behind every gay person, is an evil even gayer person sniffing their aftershave
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
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ghost good at motivating
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he has ldpdl in his eyes
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425 notes · View notes
plssss theyre so cute
❄️ZoNa Holiday Event 2024 Calendar is heeere!❄️
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It’s ready! After a couple weeks of submissions, a weekend of voting and a night of fighting with Google Sheets, you now have our holiday event calendar to behold!
Each day in December has an associated theme. So, for example, if you are inspired to make something for the theme “Shiver”, you would post it on December 11th and include both the tag @zonamievents and use the tag #ZoNaHoliday2024 so all of our celebration posts can be easily found and shared!
If you have any questions, my ask box is always open! I can’t wait to see what beautiful creations our nakama make this holiday season! ~ Maiden
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*touches your circumcision scars* ☹️
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my will graham scar chart
+ he was stabbed somewhere on his right shoulder as a cop (presumably between chiyoh and dolarhyde's scars? was never shown on screen to my knowledge so I didn't add it..)
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he’s just so charming
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This is crazy
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This might be the last time we see Tom Hardy Venom on screen so I just wanna say, from the bottom of my monster fucker heart, it has been an absolute pleasure to go through this series with you all these last 6 years.
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7K notes · View notes
Thinking about streamer/YouTuber/etc Soap and boyfriend Ghost who is always in the background, but not in the way you think.
Ghost thinks it's funny as fuck to stand in the closet, door just slightly cracked, and stare at the camera while Soap is doing something. When Soap leaves to go to the bathroom, Ghost is standing ominously in the corner only to disappear once Soap stands in front of the camera to sit down. Soap vlogging/going live, walking around the city or something, and keeps turning the camera to see Ghost sitting at a table staring or hiding in an alley. He's always just in frame, always staring with his balaclava on, but never speaks, maybe even refuses to blink.
Soap's fans are terrified. It doesn't happen every stream/video, but just enough to gain attention. People are constantly asking about it; they type all concerned in the chat, only for Soap to insist he doesn't see anything. He'll check the place everyone told him to go just for Ghost to have disappeared. It gets so big that people are watching him just to find Ghost like a fucked up game of Where's Waldo. Some people take it more seriously, asking him to move because he has a stalker or telling him to bring in an exorcist.
Of course, Soap always tells them they're idiots and continues as normal. Behind the scenes, he's laughing his ass off because everyone thinks his boyfriend is actually a ghost haunting him. Ghost loves it because he likes feeling like a cryptid for Soap's online fans and gets to establish himself in Soap's life without needing to really make himself known.
One day a photo gets leaked (maybe by them, maybe not) of Ghost being normal with Soap, the two of them smiling with their arms around each other, maybe even a wedding photo, and people go nuts. Soap just refused to acknowledge his weird ass boyfriend in the back of his videos for years, like the chaotic asshole he is.
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this ended all too soon
Johnny's Halloween Costume
Johnny is proud of his Halloween costume. It seems like Ghost likes it too. cw: none. 2.2k, Ghoap smut
Credit for this story is owed to @pricegouge for fostering his ask with me. Now it’s time to give it back. Thanks for always being willing to help my brain worms wiggle! <33
"I want to be slutty for Halloween but nothing sounds good," Johnny huffs as he slams back onto Kyle's bed, ignoring the hey! as he disrupts a clean pile of clothes.
Kyle pulls the clothes out from under him to re-stack while grumbling, "Just be yourself, how much sluttier can you get?"
Freeing the last of the items he turns to sit at the desk, looking at Johnny in exasperation as he recounts all of the options he's thought about and discarded.
"—bunny but everyone has done that. Same with a gladiator," he whines while staring at the ceiling, pouting. "It needs to be something good, something that will drop jaws."
Kyle rolls his eyes at Johnny's dramatics, "Be a hoochie daddy or something, I don't know. Just do it in your own room!" He blinks in surprise when Johnny shoots up to face him, a manic grin across his face. Nothing good ever came from this smile. it's Johnny's 'This is going to go badly but it'll be so much fun in the process' smile.
Kyle thought up the name himself.
"You're a genius, Gaz! I knew I came to the right person," Johnny beams at him, a toothy grin showing all the way to the molars. He bounces up, ignoring the deep sigh as he knocks the clothes over again and strides for the door, eager to get started now that he had a plan.
The spoon clinks against ceramic as Ghost stirs his tea in the small rec room, having fled from the festivities in the bigger hall after doing his mandatory 5 minute drop in.
He wouldn't have even done that much if the order didn't come straight from Price, I don't care if they're a bunch of numpties. Show up, foster camaraderie for a handful of minutes then you're free.
A handful of minutes. As far as Ghost is concerned that meant five. Three hundred seconds of torture before he was allowed to leave. He would do it but it certainly didn't mean he would like it.
He had escaped the second the hand ticked over and he had no intention of going back. He is going to drink his tea and then go to bed—leave all the idiots to get into trouble by themselves.
The door to the rec room burst open and Ghost is greeted with his own personal headache.
"LT! What are ye doin' hidin' away in here?"
"What are you wearing?" Simon ignores his question, dumbfounded at what he is seeing. Johnny prances into the room in an outfit which showed more skin than it covered.
