#Pest Exterminators Blue Mountains
andyspestcontrolbm · 1 month
Andy's Pest Control
Andy’s Pest Control is a proud, family-owned, operated business with over 10 years of experience helping Blue Mountains, Penrith, and Sydney residents stay safe from all types of pests like cockroaches, termites, spiders, ants, rats, or rodents. Through the years, we have developed a strong understanding of how to deal with specific pests. Our methods are highly effective and completely safe.
Sit back and relax. Our local pest control experts treat your home as our own. Have peace of mind knowing that your home is under our capable hands. We permanently get rid of unwanted pests, leaving you with more time to spend with your loved ones in a clean and safe household.
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No matter what your pest control emergency is, Andy and our team can help. We offer a full-blown 100% customer satisfaction guarantee, meaning we always get the job done. Say goodbye to your pest problems once and for all!
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yanban-san · 2 years
Galvantula Drider HCs
The  content warning is spiders. And general monster fuckery. Also a little angst, very slight mentions of hybrid abuse.
- Their fur on their spider abdomen is silky and golden colored, with deep blue stripes- The patterning is unique to every Galvantula, though families may share similar patterns. The blue can be a variety of shades, from cyans to rich sapphires to even an Indigo/Black/Violet color.
- Their faces and mouths are quite interesting- Aside from their rather normal, human eyes, they also possess extra, typically blue colored spider eyes- Dotted over their forehead. A second set of more humanish eyes may also be prominent on their face- And the large chelicera and mandibles that cover their mouths produce the normal clicking and chittering noises driders use as their primary form of communication. Inside their mouths, they possess flexible fangs that- Along with the chelicera, produce venom to inject into prey. Definitely not an aphrodisiac to humans and other driders- Deffinitely not.
- They have two sets of human arms- However, at least one set possesses more spider-ish clawed hands. This set, along with their pedipalps, is used for weaving their more soft silk into nesting materials or for cloth making. On that note, Driders are excellent weavers and tailors.
- They have huge legs, tipped with massive claws that grip onto webbing and crevices on rocks. Mountain goats who? Driders can climb even better- They also use the hard claws to tap, another form of communication among their kind.
- Mating displays among Galvantula Driders are exceptionally involved and complex. They run electricity through special webbing, causing it to glow and sparkle- Their own fur buzzes with electricity, and in the dim light of their caves, they flex and show off their abdomen for their chosen mate, shimmying and shaking to make themselves appear bigger, light flashing against their golden fur- And dancing. Rhythmically tapping their claws along cave flooring, twirling, and other forms of movement are common in their mating displays. - And a left over of having to deal with big, aggressive, lady Driders, they may try to envenom their partner. Or tie them up. Or hypnotize them. - Unfertilized drider eggs, when preserved in a very specialized way, harden into a strange, opal-like rock; It chips relatively easy, but the strange “rock” conducts electricity incredibly well. As a result, the rocks... are often stolen, or entire clutches are hunted as they make for valuable research materials in circuitry. That and Drider silk. Continued random Ideas: - Galvantula Driders usually live in clans or nest groups of anywhere from 10-40 individuals; The largest group ever discovered was 140+, dwelling over what is now Chargestone cave. - They adore cuddling in their bed webbing; Special webbing that is not sticky but is rather squishy and supportive and very strong- Like a hammock; They also live alongside their pokemon companions quite frequently- And they themselves are often covered in Joltiks or are found hugging Galvantulas they've grown up with/raised. - They can discharge electricity just like their pokemon halves can, but the webbing they release is significantly stronger than a normal Galvantula- Capable of holding down another drider. Good luck escaping a Drider's web if you get stuck in it :) - Males and females have ovipositors- Females lay eggs, males discharge spermatophores. They're squishy. - Driders are very... susceptible to being touched on the underside of their spider abdomen- Which is extremely sensitive and soft to the touch, and it undulates and twitches a lot if you touch it. - Especially with smaller or more human mates, they become very possessive. They will keep you seated on their backside while walking around, or clutched in their claws; Or tied up in webbing if they must. - Driders are considered a "Pest Class" Hybrid by Unova and are to be exterminated upon discovery- As a result, there's very few drider clans left and what ones are stay very well hidden; Hiding their nests and webs from any humans is a must for them, lest they be discovered and either eradicated or captured for either their eggs or to be researched, or kept as a trophy by a Hybrid Collector.
