#Pirate & Prince AU
cndarts · 2 months
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the crew stoping by a market to fill their supply, sirius is in awe since his life in the palace was very different
loved doing this after fighting with lack of motivation for so long 🤧
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cheerry0 · 7 months
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If you’re lost in this darkness,
I’ll carry your throne
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Pirate!Aemond x Mermaid!Reader
While trying to get out of a deadly sea storm Aemond noticed something, or someone, the is far more valuable than any treasure Pirate AU/Mermaid AU
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The storm howls around the large vessel, a monstrous force of nature that seeks to swallow the ship whole. The winds tear at the sails, whipping them into wild tatters as rain lashes down in relentless sheets. The sky is an inky void, lit only by the occasional flash of lightning that illuminates the chaos for a fleeting moment before plunging everything back into darkness.
Aemond stands at the helm, feet braced wide on the slick deck, his hands gripping the wheel with a vice-like hold. His eye gleams with a fierce determination, undaunted by the fury of the storm. He has faced dangers before—pirate hunters, rival crews, even the occasional sea monster—but nothing like this. This storm is unlike any other, a tempest that feels almost alive, as if the sea itself has risen against him.
“Hold fast!” he roars to his crew, his voice a sharp command that cuts through the din. “We’ll not be taken by the sea tonight!”
The men scramble to obey, their movements frantic but practiced, something they’ve performed many times under his command. They trust him—how could they not? Aemond Targaryen is the most feared pirate on the seas, a man who has carved his legend with blood and fire. His ship, the War Dragon, is the largest and most formidable vessel to sail these waters, its black sails a herald of doom wherever it goes.
But even legends can fall to the sea’s wrath.
A sudden wave, massive and unforgiving, crashes against the side of the ship, sending it lurching dangerously to one side. Aemond grits his teeth, fighting to keep the ship on course, but the wave is relentless, slamming into him with enough force to rip his grip from the wheel. He’s thrown back, his body hitting the deck hard, the breath knocked from his lungs.
For a heartbeat, he lies there, dazed, the world a blur of water and darkness. Then he hears it—a sound that shouldn’t be there, a haunting melody that rises above the roar of the storm. It’s beautiful, otherworldly, a siren’s song that calls to something deep within him.
Aemond forces himself to his feet, staggering to the edge of the deck. His eye scans the churning waters, searching for the source of the sound. And then he sees it.
Amidst the frothing waves, a figure moves with a grace that defies the chaos around her. She is breathtaking, with long hair that flows like liquid moonlight, and scales that shimmer in every color of the ocean, catching the flashes of lightning and turning them into something otherworldly. Her eyes, deep and mysterious, lock onto his, and in that moment, time seems to stop.
Aemond can’t look away. He’s heard the tales of mermaids, whispered in taverns and around campfires, but he never believed them. And yet, here she is, a myth, a vision of beauty and danger, her gaze holding him captive as surely as chains.
The ship lurches again, snapping him out of his trance. He stumbles, barely catching himself before he’s pitched overboard. The mermaid vanishes beneath the waves, but her image is burned into his mind, as vivid and unforgettable as the storm itself.
“Captain!” one of the crew shouts, desperation clear in his voice. “We need you!”
Aemond tears his gaze away from the water, forcing himself to focus. The storm isn’t over, and his ship—his men—need him. He grabs the wheel, wrenching it with all his strength, guiding the ship through the tempest with a skill born of years at sea.
It feels like an eternity, but eventually, the storm begins to abate. The winds die down, the waves calm, and the sky lightens with the first hints of dawn. The War Dragon, battered but still afloat, emerges from the storm’s grip, the crew slumping in exhausted relief.
But Aemond’s mind is elsewhere. As the ship sails into calmer waters, his thoughts are consumed by the mermaid, her face a haunting echo that refuses to fade. He should be thinking of treasure, of the riches that await him at their next port, but all he can think about is her.
He knows what he has to do.
“Change course,” he orders, his voice steady despite the turmoil in his chest. “We’re heading south.”
The crew exchanges puzzled glances, but they know better than to question him. They nod and move to obey, setting a new course without hesitation. They don’t ask why, and Aemond doesn’t explain. How could he? How could he put into words the pull he feels, the irresistible urge to find her again?
