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patemi-pk · 3 months ago
The Disney Siblings Three-Legged Race
I was thinking about the amount of Disney characters who happen to have siblings (excluding the ones to were born as groups of siblings, as HDL and AMJ). I realized that the number isn't neglegible, as basically kinda all the main characters have some. So... why not organizing a three-legged race?
(sorry @iloverumpusmcfowl, but as the McDucks are an odd number, I excluded the more niche one)
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demisexualnathanvuornos · 9 months ago
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Marshall Keegan (Lucas Bryant) Irreverent 1x4 Wisdom of the Mack (2022) 4/ 4
Directed by Lucy Gaffy
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pcs-wet-sock · 1 year ago
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Lots of things have changed (design wise) since originally starting this drawing 🧍🏽‍♀️
Bonus examples :oO
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what-i-meant-to-say · 1 year ago
When Boba loves, he loves fierce.
I need everyone to know this, and feel it in the bones of your souls.
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savage-kult-of-gorthaur · 2 years ago
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PIC INFO: Resolution at 4000x6000 -- Spotlight on a male Tusken Raider costume (with gaffi stick) from "STAR WARS: Episode IV – A New Hope" on display at the STAR WARS and the Power of Costume" traveling exhibit at the Detroit Institute of Arts in Detroit, MI, c. July 2018. 📸: Michael Barera
Source: https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Star_Wars_and_the_Power_of_Costume_July_2018_23_(Tusken_Raider_male_costume_with_gaffi_from_Episode_IV).jpg.
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viscerawizard · 1 year ago
HMMM maybe I should age up Dermis, though, it's in the middle of an interaction right now. I want to see how Dermis would act with a little more maturity. But later.
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littleakuma0ni · 8 months ago
So like, can we appreciate the different animated Tv shows interpretations of Dick?
OG animated series: He’s just a funny sweet goofy gaffy guy, ain’t he cute! Aww look at that face! until… oh… oh no… turns out murder was an option.
Teen Titans: Serious leader, will fuck you up, yet kinda dorky at times who keeps getting compared to Slade for some reason yet very much just acts like Bruce and is blind as hell. Also ✨TRAUMA✨:D
2004: You like your bones? :3 Oh you do? Thanks, I needed to know what to take first… *melts into the shadows* hehehehehe >:)
Young Justice: I make it my personal mission to be a menace and a manic with a smile and radiate annoying little brother energy to EVERYONE
I love how absolutely UNHINGED this man is, but it’s fascinating seeing every interpretation leans more into one of his traits more then the others depending on whose writing. But the murder always stays.
Honorable mention:
The animated movies: So I was here too. Okay byeeee~!
Edit: I completely forgot about young justice because I haven’t really watched it yet
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w98pops · 3 months ago
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slowly going through commisions! heres gaffy and dogmeat as a break
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lakemojave · 6 months ago
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This afternoon at 2pm pacific: Tales From the Rambler Episode 11!!!
DM'd by Bill @gabajoofs, starring Dot @radiofreederry as Janica Halcyon, Sebastian @lakemojave as Bhuri'Hssyngig, Jordan @brucebocchi as Ced Saverem, Heather @chansaw as Val Griv'ir, and Julia @thottacelli as Caitvuna Conu!
Art by @bijillion, recap under the cut! See y'all then!
THE STORY SO FAR: It has been years since the end of the Galactic Civil War. The New Republic struggles to rebuild the galaxy after decades of Imperial rule, locked in a cold war with the remnant Pentastar Alignment. All the while, in the dark corners of the galaxy, organized crime groups compete with each other to gain power in the galactic underworld after the collapse of the Hutt Cartel. Now, the crew of the transport ship the Rambler have been thrust into this gritty, cutthroat world...
LAST TIME: The crew of the Rambler made one final stop on their travels through Tatooine, delivering the bones of the Krayt Dragon they slew to the Tusken Raiders as a gift. The Tuskens made a gift of their own in the form of a gaffi stick, a symbol of friendship, and the revelation of their people's true name: the Kurrmurr.
Blasting off into hyperspace en route to Corellia, Bhuri and Hank decorated the mess hall with the horn and pearls Bhuri had taken from the Krayt Dragon, and Janica got some sleep, fitfully interrupted by a nightmare in which she was visited by a mysterious figure during the Battle of Endor. She woke up in a cold sweat and went to sleep in the cabin, joined by Bhuri, who laid a blanket over her.
It was pouring rain when the crew returned to Corellia and the newly-expanded Halcyon Transport Solutions headquarters. Entering the building, the crew was met by Valarr Ulgo, leader of the Children of Ghorman, a clandestine group of Imperial hunters. Valarr recruited the crew to hunt down and capture Mod Terrik, a stormtrooper who had killed the aunt and uncle of First Master Luke Skywalker and now hid in plain sight on Corellia, with Skywalker having requested Terrik be captured alive.
The crew agreed, and took some time to rest before beginning the assignment. Work teams began upgrades to the Rambler as Ced and Bhuri went weapon shopping, Caitvuna met with some friends to discuss the recent Pentastar invasion of Ord Mantell, and Janica purchased a 2-1B medical droid from her droidsmith friend Qorol.