--------------------- Specifically in this AU, Ingo and Emmet are two (extremely rare) Galvantula Driders who lived in the abandoned remains of the Nimbasa Subway Tunnels with their Galvantula family- Having long been separated from any other driders, they remain hidden deep within the maze of tunnels- Trying to avoid being found by hybrid hunters, or even just really noticed. However, many humans, and other hybrids, living in Nimbasa have taken note of their existence- And keep them protected. Feigning ignorance when a hybrid hunter comes by, or preventing the hunters from entering the tunnels. It’s a bit of a campaigning secret among local politicians and elected officials that, if you want to stay in office, promise to keep the driders of Nimbasa safe- Without, of course, broadcasting such information. And for a long while it works! Until one day, a team of hunters break into the tunnels- And Ingo and Emmet are dragged out, tied in electric-proof cabling, hissing and snapping- And are promptly removed, never to be seen again... Until the Johtonoian Drider Research Facility receives a tip about two very special, very rare, prime-condition hybrids who will be delivered to a collector in Kanto... Needless to say, the hybrids end up safely in the possession of the Research Facility- But they can’t drop them off back in Unova exactly, and so the facility holds onto them- Providing the two with an extremely nice and very expensive enclosure. And besides- Galvantula Driders are rare, and so much is unknown about them- Perhaps, perhaps! They could help the species repopulate, introduce them to new spiders- Set up a Galvantula colony in Johto, and learn more about the spiders- But the two Driders are confused, scared, and angry. They can’t understand human speech- They only speak in Drider clicks and chittering sounds, and the few human words they’ve picked up over the years. They haven’t even been around many other driders- And certainly, in this strange place, they have no desire to meet or interact with other spiders! And after a few sour meetings- The researchers decide to forgo introducing other driders for the time being. They snap at any human entering their enclosure, and after an unfortunate incident where one researcher nearly loses his arm... Galvantula drider care duties are to be handled by teams- The doors to their enclosures are kept secure, and no one enters without the chief supervisor’s permission. Until you show up. A volunteer, or perhaps a junior researcher, helping to rehabilitate injured Driders, or take care of orphaned spiderlings- And you misread the directions given to you, pushing open a series of doors.. Directly into the enclosure of two very powerful, very huge, very hungry, and very agitated Galvantula Driders. At first, of course, you don’t know that. To you, it’s just a huge, naturalistic enclosure- A beautiful waterfall and small pond, a few trees and bushes, and grass- And massive, thick, glass windows- And a strange... Cave at one end of the enclosure- Of course, the director is fucking furious and trying to find out what idiot left the doors to the angry hybrids unlocked.
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tacoma-wa-near · 2 years
Sprague Pest Solutions - Tacoma in Tacoma, WA
Sprague Pest Solutions - Tacoma is a game changer in the industry. Their long experience in providing pest eradication services helps many people in the area. Besides, they offer pest exterminator in Tacoma services that assist several business owners to protect their work place. Interestingly, the employees of the company are well-experienced. They've been solving pest problems for just over 90 years. In other words, they know what they’re doing.  In addition, the company is proud to be a part of the communities we serve across the seven states they serve. Lastly, they’re commitment to being a good part in the community.
Tacoma, WA
The economic development of Tacoma, WA location is amazing. No wonder it is also noteworthy to check their economic background. Tacoma is the home of several international companies such as the staffing company True Blue Incorporated, the lumber company Simpson, and the food companies Roman Meal and Brown and Haley. In addition, the Tacoma Mall is the largest shopping center in the city. It is owned by Simon Property Group. According to the City of Tacoma, the major employers in the area include the military, healthcare, finance and insurance, aerospace, trade and logistics, government and education such as Joint Base Lewis–McChord, MultiCare Health System, State of Washington, and more.
Point Defiance Park in Tacoma, WA
Are you aware of the beauty of Point Defiance Park in Tacoma, WA these days? Well, the said tourist attraction is remarkably famous nowadays. Interestingly, it is a large urban park. Besides, the 760-acre park includes Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium, the Rose Garden, Rhododendron Garden, beaches, and more. It has also trails, a boardwalk, a boathouse, and a Washington State Ferries ferry dock for the Point Defiance-Tahlequah route to Vashon Island, Fort Nisqually, and an off-leash dog park. It receives more than three million visitors every year. Lastly, Point Defiance Park is maintained and operated by Metro Parks Tacoma.
Man arrested in Olympic National Park pleads guilty     
There are recent news reports in Tacoma, WA location that are shocking. There was a man who caused ruckus in a park, and now facing the courts of justice. Reportedly, a Washington state man accused of assaulting a woman at Olympic National Park and ranting about an impending revolution pleaded guilty last Wednesday. Caleb Chapman admitted that he interfered with a government communication system. As reported, he disabled the Olympic National Park radio communications site at the Blue Mountain summit on August 29, 2021. A few hours before the incident, he went to a stranger’s home with a handgun and an AR-15 style rifle while high on methamphetamine.
Link to Map
Driving Direction
Point Defiance Park
5400 N Pearl St, Tacoma, WA 98407, United States
Head south on Roberts Garden Dr
59 s (0.2 mi)
Take Ruston Way, N Schuster Pkwy and I-705 S to S 28th St
15 min (6.7 mi)
Turn left onto S 28th St
 Destination will be on the left
17 s (233 ft)
Sprague Pest Solutions
2722 A St, Tacoma, WA 98402
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When your pests are driving you crazy, call on the professionals at Killinger Pest Solutions. Our pest control experts have been serving homes and businesses in Roanoke, Salem and beyond for more than 10 years — making us the area’s most trusted name in bug elimination. We offer a wide range of services to meet our customer’s unique needs, including termite treatment, rodent control and mosquito abatement. Whether you have a small problem or an infestation that requires immediate attention, we’re here for you every step of the way.
