#Physella acuta
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rainbow-blacklight · 6 months ago
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i think everyone should like bladder snails more
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risky-mantis · 10 days ago
Baby snails!
Just a few days after being put in their new tank, our ramshorn snails started sticking eggs to.. well, pretty much any available surface. We first noticed them on the glass but quickly also discovered some on the leaves of the stem plants. And even on some grass blades...
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We had to leave the snails alone for a week (a neighbor came by every other day to check if everything was fine) and when we returned, noticeable white dots had developed within the eggs.
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Not even a full day later, those white dots started to break out off their gelatinous home - they aren't quite recognizable as snails to the naked eye yet but they're starting to explore the tank and wandering around the glass walls and on the plants, just like the adults do.
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We also found out that we got two (possibly more?) bladder snails into the tank with some of the plants, a pretty common occurence (unless you get in-vitro plants only). They must've been tiny when we got them but they've since grown into actually recognizable (albeit still tiny) snails. While they are often regarded as pests for their plentiful reproduction and hardiness that led them to become invasive in huge parts of the world, we actually enjoy some of them. We'll just have to keep an eye on their numbers so they don't overrun the tank and make sure to destroy not accidentally release any more of them into nature.
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rattyexplores · 1 year ago
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Photo 1 - Melanoides tuberculata / Photo 2 - Physella acuta
Two types of snails found in a drainage ditch.
17/09/23 - Gastropoda spp.
QLD:BRB - Townsville, suburban drainage ditch
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physella-acuta · 1 year ago
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My three little survivors on their zucchini feast
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dougdimmadodo · 1 year ago
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Acute Bladder Snail (Physella acuta)
Family: Bladder Snail Family (Physidae)
IUCN Conservation Status: Least Concern
A common resident of ponds, lakes and streams across much of Europe and North America, the Acute Bladder Snail spends the vast majority of its life underwater but can only extract oxygen from air, so must regularly climb to the surface to re-fill an air-filled bladder within its shell (earning it its name.) Hardy and fecund, members of this species feed on aquatic plants, algae and detritus and rely on their curled shells for protection against their many predators, which include numerous small fish, freshwater turtles, non-parasitic leeches and larger carnivorous snails - should a predator grasp or bite them, Acute Bladder Snails are capable of using a unique muscle to furiously waggle their shell in an attempt to shake them off before detaching from the surface they are attached to and attempting to sink to safety. Like most gastropods Acute Bladder Snails are hermaphrodites (with every individual producing both sperm and eggs) and are capable of fertilizing their own eggs, although where possible they show a preference for mating with other members of their species instead (likely because self-fertilization reduces the health and fitness of offspring due to a lack of genetic diversity.) Following mating, members of this species lay dense clusters of tiny eggs covered by protective gelatinous sacs, which they typically attach to the stems or leaves of aquatic vegetation.
Image Source: Here
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evoldir · 1 year ago
Fwd: Graduate position: BielefeldU.EvolutionaryGenetics
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Graduate position: BielefeldU.EvolutionaryGenetics > Date: 22 September 2023 at 05:41:27 BST > To: [email protected] > > > > Bielefeld University - The Faculty of Biology, Department of Evolutionary > Biology, has the following job opening: > > Research Position (PhD candidate) in Evolutionary Genetics > ID: Wiss23571 > • Start: as soon as possible > • part-time 65 % > • salary according to remuneration level 13 TV-L > • fixed-term > > The PhD position is part of the "Freigeist" research project > "Plasticity-led evolution in the phenotype of a freshwater snail: from the > epigenome to genetic change" funded by the Volkswagen-Stiftung. Phenotypic > plasticity allows organisms short-term adaptation to environmental > changes. The epigenetic mechanisms underlying this ability might influence > the genome in the long-term. This hypothesis is intended to be tested, > using experimental evolution in the freshwater gastropod Physella acuta > which is a simultaneous hermaphrodite. The aim is to track phenotypes, > epigenotypes and genotypes over many generations to gain a better > understanding regarding the role of plasticity in the evolutionary > process. > > Your Tasks > research tasks (95 %): > • experimental work with freshwater gastropods > • preparation of epigenetic and genetic libraries > • analysis of epigenetic and genetic data > • collaboration