#Personal finance guidance
gatewayofhealing92 · 7 months
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What is a Financial Coach, and What do They do Exactly?
Discover the multifaceted role of a financial coach and how they serve as invaluable guides on the path to financial stability and prosperity. Explore the diverse services they offer and the transformative impact they can have on your financial well-being.
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drabiukiblackmagic7 · 2 years
+2349013415187 REAL QUICKEST DEATH SPELL / REVENGE SPELL CASTER IN AUSTRALIA, NORWAY ,ZAMBIA, Canada USA UK , KOSOVO, Netherlands. Norway Austria, Philippines Real
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dailydivination365 · 6 days
Should I start trading futures again?
There's no shortage of questions you can ask the universe, and this has bothered me for a while. When I flipped my cards and tried to understand the story I was being told, this is what I found.
I desire to trade again, but I’m afraid it’s an empty desire that will cause me more harm than good. I’ve only ever been all-talk when it comes to this. I feel like I’m being bombarded with expectations and a need to make a living, and trading is the only thing I felt thrilled and committed to doing over several years. Instead of fighting it, an action to take would be to yield to the demands and the inspiration. If I do this, then I'll have to work my ass off. It’s not something I can get undisciplined with. I need to commit and commit precisely how I intend, no ifs, ands, or buts.
Deck: Rider-Waite
Spread: 3-card - Problem -> Action -> Solution
Problem: Page of Swords - Reversed
Action: 7 of Wands - Reversed
Resolution: 8 of Pentacles - Reversed
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2happyherder · 10 days
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#The Ultimate Guide to Successful Rental Property Investing: A Bloggers Perspective#I recently finished reading The Book on Rental Property Investing by Brandon Turner#and I must say it's a fantastic resource for anyone looking to delve into the world of real estate investing. Turner#an experienced investor and co-host of the BiggerPockets podcast#shares practical advice#strategies#and insights that can help both novice and experienced investors build wealth through rental properties. The book is divided into several#each focusing on a specific aspect of rental property investing. Turner covers a wide range of topics#from the fundamentals of real estate investing to more advanced strategies for growing and managing a rental property portfolio. One of the#you'll find valuable information and actionable tips in this book. One of the key takeaways from The Book on Rental Property Investing is#understand the local rental market#and calculate the potential returns on a property before making a purchase. He also provides practical guidance on negotiating deals#managing properties effectively#and dealing with common challenges that landlords may face. Throughout the book#Turner shares personal anecdotes and real-world examples to illustrate his points#making the content engaging and easy to digest. He also includes helpful visuals#case studies#and checklists that readers can refer to as they navigate their own rental property investments. Whether you're interested in buy-and-hold#house hacking#or Airbnb rentals#there's something in this book for everyone. One of the aspects of The Book on Rental Property Investing that I found particularly valuabl#establishing a budget#and managing personal finances in a responsible manner. By laying the groundwork for financial stability and understanding the basics of in#readers can set themselves up for success in the world of rental property investing. Overall#I highly recommend The Book on Rental Property Investing to anyone who is interested in building wealth through real estate. Brandon Turner#real-world experience#and accessible writing style make this book a must-read for both aspiring and seasoned real estate investors. Whether you're looking to sup#build a retirement nest egg#or achieve financial freedom through rental properties#this book provides the tools and knowledge you need to get started on your investment journey. So
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kajmasterclass · 3 months
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ukloansblog · 8 months
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theplotmage · 2 months
Fantasy Royal Hierarchy & Government Explained for Dummies
👑 The Royal Hierarchy:
High King/High Queen: The ultimate ruler of all the lands. Addressed as “Your Majesty.” They oversee multiple kingdoms and have the final say in all matters.
King/Queen: The rulers of individual kingdoms. Addressed as “Your Majesty.” They manage their own territories, make laws, and lead their armies into epic battles.
Prince/Princess: The children of the king and queen. Addressed as “Your Highness.” They’re next in line for the throne and often have their own mini-kingdoms to practice ruling.
Duke/Duchess: High-ranking nobles who control large regions within the kingdom. Addressed as “Your Grace.” They’re like the regional managers, handling local governance and military affairs.
Marquess/Marchioness: Nobles who oversee border territories. Addressed as “Lord” or “Lady.” They’re responsible for defending the kingdom’s edges and often have a mix of military and administrative duties.
Earl/Countess: Nobles who manage smaller regions within the kingdom. Addressed as “Lord” or “Lady.” They’re like the middle managers, ensuring everything runs smoothly in their areas.
Viscount/Viscountess: Nobles who assist earls and countesses. Addressed as “Lord” or “Lady.” They’re like the assistant managers, helping with local governance and administration.
Baron/Baroness: The lowest rank of nobility. Addressed as “Lord” or “Lady.” They control small areas of land and are responsible for local justice and order.
Lord/Lady: A general title for nobility. Addressed as “Lord” or “Lady.” Lords and ladies can hold various ranks and responsibilities within the kingdom.
Government Structure:
🏛️ The Council: A group of high-ranking nobles and advisors who help the king or queen make important decisions. Think of them as the board of directors.
🧙 The Wizard: The royal advisor with magical powers. They provide wisdom, cast spells, and sometimes meddle in politics.
⚔️ The Knight Commander: The head of the royal army. They lead the knights and soldiers into battle and ensure the kingdom’s defense.
📜 The Chancellor: The head of the kingdom’s finances and administration. They manage the treasury, collect taxes, and oversee the kingdom’s bureaucracy.
🎭 The Bard: The kingdom’s storyteller and historian. They spread news, sing songs of heroism, and keep the royal family’s image sparkling.
Other Classes:
🌳 Elves: Graceful and wise, elves often serve as advisors, scholars, or elite warriors. They have a deep connection to nature and magic, making them invaluable in both court and battlefield.
🌾 Peasants: The backbone of the kingdom. They work the land, pay taxes, and sometimes get caught up in the schemes of the nobility. Despite their humble status, they can be heroes in their own right.
💀 Necromancers: Masters of death magic. They can raise the dead, drain life energy, and command undead minions. Often feared and misunderstood, they can be powerful allies or dangerous enemies.
📚 Scholars: Also known as sages, librarians, or loremasters. Scholars are the kingdom’s intellectuals, possessing encyclopedic knowledge. They study ancient texts, advise on matters of history and magic, and often uncover secrets that can turn the tide of events.
⚔️ Heroes: Brave individuals who embark on epic quests. They can come from any class—knights, peasants, elves, or even necromancers. Heroes are defined by their courage, skill, and willingness to face danger for the greater good.
🙏 Priests/Priestesses: Spiritual leaders who serve the gods and goddesses of the realm. They perform rituals, offer guidance, and sometimes wield divine magic. Addressed as “Father,” “Mother,” or “Your Holiness”.
🐉 Dragons: Sometimes pets, sometimes pests. Always epic. They can be guardians of treasure, wise advisors, or terrifying foes.
Servants and Other Castle Inhabitants:
Steward: Manages the household and estate. Addressed as “Master Steward.”
Chamberlain: Oversees the private chambers and personal needs of the lord or lady. Addressed as “Master Chamberlain.”
Marshal: In charge of the stables and the training of knights. Addressed as “Master Marshal.”
Cook: Prepares meals for the household. Addressed as “Master/Mistress Cook.”
Maid: Responsible for cleaning and maintaining the castle. Addressed as “Mistress Maid.”
Squire: A young noble training to become a knight. Addressed as “Squire.”