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filypadreams · 4 years
Fleeting Touches
( Asmodeus x GN!MC)
Synopsis: Do you know what fleeting means? It means you should apreciate every moment while you can. Even if you get lost in illusions for it.
TW: Slight angst
The streets were full this time of the year, even with the cold weather. It was a race for most humans to get that last minute gift for that special someone.
Their children, parents, grandparents or significant others. For some reason it's tradition to get that one person a last minute present.
And that's always a disaster...
" Calvin Klein One... with bergamot, cardamom, pineapple and jasmin. Tropical? Or maybe Dolce & Gabanna Velvet Exotic Leather. Traditional and italian... also at good prices, I need to ask if they are antiallergenic! "
I spend 15 minutes on the line but get both perfumes and walk outside onto the sunny street. It's not as busy as the mall and I really should get home before it gets to close to one pm.
Today, faces are a blur to me.
" Thanks for the tip Asmo, I was sick of the strong scents of women perfumes and the always down to earth male ones~"
I cheerfully speak to myself while touching the 'tattoo' above my left breast.
It's a one-way communication system. I'm not even sure Asmodeus hears what I tell him but I sure do hear his thoughts.
" Ohhh, bootie alert at 12! No, wait! Delicious curves at 4- oohh...that's a mix at 9 o'clock~!"
I see a man, woman, I think the last one is in mid transitioning but I'm not sure.
" He'll be a beautiful man, I'm 95% sure!"
" Maybe it's a 'they'... not that you can hear me."
Though I agree, they look...handsome. With a nice physique, curly shoulder lenght hair, smooth skin as if rivalling Asmos' ... and who can resist a dark biker leather jacket?!
No, stop. Don't let the mark influence you from your mission MC!
Setting the christmas gifts.
I start running in the direction of the bus station when I collide with a tall lady, her black shades falling to the ground from her beautiful light pink sweater.
My head hurts. It felt like hitting a brick wall...or Beel.
Are my only thoughts as I scramble to pick her glasses and my shopping bag. Good thing it was well packed.
"Oh my~ I'm so sorry, I didn't notice such a beautiful face in this crowd. I was retoutching my eyeliner, huhu! Let me help~"
The lady crouches down next to me. I notice from the corner of my eyes that she is also wearing a black turtle neck... and has peach coloured hair...
" Asmo?!"
Darkness. A cold hand covers my eyes while the other takes the shades from mine and exchanges them with my bags...it seems. He whispers is my ear.
" Now, now. Don't ruin the surprise! I'm just a beautiful 'lady'. Hahaha."
And with that he dissapears. Everything seems to dissapear, as soon it gets dark and I'm sitted in my couch, replaying today's event.
It felt so real... I called him a lady.
Well... I don't think Asmodeus minds.
I walk around the tree, putting down colorfully wrapped gifts. That I went purposely to markets and malls to have wrapped!
Diavolo better play Santa and give me some grimm if I ever get an invite to Devildom, I blew most of my allowances with these!
On the blue corner I have vynil disks and office supplies. Getting stuff for Lucifer is hard.
The yellow corner... is a mess of acessories like shades and wristwatches and some jackets. Mammon needs a new one.
The orange corner was the cheapest but most difficult to prepare. I wrapped most of my otaku related rarities, in Devildom at least, and put them in a pile. Levi better apreciate my figurines!
The green pile was also simple. It's actually small with my old literature books. All from great authors and all trying to escape religious judgement so Satan might find that amusing.
I don't have a red corner, just baked goods on the table and two glasses of milk in case Santa visits.
I put purple pillows, warm robes, matresses and scarves around the tree. Belphie won't lose comfort soon.
And now finishing the pink corner.
There's the perfumes, some cosmetics I really don't get but my 'chest instinct' said to go ahead and...
" I hope he likes this fluffy bunny backpack!"
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I kinda wanted the bunny for myself... but I can't.
The day went on so fast... why am I even doing this? Might as well call Solomon and offer him these so he can perform his rituals. I'll just wake up tomorrow to a full room of wasted money and a mountain of calories. An empty heart.
I caress the bunny when i hear rustling on my door. Something is playing with my wreath? I pick a knife from the dinning table.
" W-who's there?! Show yourself fiend!"
" Aww, that hurts to hear MC-chan..."
From the darkness into the light walks the same person I crashed into this morning.
" You better drop that knife before someone gets hurt..."
" How...Asmo, how are you here?! Why?!!"
Tears come to my eyes. It's been a while. A long while since I've seen any of them. Since I've had slumber parties with Asmodeus, self care sessions...
