#Perron Boulevard
if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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"Gang Clearing Snow From Roads,” Montreal Star. November 3, 1932. Page 11. ---- 2000 Men at Work on Highways in Quebec Area ---- QUEBEC, Nov. 3— (Star Special) -Two thousand men were at work yesterday as wall as numerous tractors, and as a result of their efforts the Murray Bay road was reopened last night, as well as several other highways which were affected by Tuesday's snowstorm. 
The Murray Bay road, providing an opening to Chicoutimi, was reported open last night while the 40 mile stretch on the Perron Boulevard, between Ste. Agathe and Val Brillant in the Matapedia Valley, will probably be opened during the course of today.
Twelve inches of snow in the Laurentides National Park, falling on top of snow that occurred during the last three weeks, has closed this road to traffic of all kinds and fears were expressed by J. L. Boulanger, deputy Minister of Highways, last night that the road would remain closed. 
The north shore of the St Lawrence seems to have been hardest hit by the storm, for it was reported last night that all South Shore roads were open.
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meriol-lehmann · 2 years
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sureau, boulevard perron, new richmond
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Business Name: Amex Exploration
Street Address: 1155 Boulevard Robert-Bourassa
City: Montreal
State: Quebec (QC)
Zip Code: H3B 3A7
Country: Canada
Business Phone: (514) 866-8209
Business Email: [email protected]
Website: https://www.amexexploration.com/en/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AmexExploration/?fref=mentions
Twitter: https://twitter.com/amexexploration?lang=en
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/amex-exploration/?originalSubdomain=ca
Business Description: Amex Exploration Inc. (AMX-TSX.V) has made a significant gold discovery in Quebec on its Perron Gold project.
Services: Stock market company
Popular Search Terms Related to this Business: amx stock, amex gold canada,  mining company in canada, amex gold stock,  amex exploration stock price
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campillo1954-blog · 6 years
 La elección de hotel en París me llevó por una serie de cuestiones, entre ellas el pertenecer a una cadena española con varios trabajadores españoles al 3 de Boulevard Montmartre, una zona un tanto alegre, entre bohemia y gentes de “profesiones liberales”  es habitual ver en las terrazas de cafés y pubs irlandeses a personas trajeadas tomando auténticas pintas de cerveza al final del trabajo. Cerca de Folies Bergere, el museo de cera, teatros y cines como el Rex y cuatro pasos más allá el moulin rouge,
 Avanzada la tarde del martes salimos del hotel para ir paseando hasta el Louvre, hacia la izquierda del hotel y avanzando por el boulevard llegamos hasta la calle Vivienne, una calle como otra muchas de tantas ciudades, aceras estrechas y una sola dirección de tráfico, lo que enseguida salta a la vista es la existencia de una actividad comercial, un comercio y el siguiente se anunciaba la venta de monedas y la compra de oro. Andado media calle a la izquierda se abre una plaza y la figura imponente del edificio de la bolsa de París o Palais Bronginiart, nombre del arquitecto que recibió el encargo de su construcción por Napoleón para albergar la bolsa,, destaca en la  fachada de altísimas columnas, hoy dia es un auditorio.
 En una de las esquinas de la plaza está la agencia de Información de France Press y un poco más adelante la parte posterior de la Biblioteca Nacional De Francia o Biblioteca Richelieu, un jardín y una fachada en obras donde los andamios impiden ver su composición, a unos cuatrocientos metros la calle se acaba cortada por una fachada de la calle Beaujolais y ante la opción de ir hacia la derecha o la izquierda en esos momentos de indecisión descubrimos que en una puerta cerrada un cartel de Passage du Perron, no sin cierta predisposición a pedir perdón en el caso de que fuese alguna zona particular descubrimos un pasadizo con columnas cuadradas, losas de piedra como suelo y en los lados comercios con un cierto “estilo” caminamos hacia la luz natural y después de abrir una verja negra con remates superiores dorados encontramos un tipo de jardín arbóreo con unas medidas considerable rodeados de unos soportales grandiosos con ese cierto empaque que da los siglos y albergando comercios muy selectivos, galerías de arte, moda y complementos (que dejamos para la vuelta) ahora nos dirigimos hacia el centro del jardín donde una gran fuente es prácticamente rodeada de gentes en unas sillas de hierro que son arrastradas hasta que sentadas en ella reposan los pies en el borde de la fuente observando el agua,  cruzando una rosaleda salimos hacia el patio de honor. El patio está decorado con columnas blancas y negras de distintos tamaños mientras por debajo se oye corre el agua, nos hacemos las fotos de rigor y salimos por la fachada del Palais Royal hasta la plaza del mismo dirección al Louvre, pero eso será otra narración.
