#Phoenix Star Crew
2stepadmiral · 1 year
Garazeb Orrelios’ role in the Ghost crew family is the chimera/wild card. He constantly alternates between several roles depending on who he was with when the shit hit the fan.
If he’s with Hera and Kanan (or just Hera) when trouble strikes, he’s the gruff uncle, sternly disapproving alongside mom and dad of whatever shenanigans the kids dragged everyone else into.
If he’s with Ezra and Sabine (or just Sabine), he’s the surly older brother who’s tired of getting into trouble because of his younger siblings and is trying to guess which of mom’s lectures he’s going to receive this time (he always gets the brunt of the blame, so he has her lectures memorized).
If he’s with Ezra alone, he becomes Ezra’s slightly older twin who he shares a single brain cell with.
If he and Kanan are left alone together, he becomes Kanan’s wild best friend/adopted brother. No matter how hard they try not to, they always end up in a Hangover style misadventure because this pair, like him and Ezra, shares few brain cells. They have two or three more than Ezra and Zeb, but the difference is kind of negligible.
And if Chopper is involved, he becomes the exasperated uncle who is just done with everything.
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itsjayro · 5 months
While watching a rebels panel & hearing Dave talk about the selfless sacrifice both Kanan & Ezra made it got me thinking about how Sabine chose the selfish path by wanting Ezra back so bad that she put the rest of the galaxy at risk. She already is facing consequences of that cause now she is separated from Ezra AGAIN the one thing she desperately wanted. But there’s more coming & eventually Sabine will have to make the selfless decision. One moment where everything Kanan, Ezra & Ahsoka have taught her all seamlessly clicks. And I’m scared 😅
Edit: apparently this needs to be said THIS IS NOT A SABINE BASH POST!!!!! I love Sabine & I understand what she did. It was very human but not the Jedi thing to do & that’s what this whole post is about. And I personally think as of right now that from a story standpoint they are setting up Sabine to have a Kanan/Ezra moment. If you don’t agree with me cool but leave me alone 😎
Also Natasha literally calls it a “mistake”…. So why we still talking about this?
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panaceatthedisco · 10 months
The reason I know that Anakin didn't truly die on Mustafar has nothing to do with his redemption in the end
It's because nobody else could be such a petty bitch
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He brings it up again
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And again
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glupshirto · 10 months
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Photo and edit by @thatdullnerd on Instagram.
He absolutely SMASHED this! It’s perfect!
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nacht-raven · 2 years
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still deep in the star wars fixation so here’s a Hera bc I love her dearly
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light-sabe-babe · 1 year
us rebels fans are eating good today
sorry for blurry pictures I obviously screenshoted the trailer on instagram🤠
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blade-liger-4ever · 2 months
Meet Moreena Krai, the most effective combat medic in the Phoenix Cell!
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So, before I go into her place in my story, let me explain her design.
When I did multiple research tasks on Moreena, I saw that one source pointed out that she may have been dark-skinned based on Ezra's sketch of her. For that, as well as me just wanting to play around with concepts and try new ideas, I decided to make Moreena dark-skinned - which, additionally, may explain why Ezra crushed on Sabine (just an idea.) I can't recall right now if I chose to give her brown or gray eyes, but either way, I felt that maybe it would be interesting to give her a separate eye color from Ezra's deep sea blue, and further differentiate her from one of my OCs.
As for her outfit, I saw one fanfic depict her as a medic, and I thought that was a good idea. And although I'm no expert by any stretch of the imagination, I wanted to add a combat medic to the Phoenix Cell for when they're either on a planet's surface, or when they're in a dogfight with the Empire. For the colors, I chose that palette to reflect the Red Cross, and show that she's in the medical department. The blaster I added to show that she's gotta take up arms on the field, and that she won't be an easy target if things go south. My only regret is that I forgot to change her expression - but, seeing as she and Ezra reunite during my spin on S3, maybe it fits after all....
