prfm-multiverse · 2 months
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"COSMIC EXPLORER" North American Tour Dome Edition
The design is inspired by space suits. The neckline is made of rubber, just like a real space suit. LED lights are installed inside, so the costume partially lights up.
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justsimplyspace · 5 months
Carnival Reprise
(testing the waters by putting some of my writing out there…)
The Midnight Shows do not rely on the advertising principles of the Barnum and Bailey world, those carnival barker calls of a self-amassing audience, commands of “bring your family!” and “tell all your friends!”. Neither must the Midnight Shows depend on summons of a challenged worldview—that tempting seduction of “you must see it for yourself”—nor appeals to pride as “you won’t believe your eyes”. To glimpse behind the curtains of the Midnight Shows is as removed from your control as winning the lottery; you may beg and plead to hold a ticket in your hands, yet never be able to supplicate one into your possession. Or, perhaps, you may evade it; you may wince away from that splintered door and basement stairs, but never be able to escape your summons. Because it does summon you, and sooner or later—be it by withering to a scorching curiosity, or unraveling due to that traveling show's relentless pursuit—you will find yourself basking in a spotlight’s glow, just as the moon basks in the rays of the sun. And as you reflect, you will know these things you watch unfold before you are wholly unlike pickled beasts in curio jars, or anomalies parading in a weathered tent, or any number of things you can merely shut your eyes  to, or choose not to believe. 
Prompted by no law of nature or government, but by your own humanity, you cannot look away from the freaks of the Midnight Shows; they are a tendril of smoke and perfume, gone the instant your scrambling senses can take them in. Regardless of your intent, whether you’ve waited for this moment since your memory’s surpassing, or whether you were brought to this place with a will apart from your own, you know this will be your only chance to comprehend these horrors that you see. Tomorrow, your ticket will be spent, your chance will be wasted, and even if you break through the door to cross that threshold once again, there will be nothing that remains: no sign of life, cigarette haze, speck of glitter, or even a footprint in the dust of a building floor that appears to have been abandoned for many years past. The Live Forever Carnival, and the Midnight Shows, do not exist; never have they existed, and to you, unless you are as a man struck twice by lightning, they will never exist again. 
As you become certain of all of this—that these feathered sirens, faceless freaks, and vagrant visions you see before you reek of facsimile—you assure yourself, through the growing uneasiness of a sound you cannot hear and cannot perceive through brass and ivory, that these are merely costume jewelry behind museum glass. But the Midnight Shows can sense your assurance—it’s what they’ve waited for—and just as your insecurities have been assuaged, something in the air will change. One more man will make his way onto the stage—having and needing no introduction—and with his advent, all of your assurance is snuffed out; he isn’t a man, and against any flaming torch of reason or pitchfork of expectation you could wave in his face, you know, with more certainty than you know you yourself live and breathe, that whatever he is, he is real. In his presence, before the smoke of your arrogance can waft away, you begin to question everything that was merely costume jewelry to you a moment before, just as you’d agonize over a thousand plastic pearls already counted if, beneath the rest, you found one to be real; priceless.
So, comprehend these things while you can, and if you believe you are able. The curtains are drawn; after this night, they will close, and everything you could not bear, and could not understand, will be shut with them—trapped as dust particles in velvet fibers. Here is your ticket. To you who have sought this as a holy grail, are you certain of what you expect? And, to you who have been pursued to this moment, your concession: We are ever so eager to see you. 
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my18thcenturysource · 2 years
Egyptian Revival
Yesterday's post was about the full opening of Tutankhamun's tomb, but there have been several times when Egypt has had a strong influence in fashion and art, and here I selected a few things from the 1910s and 1920s that are Egyptian revival, and of course let me know which ones are your favourites of you can add some when reblogging this post.
Here we go.
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The beginning of the century marked the birth of modern dance, so we see that part of the Orientalism trend had a deep Egyptian influence from Les Ballets Russes to the Denishawn school: strong lines, profile poses, spectacular costumes, all taken from the art and sculpture of the ancient Egypt.
Here a little video of the Denishawn dancers along Ted Shawn (not the dance of the picture above), with no music because this is FROM 1913:
Also, this influence is clearly seen in the art deco masterpiece that is the dance scene from Metropolis (1927):
Denishawn students (Lillian Powell, Charlotte Brendel, Grace McCrea, Irene Pryor, Claire Niles) in an Egyptian dance created as part of a vaudeville act by Ted Shawn (not related to the Denishawn Egyptian Ballet), Hixon-Connelly, 1918, The New York City Public Library.
Vaslav Nijinsky and Serafima Astafieva in "Cleopatre", probably by Ernst Sandau, 1912, National Portrait Gallery, London.
Desiree Lubovska as Cleopatra, ca. 1915.
Ida Rubinstein with costume designed by Erté, 1920s.
Dancers from the Folies Bergère with costumes designed by Erté, Paris, 1924.