His orange shorts rest high on his hips, the crotch obscenely tight causing his bulge to be highlighted by the taut fabric. The shorts end after a few brief inches showing miles of thickly muscled thighs covered in dark hair which end in combat boots. On his upper half he is wearing half a shirt, the fabric stopping right below his chest, showcasing his thickly muscled torso covered in a healthy layer of fat and coarse hair. Johnny beams as he looks at Ghost with a lightly stubbled face, his mohawk looking freshly trimmed.
"I've been lookin' everywhere for ye," he exclaims excitedly, hurrying over to crowd Ghost's space. "Well?" He spreads his arms, causing the shirt to strain against his biceps and wide shoulders. Ghost is pretty sure he hears a stitch pop, "What do ye think? I'm a Hooters boy!"
Ghost doesn't say anything, he can't say anything with his tongue feeling like it's two sizes too big in his mouth. If he were any less disciplined he would be swallowing in need right now. Thankfully, Johnny has no issue carrying the conversation.
"Ye should've seen the look on everyone's faces when I walked in. Looked like big mouthed bobble heads, the lot of them. It's like they'd never seen a man as beautiful as me before," he preens, striking a pose for the full affect of the outfit.
Ghost finds his breath shuddering on the exhale.
"You look like a whore, that's why they were staring at you," he finally managers with a deep rumble, staring at where the tight waist makes a gentle pooch right above it. He drags his eyes away to meet Johnny's gaze, thankful for the mask to help keep his expression level.
Johnny only laughs, seemingly pleased at being called a whore by his commanding officer. "Yer only sayin' that because ye want in my pants," he taunts, spinning around to show his ass off to Ghost before completing his spin.
Ghost abruptly makes a decision. Walking over he grips Johnny firmly by the nape of his neck, amused as Johnny instantly goes still and silent, eyes darkening at the pressure. "Let's go, pup. You're gonna get what you're begging for."
"What I—" Johnny chokes, trying to get words out, "LT, I was only joking—"
But Ghost doesn't listen, just turns them both to begin heading down the hall towards the barracks.
Pushing Johnny through the door first, Ghost directs him towards the bed, hand still placed firmly on the back of his neck, rough callouses scratching the thin skin. He might have unwittingly found Johnny's sweet spot because the sergeant was unusually quiet the whole walk.
He watches as Johnny sits down carefully, enjoying the uncertain hesitation of his movements. It was rare to see the younger man anything but cocky and self assured so this is a treat Ghost has every intention of savoring.
Moving over to the bed he pushes Johnny backwards, watching him collapse onto the bedding with slightly too fast breaths. Crawling over him with ease, he lifts his mask to right below his nose, rolling the fabric until it holds itself up. With no other warning he dives in for a kiss, immediately deepening it and pressing firmly into Johnny's mouth.
The other man moans at the first stroke of his tongue, slick and warm, before reaching up to grasp onto him tightly and kissing back with equal fervor.
Ghost took his time mapping out Johnny's mouth—tracing his teeth, stroking his tongue, tickling the sensitive gums, feeling the soft cheeks. He knows the sergeant is tough—he'd covered Ghost's ass enough times for that to be fact. But damn if he doesn't feel particularly soft in this moment. Ghost isn't sure if he wants to tuck Johnny up inside of himself where he could be kept, secure and warm, or if he wants to live inside Johnny's skin, always present, able to venerate this golden boy who is as warm as the sun.
Coaxing Johnny's tongue into his mouth is the work of moments. He's unable to help his filthy grind at the resulting vulgar groan when he begins suckling on it like a teat.
"Fuck, but you're a needy boy, aren't you?" Simon rasps as he pulls away slightly, panting into the space between their lips. He's pleased at the rapid agreement from the man below him, eager to continue. "I might just have to keep you. Tie you up to my bed, stuff a fake cock down your throat so you can't yell for help. Keep you wet and spread for me so I can slide right in after a day of dealing with idiots."
The choked, needy moan Johnny lets out as his eyes roll back is heaven. Ghost feels a wave of lust flood is veins and he knows right then and there he won't be letting this man go.
"You'd like that wouldn't you?" he continues, slowly rocking into Johnny. Short, soft, barely there thrusts that did more to tease than to relieve. "Being my little fuck pet to use as I see fit. Wouldn't need to worry that pretty little head about anything more than when your next orgasm will be."
Johnny shudders in arousal, little panting pleases dripping from his tongue. His eyes wide and soft.
Ghost smiles meanly, snaking a hand under his shirt to pinch at his nipples just because he can. Catching the resultant yelp in his mouth, he presses firmly against him, grinding his hard cock against Johnny's through layers of fabric, enjoying the dry rasp.
Pulling away from Johnny's chest once his nipples are swollen and puffy, he laughs mockingly as he notices the wet spot growing on Johnny's pants.
"Looks like someone's an eager little slut."
Scooting back to sit between his spread thighs, Ghost pulls down Johnny's shorts just enough to expose his cock and balls, cradling them with the bunched fabric. Johnny's cock slaps his stomach as it's freed with a meaty thwack, drooling thick drops of sticky precum onto his abdomen. Ghost reaches down to meanly pinch the ruddy tip, smiling at the resulting yelp before moving further down to play with his balls, rolling them in his palm and giving a firm squeeze intermittently.