When Moreena left for Alderaan with her family, she and her younger sister, Judi, enrolled at one of the higher level academies on the planet when their grandmother noticed their separate talents: Judi's scientifically inclined mind, and Moreena's medical expertise when she came across some injured street urchins. Although Judi, despite being young and sharp-minded, came to accept much of the propaganda that the Empire spouted, Moreena kept quiet over it and wondered if she should have shown off that skill with her grandmother present after all. She didn't regret helping the urchins, especially since one of the boys acted a lot like Ezra when they had been kids, but unlike Judi she remembered what the Empire had done to their farm. And unlike her little sister - who was growing quite fond of the company of the Imperial boys who swaggered around the Academy grounds as if they were moffs - Moreena didn't want their company, or the constant reminder of the home she was taken from, and the one friend her age who knew the unfairness of the Empire.
As the next two years went by, Moreena and Judi reached the finals of their classes. However, Judi had become a model student for her school work ethic and Imperial support, in spite of the fact that she could be seen after hours partying with some of the rowdy students. By contrast, Moreena grew more distant from her classmates and sister, keeping tabs on the reports of a rebellion happening back on Lothal in secret. Following a gut instinct, Moreena dug and searched Imperial transmissions from the sector and discovered that there was a cell of rebels in the system that had caused much pushback and change to her home - and that one of the wanted "criminals" was Ezra Bridger.
Desperate to know his fate, and eager to be free of the Imperial academy, Moreena did more research, eventually realizing through determined digging that Bail Organa was the one quietly sponsoring and aiding the rebel cell. Because this had been accomplished through implicating means, Moreena ended up meeting Bail in person after one of his aides, claiming to be a recruiter for the Alderaanian Medical Institute, brought her to the palace to "see if her knowledge [was] comparable to a professional's". Bail was not angered when he met Moreena; rather, he was impressed by her tenacity and talent. After a long, private discussion about what she had done, and the cruelty of the Empire, Bail offered her two choices: go to the Alderaanian Institute without fear of repercussions from her illicit actions, or go on a private shuttle that was preparing to leave with new recruits for the Phoenix Cell.
Before the day was out, Moreena was packing necessities and readying for the shuttle, while her family was informed that she had accepted a scholarship to the Alderaanian Institute of Medicine.
Although the equipment wasn't as shiny or up to date as at the academy, Moreena threw herself into her work and even worked with her fellow medics to improve medical conditions in the cell. Six months after joining, Moreena finally got to meet Ezra again, but was surprised by the changes she saw in him. He had grown taller, broader, and was sporting a new buzzcut and had twin scars on his left cheek. But that wasn't what surprised her most: he was a Jedi Padawan, but strangely acting less heroic than the old stories told. No, he was wielding a breakable, purple-bladed saberstaff, and was using techniques that seemed dangerous and more Sith-like than she'd ever imagined.
Their reunion was strained and cautious, like two playmate animals who were just meeting after years of separation and abuse. Ezra would often come to her in the medical wing for checkups, or to see if she or the others were doing well. Moreena, though she was unnerved by his actions, always welcomed him there, and would try to get him to open up about what had happened. It was difficult, and took the help of Sabine and Zeb to put the pieces together, but Moreena eventually learned about Korriban, Kanan's blinding, and how Ezra felt he needed power to protect his friends.
This, in time, led to many arguments between her and Ezra, as Ezra's quest was leading him to a darkness he wouldn't/couldn't see, and Moreena wasn't going to lose him to the Dark Side. After a while, Ezra started to realize how comfortable he was getting with mind controlling his enemies and using other dark powers, but didn't know how to break away from it. Moreena became a spot of light for him in those days, and helped him chase away the darkness when he felt the pull grow stronger. This made their old friendship bloom into something more, and when Ezra sought out Maul to sever his connection to the former Apprentice and seek answers, Moreena proved a force of nature herself by convincing both Kanan and Sabine to bring her along to find him.
Once that adventure ended, Moreena and Ezra started a relationship, though they both took it slow due to the circumstances and experiences they'd had in the past years. Their bond grew stronger, though, and from Yavin 4 to Endor, they remained close, and joined Kanan and Luke Skywalker in rebuilding the Jedi Order.
@princessallura052 @radicalrebelcat and all those who read this, I hope you like it! Moreena and Ezra get married probably right after Endor; better to take that opening while it's there than suffer the consequences of waiting. I see them with at least two kids, though a third is always welcome. I chose a different name for her little sister, although I don't know what fate she should suffer. I know at the very least her parents are on Alderaan when it's destroyed, which is one of the times Ezra and Moreena grow exceptionally close.
