#Please please please go check them out
was it casual when i sat in your lap in public? was it casual when i said "recently my heart is crying because you're leaving"? was it casual when we decided how your last name would fit with mine? ("yuki tsunoda-gasly" / "no tsunoda, only gasly" / "yuki gasly?") was it casual when we sang adele's "someone like you" together at your going away party? was it casual when i knew it was you just by touching your ass? was it casual when i knew it was you by smell alone? was it casual when "will you miss me?" / "for 2-3 minutes maybe" / "i'll take that. even if it's just 2-3 minutes, i'll take that"? was it casual when that bus was completely empty and we still sat right next to each other, all the way in the back? was it casual when i picked you up multiple times so you could dunk a basketball? was it casual when i begged to come over to your house multiple time and then you finally let me and we cooked fried rice together? was it casual when we played christmas twister together and i said "your big eggplant is touching my ass"? was it casual when we were pressed up against each other on a scooter going two miles per hour? was it casual when-
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ruporas · 5 days
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MINI WOLFWOOD IS UP FOR PREORDER! Adopt your own Mini Wolfwood today until October 6th, 4PM EST
🐺 20cm, comes with removable clothes + mini punisher and an adoption certificate. 🐺 Stretch goals available! 🔗Adopt him here!
Reblogs are greatly appreciated! ♥
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f0x-meets-w0lf · 4 months
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aphrodite lends zagreus some of her jewelry; thanatos likes what he sees. for the full (nsfw) piece, click here, 18+ please ♡
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courfee · 5 months
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“Regulus would be proud of us,” James whispered quietly to no one in particular, still gripping onto the painting like a life raft. 
— Tender Curiosities, Baby!  @otrtbs
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drivebypainter · 14 days
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I’m almost done with the next chapter of my fic
As an apology for taking super long (I have such bad dyslexia it’s so hard to write sometimes 😭) here’s a very distraught Mobei-jun!
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thunderstomm · 1 month
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Assorted teenage Devzel doodles ✨
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brother-emperors · 8 months
hey! hi! the cartoonist cooperative has an e-sim drive for gaza, offering art for e-sim donations (instructions etc in the link)
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pocket-watcher · 5 months
The following is a collab between myself and the amazing @blissful23 !
The doorbell sounded and Suzie looked up from styling her long, blonde hair in the mirror. This always happens when she’s just getting ready to go out! She had readjusted the shirt she had “borrowed” from her roommate, as it was slightly too tight, checked her eyeliner was even for the 50th time, and was just finishing her lipstick with a satisfied pop.
She sighed frustratedly, stood up, and made her way to the source of the offending sound. Opening the front door, she was greeted by a man she’d never seen before. Dark hair and - oh God - a curled moustache framed a sharp featured face, adorned with a rather ostentatious top hat. Finely attired in a black suit, jacket resplendent with coattails, he gave a slight bow in greeting. It took all her willpower not to outright laugh in the face of this antiquity standing before her.
“Good day ma’am, it’s a fine afternoon, is it not?”
She stood, arms crossed in exaggerated frustration, staring back at him.
“How can I help you… Sir?”
She put the extra emphasis on that last word, wishing him to know quite pointedly that she was being interrupted. He smiled in return - whether it was sincere or strained in response to her standoffishness, she couldn’t tell.
“Well, you see my dear, I’m selling these very fine pocketwatches.”
With exaggerated flourish, he swept his coat open, revealing a dazzling array of pocketwatches hanging on the inside of it. He held it in place, and as if by magic - more likely the momentum of him opening his coat, she thought to herself - each of the pocketwatches begun swinging in unison. Probably a bit of showmanship designed to wow a potential customer, but still, it was fascinating to watch as they swung back and forth, back… and forth… back…
Suzie shook her head, dispelling a sudden onset of light-headedness, and redressed her gaze to The Salesman. He pulled his coat closed and smiled once more. A little less sure of her cold reception to him initially, she spoke again.