Dance of the Priest of Ra, from Dances of the Ages, Denishawn dancers, 1913.
Dance Scene, from Metropolis, Fritz Lang, 1927.
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Fashion and accessories were deeply inspired by Egypt in the 1920s, thanks to the simple shapes of the garments, the use of striking accessories and jewelry, and the use of embellishments and embroidery to elevate the simple dresses: from appliqués to bead embroidery, to burnt velvet and translucent layers. And of course, let's not forget the use of colour that gives the feel of ancient Egyptian art: gold, sand, teal, royal blue, and burnt orange.
Orange burnout velvet dress, 1920s, available in Antique Graces.
Egyptian revival brooch, Max Neiger, 1920s, sold at auction.
Egyptian revival silk dress with appliqués, 1920s, Stephens College Costume Museum.
"Cleopatre" grande robe du soir by Jean Patou, Les Modes, september 1921 (click that link! You can read the whole magazine!).
Evening dress, Thurn, 1923-26, Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Pair of leather gloves with silk embroidery, ca. 1925, LACMA.
Beaded Egyptian revival dress, 1920s.
Egyptian revival silver gild and enamel charms necklace, 1920s, on sale on etsy.
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Of course, let's not forget the graphic arts. illustration was a key for advertising and communication when colour photos were not available. Here a small selection of my favourites:
"Cleopatra", J.C. Leyendecker, for the cover of the Evening Standard, August 1923.
Ad for Egyptian Deities cigarettes, 1920s-30s.
Egyptian Goddess, ca. 1929, George Barbier.
Ramses perfume ad, 1923.
Cover for Harper's Bazaar, February 1927, Erté.
Music sheet cover for the Tutankhamen Shimmy, 1923.
And finally an extra: a Tutankhamen shimmy recorded in 1926:
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artzychic27 · 1 year
Ooh! What are the other students of Dupont like in the Shadyverse? What are their crimes and personalities, and do they also cause trouble in costumes?
Poisoned a few customers with her “special” pastries, which sent many to the hospital
No reason other than she found rat poison and wanted to see if it worked on humans
She’s just a tad bit paranoid and always makes people eat her food before her to see if it’s poisoned or not as payback for her crimes
She still likes to sew, but a lot of her designs are based off well known toxins
Spread rumors that got several people arrested and sent to psych wards
She wants people to hang off of her every word and if she needs to make some of her rumors true to do that, so be it
If there’s an outlandish rumor flying around, Alya probably started it
Incredibly annoyed by her sisters and his not above starting a few rumors about Nora taking supplements and lying about Ella and Etta ruining their mother’s dishes
Stole and plagiarized music from young musicians and passed them all off as his own while making hundred of euros a week by selling CDs
He’s also known to be quite violent when the right buttons are pushed. Don’t cross him
He hates to do any work for himself and relies on empty promises and gullible morons
He’s got a soft spot for Chris and makes sure to teach him everything he knows
Used his connections to have each of his fans stupid enough to put the return address on their fan letters stalked for months
It gets boring as a young model and he needs something to keep him entertained
So, what better way than by seeing how far he can push some poor sap before they eventually break
He even does this to his own parents
A bit of physical assault here, some intimidation there
Uses his stature against others to keep people out of his way and give him what he wants
He’s got a soft spot for his sister and will take down anyone who poses as a threat to her
Before you try to get back at him, ask yourselves, “Do I want to die today?”
