#Poor Jaskier
k-laconia-bug1 · 1 month
Well I was on TikTok today and the video was if you wrote a book and two siblings were on opposite sides of the war and they faced each other what would they say?
Sent this to my lovable bestie/ co-worker and they told me to post it on Tumblr so I'm sorry blame @raerae132
Jaskier stared at his older sister fighting for the enemy he saw the moment his sister eyes widened in recognition "I'll take on the bard" His sister yelled voice filled with false spite "Ready for a round of play fighting little brother" He felt his sister voice spoke gentle in his mind "Bring it on" as he grappled for his daggers the fight for a couple of moments when he heard his sister spoke aloud for the first time "Tell our parents I'm sorry all I ever wanted was for you to be protected." As She aimed her staff incorrectly a stance She showed him one explaining it was a stance begging for it to backfire onto the user "and protect your Witcher.. he has my blessing" before Jaskier could reach Her the damage was done Her eyes now soulless as she lays on the once beautiful field of flowers a smile on Her lips and tear stained cheeks as Jaskier cries over her body
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galaxyedging · 2 years
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Posting a thirst trap of Pedro so people know it's still me running this blog.
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hockles · 1 year
Will the mountain scene ever not hurt?
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magdelanesingerin · 1 year
Session 7: Accountability
(A life Alone, Chapter 3) -3017 words, M
 “How did your conversation with Jaskier go? Did you get a chance to say the things you were hoping to say to him?”
 Geralt sits back against the now-familiar couch in Nenneke’s office, arms crossed over his chest, and can feel his brow furrowing as he considers his answer. He’s feeling a lot of things after his conversation with Jaskier.
 “It was…fine. A relief. I got to apologize for the things I did and said, and he was willing to hear me out.”
 “I’m really glad; that was excellent work you did getting to that point, and taking the risk to be vulnerable and honest,” she says, and he fights the urge to flinch. He feels like she’s being condescending, but six weeks of appointments have taught him that she’s being completely serious in her praise. It’s hard to take.
 “Hmm. Um. Thanks. We talked for a long time, after. That was…good. He agreed to– we’re going to try to be friends. Just…just friends,” he says haltingly.
 “That’s wonderful, I’m glad that he was receptive,” she says, before she leans in a bit with narrowed eyes. “Now, I think I know what you’re trying to say, but I heard the word ‘just’ sneak in there, and I want to be clear– you know that a platonic friendship is not of inherently greater or lesser value than a romantic or sexual relationship, yes?”
 “Yeah, I just meant that–I wasn’t good at–” Geralt sighs heavily, shaking his head as he struggles to put the words together. “I didn’t allow us to be friends, really. The first time. Not for long, anyway. I want this to be different.”
 “Hm, good,” she nods, leaning back in her chair again. ���I think it will be. I’d like to explore that experience, if we can. I’d imagine that conversation was…difficult for you, in a number of ways. It probably brought up a lot of emotions, and it’s a good opportunity for us to continue to work around identifying and anchoring those emotions. Let’s start here: what are you feeling right now, and where is it in your body?”   ___________________________________________________________
     Geralt paused for a minute in the doorway watching the three of them together clustered around the end of the long dining room table. They looked completely at ease, despite having met only a few hours before. Aiden and Meg welcomed Jaskier into their after-dinner conversation like he’d been there for years. The fireplace crackled behind the trio, Aiden lounging back with his long arms behind his head, and Meg with her legs sprawled across two chairs. Jaskier leaned forward with his elbows resting on the glowing wooden table as he told the other two some animated story, beautiful and backlit by the glow of the flames. He could hear Eskel and Lambert in the living room arguing happily and laughing about something. It was a perfect evening.  
     This had been so easy to include Jaskier, for him to fit into Geralt’s family. To be treated like one of their own.  
     Geralt felt suddenly overwhelmed; this was supposed to be a fling. A fun, straightforward dalliance with a hot guy he picked up at a bar. Nothing serious. He wasn’t supposed to be standing there in his family’s house thinking about a future with this man. He retreated back into the kitchen, leaving the lights off, to lean his palms against the cool porcelain of the sink for a minute while his mind whirled and his breaths came fast and shallow.  
     Eskel appeared with a stack of dirty dessert plates and forks, adding them to the pile of dishes on the counter that they’d have to deal with later. The clatter of ceramic and silverware sounded impossibly loud in Geralt’s ears and seemed to go on forever. He closed his eyes, gritting his teeth against the sound. Eskel paused, leaning over to look at Geralt’s face bent over the sink in the near-dark. “Uh-oh, I know that look. What are you panicking about right now?”  
     Geralt clenched his jaw and shook his head, not looking at his brother. “Nothing. I’m fine. Just a headache.” It was a bad lie and he knew it. His eyes flickered to Eskel’s face for a second, seeing a slightly cocked eyebrow and a tilt to his head that confirmed he hadn’t bought a word of it. “It’s fine,” he repeated stubbornly, knowing that the growl in his voice made the lie even more obvious.  