with other researchers > • preparation of contributions for scientific conferences > • writing scientific publications for international journals > > other tasks (5 %): > • organizational tasks within the research group > > The employment is designed to encourage further academic qualification. > > We offer > • salary according to Remuneration level 13 TV-L > • fixed-term (3 years) (§ 2 (1) sentence 1 of the WissZeitVG; in > accordance with the provisions of the WissZeitVG and the Agreement on > Satisfactory Conditions of Employment, the length of contract may differ > in individual cases) > > • part-time 65 % > • internal and external training opportunities > • variety of health, consulting and prevention services > • reconcilability of family and work > • flexible working hours > • job ticket for regional public transport network > • supplementary company pension > • collegial working environment > • open and pleasant working atmosphere > • exciting, varied tasks > > Your Profile > > We expect > • completed scientific university degree (e. g. Master of Science or > equivalent) in evolutionary ecology, genetics, epigenetics, > bioinformatics or any related field > > • experience in experimental work with living animals > • proven skills in the preparation of genetic and epigenetic libraries > as well as in the bioinformatic analysis of epigenetic (ATAC-Seq) and > genetic (ddRAD-Seq, whole-genome sequencing) data or high motivation to > rapidly acquire such skills > > • excellent oral and written English language skills > • independent, self-reliant and dedicated style of work > • strong organizational and coordination skills > • ability to cooperate and work in a team > > Preferred experience and skills > • experience in preparing scientific publications > • experience with R > • experience with antipredator phenotypic plasticity > • experience in working with gastropods or with the model species > Physella acuta > > Application Procedure > > We are looking forward to receiving your application. > To apply, please use the following link: > https://ift.tt/eRyKpu7 > > application deadline: 18.10.2023 > > Contact > Dr. Denis Meuthen > [email protected] > > Postal Address > Universität Bielefeld > Faculty of Biology > Dr. Denis Meuthen > Postfach 10 01 31 > 33501 Bielefeld > > Denis Meuthen
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rintezukas · 4 years ago
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Physella Acuta pogging (mabel mabel, 2020)
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glumpleshkablorfki · 3 years ago
sometimes there are miracles 
like hundreds of Physella acuta appearing in the fish tank I’ve neglected and reminding me of what is important. 
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zekethebeastmaker · 3 years ago
The slug was rather determined. It wrapped itself around his staff, very very slowly making its steady way up in a spiral. Zeke hummed a low note: slugs couldn't hear, but they could detect certain vibrations.
"Sorry 'bout Carson," he said, "they see a dragon an' think they're gonna get a slice of tomato."
It seemed the vibrations finally made their way over to the slug, who detached itself and began to change direction for the porch. Zeke took a small, dried piece of fruit out of a jar on the table next to him and laid it on the ground beside his chair.
"It'll take them about 20 minutes to make it over here, but that tomato will be waitin' for 'em."
He watched the slug for a bit, ensuring that it wouldn't stray back over to Isaak- but it seemed it had caught the scent of the fruit as well. He nodded.
"Of course. That's how it's always been: the members of the guild stickin' together like tar. We're as close to each other as each of us is close to our chosen 'beasts'."
And a blessing that was, as well. Zeke wasn't as social as many of the others, being somewhat more reclusive, but even with their differences, there wasn't a thing Zeke wouldn't do for any one of them. He snorted somewhat, more to distract himself from getting too sentimental than from any real amusement.
"Indeed! After a few centuries livin' wit' 'em, I'd have hoped I would have mastered their husbandry somewhat."
He chuckled to himself again- genuine this time. He had no doubts in that department. He prided himself on knowing more about the slimer animals than anyone else in the dragon realms, just as Isaak probably found a similar cause for 'dignified vanity' in his crabs. Speaking of: Zeke leaned forward to get a better look at the little critters in the bag. He whistled in approval.
"My! Those are some lovely lil' things! Nice an' healthy by the looks of it, too. Must be your pride and joy."
It always did his heart good to see the younger generation doing so well in the guild work. It gave him a further sense of pride, this being that unselfish kind one had for their family, like a father for his child.
"Reminds me of my first batch of snails," he sighed wistfully, "fine freshwater Physella Acuta. Of course, I barely knew what I was doin', then. I'm just glad to see that your batches so far have all been good ones. Makin' a fine beastmaker of yourself, you are."
Zeke’s vision finally cleared up enough to recognize the dragon in front of him. Well, it was none other than Isaak. He stiffened some at first, claws digging into the wooden armrests of his chair, concerned that perhaps something had happened that required his attention- but there was no urgency in any aspect of his visitor’s bearing.