"Look at this tiny cocklet. Cute little thing isn't it?" He says antagonistically, laughing callously as Johnny immediately flushes and begins arguing.
" 'S nae little! What are ye on about? Yer probably the one that's little. Go on then, let's have a look. Probably a wee pecker you have in there," he gestures at Ghost's pants, ignoring the tenting which made it clear there wasn't a wee anything about Ghost.
Smirking, Ghost pulls back to shuck his pants, sliding them halfway down his thighs and letting his cock springs out, pointing downward with the weight of itself. He can practically hear the swallow the Scotsman lets out in response.
"Well," Johnny croaks, flushing scarlet red, "that's why you think it's small, isn't it?Ye've got a fuckin' horse cock 'tween yer legs!" He gathers himself valiantly, "donnae mean mine is small, now ye take that back."
Still smiling meanly Ghost responds with a flat, bored, no, before leaning forward, wrapping a sizable hand around both their cocks, his fingers unable to meet due to the thickness between the two of them.
Setting a fast pace right out the gate, he delights in Johnny's wide-eyed gasp, mouth falling into an oh! of pleasure. He promptly makes it a objective to draw that sound out as many times as possible.
A handful of dry, rasping strokes follow before he lets go, ignoring Johnny's whine of pleading disappointment to reach up and grasp his mohawk, pulling him up and forward to hunch over. "Spit," he directs, aiming Johnny's face at their laps.
He hasn't ever seen Johnny so eager before, with how he spits on their cocks before tilting his chin up for a kiss like a dog asking for a reward.
Ghost laughs but can't help leaning down for another kiss, giving him what he's asking for so prettily. Pulling back he pushes Johnny's forehead causing him to fall backwards once more before wrapping his hand back around their cocks, smearing the wetness with a nasty twist before resuming stroking.
The wet glide is significantly better.
Johnny's back arches almost instantly, a loud, low moan falling from his open mouth. He reaches for Ghost—desperate, grasping hands that hold on tightly once they find purchase, reluctant to let go.
Ghost takes great joy in wringing every sound possible from his mouth, every twist, stroke and squeeze done with the sole purpose of finding every soft spot the other man has so he can exploit them ruthlessly.
"Christ, you're whining like a whore."
And he is. Johnny has tears gathering on his lash line, high-pitched uh uh uhs escaping with every stroke.
Ghost watches in awe, biting his cheek to give him something to focus on so he doesn't finish too quickly. Johnny is a vision spread out below him. Sweat dotting his face, mixing with the tears and drool he couldn't keep contained, a blissed out look in his eyes as he watches Ghost back, keeping their gaze locked.
That is the last straw for Ghost.
He focuses intolerably on the areas Johnny moaned the loudest for, touching him with intent. The younger man isn't able to hold back anymore and he comes with a long cry, audible to anyone passing by the room.
A final tug is all Ghost needs before he's finishing too, cum wetting the thick hair of Johnny's torso and pooling in the divot of his belly button.
As they pant in the aftermath, Johnny looks at him with something close to worship in his eyes before it's shrouded once more, pressed deep in an effort to hide and protect the feeling.
Ghost leans forward to give one final messy, wet kiss before backing away to fix his pants. He smacks Johnny's hands away when he reaches for the corner of the bedding with a harsh, leave it, pup, before pulling the orange Hooter shorts back up over Johnny's waist, tucking his slowly softening cock gently to the side.
Standing, he ushers Johnny to the door, opening it and gesturing him out without looking to see if anyone is around. Johnny's breath is still slightly too fast to be normal as he passes. With a firm pat on his ass, Ghost watches him walk down the hallway, still covered in sticky spend for anyone passing to see.
He'll have to come up with a more permanent way to mark him in the future and his mind is already whirring with possibilities.
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Current Stories || Main Repository
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please omg this has me in tears
A funny prompt: Gaz’ No-Good, Terrible, Very Bad day. In which in the span of 24 hours he walks in on NikPrice, GhostSoap, then AleRudy bumping uglies because those pairs of idiots keep having sex in weird places and Gaz keeps having to bare witness.
How you wanna play it is up to you, but I love the way you write Gaz and I wanted to lean more into the comedic side of sexy times rather than the hot n heavy stuff this once.
Mikey, I love you for this prompt. I actually wrote it all out and then Tumblr shat itself. Serves me right for writing in the app on my phone, eh? I hope this redo is as good. Two of my favourite things: humour and sex.
Gaz has a really bad day.
cw: sexual content.
Really, Gaz should have called it a day when he had decided to have a Rich Tea with his breakfast brew and the fucker had broken off in it because he had gone zero point one second over the optimum dunking threshold. Bad omen. Yeah, pack it all up lads, turn in.
If someone were to ask him precisely when his day had gone to shit, he would definitely say it was then, because if he had to recall the next part he was pretty sure he'd require several sessions of therapy.
It was unusual for the store cupboard to be locked, which was his first warning that something was amiss. But airpods in and his mind on the afternoon's planned exercise with Bravo Company, he didn't think much of it. There were only five people on base with a key, so it was easier to leave the door unlocked. When it came time for inventory at the end of the week, Price was disturbingly effective at nailing anyone with sticky fingers so no one bothered pushing their luck.