Committed charity fraud and stole over two millions euros to buy herself clothes from companies that everyone knows makes money off of child labor
She’s apathetic towards charity cases and sees them as nothing more than an annoyance
Any time an opportunity to do some good comes up, she looks the other way
Extremely vain and only obsessed with having the best clothes
May or may not have poisoned a few IV bags in while posing as an intern at a hospital
Rose is a bit like Adrien and Marinette. She likes to conduct “experiments” on others
She doesn’t see the people outside of DuPont as people, just test subjects for her to try her toxin-laced perfumes on
She holds a place in her heart for Juleka, the only one smart enough to known if she’s poisoned her drink or not
Stabbed several people at random with makeshift knives
Just to see how quickly they bleed out
Juleka’s always had a fascination with morbid stuff and gets a thrill out of traumatizing people
Luka’s her right hand, posing as the scared good twin looking for help before she strikes
Sold items in the museum to wealthy buyers for months until the eventually got caught
Alix and Nino share a love for get rich quick schemes and occasionally conspire with each other
She’s never above blaming others for her crimes, including her own brother
If you wordly possession has gone missing, it was likely that Alix stole and sold it
He used fear and blackmail to make the student body obey him and grovel at the ground he walked on
Back at his last school, he possessed the Butterfly Miraculous and looked through students memories in their sleep to dig up dirt on them
Nathaniel absolutely HATES being seen as second rate and makes sure to let everyone know he’s the one who holds the power
Uses the Butterfly Miraculous for no reason other than to get his way
Physical assault charges that never stuck becuase everyone was afraid of him
There’s no telling what this guy will do. He’s unpredictable and gets a thrill out of seeing people flinch when he walks by
Makes a show of seeming like a nice guy to people who don’t know him before he does a 180
It’s how he got the Ladybug Miraculous
Hacked into the grade books and ruined everyone’s GPAs just for the hell of it
He enjoys being the best and likes to tear people down in order for that to happen
Is always a step ahead of others. To him, life is only a video game where he knows all the codes
He saw the box sticking out of the old man’s pocket. So, he helped him up and swiped it right while he wasn’t looking
Basically what canon Chloé does before season 4 and minus the Akumas
… So, not going into detail, other than she’s not the worst person at DuPint
Framed several teachers she didn’t like so her dad would arrest them
Sabrina got a sick thrill out of using her dad’s positions to gain fear and respect
She’s played the role of the good lieutenant’s daughter actively pointing out horrible crimes, when really, she just wants certain people out of her life
He tricks won’t work anymore, but she can always count on a few suckers
Canon Lila but without the… You know
She and Alya are the main rumor mills at school and are actively turning people against one another for the thrill of it
She doesn’t lie to get people to do what she wants out of pity. She just does it to ruin lives
Besides, it’s like a game for her
Psychologically tortured his classmates and actively threatened just about everyone for the smallest incidents
Marc thrives off of fear from others, even his own family
He’s been Kiran’s main caretaker since he was born, not that he gave his mothers much of a choice and constantly warns him about the dangers of going outside so he can keep his “precious baby brother” all to himself
Now that he’s at DuPont, he can no longer protect Kiran and fills the void with his Senticreatures
Kept her family under her thumb for years with all sorts of threats before they finally sent her to DuPont
A bit unhinged, but plays it off as the stressed out “little miss perfect”
No one had any reason to suspect Aurore since she seemed like perfection incarnate, but they never saw what else she did
Aurore can easily get into peoples heads, so watch out for that
Was caught cheating in one of Alec’s contests and many others before that by rigging the votes
Extremely confident and selfish, Mireille does whatever it takes to win in life
Similar to Max, she sees life as only a chessboard where everyone is a pawn
Mireille can make even the most confident people question themselves
Manipulated her siblings into committing crimes for her and put on the facade of the innocent younger sibling when they try to blame her
One of the school’s master manipulators, they get a thrill out of making others do their dirty work
For years, they made Yvette and Jordyn look like the bad siblings while they were a perfect Angel
Its manipulation won’t work at DuPont, but Cosette has many other tricks
Broke into people’s homes with her rock climbing gear and stole any money or jewelry they had lying around
Prone to violence when questioned, Lacey is one of the people you don’t want to mess with
She has a place in her heart for her brothers, and it crushed her to see the hurt in their eyes when she was caught
Dubbed, “Queen of Thieves” by members of her small but active gang of others sent to DuPont for thievery. They look up to her
Used his looks to get the male students to do as he pleased- Steal, do his homework, take out anyone who poses as a threat to him
Jean is incredibly vain and obsessed with his looks. Becuase when you’re gorgeous, people do whatever you want
His tactics still work at DuPont, and he’s getting away with it all
The only person he’ll ever love is Austin Tomassian, his boyfriend and the leader of the most notorious gang at DuPont
Beat up just about anyone weaker than them… So pretty much everyone, for no reason other than they could
Denise ruled their other school with an iron fist, constantly hustling students out of their money, starting fist fights, and making no empty threats
They, Kim, Ivan, and any other muscular students are one of the most feared gangs at DuPont
Simon, of course, is safe from any sort of torment unless a certain someone wants to meet Denise’s fist
Filmed people at out of context moments and posted them on all of his social media accounts to have their lives ruined
Why? Becuase they can.
