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bearbench-img · 17 days ago
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flora-fauna-allerlei · 2 years ago
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Diese zauberhafte Blume ist bekannt für ihre leuchtenden Farben, ihre Sonnenliebe und ihren Wasserbedarf. 🌺💚💦
Die Petunie ist eine absolute Bereicherung für euren Garten oder Balkon und sie zieht garantiert alle Blicke auf sich. Egal, ob in Töpfen, Hängeampeln oder Beeten platziert, sie verleiht jedem Raum eine magische Atmosphäre. 🌿🌼
Damit eure Petunien gesund und blühfreudig bleiben, ist regelmäßiges Gießen ein absolutes Muss. Sie liebt es, in der Sonne zu baden und benötigt daher einen sonnigen Standort. Achtet darauf, dass sie ausreichend Wasser bekommt und lasst sie dabei nicht austrocknen. Die Petunie wird es euch mit ihrer üppigen Blütenpracht danken. 🌞💦🌸
Leider können auch Schädlinge wie Blattläuse und Spinnmilben der Petunie zu schaffen machen. Doch keine Sorge! Mit regelmäßiger Kontrolle könnt ihr frühzeitig eingreifen. So bleibt eure Petunie gesund und ihr könnt ihre Schönheit voll und ganz genießen. 🐞🕷️🌺
Was die Petunie besonders macht, ist ihre Beliebtheit für Kolibris in ihrem Heimatland. 🦋🐝🌼
Einige Quellen besagen, dass Petunien aufgrund ihrer Züchtung und der Fülle an Blütenblättern möglicherweise weniger attraktiv für Bienen sind. Andere Quellen geben jedoch an, dass Bienen dennoch Nektar von Petunien sammeln können.
Es ist immer ratsam, eine vielfältige Auswahl an bienenfreundlichen Pflanzen in eurem Garten zu haben, um den Bienen eine breite Palette an Nahrungsquellen zu bieten. Dazu gehören zum Beispiel Lavendel, Sonnenblumen, Salbei und viele andere blühende Pflanzen.
Wenn ihr euch für Petunien entscheidet, könnt ihr den Bienen helfen, indem ihr auch andere bienenfreundliche Pflanzen in der Nähe platziert. So könnt ihr sicherstellen, dass die Bienen genügend Nahrung finden.
Vielen Dank für euer Interesse an bienenfreundlichen Pflanzen und eure Unterstützung für unsere geflügelten Freunde! 🐝💚 #Bienenfreundlich #Gartenbepflanzung #Naturschutz
#Petunie #Blumenliebe #bunteblüte #blüteohnenutzen #kolibri #nichtheimisch#grünzeug #grünerdaumen #grosseblüten
©️®️CWG, 11.07.2023🌳🐩🐓🐩🌳
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thegroduschronicles · 2 months ago
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Chapter 16 of "Out of the Shadows and Into the Light" has been posted on AO3!
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sny-bylle · 4 months ago
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She sure is my least used party member but DAMN is she fun to draw.
A rather random picture. I first I wanted to draw Flurrie alone. Then I wanted to draw some Punies with her. Then I thought "F it" and added the whole damn forest.
So anyway, I think it was mentioned in the game that Madame Flurrie has a friendly relationship to the Punies. I wanted to draw something with that in mind.
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paperpeachy · 1 year ago
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two of them 🐈🐈
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more anon reqs tysm for sending these in !! i have one more left but i'll save that for tomoz, feel free to send more until then ^_<
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water-mellie-seeds · 9 months ago
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 2 years ago
I got a little bit of a gift for the fairy boys
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These are Petunie 'Light Sky' from my graden.
As the name implies, these look like a night sky full of stars. Which i think is very fiting for our fairy boy trio.
Enjoy my friends :}
How lovely!
What do you boys thi--and they're staring...
one would say they're star-struck, haha.
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splendontcore · 2 years ago
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i cant believe they are going to reboot HTF 😍😍😍
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artificialintellegencefreak · 3 months ago
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Been reading Out of the shadows and Into the Light, babysitter Doopliss isn't something I knew I needed till I read it.