As DJ Snake turned down for what and the beat dropped, Gaz tugged his lanyard out of his shirt and jammed the key in the lock. Shouldering the door open, he slapped a hand over the light switch and looked up at the same time, only to be faced with Lieutenant Riley's lily-white arse pounding between two hairy legs directly opposite. "What the fuck?"
Gaz practically slapped himself in the face in his haste to snatch the airpods from his ears and cover his eyes with his palm. He heard rather than saw Tav slide down the wall he'd been pinned to, and the resulting yelp as he hit the concrete floor.
"Did ya ma no' teach ye tae knock?" Tav squawked.
"You're in the store cupboard, Tav! The fucking store cupboard!"
"We locked the door..."
"He has private fucking quarters, which is... literally what they could be used for, fuck my life!"
Ghost cleared his throat and Gaz chanced a look through the slats of his fingers. He regretted it almost immediately when he glimpsed the lieutenant's monster hog, which was somehow three times the size hard as it was soft, according to the sparse glimpses Gaz had snatched in the shower. Professional curiosity, you know. Ghost was completely unfazed, standing there with it all just hanging out. "Uh, sir, if you could..."
"What'd'ye want, Garrick?" Tav growled, pulling his hoodie over his lap to hide whatever gaping devastation the lieutenant had inflicted.
"Camelbak skin. Top shelf on the left."
Gaz heard a box grind over the metal shelf and the split of plastic sellotape. When the rustling stopped, he looked through his fingers again and saw Ghost holding the skin out for him to take. He hadn't even pulled his boxers up, his hard dick still on full display. Gaz sidled over, keeping his face turned away, and took the offered plastic parcel. "Cheers," he murmured awkwardly.
"Welcome," Ghost rumbled back, and if Gaz didn't know him better, he'd say the bastard was laughing at him. Seconds later, he hightailed it out of there as quickly as he could, pinching the bridge of his nose and hoping the image of all that pale skin thrusting away between Tav's hairy stalks wasn't going to haunt his fucking nightmares. Luckily, he had a fitness course to coordinate that afternoon, which would help take his mind off of it.
No such fucking luck, as it transpired.
As Bravo Company were taking a breather after making good time over the course, Gaz snuck off into the woodland for a quick slash before they moved on to first aid training. As he rounded an old oak tree, he caught the sound of hushed voices over the usual bird song and rustle of leaves. Little fuckers had snuck off for a smoke and thought he wouldn't notice.
He did up his fly, put on a stern face and readied his most blood-curdling shout as he stomped in their direction. The 'oi, ya little cunts' sat on the tip of his tongue as he burst through the bushes, only for it to dissolve into a high-pitched little 'ah!' when he came face to face with Rudy, slack-jawed and sweaty.
Colonel Vargas was two knuckles deep in him, Rudy's cock drooling over his superior's wrist, hips twitching. That was all Gaz managed to see before he swung himself round and covered his eyes for good measure. The low voice he had heard must have been some truly filthy Spanish, because Rudy looked about ready to blow.
"Hola, sergeant," Alejandro said calmly. "¿Qué tal? I thought you were not due in the woodlands until tomorrow."
"Uh, yeah, orienteering is... tomorrow, sorry, colonel, I thought you were trainees, I, uh..." Gaz glanced over his shoulder and saw that Alejandro had moved his body to shield Rudy from view. He whispered something softly in Spanish in his lover's ear, because Rudy was hurriedly yanking up his trousers, his belt rattling, looking panicked.
"It is I who must apologise, amigo. I cannot control myself with Rudy, and with all this nature around us, I let my heart lead my head," Alejandro said. "I would be... grateful if this indiscretion did not get to the captain."
"Uh, sure, mate, yeah. Mum's the word... I'm gonna... go this way. As you were, or... not." Gaz hotfooted it back through the bushes, his face on fire, and was relieved to find some troopers slacking off because he had someone to beast. Seriously, this day could fucking do one. It couldn't get any worse.
Famous. Last. Fucking. Words.
First aid training concluded in time for dinner and Gaz sent the troopers to mess. He didn't go himself because he wasn't sure he could look Tav or Ghost in the eye just yet. Instead, he headed to his bunk and snacked on some Pringles as he finished off a report on the week's progress for Price. And yeah, he left out the sheer volume of unnecessary cock he had seen that day.
Last thing on the day's list was to submit the report and he could turn in, hoping that tomorrow had less cock and arse on the agenda for him. He rapped twice on the captain's door and let himself in, missing the sudden scuffle of movement as the hinges creaked. "Hey, sir, got the summary ahead of sched-u-oh, Nik."
Nik was sitting in Price's chair bolt upright, his hands in his lap beneath the desk, shoulders squared. "Gaz, my brother," Nik greeted, but his voice sounded a little... tight. "Kak dyela?"
"Where's... the..." Gaz studied Nik a bit more carefully and began noting a few more oddities. His skin was flushed, eyes blown wide, usually slick hair all ruffled out of place, and he was shifting minutely in his chair, but keeping his feet very, very fucking still. "He's..." Gaz pinched the bridge of his nose, "he's under the desk, isn't he?" Because of course he fucking was.
Nik flashed a mischievous smirk.
Gaz sighed. "Jesus fucking Christ..."