“Those are very lovely, but… I have no real need of a pocketwatch.” She said, gesturing to her phone.
“Ah, but my dear, you didn’t even take notice of our finest model!”
She bristled inwardly at being addressed as “my dear” again, and fixed her gaze to the pocketwatch he was now dangling in front of her face. It was silver, hooked by a long thin strap. The outer shell had some sort of pattern cut out of it to reveal the clock face behind, but with the shell popped open she couldn’t quite tell what was meant to be on the front. The spindling hands on the clock ticked away excitedly.
“Look at this gorgeous embedded crystal, and how it changes in the light! Let me swing it so you can see how it changes colour in the light…”
As he began swinging it from side to side, her jaw almost instantly fell agape at the sight of it, finding herself unable to draw her soft, blue eyes away from it.
"So many colours! Which colour do you prefer?" 
It was so hard to decide. So many splendid, beautiful colours to pick from. She tried to follow them as they shifted moment to moment. It was hard to think of a favourite. So hard to think… was all Suzie’s mind could muster for the moment, her thoughts, plans for the day, all of them fading away, replaced by her fascination with the tantalising kaleidoscope dancing before her eyes.
"I, uhh.... c-colours..."
The Salesman smiled wide. It wasn’t always this easy, but they all ended up this way eventually.
"Yes, pretty colours... and as each one shines, your worries and cares fade just that little bit more..."
Not having to think and just being able to enjoy the colours did sound nice to Suzie. Joyous, even; and she allowed herself a little giggle at the suggestion. She tried to help him how wonderful that sounded, but her mind was already so devoid of thought, all she could utter was:
"Hee-hee… colours...!"
Knowing he had her right where he wanted her, The Salesman followed on with his scheme.
“Can you hear the ticking? No? Maybe you should invite me inside where it’s quieter so you can really focus in on the sound…”
Had she heard the ticking? She wasn’t sure. Probably best to listen to him. A dull, errant thought in the back of Suzie’s near-blank mind warned that this was a bad idea, but was immediately overruled by the obedient thrall she found herself in.
"Uhhh… Won't you... nghh... won't you... please come in..."
“My dear, I thought you’d never ask…”
As he stepped through the doorway, another voice could be heard deeper inside.
“Suzie? You haven’t seen my top, have you? The low-cut one with the ruffles - oh.”
Suzie’s roommate Miranda - a stunning redhead - entered the room. Always a favourite, those, The Salesman thought to himself. She stopped upon seeing him eyeing her.
“Uh… hello. And you are?” Miranda asked, curiously, confused at the way Suzie stood there smiling blankly at her.
“He’s… He sells… pocketwatches…” Suzie answered for the strange man.
“Yes, and I’m so pleased to make your acquaintance. Would you like to take a look, my dear?”
“No, thank you. We,” Miranda looked sternly at Suzie, “are actually running late. So if you’ll excuse us…”
Suzie didn’t move, however. As Miranda went to grab her arm she simply smiled up at her.
“But… They’re so pretty…” She said, as if she struggled with every word.
The Salesman pulled out the watch. “See for yourself.”
Miranda looked at him, exacerbated, before huffing, turning back to Suzie in confusion. 
“Come on. We’re leaving.”
"But they’re so pretty..." Suzie whined. “Just take a closer look. You know you want to…”
Miranda looked. She couldn’t see anything special about this pocketwatch. Though, truth be told, she was struggling to take in any of the details as she tried to follow it with her hazel eyes. If only this guy would stop swinging it in front of her… back… and forth… and…
“What, are you trying to hypnotise me into buying one or something?” She laughed. But, then, she thought…
Looking at her usually headstrong friend standing quietly with her eyes tracking the watch’s every movement, everything seemed to click into place.
“Aha… w-wait. You’re not… You’re not actually trying to… right…?” 
Miranda was getting nervous, hiding it behind laughter. No. Of course he wasn’t. Hypnosis wasn’t real.