He’s pretty close with Lila and Alya, but wishes they’d step up their game just a little bit
Lords it over peoples heads that he’s dating one of the most feared students at DuPont
Used her family name and bribery to always have her way at school, and made any lower income students do as she pleased
Reshma is a nightmare version of Regina George
She’s in with the gang of rich kids who bribe the other students to entertain them
Still close with Ismael and is not above getting physical with anyone who disrespects him
Tried to burn his own house down with his mother still inside
He told everyone she had it coming, but his dad insisted on sending him to DuPont to avoid prison
Ismael has trust issues, and only puts his faith in Reshma, the one who helped him find unscented kerosene
It’s best not to mess with him since he’s got backup from the wealthiest gang at DuPont
Used threats and occasional blackmail to make everyone at her last school fear her
Like Nathaniel, Zoé ruled over her school at New York with an iron fist before she was eventually sent to DuPont
Zoé HATES anyone who poses as competition, which is why she made herself the unquestioned leader of the gang of rich kids
Often funds most of Cosette’s crimes. They CANNOT say no to her
As for any of them having the Miraculous, Blood Beetle and Ikati Bleak are working to hunt down the old man they got their Miraculous from, knowing he has more
Thanks to Max’s intellect, they’re able to sneak out of DuPont undetected to cause chaos
While the four of them could easily destroy DuPont and free their associates, special forces will be called in and they’ll all just be shipped to some maximum security prison that’s countries away, so they need to find the Miraculous to give them all powers and even the odds
Plus, Prince Pain refuses to send his babies into battle
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noritama0301 · 7 months
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Perfume COSTUME MUSEUM@兵庫県立美術館
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How my Slasher OCs smell like
Inspired by @rottent33th
T33th has given me the signal to write about how my slasher ocs smell like. Enjoy or not depending on what smells you enjoy. <3
I'll be 100% with you. Iris'... personal hygiene is a bit... bad. Primarily because she doesn't give a damn but also because she sometimes doesn't have time with all the slashing she is doing. Why clean up if you're going out again and dirtying yourself?
Anyways, she smells of blood, a bit of sweat, and BO with a very light hint of cherry/raspberry.
When she gets in her bimbo costume, she cleans herself up nicely and smells as if a PINK/Victoria's Secret/Juicy Couture perfume section puked on her. Really overwhelming. You'll smell her from miles away, lmao. Extremely fruity and artificial.
As previously mentioned, the smell of (frankincense - myrrh) incense, soil, and death have ingrained itself deeply on her. No matter how much she washes or scrubs until her skin gets red, there is always a hint of it on her. She feels really ashamed of that.
She also smells of moist and old wood (old church?) when she's hiding in an abandoned house or in the mausoleums.
Or of blood (metallic) and something... bitter-sweet after she has eaten raw meat and flesh. Tries to have aromatic flowers and herbs on her or as close to her as possible to at least fend off the rotting smell... Rosemary, coriander, basil, lavender, etc.
Odile loves taking baths and smelling nice. Who doesn't? So the moment she has a chance to wash herself thoroughly, she will use anything available. However, she likes products that have a sweet and/or floral smell, primarily that of roses and amber. Likes the smell of baby powder or aromatic powders in general.
The Patron
This man smells good! He likes expensive perfumes that stay on for a long time and have a rich and deep scent. That's why he uses Eau de Parfum more because they last much longer and have a stronger scent.
Uses woody fragrances (dry, mossy, etc) like sandalwood, sage, cedar, and so on with a citrusy hint.
He also smells of leather because he likes wearing gloves, coats, and shoes made of that material.
You know when an old book has that distinctive stuffy, vanilla smell? Yes, he smells like that a lot, too, because he spends a lot of time in libraries or museums. Also, there is a small hint of coffee and smoke on him because he frequents coffee shops.
AXE BODYSPRAY AND OLD SPICE. DISGUSTINGLY OVERWHELMING. This man smells like edgy, bad teen boy locker.
Hair dye and hairspray.
Also, detergent and bleach because you know why.
The Nutcracker
He smells like nutmeg and cinnamon with a sweet almond undertone! Also wood due to his mask.
Old clothing.
Dust, I swear dust has a smell to it.
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longlistshort · 1 year
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Even if fashion isn’t something you normally find interesting, it’s hard to resist the allure of the creations on view at the Brooklyn Museum for the retrospective Thierry Mugler: Couturissime.
From the museum’s web page-
Thierry Mugler: Couturissime is the first retrospective to explore the fascinating, edgy universe of French designer and creator of iconic perfumes Thierry Mugler. A fashion visionary, Mugler established himself as one of the most daring and innovative designers of the late twentieth century. His bold silhouettes and unorthodox techniques and materials—including glass, Plexiglas, vinyl, latex, and chrome—made their mark on fashion history.
In the 1970s, Mugler defined trends with his acclaimed “glamazon,” a chic, modern woman whose style evolved from the hippie fashions of the 1960s. In the 1980s and ’90s, Mugler galvanized the renaissance of haute couture through his provocative collections and theatrical fashion shows, which involved grandiose locations and the era’s most iconic models. Just as his work is still influencing new generations of couturiers, celebrities continue to be drawn to Mugler’s designs: his classic gowns have recently been worn by Beyoncé, Cardi B, and Kim Kardashian.
The exhibition features over one hundred outfits ranging from haute couture pieces to stage costumes, alongside custom accessories, sketches, videos, images by leading fashion photographers, and spectacular installations that mirror Mugler’s futuristic approach. The Brooklyn Museum’s presentation also introduces an expanded section dedicated to fragrance, centered on Mugler’s trailblazing scent Angel. Thierry Mugler: Couturissime is an opportunity to discover and rediscover the fantastical work of this multidisciplinary artist, who revolutionized the world of fashion.