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orbemnews · 4 years
Recent Commercial Real Estate Transactions Recent Sale $9 MILLION 54-56 West 31st Street (between Broadway and Avenue of the Americas) Manhattan This 6,620-square-foot package of two three-story buildings in Koreatown was formerly home to O’Reilly’s Pub. The buildings, which have 18,572 square feet of available air rights, were delivered vacant. The sale was the first in 40 years for the buildings. Buyer: Ken Lee Seller: Joyce and O’Reilly families Broker: Alan Stenson of Brax Realty Recent Sale $1.85 MILLION 31 Orient Avenue (between Metropolitan Avenue and Olive Street) Brooklyn Built in 1899, this three-story 4,400-square-foot residential building in East Williamsburg has three two-bedroom apartments. It was last sold in May 2018. Buyers: Samuel Blank and Paul Caine of Blank Property Group Seller: Jan Perrone Brokers: Donal Flaherty, Derek Bestreich, and Luke Sproviero of Bestreich Realty Group For Sale $5.6 MILLION 122-01 22nd Avenue (between College Point Boulevard and 123rd Street) Queens This 17,143-square-foot, three-story building in College Point was built in 2011. It is occupied by a laundromat and offices and has two three-bedroom apartments. The property can be delivered vacant. Seller: Chon Properties Brokers: Julia Maksimova and David Workman of Keller Williams NYC Source link Orbem News #Commercial #Estate #Real #Transactions
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wajihabbas · 4 years
Who is Kirk Perron? (Jamba founder Dies) Wiki, Bio, Age, Family, Career, Net Worth, Many More Facts
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Kirk Perron Wiki - Kirk Perron Biography Jamba founder Kirk Perron died in Palm Springs on Friday (20 June) in an announcement via Facebook. Kirk Perron Age Kirk Perron Age unknown will be updated soon. Kirk Perron Career Perron founded the Juice Club at San Luis Obispo on the corner of Chorro Street and Foothill Boulevard in 1990 when he was 26 years old. Five years later, the neighborhood smoothie shop turned into Jamba Juice, now called Jamba. The location of Chorro Street and Foothill Boulevard is open to the present day. Facebook message, “Kirk's vision and passion to provide customers with a fun experience and great tasting smoothies have made Jamba more than 800 iconic global brands. Perron left the company in 2006, but according to the statement, the brand continued to grow with three locations in San Luis Obispo and more than 800 locations worldwide. In honor of Perron's relationship with Cal Poly and the San Luis Obispo community, Jamba will donate to the Jamba Water / Kirk Perron Scholarship Fund for Cal Poly students. The company did not specify the donation amount. Read the full article
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rutgerborgerink · 5 years
Enschede Eschmarke weer rustigste station van Nederland
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Sluiten, upgraden of niks doen: wat moet er gebeuren met station Enschede Eschmarke? Het station is opnieuw het rustigste treinstation van Nederland. Nog geen 50 reizigers gemiddeld per dag telde het station vorig jaar. Weegt dat nog op tegen de kosten?
De tijd staat stil op Enschede Eschmarke. Letterlijk, want de stationsklok blijft steken op 12.00 uur. Het is typerend voor de desolate aanblik van het station. Het is 08.10 uur. Ochtendspits, zou je denken. Toch is het perron leeg. Niemand staat te wachten op de trein naar Enschede centraal of richting Glanerbrug en vervolgens de grens over naar Münster of Dortmund.
„Ik kan het aantal reizigers dat hier uitstapt elke ochtend op één hand tellen”, vertelt Diane Nijland, die op de weg naast het station haar vaste route loopt met haar twee honden. „Het is sowieso geen fijn station”, zegt ze, wijzend naar de tunnel onder het treinviaduct. „Drugs, hè. Er wordt volop in drugs gedeald. Met name ’s avonds als het donker is. Dan mijd ik deze route hoor. De straat is ook slecht verlicht.” Zelf pakt ze hier nooit de trein. „Mijn man en zoon gaan wel eens naar FC Twente met de trein, maar dan stappen ze op in Glanerbrug, dat is hier vlakbij.”
De ochtendstilte wordt onderbroken als de trein uit Duitsland arriveert op de Eschmarke. Pascal Lauterbach (23) uit Steinfurt is de enige die uitstapt. „Het is hier altijd enorm rustig”, vertelt de Duitser, die werkt bij een bedrijf op een paar minuten lopen van het station. „De trein is voor mij heel handig. Ik woon naast het station in Steinfurt en een half uur later stap ik hier weer uit.” Drie mensen stappen uit de trein die twintig minuten later arriveert vanuit de richting Enschede. Allemaal om verderop bij een van de bedrijven aan het werk te gaan. Eschmarke is daarmee vooral een forensenstation. Dat is terug te zien in de cijfers. Waar het aantal reizigers doordeweeks al laag is, blijft het aantal in het weekend steken op slechts 25 tot 30 per dag.
De vraag is of dat lage aantal passagiers opweegt tegen de kosten van station De Eschmarke. De provincie en de gemeente Enschede zijn opdrachtgever voor de grensoverschrijdende treindienst en betalen daarom mee aan het station.
Beide verwijzen naar ProRail als het om geld gaat, maar de spoorbeheerder wil niet zeggen hoeveel de exploitatie van De Eschmarke kost. „Deze gegevens zijn niet openbaar. Met het oog op toekomstige aanbestedingsprocedures is deze informatie bedrijfsgevoelig en doen we hier verder geen uitspraken over”, aldus een woordvoerder.
Ook navraag bij andere instanties geeft geen duidelijkheid over de kosten van het station. „Het zal niet om miljoenen euro’s per jaar gaan”, zegt Vincent Wever van Goudappel Coffeng, het onderzoeksbureau dat overheden adviseert over mobiliteit. „Het station heeft geen wissels, maar treinen moeten er wel stoppen en optrekken. Dat kost energie en dus geld. Ook het onderhoud van het perron en de abri’s kost geld.”
Station Enschede Eschmarke werd in 2001 geopend. Eschmarke moest dé vinexwijk worden met massale nieuwbouw aan de rand van de stad. „Met die gedachte is het station ook aangelegd”, vertelt Wever. Maar de ooit zo ambitieuze plannen voor de vinexwijk werden jaar na jaar dunner. „Met de kennis van nu kun je je afvragen of dit treinstation ooit aangelegd had moeten worden”, aldus Wever. Het treinstation opheffen zal niet snel gebeuren, voorspelt de onderzoeker, die voormalig hoofdredacteur is van het OV-Magazine. Wever heeft een voorstel: „Leg een Parkeer- en Reisterrein, een Park & Ride, aan bij het station. Met zo’n P&R verleid je mensen uit Duitsland om op Eschmarke op de trein te stappen. Zij staan dan in een paar minuten in hartje Enschede. Dat scheelt flink in de parkeerkosten. En op de Zuiderval en de Boulevard staat het op zaterdag ook vaak hopeloos vast met verkeer. Dat los je dan ook op.” Wever plaatst wel een kanttekening: „Alles valt of staat met goede reisinformatie en een campagne om de P&R onder de aandacht te brengen.”