As the War Dragon sails away from the storm, Aemond stands at the helm, his gaze fixed on the horizon. The sea is vast, full of mysteries and dangers, but he has never been one to shy away from the unknown.
He is a man who takes what he wants, and now, more than anything, he wants her. The mermaid, the myth made real, the beautiful creature who nearly cost him his life. He will find her, whatever it takes.
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araremonaka · 7 months
Can you please give us a baby pirate Cooper?
Like, did he just pop out with the gun or-
Also can I do art of bros quest thingy?
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Im not explaining the logistics of how he has it he just does
Also yea you can do it :33
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darkcrowprincess · 7 months
Pirate Zuko au:
Zuko everytime a flying bison crashes into his ship wanting him to to teach the avatar firebending
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Okay. So like... uh, I made an au.
Basically, Grian is a prince, and Scar is a pirate captain. Scar kidnaps Grian!! and instead of ransoming him, he keeps the prince. As a treasure of sorts :3
Writing below :3
Grian grunted as he was lifted from the ground by the back of his robes, forced to walk in front of a crew member. He stumbled slightly as he was led out of the brig, his body aching from the past few hours. His wrists were bound, the rope tying them behind his back being quite obviously too tight.
He swallowed when the cold breeze hit him as he was forced to walk on deck. The wind whipped around him, messing up his dirty blond locks. And then he was met with the sight of countless crew members, and then a taller man who stood away from the rest. The man was scarred, and his eyes were a vibrant green, almost emerald. His brunet hair looked unkempt, but still clean. He had a hat on his head, and a button-up shirt that was definitely buttoned wrong. 'Strange.' Grian thought.
The prince let out a shaky sigh through his nose, and nearly yelped as he was forced onto his knees in front of the tall brunet, whom he assumed was the ship's captain. He focused his gaze solely on the wooden deck of the ship, not wanting to acknowledge the mocking crew behind him and the taller man in front of him.
Too bad for him, Grian's chin was gripped between two calloused fingers and tilted up. The captain's grip was surprisingly gentle, and yet his gaze said otherwise; Grian felt like there was hidden emotions behind those vibrant eyes, but it's not like he had the guts to even speak at the moment.
"Would you look what we have here; a prince of a once-wealthy kingdom."
The captain snickered softly, and Grian could hear a few of the man's crew snicker as well.
"I've been thinking, little prince. You'd be worth quite a lot to your parents, and we could ransom you. Or, we could keep ya! Maybe lock ya in the brig for the rest of yer life, yeah?"
The prince swallowed, forcing himself to keep his onyx eyes locked onto the emerald ones above him.
The taller man glanced up and behind Grian at his crew, shooting them a look.
"Get back to work or go to bed, ya jackasses. This isn't a show."
Grian nearly let out a sigh of relief as he heard the crew members scurry off either to their cabins or some place else. He then felt the captain release his chin, then he heard him speak up, in a much softer tone.
"Stand up. Come on, I'd prefer to talk to you in private, angel."
Grian almost instantly stood, his legs wobbly but still somewhat steady. He followed the man below deck, into what seemed to be his quarters. Odd.
"Alright, uhh.." The captain sighed, "Sit down on the bed. Go on."
Grian sat down, and watched as the man kneeled in front of him. The prince's wrists were aching, his once fair skin now covered in scrapes and bruises. The scarred man seemed to notice, but didn't speak of it.. yet.
"Okay. Well, er, I'm terribly sorry about my behavior-"
"-you know.. gotta keep up my tough, barbe- barbaric cap'n facade around my crew."
The captain chuckled softly, "Why don't we get to know each other? What's your name, sweetheart? Another sorry from me, I haven't done my research."
Grian's eyebrows furrowed and he shifted slightly. This man, with his bright eyes and tanned skin, was very confusing to Grian. He glanced away, then met the man's eyes once more.
"Grian.." He answered, not bothering to add a last name. "You..?"
He didn't know if he was going to get an answer from the captain, but it was worth asking.
"My name? Oh, t'is Scar Goodtimes, darling. You can call me Scar, but try to call me 'Sir' or 'Captain' around m'crew, 'kay?"