He shakes his head cleaning the few teardrops away with the back of his index finger and walks to the tree, messing with the gifts.
" Tears don't suit you well. Oh, you even got something for Barbatos... I'm slightly jealous, I thought you only thought about me~"
He starts opening his gifts.
" Wait! It's not even Christmas Eve. We need to wait until midnight at least..."
As I try to explain, his taller stature hovers over me, playing with my hair and putting a mistletoe, secure in it's knots. Wait... how is he so tall? The height difference is too abnormal.
" I'm afraid the concept of time doesn't apply in dreams, MC."
" H-huh?! Wha... the day... went on really fast. So you..."
I look down slightly dissapointed. The floor starts cracking and falling. Darkness and constelations starting to form under my feet.
" Afraid not. Christmas is not really part of our traditions, haha. Even if we had a great celebration that one time Diavolo proposed we did it with the exchange students.
I like the angel."
He points to the tree top.
" Oh, that... I was thinking of Beel and Belphie when I made the decision. It's my oldest decoration. I was thinking on putting a star this year but... I got a literal gut feeling to keep the angel."
I smirk at Asmodeus as he puts an arm around my shoulders, leaning me a little closer to him. We both apreciate the flashing lights from the tree. Even if it was fake. The rest of the room crumbles away and Asmo let's go of me to pick his gifts and stuffing them inside his new backpack.
" I know he was thinking of the only person that shines as bright as us two together.
Hmm, but you haven't been taking good care of yourself, MC-chan! Remember to follow the morning routine I gave you so your skin is almost as perfect as mine!"
" I haven't been feeling like...doing much I guess. I had a lot of work this year."
" Humans are always full of work. I mean me too.
Since RAD is closed for the 'holidays', we are back to our other jobs. Things get dirty real fast, so many pests! Maybe we can actually come visit during New Year's."
After apreciating the representation if Lilith, he turns to berate me, before picking a bottle of perfurm and examining it, followed by spraying some on while making a spin as he explains his bodyguard/demon threat exterminator job.
He must have loved it because he transforms, with a smile on his face and his horns move like pincers.
" I always found your demon form the funniest."
" ...Dear, I'm fabulous."
" Hahahahaha! Ok, but if this isn't a Diavolo, Barbatos or Lucifer' scheme... is it Belphegor's? You mentioned dreams, and it explains the constelations."
I look around, darkness being drilled by the light of many tiny stars.
" I think I see taurus... and of course he had ro include pisces. Mammon is supposed to be the greedy one, this is OUR moment!"
He huffes and crosses his arms. I chuckle and pat his back.
" So, I'm asleep at the same time as Belphie."
" It's night time in both worlds. You could say I'm an intruder. I was taking my immersive nightly bath as I prepared to get into your dreams~ I hope I didn't actually fall asleep, my poor skin!"
" How did you convince him?"
I wonder as he touches his arm and the parts of revealed skin as if to feel if something was wrong with his real body.
" Oh, well...he actually wanted to see you to! I also promised to take more cute pictures of Lucifer for him. But I don't think he admires his beauty the same way I do-"
The world trembles. Belphie must be waking up. And angry...
" Oh, dear! I must have upset him. This illusion will end soon and you'll wake up in your bed as if nothing happened. I hope you don't forget me."
Asmo walks closer and caresses my face. Kissing my forehead.
It's warm. Fleeting but I can feel his gestures. Even in a dream.
I slap his hand when I feel it sliding down my back a little too far.
" Ouch! My nail...ok, ok. I'm sorry! Won't happen again~"
He apologises when making contact with my burning stare and proceeds to act innocently after.
" It better not. I... think it will be difficult to forget you. Specially now. Make sure the others know-! Ahh!!!"
Another quake and I "conveniently" fall in his arms. I'm able to see his pixie sized wings batting in excitement.
" This is a cliché."
I mumble as Asmo wraps his arms around me.
" I need to go. I'm sure we'll see each other soon. You know I'll always be here. Literally. And I do hear you, you know?"
He pokes his mark, above my heart and pouts.
" ...I know... see you soon Asmo."
I pick his hand and kiss it.
Then I wake up. It's still the middle of the night. My room is cold.
There on my window sill are two roses. One peach and one dark pink.
The End
Special dedicatory to: @shortnessangel
and @asmoluvsyou .
Bunny Backpack comes from: https://kawaiibabe.com/products/creepy-bun-backpack
(Curiosities: The perfumes are gender neutral, I can still link you the page where I found them.
The colour of the roses have a specific meaning. I can post the pic I got it from if you want.)
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neverendingparable · 4 years
Ereunos & Aemetior
Ereunos and Aemetior are two sister planets far northeast of Vnndlichtelle (Jon’s planet). They share suns, moons and some constellations together. Their orbits are too far away to be spotted by Earth, and they’re just barely visible on Lichtelle itself. 