In the morning as the crew prepared to leave, they were ambushed by more bounty hunters. They slew the hunters save for one, who they attempted to send back to his employers to send a message. However, he was killed by Corellian security as they responded to the attack. Now, nursing injuries, the crew regroups...
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demisexualnathanvuornos · 9 months ago
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Marshall Keegan (Lucas Bryant) Irreverent 1x4 Wisdom of the Mack (2022) 3/ 4
Directed by Lucy Gaffy
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arrowheadedbitch · 4 months ago
As requested, more things I've said:
"(To cat) Aww, are you looking at God?"
"Even baby bugs and gaffy are day"
"I'm like Bill Clinton, I never forget a bitch, except the bitch is Hobby Lobby"
"I love this, it's like eating play dough"
"Oh my god, starring David Debauchery"
"You-olingo flooting with me? Flirting with me? FUCK."
"Yeah we're pretty Monty Python coded"
"I'm gonna give Kaminari my period cramps."
"You know what my favorite thing to do during sex is? Whisper 'Apple care'."
"Side? Side of what, the COFFIN?"
"We've met before, you are my son"
"I'd like to apologize for staring at your boobs. I'm not gonna stop, but i will apologize"
"Scraggly is hot! In women, not in cats."
"He put his whole unwashed ass on my phone"
"Don't sit on my ass! Wait...don't put your hand on my ass, WAIT...don't put your ass on my hand *deep sigh*"
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identifying-cat-phenotypes · 6 months ago
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he acts like a fucking Man it drives me crazy. whats his problem,
what a goofy and gaffy boy! this strange beaft looks like a longhaired black self!
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soularsss · 8 months ago
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went to the museum for some inspiration and was like HEY!!! that’s a Tusken Raiders stick!! gaffi stick!!!
they’re called totokia, but i reckon you tusken enjoyers have also run down this path
also. i saw a weird little guy.
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bobafettfanclub · 2 years ago
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Temuera Morrison at Supanova Comic Con, photographed by Bouncelight Photography "Using a broom for a Gaffi stick, he made an impressive entrance before welcoming us in his native tongue. He told great stories and was genuinely happy to see his fans and answer questions." See more from the photographer: https://www.instagram.com/bounce_light/
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passionoffett · 2 years ago
The Armorer mentioned how Mandalorians shape theirselves as they shape their steel. Boba Fett forged his gaffi stick and his new armor (made out of the black robes he was given by the Tusken) while shaping a new version of him.
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fantasticenthusiasttale · 2 years ago
Something what lives in my mind with free rent for some years ago is the conclusion that ALL of The Sensational Six have siblings, because all of them has showed nephews/nieces at least one time. You know, Mr. Disney made the familiar relationships between uncles/aunts-nephews/nieces, grandmas/grandpas-grandsons/granddaughters and between cousins and siblings, and the characters never get married or have their own kids. So, all of the main characters have siblings.
Mickey have the twins Morty and Ferdie Fieldmouse;
Minnie have the twins Millie and Melody (principally);
Donald have the triplets Huey, Dewey and Louie;
Daisy have the triplets April, May and June;
Goofy have Gilbert Goof.
As we already know about Della Duck, Donald's sister in dt17 and in some dutch comics and some people know about Felicity Fieldmouse/Amely Mouse-Fieldmouse/Amalia Fieldmouse, Mickey's older sister in some comics, we never know or talk about the siblings from the others characters. I think, if it's uncommon to see their nieces/nephews, it means they lives with their parents, and sometimes they goes to the aunts'/uncles' houses. Or maybe they live with their uncles/aunts because they doesn't have parents too. Or even they live with some grandma/grandpa and visits their uncles/aunts, as in some italian comics kid Donald lives with his grandma and used to visit uncle Scrooge, or all of them lives together (Rota comics).
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Pluto is the only character who had kids with Fifi the Peke in an old cartoon (Pluto's Quin-puplets, where one of them was called Pluto Junior). Instead of having a nephew, he has a younger brother showed in the cartoon Pluto's Kid Brother.
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Minnie have a sister called Mandie/Mandy Mouse, who is a naughty mischievous lady, who could be Millie and Melody's mother, as in the show Mickey and the Roadster Racers, Minnie says something about her sister to her nieces, they says something and Minnie answers: "Your mom is right!", or anything like that.
Daisy have a sister (who is AMJ's mother) what my source tell she doesn't have a name, but I remember saw a comic (srry but i don't know the name) where Donald says her name is Violet (maybe it's just a joke from him, but who really knows).
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From this post:
Goofy have a brother called Gaffy (Pappo in the original Italian version), who disappeared in the jungle and was reunited with his brother in the Mickey Mouse comic The Quest for Tarzan, and maybe he is Gilbert's father.
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It would be great if we could know more and more accurately about the families of the "Sensational Six", since everything I could find out about their siblings I put here. Maybe I'll make other posts about families later on, this one I had in mind for a long time.
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