He relaxed again, using his tail to gently push his chair back and forth. One of his larger Giant Swamp Slugs slowly slithered towards Isaak’s foot- Zeke had plenty of these sorts around, recognizing this hut as a safe ground for food and shelter. Undoubtedly this curious little fella thought Isaak a potential source of snacks.
“Don’t trouble yourself, I sleep enough already- and Bruno’s worried about lil’ Ol’ me, is he?” He chuckled. “The youngsters always start twisting their claws once dragons get to be my age- but that’s natural, I suppose. Guess they think it their turn to start lookin’ out for their elders.”
He paused for a moment, nudging one of his snails to a less perilous position on his shoulder.
“Well, you tell ‘em not to worry. I haven’t sunk in peat or nothin’. It’s just leech breeding season, and I’ve been busy getting ‘em all settled…I really wouldn’t be restin’ my tail in that water right now, if I were you.”
He chuckled again, leaning a little further back in his chair. Sure enough, if anyone took a good look at the pond that surrounded Zeke’s hut, they would see small artificial islands of moss and floating boxes of some sort surrounding them, almost like submerged beehives, but different. There were also parts of the pond blocked off: where the water came in, there was a dam of some sort, keeping the water levels knee-deep.
And if one dared to look closer, under the shade of the lily pads, they would see plump, squirming, writhing shapes. No one in their right mind would take a dip in that water. Not unless they were crazy or had a death wish…or their name was Rosco.
“Of course, I won’t be expecting a crop until early summer- but that’s enough about leeches. How’s the crustacean business treatin’ ya? And the other youngins ain’t been gettin’ themselves into too much trouble, have they?”
Isaak would just chuckle again whilst keeping the giant slug at bay, gently of course, just signaling that he didn’t have any snacks on hand. He was relieved to hear that Zeke was doing alright, and that he was still on his business as usual with the leeches. Honestly, he couldn’t fathom how someone could take care of so many leeches and not at least get bitten once! But, Zeke had his talents!
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“Well, he is our big head honcho an’ all, y’know!” he reminded Zeke about Bruno’s disposition. “He jus’ cares ‘bout all of us, like we’re his family! An’ y’know, I do kinda see us as a big ol’ family as well! Always lookin’ out fer one another an’ all.” he did take a quick peek into the pond nearby, seeing all the writhing shapes of the leeches.
“Yeesh! Yea’, no worries, I ain’t plannin’ on sinking my tail into there anytime soon.” he chuckles. “Man, sometimes I’m wonderin’ if y’ain’t got some kinda deep bond with all ‘dese slugs an’ leeches. ‘Dey seem to be magnetized to ya! Then ‘gain, same goes fer me an’ crustaceans! They jus’ seem to listen to me as if I’m some sorta leader o’ them! Speakin’ of–”
He’d pull out a satchel he had slung over his shoulder, as he’d open it for Zeke to look inside; it was stuffed to the seams with seaweed, but among the multiple leaves were small, newly-hatched crabs, all of them eating away at their gargantuan meal. “First batch o’ the year has already come out, an’ boy howdy are ‘dey a hungry bunch! Look’it ‘em! Ain’ they jus’ a bunch’a beauties!”
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sadiie · 8 years ago
love-all-lives replied to your photoset “Dallas Stars tank update. March 2017”
Oh my, this is amazing! What plants and fish do you have in here?
thank you :)
plants: Lomariopsis lineata Bolbitis heudelotii various Bucephalandras Microsorum pteropus Vesicularia ferriei "Weeping Moss" Fissidens fontanus Ceratophyllum demersum + Spathiphyllum in a DIY riparium planter
inhabitans: Neocaridina denticulata Physella acuta  Planorbella duryi
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anecdotal · 6 years ago
Physella acuta eggs, 3 days old. The adult snail came with some Hydrilla we bought for the shrimps. (at Fernvale) https://www.instagram.com/p/BywfdQVgO8a/?igshid=24wnk4j36b2q
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physella-acuta · 1 year ago
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Found one of my Bladder Snails hanging out on his back munching on a duckweed leaf. It’s absolutely my favorite thing and makes me smile so much. You can see in the video he’s mad chilling and not even remotely concerned! He got off his back on his own a few minutes later and left with his plant
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