Falconer: Takes care of the hunting birds. Addressed as “Master Falconer.”
Gardener: Maintains the castle gardens. Addressed as “Master/Mistress Gardener.”
Where They Dwell:
🏰 Castle: A fortified structure built for defense and residence. It includes towers, walls, a keep, and often a moat. The castle is the main residence of the king or queen and their court.
🏛️ Court: The royal household and the place where the king or queen holds court. It includes the throne room, great hall, and various chambers for the nobles and advisors.
🏡 Manor: The residence of a noble, usually a lord or lady. It’s less fortified than a castle and focuses more on comfort and domestic life.
Pro Tips:
Royal Drama: Expect lots of intrigue, secret plots, and power struggles. It’s like a medieval reality show.
Magic: Always a wildcard. It can solve problems or create new ones.
Quests: Royals love sending heroes on epic quests. It’s their way of handling problems without getting their hands dirty.
Oh hey, you made it to the end! 🎉 I see you’re still here because you’re passionate about your book and maybe a bit stuck with worldbuilding. Don’t let that WIP sit around for another 5 YEARS! 🚀
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lifeonmarz-blog · 3 months
The 12 houses explained: short word format
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1st: Aries, Mars, Yang, Dragon, Bee, Face, Eyes, Eyebrows, Voice, Accent, First Glance, Passion, Drive, Self Esteem, 3rd Eye, Intuition, Hard on yourself, Mutable, Patience, Leader, Stoic, Muscles, Neck/Head tension, Animals, Intensity, Head scarf, Tender headed, Attracting energy vampires, Hard headed, Red, Purple, Sexual energy, Humor, Introvert/extrovert, Fear of child baring because loss of freedom, Judgement, Lymph nodes, Guitar, Fast talker, Sharp talker, Forward thinking, Warrior, Personality, Spine...
2nd: Taurus, Venus, Yin, Panda, Neck/Throat, Throat chakra, Mouth, Thyroid, Heart, Pink, Blue, Fluid, Security, Resources, Musician, Silent, Introvert, Nose, Scent, Taste, Parent, Singing, Arms, Dancing, Food, Breeze, Partnership, Sharing, Values, Luxury, Pleasure, Easy going, Soft spoken, Naivety, Split decisions, Indecisive, Moon, Father, Sturdy, Poker face, Children, Trustworthy, Grit, Victory, Horses, Trials...
3rd: Gemini, Mercury, Yin/Yang, Jack Rabbit, Hands, Feet, Speech, Tongue, Lungs, Fast pace, Exercise, excitement, Bounce back, Joy, Vigor, Youth, Fidget, Anxiety, Habits, Expressive, Musician, Storyteller, School, Journalist, Moral system, Networking, Group, Siblings, Questioning, Stocks/trading, Choices, Dedication, Picky, Options, Dare Devil, Flirt, Long lasting, Hopes, Trees/Forest, Art, Comedian, Chances, Materials, Time, Loyal, Boundaries, ...
4th: Cancer, Moon, Yin, Owl, Family, Mother, Compassion, Creation, Birth, Life, Regret, Sleep, Nipple, Breast, Anus, Stomach, Womb, Bellybutton, Heart, Sacral, Blue, White, Yellow, Ocean, Cold, Night, Cycle, Fly on the wall, Unspoken secrets, Pores, Suicide, Whispers, Distracted, Outsider, Alchemy, Caregiver, Chef, Guidance, Critical, Teeth, Passage/Gateway, Humming, Drums, Weight on your back, Pressures, Gratefulness, Gratitude, Obedience, Horse, Animals, Words that cut...
5th: Leo, Sun, Yang, Lion, Spine, Heart, Pets, Fun, Youthful, Children, Love affairs, Expression, Dance, Gymnastics, Loud, Bright colors, Short trips, Friends, Aunts/Uncles, Get togethers, Cars, Innovative, Actor, Protection, Magician, Gardening, Gossip, Alchemy, Adulthood, Relaxing, Bonding, Self destruction, Slick words, Hard work, Spotlight, Sharing, Rebuilding, Clothing, Renewed vision, Drawing board, Companionship, Grounding...
6th: Virgo, Mercury, Yin, Ant, Crane, Praying Mantis, Work environment, Routine, Structure, Time, Patience, Health issues, Hygiene, Nervous system, digestive system, Pancreas, Gallbladder, Notebooks, Writing, Movies, Home, Relaxing, Forgiving, Generous, Social Life, Bonding, Practice, Foresight, Letting go, Stable, Helpful, Tense, Pressure, Negative thoughts, Reminisce, Addiction, Sorrow, Indecision, Indigestion, Saving Finances, Strong will, Codependency, Maturing, Realizing, Criticism, Self Honoring...
7th: Libra, Venus, Yin, Dragon Fly, Peacock, Marraige, Partnership, Contracts, Joint endeavors, Kidneys, Bladder, Blood, Caring what others think, Voice, Accent, Culture, Rebuilding, Learning new ways to do, Home decor, Learning gratitude, Giving, Reseveing, Welcome home, Comfort, Jot, Warmth, Spring, Flowers, New thought processes, Building Legacy, Defending yourself, Possessions, Slower living, Connecting to nature, Center of attention...
8th: Scorpio, Pluto, Mars, Yin/Yang, Vulture, Jaguar, Phoenix Death/Rebirth, Fears, Dark, Dreams, Escaping, Running, Hoarding, Lack, Homelessness, Strength, Stamina, Restart, Hard work paying off, Legacy, Against all odds, Elimination system, Pelvis, All the holes in the body, Burgundy, Purple, Black, Sex organs, Releasing worries, Manipulation, Smothering, Misunderstood, Coffee, Over giving, Partnership, Friendship, Sensuality, Secretion, Body odor, Roses, Fruit trees, Chapel, Railroad, Balancing, Power, Unseen forces, Intimidation, Relaxation...
9th: Sagittarius,Jupiter, Yang, Donkey, Whale, Shark, Liver, Legs, Posture, Religion, Long distance, Foreign travel, New ideas, Creative thoughts, Energy, Witty, Nomad, Idealistic, Larger than life, Focused on success, Friendship, Gatherings, Social Life, Relaxing, Luxury, Boundaries, Tired, Mental Illness, Restrictions, Insecurities, Grandparents, Quiet time, Relationships, Sharing, Attention, Harmony, Rebirth, Hard work, Getting over, Time, Late night thoughts, Male role model, Weight on your back, Responsibilities, Greedy, Guarded, Proud, Protection, Unique, Lavender...
10th: Capricorn, Saturn, Yang, Sheep, Alligator Honey Badger, Cactus, Sterile, Marble, White, Grey, Cold, Winter, Snow, Reputation, Social status, Farming, Popularity, Bones, Skin, Nails, Hair, Sharp, Leather, Goat, Structure, Skin conditions, Over explaining, Hard on others/yourself, Violin, Holding onto the past, Hard choices, Seeing others happen, Collecting, Finding purpose, Unique interest, Creative ways to make money, Standing up for yourself, Tunnel vision, Sharing, Networking, Group efforts, Working on love...
11th: Aquarius, Uranus, Yin/Yang, Moose, Mongoose, Snake, Friends, Parties, Organizations, Goals, Hopes, School, Science, mutable, unique style, Different friend groups, Water, Lakes, Rivers, Driving, Circulatory System, Pituitary glands, Changing course, Fear of change, Social media, Learning to stand alone, Trusting intuition, Defending loved ones, nonchalant, Increasing expectations, Std, Dead tree, Sticking it out, Elders, Community, Taking a stand, Protest, Elections, Politics, Numbers, Releasing restrictions...
