beings created to help the Divines. They are tightly intorvowen with Melody, directly dependant oh her state.
The spirits can shift between their original form and incarnated form. The default incarnated form is a human-like body, but higher, stronger and overall superior, since the spirits aren't influenced by age, illness or similar things (their form can still be affected by their mental state). Some of them (called metamorphs) can change between many forms, varying from humans to animals, even though most spirits are fine with one human and one animal form (mostly wolves). They can add wings to their usual body if they wish so.
(Note: all of the above describes Lazael's spirits and not Rafs; the Rafs are beings of a different breed with different characteristics and should be discussed seperately.)
The spirits are unkillable, meaning they cannot die; if the spirit suffers a fatal injury while in the incarnated form, they will be coscious during the whole process of healing.
- The Incarnates -
The Incarnates are the last beings created and are divided into four kinds: Elves (the Ethernal), Humans, Dwarves and Half-Horses (Centaurus). The differences between them are stated here:
Elves who came to the aid of the Half-Horses were given immortality; and they were destined to be Eternal, and to live by the memory of youth and of Lazael, and to care for the world, and to be merciful, and to preserve the wisdom of the ages.
The years of the Half-Horses and Dwarves became limited, because the first were filled with hatred and the desire to destroy all people, both guilty and innocent, and the others retreated in their fear and did not come to the aid of their brothers.
We were called Humans, because we were the first to listen to the words of the Stranger, and our years are short; and it is given to us to grow old, and for our body to be the subject to diseases, and weaknesses, and evil of all kinds.
- Legendarium, "The Song of Death and Eternity"
Aside from these kinds, Endo is populated by mermaids (there isn't much known of them, since they are isolated species), Dryads and Nymphs: the latter are spirit-like creatures, however, they are bound to the incarnated world and cannot leave it unless they die.
I hope you liked it! Please ask me questions if you're interested!
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ladynightshade30 · 2 years
Blood Play
Author’s Notes: I know that prompt four is gun play, but I couldn’t come up with a good idea for it. I couldn’t see a modern Ivar or Eadwulf using a gun. So my fourth prompt is going to be Blood Play. Because I could definitely see Ivar having a blood kink. Not sure if this is enough to be considered blood kink but oh well. I might go back and work on it some more later. So enjoy.
Eadwulf groaned as she settled into the large bath, letting the hot water ease her sore and cramping muscles. The water took on a slightly pink color as the blood washed away from her legs and pubic hairs. She relaxed against the rim and closed her eyes, waving away the thralls as they descended on her. She could wash herself and wanted to be alone for a while to clean herself before Ivar returned from the hunting trip he took with his brothers. The moment the door closed, she allowed the tears to fall. She had been so hopefully this time when she had been late, over the moon, in fact. But now, she would have to tell her husband that, once again, she had failed to conceive a child for him. 
She reached over the bath's rim and grabbed the cup holding the herbal water Helga had prepared for her. The older woman claimed it would help with the cramps and Eadwulf was grateful for the woman’s help as well as her company. Once again, the blonde woman had also offered to make her a concoction that would help her get pregnant and Eadwulf was seriously considering accepting the woman’s offer. It couldn’t be that bad to do it, right? After all, she was called to populate the earth with children. Would God really care how she managed to do it?
Even thinking it made her feel conflicted. Witchcraft was frowned upon and surely her older brother would be disappointed in her for even considering it. But then again, he might not. He had always indulged her to the point of spoiling her when she was younger. She bit her lower lip and rubbed her hands over her face. Ivar would be so disappointed in her and she feared it would only be a matter of time before she ended up like her mother and all her stepmothers. Dead, beheaded, because she could not bare a child, much less a son, for her husband and king.
“I’m back,” Ivar said as he entered their room, he paused before closing the door, his dark blue eyes glazing over in desire when he saw her in the tub at least until he noticed the tears streaming down her face. “What is it? What happened?”
“I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I-, I-, I failed again.”
“Failed again?”
“I’m not pregnant.”
Ivar sighed and made his way to the bed before sitting down and stripping out of the leg braces and his clothes before patting the spot beside him. 
“Come here, my sweet little Christian.”
Sniffling, she climbed from the bath and settled beside him, where he placed one hand on her flat stomach and the other entangled in her long red hair. 