“My God, you are trying to hypnotise… me, aren’t you? And what have you done to Suzie? I’ve had enough of this, please leave.”
The Salesman frowned at this, placing his watch back inside of his jacket. She was going to be tougher. Luckily, he liked a challenge. Reaching into his jacket once more, his fingers brushed along the watches until he found… yes. Perfect.
“But my dear, you haven’t seen our Timepiece de Resistance…” He pulled out a small golden watch. Its chain was more detailed than the other, with a texture almost like woven vines. The numbers were roman numerals. Or were they? Miranda couldn’t tell. 
Shit. She’d been staring at it, hadn’t she?
Miranda covered her eyes and turned away,
“We call it that because it’s the Timepiece that causes all your resistance to melt away…”
His voice was deep in her brain now. It was so… so tempting to look back at him. And Suzie’s pleasant hums of approval weren’t helping.
“No, I won’t… you’re not going to… hypno… hypnotise… me…” Miranda managed, looking up to see Suzie had walked over to her. 
“Go on… just a little look… it would feel so good, Miranda…” Suzie spoke softly, almost dreamlike.
Then another thought hit her. If Suzie could sneak up on her, this guy could be anywhere! She had to check for certain if he was still between them and the door. 
She looked up at him and her attention was captured by the watch once more.
“Get… get out…” Miranda said as firmly as she could manage.
“Please calm down… You don’t need to be so on edge, so angry… Maybe you didn’t get enough sleep last night…”
Her eyes started to droop. All this fighting was exhausting. The only easy thing right now was keeping her eyes on that watch.
“No, I… I don’t need to… sleep… I’m completely…” She tried to stifle a yawn “… Awake…”
“We both know that’s not true, my dear… Look at you. You’re struggling to stay awake. You can barely keep your eyes open…”
Her hands, once balled into fists, were now relaxed and hung limply by her side. Miranda found herself struggling to keep her eyes open.
“No… I’m not - yawn - sleepy…”
The man approached her, guiding her over to the couch, where Suzie had, at some point, also had found herself.
“There’s no need to fight it anymore… You want to give in to it… You want to surrender to slumber…”
“Surrender… to slumber…” Miranda felt a smile grow on her own face as she repeated after him, her weary eyelids now stuck at half-mast. 
“That’s it…” He looked at his pocket watch. Another job well done.
“Well, ladies, it appears I may have lost track of time.” He chuckled, leading the girls to giggle mindlessly… although, they weren’t quite sure why they were laughing. But Master was so funny, wasn’t he?
“I’ll just leave this here.” The Salesman said as he placed a business card on the coffee table in front of them. “In case you know anyone else who might appreciate my services, hm?” 
He watched as Suzies head slowly slumped onto Miranda’s shoulders, both girls blissfully asleep. He straightened his hat, closed the door behind him, and moved onto the next house.
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ryssbelle · 7 months
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Poppy for N2 au, it took me so long to make her design cuz I didn't really know what I wanted to do only because I feel like her design is pretty perfect.
But then I just thought about fun outfits to give her or outfits that I would find comfortable if I was wearing them and it all came together.
Poppy here is pretty much the same as here movie counterpart, as nothing really changes on her end of things other than having more insight on Branch through his brothers, and through Lief. Shes also a bit more understanding a bit earlier on because of it but it doesnt do much to change her own character arc I would say.
Part of Poppys design was based off a design I had made for previous rulers of Troll Village/Tree
Namely Queen Protea who I designed as Poppys grandmother
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Named after the Protea flower which part of her design is based off :D
In the context of this Au Protea was the one who conceptualized the tunnels while her son, King Peppy, was the one to follow through after her death
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dolls-self-ships · 7 months
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based off of the Date Night fic by @ohbother2 ! This one particular line made me giggle and so I just had to draw it. Thank you for letting me visualize your fantastic writing!