Stay tuned, for I may attempt designing Sabine's boyfriend sometime...
May the Force be with you all!
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lavend3r-stardust · 1 year
In honor of Ahsoka (or Rebels season 5 lol) wrecking our souls, here's 2 playlists for Sabine and Ezra!
And here's my sw rebels ambience-type playlist!
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bh-52 · 2 years
Kanan posing with his younger selves as if they're taking a family photo
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galacticsurplus · 1 year
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New Phantom 2 tail art shirts are now in the shop.
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Star Wars Pilots Tournament - Finals!
Who's the better pilot??
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Hera Syndulla:
she's my mom and i love her
She’s the best pilot hands down. Her and Han literally have beef and he knows she’s better 💕
the amount of times she escaped from the empire is insane. she’s also a general!! and was able to fly ships successfully on planets with weird gravity!!
i dont remember the names of the eps but the entire B-wing episode And that time she outflew Darth "the greastest star pilot in the galaxy" Vader with him in his nice little maneuverable modified TIE and her in a /FRIEGHTER/. Hera best Star Wars Pilot of all time
One of the foundational members of the Rebel Alliance, leader of Phoenix Squadron, Hera's skills as a pilot has saved countless lives, not to mention getting her crew and family out of tight spaces in the nick of time 
There isn't a pilot in the imperial fleet who can outrun her!!!! And she parents a whole crew while she does it. no one is doing it like Hera. No added help of force sensitivity because she is simply THAT GOOD. THEE pilot of all time, ever.
She outflew literal Anakin Skywalker without the force.
One time she flew through an imperial hanger in orbit and jumped to hyperspace while in the middle of it to get past the blockade. Also she beats out force sensitive pilots just by being so good at it
Han Solo:
I mean he did the Kessel Run in twelve parsecs, I mean it’s Han Solo how much propaganda does an iconic character like Han Solo need
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softonshanks · 1 month
A quiet night
Word count: 980 words
Characters: Marco the Phoenix x female reader
Plot: This one was a request by the lovely @kazenomegaminowanpisu who asked a one shot in which the s/o woke up without Marco on her side and she went to his office and she tried to convince Marco to sleep cause it was getting late, but Marco insisted not to... So the s/o sit down on his lap and sleep (just marco adoring her while she sleeps). I guess it came out a little bit sadder than I wanted, but I hope you'd still like it.
Author's note: Very important thing before you dive in, @kazenomegaminowanpisu is a very talented artist, make sure to check her art and commission her some stuff <3
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Y/N woke in a cold bed. Her arm reached out across the blankets to find only air and empty space where Marco had been. The thin and blue moonlight trickled through the slats of the cabin window, casting long shadows over the room. She sat up, brushing sleep from her eyes. It was late—too late, by the look of the moon. Maybe two in the morning. She exhaled, feeling the pull of worry stir inside her. She dressed quickly and slipped through the door, careful not to wake anyone else. The air outside was cool, with a soft breeze pushing off the sea, and the ship creaked faintly with the swells of the waves. The stars above were scattered, sharp points of light.
She walked the deck with soft steps, peering through the dim light for any sign of Marco. The crew was quiet, most of them lost to their dreams. A few kept watch, their shoulders hunched, heads tilted to the sea. She stopped and asked the first one she saw.
“Have you seen Marco?”
The man shook his head. “Not since he came to sleep with you”.
She moved to the next one, a wiry man leaning against the mast, picking at his nails. He shrugged when she asked.
“No idea. Probably off somewhere thinking too much again.”
The girl nodded. She knew that was true. Marco could be like that, disappearing into himself, tangled in thoughts. She crossed the deck slowly, the wood cool beneath her feet. She passed the galley, the medic room, the empty crows’ nest. No sign of him anywhere. It wasn’t until her eyes fell on the faint glow of light spilling from under a door on the far side that she remembered. His office.
She moved toward it. The door was half-cracked, so she pushed it open with one hand. Marco sat at his desk, leaning back in his chair, a stack of books and papers spread in front of him. His eyes were fixed on a worn notebook, his fingers rubbing the bridge of his nose. He didn’t look up at first.
“Marco,” she said, softly. She stepped inside and closed the door behind her.