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A description of the above gown from the museum’s info plaque-
The “La Chimère” gown-Mugler’s masterpiece made in collaboration with the South African corset maker Mr. Pearl and the artist Jean-Jacques Urcun- has mythical status, considered by some as one of the most expensive creations in couture history, given the meticulous amount of work required in its making.
Mr. Pearl describes that collaboration with Mugler as the most extreme experience of his life: “[‘La Chimère gown] was probably the most intense project, it took six weeks working 24/7, so basically more than one thousand hours just in embroidery. We were about twenty people working on different parts of it along with Jean-Jacques Urcun. It’s about fantasy, it was like going to the University of Beauty. To fulfill his vision and his fantasies with clothes is already a challenge, he is a genius, a perfectionist. You have to try, and he pushes everyone to try what seems impossible to achieve with a needle.”
Also included in the exhibition are several incredible (and often safety-defying) photos Mugler took himself at various landmarks, including the one below at NYC’s Chrysler Building.
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(“Chrysler Building, New York”, 1989 -Claude Heidemeyer in “Vertigo” by Mugler, 1988)
This exhibition closes 5/7/23.
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humanitarianhistory · 10 months
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"Terracotta Aryballos (Perfume Vase) in the form of a sandaled right foot", Rhodian, Mid-Sixth Century BCE
Getting a Footing
I figured that for my first post I might as well address that yes, my icon is a foot. Well, it's not a foot in a "c'est n'est pas une pipe" kind of way. This beautiful object is a 6th-century BCE Aryballos, a specific type of Greek vase for holding oils, mostly perfumes, from the island of Rhodes. These vases come in all sorts of shapes and sizes, depicting scenes, animals, geometric patterns, or even, human figures.
The sandaled foot caught my attention the first time I ever visited the Met Museum. With my background being in Costume Design, my first immediate thought was "This is fantastic costume research". Very rarely do you get a three-dimensional depiction of clothing from ancient times in such considerably great shape. What I also found interesting is that this is not the only foot-shaped Aryballos in the Met's Collection, there was another, different in design, but also was an excellent depiction of Ancient Greek footwear. It reminded me of modern examples of foot-wear-shaped perfume bottles such as Carolina Herrera's Good Girl collection, pictured below, a parallel that greatly entertains me. Finding those commonalities with the ancients is one of the things I love most about archaeology and it poses the idea that maybe the ancient Greeks weren't unlike ourselves.
I was doing some reading on Ancient Greek perfumes in preparation for this post and came across an article by the Museum of Perfume Paris in which the author shares the story of Phaon, an old, ugly sailor, who was gifted a scented ointment by the goddess Aphrodite. This ointment when applied made Phaon young and beautiful, and any woman who saw him fell in love with him. Phaon's story is an interesting explanation of the romantic powers of perfume in Greek mythology, but it wasn't the only one. In the Illiad, song XIV, Helen applies perfume with the hopes of winning back her husband after the events of the Trojan War. It made me wonder if this Aryballos could have been a gift between lovers. Maybe as a way to remember their love or memorialize the beauty of their betrothed. Many Aryballos in the Met and others' collections are shaped like the helmeted heads of warriors, perhaps gifts for their loved ones as they went off to war.
It is important to note that perfumed oils were used by both men and women, and for a variety of occasions including religious ceremonies, weddings, funerals, and even athletic competitions. With that in mind, Aryballoi, in general, certainly uphold and project typical Ancient Greek values, such as class, gender, faith, and bravery, but I am curious as to the specific story behind the sandaled foot. Was it simply a display of socioeconomic status? Or perhaps it once stood as a reminder of love and admiration (The romantic in me likes to imagine so). I will leave you with these thoughts and I am interested to hear your own opinions.
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Other Aryballoi in the Met's Collection. Left: Helmeted Soldier Aryballos, Right: Sandaled Foot Aryballos
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Carolina Herrera's Good Girl Collection, Footwear Inspired Packaging
Read more about Greek Aryballoi and Ancient Perfumery below:
"Divine Scents in Ancient Greece" by Isabelle Bardiès, Musee du Parfum
"Perfumery from Myth to Antiquity" by Dimitra Voudouri & Christine Tesseromatis, International Journal of Medicine and Pharmacy
"The Greek Sense of Smell: Olfactory Perception and the Sociocultural Roles of Perfume in Antiquity" by Grainne Louise Grant, University of Exeter
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prfm-multiverse · 2 months
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Time Warp
This is a new design that incorporates smooth, flowing lines into the traditional straight-line tailoring. The pattern is divided into parts and consists of six panels. The emerald green fabric was dyed specifically for this costume, as the ideal color could not be found in ready-made fabrics.
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charlesandmartine · 2 years
Tuesday 31st January 2023
Ovation pulled into Napier sometime whilst we were asleep. Drawing back the curtains on our outside awareness panel in our stateroom, there in front of us was a frozen image of a dock at dawn; dark grey skies and pin pricks of street lights. We had arrived at last in Napier, one of our favourite places.