(Geschreven voor Tubantia | Foto: Emiel Muijderman)
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joaniegregoire · 5 years
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MATRIX et BIOLAGE, Des marques de L’ORÉAL Canada, RECHERCHENT DES MODÈLES DE COIFFURE POUR UN ÉVÉNEMENT SPÉCIAL! CASTING ET COLORATION: 20 octobre , 12h à 18h Hotel Baie Bleu 452 Boulevard Perron, Carleton SHOW: 21 octobre, 7h à 17h Hotel Baie Bleu Pour participer, envoyez votre photo et laissez savoir à Joanna que vous desirez participer à l’événement de Carleton : [email protected] Vous devez être ouvert à la coloration et à la coupe et être disponible LES DEUX JOURNÉES! Modèles de tous âges et sexe recherchés. https://ift.tt/2MhQ3fm
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brajeshupadhyay · 4 years
Isaias is downgraded to a tropical storm as it tears across the Bahamas with Florida bracing
Hurricane Isaias has been downgraded to a tropical storm as it moves through the Northwestern Bahamas. 
Isaias winds have decreased slightly with the storm expected to reach Florida overnight.
The storm snapped trees and knocked out power as it ripped through the Caribbean country on Saturday and headed toward the Florida coast.
Officials on the U.S. mainland are sterilizing evacuation centers and stocking them with protective gear in a desperate bid to avoid spurring new cases of coronavirus in the already hard-hit state.
‘Preparations to protect life and property should be rushed to completion,’ the National Weather Service said in a flash bulletin on Saturday. ‘Hurricane conditions are expected to reach the coast within the hurricane warning area in Florida tonight and will spread northward through Sunday.’
‘Winds are expected to first reach tropical storm strength later today, making outside preparations difficult or dangerous,’ the NWS said.
Landfall is expected in South Florida by 8pm on on Saturday, and storm tracks predict the hurricane will veer north along the coast, threatening Georgia and the Carolinas on Sunday into Monday, and reaching New York City as early as Tuesday.
NOAA satellite imagery shows Hurricane Isaias over the Bahamas at 9.40am EDT on Saturday. Hurricane Isaias snapped trees and knocked out power as it blew through the Bahamas on Saturday and headed toward the Florida coast
Sea spray, sand and winds sweep across South Ocean Boulevard in Palm Beach on Saturday as Isaias bears down
A beach goer attempts to set up a beach umbrella Saturday in Palm Beach, Florida as the outer bands reach the state
Red no-swimming flags fly at Lantana, Florida Municipal Beach as Hurricane Isaias approaches the Florida coast Saturday
Storm clouds are seen over the city as Hurricane Isaias approaches the east coast of Florida on Saturday in Miami
Cars drive past a sign warning of Hurricane strength weather on Interstate 95, Saturday near Boynton Beach, Florida
Florida authorities said they have prepared shelters, but didn’t expect to have to evacuate people.
‘The most important thing we want people to do now is remain vigilant,’ said Gov. Ron DeSantis.
Authorities in North Carolina ordered the evacuation of Ocracoke Island, which was slammed by last year´s Hurricane Dorian, starting Saturday evening.  
Isaias had maximum sustained winds of 80 miles per hour at 11am Saturday morning, a slight decline from earlier in the day, the U.S. National Hurricane Center said. 
Florida’s well-honed hurricane responses have been partly upended by its grappling with one of the country’s worst outbreaks of the novel coronavirus.
The emergency operations center in Miami, usually a beehive of activity ahead of a storm, was mostly empty with plastic dividers set up between work stations and fans with ultraviolet lights hung around the room in the hope of eradicating any floating virus particles. Many emergency officials are instead working remotely.
‘It’s not a perfect system,’ said Frank Rollason, Miami-Dade’s director of emergency management, ‘but what we’re facing to today with COVID, we’re trying to avoid packing all of those people into the emergency operations center.’
Much of Florida’s Atlantic coast was under a hurricane watch on Saturday, as Isaias bore down on the state
A forecast of wind conditions on Sunday morning shows the section of Florida coast that may be hit hardest
The forecast path of the storm shows that it could hit the Carolinas by Monday and even New York City by Tuesday
Hurricane Isaias is expected to bring heavy rain as well as storm surges as it moves north from South Florida
Palm trees bend in the winds preceding Hurricane Isaias in Miami Beach on Saturday
Though there were fears the hurricane would delay the return of a historic mission to the International Space Station, NASA said on Friday that separation and splashdown would go forward as scheduled.
Astronauts Doug Hurley and Bob Behnken took part in a farewell ceremony Saturday at the International Space Station, several hours ahead of their planned departure on a SpaceX Dragon capsule. 
Splashdown is set for Sunday afternoon in the Gulf of Mexico, and will be the first splashdown for astronauts in 45 years. 
On Florida’s Atlantic coast, a hurricane warning was in effect from Boca Raton, just north of Miami, about 150 miles north to the Volusia-Flagler county line. A hurricane watch was in effect from Hallendale Beach to south of Boca Raton.
The state was ‘fully prepared for this and any future storm during this hurricane season,’ DeSantis said, with stockpiles of personal protective equipment, generators, bottled water and meals ready to be distributed.
But DeSantis said state-run coronavirus testing sites would be closed in areas where the storm might hit.
‘Our sites, because they´re outdoors with tents, if it were to get 40-, 50-mile-per-hour winds, it would just collapse,’ he said. ‘Safety is paramount for that.’