12th: Pisces, Neptune, Yin, Fish, Birds, Friends, More to go around, Letting go, Releasing Past, Decor, Eye for style, Luxury, Opinionated, Energy field, Subconscious, Mountains, Fog, Spa, Skincare, Hygiene, Safety, Frienemies, Luck, Protection, Unprovided jealously, Foreign, Secret, Being watched, Self expression, Confidence, Talents, Anxiety, Depression, Breath, Dreams, Sleeping, Ufc/boxing, Always wanting more, Magician, Plants, Sunshine, Exotic, Target, Maturity, Completion...
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icanseethefuture333 · 1 month
PAC: What good luck is coming your way?⋆。.°•✩
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‘I’m so lucky
I’m a star
But I cry, cry, cry in my lonely heart, thinkin’
“If there’s nothin’ missin’ in my life
Then why do these tears come at night?”’
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Pile 1:
Shufflemancy -
Potential Breakup Song by Aly & AJ
Best Friend’s Brother by Victoria Justice
(There’s Gotta Be) More To Life by Stacie Orrico
Discipline, Courage, Freedom, Communication, Twin Flame, Talking, Family, Plan A Vacation, Two of Air (Equilibrium), Daughter of Air, & Nine of Cups
The good luck that’s coming to your life, pile 1, is balance, confidence, and stability. Some of you could have Libra or Taurus placements. You could have had a rocky upbringing in life but it didn’t stop you from becoming the individual you are today. You could be a very loving person and have a lot to give to others. You may dim yourself down and feel that you are not all that special and often put others on a pedestal, whether that’s a family member, friend, celebrity, or partner. You need to see what’s special inside of you. The grass isn’t always greener on the other side, dear. Some of you could have a very close relationship with your parents or grandparents. I’m having a vision of a little kid running to their guardian for comfort and receiving hugs. This is a message for some of you - you guys should visit your old childhood home for abundance or need to call your parents and rekindle the relationship you had with them, they miss you very much. If you have inner child wounds from your family, you need to resolve them in order to make progress. Don’t get stuck in this current phase of your life, you need to embrace change and new beginnings. I’m seeing that there is an intense connection with a romantic interest. Some of you might be in a stagnant relationship that is not benefiting you and it is hindering your growth, I think it would be best if stay single for a while. You are growing up and you are changing, that is a good thing! Some of you have a crush on someone and you are wishing to express your feelings, I see that if you talk to this person, things could actually go very well! Although, you must focus on making yourself happy first before seeking this person. Again, you need to focus on self love first. When is the last time you did something for yourself, pile 1? Make the choice today to be the hero you always needed. Be brave, pile 1. Some of you as a child might of loved the movie Starstruck and Princess Protection Program. You should watch these films to hear the messages in them, they might give you guidance. A father figure in your life may also provide clarity for what you have been feeling. Try to reflect on the relationship you had with your parents and how that results in your relationships with others. A lesson is needed to be learned at that time, once it is completed, you will notice a drastic transformation in your friendships and romantic life. You are going to be secure with who you are as a person and won’t feel the need for others to complete a part of yourself that was feeling empty. Additionally, some of you are wishing to make a bold move. Are you wishing to travel? Take a vacation? A trip to a place you always wanted to go? Now is a good time to do so. Crossroads could be an important film and may resonate with your situation.
“I can accomplish what I set my mind to”
“I find the inner strength to face fear with confidence”
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Pile 2:
Shufflemancy -
Superstar by Jamelia
Love Don’t Cost A Thing by Jennifer Lopez
Whatever You Like by T.I
Loneliness, Love, Money, Courting, Cassette, Love Call, The Star, Ten of Water (Repletion), & Mother of Water
Your good luck charm, pile 2, is the charm of love, fortune, and gifts. There is someone who wishes to come into your life and spoil you. I feel that you are independent and successful in your endeavors. You are good with your finances and you may look high maintenance in appearance (you may own luxury, brand name items, or your style is just very prissy n pretty). You have an admirer that really appreciates how you carry yourself as an individual and has great respect for your accomplishments. I’m reminded of the lyrics from the song She Got Her Own by Ne-Yo ft Jamie Foxx & Fabolous:
“Knowin’ she can do for herself
Makes me wanna give her my wealth”
When this person approaches you, you will look at them like they’re crazy. You might even be offended when they offer you help or try to do chivalrous things. Do not block your blessing, this person can give you access to bigger career opportunities. You have to release your outdated beliefs. I understand you are trying to protect your heart and peace of mind, but how can you make progress in your desired career field without connections? Your spirit guides know you have expensive taste and that you won’t be the only one capable of funding that lifestyle. I’m getting Nara Smith and Lucky Blue Smith vibes. They are both working individuals but Lucky spoils Nara with gifts like designer bags and luxurious items. You give off WAG and video vixen vibes, pile 2. Your beauty is reminiscent of Meagan Good, Christina Milian, Lee Hyori, & Vanessa Bryant in the early 2000s. You could have received a lot of envy from others growing up and was always in the center of gossip. People’s consistent haterade being thrown at you has made you isolate yourself, you were never lonely because you had to be your own best friend. Some of the people who picked this pile were bullied growing up or had a hard time making friends. You are strong and confident but constantly having your guard up out of fear of being hurt is making you miss out on life. Princess and The Frog may be a very significant film that you need to watch. Tiana was hard working and had dreams of opening a restaurant so much that it made her miss out on having fun and spending time with other people, as well as using work as a coping mechanism to cope with her father’s death. It becomes unhealthy when you have the assumption that most people are inherently evil and focusing all your attention on work, allow yourself to make connections with others and have fun every once in a while. It won’t kill ya to take a break, money isn’t the source of all happiness. Changing your mindset would attract more positive interactions within the workplace, college, and in your interpersonal relationships. You know you have great qualities so try to showcase this when having a conversation. Also smile! You have cute facial expressions when you’re not making a RBF lol. You may have a hustler mindset because of being poor as a child but this does not reflect your current reality, pile 2. Some of you may also be pursuing an education, taking courses regarding your culture could provide you with some insight. Turn to your ancestors for strength and wisdom on making the right choices regarding love. You are divinely protected either way so misfortune is not at all in your destiny!
“I know that I am never alone”
“I commit to the practice of seeing good in all things”
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Pile 3:
Shufflemancy -
Stereo Love by Edward Maya ft. Vika Jigulina
Electric Feel by MGMT
Who Said by Miley Cyrus
Judgment, Pride, Past Life, Ice King, Karmic Relationship, The Snake, Five of Air (Conflict), Four of Fire (Perfection), & Mother of Air
Pile 3, with the lucky girl syndrome~ I see that you will be releasing yourself from other people's expectations and instead will pursue your desires. You could have grew up in a strict household and had family members who believed that being successful, wealthy, and having good grades was more important that self expression and being "happy". Financial security was prioritized over emotions and this had left your heart cold. You could be someone who has a hard time expressing their feelings and can be quite feisty when engaging in conversations. I see that you have always wanted to be more of the rebellious one or had to be rebellious in secret. The Bratz movie could be very significant to this pile, you might relate to one of the girls or one of the Bratz is your favorite doll (Jade, Sasha, Yasmin, or Cloe). I also see The Game Plan and Herbie - Fully Loaded for some of you were your comfort movies as a child. Growing up, you might of changed your clothes after your parents dropped you off at school or got dress coded often by your teachers/principal. You could have felt insecure as a child for not being able to dress like the other kids or not being allowed to wear a makeup. You have the power, pile 3. You are no longer this child anymore, this might hurt knowing you never got to experience the same emotional fulfillment other teens/adults did as children, but the good news is you have so much time to make up for it now! Take the initiative today and write down all things you never got to do but always wanted to have and start making a list of methods you could use to make this possible. As long as you put the effort in, anything could happen! I also feel that you compete with those of the same sex. You could come across people that are catty and try to put you down for no reason. You might also have these traits yourself and you need to reflect on how you treat other people, having opinions is normal but being judgemental and making assumptions about others before giving them a chance, is not. You have to acknowledge your flaws and the triggers you have been avoiding. For example, if you know that you easily get pissed off because you grew up in a household where arguing was normalized, realize that behavior isn't healthy. Overall, the good luck that you will be receiving is in regards to your independence and self expression. Additionally, I see you perfecting your craft. Some of you enjoy fashion, science, graphic design, and/or mathematics, you could receive an award or some sort of acknowledgement for your creative ideas!