Nik bit his lower lip and then opened his mouth to say something, but Price got there first, his voice low, rough and husky from his hiding place beneath his own desk. Probably from where he had just been gobbing off Nik's--no, no, for Gaz's own sanity he just couldn't finish that thought.
"Leave the report on the desk," Price growled.
"Yup, right, it's on the desk," Gaz replied, getting as close as he could to be able to chuck it on the keyboard without risking seeing Nik's cock next to his captain's face. "Have a, uh... a good..."
"Garrick," Price snapped.
"Right, yeah, going. Going."
Nik waved at him as he left but Gaz could do nothing more than cringe his way back into the corridor. Three for three. Fan-fucking-tastic.
There was no way he was getting any sleep after that. Gaz headed for the mess and a cup of tea. Maybe if he managed to dunk the biscuit properly, the day would stop fucking with him.
He was completely engaged in a thousand yard stare when Tav slid onto the bench opposite. Gaz gave him the side eye. "Surprised you can sit down."
Tav smirked. "Aye, s'taken some practice."
"Nope, no, no more. It's gonna take years of therapy, decades, to get over seeing that man's arse between your legs."
"Dunno what yer whinin' about, ah've got bruises from where the fecker dropped me."
Gaz snorted. "Good."
"Look, ah... ah came tae apologise. It weren't decent, an', uh..."
"Mate," Gaz sighed, slapping his hands on the table as he sat up. "The shit I've seen today, Ghost's pale arse ain't even the half of it." He scrubbed a hand over his jaw. "Do you fuck in there a lot?"
"Oh aye, and other places."
"Oh god..."
Gaz's eyes narrowed as Tav turned in his seat and extended a leg. That was an exit manoeuvre. Tav rolled his lips into his mouth, smirked, and then landed the killer blow. "Pretty sure we've done it in yer bunk."
"You cun--oi, c'mere you rat Scottish bastard!"
Tav fled cackling and Gaz followed with full intent to put a few more boot-shaped bruises on his arse. Perfect end to his no-good, terrible, very bad day.
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Thinking about streamer/YouTuber/etc Soap and boyfriend Ghost who is always in the background, but not in the way you think.
Ghost thinks it's funny as fuck to stand in the closet, door just slightly cracked, and stare at the camera while Soap is doing something. When Soap leaves to go to the bathroom, Ghost is standing ominously in the corner only to disappear once Soap stands in front of the camera to sit down. Soap vlogging/going live, walking around the city or something, and keeps turning the camera to see Ghost sitting at a table staring or hiding in an alley. He's always just in frame, always staring with his balaclava on, but never speaks, maybe even refuses to blink.
Soap's fans are terrified. It doesn't happen every stream/video, but just enough to gain attention. People are constantly asking about it; they type all concerned in the chat, only for Soap to insist he doesn't see anything. He'll check the place everyone told him to go just for Ghost to have disappeared. It gets so big that people are watching him just to find Ghost like a fucked up game of Where's Waldo. Some people take it more seriously, asking him to move because he has a stalker or telling him to bring in an exorcist.
Of course, Soap always tells them they're idiots and continues as normal. Behind the scenes, he's laughing his ass off because everyone thinks his boyfriend is actually a ghost haunting him. Ghost loves it because he likes feeling like a cryptid for Soap's online fans and gets to establish himself in Soap's life without needing to really make himself known.
One day a photo gets leaked (maybe by them, maybe not) of Ghost being normal with Soap, the two of them smiling with their arms around each other, maybe even a wedding photo, and people go nuts. Soap just refused to acknowledge his weird ass boyfriend in the back of his videos for years, like the chaotic asshole he is.
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happy halloween! i think venom would go to a miku concert and have the best time of his life
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Little Bits and Pieces of Heaven
One-shot #: 39
Disclaimer: One Piece (and its characters) belongs to Eiichiro Oda-sensei.
Reminder: I have no beta-reader. Any grammatical and spelling errors are solely mine.
Warning: OOC possible. One shot.
Rating: T
Note: Happy Birthday Zoro baby! Belated because I wasn’t able to finish this on time. Of course we’re gonna get a really fluffy, grossly sweet ZoNa one-shot for his birthday.
I wanted to try writing something different for them this time. I hope it turns out okay. Enjoy!
Summary: She’ll take this as a win. There’s no need to rush.
“You okay?”
Nami sat down the lawn deck of the Thousand Sunny beside the still drinking swordsman. She took a deep breath before answering his question, savouring the cool night air. The sound of the ocean waves lightly and rhythmically lapped against the ship’s hull.
“Yep! We’ve been through this already Zoro,” she bemoaned, raising an eyebrow at him. “It’ll take more than that to put me down.”
Zoro only scoffed at her overconfidence. 
“I can drink enough to take you down,” she proudly added, before throwing her head back to laugh. 
Zoro only grunted at her. Of course he was not underestimating the navigator’s drinking prowess. He knows she can keep up with him—he admits it, begrudgingly though.
Plus, they were still in the process of figuring out who’s the better drinker because so far... they are in a deadlock. 
He chose to ignore her continuing chortles. “Your face is all red,” he remarked casually before tipping the sake bottle to his lips.
Nami stopped laughing and childishly stuck her tongue out at him. He just ignored it and reached out for another bottle, wordlessly handing it to her for her to enjoy (and also so she wouldn’t snag his for her own amusement).