Workers install panels and sand bags at the entrance of a CVS Pharmacy in Miami Beach, Florida on Saturday
Bonnie Gruner’s employees help board up the building she manages at in downtown West Palm Beach, Florida on Saturday
Chris Nagiewicz, left, watches as his wife Mary screws in a hurricane panel on Saturday on a trailer home in Briny Breezes, FL
A boarded up home is shown Saturday in Briny Breezes, Florida. Hurricane Isaias is headed toward the Florida coast, where officials have closed beaches, parks and coronavirus testing sites
Anthony Perrone pulls the hurricane shutters closed on his home on Friday in Lake Worth, Florida. Perrone said he closed the shutters to prepare his home for the possible arrival of Hurricane Isaias
The closure of COVID-19 testing sites is concerning in a state that has been a hot spot in the United States in recent weeks. The pandemic forced officials to wrestle with social-distancing rules at the same time as disaster response.
Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Giménez said each person in shelters needed to have 40 square feet and no more cafeteria-style dining would be allowed. 
Any evacuees infected with the new coronavirus will be isolated in classrooms separate them from the general population, Giménez said.
Meanwhile, officials in the Bahamas cleared people out of Abaco island who have been living in temporary structures since Dorian devastated the area, killing at least 70 people.
The center of the storm is expected to move over northern Andros Island in the next hours, on to Grand Bahama Island in the northwestern Bahamas later in the day then near the east coast of Florida overnight through Sunday. It is expected to weaken slowly late Monday.
Brett Hand controls a Marine Travelift with a hand held remote to lift boats out of the water and move them onto the grounds of Palm Beach Yacht Center for safe keeping as Hurricane Isaias approaches the Florida coast Saturday
People are seen stocking up on water, in preparation for the storm in Miami on Friday. Hurricane advisory in effect for the Southeast coast of Florida. Hurricane Isaias is expected to hit South Florida in some areas as a category one on Saturday.
A Fort Lauderdale resident stocks up with groceries and water in preparation for Hurricane Isaias on Friday
Cars are seen lined up to fill up their tanks with gas at a Miami Costco on Friday in preparation for Hurricane Isaias
A hurricane warning was in effect for northwest Bahamas. Isaias was expected to drop from 4 to 8 inches of rain in the Bahamas and the Turks and Caicos Islands.
Bahamian officials said they were concerned about a Category 1 storm hitting amid the coronavirus pandemic.
‘The center of COVID-19 now is in Grand Bahama,’ the island´s minister, Sen. Kwasi Thompson, told government-run ZNS Bahamas. ‘No one wanted to see a situation where we are now facing a hurricane.’
Paula Miller, Mercy Corps director for the Bahamas, told The Associated Press that people on the island were still standing in line for gas on Saturday ahead of the storm.
The area was still recovering from Dorian, complicating preparations for this one.
‘People are doing the best they can to prepare, but a lot of businesses still have not fully repaired their roofs or their structures,’ she said. ‘Even a lower level storm could really set them back.’
People in the Dominican Republic clean and dry their belongings after the passage of tropical storm Isaias, with which heavy rains caused the overflowing of the Magua River in Hato Mayor
Locals try to rescue their belonging after the overflow of the Magua river caused by heavy rains caused during Isaias storm in the city of Hato Mayor, northwest of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
A man remains outside his home, where teddy bears were hanged from a window to dry after the passage of tropical storm Isaias, with which heavy rains caused the overflowing of the Magua River in Hato Mayor, Dominican Republic
In the Bahamas, Prime Minister Hubert Minnis relaxed a coronavirus lockdown as a result of the storm, but imposed a 10pm to 5am curfew. He said supermarkets, pharmacies, gas stations and hardware stores would be open as long as weather permitted.
The Bahamas has reported more than 570 confirmed COVID-19 cases and at least 14 deaths. It recently barred travelers from the U.S. following a surge in cases after it reopened to international tourism.
On Thursday, while still a tropical storm, Isaias toppled trees, knocked out power, destroyed crops and caused widespread flooding and small landslides in the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico. 
One man died in the Dominican Republic, where more than 5,000 people were evacuated, hundreds of homes were damaged or destroyed and more than 130 communities were cut off by floodwaters. 
In Puerto Rico, the National Guard rescued at least 35 people from floodwaters that swept away one woman who remained missing. 
The post Isaias is downgraded to a tropical storm as it tears across the Bahamas with Florida bracing appeared first on Shri Times News.
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kokiyaj · 6 years
Inktober littéraire, mardi 2 octobre 2018
     Tout n’était pas toujours calme, et pourtant ce soir il n’entendait rien: pas de moto qui pétarade sur le boulevard, pas de chien qui aboie, pas de bébé qui pleure à pleins poumons. Resté pour le week-end dans sa résidence secondaire, il se sentait avoir l’âme en paix. Amateur de photo, il observait sur le perron le lac, en se demandant l’effet qu’il voudrait obtenir dans son prochain cliché. Nuit, crépuscule, jour, aube ? Qu’importe. Un jour où il ferait beau, cela suffirait. Il s’approcha de l’eau sans la troubler, alla l’observer au plus près. Le seul mouvement qu’il vit fut une onde qui se propageait lentement, circulaire, et la seule sensation qu’il percevait était la maigre brise qui effleurait sa peau.
(Thème : TRANQUIL, initiales des phrases)
© Odile Jeanmougin, 2018
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meriol-lehmann · 3 years
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pont, boulevard perron, new richmond
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derekglieber · 6 years
Sébastien Proulx évite la vague caquiste
Sébastien Proulx ce soir.
Réunis à l’Hôtel Plaza du boulevard Laurier de Québec, une centaine de partisans écoutent les résultats en applaudissant chaque fois qu’un de leurs candidats est élu ou réélu.
À l’exception du comté de Taschereau et de Jean-Lesage, remportés respectivement par les candidats de Québec Solidaire, Catherine Dorion et Sol Zanetti, les sept autres circonscriptions reviennent à la Coalition Avenir Québec.