His head lifted slowly, his blue eyes a little foggy with exhaustion. “Hey. I didn’t wake you, did I?”
“No. You just weren’t there.”
He gave a small smile, but it didn’t reach his eyes. He looked away again, his hand tracing over the pages of the notebook absently.
“What are you doing in here?” she asked, stepping closer to him. Her fingers brushed along the back of his chair.
“Just thinking,” he said quietly. “Whitebeard wasn’t doing well tonight. Worse than usual. I gave him some medicine… it helped a little.”
His voice faded, and she could hear the frustration hidden in it. He stared down at the desk. “But it’s not enough. None of it’s enough. No matter how hard I study, no matter how much I try to learn, I can’t… I can’t heal him. All I do is push it off a little longer.” He clenched his jaw, his hand balling into a fist. “I’m just… delaying the inevitable. He’s going to die.”
The girl watched him, her heart sinking. She understood the weight he carried. It wasn’t just responsibility; it was love, the fierce kind that made it impossible to accept failure. She knelt beside him, her fingers trailing over his arm. “Marco,” she whispered, her voice soft but steady. “You’re doing everything you can. Whitebeard knows that. We all do.”
His jaw tightened, but he didn’t say anything. She cupped his face with her hand, guiding his gaze back to hers. She pressed her forehead to his. “You’re not a god, Marco,” she said gently. “You’re just a man. You can’t control life and death. You’re here for him now, and that’s what matters.”
He closed his eyes, letting her words sink in, his breath shallow and heavy. She kissed his forehead, soft as a whisper, and then again, on the bridge of his nose, down to his lips, lightly. She lingered there for a moment, her hand still resting on his cheek.
“Come to bed,” she said. “You’re tired. You’ve done enough for tonight.”
Marco shook his head slowly. “I can’t. Not yet.”
She frowned but didn’t press him further. Instead, she slipped onto his lap, curling her body against his. “Fine,” she murmured, resting her head against his chest. “But I’m staying here, then.”
He smiled, this time a little warmer, and his arms wrapped around her, holding her close. She nuzzled deeper into him, her body molding to the contours of his. His heartbeat was steady against her ear, the faint rhythm comforting. Minutes passed, her breathing slowed as sleep started to pull her under again. Marco watched her, his fingers gently stroking her hair. He could feel the soft rise and fall of her chest, the warmth of her body melting into his. The lines of her face were peaceful, calm in the way only sleep could bring. He kissed her forehead, soft and slow, his lips brushing her skin like the lightest touch of wind. His hand cupped her cheek, and he kissed her again, a quiet reverence in his movements.
In the stillness of the night, with the weight of the world heavy on his shoulders, Marco found a small moment of peace in her. He held her as she slept, his fingers tracing delicate patterns on her skin. There were no answers in the books, and no cure for what was coming. But right now, in the quiet of the ship, he let himself forget it.
Just for a little while.
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gffa · 1 year
Hey, hi, cool, so I just thought, for no reason that I can think of at this particular time, you all might want to fall back into the Kalluzeb rabbit hole with me, especially since they didn't get onscreen resolution for the desperate need I had for them to kiss, so fic is here to help solve that for us. Also feelings. So many, many feelings. And delicious mutual pining and hilarity of two idiots who clearly want to bang each other, with the knowledge that Zeb eventually will totally get his man (Steve Blum said so!!! just like that!!!) which makes it fun to watch two dumbasses circle each other around. Or finally give in because there's definitely a lot of giving in. Anyway, yes, have some STAR WARS REBELS fic, centered on Kallus and Zeb just because I thought it would be a fun side trip today. No reason! Just