He saw her nose wrinkled in displeasure as she stared at the bottle. Nami was not really a fan of sake. She preferred her drinks with more flavor and color—like fancy wines or some other expensive hard liquor with shades reminiscent of gold.  
He tapped the bottle with his finger, a wordless indication that she would definitely like it. It was a specially brewed sake from Wano after all, and was kept in the Sunny’s wine cellar for special occasions.
Like tonight.
Nami took it with a soft ‘oh’ when she realized what it was. She finally recognized the bottle. It was one of the expensive liquors left in the castle at the Flower capital by Orochi and his minions that they managed to get their hands on while exploring around.
It was the finest sake ever to be brewed in the country and was only made for the high ranking officials’ enjoyment according to Denjiro. Its taste was exquisite that Nami had taken a liking to it when she first drank it.
That was also the reason why Zoro was drinking tonight with so much enthusiasm. He had been waiting for a chance to raid that specific sake stock.
“Don’t drink them all up,” she warned him. “Leave some for other occasions.”
“Sake is made to be drunk,” he countered tonelessly. “Not to be stocked.”
Nami slapped his shoulder lightly. “All I’m saying is it’s going to take long before we visit Wano again!”
The orange-haired woman sighed. It was no use trying to stop him. It was just like trying to stop Luffy from eating all the meat he can get his hands on… a hard, tiring and futile work.  
She opened the bottle to take a drink and smiled in pure satisfaction when the familiar taste rolled on her tongue.
The Thousand Sunny had dropped anchor for the night; just beside a small but lush random islet they had spotted earlier. According to Nami’s charts, they are still days away from the next island and the crew wanted to hold a barbecue party for their swordsman’s birthday.
Actually it was their captain who was really adamant to have said party. Zoro couldn’t care less if his birthday was celebrated or not. They could’ve just given him the ships’ liquor stock to drink and he’d be happy.
But Luffy was insistent, probably because he knows that birthdays meant Sanji will prepare a celebratory banquet… even if it’s for Zoro.
They had the celebration by the islet’s beach before moving it to the Sunny’s lawn deck once the high tide rolled in; the waves had nearly taken the tables and chairs they had set up as they receded back to the ocean, along with two of their devil fruit users—namely Luffy and Chopper—as they tried to chase the drifting items.
They ate and drank the night away, as loud and boisterous as they can get. They are in the midst of nowhere after all, and the islet where they docked doesn’t have any inhabitants that they might disturb with all the commotion they are making.
“All the inebriated ones are now tucked in their beds,” Nami suddenly spoke up after taking a drink from her bottle. “I hope Usopp doesn’t wake up to hurl again.”
“It’s a miracle you managed to get them all inside,” Zoro pointed out.
It had been really chaotic earlier. Drinking was of course, the highlight of Zoro’s birthday celebration. So the barrels kept coming, the alcohol kept flowing and the toasts keep happening until those with low tolerance cannot take it anymore and just passed out on the lawn, too inebriated to move or stay conscious.
“Hmmm… Brook and Jinbei helped before they decided to hit the sack as well,” Nami explained.
“I’m tired of watching and hearing Usopp stand up to retch over the railing every thirty minutes while I’m enjoying my drink.” She continued with an annoyed sigh.
“He’s gonna puke all over the room,” Zoro grumbled.
Nami smiled cheekily at him. “Not my problem.”
Laughter came out of her again. “Hmmm... you can actually stay at the crow’s nest if that happens.”
Zoro did not respond to that and instead took another swig of his drink. It was quiet on the deck now, the only sound they can hear are from the waves hitting the shore and slapping against the ship’s wooden hull.
For a few seconds, neither one of them said anything. They just stayed sitting there, drinking and revelling in the rather quiet night amidst the calm sea.
Then Nami nudged his shoulder with her own to get his attention. “So,” she began when he finally looked at her. “What do you want for your birthday?”
Zoro just smirked in response. He knew she wasn’t able to get him anything, given that they’ve been sailing for days now and she didn’t have the opportunity to shop. Not that he minded. He wasn’t really that keen about gifts.
And also, he knew that she had sweet-talked that stupid cook into allowing him access to the ‘special’ alcohol stocks he’d been safeguarding for reasons Zoro doesn’t know or want to understand. Like all that sake from Wano.
That’s actually enough gift for him.
“Zorooo,” Nami called out, pouting. “Come on say something!”
“Peace and quiet,” he finally answered her, a smirk still on his lips. “The usual stuff.”
Nami rolled her eyes at him and nudge his shoulder with hers again. “I already got you peace and quiet. See? We’re the only ones here.” She gestured on the lawn deck. True enough it is just them and the remnants of the merrymaking earlier strewn all over the place.
“Plus I also got you all this drinks!” Nami pointed at the bottles beside him. “You know Sanji-kun would never let you near them.”
Zoro grinned. “I know. Thanks!”
“That’s it?” She gasped a bit exaggeratedly.
“I’m already good,” Zoro affirmed as he shook the bottle in his hand to show that he got what he wanted and needed right there.
“Oh too bad, I am actually feeling generous tonight.” Nami winked saucily at him. “Anything you want.”