Here’s a little info on both planets:
Ereunos is a dark, silent giant floating through space with a near impenetrable atmosphere made out of poisonous gas for almost all species. Its dwellers are complete hermits, even within their own home. It’s often nicknamed The Silent Planet for the lack of activity on the surface. Only few have seen the locals and it’s often argued how they actually look like. 
The planet’s surface is hostile, filled with deep oceans and barren rocky mountain terrain. 
They are best known for their bleeding willow trees, one of the few plants on the surface whose ‘bleeding’ sap is a rich dark red and incredibly dangerous if prepared properly. The sap is used for (sometimes illegal) weapons and favored among war planets, despite the fact that Ereunos itself has never waged war against others or themselves. 
The local council of galactic leaders put Ereunos in charge of guarding their sister planet, should Aemetior ever get too out of hand, they are required to expand their poisonous atmospheric shield and exterminate the dwellers.  
Aemetior is only a little bigger than the Earth, a light blue planet speckled with various terrains all over. It sometimes gets the nickname of The Patchwork Planet, though usually it’s called far less pleasant things.
The dwellers are considered pests, parasites and some planets even go so far as to kill them on sight if found. 
These creatures hatch from the translucent blue sludge found in tiny cracks on the surface as similar looking larvae. They go airborne, traveling through the Universe to land on ships, planets, moons and anywhere there may be life. Once they do, they imprint on living beings they find, whether that’s animals, people or in rare cases, even spirits. They study and morph into those beings, copying their biology, their traits and culture as precise as possible. 
Once fully developed and matured into adulthood, these creatures return back to their original planet and build their own little colony there based on the needs and the culture of the person or animal they’ve ‘cloned’. This is how they try to constantly improve their planet
Aemeties have no souls or personalities of their own and therefore learn from other beings in an attempt to evolve. A lot of other planets argue their lives have no value and therefore attempt to exterminate them. 
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ainawgsd · 5 years
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The common grackle (Quiscalus quiscula) is a large icterid found in large numbers through much of North America. This bird is a permanent resident in much of its range. Northern birds migrate in flocks to the Southeastern United States.
Adult common grackles measure from 11 to 13 inches in length, span 14–18 inches across the wings, and weigh 74–142 g. The male, which averages 122 g, is larger than the female, at an average of 94 g. Adults have a long, dark bill, pale yellowish eyes, and a long tail; their feathers appear black with purple, green, or blue iridescence on the head, and primarily bronze sheen in the body plumage. Adult females, beyond being smaller, are usually less iridescent; their tails in particular are shorter, and unlike the males, do not keel (display a longitudinal ridge) in flight and are brown with no purple or blue gloss. Juveniles are brown with dark brown eyes.
The breeding habitat is open and semiopen areas across North America east of the Rocky Mountains. The nest is a well-concealed cup in dense trees (particularly pine) or shrubs, usually near water; sometimes, the common grackle nests in cavities or in man-made structures. It often nests in colonies, some being quite large.
The common grackle forages on the ground, in shallow water, or in shrubs; it may steal food from other birds. It is omnivorous, eating insects, minnows, frogs, eggs, berries, seeds, grain, and even small birds and mice. Grackles prefer to eat from the ground at bird feeders, making scattered seed an excellent choice of food for them. Grackles can be regularly seen foraging for insects, especially after a lawn trimming.
Along with some other species of grackles, the common grackle is known to practice "anting", rubbing insects on its feathers possibly to apply liquids such as formic acid secreted by the insects.
The range of this bird expanded west as forests were cleared. In some areas, it is now considered a pest by farmers because of its large numbers and fondness for grain. Unlike many birds, the grackle benefits from the expansion of human populations due to its resourceful and opportunistic nature. Common grackles are considered a serious threat to crops by some, and notoriously difficult to exterminate and usually require the use of hawks or similar large birds of prey. Despite a currently robust population, a recent study by the National Audubon Society indicated that populations had declined by 61% to a population of 73 million from historic highs of over 190 million birds.
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diguerra-moved · 5 years
How many orcs did you kill in the pursuit of revenge Alleria? How many of them now have families seeking their own retribution upon you? How many pounds of flesh will be taken before the pain goes away?
UNPROMPTED ASKS // always accepting.
The pain would never go away.
No, it was something she had already accepted. It eased at times; Arator always made it more bearable, sunshine incarnate that her little boy was, and revenge filled the whole on her heart momentarily. Neither lasted. The only thing that could ever make the pain go away would be to have her brother, her family back, safe and sound and untouched by war, untouched by those monsters — but that, of course, was impossible a thing. An ocean of blood would not be enough, mountains of dead bodies would not soothe her rage. Nothing would. It was not about making the pain go away; it had been, in the beginning, but no longer. It was about giving her family justice, allowing them rest.