Stéphane Lacasse, de la circonscription de La Peltrie, mord la poussière face à Éric Caire. Julie-Maude Perron est défait dans Louis-Hébert contre Geneviève Guilbault. La députée de Chauveau et ministre déléguée aux Transports, Véronique Tremblay, est battue devant Sylvain Levesque par une marge de 4130 votes. Patrick Huot est lui aussi battu dans Vanier-Les Rivières, devant le caquiste Mario Asselin, avec un écart de 4016 voies.
Le candidat de Taschereau, Florent Tanlet, qui tentait de se faire élire pour un premier mandat n’y est pas parvenu contre la candidate de Québec Solidaire, Catherine Dorion. La candidate de Jean-Lesage, Gertrude Bourdon, qui devait succéder à Gaétan Barrette comme ministre de la Santé advenant la réélection du gouvernement Couillard, n’a pas été élue devant Christine Gamache.
Sébastien Proulx ce soir.
Dans Charlesbourg, François Blais a mordu la poussière contre l’ancien conseiller de la Ville de Québec, Jonatan Julien. Pour la circonscription Montmorency, Marie-France Trudel qui tentait de briguer un premier mandat n’y est pas parvenue devant Jean-François Simard. La députée sortante de Charlevoix-Côte-de-Beaupré, Caroline Simard, a subi, elle aussi, la vague caquiste devant Émilie Foster.
[Read More ...]
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bblsc · 6 years
Sébastien Proulx évite la vague caquiste
Sébastien Proulx ce soir.
Réunis à l’Hôtel Plaza du boulevard Laurier de Québec, une centaine de partisans écoutent les résultats en applaudissant chaque fois qu’un de leurs candidats est élu ou réélu.
À l’exception du comté de Taschereau et de Jean-Lesage, remportés respectivement par les candidats de Québec Solidaire, Catherine Dorion et Sol Zanetti, les sept autres circonscriptions reviennent à la Coalition Avenir Québec.
Stéphane Lacasse, de la circonscription de La Peltrie, mord la poussière face à Éric Caire. Julie-Maude Perron est défait dans Louis-Hébert contre Geneviève Guilbault. La députée de Chauveau et ministre déléguée aux Transports, Véronique Tremblay, est battue devant Sylvain Levesque par une marge de 4130 votes. Patrick Huot est lui aussi battu dans Vanier-Les Rivières, devant le caquiste Mario Asselin, avec un écart de 4016 voies.
Le candidat de Taschereau, Florent Tanlet, qui tentait de se faire élire pour un premier mandat n’y est pas parvenu contre la candidate de Québec Solidaire, Catherine Dorion. La candidate de Jean-Lesage, Gertrude Bourdon, qui devait succéder à Gaétan Barrette comme ministre de la Santé advenant la réélection du gouvernement Couillard, n’a pas été élue devant Christine Gamache.
Sébastien Proulx ce soir.
Dans Charlesbourg, François Blais a mordu la poussière contre l’ancien conseiller de la Ville de Québec, Jonatan Julien. Pour la circonscription Montmorency, Marie-France Trudel qui tentait de briguer un premier mandat n’y est pas parvenue devant Jean-François Simard. La députée sortante de Charlevoix-Côte-de-Beaupré, Caroline Simard, a subi, elle aussi, la vague caquiste devant Émilie Foster.
[Read More ...]
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orbemnews · 4 years
Recent Commercial Real Estate Transactions Recent Sale $9 MILLION 54-56 West 31st Street (between Broadway and Avenue of the Americas) Manhattan This 6,620-square-foot package of two three-story buildings in Koreatown was formerly home to O’Reilly’s Pub. The buildings, which have 18,572 square feet of available air rights, were delivered vacant. The sale was the first in 40 years for the buildings. Buyer: Ken Lee Seller: Joyce and O’Reilly families Broker: Alan Stenson of Brax Realty Recent Sale $1.85 MILLION 31 Orient Avenue (between Metropolitan Avenue and Olive Street) Brooklyn Built in 1899, this three-story 4,400-square-foot residential building in East Williamsburg has three two-bedroom apartments. It was last sold in May 2018. Buyers: Samuel Blank and Paul Caine of Blank Property Group Seller: Jan Perrone Brokers: Donal Flaherty, Derek Bestreich, and Luke Sproviero of Bestreich Realty Group For Sale $5.6 MILLION 122-01 22nd Avenue (between College Point Boulevard and 123rd Street) Queens This 17,143-square-foot, three-story building in College Point was built in 2011. It is occupied by a laundromat and offices and has two three-bedroom apartments. The property can be delivered vacant. Seller: Chon Properties Brokers: Julia Maksimova and David Workman of Keller Williams NYC Source link Orbem News #Commercial #Estate #Real #Transactions
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juditmiltz · 6 years
South Florida’s biggest multifamily deals in July
South Florida’s multifamily market continued have another strong month in July. While condo sales are starting to slow in some parts of the tri-county, demand for apartment properties has only seemed to increase. Interest seems to be particularly strong in areas outside the major metro areas in places such as Lake Worth. The growing demand for these properties could be driven in part by South Florida’s lack of affordable housing, which has forced people to look further and further away to find somewhere to live.
American Landmark and RSE Capital’s– Park Colony Apartments | $56 million
American Landmark and RSE Capital’s $56 million purchase of a multifamily complex in Hollywood marked the largest South Florida multifamily sale in July.
American Landmark bought the property from Delavaco Group, who kept a 20 percent stake in the property at 812 South Park Road. The complex is known as the Park Colony Apartments.
The 316-unit, nearly 13-acre property sold for about $177,215 per unit.
A Delavaco affiliate initially purchased the complex in 2013 for $41.5 million. American Landmark has made at least four acquisitions in South Florida in 2018.
Ronald Meyerson with Cedano Realty Advisors and UrbaniZa Realty’s Ray Jourdain represented the buyer. The seller was represented by Dallas Wharton of Dalmar Real Estate Group.