Zoro stilled for a moment, the bottle in his hand paused mid-air. He cocked an eyebrow at her, not really believing her statement.
She nodded. “Yeah anything…” Then her voice trailed off as she stared at him, her brows furrowing. The current contemplative expression on his face actually making her a bit uneasy.
Maybe she shouldn’t have said that?
Zoro was silent for a few seconds. He was just looking at her… thinking.
“Alright,” he suddenly said.
Nami blinked, waiting for him to continue as a sense of trepidation began to fill her.
Nami was looking downright nervous as hell. The feeling from earlier had intensified as the seconds ticked by.
She didn’t even know why she’s feeling this way. There’s nothing to be nervous about right?
On top of all that apprehension, she was also feeling a certain excitement. It was a strange mixture of emotions that sent her head reeling.
“So how are we doing this?” Nami found her voice after clearing her throat multiple times and finally asked her question without it cracking.
“Huh?” Zoro looked at her quizzically.
“Like how are we going to do this?” She repeated her question again this time with emphasis on her words. She tapped her foot, a tad impatiently. “I am not going to lie down the cold nest’s floor as it is!”
Zoro shrugged. He opened one of the bottom cabinets Franky had installed below the bench encircling the room and pulled something out. Nami recognized it as one of those bulky mattresses they used in Wano.
“A futon? You got one here?”
“I usually sleep here,” Zoro muttered as he lifted the rolled bedding so he could spread it on the floor.
“I am amaze that you actually have one here. It’s not like you’re bothered by the hard floor. You sleep anywhere.”
A vein ticked off his forehead. “Do you want this? Or do you want the cold floor?”
“Hey,” Nami retorted, hands on her hips. “You’re the one who asked me here with you. At least make sure I’m comfortable!”
She felt her cheeks heat up at what she said. And she’s surely grateful that the lights on the crow’s nest are not on, the darkness hiding the crimson blush that colored her cheeks.
She really shouldn’t have dropped the ‘anything’ deal. But to be fair, Nami didn’t really think Zoro would ask her for something. He’s low maintenance and easily satisfied after all. The alcohol favour and the peace and quiet time earlier would’ve been enough to make him content.
Very so unlike her.
But she had to push it and now…
She swallowed the lump that formed in her throat when he stood up straight, the futon now unfurled on the floor, awaiting its occupants.
Ready for them. The occupants.
Nami cleared her throat again. Zoro was watching her intently, one eyebrow cocked, waiting for her.
“Well?” He prompted.
Nami took a deep breath.
Out of all the things the green-haired man can request from her, he just had to ask her…
… to sleep with him.
Nami fought the urge to massage her temples.
There are a hundred things he can demand from her and this is what he came up with?
What in the seven hells?!
Nami didn’t know what to feel right at this moment. It was a myriad of emotions.
Slighty nervous?  
Also yes.
A bit confused?
She definitely is.
Weirded out?
Yeah, kind of. It was definitely a strange thing to ask for… especially coming from him of all people!
You can say that. Because even with the option and the opportunity to take advantage of their ‘current status’, it still didn’t occur to the green-haired man to try to be a bit more… forward with his request.
He just asked her to just join him in sleeping. Just lie down beside him and zone out oblivious to the world.
Nothing more!
Oh hell she was also disappointed… really, kinda, disappointed.
Because seriously they’ve been really taking their relationship really slow…
Not that the navigator is complaining, she kind of like how this is progressing. They’re taking it one day at a time, no rush. They’re giving each other enough time to adjust and understood each other’s paces as they transitioned from friends to actual lovers.
Nami liked to think that in a way, she and Zoro definitely want this to work between them—the long run—and not just have a rather hasty affair that would just fizzle in the end because heaven knows when they clash, they really clash.
Intimacy is something that’s not easy for both of them, especially with him since he is usually calm and composed, keeping his feelings in check most of the times and wasn’t in the least bit affectionate. It took some considerable effort before he was comfortable with holding hands and even kissing. And it took a much great deal of work before he became at ease with the idea of Nami touching him or him touching her and that such things can happen spontaneously at any given time before everything became an easy affair between them.
But that was it. They still haven’t moved past that. And his request now really threw her off  and actually made her think that maybe… he is ready to be more intimate with her?
The thought prompted another wave of heat sweeping all over her. And again she was thankful for the darkness for hiding her face because she knows how red it had turned from her all her ponderings.
“Look you said anything right?” Zoro’s deep voice cut through her musings. He had the decency to cross his arms over his strapping chest, now clad in tight black tank top instead of his usual green attire and stared her down.
Nami rolled her eyes. “Fine,” she mumbled and took a step toward him. She had changed into decent pajamas foregoing the usual sexy top and shorts she prefers to sleep in.
Honestly, she should be wearing some sexy lingerie and seducing the control out of him tonight and giving him a birthday he’ll never, ever forget. 
But instead, she donned a really simple (but cute, of course) pajama shirt and shorts with tiny red ribbon patterns scattered all over the fabric with an equally red drawstring ribbon.
It was as innocent as his birthday request to her.
He held out his hand. Even in astonishment, Nami took it. And she let him pull her towards him.
“Nami if you’re uncomfortable with this, let’s just forget it.” He said lowly, peering at her face, studying her expression and trying to figure out what is going on inside her mind.