Scar? What kind of name was Scar-? And Goodtimes?? Again, confusing. Grian huffed slightly, then spoke in a slightly mocking tone.
"Okay.. 'Scar'.."
Scar rolled his eyes, a fond smile on his face as he tutted.
"Now now, don't start that, sunshine."
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tonguetiedraven · 3 months
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Pirate Rin from my and @marble-wolf's "Only the Living Can Tell."
Matching Ryuuji is here
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daydreampending · 17 days
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The Lost Princess
Years after running away from your kingdom, escaping your regal duties and joining a pirate crew, you find yourself back under the hand of a royal realm. Forcefully entwined amongst a palace’s workers, you struggle to hide your true identity.
An identity that once had the entire seven seas searching for you. An identity that grew up accustomed to stately etiquette and its rules. An identity that once belonged to the heir of a throne.
Word Count: 6.7k
Series Masterlist
Chapter 6
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fearmakess · 11 months
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happy Halloween! 🎃🏴‍☠️💎
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valiantmade · 3 months
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return of siren ren ft. long hair. and a friend also
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penguinfrommars · 6 months
Pirate Zuko is such an underrated concept
One thing I find really unrealistic with ATLA is that zuko spent 3 WHOLE YEARS on a ship sailing across a world submerged in war and not once did he get a moral crisis? Especially while counting the fact the Iroh is literally part of a huge organization? So I feel like it's very likely that a year or two into his banishment zuko's like: wait a minute, something doesn't add up. And proceeds to commit full blown treason as a PIRATE, and the entire time Iroh is gently preparing him for Rebellion and overthrowing his father. Just think about it, the betrayal, the feels, the bloody atrocities of war and how it affects literal children who are forced to fight it, the inhumane cruelty of spirits, and the painful realization that each person carries potential for both good and bad.
This whole concept has quite literally been torturing my brain for WEEKS.
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wordycheeseblob · 1 year
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How you ask? The night sky is a chart. Those who know to read it will never get lost.
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kaihuntrr · 1 year
If I had a nickel every time my sea prince au designs or ideas were predicted into actual skins and the like, I’d have three nickels, which isn’t a lot but that sure is an interesting coincidence!
I mean, I predicted (accidentally) that Scott would have ginger hair (both in New Life and in Pirates SMP) along with him having heterochromia of orange and blue in New Life! I am IMPRESSED!
Also Martyn being a pirate with scars. I am. I am so interested to what happened to him but I can GLOAT about predicting this-
I’m super excited to what Pirates SMP will give, I’ll definitely have the time to draw their designs together, I just have to at this point!
Here are the designs in case you were curious, I’ll talk about the state of the fic and the future of it after >:)
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Alright, fic status!
To celebrate this AU existing for a few months now (starting April) I’ll talk about how it’s going and all that jazz >:D
Currently I’m slowly recovering from my artist’s block and my writer’s block, the announcement of Pirates SMP really is starting something back up again! The fic so far is being written as a summary, the lovely @mewhoismyself is helping me out!
The summary is at 44.6k words. Acts I, II, and III have been completed with IV a fourth done, and Act V is loosely scripted! There will be a LOT going on but I can assure you, you will not want to miss this.
In general, the fic centers around Martyn and Scott’s dynamic as they learn more about each other and the consequences that follow from their feelings. As someone who loves to rewatch the Life Series tho, I’d love to work in the other previous groups and dynamics; I know Scott and Pearl will have an interesting development along with Martyn and Ren.
I gotta be pretty vague about things but I’m excited to share more about these guys!
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darkcrowprincess · 7 months
I love that we all agree that zuko's form of teenage rebellion/getting back at his father is just him being a pirate. Of course he would the drama queen. Let him just cause chaos for his father and General Zhao for those three years.
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fangirltothefullest · 2 months
How many AUs have you made? Any and all fandoms, if you had to count them. And also, what was the first AU you ever made?
If I went down the list of AUs for EVERY fandom I have ever been in it's going to turn into this:
I have WAY too many, I have ADHD, and if I invent an au for one fandom it's been reused in EVERY fandom I've been in....
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Au where Sophie is a pirate and Keefe is a prince
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