     “Sure, ok.”  Eskel backed off with a resigned shake of his head. He knew better than to push his younger brother. He’d talk when he was good and damn ready, and not a moment before.  
continue on Ao3
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spielzeugkaiser · 2 months
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You know how much I love the h/c trope of 'Geralt is in sensory overload because of the potions' and with bear Jaskier that one goes both ways 🙏
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savagegood · 1 year
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jaskier & cat. important. | THE WITCHER SEASON THREE
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ko-neko-san · 2 years
On the plus side, I only have to get through three seasons of Witcher, so there's that
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corrodedbisexual · 1 year
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I have walked away after reading the news, made a cup of tea, and have returned more calm with a fresh meme and hot take for y’all
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k-laconia-bug1 · 2 years
Jaskier staring at Geralt
Jaskier: "Geralt punch me I need to cry"
Geralt alarmed and would never hurt his bard : "What no why?"
Jaskier actually more emotionally represed then his dear witcher "I feel to much and crying will make it better but my body won't let me"
Geralt who is extremely concerned and going into hug Jaskier and pet his head: "no"
(Lowkey Geralt is @raerae132 but they would also force me to watch sad things to make me feel better)
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thelostgirl21 · 10 months
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Radovid experiencing all 3 stages of fanboying within literally the first 1 minute and 59 seconds of laying eyes on Jaskier.
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janjan-the-ninth · 1 year
Whatever you do, do not imagine Radovid sitting on the throne with broken spirits, maybe even a bit drunk, muttering the lyrics to Extraordinary Things to himself. Ending in a breathless little sob when he mutters "I am enough" cause he doesn't feel like he was enough for Jaskier and doesn't know how he could ever be, now that he's bound to reign over Redania, forever a puppet in Dijkstra's and Philippa's scheming.
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fandom-junk-drawer · 1 year
Dear Netflix,
Who came up with the idea for S3 Jaskier's hairstyle? Who thought that was a good style choice? What you did to S2 Jaskier's hair was bad enough, but S3? That is unforgivable!
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Look what you did to this poor man!
I know it's not a big budget movie, but come on! You could have looked for references from other movies or photoshoots to see what would look good on him! Look! Here's an example!
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And if that's too hard, or not in the budget, then you should have just let our poor boi do his own darn hair! It would have come out 1000x better! I mean, look:
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We will never forget the atrocity you committed, Netflix! You can go ingest a satchel of richards!
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spielzeugkaiser · 1 year
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sir, please comfort your bard, he's anxious!!
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tielmamon · 1 year
Part 2
"Oh- wh- hold on now, thought we were playing for fun?" Jaskier watches Ciri deplete his monitary resources with the sweetest smile, and truly he finds that he doesn't mind.
"I assure you, it truly is a delight taking your coin." He puts on an annoyed face and snatches her cards back just to squeeze another laugh out of her. Gods know this girl needs a bit of levity in her life right now. He wasn't good at a lot of things, realistcally. He's not skilled with a sword, not a pinch of chaos in him, but making people laugh? That he can do.
"Yeah, I'm sure you do." He glances at her, honestly more proud than anything else. Princess Cirilla of Cintra, a fiesty spark of a girl turned warrior. He wasn't there for her initial adjustment with Geralt for...obvious reasons but in the years when he was there, he's seen how brave and noble and irrefutably powerful she is. All that hurt and pain turned into pure determination. She's a flame, just like her mother. And most of all, Jaskier sees so much of his best friend in her. Not just the stubbornness to do good or fierce protectiveness over those she loves, but also the little things that make his heart ache. How she holds her sword, how she likes her meat, hell even how she walks. Undoutably a reflection of her parent's love and guidance.
Her parents...
The sharpness in his chest returns. Its strange. Years and years of loving Geralt had eventually reformed his once raging, constantly ready-to-burst love into a calm, surrendered sort of feeling. It's not that his love for the man lessened. On the contrary, every year he feels them grow and evolve into something more. Knowing that heartbreak was inevitable had given him a bittersweet sort of peace. So the pain in his chest that flares whenever he sees Geralt so openly love Yen faded with time, leaving a dull ache in its place.
Until now.
"I'm sorry you're here with me, instead of at the party." Ciri brings him out of his thoughts. He simply shakes his head.
"Oh, I'm not." In all honestly, he was a bit annoyed that everyone and their mother seemed to be invited to this conclave except him but then he remembers Geralt and Yennefer going together. He could only imagine what fancy, no doubt monochromatic outfit Yen would force Geral to wear. Then again, if Yennefer was the one asking he doubts Geralt would protest. Not as much as he would with him, anyway-
He cuts that train of thought before it sends him spiraling. He had worked so hard to keep himself incheck, keep his feelings to a minimum. To not feel, or at the very least look like the lovesick fool he was before.
"Valdo's off key warblng would make my ears bleed." He settles on a believable and admittedly true excuse. Valdo's overdramatic (even for him) vocals are definitely a factor, but he'd rather listen to that noise for days than watch Geralt dance Yennefer across the ballroom with that soft, painfully besotted look on his face. He might actually die of heartbreak if he does.