She shook her head. “No. No. It’s ok.” She gave him a smile. “I did say I’m feeling generous right?”
“Yeah you really are,” Zoro grinned. “And I get the feeling you’ll try to get even.”
That made her giggle and she squeezed his hand. “Of course I will.” She stood on tiptoes so she could give him a kiss. “Happy birthday swordsman.”
“Thanks.” He was looking at her with amusement dancing behind his grey eye.
“Alright let’s do this,” Nami declared, tugging his hand.
They are really going to sleep together, beside each other.
Just the two of them, for the first time since they started sailing together.   
“Wait, you’re not planning to expose me to all your monstrous snoring all night just to get back at me or something, are you?” She narrowed her eyes at him when she recalled how thunderous he can get when asleep. “Because I swear Zoro, I will pinch your nose until you stop breathing!”
He stared at her incredulously. “I don’t snore all the time witch! Maybe you’ll find out tonight that I don’t.”
“Oh good, maybe I will.” She muttered as they settled down the futon, lying on their sides and facing each other.
Nami’s heart skipped a beat at how close they are right now. Zoro already had his eye closed, the moment his head nestled against the pillow. They had spent some time with each other before, but never this near unless they are kissing. But that doesn’t happen too often. Most the times it was in haste or fleeting or just trying to steal one from the other since a crewmate or two might chance upon them.
“I hope you took a bath today.” She wrinkled her nose to show her displease even if he’s not looking at her.
“You saw me came out of the bath earlier.” Zoro drawled his response. “I knew you’d complain endlessly if I didn’t.”
That piqued Nami’s curiosity. Was he already planning to ask her this? Because from what he just said, it seemed like he was preparing for this moment…
She was about to open her mouth again when he cut her off.
“Now shut up and sleep Nami.”
Nami reached out to pinch his cheek at that. It made him growl and his eye opened to glare at her menacingly.
“Oops. My bad.” She shrugged one shoulder offhandedly.
“Hmmm… I’m really surprised you ask for this for your birthday. I’ll take it that you want to see me first thing in the morning?” She cheekily stated. “Aww… that’s just sweet!”
Zoro snorted at her claim. “You are the first thing I see most morning. You always wake me up!”
“Because you sleep so much idiot!”
“Just shut up and go to sleep Nami!” He groaned at her.
She snuggled closer to her pillow, face pressing deeper into it. Her feet rubbing the bedding in a soothing manner. “This futon is amazing. Where are you even hiding it all this time?”
Zoro just stared blankly at her. “Up here? There are cabinets under the bench.”
“Gee, you really do sleep during your shift. I’m surprised we are not getting attack while you are on watch.”
“I can sense them coming,” he grunted, looking annoyed that she was belittling his skills. “I’ve dealt with them even before you are awake and aware.”
“Oooh…” Nami crooned teasingly. “Well at least I can sleep peacefully tonight knowing your still on guard even while snoring.” She smiled brazenly.
Zoro didn’t even answer back. He drew in a deep breath, eye closing again. Nami watched him slowly settle into slumber. Watched the way his face relaxed, the usually taut stance of his body loosening up.
He looked peaceful, far different from the guarded expression she usually sees when he’s napping on the Sunny’s deck, his katanas carefully tucked in his arms, ready to be unsheathed at a moment’s notice.
Earlier when he finally stated his request, she was really surprised. She honestly thought he wanted to do something leaning towards sexual intimacy.
But now lying here with him, almost at the precipice of sleep, Nami realized that what he wanted was a different sort of intimacy. One they also had never tried before.
Just innocently sleeping together.
She reached out to brush her thumb against the edge of the scar on his eye. He was handsome alright, more so when he’s looking as innocent as this.  
“I’m surprised you only asked for this,” she murmured. “You didn’t even consider requesting for debt immunity for your birthday gift? Or a free pass as my pack-mule for the rest of the year? That would be more practical.”
It took a few seconds before he answered her with a scoff, not even opening his eye.
“Like that would work.”
Nami smiled. Well that was actually true. He’d never escaped her when it comes to debt and charges. 
“Yeah it wouldn’t.” She agreed.
The corner of his lips quirked up at that.
Nami hesitated for a moment before asking again. “I’m also surprised you didn’t consider asking to take us to another level.”
This time Zoro opened his eye to look at her. She noted the seriousness in the lone grey orb and on his face as he gazed at her intently.
Then he chuckled. “All in a good time Nami. There’s no need to rush,” he said in a low tone before his hand was on her cheek, pulling her face towards him for a kiss.  
And Nami understood. There is a perfect time for that.
He released her lips and gave her a rare, warm smile as he tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear.
“And I do want to see you first thing in the morning when I wake up. So humor me and let’s sleep.” He admitted.
Without another word, his arm went up to rest on her waist to pull her closer to him in a light embrace.
Nami couldn’t help but feel warm at what he just said. She smiled and shifted much nearer to him; her head tucked under his chin, her own arm wrapping around his body so they were now pressed against each other—closer than they have ever been before.
She realized that for someone like Zoro, this kind of intimacy is already another step forward. And a step further away from his usually alone and reserved self.
She’ll take this as a win.  There’s no need to rush.
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we as a society moved past this scene far too quickly don't you think...
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Wasn't huge on Venom 3, but these two........... 🥺
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