Napier was entirely destroyed on February 3rd 1931 and life changed for 16,000 people, of these 256 died as a result of the quake. We visited the inevitable museum that had accounts of the damage and tragedy that befell those poor people. From the personal reports it was clear that post traumatic stress was not understood at the time and how they managed to rebuild their lives goodness only knows. We could not fail to compare the story of Christchurch with Napier. Whilst the cause and outcome was almost identical, somehow Napier seems to have recovered differently from Christchurch. Christchurch showed a resilience, bouncing back so quickly by building itself back up again stronger. Napier has built a future on its past by preserving the art deco replacement buildings in the central area and successfully developing an atmosphere of that era with street furniture, costume and vintage cars It is a pleasing place and we were glad to be able to return to it. Theme park? Tourist area? Maybe, but we like it very much.
Napier is in Hawkes Bay territory, the other fine wine growing area. We thought it would be rude to leave without sampling the goods. At first we struggled to find a purveyor of wine who had any! Then we found what appeared to be a Wetherspoons lookalike and the barman said he could help us out with a Hawkes Bay Chardonnay or Rosé but not a Sauvignon Blanc! Hawkes don't grow it he said. So, we had no choice but have a large Marlborough instead! Well what can you do?
We got talking to some people in the pub who were also 'off the boat', and happened to be Australian. Well like many, they came from elsewhere originally. One, whose name is Gary, came over many years ago to live in Sydney played for Everton FC. Well there you go.
Getting 4600 people off the boat and into town, then back again is no mean feat. A two way Dunkirk operation works all day long ferrying back and forth, bus after bus. The town embraces this and provides officials to see happy and expectant matelots safely across the relatively quiet streets to spend their hard earned in the waiting retail outlets. We left behind a town full of happy Napierians counting the takings for the day. Traders are given forewarning of cruise ship arrivals and shipload of full wallets are very welcome in these towns.
Ovation (HMS Milton Keynes) finally took to the open seas at 17.15 this evening bound for Wellington, passing yet more piles of pine logs waiting to go to China and once more the pine fresh perfume fills the evening air as high as deck 14.
Still no sign of small dog at border control. Is he a myth?
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gkathleenk · 4 months
To get to Kuwait, you have to have a passport valid for the last 6 months. You are not required to have a VISA if you are staying for under 30 days, and you aren't required to have any vaccinations, but recommend you get hepatitis A and B, rabies, polio, and measles. The national language is Arabic, and they use the Kuwaiti Dinar as their currency. The translation is $1 to 3.26 KD. You are required to have 3000 KD before entering the country, which is $9791.56. The capital is Kuwait City, and it has a population of 3.298 million, which is crazy considering that the population of Kuwait is only 4.269 million.
When I first got to Kuwait, I checked into my Airbnb located in Salmiya. It costs $114 a night, which is 34.93 KD a night. I am staying two nights, meaning it cost me 69.86 KD ($228.01).
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After checking into my room, I did the Kuwait City Half Day Private Tour. Kuwait City is located 16 minutes away from Salmiya. The tour costs 22.98 KD ($75) and lasts 4 hours. Throughout the tour, you are taught about the history of Kuwait, the evolution of Kuwait City, and all about Kuwait culture. The tour guide makes sure to show you the most famous sights, which include the Kuwait Towers, Souq Al Mubarakiya, and Al Shaheed Park.
Kuwait Towers are three water towers. The main tower is 614 feet tall with two spheres, the second tower is 482 feet tall with only one sphere, and finally the third tower is 370 feet tall with no sphere. The bottom half of the lower sphere on the first tower holds 1.2 million gallons of water. The upper half is a restaurant, a café, a lounge, and a reception hall. The second sphere is a café. The sphere on the second tower is just full of water. There is 1.2 million gallons. Because the last tower has no sphere, it just holds equipment to fix the other towers if they ever break down in any way. The tour wouldn't let us eat at the café, so I will have to visit again on my own.
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Souq Al Mubarakiya is a historic souq. A souq is an open-air marketplace. Souq Al Mubarakiya is the oldest Souq in Kuwait and the center of trade before the discovery of oil. The market has been around for 200 years. In 1990, it was damaged during the Iraqi invasion, but it has since been renovated. People sell, carpets, perfumes, antiques, jewelry, costumes, dates, spices, fruits and veggies, meat and fish, and honey.
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Al Shaheed Park is the largest urban park, which stretches about 78.5 acres. It has one of the largest overstructure greenroofs in the world. The park holds two museums. The Memorial Museum and The Habitat Museum. The Memorial Museum that shows important events in Kuwaiti history. In the center of the museum, there are four icons that symbolize the four most significant battles in Kuwait History. The Habitat Museum shows the natural habitats of Kuwait. They have recreations of plants and animals that are extremely common to see in Kuwait.