It was doing the minimum she could do, the only thing she could do. She had lived because she wasn’t there with them. She had known the attack was coming and had no way to warn them. When they needed her most, she failed to protect them, failed even in dying beside her family. She was alive and they were dead; there would never be happiness for her again, never. How could she move on, heal and find joy again, when others would not? Her mother had been more worthy a commander, more worthy as a ranger; her brother, bright and kind and warm, more a sun than she could ever be. They deserved life, but they would not have it because the orcs had robbed them of it, sentenced them to bloody, painful deaths. No, the pain would never go away, and she would never find happiness again, but her family would be vindicated. They would rest in peace, if it was the last thing she’d provide them.
“I hardly bothered with counting. I don’t see the point — do you count how many vermin have you exterminated, when you take care of an infestation?” Nonchalance in tone and demeanor is cruel, purposefully so; she is cruel and vengeful, a creature of unprocessed grief, a shadow of one who had shone so brightly before tragedy struck. Oh, how tiresome those speeches were; aversion at any who dared oppose her does naught to make her less bitter (their defense of the pests who infested the world, implication that she does what she does in seeking relief to what pains her, causes her to brittle; blue eyes shine with cold resent, pure loathing seeping in her voice). Irritation, too, at the speaker themselves; they remind Alleria of him, trying to dissuade her from vengeance and daring imply she was in the wrong. Orcs had no qualms about invading and destroying her land, her home; none of them listened to whichever pleas Lirath had offered before murdering her little brother cruelly. Why should she give them anything but cruelty in kind? “Yet here is your answer: not enough. If there is still a single one of them roaming this world — a world they have no right to — then there is one too many. It won’t be enough until every last one of them is dead and Azeroth is rid of the plague they are.”
“If any of them does wish to try and come at me, they are welcome to. I have plenty of arrows waiting to pierce their ugly skulls.”
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rawbiredbest · 7 years
doctor doom, and something that ruins his good day. or he has a bad day, and something/someone makes it better.
Things do not follow the king back from Hell very often. Things do not thrive on Earth for long without his detection and eradication very often either. But when the moon gleams crystalline blue and different matters weigh heavy on his back, things find cracks in the pavement, put down roots, and metastasize.
Which is why every street in Doomstadt has been gutted, state-of-the-art sewers exposed to the sun. Crews of workmen twenty strong cleanse the pipes with flamethrowers.
It isn’t very often pest infestations eat children whole and regurgitate partially-digested limbs on the royal doorstep to taunt him either. But…
From a rampart of the castle, Victor von Doom watches tiny jets of fire sweep through the city. He has hand-picked the men and women for the task, and trusts they will complete their duty to his utmost satisfaction. They believe they are exterminating self-replicating nanobots planted by SHIELD agents. Maybe a few of the brighter sparks have wondered why they would spy on the sewers, but they know better than to question their leader. Why should they? He is paying them handsomely for their work. He is protecting them.
It is his fault they are down there in the first place.
Doom retires to his quarters. He does not want to observe anymore.
The demon comes to him instead.
He hears scuttling in his bathroom. Treading across the marble floor, he stares as it crawls out of the sink drain. Its body is gelatinous and black as night, and freed from the tight squeeze of the pipe, it’s about the size of a baseball. Eight legs uncurl and start to clamber out of the basin when it looks behind itself with its single purple eye.
Victor looms over it, his mask a vicious snarl. The egg that somehow missed spell sweeps and nitrogen flames to hatch this monstrous infant has landed in the worst place possible. And the demon knows it. In the back of the king’s mind, a tinny voice squeaks:
s  p ar   e m e.
Doom smells wildflowers. Thyme, yarrow, bindweed and bedstraw. Meadows of blue, white, yellow and pink, grass tossed in a summer wind. Mountain ranges eternally topped with snow, worshiping the sun. A circle of carts and wagons, goats chewing cud, someone’s laundry on a rope, hanging to dry.
A much simpler, peaceful time, offered up on an onyx platter.
Victor extends his palm. The demon cautiously creeps into his hand. It flexes its fangs. It does not notice his fingers closing until it is too late, and though it struggles to escape, soon it is nothing more than fistful of grape jelly leaking over metal alloys.
It screams when it dies. Doom feels it more than hears. The sound goes for his eye, falls short, scratches like a paper cut against his cheek. Defiant to the very end.
The king channels power to his gauntlet. Eldritch slime sizzles into a rotten egg and licorice steam.
There is far more work to do, yet Doom smiles. If the hellish spawn’s final cry could penetrate his defenses, perhaps Mephisto heard as well.
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@sacredkarcram @doktorvondoom @bangage
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newtafidoscamander · 8 years
“You see, I’ve Met One.”
Request:  hey, i was wondering if you could write a newt x reader where the reader is a werewolf? don't if it's a bother - thanks!
SEE I TOLD YOU GUYS I’D WRITE SOMETHING (eventually). It’s Newt in Hogwarts years fyi
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You tensed when the words dripped like venom out of your professor’s mouth, Werewolf. Nasty creatures, she said. Horrible killers, she said. They should all be exterminated. Like mice. Like pests. Like the vermin they are, she said.
“But why?” He said, the fourth year Hufflepuff. The one with crazy hair and a face full of freckles.