seemed like the thing to do, is all! STAR WARS REBELS KALLUZEB FIC RECS: ✦ A Lasat Walks into a Bar by Holderisms, zeb/kallus, the mandalorian spoilers, 1.3k    After speaking with Teva, Zeb gets a drink. Even when someone is waiting on him. ✦ Eudaemonia by Bur, zeb/kallus, 7.9k    Alexsandr never expected to find peace more terrifying than war. ✦ Hoth is (Not) for Lovers by bar2d2s, zeb/kallus, 1.2k    Hoth is cold and Kallus is miserable. Set only just before Empire Strikes Back. ✦ Falling in Love with the Right Now (Poster Boy) by akaparalian, (pre-)zeb/kallus & ghost crew, 1.6k    Somewhere out there in the galaxy, there's a rebel propaganda artist who deserves a raise. ✦ It Works on You by Kereea, zeb/kallus, 3.2k    Humans and lasats can have very different ideas about what's attractive. Zeb and Kallus still tend to line up by each other's standards. ✦ Warmth by icarus_chained, zeb/kallus, 1.6k    Zeb and Kallus, in the aftermath of Zero Hour. Someone needs to put Kallus back together, or near as can be managed. ✦ Mating Rituals by Velvedere, zeb/kallus & sabine & cast, 4.7k    Zeb has been acting weird lately. Kallus vents to Sabine about it. ✦ in your warmth I forget how cold it can be by dykeannebonny, zeb/kallus, NSFW, 3.6k    "Are you going to kiss me, Garazeb Orrelios?" Alex's lips were parted; he inhaled deeply through his mouth. "I'm thinkin' about it," Zeb said quietly. ✦ What We Want by TheTrashMan (Viraaja), Viraaja, zeb/kallus, NSFW, 12k    Kallus and Zeb realize what it is they want from each other: sex, obviously. ✦ Falling in Love with the Right Now (Poster Boy) by akaparalian, zeb/kallus & phoenix crew, 1.6k    Somewhere out there in the galaxy, there's a rebel propaganda artist who deserves a raise. ✦ The Care and Keeping of Ex-Imperials Who Need Coffee, a Nap, and a Hug in That Order by akaparalian, kallus & phoenix crew (& some zeb/kallus), 8.8k    Five Ghost crew members who helped Alexsandr Kallus, and one who he helped in return. ✦ In the Middle of the Night by bar2d2s, hera & kallus (background kanan/hera & zeb/kallus), 1.8k    When one member of your self-made family is pregnant, you’re all pregnant. ✦ Celestial Navigation by ambiguously, zeb/kallus, 1.7k    Kallus doesn't understand why Zeb's not sad. ✦ Untitled Rebels Fic by Mirror and Image, zeb/kallus & cast, 11.6k    Kallus, on Yavin IV, sees a Lasat that isn't Zeb. Things go as expected. ✦ When we have peace by apocrypha73, zeb/kallus, 2.9k    After the Battle of Endor, Kallus and Zeb enjoy the celebration. ✦ The Last Parking Spot on Lovers' Lane by ambiguously, zeb/kallus & hera & cast, 3.7k    All Zeb wants is to find a nice quiet spot to make out. This is not as easy as it should be. ✦ Speculation by Nana, zeb/kallus & ap-5, 1k    "AP-5," Kallus said, "are you under the impression that Captain Orrelios and I are involved, romantically?" "It is common knowledge at the base, sir. You don't have to deny it just because I am a droid." ✦ roisters by spookykingdomstarlight, zeb/kallus, 1.8k    For once, he is willing to put aside his thoughts and act. “Garazeb,” he says, because he is the only one who calls Zeb by his full name and because he’s noticed the way Zeb’s fur ripples in pleasure after he says it and somewhere in the back of his mind he knows that means something. “A word?” ✦ in this world by xpityx, zeb/kallus, NSFW, 2.1k    It had been eight months. Eight months since he'd last seen Alex in person. He'd still been Kallus then, had still been convinced that the Ghost crew were taking him to his executioners. ✦ The Sea Has Ten Thousand Names by ambiguously, zeb/kallus, 2.6k    Living on a new planet is hard when you don't know the language. ✦ Date Night by ambiguously, zeb/kallus & kanan/hera & jacen, 1.7k    Asking your not-boyfriend out on a date is even harder when he's stuck babysitting for his friends. ✦ Heard It in a Love Song (Can't Be Wrong) by ambiguously, zeb/kallus, 2.7k    Kallus can't quite figure out what makes Zeb tick, but he keeps trying. ✦ a more than mutually beneficial agreement by wrennette, zeb/kallus, NSFW, 