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merilles · 7 months
some beautiful elves belonging to folks on my Tolkien OCs discord server~
alphes for @toasterdrake 💚🌿
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curunis for @linden-leaf ❤️🔥
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mentelossë for @elanna-elrondiel 💙🌻
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chaoticstarling · 1 month
i can't will escape rewrite your fate
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rkn001 · 9 days
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my (segmented) zine piece for holy shuggazine!, a celebration for the 20th anniversary of the debut of srmthfg.
this show was a catalyst and a major source of inspiration for my art journey, so it holds a special place in my heart. i'm truly grateful to be a part of this incredible project, and i'm truly grateful to ciro nieli for this incredible show.
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kingkenzieofmold · 1 month
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Hello! It’s been fun on the whiteboard and so here is the final pokemon au designs! A complete master post of all the characters plus close ups! I really hope you enjoy!<3
Who’s That Character? It’s the Creators!
It’s Ashley Jang! @mai-mai-lim
It’s Brutus Belong! @smoresthehalloweenqueen
It’s Cameron Calvin! @rarestdoge
It’s Mary! @jaytoons7
It’s Amelia Copperbottom! @androidcharles
It’s Pollo Miller! @00lari00
It’s Pike Cassino! @kursed-curtain
It’s Danny Felizima! @capturecharlesau
It’s Gabriel Evans! @icilarastudios
It’s Misha Petrov! @flamingredanon
It’s Pablo! @skittisketch
It’s Hatty and Alnar King! @justpainterrobot
it’s Aidan Brannon! @bluetorchsky
It’s Naza! @naza1
It’s Devin Copperbottom! @populousgraph
It’s Daica Madelian! @leonightwater25
It’s Brick! @jaedoesart
It’s Circus! @ask-the-menagerie
It’s the Music Husbands! @bluetorchsky
It’s Ethan Min! @mai-mai-lim
it’s Jeanine Ahn! @mai-mai-lim
It’s Shelly Burns! @bluetorchsky
It’s Ulle Meadows! @jaytoons7
It’s Liam and Lin! [Anonymous]
It’s Alex Stickerson! @mercifulbutbroken
It’s Morgana Price! @smoresthehalloweenqueen
It’s Gayle Fiesta! @smoresthehalloweenqueen
Listen Up! Go Check out all of the creators of these amazing characters and follow them! Every one of them creates awesome content! Like a character here go check out their creator where they have more cool art, stories, and more! They are the ones who created the original character that I adapted into my little funky AU! Thank you for support and thank you creators of these fabulous characters for allowing me to pokemon-afi them! I saw all the comments and doodles left and every one of them made me so happy! Feel free to ask me questions about my pokemon au and even questions about design aspects of the characters you see here, I 99% guarantee that I have an answer! Thank you and enjoy!<3
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s0lar-ch3ri · 9 months
what if i wanted to make another insane promo post?
yeah, ik, its promo time again. BUT this time around i do wanna add in the post both my cousin and niece
one thing i did get wrong, heartz is my niece, starz is my cousin! this will basically be going over what each of these 2 do (...and im also adding in a bonus competitor/promoed person, well actually 2 because I GOT A CHANNEL YIPPEE)
each channel will be seperated up so yeah lets go!
first channel:
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Starzzz.andgalaxy (my actual cousin, lol) is a great yter who absolutely deserves to be celebrating more then just 170 subs! since shes actually here with me, i can let her say a lil something on the matter:
"hello! I would love to reach 200 subscribers at least, I think my hard work should not be for nothing!" <- her typing
shes very very fun (and also with this i hope all the god damn hate comments shut lol) and does very cool things such as:
Roblox videos
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(comment is from me lol, we'll get there soon) For right now these are just rating videos of her avatar, but I find them very fun (plus since I play roblox if needed I can help with filming lol)! Not much to say on it cause it's not a common kind of post, so onto the next form, which is:
2. Art
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As you can see, she does very cool art, this one in particular is a tutorial on how to draw bodies. Is it the best? No, but the fact she's trying makes it great! (this is also where I've seen a couple hate comments come up, so yeah, I'm trying to be mature enough to not commit violence for her upon them) She does admit this video isn't her best work, but she does A LOT of very very cool drawings! Go check them out and her channel of course! There is one thing she also posts about which I love most of all...