"Besides, I'm better off here." He smiles at her, reassuredly. He sees the princess sit up straighter, patting the spot beside her. He raises an eyebrow but sits down nontheless.
"Yes, coin thief?"
"Does he know?" He feels his heartbeat pick up. He's sure than his body is noticibly tenses, judging by how Ciri looks at him like a kicked fucking puppy.
"Does who know what?" He knows what she's asking, because what else could she mean? But like a coward, he deflects. He turns to humor because really, thats his weapon of choice. She looks at him with such a sad look and he knows he's caught.
"Does Geralt know you love him?" Deflect. Run. Don't answer-
"Of course he knows I love him. He's my best friend." He prays that his answer is enough. It seems like it isn't .
"Jaskier." He is still and silent, almost like how the man in question often is. In the end, he finds that he's tired of lying about what he feels. So, he talks.
"I think so, yes. Pretty hard thing to miss after the years of songs and poetry and...well, you get the picture." He sees her face drop, and a certain panic sets in.
"Ciri- listen, I would never ever try and break up your parents, okay? I-I would never do that to your family." He says in a rush, desperate for her to realizes. Because yes, as much as he loves Geralt, he would never jeopardise this. They were quite literally destined to be together, and if Jaskier feels like his chest is being ripped out by a wyvern everytime he sees them then thats his problem, not theirs.
"You're part of this family too, you know." Jaskier has only ever been truly speechless a handful of times in his life. But when he feels her bring him into a hug far nicer than he technically deserves right now, he finds that he can't bring himself to say anything because gods, he wishes it were true. That he was part of this group. This family and not just a stray thread, waiting to be cut off and thrown away once again.
"You're family too." He nods weakly, a few tears spilling from his eyes. Smaller hands, not yet calloused by swords or spells brush a few tears from his cheeks using the blanket. He laughs wetly, complaining how dusty the blanket is, making him cry more which was definitely the real reason and not anything else.
"And I'm not upset at you Jaskier. I'm upset for you. I don't like seeing you hurt like this..." He sees her brows furrow, hands pulling away to clutch the covers. He chuckles, wiping away the rest of his tears.
"Oh, how lucky a man am I. To have such a fierce warrior-witcher-mage princess protecting me." He smiles but her frown doesn't waver. She adjusts herself on the bed to face him properly, laying on her side and slipping a hand to hold his.
"I'm serious Jaskier! You're happiness is important too." He squeezes the hand on top of his, mustering up enough courage to smile.
"My dear, I am happy with what I have now."
"Liar." He gasps, bringing a hand to his heart. She smiles, just a bit and he counts that as a win
"I would never!" He allows himself to breath when he sees her chuckle. He's exhausted, truly. His body feels heavy with the weight of his emotions and physical exhaustion of the day. Still, there is a determined princess cuddled up infront of him with furrowed brows and a sad look on her face that simply cannot wait until morning.
"We do not choose who we love in this lifetime. I didn't choose to fall inlove with my best friend the same way Geralt didn't choose to not reciprocate those feelings. Which is okay, because-...because my love for your father isn't one that seeks a reply. It simple is." Ciri recalls her memories.
Memories from Geralt and her in the woods, running and overwhelmed and terrified. She remembers Geralt telling her stories of his best friend- an obnoxious bard that told the best stories even though they weren't entirely true. The look of guilt and sadness and longing her father suprise had when he told her about him. The few tears she saw him shed behind a crack in the door the night he finally gathered up the courage to apologize to Jaskier for everything. She had never seen him so devastated.
The grin he didn't even bother to hide when Jaskier had offhandedly called him darling when he asked for the salt.
"But what if there is a reply? What if he does love you?" Jaskier shakes his head, looking down to his lap.
We could head to the coast...
Get away for a while...
Composing your next song?
No...No, just trying to work out what pleases me...
Jaskier bears his heart to Geralt on that mountain top. He doesn't breathe, doesn't dare look away. He waits and hopes and gods above, he loves so hard it hurts. Maybe just this once, he'll be enough. Maybe they could run away from this, from everything just for a year. Maybe-
Geralt stands and leaves. Jaskier turns and sees him disappear in Yennefer's tent.
"Darling, that's impossible." He smiles sadly, playing with her fingers. The memory of then mountain and all other instances of him and Geralt replay like an old song. He knew the melody and each lyric by heart by now.
"But Jaskier I've-" Ciri startles when Jaskier’s hand claps with hers loudly and suddenly. Her palm barely stings but she gets the hint to stop talking.
"I have his friendship. I have a-a family apparently, in you and Yen. That is...more than I ever dreamed of having. You all are more than enough for me." Ciri regards him for a moment, staring at him like she's reading his soul. Whatever she sees seems to satisfy- atleast for now, because she sighs and lays a head on his shoulder.
"You too." He leans back, cheek brushing her temple as they stare at the flames of the fireplace.
"Thank you." He pretends to believe her.
Part 1 (x)
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As much as we all wish that modern! jaskier would make TAD type music he reality is that it definitely wouldn’t. Man’s is like the Taylor swift of his century. Modern au jaskier would be a pop singer and we just have to live with that fact
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