The Park Colony Apartments were built in 1987. The complex features up to three-bedroom apartments with rents averaging $1,450 a month, according to Jourdain.
The joint venture plans to rename the community “The EnV.”
RAIA Capital Management–Casa Brera at Toscana Isles | $44.4M
Priderock Capital Partners sold a 206-unit apartment complex near Lake Worth to RAIA Capital Management for $44.4 million.
The complex, known as Casa Brera at Toscana Isles, is just off Hypoluxo Road in unincorporated Palm Beach County at 4725 Via Bari.
West Palm Beach-based Priderock sold the property for about $216,000 per unit, property records show.
Casa Brera at Toscana Isles, built in 2013. Priderock paid $31.1 million, or about $151,000 per unit, for the 12.2-acre complex in 2015.
RAIA Capital Management’s portfolio includes about 3,000 Class A apartments in Alabama, Florida, Missouri, South Carolina and Tennessee, according to its website.
Priderock, managed by George Banks and David Khoury, owns and manages over 12,000 units in 16 states. Last April, Priderock bought West Isle Club Apartments in Key West for $56.8 million from Mast Capital and Rockpoint Group.
One Real Estate Investment– Oakwood Apartments | $25.6 million
Naya USA Investment & Management sold an apartment complex in Lake Worth for twice what it paid for the property four years ago.
The Hollywood-based company sold the 160-unit, 200,000-square-foot development at 2425 Second North Avenue for $25.6 million, about two times the $12.9 million that Naya paid for the property in 2014. One Real Estate Investment, led by Jeronimo Hirschfeld, bought the complex, known as Oakwood Apartments.
One Real Estate paid about $160,000 per unit. The complex, built in 1993, is near Palm Beach College. It’s 96 percent occupied, Hirschfeld, chairman and CEO, said. The apartments are all four-bedrooms and each rent for about $1,500.
Tal Frydman, Yoav Yuhjtman, Nicholas Perrone of Berkadia represented the seller, according to a press release. Berkadia’s Brad Williamson and Jared Hill also arranged a $19.23 million seven-year, fixed-rate loan for the buyer to finance the deal.
One Real Estate has acquired a portfolio of more than 6,000 multifamily units in Texas and Florida. The company is planning to break ground on a 12-story mixed-use project at 2201 North Miami Avenue in Wynwood called Wynwood Square in the next few months.
Prestige Cornerstone– Crystal Mansion | $6.73 million
Kina Investment sold a North Miami apartment complex called the Crystal Mansion from to Prestige Cornerstone for $6.73 million.
Prestige Cornerstone, which lists its offices at 200 East Las Olas Boulevard Suite 1550, bought the 66-unit complex at 12300 Northeast 4th Avenue for $101,969 per unit. The building is four stories and was purchased by Kina Investments in 1984. It was originally constructed in 1971 and is right off of West Dixie Highway.
Prestige Cornerstone lists its registered agent as Corporate Creations Network in Palm Beach Gardens. Kina Investment is tied to Ettore Nardi, according to property records.
from The Real Deal Miami https://therealdeal.com/miami/2018/08/16/south-floridas-biggest-multifamily-deals-in-july/ via IFTTT
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pangeanews · 6 years
Ilaria Palomba è il Vate della rivalsa, la prima e più tenace portavoce delle istanze di quella generazione X che il potere sperava di aver cancellato per sempre dai radar. “Disturbi della luminosità” è un capolavoro alieno
Disturbi di luminosità è stato brevettato il tredici febbraio del 1895, a Parigi.
Il ventotto dicembre di quello stesso anno, Ilaria Palomba si trovava tra gli attoniti spettatori del Salon indien del Gran Cafè, al 14 del Boulevard des Capucines. Dall’inquieta mente saettava la scintilla. Il seme della sua poetica, da cui sarebbe germogliato il memoir, fu ben conficcato nel fertile terreno del protocinema.
Protagonista del libro, vi allude il titolo, è la luce. Luce filtrata dalla pellicola e ordinatamente proiettata sul grande schermo dal dialogo tra l’inventore e l’ispi­razione. Il primo della lunga teoria di artisti, cui Ilaria si rivolge come postulante ad altrettanti Oracoli, è Chuck Palahniuk. Manifesto l’argomento principe della narrazione: l’estasi ingestibile, la visione mistica invalidante.
Tyler (Durden, nel romanzo di Palahniuk) consegue la propria visione, attraverso il medesimo strumento utilizzato dagli apache per l’iniziazione del giovane guerriero: privazione del sonno. Nel film cult di David Fincher, uscito nelle sale il ventinove ottobre del 1999, Edward Norton e Brad Pitt, due corpi monumentali animati da talento e lavoro incommensurabili, si contendono la mente del protagonista. L’espediente metafilmico adoperato da Fincher, per rendere in funzione espressiva il corto circuito sinaptico, causa dello sdoppiamento del proprio personaggio, è l’innesto di un singolo fotogramma avulso alla scena. Il terrorismo culturale, cui si fa riferimento in una delle scene, prevede per esempio l’innesto dell’immagine di un pene, fra quelle animate di un lungometraggio per bambini. Palese il riferimento al messaggio subliminale, argomento molto in voga nel pubblico dibattito di quel periodo.
Questi fotogrammi incoerenti, sbagliati, decontestualizzati e strappati a un insieme indicibile e recondito, squarciati dal ventre imbottito della bambagia da pupazzo, di tabù scorticati e sbugiardati feticcio sovrano e Lare (per la bambina che Ilaria non è mai stata), spalmati su pagina con perizia inarrivabile e precisione ossessiva, la scrittrice ha poetato “Disturbi di luminosità” (Gaffi, 2018).