3. Paper Dragons!!
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(the first image is her first dragon, second is her most recent i think) I don't get how these things are "paper furries", but I do know THEY ARE SICK AS FUCK. I got to see one in person and they're very cool, all with different stories! I honestly wanna ask for one but right now, I'm gonna stick with watching them.
Channel link can be found here:
(this section was finished on january first of 2024, so at the point of this being posted she wont be over here, but i had her here so yeah :D i love my cousin)
Second channel:
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Heartzzz.❤️ is my niece, and she does similar content, but still does good content! A couple of videos of Starz and Heartz are them promoting each other, so yeah. While she is on vacation and can't be here to give her reasons to subscribe to you, I certainly can!
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One thing I forgot to mention my cousin doing (well, actually my cousin's section is just kinda old because it's from when she last came over, but she's back to help me again, yay!) is making memes like this. Sometimes they do involve a paper dragon, but I think they're pretty funny and/or relatable (also dragons very cool)!
2. Edits (and Undertale related things)
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I'm putting these 2 in the same category just because of the example image above. While my cousin has recently started doing edits, Heartz is the only 1 of the 2 to make anything Undertale related. While the Undertale stuff comes once every blue moon it seems, that doesn't make it any less enjoyable.
I actually found in her description a run down on what she does post, so here:
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Link to her channel can be found right here:
(okay ik this section was really short, again, she posts similar things to my cousin, and i didnt wanna repeat, so yeah, if you want more reason, here's what the cousin herself says: "[Heartz] is really nice, she's a good artist, and she's creative"; time i finished this section was 1/15/2024 lol)
third channel:
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Boli and gang (or as their original user is + the profile picture says, Boli the bear) is the channel belonging to 2 kids I babysit! They're pretty new to making content, but they have a promising start already! Currently, their content consists of...
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One of them has really been getting into animation, posting things like ball loops and such on their account. They're very interesting to watch personally!
2. Cool places
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I'm not sure if this is going to be a common theme, but there is around 3-4 videos of places like this one. I have to admit, this has to be the prettiest of them all.
3. Art (+FNAF/Five Nights at Freddy's Content)
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This is another one grouped together, but because this is the first drawing related one I've seen. They're very big FNAF fans, of course leading to things like this. Is it the best? No, but they tried very hard of course, and maybe you could leave some tips for them to improve with!
(they also post memes and funny videos, but I'd rather not do repetition; FINISHED THIS ALSO ON THE 15TH LETS GOOOOOOO)
Link to their channel can be found here:
Oh, one final reason, their profile picture is super cool! Can you guess who made it? This actually provides me with the perfect transition into...
fourth/final channel:
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yeah, i have a youtube now, and there's like nothing on it minus a couple videos. all of them are made back in like 2021-2022? cant really remember, but i posted them for younger me's sake. i have like a couple more to get through, but afterwards im probs gonna do a bigger variety of content! art videos, jrwi edits, animations, rambles, essays, you name it! (might even stream again on twitch if that seems what the people like lol)
you may want actual reasons to subscribe, but i currently dont have any. i can only make promises of better future content, but right now i can admit theyre shit. i dont post often, its only oc related rn, all very vague, nothing that interests most people on my blog (cause i know a lot of you are here for jrwi content, huh?). this channel, the choice to subscribe is fully up to you, im not gonna sell myself to it, im simply just saying its real.
Link to the channel is found here:
if you at all took the time to read through my part, i appreciate it, but please do actually check out the other 3. after all, you can always find me here, but you cant find the others anywhere else!
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serizawasgamecube · 4 months
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at last i can post my contribution to the @turrettarot deck!! this was my first major zine project and seeing it come together was absolutely amazing, thanks to the mods and all the other artists as well!
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