"I understand that everyone has their own unique path and challenges"
"I love myself, and I see myself in everyone"
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Thanks so much for reading and I wish you the best of luck with whatever makes you happy in life 🍀
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kalki-tarot · 1 month
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ʚɞ collective guidance from the universe .
Don't do many things at a time, choose one focus on it and give it your all. It will definitely reward you 10x better than multitasking.
If your struggling with finance or stability in life, you're about to get a job.
Someone here is about to develop a secret crush or start a secret relationship with a lover.
If someone is worried about marriage, then it's a sign for you that you will get married to a spouse of your liking by this year only.
Someone is about to go through a deep awakening related to family or love.
Someone is jealous of your abundance and queen/king grand energy. They are a very depressed and shady person. It's amonh your friends / someone you trust. Be aware.
Someone will get karma for the wrong things they did to you. Justice will be served in the next 10-15 days.
Your overthinking is keeping you stuck, stop fighting with your own self. Get out of your shell and explore new things.
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tarotwithdanise · 2 months
꒰⠀from left to right ; intuitively choose the pile your mind, heart and soul desire for. if you are having trouble choosing the right pile for you, here’s some tips you can do ; (1) take a deep breath (2) close your eyes (3) ask guidance from your guides (4) finally open your eyes and you can choose the right pile for you by the guidance you ask from your guides. if you are still having trouble by choosing the right pile for you let me know because i am willing to help and guide you.
1 - 2 - 3
4 - 5 - 6
reader's note: you can choose more than a pile.
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what a very incredibly energy coming up for this pile! i think a lot of rough things have been through with you in the past weeks or months however as i sense here, you may receive an unexpected friendship with someone or a group of people that may continues to grow further until lifetime. i am not quite sure enough if this connection is about literal "love" or it's just a pure friendship however it's gonna bring so much joy and confident about you as this person or people make you feel belong, counted and loved. this is a type of new beginning relationships for some of you however it seems like there's something off about your energy here, it seems like you cannot accept this friendship instantly because you may have this trust issues because maybe there's something terrible happened from your past but i know you'll get throughout this. you may cut off relationship with someone who hold a female energy and you may considered this individual toxic or you may receive an apology from this person. the number 9 and 4 (94) is significant for this pile.
what a gentle surprise for this pile people. i sense that you maybe worrying too much about your finances but i'mma here to say that you gonna find incredibly balance about your finances in the next days. i sense that you may struggle a lot about your money however you may find yourself in the position in a month or next days in a better place, well, it may not be that better as be soft and a fresh of breath an air just like a millionaire but it's enough to cover all of your basic needs. besides, you may already decided to break off your wants to start saving up more money. my spirit guides advice you to do moves and make sure to welcome abundance in your life.
this may seem like it has a little aura energy of the first pile, so, if you find it attractive, you already know what to do. i sense two things here, (1) is reunion and the (2) other one is you reap what you sow. let me explain the first energy. so, this first energy coming from this pile is about reconciliation with someone, this person is somewhat from your past that lose connection with. well, it can be an ex partner or an old friend. perhaps, i don't detect any harmful energy from this reunion but a delightful moment of joy. the second energy is about collecting and reaping what you have worked hard for in the present, this seems like a feeling of self-fulfillment of accomplishing a certain milestone that you may struggle to achieve of. what blessing you may achieve in the next days, you may find it a solution to your problem. as well that you might start to express yourself through art more in the next few days.
recognition. is there any chance that you may be trying to be a star or an influencer on social media? or maybe this was all a dream and perhaps maybe a sense of me seeing that energy haha however if it's a "yes" then you will be giving an opportunity to be appreciated by some people. you may be attracting a lot of people especially suitors but be careful because not all of them have good intentions towards you. i also see here that you may receive something special or offer from someone that will bring a smile to your face.
a huge spiritual glow is what i'm getting for this pile. there's an action here that you may be a group of spiritual groups recruiting you or if not, there's a big influence into your spiritual gift that may heal or if not, then it can help people in some way by guiding and giving advice to them. you gonna feel that power in the next upcoming days and weeks, you gonna feel that the energy feels like shifting. just a reminder to take care of your body especially your because it may hurt a lot this days or for the upcoming ones. you gonna receive a strong protection from your spirit guides and angels.
someone who has unsafe and destructive intentions is about to be removed into your life. this person has been eyeing you for a long time now and they're about to be cut off totally. this person is somewhat causing you harm for making you feel insecure about your physical and mental health. it can also be that this person might deceit and lied about you in the past that may cause you loss of trust towards them. so, after this person is out of your life. a new beginning is about to start, just be willing to embrace change and strive for your own personal growth. in the next weeks, you gonna find yourself mostly your mental health in it's best and steady aiming for peacefulness.
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© tarotwithdanise ── all rights reserved. do not copy, translate, alter, or repost my work with or without my explicit permission.
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gatewayofhealing92 · 7 months
What is a Financial Coach, and What do They do Exactly?
Discover the multifaceted role of a financial coach and how they serve as invaluable guides on the path to financial stability and prosperity. Explore the diverse services they offer and the transformative impact they can have on your financial well-being.
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ivesambrose · 4 months
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1. 2. 3.
Starting off new pick a cards with something sweet and simple that everyone can look forward to.
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Picture 1
Its likely you've felt rather helpless and alone, as though life has been testing you to the point it feels like a schedule to get to them and tick them off in your mental notepad once done. It is likely you've felt extra strained in your home environment or hometown, you may have attempted to leave but something or the other comes your way. You may have felt consistently blocked or unable to leave or unable to find a solution to a problem you've been facing in regards to your house or family.
A small part of you then decided to turn the worst case scenarios in your favour somehow. One of the ways being, "all of these sufferings will be rewarded. At least, mine will." I imagine you said this to yourself through gritted teeth. I want to tell you that the first thing you're manifesting is learning and accepting that suffering for rewards and accomplishments as poetic as they sound, shouldn't be the default settings you function under.
You're manifesting -
• A solution and clarity. No more illusions that worry you from taking the next step or making a decision.
• A community that allows you to bloom. New friends and network.
• Relocation.
• An end to apathy and boredom.
• An end to turmoil, stagnation and feeling of lack and helplessness.
• The beginning you've been anticipating as everything ends around you.
Timings: The coming 3 months.