“Why what, Newt?”
“But why are they all of those things? Have you ever met one?” He was different. He didn’t have many friends, many one or two. A bit of an outcast really.
“They are dangerous. If one were to ever meet them they would be lucky to escape with their life. They can’t be trusted. Class dismissed. Mr. Scamander, we need to talk.” You rose from your seat, and watched the boy as he walked up to the professor. You slowly gathered your things, trying to hear the conversation. As you walked closer to the door you thought you heard something along the lines of him needing to keep his ridiculous thoughts to himself.
Your heart hurt for him, he had no idea how right he was.
Every night before lights out you wonder around the courtyard watching the moon get fuller and fuller. As if watching the sand in an hour glass run out. It was only a matter of time before you were-
You stepped back as a boy bumped into you, his bag snagging onto your jumper.
“Oh, excuse me.” His voice was muffled as he focused on releasing his bag from you. His hands were clumsily working their way around the buckle keeping you attached to him, he looked up apologetically and smiled.
“You’re the boy from Defense Against The Dark Arts. The one who questioned the professor on werewolves.” His eyes darted down and his hands quickened, finally releasing you.
“Yes that is me.” He mumbled before beginning to walk away. Your heart dropped into your stomach as you watched the only person who might have understood you walk away.
“Wait, please.” You called after him. You quickly scooped up your books before trying to catch up to the lanky boy.
“Listen, if you’re going to make fun of me, or hex me, or prank me, it has probably already been done. Don’t waste your time.” He avoided eye contact with you when you caught up to him. He had much longer strides than you so you practically had to jog to keep up with him.
“What, no? No. Newt, I agree with you. I think werewolves are severely misunderstood people- uh, creatures.” Newt slowed down, furrowing his eyebrows at you, maybe confused, maybe un trusting of what you said. “It’s nice to hear someone with the same views as me. You see, I’ve met one.” Newt stopped abruptly, causing you to bump into him. You took a step back, pushing your hair behind your ear.
“You’ve met one? A real werewolf?” He watched you with curiosity.
“You could, uh, say I’ve met one, I suppose.” You bit your lip not wanting to give up too much information. He smiled, his freckled face glowing. Why wasn’t he afraid? Hadn’t he heard the stories of werewolf attacks? Why was he so interested?
It was Newt’s sixth year now. In the Great Hall he sat hunched over a book he found in the restricted section about the dangers of Occamy and how valuable they were. His hair, slightly longer from him being too lazy to get it trimmed, draped over his face. He was currently nibbling at his fingernails, something you found was one of his habits that kept him focused.
“Anything interesting?” You asked, peering over his shouldering trying to get a good look at the bright blue pictures.
“If you find biased research interesting, I suppose.” He said, chewing on a nail he tore off his finger.
“Maybe I do.” You pulled the book towards you, making him look up at you. You shoved a piece of toast into his mouth. “Eat, we’re practicing defense spells today. I wouldn’t want to see your scrawny butt get kicked by a Slytherin.”
“What about me?” Leta Lastrange, a friend you met through Newt sat down across from you smiling. She grabbed some toast herself. You watched the way Newt watched her every move, his face getting red at the sight of her gorgeous smile.
“(Y/N) is afraid I’ll get hexed by one of your kind. And I wouldn’t be surprised. The Defense Against The Dark Arts professor hates me, she’ll put me with the biggest, fastest student just to watch me get thrown across the lawn.” Newt rolled his eyes grabbing his book back.
“Well when you do get thrown across the lawn, I’ll be there to patch you up.” Leta winked at Newt before standing up. “I’m meeting Malfoy in the court yard today, he said he has something to ask me.” She waved before walking away. You could see the disappointment in Newt’s face.
“I, uh-“ You wanted to change the subject.
“It’s a full moon today, you know. I’ve heard they’re good luck. So who knows, maybe I’ll end up hexing Malfoy half way to London.” He smiled at himself. You forced a laugh but your stomach sank remembering the moon. It wasn’t good luck for you.
You were exhausted from the day, not only did Newt get hexed into next year but you didn’t have much fun yourself. Your arm was sore from landing on it one too many times and all you wanted to do was go to bed but you kept an eye on the clock.
Next to you Leta told Newt all about Malfoy and his eyes and hair and the way his Quidditch uniform hugs his chest. He sat there with a faux smile getting bandaged by the girl that was slowly breaking his heart. It was so hard to watch.
“Well, this has been a riveting story, Leta, but I really must be going.” You stood up, mentally preparing for another lie to tell them about why you were leaving so early.
“Oh come on, (Y/N). I know Newt doesn’t care about boys, you’re supposed to listen and gossip about him with me.” Leta pouted. Newt just watched you concerned.
“Sorry, The Fat Friar wants me to help him set up for his Death Day party tomorrow. It’s kind of a big thing.” You shrugged your shoulders and began to walk away.
“Let me help!” Newt called after you.
“No, no, it’s no trouble at all.” You rushed away.