La copia di Luca Perrone di “Disturbi di luminosità”: corrosa dalla gioia dell’uso e dell’abuso
Il lemma “luce” compare una prima volta a pagina 14, ci offre lo spunto per analizzare uno stilema della scrittrice, che ha molto da insegnare ai colleghi della presente generazione e di quelle precedenti, fatti salvi pochi maestri: “Lascia entrare la luce. Il buio. La luce. Il buio. La luce.”
La copia di “Homo Homini Virus” (Meridiano Zero, 2015), il romanzo che ha consacrato la Palomba, oltre a spedirla direttamente in vetta alle mie preferenze di lettura, si trova molto opportunamente sopra una di due copie de I signori e le nuove creature, sillogi del poeta americano James Douglas Morrison, doppio della scomposta e disturbata rockstar americana. In esergo a questa preziosa edizione: “Mi sono sempre piaciuti i rettili… Immagino l’Universo come un mastodontico serpente, con tutte le persone, le cose, i panorami alla stregua di minuscole immagini sulle sfaccettature delle squame. E penso che la contrazione peristaltica sia il movimento basilare della vita: l’inghiottire, il digerire, il ritmo del rapporto sessuale. Del resto, la lucertola e il serpente si identificano con l’inconscio, con le forze del male…”.
Ilaria porta il moto peristaltico sulla pagina, attraverso l’espediente della ripetizione, ossessionante e ossessionata, delle proprie idiosincrasie. Le pagine di “Disturbi di luminosità” sono ricche di quest’inviti all’attenzione, alla sottolineatura animica, di queste metafore stilistiche dell’inquietudine. Pagina 17: “La pancia si crepava. Gli arti prosciolti nella luce. Sotto le palpebre geometrie Maya.”
Emerge dall’ansia, la colpa autoinflitta e così il castigo, danza salvifica e redentrice, al termine della notte, fluorescenze e fosfeni atavici. Disturbi di luminosità è una miniera d’immagini, tutte cariche di questa vis, tutte pronte a stravolgere l’im­maginazione, a prenderla per mano e concupirla tra rovi e bacche, profumate un istante, rancide e fetide in quello successivo.
Sono sincero nel comunicare al lettore una suggestione. La premessa è che quando ebbi tra le mani “Infinite Jest”, di David Foster Wallace, pensai di essere intento nella lettura dell’unico romanzo che fosse mai stato scritto. Considerai per la prima volta l’esperimento mentale dell’isola deserta. Se avessi potuto portare un unico libro, si sarebbe trattato di IJ. Trattasi, come suggerisce il titolo, di un intrattenimento infinito. “Infinite Jest” può essere letto lungo l’arco intero della propria esistenza, suggerirà sempre la novità e stimolerà nuove comprensioni. Il libro di Ilaria Palomba è impastato di quella stessa materia, cangiante e caleidoscopica, di cui il grande maestro di Ithaca fu avvezzo a imbrattare le proprie mani. Non mancano persino prossimità di argomento, contenuti, i riferimenti alle farmacopee psicotropa e psico­terapeutica, ma soprattutto alla funzione dell’arte, sempre presente, imprescindibile.
La parola “luce”, declinata come sostantivo-soggetto, o in forma di derivata-attributo, compare nell’opera non meno di trenta volte. Non intendo effettuare una verifica per i sinonimi o per i lemmi che vi alludono. Voglio solo sottolineare come in principio fu il verbo e poi “fiat lux”. Come Ilaria prenda soavemente e delicatamente a calci la divina creazione, con il cranio affondato nell’abisso della comprensione, in cerca dell’origine di Natura. Il testo è definitivamente troppo pregno di riferimenti culturali, filosofici e artistici, per concederci in questo spazio di citarli tutti. Pagina 18: “Ricordo Spud raccontare di aver visto le porte della percezione di Huxley dipanarsi come acqua”.
Al netto del riferimento al personaggio welshiano, per cui rimando il lettore curioso all’approfondimento di “Trainspotting”, di fronte a questa frase ci troviamo costretti a macinare una riflessione, ch’è la chiave di una voragine.
Ilaria sa che “the doors of perception” è immagine creata da William Blake, nel proprio capolavoro “The marriage of Heaven and Hell”; la scrittrice conosce vita, opera, morte e miracoli, del gruppo rock teatrale per antonomasia, che scelse di omaggiare il poeta e illustratore inglese, marchiando la band per mezzo della sua poetica. Eppure in questa frase, che dice del racconto di uno sperimentatore di sostanze psicotrope, in merito all’estasi e alla conoscenza, alle differenti dimensioni del reale, la pensatrice barese connota l’esperienza nel contesto del saggio sulla mescalina del genio di Godalming, Aldous Huxley per l’appunto. In una sola frase Ilaria suggerisce un trattato di antropologia, uno di psichiatria, un saggio sulle religioni e considerazioni sullo sciamanesimo. Tratta di poesia estatica, di artisti rock della contestazione americana, di un’opera orecchiata ma a noi misconosciuta, dell’autore de Il nuovo mondo, apre su Welsh e sulla riduzione cinematografica di Danny Boyle.
Suggerisce strade diverse per raggiungere la visione. Riassume la sete di conoscenza dell’umanità d’ogni latitudine con pochi graffi d’una penna acuminata e tagliente co­me acciaio nipponico. Ilaria è una samurai dell’espressione. A conferma dell’affermazione in merito alla frequentazione della musica dei The Doors, da parte della scrittrice, riporto l’ultimo rigo di pagina 25: “Quando la musica finisce, spegni la luce”.
“When the music’s over, turn off the light”. Ancora la luce. Ancora J. D. Morrison. Il cantante compose questo verso nel corso di un’improvvisazione, con la quale il gruppo chiudeva le serate al London Fog. Si trattava di proposizione deittica: il gestore del locale doveva realmente spegnere le luci quando fosse terminata la musica, per creare l’effetto scenico immaginato dal giovane istrione e studente di cinema. La canzone è un’altalena di sensualità, una fra tante danze peristaltiche del suo autore e interprete.