Picture 2
You may have felt a lack of proper guidance in your life. That no matter what mentor came through or what ever path you sought to follow, everything somehow got complicated when you looked up to it. So many contradictions and so many lies. So you decided the only constant guidance are your own experiences and intuition. There's a life of adventure you seek, a career that lets you live the way you've wanted, for your words to inspire others without coming off too preachy and pretentious. Life has lacked stability likely due to external forces because you've time and time again done your best to obtain the stability that had been taken away from you. There's an intention you had set some time back and that is finally coming into fruition. Thing is, you knew it was going to happen anyway no matter how dire it seemed, you just needed to water this intention by directing your energy to it. You're manifesting -
• Increase in creativity with the energy to express it as well. Feeling in charge of your life. Leading rather than being led.
• Travelling to foreign locations for higher education or job/career. A career that lets you travel or involves travel.
• More money or increase in finances in general.
• More things or subjects to learn and achieve proficiency in.
Timings : Sooner than you expect. (Likely Gemini season for some)
Picture 3
You don't really shy away from challenges but certain incidents have made you question your faith and entire belief systems, later people and lastly yourself. You're trying to find a middle ground for yourself and also wondering how many transformations till your quiet breakdowns stop. Some of you really want to leave, something that brought you comfort is only bringing you anxiety now and giving you extreme mood swings. It seems as though you're wondering if any efforts you're putting into what you want is even worth it. Quiet your mind for some time. Even for a minute. Till the minutes eventually pass and your mind feels quiet for once. It's okay to have a head full of no thoughts at times. You're manifesting -
• Emotional regulation.
• Better health.
• Luck and expansion.
• Knowledge that you can put into use.
• For some better relationship with a maternal figure or their parents.
• Sudden wealth or unexpected wealth or property.
• Protection from distrustful and downright vindictive energy.
• Success, recognition and enjoying the fruits of your labour. Succeeding in anything you've been wanting to manifest for yourself actually. No extra steps or rules and regulations to follow. Simply acceptance.
Timings: Within 2 months.
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astrologydayz · 5 months
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SATURN IN PARTNERS 1ST HOUSE = house person is usually younger than the Saturn person here. Saturn person can make the house person more mature, & more responsible when it comes 2 how they approach the world/their vibe can become more serious/or more "non bullshit taker" like - they can take life more serious bc of the Saturn person/bc of their guidance<33. House person can be very grateful 2/for Saturn, bc they KNOW that they can always count on the Saturn person if they need em🔒💋 - Saturn always shows up 4 them. House person can also want 2 impress the Saturn person a lot, always making sure Saturn sees their "progress"/what they've learned! Conflicting aspects can show issues bc Saturn can be/act like a parent here - "Saturn knows best"/issues because house persons worldview can get "darker/colder", more depressing bc of the Saturn person.
SATURN IN PARTNERS 2ND HOUSE = house person can manage their finances better here bc of the Saturn person/bc of their influence💰 - Saturn could also give them a steady/stabile income. House person can get more, & more comfortable in/with themselves day 4 day - in who they are, & in what they value, bc of the Saturn person😻 - Saturn can be very set on always making sure that the house person knows how much they're worth, & that they never should settle 4 anything less than what they deserve❤️‍🔥. Saturn can also help the house person with making long term goals<33. House person feels safe, & secure with Saturn - they know if they make a mistake, Saturn will be just there 2 pick em up, & help them try again!🫶🏼 Conflicting aspects can show issues bc Saturn can try 2 control/limit the house persons finances/their self worth/&their material possessions - issues bc Saturn can hinder house persons growth in those areas). SATURN IN PARTNERS 3RD HOUSE = here the house person can become more serious/more mature/more mindful in the way they speak/communicate🗣️ bc of the Saturn person/bc of their influence. House person can feel really taken serious, when it comes 2 things they want 2 speak/communicate about with/2 the Saturn person, & they truly fucking LOVE THAT SHIT💋 - Saturn doesn't make fun of them, & doesn't lecture them - they give genuinely advice, & genuinely wants 2 "guide" the house person towards the "right" path 4 them<33. House person can get wiser, & also learn a ton of "necessary" information from the Saturn person, that they'll 9/10 times need/find useful later in their life<33. Conflicting aspects can show issues bc Saturn can hinder house persons growth, when it comes 2 their mind/when it comes 2 the way they speak - communicate/issues bc house person can feel put down 4 their mind/4 the way they communicate - Saturn can feel/be2 restrictive in those areas).
SATURN IN PARTNERS 4TH HOUSE = house person can get more structured at home/or more responsible when it comes 2 home/family matters bc of the Saturn person/their influence<33. Saturn can make the house person feel truly safe, & secure with them around🥰. House person could want 2 move in/create a stabile home together with the Saturn person pretty quickly, as they give them that security, & stability they seek<33. Saturn person can be a very very stable person/source in the house persons life - Saturn is like a safe anchor 2 them🔒. Saturn person could also spend a lot of time with the house person's family/or Saturn can act/guide as a "parent" kinda here, at home sometimes, if house person never truly received that "guidance". Conflicting aspects can show issues with moving in/creating a home together/issues bc Saturn doesn't show up 4 the house person the way the house person needs em2 - stability ain't present.
SATURN IN PARTNERS 5TH HOUSE = Saturn can make the house person more serious/more responsible when it comes 2 partying/dating/"having fun"/raising kids here❤️. Saturn can also make the house person more serious about pursuing their creative talents/hobbies, & house person can feel really taken serious, & trusted on when it comes 2 their creative pursuits - they finally found somebody who puts their all into believing in em<33. House person can feel really safe around knowing that the Saturn person can be counted on/trusted on when it comes 2 raising kids together🔒 - if they want/have any ofc<33. They know that Saturn isn't a deadbeat, but a responsible/mature parent if it gets 2 that. Conflicting aspects can show issues bc Saturn can hinder the house persons growth when it comes their self expression/offspring/creativity/fun in general/Issues bc Saturn can feel like/be a fun/happiness killer 2 the house person.
SATURN IN PARTNERS 6TH HOUSE = house person can get more structured/responsible/more clean in their daily life/take their health/work more serious - or get more dedicated2 those things because of the Saturn person/bc of their influence<33. Saturn can also show up as a boss/mentor here2, or somebody house person also works with/spends a lot of their free time with ofc - seeing each other daily/or very very often💋. House person can feel really comfortable with having Saturn person around because Saturn is always around, so when Saturn ain't around = can't feel weird, & a bit lonely 2 the house person😒. House person could also depend on the Saturn person here = Saturn could take care of them, or help them with getting their days going<33. Conflicting aspects can show issues bc Saturn can be/feel 2 restrictive when it comes 2 house person doing/getting the daily things done here - always breathing down their neck kinda/Issues bc Saturn can hinder house persons growth, when it comes 2 their work/coworkers/or just their daily life in general here.
SATURN IN PARTNERS 7TH HOUSE = house person can get more serious/mature/or more responsible, when it comes 2 marriage/partnerships in their life👥 - & with how they handle em because of the Saturn person/their influence. Saturns way of showing stability, dedication, maturity, & structure is something the house person search for/need in a longterm partner/marriage partner💍<33. Saturn can also be/become the house persons business partner👥 - they can ride together in business, & in pleasure<33. Saturn can also act like a mentor here = what deals the house person should take, & what deals they should leave alone! Conflicting aspects can show issues bc they can't agree on marriage/business matters/issues bc Saturn can try 2 decide 2 much 4 the house person - Saturn can hinder house persons growth when it comes 2 partnerships/contracts.