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microplasticsubmarine · 9 months ago
punies from thousand year door my beloved
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floffer · 1 month ago
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Why yes I can!! here is Petuni! :)
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hello punio nation i have another contribution wanted to screw around with pixel art! it's a bit jank but I like it that way hehe
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the-last-of-alto-mare · 7 months ago
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@floofangel / @symphonies-of-silver I heard you like memes
Jet belongs to Angel
Zipporah and Petunie to me
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thegroduschronicles · 3 months ago
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Chapter 15 of "Out of the Shadows and Into the Light" has been posted on AO3!
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alpenlyriker · 4 months ago
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paperpeachy · 9 months ago
opinions on the new sad petuni sprite
ah ion remember from the top of my head but omg i adore all the new chara sprites so much!!!! it feels so jarring to see all these npcs, even like the copy+paste bandits making new faces....easilyyyy best part of the remake it feels like new real life breathed into them🥹😭
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lucyav13 · 10 months ago
Fun facts
Some fun facts you didn't know about the game:
The torches found in the Underwhere, and that we can light with the help of Bowser, only last 40 seconds on.
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Another references to other Super Mario games: 
In chapter 3-4 we can find many references, all of these are:
Francis has a Famicom, a Super Nintendo Entertainment System, a Virtual Boy, a Nintendo 64, a Nintendo GameCube, a Game Boy if (the player turns of 3D) a Wii.
Francis has a large number of posters featuring Lady Bow and Bootler (this marks Lady Bow's second cameo in Super Paper Mario), Petuni, Princess Peach, and other less identifiable characters.
Mega Koopa is identical to a Koopa Troopa de Super Mario Bros. en NES.
Big Blooper is a miniboss in The Tile Pool; Bloopers have had at least a mini-boss role in every Paper Mario game to date.
Bowser declares that there will be no more sequels; Many Mario games have at least one sequel, and Bowser is defeated in all Paper Mario sequels.
 Francis is a big fan of certain television shows, whose names are full of references to characters from the Paper Mario series, like The Blubbening, which apparently involves  Tubba Blubba (In this way, Super Paper Mario becomes the third consecutive Paper Mario game to appear). at least mention a giant Spike in their corresponding third chapters), Starship X-Naut, apparently focusing on the X-Nauts, and The Grodus Chronicles, which seems to feature Sir Grodus.
The overworld music has several interludes, in which segments of the Super Mario Bros theme can be clearly heard.
The player must take the second Warp Pipe in the Warp Zone-like area to advance the level, which may be a reference to Super Mario Bros., as Mario or Luigi must take the second pipe in the Warp Zone if they wish to take a shortcut to World 3.
Fort Francishas some bars of music similar to those of Paper Mario,specifically, the music resembles the music track of Shiver Mountain. ((If you were curious to know what the song sounds like, here is the link: https://youtu.be/5aaH9mOd-gI?si=ZqvpFzXmjzU1DB9d ).
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The mirror hall in Flipside is called Mirror Mansion and Mansion Rorrim in Flopside. The eight colored blocks are, from left to right: red (#1), orange (#2), yellow (#3), green (#4), light blue (#5), dark blue (#6), purple (#7) and black (#8). All blocks are unlit initially. The goal is to light all blocks.
Hitting #1 changes the state of #1, #3, #5, #6 and #8.
Hitting #2 changes the state of #1, #2, #4, #6 and #7.
Hitting #3 changes the state of #1, #3, #4, #5 and #7.
Hitting #4 changes the state of #2, #3, #4, #5 and #8.
Hitting #5 changes the state of #1, #2, #3, #5 and #7.
Hitting #6 changes the state of #4, #5, #6, #7 and #8.
Hitting #7 changes the state of #2, #3, #6, #7 and #8.
Hitting #8 changes the state of #1, #2, #4, #6 and #8.
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Although the in-game hint (in the back alley of Flipside 1st Floor) is to hit all "Eight Blocks, Each Color Once", it is also possible to solve the puzzle by hitting just the orange (#2), yellow (#3), green (#4) and light blue (#5) blocks once.
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