3.1k    It takes a while, getting ex-Agent Kallus to open up. ✦ Another Mission, Another Mess by icarus_chained, zeb/kallus & kanan/hera & ghost crew, 6.5k    Kallus has been slowly intergrating into the crew when the Ghost is assigned to a normal supply run. The mission goes south, as it usually does, Zeb takes a hit, Kallus doesn't take it well, and the rest of the crew try to pick of the pieces. Another mission, another mess. Just another day on the Ghost. ✦ Rebel Teamwork by sempaiko, zeb/kallus, NSFW, 4.9k    How many Rebels does it take to screw in a lightbulb? ✦ Unscheduled Contact by Kala_Sathinee, zeb/kallus & cast, NSFW, 3.4    During a rescue mission, Zeb gets stranded aboard the Chimaera when it jumps to hyperspace. He and Kallus make the most of the time. ✦ just another damn of the damns you're not giving by shades, zeb/kallus & cast, NSFW, 6.8k    The thing is, Zeb’s handsy. ✦ taste of pleasure by wrennette, zeb/kallus, NSFW, 1.2k    The one where Zeb follows through on his idea of fucking Sasha full of come and then eating him out until he cries ✦ Scent Blind by Rachello344, zeb/kallus & cast, NSFW, 4.4k    Alexsandr has been avoiding Zeb since he joined the Rebellion in full, convinced that prolonged contact with the Lasat will prove his undoing. As long as Zeb smells so unfathomably good, he’ll never be able to speak with him casually, especially now that there are no other divides between them. If only Zeb had gotten the memo that Alexsandr was doing this for both their sakes. Unfortunately, it seems Zeb can’t, or won’t, take a hint. ✦ In Your Orbit by LoveCrumb, zeb/kallus, NSFW, 3.2k    After wanting to touch Zeb for so long, Alex reaches up and runs his hands down Zeb’s wide chest. The fur there, like much of his body, is short and thick; it feels velvety as Alex strokes downward, and more textured and coarse on the upstroke. ✦ We Belong Way Down Below by Mithrigil, zeb/kallus, NSFW, 1.6k    Zeb runs into Kallus on a routine mission. He doesn't know how that resulted in both of them getting off, but he's not complaining. ✦ ibac jaon by wrennette, zeb/kallus, nsfw, 3.9k    Fulcrum had given up on being found. ✦ Cogs by ambiguously, zeb/kallus, 1.1k    "You brought him home. That makes him yours." ✦ ever so patiently by Anonymous, zeb/kallus, NSFW, 21.2k    Lasat have very peculiar mating habits. No one thought to tell Kallus about that. or: Kallus is the last one to find out he’s being courted.
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 4 months
05/20/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Cast & Crew Sightings; David Jenkins; Taika Waititi;Vico Ortiz; Rachel House; Kristian Nairn; SaveOFMD Event Calendar; Fuckery Reminder; Adopt Our Crew/Articles; Watch Party Reminders; Voting; Emmy4RhysDarby; In Person Events: PA: Calypso's Birthday Part Two; Fan Spotlight; MerMay; Love Notes; Daily Darby/ Tonight's Taika
= David Jenkins =
Just a lovely artsy photo with David's lovely girlfriend Kinga.
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Source: David Jenkins' Instagram
== Taika Waititi ==
Taika is still out and about in Japan! He got several pictures while he's been there! (PS: Where is our Taika In Japan Series)
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Source: Chimichangus Instagram / JensenDiedrich's Instagram
Apple TV has officially announced the date for the TV adaptation of Time Bandits (Which is Taika and Jemaine's new baby!)
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Custard TV Article
Entertainment Weekly Article
== Vico Ortiz ==
Vico's excited for this upcoming weekend at Phoenix Fan Fusion! May 24-25-2024. For more info visit phoenixfanfusion.com!
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Source: Vico Ortiz' Instagram Stories
== Rachel House ==
Rachel posted lots of family and friends pics with the title: "Legend portrait series…"
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Source: Rachel House's Instagram
= Kristian Nairn =
More photos of Kristian's performance at Basingstoke Comic Con! Courtesy of Dan_Clarke_Photography!