SATURN IN PARTNERS 8TH HOUSE = Saturn can make the house person more serious/make them rethink their choices in life when it comes 2 intimacy - sex/when it comes 2 their legacy/debt/their traumas/their transformations<33. Saturn can act as a guide/teacher 2 the house person - guiding them through their traumas/their transformations/rebirths❤️‍🔥<33. If house person got any debt = Saturn can help them with setting up a clear way/goal 2 clear it🫶🏼. House person can also feel very comfortable, & safe with the idea of sharing recourses with the Saturn person. Conflicting aspects can show issues bc Saturn can hinder house persons growth when it comes 2 transformations/intimacy/debt/wealth/legacy/Issues bc Saturn can be 2 traditional, or 2 "Vanilla" in the long run 4 the house person - they can be comfortable with 2 different things, when it comes 2 sex/intimacy. SATURN IN PARTNERS 9TH HOUSE = House person can learn/become so much smarter in things revolving about different countries/cultures because of the Saturn person!🌏 Anything the Saturn person knows about these things, the house person will learn!🤟🏽 Saturn person can also push the house person 2 pursue higher learning/or 2 travel<33 - Saturn can be a very supportive source 4 the house person when it comes 2 these things!💋 Saturn could also help finance the house persons travels/education<33 - investing into the house person 4 the long run. Saturn person could also just take the house person on long trips 2 long distance countries - sometimes even bring em with them 4 work2<33. Conflicting aspects can show issues because Saturn can be/feel 2 restrictive when it comes 2 house person wanting 2 do wild/spontaneous things/pursuing a higher education/travelling/issues bc Saturn can hinder house persons growth in those areas. SATURN IN PARTNERS 10TH HOUSE = Saturn can help the house person with cleaning up/bettering their image/reputation here👥<33. Saturn can also help the house person become more responsible/more mature when it comes 2 their work/help them become more aware of how they influence others🫶🏼. House person can feel very secured knowing that they got Saturn 2 mentor/guide them the "right way" here🔒<33. House persons respect 4 the Saturn person knows no bounds! They respect them like a mf, & they have so much respect 4 all the work the Saturn person puts in 4 them2❤️‍🔥<33. Saturn can learn the house person everything they've been taught profesionally throughout their years<33. Conflicting aspects can show issues bc Saturn person can hinder the house persons growth when it comes 2 their public image -reputation/work/social status - issues bc Saturn can feel/be 2 restrictive in those areas.
SATURN IN PARTNERS 11TH HOUSE = Saturn can make the house person more realistic/more insightful when it comes 2 how they should go about 2 make their dreams come true🤩<33. Saturn can also help the house person with figuring out what their dreams even are/what they want 2/should fight for in life, if house person is undecided ofc. These two can fight together for some of the same causes, & be very adamant about making a change🙅🏼‍♀️🙅🏽‍♂️<33. Saturn can act as a catalyst 4 change when it comes 2 house persons friendships - cleanup needed. House person can see Saturn as a true, but very mature/responsible companion<33. Conflicting aspects can show issues bc the Saturn person can hinder the house persons growth, when it comes 2 their dreams/causes they fight 4/friendships - network/Social media - issues bc Saturn can feel/be 2 restrictive in those areas.
SATURN IN PARTNERS 12TH HOUSE = Saturn can help bring the house person back down 2 earth❤️ - if house person has any addictions/reality/isolation issues = Saturn will be the catalyst 4 change/Saturn will act as a mentor/guide 2 help the house person find their "way out" again🫶🏼. House persons psychic abilities/spirituality can also get more focused on/taken more serious here because of the Saturn person. Saturn can also help the house person/or have their back, when it comes 2 situations the house person is not even aware of - like when they ain't around. House person could have seen/heard a lot about the Saturn person, before they ever truly started something/even spoke. Conflicting aspects can show issues bc Saturn can hinder the house persons growth when it comes 2 their fears/weaknesses/psychic abilities/spirituality/addictions)/isolation issues.
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tarotwithavi · 1 year
Mercury in the houses
Mercury in astrology represents communication, intellect, and the way we process information.
For entertainment purposes only!
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Mercury in the 1st House
People with Mercury in the first house are usually chatty and outgoing. They express themselves readily and might come across as talkative or even a bit animated. They've got quick minds and love to engage in intellectual conversations. They often have a witty and clever way with words.With Mercury in the first house, they make a strong first impression. They're articulate and can be quite persuasive when they want to be. These folks are curious by nature. They're interested in a wide range of topics and are always eager to learn something new. Communication plays a big role in their lives. They're good at conveying their ideas clearly and might even excel in fields like writing, public speaking, or journalism. Sometimes, they can't turn off their racing thoughts. Their minds are always buzzing with ideas and plans, which can make it challenging to relax.They're not afraid to speak their minds and often have their own unique perspective on things. They value their independence in thought. Their appearance often reflects their communication style. They might have a sharp, well-groomed look that complements their articulate way of speaking.They can be influential in their social circles because they know how to communicate effectively. Others often turn to them for advice or guidance. They adapt their communication style to different situations and people. They can be serious and professional when needed or fun and lighthearted in social settings.Their active minds can sometimes lead to restlessness. They might have a hard time sitting still for too long or focusing on one thing for extended periods. Their natural ability to communicate and lead can make them excellent leaders in various fields. They're not afraid to take charge and make things happen.
Mercury in 2nd house
These folks often think a lot about money, possessions, and their personal values. They may have a strong desire to acquire and manage material resources. Their communication tends to be practical and focused on tangible matters. They're good at discussing financial plans, budgeting, and investments. They place a high value on their words and might be careful about what they say, especially when it comes to money matters. They believe that clear communication can lead to financial success. Mercury in the 2nd house individuals are usually financially savvy. They can analyse financial situations well and may have a knack for making money through communication-related skills, like sales or negotiation. They're resourceful thinkers who can come up with innovative ways to manage their finances and assets. They're not afraid to explore different options. They might have a strong attachment to their material possessions. The idea of security and stability is closely linked to their belongings.Their ability to communicate effectively can directly impact their financial situation. Good negotiation skills can lead to better deals and financial gains. Many of them highly value education and may invest in it as a means to increase their earning potential. Lifelong learning is a theme for them. They can be sensitive to criticism about their financial choices or values. Negative comments in this area might hit them harder than in other areas of life. In relationships, they may have possessive tendencies, particularly when it comes to shared resources. This can lead to conflicts if not managed well. They often have strong opinions about what they consider valuable, and they're not easily swayed by others' ideas. They trust their judgement when it comes to money matters.Money and how they manage it can tie into their sense of self-worth. Achieving financial stability can be closely connected to their self-esteem.
Mercury in 3th house
They're naturally talkative and love to engage in conversations. Whether it's with family, friends, or strangers, they're always up for a chat.Their curiosity knows no bounds. They're eager to learn and explore new things, and they often have a wide range of interests. The 3rd house is associated with siblings, so these individuals might have close and communicative relationships with their brothers and sisters. They enjoy sharing ideas and stories with them. They're keen on exploring their local neighbourhood or community. You'll often find them knowing all the ins and outs of their town or city. Mercury in the 3rd house folks thrive in social settings. They're skilled at networking, making connections, and maintaining friendships.They have a sharp mind and can think on their feet. This makes them great problem-solvers and adaptable in various situations. They might excel in various forms of communication, from writing to speaking to using technology. They're comfortable with words in all their forms.These individuals might frequently take short trips, whether for work or leisure. They enjoy the change of scenery and the opportunity to meet new people.Learning never stops for them. They're often taking courses, reading books, or engaging in activities that expand their knowledge.While they're great communicators, they might sometimes struggle with being too scattered or overloading themselves with too much information. They have a knack for explaining things clearly, which can make them excellent teachers or mentors. They can break down complex topics into understandable bits. On the downside, they might be drawn into gossip or spreading rumours if they're not mindful of their words. They should be cautious about what they say and to whom.