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After the tour, I decided to go get something to eat back in Salmiya. I decided to eat at Mughal Mahal Salmiya Marina Plaza, one of the top halal restaurants in Kuwait. Halal food are foods that are made, produced, or manufactured using machinery or utensils that have been cleaned due to Islamic law. I decided to get some noodles. I got the Chili Garlic Chicken Noodle, which cost 3.450 KD ($11.26). Along with the noodles, I got 6 pieces of Chicken Lollipop, which is just chicken legs. That cost 2.750 KD ($8.98). To drink, I got a small Laban Mango Lassi. Laban is a fermented milk drink made from strained yogurt, and it is extremely popular in the Middle East. The drink cost 1.350 KD ($4.41). My total bill was 7.55 KD ($24.64).
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To start my day, I decided to eat the national dish of Kuwait, which is Machboos. Machboos is a dish made with mutton, chicken, or fish over rice that was cooked in broth. The national dessert of Kuwait is Kanafa. Kanafa is a sweet cheese dessert topped with pistachios and soaked in syrup.
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After my meal, I wanted to learn about the religion in Kuwait. The biggest religion in Kuwait is Islam. 99.97% of people born in Kuwait are Muslim, and 63.02% of people who immigrated to Kuwait are Islam. The secondary religion is Christianity, with 0.01% of people born in Kuwait are Christian, and 26.08% of people who immigrated. 60%-65% are Sunni, and 35%-40% are Shia's. There are two groups of Christianity in Kuwait. The first group is Iraqi Christians and Turkish Christians. They immigrated to Kuwait and assimilated into their society. The second group is Christian Kuwaitis. They arrived from the 1950s and 60s, mostly from when they were forced out of Palestine.
My first thing I did today was visit the Kuwaiti Maritime Museum. The museum shows the seafaring heritage of Kuwait. Seafaring is the activity of traveling on the sea, and it has a long history in Kuwait. Kuwaiti's used to use boats to bring water from the Shatt Al Arab waterway to the city of Basra because people were dying of dehydration. The museum is full of photographs that show the transport of water from boon to homes. It supposedly takes less than an hour to travel through.
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To eat today, I decided to go back to the Kuwait Towers and eat at the Horizon Restaurant, located in the main tower. The Horizon Restaurant is a buffet. The price to get in at lunchtime is 16 KD ($52.22) per person. They have Asian, Continental, European, French, Italian, Moroccan, Persian, and Seafood cuisines. I couldn't find any specific items, but this is good enough for me. To drink, I got a strawberry mojito, which cost 2.750 KD ($8.98). I know what you're thinking, “you are 17 what do you mean alcohol???” Well no! Alcohol is banned in Kuwait, so any alcoholic drink in nonalcoholic and safe for anyone.
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After lunch, I went to the Dream Factory. The Dream Factory is an escape room type place. They offer many courses, and you need to find clues to complete the mission in order to “wake up.” They offer 10 different rooms: Looney Woods, Circus Of Death, Space War, Secret of Kryptos, Lost City of Atlantis, Alice in Wonderland, Arcade Invasion, Chocolate Factory, Crystal Skull, and Haunted Mansion. I chose the Circus Of Death, described on their website by saying “You and your friends got a weird message from a stranger, It said 'Congratulations!!! You’ve been chosen to attend the greatest Circus show of all times, It happens only once every 50 years.. Come on and let’s have fun ;)' rumors are saying that there is always a group of people who disappear near this show’s location every 50 years. Do you have the guts to attend this creepy show? Sweet dreams ..” The duration is an hour and it is medium difficulty. The Dream Factory recommends 2–10 people working on the room at a time, lucky for me, I saw 2 strangers standing outside, and they agreed to work on the room with me! It costs 15 KD ($48.96) per person, and I agreed to pay for these strangers tickets, meaning I spent 45 KD ($146.87).
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My travels in Kuwait were extremely knowledgeable! I learned a lot about the history and culture of a country I would have never considered travelling to prior to this. My favorite thing I did was eat lunch in the Kuwait Towers. It is a very secluded restaurant, and they only allow 90 people in at a time, so it's so amazing I got there right when someone cancelled their reservations!
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hirokin · 5 months
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(Perfumeが語る「私たちの衣装」Perfume COSTUME MUSEUMトークイベント「Another Costume」トーク内容(1部)をたっぷりお届け! – 装苑ONLINEから)
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dorotheian · 5 months
For centuries, each of those qualities was considered not incidental to fashion but an integral part of its experience and design. Dresses were marketed in part by their sound, known as scroop: the sensuous rustle of fabrics against one another as the wearer crossed the room. Cloth buttons used to be constructed around bits of cotton wool to absorb and emanate drops of perfume. “If we’re able to capture this information now,” Bolton says, “it’s a way of helping future generations appreciate how it was worn, what it looked like on the body, and how it moved.”