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Source: Kristian Nairn's Instagram
== Save OFMD Crew Calendar ==
Reminder! Tomorrow is time for a Fuckery! Join the SaveOFMD Crew for some polite menacing with the hashtags #WelcomeToMax #DontGetAttached! Instagram / Tumblr Info
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== Adopt Our Crew / Articles ==
Our dear friends over at Adopt Our Crew shared an article from Laist about scripted TV! Please visit their twitter if you have access! You can check out the article below:
Less Scripted Content A Common Theme As Networks, Streamers Pitch Advertisers At The Upfronts
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Our crewmate @ meowzawowza_ on twitter was kind enough to share more articles regarding scripted TV going on right now.
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ICYMI: Scripted TV's Vanishing; YouTube Stars Snub Showbiz; Rushfield's Hope
== Watch Party Reminders ==
Dates: May 20 - 26, 2024 Times: 3:30 pm PT / 6:30pm ET / 11:30 pm BST The #RhysDarbyFaction will be hosting OFMD Season 1 on the RDF Discord Server. Don't have access? Reach out to me on @gentlebeardsbarngrill on tumblr, or @aspirantabby42 on twitter.
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== Voting ==
More of our dear crewmates have found another voting opportunity for folks to weigh in on. If you visit the link below, you can choose to Stream it, or Skip it! We think you know which one to choose! Buzzfeed - Underrated TV Shows
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Thank you to @ norakitty9 on Twitter for the link!
== Emmy 4 Rhys Darby ==
As you've seen floating around, various crew members are trying to help get Rhys Darby nominated for an emmy! Attached below are several graphics you are welcome to use! You don't need to credit anyone, just use them liberally with the hashtag #Emmy4RhysDarby! Graphics Google Drive
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== In Person Events: PA : Calypso's Birthday Part Two ==
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Hey crew! Are you in the area of Millvale, PA (greater Pittsburgh area)? Well if so, please consider stopping by Harold's Haunt this Saturday May 25th from 6pm-12am! They'll be hosting Calypso's Birthday Part 2!
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They were kind enough to give me lots of info on previous birthdays as well as the upcoming one with more info! Thank you @ringasunn for all your help with this!
Please visit the repo event document for more information!
== Fan Spotlight ==
= Cast Cards =
Tonight's cast card is the Red Flag Crew's foreperson! Thank you @melvisik for spotlighting Ma'aola Faasavala!
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== OFMD Colouring Pages ==
Oooo tonight we have the iconic first raid of Stede Bonnet! Thank you @patchworkpiratebear!
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Source: PatchworkPirateBear's Tumblr
= Our Flag Means Fanfiction Podcast =
New episode of Our Flag Means Fanfiction! This week is "The Ed Teach Episode"! Wanna give it a listen? Visit their linktr.ee!
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Source: Our Flag Means Fanfiction Instagram
= MerMay =
= Blueberreads =
More pixel art from our talented crewmate @blueberreads! I love that we get Chaos Dad rowing back with a bunch of mannequins! I can just hear the yelling!
Day 19: Rowboat / Day 20: High On A Rocky Ledge
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= Snejpowa =
More lovely submissions by the super fantastic @snejpowa! Some "Could have beens" in the rowboat to China! Also loving all the versions of flags we're getting! Day 19: Rowboat / Day 20: High On A Rocky Ledge
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== Spencer Does Art ==
More Mermay submissions from our delightful crewmate @spencerdoesartt on Instagram! I'm digging their sweet style and vivid colors! Check them out below!
== Love Notes ==
Wow! Today was a busy day in the fandom! I feel like Mondays always are, but today feels particularly busy! There's so much going on, and everyone seems to be having such a great time with the new press release photos that were found yesterday!
It's so lovely to see this kind of energy and love being injected back into the fandom. I was mentioning this to a friend recently... that it feels almost like OFMD itself is a giant puzzle that we all have access to, and every time we think we're nearing completion of it, some cool new footage, bts, stills, information, interviews, anything-- shows up and suddenly we have all these new pieces to fit into place.
The puzzle is never really finished, but it gets bigger and more intricate with every discovery, and I absolutely love spinning the pieces around and seeing where they fit with all of you.
Whether you are brand new to the fandom, somewhat seasoned, or an ofmd fandom elder, I hope you know that you bring so much joy to this place! I know sometimes we have our spats between fans, but what family doesn't have those? We have so many talented, brilliant members on this crew, and I love coming back online every day and getting to fit another piece into the puzzle with you.