Mercury in 4th house
These individuals often think and communicate in a way that's closely tied to their family and home environment. Family matters, traditions, and memories play a significant role in their thought process. They are natural caregivers and nurturers. When they speak, it's often with a sense of warmth and care. They excel in making others feel comfortable and understood. Emotional bonds with family members are a big deal for them. They may have deep, sentimental attachments to their childhood home or the place they grew up. People with Mercury in the 4th house often prefer staying at home or within their comfort zone. They might enjoy activities like cooking, decorating, or simply relaxing in their familiar surroundings. They have a sentimental streak, treasuring mementos and keepsakes that remind them of cherished moments from the past. Old photos and family heirlooms hold special meaning. Traditional values and customs are important to them. They might enjoy participating in family traditions and passing them down to the next generation. This placement can also indicate strong communication with parents, especially the mother. They may rely on their parents' advice or be in frequent contact with them. Privacy is a big deal. They might be selective about who they let into their inner circle and value a safe and secure home environment. Mercury in the 4th house folks enjoy reminiscing about the past. They often engage in conversations about their childhood, family history, and shared memories. Some of them might be interested in real estate or home-related businesses. They have a knack for understanding what makes a house feel like a home. Education might also be closely tied to the home environment. They could be homeschooled, or they find it easier to study and learn when they're in a comfortable, private space. Creating and preserving happy memories with loved ones is a top priority. They might go to great lengths to ensure family gatherings and events are special and memorable.
Mercury in 5th house
These folks are born with a flair for creativity and self-expression. They often use their words to entertain and captivate others, making them great storytellers, writers, or performers. They approach life with a playful and youthful intellect. They might enjoy games, hobbies, or activities that stimulate their mind and bring out their inner child. The 5th house is associated with love affairs and romance, so these individuals tend to communicate their feelings in a romantic and charming way. They're the type to write love letters or plan elaborate dates to impress their partners. When they're in love, they're not shy about expressing it. They might be the ones to shout their feelings from the rooftops or shower their partners with affectionate words. Drama and theatrics often play a part in their communication style. They can be a bit dramatic at times, whether it's for effect or because they genuinely feel things deeply. They approach new ideas and projects with childlike enthusiasm. This can make them passionate and excited learners and creators. The 5th house also relates to taking risks, so they might not be afraid to speak their mind, even if it means pushing boundaries or challenging the status quo. Many of them have a strong affinity for the arts, whether it's painting, acting, dancing, or any form of artistic expression. They find joy in creative outlets. They often make great teachers because they infuse fun and creativity into their lessons. Learning from them can be an enjoyable experience. They have a natural charm and flirtatiousness in their communication, which can be both entertaining and enticing. Since the 5th house is associated with recognition, they may have a deep desire for their ideas and talents to be acknowledged and appreciated by others. They value leisure time and often use it to engage in playful activities, whether it's going to amusement parks, enjoying a night out, or simply having fun with friends.
Mercury in 6th house
These individuals pay meticulous attention to details. They thrive on organising information and often excel in jobs or tasks that require precision and accuracy. They take their work seriously. These folks may have a tendency to become workaholics, dedicating a lot of mental energy to their job or daily responsibilities. Mercury in the 6th house people are excellent problem solvers. They have a knack for figuring out practical solutions to everyday issues and can troubleshoot effectively. Their communication style at work is clear and efficient. They prefer straightforward and practical conversations, making them great in roles that involve instruction or management.This placement often makes individuals health-conscious. They pay attention to diet, exercise, and overall well-being, as maintaining good health is a priority for them.They thrive on routines and schedules. They like to plan their days meticulously and might get flustered when unexpected disruptions occur.The 6th house is associated with service, so these individuals often find fulfilment in helping others or working in service-oriented professions such as healthcare, teaching, or customer service.They analyse situations thoroughly before making decisions. While this trait can be useful, it can also lead to overthinking or hesitation at times. They have a perfectionist streak and may struggle with feeling that nothing is ever quite good enough. This can be a source of stress for them. They excel at tasks that require repetition or attention to detail, like data entry, research, or quality control. Their communication style at home might be more practical and focused on daily chores and responsibilities. They prefer to keep their home life organised. They can be prone to worrying about their health, work, and daily responsibilities. Learning to manage anxiety is essential for their well-being.
Mercury in 7th house
These folks have a gift for gab when it comes to one-on-one interactions. They're smooth talkers who can charm the socks off almost anyone. The 7th house is all about partnerships, and with Mercury here, communication is central to their relationships. They thrive on intellectual connections with their partners.nThey're drawn to partners who stimulate their minds. They want someone they can have deep conversations with, and they won't settle for superficial connections. They tend to be open to different viewpoints and are willing to listen and learn from their partners. This open-mindedness can make them great collaborators.Mercury in the 7th house people have a knack for negotiation and compromise. They can smooth out conflicts and find solutions that work for everyone involved. When tensions arise in their relationships, they're skilled at using words to defuse the situation. They avoid harsh confrontations and opt for diplomatic language.They often have an extensive network of friends and acquaintances. They enjoy socialising and making new connections, which can benefit their partnerships. Their relationships tend to start with a strong mental connection. They need to have intellectually stimulating conversations to feel connected on a deeper level. They may have idealistic expectations when it comes to love and partnerships. They believe in the power of communication to overcome any obstacles. Sometimes, they can come across as flirtatious even when they don't intend to. Their natural charm can be misinterpreted by others.They may attract partners who are talkative or involved in communication-related fields like writing, journalism, or public speaking. Balancing their own needs and desires with those of their partners can be a lifelong lesson. They might struggle with being overly accommodating at times.
Mercury in 8th house
These folks tend to have deep, intense thoughts. They're drawn to topics like psychology, the mysteries of life, and anything that delves beneath the surface. Mercury in the 8th house people can be quite secretive in their communication. They may not readily share their thoughts and feelings with just anyone; trust needs to be established first. They have a natural curiosity for uncovering hidden truths. Whether it's researching a mystery or diving into complex subjects, they love to dig deep. These individuals excel at research and uncovering information. They're like natural detectives when it comes to finding answers or solving puzzles.When they do speak, their words can carry a lot of weight. They have a knack for getting to the heart of matters and can be very persuasive when they want to be. Many with Mercury in the 8th house have an interest in the occult, astrology, or other esoteric subjects. They're drawn to the mystical and hidden aspects of life. Their intuition is often spot-on. They can sense things on a deeper level and might have premonitions or gut feelings that guide them. They're not afraid to tackle intense and transformative conversations. They can help others confront their fears and heal through communication. Privacy is a big deal for them. They may value their own privacy fiercely and respect the privacy of others.They have a complex and sometimes mysterious way of thinking. They're not satisfied with surface-level explanations and are always seeking the deeper meaning. In financial or business matters, they often have an interest in shared resources, joint ventures, or investments. They're good at managing other people's money too. They can have a talent for understanding the depths of the human psyche, making them great therapists, counsellors, or researchers in psychology-related fields.