“We are both young,” he whispered into her ear. “And with the grace of both your God and my Gods, we will conceive a child together. I am not your father. I won’t hurt you for this.”
Eadwulf nodded and he turned her face to look at him to press a kiss against her forehead before giving her a deeper one on the lips. 
“Lay down, my love,” he encouraged. “Let me worship you.”
“Ivar, I have to-.”
“No, you don’t. Your blood doesn’t bother me. Now, lay down, my sweet little Christian.”
Slowly, she situated herself so that her head rested against the pillows and her body was encased in fur. He seperated her legs and lay between them, his tongue snaking out to lick between her folds.
“Ivar!” she gasped as she sat up.
“Lay down,” he ordered.
“But the furs.”
“Can be easily cleaned. Now lay down.”
Slowly Eadwulf lay back down on the furs.
Ivar pinched her thigh. “What do we say?”
“Yes, my King.”
“Good girl.”
That said, Ivar dove between her legs and lapped at the blood he found there. His tongue circled her clit and drew a low groan from her mouth. He chuckled against her and grabbed hold of her hips as he licked eagerly against her skin. The feel of his curious and experienced tongue flicking against her had her coming quickly. A satisfied chuckle escaped his lips as he kissed his way up her stomach, tracing his tongue along the thin scars that decorated her skin from previous nights of submission. When he reached her lips, she saw that the lower half of his face was smeared with blood.
Her blood. 
He kissed her and licked at her lips until she opened her mouth and their tongues entangled together. A gasp escaped her lips as he slid his fingers inside of her and he pulled away to draw runes against her skin in her blood and cum. 
“Ivar,” she breathed, watching his blood-soaked fingers dance against her skin. 
He shushed her and kissed her again before diving back between her legs with his fingers, playing with her until she came again. He moaned as he felt her spasm around his fingers before pulling them out and lapping at the blood on them, his eyes locked on hers the entire time. 
“You taste so sweet, little Christian,” he whispered.
Once his hands were clean, he slid his fingers back inside her, coating them in her blood and juices before pulling them out and stroking himself with his blood-soaked hand. 
Ivar positioned his hips and hoovered over her before entering her in one fluid movement. 
“Your blood sings to me,” he breathed as he moved his hips. “It always sings to me. And it always will.”
Eadwulf sighed in pleasure as she wrapped an arm around his neck and pulled him down for a kiss. 
“I love you,” she whispered. “My King.”
“And I, you, my Queen.”
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sar190 · 2 years
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The Saberats are a remnant species of bipedal hoppers that originally in the Souper desert before it became to hot to support life for some time. 
1: The Plain Ripper is a basal Saberat native to the warmer side of Manda. Unlike most of it’s relatives is a solitary hunter defending it’s territory with a vigilant stance. Feeding mostly on basal hograts and juvenile Rison. They are rather stocky hunters who drag down prey with their weight and using their fangs to pierce into the neck. 
2.The Frost Ripper is a tundra relative of the Plain Ripper with a shorter fang it hunts in packs consisted of siblings and their mates along with their youngest children as the older children are driven off when they reach maturity. Due to the frost covered side of Manda having endless nights at times this has caused the Frost Ripper to become more competitive rivaling it’s cousin the Plain Ripper over hunting grounds which can frequently end with entire packs decimating each other. 
3: The most aberrant of the Saberat clade the Saberbear is in all intents and purposes convergent with Earth giant ground sloths before they went extinct. Native to Sala this predator is the Apex predator to the Western piece of Sala. Mostly walking on all four the saberbear can rear up on it’s hind legs using it’s thick tail as a balance. Despite it’s size the Saberbear is a pack hunter not with members of it’s own species though, forming a mutualistic relationship with various animals depending on the populations and local fauna. Though mainly with intelligent species such as Notptors, smaller Saberats, pair hunting Vamprats, and more recently feral Rogs. Hunting the massive Salopods and Rison. These bonds between seperate species can last until either party dies.
4: Native to the remnant isles of the Ratpolis Archipelago, the Sunkat is a small basal Saberat that started to become more aquatic as the sea levels raised taking multiple islands with them, this semi-aquatic predator specialises in hunting small krakenshoe crabs piercing their armors weak points with its robust fang. During the monsoon season Sunkats will gather inland in caves or other shelter entering a form of torpor as the Monsoons make it impossible for them to hunt on land or the water. 
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