I hope you all are having fun crew, because that's what fandoms are all about. Remember to take a break if you need to, and scream loudly all your love if you feel up for it. We love hearing it <3 Happy Murray Monday lovelies!
== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
Happy Murray Monday all! Tonight's theme is Flight of the Conchords (with Murray Hewitt and Larry Pritchard)!
Gifs courtesy of the fantabulous @ fandomsmeantheworldtome and @ semisweetshadow!
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glupshirto · 1 year
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💜 once a rebel, always a rebel 💜
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stra-tek · 10 months
The Animated Series' weird takes on Trek history deep dive!
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Check out S.S. Bonaventure 10281NCC from "The Time Trap", according to Scotty "the first ship to have warp drive installed"
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Among the council we see a woman in a white Starfleet TOS-ish uniform with blue collar and a science insignia, presumably a surviving crewmember.
TAS is weird because it was out of continuity during the 90's, due to Filmation's bankruptcy and subsequent rights issues and Gene Roddenberry's supposed dislike of it. As a result, episodes and novels were forbidden from referencing it even if a few were snuck in regardless and subsequent Treks took things in different directions.
Now in 1993 the Star Trek Chronology was released, largely ignoring TAS. It featured this same named ship, which subsequently made it into a Deep Space Nine episode via this graphic:
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And this Bonaventure design would be inspiration for the Phoenix in the movie First Contact
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So how does TAS' Bonaventure fit now? Ummmm not so well. Fans speculated she was the first ship to have a Dilithium powered warp drive... until Star Trek: Enterprise nuked that. And then TAS nuked itself on those details a little later...
April's Enterprise
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"The Counter-Clock Incident" is the first time we meet Robert April and his wife Sarah. Robert April was an early name, eventually changed to Christopher Pike for the 1st pilot episode of live action Star Trek and eventually James Kirk for the original series proper. Then retroactively made into different characters who commanded the Enterprise prior to Kirk.
Sarah comes out with "As the first medical officer aboard a ship with warp drive..." which is problematic to say the least.
TAS seems to imagine a universe where Bonaventure 10281NCC was launched shortly before the Enterprise, and warp drive and everything are all very new. The Star Trek Chronology and then the Enterprise series would move things back considerably, giving us the warp-powered Enterprise NX-01 with Dr. Phlox a century before Kirk's time.
Spock and the Enterprise's age
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In "Counter-Clock Incident", weird stuff happens and the crew are in a bizarre reverse universe where they age backwards. April begins as a 75 year old man heading to mandatory retirement, but as everyone de-ages he ends up a young man looking much like Jim Kirk. At that time, everyone else is a toddler. Spock lasts longer though, and is still functional on the bridge as a teenager until the last few moments. This implies Spock is the oldest by far of the TOS crew, which makes sense due to the long lifespans of Vulcans. However, beginning with that 1993 Chronology book and made official in Star Trek Beyond, Spock is only 3 years older than Jim, born 2230 and 2233 respectively.
And how old does this make the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701? This goes all the way back to The Making of Star Trek, which supposed the vessel is 40 years old at the time of TOS - something modern Trek would cut roughly in half. Strange New Worlds makes official her launch year as 2245, when Jim Kirk was 12 and Spock 15 (and in the Kelvin Universe, the Enterprise is launched much later in 2258 under Pike, but that's explicitly an AU where everything post 2233 is different)
The Man-Kzin Wars
I wrote a whole thing about the Kzinti in Trek here:
In Larry Niven's Known Space novel universe, the Kzinti were defeated when humans invented faster-than-light travel. In the 1970's, long before Star Trek First Contact, Star Trek Enterprise or the official Chronology book, I'd guess the 4 Man-Kzin Wars took place much as in Known Space, warp drive made the difference. But what does Sulu say?
"The Kzinti fought four wars with humankind and lost all of them. The last one was two hundred years ago..."
So despite "The Counter-Clock Incident" implying 40 years ago for warp drive and "The Time Trap" giving us a first ship with warp drive looking much like the TAS Enterprise implying it's not that old, now it's 200 years ago. Which in modern Trek would be around the time of Star Trek First Contact. I have a headache.
So in summery, TAS is amazing and it's continuity is utterly flawless and it's everything else made since that's wrong even when TAS clearly wasn't paying attention to what it itself had established.
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