The sun was just peering over the castle when you were making your way back inside. Your clothes were drenched in blood from small creatures that you had made your prey and from cuts you had acquired overnight. Tonight was one of the worst you had in a long while. You remember there had been a fox you came across. You couldn’t blame it attacking you, it was afraid for its life. Everything was around you. You were a monster.
Your leg gushed as your wound opened and closed with every step. It made every step feel like a mountain but you just had to make it to Madam Pomfrey. Just a little bit further.
“(Y/N)?” A familiar voice called as you made it through the front door of the castle. Your vision was beginning to blur but there was no mistaking that wild head of hair.
“Newt, I-“
“Oh Merlin, what happened?” He ran to you, wrapping his arm around you. With him supporting your body your leg finally gave out. “(Y/N), no, hold on.”
“I’m- I’m fine.” You whispered. You rested your head against his shoulder as he dragged you towards the infirmary. You tried to help him as best as you could but you were exhausted.
“Help!” He cried, opening the large wooden doors. You heard footsteps running towards you and Newt’s soft voice, but you were tired. So tired. You just needed some sleep…
You often ended up in the hospital wing after full moons. Luckily Madam Pomfrey had come up with the perfect concoction that fixed you right up before anyone would notice you’re gone. Except for today, you were quite the talk around Hogwarts.
You heard the Headmaster had made up some story about you flying your broom late at night and falling off and landing in some nasty bushes. You weren’t sure how much people believed but it did end you in two weeks detention for something you didn’t even do. But a cover story is only as good as its execution.
Although Newt was not having it. With much protest he was glued to your side in the infirmary. BY the time you woke up he had been there for at least a whole school day, if not more.
“(Y/N)?” He looked at you with tired eyes.
“Hello, Newt.” You gave a weak smile. His eyes watched you worried as you sat up. His hand held on to yours as if you were made of glass and could break at any second.
You both sat in silence for a while, not knowing what to say.
“I know what the Headmaster is saying is a lie, I saw you. That was no bush, (Y/N).” He broke the silence. His voice was low, and his hand was shaky. It reminded you of the day you met.
“Newt, please.” You looked at his hand, not wanting to make eye contact.
“You’re a werewolf. Aren’t you?”
Your heart stopped.
Time stood still. He knew, everyone knew.
You pulled your hand away from his making him flinch. It hurt you, he knew what you were. What everyone feared.
“I’m a monster.” Your eyes burned with tears. You couldn’t look at him. And there was that silence again.
“I think… I think werewolves are severely misunderstood people.” He whispered. You looked up at him, tears starting to run down your scared cheeks. “You see, I’ve met one.” He smiled at you and took back your hand.
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Killinger Pest Solutions can help you rid your home of unwanted intruders. We have many years of experience and are here to help solve your pest problems.
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Nestled near Virginia’s Blue Ridge Mountains, the Roanoke Valley is home to Roanoke, the largest city in Southwest Virginia. The mountain community of Salem, VA is nearby, along with Botetourt, Franklin, and Roanoke counties. Roanoke has four distinct but mild seasons, meaning destructive and potentially harmful pests like mice, termites, bedbugs, ants, mosquitoes and spiders will be active year-round.
Exterminator Roanoke VA
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Nestled near Virginia’s Blue Ridge Mountains, the Roanoke Valley is home to Roanoke, the largest city in Southwest Virginia. The mountain community of Salem, VA is nearby, along with Botetourt, Franklin, and Roanoke counties. Roanoke has four distinct but mild seasons, meaning destructive and potentially harmful pests like mice, termites, bedbugs, ants, mosquitoes and spiders will be active year-round.
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Exterminator Roanoke VA
Nestled near Virginia’s Blue Ridge Mountains, the Roanoke Valley is home to Roanoke, the largest city in Southwest Virginia. The mountain community of Salem, VA is nearby, along with Botetourt, Franklin, and Roanoke counties. Roanoke has four distinct but mild seasons, meaning destructive and potentially harmful pests like mice, termites, bedbugs, ants, mosquitoes and spiders will be active year-round.
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Exterminator Roanoke VA
Nestled near Virginia’s Blue Ridge Mountains, the Roanoke Valley is home to Roanoke, the largest city in Southwest Virginia. The mountain community of Salem, VA is nearby, along with Botetourt, Franklin, and Roanoke counties. Roanoke has four distinct but mild seasons, meaning destructive and potentially harmful pests like mice, termites, bedbugs, ants, mosquitoes and spiders will be active year-round.
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Exterminator Roanoke VA
Nestled near Virginia’s Blue Ridge Mountains, the Roanoke Valley is home to Roanoke, the largest city in Southwest Virginia. The mountain community of Salem, VA is nearby, along with Botetourt, Franklin, and Roanoke counties. Roanoke has four distinct but mild seasons, meaning destructive and potentially harmful pests like mice, termites, bedbugs, ants, mosquitoes and spiders will be active year-round.
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