Mercury in 9th house
These folks have a natural curiosity and love for exploring new ideas, cultures, and philosophies. They're like mental adventurers, always seeking knowledge and expanding their horizons.They often engage in deep, philosophical conversations. You might find them pondering the meaning of life, the universe, and everything in between over a cup of coffee. Mercury in the 9th house individuals are open-minded and accepting of different beliefs and perspectives. They're not quick to judge and are willing to hear diverse viewpoints. They have a way with words. Their communication style is often eloquent and persuasive, which makes them great debaters and storytellers. These folks have a strong case of wanderlust. They might love to travel, explore new cultures, or engage in higher education abroad. Their minds are always on the lookout for the next adventure. They tend to be optimistic thinkers. Even in challenging situations, they see the silver lining and have faith that things will work out for the best. Education is a big deal to them. They might excel in academia and have a thirst for knowledge that keeps them lifelong learners.They often think big and communicate ideas on a grand scale. They're not limited to the details; they want to understand the bigger picture. Learning and speaking foreign languages might come naturally to them. They're drawn to the richness of different cultures and enjoy breaking down language barriers. Some of them might have a knack for the law or working in fields related to ethics and justice. They can argue their case convincingly. Their minds are rarely at rest. They're always seeking intellectual stimulation and might get bored with routine quickly. Along with their love for knowledge, they might be interested in spirituality and the metaphysical. They seek to understand the spiritual side of life.
Mercury in 10th house
These folks are often highly focused on their careers and public reputation. They take their work seriously and are eager to communicate their ideas and ambitions to climb the professional ladder. They excel in public speaking, presentations, and written communication related to their job. They know how to convey their thoughts clearly and persuasively, which can be a valuable asset in the workplace. There's a strong desire for success and recognition in their professional life. They're not afraid to voice their goals and aspirations, and they're willing to put in the effort to achieve them. Building a strong network is a priority. They use their communication skills to connect with influential people and expand their professional circles, which can open up doors of opportunity. Depending on other factors in their birth chart, they may be drawn to careers in public speaking, politics, media, or any field where they can be in the public eye. They might find themselves in roles where they're seen as authorities on communication, such as teaching, writing, or media commentary. They often value honesty and integrity in their professional dealings. They want their words and actions to align with their public image. Balancing work and personal life can be a challenge. They can get so wrapped up in their careers that they may neglect other aspects of their life, including relationships. They're acutely aware of how they're perceived by others in their professional sphere. A tarnished reputation can deeply trouble them. Success is a big motivator. They set high standards for themselves and work diligently to meet or exceed them.They can adjust their communication style to fit different professional situations and personalities, making them versatile in various career environments. Some may excel in public relations or marketing roles, where they use their communication skills to shape and maintain a positive public image for individuals or organisations.
Mercury in the 11th house
These individuals are often intellectually inclined and love to connect with a wide range of people. They thrive in group settings, enjoy brainstorming, and often have a diverse circle of friends. Mercury in the 11th house folks are excellent communicators within their social groups. They can convey their ideas clearly and persuasively, making them great team members and leaders. They have a futuristic outlook and are drawn to innovative ideas. They may be involved in cutting-edge fields or have a passion for technology and social change. These individuals are open to different perspectives and are non-judgmental when it comes to the beliefs and ideas of others. They value diversity and inclusivity. Many of them are passionate about social causes and may actively participate in humanitarian or community-oriented projects. They want to make the world a better place. Collaboration is their forte. They work best when part of a team where they can share and exchange ideas freely. They're also skilled at mediating conflicts within groups.Building a broad network of connections comes naturally to them. They know how to use their social contacts to their advantage, whether in their career or personal life. They often have high hopes and dreams for the future. While this optimism is inspiring, they may need to ground their aspirations in reality at times. Their mind is a treasure trove of inventive ideas, and they're not afraid to share them. They can be the ones who suggest unique solutions to problems.Some Mercury in the 11th house individuals may have unconventional or niche interests that set them apart from the mainstream.They value their intellectual freedom and may resist conforming to traditional or rigid ideologies. They're more likely to embrace progressive and forward-thinking concepts.These folks love attending social events, gatherings, and parties. They thrive in environments where they can engage in stimulating conversations.
Mercury in the 12th house
These individuals tend to keep their thoughts and ideas close to the chest. They might not readily express what's on their minds and prefer to operate in a more private and secretive manner.They're introspective thinkers who ponder the mysteries of life and the universe. Their minds are often drawn to profound and philosophical questions. Mercury in the 12th house can grant them strong intuition and psychic abilities. They have a knack for picking up on subtle energies and may experience vivid dreams and premonitions. This placement can give rise to a strong connection with the subconscious mind. They might be interested in psychology, dream analysis, or other fields that delve into the depths of the human psyche. Expressing themselves verbally can be a bit challenging. They might struggle to put their thoughts into words or find it hard to articulate their ideas to others. They often have hidden talents and abilities that they might not even be aware of until they delve deep into their own psyche. These talents can emerge as they explore their inner world. Many develop a keen interest in spirituality, mysticism, or metaphysical subjects. They're drawn to the mystical and seek to understand the unseen realms. They're excellent listeners and can offer a compassionate and non-judgmental ear to those who need it. People often confide in them because of their empathetic nature. When life gets overwhelming, they might escape into their imaginations or immerse themselves in creative pursuits like writing, art, or music to find solace. Some find their calling in healing professions, such as psychology, counselling, or therapy. They have a natural ability to connect with others on a deep emotional level. They're attuned to subtle cues in their environment and can pick up on things that others might miss. This can make them excellent at reading between the lines. Sometimes, they might hold back their thoughts and feelings out of fear of vulnerability or judgement. Opening up can be a gradual process for them.
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These are just my observations/opinion on Mercury through houses. They may or may not resonate. You're free to criticize just be nice about it.
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theambitiouswoman · 10 months
Wealth Building: What Rich People Do Differently
Wealthy people prioritize learning about personal finance, investing, and wealth building strategies. They always strive to gain more knowledge in these areas.
They maintain a long term perspective when setting financial goals and are patient in their pursuits.
Wealthy people diversify their investments across various asset classes to manage their risk.
Many of them are entrepreneurs who create and manage businesses as a means to build wealth.
They build and nurture professional networks opens doors to opportunities for investments, partnerships, and business growth.
They set clear, specific financial goals and regularly review and adjust their strategies to stay on track.
Wealthy individuals exercise discipline in their spending habits, avoiding impulse purchases and consistently saving and investing.
They assess and manage investment risks carefully, often with the guidance of financial advisors.
Many engage in philanthropy and charitable giving, recognizing the importance of supporting their communities and causes they care about.
Wealthy people invest in their personal development, acquiring new skills and knowledge to increase their earning potential or make better investment decisions.
They use legal tax strategies to minimize tax liabilities, such as tax advantaged accounts and tax efficient investments.
Legal structures like trusts and estate planning are employed to safeguard assets and facilitate smooth wealth transfer.
Wealthy people can adapt to changing economic conditions and market trends by diversifying income sources and investments.
Building wealth often involves overcoming setbacks and failures, and the wealthy demonstrates the result of persistence in their pursuit of financial success.
They have a positive and growth oriented mindset drives their belief in their ability to succeed and willingness to take calculated risks.
They prioritize acquiring and growing assets, emphasizing that assets generate income and wealth over time.
They are cautious about spending in liabilities (Things that do not make you money) and maximize their assets (add value) and those that detract from wealth (liabilities).
Instead of working solely for money, they make money work for them.
When they indulge in luxury purchases, they do so using returns on their investments rather than the money they earn or have saved.
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