“Sleeping Beauties: Reawakening Fashion,” opening on May 10 and closing on September 2, is Bolton and the Costume Institute’s bid to break beyond the limits of display and bring long-dormant garments back to life, reinventing on the way what a museum show can be. With a team of researchers and an array of technologies, the museum has extracted information about how historic pieces stimulated the senses and has devised ways to present this data. “The information is going to be there in perpetuity—not just in the exhibition but on our website forever,” Bolton says.
—“A Sense of Occasion,” Vogue May 2024, page 147-148
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noritama0301 · 7 months
Perfume COSTUME MUSEUM@兵庫県立美術館
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aneetasingh · 7 months
India Trip Advisor Travel Company offers a 3-day Golden Triangle Tour.
Take the India Trip Advice Travel Company on an exciting trip around India's Golden Triangle. The essence of Delhi, Agra, and Jaipur—three places that perfectly capture India's rich history, diverse cultures, and stunning architecture—are covered in this painstakingly planned 3-day itinerary. This trip offers a unique look into India's spirit and character, with stops including the towering forts of Jaipur, the Old Delhi alleyways, the Taj Mahal, and more.
Day1: Getting to know Delhi
Morning: Old Delhi's Historical Wonders
The voyage starts in Delhi, the nation's capital, where modernity and ancient heritage collide. One of the biggest mosques in India, Jama Masjid, and the majestic Red Fort, a reminder of India's illustrious history, are among the wonders of Old Delhi that should not be missed on the first day of exploration. A visit to the spice market, where the air is filled with the perfume of different spices, culminates in a rickshaw ride through the busy alleyways of Chandni Chowk, providing a look into the lively life of the city.
The Grandeur of New Delhi in the Afternoon
After lunch, the journey moves to New Delhi, where famous buildings like the Parliament House, Rashtrapati Bhavan, and India Gate highlight the British Empire's imperial past. The calm atmosphere of Mahatma Gandhi's memorial, Raj Ghat, invites introspection. A visit to the Qutub Minar, a UNESCO World Heritage Site that stands tall as a tribute to the architectural prowess of ancient India, rounds out the day.
Day 2: Agra's Everlasting Love Story
Morning: Taj Mahal at sunrise
Traveling early in the morning takes you to Agra, home of the Taj Mahal, an enduring representation of love. Seeing the sun rise over this famous monument is a breathtaking sight, as the shifting colors of the sky illuminate the white marble mausoleum with a dazzling radiance. Emperor Shah Jahan created this UNESCO World Heritage Site as a tribute to his adored wife Mumtaz Mahal. It is a magnificent example of Mughal architecture.
Afternoon: The Road to Jaipur and Agra Fort
The Agra Fort, another architectural wonder that provides insight into the lives of the Mughal emperors, is the next stop on the exploration of Agra. After then, the route heads in the direction of Jaipur, stopping along the way at Fatehpur Sikri, the abandoned red sandstone capital that Emperor Akbar had constructed. The palaces and mosques that have been maintained provide an insight into the magnificence of the Mughal dynasty.
Day 3: Jaipur's Royal Splendor
Amber Fort and City Palace in the morning
The last day is spent exploring Jaipur, the royal city, beginning with the imposing Amber Fort. Perched atop a hill, the fort showcases an intriguing fusion of Mughal and Hindu architectural styles. Next, the still-royal City Palace in the center of Jaipur features a blend of Mughal and Rajput architecture and is home to museums that showcase royal armor, accoutrements, and costumes.
Jantar Mantar and Hawa Mahal in the afternoon
The journey continues to Jantar Mantar, an observatory for astronomy that has the largest stone sundial in the world and the famous Hawa Mahal, also known as the "Palace of Winds," which is distinguished by its distinctive façade made up of hundreds of windows. A leisurely walk around the local markets, where guests may purchase for Jaipur's renowned textiles, jewelry, and handicrafts, rounds up the trip.
Why Advice for Traveling to India?
Knowledge and Experience: Drawing on years of experience to create unique travel adventures. Personalized Attention: Guides provide more individualized attention to small groups, allowing for a more intimate tour of each city. Extensive Coverage: In spite of its short duration, the tour offers an extensive rundown of the principal attractions of the Golden Triangle. Comfort and Convenience: Travelers may fully immerse themselves in the event without worrying about the little things thanks to comfortable transportation and smooth logistics. In summary
India Trip Adviser Travel Company's 3-day Golden Triangle Tour is an ideal way to get a taste of the country's rich history, stunning architecture, and diverse cultural heritage. It promises a plethora of remarkable experiences and insights into the spirit of Delhi, Agra, and Jaipur, providing a window into the soul of this dynamic nation.
Click here to get access now: https://indiatripadvice.com/tour/3-days-golden-triangle-tour/
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tar0 · 9 months
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