“Disturbi di luminosità” è anche un libro politico. Non mancano i riferimenti alla seria riflessione e all’impegno, declinati attraverso una pars destruens, la critica, e una pars construens, l’affermazione propositiva, sempre per mezzo di quella prosa lirica ch’è marchio di fabbrica di quest’artista totale, accidentalmente coinvolta nel suo passato, in un percorso filosofico accademico. Pagina 45: “Pensaci, tu che mi leggi, come fai a non considerare il tuo male il male del mondo? Come fai a dire malattia invece che società? Come fai a vedere davvero le scissioni tra le cose? Forse è questo l’esistere, un filo invisibile di corpi, che tutti li unisce”.
Il coincidere sinonimico di queste due attente elezioni lessicali, malattia e società, rimanda immediatamente a due questioni. Una più attuale e contingente, inerente all’aberrazione disumana del vivere contemporaneo, stravolto dal presunto progresso tecnologico, che usa la carne come bersaglio dell’interminabile sventagliata di immagini e informazioni, utili a ridurre la vita umana a incredula immobilità. L’altra di natura classica e intramontabile, perché affonda le radici nella critica marxista al capitalismo e in particolare alle istanze e ai ragionamenti relativi all’alienazione che deriva dall’automazione del lavoro. In definitiva si tratta di un libro che tratta la sofferenza emotiva e razionale. Assimilabili e interagenti in un complesso rapporto di causa ed effetto, che per la mente meravigliosa di Ilaria è acquisito.
Le “scissioni” della frase successiva, non sono solo i vuoti innestati sui “vincoli”, dimostrati dalla penna di Giordano Bruno, da tutto il pensiero ermetico medievale e protomoderno. Non si tratta solo di acquisire, interiorizzare e metabolizzare il pen­siero orientale, cui Ilaria si riferisce spesso, in urla sussurrate e disperate, che in­vocano comprensione e clemenza al mostro esiziale che la legherà al letto d’ospedale (urla che si giustificano per il genio), per sperare di conoscere un po’ meglio il reale è necessario un atto di fede.
Il filo invisibile dei corpi, che tutti li unisce, non conosce scissione tra anima e corpo, non c’è schizofrenia, termine obsoleto appena valido oramai per i discorsi da bar del popolo, sempre più oppresso dalla tragedia della sofferenza di un parente, preso in carico al CIM. E=mc2. La materia è energia. Ilaria, reduce dalle proprie pere­grinazioni negli spazi sterminati delle molteplici dimensioni, ne ha coscienza effi­cace, la consapevolezza sublime, sa esprimerla attraverso la propria arte, che padroneggia da immortale, si tratti di quella performativa o di quella narrativa.
Ilaria Palomba è la prima e più tenace portavoce delle istanze di quella generazione X, che il potere sperava di aver cancellato per sempre dai radar, con droghe scadenti e le televisioni commerciali prima, con la riforma del lavoro e il precariato poi. Ilaria è a capo della protesta contro la repressione che abbiamo subito negli anni d’oro della nostra giovinezza, quando dovevamo sperare e progettare, quando, appena concluso il tempo della prima formazione, eravamo pronti a rivoluzionare il gusto e il mondo. Quando eravamo abbastanza forti e coraggiosi da immaginare un Universo unito e pacifico, un pianeta Terra costernato dall’amore dei suoi abitanti e dal suono cristal­lino delle risa di bambini che non nasceranno mai. Ilaria raccoglie preziosi oggetti usati inestimabili, libri, audiocassette, videocassette, dvd, cd, direttamente nei gloriosi anni ’90, quelli della Rinascita Inosservata.
I monopolisti dell’italica cultura possono proseguire tranquillamente con le loro poli­tiche economiche di produzione di carta da culo usata, possono ignorare chi crea opere d’arte e contribuisce con apporti significativi alla cultura. L’establishment, anzi, deve necessariamente mirare all’autoconservazione e al proprio perpetuarsi, plasmato e informato di presunzione, ignoranza, incompetenza, malafede, piaggeria, connivenza e clientelismo. D’altronde “il pubblico è ammaestrato e non vi fa paura”.
Gli artisti liberi, che si rivolgono a Ilaria Palomba come al Vate della rivalsa, Oracolo pervaso di stile impeccabile e traspirante bellezza, potranno morire in un giorno non molto lontano, perché il loro cuore non reggerà la fatica.
Nonostante l’apparente gratuità del sacrificio però, sarà la Storia a versare il suo tributo all’arte, come è sempre stato. Non abbiamo paura. Il giorno del boom al petto, sarà stato senza dubbio un buon giorno per morire. Una pagina: “L’Oracolo ti disse: Non è mica facile stare con te. E tu hai avuto paura di essere solo una terra di passaggio in cui ciascuno semina fiori che nessuno raccoglie”.
Luca Perrone
Il lavoro intellettuale speso con felicità sul libro di Ilaria mi ha ispirato alcuni versi. Nell’intento, il riportarli in questa sede vuol essere un omaggio all’autrice e un ulteriore messaggio per il pubblico che leggerà “Disturbi di luminosità” (Gaffi, 2018). Spero di non essere frainteso.
  Scava la deflagrazione.
Il cratere luccica agli astri sovrappensiero e brillo erutta l’atro meteorite scova diamanti la tenebra
torbide come ascessi neonatali mietono cinque sfingi
spoglie galere vestono immane riverbero lunare accosta il palmo e quieta genuflette ai posteri la miseria
Ricuci attenta ogni assenza
L'articolo Ilaria Palomba è il Vate della rivalsa, la prima e più tenace portavoce delle istanze di quella generazione X che il potere sperava di aver cancellato per sempre dai radar. “Disturbi della luminosità” è un capolavoro alieno proviene da Pangea.
from pangea.news https://ift.tt/2zqtfXV
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